The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, November 10, 1870, Image 3

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    fambria Freeman
NOV. 10,; 1870
Tp KOITKIX CO., 40 Park How,
rf?Tnd S. M. PtTrKNAlIX & CO.,
l'fl'v Vork, are tlie soli- agents for the
k i!Sn mn 'ty, al,d a7flor-
ii61 Tn trait far instruiitu"V -.7 -I
-1 10 , r lowest cash rates. Advertisers iu
I ?, ,re Rested to leave their favois
t 1 1 kr or tbi above house.
"local and personal.
, 3BU "-
i t,ree neep i'e-i-"-
. i.mi.,,1 k. 'iica on I ue.-dav
s butcJifi lvlt" 11
''. i Jo Morrison. b-c injury on the
HuKUUfc'Jon we noticed lust week,
i .i ..voniiii last..
) i.n 1 I.utau r- ... , - ,
H" 1 . . r 411 ipurn liieil reiv ' ' " ' , j
Kitf e.
i ' . . ...1.. .-..1 ,
l. -f rtolf fluaucui Btciw aim uicu
Until Bit- ' . -
.. . ;nii'es Alter.
1 Nt York tanker named II ell man drew
.1.1 a I'fW Java ml-o, in ihe San
' " i.Wv lottery. Hell uiuu, can t
' lU C , 1 ITtdf.n Hof.l L-itchn bl
"iff rod 01 o' "
! e t--.ia:'l te 'ra t''e chimney, 011
I ;' L . . 1.., n-.ij fort mottid v itihrorrPil
..aim- B-'1- "u i ,
- 1 unv 1 1 m m (t . uiM'ln IllPfl-
1 L:JutN ueiu'i" e- "
;,t a3 Join;. ....
-'t . . t,
it J C''.tnr vliiu'B prcperiy 111 ji unsic-r
' lip oii tl't 2"-'il in?t , and Jacob Luther
Viu do 11:1016 tnE m JSiiiiiuehanna
' .. .1 .. "jih
Ti 'nve i:i to tltue enjoyed the most
Site fa!litr Hint ims pioiiaoiy itr
u-nctd ia tliis h!-h latitude ut this
n of the veur. The ihermotiieter tt two
,tic Mi:.i! indicated SI d.'gioes ia the
(iM Join-ton, switch lender In the Al
"'wilroad 2rd, fill suddenly dead, while
'';" the track on Monday afternoon
'"hm-iW of the Iuui;s is u;posed to
. 11 k. u .w..i
p,,vr MstbtT" nr o!J Udv residij.g in
1 ' 1 TJI , .1
k-'CWII tU'I!Mlpl ii:ur t'Olllll, u iuumu
iialerbarn yard on Sunduy erenitig Ut.
r.r'exT or disease of the heart was troba
Le cause. Her husband was found dead
-ihfsme place gonie eleven years ugo.
f-Pml)t:ger Si Co., whohe ndvf-rtiseinent
ears iu vr paper to-day for the second
hive createu a tcnsanou in inercnuiiie
bcretwaj. and big crowds of custom
'.nr." their stora room almost constantly.
k td evening. 1 r.ey are ccriauiiy geiimg
1 1 Y'.v.i'.f of aoQ'li wonderfully cheap, and
tl:e Attrnt'tion that tlrawa ttie crowd.
Tixnisp IVioIan and Michael
terribly injured, a day or two no, by the
it ure f'xpiosiou of a blast at nn ore mine
Iioi!:J:.l?bt;r. Poohm had both hands
i- 1 1 1 t'
ic" iSJ luce arm lcch suocsiugiy nurn-
Ej h ot Ms linn to be amputated,
it i not iMe he will survive,
tatad etc li:'"er lorn off. knee fractured
!nrf seJ iitH-k burned to a crisp.
Vili.K. L. George, who has been s'.udytng
atcukpeot ears with lefrs. Johns-
VtScitiku, w:ia admitted to the practice
-1-1 . 1 j 1
i::.g, : ircumtiit Court His cxamiua-ii-i'.i
to hnve been highly creditable to
e'.iirdlo his tutors, nnd ve hope hi pro-
on! career, wherever Le u.ay locate, will
V patent n.eihod for making roads is to
rp wit into tbe mti die of the hiuhwav
a:'J the culverts on hiirh ground, to thtit
itcruiin run arrnind nii'l create nn almost
yit.e rsi:d l.i.'.e tl'roiigh which every ve-
LiS to te ovajgea. 1 his patent can be
iu ipv?.i'.ioa on the rd lead:ng from
'ii'irc tu Lorfllo atii within tho limits of
itti-r.tiuu i JirecteA o Ihe extensive ad-
taifttoi' MeM-ri. Geis ,t Foster of Jehns-
la ! found in mr advertuii.g columns
. Ti.ey are iu eau est pout removing
11A besides wautine to dispose real es-
i.rj are determined to almost give goods
rum until spung in order to get rid stoc k. Let our readers, one
1, avail theuieelves ot this extraordinary
ft obtain bargains.
Vux. Berg, younpest s n of llr. Feter
c:;. loor IIoumc H.revtor, tnft with a
iltcoiilrrit ftDd t:arrow crr.nye Irom death
iJij lat. He was a.-ci.tirip an elder
io oiakit:" oine repairs at their father's
lil. ill (NmlilMrt tnttri,.! jn n ti ln
' ti., Irotber was using flew from his
11 d s tu ' Alexander in the face, iu
; terrible giif'i and knockiui; him sense-
lch ccuditiot; he was removed to his
'butij no-it gaid to be doing as well as
!m- Yr&ncis J. Earheriek, who removed
Uitwi tonLip to Virginia last spring
but a:Wii.ta migrated from there to
011 I'ujjmj of Inst w eek. It appears
ne wtj ensued with others in operating
v...:r. michiiieoii i.ia'frni T,-.jr!viii
f 1! state, aid by nome means got one of
fros caiiL'ht in tho marhiti nr en tprrihlr
fej that it bid to be amputated, under
. - . rapiuiv uecuueu auu
'''cs, Esq., and his estimable
f.irreu our town on Monday evening
,,J -1'H lUtOtition fit' ItiL'inir tin A tvtm
y nadce at Front RoyaL Va.. wleie
,",'"'s 13 undertaken a very extensive
- cv. trart. Tiie OCd iJhes of our
..4'";h iIr- wile and wife's eister,
". ,!,f:xe. lrom our midst has created a
."t Social circle whlfh th
bf "1 ttiUaiutancc and friendBhin will
t.;'' Lo,nr 10 ' Pprcciate. May health and
"tuc.wim ttiein in their new home
firifxt l!n
tpl'lt da!-tor, aged n years, of Mr.
r " ""meiiy of VVilmore, but now
" aM severely burned on ene side
L " ;d oce tand. She waa holding
bcr arm. wl,.. .
t-i Cer and caus'1 h to drop the
feu inn f.r.;:, " r
hi a-. " uio-uiace, wun ine ro-
. uuniiM ol lt,e iniauc attract-
w6-s:er to tho . ,
'lortunste lrom a horrible death no
' tow ia a fair way of recovering.
th0,!;?.0 Population, Johnstown Is
pt:iaiI'i " l,n,; tte. The order is
W'ln ""ui jr.iancasttr, r.rie,
''Sotr'n r.n-trrt' Johnstown and lins-
.:,:f"e 59 Srf.y mistaken. Eac-h of
-a "thaiffi11" tow'19 contains a larger
re" 1" i) cai;e great "Uommer-To-t
o ."STille Tamaqua, Kor-
i( Joh,n119 Btid Carbondale also are
OKr Arrangements and Facilities.
We are prepared to give prompt attention
to those who arrive by the R. 11. cars or steam
bost siid wish to depart the same day.
Persons nt a distance wishing to obtain
medicines for their friend?, will bring a speci
men of urine lor examination, or have it sent
by express.
The patient will be careful to take the first
urine pasaed alter a night's teat, and in all
cases to give thoir aui.
This latter ia necessary to a correct diagno
sis as well as to tbe regulation of the quantity
of mediciue prescribed.
We would like to have the mamk and resi
derce of every patient.
The advantage of this will be apparent to
all, but especially to those who may wiabto
send back for a second course of medicine.
We keep a regular record of each analysis
and prescription, by comparison with which,
we are enabled on subsequent examinations to
determine the improvement in the case, and
make the required changes in treatment when
The fuel itiea which Tacket Boats and Ex
press Lines furnish for quick transportation of
small packages, to and lrom every point within
live hundred miles ol this place, make it suffi
ciently convenient for the treatment of all
chronic diseases. In fact, this system of diag
nosis, conducted upon the latest scientific
principles of Urino-l'athology, "13 far more cer
tain and much more to be depended on, thuu
the usual "pulse and tongue" examinations
alone. JJbs. L. k T. L. OLDSHUE.
The Ksabk Tiaso. We refer with special
pleasure to the advertisement of the Great
Piano Manufactory of ilessis. Wm. Knabe
Jfe Co., of Baltimore.
This factory is one of the largest in the
world; it is a uiagninVcut five story structure,
fronting an entire block in Eutaw street, ;uic
covering, together with the Lumber Yards
attached, some two and one half acres of
ground. Three hundred and fifty men con
stantly employed turning out over lorty instru
ments per week.
The Knabc Piano hns by its superiority not
only well nigh driven thosu ot .Northern manu
facture from the home market, but also erjoys
a large sale iu New York, Philadelphia and
throughout the entire North and West, besides
their largely increased Southern trade.
The most talented musicians of the day, both
amateur and professional, testify to their superi
ority, and wherever exhibited they have never
failed to carry oil' the highest awards over all
competition, having received no less than to
first premiums. Duiii.g t!-e last season they
were used simultaneously by the most distin
guished artists at the Opera House in Balti
more, Philadelphia, New York, Brooklyn, Chi
cago, &c. There is certainly no instrument
made, more durable than the Ksabi;
none but the best workmen being employed
and only the very best of materials used.
Local CorrcKitoutenc
As Important action of ejectment, says the
Hairisburg Paiiiot. was tried last week in
Hollidajsburg, involving title to a Urge and
valuable tract of la-id, in which James Brad
ley, of Chester county, and others, were plain-
tills and William Decker, of Blair county, and I
others, delvnuauts. 1 tie case involved some
nice questions of land law uud resulted in a
verdict in favor of the defendants, who held the
property under their improvement right. L.
W. Hnll, E-iq., of this city, was counsel for
the defeu lants. The whole tract of land was
sold for a few shillings iu 1S 0, uu 1 it is now
said to be quite valuable. The plaintiffs hold
the same sort of a title tor many other tracts
in Cambria and Blair counties, but the proba
bility ig they have lost any rights they ever had
by uegiect to assert them in due season ; all
ot which teaches that delays are dangerous iu
this age of improvement. Our courts in thip
section of the State arc not much troubled with
questions about the tines to land.
SiNGi LAtt Incident. Mr. Hiram Rhodes, of
West Huntingdon, on Saturday night last, re
tired to bed having in his possession a conid
eiable sum of money, which he put in his ve?.t
pocket, placing the vest under his pillow.
About two o'clock iu the morning he awoke,
having dreamed that some one had entered the
room and stolen his pocket-book, and on
searching found his vet lying on the bed, the
pocket book missing, ind the doors standing
open. On searching the prernbses no trace of
the robber orrobbers could be discovered.
Mr. Rhodes is positive that no person could
have entered his room, and that whoever open
ed the door must haie been concealed in his
room belore he went to bed, but the most tin
gnlar part of the circumstance is that the next
day the pocket book was accidentally found
under the porch of the house, concealed under
some buihiing rubt.i.-h, with its content ;ndis
turbed. The entire matter remains a uisiery.
Huntingdon Journal. are a few interesting facta connected
with the life ot Mr. Paul George, whose death
we announced last week, which we deem wor
thy of notice. When his father removed lrom
Bedford county, to this county, in ltill he set
tled on a tract of land about two miles south
east of this olace, which afterwards became
the property ot the late Jacob Turner. It. Ibl2 :
' m . TT O :l U I
jlr. 0e0r0 cairicu me J . o. umu uu uunr-
back from Huntingdon to Pittsburgh. In
he was the contractor for making one fourth
of a mile of the Pittsburgh turnpike, where
Blairsville now is. During the previous year he
had madejthe same tatance ot the game turn
pike through w hat was then'ond is yet known,
as the "Laurel Swamp Tract," 011 part of
which the present Cressou Spiings buildings
are now located.
;i!.M,')inVILMEST---The neatness and
X"kn J tno amrnmmit and (lis-
't' Vh''V0'-'1 s:t"1'0 of :I- L. Oat
"'r Wr,,; f"'il:'t:ii of all who visit
''toL', -,,;,! r,'rca,ltli,; uart. Mr.
f'-, , rtand- nnw to select the
U.su7'.. ,r"l,wi '"it he knows how
f.wi-st r-,, L T"11"" "indseli tnem at
u.urc 110cr.11 patronage.
"nWnr ii V conceded to be
I tfn'l (i,uU,:" of a live pa-
. '-Ikitij.;'., "BH 111"
?k .!-"fwttr fCfa eof hard.vure.
U-L , rV1"' Huntley
Ul' O'-scrvea to prosper.
:,oti1j7L,'r.'te".t Information fmm
KE!uhns r:ot et re-
"xt', 2-ivm '.;';"!(ww are opened
1 'Wlre,... T. 1Hoa Kill. HI-!. arru.
All Saints' DaT. Tuesday of last week
was "All Saints Day." This festival takes
its origin from the conversion., in the seven
teenth century, of the Pantheon of Rome into
a Christain place oi worship and its dedica
tion by Pope Bonifaee IV to the Yirpin acd
all the martyrs. The anniversary of this event
waa at first "celebrated on the 1st of May, but
the day was subsequently altered to tho 1st of
November, which was thenceforth, under the
designation of the Feast of All Saints, set
apart as a general commemoration in their
honor. The festival has been retained by the
Anglican Church.J
James J. McrtrnT We called into the store
ol this irentleman in Johnstown the otbor day
and found him uctuaUy too bu3' ro talk, lie
bad a dozen ot customers at one time, und wua
soiling made-up jrniuieiits about as fat as a
man can sell goods. The &'fn of the -tiUir"
must attract people to No. hw Clinton street at
this rate. James J. Murphy kcf mens' aud
bovs' olothiiife', under aud upper jrarwentt;,
cto'thinj and over clothing-, ail styles, ail quali
ties, all tuehtens, and all pi ices.
C II. P. The Cheap; Hat Parlor of L. Cohen
& lirother. Mo. : itain sstre&t, Johnstown, still
maintains its celebrity us the cheapest Hat storo
Jn the place, and the only hat More in the place;
that lirm mo now selling immense numbers of
hats, caps, iriink-s, mnbreilttis, nt' i 111 un-nnitf
Kocxis and f urs of all kinds. CoUeu & Brother
tako a pride in "keepiniT up tho latent la.siiions
and Btvles, aud beintr men of c-ood taste, tliey
know what style and fashion is. Call with them
it you want a tip-top hai.
Pthawukiikies. A man in llnntinfrdcn coun
ty is said to have grathere! iq-o straw berrn -son
hi farm one day last w eek. Wedont know
how that is, but we do know that if you want
the bet kind of a watch, tho bet kind of jew
elry, the best kind of a sewing machine, the
best kind ot" fancy koo. Is. the bst kind of booKS
and stationery, tiio best hind of cigars und to
bacco, cr. J the best kind of everything, at very
i-,-:i3ona!)lo i licet, C. X. Roberts is tue man to
bay from. - ,
Mrrni.Y r.OT. Hlh-diddWdee! hi?h-did-dle-duml
home from the city Harry has come,
nnd now you will find, if hitner you hie, at the
shoemaker i-tore au endless supply of the very
best sroods that ever in town were offered so
cheap lor the reedy cash down Roods of such
kinds as must please one and ad who with mon
rv in hand see to call ; and to very cheap
too that all will a;rec that better fe-ooda at low
er prices they never did sec.
Ttonun to Win. We think there is do doubt
atmnt the 1'ateiit Safety Lamp JViXJid
by K. J. Mills, and kept for sale at his I lour and
Feed Sfre 011 Hirh street, winnimr its way to
publle favor, aa ail who appreciate wfetffrmj
exidodon' and breakagre, brilliancy of ! 1 ght,
freedom from c-tfeneive odor and economy in
tho consumption of oU, cannot tali to see it in
thosa lamps." Buy one and be ecnvincea.
If'vou wouM have no gfy hair use Hail's
Vt'Kti'tabie Sicilian Hair Renewer, the oaly sure
JonKSTOwx, Oct. 7, 1870.
near Free rrern-liaclng- hores has been tho
pastirueof some of the prominent citizens r'f
t .Vi'ir'i1'" of autumn have fadly
1, f.l.f i .WU1' l? And that it is a
I'lcnsm- fsa tlxed tact-and innocent at that
"rn,u ,1th n'."1Hh,H would not pruitice it.
',e tomtdnatieii Troupe of Delehaute, Hen-rh-rand
15ioodRooi will hold a concert at the
Opera liousi; this evening-. The Coleman Chil
Uren, occupied ttie saniu place on the 3d 4th and
The streets end alleys of our town have been
TborouRhly paved and otherwise repaired dur
ing the past sumtner. Not less than t hree niilw.
of pavement have been laid oa Napoleon, l!ed
ford, Adams, Kailroad and Locust streets, and
in the alleys running: puraiM to Main street.
JSew eteppmsr stones have also been laid at ull
tho principal crossings.
The Cambria Iron Company is making: a new
street of tinder throiiRh the centre of the old
canal basin. They arc-also making- a railroad
up the north shore of Conemtiugh river. They
have built an immense butch-r shop 011 the Is
land, near the railroad station, and th-v are
building- a new oltice in Millville borough, be
tween the rolling mill and the river.
About eighty workmen ui-e engaged in rush
ing up the new Woolen Factory iu Wood vale,
in iiopes of completing it before the wiuterft-ts
in. This is mi iminciiBe buildiug. We counted
three hundred windows in the main bmiiii!:,
wliit-h is now ready for the roof ami his several
of the roof timbers on. The dye hoiisc, boiler
house, and engine house constitute 11 building
almost half us largt; as ttie main building. tu!y
th fouudatinu ol thes is laid as vet.
Ciur street purveyor, t.y some 111 fabap. perhaps
liy the tiirect.ioii of the Council located and
Eluded the Mrcets and t lie alleys iu the lit h ward
so high that the iots w ill have to be tilled up
two or three feet. These lots have been tilled
with -vater all summer, und will make a spieu
di.l skuting park during vho winter.
The lttuiti Broihers, ph. siciaus, have ooujrlit
the Downey property on Market street and put
up a splendid buiidii.'ir. The Yearly Hiothiv,
ai.-io pii.VBicians have donu likewise" 011 Locust
street. Ueorg-e Fritz und Jacob F.-nd huvu put
up splendid luMUfions 011 Main street. Abiaru
R-.pe2in has put up a fire building on Franklin
street Napoleon Haynes has built a nice portico
to liis house ou -M01 ris street, Kcni ille, ('bus.
Siippes bus put upa lurjj-e store room on Midn
street, ueiir V, 111. Oi r's eubinet wuro inanuiac
tory. So it
borne urii ducat ed young men in this place
are in the habit of indulging in "vulgar prac
tices," as noticed in the lJt inciat of ia.-t week,
Ttioy not only stand about church doers ai.n
street corners, psst-iug- obsoeno romiii-ks t.boat
ladies, but they are generally inH'c wherever
they o. They u-t-in public. They (mss c-fj-sc-crit.
jests in Mores. '1 hey ihtw and throw their
tc-bfi co quins in the theatres at other people's
head.-?, and though they were well raised ut home,
yet they can ttuitp and cN-cr and liy r in public
places, as tf they iliwrvt-il notice. They e;:n
even call lespeetable farmers hard names, and
act the monkey generally, in church and out of
it. Now what, makes them do this? Becauso
they are ucU edecatrd aud somewhat miici.i(V,i.
Their parents would be ushamed of them ii they
siw them acting the baboon, but they take earu
V.t keen dark wnen the "old folks" are about,
tmr police are afraid to say anything, tiiough
tttcy are paid for attending theatres and other
public places. Let 'em rip I
W inter has not yet set iu. But iusi to think
he w soon it may. Oh, tho cold and dreary viii
t'r! Uh, the dark und cruel winter! oil, the
snowy, stormy winter! How it makes me
shrug and bhuddcr! How it makes me shake
and shiver I How il makes tup tlihikof oysters!
Jiowit makes me dread the deigning! Trrm-1-lL".
with me, Mitichaha! When 1 was young T
liked the wititei liked to see thesnovr Hakes
lalUng through the htiinid air like fi-i:thc-s.
But 1 in growiny: old and feeble. Hence, tue
vvifctci- is a horror.
1,111 est ions for th3 Ter.chrrs Institute. What
is a ': How long is a line? hen and where
does the equator touch the-north pedeV How
many sounds 11 horn? Whet Is tn ditler
ei'.ce "between a fracture and a pitiee !' r-haik?
Represent a meteor according- to 'lark's liia
irrtsns. Wl-ut 1 ecoines of a tiain of ears
ihey strike :i Mute line? When does history
rep-eat its lf '( When does two from two leave
four? Represent KykbyptlJ.v:iiptl in phonetic
characters. Why is it capital 1) put in the mid
dle ol this word? W hen a printer takes a com
ma out what does he generally put in its place?
Loetk in a mirror and analyze what J on see? as
an object Ietsem. iive us t he primitive of elec
tricity ! J:ve the r-jiionyin et your own mtiue.
A society has been established in this place
called the "Free Institute," with twelve profes
sors. It meets at the Library Booms. The last
Ji -i.MiWtit hitsthe aforesaid profcssoi-s sfothing
i v. l'ci mit us to ask thf-m the following fu;e
tiotis : Chemistry and Botany How urn the
sexes of the Zoop-hite distinguished? Metais
aud Alctullurgv is there counterfeit -oid ov
silver? Civil ilngincering - Dees vat r ever
run up hill ? Architi't t ure What kir.ti of wood
is a suubeum? Local llistcry Wh ii were pntu
lirst used in this plae-? l;olitini hwinniy
What diK-s one campaign cost ? l.ieiue-utary
Fngiisii Analyze horoscope. Astronomy '1 o
what race do- the man iu the moon belong V
Horllolture To -what genus of plants do coal
bleissoins belong? ileteortdogy Is a meteor
n't l'l-:pir w hen it strikes the earth?
This .Johnstown zouuvt indtilgr-l in a t all,
on last Saturday evening. at the I mon Hall. A
large crowd was prese-nt and everybody seemed
to en Jov the occasion. .
The stoiv of J. M. Howard, of Kernville, .rth
ward, was cio-etl hist week by public nut hority.
It tppoars that he was selling gootis somew !;at
shiwer than he was buying mei:i, but says he
did not know that. He left uud has not been
heard of lately, though he may turn up in the
course of cv-tits.
A l.iisli timc-uiaj'be expectM here from now
until the holidnjs areoer. U'l;e- theatres rac
preparing for a run, balls arc on the tapis, and
people arc pre-purin;. to onjoy themselves gen
erally. About ten o'clock on Saturday nicrht lat
the dwelling house of Mrs. A. sstommcr, on
Adams street. aught tire by the explosion of a
lamp which two little girls were filling, and the
tUnues spread rapidly. The liro bell was rang,
ami the tire engine got on the ground in about
half an hour. .No lire.plug was any nearer than
the head of Main street, however, and it was
some time before the engine got to work, but
when it was stinted the liana s were soon sub
dued. The furniture in the lower rooms was
tutved and lite 100ms themselves but little- Jam
ared. The upper rooms with furniture .were
consumed. '1 lie Hook and Ladder Company
raved. the- furniture. The brewery was not in
iiired. boss about il.ijOO. No insurance. Mrs.
t-tcn; mer w as til the theatre when the tire broke
enit. Ron Roy.
CARuor.r.TOWK, Nov. 7, 1870.
Df.'tr Free turn Materials for local letters were
never so scarce iu this region us now, and you
will consequently make all due allowances
Should inv pen grow somewhat rusty from dis-u--e.
Even body appears to have luily acei-pted
tho situation that winter is lust approaching-,
u;d prudence, nty, almost necessity, ce.itipee- a
dilliyt-iit preparaiiou for his usually long- and
lev leitii. our iHimers are busy threshing-,
cribbing corn, burying potatoes aud cabbu,'e.
rnakinv cider, gathering wood, and above all
making due prepai atioii for the comfort of
their cattle, etc. All at' thankful for tho fa
vorable? tall, and are making good use of ir.
Yesterday morning an old man named Baker
wa- t lirnwit from a horse and seriously stunned
or fhocked. He was carrie-d into the horel of
Mr. I.-awrence Shroth ami medic! assistance
immediately summoned. Towards evening ho
was well enough to be hauled to ids home, about
a mile lrom town, in a sled. Mr. Baker is an
old man, some bixty odd yc-ais of age, and a
cripple besides, so that the severe fall he re
ceived must set hard 011 him. 1 loarn this morn
ing that he is dofng as we-11 as couid bo ex-pe-cted.
Lust week we had tbe devotion f tho lorty
Hours, and Tucstiay lieing Ail fcaints' lay, aud
Wednesday All Souls' Day. according to tho
Catholic calendar, both of which days are very
strictly kept aud received riy the Catholics gen
wrally, but particularly our Uermtin popula
tion, vou mm- readily imagine our town duriug
Monday, Tuesday and Wednetnlay was alive
w ith church goers.
1 congratulate you, Mr. Editor, on your con
valescence, and hope you may not again be
similarly aillieied. R.
S.J. Hess & BnoTHEit have purohasetl the
Clothing Store of I-eopold & BroTher No. Zil
Main street, Johnstown, adjoiuSnjr Hess' Furni
turo Rooms, nod wiil be happy to retain alt the
old customers and obtain many new purchas
ets. Mr. Hess, the acting partner, is a very
clever man, and deserves all the patronage he
can rfct. The firn having laid in a larpe supply
of now made-up clothing and gc-nts' fui-niritiing
goods. They also keep alt sizes of boys' ready
niude clothing. Hess.Sc Brother are determined
to sell cheaper thau ever Oive them a cail.
30y000 DOLLARS'
of all grades and prices. Barge stock of Oil cloths. Window Shades. Trunks. V!ir Satchels,
Are., &c-, i n fact, our entire stock will be ot'erert at COtfT and C-VIiitlAG li. und must all be sold
by next Spring, previous to our removal to the West.
5"This is uiKuesTionallv the best opportunity- ever ofTered for the citizens or Cambria and
siirroundii:-counties lnift. SPI.i:NliHl l!A!!'!.iv f t..,. r.,,-t, ,11. .1 mi win. In-... i.vt
been through our f-tablishmciit, are f uily nwai e that we have bv fur the largest and mot-t com- j
plot sttu-k of Coods in Cambria county. Wc the-iofore earnestly retjuesL all wlm mkuI Cowls
cheap to call at once, as they may not soem have another such chalice to get! bargains. Wo with j
it fully understood that there is humbur about this whatever, as we have already made ex- ;
tensive, pui chases in Kansas and Intend making it our future home. Weave, therefore, deter- !
luinedto close out our entire stoclt by next f.pi inc, either wholesale or retail, o call sooti and !
avail yourself of this excellent chance 10 get oui goods very cheap. Bring tho. Cash with you,
as we will sell on 110 other terms; - j
(iV.lS &, r0S'ra:, rVca. IIS and II. Clinton Sf.s Joliitstuvrn. i
! fl
Li v
hi 1 j1 1 1 1 if 1 .1 1
1 .11 1
! 1
II !
j nor
a Kt M r"J I i r i M Ml
The following letter, which explains itself, nai
been received at the
Now York Branch Store,
31.117 STUEETi
; Opposite Cambria House. Ebensburg j
! Or-rofir.R 27th, lO.
' fes.r. M. HAMREKtiEK A- C. This unex
j pcte-1 iness:ur may sennewbat surprise you.
ttv-.ugh h a friend I think it pit duty to in'orra
j you of the Bret that a certa.u party inenns
1 putting out your srore w ithtn t.-rr davs. if you
do not pack up and leave town, lake time by
the fore-loch; tSircti M.T. H.
-1 our STOliB IiriLDIXtS-, Nns. 113 and 115 Clinton street, fronting rl feet on Clinton street
nnd running back lUS feet. It is probably one of tin-most, complete-ami best arranired Stiwkm
111 W estern I'eiii'.-y i vanhi. The second story is eleirantly litled up as a CARPET BOOM and tor
"toi-iug gCMwls. This is an eiee-Ilent opportuoity for any one wishing to engage in tho mercantile
business. It is one of the very best ioeate-d stands iu Johnstown, and has been tb.'.pjj- as good a
trade as any store in the county. OFIS & FOXIER, Johnstown, l'a.
' ' 011 private terms three choie.; lil'Sl NTNr STAN lis- on tho corner of Main and Clinton Sts.,
Johnsuiwn, l'a. Tue piece of ground fronts liVs feet on Clinton street and 40'; feet on Main
Thh; property will be sold nil together or ia parts, to suit purchasers. ' JOHN (JE1S.
BRICK DWFBEI.VO HOFSI 21 by ad feet, cotitaialrg Ekiht Booms, It as. Watch, Bvth
Re'OM, Ban;f., Wash Hotistr;, .V.c, is ollcred at private t-atc. Lot fronts 4-1 feet 0:1 Jackson si ree-t
ut.d runs tiaek l.M feet to an alle- . AN DREW I' STER.
Johnstown, November lrt, l.-'tll.-Tiiii.
10 to
Let) tl
tte. to
FALL TRADE. The following New Hood
have just been opened fit Mayer's New York
Dry Hoods. -Millinery, an.l nothing Stores, 21
and 214 Main street, (Opera House.; Johnstown:
French Merinos, every shade, from 75c. to 1.;k
Irish Forums, every Mro,le, from..
Corded and Plain Alpacas
Best Assortment ot Black Aloacas
Gorgeous l'laids, largest stock in
Tlaiu and 'orded Biack t'ilks. .
Empress Cloth, all colors
Chinchilla Heavers for flacks and
Black Beavers, in great varieties,..
Figured Changeable Poplins
Children's Sets of Furs
Misse-s" Sets of Furs
Ladies' St.s of Furs
I hiidrin's Trimmed Hat
Misses' Trimmed Hats
Badii-s" Trimmed Hats
Bonnets of every shape and size
From the smal!;st to the largest OSTRICH
HOA '111 LitS, of every eoior, und F Bo WEBS,
we- haveth" finest stock e ver bruits-lit to this
tow n. Our FUmitelnud H,tr.h-t In-fttrlint ut is
vertainly cue of the largest West of Philadel
phia. aii-1 we intend ro increase our sales of the
i, tiovo goods by our unusual low prictrs. We
als', have on hand pieces of Prints, which
will be soid at the very lowest eaty prices.
i'. S.- In connect ion with the n'bove we have
cite of the i'mes; stocks of Eeadv-Made Bovs'
and Mens' CLoTI! INC. whl-'-h goods were bo't
c;itii !y for '. -!., aud consequently can be sold
lit the I'i'r, ttgttres. In this iiai'ut-use eslah
lishment every department ispfpitrntc. but w ith
ri-aly uccess trom one to the oth r. Beiiiem-
2.P0 to
1.75 to
She. to
a.r.'i to ld.iM
4.(1 to rt. m to S.(ii
1. "5 to 3.."Jt
1.5(1 to
2. t(0 to'i
bcr the New Yor
Dry Cot.ds aud Clothing Hall.
BlSKASES ! .' -g
' s iiianv per-
;ent ciri.cns
i.EcrniciTY Cr;i:s cnnoxic
S( iid fT a pau:phiet cunfainiu;
cures of obstinate; chi onie- diseas
tormed upon someiot the moit eri;
111 tstern l'cni;.-yl ania.
Tl-.e e-elebrated 5i'reeher Halt cry. with Till!
instructions for use-', for sale.- Address
Illl. i. A. Kl-It K-.-1! Kit.
Pittsburgh Fleet rh-al Institute, :.'57 Pciin Street,
l'ittsburgh, I'enn'a.
M A K It 1 1: Hi
DAVIS EVANS.- In th: place, 011 Thursdnv.
N'uv. :!i!.l.,li. by K. v. T. R. Jones, Mr. S. V .
Davis and Miss Sarah J. Evans, all of Ebens
burg. Very slyly done, indeed. Mr. ex-Burgers, but
none ttie loss eiTec-tuahy ami wo hae no doubt
bappjlv consummated ; find as you Inn e signal
ized the event by kindly retiieie.berinv- the
printer, it behooves us to wish you and your
fair young I; ride all the joys and fcliciut which
nr vouchsufe-d to those who are lovingly
mated iu tlitai life and who seek"only the bap
piuess and well being of each other. May
ncithcr of you c, 1 r know sorrow or didappcint
ment, hut, 011 the tontmry, may peace- and
prosKrity ever attend you and i-vnder you as
contented and iianpy in this world as it is possi
ble for such two de-scrving mortals to be.
Nicjht Owl. Wei do not know whether our
friend John J. Murphy keeps night owls for
sale or neit, but we saw one of the largest, birds
of that kind we ever did se-e displaced before
his large dry goods establishment last week.
It was as large as an ettfrle nnd had virtimhted
twenty chickens from ono farm before it was
caught. Jenn J. Murphy sells the cheapest dry
goods and dress foods, tiaimcis and clei 11 goods,
blankets mid coverlets, in or ubout town, at the
Mausion lunise eoruer, Johnstown. Too ! too!
too ! too boo 1
N. F. IlAitnoti.-In addition to the Large
amount of dry goods and groceries which N. F.
Carroll offers lor sale at No. 21ft Main street,
Johnstown, he has laid in a large stock of Furs
ef all kinda and of alt sizss and prices. He cau
rig any one- out for the winter cheaper than the
cheapest. The render will find the place just
opposite tho Opera House. Please do not fail
to call and examine his large stock of dry goods,
dress goods, furs, fancy goods, notions, groceries,-
etc., and don't go away empty.
"Haps." Every housewife knows what 'haps
arc, but every housewife may not knew that
V. S. Barker has "haps" ready made, which be
is selling at the remarkable low price of 2.5t
each. Housekcepeis who are in want of more
bed "ksvering" will do well to call on Valiie,
wiio is prepared to f urtir n any and everything?
ia the dry g-oudj, clothing and grocery line s
cheap as any mail in the ousmw,, cod deserves
to receive a libotui l)tue of trouajfe.
nr-',' , 11:;-,-
IhS.W lns.V
1 lt?7V
!073. 1(!7'.
H?".' Ic'f-','
li!".; u,
II. '.ii 110
l-ti"i lot:-".'
III, 111-,
IC5 h'7
S'5 KV
1U5 915
M'GOrr.H.-On Wednesday, the 2d instant,
at his reside-ni'o in Al!egtutiy township. ..lames
M'Congh, l'-:.. r.i!ed a 1. out 71 vears. Mr. Me
1 iough's ft.:i.i-i- v as a native of J it laud, but set
tled 111 this county e.t a very c.oly day. The
subject of this brief notice was a brother of the
late John M'Ooiign, who was many years ago
Sheriff of Cumbria county. Mr. Met. was a
hard working, honest man, greatly respected,
and by his- untiring toil succeeded in making
for himself one ol the best and most higniy
cultivated farms iti lite township in which he
lived. One by one the hardy pioneers of our
eon nt y art; disappearing f.rr 111 the famiiii-r
scenes of their eariy struggles with the wilder
ness. ''a.OS2fi PS ICES
Of 1)13 1I.ITEX A S5KO., 4 Koulti Third
Sirt'-M. Pl.i:tr!j;!;In, nt a o'clock, 1.
1I., .tov. 7. INTO.
1. S. ti'sof "SI
r.'s, 10-to s,
I", y. .10 Year i per cent. Cy... .
Due Comp. Int. Notes
I. old
Union Kacihe R.R. 1st M.B nds
( ontral Pneifie R. It.,
L'u'ii 1'iiciiic Land Cr'ut B'nds
at rriiLtc;.
THE undersigned will ofTar nt Public Sale, on
I I KMIAV, v.1iiil. iiixt., at 1 o'clock,
p. m., TIlF.lit YALCAlXJsE FA KM, siTuated
in Munsicr township, Cambria county. Smiles
w -f-Ft (.f Cressoti Springs and about 2.- miles
soul h of Lor'tto, 011 the Pittsburgh and Phila
delphia Turnpike, and within one-fourth rd' a
mile of a Station on the K. Ar C. Railroad, tu-.itl
FARM trontains 135 Acres, about HO Acres
ot which stro cleared, the balance being covered
w ith sugar, beech aiuflhemlock. The land lies
well, is very productive, and can for tho most
part be worked by machinery. There are two
Orchards of choice fruit and an abundance of
excellent water ou the premises. The improve
ments consist ol" u Lrtityc Irame ifoiw, cemtain
ing H rooms and a good collar, it iiwU Frame
Ii-me with 3 rooms anl a kitchen, a flr-d; rate
Lo'j JVn r., 30 by W foot, (wcather-boartlcd,) with
Sheds and Stabling attached, teu-ether with ail
other lieees-sury Outleailuiiius. J?"T-i-ms will
be made kuov. a it tkiic. W., I. & J. LILLY.
Also, at tl.e sstno time and place, will "i of
fered for stile. 1 Fresh. M.'icn Cow, 2 Fat Hogs,
Hay by tho ton. Corn-Fe-dder by the load. Corn
ami Oats by the nushel. Farming Implements,
1 Coal Cook Stove, Tables, Chairs, Stands, Bcd
Ktetds nnd Bedding, Carpets, and many other
articles of HmisolHild aud Kitcheit Fiiruif ure,
together with ftbotit SO volumes of interesting
Itooks. i-'' Due attendance and a reasonable
credit will be given bv JOHN LIBBY.
"Minister Twp., Nov. 10, 1870.-2t
BY virtue of rrn order of the Orphans" Court
of Cambria county, to us directed, wc wiil
expose to public s. lie on the premises, ou 1 iiurt
do v, t;c l.t Un or" i Vveni'M-r, lS'.O. nt 2 o'clock, p.
l-i., the following- Real Estate of which James
1). Shaw, late of Indiana county, died seized, to
wit: A (KilTAIM THA CT OF LA AD situate
iu Susquehanna township. Cambria county, and
bounded us ftdlows: On the north by lands of
liovehice- & King and Ceo. ttoodorham, on the
cast by lands of Douglass A Kinports, em the
south by lands or Douglass Soiucrvi!!e, and
on the west by lands of Harter & Kinports
containing lOT Ac-m.
Tlt.ns OK SALK-One-half the purchase
nioney to be paid oli eonfirmation of sale ami
the balance in one year, with interest, to be se
cured by the judgment bonds and mortgage of
er. ft. If. M'OORMICK,
the purchaser
Nov. 10.-3t..
Adm'n uf John 1. Shaw, etee'd.
TyTOTICE. Uy orJer of the lioard of
Directors of the Poor House, I hereby give
notice that the next meeting of the lioard will
be held on the first Monday of December, and
that mettini-s will be held montnly thereafter
en ihe iirst Monday of eah mouth.
11. McDEUI-HTT, Sec'y.
Sot. io, iS70:-vt, -
REGl5TEK'b NOI ICE. -Nutice is i
hereby given that the following Aee-ounfs j
have been iiasseii and tiled in the Bciristcr's 'f-
fit;e- at Ebons-burg, nnd will be presented to the
Orphans' Court of Cambria county, for continu
ation aud allowance. on Wednesday, the 7ih day
of December next, to wit :
The Account of Mary Shoemaker, one of the
Executors of Edward Shoemaker, late of the
borough of Ebertsbui-g, dee-'d.
1 he tirst and partial Account of F. T). Storm,
Administrator of D. T. Storm, late of Washing
ton townsiiip,
The second und final Account of James King,
Administrator of the estyte id' Andrew Milicr,
The iirst and f;:u:l Account of Chas. B. Ellis,
Administrator uf Hugh Mac-kin, iate of Johns
town, deceased.
'J he first ami final Account oflPat'k Rndqrers,
Aitiniidstrateir of Anthony 0"Dom.eil, late ot
Millville borough, deceased. '
The tirst and final Account; f David IliMe
brand, tiuardian ot William. Henrietta and Jane
Wysel, minor children e-f Moses Wyt-i-l, dee'd.
'i ho iirst nnd partial Acx-ount of Thos. Jell
kins, Administrator of Juhc 11. Davis, iate of
Johnstown, deceased.
The first und final Account of Eliza Noble and
James Glasgow, Executors of the last Wiil and
Testament of Thos. Noble, late of White- towu
Siiir, deceased.
The first and final Account of John Shar
baugh, Esq., acting Administrator of Conrad
Eager, deceased.
The first and partial Account of C. B. Ellis.
Ouart'inn of Dan l Morgan Parks, h minor child
of Samuel Parks, inte of Couemaukrh tp., dee'd.
'I'he first and partial Account -t" C. B. Kliis,
Cuard'an of leorge Hoct:h, jr., ttn.l Anita Fretl
reka Hoeche-, miuor cnudreu of llatitiah Hoeh,
The first and fir.fil Aeeount of Tr-s. Criste, F.t-e--utor'f
the lust S id and Te-sfanient ot Apaio
n:a Brown, late of Washiugton tw p., deceased.
The first and linal Ace-ouut of Geo. M. Ecude,
Tsustee to make sale-of the real estate of Thus,
and Catharine Ktersem. deeeasitl.
The Account ot Catharine Roberts. Adtn'x of
W in. Rcdx-rts, late o? 'Johnstown borough.dec'd.
Tue tirst Account tif R. R. Ihivis itnd John
Bei. net t. Adiuinist rators of lio estate -f David
J. !avis, late of Cambria t-jwn-diip, di't:easetl.
arising frenh tlie sale of tleoih-nt's real estate.
GEt. . O ATM AN, Register.
Efgister's OiT: v, Ebt nsburs-, Nov. HI, lb;o.-4t.
Sixty-Five First Prize Medals Awarded
Initu factory.
Slnnitfactitrvrs of j
Grand, Square and Upright j
Hiiltliiiore, II. i
These Instruments have been before the pub- !
lie for nearly Thirty yours, nutl upon their ex- 1
celleticc alone alt. lined nn o.;e;i r:, r.-,J yrr-nu- !
i.-e'?c, wmcii pronounces tuem uncitiailed.
"ixr 1 :
combines rreat power, sweet nes and fine sink
ing tpiaiity, as well as great purity of Intoiia
t i .ii, and sweet n ess throughout the entire scale
f nil pi its 1
Now M. T. H. miK-bt tand for '.. T. Ho;ld."
(enipty head.) or, us mu T.riri!.-bri.:n wouid sav,
it iright stand frr "M-st Too H'utixious." but
whatever or vhoever 1: fl:nn for. it gives us
pieas'.'rc to inform our retid'rs that Bamberger's
Micciirsff-il t.y the great rush of enstoinere that
have visited it smi-e it has lecn opened in our
town, will remain here for a short time yet, in
order to enable every ore to ret the
Mul-h r.f Iok Kcaular Prices'
BAMBElinKR i- CO. ha vf rei-C:vrd. in adi'tiotl
to their well selected 6tock. IIi.iBV
-.LW GOes, such as
Tablr l.inKs. CclI)r3d', Blanlif is
X.4FKIXS, roirj.i, TIi irs.
Alpscas. Shawls. Balmoral Skirts,
l-'ti ncy T." e.xt 1-., , Ac,
A'lof w hich bavo !eon bought FAK BELOW
THEIR I'.EAL VALEEtt very large
I New York Branch Store
i OS tltS STJtEET,
Cj'po-i'e ihe CamLrui JL'iiaa, EaEKrBUt;fi.
mr '"T "3wr- arr r
-ir -siftf - -c- v -w w.
yj ,-w ,
i The undersia-nt d, liavitirr rf t-eived and e penc.t
1 t.plen4id assortment of
B j Fall and Winter Goods,
eoiisistiug e.f Cloths, Chssimcres. t-'atinettji.
Tweeds, Jen!'"; Vititerproof. Dress it nods of all
kintls. sue-h as Frene-h Moriaos. Alpaca. Eutres.
Deaimes, Armures. Prints, if, .to. Ai--". cu
udiess variety of Shawls, Veils, Giove-, Hc-sio-i-
nd Fancy .Artic les for Eadiee wear, togeth
er with n choice sreck .if
Iloot. Sh'--' hml Fubbprs; a full assortment
of FRESH GROCERIES; Hardware, yueen.--wnre.
lie Stuifs, 1'ateut-Medicines, . : CAR
PETS. OILCLOTHS, and nil other fir? it leg of
merchandise i:suallvke pt iu r c-oo:irj- ;s(ore.
Ail tl.tse- gtKds wc pledge, our word to
and ure determined to give as good bargains as
any dealer in town or country.
iT Thankful for past favors, wc hope to mer
it a continuance and increase of public patron
age j?, the- f.-tiire. P. II. SH1LLBS & SuN.
Loret to. Pa.. Nov. 3, 1-7'.'.-tr.
Varied ! b
j 'o
:i;hi'(kna in nivoisri;.
.1 cfi A C
I I 11
I f) H;JJ
fl il fT II
V Ii if I 11 1
('omhria Ciuu'i, -
; t , The Co'.iv-rvro.i'!:! rf Pennsylrrinifi
: - j..s. to the Slif r,S of Crmbria County, ret
I fry: WUerra Jebn Kir.ny did. on the
; eiirht'-eiith day of September, A. D. 1--U9, jufer
', his pe-HMot) toiur Judges of the Court f Clrn-
mon Picas 01 tiio County uf Cambria, prayimr.
j lor causes t lie-rein s-t ft.rth. that be t-drjit t
! divore-'tl from the bonds of mp.'ritneiuy entered
' into ith you. Catbnrice Kiiiue-y.
j We io there-fore coinu-stiid you, the said Cath
' iriiie Kinnt y. as we Mr ve done b- fore, that j ou
' le aud appear in your prore-r before
' our Judges nt Et-ehsiturir. ut a Court of Com
' inon l'teais there to beheld for the County of
j ( fimbria, om tbe first Mondn v f-f Dcee.mbernex,
! to answer th- petition or libel of tbe said Joha
j Kinney, and to shcir tatisf, if uny you brve,
j why the said Joha f?rn?.Vi your husband,
i should not be divorced from the bonds of tnat
j rimouy, agreeai-Jy 10 the Act of Assembly in,
i such case jua-ie ar.-l prov ided. Aud hereof fail
1 not. . ,
Witness the Ilrmra'.!" Oeorge Tiyl.-ir. rrwi-
is Jt3 ' deit ..iidi'e ( f our said Court, at Eh
M r? i f 1 1 I this L'th dav of .oof ani'i' ,.. A. !). I ?".
fFf i K I 1 '. K. HITE. From.
M Si yj 1 I Att! -.T.-u- A. Six-riff.
rJ 1 k.7i Bf
! K
ii ia W ;
Shcrill s Othee. Oct. Ii, l70.-4t.
best st (jxniii t I'le't rial, the large capital employ
ed 111 our nusiacss er.aoimg us to Keep continu
lilly r.'i tiniii'.-n-e s-tocl: ef lumber, etc.. on hand.
J.v'"All our Htiar? I'iiikon have our New
luiproved OVEUSTKlT-NG Se'ALEf.ntl t tic AgrufTe
Tr !!.
I f -" We wottTt! call special aftention to our
htn- improvements in GRAJtD PIANOS aii'l J
ScH'AEr' GRANDS, Patented Aua-ust H, istlfi.
w hich bring the I'ia no nearer 'erl't ct ion than i
hi's yet been attained. j
; We ha ;? made- arragements for the Sulo
II ' holfsrilf A'jviK-ti the- most Celt brafetl
i' a j; iah: tnw.i x s -, 31 f t.or r: A .v.
which we offer Wholesale and Retail, at lowost
Factory Pi ices.
Nov. 10, lS70.-3:n. JH.n.TlMonr:, Mb.
well known and highly cultivated FAtiI own
ed and o;e"ii !fd by the subsrri ber, lo- . .
e-ated in Altr-trheny township,-! .a i-sS?"
courtv, at'.idf oi.e-f.. urth t-f a mile ri l tl
frcm kayhir's Statinn nrd f-r-e-aivl-n- M . .
half nitii-s from lirefto. Isojren.-.l "'rWe'l
sab- !.i ;!;. te-.::i:" and ta f or f.rii ' "'rT' '-
i am l-.-K.i ee.ntjtms j.m ,s.i 11 ii.,t. more or
t b the very bo.?t condit ir-n.and tie iinprove
I itif-c's are 1 1. -st clois. t onsist tug ot a twu st'rr
! RKICK DWEEI.IXG H1 SE, co:.V:ui,:g
! roomsand well flnishe-t thn-uhoitt. tw-.i trtiK,
I tt.iih 111 r'iir. m h'rtuni- Flm.
IVtM.'i Hiat-s.'. and ail other ncc' snry ostbuij'.l-
lngs. the water on the preni.serf. ts aiuioai:t
TOUCH ! rn ri n Tin Tl TTTT T I t n H;t. and ail other net f!ry o-itb
is pMnnt and elastic, and ctireiy free from the j J 0 P T T J V A P J1 K.fThe bTt
btmuess lound in so nutny Pianos. h . h 1. 1 . . H T 1. i Taken all logetlcr, this i on- e.f 1 he
III "W.r"I iitlt5-li!x III V I 111 I I 'a'-,!t" properttes in Cambria -o-miy,
they are mtequal'.-d. uvny none but the verv i JJMJ KJ X VAJ I 1 LlJJXXUiJ oidy needs to be iston to I e appre- iated".
ly needs to be 5001 to I f apprc iaft-t. Anr
tiersoit, thrreferc. wishing to puehasea ireKvl
rurm on t.u- i1H.1r.1t 1111 will dOTreil to en. I ou
the subscriber, who is eesirous rf soiling au 1 is
w illirg to fi ve a good chance to atir one -ri-ih-ing
to purehasr. .1 SEPH II Oli UK.
AlIejjLeny Twp., Nov. L", li7'J.-ori.
J- CA 'IBItl A COFNTY. Notice ish'-reby giv- '
en that the following Appraisement ot certain
Personal Property of Decoder ts, s!e;tel and
s t apart for the widows of intestates, under
the Act of Assembly of" 14rh of April, Is5I, have
been tiled ill the Eejristor's Oilice at Ef-n.birg
ami will be presented to the Orphans" Court rT
Cambi-'a e-oi.'irty for nppri.VHi, on Weduesduy,
th Uh oiiy of November next, to wit :
The inventory and appraisement of the goods
and chattels, etc., which were of Geo. W. Mc
Dowell, dee-cased, sot apart for widow of said
deee. len t ?iw.40.
The invent Try .irrd Rpprnisrintii'i of Ihe-oodA
anil i-hattels which were of Joseph Richte-r. he
of ('ar.oll township, deceased, set apart for his
widow, Helena Richtcr f.s4.U-.
The appraisement of personal property set
apart fr.r the widow ef Capt.Murk Mciiughlin
ueceaseei ;-ir..-i".-
Tne nppraisfalient. of the real estate of Conrad
Ilof, late of Johnstown borough, dec-'d, elected
to bo re tained bv his widow 450.00.
GEO. W. O ATM AN, OI-rk O. V.
Clerk's OCce, Eb -nsburg, Nov. 10, IsTO.-lr.
MOTICE. In the raalter of the sale of
the Real Estate of Jons Skkm.v, Jr., oti
Ven!. Export., No. lli, June- Term. 1S".0. ia Coia-
nion Pleas ed I'iimbria county.
And now, 5th September. 1870 on motion of
GEO. M. HEAD1, lJ., JliSKeil M'Ih)XAln, Esq.,
n.poi'Jtcd Auditeirto report distribution of the
proceetls of sale en the above stated write.
By the Court.
The Auditor above named wilt sit for the pnr-pose-s
of bis appointment, at his office in Ebens
burg, oil ThvmUiij, 2th rioy of jVotvwiorr, inst
at 2 o'ciock, . m., nt which time and place tho
pal tics interested riiv attend if thfy think prd
per. JOSEFil M' I JON ALD, Auditor.
Fbf nebtirg, Nov. 10, l&T0.-3t.
LIST OF CAUSES set down for trial
at a Court of Common Picas to be held at
Ebcn;-bttrg, in and for the County of Cambria
commencing ou Monday, the 5th day ef Decem
ber, A. D. 1J7U :
FIRST wr-EX, ;
Lynch vs. Noel.
Barker... ...vs. Robinson.
Fronhciser & Plitt vs. Hnether it IJonacker.
Roln-rts A: Honells....vs. Tiley.
Me A bee vs. Paddock St Adams.
Lloyd & Craver. v. Edirusfem.
.1. iv. I1ITK. ProtheTiotary.
ProthonMary's Office, Ebe-nsburg, Nov. 7, pj70.
(pOAL!. COAL! The subscriber"n7s
V- opened a COAL H.U'K bh the farm of Da
vid Reese, on the Clay Pike, within miles of
Ebensburg, and is now prepared to' furnish 11
superior tirtielcTof Biwmsous Coal at 5o
r.or ton, delivered anywhere in Ebensburg or
viciaity. Persons wishing to fcat.d their own
coal cert r en ch the Bant by rend lafingr f rom
Btbert William;- Mid, via John Evana' farm.
I Iraers left with G. ii. Owens' St ure, E!-ccbur6,
will receive prompt attention.
Nov. l'.Ms,0.-Sui. H. H. 0VEHD0RFF.
I t t F ArrM r-f which are clar"d. wili te
sold on the moft rcuiable terms. This Faiim
is liH-nis: in A iie-heny township, Cambria coun
ty, nn the road leading from Lord to to Chetat
Spriinrs, and within two miles of the former
and three mite ,,f the latter place. The im
provements efusist of a commodious Dwetoa
HoffB. in cxcel'.er.t repair, a grnd Hak.n. mini
all tircessury Optbuii.kimus. There is a fUi
OttcnARD (if choice fruit and an abund-iues of
pure w niT on the premiss. The woouiand la ,
covered with the host of timber.
t??The above described property wtil beaol 1
Apply on.
1 ot conditions to suit tbe pun-ltao.-.
r.' caemmes to If l .
Anfrrtf Trr., Anr. 1. K9.-:
fa I. Mill! S
T8EEL J2 Jl. J3
Clothing Store.
To Wave M.eney X
ALL PERSONS buying Goods from m
. after this date, and puvirz CASH lor tie
same, will be allowed TEN PER CENT, off
repular prices. Xo disct-A3-t will be allowed
unless cash is paid do wo ot time ef purchase.
t0omeon-! coB-.eull I and convince vonr
selvcs that M'-XKY CAN i"E SAVED 15 V
11 wmmi 1 tiist mm
t y pexss ia .
OA il 1 5TC I A CO IJNT V A ( I E N C V.
E. TT. PA MX. C. D- ! GEO. A. BF.RBV.
Jfefi-i F.rar.iincr.- j Asoif.
RheunbHr;, f.
t-VenjiT&. -v-FPStrstTAJH-ir. CVH.-tf .J
f 'ATE or JOSEPH iiEICHTI-fil.
ADMixisiH at iirs xnncr..
Letters of Administration on the E tate of
Joseph Reii-hu-r, lst- of l.'arroli township, Cam
bria county, ilccai-ed. have be-cn gi-anfet ro the
suttseiibe-r. resJding in siid t".wijr,hip. Tbie
having cioirns a-.un--t said estate will please
present them pro'ery proven for f-etrb-iuenl',
ar.-d f titifft i:ni 1 red to the same will please mt.k
nnmcdiatc iiayrr.erfr.
Oct. 1.7, I17J. Sf. Adui;u;,tri.tor.
f t 'ft.' fl? lfdlV I.'IVP'iviV
.l.J.t.1 1011.1 iVitoi o.Y,
!)KC'r. .tdeiJfuVrij;--V AV ii. t. LittersoC
Administration having been grarted to tue un
I dersignod on the estate of John KiNHSTr.,lat
I of Conemaugh tirourh, dee'd, al1 lU-rsof.a Uav
I iug- claims against sahl e--tateai-e lio.Vhy
licd to present them duly a.utb-iit Kitted lejr sct
tlemeui, and all iniie-breu are re-uesttst to uuke
payment without delay.
Jrhnstown, Oct, 2U, lS70.-3t.
--- Letters of Admlrdstration upon the estate
of Capt. Maik M Lauanlin. dee'd. late of Wash
ington twp., Cambria- couny, hive been r rant
ed to the subscriber rtJtln-jr iu SunmitvE:a
boroup h. Those bavin? clainiA agn&t ev.J es
tate w-ill pleaf rn-ft-nt them pn-perly proven,
and those indebted to the Fame are requeeteil
to come fcr-rerl a -Ve jsyn-ent.
1- n