5, .1 tl I U-"77vTI is7i. ?reeDiaH. J'j1 ' rtjw'1 .w-i, the Catholic ' IJ f "J ncrr.il monthly 'i-"Vr ' U-M""1 hi .mother T-r (''"'''.' . . -.f oiilv-S rents .... .I. i jtii-- . . i . . .- mi -- .., .u i n J1 Hioiti. r.HM Ku't.-rwI.t theirreli- " ',' ., ',- i-i literary mcr--nsuU'-1" "...,, ,-slth..H- V. 1?;:' u-,!ii.-n with it after- Will'"- .. . .... nll.lv VlSllS. 11 ''- " er ....1 t 1. iff. 'i-a the outlay tuuo Willie A., youngest child of Abel LloyJ Eq . of this place, died very tsuddeu; v of croup on Tuesday iiii;bt List, aged two year's and five months. The punnta, who ure near and kind neighbors, have our eaiucbt sympathies iu their bercMvetnent. ilr. Samuel A. Shoemaker has disposed of hi larm near tow n to a yei tleman named Kodjerg. from Butler county (receiving there for H lit'O ) and proposes to sell his persunal property ut public outcry ou Thuisduy next c advertisement J Mr . T. W. Shoemaker ai,d familv depart ed our town on iIond.y evening Junior Iowa where he intends t fceU:e and we hope i,ropr in the farming bu.?ine.s To at leat"f hia brothers de-Ign soon to fellow him. jra? tbev never have ieastn to regret the tep. --The Allcgatii.iu consider the fact singu lar enoueh to oe uieutioned. that the printed map of Cambria county shows that three to-.vii-tbips form the northera boundary and three Pleasant Entrmaismknts Anion" W .Jlrtsdto i ti,?.!"U,crn .ndaryorthe county, six town ,',.jr, i,;!';VV iV.r m.l better, we ad- I aMni .uu wxih western boundary. .lr(,n. ,: V'. Th.- V.ninir tutho- , .ill'"1-1' "'" : i-viirn.tj . .! I I.I. ilhi-trateii i;i""'u . i"r 1,1 e .. ...... ill. r iiTi.l tn.ifter.iuxteitin-V ""'' J i " L-niei- . i'. .i ... '-l"ii iii;iii ai.l "'-'in .'''"'i'--'' toMth-r s. at tl"-- reimirkul I.v l"W m 2 i .1111'' Representative Rose had introduced a Mil I relative to .sotel licenses in this countv "NVe presume it is hat is called the local i bidj which leaver to tlm decision of ihe peope of wurd, boroughs, and town-hips the ouL- most enfovabU " ; '7... l"e L.1I Ilea' ' vuiinecieu witu tne K l K' f,dry Satunla, eights A lootm. ure dwervmg of tpeil mention. 1 he plays produced were th exciting aud pa IMotic drama of -Robeu Emmef" fiectdod by the beauniul poem of-ihumus O-Brien." re ctcd in he Btyle by Mr. Ahern, aud the very h .?ptf i'ltlrv,rHM.w ol"H,,xand Cox" and Uie i executed Dutchman." in a I! I.V h tt I D.embeis of the Club susUined their several ; parts with the utmost credit to themselves and to the intinite delight and entertainment nf !l present , e shall not attempt to elaborate on the ellorts of auy particular actor in the plays presented, for when all did so well it would seem invidious to make such a 0 is tine lion, but public expectation w a so far exceeded ia the personations, of Mr. Mutphy as "Robert Em met" and "Jol.u JSox." bv those of ilr. Mc Cormtck as "Daibv O'Gufl" nd the -Teise cuted DutchuiKii," bv Mr. ALern as - O'Learv" anu ine'-Jrish H ftilcr."aii.J In M..; II ! - r..,- t,:ii li liai el'. or ).- i.nlv av "TI-.o loniiMT ' ' to 'i)l.seii!iers. the- 1'O-t- ir".t,,f wt'ich. M-nt to t.uo id - : , v.-ive -ems p.rf e:tr. (.ft . .. n.i. K wl n ho money uni ,i. ..i,.i, . vi-n.,m f . '. ', ;,'o ,i'.MresoJ. and on r w. ru ."';e .,ire lii in .Ha.d w ith the a the t:n:e to act. l'ii.r for i ti t.it-x- nf !-" 1 in sviui tlio U!H';r,a Monthly Mairnzino id or ne Milifcrib(-r (.r just -5 tents more - . ;l SITI'IUUII I" " IT 'l mill mi- '-ii'u . ''l)' rt!,'i'i -t's Ilinhtrnte.l 1 iVi'c'veiK! il.mbt th- best and r :)vjk toned li:i-:atiire, its ,i i;;f, .ri'.iu'tioii. and artist ! 11- 11, f i;iel iniiiuiii uuu '.I- !,:e!lS t-itallt. tiou as to whether or not ihey will have li ceiMco iioieif emn- i:..i . , . - . . .t "J. jj'fi-iaui ana otucrs m tticir respective cln.iaeiers, .is well as by Messrs. Rochester tun l-I. " T .. .... i" tl.eir resnective di.trita U...i.:i7 . " . . ' ,e,mm"e Martin lTarrW 1 r - .1 , 1 "'"""euis ana in so citver v hersoiiftt 11" the w.ii.r " iir'o ifilaT0,; r.u,vf h,lidiH,J-v-wJiti ,i,;dd' and tri...l n...l im.ni! n,,;!.. .' : I " C" f-;o,,i a,rl' tbl e cannot refrain from bear ing tetimouv to thn nlpusiiro f!-...-.l.l :.. .. . 1 - - " ' ........ ,.4 p ll' ,,- .-i-'i.'-f. ri'-:. 'J'J III-- LV5 I 1 'i uu:i- ::ies TiusK ir rum: ':,!i:i..-iiai W .-: L'viuir H ill ,; v..:i ut-cept the offer ire , r i, j will J 1 much hotter if on ".''t t'-.i? B.'I.TS. e;i-h ; v ;!! r-..! !!!-! 'l e "Camliria 1'rt-e-,, ..,.1,. .t M.itol" lor on." year. ,,- f:, !!i tl.irTv-ll e xuluuMo and vlsnH-i'ifw-hii-li ru h large asi.l : 1 -i. '.a iiiif. worth 0 : u title ,r. wi-i t'.i ;: u irooo siore--t' i.-v. Mine. lein'ret's , f J ii'f.'ons eieiranl l eoi ,.i Si-.ii. i-l.iiler's Sejii- of ihe . i;j'.-n. Iiini'l-. nni'ly bound to !ii:!!ie:iiiib tiiet' valuafilo pre fii 111 t v'i l 1 ten dollar ini-h. A ,"f - In i':-. res-t's Monthly." with 'i.-,:i I'v i.l.rjiiii-J by t:iL-h sing 15 lK-uiort-st, CCs BrcaJa-ay FoU'i'UL- LTTTI.E TOLKS. . .-,.1.. . ....... ...... " ... il.i r " I . v 111 1 nun, ' 1. 1 .1 1 1 c. r.'Oi'.t l' 'i-.'.i. ii r out j ttur 10 r,rt,s n vj.oii- tn: reomintf i'l-itv f "t:r -Hbl to si-1 -A per ' ,ii,;; .l.viv-ricu ut uil tiiurs ::,,ir.:ir!:ii! il kT .""lolieH. I'ci'llis, Mu ;r 1 '1 "t 'let pieastinl IVutuics, , ...u:iut-i. ssr.d catutot fail to 4m j ,:..-atc, and assist to p;ak ;v.-;v-ful Aiiht'h ans ns-fn). ti iith N, i!iii!f leoro entf-rtair.irijf or ., '....t-' li-i -ted as a holiday gift for li 'h'-l tit's 1"..'UTI; -lir.triVu. men ai.u loom; uuutv of nu-nUr in ti.., -o 1 . - DV.UUU ocgree, and sentenced to the Penitentiary lor eleven years and nine mouths. The press and people of that place ate very indignant a tlo verdict, as tbey think Haider should have been hung. Hon. John P. Linton. P. G. , of Johns- tnu ri- lt;l I'fin.ontii.l ,.. .1..': . 1 . .. , .,0. , uc.ner a i.ee lecture 111 the Lour; .house, iu this idace, on Wednesday , fttiiag next, on tlie Principles of Odd i-'el'-( Iowr,hip," a subject which ho fully understands I und 1ms the ability to make intelligible to the ! dul.t-st comprehension. Everybody is invited to attend the Icctuie. Major Lawxerce Taliaferro died at his I residence in Bedford, on Friday, t the p.ifii I archal a.-.e of eighty. He was born in Vir- t'mia, tered in the" war of lt-12. wjis Ir.-iiaii j uei.t ut Fort .Sntlling for twenty eais, and j fcloicketpcr at Pit'sburg Irom lf-3d to ltd. j since w hich he has been ou the rethed list ani has resiJed iu Bedford A conesiH'iideut of the CMesifieM Tfpni .. ne sng ineir respective performances. Mr. McCoimick certainly possesses rare talents as an amateur conedian, and his very amusing sayings and doings emphatically brought down the house on boi.ii occasions. Of the entire troufie ii is not toj much to sav that a more intelligent, gentlemanly and courteous bodv oi young men could not be scared up anywhere, and while all who came ir contact with them weie lavoiably lmnrcssed wiih their commend- ! of seif-defenso. The liu-ei able behavior, t.01,1 on n,l off tl,. c.... tend.-d. und the nratifAin.r to Irmiv a H. r. . 11 r .?.: ...... ! I'"11 in the proceedings. fully teetiCes, that the pleasme afforded lv their visit whs mutual , and that the way for their letuin, whiuh it is hoped will take place during the coming March court, hus been paved by plea.-icg recollections of the treatment voucbshied theiii during their brief anion 2 us : Altoona, Jan. 23, 1ST1. .'ifi.'or rrci'ntanWe, the unoPisi-tKo, mcm- i.'fi in liie -i,. . I lr;lir.;itio I Inf.. ..& tOCAI CORRESPOXUEXCE. Johnstown, Jan'. 25, -1870. Dear Freeman I was greatly pleased with the speech of Hon. Edgar Cowan, published in your last paper. It is to the point. Why don't our folks down hero get such men as Ed. Cowan, J udgo illuck and ltrick l'omeroy to lecture here instead of Anna lJickiuson and that ilk? I be lieve we have not had u democratic lecturer in our town yet. A g-entluimtu came to tow-n the other day to get his life insured. He said he had the "heart uisease" and was afraid ho would die unless he whs insured, ami ottered a hundred dollars to the agent if he would sa e his life. The insu rance ugent informed him that he couldn't Have hisliiV, but if he would die he would insure him that his family -would tret a certain amount of money. 'Hut," said the applicant, "that w ould f bo insuring me to die, and 1 waut uu death in- i biiraoee company to deal with. I want a life insurance company;" and he wheeled round I and loft the oince in short meter. j A certain ladv of this tihioo. who rinelnrpil that she would never marry the gentleman who was paying his addresses to her, has tinally yielded to the pressure, is now married, and sajs she would not give him up for a thousand pounds iugoid. This recalls the beautUul lines of Walter r?coit : "Hear what Highland Xora said : The Karlie's son I will not wed 3-or ail the gold and all the gear In alt the couutry far aud near. JJot Xorn's heart is lost and won She's wedded to the Enrlie's son." A little girl named Tizzio Miller, whose pa rents reside in the I'ifth Ward, was so shock ingly burned on Friday last by the ignition of carlo:i oil which she was pouring on a tire, that she survived her injuries only about four hours. Hoth father und mother were absent when the sad occurrence took place the mother having taken dinner to the father at his work, leaving t:ie unfortunate child at home. The little, girl was about eleven years old. Her entire person ahnor-t w as burned to a crisp. Another terri ble warning I A blood and thunder meotinir was held in tho t.ouncu chamber on last and one on Thursday evening previous, to take measures lor throw ing Johnstown lutoasfate I rigs were largely at- ! n"ott iuiluential citizens took i WE HAD EAT HER SELL AT A F031 TIVE LOSS SOW THAJf CABBY OVER OVK PBfcSKNT STOCK ! Therefore, we will seil the following poods at cost rather than carry them over another rea son: Silks, Shuwls, "Velvets, Black Alpaca?, Colored Alpaca. Empte.-s Cloth, Silk Poplins. Black and Col'd Freuch Marinos, Waterproof Cloth, Striped Reppelants. Ladies Cloth. White and Gray Blankets, Fancy and White Coverlets, Canton Flannel, Sin-cling Muslins, Delaines, Calicos. Ticking, Shirting Flannels, Cassimeres, and Table Linen. AUo. an ini mei se stock of Ladies' and Children's Furs, as well as a large stock Ladies Misses.' and Children's Bonnets and Lints, trimmed and unuimmed to suit customers. Chinchilla Bea ver and Velveteen Sacks. Children's Riding Iioods and Infants' Diesss. P. S. We also intend to closa out our im mense stock of Men aud Boy's Winter Cloth ing, positively at coat, to nu.ke room for spring purchases- We have on hand over one Lan dred Overcoats, two hundred Drers Coats, one hundred Boys' Suits, tiro hundred Pants and Vtsts. Gloves, Undershirts and Drawers, Trunks of every description, from the smallest traveling bag to the largest Saratoga Trunk, as well as one hundred other thiugs usually kept iu lirst class Clothing Establishment. L. i 11. MATER. Proprietors New York Dry (lood. Millinery, and Ciotliirg Hall, 112 and 214 Main street, under the Opera House, Johnstown, Pa. bCjUUTU i ! It: ::iZ'jii"v for ai l. j ! snb.-i rihi s of our paper , eoTi'iiK-inifg on J ami ne i -kofi irs v i.Kr; i.y. i :.r ..r wl:ii-ii uiii be found iu . i-'iir or nothing : i ;i .): 1 ';r I i illij-.ir siiin l -)iliri-d -. Jiw tlii:ik 'f it - -frt.i we-kl i- for :.'.io ; All subsK-i ibers d.u:a.fe of 'hi- tCcr. f! C'L r i.i PERSONAL. 'Ki; ami ( Lrsus Mail iuitn. 2So.kay, .Vuv. '2lt, 1 1TO, : r..u j w,il i iii as follow : ',l: ii.t;-I.ca ve ICber.stiiirc t :il t i. i.n: i i,-r:i K..! !.-" llaot. ..:ii-...-i.-;ii.g with -Vail 'J'ralii .iiiu.lc.ul.ja Li.pr.-fa Kaal. 'ITIIIMI,'!:..!..!,,, L rfKKiiiiii 'r on del ' en ccpai'tui-u of I'Ulibarjh irturo of I'Liial.l- cl -,!l-t.tjs at unl uear ISojjic. -r.CiT 1,1 it v. ill be liuuihI bug d;iv. re he -iialtd ia limit Alii, :u Daily Sun is to be rtvived in S-'.. iaith tef oi t. C.,i)ii Tui.pLr i'l.de at Iloliidavs- "tore lira i!.e wooOO.'ne twinoth." ilii' I'.ve .oi.id viki cut was caught ii.Uiifljat,.i!'. Cieu.'Iic.V 1-1,111.. r ".1 , 11 ji . ..-. e- . v. 1.'! r.) c,i : 1 1. li-u .'i'l.'i nf 3.:.;, 'ii is r.i 1 .,( v.-. ,i miir'j eMeeme-.l citizen of P ;i.ii;e..i udd Fellow, died PIV low dllVS HiZ(,. er, of Sinkitir . .1,1 ti.-'owii. .as re- nincr in the !:t HI e liundred eis A centennial 'i.ed Ki ..w a j '-i y 0:" u,., - in !, A edneiiday week. ' tr l:xej J'it-.-v was found Ci.-iiberland, Md. , t-au-e ot cealh lands terrihlv lacerated I in at a 4' ' ;::'er nl'ev. . of ii.f Morjf '.oa cause, but Ki.. "ere thrown irom a hni'nv ou Wd,.ejJay wct-k, and li- Uie wpe, of Three Springs. 7t t""Ltv. hud one ol his ltd trau.p--t-etLdwily Uccrased at Mount - l'ifi nii-i. 'ITropriatiug ?20,(.0:) to thesuflW- - -,ie ini;t,ie fifC u Mifllin. has !- i'-Heiit. UJfor.J Inquirer, the y-&a.m thai cuntv. baa neither Xruc ei- hack. Xo doubt they e..ta" o.eie, however. '.'.V r,.xk the Uiddlburg coal - ;-l-l-"h e m,tv. on Fridav o'f L. i killing a B1;lri named Evan "tlfcl? ii.inr:Ti , ..I, ...1,. . - i m H""i"ti 1 tlttUiC Ull- S not less than thirty davs' e''r'b iniprisonmeut for in l v, '! sn'"hbiy, etc., in ceme IV ''-'c ";'.r-daced ic the Stato Senate. "if. J'-fwi tie rolled ofV a wogon the other jj'-Kon John Rlchesoii, of Juniata -'tinsdJ,1 county, irjuring him in- w!!ui 4U exun: aa 10 re"dr Ui r- '''i,u c:ifi .... J,-i'ilio umoraiia over 3 Ve'0!'-' liur"J-v next, to prevent ;iiu L fchaduw. A reasonable lt bt I'll'.,, ':e J Ot " 1 . , ; a 'ock-up was honored one t, v it-.-i a woman As she was theic Stone bbou'd iCf'1' Ptesenceof f'-'ot a in. xi. -"'on ,- mateato ter. V-h 'c llr,-:u'1 w tha Pa. 11. R., -e.cu VVhrou Irom the tender ot '-Jr' ,,i f ' ''J 'uormug last, uear W.,ri- !ltfuvl,y ' he ground, ) .'uluer blades. u'i Ah?,; - bov. Geary " oi,' u -wi-.'"4;a m uie uonsti CctJf VU-'e. for the i-,.. ., "iule uiru on his own 1, 1 Ir a 1, -vi in- 1, ,, Kr5 r, ... V uut4 at present writing. !'.ur'e I ar'd Thou- Davis, J-ii-t -, i "ae nc;n awarded V.lr,:... .- J" e mi not lunr.-i tb "'i Lr t1' U 6 reP'jrted to bo healthy. .tS-1tkf'0. Of Washington in-,.. r"4 i'i .c"ui,ly was fouud lying in tho ..... ehsi.!ca 1:.:... S. .. '0Tr I,- , -auiuoii auu will a '""-I - , "S-1 cje.ono divv last veek. 'I.:;.'.;4 l" -':'ve becu kicked by a '-.., .!T"pl,l,8 IfOcW tho now bills ir lor liean kjs that some of ;ha -loval" folks ol ' I""- through, the medium of your vahia -rw 1 11 a v 1 i I e , in order to lid of a "colored brother" who hud the misiortunc to hive both his feet- fiozkii, raised meriev enough to buv him a railroad ticket to M !;lin. and shipped hi:r. oil' for fear they would have to provide for Li in i.i Lis helpless condition. A runaway team attached to a sled fright ened two bor?es in Washington tomhiu, In diana county, not long since, causing them to runoff' and throw their riders, two young ladies named Dc-walt and Uii. apher. ikjiriog both of them nif severely. The former, who was dragced a considerable distance, was badly hurt that her life is de-pnircd of. As this week's i;sue goes to oi;r town reaieis on Friday afternoons-it may not be too late to my tiist the "Star Social Temple oi Honor' designs giving a iree entertainment, consietir.gof tableaux, dialogues. sonfis, Sfeeeh cs.eto .at Lv.ujs ll.li. in this place. 011 this (Fiidty evening. Tho entertainment prom Kes to be ery iotercsting, and it w ill no doubt attract a huge audiei ce. FJjcnsLorgV new iire engine is on the way hi;her,.-.iid may arrive ere this appears i.i prim". In view of its comi: g, tho Tou Council on Monday evening apiiiiiio-1 Messrs Jolui Fen Ion, J. Alex. Moore and T. W. L'k-k, a com ntittco tt organize a tire department. The matter i( in the right bends, and an tSicieul company of "(ire laddie?" to work tho ma to Journal our boar-felt thanks and' .-urne.-t grat itude for tho cordial rocepiii.n and eouru-ous iretiuuent extended to u-s during our recent visit to Ebriisburgon behalf .f tin- Jjuiics' i'au nO'.v be:u:r held in j u .if i : i ,r t !... ! i , ,i ,- i .Name one of the lnu-t clun t h edifice.--, let us I ,lt-'11-' remark, th.it it hs over been our pleasure j to enter, ami ni- of which the congregation and the community may well leel proud. j'o licv. Father Christy our thanks are sne- ciai.yuiie, and we regret exceedingly That his severe illnos prc ented him from attending both our iiJiprttendiiigentert iinments. And to vou. Mr. Editor, as well as to Messrs. John Fen Ion. Andrew Maguire. II. J. Crouso. K. C. tJlait, riios. 1 agan, and several other ger.tiuinun to i:s unknown by name, we owe a debt of gratit ude for your and their cio.se attention to our every want, and for the earnest desire evinced bv all to render our isit alike pleai-ant to ourselves aud remunerative to the cause for which it w as liiidertak. u. The Club al-o desires to give it us their mutual conviction that iu the oo'-,.--lur proprietor of the Crawford House, EOi-'ni-burg po----ees a landlord who most ciuphiui cady kuovrs how to keep a hotel. The recollection of our viMl to Fbenl.urg will always be cherished in grateful remem brance and recurred to with pleasure as one of the happiest episodes in tho historv of the "u. . Brooke iJi-aiuatio Ciub." Kespeottully, kc., A. fi. HlflHAM. J. C( irii it am:, J. II ai;kis, A. S.M1T1I. cLine may l coiilidenti.tllv hx.ked lor. '1 he new firm of Myers A; LioyJ, who have recently become proj rietors of the weli known S!ioeR.al-er store, Mty ti.eir sny in our adver tii-ii.g columns to-day, but they say no snore tiiaii e leel su.-o tiie-y ure competent and wil ling to perform. T;ie new Crm have began rijht by adopting the cash system, and we are coid'u'.tnt they ill continue right by selling the Lcs-t of goods at the lowest prices. Oivc thcin a chance to prove these fatts bv selling you a bill of iaeichaiidie. A blind man named ilcCreery. hailing from the Cherry Tree, and a graduate of the Pennsylvania Institute for the Blind, le. tared ia the C;urt House, on Tuesday evening last, on the subject of "Get-logy." His audience wum very small . but we tiu.-.t that many uroie tickets were sold than wn repreeuted on ihe OL-.-arioii. Mr McC- 's cffvris to make a living under uuch a lire i.Uliciiuii as total blindness, neei ts iioournemeii. from every one who Las a heart to led b-r the unl'01 tuna;3. J. 1". iil lil'il v. li. W. A Hi:ii., .1. J. M l-'ollMfCIC, V. A. Jl'Dtvin, J. LitMi'.r, The exhibiiions were not so well attended a we could have wished, but ou tho last night at least the inclemency of the weather akii-e, we have reason to brieve, pri-venled as uimit Jrosa coming as there were in attendance. We Oid not !?at ti the amount realiud, but after dcduciing eipvuss, ail that tho troupo aked. we piesume ihe two entei t-imtnis liciicd nearly if ii'jt fully fifty dollars. We w iil fiLrhl. ihn mon ster l.erna 1 1 li the hitter end. A great etTort is being made to have the Ston v creek bridge declared "free ami equal," in a.i coruance with the stiblimc .-entimeiits of the immortal Declaration of Independence. We arc lighting both sides with all the energy ia our power. Tho bridge ought to be free, "but not at tl.o expense of the stockholders. A call has been made for a meeting to organ ize an Agricultural .-Society. We will soon have any number tit' societies. The people are mov ing! Let us have an niiti-cofTce-ehewiiig-und-sn.okirig-tohacoo society for the prevention of horse stealing." Wm. 1. l'alton, the great wholesale and re tail furniture dealer in our town, is now erect ing a large furniture room near I.evercood's tannvry in Ihe Fourth Ward. Tho building is to be one hundred feet long, thirty feet wide, and three slories high. Mr. l'atiou's present iurniluro rooms in tue Arcade are entirely in adequate for bis increasing business. He ccn teniolates selling off ail his present large stock of furniture at cost, to save the trouble of re moving it, as he won hi otherwise do. when he takes possessiun'of thejr.ew building, whielwiil be i.i about a month from this date. Now is the time to obtain good bargains fr:m him. He intends to run the new machinery bv steam and make furniture by the car-load. Mr. 1'ut tou is one of our mo-t cnterprisingcitizcns aud deserves liberal en o 1 fakement. The weather on last Saturday night took a sudden and sei ere cold, und Sunday was a bit ter cold iliiy. 1'i-riiaps before this is in print there will be another change. We would not notice such ehungts wore it not that exchanges ut n great d. stance like to hear somuihing of the hymeal condition of tliitgs o;i and about tho vlernal Alleghiuicj. Hon Rov. N". F. Cahkoll, Xo. 215 Main street, Johns town, wishes to close our his immense stock of dry goods. faiHy goods and groceries before the first of April, for which reason he will sell every artii-le in his store ut cost. Those wishing good troods, cannot do better than by going to onfi of the best men in town with their moner and Thursday evening, I getting the best bargains ou record. Mr. Car- roil lias a fine variety of the choicest dry goods, furs, etc.. for either winter or spring wear, and ho is determined to get rid of them without re gard to consequences. Now is the time. KTO.XKSiOAIVS t'ATII.iUTJC SYRUP. used in all cases instead of 1'ili.s. Epsom Salts, Castom Oil, Jco. liighiv flavored. Vlc-asant to take. Children like it. irke cents. Whole sale. It. E. SKf.i.isns i Co., 4o Wood Street. Pitts burgh. Sold by Lcmmon V Murray, Ebensburg, and by Druggists aud Country rore-keepers generally. June lt ISTO.-ly.) JZA T,ris VECETASLE SICILIAN HAIK fj it X?. act. Is the only infallible Hair Preparation foi- EESTORI-Nti (illAV IlAlltTO ITS (Hllfjl.NAL COL Oil AND i'iiOMOTI.Mi ITS (jIIOWTII. li Is lln clieajet i.rrtiaralion vr of. fcrcil to Uie jilie, lis oni- !ot t le will Inst loucrrmtd acrom !: more t l;n t Iiree l.ol llos (ifanr t tier prrparatioa Our ll-newer is not a Dye; itwiil not slain the s'in a othcrs. It 11 ill hrrjt the llnir fnn fallina Jt denudes the Smlp, und iiiuknx the Jlitir KOl'T, Ll'Hi'KOl S AXO SII.IiE.V. Our Treatise on the Hair sent freo bv mail. R. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, X. II., Proprietors. SELLING OFF AT COST ! 30,000 DOLLARS' WORTH OF DRrr2fp-S?m??vrr CLOTHS. CASS1MERE3. li ROCHE. PAI3- LLY '1 HIBF.r and 15 LANK 11 MI AWLS CLOAKS asp CLOAKLNO CLOTHS DUKSS TRIMMINGS. liOSIKKY. GLOVE-. M 1LLINKI.Y GOODS Rill ' SOXS. VKLVETS. FHATIIKMS. la.OWKKS, FANCY GGOuS IN GIlEAT VAIUEIX liOOTS. SHOES, ilATb'. CAl'S. ic. Aiso9 FIFTY PIECES CARPETS, or a,, g,-ajjCs and prices. Large toc of Oil Cloths. Window Shades. Trunks. Va'i-es et-hoN JnJh"""" u" "'1 l'f offered .at CUST aud CAHUI AO aSd i' all be J J " iii-riT pri'Tiou nM;ir removal tlaj v. et. ,Tr.x;,,trU"'lliKiun"' 'r";r 'Sr-rel for thweitiicusof tjatabiriAr.l teli.ll'Jf r.Ur hV!lUr are 1 Ui!" ;,ware l!'i:t we '-' e 'V f tho largest and ,m,st J helo t., l ?m anuria county. V.e therefore earBestly requesi ail ho w Tli,?, ds t fu - w. I r. Mt ;vU!tt,Vey n"uX W,V1 hHVe ' her such chance to get bargains. We w "l! ten"iv;. , r. n?. Uit re ,S. hl".tt,;'-- a!"'i -his whatever, as we have alreaov made ei mlWo elrt ,mtl.rHD?S '"t(nX . future home. We ure, thereforerUetVr- aA,l.r -Aif:V ,i ;,t f, l"" ' t- spripjr, either wboUsalc or retail. So call soon ani M've'wmscifor-l to get good gooos very clieup. Lricg the Cash with y.u, i rOlSTCR, Acs. 113 and 1S5 CI!uon SI JoicUStOtTU. "I?XCELLENT HTKINKKS STAND KOI: SALT' We offer t IVivate Snio J our STOKE LTflJllM;. v.k 1i:iii ir. f.,ni,. , r , ... .,,;., I.....L. in r . .iu. V-.4 i-.t 1 vi. iiiiiiujfc' .r.iuTi u i iiiiu.n prrcel ranmng back lOo feet. It is pi bab v one or ihe most ..,. r.i. t ...- u..-.v.i .. and storu.Lr:roA,K 1? I .If'. 11.esee4.mt story is elegantly fitted up as a CARPET lit 0.M and tor VnfJ ; il 5. ... w'r V f-s'hetit r.pportniuty tor any one wishing to engage in the lacrcaiiTlla -. . ... ..... v.iiv iu tllU 111 t I trade as any etoro ia the county. ry test located hluuds iu Johnstown, mid hns been doing as goodai otaa JOanitown, Pa. rilKKE CHOICE IUIS1NESS STANDS FOR SALE. I hereby vfrr 1 sala Johnstown"!!.0 U-r?Lf?Z7"lv'' EVi!lxr-?s.?TAX,,s the corner of Main and Clinton St.. Ktre t Thi,fror - if yy,:l",ld fron,t3 c-' fwton Clinton street and 49 'i f.-et on MaJu sticct. This property wid be eoni aii together or in parts, to su:t purchaser.;. JOHN GE'S fINE RESIDENCE ON JACKSON STREET FOli SALE. A nevr tv BKICK DVKLLIXti llol'su 2i by 50 feet, eontaiolng Eight Rooms. Gas.'Wati .Vrli;'4.',."."01 l'-,f " is oarei t piivate sale. Lot flout 41 leet ou Jacks and runs back lro feet to an !lov Johnstown. Xovcn-.ber 10, LV,0.-Jrr. two Pforv ATKR. LlATU Jackson ftrt-l AXUHEW iOslEXl. A ST.ti:TLLG tlOMAXCa. Local Histoei. The AllegLanian Las for the past three weeks been indulging iu a retro tpeztive glance at the early history of Ebens burg, and among other things of interest, ha3 given a brief bat satisiacioiy aceounc of the i formation of the borough and of the doiugs of J r.ue j- . anu Feeoiid couaciis chosen to go.'eru it. We reproduce the firs; and last articles on the subject, believing luat u t a few of our readers will be pi cased to peruse them: tajiN-iUL-i-G WHEN MADE A UoitUCbU, lKVfUOM A'i now. Ebc-nsbiirv wns ineor: I ary J)th. l-i.. The act o rated a borough Janu- t .iswiiioiy iucorpt);ii- A Womii-rful Story ifKnri!T. Snieltfe, liiooil. i Ininficr. 4 I14 mj Iry t.ooun, iul Iui:y Olta-r i liins. t'HAITEi: I. The boy stood on the burning d?ck Ho hadn't sense to go ; He burnt up ail his Sunday clothes V hieh he'd just put ou to j-iuw. Early in the morning, on tho loth day of De ceniLor, is;,), a solitary horseman mi-lit have beeu seen rliii ng along the public highw ay, in one of ihs ininiio -.;r.:ers of Cambria county, lie lia.'l not proceeded far when, lr.aa a nur- row , cro .hoi tijwiiy, i.i::ed another liurM-insn, who quickly joined the first. Ere long squads of two. three, tour and more were added to tho I now largo and cv.usumtly increasing throng. I Other parties were noticed gathering ujiat J- rious point- 0:1 the road, and then moving off I all in the same direction. Soon the new spread ' that .!! the roads iaading to Ebensburg were ! lined .s ith a mo ir.g caravan of men, women i and children. 'Some said t hey were geii-g to j at tend court, but a glance at their honest and ! ir.iel:n;o:it laces revealed 1:0 signs of di sums ncou-cg tio strong arui ot tho law to jiiuicatc. t HAlTtll II. Day was dawning upon Eber.sbiutr. Thesun had just rist.-u and struck a light. The streets of our town were comparatively quiet, for the sarly hour had not yet called out the people for the active duties of the day. Many of the fctores were yet closed, and Ihe great Dry (ioods and Croi-.-ry Empoi ltim of M. L. Oatma'x vS: Cu. had only been put in order to admit its stupei "PERSONAL PROPERTY AT PER- L1C SALE. Thw subscriber, resi.iinir in Cambria township, near Ebensburg, having disposed of his farm, and being about to re move to tiie West, w ill offer at Public Sale, on Tlnirsduy next, Kct. '21. 1ST I. -Commencing at in o'clock, a. M-, a great variety of per sonal property, to wit : i orr Ilnr.vs, ij year ul.i V!!., ):) itij 'ofn; liny, IJitis, M'hfat, Hi', Corn, I'l.tatnts; .V'nrrr c:rnf Hritjirr. IIai Jttth, and I'c.nnitnj lin).'l: ntcHt generally. Also, HorsE iiuLD I't iiM-niK. cou.-isting of t oitage Cham ber Sets, Parlor Sets, Carpels, Chairs, Tables, ic. A iiberal credit will be (riven. Jan. -i-i-lt. S. A. SHOEMAKER. NEW FIRM IN MGLBSfli READY-MADE Vriis Lsrest Slock; a the Finest Goods; sy8, -rj-Atlie Newest Slyles ; Weap the Best Work wo havo P manship; tfia every !;ind V Crestcst Va i cf maicria! l JLtlL riety, at every variety oX A jlar7;et style, su.:jLle for an il lYouth from 16 to 2Q, ni'i.' ,Boys from 0 to C, j and Children frcin "rav 5 to 0 years, 4t- Lt-rf yH f GOOD GOODS & GREAT BARGAIN'S l-'OH THE HK.IDV CASH! loprietors of the STORK L-enlJy lie .. . ...... ; a,. iu iu( UAV I 1 r become pi ROO.M tied STOCK OK GOODS recently be longing to H. A. Shoemaker i Co, purchased an additioual ! STOCK Of NEW and SEASONABLE GOODS IN GZiJT VA1H1.TY, we ure now prepared to supply all the old cus tomers of the late firm, and as intiiiy new ones as w ill pati-otiizo us, with Ooous of all Linus at PRICES FULLY AS LOW Camebia Cocxtv a xo tuk Statk Tb KASL'3 v . Th lollowing stutisiics. lurnihed by the Auditor General's Report fbrlf7ii, ehow the several amounts pnid into t!ie .State Treasury curing that lime by individuals, corporations, etc., in this couuty ; COMMISSIONS, nAMi STOCK, ScC. A not Ion Coin m issions ) Tax on Hank Stock Piist Xationul ikink of Johnstown TAX 'S I'.litff.llAXlON STOCKS, JtC, Stony Ci-!;ok Miidire 4 'ompany t'ambria Iron Company .'. Johnstown Gas Company Johnstown Manufacturing Company... Johnstown Mechanical Works Tax on Personal Property TAX ON LO.I.NH. I !o rough of Johnstown ... Cambriu iron Company Juhtv-to-.'i G.-ih and Water Company.. . . VAX ON XKT BA IIMM.S OK INCOMES. Cambria Iron Company 'J,i'- 73 .lohtistow'ii Gas Company Kjfi- Johll-'towii freliKiieal Works 1:13 IZi Johnstown Manufacturing Compauy. . . 1)4" 15 Lloyd .r Co -.'7'i 7i John Dibi i t Co l.V 5'J TAX ON WHITS, VVI1.U, Ul.IlDS, C. J. K. Hite. I'rothonotjrr 74 71 Geo. W. ontioan. Register o.;2 S7 James Grufin, late Kegistf-r ! ss Collateral Inheritance Tax n 7:) Tavern License ",ii7 -JH Restaurant License, Wm. Linton. Trens. l,4;il SI John Cox, lato " 4S w: Circus License 47 M IKiiiard Room License, Wus. I.Intoa. ... 1W (H) Jol.ii Cox -19 50 Hating House, Iler Licence, W. Linton. i-'S 00 Jehu Cos.. .SOO lire we ry License lu. 7". Rc-tailciV iJcciiie 1,410 oi i 7-. C7U0U 01 87 9.051 44 -1 4t .vVS z 'Ci 00 l.Wtt 01 l-; !! If.i H- IS 5.J Total.. .JiLO-JO 7d E. k. C. T. Turnpike Companv. During the last session ot the Legislature a proper bill, or set, was prepared iu ihis place, the ob ject of which was to incoi jiorate a company to eonstiuct a turnpike road from Ebensburg to tho Cherry Tree, in Indiana county. It was a local or private bill and coatained precisely the same provisions that ure always found in special legislation of the kind. The bill was sent to John l'orier, L'sq., ihe member from this county, who secured its prompt passage through the House. It then went to the Sen ate for concurrence, but, for some unexplained rM.nn, the Senator fiom this Diiliiet, Harry White, refused to permit any liaal action to be takeu in reference to it, and hence the preject failed. As the construction of this road is a matter of vital importance to this place, as well as to the best interests of the entire north ern section of our county. Another bill of the same character will be forwarded to Il.ir risburg in a few days, aud it v. ill then be seen whether Harry White's narrow and contracted views on so plain a question have undergone any change. We feel justified iu saying that the bill will pass, e.en if White attempts to repeat his small dodge of the last session. That game may win once, but is not likely to be repeated with auy degree of success. ting it contains thirteen sections. The first eieetiou 1 or Uorougfi oniccrs wasiield March is, Jfiil. At the eleeiiou, tho 1.. Mowing ollicers I were chosen: Uurgess, Richard Lewis; Town i Council, John Murray, Philip Soon, Moses Cuu- an, Owen ifclioiiuid, Silas .Moore: High Con j stable, James Khey ; for Town Constable, Jas. Khey had lit) votes, and Lav id H. Roberts bad -Ouiti-s; Schoolmen. John Wih on for 3 years, ! Johu Lloyd for "i years, Johnston Moore for i j year. 'Ihe olhcc-rs w ho held the eieetiou were j Samuel Weary, Inspector; Rob-rt Roberts, Judge; Stewart Steel, Clerk. The Rurgcsa was "sworn in" by Justice Xoon, and tho oilier o!hcrs were qualified by tho tfurgrs. 'lne ! Council held their lirst meetimr i.i arch 2lsr. leTi, at the houso Of Owen McDonald, when Stewiu-t Steele was'appointed Clerk, Juo. Lloyd Treasurer, and David Davis Street Commis sioner. Mr. Steele and Jeremiah Ivory were appointed to oistharge tho s-vcral duties of regulators of th.' streets of the borough. Mr. Lewis and Mr. Murray were appointed a com mittee to caii on the Comuiissoners after the appeals and ascertain tho nmounl oi ta.vubio property in the borough, e.n-1 the uamcs of too persons eiiar.il.lo therewith, on motion, ad journed to me t at the house of Mr. Lewis on the Mill of April following, at 9 o'clock a. m. That was the beginning of Ebensburg sis u borough, nud this is an abstract of the proceed ings of our first Town Council. Porty-ilvo years ago '. How lew, how very few, of tho purues vv ho took haud in too work of organizing a loeai loriii of government for us, are w ith us to-day 1 Kichard Lewi?, John .Murray, Philip Xoon, Moses Canan, Owen McDonald, Silas Moore, James Rhey, Samuel Weary, Stewart Steele, John Wiisnii. Johu L.od, David Davis, and Jeremiah Ivory have gone. The sorviv ors are David II. Roberts, Robert Roberts, and Jooiibtou Moore. Of It SECOND TOWN COCNCII.. The second Town Council of l-'.oensburg bor ough was chosen at an election held at the Pro thouotary's olliee on i-'iiday, Marcb rvh, lbi. James Rhey, Uuigeos, and Johnston Moore, Jeremiah Ivory, John Lloyd, John Evans, aud John William.", Counoilmen, David Davis, High Constable, and David Davis, Town Constable, were ch-eted. The lirst meeting of this Council was held at tho houso of Mr. Rhey on thci-itli March, v.-Iien Dr. R. i'oung was appointed Town Clerk, Richard Lew is, 'j. reus urer of the borough, Rowland Humphreys, Street Commissioner, M. Cauan, Silas Moore-, and S. Steele, regulators of the streets of, tho borough, iiua John Kvans, Jeremiah Ivory, and Owen McDonald, lircmen. About tho lirst act of this Council was to buy four lire-ladders, two to be 'M feet long, and two to bo Irf foot long." They then directed that Sample street should lie repaired and the logs removed its wholo length," and "also Lloyd "street from Sugar alley westward as far us Julian .street." September 5th, it was resolved, that tho JJurgess graut a license to M r. Todd to exhibit wax lig urea. March Hi, l-7. Council met, aud, alter some uiiiiiipui-laut business, adjourned sine u'it. A New Enterprise. As intimated by us a couple of weeks ago, Mr. X. Vinroe has open ed out a very large, varied and excellent as sortmci.t of boots, shoes, gaiters, etc., for ladies, misses, men tud boys, ia the v.est end of the Cambria House, where he has fitted up rooms in a verv handsome stjle, and is now j prepared to welcome ail who favor hiia with a ! visit. We have taken a peep at Mr. V.'s stock. and have been informed in regard to his prices, and we therefore f.pealt by the book when we sr.y that he has a superb assortment arid will sell cheaper tUan wc have eve.- known like ar ticles to be oll'ered. AdvetticeiiiCut nes, week. I "Kob Ilor's" apology about Nasby lecture not received till- I iiJav uoon too late. i dous crowd of delighted customers. i i So.n l lie streets became a mass of livin-r Vni- ! man bei.-igs. ail hastening towards Xo. lot! iiigh I street OATMAN oc Co.'s Cheap Cash store which from early moin till late at night is con stantly . rowded with overcoming muitili.-des. W'liy oo people gather in such inipeii-jtrabie masses at iuisias Co. 'sir What brings them from the remotest corners of Cambria couuty auid parts adjacent? Yea, verily, glad tidings of great joy cad been vouchsafed to them! The faet had reached their cars that Oatjian & Co. wire unm et giving dry goods and dross goods away for tin.- ready casn. They had been i informed thai that was ihe place of all places to j get ihe iiiut wonder; ul bai vfains in hais, cups, ' boots, tdiof.-s, clothing, fancy goods, notions, la- j dies' and gent's furnishing goods, etc. L'nto j them had been revealed th:- gratifying intelli- I gonce that w heat ami buckv. ht.at Hour, bacon, lish, sugars, syrups, coft'ee, ten, tobacco, cigars, canned fruits, oils, queensware. gl.issware, and hundreds of other articles, could Iks had mere ly for l iie asking and l he smallest possible con sideration in the w ay of money or country pro duce. They had been told and believ ed lhat fully 15 per cent, ou the dollar could bo saved by bu.v 'ii.g any and ail kiuus of goods and pay ing the cash dow n, at tho cheap slt.-rc of M. R. O atm an A Co. Of course they would come who wouldn't come? The most skeptical be lievethe most incredulous are convinced that such a saoriliee of winter goods as has never been known or heard of iu the annals of Ebeus- i burtr is now K'oiuir on at this renowned cheap cash titorc. Aud that's what's the mutter. CHAPTER III. He tied a rope to a hickory limb. The other end beneath his chin ; He jumped from nil' that hickory limb, And jerked the life right out of him. A merchant who for many years grew fat on high-priced goods, stood ia his-doorway ami watched the crowds moving away laden with these cheap goods. One hour afterwards he was found suspended to a tree with a large pla card on his breast bearing this sad inscription: "Drought to an untimely end by the cheap dry t goods and groceries of M. L. Oatman a.- Co." John J. Mcrphy is not in any way Identified with the man in the moon, nor with the North Pacific Railroad, but he is identified with tlio cheapest dry goods establishment this side of tho Atlantic. Just try Murphy a whet ou buy ing dry goods at his store. You will find lnui at the old Mansion House corner, under tho Tribune printing of.lce, Johnstown, where you will also lind cheap (roods and slathers of them. It is no use talking, but it is of some use buying. So go for Johu J. Murphy without delay. Xil, DEsrr.rtANDi'M. A woman is Buffalo has buried her love "on the stormy strand of tho deep, dark ocean of mad despair." which was about as foolish a piece of business us she could have engaged in, but lias nothing whatever to do with the faet that C. T. Roberts is still sup plying hosts of pcoplo with watches, jewelry, laiicy goods, books, stationery, etc., as just us reasonable tig urea us he or any other man has ever done. Chain. 's head is always level on that score. It never pays to foster pride and squander wealth in show, lor friends thus won ure sure to run in times of w ant or woo. 'Tis.bctter lar to take vour stamps to Vallie Marker's store, ti here viitt will Und, of ev'ry kin.!, (roods cheap er than before. And now's the flay ami now's tho hour to seek for bargains great; so !;aMo away without delay, for it never pays to wait. Ijkeathes there a man'with soul so dead, who never to himself hath said. I'll buy my flour to bake my bread at E. .1. Mills' store. If such there be, let him repent, for sure h- ne'er his money spent for better hour than can be sent home to him from Mills' store. When you need itoor huv from Mills, and your wife will never 1 need to knead auy bat tha best of bread. as any other mere'eant in or out of Cambria county, lt is our intention to keep our Storw constantly stocked with a fu'l and well selected assortment of llKY GOOD. DKHsri GOODS, FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS. SHOES, HATS, CAPS, CLOTHING, CARPETS. FfliXI TCi'E, OIL CLOTHS. OrEENSWAKK. G KO CEiUES, K I. Ol" it, II A COX, FISH, SALT, TO BAlGO, CIGARS, and all tdher articles, large or smalt, that can be found in any store of like character iu the couuty ; and us wc intend to bi:L1L. LXL'M.SIVLSA tor CASH OU COUNTRY I'llObVCE, and make no bad debts, we feel sure that our stoek und our prices wiil not only secure but. retain for us a liberal share of patronage. EARLY VISITS FROM ONE AND ALL are lesoect fully solicited, and if we fail to ren der entire satisfaction, both as regards the qual ity of our goods and the prices asked for them. it will eertniniy o..- no fault of the new linu at the old stand of Shoemaker t Co., High' street. Don't forget to call and we'll not forget to give you full v aiuo for your money. MYERS & LLOYD. Ebensburg, Jan. 25, 171.-tf . durable & ttror.g, made with soeciai reference to rough panmc!,: our prices are ae- to ri ailing ly low. ! T--T i. . , madoX .... c. V--v "ins headV -m Quarters cf n Ee i IU I wlllilUI I, THE IIEAD- QuARTEHS CF GUu:uniTnADE:j Cloth.:nn, one Zlurket U- It u Gth. A 3l How to Do It. If one-half the money that is spent at eating and drinking saloons, at thea tres and balls, was spent at lli-ss & Hrotht-r's Ready-made Clothing Emporium, Xo. "41 and "4:1 Main street, Johnstown, people would go better clad and feel better nay, they would bo better. A penny saved from deliberate non sense Is as good as a peuny oariied, yet if men havo money to ;;pare let them go to theatres, uaring saloons, ami to Hess's aiso for tho best clothing over made. Rc sure to go to tho last placo liret, however. 'Tutiri Fon Yez." It is not often that we can endorse what the Alleghanian says, but when it proclaims that Geo. Huntley runs one of the largest hardware depots in Western 1'enn 8ylvaniu,tinl that he is a clever gentleman and sells hardwure, tinware, etc., at prices unsur passed for cheapness, we cannot but say amen to the several propositions. Jir.W. is the right man to ".patronize : when in vvuut of any article iu his lino of trafho. TnECosieTtlmt is to smash the earth to smith ereens iu June next is rapidly approaching, and the only mode of Huaj.e from being squelched is to go to Jas. J. Murphy's Ready-made Cloth ing Store, Johnstown, and get a new on tilt from top to toe. Comets respect well dressed peo ple, and tho place to get well dressed at the very lowest figures is at No. Kill Clinton street, where you can get tho cheapest and best comet suit Vou ever wore. Pcffino. This thing of pulling is about play ed out. It disappoints the reader exceedingly. One bee-ins to read an item of news and before one gets two lines read it nirnsout to bea pulf. Rut. honestly Cohen's Hat Parlor cannot be puffed too high. This Is emphatically tho place for great, bargains most unprecedented bar gainsis No. Mhiii street, Johnstown, bettor laiowu as Cohen's Cheap Hat Parlor. Try it ou. Which I wish to remark, and my language is plain I hope no one's in the dark about where he can gain tho best kind of bargains Tor the ready cash down at the fumed Chriaty store, in Loretto's fair town ; for there beyond doubt It wiil pay to Invest, since Andy's prices aio cheapest and his goods of the best. WooT..-Thc fact must never lie lost sight of. that Wanamnke.r & llrow n make up only ull wool goods. The low prie.es at which they sajII have led some people to think that there mcst Ue some cotton in their-materials. Rut this is uot S". "All-wool" goods at "cotton prices" is th n.la at Oak Ua'.l, rhUadslpfiia- rjpOWN and COUNTRY PROPERTY FOR SALE. 1. A LOT OF QRGUTfD in Uofirtiown, with rood Piank Ifou and outbuilding's. Cllar under the entlr hout. V ill b tola chfcap ud on essr termi. Z. ONE LOT OF GROt'XD in Moortowri, te feet front on Matn street end 2i f set deep. A choice selection of Fruit Trees on this Rot. Ik is a most desirable location for bulidinr. S. A LARGE TWO KTORY 1'RAM S IIOCH3 cd Lot adjoining the above ; finely flnUhed aud -fith ail conveniences, oooa ouiounamgi auc. fcajibundanco of fruit trees. A TWO STORY FRAME HOUSH In Iot Ward of Ebensburg. Cellar kitchen, weil tnd i cistern crater. Good outbuildings and office oa ,' same Lot. All in good repair. Located on Uila j street. Rents for $1 SO. 5. A LARGE TWO STOKf FRAM3 HOC53 ; inth Westward, suitable for tro fmiiie. Lot 83 feet front on Main street, and 251 feet dep. Could be divided. Hents for b. 6. A TWO Sl'OHV ERA MB HOL'yil in Weil Ward, suitable for two famlilns. Lot Cfl feet front on Main treet and 100 feet deep. A lesi rablw property. 7. lit' I LIU NCI- LOT3 la Wost Ward. Ebert5'ar. S. 1' ASTER E LOTS, cf about 6 acre each, oue mile from town. W. TIM liER. suitable for cord wood, oa LOTS of o or 8 acres each, ons milo from town. 10. SIXTY ACKES IIkui ocii TniiiB LAND. Will cut 1 .OOt i.OOO feet lumber. Oue aad a baif miles from Ebensburg. 11..A FARM OF IOO ACRES, convenient K Ebentburg; mostly cleared and la rood order. W iil be sold separately or with Xo. 10. par-All the above described property will ba old cheap and on easy terms. Those deslring to purchase will call on or address the under signed oa or before the lit dav of January next. J. ALKX. MOORS, fir F. A. bliOEMAKtB. Sbonsburf, Deo. 1, lSTO. JAM.ES h MILLIKEJ?, ATTORNEY-AT-LAV UXJJ JIEJ.L. MS T ATI! JOi-VT, IIOLLIDAYSRURG, PA. Special attention given to the collection of ehiims in Blair, Cambria. Huntingdon, Bedford, Centre and Clearfield eouuties. Parties wishing to purchase, rent, lease, sell fir exchange real estate will lind it greatly to their interests to call on or address n.t. i E? Corrcspoudcuce in either English or Ger man solicite-d. . ItEFCKE-iCUS Win. Mann, Esq., Mcsrs. Mor gan, Rush & Co., Gen'l C. H. T. tollis, Philadel phia ; Messrs.' J. T. Way liro., W. M. Gormley, Esq., !L It. Swoopc, Esq., Pittsburg; Hon. John Si-ott, Huutirigdon , Hon.S.S. Rlair, Holiidavs burg; Hon. 14. F. Rose, Altoona ; D. W.Woods, Esq., Lewistown: Cyrus Elder. E-stp, Johnstown; Win. P. Wilson, Esi., Relief out e. Ll-l:.'.-ly. r e a A -O. V V V JV"M3l" ts- -a v -rVV.ai - "-!- V JLj ' vl wo can sssurs cur friends frory. Cl-X . i of !oYn that they need fook r.o fjr tber than Oak K.i Oar astioiactory tiothing o. satis VVnrk is 3Ctory of the very brat char-ictcr. ssy rules for measurement, prices, &.C., sent free to any part cf America, and good f,t3 guaranteed. Jlarkvt and 0th Streets, PHriiABEIfPIIIA. nrices. Fuli stock all tho year round. ?,Tar7;ct and 0th. "jVTOTICE. The Account of Edward -hl T). Kvans. Assignee of Fdward Miller, hav ing been liled in the Prothoisotury'e Otlico of Cambria county, notice is herobv given that the same will t.e confirmed l.v r!io Court of Common 1'leas at March Term. 1S7L if no sulO ciiint reason be shown to the contrary. J. K. H1TF.. I'rothonorarv. rrotVi 2tQ!"3ar-r, Jaa. 13, -1-iZ.-i. 8LEB SOLES! 01 .A LARGE LOT OF AND TWO HORSE AND SHORT on hand and for sale by GE0HGE HUHTLEY, ICbensLurg', Xa. EH. PLANK, M. I)., lenders his profeivioiml eervicea to the citizens of Kbensburg and vicinity. OfJb'e mi High street, oppoaif the new Congregational church, ward. Nigrht -e.Us osui te mads at the) btt rcU ioBM stT IV. R. IKiita. weaA Wsrt. iuxl2-l 711. II. Sr.CHLKU, ATTOKNtT-ATs Lait, rbeneburg. Fa. Office in The. Lloyd's new building, oue doer uorth cf Colo a a d's Row, Ceuvra street. PH1 I li- H I IRK!!! DO YOU HEAR THAT, FIREMEN? A"SD ABS YOW lI;ErAKEP TO OBEY THE SUMMONS! This vou are not. unless jou havo Lcc-a to Wolff's Clothing Store, and have bought one of those supcib r s. r a: si a x s c o a t s . to keep vou aini nd diy. AVoirr niHkea them at from $IH to $.'0. und hut other par. neiii you wi.t vou can have made to older at short notice. Q3TAO FIT, X0 CHARGE. '2 ilr. WOLFF him inst retnrneil from tho East, and his READY MADE CLOTiilXG BEPABT3!EiT now coniains the lurgc-t assortment, the moil varied ossurtnient, and altogether the taot .-leatii g assortment cf M0i'ABIill(iARMEiTS FOIt .HEX ANU HOYS, EVER DISPLAY ED IX ALTOONA. CSOYERCOATS. from ihe lowest pi iced Cninieie to the hiifst Reaver all eize. JSFull Suit of Cloihmc at from t U to $3'J. Pants liom il ,I1) to Yests iroui o ceuta to Also, a ent-ial vaneiy of K0TI0M3 & FURKISHIKO GOODS, lints, Cajis, IJoo?, S2oeM, UMUUELLAS, SATC1I KI.S, Tl! U XKS, Ac. 2TIn the LADIES' DEI A liTMENT will bo lound :. full ttock of FUHS, from the low est jjiiccd Cooev to the fined Mmk and Sable. GODFREY WOLFF, Next door to the Port Ofiice, Altoona, Fa. OjIAS C A It L A X D, vTlH-LSAL liSALtli IK GROCERIES S OUEENSWARE. WOOD AND WILLOV WARE, STATIONERY AND NOTIONS. Fit SALT. WM CUES MIATS, FEED AMD PROVISIONS, 1323 LiJevcxiai Aventif, Eetwcen 13th and 14th Sts. Altoona. All unch eonda as Spieei, Brufllie. Wood und Willow Ware, Shoe P.lackins; 8Ld "Station ery will he sold from inanuiacturer's piinted price lists, and all other eood iu my line at Pliilndeiihia, Bdlticiore. Cincinnati and Piua hurgh current piice. To dealers 1 prefiit the ccuii.ir nd vantage of saving iheiu all freight Hiid drya;e, as they are not required to '.ajr fieiglus lioia the principal cities and no dray j:e charges are made. Dealers may rest as sured that my goods are of lha best qulitT and my prices ia moderate as city rates. Hjr doin a lair, upright huainess, and by promptly autl f-atisfdctoriiy Siting all orders, I hope tu merit the patronage oi retail deal-.-rd aud others iu Cambria county and &lsehere. Orders re fl eetf-.illT boliciled and satisfaction jruarnteid in all caies. THOMAS OAKLAND. Altooaa, July 29. liliD.-if. EOItGE W. Y.EAGER, G VYiiftlHtil aud lictall UcnUr la HEATING AND COOK STOVES OF EVERY DESCUIFTION. III. COPPER MB SHEET-IBIS WARE OF HIS OWN MANUFACTURE. And GENERAL JOBBER in SPOUTING and all oihsr woik in his 1 iu. Virginia Street, near Caroline Street ALTOOSA, IA, The only dealer in he citv liavfi-j; the rljrht t sell the renowned "UAKLEY SHEAF" COOK H I'OVE. Ihe wo.t j t feet, complete and BatisUctory rf.ove ever 'iKroduCed to tl. public. Stoc Imiilxse. - Tr.icLS Low. S A T IS FA CTION GUAR AN TEED. FCUTOirS NOT1CK. itc of i! t ii'r. Ccs.m(!H.im. flee'd. Lere Tetamt-nTiiry on the Estate of Mlcb'l Cxmrrirfhini. late of Carroll lowiashlji. ('Diu'.irlit county, ilee'd. having t.ecn -rrantt rt lo the uo. fierKixnci. rt-BMinn' in "ai-i-ollto-.vii borouu-ii abi Siitiiinchantia towifnip. ttiey ret.uet U por tions ludebtert to sui.i Uile to inukc imme-Jiata l'a,v luent. and thoao having flaiius will preswu; thu Siituo dutv "i-cttcaletl for settleiueut. , H HX li i SC.X N LAX. I . .