The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, January 19, 1871, Image 3

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ria Freeman.
JAN. ID. 1S71.
fl. I'ill-K r.o.
. - i -i i . .
.1 ,11 I ... , ... . I,.,
' 1 ' ,l,.,f dv. ami " tl" 1 "
rv'-', ?i ,L- a-ivcrtiseiiients
ft " r u Advertisers in
-h nit'
i ' ' : t i ir Livers
l t,i 1. ;IVC
rc houses.
. -T J - . V C t
r,rri,iii-Five (tins.
n 1
....... .,
.. . -.1. ,t , v
i.,nt h'v Maisaziut
, ..eel1 I'l 1 - 1 . ... . iit ii f
vr f ' !,j.t '." cent tnoro
. ..i;V 01
lir- r" ...;... ir. it
sat 1111-
r..-'..i-r. ''" ' . t.i...
,1 ,,.U!ir l!H- 111 . I nun
;..t.,i!v wj
i - .1.
"e.l lUOl Slime, us
'M ."' '!f .,..;.ti'n. mid artistic- ll-
Ht faithi ul ana rci.ti-
''"'! .'r.i'frh'irii extant.
.,r-T111K (F TUTS'
if roll i-eeept the offM- prc-
I'l '" !' mu-h bettor lf '"
' '''' of 'this '''' K.r KW5. h
f,- ii:!i the "( ai'ibi m 1 ree
.V M. n'.iilv" fur one year,
" :":;Vn,m thirty-five valuable and
'. Pkr which u-efi laireaii-l
'1'.ivu:k. ,-th W: .j li'K
:,7nv. worth torc
: -,.f vi.-ws: .v!-n-. Dernorr-st s
f ! alii!'"- flfiratitly enl-
.ve. SehiHer's f'iir of the
i::-'.',v,- l-ir.K-!U.-!v tT.und to-
.us ot!;. r laluabU; !-tc-
'iiitwo to t..-n dollar; ciu-h. :A
r: ' .-lu-i-ion-.-i's M'-ntaiy. with
l.f ..l.taiii.-,! l.y c.ics-na- lo
.';..- l,.aorest, 31W lirou.lWfty
: '.' '.!,". f'c i';'1 ''!"" .T"'' -
to furnish Thk Mtiioi is;
? ii" '-r j'ow.Tfii! motithly
.'."' 'iii;'t!.'l"--s-u '!ay, fan a.i
' ,.. ::! 1"- toiiiiJ in unotlier
,r. ( tifjiUKi toroncen
,,,'vmrf of tn!v "5 cents
'.'.t-'cif tl.e liiairaincnlone.
,.iu !, .i iy iii wno
i i;. roiaaiiorwliat tluir i-hII-'.
in liturury in.-r-
i we :in
s.iic tliut no Cutholic
,'.-.!-i-no vnn it urter
; l;,'"l:thly vi-lts. I.ct
:r..rd the o:tluy tufcu
r i.r.urv offer.
;.. 1 It
'-:!.! 'Ill'-' M:'.;ra:'ine i-.t i the
. ri' '-it' tff.uly rt-'Uic-ed rates.
'io, lor out- your io
.s2.."jfl - thus r
r, ,. , i f our j.aper to n.oo .or
)"::; An, dint fit all times
.rii::i'-.' Stories, Poems. Mu
.;!!:, 1 .. -i her pleasant features,
'rjV'-ii. ami cannot fail fo in
;.t . ': ii:'...-. and u?-s!-t to make
Americans useful, truth
.V.'li'i t: more entertainitiir or
' ,i ,!.! a holiday t-'it't for
... ..-fa J "UH'J -i il.ll i(t.
(.,!'' T'Mi Al l-
-.'-.-! e t: el'i-.i' :.crw.L.x.
Ahiih will le found in
.... ..! n.tir n-:hinij i
. :m- l':r- u-i'lim: sum reijiiirod j
i-t' ih'r-k of it -two w.-kiy j
fert.'.mil All subscribers
u-uifv et this offer.
k in nt ani near Home '
Ii tjul'I! was iucoi lor.iieu i au -
. . 1 . 1 t :
e..- I ;"r was ctcr. on Friday and :
,rt..Li..-lu.-t, aud was well patron- j
U. fornerlv conductor of
, Las been appointed ticket
town the oiIit ! comfortable."
t-j :n-, Lir.., was in
:..--.v TiitHtipron i-j here low. Thrice
r. :. tb ul yeV 1
:.t's e hid a Jantnrv thaw an !
ive ;i I'rmutry lre-ze, with iaJi-
: -r-o-v Wc h.o.'Jiy morninp. '
;'. Is been succeeded by Kev i
;l' r!. ol Meaih i'.le, as paatot !
-. : -ii vl' J.iht:-tov. n . j
-s i- "out o the wocla" en the
'. .-c t! m, ha'.ii." i event! rn'-l 'he
' ':r:!.!::- en that s.-o' e. P. '.
i "a- f.ic-.. ainii;ui'.-ed under nur oil -
.'. w .( k our j u'j'.iea' :!.'n dav
'. !r in Thms-l-iv to r .av.
'...:..:.-C ot' the 8-iddlo can.l Mi.
i!.a;a to fall from his l:cre c n
.1 .: w e arc g'.a i to iay he sustai;,id
are i'nt lion W. H. Pose for
::e s'! L iw ai:d other valusble
wtll as to other parties lor siui-
inte: V.r..' ArptK says that ten male
t:'' pi.e within the wa ls of the
r.a:.J c(.s.::tv jiil. How many female
'f -n t'. e p'ne it d'-.p.'r state.
:;"'; Ti.i::..-.j ,l..:.n Jiite fell from a
iu A.'.loi!UA, on Friday last, and
oou-swerel.t.;:., he was irjuied
v v,.!y -erot'v a:..; ,v , ...
:.r: r'fik. the -j'Jtli iat.', the
. tt&un:''' ';,'at Pelswo. this
y. '-ei:e.;.c;.tt.!
' .! ti-.:'::-'
o re.igmus services.
'"-''i-v mviieJ to attend.
- Teic!',er.i' Advocate signs
. ' ut, i.otwkhnar.diiig his
, 10 S;l-V ' "four
'? eh" iu that, it ttiikes us.
'" ta our i ext. Usu tho
!!: :a t
'.A. 1
! :;:!.
:: s a. hue paid in advance
v":nme of t!ie Fieeman. Those
'; t is. uf
!.s'tfi!'--eri:e.i in the robbery of
?!'. :p r I r., L- It i. . .
;:"i:iii uas, we unoer
. ec a,;"' 1U' been discharged
i c will commence a new- vol
- - "I our su!s;T'.!iers
as are enti -
the othf
r !'-brc!itions off'ei-ed
1" ' , lllC tman, will begin to
'tatth,t time.
. -. , ;ILr,r:l' i'-sq , for many vears
. ; nu:hl!m;.i,urr.j u:.j ,roli,er u.
-v",r!V.R1' K"l "f tljis place,
. ."'-t;".v at hi l.otno ia Washington
.Ml. last.
iCr' ' C-'arrolltown, aad
h. v:cr' o! ""pcrsdale, have been
-?e-;.9. Alex Skelly. of Sum-
: anj 1 homus Davis, of Jack
'a, J:-v -'oinniissioiicrB.
A. IlairulJ, of Johnstown, has
Ur'of'-0"5"10" for tlie second term
-. J .';'S and is now r.ion ir..!
'zh' ''' t--ltUle off tll' mortal
t il ,p ' "W1.vs '''"t are mysterious. "
f.-, cu eld hunter and trapper
f-r..'"'V wolves, besides an in
' J ot small Kunei ia hisdar: He
! u iL'e. m. i v j .
f -..v. uia any was a pretty
. j. - e ere this that Wm.II.
tmoved to Mr. Thomas
t p.,(,e '' llnS on Centre street, and
.ft iD ,u"n of 0118 of the handsomest
..:. -Jiy. i'eonle who tro to
MrVa, ;lrU:leoi 10 fe'0 round b?
-tj.,lt,;. n"-'w c)Ilce-
T-i4t"orTf ri,'une BaJ that there
!ofin , 7 ,,JUK;nS to the estab-
'lut'i-.t i 1 u,la industrial as-
j. PUCC. The Trlhnn.. nr-vor.
Me?i the 5:00(1 work,'' but forgets
,'tSiDUaVt"n.rr(:jC" ' CD,y "n fo0t"
"'th, -.i "-, "e &I0VT.
ifh r" ot llie Freeman will be-
,1,te "for it t exi!,tel'c-e. and now is a
fir t rinds to pay their
'iat:i "e ,jew Volume Tn
"."-uto take B,U..,..... .
rtuaia nft . ui cinier
e D,r...o. -,e:ir lor SI .75, provided
. nc!ure th ,5 . f
the 15th of next
S!r.?f tl,e House of Represent.
'0''rniemh',e Sl;ullli"S committees, ap-
i 'I. j P j iron ana uoal
ertar. r;al".atld Escheats. These
?'lm of M-'Uecs' aud 'heappoint-
'(1 Tf, 1,1050 gives him a
'5.i;tn position wtich be
A young man came to our office a few
weeks ago ar.d eiil'scribed for the Freeman
and in loss tlian a fortnight afterwards he wan f
married to one ot the sweetest at.d prettiest
gii's in his neighborhood. Young men sctk
ir.g wives had better profit by t!iis example and
stibsci-ibe for our paper at once. You know
you will not be h l'tee man yourself after vnn
pet married, and it is a nice thing to ha.'e uj
Freeman ulxint tlie house.
The January number of the Teachers' '
Advocate, publi.slied in tin's place, commeu.o !
rates its fifth birth-lay by donning a neat new j
head, paitially decking itself in new tvpe, A3- j
fiitnir.p an entirely ner.- jjet up, and f.'xiiig its :
subscription piice at one dollar per year. ''J'he i
improrcments throughout are very creditable, )
and we hope its increased success will be com
mensurate w:tu its increased beautv and use
fulness. T. J. Chapman, il. A., editor ; E.
James, publij-her.
The Shoemaker store, one of the oldest
and most popular institutions of our town, lias
ceased to exist, rs Sin riff livers having
bought the dwelling and store building, and
himself and Mr, John Lloyd having become
joint proprietors of the store iis-elf. The new
tii m ro well known, and as they are popular
and obliging, and are di.-poscd to treat liber
ally with customers, we have no doubt that
their prosperity will be fully equal to that of
the old house of Shoemaker & Co. Our beft I
"A'ihes go with the members of the late firm . i
Our borough dads, we are glad to know,
h.ive contracted for a suction fire engine and
two hundred feet of l ev. rubber hos, for all
which they have ageed to pay $1,00. The
engine and fixtures will be here in a few days,
in charge of the gentleman irom whom it w'as
bought, Mr. 11. U. Elliott, of Pittsburgh, who
accompanies the "mashecn"' (or the purpose of
testing its capacity in the presence of our citi
zens. So fall in," "b'hoys," and form a tire
company and offer your services to the borough
authorities, and our word (or it you will be nc
cepted "quicker nor a wink."
A Resiakkadlk Escape. Speaking of the
cccideiit which occurred on Frid;iy last on the
Pennsyl vania railroad, near iSumrccrhill sta
tion, this county, tho Pittsburgh Dispatch
savs :
'The Pacific mail is a train that makes
threo stoppages between here and Philadelphia,
and goes Hying over the road at the rate of
forty miles an hour. Friday on its way hither
it was checked in its mid-career near Summer
hill. It is generally agreed that the cau?e was
a broken rail, but, however this may be, the
cars left the track and rolled end 'over end
down an embankment by ihe "Pack Saddle."
In view of !the fact that "Pack Sidd.'e" is
du-;iii,' ! ciaie tiitec-n miles west of the scene of the uc-
cident, that is considerable of a roll, we take
it. Ed. Fkkema.i These two cars landed in
the creek at the bottom of theh.l!, a mass of
shattered wood ; but of the occupants on!v
three were injured to any extent. Mr. Shell',
and. Mr. Archie, and William Woods, conduc
tor of the sleeping cars, wtie tolerably well
battered, but not seriously injured. A lad
named Detticb, a newsboy on the train, suffer-
A.l . . I i . r. C.'ilF.I. I I i . . V. i . . 1 . . .1 ...
coii-ii'eru '- oil .l inn- ' crushed that an.putation was rendered neces
sary, and tins w as performed as soou as pos-i-ble
alter the occurrence of the disaster. After
the ehock, and r hen tha pasouKer had fin
iked counting up injuries, it was a matter el
general rem.irk that the disaster had been pro
ductive ot no loss of lile and so few wounds.
This, however, is attributable to the strength
oft'ie material in the cars ar.d the caro with
which they are built. The dcclivitv down
which they went is but fifteen or twenty led.
but had the cars been oi l anl weak the acci
dint would without duubt have resulted in a
painfully long list of killed anj wounded.
The passengers were detained about three
hours, during which time the company's olli
errs did everything thev could to make them
The passengers on the train svmnaih'zing
with tho newsboy iijurcJ, raise.! $114 for hini
before thoy left ike scene of tho accident.
Dramatic Exmun ioxs.--The C. V. Crooks'
Dramatic Association, composed of twelve of
most intelligent and gifted young men of Al
to:)!. a, will give two exhibitions on Friday
and Saturday evenings of this week at the old
Catholic church buiioin, in aid of the La.iieV
Fair now iu prugre.-s. F or the first exhibition
they have selected the deeply exciting and
srrt-atly aniu.-inir s l io-co'nic- drama of " Jioierl
Emmet, the liisu P.iiiiot," and for the second
evening's eo'ertaiiimeut the side splitting nnd
button-rending farces of "Pox ;.nd Cox" and
'Tlie Persecuted Dutchman." We speak from
personal observation when we say that our
.ung friends, one and all, are capable ot sus-t-.ining
their several .arts with tho utmost
ciedii to themselves, and as to the leading per
formers, we feel sure that we risk nothing in
saying that they will surprise even those who
have witnessed the perfoi mancesof profession
al actors in these plays. We need say no more,
tor we arc confident that full houses will wel
come our young trie; ds on both occasions, and
that those wh attend will bo well pleased
with the ei.tcitaiLniet.ts.
EtfCTioN am) OuoAMiATroN. An election
of Directors for the Cambria Mutual Fire In-
uiance Cosinany for the current yenr, was
held (in Monday of last week, ami resulted in
the choice of the follow ing named gentlemen :
John Williiams, J. Mooie. A. A. llaiker, K.
L Johnston. K. J Mii!, Jeo. M. Keade, Jno.
Lloyd, E. Itobeits, Isaac Crawford, John
Buck, Henry Pi itchard, Itobei t Devoraux.
'1 be above named Board of .Directors met on
5-itrilrt i b.t, and ot n i vp.l I.v leetin the
' 'COI. U.b lidthj.,' hettfl- hi-rrv nn I n ,t Mn1,l ,,(, IVmLIwiI Wii-
liams : Secretary and Treiisurer K.J.Llovd:
tlaie, arrested on Executive Committee E. Jioberts.J no. Lloyd,
Isaac Crawford ; Gen'l Agent John E. Itcb
erta; Agent Evan Kobeits.
Bad llt'SBANbRY. It is exceedingly bad
husbandry to Intrrow up the feelings of your
wife, to rake up old quarrels to hoe a grudge,
and to sow discord. It is far better for you
to .ive your wi!e your purse that she may go
to Oatman &. Co 's, and purchase for herself
such articles in tho dry goods, fancy goods
and grocery line as bhe may stand .in need of.
Such a course, instead of producing discord or
strifo, will prove a source of much happiness,
for Oatman &. Co., are selling their large stock
of goods at such surprising low rates that per
sons buying lrom them have much Jcauto to
rejoice at the bargains they receive.
The follow Inir eentcnee of onlv fix word3 ron-
tains all tho letters of the alphabet: "John
quickly extemporized five tow bajrs." After
ho had'them ex tempo! -iaed, if we ai t not misiu
formed, be went to A. .1. Christy's iiupif-eecieu-te.f
cheap cash store in l-oretto and bought
them chuck full of dry-froods, jrroei-iies, and
nianv ot her articles, and w h'-it he ot throo-h
lie whs 'the best . leased man you ever saw.
Christy's Is the i iarbt place t liU tow bajrs or
iinythinsr else with the riht kiud uf goods ut
the right kind of iiriccs.
Sai s-tij.'f?lns to lils wifu'onc (lay, "We've
nothing left to eat; if thiuoc on In this
oncer iiv, we shan't make liutli eut.i T,i"'f."
The dame rei!irl in words discreet, "We're
not so badly fed, if we can make one end unit
ami make the other bread." ho fciruij;ht way
then to JMllti she went, and o barrel of Hour
bought, and now don't care a nickel cent
whether both ends meet or not. Mills keeps
the best of Hour, which makes the best of
broad, and uln ays sells ut the very lowest war
ket.rates. TriE RrriHT Wat. tioorpe Huntley, proprie
tor of the mammoth burtlwitre. tinware and
general house-f urn ishin .-stull islmicut in I li is
)lace, sa"K that inteal cd' "givintr credit
whero credit is due." be linds it more to tho
advantage of himself anil his customers to sell
lor the easli, nii-1 is ready at all times to ucs-i-oiuit
for the faith that ia in him by uc-tiiiir oil
the principle of "quick sales and small prints,"
h fact which buy ers will do well to make a.
note of.
Jt'PT Po. T.ook on the bright side. It is the
ripht side. The Times may be hard, but look
in; prlmn won't make tbetn any better. It is
t he Hiiiishine, uiol not tho cloud, that makes
the flowers, nod it is cash, ami not credit, that
buvsthc moat t-'oods at V. S. Barker's c heap
Hto'ro, cm the rijilit side! of Hifrh street. Ynllie
wants to fjjet ril of his winter stock, ami those
who lirl lulu M iln it limy expect more for
their money iiovThan they could tfi iH.ji.ii,.-.
MARRien On Wednesday, January li-'ih, by
Rev. B. II Kerr, at the residence of Mr. J.
Paddock. Mr. D. Ii. Hannah of Indiana, Pa.,
to Mii3 Mary Alica Ecklbluic, of this place
E-ocaJ CuM-oipandcucc,
Johmstows, Jan. 1G, IfcTl.
Dkah Fkeemas I have been asked a
uizeu of times, by school directors and teach
ers s to what malarial will make the best
blackboard surface. Paving had thirty five
years experience in teaching, they supposed I
ought to know. Well, I will say candidly,
1 don t Know." 1 have ti ied idieet iron, pop
lar boards, plaster, muslin and slate black
board?, and which are the best depends on
now- Tii t y ark jiape. I have no faith in sheet
iron black-boards. Wooden blafk-boards may
do, if paintcd-ithout oil. Plaster, w ell paint
ed, without oil, may do, if the plaster has beeri
properly put on. If not, even plusu-r will not
do. Boards and plaster should be painted with
lampblack ar.d turpentine, without oil. Plas
ter, well covered with slate cement, will do, if
the work is well done ; if not, it will scale off.
The best board I ever used was made as fol
lows : Good plaster, thoroughly dried, was
covered with glazed muslin, (book muslin,)
the side next the planter sized with glue paste,
the outside left untouched When perfectly dry
let the outside be painted with lampblack and
turpentine, and let iu dry before using it. A
black-board, thus made, lasted thirteen years,
and is yet in use. Some say that nlaster of
Paris put on io place of lime plaster, makes u
good black board. I never tiied one. But if
any one does, the plaster of Paiis must be all
put on at one time, and then thoroughly dried,
before painting. Try it !
ell, changing the subject, we have had a
tremendous ice flood in our l ivers. Nature be
came irate, got too warm, and melted into
tears, which moved even the hearts of ice ;
hence the flood. Skating is gone, for a time
at least, but we-look forward to a trustier win
ter. I"o damage was done by the flood, except
taking away the ice. Jiather a cool operation !
I picked up a newspaper tho other day w hich
contained rather bad spelling, and some odd
figures of speech, and us I am one of the
guardians of the young and kisinu generation,
I demur to any such papers. Why not take
the Froeman .which lias good spelling, and pay
fot it ? The following are some of tiie words
spelled but not according to (iunter : "I'ro
menant," "Succictit," "Ilercular," "antag
nist," "coperl.ead ,""saley,''"acrandisemeni."
One of the figures of speech is, "Rev.
cft'cied up a Divine blessing," but it doesn't
say whether the oll'eiing was accepted or not.
Another is, that "they regulated iliunisulves
wi'hthe good things." etc. Such liegalution !
Now, Mr. Newspaper man, please., don't cor
rupt the youth of the land any more !
Tlie following is a list of the articles drawn
at the late Catholic Fair, which was a great
success i
J..ii.s'(;in Tul'lf. It. I. Iiobinson, poplin
dress ; Jiiimit; Kinr, 111 c l:tdo-: .1. A. McKin
ney. siler fruit bask.-t: Kiw- ciiiim, rustic
tlowt-rstaml: Mrs. 1'eti r Kiiiiiey, slivi r castor;
I'.. .1. 11 ino'd-.n.-ys. table eiotli a'n l napkin.- : 1;.
Noon. lisli stan l: Mrs. Bailey. lady's work box;
V. J. lleailrivk, uighuu ; Oliver Million, silver
butter knife.
f itiuhria ( lti T i' V.-rMury Conway, child's
china set : samucl 1". . i ki-.'uo!.! wafcli; Mis.
Jos. A. I'll!, tine quilt; Mix W. .1. Heiuliick,
woolen sliuw 1 : Thomas Morris, -iivcr cake
ba-ket : Miclaod svecnv, larsfo rc-eii vases;
Kosey Howe, small bride doll: J. A. McKin
nej . si: i.Tfi i : Kila Mct'i'vy, small doll : Mary
.'. "yiclonaid. lari-'o doll, Tonc-y AIcKenna ;
large doll.
i'f'HV)lt"Jt(ih lioroutlll T'-i'li:. Jos. ('rouse, af
ghan; Mary ;tinlc-ison. castor; Jos. .Daily,
silver coll. .-o lt : Hutrh Met 'onnell, silver oaVce
ba-ket : A. J. seii.iiii lz. chaiuber s.-t ; Mrs. II.
reed. hu:re va-es ; l'etei liiiinu. i!ioto:rrapli
i ,f fat lii-r i oirvey ; Oinnrc Ki-t. silver s ms ;
Mu:r;.-; i:.b: in. pearl puintinu: Mary irillm,
qniil ; Mrs. Mlidi en. breakfast shawl ; t'eoruio
yicl'ike, ottoman ar.d elephant; Mrs. Kate child's dross ; f. p. Tittle, baby bed : 11.
i'. Kobi'.is. in. set furs : John J. Murphy, barrel
tlour ; John Walker, ie!.tine !ress.
Mr. Jacob Hurncr, proprietor of S.m ly Yale
Cemetery reports a loial of lt2 interments for
the vear lb?H, of which 15 w ere stil:-born, IU)
weie less thaii live years old, and ti e balance
ranged from live to upwards of eighty years of
aire, one only of the latter (between cO and
U(') being rccoidcd. Of t he interments given
21 were males and ii females aggregating in
all -1) lesa 'lirt'i duiing the year previous. Over'j hundred pcisons have a. ready been
interred ii. ibis ceiue.ery, in a period ol about
twenty year.
The Pacific Express going west on Fiilav
mor::ing, thiew two palace cms o;T the track,
ca:i-ed bv a broken rail, one mile east oi
iSoi.'.ii Folk, injuring eight set sons. A Phila
delphia nev. sboy, named Detrich , .as vtiy
daiigeiously hurt. An arm and leg were am
putated, lie now lies in a criticai condition
at Conemaui-h.
Hon. John Covode is dead. Though the
family loss is irreparable, his death is consider
ed a efa'er national I-j.-s
The Miilviile borough schools have attained,
the largest per centsgc of attendance ever
reached in this county, w hich is fcb' per cent
out of CO.) pupils iu attendance, and eight
Ben. Butler wants to be President of '.he
United States. Admiral Porter says he shall
not that he stole tuo much when he was a
General. It wii; be a pretty fight, and lots ol
logt.ery exposed. "When loirues fall out,
than honest men get their due."
Petroleum Y. Na-hv didn't come to leetuie.
The money couldn't be raised. Why didn't
they call on 'Ixatby, Jr. V" lie could have
siipphtd tho vacancy with credit to himself
and benefit to the people. (V; Hub Hoy.
CacrolitoVv'n, Jan. Hi, 1871.
Dkau Feu man Since my last epi.-ole the
excellent sleighing has given place to mi-era-'
ble and almost impassable roads, and the snow
has near'y all disappeared from hill and Vale.
The streams ate above flood height, mid timber
and lumber men of the north arc correspond
ingly busy.
JN'-o thing of a local character lias transpired
among us worthy of no'.e. unless I may men
tion the departure of n valued friend,' Joseph
Cramer, for another slate thatol matrimony.
On Tuesday, Jai nary 10th, Rev, Father fciwei
bert united our friend Joseph to Miss Maggie
Rhoddy, at St. Lawrence church, this couuty.
and certain are we that two worthier souls
ne'er were taught by Cupid's arts to have but
a single thought, l.or two wanner Hearts to
beat as one. " May a long life of prosperity
attend the in.
1 neglected last week to notice that Dr. W.
II. Sloan has removed from Nicktown to Chest
Springs. Although the people of St. Nicho
las and vicinity part with the doctor with true
regret, as he was a favorite w ith all, wc trust
that success in Chest Springs w ill soon win for
l i,..aa nf fYiomls ntiii a. uavinc braclico.
1,11.1 ........ v. . ..... - - I . t . 1-
Severul of our prominent citizens start to
day on a vint to Eastern Yirginii. among
whom we may mention Dr. John E. Maucher,
and Messrs. Jacob and James Kirkpatrxk.
Success and a pleasant journey be theirs.
Mr. John Glass, who resides in Carroll tw p.,
uear St. Joseph's church, or, as it is generally
called, Hart's Sleeping Place, returned home
f rom a risil to Indiana on Thursday , 5th inst. ,
to find that in his absence tome persons had
enlcicd his domicile through a window, which
they broke and removed from the frame, and
thence proceeded to a bureau, in a drawer of
which was secreted $21), which disappeared
with the persons in question. The whole mat
ter remains a mystery, as the boy left in charge
of affairs during" the absence of Mr. Glass and
lady, flays that on rcttirring from school he
found the sash broken and taken out. Evi
dently the robbery was committed in the day
time ur.d bv some one aware of tlie family s
absence. The money consisted of four fifty
.1aU..k ..fttfArnmnn tiorOil rOPF! til TTllicll n.i'-i
j an ink stain on the upper right hand corner.
and another had a small piece iuiu vi
from the lower left hand corner.) and two
twenty dollar gold pieces. This is a severe
loss to Mr. Glass, who is now getting up in
Tears, and who had saved the money as the
iiucleus for an amount to be gathered sufficient
to purchase a little home for himself and wife.
We warn all your readers to be on the alert if
such money is offered them. E.
Si'mueeuill Twp., Jan. 1G, 1871.
Friks'd Mac After a long reticence, occa
sioned by a scarcity of interesting local mat
ter, I once more resume correspondence, hoping
air.urs hereaway will be more lively in future.
Thr, weather is rather soft at present, in
, consequence of which tho snow is rapidly pass
! -ag away, leaving an unwelcome substitute m
' tcad.
Since my last letter no deaths from fever
have occ'urrcd, although that disease Still lin
gers in this vicinity.
Mis. Margaret Cullen of Wilmore, died at
her residence on last Monday morning after a
lir.geiing'ilhiess of several months. The de
ceased was the mother of a large family, nhd
was left a widow many years ago. During her
la-t illness she W-as received into the Cati.o lie
Church, of which her -husband was and hc-r
children are member. May her soul test in
A traveling humbug in the shapo of a sclf
constituted propagator of a religion of his own
manufacture, 'interviewed' Wilmore on Thurs
day, and having been refused admittance to
both the Lutheran and United Brelheran
churches, held forth on the steps of the U. S.
Hotel to a small crowd of casual hearers, with
the object doubtless of turning a'few dollars
fiom the pockets of silly people to his own ca
pacious purse.
The Penrn. Railroad Co have contracted
for the grading of an addi'ional track from
Wilmore east about one and one fourth mile,
to supply the place of the western track, w hich
is to be used as a siding for the accommoda
tion of such freight trains as may be compelled
to- lay over for through freight.
Father Gallagher, pastor of the Catholic
church here, has caused two beautiful side
altars to be elected in the Church, and to de
fray the expense thereof a splendid new buffa
lo robe is to be disposed of at fifty cents per
chance, the drawing to take place on the first
day of February, proximo' As I am SuSicUing
chances for that object, should you happen to
come athwart my vision the probabilities are
that your pocket book will know less of its
contents in a very brief length of period, if you
should obey the behests of SoLTtuo.
Trial List. The following fiamed Jcrors
have been drawn to serve at tho ensuing term
of Court, commencing on Monday, March Gth:
f.'ivo!' .Ti'rori
Lawrence Furlong, foreman, K. Con'yh bor.
Barker (.'. If., cooper. White township,
liro.ihban'.c Andrew, laborer. Washington tp.
Bradley John, merchant. T.orrtto boi-outrh.
Bci Uf-y lii'osf,., farmer. Kichlun.i township.
1'olsirj'rcr Berry ('., clerk. Johnstown boro.
liitf-r John, farmer. Monster township.
Campbell IK-nry, fai-Mer, Bhi. kii. k t w p.
Cobaiikli J.i-e;)ji. farmer, Jackson township.
I):iv is i'avid S., ratl-et raiuhtvimr, Johnstown.
Bayer John, tinner. ,Summitvil)c borouyh.
Bcrnsoii John, fanner, lilaekiiek township.
jt-ub'o Wm., painter. Voder township.
i!ass .Iftnins. pi'ildlcr. Johnstown liorouirh.
IieH'i i.-t: Nicholas, fanner, 'best township.
Hamilton Alex., foreman, Johnstown boro.
Jones Kaae N., carpenter, Johnstown boro'.
I.lovd Bef .j.imin. farmer. Chest township.
Luther h'nineis A., farmer. Susquehanna tp.
Monahan Thomas farmer, W;shinjton twp.
I'iirku J"iin, marble cuttr, Johnstown:
BuLi-it. Bet or. inn-sun, franklin boroiiirh.
Soijrh Jacob) bluf-ksmitb. Vodnr Itown.-hip.
Voiijfr (luai-fff-, farmer, Chest township.
iTwrfiK tows Ftrt IO,';.
Buchanan John S., merc hant, K. ( 'one mauh.
Bertram Peter, farmer, Carroll township.
Brown Mc:":-.i;-,a. saddler, Coopers.laie,
Blaine Abeam, barbe r. Bb.-tisbui-jr borimh.
Barii'.-s t'tciries. wiuron-niaker, Johnstown.
B.trnielo Kiia. laborer. Clearfield township.
Buin.irardncr John, farmer. Adams township.
Benin Oeorsre.. farmer. Voder township.
Border 'oorad. stone-mason, Johnstown bor.
Coba'.iirh I'.ivid W., conductor, franklin bor.
I'oiiiii'i- .Viehafl, farmer, t'.irroil township.
'minfj- John T., engine i-.-iner. I", (.'onem'h.
Cohick B. B., cimtrai-tar, Johnstown boro'.
Campbell Henry J.. farmer. Carroll twp.
Cox John, .hist Conomaiiirh borough,
lionahoe I'atvick. farmer. Allegheny twp.
Dutbin'N, f-irnirr, Clearfield township,
f a rub: i mh Ceoi ,-(-. farmer. "arro!l town ship.
I-'ond Jae. b. i-i-rclia?!t. Johnstown h.oroinrli.
T'huiairan F. M., li:i:iberm:i:i. White tre.vnship.
I lii-li Charles, fai-ir.or. A H'.-trlien v towtist:it.
Joii-lun o:r Jo- i.ih. f.irii'.i r. l ay lor t .wn.-h! p.
fiarman Jt;m;-s. iarmcr. A'.b-ir'ieiiv township,
tiirtii'srs Joiin. Inmix rman. Khensbui-jr bor.
I I oss Herirv. laborer, Cambria boroimh.
Ilolstein Cliark s. inr-r In-i-.r, Jolmstown.
Ilolien Bobort. farmer. White township.
Htimiihrevs liavid. e ns'inoor. K. Conemauprh.
Hiirkins Patrick, farmer. Ci.ncniauyh twji.
J'res f rederick, merchant. Johnstown bor.
Bother Charles, cMi-pcnter. Conormuurli !or. Siaion, farmer. A!le-rh ny twp.
I .ay ton Jacob, farmer. Jackson township.
Myers John B.. bl icks'niTh, itif bhiod twp.
M aoioti .ii 'nr;, farmer, .-usquehauna twp.
McCnv .!,!. n, farm -r. Ail;. wh.-ny town.s'nip.
Mia. 'oh. -am i?-i-i-.:i:-d. .-ei1l.' man. U'ilmir" bor.
. ... a ot! ii. 1 a riiicr. I . nieioa c. li tn isi'ii'.
O.r ,.-.n .b iei S.. j;-.!:..
b'.' j-er il":-rv,;'
tb.whiii.'I hvo.-i. -.niib
St":! ! ):! -.-Id i.. farit;
f-k"li' .i.-".:r.i-, farmer
TilovWm., m-roi:.o-.;
Trclrz John, b-itche;-AVailcrs
li.-nrv. farm
-. Miil
!. I-oroii
;-, ('.; m bria t o wr.s!
r. ;. ':. i:7-i i; i towns
.'-!';:. -toii townsimi
Viisiiint t. ..i towii.-'-.i;;.
1 1 .in : st i u ; boro i m h.
r, fs :i t.i merii ill twp
:i';l:u.d I:;--::
fjnnrr, ;;ns i : 'aauiia twp.
rnoi- 'iii-lsb
ipher, farmer. Chest twp.
J' i:rt :s'' .7 n tn's H i t;.
A lb ioir'i Joseph, fanner, Jro ksoii township.
H-rkv. o'o Joseph, f irm-r, U'oh'and twp.
B .rdv ; I'redorick, irr.ioer. Johnstown.
ueiii '.I. v. ., I'irmer, . tut..- to-.,-iis!.ip.
dv i:. :ii!i-!:oeper. Johnstown borough.
Cover Wm., jrcnMcnuiri. 'onemainjh twp.
( 'roiis,- .Tohn, m'-i-.-hai't. Jfihnstotvn I .r-mh.
Coopor J,i!iii-s. boss, f 'oopei-sdaie boroUiih.
C.issiday Silas, shoome.k'-r. C-mbri.i l...r. .u?!i.
Crouse J .-cph. l.ho k-iiith. Johnstown bor.
Ou-;ho:i Wm.. mason, J ohn -t o wn borouu h.
Carrey Wm.. farmer. Cambria township.
1 hi is Th.s. i. iiiu-kfi' -per. Johnstown bor.
Oavis T!lom-l ?!.. i-i'.'or, Jolmstown bci".
tii-viTRiiif itobort. physi'-ia:?. Summirv i i lo.
1 imo;t 1 t uspt-r. farmer. royio township.
Hid Henry, on rpont or, Johnstown borcaih.
I louir'o-rtv 1-". b.v., harness maker, f.bor. 3'm rt.
Vlmphohl G. S f.irmor, Blackliok township.
17berly fraucis. farmer. Munst r tow nsiiip.
Evans il sea. firmer. C im'-ri i to'.viiship.
f nloon liK id. inn-keeper, f.. Coiiemau.'rh t'or.
f'latjaif-m J saddir r. Johusnovn bortmtrii.
G.Ks Jo-eon. pud-lior. Cam'e-i boi-o'.i';!!.
Go-irharf ,;ae,.b. m isoti. .boin-eown borough.
Hoilen Joseph U.. farmer. bite township.
Hei--.-i (.c-oiiro, farmor. Coe.eme.uirh township.
Jtid-e Thomas. itm-kee.r r, Cambria bor.
James Bbone.c!-, cotttractor. Johnstown bor.
I.irth: lveiter, c-arpent -i-, Boretto borou-j-'u.'eifr Sai'iu -i, lV.rm.-r. Sns inehanna twp.
MeCr(;;ir'it James inn-kepp'.-r. .iohnstown.
McDoe.aid l'oter. h'-lpcr, Mdlvido borotivii.
M'-Guirt- laiko. laborer, Ailer'-e ny Township.
(I'Min-a Cornelius, laborer, MillvilU boro'.
'Conno. Joliti, jr., farmer. White town;,iiip.
O'Bri. n Wm.. hool.ei-, Miilviih in.i-on.krh.
Ow ens Charles, blaeksmith. i:ion.d)iiey.
Button Jame.'i, heater. Jolmstown borough.
I'e.idi-v John, sr., c:;o.. ie'.-:iiak'-r. Joiinslown.
B.-ii ri h JoshiM I., -ee pf iite'-, f.i.en.sburs- bor.
I'aul S itniiei S., moreh-.uit. 'r!,vlo township.
I'otts Tiionias. dnstvrcr, John-it ow n boro'.
Rtitiede Gooive, farmer, ! 'h-irheld twp.
SrutTeiiHi Daniel, farmer. Cro Io township.
Simror Robert IL. blacksmith, Johnstown.
Stoiuh I,u wrcneo. inu-k.-epor. Johustuwu.
Snydoi- John, farmer, Carroll township.
th av CABiiy ovi'.u oris, rr.i sext stock!
Therefore, we will sell the following goods at
cost rather than carry them over another sea
son: Silks, Slmwls. Velvets, Black Alpaca.-,
Colored Alpacas, Kmpresa Cloth, Silk Tophus,
Black and Col'd French Marinos, Waterproof
Cloth, Striped Keppelants. Ladies' Cloth.
White and Gray Blankets, Fancy and White
Coverlets, Canton Fhmnels, Sh etinj; Muslins,
Pchtines. Calicos. Ticking, Shirting Flannels,
Cassirneres. and Table Linen. Also, an im
merse stock of Ladies' and Children's Furs,
as well as a large stock Ladies' Misres.' at.d
Children's Bonnets and Hats, trimmed and
untrinimed to suit customcis. Chinchilla Bea
ver and Velveteen Sacks, ChilJrcu's Kiding
IJoods ami Infants' Di esses.
p. S. Wc also intend to close out our im
mense stock of Men -md Hoy's W inter Cloth
in;;, positively at cost, to make room for spring
purchases. We have on hand over one hun
dred Overcoats, l o hundred Di ess Coats, one
hundred Bovs' Suits, five hundred rants and
Vests. Gloves, Undershirts ard Drawers,
Trunks of every description, from the s-maliest
trateliiis bug to the largest Saratoga Trunk,
as well as one hundred other tilings usually
kept in first class Clothing Establishment. j
t Ii. & II. MAY Ell,
Pmnrietors York Drv Goods.. Millinery,
:wal Cloihinir Hall. 'il2anJ 12 1 i Main street,
under the Opera House, Johnstown, l'a.
V Fir. ht. All we heard of C o fight was some
one crviiig- and shontiiuf. "Bet Hess speak ,
"lift Hess spe:k 5 '' SoHossspoko. and this is
what he snid : liearlitn, O y peopio ! Hess &
Hrother, No. Stl. :B1 Main street. Johnstown,
have tho cheapest lteady-mado CToihim? over
w as sold in Johnstown or Canada, lr you don t
believe this, try it on. Men's clolhiiitf. boys
ciothinir, warm clothing, coarse clothunr, lino
clotbinu-, sti-om,'- clothing; coats, jumts, vesta,
shirts, overcoats, and also evorythnitf and more
than that. Cull and see the (Ivjnt botv. eon prof
it and Ions, and let Hess spc-n'. lor he will tell
you good new s I
V'r lrear.nt a dream the oilier ni.-'Td, when
all aioiiioi was still wo droampr vo saw a bir liilit uooui v. no si.....: t ...;i.nH
bill of fancy -roods at 1 he .p-v. cay stol e ol
C. T. ttoooris. , nolo iai;..!o.
;i.'iins in clcn'kis. bai-aiiis in :
r... ... 1 1, j In ioweli-v. 1-n rua.
m watelies. iier-
wing' liia c-hiiies,
s bi stationei y.
a w.ii.s nil w ho
iiiiif 'bargains in e vi l y -hi n
....ii en riv or late, once .
r oftt-ner. ro-daj- or lo-
uioi'i'o'.v," ncit wceli cr the weei. ultci-.
Tho freouem y of KMitcy uffectionS) and tho
many complaints arisinir from discaso of iho
I'l-imiry Oi-stins. jflvo occasion for much study
and investifTHtloii of thofie diiiieiiltii-s. Thn old
stud the yonu.vr, tho hili and th lovV, are ail
more or less subject to these troublesome affec
tions; from tho diubc-ts of infants to the pout
and gravel of old uyti tin- much exposed labor
er at his toil to the luxurious !i vr at his case.
from the very nature of our peculiar sistein
of prsctic:. -t-c 'iav had perhaps more c xperi
cieiu t he treatment of these infectious than
usually falls to the lot of any practitioner in
tiie same time. And it is in theso allcctions
more than any oi tier tiiat an examination of
tins uriu" is rcpiired, in order to understand
the true nature of the disease. All urinary dif-lic-uities
do not arise? from gravel, nor do nil
irravelly indications arise from a fleet ion of the
Kidneys, and it is b;- an examination of the
in inr. ti!ir, that these facts are to be vt riticd
many times.
And it is by the precise distinction betwr-eJi
the many ills bi-lorip-inf to tl.'so organs, w hich
vp are enabled to make, by this e xamination,
that we an so successful in their cure.
The tcri ib;.' -ulTerinirs. the v. rithiinr iK'f ados,
the jiaiuful dithc ult ics, and tho wi-eieheo sloep
hsstiessoccasioiict! by all'eet ions of the Kiiim-vs
.'md I": iiiary I lrgans. tnako it a matter of study
to the humane; physician, worthy of the noble
cause be has espoused.
And he w ho wool. 1 not put forth his utmost
power for the relief of these tc-rrloly antvyiiig
ui son si's, whereby so many quietly suffer in :ur
ony because of their dc-lb-acy, is not worthy to
bo trusted in the profession.
Many delicate ladies hav e lived a lif' of suf
fering from some .f these diseases, who mi.trl.t
havc had vears of health had the comphiiut
Ix-rn TiTid.-rstood by their physician.
Wo believe we have treated more patients la
boring under tin so ditliculties than any other
physician living in tlnf Sijte of 1'eiinsvl vania,
west of the All,' a heny mountains, and do not
hesitate tos.iv that we ba" cured a greater
)er cei'ta'e, by oiic-folirt;:, than lias bc-en done
by any others.
'"host fads can bo erifk d from our records.
Wo seldom fail to relieve our pat icnts of thoir
suifcrinjrs it! t hose diseases at or. from close
nftc nti '.i and lone- and patii-nt iuvestisfation.
wo have lcariMsd t know tiie precise nature of
these1 Hffcctioiis, and have found out exactly
i h j kind of medicines to bo used in eacdi. Our
remedies in these arc adapted to each particu
lar case, and will jjivc relief at once. Try them
tor yourselves and verify the la.-t.
ei:l ;is a vial of n.o-ii.i urine by Kxpross,
with ii.-im.-, (i;i.aiid I. O. :uii!re:: jf the patient,
and wc c-Jii snd tho nec-essurv medicines.
Bus. Ii. iV T. L. ObliSHl.'B.
aoJ Grant Sift-ct, I'fttsbuiifh, l'a.
Important to Ai l.-As this is th time of
year when people are making1 Inquiries as to
w here they can buy the best coal for tho least
moniy. we take pleasure in iuforminK the citl-
."Pii8 of f b.-iisbut-r and vicinity that Messrs. j
i aouias uraoiey i'.nu .lomi a. J.emoii nave
c-'itc-rrd into iiartnershiji for the mining- and
bhippiny of the celebrated Lemon vein con I, at
(ialiitzin, and will not only iruaranrt e it to be
the very best Bituminous coal an- cookire- and
heati:,b' purposes, t ;a will it -0 per
cent, cheaper thj;n any other parties in the
traie. All orders outfitted to thoui AviJl b
promptly iiilo l ; or families and all others in
tins vicinity can be-popplic-d by cither Mr. Kd.
Humphries or Mr. U. It. Thomas, who will keep
a c-oiiitaut supply of this excellent coai on
hand. Ll-"."'-'.-lm.''
' I'l'tu rr Tlisri'.siONi Two of our most pronii-
nent and learned citizens are o!n to r.avc a
public discussion for tho bc-m fit of ih.3 putdic.
j Oucsiion: "Who sells the chciM-st dry (roods in
i Johiiktown ?". The popular foeliria' is on t'e.e
: side of N. f . ("ai i ol!. who be undrrsold.
lie keeps open on iiain streel. jOrnrust tlie Or- i
! era House, No.ia. Of coi; . -' i he e:. si ion will I
bo deotdi-d, lik; some Sou ires decido tnc-ir
i -HS0s, hi t Ue ajHrtiiatit'T. But no oi ihc-less go to
i Carroll's. Ho keeps clioii-e wi-oct-rios. as welt as
: billions, blankets and bbi yarn. Vou beitcr
! be l'jiunihi; to buy betcio lie is too busy.
JuiiN J. Mr
a u reat rate,
during tin' bo
thous.ii-.i, i liii
ci-rit-s, somo
of 1 i .est o:
rn-nv is shoving dry froods off ai.
He sold a thoiisand dollars' worth
il.'.ay.s. and is now selling iinoth-.-r
i-hoicc dry ;;, some ifvt
,ot ions, some ot h-er goods, bin nil
niiitv of troods. Murphy, of the
Maii-loii House corner. Main s: root. John-1
corner i ran::;in, uu.h r too i riiiuno otnee,
near Akers oc Bani'.ior's iaoat shop, across from
fra.-i-'s. 'i'mtt's ih.-ti'iin. Call and take u look
ut tiie man himscif and then at t ho (roods - then
:tl your purse and if tho purse is agreed go
in. Vou will never cry over the result.
fowl, WiwTfirn. The holidays uiijrht bo
called foirf woa! her been use of the irrcat sia',!Lr,i
ter ot : toe. tin; red bli.e-is ; so James J. Murphy's
Clothinjr Store, No. Io1.. Clinton street, John--tow
ii, miiriit bo called tho irroat rmt of fin -at
bargains, e.s all t tju people w'no buy iii.cic up
ch Li 11 'e'i to bis sti.n , w here c-hean re.e'y
m.ide c-lothir.-j of ad si.,-s and ric s :?i..y be
h el. as cheep es tSu-y -.; I pui ch.o d la New
V rk city. Su; ''-'" for instance, mat vou l;o
there io buv a'l ci;r ciothnv. James is a
".Vb.v" in ids ;inc
ir.u- his ; tock r.t v:
l" iionliny. i!
i'V i.r,.' pi iccS,
e is lej'.v rj
A i:
i sh .
'I'Ho sura'iiii multit ude swayed back
i iike the (artli wi-.on il quakes. !
an ! found I . I Vieei .V !!;-ot;e r. ;;i iho
t l'a"lor. i.-li i u;w hals and caps by
. at No.;?;", .Main stive'. Johie,
id. -ii r itrn.- sitpr. mo. Evc-ry one was
tho d
i i;i
!. I I.I
, l.t li.
-re. II
for the i- r..-i,r bargains, t- ties w t -,,
e per thai, vhatf. and Rents' f iii-ni-'d::;:
; w.-r
So f
- l I tor a son)-, and mat sonjr wnis-
-,:id a man w ho was cairyim; uway
aps for a. dozen of his sons. Tho older
i' -r themselves. Call seiou or uiij-s a
boy: l-ar
! m i-r.
Bt.Mi bonk C'rns. C. T. c-f Johtistov.-n,
a ei p. dru-jprist, has forsnle Voun-'s
Arabian Horse Ointment for tho cure of Ring
bone, which works like a charm in curimr this
troubles... tar. I 'a rmers who have tried
it say it ciMad ! o excelled as a horse medicine-.
fraei- koi ps nil kinds of icc-dieinc-b and tiruys
for imiii and boast, as well as oils, anj
.1 ve-st all's. l'e; intry iiiorehants und druj4.-"'-'s
should send iii t hoi r.r lors io f ia.or liifKt away
for the ltiiiK'bono euro and other preparations.
Kinnkv's Cornit ?vt'P i--tho best prep a ra
ti on i a taut fir I cure of sudd-en c 'his, croup,
or catarrh. Be sun- to e.d! with Mr. Kinney,
Main ntreet. Johnstown, opposite tho Hoi-stou
House, andiret u bottle of his cole heated syrup
and take it homo with yiu. It may sa o the
lite of oo.e or more of your children. Don't,
loreyet to ask for " ivimicy's Cou.irli Syrup." nod
yon will bosnt-o to jret an uufe.ilinir relief for
all t!-. ills it ciainss to be a s;ieei!ic for.
used in a.l oas.- instead c.r 1'ii. i s. Bl'sov. Salts,
OAr'.'ivit on.. e. Iliifh'y iiavor.-d. I'leasaut to
take. Chihirc n like if . 1'iieo 5 0 cent;-.. Whole
sale, It. f,. Si, .1-.: i;s A; Co., 4o ood St ree t. Bit is.
bu:,di. Sold bv Lenimon - Murray, Bbom-buiv,
and 'bv J iruyglsts and Country Store-Koepers
KCiici-iillv. LJ uno iu, ls'.n.-ly.l
AT OTICE. The Account of Edwaid
' 1). F.vnns, Assignor of Edrrard Miller, hav
ing botil lih-d in tho l'l-i 1 Iionotary's Oilier .of
Cambria county, notice is hereby (riven that
the same will be conlirmed by the Court of
Common Bb as at March '.i'erm, lr;71, if iiotuiii
cient reason be shown to tin contrary.
J. lC. HI'l'E. Brothonot.try.
Brothv's, Ebt-nsburur, Jan. I, lf71.-l-l-.-J.
TJ()TICli. All persons arc hereby no
i:i.i.i li, M li" ... ... .- . . ....... .
liato for a certain Note irivcn by mo to U.S. I
Myers A: Co. for SllO, due in April or May i
next, as tlie same was ai eu without consider- I
ntien, and will not be p aid. -d. lvl.i-Lt.lw.
Jan uary t'.i, ls71.-ot.
i?:True Denfirrnt, Voik. Ba., publish thrco
nil. os ami semi mu io uns oniow
C AUTION ! Having jiurchase.i the
follow in;r described articles tit a Sheriff's
Hale of tho personal property of Samuel F.
Geoi'ze, of Chest Springs, and left the same in
1.-.,, ttt i ti.ia.. fini-bii- mv
jiio.'.suro, 1 hereby cunt ion nil persons against j
into, terinir- iti nuv wav with said property, viz:
t B'-dsieads and Boihiin-, 1 Bureau, 1 Clothes
Bross, 1 ink 3 Sum. Is, 2 Stove?, A Boekinir j
Chairs, 11 Chairs, yards Carpet. 1 Jit-oak fast
Table, and 1 Cow. M- lOCGLA-S.
Chest Sprinjrs, Jan. Jt, lsd. Ll i'.'.-t.J
OUIOHIFF'S SALES. I Jy vitlue of
1-5 sundry writs c'f Vend. Kjrpon., Issued out
of the Court of Common Picas of Cambria uni
ty, und to mo directed.- there will bo exposed to
Public Si!e. at. tho Court House in F.!iensbuii,
on Tt'BSDir, tho 7 ti'- nay of FLilitCAItV
noxt, nt 1 o'clock, r. m., the follow ins Keai Es
tate, to wit :
All the riirht, title and interest of Martin
Miller, of, in and to tho undivided half of a piee
or parcel of land situate in Carroll town-dup,
Cumbria county, ndjoiiiiinr lands of the Heirs
oi' C. J'ass, Jus. T. Kirkoatrick and 11. C. Kirk
patriok on tho cast, on the north by C. A. Boad
Ini; Suitov, oi:tiiiiiiiu; 5o Acrf, more or less,
ubout ;J." Ac-ros elc-ar-d and impro' ed now iu
th. i iii.anov of Martin Vilbr. Taken in ex
ecution and to bo sold at tho suit ot" F, P..Ticr-
"AisouU tho ri(dit, title and interest of Cath
arine MoGIaJe, of, in arid ton piece or parcel of
land situate in Siuiuiierhill township, Cambria
eouutv, adiiuuiinr lauds of f. A. Soott, Ktone
baok .V Co., Wm. AVriht. and others, contain
1111; 441 Acre, inore or less, about 40 Acres
cleared not mrw occupied. Taken in execu
tion and to be sold at tho suit of M. D. Burk.
ti. li. liOXACh'EK. Shcvi.
Shorill's OHice, Ebensbui-g, Jan. 14, IfjTl. l-iy.3.
-a Lstatc Ot OAN1F.I. ti. MiEI.LT, (KM' il,
rliose- navi!'e-r c-jiiiiiis tti-ra-.r'.-i I ...e' same wut
--cal them in proper shape for so! t Ictneiit.
WILLIAM tsKKf.LV, tri. ,utcr3
.IAMBS SKI1! LV, ) IscUtclS.
Vilmore, Dec. 15, ir;o.-0v.
Is tlie only infallible Hair Vreparatiou for
ltKSTjnNO G:t.v HairtoIts OntCINtLCOI
(lit AM) l'llOMOTir.G iTSliKOWTtl.
It In tle p8ieas--t larnnrnlioii ovr f
forccl to ttie f.tiblic-, as ino bottle v.iil
I.-ist loader I it-coiiiI !s!i i:ior t ban
t lircc bafilrs ct';ti:T t ttvr rtpi- l i:n
Our Benewer is not a Pye ; it will not slain
the skin a others.
it trill .. .a., the ITitir from fa'Unn out.
It rlrrntses iho Srnj,, ttml iiiafiix the Jftiir
Our Treatise on the Hair sent freo bv mail.
It. 1. HA LB & CO.,, N. H., Pnpnotors.
Of OK HAVES & i!U.. 40 Koiitl Tlilnl
Uivt-t. i-iia.di'!pSila, at 3 o'clock, I.
31., Inn, , l'sTl.
L. 8; 6'sof 'PI 1
fc t,-..
" "e;;;:::::::;;:;:;"
4 11 .- I
" ', : ;
" " '0.-., new i
" " '(IT, . '. I
" " 'fi-s... . I
" 5's. 10-4' t's : I
F. H. oh Year per -ent. Cy... .
I)t:o Cuiiin, Ini. N;tes,. . . . !
Gold j
Silver ...
I "nion I'iu.liif U.K. lt JL.TnisJ
Central l'aeif.e it. H i
I'n'n 1'acilic Bund Gr'nt ll nt'.s
110 s,' , H0'
las' ! K-9
1U:, f 10s S
lii, I le,ss
k: ' HC.
vr. I fun
I li)sl
H7 1.(74.
Be.1.' j Hi.'-;
hi-'i 107
7.1.1 ; T.-fl
S'.'J 1 ?
51!) I 650
CaAELES A. DA!CA. Eauor.
She goiter irhtij uw.
A Kowrjzjcrcl the Present TInca.
Intended for l'eeylo Soir on Lur:b
Inciacitr.i; Fjfir.ars. MecharJcs. Merctidatt, Tro-fc-ss'.oual
Men, Walkers. Thinkers, aaJ a. I Ma.i
i:er of Iloaest Folis. ic Wives, Eoi.3.
Daatlitcr-j of ull tuc:n
Or 2c5s than inc Cont a Copy. I.ct thcra to &
553t Ciuli iii every I'ust
tr t'io B:m:o tlza t-a 1 g?ror:.I caarucicr a
Till; tVKKEI.r. h it with a irreater variety of
laisceba iooi-s rea hrii, aJ r.irnlihlaj the iiws
to lcs sausc-zieis w iia fieiter frjslrutss. hoc-uia
ii comes twice a wcii iastt:a2 ti o-ce oily.
A .ro5mlae.itIv rca l .iile newspaper, upita tse
laritesl circulation la thu wor,.l. tr.-e.
t.u'ident. ai d tcp.rlj s la i,o:!cs. Ad taa iicwk ev.-ry wlii-ro. esaa 3 cojv : ty mlL
Five cojuco, one ycai, scarj-.eiv adrs.1.
Four Dollars.
Ten copies, one v -ir, Fi-i..rurc-.v ajilrciea (ad
ta cilia Cj,.) Iu die Relief u.'i nf clao )-
Liht Sio'.lar.
Twenty cor.les. nne vrs.i.r, Kcf-ratcl.- silrtrcssed
( au cxu'acoj.y to iLc i' ;:.-v up of c-.uto.
fittoen lilurs.
Titr cfiI. one Tear, loono it '.dr. ss taml tac
tt-ni:- cet.j- one your n n to.-r rn i-..
Tbirty-ilirce" L'cilurs.
Fifly cor.'c. one vca-. "rraiaiilT aidrcf :ert .'and
l-c btiiii Vi't.uii.j'u-eyL-irtu seller ne ot ciut),
Thirl y-Svs lolan.
One htinilred corle, ore year, to cue ad lrfa-i
m.! ta-j Uallj fir tiie ye..i' io ike uciler u-j of
c iiio. fifty Dollar.
One tmndr'-d cioip?. otii v nr. fe;.'uaic-lv a.l
Crefpd ianl lao Du'.iy lor o..f year to '.ie ieiu-r
uicrcibj, tM.ty L'ciiars.
MiTilLY bl'N'.
, 3c;.cla;clv n.i,'i c-e";
LiSiJt Biillam.
ffp.-iri'.olv a-l-lrtss-i land
five conies,
oao Teat
Ten conies, or.n vcrr.
u:- . i l u. .
tMi.;ccn Ioil-ai-i:.
.JVll ?.iONEY
) I'.st .f:!i-c orlor-:.c1.c ;s. or .baa- n New
York, wla-rvn- .-..ftvcaji'tic. If ii'.t. I'i-u rctouar
lae ictlcrii cjutauiian a:o,ey. A.ldi cv-a
I. Vr. EXOLA.Vn. l'i!l,:!.ntr,
Saa ciHc. New icii
mi tn
I hii
a l ;
Vii ii
A 3JO TSS LV ?ia; i
.ld ;.:(.' ifi.''i 'i. e..;, i..:'. !,-(.. a .. Zl;,: Ve f !
Ju l'. .b'o'i.'.i.vViii .Voc 1
THK CATHOLIC WolM.n contains orhj-im.l
articles fioi.i tiio bos', c.niu.iic: writers ;;t i
homo and abroad, as .eel! i; .- '. i a us i.i i ic iis i roni j
l ho pcriu-li. ids o! Franco- iorinn. . il. i Miiu, j
Italy, anil .Spain. Its renders are thus p.;t in
p. isses-M ai i.i' t 'n-i l.i nn e.-l liioi a r.v prcdm-t ions
in a cl-.eap itii.l -on c eitien t form. '1 h l" C '.Tl'O- j
f.l i ' Won 1. 1 1 is a !; g loi.. ! !.-. ! 1 1 m n tna :r;' ; no i
of lit pete, utakilirf two l.ii'LH- voluidt s. or I j
mi-:es, c-iici; year, aud is furnished 'o sitbscribi-rs !
"V" E'SVil B?i SEtiri L VLV4U, j
Invari.-tliiy In advance. '(!;;'.' epf.-.v. l-'ifitf ( '. iif.s. ;
There-arc- f.lev en Volumes already published, I
and ha udsomoiy Immul i o j iain h ! h, n r d- j
ume, v-l.a-i; oo e-i.-u ciori. ?! ; iciil-nioroico, f.s;
or in separate numbers at f0 -onts cacli.
All remit and com mimie-at le-us on bl.s
iuct's should bo addressed to
Gene nil CiKiob'.- '.iJ.i.-omoi S.nit!i
t S.'iu rou t-trcet. New Vork.
OPINIONS" r TIIF. NoV-CATltOI.!.' 1 ' i- t:ss. "i t
is candid, able, and in the t. no sense sujryrosi
iv." :V. V. it'.'; ttt mill:!. - for selsoiai I v. I hor-
ouh and thought iui disc Ussioi; id gene ral loi.- '
ies it has scarcely an o unil." 1! ...... r, i n, rn--r. j
"It is hiirh-loue.l and considerate in iis judj.'- ;
mi ni, display injr none of the asperit i. s of con- 1
tro i-rsy and r.oro of t ho narrow ticss ol" sceta- i
l-ianisi.i .liti.tiitl Aii':s a A r.i.s. -'Tin-re is I
aive.ys.soriicthiii-Hini ly in lhi'5 i,i.ija.;;io; that
is, soiiiothim.' which with a ,:n-s! ion jti.-t
at the moment oi eii;.yiiivr t !o-! h.e.m his of iro-ii."
.Ji.'oi Mitrht ) thr "Iri'f,
I I'l-r,. '-Nonelt.r
n liiorary merit."
tho maira.tnos surpass this
H"m-T.sf. r(V.' Sht- '
Cat holii- can ullord io bi
(iniii) j"('K.. "Wo liiid
We do not s-e; 'now ny
withont it."- l.HiliH'ihc
ui-sel is always t uru-
in;; ti;--t to Hint atkdi.ic . t-ee-aus ; ve
fmrl i.:i its pnircs so tnuch that is fresh and pos- f
iti o, so miie-h that arrests and fastens at ton-'
tloii. howo -r it may fail to produce conviction i
in the end." fjosioi f.'tiiyious .Wnytzine..
Hie of tin onk rof Iho Ori-iinris I'ut.i t of
C.m.l.i.i i ,. il.-n,..,1 tl..i... n iii I.,. I
vauii'i nt "inn. , t -.s i in urn.', im, tin i ' in
i rivirin-i'ii 1 o I'liiilw Si-ilv mi t lo i r. n t i v m in I
Jii.ks.ui tow nship, on TUESDAY', the :SJst day
of J ANITA I! V, instant, at -J o'clock, p. M.. tlie
fcdlowinyr described Bc-el Itatoof v.-e.ieh 1'c tor
Bairor died, seized, to wit: vl Pit'i'il or I'Alt
Cf.' L Ol-'JsA ADsituato iii tho township of Jack
sort, county of Cambria, state e.f Pennsylvania,
adjoininjr lands of Goo. Wctin. Sam'l Albuimli.
fisher's Heirs, and others, e-onf ittin .-J 1 S
AC14.KS, more or less, about 5t itcren c.f
which arc cleared, ha iutf Ihereon icctcd a
oiie-und-a-balf storv !;,';; Hoi sk.
TERMS Of SA LB One-third of the purchase
liKimiy to bo paid ,'iri e-ou lirma t ton of s-iie, and
tin i-osidue in two eo'mi anmiiil payiricnts, with
interest, to besocured by mortaKo und jud;j
nicut beinds of the purchaser.
Jackson Twp,, .tan. 5; ls71.-4t. Administrator.
A EDITOR'S NOTICE. The urnler-
-L siirned. bavinif boon nppcdtifed Auditor by
tlie Court of Common I'l-as ot Cumbria county
to re.ort distribuiioii of thci.unu'.v in tho hands
oT tho Shoritf. nrisin:r from the sale if tho real
estate- and personal property of Ttios. K. Eva'.-,
on !". Fit". Nos. ., 51 and s!, June Term. is70,
bere-t.y notifh s all person intcrostod that 'it
will attc-iol tn t he duties of sail appdntu-.c-nt ai
the Shei-Sil's Ofiicc, ill f.bonsbu i'ij, ou V'i:ie.ts
iiav, the 1st clay of Fkhiicaky no.t. ar -J o'
clock, i-. m. It. L. U EOliG E, AucL'.or.
Jan. L'.', lf'71.-3t.
C4SBI Salaries Pa,1 Ar.tTS!
to one or two --! .tironii n ovcry Coun
ty to lutrodtii-.-an S;NTib't-:LY NEW AUTit I.M
consumed daily in every household, -.tuple as
Flour. Sells P.t siuht. This is no liuinbu-, but
u lciritii-.v.'.' business. Address, with stamp,
J?i.. 12, ls71-ft.-?,. 1'n-isnt.i.D, M tg-t.
Ct W. KASLY, Atvobney' at Law.
tliT.ce, No. 108 Franklin street. Johns
town, Fa., two doors Ivorth of Krazer's Drug
Store. '.Vili alien.! juonintly to all manner oi
lentil business that mav l-e eati a.-tt-d to iiini.
rp It. F(
- . Can-oil
SCAN LAN, AUcrt-L'uv.
.irown. Cumbria Co.. Ba. A I! man-
U( of B al business aiieiilei to piviutriv end i L.ov s new bunding. -i' um-r i.-.TlU cs t.c.t
cuvcfuiTyT CviJTuis a i-csiJiln . ' uad'c Kow, Ci-tie i'.;cci.
1. A T.OT OF GBOUNB In Mooi f. -n. w:-'.i
gi d Pia.-.k Hou.n and ot ;.u.; '.; t ci.a,-
under tho entire house. Will be oid clieap an i
on rttv term.
.. OVK I.) I' OF (JKOrXt) m M. f.r.towr., (V;
feet front on Main s:rcc t and SX) f,tt deep. A
choiif selection of 1-riift Trcos on t!.,J Lot. It
Is a nn si desirable iocaLioii f-'i- buihlinr.
on I.ot adjoinint- theaboro: finely ti:iiehd md
Wnh all :on yetiience. Good outbuiidir.jfS and
a-, soumao-r" o' Tr"Tt Tie".
- ,4-.A
i TV..O STo'uy' "FRAME fapVSH In Fast
of Lb lij-t.nrg-. Cellar kitc-uen. well and
uruor lij-t.nrg-.
ciit?rn v. ul.-.-. God outbuililir.a-s and off-.c iu
same Lot; A!! Ir. rtuvI rci air. Locate ! on ilaln
Strec-t. l.tejitu for tlw.
fn tho Wost Ward, nimble for tit o
Lot :; feet front on Main btrf?t t;.t 2iil ioet
deep. C.i.!d bo divided, linis f'-r l!rn.
6. A TWO STOltV l;iiMiJ HOl'SK i:i V. o
ard, euitable for two families. Lot A fest
front on Main tired and li.y Icot deep. A dual-
re e
cblo pi-out i tv.
7. BCILMNG LOTS in West Ward; Ebensb'x
f. i'AsTfltE LOTS, of about 6 acres ch, oa
mile I r en town.
u. TIM suitable for cord wood, on LOTS
of 5 or s acres each, one mile from town.
o. SiX'lV Ai'UES Hi.mi.Oi K. Tisibeu LAW.
Will cut l.fVj'l eet lumber. One and a h.lf
mhos from BLcrishurir.
11. i A FARM Of liO ACRES, convenient to
Ebet!tirjr; mostly cleared aud In K"ol onlir.
Will bo soid separately or with No: !.
I sAll the above descnbel trriarty will be
sold cheap and on easy terms. Tn0 desirlcjr
to pun base v. ili eidl oii of titldres the under
signed or before the )st daf tf Jnm:arT next.
J. Al.L'X. JlOnilt.
or SilCEilA.fc.2U A OAIllllt.
Bljengburg-. Dec. 1, l57y.
l XT rrm
1 7 J . 11 U
on hand and for sale by
l.tjonsl.tit p:, Ia.
TE! if mmi TEMFLS MI!
li to A It I N G 7 a-io i.Ti;itKsr,
Redeemable p.fter five C) end within twentj"
C:o! (-1) ycuti.
Interest Payab!e.Marchanu September
ffTlic Bonds are registered, and , iil.bois
sued in to suit.
r-To. It) foitli THIRD Ktreetg
I iStm-ks I'onifht and sold on commission. Gold
and Government bought and sold. Accounts
received und inteix-it -iiowtd, -fUbjoct to bi-fLt
"R"KN i'lS'l'IIY. The uiblu feigned", a
of the B.Ui
n.i re Coi'.e-.o
of Dciua! S-ar-
u ert , i'c.-Lii.'Ut
f. -V; ;i--s-..-' 5-ss?:T
full v ollel
1 UOf'KSMONAL b-:vwi. ' s?
;erv;eos tot..e V' ; !2 4 i i
citizens of Kb-
eiisbiirt: and vi
on the i-oi tTii
y, which place he will visit'
'doMiAV ol cacli moiiiis, io ic-
T .
main ono w cc!
An; Kb ?AM'L EELI OBD, V. D. 9.
D. W. ZIKGI.EH, Suroeu.i bens
list, will visit Ebonsbiu-jT p-o-
fessionally n thesKCOND Mux VSi
iiav of eac'n monlh, and rcmaii.tVjf-jii
one vteek, ilurinj; i.It-h time he yJ
mav le found at iho .Moi'-Maiii House.
Teeth ex rae-U-d without pu by the Ufd
of N
1,1. s i c
Lambing Gas
AMES J. OATMAN, 31." J.,
...i.r. his irofessiotil srrrict-s as lMiv-
sioiau ai:d Si.rg'-iuj to tiie citizru of Cti
and vicinity. (Unce in icar if BniUl
inj: o'.-i-ui itd By J. Buck oV Co. as a store.
Ni;:!,t calls can Be made at Lio it-sidetirc. c::o
.loot south of A. Haug's tin aiul haritwara
stove. IM-iyS, 1807.
J. JJ.OYi), snovecsoi toll. S;
P.i-mw li..nlr in lirni'S. Jfe.licines t
Painis. tj'cr. ;ioie on Slin alieet. opposite
vk "iianiion He t:," Ult-Lbrg, Yx.
Ocfco'bcr IT. H57.-Sm."
7 II. i'LANK, M- I)., .emlcis
1 J professional si-rvicc-s to Hie cili.'ons of
El'itiisbni-; aud vicir.iiy. cittice on Hurl ti oot,
or-jr?uo rh now Con-; rocatioiial church, East
Wprd. Nifirht rUs osn bo made at the )au rft Tfr. E. B. Bunn. Ve Ward, mrttl
I W'tST W, .1 i
! f )jf a , 1
i Lore.
. 'nw!lria Co i, (.,
Tendct's his pioie-siomil services to such o! thti
citizens of the above pWce asd' vicini'y is mny
reouire medical aiii. April S21. ly
D. M'LAliCnilJN,
T'JOKNT.Y AT LAW, MHstovn, l'a
..,s ii . l . ..; t -i; . t- w
I 1,'U.CO in IU" rjACii.ui;o e-i.noi.i,, e-u mc
Corucr if Oliufuu nud Locust -streets up
stairs. Will nttcml to all buhiucss conacti
eil with l:is profession.
Jan. 81. IPCT- ff.
1TT0RNEY AT LAW; JJtnslr-trn. Fa.
jx Gibce in ImlUIi u5 on corner of Mnin anj
liatiMia street, ojiposile Mansion House,
second thror. Fntrante on Frnttklia atreel.
Johnstown. Jan. Si. 18C7.-tf.
L. rEllSHIG. Attoeney-at-
Lat'. Joliusioicii, l'a. Gliiret-n Frank
lin street, ups.j.taits, over John Beaton
Hardware Store. Jan. SI, IPC".
A. KOI'EUS;. - . - - T. W. riC-i.
Jolinstowx. Kbcr.bbore.
7"OrELIN DICK, Ari-oiiNEts-AT--Sl.
Law. Kbensbure. ';. GfiVi wirh Wm.
KitteH. Esq.. Colon aj e Kow. rct.S'J.-tf.
i:0. M. UKADK. A Hornet-Laic,
EhensburCt '"a. Oflice is uv building
recently erected on Centte street. to door
from High sticet. ai;p.21. .
iTTOltNEY AT LAW, Ebcnsbvrff, '.
OHico iu Colonade Row.
Jan. 5. lS8?stf.
ITTORNEY AT LAW, Ebenshurj, Pa.
U OI2ce in Colonade How, Centre"ct.
Jan. 81. 1867,-tf.
aTTOTtNEY AT LAW. Kbensbvrff Pa
OiTica on High -street, i.ii",;.:.::v; his rosi
clenco. Jan Si. 18;7.-n
V 11 ,l , AIra,;
' law, tw.-.suurj;, in. v.u c ... . ..o.