The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, November 03, 1870, Image 3

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    l. nun, m
: SOV. 3, 170
X, 4 CO.. 40 Tar Row,
;EO. r. ' ir rTF.N'tilLL & CO.. 37
LI Trfc v. ir Tor, are thswl nirenta for the.
Lrk B"W-.J ".. i . i" that ci:v.anJiviiinor-
" .Ml I"-' '". 1 ,
t lor ii. ' --a
il to
Advertisers -in
... ,.i:r lower. , .v,..,
:f city ""V. , ' w,ip houses.
h : jf,:crt'i ii"1
4 '.tn c
. r 'MA!'"4'' a ITome.
wne ptoieu in A esi more land
... l-tt . ...
e!'lr ' te I44,'T rwoTfwi nor lieaiUi nd
t:.nt iloe not mi-riise.
: r cere niiit-u -i'o jjiiui
one dav
;ii'.0r'i f- , Tt.,cu(. oftiffl his Fi)iniid farm
ji' -
m . Via t - '
rN'"-' ' i ni rl.tmn'inir to indue
two C I '
I erttr cennt v
iopsh:p Ht private sie. -&ee
Smuti Altoona detective, n
to comm"
r ?jitr. ' ' 1
-,fic thunder B'orm. preceded
I Id t y "'T'' ial) OI nmi, rrevauea
'w7"cini'v en Wrdne'y iiirht.
1 n i,:lD ' " cine, uii .
f!"n ;. hi lie c-iiinl Ii-ck" at Milfl'iitown.
. rrOJaii.B- on' a nliik. and
TtirHi! ! ?rt topr' i rwntl chi'Jr,
"k iruicittrt-n of rain or . hail, or perhaps
, W ecai iioi hope lo cape colJ weather
X' mU .. t T. .fI)V!I .J.'.l.l.
),., K J'u1 n. I.'U., UI llimiiT' (jilli. linn
. r i ... ...... n4A I. w
.jd It n:l " jr'P' iv V4fc
",'. ( p ei-l" re tit pr'if rieu.r ui h bote!
IfO lni'"D " l,,e mo11"s ''"'"ii uici iu
e lew hit ii-.'" "g" iri.
ihfir tiwire to Pell ihera nt
their niouLcen:ent else
i two iipo
,bcuiil'" c' tr.e foi. owing irorn-
,1a ih ifco-iiti of ih-ir full' mi'i' winter
r price
flvi Twrs. H-f cmiT ea t oeitn ? a tree
''nur"!i thm in Vesimorland county on
Rmthfr Pwsrk. of the Tiupcv. TciV.
Ijt icr'j't orr t'l-uiku forbid kind wilif
ttl,ri to our health, which ure pl:iH to
f ... .j ri::j-
ktithuve !uiiv runyeri'(J i n'lucn: ai-en
Mili'u'd tfv r " ti 'n pwwoi.Mi inmom-.
-Pr. D V . Zeilrr. Suige-n I pnuVt. who
..lii'w! fo v-t us -or c':p: or monr.
!'. ro tivp'r t ' th- r'oun'Mn Hoi. bp. rentiv
m il rni;i'C his protpsionul fprj
,m Tuipisy, Iov. Fiii ar.d remnin during
l-icn Dwrrfd John M?i!pr W dad .t, hi
V'lutfi. I it "i ' :tf'. t illvi'l borouph .
t Simftt lct A hp hud in,t bepn prpvi
fti""!: bf f;.rt ii "ence, or some otiier
-ff'!. J'i. .Vnrr"'r. !tf proprietor of tho
: hirf F( : ' 1! ur'ir iino. bid one of
: fiiw jo tprrib" etn-tiP'i h a frpipht truin
Jt ri'i'"', rn .Mnriiln pvpnire !nt . thnt h i
I ftt to 0 irvi.tnte-I ; hr.d hi wotfrj i-s
:fif.i r.-t.-fii'.
-ff fte ' rr: v ' o "'rr o' !bp ''r'h of Mr.
I'n v. vf. i:rr.'rfr M y!-r. mjk hiiu
V i'. , t ( , r.rr wl hi; k rrp' f t.
. ''"fiT r. Merhr.r.'CKburs. 1niiHri couo
i w '. 1 p necpjff whs
nn1 t .!! who h :n
-S'.ir.on F'K r. t't hprd mid
;.--: k I'm hv a larp rock , while
r-k it; t r C'tiri I'"o CorH".vV Mme
fr; :'rrT :it hto'i'.nyt-iicrc, n Turftdaj of
t tf. Th.P 10 k ti'n.-e l hv OrP
'rfti 'mo'trii'p'T shore hitn wh'i fi'd
t -iTifortui fito r'ti t f re p':!!);
'.'t-t. nnd t'- rpxj't 'h it thp mi"
trfinwr Tipon hi hrJ. erti--hiisf him in
mil e am n-.r. mul rci;r.t: fie-ith in ftw
. lheaerefi iesre wife and two
-Vr. 7- o' 7r'V"'" . Ti.. wpnt
'W'itic ot. S..'t r.'m la-it. hut failing to
Tiitlicfv. fo. r-h .r Ftirnted nrrl his
"f"rri .f 'rrtrd th wow!i .pr t-wr.
!rto!!ow rp mort :rp, I p huTifp b- Rme
"i,. uridfi.'H! t. no di nlit. rhot him-ell
O FFI CI A L C II AX G tS Dnripg he pa?t
the ComTnirsioner"' Office aud Poor
H"T!e, wo f tHe best nhue4 i!uutkn 4n
tii county, hare t.-h fx; eriei.cpd the outgoing
ot an oi.J anil the inoom,iK ol a official.
On Friday Inst John A. Kennedy, Eq., ol
Carfolltowu. retiree from the-Buord of Ctmf
nia-net. hi terto of f.flire having expir-l,
mid Fronci O'Friel, Esq , .the nt-wly electl
fp r.ber'. of Loret'o, wa duly sworn tr.- Th
B'rd now coiisjpt.i of Messrs Maurice Wc
Kanmra.Jafne!' E. JCcason and Francis O'Friel.
At t)it same meeting the new Board
A'h A Kennpdy thetetitiiig ml er. Clerk
to Ccmtnisior:e-s.f John El Scaulnn, GouneJ
and A. L) Ciiate, of ?innster towiship. Mer
CRti?le ArrpreiBPT. jit iaki to ilr.jv ot-Jkto
sy that he iformed'-tk(iitips; of. h Hi-tb-n
he h ju.t v.acnled. a bt-caine an n plight,
ffcient nu obU)ilag olBeer.; and h 'p.ppo?nt;
mcnt as elprk to the CoRiniiiiioiierf ia d
served tribute to wor'hy. gentlpmun. Mr.
O'Friel needg ro of co mo-end a ti) from
us. No man who known him doubts l is hon
esttT ifltPrr!ty or litnef for tliw poaition to
which" he has bppii elerved. '
.Qn il-mday. at tlie.reriu'pc. mnnth! meet
lutt-'nf the Poor IIe niicctors. Mr Jbpn D.
Th'mai, ot this place, laid aside tie robes ol
oflJq,iMrd MrPeter H. Berg, of Cambria
fowfiship'.' became a member-of the Hoard,
wjiicii is tiow miuic up of Me-srs Christian
Snyder, JohitBloch awiLPeter II Berg Tlse
gentlempn, wp are pleased to sa, hare not
deemed jr. necessary- to make any npwtAppoipt
menfs b"t ha-re coptinuetl Col.B. "M. Dermitl
as Ptpwpr-f, Dr., 'm Xcnimon,s j.h:4ciat,
H. Einkead. E-q treasnrerand Sboema-'
kcr k Ofitmiui nauunsel. Tbis ia us il aliould
be, and jn of Col. M' D.jrmitt. wedarm
the action ofthe new Directors as parficulirl'v
w-trthy of all praise. It is n aimle act of j is
tc to a worthy man who. has-dofie all that
mortal couW- rto. to perform his utiploes mt
duties with strict. honety atnl fidelity. As r
Krd lr. -Thomas.' the retiring member; e
teel that the calm judgment of his lelUw tltT
pns will bnr u out in SHvlnj; ibiitj-li BJitWe
ar eflfioM nt. fii rft aadt lirwii-Mt, rfl5cf. i iTrni
thnt. ia wBHtiub -sith die other membtrs ol
pte Borrd. he haben euujected u the nrost
vToretit abuse and roigrepreacnttiou, but thro
11, he h.i cont inue vto pert'oi m bis dmiea in
iecoid,tuc n ith his nwn n.-o- cf 'light ind
justice, d if be erred in anj piruculnr, us
II fnnt.err; it) wan an error ot the head nti
not of il-ehe'trt. Mr.'Thnm.t w.9 tht- first'to
nige and t rint nt;out the rem ivnl ofthe'ui.,i,c
ptupers to . the Insane lo i , w he-e ihey
coimi be properly trea'cd, and for tht ci
alone, if for no oiher, -tie de-ife to ,be"pr.Mr
fuliv remen.berel. ' Mr, Eerg," the' itut tn'tig
nientber, Is an hout-st, in'elbent iarmer, and
lve will not betry the. trust reposed in him.
yr.iTm Prccrsa I u aff rts us extreTTie
pleasure to lear'u tout ,Mr.; Thoni.s OirU'tid,
wholesale and rpmii grcer of Alt'tona, is rap
'nily ir; tiii-. w to an extensive and we
hope profitable ptrung in -tin county. ' If
'h'Te in an man above ground thnt deerres
t nieet wi'h't-ucwn that, man ii Mr. Caibmd.
W know liim aa a fr'evd lind a buainesii man.
and ip all our aco,'iitif awco-dup we bxve toand
him tine to I. is orl, laithiul to hi promiaes.
and prompt, honorable aul obliginsr in all his
dealings. ' lie can arid does ofter' ii,duemi,t
to retail dealers and others h"ch even city
raerchunts cannot surpass, and we canoot too
earnes'ly retomme-i-l him t- all cur readers
who may rip-ire to purchase any goods iu fair
line. Give Mr. Carl.ti d one ti inl, and if you
don 'I find him the ripht man with 'the right
esth cotilil only hsre ' stock ot srooijs nd the rmht difp-'sitioii to
rit'iitjr witn you, just 8ttitdu as a ract that
! linn docpired you, ?-d hereafter place no !en -e in any of our repie-entati'.ns. Put
we will ritk our rercity on Mr. Oiirj.ind all
the time. - ' "
r' rjth
a sli-it run The iin
1 hi doe w'rh him at the
ill 1 1 M. rrt;.l was foui d tu ird
Vr V V i:.. . .tl r
" r n ui. i ill,
abo-u l 0 vefrs of age.
e r,d a grown cp family of
'Mil TJll-r
HI I f !
.1:. i.-ii
t in t'n. pP .rt,
i .
ri i.ivm i
-),r TTm. TTilliRrps. of this rce. made a
;t'w fn,,ff 'rrrn ceath or reri us ir j irv on
M'rfifT V,ip rrCPPPd witb others in
l't"r.i i. iV i ... . . . .
..r,:P:,Tv Tim' t r at tne new jail.
10 if! go tlx '(.henrs" in time, and
"!,tr'"M;w":'f wll br the moMon of
'"'ii. fnt
''! t :-ff -1
lfli to ! p
or'iim'plT clung to the opp
"m:-:ic!e, live PHtng
"f.ll T:d rr liprinrr hi.n f,nm
'r Ji-ic-n. Hsd he lot his hold of
"r be worV hT f.fitr. . .r. . f on
fc. , - .. .... ..... -M il
f-l tr-rTKlr !,,!., if s
H.'-rn, r f' . r . I
,J ' ' Mi-- tnop nnr pv1 wprp bs'llv
f'rnr! tUr-V .v-
f". . I 'i Ariio .,t r. i-:v.i'..ii
in(t. iri'iMii'iT in
. iti eTrpcreo m htb
,rnWr) oown a ten leet etn-
"'een 'he result.
, - . " ""Mil lri hi ii..lliif
"-uiiif f IH'UI Utf) CK'v
:V''""',1 ."f"1 ToP Ri'road. explo
"t wiuietssirc water, sn
irp water, snd .ferry
ft.rr. yns'-effice and Blair's
r r,'fl m nrft V.;M;r, ul.iiriilir.
he exrrt of $:;riO in pAstape stamps
'"-''r'd letters and other Va'nal
'"Kt.Rv nichtof last week The
if Krw
'"n s: t
t .1
ttrij -."ii .nPY mnia d trnreo or
tj " " "" ni;ni a wioow iaJT m inp sump piacp,
t K vnf bnnt ?0n bT r."re'rs who
ttotlV "f themseWegto
Ht. of htr purse.
"pen s ssfe, he'ped themseWes
rlp.nrr,r,p(i without leaying
ns i .V' JfiTP helow the rot of
'Ju:'','s'J;I'8in the NTthern pert
and challenge an
ur,T f r Oprrrei...
it r
wto "
.. 1-8 "
- irr
.. 174
.. VH
.. ,11
... lo
., r
. 45
Epeer's 5IaJ.
A rrirr-T.An IrsTiTrTro. Tlte l;urlsoTely
arranged r.rid injmt-iit-ly stocktd store i f j.
I Gatman & Co. in evrvy tiny tcoiiijnr laoje
popular w ith the ii'-ople, and tl re Is n -jiic--tlui
but what it deserves all tht; patroiifiife that
cun te bttowed upon it. f.r it uot only ci'u-ti-ins
alsar.fet every article any o"io could
Mtish to purtbitiio, but the wcrtllv liutimsiri
proprietor his edivient iiif-i.-'utu art- i v j
prcmpti liberal and oblijfir In their Inter
course Witb 0Utrn;-rs, oeter fail to sell
g-oodf as cheau.- if not n little ch.-aper, tbaunny
fb r denier in t!ie cmty. We foel auro that
tlKse who flea! w4hr OftfrnitTj S Co. will -i-r-vcr
Liive reesun t-. lin-l taolt with tho Jreutmei t
-tvt-r; thr-rn. the Kood.s fiirnlr-rtc-i tiiom, or tne
prieos cburjjfil tlit-m, Hiurbn w i.r;",icit for
ttila popular dry ?-da n:-U j.T'j'ry bouse a fair
shure of public patrruuio.
. r .
PlTRITXr:CorKT C Viii-.e'. T J.eJc'I. rr. i?g -.i--B-from
this county were diiposei of las', wvtk in
the aprcvr- Cvt.rr t Fittehergh :
K r1o vs. Noel et al. Arsruod. I'eade for PlfT.
la Crror; Johnnon for Lk-I"1. in lu-ror.
Rowley et u.t vs. MCii-. .-Arg-ucd. Lnc.isand
Johii3ton for 1 III. in Error; i'ottaand Perebintr
f or.JJof t. In trior- ,
Christy vi. Chrliy. ?on. Pros.
Bnriroons vs. C.ilvin tt kI. Argued hy Scott
for l'laiutiil In Error; Johnston for Deft, in
Frpor. ' '
McBermitt vs.' Continued" " "
Crurn et al vs. Kern et ai. Artroi.-d. r Rot(3e
for Pill. In Error ; Jobntton for Dolt, tn Error.
i- 0 '
FlE SrrK. Capt. ?furrpv, of the. Crm of
Lemmorj i-Murray, be.s just bteu lfiyinir hi tbeir
full supply of rtrutrs. medicines, suitionery and
fancv (t-rods ot all kinds, aud a peep at tye stock,
la evidence enough of toe fact ttiat vbuy have
now, a lurper and finer . assortment tina bas
triK.ldened their egtabll'tn nt for many a day.
In the le of fine jewelry and fancy articles L.
& M. have acquired quite a brisk trade, and they
hve therefore purchased a sri-em variety of
such g-oods in tinier to meet tho increasing de
mand amongr the ladies aud othert Tiiy Keen
a magnj flee nt a8:oiHuent of such articles and
sell them very cheap. - -
' A SroG?Tiow. A thero KTns t be a desire
mor,(r t'l !af-ees-of our r:tirtu'to tbe
tower of the Dew Catholic churcb lu rbis place
exirop'.cted, and. ii potibie, h town clocii jst in
tt. we won Id f-urJtt tba hoWinjf of another
1 air thjs winter as the most agreeable and cer
tain method of raising funds for iinishiug- the
lower. if notbin,? eiif. Something it nd to
enlivfin our town, and we think h Ladles' Fuir
won Id t-e Jnst in order. What tay our fair
friends aud other parties interested in tne mat
ter? " .
Botrl to Tut It. Harry Shoe-meae w-rut
East last n'srht to in a stftck of jroodsr. and
thre no doubt but hi selections will t.e
first clan. With ibis stocit tin) Mesfrf.
yboemaker are determined to try the y irtue of
the cash svetcm, and from tbls time forward
will do business on that basis or else not do it at
all Cah in band or produce delivered 1s to be
their motto in tbe future, and In order to make
everybody "see It," tirey are tfoinx- to at
prices unprecedented or cheapness.
: Maoical CbVrM Jot-Hay Dro.,
intjton tstrect, Jobnatowyi. pfesentort Kob Roy
s.iih o roairicaa coffe pot, a few tiays ro. Ao
i vmi nut in it. ooffea conu-a outv
What else wouid come out of a coffee pot ? Hay
fcibotner keep all kvnda ot ntsve fiy. eavt
rnouting, tinware, Japanc-d ware, ctc.nd ioll
warehoi'.so ana a r.i nwiu, :
whlSb they will sell cheap. They arfl tlejer
men. Give them a call.
VihJ k rramphlet continlrr r..iracHkns
'pitUburyh Electrical InstituU.7Pfcu.a Sti-eet,
uw tKoru-h. Penn'a. .
rr oTtnra V. B.- Barker doea some loud tHlk
ii iWMknr paiwrWiout hinw atock
of rlotuinzT but he wouldn't K to the expense
rof ciotuinf, he hadn't K.-.iaeUung-
"VrX&initfx Hne apd wasn't deternD;
Local t'orreeponrteiiee.
. ... . ... Johnstown, Oct. 51, m
TtCOT Fjwiwin-jfr.' Jl-rr.h ITorf, i r-
maugh township, informs tne that he had an i
appie tree on bi6 farm, seventy years old, (the !
trunk beinir lartrer than a sail rmrret I that tac !
notlotleo to bear apples forSOyoHrs. and w hich
this year bore s1xty-e?bt bushels cf apples-.
Of the old orchai-d, which was planted in 1797
and tronRplunUHi in ISOo, a lai e n uuier of trees
still stand, tut do Lut hear uiucb ibo fiar-h-barircr
orchard, the Homer ot chard, 'and an
oiilmrd which stood wheru Jobuntown now
stands, wure nil planted about the same time
mat tb'a one wu set out. .
The Cambria Court v Tett'hers Tn"'tjtfn u to i
be held in a maW Velsh ehrrch tn this, '
on the lth du of December, and tsuinue for
fourd.iys.- We.pprebend thero wiU not bn a
luiKe turnout of teachers, but tbr-re vi:l he !
enoayb to till that Wulnut tM uet church. Why
not tieof tbearistoi-raticchuri 'l-.en ': T".i i
tho aristocracy support the Rood cause' ot cdu-entir-n?
-':'. '
The writer hereof -entertains hopes that the
publisher of-the 1 1 ctmun wi!l ht on hi- r.ii '
hgnin when this letter reaehrts bim. It ka great
Itiisfortune to be effof ted with the rjuir;sy, ns it
is almost 8ii re to make an annual attack. Our
sympathies are hereby lorwurded. '
Tbe dedication of tbe German Catbolio church
bio.ight totfc'ncr an immense- usw mlilnge on
hist Sunday, licketsof admission sold readily
for 50 oyntc trad the church w as'.Towded. Ifaiti
set in about eleven o'clock, which dispcrt-ed tho
people that aid. not cbiain p.duiitUnce. Still
there wiij a larjre t-rowd inside rhe ejiacious
buildit tr. A train eonsistiric of seven e
J rived from Altoona atiout nine o'clock;- erowd
i ed wita visitors from floTiiciuv bu i ir, Alroona
i and other i laces. Two firas .bands, oue'from
.v. mj i p: ..,1: iiwiii -k. n if nn , MCOOln-
p&nied these vi-utors, and were. joined bytbo
Johnstown bund rtt the station, w Iii-u tho whole
crowd marched in procession to the ehur-h,
wberetbout fifteea hundred people weie iu
semt'led. Hijrh Mass . was eok-biated at ln
o'-look. by lier. luiiocoot-, froti fct. Vincent's,
lately from Home. An address wns then de
livered in (Tfermau by Kev. John Por.-nT, O. S.
B.. ot St. Vincent's who was upon this occasion
Deacon of the Mass and orator of'he. dav. The
dedfoatory ser ices werr- then olKnir.iied hv
tho Kurt.r Itevn BVahoyirmiuee wfc-'yse address
was very t4bi;ai!.t wjjii i eoi ved. These pej-oon-ftiteif
were u-si.-itid by rather UiVcrorv pastor of
lue chtrVcb. Rtrr-.'-fteiscb, from W'iiolirifr, ".,
l.'ev. Sf l'eil. troin Altoona. Ker'. .Fathor An.
I dteas UinteaiiHUicti,. O. S. B., of Ft. Vincent's.-
! siii-l litlicrs. Krater Sel'ikstiau Arnold, of St. I
; Vincent's, wn9 .Master of Ceremonies. Charles
i tscxhriyxiK.. ws the 4eaderf be choir auJ ;
dlsebiirgeUhisiiUitkec with tri-eatcnedit. 'rbelojf-
j lowing1 poewtit'-n were present: 'i he Ji-m-toen !
i Saints' Benevolent rcietjv AlTootra : c . i
! cbael's , Society, lIollidny!m-if ; ir. G-oi '-'f'e i
j Focit ty, Cambria boniujirh; ht. Josepii'fcSi eietv, j
Cone-mulish boj ouab, and i-t. i'etei "s Soeitst'--, "j
! Johiihtown. The pe"rt were not r.ll in. but four '
I rows, or thrhty pc-ws.' were put down. At nut '
forty mere pews wiii yet be pur in 'thu-church. ;
j Tbe idabit-d ytlass w indow 6.wti e in pljwe, and j
! tbe tblus refracted i-bect'a soinber hue over
the n udlcaco. The exe'r( :Ves were solemn r.nd !
i iniprevsfv-i .w-hJie the trowrl was fuiet mid j
I thoug-tufuL 'ibe heavy nhower ot raui out&iue
s:niod to add additional sanctity to the ocxa
l Non( and tbe whole.-eerv ice passed' oft witb
r-i-'t Mitisfa;tjRa. .. - .
Bishop ion:eiieccorflrtned alargoi number of '
children att'r: Joim ( linrch on f.inoay aftci. :
hood. A Jarye number of ppectatc-ra ere prtb- I
int.. . - . .... i
i t roni a decbion of the Supremo Court, as -j
publLsncd in the liegal Journal.' Ve'leiir,i that i
! R 1ecitn tn n ji-ard to tho courts at S.-i-ai.toii j
! would u:so disturb Johii6t'w a- iiifri ic-t j
j Court Judges iu regard to their riant to hoid j
j cilice. Jt appeals tnai Judges. uiie.v .li-- clrmr-l
and not f ua&fii to oitice j also, a Judr;,; ti- i
j ready boldintr au olhee is iuillegioie... i Luu will
become of ad tbe crises that have been adbiui
! catel by un illojrjl triUuual? Will tbe'y ie"eon- ;
j Sidered oitfu'u iputanti helium? V"ii; the t-u-
; preme Court onler new. tcirls when the -iscs
j come uo If Or w ill the Leg is attire lf(Hliz-e w bat
! tbej Could nof ly dizi! i Or wiii tho purtiee vct
j tneir rases? V ill the Ovvernor ui -point the j
twine judg-es until an election is nt.-hl? Wiii
j thete juibres try their ca -ci- over tiiruiiii' Can :
i they try tneir ow n cast.-s ir Will the tieveri;or
i appoint other judRi sir ijiitiie 'IV. w u ii alitor- ,
porBtl n div.w re:it for MteiniimMtiitiu(r an l ie- '
I u i, :(vt cturt-if. a uict- Ijio.-s jdl-ilu-so
j coii(-eitH'ii cs w otiid create. Wc still think i-Uj'
court i h-?ai, for J udsr' '1 aylor sni-1 at theofM-ii-
; ii!? ct-'r inony, ttmt ''irwas a plate w i-ere jo- j
tiee is j-iiiieniiy aduiiuioiored," faJi.i the Jtiv-'ge :
1 wcAi Kl not lie. :
As 1 wrue the dahlias are wavinir in tiie wind :
j and tapping ut the w Ui jov ti. Net bJu for Oeto- !
ber oift. Hob Hoy. i
i ... 2 . ' - -
j , . Altousa City, Oct. V,l, JS70.
friend .Mao If not asking too much, I would
I li-xe to occupy a brief tjuice in jour coluuiiis '
; for tiie puri'oso of oitprvsiii.iK The slnr.ere sor- j
j row which J, In common witn tiismanj lriends, t
; feci ct tne deuib of iir. JaiiK 11. t.iuicy, w ho
t departed tuis lite in Tyrone ou Tuesday last,
j Oct. it b. Cold, heartless ami uu-fratt-f ui as tie i
I worid may lie. there aic some men whoa; mem- .
I oi ies decr e to be kept ever greea men who
luite loogbt tho battle cf lift- luanluiiy, and, j
! dying, lctt behind tbeui footprints on t.;'esarn!s
; ci t.tae." uvu u ii.u was Juints 1J. t-tauiey,
I who, after iuoiii.ik aye, jcmis sutciiiy,
: bi-s yield-'d lo a dist-iso especially teinuie ton
ii Hn ol tisare and H:iivft Co!i.-ump;i"n. Mr.
like all oiucr lraii mortals, bad bistaultsauu
hi4 tneiuies. but be also ha 1 many tiiini-ix vir
' toes .ud iio.-is oi earnest lriends, and his death
1 in the prune oi iile cannot Out iricj i-e deep le
i (fin in tbe hearts of ail who knew n;ia oi.i.v to
i esteem bmi tor bis uaudy vii tiKS. At- a l ite;
i for tne put.-Mc pre.s he displayed mare taa.n or
' oinary tnsie Mii-i tMiunt, u.s; aharp,
! surcMstie, au-1 always interestinji-. lie cirrfs
! ponded foe nearly ail the papers, of la-th politi
i 4-.1 pii liui, iu tnis und Huntingdon coucticts.
: and itwuarare occurrence iiial one or more
; of tbeiso journals did not contain articles from
! his pen. He lunl, indeed, just coiepl-.-ted a mui
j niuiiieuticii ioi ibe lioliioa;. .-burg tl u '- w lieu
! the implacable tyrant lieath romoveo hiia from
: earth lorever and broitKht cecpobt grief to hU
j fond and loving wife, three interesting little;
! children, and bia aged and doting parents. Ob!
' Ii:ath, couid you not have spared thedarob
; ject of bu uiuch tender solieitudc'- uml-l'j'ou
not have within Id the cruel sbuft which pierced
! the heurt of one who had po much to love and
' lalKr for iu this world r But uo, thou art ton
! unleeliug a tj rant to frtay the hand of alliieti-m
i it is thy province to lay upon ail tbe, human
! race, and us thou hat not spared bim to whom
! I could have wished a long and prosperous- life,
I can only say, Farewell, d parted friend, and
i peace be to thv honored ashes.
I The new "Public ik-bool House in the First
l W ard wasdedicated to educational purposes on
I Thursday last, but owing to tbe lucleiucucy of
i tbe weather the attendance of our citizens was"
i not as large as was hoped for. ' By the way, our
i public schools, for s-ome reason, do not seem to
i tie so popular aB in lormer years. Why this 1j
! bo 1 am not prepared toanswer, but ff owing to
! ineornpetency or mis utiles in their mautie
: iunl, it is high time that a change for the bet
' tcr 6iiould be inaugurated.' In the meantime
i denominational schools have fpruug upon all
side, und now nearly every church in the city
! ba a thoroughly organized FPbool of it own.
I Kev. K. M. Wallace, pastor of the First Pres
i byterian -hurch, delivered a inos-t able and in
I ttructive lej'ture laist evening under the auspi
ces of the young Men's Ciiiisi-o Association
' of thiscilv- He wascorrpdraenrf-d wttha large
aiidic.iec'and all were grt-atiy ediried acagi ai
i ihed by both Ids remai n.s aaU bis manner,
j Tho Vigiiaut Engino House is rabidly ap
! preaching completion, and when finipaed itwill
be the uneSt, haildmg of tlio kind iu tlie State.
I In soiue future letter I wiii endcuivor togiea
i description or this reauy supero etrueiure.
The medical .world bas become divided iidt
so many different cliques, isms and pii thief,
that our pei.'obar system ot prart'ee may nee.l
seme expiitnati4, it beii-j the EcuwrTiC coa
levttdwiih Urocopia' -.
Our remedies are jrin tpa lly vegptab'e. dis
catding tntireiy the ue of CALoxrt. or 51 a
ccay i any jrM, believing to he a t.see ;
creating vefiVoT'ilie wor.-t desciip'ion."
We are a! opposed to the usy of general
blood lettit.g-iii 'any c--5. tieiiwiuV -k - to bo
ii'jiiiioi.s to the coiiSiituiiua, and of leaiime?
ii.jurions to lifsf i . f ' .,- -, .' .
Our mode of detec'j'jj t'hru?Ma tCic ions"
ef ti e ii.tiiriiif I. orp.i' -s, is pi morj'.AlTy by ru cx-
um.Oiiiion oi ttie t.aik. '1' . .-v. r j
During the whole Kourse. vf -enr f 'tidy and i
p;Hcui. we-iinve oid piiiHu a.r-;it4 w-t-m.-to
tbi Cid -,'Lieim in Mo 'tp)' ct ricfeitinj d?srso,.;
at.d we tcel perfect ty sut ffie-t llmt " theirv" w bo-;
mote- ceriniu pign -fiird' iu disaa' thVa' ks
p: esented irf fiiHt idcretioii. . i .-. . '. . ' j
'1 heie oie, we now in or- especially invite all
those Lib .riiia uniraii iiii'.rMigd:se i-e Ur.t
has not been curejtbe!:uiseipril!Ipa,.thr cem
pbtiul was not properly uiMjeiiiooJ. ,to e;id a
vuil of their uaiMf for txumi-uition, and Ti ive
the' nctsafy oued'cirics sent4 thesn. We wislr j
it distin 1 1 v understood that his "srcdal" in- !
viin; ; given to those wlu haye Bufliciently
tiiinl the ietudUw.ol their lmiU. piihiciiU
and have lailed to obtain relief al his h.iud,..:' 7.
This is our-privi'iese and as a physT-'
ci ui. acd .it U thfi r'ght 4 aiiii j ririlege of "the
ufiiicted tu'obtain their profe-sii'mil ndvlre and
Hjeiiiii. e where thev chooe." Our ctlioe and
rii.tnteisat Jm.: 132 (ipai,t w fcl t, t44sbuisl'3
where if any "others cluS ise 4 rfn'n ( y ; W t? wilf
give them oitr n.'st medwa'l Urt ntr-rt.' irY.J will
1 ronia 'thettJ fellef ifi "every case where a re
soiiiio.e hope c tit be en-er-aine i
J - , :- ' ID : L. . A ,T, di OLDSI HJ E , X
Ths Beats.. Look out for-fho bear' nt L. Co
hen Brother's Hat Parlor, where the furs that
warmed a t'tar, or a unnk, or an otter.- can bo
purchased very low. Coheti St Brother keep
open at No. "n Main street, Juuiisto-vTi.- where
they sell hats and caps cuffs cud collars, furs
and furnishing g-Mds of all descriptions', and at
all prices, and cf nil rises, phupes, ouaPties.
styles and Tismfni. r iam'tfcUHer vm h ccii wbtn
there are furs to yrmm you.- - ' 1 -J -
ArnortA. The Northern Ll-hs -vr r" so hril
liant a few nights agd as to eaabi" M. II. Major
to ,-- II ready-mode clothing tllir near miduigbt,
at hi famous oid stj,nd, .Nu, 2I4 t)pcra fj?"se.
Johriptowii. Mr. Mayerkt eis biiperlr -lotidng
for men ar d boys, . lit ba-; cev.a, dyereo;u..
vests, paru-J, nhft-fa, and ail other kind? of ma'e
uj clothing of the very tajst material and cheap
for c ash. Jlirvl ivnocr, .vtu cauuot do tb better
thii.g'thaif call on Maw. ' '
un n ii rn t t tt t a mn
'ii ii'ii i 1 1 i i ii
H A H V . :! : :,wi--w.
.Hini-L);:vvimi fpi
na7.t2HE3E2 ! r:):Bi
ouul u rr rn
- ; Vr jVr4 f-v "A,
or - a. wma. i car,
mi M i hj-fiPfi
Mts. PA-PTr-NofoN. Ttilsiiht l:v1v oT.T' "TVe
that the er rthqtiake: mid disturbed Cue
equanimity of tho puili 1 enati led .lames J.
inirphy to iell more clothing- at
bis iHtnotifc stand. No. lftf Clinton street. l'J One
siionht be niia'dcn ntl toe. taib ihoioia mwhiiur
bk- taking a, good supply of ci-Uing ulorg lor
uncertain weather, and James J. Murphy is the
man to st !i yon rnVrlastlmr oW.thhiif at' 4 very
ctiuiip rati as coiieiderici; Uie.warf-ali.-i .-...- ,
Pweet Hove. Thre is no pleo':ll'k4-rrno;
t'ut.rovt'h borne caii'l-e nindo sweeter by deco
rating it with dry goods; and vre goods from
Murpny's Store. Mansion tlmisi'Uirnrr, Johns
to'wi.. where all tho fanbioos are fully repre
sented aud where every ttcutiou is naid
to the oca; fort of tho coftouier. t ail t.n Joim
J. Murphy and have a talk his t;ew stvles
and patterns, and don't tie f-ashfol about buy
ing. "Now is tho tiineforbar;un.s.
f 'W. . w ' r, . . . . . . m . w - rr, . -r , r m a
used in all casnsinptoud i f J'li.t-.".T-sjijii Saitj. j
CAfttiK trT &f. IflshJy h-nr-.t. Pit -i-nnt to !
tak. ChiJip-fii lik.e it. 11 ice SO e-m. Whole-
s, Ti. v.. r'Ei.t.i.'K.s Co.. i: w (;, ,i hu-h-i, I': its- "
burgh, I"1t. fJnr." 1C, I'TO.-lr.l i
C.I()11C1I On lp?t Sunday rrorri'ijij, at
residence in iVai,4dugtcin tp., P;m I (iei.- f e. a;red
about 15 years. Mr. C'oerrT! father settled in I
this count v between hftv and hiiT.' viWirs aro. !
lie came from one of iv Eastern counties, but
we can not name it.. The d--(ttsel was s p-ei-t te
nia n of most amialilo and li-aiiy 5 ;ositio.,
arid of ad:niftel interiry of chara-df r-hone-t
and uprifirbt in all bis tnsir!-sti tr and
in every act of his life pure and beyond r
proacb. TllllEATMTlTfi
T. I. M.
y i., X "w!lf!t -or-jr
r '' ehuH of oor friend aea '
-,rjlfrirh-'5f P-attrille, thia!
" V,'h.a . u Saturday Ust.
'iMtVe-V k',,,,4,ff bri'in? cider which j
"So UTV,n 'e nnr hT nnrr of
I4- , ' r,n thpsg. or ux of tbe
0,tt given.
T JLh ti nriees that are sure to teunpt an
irSSSi iaood. clt-tuuig for fall and winter
wear. " , -
' More Q'Vi'DS. Ct T.ltobcrts. who ie ncrcr h"
biud"" tri flnvttrirg, has-ufMM very eitrn-
Jfihtssioi k of jewelry .stationery, nations
f'vtly to p s witJhin lne ,,aat few days, and
tins a t'f ,4,r - ", . ' :- Ho well to HTHmlilO
r.rrtniL.-nn(teome lndee-1 'is tho disrday
eIitted'ware at tbe mammotb empori
f,17 lluntley. and persons wWiinp to
urn of Geo. ""Jf Voiidav gift, or any other
-e rShMfto Vw' t articlps of the kind
kind of, a gift. wJi id not fail to g-o snd see
for tuefr own 'f'eon eiSibiUoa ia
fin arrav of auver wuj.v
HunUey "bow ca . rr,S.-
tt y f lis. the popular flour
AiTl&&nt ?n? a patent
t T - invent.- It 1 aosoiu--.?
r umniiBrvci hreakatre, gives twice
Z?i.:-n 'wrptto. hs t-.V ir. eaieiromexpiw---" - . lamoa. uo 3 per
FALL TRADE. The following Now Goods
have-just been opened -at luyer'a ,N.-" York
Dry Goods, ilillinery, and Crotmng istoros, tui
and ?U Main street, (Opera Hnne. Johnstown:
French Merinos, every ehade, from 75o. to l.ia)
Irish topbns. evory thade, from... 5c. to, 15
('orded ami Flain Alpacas Uao. to "a
Beat Assortment oi Black Alpacas.. Sue. to, 126
Gorgoous Flaida, largest stock Jn ' - -r
town, v .... 40o. to 3 85
riaiu and Corded Black Siiks 10 to 4.j
Empress Cloth, all t-olors, 65o; to 1.00
Chinchilla beavers lor Sack and - . '
CloaKs - 2.t to 5.00
Black Be-avers, in great varieties,..' tf.a to C.u
Fitrured Changeable Voplina. . .: 60c. to l.u)
Cluldreu'a seu of Furs i, i.oo to lo.un
Misses' rteui of Furs 3.50 to 12.00
ladies' rjtfts of Furs...: ..... 4.tal to 50.00
Cbildrin'8 Trimmed Hats 1.00 to a.UU
Misses' Trimmed Hats Ui5 to S.M
Ladies' Trimmed Hats I.-to to lo.un
Bounets ot every Bhapoaud eiste 3.0il to l.i.txf
From the smallest to tho. largest OiSTBICtl
FEATHEUS, ot every color, aud F'LovV EKS.
we have tne finest stock ever brougut to this
town. Our H-iniul anil lMi;ik'U- 1 n.jirtineiil is
certainly one of tho largest West of Philadel
phia, aud wo intend to iticrue our sales of the
above goodi by our unusual iow prices. We
also baveou band ,a00 nioccs of Prints, which
wiii be sold at the very lowest city prices.
p. si. In connection witn the above we have
one of tbn finest stocks of Beady-Made Boys'
and Mens' CLOTHING, w hioh g ooii.s were bu t
entirely for cosi, and consciuciiuty can be sold
at tae 'ioawt figures. In this immcuse trt-tab-Itsliuientevery
departmeut is separate, but witb
ready access iroai one to the other. Keiuem
ber the New York Dry Goods and Clothing Hall.
7 Feeo. I feel, I feel like going to N. F. Car
roll'a Htore, No. 215 Main streeL JounsUiwa, aud
purchasing thirty dollars' worth of dry goods
and groceries. I feel liku the looming Ptar
when I think of his choice oresa ttuou. Shoo
fly, don't bother mo, when I am buying goda
from Carroll, because CurroU. keeps sut h pat
terns as would make even the morning star teel
prouder. Call and purchase some, ot his latent
styles. Buy a drews tor your wife, sister, daugh
ter, or mother immediately.
A Good Markkt. Johnstown is a rood mar
ket for all kinds of prtKluce uud tbe store cf
Leopold K Brother, No. 241 Mam street, Johufc
town, is a good, place- to get bargains uijae
made-up cjotbiua line. Ssnits tu.iie to order
and fits warranted. Made-up clothing of every
style aud jurt tne thing ior tOj' oii wlritor
reason, undiv drcsp coats, par.ts a.u.1 vej a
chpandas liueaconii be buugat an) wnxre.
Now 3f. T. TT. mfgbt .srr.nd for "M. T. TTcp.d,"
(empty head.) or, as an Kr.rllshmun w on !1 say,
it m lwb L stand for "Most. Ico iI4uuxiotis-"-4nit
whatever or w hoever itst'n'ls for. It drives us
pleasure to inform our reud'rs lhat Bamberger's
m:u yoisk Biswrn stoh'r!
enccuraged by the great rush of ciistomori that
have visited it sineit has been opened Jn our
t n, w ill. lemtiin here for a short time yet, in
order to enable evfcrv one to get tbe
BEST CLASS of goods
rttcli iiluw Itrcular Prtee I
BAMHEBOEK & CO. have received, iu addition
to their v.-ell select" 1 stock, many
NEW GOODcn, such as
Table Linen?, Eedprrads, niankcts,
:', JT-dtXJ.vs, ran n.s. Tints,
Alpacas Sliawls. Bilrnoral Skirts,
Fancy Goods feo., Vc?.,
All of which havelKen hpngiit FA 11 BELOW
THEIR REAL VALUE at very large
and eo?nn ar.T
'"' 3 f I J A ; 'Ut wi f'; ff '1rJf 5
ITe-7 York Branch Store
' O? M-4I44 sfHKETi '
O'io f the Ctrmbri House. Ebk.k5bpho
i Tho underIgntv!.. baying received and opened
s ........ a apiuutia avrinicut or
Fall and Winter Goods,
consisting'', of Cloths, Cassimerivs. Satitretts.
Tweetts, Jeaus. Waterproof, Dress'Goods of all
kinds, such as French Merinos, A lpHcas,Lustres,
Peiin4.,44' Arnitires.-PrintfiiJAc.4; 4te.-"-Als an
.1... , - i i . .' u . L I 1 a .. llMio.
j 111' i r-r ,nrir,. ' - . .n i - -" -- -.
! r- mid Fhu-' viiiel lwr Vavica'.wear, togeth-
i er with m i-iiii-CP sf.ll k nf " ; r "
Ikwii s, tlions and Bobbers; a full assortment
of UtEsdf triiOCEIHE'S; H rd ware. Queens
ware, lve StuiVs. l iitertt Mc'-.tines. ic. ; CAK
1 ETS. OlL(,t;'rilA'Td aBotht-r arttclosof
mereliau-ds- i-.t-l kpt ir.'-R oomitry .Wure.
All those good" we pi-tgeour word to
and aro d-.'icrrf intd to give a. aid "bai-gaitts as
any dealer n t 'V i. tx-ctiiintr.k-.
jj- Tba i'k tut fi'Tja-st ftv..i j. weh-ipe to mer
it a uc4;Vunco 44.U.sruiiw '' ptlbih; 4-tiH-Uf
age in thi frtnre. ' -. i; H. MilrXU;
Loretto, i'a., N-.iv. S, idiO.-tf.
VOWt-.m ,,'f;oon INVKSTVENT
11 ' V A LI 'ABLE PA KM Ftn SALE J The
well known aud biolv cultiva'tI J-'-dBf ow u
ed and occit.d :-d V J th; -subscr;4. er, lo- .
cnted in Allegheny tow nihip, ( enibria
county, at- i;t '.ne-fourtli of n. mile 2 J
from Kavlor'sftiitioii and one-tud-a- m y m
half miles from Loretto, i.fft-rod for i.-; '
sale on na'., ss-! at a fair price,
raid FAltS- co-'t lie 150 tU t".. more or
les-sin the vet v bet :oi,dition.r. :d the improve
ment erlifM';-:,'s is-ist-ota- of a two story
BK1C1C DWELLING I' LlSI-4- mitaining seven
rooms and we l f i'. b -i rhrcuiihout. two liitrn.
both in good rcj-" -, a f f Xr-ui(e.
Wmh Hois, and ali, other nocesMiry outbuildings.-
The waver on the premises is abundant
and of the Very be"t quality.
"Taken all together. 1 his Is ono of the mot
CfeilRlliu lni'0 lii:.i w v.ii l.... ... - j , niiu .
onlv to be seen to be appreciated. Any
person, therefore wishing to purchase a good
Farm on tho mountain will do well to call on
the subscriber, w ho is desirous of Be'!T' Hizd is
.:ii., j0 -ivo a good chanee ttr-R"v . wisli
Allegheny Tw p., Nov. ?. l"iw.-n.
; : n: :- ; . s i ;.-
i f ,-..:.'. , . - , . - - ..
R m e?5 sav
T5 t "Jt TS-fT ?!
k T 6 O V ft4? ft
Tiie following letter, which explains it.el, has i
been received at. the
IiU xk J. Ul Li. Ui CLlioil DUUi U
st ass s'rti Ksrr.
Opposite Cambria Hol-so, tberisb'jrr; :
-. OcionEit 'Kill,' 1575.
Messrs. M. BAMBTillGEH & tH. This ttex,
pected n.essiit-e may eoiuew hut .sere; ise you,
though as a fr.en.-t I "thuiit it"my d ity ti inf-.n-i
you f the4 fact that a certain party intends
puttina out your store w -ithin live days. If yen
do not pack op and leave town. Tiilri'tioie Py
thc forelock. (-signed) ' M. T. H.
TT Tri R
mi Store,
t' y4L'M&' rv frM U
: '- -'' 4 i
- : I
. AND MOST . j
-4 ' ' .'-.' . ..- ; . ; . . .
! ' '
Ten years of hard work a?d hard knacks, hsvt c rantrod In?a
f. J , ; Fhifadelphia .th-j !3ffjec and mot co-rie Clothing
rr .. t iouat) iu AiiiSf ica. if uot in the - 'XD?
-xsr v. - WHOitS W OBIiD", - '
X DyarUtaai endeavors, ve Kive avoided -a the od ruin cuC .
iJ antiquated me.hocj of V.r trrt. tmtrl now CJr MaB - Viii
univeresiiy acKnowiecgoc j
' . , ....:t4't
" '' "ii .'.r'-o.i "
WW ' -" 'J:. - ,t,-,
"he Reasons awi
n nr. -r -v t -
S" We haye built a hsaac for tus.-ncs.rooverlng neai-'y-Q-j
h.2lf an acre. J
' - 0 Instead or wedding It i.i Lstweer other bullding-i, maWng"21
i? LmtM dark, find obscuring ll)e goods', 11 Is bvAl on a corner of ?SS
- "41tiiiA r.4K.M. . ; - -i aim . .
in. cc auTicij, cr:u siiy unc .Hdy cjunt in tl .Zi tntiOV.'S.w , -
O Wo. employ skilled workmen.- On? Hundred and Flftv nf
i4j4;,i,Vf4iwnom'ni3y do .srerr under our roof by any cno having time -vj'
8nd curiosity to visit our EstafHishment, end . besides these,
X 1400 to 1300 sewers are employed at their own homes. . TfSZl
j-t We rn-ke yp no Imjrfect goods, . ; tSX
0, W e l"13rough'y sponge and shrink ALL our gooda.
t Wojp'irchaso ourcdJiat first hands, in large iots,--somo-Ottimes
in LiHscfover $100,CC0 at one time. , . : ,j
.'T T We est ct face against every , species cf unfr dealing.
, a inu wiii uiwfz.iSb any employee in any way guuty o; it.
We have strch enormous safes hat we are content with
r-' W lll'lii -i wiwr lllv UOUO lllwl-lii. : . ' w.
SQ. We warrant Cl ou's gcodsard.wRl fjive every possible ,D3L'
hmt v3U3raniee to purchasers at Oak Hall. .
"3 .
' TKo above crs ficts that no ono csn truthfu" ,c!!spr!oJ as lhe'-4r33( .
jgj, examination we so coruisiiy invite, vviU fully prove. .
I examination we so cordially invite, will fu!!y prove.
5 e ask the encouragement ar d support of a!I clcsses cf people, -
s v toeling sure t.iat 1-1 estaDhshmg in Fiidacc-pfi-a the
SI Largest Clothing House in America;'
Al tr.I.Sv Lie patroncga of iJi v.'ho sre interested m the pros
titf ts-rItY of cur Ccnjfnor.'.veslih." . .
F - - . . .
. .-1
t :.o iiilul. wwlk-w-'ii -J
f tT P" rv I o-ffi I Oj-A-
ZL Nos. 532, 534, 530 .Market St, 1
" 1,3,5,7,9,11,13-SpulhSixtliSf.
tTOi:r.H, iio.
J. &. F. COATS'
Thrpn 1 rnt ':p fnr AnrcTb'Vtn market wh'ch ie
MX.fOBUI.H ati.MHllthl..
From So. 8 to Xo. 8 to So. 100 Inclusive.
j bl.Ml ) V AL a.m. x,. i. . .. ...... .
; tin, copper iSHcET-iRONVA'n:;
, rT-ira- rfffrf'v take t inwion of the n"---
I w fttte1 up and cow n d' oun Imildiuir on ilib
; tlr i. two degif cast f the Bui urn: ue-.-. ,
c.ppo-:te tb' ' "-", ii lit iii-o, tie cui-itTfriVc! -I
Ctrl- pirihre' ihiii ever u aiarufaeioro e .1
, irr:e;ff. ir. tae TIN". txri'illt end ill KE7-I bi...
i V'A'tr. line, all of wM, it -via be furnished .
j bii-- ei ;;t tise very lowtTt livinir prleea.
? i ue liiiiKi'invr iiimi t rujiosts to fct'op a I-j I
fo . .
a .iff
.'.-' X ...--. . -
- i' V ! ; . 4" :' 4
I'fPAN V. I K.'i-t'-nrd.t orn. Ch1i
A-r-'-,ii.J,,i.!jOvl tirana htlX aini
i:.NOtV.-!ii.r.T Fi Itcieb cf all a
prir-.i'f.-,iT)i. Aripio tjecurity loiiy
niif-'. Also i:i.-u;cj iuranH. Afi t
1K ' T eait-'iitjr doath or total din
bil:ty. l'oih iy written by the year
or iiioiith. xiuit pail sJuoi'riT br.eK"? to policy-holder.
TIIE PKAtvrittt. t3-4 M The lead ATrlcuLilr-1 irt hly of the United
fctati coiiUiiiiiiitr Z Quarto pnes; ie reoom-loen-.led
to Fat in.-; every when: as a thorough
ly reli.tb'oaiid wed iilusirated Aaricuitur ti and
Horf.culii.iMl .io.irrte!-. It is lanrt-ly mad-.' up cf
nri;inti mntter. Hr-d o--oi-l nt iUitk Kaii-inif,
(train Growing, the Dairy. Ort hard. Vcyetabio
end Market tiardeninir. tjnzaif, Reurinir and
fatt-.-niiitr AinnlH, a Veterint.ry Detriment,
&c. I'rici.iii i per Kimuni. Jn aatentOi .canplrt
copies suppliers on apf'ication. Libernt ttrm.4
to Atrentj aim ( uPViifM-r. witn show-bilN. f ur
niPbtd on aj-piie'ion M PASCH ALL MOBH IS.
L litor and iii-pi-ioPir. 1 Aiortli Ji hlu'cntn
llr! H' ki..ft'-i jjll
IMI)tf.M. 11 -. A LTII, H tePIt fc'.. .
IIow.xo be t-aTAiNrn ecu live iio'Iar !
IVlM ATI' i.NS, T'AltkiS. VlI.U ?I1 KS AM) T.K
Lo-r-, ntTnKORK.iT PnicmfM Land Sat., At-hiu-n.
S. O.4 ' .:arntfrf;r: o the Strtfi." S
Loiirs from N. V. .li:e most deiijr)U'ui ci.tiiato
iu the world. Free f roti the rigors of Norilitni
winters, exeinpt from ThrCiit D.Tcas;. VIop
yurosend orcbarda in ft:' I bppricjr. - For d
crijttivo :Hnphlet Biidrci?, with namp, J. C
DLiUlV, Auueta. t"a. ,
A Vt EFrC SALARY ' YerTic tne
tipJtJ wnnted ua lccnl and frarr-liPjr ale4tiien.
Address (witta slant jJ K. II. W ALL fcdi, jit I'arlt
ltow, New York. . ;
frlaes enisliod an'V inlormation f-:ruioed "bv
G i'.i BO3 I'i'HA.'-t, T-rovidt nslLL
HOKItlKLFt-I pufferedwithf'tjii-rh thirty
y:ais, and was cured iu tix etki by a i.iai
ple retnedy,a:i'i wi'! -tid rc-tj o, pt - at. frtc'O
nil aCiioli'd. T. J. Mt.tD, Drawer 17.. Pyracnso,
w Vrk. . 1 ' ;
T'Tt T''Vi t ""m o 'oyt :
Lhii.i.ii.L'rUirui, iilliUl J'-iliI ill ',
Ccckic'r;, Parlor and HeatiDg StcVi?
of tbe mr-pt npprryp4i design.
t1"POU.TryO 8 BOOFTVfl madeto irdr
end warrar!t--d M-r?vt iamanufacrureaml n.a
Urim. Ii MVA I i I"tl priimntly attended to.
All work f'one bv toe wiii t-e done ri-rht fd
oti fair tei-n.s und ii!!?TtvnS ar.t! '.YjlL'l! : i
by me can ti-ijionCed Ui ti to qii,i!;!.f i
ctvimr-t 1;m ui-irtr-clj in price. A coiit'o"i:;.-i
firt'l !!irP:i r i-ritri-ivijr-iMS ri-peptf a-iv m.".
t?S, arffno etlort vi'l oj waatiag to tender vo
tire eaaf faction lo ail.
Ebo-aFbury, Oct. "Ui, 3s44. t.-tf. -;
""-T'lt r T4 wr"T P "" T "t " P t'tillT""'
lmm mmu kmm
Manufaornrer and Dealer rx
ALI KiLb til"
Xe i60 .ii(l ;ry Clinton Street,
' TlfT.fTEAP'y,
f lOSBOAitUS, .
CiiAbKi; J'ETS
V.: V?.vrt Pctn,
Ia HKM ir Eli.
V4 SE4T C'lTAtli,
KlTv.'MK- 1 tKilCtiii, .
-.L Lt-L .- OBS,
ThTr.-t-TBr--s. -Lxienski
Table44!. .
hlMMi TaUIXa,
LlH.-ui, ItTB-lAUDS,
Ac., ic, &.c, &c.. Arc. Arc. ic &c, Jce., ic, io.
. I.I. 1 4 - I ?v I. I I v s
rr.ndo to order In excpl-ent styjp and at fir
I-rUu. CiOiiit a:id Ch'tii iitalxors4 materials t
all kixtda for sale. Furrdtuj-e ooii'. ered t a';y
point hi Johnstown or at R-.ilrorid ft.-itHn f . '-e
of rtim (-iar?. W.M. P. l'ATl'OX
. Joiiibtc a. Oct. 13, irro.-tc-
e. ii. tlaV it, if. 't., j or.o: A. v,
Ai-.-iiii al Jjurnr er. J .. ,;,
rFoijaui6 "XoA-i'.iiiji.'a.tjiLB. ...''-ll.-trf.4
1 ' ADmXtSTKJTOIi'S xoTicr:
Letters of Administration o.; th-- 4T-t-'e of
Joseph ltoiohter, late of t'lirroll town-ship, ('fim
bria county, d c-ased. have been ti ranted to tfie
FUb-ribT, Kiai iii rT i:r t;ii'i towmiup. Th'ue
bat ine cl-ilius- ag-nint said fstae n .11 pl ai-e
p'of nt thorn pt'Oteriv proven li-r etreriwri:,
and tiiose iudebrnJ to the fame v-'l! j'K-aso u.uo
immediate puyiuciic
, wiuliam FTiriTTrri,
Oct. 13. 1370.-6t- ' AdtiituL-tr-t.'r.
I PEC'n. Aditnmtor-iiJV".:iiic.--I otte rs of
AdminiHti-ation bcvif:j I et:n jn.u'.ed to Uie uu
dersigrticd on tbe estate of John isiie
of Conemuuirti boioujrlt, dee d, all pers-.-.tio C.2.V
isiif claims against uaid estatiiar Uojehyrcti
!4ed to preseut tboai duly authenticated for tot
tiement, a-..: -ii indebted are roqut 3td to mako
ravmout without de'u-.
,I..lim tTa ..'. U -XL. I-'T'.-'jt.
, . Advertising;
I A Eor or its etoe'y printl pare, lately ia-
! fj.d. cor.. n.s a iieu of tac. riV VfierK.-U A-..-i
rr.r",V V -"'iin. irtvinjr the n:nm, eirni' -.-'
j tli-cs. laid f r'-( . ; (: iii-; -r,i::.j the Uf-
! iidliv S" Vf r.i"-:n! r;.rt l.-i..:
I NftT.-vpt: "troth r w:th-:il t'nji -iHTiP-i-I
'..-t i tiwe..h.ti-;..s. pci:id.v.-'. iu t'sc i.i'.erc.:,
P-1V -,fi. Ai?ri'-p:'-.rc. I.-'r. v V". St. ' V '
I Ady: fcr, ai'ii ever .- pein- u - b-i r.-v..rtTr?,1;i!f
, bevi-iriiij' .:cV. wiii rin- .,.? ooitk er ftci!.
j vmI ie. .ii-bed ir.v- tOf v fldd'-ev o:i rce'. - f
Za o.--t. r.t. A ii , pv : -
libbers, Tsi'tc Tlow Ww Yt-tH.-
Tne i iltsfui-jr.i (Pa.t Lt-i !cr. in !ts !sfu f
?tay loi. yr : le'i of 0. P. Tt-w.-ll
Co.. w hieh un.-s rhii t :t"rit!i,ir i'nl vlin t l, i-i tl.O ..t'.Tf-liil lif-St-A! i i'ill()I
cy in tbi CV'i-il tstti-. wc t an ein-t i r'uiiy
reconvrond ft to t'lPattentlon -f t'-riji wfcf f v
.-ir to u-iver': the r iji!i-r.t- Htitnt IlienUy
and nysiermi-.ti;.r in u-ja a way; that !-."
-o s'-o "cir the Inrjcsf r.tnccjit;or publiwi. "
Tor tbe leai, expenrittur--4 of mooev." ,
iSta-rad, btvtii b-pmrT-yif4fne1 Audttir bv
the f.'.iir.s r-a Court t f OoaPria countv to 4Mi
rriVfte tuoner u t-.t? hanj of Sarfh C'McCat:--ley
a.J Ltnfy C. KiripK"-. icic. Adir.'t.Utrarr-t44
nf Thoraa Y7. wei'p.u iey , dee d.- herel-y H rt-'
nnt("-"tnat be wi:! KtUrivl f rtnat por-'o-w. r;t
h! ofllce In EliCirrb'Ts-, ori TniR-iHiT. '(fdiv '
ui" iVctv,'l rr rjit. at i irdfeit. ?. m- ien aui .
where all person inter t-vl lihv Ptteud. "
JtlIV . KTflir. Au.llt.-r r '
m11 Andy 'C 4r'' w lotix out ior .o and i