u HrTTT JAN. 5, 40 Turk Row. ."'.,. Vrb. V,. "tv. an.l arc author .... ,. i- in t,1!l1 .V. u-ertisoments .M fiT "I-"' 4.1. ,., twelS 111 ..their favor- rTriKT 1 ALL. AfKr-E.(,.Mi,,ri.rMc-.fouri.!.cr ","-rm' "hm ' il'I.K S l,hk l. , ', ;!;r.a-'l,:i"' 1,1,-11 will be found ill r,v!n: n ; ' ;h,.,ntliii:''.n rei.iirel 'trf. All subscribers '"I -,..!.' v--r ' V7i.t., , fl.r. j-ecf ibis oflVr. '-uiNii FOliTHE LITTLE FOI.KS the jS !.."". H'l '!' ..... Ki:-"'!!.at , l J' nc is jl-"". for one- year n ,f"u'u Vr s2.50-tbl le.iuoimr ri,-c f our pnpvi io r- ".Vr.ii-; -D"-'-'" :,r !"' ,m.,es v (r,,,i ,i,!ir Stories, lvnw, Jlu tS,; ,t!:Uri" ,(!1:)!inr f,.atlires, "-HPilil",'"'' ' f.,:) ... f 1 V..ri.-ans useful, truth- vi'nii.'iir :mif entertaining- or -'' 'i,:.L'ln-tfil f c ' li"liliiy K'tt- ior 'c'-ixn lH.ifC Yvutiu Amwtea. .Sr,iF fifiS' PATItOXS! '",'ri'n Yrirfor 'Juen! n-Fire Cent. r" ,,-,-r-!i to send tho "Cambria : .. , 1 1,'n.. .rest s Monthly iUiKiiv. i ii e" :-;,r t. mivi.l.l f.r new subscriber fc t--(.r Just -5 cents lunif '" V'Jiiie. "It. ii-.i.resfs Illustrated V'i ',1, l.eyo.u! .',.u'-t the l..-st and .!i'f.,ii.ilv i.niif; In Amcnca.- ,'fl,r iis liitli ti'i'.eil ht'Tatuie, its -, the faithml and rclla- ;L; 'j tin' f.l-l'i '! tanU ,v,n;:.v thiskof this: ;i if y..ii iiri-e-.t thf- I'TTcr jire- .: h"t -OH Will 11" I""'-" :un'- t t) is ,,n.'. n.r f.i.tH. cash ill f:ri!!sli the -t'linil.ria Kret . ir: Muiitl.l;. " for one year. f-,i;i! Tiii! :v-li e va!::ub!e hu.1 . -niciv,- wfiich are a hujjcan.l .'.-i-:ivimr. worth lu: a litn.- ,1'irt !!!. Vt'fth " : U (TiXllI St VC- '.i ,-, : . f '' s : Mine. Ili-moret's '.;"..,:'.'tin tf r-li''iis. ch-arauiiy -!-, ViL'- 'f Svvtn. S l.iUer'ji oiir of the 'I j. , iisveii. Iiniiii-i.iiiel-r hound to 'i, vi -s ni;ii:tii'U "ther Miliiahlc tn t ten i!ollui-? e:,oh. A - ..i'..! -IVllU'I-estV M t 1 1 1 1 1 1 ." with ' - Vft ,;iu !'t b!:.i::cil by cticlosltitr 15 .Ttr.Mulnif Ltcat'jivjt, :3s B'-oadway .'.it locTl and fersonal. jli'T FOR THF. X. Reader, if .r-v wrii'en H'trr Tor.r nnnit on this ,:m.sr., t;.l-e it f'T prautcJ that you ,r:(, ,f:,r v fiihfciiptioii, inJ for ench ..' X r Iraction of an X you owe us -if;: or ir:i 'ii' of a yeat one-fourth v ; i.i.c-fourth of a voir, f.tid bo C ir-li ru to i;nc isilinu skiu n ; av up. niid e do hope and ! uc'i-n't tie hint and tiive ua ) '.'! :u-.-f-t what urn owe in within ii'-Vi: two. Two dollars j?or year UcniiUou now. but ii' foiced :.:.'' l. rcqu.rtJ. . mil Miiinps Ht Rnii itenr Hume. i! 3 county jftil is wiihout a p-ria- .x;.' Benj. Holtzncr had the point of one of hia finders badlv demoralized the other day by a big'stone, which caught it in some way while he was at work in the stone quarry tvest of town. Mr. Shetiafelt made a narrow et-cape from having one of his legs crushed by a nim ihir accident at the fame place on the same dar. ! Quite a sensation waa caused on our streets vesterday by a pair of young goats harnessed to a small isled, on which tat a little boy who seemed to rnjoy his ride and the attention it excited with considerable zest. The goats made excellent time down street and appeared to enjoy the sensation fully as well as their youthlul driver did. A couple of suspicions chtracters weie seen prowling about a certain cilice and dwell ing in this place not many rights ago, but a dog or two on the premises interviewed them so lustily that they concluded to take the back track without attempting what they no doubt intended burglary. Our citizens should be on their guird against tuich nocturnal visitors. A rather apochryphal story is told of a man in Perry county who fell into a hollow stwrnp about fifteen feet high, while in quest of a fox, and occupied over thirty-six hours in hewing himself out with his pen-knife. If the man's first name wasn't Washington, no doubt called so in honor of a certain boy who de clined to tell a lie about another hewing affair we couldn't Bair to believe the story at all. An old gtay haired sif.ner, representing himself as agent for the sale of tens, diddled Cyrus llnit.of Johnstown, out of $10 and some underclothing by giving him a check purport ing to have been drawn by Fockler & Ever good, and which Mr. Hart nristook for Fockler & Levergood, a business firm in that place, and c id not discover his mistake until the scamp had departed with hi? booty for parts unknown. The Huntingdon Republican and the Journal & American have been consolidated under the nsme of the Huntingdon Journal, whicV came to us last week in a much enlarged and entirely improved condition new types, new press, etc.. having caused the metamor phose. The Globe of the same place baa went and done likewise in every particular, and now a large eight column paper, neatly printed on a new press, and now tipi. Pecuniary sue cess and political confusion attend them both. WE HAD liATUKU SELL AT A POSI TIVE LOS Is" OW than cavrY ovrh f.rn rrsrsT stock I Therefore, we will sell the following good at cost rather than carry them over another tea fon: Siiks, Shawls, Velvets, Black Alpacas, Colored Alpacaa, Empres Cloth, Silk Poplins, Black and Col'd French Marinos, Waterproof Cloth, Striped Keppelauts, Ladies' Cloth. White and Cray IMnnkets, Fancy and White Coverlets, Canton Flannels, Rh eiing .Muslins, De'ainfs, Calicos, Ticking, Shirting Flannels, Cassinieres, and Table Linen. Al-o, an im niei se stock of Ladies' and Children's Fur, ns well as a large stock Ladies Misses.' and Children's Bonnet9 and Hats, taimmed nnl untri mined to suit customers. Chinchilla Bea ver aid Velveteen Sacks, Children's Hiding Hood and Infants' Dresses. P. S. We also intend to close out our im mense stock of Jlcn and Boy' Winter C!oth inj, positively Htcost, to m ike room for spring purchases. We have on ham! over one hun dred Ovirconts, two Luudrcd Dress Coat, one hur.died Boys' Suits, five hundred Pants and Vsts. (iloves, Undershirts and Drawers, Trunks of every description, from the smallest traveling bag to the largest Saratoga Trunk, as well one hundred other things usually kept in first class Clothing Establishment. L. & II. JI AY Ell. Pronrictors XewJYork Dry tiood. Millinery. and'Clo'hirg Hall, iil2 and 21 i Main etrtet, under the Opera House, Johnstown, Pa. Local Correspondence, J Johnstown, Jan. 9, 1871. Dear Fuji man From the neetings held by! the different societies in Johnstown, during the j holidays, it will be seen that the place Is great- Iy blessed or ereaiiv cursed with societies i The Masonic fraternity haTi a feast ; the Turn ers had an exhibition ; the I. O. ol Red Men elected new officers ; the Banner Council of American Mechanics also organized for tho new year by the election of various officers ; the Knights of Pythias, ditto; etc., etc. From the proceedings we find that many of the same persons hold office in the different lodges- As the human family are all bretluen, we never could sf e the propriety of making money off the many ar-d giving it to the few. The poor we alwttys have with us, but benevolent orders never feed any of the poor, except their own ; so the outside world appears to be the most benevolent after all. I think there arc thirteen (Liferent secret bucietics in and aiound our town : stiil there are many poor people who do not receive the necessary aid-. So it would appear that there should be either MORit or Ltaa of such societies. The Lutheran church had a Sunday school celebration on Saturday, December 2-1 th, 171), at which speeches were made and some good singing performed. The members of the church rarticioated in the ceremonies. There was a successful Catholic Fair going j on in Linon Hull till Monday, the 2d inst., when it broke up to make room for the Dis trict Court. As soon as the Court adjourned the fair opened up again, and has been doing a pood business ever since. The District Court met and proceeded to transact business on Monday of last week, but stopped suddenly for want of jurisdiction (so says the Tribune). "We cannot see how it had jurisdiction to meet, take the munis of con stables, etc., if it had not jurisdxtion to go through wi'.h other business. A nice point lor lawyers, this ! J here are always thorns among and other charitable persons in town. These were disposed of by chance tickets, at 25 cents each, and the proceeds thus obtained were distributed among the poor of our town and vicinity by a committee appointed for the purpose. The amount realized was some forty dollars. The object was certainly a laudable one, and was carried out most successfully. For the past few -weeks we have had splen did sledding, and the aioouut of lumber, bhook, fchingles, etc., shipped through our place to market is worthy of special men tion. By actual count the number of sleds engaged daily in this traffic was from one hun dred and twenty-five to one hundred and sev enty five. And it was no unusual thing for one hundred sleds to be found scattered along the road at the same time between this and Ebensburg. I am sure the "deserted village" must have worn u somewhat an li-deserted ap pearaece during this time. It causes us pain to record the death of Mrs. Augustine Hott, of Carroll township, which occurred at the residence of her husband, Jan. 2J, 157l. she being in the 4'Hh year of her age. Mrs. Hott was the mother ol eleven children, and had resided in this county since about lKiX Teace to her ashes. Died in this place, on Saturday, January 7th, Mrs. David Wetzel, aged about 70 years. Her aged husband, now a widower, has the sympa thy of the entire community. Her remains were interred iu the Catholic cemetery this morning. Mystic Norton held forth here on Friday evening, to a pretty trood audience, on a -Pia ft$r the Girls." 1 asked an auditor what plea she put in on behalf of the fair sex, but he couldn't remember anything she had said. Iso doubt it was all Mvstic ism to Lini. Yours, lc, E. 110,' 110'; 1IIS-. JUM- 1071. 107i, 107? 10-S lOS'W J 10S?f HIT Hi7i 110S' 110.', 110V 111 105 107 720 7:10 tKl" 510 500 .' reel from Ohinv ver lie Peimsvl- -.i-f: ii'ir.J, nnd '.heir thicvirg pro j!!!-:M. Watch tl cm. ; .: -Mm U'M to get a paying audi 1" t lecture in Ilolidajsburg .l i.h I), .i ,-v. of Oir" t'-wti.-;"p. l.:i!v, ii;v,e 1, leu ami one 01 : !: I f 1 1 T t--c' . ;: (is r,f -.ea 1 ii!i( in!. r:itftd 1 irw.': 0;; l'ri.l !:.-'. . V.' V"r. r-.Uiieoii dei.ti-t. will be il'in-P in this p'uee on Mond iy i rfpviin duriiii; the entire week 2 iiMUC ?:x'y four ami one luif fret in !s tecirjy been r.i.'.r.e. uictr.rid in rc';.i! oi.'.n'y, and it wan't a very Vr n;:.kii g sf i;s:ic-f t-ithrr. ; A'rx. KiI l'. President J u.lge of the ' Jc.'iri i! cistrict, i!ieJ at Lis roVi t llt-'-forl en 1 uesiJay of tl.U week, r-.sty fve yens. ii: tiiiin iii-ni.'d Rai.k!a, of Wesl li.iii;it;a couoty, arc'.iiMilai!v fell lealew days ago, cuting an :g!v " tsli ice anil s-evriing tlio rflit fir;:i! artery e Ailfgl.iitiiati shs tl-at an attempt to t t' at t Sice at Pottage cnansed to A Lively Timl. The Ladies F.iir has not lacked for interest since i has been opened, but the live'.iest time of all was on Friday night last, on v h'ch occasion the silver-headed cane was awarded to Mr. Isaac Crawford, of this pbee, he having led each of hi. enmpe'-i-t is, Messrs. Lawrence Schroth. of Carroll town, a:.d Felix Reck, of Loretto, by lully thirteen hundred voe. The amount realized from this source alone reached nearly S.'JtlO, while the reieipts at the table were consider ably iu excess of those of any other evening The best of feeling, good music by the Car rolltcwn bind, and lots of f'in abounded, and ; he occasion was one of the most eijoyable ye: espci ienced at the Fair. '1 he next sei:ation at the Fair promises to be a set of butcher tooN, which are to he voted to the most popular "knight of tho cleaver" that can be soared up in Loretto, Carrolhown, or thii place, and Friday night next, we be lieve, is to witness the inauguration of the contest. Two entertainments of a theatrical character were promised for Friday and Saturday cen ings ol t'iis week, but it was impossible for the troime. consistinnr of vounir irenllemen of Al- nw, made, .ut failed. Tl.e n ime of i t0n:i, togetreadv in time, and hence the ex- '. otYice m tc-.u thingeJ fioin Soi.man e. teiwt TT-pvai's levc .1 we rn fi nres Hoi... loin Covclc (ile-.l very suddenly in ourg this ( Wouesiii-1 ") morning at .r sfrictm n;rli para! sir. whi.e sitting tie lrcaliisr r!eik ha bren vrrv tfvri-n of !!e, Ltit mere moderate courilels h:i v- e!xJ, a (i.aw has set in this (Wednes- -'Tiir.'L'. ptui drop by drop 1U0 melted inrpe.inrg Irom roofs, etc. efJitcr of the Allechenian. V.ke ha hibitions have been pos'poned for another week, at least. The Fair ill be opened a? usual ou Friday and Sa.tuiday nights next. All a Mistake. A few evenings ago one ol Altoona's most estimable matrons embraced radicalism or at least a representative of that political dogma in a very forcible but quae unintentional manner- Her liege lord was absent Irom home on business, and was ex pected to return by the evening train. So his good w ife, as in dntv bound, arrayed herself in ; . 1 M-nt,! f. iIia rlnni- nnn'o orri- su Tin"- mitlcr tho ifl'.-eta ,.r i . . ... . , 11 - .ii.it rr,!' ,t. 1 .,.. 1 . .. " : val, (leteiminea lliai blie wouiu answer iuc uii -. "id, as a fnend rcmaiks. ta;k3 as i be,-.elf ,.d Hve the reiurninc husband a wife ly greeting at the mome.-.t of his arrival. At length the train arrived and in a few moments rapid steps were heard approaching the man sion, i hey stoppei arm me oeu .s iiir- 1 he waitmjr dame rusiieu ro me into the arms of th-.- man who stood WM cr.t saw stuck in Ida thro.f. 11 snfe a-.id speedy d'ivery. j ' i.iampioii IOf.Is of lumber came in ! --!ay la-t. Ore of Mr. li nker-, f,-.,,- ...ui.iii a io3i as Maaa moeti- t . . , l'M'"''(;"- ' I 1 1 L" t . II lif.T iirA without, lie rccoiied and so did she, and then 1 '1 . ... j :''ei rtr.ke'r J. v !" 1 1 ! irom 1,er delicate throat Issued a picrc-ng -id ti p -n 1 1 "'tit, not J pt.reiun. for unwittingly she had embraced a : -e'v' , V ,n.',de Ling COai black American citizen of Ameiicau de- l rZ vZl7 V"nC-. .SCV sccnL-Ilolliday.burg Standjird.: 1- n. iy escape.! Feriom lriury. .,. "f'ci.iative in the peidtentia- -1 ecunu who wax r.:inl.t, l .,-; - ;s,r,-nS (;eo. W. F.oner. seninwed ;"(Hti nine months' imprisonment .''-a!us: week tint a mm named ' '-atu ir.it of lis tie,! lr...eu to Jeatii. etc., but Kelly do- - e ftnrv, uaj 0f ,;ourse we dol,.t ''lWLtrt.iilnt,.,nt- l. i.:. 1 rT. t.v 1 w ill, llltve In Bbiff We have only room this week to refer briefly to the claims of our local mer chants on the patronage of the public. In the matter of dry goods, groceries, notions, etc., we are confident lis at no buyer can do better linn with either Messrs. V. S. Barker, Shoe maker .x Co., or M. Sj. O.itmaii &, Co., of this place, or with A. J. Christy, of Loretto ; while in the way of jewelry, watches and fancy goods, they will find a gentleman to deal with them honorably and fairly in the person of Mr. 1 'I ' T..1. ,.H It n.i i-fiwapa tin u-ttrA nt. Ij.f . . j 1. 1 . UUUCI 13, HI ii niiiunoii;, iii.-.v v. l.nie in the history of Cam- 1 most nnv other kind of ware is wanted. Mr. lii'i' f I cd m;v ? ha8 oe!" drawn to Geo. Huntley stands ready to welcome and ir 1 '!'BLl"Su-l.ed honor hav- ! deal gen rously with all who visit his mam tct -t, 1 '"'.v i41 t our ton- i moth store ; and last, but not least, comes Mr. ,. 'Yn'lni A-orini P.Iaine. Of course I r. .1. Mllla. whose establishment, is amnly the reses, and though as a general thing "the rose is always above its thorn," in this case the thorn is uppermost, and the people gouged out of both a Con it and the expense of hold- ! ing one. i The Penua. R R. Co. have so changed ihe j schedule of fare that just three cen's a mite j will be charged, no more and no less. This ; will be some advantage to travelers, but a ! great disadvantage to the ticket agents who j make the change. Other change have been j made in regard to checking baggage and iium- i bering the stations, etc. j It may not be generally known that Johns town has a ''Library Association," a "Savings I Bank," and a "Free Ins i:ute," all ol which j are in a prospectively flourishing condition, j The "Dollar Savings Bank" is a good iustitu- j tioti, it poor fteople have any dollars to save. : The Valley of the ConemaugU, though thick I ly settled now, is not any more civiii.eJ than it was one bundled years ago, as the wluop and toot ol the engines (Indians) can be heard at all ho'.irs every night. The young engines also whoop a good ele-sl at night since the skating season commenced. There never was better skating than now, and this fact has called forth the horse power of all our little "Iu jines." It lairly chills the blood to look at the large ice harvest that is being gatheieJ in this place just at present. Never before was Johnstown lavored with better ice, or more of it, und a great quantity has been stored away. We have received Col. Jacob M. Campbell's Report as Surveyor General of the State It contains the gratifying information that the State has realized in one year over $5-1,0 0 iu the shape of fees alone, and over $08,0 .( back pay on atents and warrants. 'o department of the Slate can boat a greater reform than that inaugurated by Mr. Campbell iu the Land Office Petroleum V. Xasby is to lecture in Johns town soon 011 ''Seaiching for the Man of Sin." He might have found him lor.g ago by a "look in the gla-s." lie lectures on tho 11th inst. Thursday nigh'. 1 he eclipse of the moon, which was to have taken place on last Friday night at b" o'clock, was postponed on account of cloudy weither (fkics). The :.ext performance ot tho kind will be duly announced iu the almanacs, if not in the Freemsn. IUb Roy. Altjona, Jan. K), lcl. Friknp Mac After sojourning for a few days in the t. iakct City, 1 have returned once more to my Lome and my dutita, among the latter of which 1 consider the writing of a let ter to you r-v eminent I shall do it biielly, however, ns I am not perpaied to givo an r.c court, as I promised, of (he -everal buildings erected in tins city during the past year, cnl hepee will leave that task lor some future oc casion, A little incident occurred lsere on We ino-d .y last which will no doubt be remembered fer all time to come, I y the patties immediately it terested at least It was nothing more nor less than the marriage of Miss Esther McClel land, the beautiful and accomplished duughter of the woithv and popular host of the Logan House, Caj t. MlCIcIImhI, to Mr Fieeid. o! Pittsburgh, the ofliciating clergyman being Rev. Moore. Tho wedding, you may well conceive, excelled anything ol the kind crl trur.i.. ( ffi'". Te":'J,-r of the LegWature is niifMt . 'y"1" cour.ry, wlio is said Ti. incnes 111 Ins single soled -flndZ!! 5? Oapt.H.K I stocked with flour, feed, lamis and brooms by 1 wholesale, and who can and does sell at as ! low rates as any dealer in like commodities irT j Cambria county. county, who is six feet four 3WC!,t 77 v' r; . - .iltu IUKPS T T. ft H D t 1 U V t.L.,t7..- ",.ai:'SK'ners of Huntingdon "-ir.T..rc v .... . ;. ttifm. . ",0 quaunea according to --. .y me orawintrof i s-ta th- f Vt,!-C, , 01 lhat county to go Fowl Weatheu. The boiiiiays mi(iht be I cailen roin weainer uecuusc i iuc givni hihiikh ! t'.T of feathered bipols ; so .lames J. Murphy's Clot hitifr Store, No. lu! C'lmtoii street, J olius town. inijrbt be called the jrrcat ro.f e.f jrr-at winjrof jurors bv iheni ! ai wains, n all tlic people wno 1.1 y iiiaoe-up r ?..J . ' ,Dem j eiolhinir Hock to bi store where cheap ready- M5-Ulii, tern, ? a -r county 10 go I mado clotliiiiR of ull sizes and mice, may be i it.-. .... .' ,uc1Pe 1 vlor having dc- ! had. as cheap as they enn be purcha-d in Xew -on 111 the rrenii-es null and Vorl; itv. Suppose, for instance, that you jro 1 .v.,. i,v. , i,,' i,nr ...I vnnr elotliino-. .l:imet la ft 1 " "iJ tkt il,. ti T-. . I "Star" in his' line o"f elenlinir. He Is now ruduo- tor,, v.. '. u'e Johnstown Echo IS i in ir stm-k at rcrv low Dliten. .'5 V.;.eady rassed into the hands ! . . : . A IJi'KH. 1 lie snrg-inir muiuriiue swayeu oaca ami forth like tin- curth when it quakes. 1 rushed in mul found I.. Cohen At Brother, at th Cheap Hat l'arlor, delivering' bats and eyijis by the dozen, at So. t.'7 Main strter, Johnstown, where fashion reiyns supreme. Kvery ofto was jrabbin(r for the yrent banrains. Kurn were jroin cheaper than chutT, an' xrents f iiriiishit.tr tfoods weit! sold for a wnif, mid that sontr whis tled. So said a man who was curryinjr away lints and caps for a dozen of hi sons. The older boys buy for themselves. Cull boou or miss a rare bargain. .Iohv J. Ml'BPHV is shoving dry (roods e.ff at njrroHtrate. 1 le sold a thousand dollars' worth diii iiiR- the holidays, and is now sedlin another thousand. ehieOv ehoice dry g-oods, s.ine trro eeriori. Koine notions, some other Koods, but all or the best iualitv of Roods. Jlurpliy. of the Mansion Hrmse -.i ner. Main stre'et.Jolmstown, irner d 1- laiil.ltn, under til" J r! Ditne oltu-e, far Akern i. lktsiawr's ut'jnt shop, across from ..i- l.ii.r.tl,0niiin I a mill lukpu iik Truneo .1.1.. . . . . t trie rriHii hmiKt-lt nn.l 1 wit at. 1 lie ltoocK then V',. ;. . "'u'ougn e are gi&a . vnilr ir tUa ruB, i-'llu.rr.i n in. 1 011 win nvet -ry over tlif; result. "ii " 1- u lii-.x 1 i.riinpra ur n ty Wlr!!lln, lf truc' we oope the paper fcttu1: 'nsncnt Paving itstitution. for'hiif? mitiu;? editor, has our best T .future socces,. ""a Em i mecnri of James 'Aunt nYi,rVtor,,eJ at r-aw and Real '"J"'?. "horn we know "Worn;, 1,1101 "ided abilities, K...:m,,t' '"tr'etic and trust wortlir w hn,;i' ' r"t,r-',-'tic and trtstworthv ?ilarrt;....,. Ull0n'- couiraciid t Cop . f " P'essional services. tilB' " ' one of ""r most worthy roo, of 7,e:wl'S; to the 0iserawry 'tbt. V'8"1"1". aal "wlsicli was l-':ofn ., ' . '-t'a,f' eie'ut r.f hjiow. !ind Zuttyvtxi iui'"e back "" r J ut 1,e 1,HS lj'e'' confined I '' S is ratiidi in, y con alesciiiK. that l as ever transpired in this vicinity, up wards of ene hundred and fifty coi pie, the veiy elite of tho city, having participated in the festivities. The ladiei in attendance were gorgeously, though tastefully attiied. and the scene presented was of the most brill iant and faciuating character, as indeed it could not fail to be where so much grace, beauty and dignity abounded as on this occasion. I shall not attempt to describe Jhe many pretty cos tumes worn by prettier ladies on theoccasion, nor speak of the beauty and grace of any of the numerous guests, but cannot refrain from paving homage to the beautiful and accom plished bride herself, who shone most resp'en dently in a magnificent white silk dress a. long white veil, and other rich habiliatr.ents in keeping therewith. The supper was gotten up by a professor of the culinary art from 1'niladelphia, and it is scarcely a figure eif fancy to say that the table fairly groaned under tho weight of luxurious viands and massive silver ware with which it was bountifully laden. The presents to tho fair young bride weio of lie most cos'ly and beautiful character, aggre gating in value something like $3 KH. One of the presents was a magnificent Bible with golden clatps, the gift of the bride's mother, another" a massive gold wetch and chain of exquisite workmanship, presented by her father, besides a splendid silver tea set worth nine or ten hundred 'dollars, and a china set worth three or four hundred more. The fes tivities continued until a late hour next morn ing, at which time the happy couple and their attendants started on an exteuded wedding tour west, the earnest prayers and best wishes of iheir numerous friends attending them and imploring for them a long life of uua'loyed happiness and abundaut prosperity, wherever their lot may be cast. Our mutual friend A. J. Riley, Esq.. lias become associated with Daniel J. Keff. Esej , in the practice of the law, and I would be un true to my batter nature if I did not v, isb the new firm a highly successful and brilliant ca reer. Of Mr. Xeif's abilities it would be super fluous to speak, ns he is acknowledged on all hands to be one of the ablest lawyers in the district. As regards Mr. Riley, whom 1 have known from childhood, 1 most cheerfully bear testimony to hit high personal character aud strict devotion to principle. He is possessed of a fine education and is deeply lenrned in law, having been a stutient of that prince of lawyers, Hon, John Scott, of Huntingdon. I say again prosperity be with the new law firm. I had intended referring to some of the do iDgs of our efficient (?) School Board, but want of time forbids my doing so for the prea cnt. T. I. M. CAEBOLTOW.f , Jan. 9, 1871. Dear Feeemax The holidays and the inci dents they occasioned have come aud gone again, leaVii.g some little at least that Is wor thy of being. recorded in every community. A feature of their observance here worthy of spe- L.L-ineiition was the "Poor Poor's Christmas Tree," originated by Mr. Henry Blum and erected in his 21 Ail. 1 hi3 tree was nang wiui articles ranging in value from a few cents to five dollavs, which were donated by'Mr. Blum Itr.AL. ESTATE TRASSFEI1S, Deals nnl Axsiijnments left for lleeord turing the t.H tc ii'ttLii eiutiny January "Wi, 1871. Jos. Staub to Itoso Kek, June 24, 1870, half lot mid iinpiove incnis in Franklin Lor ?-lS-ad. Mary A. Coriuati to Bridget Toohe-y, Au;r. 17, S70, lot in (iicinmi;rli boiouifh nominal. 1). lJiboi t to C. lialni, J uuo 2i, 70, lot ami im provements in Johnstown i.VH). ('. Ilek-h to U. Eckley, (let. 17. 1S70, lot and im provements in btinmiit viilo borough tJ5n. E. Stuliliiiun to Mary Kiel tz, July t, ISO, lot and improvements in Cambria horoujfh... :itm. A. Kurt, to l!irht Uev. M. iJomeuec, Oct. 1:1, 1870, lot in Cumbria borough f.2.iO. Jas. J. Wihnoretei Catharine- lelliufrer. Mar. 11. ixc.t, lot and iinprovem'ts in Wiimoro. . .:Jix. Adiu'rs of George Bruce, ilvc'd, to Charles C. Bruce, July 8, 17!, acres und pe rches In Allegheny township fcitHXH,. f has. C. Bruce to Kiehard l)eiiiiy, .Nov. 2u ".0, the above described tract 1,1.. (I. Eichenschr to Win. J. Headi-ick, May 13, ls;7, lot and iinpr'iits in Taylor twp iritin. L. Ki&t and others to P. J. McMurral, Nov.', si;(), lot and impr'nts in Taylor twp fl.-MHl. 1. (iood to Jaeoti (iood, Oct. if, lSt;!, lO. acres and l-KJ perches 111 Musuclianiia twp tl.M). I). Watts to Ed. Patterson, Ajiril 5, 1807, piece ef land iu Gallitzin township 17u. Ed. Patterson to Peter (ialhig-iui, Oct. 2, lsti7, the above tract 475. Mary Me-Bride to Ann Myers, Oct. 5, 1857, lot ia Loretto borough STj. J. W. Strutton 10 P. M. i: J. Brown, Dee-. J?S, 1S70, ;a aere-s and l-7' pe-rches iu Croyle.. .fl.-V"). Thos. C. Jenkins and eithers to same parlies, same ilare, and sane tract fl.nnO. C. Kanmior to Prcd'k Kaimncr, Dec. 2, lNiS, half lot in Johnstown -ITiO. B. Hoy to Je'stiC Gray, 2s'ev. 17, '70. Jot in Frank lin borough 170. lare-d AS illiams to John Thuiu, Juiy-0, IsJIti, lot in Johnstown ttzZi. J. liberfs Jleirsto Hannah Wiliiams, June 27. ISOti. lot in Johnstown i'.C. .1. Dibe-rt'ri Heirs to Jas. U. Davis und others, JuiieCT, lstKj, lot in Johiit-town 1.275. 1 ani-l lmtz to John Keith, 1 tec. in, '70. 8 ue'reti and 7 perches in Susuehauua twp 50. John Cresswell to AllCKhcny K. li.bt Ceiul Co., 15 tracts land in Cnmbriu and Blair co.'s. .".not. Ij. Wnln and others to John Cresswell, Mav 20. JK54, tho above described tracts 2,000. Mary Haney to Jjiui Ee-e-ny, Doc. 8, 1S70, lot and improvements in Wiliuore A.C. Dibert to J. B. MeKeevjr, July 8, 1.S70, lot tid irnpntve-merits in Johnstown 500 Hiram shatter to S:miicl silmnks, Aiijr. 15, 170, 12 aiTi s and 22 perches in Adams two.. .Nrf). J. i.ewis to John 0'Ioiir:e:i, Octol.er 22, ." lot in Cofieir.auh bc.reiiiH'h 175. Patrick Owens to John ( iilrtions, Sept. "i, ls;s. r.t acreu impi-'is in Cieariieid twi I.0O0. Jos. Eie-liiliouse t. Sleep Mvldj-ou, Dec. 150, IS71), lot and iiiipr'ts in Johnstown.. 2.I00. .i. W. B.JeknulUT to S. E'le-liiiau, Dec. 2i, ls70, lot and im provemr -nts in Weiodvule 55. 1. .1. C. Ei.-lier uuii i.tiu-rs to .Ia. l. McMullin. Jan. 24. 187. 5.) aercs atid :i8 pe-rches in Cut-t township 127. (.'. 1'arl.auh. tluardiuii to Jos. I.ieb, July 2. 1870. 77 acres and 8l per. in Cumbria rp.. .17:1. -'7. 1". A. t'hoeniakfr. Adm'r. to Albert Davis, Dec. 31. Is7i. 20 acres jiinl i;iiproleme-n s in Sunnnerhill township 7JM. -lln-1 IJoyd to 1. etrritmatter, Nov. 1. ls;o, lot near Ebensburjr 5uo. Johiistt.wii iifif. (;.. to Jos. Marks, May 2U, lSilti, half lot in Woodvale 2tX. Jobiistown Mfjf. Co. to Ed. Thomas, Juik I, 1 half lot in Wooilvale 200. tl. W. ltichardsoti to Jumes Bose, March 2:1, IsTO, !d acres and 72 pt-tvljos li ldams rp. .1,000. Tmioi:tant to Am.. As this is the time of year when per. pie are; :ink!nK Inquiries 09 to where they e-au buy the best coal for the least money, we take pleasure iu informing- the citi zens: f l;i.eli-burir and vicinity that Messrs. Thomas Bradley uu John A. Demon have entered into partnership for the ininiiiy and shipping of the celeb rated Lemon vein e-oal, at Gallitzin. and will not only guarantee it to be the very best Bituminous cou! for cooking and bout in.; purposes, but will furni.sh it 20 per cent. eneap:r than nny other parties in the trade. All orders entrusted to them will be promptly tilled; or fiimiiie-s und all other) in this vicinity can be supplied by either Mr. Ed. Humphries or Mr. It. lc. Thoina, who will keep n eonstaut supply of this excellent coal 011 hand. .12-32.-lm. A Fight. All we heard of the fijj-ht wassonio one cryhiEr and shoutiinr. "Bet Ile9 speak ! "Bet Hess speak !" So Hens spoke, und this is what he said: Hearken, o ye people! Hess & Brother, 2so. 241, 21:1 Main street. Johnstown, have tho cheapest Beady-made Clothing ever was sold in Jedinstejwn er Canada. If you don't believe this, try it ou. Men's clothing-, boys tdot liiritr, warm c-lothinir, coarse clothing, fine clothinjr, strong- c-lotitiiifr ; coats, j.ants, vests, shirts, overcoats, anil also every 1 !im;r and inoro than that. Call and see tiiefhrht between prof it and loss, aud let Hess speuk. for he will tell you good news ! l'rm.TC Discussion. Two of our most promi nent ami learned citizens are jroinjf to nave a public discussion for the benefit of tho publio. .uo.-tion : "Who sells the cheapest dry p-oods in Johnstown?" The popular feeling is on the side of N. V. Carrol!, who cannot be undersold. He keeps open on Main street, fortieuM the p erti House, No. 2)5. Of cours the question will be decided, like some Squires decide their eases, in the n tjimuitirr. J;ut nevertheless ro to Carroll's. 11 e keeps choice rroeeries, as well as buttons, blankets and blue yarn. You better be l.i 'jiiiniiitj to b'.iy be-fore bo is too busy. BEMEMBKll THIS I Remember this: that while we lay stress on our low- price's, and insist upon thedr'beiiijr the "lowest, we-do not rest our claim to patronage on this alone, but equal lvon the; fact, that our clothing- is superior o liny Beady-Made Clothinj to be had anywhere elbe in the State of Pennsylvania. WAXAMAKIilli BllOWX, Cth Sc Market Sts., rhihidelphia. STOXr.KOAIVH ( ATHAKTK! SVKl'P. used in all ease.-s instead of 1'n.r.s, ErsoM Salts, Castoh Oiu Sec Highly llavored. l'leasant to take. Children like it. Priee ! O cents. Whole sale, U. E. Sellkiis - Co., 4" Wood Street, Pitts-burg-h. Sold by I.eniinon & Murray, Ebe-nsburjr, and bv lrutri.ists und Country Store-keepe rs jfeiiei-a.lly. LJune lo, 1870.-ly. IN THE ADVEHTI.IXG AGENCY of Geo. P. Unwell A Co., No. 40 Park Itow.Ifew york,evc rvthiujf is ho systematized that their immense business is conducted without confusion or de lay. They have regularly on fllej over 5,U00 newspapers. The use of Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair He-newe-r not only restores the hair to its natural color, but g-ivt?8 it a soft und healthy look. i) 1 13 n . UltOWN-A t crcsson, on Thursday, January 5th, Fanny, infant daughter of It. ID and S. B. Brown, aud six months aud lif teen days. Liltle Fariny was a beautiful and interesting babe, aud now that, death has clninu'd her tor its owu, we may well conce-ive that "There's a ft-lonni tipon the household; There's sadness 'rouud the heart U, And stilled is eve ry bounding' step And ringing- voice of mirth. And a silence like the hush of death. Through the elarkened house is spread, As though the spot were hallowed still By the presence of the dead." UD -TOR'S NOTICE. The under- - siirued. haviilff been appointod Aueutor by the Court of Common Ph iis of Cumbria county to report disf ribution of the money 111 flu: hands or the f heriff. arisintr from the sale of the real ctateand personal property of I no, r.. biiiiis, on Fi. rVr-s. Nos. 9, 51 and Ai, June Jcrin, Ifcj hereby notifies all T'orsons interested that lie w ill attend to the-duties of stiid appointment at the Sheriff's Oftice, in Ebensburg. oii Wkpsk. i.a y. tho Iki dav of Fkbkitary next, at 2 -clock, v. M. K. JL..OEOROK, Auditor. -Jan. 12. 1871. -3t. Cf.OSIXO PRICES Or DK Il tVEX A 40 Sonth Ttiirl S?r'et, PIiiiaelcIpiiDr., at 3 o'clock, I. M.. Jan. 9, IHTl. V. S. O's of 'SI " " '02, " " 'Ci " " 't5 " " '5, new, " " '07 " " 'tis " 5's. 10-40's lr. S. ) Year 6 per cent. C'y.,.. Due Comp. Int. Xotos Gold Silvx-r T'nion Pacific U.K. 1st M.B'nds Central Pacific B. H Uu'n Pacific Ia nd (Jr'nt B'nds 1VTOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. The ' copartnership heretofore existingbe-t ween the tinderstgued in tl.e manufacture of Dumber in Cumbria county, has been dissolved by mu tunl consent. The necounts of the late firm will be settled by Thos. Duncan. T. JE W. DCNCAX. Black lick Twp., Nov. 17, 1670. l-12.-yt. "IIKST NATIONAL SADDLE AND IIAltNESS SHOP OK CAJini'IA COPXTV, IDfrh street, (opposite Cnion School House,) West Ward, Ebensburg, Pa. M. M. O'NEILL, Pi-opnetur. Stid'Hr und oiuir.vt n,,,i .... paired and all othe r work in my line executed i in the best manner, on tho shortest notice, and ! mi; most, xcusoiiauie rates. Ll-12.-tf.J JAMKS F. MILLTKEN, ATTORNEY-AT-lAW i A Alt 11IIAL JSSTATL: AO VST, HOLLIDAYSBCBG, PA. Sie'cial attention fciven to the collection of claims in Blair, Cambria, Huntingdon, Bedford, Centra and Cleartie-ld counties. Parties wishing- to purchase, rent, lease, sell or exchange real estate w ill tind it greatly to their interests to call on or address me. I Correspondence in either English or Ger man solicited. EKKKExe'Ks Win. Mann. Esq., Messrs. Mor gan, Bush & Co.. Gen'l C. H. T. ( olli-f, Philadel j.hia; Messrs. J.T. Way & Bro., W. M. ioi inlev, Esq., H. B. Swoope, Iq., Pittsburg; Hon. John Scott, Huntingdon; Hon. S. S. Blair. Hollidavs burg; Hon. B. F. Hose, Altoona; D. W. Woods, Esq., Lewistown; Cyrus Elder, E-su.., Johnstown; Wm. P. Wilson, Esq., Uellefonte. Ll-J'-'.-ly 3 rnTTim'n iinTinrn iniiiu wiiAiu tliri lib eye kl rlls S ig ik i WE OFFER FOB SALE, AT PAH, THE If MASONIC TEMFU Willi BKAULXfJ 7 3ll0 l.VTEUMf, Redeemable nftcr five (5) nnd ivithln twenty one (21) years. Interest Payable March and September Z4T'Thp Bonds are registered, and will bo is sued in sums to suit. EST I DeJSvek&Bml AHD MOST IVo. 4,0 Wtitlx TIIIIIL Street, IMIILA'OI.LFXIIA. I tstocks bought and sold on commission. (Sold ! and Gcivernments botttrht and sold. Accounts ! received und interest allowed, subject to Siirht I Drafts. I Kts ill a 11 SLED SOLESU jnd Varied T All! U A LARGE LOT OF 1 F !I fi I f flf) C lil i r rft i, tt iHwa Set W AND SHORT ! 1 i 1 cn hand and for sale by GS0EGS HUHTLEY, GOOD FOR WILMORE I THE LADIES COMPLIMENTED I 1 Nsw Firm aud Mew Goods. IT !: Ween coi.cadad of late year that . ths ladi of T711ixicre and riclnity are the . fairest well ca th lu'.st somlUl) of any lo cality In the county, wbioh may probab'y la ' part be accountedfor by the fact, nor v-t n- erally known, that they buy a'l thlr ytlllim- j ry, FrBO and fr'ainey beodt r.t the JI EW j erJtl of Ij. I'AI'I. A Ct.. who have Juat j opened out the larj-eat and most e:omp!ete stock j ever brouht to v ilmorc, oon:stiric or Drtl GOOP8J.DUES.S GOOllS, MIBE1NEKY t.otjl NOTIONS. HATS, CAPS. BOOTS and SH' H ATtDWAHE, OCKEN'SWABE, GBOCEHItS, &o., c which they tll ut Jobnutown price for CitH or In exebaue-e for country produc twCall and aee lor youreelvea at the w Buildini. one door Est of the new United Brethren Church. 35. PAUL h CO. Wilmore, Nov. IT, l?70.-8m. -r its vrr 1 i v s r - rf ISfiPP iilill I llfilll IOCS 1 I! OBSCURE ULLAGE rjpOWN and COUNTRY PROPERTY FOR SALE. 1. A LOT OF GROUND In Mooretown, with good Plann House and Outbuildings. Celiar under the entire house. Will be sold cheap and 011 env terms. 2. ONE 1OT OF GROUND In Mooretown, C8 feed front 011 Main sfrct and 2u0 feet deep. A choice selection Of Fruit Trtes on this Lot. It is a most desirable location for building. 3. A LABGE TWO STORY FRAME 1IOU5S on Iit r.rljoininsr the above; finely Hnlshed and w ith all conveniences. Good outbuildings aud an abundane-o of fruit trees. i. A TWO STOHY FRME IIOUsK In East Ward eif Ebensburg-. Cellar kitchen; well end e-istern water. G..d outbuildings and oirer on wiui e Lot. A II in p.d repair. Located on Main street. Kents for 180. 5. A LA l!(i E TWO STORY FRAME H"USB in the West Ward, suitalile for two fumilics. Lot ;3 fee-r front on Main street and 2rt-l foot deep. Could be divided. Hi nts for "M. ii. A TWO STORY 1- it AM V, nOUSE in Wt-cI Ward, suitable for two families. Dot W! feet front n Main street and 100 foot elecp. A dl rublu prope-i ty. 7. BUILDING LOTS it West Ward. Eber.ib'g. 8. PASTE 1!EL( TS, or about C acre each, on mile from town. J. TIMBER, suitable for cord wood, on LOTS of ti or 8 acres each, one mil" from town. 10. SIXTY ACHES HRMi.oOi Timdku BAND. Will cnt UJUi.tMi feet lumber. One aud a half miles from Ehonsburg. ll.iA FARM OK IOO ACRES, convenient to Ebensburg; mostly cleared und iu good order. Will bo sold separately or with No. 10. J!A11 the above described property wi'l b soul e neap etui on easy terms. Those eleslriug to purchase will e-ull en e.r addre-ss tho undar signed ou or before the 1st dv of January next. .T. ALtiX. MOORfc, Or S.IOKVlAkEU A OATilAX. Kbensburg, Dec. 1, 187i. OF liFEMEP US! 1 N D R E W OSES MERCHANT TAILOR, Sur-F-Vs Bcildisc, Cluiton St., Jodnsto-wm HAS just received his fall and winter stock of fine French, London and American CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and VE5TIKGS, and a full assortment of Gent's Firmisuixj Goods. llr. Moses has been for eight years Cutter at Wood, Alorrell fc Co.'s establishment, and now desires to inform his friends and the public pen erally that he has commenced business in Sup oes's building, on Clinton tieet, witlt a stoclt pf goods adapted to" the fall and winter, which he is prepared to make up in the latest styles and at moderate prices for cash, hoping by at tenticTi to business to fnerit a Chare ot public j pitronage, and mainlaiu that success which has heretofore attended his ciTbrts in producing good fitting garments. Give him n. call. ' Johnstown, Sept. S. Isf.a.-tf. n TT Oi'aVT: M 1 forSrlorti l.'ia ' professional services to the citizens e.f J Ebensburcr und vicinity. Office on High street, opposite the new Cnngrej,-nti.mal church. Ea.tt j Ward. Night ciils en l made st the Into rW- . donea of Dr. R. S: Btinn. Wst Ward. tmy SAVE MONEY! ItT I'ATBOSIZINO CUKAP CASH DF.AI.EIua laf ALL KINDS DRY GOODS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Roady-MadB GLOTHINQ, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATIXUTTS- AnU a ITreuli uud ( uiu.Iete block of n 111 hit p COKS13T1KG elf I' 1 Xt n iinnriri 1 Trrn 1 1. iirTTir bit GO TO BARKER'S Clothing Store. 1 ti 1 1 i rii-n 1 i;i irir r ,11 nttn am urn vtmi imi ;it tl, FELD, BAC0H, SALT, FISH, FJIESII VEGETABLES, DRIED &L CAN'D FRUITS, SUGARS. TEAS, COFFEES, SYRUPS, MOLASSES, CHEESE, &c. Alio, a large ttock of the Best Brands of Cigars and Tobacco, ST0EE ON HIGH STREET, lour Dcor East of Crawfovd't Uriel, Hbctisburg, Pn. IIREl FIRE!! FIRE!!! DO YOU HEAR THAT, FIREMEN ? AND ARB JOB rilKPAREl) TO OBEY THE SUMMONS I This ton are not. uidess you hve been to Wolff's Clothing Store, and have bought one of those superb FI R i: M A S COATS, to kee-p vou warm and dry. AVon-r m.'-kc j them at from ?. IK to ?C0, and any other pnr- u-ent you want you can have made to oiuer at short notice. Ejr&'O FIT. SO CHARGE! jr Mr. 'vVOLFF bus i'lst returned from the East, and his "HEADY MADE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT now contains thelargest assortment, tlie merit varied assoi iment, and altogether the itoat pleasing assortment of SEASONABLE (iAiniimTS l Oll JlEX ASiD IJOTS, EVER DISPLAYED IX ALTOOSA. tS?OVERCOATS. from tl.e lowest priced Cassimere to the finest P.eaver all size. 2T"Full Puitisof Clothiiiac nt Irom f9to30. Pun is from $1,60 to ?3. Vests from 75 cent to .". . Alo. a geneial Varie-tt of KG TICKS & FURKISKIKG GOODS, EEat.q, :i:i, liootN, Mior-K, UMUBELLAS.SA'l CIIELS, TliL'XIiH, ke. E3'-li. the LADIES' DF.PA RTES T will be found a full slock of FURS, from the low est priced Conev to the finest Mink and Sable. GODFREY WuLFF. Next door to the Post Office, Altoona, P.t. rjl 1IOM A S C A 11 L A sT WHOLESALE fcF.ALEIt IS GROCERIES 5 QUEENSWARE- WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, SI ATIONEUY AND NOTIONS, m set, nm meats. BltO., FLOllt, FEED AND PROVISIONS, s:ieicnih Aifjiito, Between 13th and 14th Sts., Altoona. All uch poods as Spires. P.rushcs. AVood and V.'illow Vare, Shoe Blacking and Station ery will bo sold Irom manufacturer's pintcd price iUts. and ail other coodi in my line l Philadelphia, Ualtimore, Cincinnati and piUs- bugh current prices. To dealers 1 present ti.e peculiar advantage of Saving them all lrcirht and draysge, as they are not required to pay freights from the principal cities and no dray ope charges are na-ic. Dealers may rest as sured that my good? are of the best qualitr and my prit'es lis moderate as city -rates. Nj doinj; a fair, npriht busint's.s, and bv promptly ai d saiisfactorily tillirp all orders, 1 hope to nieril the patre'iia'pe of retail dealers and other in Cambria coitiitff and elsewhere. Orders le srpctf.illv olicited and satisfaction puaranteed in all caes. THOMAS CAKLAXU. Altoona, July 21). lfcb!L-tf. TAMES it. OATMAN, M. J., " tenders Lis professional services a Pliv sioiah aiid Surgeon to the citizens cd Carrol!-, tewn r.ud vicinity. Office in lear of build ing occrtpied by J. Buck & Co. as a stoic. Night calls can be made at bis residence, one door south of A. Ilaug's tin and hardware ctore. fMay 3 lSt.7 ILOI D & CO., Bttulicrt, " A Edensbcro, Fa. Gold, Silver, Governujetit Loans, aud other Securities, bought and sU. Ittret allowed on 'fivwe-t'eposits. (i'lloctions rns.'o in all acecss.ir.e points in the United State and a general Bankins bos:nt &$ tranit itid - I "HT J. LLOlD, suce ecor to R. S. Dusk, Dealer iu Drvys. J"-J;tv, J Puit, 4- Store on Main stitet. oppotita Octotitr 17, lSta7.-G!ja, i !t ir