mh:i i 'sBibria Freeman. ': : : NOV. 17, 170 P5"" r, VfiW ELI. CO.. 0 Park Row, ks.P' ,raJ pettenoill a oo.. 8? Uo-Jn2vkW. are tlteSvfV agents for the csm aN In that city, and areauthor Ulv.r:;" for Inserting advertisements 10 ' ,, i wt ces-h ran-. Advertisers in -Rtl'r" rafted to leave their fa von ;1&r of thi above house. LCCAL ANDPEKSONAL. to Thanksgiving end no t- ri eylo us vet. tf'ho's po'.i p 'to t!.s ie"'ie. . , . . . Y-.,i:ph authorities tre msfcinp; he,r J yrbv tl.e pnttinsr down o' street ami " rimcri needed improvement f'Viri Clark, of w t ,,t,Pi.t)'fiv in TiiM.i-y of last week i e.,' unconscious liinil Friday, when f". vrM' jt receiver! s now rnprlr " 'i pd ft it"1 very best qualities, ard ri to meet " u-, . '..-prr of stoves sold hi fall by p "'V ir.i!cat" pietfv plainly thatpeo ""uMjVn'uii'l wherti they can pet the 'If thir moner ntl 8PC ure " stove. . u iliii rlsre. onlv a lew av An """" " ' r :.. fre ot)od unci another one partially so. t .er.'ortulug many slartliug wondeta h !t known to the ladies. fpeot riij:'ay ot ahawl. elrea (roods, .fjdiarK. Go ai'd see hi stock nnd . , lor Valiie sc'.lt as chwp at anj cieal Mi't'ty. if . i . - r n' ,i i ! i, t rie iti-h i rii-iiiia . fl., nf cash, the tore of 1'Hniharger l t;l rriii!M with choice noas ana o( .,rfiiiii PcekeT8. Noideriut cheap is .'.j, i ;VfT fel. ... i .,k i f ' 00 '"rs sl Tne' ls t!'e .ij. in thi lt TniriAranre -C Pi an Brittle - - r - (";. .r r lock'' l ood, lut ratlnfr ,,ceii'P (.t h'.teU aod whisky t. be pa- l,f.- Fm-it. kr hare aoptJ ,"nfic 1 lhe mercantile huginaf. -,.t that ;- - - 'k to a ctiann. They tre .Vt fel!!rj.;r'U very cheap under tit ',',;,,,; ,tnd tai.nut ;11 to tl-i a m?h- ffti,jf:," ntfr.tion to the !ilTPriif-f tr.ont fjl 4 ro , rnartlianta. l.o rttotil f Johmtowu pilcea. and T,rr rtn 1 1 ihoy will do it. W reenm : ;if fur to the ptiouage of onr Jriends t i:iJ tl ereh( tt- Aitdratrted Lx't)! wn gorei nm inc i ,'ait hr in trfir.U'.ed cow at iliaburir. niccin'Y. not IonK e'.nt. and very aeri , ji rn littt'it it jwred- The cow made a itl'i Htt'o niner, ana !t wnne eti .mvpj utrcicte her that t!i brave lad met :l,e intfutmphe. r John 0. JiniersM, of Dtirna VIta, f-tJ cov.rtr, whii thrown from his wagon it t lai'eii with real, while pniti(7 .ver a r n the 31 It star t. uixl the wugon pa8 t)! Yi rut' ttnrYei s ' v acro l ia . ktUiry him htantly. limit1. l'.bi'd'If tititl an rnRliitliirnn (name j..en" wpt jht.t kirjjiy burr.rd, n Mtmday , Vit tr-e ) Tfip.vure uiirbitrse o! a lilast 01 rr 11 a ihey were alnktiip in Somer trrfVp, .k'nir'rteT . Ill thought :(el.'.7ji.infn will lute one if tot both ret. ir. TLorrpt IT witt. of ri'tsVv.'g1!. tried -crirtH t the last term of the Allegrhe- :ii 1 1 mt of having procured an abT Vt. Inhel!a Werner, of Indiana. !n rr t( i.'n-'.n .f vbiili !: t!i d, h. tu three y eiis' impriinfriout in i-r-iitii'! . .'.f p'of!r.f( o? the rear pot 'ion of tho row rrft:i j f:!y, and .lll be c-m- verv iw dByg. Tho lmiidlt gf '' :V,; l ir !.: I eeti accornitlished a '.'id th'rct:'.t.ekf iliat iatit.'r aisrpri ; tUT tl.6 (..intrctori atid emp'oveea Ifti n p!ii!?rt.Ht d tl eir bn;iie. !iti.d:eai!'ait in aid ot the rev Cs'ho iifl; is iik e'y to he an aixon;pl:al.ed J ti t. "'' nirr;i:l ue 'lie ball baa I'ti ft; :i tnoiion and it U cwt'fi irntl v ! ti Fair Hi be c r -t:c-l duiii r. the tk f Cor.rt. V.'e tru;t thnt the enter :i te literally patroi.tzed, for m .rey tti rjfirjfd ard certainly mncli deper vei. ti j tt. fJce t'.oie at Wett'trr, Wet tid ti-i i.ty, win I iTiei-rrd at f-rrra! tJ't'biii weith ot fvc.i'n. money, pr.t H', a:c.. M't l..rg fipce. 'J wo men ir 1.:.'t e'rt .Vir (i l;arc been arreated and "kt! -f ti-.e crime. Ar.otber atore at '.', fiL-o ci JJt ty . n'ji robbed cf almoat H'h in le way on the rwtfct o! :L'.t. rlU b.t Ji.lxfown Tribttne devote a 31'tt tUul.ii e the b'lf iiirn niirpei- in ih it iV1:'5' 'ri: ,,V' iIn.T f,e ol llie WOr' P' ':. fuft jurcctic btiFiness man '-"" nrrtinera In the It 7' Vf' f""';' lride of w,:ic Mr. Hay f.. lid ;:':.!, m , presents an vtauiple of,! rnn;la!ir,n We ehnll n V'.-iogiferafetu the fke'.cb in our nxt i P. r.V'1'1'" -'m ti e Tribune tin! Mr. Jacob .''.V-'1 " Kaljped the snperlnterdencv f' ll'.li Faik Ona! L. I., ,.-1p t",. l.,nili,0(,'''lown ,;PRr ,f)e roint. f f KfpnhHcun. Mr . i one of the TftrMrg suh(-rb-rra the Freeman - "'i.ldr.gaUats In advance with the r.d we cannot hi -s,k f vihet le has comiEerreJ bi!i.nes ' t" j T ir;fr las made aereril altemnU m a?ra" within the pa weeK, bat uttj 1 "T for t!" ,r0ft P"rt been in ' " 'folded oe ...iV:'' '"iiometer and en increaei i fW tn(J OTercoflt besides one or '"khrps of mow, but as com 'frn i,!De rnorth of last ear. the w lr,!d- u- Roberts, in the "oi ti generous heart, has rrefent-d "r,'"i-T tr'iUd pocket knife, lor a hi rat'St 1 mi'.t thanks". Chfim i o ich one ""t enror--.;..- . ..i i s . --115 aim suijceasr'n uu- ila'" " thu can "''Counted li' '- Is prompt, liberal and on j , : " ouFiiifa am roc:ai r mt "in of Pror'T nerer et, nJ.- n",ch 0,,t " whole brood of bt- .K, " c nreby add to Lis worldly u j rn-W wi fw7 !r ,!""'(f tl.e return rr. bf.- , oourtle was attempted to if.t, ",: r'ce on Paturdav rieht last. n to loan nn. .1. - 1,. . . (Tfrpfi. r j lr ptriv ins pat. i 7 ""n without any just etue. 'U"ti 1 -"j; bi ii:e rnnoa CI t ,",ul ri on tee ted Left "'t were im mii. at-j 1 tr .rJ",.pOTed " fi,,e 3 10 on v rl on the .t'J rt ,h Srst a;essor h .a !s,Urt 10 the Pretit time be i;:d.LJ.'ce,a Pbi;Can aars that a fff a mrir.rka J t . 'S-nsIii,"''7 ,!ight wwk bl,. fcr 'il!8tt V ,n cfficer had no difficulty tr...i. "u"in WHO abnnHnn-,1 if a nt ... vi;i !k. ., "Ula 'rnrcrP c v - . r . " 1 Uh, , "t Kcr- sne "-wrds .'bV t ..,roue ,,d Palmed it off . - - LV U W 17 V 1 J X iV. r U"te care of it . hile ah . m to tke care nf fr . t,;t- 1 La &. a " cut: . ,,,,! tlM,fieId 1bllt frotn V'ir "- PTUtllc"n h" indubitable ,ld li.' 5.Johnomn f ruanp-1, ao J 'Vi.,0 l-f do tfce Iihotean . . iw in C fttrfi.u.t . . C.ocnl Corrrspondeiicc. 'onvsiowi, ITov. 14, T3A r&rrMAS 1 have not taueh to wrife about this time- Looitl wou't happen any more, ituleaa a correspondent raakea locals out of personal matter, and that 1 not a pleasant buainoa. Some rottn? lads in onr borengb are in the habit ot accosting young girls on the streets after nightfall anil lisinjt tbem rtber roiif;hly. iometinjes they pin their arms around their necks and at'eiiipt to impress a kiaa, and if op tioned or latticed, strike or kick them. One little ir! pot her hobo nearly broken the other night by an impudent Mule acazud of tUe ature rt'.d cla-s. It i not reiur.AliT known who ther ure or where they get their education, but they had better look out, as a trap is laid for some of tbem not, however, by the police, hut ly the patents of the j;irls interested, w,o intend to watch tbe'n ami ki e the in aslittle phica.l advice i. tLey Caleb them hi their unseemly t:iks. We are rot muc'i versed in school matters in Johnstown proper, but we understand from the Tribune that about fifty pupils have leit the public schools and gone to the (iermun Lutheran school. Cuite a ntimbtr have alio left to attend the Sibtehs' school, of different denondniitioiis. I also notice that your valued coriespondent, "T. I. M .," esaerts paio chial chioli are fiourisbinsr in Altotina, while common fc'ooi "re on the retrograde. We do not know what the ctiuse of this can be, but there must be some cause, for every effect has a cause. Is the lault with the pnrenls, with the teacheia, or wi'h tl-3 direciois7 Or are tho changes mune in ortier to further the 'reli gious education of these pupils preparatory to (Joi-fcrmatioii, a sicrainent recognized by both" the (Jatlioiicand German Lutheran Churches? Or have people lot confidence in the public pchool Msifm ? We notice that Biahop 1'ot ter of the Episcopal church, who a lew years ai;n was a string Common school man, has come om lately, against the e stent and in favor of pan. tbial schools. Are the senti ments of others cbonKti'? also ? We do know tint more than nf0 pnpiis in litis vicinity are now ntttn tlnp select m1iouI. Our eomtnon schools are not flourishing anywhere s they should, !or which we (eel protoundly o:ry. Our regret ut this state of things is ome what al eviated by the cheering news from the estate elections. Btyonets did, as they always l.-ttve dine, made converts 10 the pide persecu ted, rrtpathy will go to the weakest side, or the s!!o tiept'iveJ ol tight. Anv cause vtiil gala itlrt ngth by persecution. Histnry nbu:u! sutly proves this. Even the Itepu'ilirans of lew "i ork City sul Slate ara inUinant nt the i'resirtent for sending a standing army to con trol the e'ections, and now attribute their de feat to the met that all the government oilles in New York ore filled by persona living nut ol the Stfate- We hop.e tlie Federal authorities wili lcHtri a lesson Irum their tlefrat in all the tatoa where coercion was afempied. Oil tin the brain Is eei iously aftVcttng peveral persons In this vicinsge. Dr. Sheridan . ill have a well nmk on hit. farm two miles west of town, and Air. Keirn, or an organiztd com pany, will aink an oil well on the okl tannery lot in Hernrille 5th ward. Thi enterprie has originate 1 in the success of some ot our neichbors hi the Kittaning oil regions. We have had a l;ttle flurry of mow down here but scarcely enough to make a snotv bait much lets set the s'eigh bells ringiar. 'i he Sheriff has breu busy all week seiiin? off the good of Mr. Howard, of the fcih ward, who recently ebaconded to parts uukuown. The goods go cheap. An examination of trn'hera for the Millviiie schools w 11 take place 011 Thursday of this week, at nine o'clock. Nine te.icliers are wtnted. Frnnk W. I!ay told ls je-.r $2C 03 worth f i:iatr!s! in the stove ai d tinware line. Jle employs 1 I mn, snd t-s-a Ve,'l b xes f tin end j' pou'uls tf heel iron anuua'ly. Mr. ttnr t a rcfrv!ir. ilsrcr. atid r.rr-ar.eriti c-iiiiseii yi cur town. L .t.TOONA Citt. Xov 15, IfTO. Fmr.vp Tc Local t ickings are very scarce, rothipg of special interest hivim; cci:rted wiiLin my bailiwick lor eocie time p:vst. The tt!y au'ij-tct of eitrI intercs' discu-se 1 U the result of tl.e la'e electioti. w herein the people of the eexcral States s unanimously end r-ed the ' present" imbecile administration iji a h'irn. Our Baptist friends are putting the f.:jihi g touches to their new church, which, when com pletcd.will be one of the finest 1 eligiou edi fices in our prosp'rous young city. Ttie Fres byteraiia at e also puhi::g their new btiiioing along very rp:diy. It is a nunittio'.h stii:cn:ie. btrlt entirely of st'nc, and I understand th it it is be t.sed for lrcttne ami school p irpofej parochial school rurjatsea even, Mr Tribut e, it rr.v information is not at fault. Jiit here let n-.e refer to the fact t'.at the last A'toona Trib.ine files exceptions t my reniaiks about the pub' is schools of th:8 ci y. T01 will reminbr that 1 said they did not appear to be s in former ye-tr an I gve my reasons for sjthinkii.g. So Tir as the getitleminly (?) remarks ol the TiibU'ie in reference to nty s'atetnent sre Cot.c.Ttiel I have nothing t s.ty, but I still insis' that my Hiict'ircs are subst'tutially correct. There are several denominational or parochial schools in AUotia. I wil! enumerate ihem: Tne G.t man Lutheran. Fietti terian, FpieoDal and Catholic. Other donouvnatior.s ore also to te warntly advocating tiie e.tatlishtuer.t of similar schools. C.U tliem select schools, if yon will, but if those connected with Frotest aut entireties are not GCuonrnational, then the Siters school, which the Tribune sae is the only denominational school in the citf, is not entitled to that distinction. Not only is this the case, but the Catholic sc!u.l is less de nominational tliHn either of the others, for the simple reason that children of til denomi nation! are admitted, and not a few non Cath olic are now In attendance the inainua ion of the Tribune to the contrary cotwithManding. A gentleman from Lnncser coun'y who "it terviewed" our public buildings not long since, was beard to remark that he saw thrill and en'erp'i'e every ah.-re in our nt dsr. ex. ep' in the mat u r of school buildings. He referred p srticclar'.v t- those in the 3d and 4 h aar ls where the iunces were beh.g destroyed, win dows broken, doors difiured W ilis tumbling down, etc. The dilapidated condition of our schcol buildings, be further remarked, lf.i h ut to believe that our public schools were not iu a beal'hv condition, lor if they were such a state or affairs would not exist. He give it as his opinion that the common si boo! syMern was the giftt.clest scheme crer dene 1 by nun, if curried out in the proper sp'uit, but he had fuend in bis experience that when denomina tional schools were e-t.-,bU?he.l it was almost invari bly owing to the incompetency of tho respective school bos ids. Our mutual friend, A. J. Riley, E q , who has been confined to bed by a severe attack of sickness, is able to be about again a fact which J chrouicle with more than ordinary pleasure. May good health and abundant prosperi y ever abide with him. T. I. M CAtROLLTOWf, Nov. 14, 1673. Dea Feimak It is with regret thai I chronicle a somewhat serious accident to Mr. Rural B rront. at the legging of Messrt. Fin- ue? & B irrons. north of this place aorae nine miles. Mr. B urons wat standing 011 the trunk of a pine tree, when a falling tree near where he stood stiuck a dead spruce, to escape from which, as it fell, be ran to the butt of the tree on which be was and leaped therefrom, light- j irg lull length 011 the ground and receiving a st 1 ike from a limb of a tree while in the act of jumping, which broke hit left arm betwcea the elbow and abouldei. He wus brought to Car- ! roll town immediately and took up quarters at the hotel of Mr. L Schroth. where Dr O .it- j nun set bis arm, and where he remains in as ; comfortable circa m-tance as coubl be expect- ! ed. 1 am glad to state that he is g' ting along finely, and will have the lull use of the injured j linsb. Those fiiends of irine. Mr. Jacob Koontz and lady, I am aorrv to ncte, lost their infant child. Mary Sophia frm the attack ol wheop ir.gcongh, on last i-'riday,. at tho age of two nvctb and twtntv asva. Mr. John Burk kart alto lost a ci.U4 the tame day from th same cause- Rome mischievous little urchins created quite a scare in our quiet village on Saturday by Setting fire to some shavings and pieces of "! near the Siatet's house. The fire com mur.icated to the fence and quite an effort was required to extinguish the flames. Had it gained a few momenta further headway it uirght have resulted very seriously, and as it was it should be a wnrning to the young lads iu question to be tr.ore careful in the future. L.tstweek our revered Pi lor. Rev. Benno JTagiey, took his departure from among us, catryiruf with b:ut the love and affection of the entire community and the heartfelt regrets of b s charge that his health v a- such as to re quire hiui tu seek a nti'dr clinnate. Our new l'rior. Rev. Father Krniliait, has taken up his iksidence with t;s. and we can safely tay al ready, that he will not be long in gaining the love and ea'ceni of our 1 nopie. Mr. Lawrence Schroth, of the St. Lawrence Hotel, has mldej a neat and useful improve ment to his hotel in the shape ol a large lan tern , suspended from a bracket on bia sign post, which at night illuminates the entire Iront of hia house ami the street immediately in front ot the same in a brilliant manner 1 ho lantern is the handiwotk of your adver tising friend, Mr. Frank W. ITay, of Johns town, m,(I ie a cretiil to him and a proof that be knows how to carry on bis business. As I write the winter wind is blowing and snow is tailing thick and las', and as we hare 1 joyed a truce of some length with the icy King, we may reasonably look for winter in earnest ero many da vs. K. HEAL ESTAii: TKASSFERS. rr.Ztl3 A?(D JLSSIUSilKSTSL'ElTFORHKCOHD'DCn ISU THI TnilEK WEEE8EDISO KOV. &1H. Jacob BiJrponn to Coo. M. Resoe. Mar 10. 'TU. 6 acres and 17 perches in Wash iiijfton townsbiu Rees E. lives to K'.eitiior M'Carty, I)eo. l.2, l.-od. ii acred und Vi perches In Cam bria lowrinhip Joint Ktiiuey 10 John ib-Qulllan. Oct. IS, 18"o, lor in WaHbinjrtou tt-r.-iish';. Joseph Btiiffoon to Mlch'l Uairen. Apr. 7. '70,3 acres and Vli perch'oiu Wasli Ington towpfhlp Teter Mcdoiirfh 1t.Tr;o. Nestle, Jr., Oct. 8. "V0. 8 ho t an.t 103 perches In Clear field township Michael Kearney to It. M'Coltran, Aug. 24, 1SV0, 1A) acies and -6 porchee In Washiuif ton tti'.vr.sliip B. M'Coitfaa ti Tho. 1. I'owers, Oct. i't, l.sT'i. li') BOtvs f.nd 2 perches In Wablnjjtoii t or. iM'iio Jos. lifikxr to tifjo. HaiifOjcle, Oct. 24, liZU. Ti acres la iiiackilclt townehfp.. Phil. t.Vtillns mid wife uml Cntharln J. jSoon to Jobu M"Govern. Sept.lsJ, '6U, lot in Kbenshurif Eiion rarrish to .Siius Parrisls. Pept.SV, 170, 1f) acres In ifuuster lownsiilp.. Dr. J. 1,. l:cuia to Jhiic It. 'ream, Oct. lfi. 1870, lot and iinp'tsltt Johutowu. Jaa. S. I.nckett to Kob't M"tKde, Oct. 1. Ic70. BG acres and Improvements la Muuster township Rettfcoa Parks to Jos. Pat iiP, June 23, 1S7J, lot In Kuaf t'oneniaujrb bor Tbs. Dtirnostit'l others to Keu. Parks, June 2. If'Tii. lot above mentioned.. John Ptiulkiter to . J. iJavls. Jtilv 1, l-stivi, Yz&j acres and til perches la Itlair nnti Cambria counties O.J. ltavia to L. C. Crtipp. A ;g. S, 1809, 41T7 acres in iiluir end Cainbrla co's.. T. I". t adwaiatier to O. J. Davis et al. June 19, '63, l'GO acres and 61 perches in lllair and Cambria counties Thomas O. Stewart to W. V. Walters. May 2, 1S70, lot and improvements In Johnstown' Jft.ob to Johnstown School Diitriot, tlct. 7, '70. 2 lots in JoUnst'n Daniel De'aney to Ja. Mctiuiro. May 10, P5C9. 5') acres In Gallitzin two Jarn!8 McGuire to Geo. Mover. Oct. 7, lO. 50 acres In C.aliitziii township.. John M. Iatttern to John G. Trnkle, Nov. 1. 170. 50 acres mid 7 perches in Carroll township John Nttirlp, sr., to Fat rick Ji. Kolren, July 19. "70. I'' acres in Clearfield tp. Jacot Sheetz to Casper Wthn, Jan'y 4, I'OO. lot In Coneinausfh borough'-n ilarinnn and John Haiintin and wire to Ceo. W. Osl.-orne. July 2. V.9, lot and f utproveru'ta iu JohnMowi . . l li. V". Out, oriti? to ?ff.riiirer .'lifted, Fejtt. iJO, I?7l, lot In i'odcr twuahip. Chnsti.-m ioeberf to John H. V.'i.! kii8, er. 21. l'-:70, 2 lots 1 1 Johnstown John Yvitfotun t. i,ohirt e.- Kr'.ttAfr, Aiif,-. 17, isvu, i:i' acres and 4C perches la Carroll township Joseph Schrey to A uifiit Iteieii. June PS, I87U. ltX) acres and 8S perches and Improvements in t.Yoylo township.. I., Campbell to Authnv M'lliiffh. Oct. Oct. 8, JS70, lot In Gallitzin township. t 00.00 40.00 20.00 400.00 400.00 3.CO0.00 30.00 ICS 00 2,000.00 .250.00 500.00 nomln'l. 10,000.00 nomln'l. 3.000.00 S0O.0O fXXt.OO 100.00 1,650.00 nomln'l. C25.00 1.SC0.00 15 00 tt0.00 950.00 4,5.'t0.00 EoO.OO WEEKI-T StnifAL ItEPORT Of the number ard kini of treatel by lira. L. k T. L Oir-nt r. lo2 Orrtr.t street', I'itUburgh, during the week endirig Nov. 1.1th: NATOBF Cg 1,'gKASC CASXt Frain M el inch ly . Are 3 (o'.iMirr-p'ion an 1 Lung Iiseaes h L;ver Comphtiiit nu-1 J iuud:ee . 3'i Li r.ey A fTecti ttia and Urinary Organs ... Fevcra ol all kin is ... I ) Nervous l;snrifrs Pts not;!,- and Spinal . 1 Female t'on ji'sin s - IrsenUri ie, Ac. 17 1 'vspf p;ia. Sim ch Diene, 1 ndigest:o:i . . -'J 1'. 7. ma Krn;itiotis, Te'ter. A-c U euralgi t , Hesdache ami Dizzincs ..... f. r'ropsy of Chest aiid Abdomen 1 li lieuniat mil Acute nn.l lhronic V Athina Futhisic or Shortness of BresLh. . 15 1C4 VThole n inber fretted tlurirg week. r. fnovate Y.iin F ATtrBS. 'M t if not all the people of this place are awre that Mr. Henty Sprenger, ho has purchased tiie txclu. sive r;g'il to ne Ilonrtie's Fatent Feather Konovitorm this county, h:i beeti nm.nipst 111 Htid h is done work f . r cotiie a number of r.ur citizens ; but all our people may not be aware that the pr'tce accomplish wonders in the reiM v ilion and c!ea!is:ugof feaihers,and tti'tkes the 11 fully as soft, pliable, luxurious, and free from effenive matter as new feathers could possibly be We know this to be the cise, lor we have had a c tuplo of put through the process, and freeiy add our tes timony to that of many othe.-s here and else where who have bad feathers renovated ilr. Fprener intends to visit all parts of the covjn t , and wherever he goe we a?k for htm the patronage of all who have femher beds to c!enne. as we are satisfied that the proceis is 1.0 humbug and that the result of his wink w:ll prove satisfac ory to all who give him a tiial. No one would becrmlge two dollars after e e ping on a bed lenovated and turified by this ptocess. t a convention of the Pennsylvania Wo men's Si tf.age Association, held in Puiladel rina 0:1 1 iiur-div, 10th inst., which wis presi ded over by II ss Mary Grew, our townsman, Mr. Isaac Crawford, the widely known and popular proprietor of the Crawford House, was elected a member of the Ex-ctrive Commit'ee of the A-S'.ciation for the e'in:nz yeir. We concratulafe our friend Crawford onhisgiol luck, and reg-trd his aelec'ion as a tiiiitin uish ei honor and as peculiarly appropri -te. He is emphatically the ri.-ht man in the right place. BTRAwrtEnnir?. A man in Huntingdon coun tv is said to have gathered ripe strawberries on he farm one day last week. Wo don't know b w that is, but we do know that if you want tho best kind of a watch, tho best kind of Jew elry, the bewt kind of a sewing machine, the best kind of fancy goods, the best kind of books and stationery, the best kind of cigars and to bacco, and tho best kind of everything, at very reasonable prices, C. T. Roberts is tbe man to buy from. "nAPP." Every housewife knows what 'haps' are. but every housewife may not know that X. S. Barker has "haps" ready made, which he is selling nt tbo remarkable low price of t'i.Z-i each. Housekeepers who are ia want of more bed "kivering" will do well to call ou Valiie. who is prepared to furnish any and everything in the dry goods, clothing and grocery line as cheap as any man la the business, and deserves to receive a liberal share of patronage. Otth Dutt. The Freeman ia conceded to be a live paper, and one of the duties of a live pa per Is to keep before ita readers the fact that Geo. Huntley Is tbe proprietor of one of the roosf exwnsi ve aepota ior tne sale or naraware, j tinware, glassware, labor-saving machines, etc.. in the Interior of tbe State, and being en- I terprising and liberal, be docs a big business i ana s-slls at the most modest Cg'irea. Huntley f is one or tb.9 men who deserved to prosper. t Mti'CULT Good. High-did die-dee I high-did-j dle-dum I home from the city Harry has come, ! and now you will find, if hither you hie. at the I hboemaker store an endless supply of the very ' beat goods that ever in town were offered so ' cheap for tbe ready cash down goods of such ' kinds as must please one and all who with roou- j ey in hand see proper to call ; and &o very aheap tbo that all will agree that batttr foods at lew- er priews they never did te. . FiALLcuV Magazine F'r Dkcembkp. The first in the tield for IJi-cembor is Bal Zou' Magazine, and ao examination of it s-liows that it is a nn-tlei number in every respect. The tueravings ure ejcellect, the descriptions ingenious and eloquent, while the stoiies ate reiuatkable f.r tbeir interest and gieal origiuali'.y. Mrs Edson finishes her continued story, and Horatio Alger, Jr., couclntleti bis Sink or Swim" in a satisfac tory manner, as the juoeniles will learn when they ted it.- Macy has furnished & sea story in his own peculiar vein. Ste. phens givciits "An Evening with a Cata. niouut." Darling ttl ua "Why our Weil tiin; was Fotitpouctl," iu his niott comical ami then there i.- a Christmas story, full of htm.auity an;i goutiness, and tliree or four love ttori' s w l.ich will bear, perusal half a dozen, times, ami "Lut-t and Found" is a regular California tale, by a new aspi rant for lame lit the columns of Ballou. In a.Jlitiou to this there are many articles worth remiing. in the shape of sketches, poetry, etc., elc, ami all for the sum rf 15 eents per copy. .r 1.50 per year. The December number ciOhes Vol. 32.. The .New Year will commence with many rare novelties, so don't delay i& making up 'your clubs or purchasing at the pcric3ical depots. Tl.omcs cc Taibot, 03 Congioss street are the publishers. The Monthly Novelette About the fir3t of Dccotnber Messrs. Tbomns & Talbot, t3 btreet. Hobton will issue a large, lirst cities, handsomely t rinted and itlustra ted magazit.e called The Monthly iVorcctfe" taking the uame of their old serial, "The Afi'tWc," so well known for the past four- j teen years, and making it n.n entirely riitli-r- ; tnt publication, lr will contain first class ) stories and romances, with choice engra- j vings, and be in tvery rt-spect a j mrnal lot ! the peupla to re-mi and aiir.iirc. The urice of "The Monthly N vflrAtv" will be twenty cents per copy or &2 00 per annum, aud it will be well worth the money, as every one can admit after an examination. Every line in the Xovelttte wiii be iu!urestiu a: d original, and sirne i f the h"-i stary wtiu-rs in tho countf ae e!c;tji-d f .r ! cj'uu.s. Nearly Fvt-tv ,'. s r:-.r. -veitiiug rv, t : ; : ' -.:.n a r Agency l.::;..-t t 'i3 1 :; ; '.-::..b: avail ,th-ru ..''":; t-i t-.e t : vies '. ' have made tt e i-n'stiess Sftu.ii. V ;. o( Geo. P. R-jwcl & Co , 4't Fatk itvw, New York, is the nic-t compeu-nt in the country, end many of the largest advertisers make all their contracts tLrough them. "Matters ok Form Atiemicu t i IUbe." This is one of the many signs that adorn the walls of Wanuniakcr & Brown's 0k Hall. Some men absolutely disfigure thtirform? by the clothing ther v. eir, but Oik Hall clothing sets off the form '.o its highest advantage. Among the numerous preparations for gray hair in the market, wecornmemi to our readers Hall's Vee'able Sicilian H.tir Kenewer as the best. Our druggists keep it, lor sale. Electricity Cckes Chroxic Diseases!! Send for a pamphlet containinir miraculous curee of obatlnate chronic diseases many per formed upon some of the most eminent citizens In Western Pennsylvania. The celebrated Sprecher Battery, with full instructions for use, for sale. Address Dr. G. A. SFiiCCHER. Pittsburgh Electrical Institute, 207 Peun t?t reet. Pittoburgh, Penn'a. ' STOJIEROAD'S CATFMRTIC f TSI P, ned In all cases instead of Pills, Epsom S alt. Castor Oil. Ao. Hig-hlv tlavnrttd. Pleasant tu talce. ChiHren Hkelt. PrieeBO certs, xvhclt sale. R. E. pllbbs & Co., 45 Wood Ptree.t. Pi:ta burjrh. Sold by Drur!sta and Country Store keepers. IJune 1(5, lS70.-ly. M A II U 1 17 1. LlLLT BTJRKE. OnTbureay evening-, 10th Inst., at St. Joseph's church. New- Vora city, by itev. lather uunpny, -Mr. ussrt Lilly, for merly of this county, to Miss Lizzik J. lit'SKi, of New York city. ran UTTafinmrm'iminir" iiwinti HIED. P.OCKETT. In Wilmore. this eotmty, on the 6111 lost., Mrs. EuaABETU Kockktt, In the 58th year of Iit age. Tho fnrher of Mr. PocXftt wp.s one of the first sett lei a of Cambria county, having- come to the AUeifhenles when they were covered by traekli sd forests and tho abode only of beasts f prey. Her husband died many years a-o, l-uvlny her with sevn small cbiblrt n to rr:s.K her way titroopn the world, and rtht hravely f.'id she uecompbsh her labor of love. U lived tu soe three of her children borne to fle l;iuti, the yoi: nires! of whom dittd only a few w-r-lrs Biro.' Tiie care, anxiety and 'Jeep eollt Hude nhe ii.anifested for ber son in bis last il!nes. an ' tio poignant jfrief which pierced her teart when he was summoned from earth forever, no doubt hrt1-i!iel Iter own death, ar.d led to the early union of both we hope In a happy eten.i ty. "Mrs. Koekeit waa an earnest and devoted member of the Catholic Church, punctual and revont In her religious duties, an l true a::d tf nif-r in ber friendships. She livod.'an I dit'd a sincere Ciii istitn, ami now dweils.we hope VThere life ls real and lastetb ever, V.'here love Is true and changoth never." M. A VECETAHliSiCIUAiJ t";v9i r 1 y-. a t ITS LFl'IiT IS nxniXoiJiaorrQ ! i It Is a perfect and wondei-ful article. Cures bnldnrsp. Makes hair irrow. A better rtresaing than any "oil" or "pomatum." Softens brash, dry aol wiry hair into fteautif ul Silken Tresses. But, above s)!. the great wonder is tfie rapidity with which it restores GKAY HAIK TO ITS j OfOGLVAL CO LOU. ! The whirest and worst looking- Heir resumes lis beauty by its use. It doe nt ore j the hair, but strik1 at the root and Jllia It with new life and coloviiiu matter. , 'Hie lit-st ittn!lestion will d. trood : vou will i ste the NAlt'KAL COLOli retuminf every day, and PErOXlC YOU KNOW IT, the old, ffray, ilieoloreil appearance of the hair will begone!, giving place-to lustrous, shiuinjf and beautiful locks. Ask for Hail's Sicilian Hair Ttenewer ; no eth er article is at all like it its effect. See thnt each bottle has our private Govern ment stamp over the top of the hot tin. .4s iilhers i e in if.tfion?. H. P. HALL & re.) , Nasr-n-9, N. IT., rr-.-r-lttors. For sale by atl drugs; Of DE Jl.-i. ' rS . U HHP.. in . I v-r. -- ' i! jr. l.s; iio-f 103 K.8;, VnjJi 107X 107H VM!( VQ'i 10? V 10HV p?.V Ki inr,ii pw' ins iu iiiTi nei; 1C 108 Ki5 f5 5 15 730 . 75 Srrcl. ?'t; M., Sov. 1 : U. S. 6'sof '?!,. " '0:.',.... ' " "ft, " " 'C " " "6.", new,-. " " '87 at " 6'a.lO-iO-B, ' . . . . . . ' TT. S. 30 Year 6 per cent. Cy. Due Comp. let. Notes, Gold, Silver .. Fnlon Pacific ICR. l t JLB'nds Central Pacific K. R., Un'n Pacific Land Gr'nt B'nds QOOD WORDS FOR WILMORE! a complimentTo THE LADIES I New FiRSi nnd New Goods. It hF.sbeen cor-.-eded of late that the ladies of Wilmore and vicinity are tbe fairest as well as the most sonsibJoof any locality in the coun ty, which mav probably in part be accounted for by the fact, not yet generally knowntnat they buy all their Millinery, Dress and Fancy Goods at Tua . - -NEW STORE OF E. PAUL 8c CO., who have just opened out tbe largest and most complete siock ever brought to v iimore, con sisting of DKY GOODS, DKRSS GOODS. MIL L1NEKY, NOTIONS. HATS and CAPS. BOOTS and SHOES. HARDWARE, y UEENSWARE. SFOCERIES. Ac, c, which they sell at Johns town prices for Cash or in exchange for coun try produce. Call and see for yourselves at the New Building, ono door Eat of the new U. Ii. Ccurch. 1o-A B. 1 X'JL a CO, Wilm?re, Tf. 17, IrTOet. A tt-l i ' I lJ BANNER 01 THI trxrS THE CRY IS STILL m, Mi ; where 11 ie li ! Diy Goods, Groceries. &c.. 1 j y . .1. I Vi;-V a, ja. t j.b. icu'i to i C( acv! 'Hi i U I ; ; IN H ! : 1 q- UNDERS 1 r (fep A1TD GET YOUR SELLING OFF AT COST ! 30,000DOLLARS' WORTH OF DRY GOOrs. FRF.SS GOOD"?. FIT.KS. CLOTHS. CAS? I MERES. F.Rf CIE. rAlS L?:Y. TfllHF.T Avr BLANKET SHAWLS CI OA K S A v i CI OA KING CLOTHS, 1;HFSS TIllMMlNt.S. HOSIERY. GLOVSS. M lLLlNKHY GOfOS. P.IU L'OKS, VELVETS. FEATHERS. n.OWF.RS. FANCY G;OiS IN GREAT VARIETY, FOOTS. SHOES. HATS. CARS. Also, FIFTY PIECES CARPETS, of all grades and prices. JLirp-e etck of OH CI tths. Windov.- rhadr. Tr".nis. Valisrs. fateoels, o., Ac, In fact, our entire stock will be off-red at. COST ana CAHK1 AGE. acd must all be s-M by next Poring, previons to our rom-vp.l to the West. t:W This ls uucniestiorikbiy the bevt oprort'.:r!ity ever ofTsred fr th.e citienf of Cambria and surrounding, couritts-s to grr f"PI.ENIII IfAKtiAINSi C'ur custoniers. and all who lave ever been through our etnblir.uier.t. are f tillj- awnrp thnt v-e have by far tb" largest and rr.r-st eoni plet? atocit of Good.-i in C ambria county. We therefore earnestly request all who want Goods cheap to call 8t once, as they may not soon have another such chance to tret bargains. V.'e w;?b It fully understood that there is no humbug about this whatever, as wf uave already made ex tensive purchases in Kansas an 1 inteu l making It our future home. We are. therefore, deter mined. to clcee out our entire stock by next earing, either wholesale or retail, fro call soon and avail yourself of this excellent chance to get good goods very cheep. Bring the Cah with you, &i in e wiii eel! on no other terms. CiT.IS &. FOSTKiL !Vcs. IBS "jrXCELLI NT 13ITS1NKSS STAND BT ELDTN'G. " os. 133 and 1:7 ard running back l.' feet. Ir is rrnhnbiv ere in cetern Pennsylvania. Tiie ssfonJ sUn y Is eiegantly iit!o:i 110 as a CAUPE V BOOM niid lor storing gooia. This Is an excellent opportunity for any on-? wishing to e.jgtge in the nieroanTilc" business. It ls 0110 of ihe very 1 e.-: located stands in J uiuist n-n, an-J i'.ns bien cl'iicg as good a trade as any store In the county. t-JEI-J 4- FOSfEIt. Jobnstox-n, Pa. liEE CHOICE BUSINESS STANDS IW.l SALE I hrel,v ofT-r for tal.. on private terms throe choice BUSINESS Johratown. 1-a. The piece cf ground fronts 65 eti M;t. x.ils property vrili be soiu a-i tOoSisier IINE li EVIDENCE ON .TACK -"ON STREET FOR SALE V n-T iwonmrj nnTCK DWELLING HOUSE, n by SO feet, contalr.hig Eight Eov Gap. WTtK, Bath Room, Kange, Wash Houss. c, is offered st private sale. Lot fronts 44 fet on Jackson street aad runs tack 12) f ?et to an all"-. ANDKRW FOSTER. Johnstown. November 10. lS70.-3m. I 1ST OF CAUSES set down t .r ni tl it a Court of Common Pleas to be held at Ebeusburg, In and for the County of Cambria, commencing on Mouday tbe 61a day of Decem ber, A. D. 170: riPST wkt:it. Lynch . . vs. Noel. Backer vs. Eotiirpon. Fronhciser it Plitt vs. liuother Bonacker. Hobc-rts A- Honel'.s ...vs. Tiley. McAbe v. Paddock & Adams. Lloyd i Craver vs. Edmiston. 65COMI WEEK. Kinney. ..vs. hinp.ey. ,..vb. Koberls et. si. ...vs. Roberts et al. . ..vs. Huber et al. .. .vs. YoJUjf. ...vs. Cowan. . . vs. Cowan et til. ...vs. Troxall A Cowan. . . . vs. Shirey. . . . vs. Baker's Heirs. ...vs. McDermitt el al. . . .vs. Mauiy. ...vs. McEicarr. Dysarts. ..vs. McCaulev-. ... s. Smith Ac Ilawea. ..vs. Fenloa. . . vs. l'itts et ai. . ..vs. Tl&rter. . vs. Brallier. Oarniihcc. . .vp. Printrle. ..vs. Allison. Pry et al Holiner. Huber's Heirs Kern's Executors. B.j'oson Morgan Milligan Caui'mia Iron Co.. Cambria Iron Co.. McDermitt Burk Miller Brothorline Smith Cunp fuse) Brenton et al Shaw's Adm'r Iiorne Owe.n Wiinon, En.1orsr. Glass (use of; Cooper ...vs. Wike. I 1 i.vaas vp. Evans et al. J. R. HFi E. Proth'.cotarv. Prothonctary'B OCTicc. Ebensburg, Nov. 7, 1370. CHKiilFF'S SALE. Ry virruo f a writ of Levari Facias issued out of the Court of Cera non Pleas of Cambria County, and to mo directed, there will bo exposed to Public Pale, at the Union Hall in Joiir.-stowu. on Sati kkay, tbb 3d uat or December next, at 2 o'clock, p. m.. the following Real Estate, to wit: All the right, title and interest of Wenj. Watkinsof, in and to the following described building, located on the west pide of Walnut street, in tbo Borough of Johnstown, viz: A double Dwolling House, of plank and studding, two stories high, fronting 25 feet on Waluut st. by 31 feet back, with a two story back building ti feet wide by 16 foot in depth. Taken fn exe cution and to be Bold at the suit of Edward Pe-dc-n. JOHN A. BLAITt. Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Ebensburg, Nov. 17, 1870. OTICE Partxeks'iip Dissolution The partnership heretofore exiptSsg be tween the undersigned iu the Foundrv busi ness, under the firm name of Cosvkrv, Vinrok & Co., has this day been dissolved by limitation and mutual consent. All persons having claims against or knowing themselves indebted to said firm are requested to call on Jons F. Tibbott, at tbe Railroad Station, in whose bands the bocks and accounts of said firm have been left for settlement. JAMFS CON VERY, NICHOLAS VLNROE, H. J. CROFSE, ABEL LLOYD. Efcensburg-. Nov. 18, 1870.-61 COAL! COAL! The iutwnnber hae opened a FOAL BANK on the farm of Da vid Reese, on tbe Clay Pike, within H miles of Ebensburg. and is now prepared to fnmiah a superior article'of Ritcminol'8 Coal at per ton, delivered anywhere in Ebensburg or vicinity. Persons wUbing to haul their own n.l an roi-.h t.A Tinnu r-naA i protnnt ats.itirin. Nov. 19,W7.-am. I?. H. CTKeI05F7. Bobsrt Williams" Miii, via John Evans farm. that mearinr xvtu te helj montatjr Otdera left with G. c-. Owcri' Stu:-e. F.iMtiiiburr. oa ths Hist 3Tontlay of coh rnopt. wi)! reoaive prompt atrtic-n. I -" E. J;DEJi? 'iV i iti-'jvN 1 1 ' OUTER WILL! CX3 .Jt THEY COME TO Sfrcc EAPI CIS! Si 5? r 1 r 1 LL! 5 MOHEY'S W0E.TH ! and 115 C Union St., Johnufctra. FOR SALT: Vc'c tfTr nt I'.ivn'e Snlc "Intnn trret. fronting 3d f'sct on Clinton si et of then ort complete and teist arranged STC'HES STANDS on tbo corner of Main and CUr.ton hts.. Jt' feet cn Clinton and 49.'- fe-t on Vain or In parts, to suit pi;rcuaser. JOHN GE1S. Sixty-Five First Frize Medals Awarded THE GREAT nirjnffnnii m 1 1 u n r iiUll.HJii.lJ U.lil WILLIAM KWABS El CO., Xlniiitf.ifturcm of Crcnd, Sqnare and I'jiright PIANO FORTES Baltimore, 3Xd. T 1. ... . . 1 1 . . . , . 1 feg11 J V.-V r K 1 1 -u 1 it r 1 ,1 ir II x itrrc j i.ri re -ue:: i.i iiavu ueen oei viif puo ; uuu t ijii jxM-c:nr3s'.n. I a tier In x lie for ncutly Thirty years, and uorn their ex- ! fcutlon end to be sold at the suit of judicu cellnce alone attained an U'ipitrc"-, :.(! prt-ci- ! 0wrtead. inevct, which pronounces them unequalled.. I ,.A,, h11 the rlcht. tfrle arc. Intercut r-f Jnh Their NstzeU cf. in estf to a dee or prrcr-1 cf la?S ' 'JL OTSX- situate fn Carrcll township. Cmbria "untV combines gr.-at power, sweetness end finest- o.,. J-n t lug quality, aa well as trrrat nurttr cf Intona tion. and weetno9s throughout tbo entire scale jueir is pliant- and elpstic, and entbely free from th' stiixucss f eurd In so many Pit no In AcrkinanlTli ihey Rre unequalled, 'islng none but t'w; very best seuforffj i.uitt raT, ' h-.- lMrge capital etnr loy y1 ia our busincMt crr.Wi:i- is takeep fcmtir.n. ally r.n irnmens" sr.-.-it of iuuber, etc., ou bcr.d. t'ifAjl otir S4ii i'lauoi hate our ew Improved OTthMBiTa EtAixsnd h3its-Aro Y '. if Wo would en!! sprc'al atter1ioa 1o our lare lmproremenrs Jn GRAND PIANOS nnd SQrARE GRAM'S, Patented Aurjust 14, 1SC6, which V.ringthe Piano r.earor perfection than has yet been attained. EVfiHY PIANO FOLLY WARRANTED TOR 5 YEARS IBWe have mae arrnerrenfj for tbe Sf7 H h len if Apmy for the moat Celebrated which we offer Wholesale ani Retal!, at Ixiwest Factory Prices. WILLIAM KN'ABE i. CO.. Nov. 1, lr;o.-Sm. Baltimore, lfr. ORPHANS' COURT SALE BY virtue of an ortier of the Orphana" Court of Cambria county, to ua directed, w will expose to public aleon the,on Thurs day, tlie 1st U: v ot T'erfirher, 1S70. at 2 o'clock, p. n.. the following Real Estate of whii-b Jatne-s D. Slaw, late of Indiana county, died seized, to wit : A. (JKUTAIX TRAGI OF LAMi situate in Susquehanna township. Cambria county, and bounded as follows : On the north by lands of Love lace Ac King and Geo. Gooderham, on the east by lands of Douglass &: Kinporfs. on the south by lands of Douglass & Somrviile, and on the wet by lands of Barter & EUaporte containing 107 Ac-en. TiRMS OK SALE One-balf the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of sale and the balanoe in one yar, with interest, to be e eured by tbe judgment bond and mortgage of tbe purchaser. K. H. M'tXSRMlGS.. joh lawo.v. Nov. lO.-St. Adm'i of Ja nr D. aVtcxic. cUc'd TJ OTIC E Uy order nf Ihe Boartl f ) A ' Directora ct tli T"orr House. I hnrebv o-iv ' 1 aotice that the next meeting of he Bosrd will ! h6 hell) on the first Vnnil.iv of Dwflmhar. suit tueriMLfter LiTT, Sc Nov.ia, i5TC...St. SHRiFF,S SALES. ST rrtu of sowdry wri's of Vend. K.- poo7 Al-Vend. Exi'ju. and levari 1 'aulas lasul ru ot he Court of Coinaicn r Cf t-e-srl w.i.n'T. MTit tii ikb i'iiwim. there wi:f o tt- I jxsed itr PnH:c J?a!e. at the Coort Houso tn Eo 1 f nsbnry. prr MosftAT, xss 6tr eat or !E-'f-j URB peat, a iVcloc...r.3.4 tbe follewfn fcsr ! Estate, to wit : Alt the rigl.t, f.tle and fnKrswt ot Variba ' Pringle of. Sn and to v. or tarcelof Iin4 i nutate in Blackiick tcsb''. ' ainlirla count v, HiJoinii!g lands of E. P-raili5r. Capt Johsi WU aon. and Others. inlatnv.g rC- Aeree, tii'T or btss, aU-ut 50 Acrt ot wbn-h are clit.rl. bav- lug thereon f rcctcd a tfo etorj Frume Ho'tf. ! n Frame Stable, a Wa!r Hit' -iitl a trtf. . Mill, in ruuntng order, now in the occ'ifiSy i f ' Iitir.cau ; n tw onrorj' Frwns rni tt) j !ri the occluiancy of Win. Don'iu ; a two atorf ; Fre.rr.t 'fenetcent Hnust- and Frame Sti now . Jn ttte cceopancy of J. C Dunoon, nnd a two i story Fvainu Ter.ement House and Frame bts ! ble- not i-.i.w n- up!etl. A Iso. a pleee or paroiJ 1 ' of lard eltMHto Jn UiaeKltek township. Cumbria . I county. B i t'i-t tnglunildof Emau'i Eralller.T. U i Moero. atid oth-it. -ontatulrg 1) Aries, uibrw I or lesa, acut CO Acres of which iiie -lear-1, ! having tlx rcon recteil a ot.e etovy Frame : and Djtr.k Barn, hot oocui'ted. Ta!.--u ir !;r't1oit and tot esoi lsf the suit tf John i M. King. Administrator of Ji-Un P.. Frorra'd. - i Also all the right, title an l Interest of H.tan j i-laus WLartop,' -f. iu ard to a piece or paroel of laud situate in Clearbtld Jowtmhip, Ceinbrlat -I county, adjoining landf if Ti'war'. P.. irk, Parld : Hutton. and ethers, eontaii lng SS Acrn, more . or losa, abcsU 0 Acres of w hieh are cUared, haT ! ine thore-ort erected h Wt-rSaw Mill, a ri--1 ar.d-a-he.if Ptc rj" Log H atid a Frame Ptar-ie; now in the ocri.pancv of V ni. W hai ton. Taken I In execution and to "bo sold at the; suit of B. M. ! loi!g!as. j Aifco. nil the right, title and interest of Jobu j Duncan of. In at. d to a piree or ps-reel r.f Jsr.-l J situate in tliacklHk towr.shlp. Cambris county, i adjoining lands f K. Brallier, Caj-t. Jo'ou WU '; son. aud others, containing SIOA'Tts, niorw ur ' 1 lesa.labout 4-J Acres cleared and bavti-jr ttereou erected a two story Frame Hot:!- a:.d a l"rsm itain, note in tbe occupancy of'Wni. Dcmxhii; I a two store Fva mo L House. trist Mill, Wnir r j Saw Mtil mid a Stable, now in the of 1 Thomas Duncau; a two story Frame Houo. ! now In the occupancy of lib hue! MiL r. and a or.e-aud a-half story Fran.e Hoi'se, iict oecu-. ; pied. Atfi. a piece or parcel of land t-itiittrfSTi i iiiacklick towr.stdp. Car:.Tla county, teiieinitig I htTidtt of Emni.uel Pru'.iier, lifi.l. ana I other, containing ItsJ Acres, about .-4' aeres of ! which are cleared. La-, ing thcrcoii ert ctf-d a j otit'-an.i-u-hr.lf i-rory Franic I!'. use unci a Ira me : l'aru, i.ow in the ctvCu; a;-cy of Ft nit l Itraiiitr. j Taken lr. execution and to be so'dut the suit of I Jni.-;eH I.Jorlry. I A tt, all t ho riiiht. title and Interest ft David liurUlsart of. in and to a piece or 1 aicel tl laud I situate lu r usotn-benr.a tow rf !.!p. nmbrin eo., iiii I John J. i: j A -., ; t-ijolalng lands of defor.dar.t. r .arv Ann Cowan. latt. ar.d othera, otmialulr.g St7 Aeie. fs. aboutT) Actea of which ar cleared the oc-upancv cf D.a i 1 i'utkbart. execution nnd to l.cecii at the suit of tise. M. D. Ai-.. all the lia-hr. f 1 1 1 1 irt liti.r.-.f r,f ThiMt. Ert-.nnr.n of. In nod to the fc'loii.g rie-w-ii'ied : property, to v.-;t : Al! 'bat certain piece or pu i eei of land situ&te. lying and Leitig in Mnnster j towiithlp, Csii.biia county, beginning at a poet j (11 the hue of Francis Conner, north Si degrees. ., w est id perchee, to a post ; theuc north I grees, wc&t W.V perches, to a post on "lir-.? ( f j Joseph Cramer: thence north fc degree, sst i loaand 7-Jo ierchs. to a post on line of Tl.t. ! Oallagiiei 'b In-irs : theuco sotitb 8HX dei.- cast to b ppl uii line 'if Joseph O'Brleu ; balane- of said tract cf land, south 8 t'.ereee. w est YX, per ches, to a post, the place of b g mning contain ing 4o A :res and 60 Porches It being- part cf a Larger tract of 'mud conveyed bj T! e.mns (,ul lag! r and pitsau, kiswiie, to Jcseph O'Prien and Ann. h'.s wife, by dcci uutotl, Cfiivc t d to John A. Brien. Thkcu iis ejoeutlcn und to be sold at the suit of John O'P,. leu. A iso, all the right, title r.nd in'.eret-t of Mich'l Byrnes of, in and to a piece or 1 at eel t f land situstelu Alleghenv township, Cambria t outi ty. at'Jninii x lands cf Jaa. l'ei rr, Joe. Walters. i and other;, containing n& Acre, l-.iore or lees. 1 about 45 Acres ct wLJch ero ciearcd. bavirg i ttereon erected a twottory I'Inrk Hcuee ard a Log Paru, now In the occupancy of Mrs. Naney i Bj rtics. Taken in -xccu lion end to be sold at i the salt of F.. & H. Nutter. ! A lo. all tho risrht. titln Htid Interest of Hugh ! G. Krie of, iu aud to a pieuc or parcel of lend Situate i.i Clearfield township, Cambria county. adjoining lauds of Andrew Burgoon, John Sh sou, and others, containing fA Acres, me re or iese. unimproved. Taken in execution and to be soM st the suit of Peter MeGet gh. A lo. aii the right, title and interest of Simon Nagie and Rachel Negle of, in and to a piece oc parcel of land situate 111 Cheat township, Cam bria county, adjoining lauaa of John i.antzr. Jjeifc, Liiah Lloju, aud othera, contain ing 63 Acres, Lit re or n Lout ni ainv i-f wricb are cleared, having liitrv.-u crcctcKi a uue-iLii-H-kH'f sloi-y Log iiotis , iaow ij. tu - t c cupaucy of i-achcl .as.o. 'Aakeu 1n execution an-l to be sold at the euil of Ilurd 4 McJCve. Ait, all the right, title and interest of Simon Nsgle of, in and 10 a piece or parcel of land sii uii'.u lr. Chest towns-tip. (.auilnit count v, td- joinlng fici.Ca or John Lautzy. Byora, Uritib Ll-yd, an i others, ct nlattii.g tr Ac: e, more or leatf, Htiotit Acres of wiik n are i-jeureti, hav ing ti.-reoo ei tictcG a one-and-a-baif iur- 1., House, now iu tno occupancy cf bacbel Naglu. Taken in execution and to !.e solu at tbe suit of I . P. Aierney. Also, aii iberia-hf, title ard interest of Jame Burk of, 111 m.iX to a piece .r par ei f lctd sit uatt in Suriit.eriti'.i township. Cambria county, adjoining lands c f S. M. Kern, Cnilstum buiav, and otters, containirp- 72 Acres, mote or less, about Co Acres of which are cleared. Laving thereon erecte d two out -and-a-helf ttory Log Housvsanda Leg Earn, lo-v iu the ccctjancv ol James Burk. Ta!;en in execution and to be Sold at tne suit of Jereiuiah MoCiocigie. Also, u'l thevfght. Utk-aud luieietoof An drew Ki.ppof, ir; and to a piece or parcel ,.f laud eituate in C'iearfieid township. Cambria count; .eojcini'ig lHiKitor Pi ed, x'ir.glirjr. 'iHr othy Caw it-y, Patterson. ai.! c-thcit, containing Xt Acres, more or loss, about bO " Acres ol wuiuti are cleared, baling thereon erected a two story Log House with Frau.e Kitchen attachoi and Log Barn, now in ti e oc cupancy of Anrlicw Hopp : a ht'-Sm bbitior ury ' Saw Mill and a two story Frame House, now in ihe occupancy of Feter ; a fto u.ry I'laiik Housi', now in the c-oupaney of Andrew Gorman a id Demetrius Vt'eakiautJ. 'itjun in 'xeeuilon and to be sold at th -1 tuit of ilurrav HctTinan. Jr. - A l.o. aii the right, title and Interest of Tao. " Kot.gers c r, in and to a piece or piret-I af lane? situate 1:1 Ebenburg borough, Ca rain ia county. iroaifi:gon the plank road, adjolsing lands of Saniuei Shoe-maker, David Powell. E. R. Dune gun, artu others, having t hereon erected a two story rame House aud Fraiiie Stab;e. now in t ue occupancy of Thos. Rodgers. Tnkon m ex ecution s.nd to be sold at the suit of Liovd A Co. all the rigot. Utle and fut crest of Jtsa w of, lu aud to a piece or puree 1 of lantt situate in W aahlnglon townt-Llp. Cambria coun ty, adjoining land? of Mr. Evans. Stephen A. -Jcyers, ar.1 othets, coui&h.lng ,j Aeret,. more or less, having; tbtreon erected a Water Saw Mill, now ia of John Wilkin, at tl a one-and-a-half story PIhujc floue. now It the o'cupHt cy of Win. Hal!. Al a pice or par cel of land ePuate in Washington 'township t ambrut county. aUJolnir. Ian4s ef Stephen A Mover. Trstt. and otberg, coutainln c0 Acrs, uaorecr leas, having therein erecteS two one-hn-'-a-haif stor-' Vi, -..': tr,,.. . . j . Plank Stable, now in tho tvm,.r.r -.r t " 1 W-w.t.rt,Nl nnt T . Tl i 1 - ' r ! 'i.,LTl: , , .pnn,;i!r"n- Lewis. Sd'aarci. end others, conta'nlnir 1X1 Ar. 1 corn'n;rir si Ar . m,, iu. about 20 Acres of whi.-s ..... t hereon erected a Lcr nnV- -n . "V" I r.ow In tbo ocrupan-y of .Tojn NH-ll ! Ken !n xeentioa and to be sold at th e 1 jocon- lA-ib. ll. Jr. Ta- tbe suit of Alio, nil the r 117 ti . tttic r .'. . - . teriiz' l. t1t! tnAr .in and to pl ec.r ,,,1 )e,n(i sbingtop township. Cambria .y.t13. lauds of Heirs of The .pus .nrM sin tn Wsb t. ndii.triini ; : 7'-: "uiu'-on, ana uiuers. er r Ja'r- i h:iA,e rCr .r 8tont nrr of "bich fnP (t?rAt hav'r' thereon ere ted a taomorr 1 Plauk House end a Frame now In 00. j cupancv of 'Francis McAtumany. Tken jTeI ccut'oB and to be sold ar tbe err af","". ittZ?w JOHN A. BI.AlftV f berci. j Sheriff s Office. Ebensburg. Nor. 17. 1.:0. ! V'OTICE. In the matter of the ta?e ,.f ! "7 Kenl Tatars' of Job Skeltt, Jr.. on j V end. Fxpon... No. jrkj. June Term, lt,:o, in Com. i moo Pieas cf Cambria countf. ! And now, 5th September. 187a on motion of c.o, .S.j., JOSEPH MJ-'O.VALI, Eeo appointed AnUitor to report u,sir:bution of ln l-roceerls of sale on tbe above stated write. By the rvart. The Auditor above named will sit for the pur poses of his appointment, at bis office in Ebena burg, on Thundtiu. 2th rfiu nf v. ,....-.. j at 2 o'clock, p. m.. at which time aud place the I rarties inter-'!! n v .ttnnit Li i or JOS 5PH MTON ALL, "loT" Ebeusburg, Nov. 10, 1370.-t. 1 A UDITOHK NOTICE The on..,. ' -stgnecl Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court ot Cauibria eouzttv tort-port ditrihntir!!. of the funds in tlie Ukaus of Augnie Crave? Adm'r of Joseph Bautn.dec'd. hereb li uZl tloe ' J'"' sit at Ms cfiBce in trTnsbur on TUESDAY, the Sirh dar of NOVPlf Ff 1KT9. it i o clock. r-.M for the purpoLiff al tendlu? to the dutie c-f aaid appointment!!: Tnoselnt-ferested are requested r! T attend , . x. WM. 11. 8ECHLER, Auditor Ebeusburg, Nov. a, lfCO.-St. f" , WHOLESALE i . .- . - V - -r- .J li