Cambria Freeman. 3. 1870. Tlie Ruvlngft era Oefcaied Po litical Traitor. The Iant Jubnurown Democrat, editor! allv and Bimirckioaily, tHr.s mot furi ouIy about th Chairman of the Derate cratlc County Ccnimittee. Both articles are. from the name gifted jwn The tame Mood ruffianly p tyle pervades them both Their paternity 4 the aaroe. ': They are both Ihe hir.. lavii the dealt, rattle of the "Old Captain." , -We doub: not, Mr. Johnston will plead piiilfy' to the effence" of hia youth, euch as beinp a col'ier," and a 4-ehoolmai-ter and he mihr have added, "wood chopper"! : Why the poorest collier" iu Cambria county would refuae to aell hi? press and Lift principles as WVxdfuff has done ; the poorest "wood chopper' would swing bis axe till the last ddiy of his life rather than betray those who confided iin ! him. Alt to the other sin uf bring a "cboolmaster well he was abroad when Woodruff wrote thoae articles.' 1 We hold that the position of a "collier," a "wood chopper' or a "acboolmaBter," io just as honorable as that of an editor or a lawyer. We believe with th poet, that - "Honor or ehnme rrom no condition rise; .'" 1 " Act well oir pari there ail hoi.ur 1 ies." But W'oodruff don't. lie rr pioaehea !Mr. Johnsim) with what Mr. Johi.aton is, or. should be proud of. For Wood Tlie i:nd Peached. la the last issue ofj he Jobnetowri Drn ocrat the senior editor of that mendacious journal, by one bold and reckless plunge, descended jno a autre profound depth of editorial infamy than he had rver before, by the most persistent efforts, succeeded in reaching. Jn his own peculiar, but natural sphere, he now Mnnds unrivalled, unapproachable. In its palmiest dajs that once srurrillous and libellous sheet, known as the Pittsbure Jakey, the fhaoie and dif-prace of its time, never succeeded io soaring higher into the regions of pure .and unadulterated Lluckguardu-m .than did I tlie editor of the Demoerut,. in thnl model number of hi "Jakey." , Even -a stran ger, fortunate enough wo to know him, after having read the foul and" nasty cuU umns of thut issue, would inMinctlvelv conclude that his heart is as black ,,as Krebqs aud that his very touch is pollu tion. When he waainglurioufdy and or ervr defeated by the freemen of CumDria' . ... ; ' J vouiny at jne late elect urn. as the removal candidate fur assembly, it, was .expected that he would quietly yield in humble furmi'Mon to' the expressed will of tlie people whose t uffi :.pes he ' had sough r, and that "he would nume hisvenoin and his wrath, -until hcwould. again become a candidate for the same elSce, ns be prd poses to do, next October. Iiot this was not to be, for in the meantime, Othello's' tuj auuH wouitv pe gone , J tie dirty wurk of calumny and defMmwtion -so con genial to all hitio-'w. instincts muat there- tore be diligently piosecuted. ' So;1 riot io, ui . runutu ins . jruuu -ti. r or oou j -e -j r v v u.v i. k,-.p, wl ruff the lines of the poet hhould U aitet 1 i connt.. .whh attempting 10 blacken the . t nr. L.t! . i r - I rniitu r ...n .1 Li.m t . : i. 1 i inun; rr r oiieTe mat .1 - Honor or shnnne from no eonrii-lon rieM ; But Woodraa' Uou't ud tbereture Wooaruff lies.' ; . As to the res' of the trah about Mr. Johnston so silly, so false, that even the Republican papers of the counry Bnd dis trict have fur years refused to "publish i:, but which Woodruff now in the imbecili ty of fats grief reproduces, we have noth ing to say; It is not our bu-tness to . say what Mr. Johnston hs been, what he has wanted to be, or what he will be,! We do know however that he is a Dem-crat-iou, and in this he has. greatly the advantage of Woodruff. We pity Wood ruff, but he will not re-instate himself 'in the party he has' beirnyed and '.'forsaken, by abusing the Democratic organization His sin has been, great so should nis atonement be great, lint he nrvcr can te reared while he attempts to justify his own treason. If, lueu, Mr , JolDh!on, has p. proper amount of alf respect he :c;in have no per toixil altercation with WowJi utf. ' ' If ever Mr. Johnston gt-r's as low, in the soci il and puliiical acale ai'the uniortiiiuta and i unhappy editor of the Democrat is, then they can wage war on equal terms. - . When Mr. 'Johnston shall allow his bondsmen to be. 6ued for his 'neglect; of official duties when he shall Wscly be: tray the .fiienda who confided ia him -when he shall agree to take a nomination for removal or aghintt removal, and run on either side of the question when he is willing to run on' a li.ket with 'Know Nothings when he shall prevail on a re specuble young gentleman, like Fraocis Cramer, to sacrifice himself for. hk' bene fit, by promising him 700 majority in Johnstown when he thall eat the 1'oor House bread and afterwards abuse the Poor House when he abuses a worthy priest for correcting a falsehood in his paper when he shall receive a nomina tion from a meeting that gives three cheers for Daniel J. Morrell when, wo say, Mr Johnston shall get low enongh to do all these things thn, nd not till then, will he be degraded enough to hold a personal controversy with H. D Woodruff. Tlie War Record. ' I Frxn. Monday's X Y. World Almost the only news of interest 'and importance from the seat of war; is" in the details of the wirreriderof Metz Maw shal B!2ini..: Ky it the ifowerf a the iFrench army, including; jhe Imperial ad3.anJ one of the strongest fortresses i're-Emlueitt :ffrittleiry. i There 4a yoe'thingwio- which the editors of he Johnstown Democrat cm claim ore-emi nenoe Grootery. The Senior editor ,of that paper either leiit or hired himself to forward a movetpnt, the express purpwss of which was to eject j RepuuHcao candid;Ue to .Coo ' gress- IiTtliia dwtriet,, a uioveiDtint auaiost which, so far as the iU-nublkTan actors in it ' concerneii, we n .ve notniun to kv in the world, have been oirpn nuar .- tha ft,e C e- - - j " . i . . tTermnns. ., " r i r 7 ' T V . - . , . ,i uivo eiuii..itic iroui irn-n, lof wnicli wi; oo It is not much to say advisedly given away, brcaosc Hazine had 150,000 effec tive wen left, was supplied et ?wiU) acverarweeks' provisions' and ithere. ws' .tip 'ack Xj?n.nijailU?nP.rr,w.nnd artil. lery. The capitujation ?ompri.esl 737 000 men? :of M lac.b U,T)0q 'are' ''Wuti'ndWA , C,000 I'fficers, fiix'ty'generals, three mar shals 3,000 cannon, mid an immense war material, besides a war heat eoutatnine 4t).00MH01rancs, i qiivaient m 158,000.-: 00J. I he 'entry- of . Prince Frederic Ciarlea,: ai the bead i :sad li have been VeTV imoniurr uml immiti. atety after it- several urmv corps beganto- Johuston and t.thtrjr, is "'pie-tn'dueutty effrtni take up their rnarcb. to l,aria.? j ,TJie ctipi ter. ?.5 . - .,.! i-; d . , ; i. j ; . . - , .1 Ti. i . . . not' condemn 'them. But what of the men who. professing ti be Lmicrats. as.ited in this conspiracy to dt-feat their wneau.ii-date-? Thtrrtt.wera; it is- ue jiBay Hmn Crats whweie ijecufvej fcridjlt&fjasyay on the Hemoval icsue, through the false teach ii f a w-airAUWu4liiiciiI pubr, meut, B;hobaaely deserted tlie standard i f their party and went over u, ; the Vif'mv ,wfthr nr fall 'Vnor ledge if. wht tb,v" were d'nine. --And' -nowi (ttr -tb Senior e.litor of tbe DtfiBoctitt; who wa chiet.of thu recreants.-, aiu-r biivii.g fHtidi ii; hi trencKery to-ac cnnipirijti:e;ba':e .detja, lonke it appear. , he. wa the. friend of r Mr . S;eer, ,aVd that, the disafli-cti. n amonq tl:e l)'jfi.'cra'K of the coonty' was caused by' tt.1ert L . Trie editorial, nd an, mvmrmi J -.-.. . . Ill thU wfiek' Drmocrat; ide fnmr their. cruel and intHin(.ii- asaints uj-ot: the character xif Mr. J.H-Kt in, ure extremely nndin 'fi ! and m'niH'iTvI 'nn'i com n i'h "fTi-wrf nu' j grWe fttn'!ii rian who can never repair no. in iic nun. u"nw .inf CrrTOOC-raCV Of I'ollflcat aiic! Xew IleuiN. Negro and all other kind of Republican "l;.l., r.x ,. r. .,,1 ; c .' ,v' f n uu tun LIC -I 'tlI CMI CI W U K. ' V. 1-1 (. Caonna the cthr day. Z J x ' i 1 lie Illble In I he Public Vrhools. i 57 ff " . i. r777 .4. . ' - : : i I v u - 1 H i: ! f r t ,4 IHrlilon ,w Yrk Htm m f- ' fi" i . .. 1 , -" 1 : ' -. . . Mchsel Larkin rL Julin II. France. ibis in an appeal tiom-ih-fo'ioing dt sand pooad.of nitroglycerine. xploojal at , c 1 , g FrBnretCte uf .J.ei utces Freeport,- U..oa-1 ue.-day yfiernoaa of 4.feu . -. -. - . - i. , c 1 , i week; IttrrVly blowing four men tosjon ; ! f ho ,J WW of4v4f , et HurWv: Ji-Potir thousand U. S. soldiers to over" 1 At this school there was a female teacher DO YOU HEAR THAT, Fip;j: Al) AT!I - , r.,Uj :p' s rrji. Ji-P.air thousand II. s. ,.Mr i.. ..n At this school t here was a female teacher OOTV -rt ... throw the Democratic mnj rtty iu New V..rk. employed'who read the i'rotestant versif n J C O UrV:;Y" t'-l but not one hundred to oroiect the eetllert. ' tif the seiintuies ech muriiin" at the orn-n. ! ''I in Arizona from the Indians, 'llaw l'.r j f the; sch.a.l. Michael Itrkin du-tod I f11."1" . , , . n 1 1 to liis children hearing thjs version of th i T'.is roa ; 1 ,- :" Windsor fvwnshi p. Itirks cnuntr. uave ,.. . , .- i-.- .. - , , . ... l j 1 1 . ! Jiiote reaa, ami so lie Kept tnetn teenn trie' TTiTiT- at the lae election tnn hundred Hud seveiit v- , ' W Oiti f t,ll4V, nine dem.ratic votes and one rinbhca"n i schuul unUl u,,rr ,J,e rc?-.; aduce 4 lJit 0 iCtni!: i,, ti.po a. Ua r.n l,u'i.,ti-v Ki, n;, , of the Tlrutefs the children weii ser-t i in'likre T.n.- -i . . " ' . . ..... . ' WV a .-..' 1 itier. 1 1 v I no builot-tx x .ti.flii.i her. ? 8 . ' i' i ; ; j ! iiorne, tnc iea tier cecinrm 10 tnem ttiat ipj n j There is in Spring tfwnsT,tp-, Crawford they must be-preent at the reading fefer- i lirttv u uriitl llriirii m.ahiirin&j i J . n .1 i i I ;3 m Veep ou r-m T XT' r feet In circumference v,eAr-the grooudTal ; n Llirkin r.ctin- under advice i f T m t7u . Tu.. three raiicla-a iuoat-UJii. rfctpactlvJv ten- .. v " . & f , T C : shrrt itMW -."' ' "'V !- : vT ty-twi, ttven'taeJtnd twertpcheJ ('i WlbrppeHjed tA br.B. il j - ccui.ty last a et-k.:- .William rlnrronel. i.vd stru-iio, who 42a iiM opit.k', of which i i'VOLUVL, ..j. .V" ten-eaia. was kicked 'in thj throat hv a, -the tt51owiig is the substance : . ' "vA !' r . b y '"." h-M-. and died u,"ihree-,ours: ;A son t.fl. Ibe ectVh ciuataon- .1 iS sfl (JTT nrpVvP. hd ward K .w. I eoo; wat ryn ( ,.-'tLi Stiii if Ui siL Vl io nftiuaj-i ca'sr i X li 1 " I- li I .Ih j , over. by. a wai0.vaud l:ed from, the etlccU ' tt,t. ... t.. -.1 ,.1 i .i..... . - ' now .oo-fr -Vp K-p,. of his ii.jurje. i; , ;nilit- : - ders. Fit tU'xcJ .relhiioiii f r.imna Srr.i f i A U02. navinir ail tne nroo. iivn of a . .... 1 :. : .....' Maaa, f tpA-?) vlTle. .IlHDo'lsV.J.Tbe paw a:id , Ch:istians feet .. wf the fjuie. . character n lile. ,th j istaniT tar 64. tJeii 1 ' -I " r " - - ..nne not j.foTiiie hiju v n u 11 uot n l luler- ; -- -iii k cat. is o,.essiop of. Mr Jacob, ft.rft. rtistbioial is tt'i tis-le.f vvr, 1 VV V(V V t lint.-, MhiiS. .f jp VI 1 If . .11 in. lis. Ti-.fl; MTi'd 1 ...... ti . i. . A 1 ,: 1 A I 1 I I S I I I J 1 1 1 i. .t,lf "Tir? !fsTi c.r ::-; nMrx,;ky'; i.utiionty in the cai to of, - -f- O V F p ' ' fx T -.--Crt m jitU av.j'- irii.'i at . : . ti. ! n. t 1 ... '. '' !.-.. 1 li..rfe t.t. ; '- .us a tnU-vf Mj.Uiy. fit,.. reg- i Cashmere t. 't ,.- n ' uorn lu-nrs Ttrrm-nncTranrw'i us ' CSTKnlJ Si.i:.,-rAvv . " i-j ui i I h 1 1.- i .. . ( . i T. . . . r. . . . rii; l(n vJ,iC.Q th jit tet diii.ce, of the I PT.- ftonv Jl 60 v t V Uarnbna county. ; It ir&ctiy Well known. t 'V to work, and' was io the habit of tUars U rttad4 c4,tdi.q.rfvr.:.01r tU nther ! to $5.: ,Aso.h .f,.;, ner-ve un weK..but.utt.i J hatid thtte i ifo'4AW lyprevent tiJeWd'ri : nTTAn.c a. tt. y - ion lidsi created uorofonnd sensntinn not only in Fiance, but also iti Grrmnhr.' ) Tbe French yoverntnent and i people are ind'tfiiant, Hiid piainlv call ii trem-oiu 'Vim Germans are 'iatoni.bed"i at..tlitir; own-! luck and ucces..: t ; ; . . ,, , ; ' At Paris things are, unusually quiet and uiiite.restinjr,- The Germans keep at a;respee.fuhdistance froth the forts in dav- ttfiK,.-bt arc said tube very busy. -in .tbe oerreettim! i j French watch ibem occasionally but hi ties of any itnoortanc Ioire is aaid Ur be ready nd commence netive tbe l'rossiaa r ear J. but. er.Httim.vf ! JarCe . an. army . as .-that d": " M'f ,.lf-J ubUcsu , moy.;- ihe ;tai!rt wp(.t,iB Uhkosn, Wia...:th- t".,.,i-v rrtceO. Prince FrWeri, Charles, U ismosf li.ely ! X ? 1 lr t..frf.V, ttiat Hie wb l plan of camnaii.ii at, ,.-,r' .1 l.. tii .: . .V', . . . U. L . . ' " I thtt :thn.rb'pabicifi jteutlemen io. whom! the editor' of the Democrat ; hired himself; 'were the nvowel fi irriHs .if f f . M. .,,.,! i that tlie reat .purpose of he rp:.yrti--iit V hs ao'jve ihci is v. uci;i tor oy some ot Ui i ' - - w.. j ...... , H, Mrs: Esther M' Di vis. of Odir Kanids. ! ,.! ,, i 1'iw,' whb'left. her b'tubibd because he was . sr. i rk'." and' was io the habit of i , ,, iariS u J liutiiiif Her wven un. a wik m.iu ii;t l ra thut. f k' ail fi I it .rtArt if lii.u .t .ll l! Cellar Itaptris; w. men waits t try him on TOofoaei tJer.. sn e'rivriypwit leiuh reputation of laymen, he aims' higher and DllliiM n II In u . . i rr u n 1 I 1 . " ! oi..j ,.h..,....l f , 1 i .1 w- : " i ta i':i'. I i painaniv .m, hecnj'iH ftt-i V..t I bride, and was Garibaldi's success in the ea-t confin- : Mi4pft-r "f JSlr., f,Mr,. ' It wimid hav. thM rjvji.g a h IIUl lli.ul.l.l.l - t ..- -'1.,.. r. ..k r I I T . ' ' I . U.uu, t : (c vTen'menf at lours ; '""w.":"'"! ktu'. vk otsuuit . to -hftv i : , i " . . . ; . . i .- ' - ' . i.. . oo ins-i'-u a proclamation i nMimii'- il.n W'-.i ,JV' . i "Ts k. A o;it,- posit ion. .and . it . e 1 ......,! J " ' - -.:' Rurrender;4f..MetZ. aH cailu.g. FiMn-t io ! .T'S'V-fT renewed effort-. ,r OlJicial reports state the lwi,Hn , -n:n . eyer iw 'mrnih . irmr it.-)ii!v in oowle'dse K's crrof.'ask f.-roivn' n i ' . r "v 'r rte? great harm -is 1,:t 'd'.ne l.n nartv German losa up to Oefober 4 U lw kimnt . ; - I - , V V party.' aO.OUO killed, w utvlo.1, and w.wMn but attempt to screen hla-, J. tratuing tbts is understood, even in Germanv. to t ""d wilif,. .hr t est i-u i ip , 1 1. . TJ,n.f..tfn V. .... '.. - attack upon tbe respected and gentlemanly pa'tor of the Catholic conpregation in this place a man who never harmed him. and ho never placed a straw across his path; Lit hiin go on let l.itn continue to hawk at frnd tear private character i I let him seek "fresh fields and 'pastures new'' in the wide domain" of personal, abuse and falsehood let him awitq in s sea of detraction he will be permitted to wallow m his rafornl and beloved mire undisturbed either by ua:or by the objects of his hatred arid abuejn fc ben's borV' We. now say to this Perry, county carpet baeurr, that in the future, in as much as one cannot touch pi.t h without liein de- fned, whatever conceive . -. . ..; . i . . " : - niw tne eaftti, and at Ii against up, or any f the cititcnf of this I H:'m" t,fle appears that far from 'bent's ( pose, ' that a t'ev., however bas-, viIh and nnfuunded I d'"1'1 or even disheartened by this earthq-iate had oc it may he.! will Im trenterl iih .t ! ltt,C8t d cieaeit mieforlnne s-wt Kr-h .- ?,.:. sunrpmt! contempt. Neelected cnlumnr I be'5en ''e Frewrh armies, the Ib!i- - . "i " " . .. 1 " .in. carry on tne war, north, south, eat ! .ml ::l .i -- 1 "w wciii wim me utmost energy. Gen. nouroaki in the north has i-ie. a stiriin. hie reeoitf ivi elVmi to -re whA.: i ". had rLuud tiu hrie?e. an.l was aswriii Ihj very roucli within the truth . From TcKsdy,4 World J 1 - A cry of dismay,: ir.dienaion,' and rase i rising in all pans id France aain.r the cowardly treachery of Ma -si; a) fwab.e jn mrrcnotring 8o',rong fortress as Metz .astU.tai. ahfiM.) U4'e tiki. ai ! QROC ER' rJiVr rauJye ,u j erecevsWrt.riH.I.- LVnrmn schools. Uil J l U.lI.'T?,'' iaM artin- ii.M?ucti.,n ' ia the common E-- 1 . r,v t ? if Ihe'cxie. The repen luceJ f ST ATtCN K I!T AND NCTJf- A Meteotlc HxpJofclon. '.i. Frrrn the Troy Tiroe Oct.rr 25 ' ! "We yestVrday noticed S''i'I,'! "tfie" anfl a h,.e .,..,( n, I " l'rBllU . rvab:e in th s Vic nifv U - . ' l0''nU;f more or on Sor.tfa y m'ofi.i. . ' la,., at ix oVlot:k 7 ' , ",'u:H' '""mct.l i t j ir,. pI,e..o,tH-non srtcf'.s !o 'have beep one i the war, when the late of Pat is and iui .Ii . . f!.,;,.f;....... . .,' ... t . 1 .V. i": ti":n:'ir,li0 f- I -" with reV.Ha 0,We unuIcalinC. !ed, whatever "hi, depraved' hearV mayi in .nc,i,Vand his libellous peri may ul tmt M.r Mf2 posed that a irpefit-on :f- Tho-sdiy's Ihis eartl:Qiitike hail , , ... i . . " .;o it'o- -wt ch has i .rian oWr'tla. t. . . .. . . .. . j i e c near uic Vii- hi?e of Saratoga iii iog :'; ' '' ' '; ' " Either the oartfj.Hs the cl.o'.f-' or is ! bad mi I...t .t i. .i : ; : ' - . . I . . .- e " .'i"2 seem fo hi i A clerif vintri Teidiil n of I'hc r.ih'e f.T hjscof!'-'-rttTil. f'.ijnd hirl 'if Ht the Ix.t lorn i f h', pa'vtl Yhre w'd': "And the l'd gave N"ah a :fv:" then, turnlnj: 'over " t wv fia' intend 'of iwic, !. cnMnued. "ai.d he pitched her will.iij at.d wi h"Ut uubprtcci"' i . f . An old man iam;d Jrsph Ra.:SVr. "Vila f. Ur.d rie.ui .in- .hi bed at, Chlc-tuo, or,, Tl n-sd.iy.. A ot mortcrij t x truinat Uiri was 1 ei atvi it v. jjs d. c I-d ili .t l .M-d from ta'''n.'cf!a waa'w.t't1j nearly $30,000. lrtt lived in 'a miserable' hovel," w'.th-nt 't5ri dr fovf;iiii'diedfin:extUtte. ' -A p?ipii in nc uf'?fce.rr-.;fNil of Bi.vr ly; Ms-satlvuwrtt. 4,rfij : the hr of fcittia.' 'Cease, viper, you gn-iw afajV; Ju,Tffc" To,IotopuMrl," ,,rici ; d,r9 -h- -i-pH(a,ory ...r iiei.i. . general Ernest; one bf the ver li:wa lU'-s-Jny. S. ter.i r at'rit'C'ed 'n ,K!'''"i, S ti-T ;, Tr-'.-h f t ,T-at. l;i not '.ended . Vet'.' II( ii irips .nt crsi.ii Ka'ntdir; wlu icsids',fin,f'f.UKv.::..: . !:.'' ym una tvvry.fecentiy; oeen Utrided ! ""rr' ""o Rnerais i,as len apfioi. ted . . i . , . . - J. V1- "'"V T ' by rl, Supreme Court of this State, which j i" tl ; and a co,,-ide m le: beVw V Vnv' V'T " . wmre-dud.e'rayh.rCVom.t.reaner actm, as the President Jud.e of the W f ,be G.r,n. "i! m ih 'U.t .av thei, his at:' Juhtjstoyvn,; ,,T,e ca'was' ! Mi.-y have pnly rcched hv "he w J1 h H d.ep'rnj!iJ j thU-., Pyil8n act of ,h T.l ' r Deparimerd o ,l.(v., no"' . H,n? 8onndvVif frntn the very V.'s ol IVi an act of tha T D j established for the. city of Scranton! in ZH?.' l5J:"'t.'!ct"' Jude. t onynciam, the President Judge of the several Courts of Uzerne county, hecamft Hecorder, .r, in the other worda, the Prcsidinsr Judge of the aforesaid Mayor's" Court,' just as Jude'Taj lor'by the act Assembly, erecting the District Court Tut notorious Whittemore has been defeated for Congress in th first South Carolina District, by a n-gro named Itawry It would therefore seem that rtt the Lour of his deepest tribulation, his former negro allies went hack on that immacu late patriot and -Lining light in the carpet nag church. To other neproes were also elected to Congress from the same State, also a nsgro Lieutenant Governor and a majority of negro members to the Legis ture. We infer from this dark array of talent and statesmanship, that "the pro ceedings of the Legislature of the "Pal metto State," at its approaching session, will be decidedly "rich, rare and racy." Vtmrlmenl nft-tl.i ( V... tw i - - " ... . , n April 15th, 18fir, a MayW's Court was .lancon. where tby were reported ! WL JC1'": ruun. I. : --. na iu :i M' hp fnor. . . "' I MIT t t 1 1 in -tkal 1 r-. .n 'i J. -, La have'lialted before A attar..- .'A r.P..i i- TJ.rl " Fmi) ."' . every thine hash v ,, .. u. "'.i,cr firmament frJ - " I " iu.r.jf j U'll II the news is tu bte reiia nn..n n- ' j I iinces are Io be treated to day to a Kreat riac.e tne rtombHrrtment of Paris. ' It of Cambria county, was made the-Presi-dent Judtfo of said District Conrt. :.The shootiiiff to south.. ' Just as iKre'a-chevV'f't.:;1 '...!. ! em limit.f vision it appeared t i split uU' ,,., rrvcnii parts. I ie n ie rl the meteor wHS UA end sep W a i'd anf , y i now, however, there have ' .ii i in l It" I 0-ieation before the Sunrem Cn Ar' ,o PO ' On tho contrary. .uaa ...-f r . '. 1 " general I rochu has made another;,. i- rtry -doubtful whether ,1.1. h. ,r. I r l ' . 'd a, all the movement on "r " tV, " "T .r.a heside'Mr. Ramsdel! WiHUm.nd General vm Multke i4i.; .nnec, wbrih?'"" ' m" lhatPari,J.,o. PfarV(.dl,(, Uut Dnm, I v i ,,,e ."r. .ere .seen at t. -l . 1 wtn-(1Virtn Adams, IIPA r ""', ,,u" ' "omiSHIon. IJn to now H i..:. . -" ,-."V.r. ?." .' ""'' were. case referred to. wa, Has the IciaJa lure any power under the Constitution to' PPint a Judge of a Court of Record in this Commonwealth! The Supreme Court in disposing of Ihe case quoted Section 2, Article C, of the Constitution as amend, ed in 1850, and which is aa follow : ' w -The Ji.rJg.. 0f the Supreme Court of the several 0..0,;. of Cma, r!e.; of s.ich we,.tb st Urg.; the 1'rcsideiit Judg ot th p, Ki'raraon rieas and of such : 4.f "ec-d s are or ,hnl. be es . k I lw-rn ";" other Jud-es reouir,i tors ..f tne di-tr.ct, over which thev r tu pre.iu or act aa Jcdges. " ' The Court then proceeded to decide that the Mayor's Court at Scranton; in view of the provi-iens of the act establish jng it and the nature and extent of its' J-msdiction, i, R Court of Record, and that, therefore, in pursuance of the Con stitutional provision moted, K,.- .i. j I resident Judge of said Court must be in the direction of St Denis,- and in Lou. don the tipintoo prevails that PHii- will oSl:r a atvut resistance. ... :j . Tub Ilarrisburc ''State Journal " ii... . ' ' k. , . . " " vonri must be rrgan of Gov. Geary, is more honest and eIect by the qualified electors of the candid than the other Ipadb.o i?ud:.i ! districtwver .-iw.h w .- ' -. - ' papers in the State. It prints the votes by counties for the different Congressional candidates, and conclusively shows by its ttgurea, taken from the official vote, that d.stnctver which he is to' ' " H8 Jude and that he cannot be anjto.nU 'rf '"fill .hat position by .c Jf ,he Legislature. The Dia!l5,f fMPl f r. br.a being also a Court of Record, it necea WAH'foTMf, Oetober 25. 1870 w T. RepresentatiTe CWua. or ihe Sixteenth urday .n-1 h-s indicated hi intents, to con te the elee-lou of bi- potienr, who hs a eri;,rmrs;i,r;m ' "Tt,e' H,,,ove di'tvif ch simply W9 that John Cessna haa brai, bllt not ,esa" cVei, than, he pels r,rA.i - lT.r. nv .97 '"ree n.a"- of voW be colo nizcd against' him' from Fra,4lin"and Somerset courses, , tuo of. thecoun.ies composing his . e wn district !, If, ,hey ere t-r. in their own bounties, , , "KpMch concedes they were, n hv would tbiw !om l . " liedford counties to vote for Meyer the nan of their choice I :TW ..,.. y v.iruiu nave done Ito ,D Frwnkfif1 nna Sijmpr coun .es Cessna was whiPpM in a sq,If,re np.flk.htf ahhougb he had iha aid of at least s ,2 V(-fe nLe a drown'ma m.a V, lie 1. g-;ipr,i hfru mr araVDs. ir,- 'iii - ivacot.i, it neces the Democratic party h-id a clear majority i 3ny '"Hows that Judge Taylor c in tho Kiii .r i ii , . . I nr'n. .. cannot, in the State of tiro thousand $'x hundred ad afrtone (2.GG1). . We will accept ihe conclosiou arrived at by the Journal, ii io entirely saiistactory. Got. Grai;t has issued. his proclama" tion rccoin mending that Tbursdsy, Nov Mih; be. observed as a day of tbanksgiv in- and praise to Al?nt lity GooV for the b!epinj;s, en la and uses 9et forth in the proclamation 'frj?d by Pn;dant Grart oo fh 22ft d1;. . under the Constitution, dischare .h. i.. ties of its PreaiJin, tbe two pointa decided by the Court. What will be don In ii.. i - ... .uo p.ciuises we are not prepared to cat. ' f"i. - r. . . - v, Harriet Court ,,u .t. inception was peculiarly a Johnstowr. institution, nd We Ijare doubt that the citiz-.,9 of that great and important "comraerriar centre1' will be abundantly able to take proper care of it. 1 L"1 fdt anorhcr earthquake shcck An election for Governor, th ' - - - v v. VX I eressmen and membor, of the .WR; h'n. Virginia on Thursday, l-st.. rhe result proves to have been a Welded and eh,riu Democratic victory and so far 8 lhe Congres,iona! ticket was concerned, is Cain of hro n....;..:.. T SWUo the! IIrruburR tells., he vv,ioIe .tory , DeIov?1-2f 0 r, ii. .Ihe nsurins . TT J,BJ the Leeisla!ur. Herforure 'C''. ol the Democratic St ,t ?: if . 7 ll e '' h. Radical. by luow?. 2jo; for a genuine Democratic e.rih'1' VU in So-, York on T Uy n' . . ..v. . .iitii-s nrre great y ufHtfne nml ,,)ppn,eij fmrn niiiibling afd. tremor of .he earth that the dycenne works af Iloosac, tunnel hud b.en hlnvn npMiut ifiurned out from' the observation of number of persons that1 the meteor b.itst in thai v,v;n;' .-? , ... r ' nun IUKI it was the cao.ev.f , ,e commotion' The u.oMon snoo the buildings and earth tor miles around. TVl,. v. -.. - v ""u rami quakes and nioteo, s, and Ka!..S'ad other' phenomena,; the year 1870 ' is one thnt cannot be sneezed a1.''' ' '" .TiiiV-eerrajo te peridUrlj a sc. son of '...A-.. . 'l- ne. 'tvrm. of : nearly. f mb. ta went down,, denied n. have v.Mted oearly every portion oflhe Allan it, ' i P'CilMily severe in our rr'r 'lalorouruth: .... --...a,, tnese -forms have been more or ess severe, and . on Tuesday niht of Teh d in ,he ber of 7- -7 ""'" The, mm. ber of l.ves lost m the various disasters ,m,.,M immense. There now -carcely ,s8 nytnTe. even with the most, for the-safety of he C hr,n,e pasaencrera -on the "CamhrT,.:- . of the vessel, and yet there are no .d.ngs ofthe .afetyofmore thanonepc " hoon was f ,und guilty of forgery, by which he defrauded the Sute out .f We'n 7Ln t t which the if.. f x ft 7; h ljih offeree he was reyuireJ. to aid':thrr j'sarters f an aiir. ' . . . A fpenat from Tu kv fnj-, re'urua from two I'TecinctK i Ri li ver, r- r. 't-r ti.o eUcti .n i f Armsr.o4:,D4sii'vratip. I ' !esjste, t CmgrV-a certain, by about 150 rn.-j .Mr v. Tn' Rf r! licin ettdd.ifes'wert,rur, D i"r, t in'au.f Snink and the vnre'wa ' i i-'uriv Jvc.niUy ftivhhif Ictwfen th. mj B irl-ii;h- aur.iTice oiH ititeiif .fcn. to cutest. ,. -Thy Wwrhiuati Inquirer fiiur tb-t rnany s twui.!r iL-'ii.sjii.l v.,t .o.-,.ru rict ' ;'.'pt;j,' -s in Ohio at tl:'l,te eNc'io'i. A the Kj.Iicyl rjij ritv ever, the 'Dem cr .t aa li.OO0. this hos that a-nons the white .vnter if Onh. h-r. i- a .lVmncrAnc mj"rffy'of shout hx' th.'.usir'.. The Ivi(l teal's f.'wcl their swets entirely to their new' i iero td!i.-. V! i "i ! - : : . . f. . Oeneral Ki'patrick. a rene;i.le from t ha IVnrcratic rankis. ho.d n ioa-Vir to Chili, hr..uphl car.jal tipvn the '.t-riru. nsrr '." r('w ntaaiotf Mun)p.sp-echt- for the .Ridit-al party. His are tnerh,Vde.l with csT.t and "lin.-Hl j-urYiniitsV bnt th peV.ple- kri'w this i.TtnrisrVr, Hri.i jj eenesJwP.l kwI the tte for tke Denm cJatieans'iflatea.i ': i-l ,- : ' v v-Col i WtrhVy ,.Vv Garner.. .f Colnmbna Cty, low k the h'vtii.H rat;iivani liite for the ofjQ-e ?( Auditor ot tie State pt l,-.'carr!ed his county. (Lmi"a.) 'at the.'r.ifaV'e'iiioi hv a majority of 140 over It .n'..T.-hn R,;,. p; RohMican.' and Mais j Speaker r-f the T W M.Me ; of " Repivyc'ntattvVa: Thw ' c'.ur.t i; gives a Republican majority of 850. Oil. Garner a nauvMC SaresTKiairy, i'a. . Two.rcmaikabie, ir.cith-nta ,reo:irri the -lay Cueral Leei.ed c A !ar: .. 4 ?al f me General, wriich cs .hangtn !i the par !irof his house, fell to the fl -.r. 1 r-.ifcirii the heavy frame pnrrriTinclins It. -A ' laie photr-erhph of his banainu fn tho town; fe'i ahiut the wituo time a-id br-ke iut pieces. There irji sppauntly i.o disturbiug f.rce rr cause .to pniui-e accidents." N. or,o was in the paflof wh.'n the 'por'fraU' f-Tl bnC Mrs. Lee, who was sitting quietly ia the mom. -" ' " .' :;, '.'.-J A speet of trouble between thisooTintry and our truculent n'eichbora of. the Cinadtaii Diuiiiii n t.eni t,, be threatened, iu the mayerotl.e i..ti:rfreuqe. with Ameti.-ap vegpela.ou the Fhi.n Iiankk l M,4 Ctina dian 'fleet" in that 'quarter,' 't The warV-ke little t li Ha of this titter" are .:i , . -;. - " " -"..i-u, n'o'ii."'! Americarf skipjr-in a n.pich.u t nf way," and tvltarsce! nuirt be- placed -in , th diHCM-ti.m, if n-.t inerrati.nal ,cm'', ,f the D-minion aqthoritles fT preparation of the peao between ,tbe two. ccuutriesi '.. . A remarkable phenoraeiuvi occurred the day on whirh the earthn'.i;,ke'was f.H' about three miles east of L-mMenvil'e" O ' at a p'ac-called StnmpN mill; and ot a small hillside that h heretofore beeu dry oninl A atreami.f water about one h ,t in .diameter gushed out In pre.t , vio'enec. and h4 been ruunins with the tame for war ; - , , ' ..... ... v . ciinr. Ihe ground for a considerable extent abound ,nfl water-spout is Fettling. ,me hen inserted, but nn bottom r .. .. Iherosms to he sn undTron ml lake. It is causing consi !err.e excitement. ' . j ! .in aiarmiftp niocrf nr.;.r,. i msst cau--e a thrill of horror tU.imi, r and America. Ray "Sf nrdav'- Wortf 5 con vey wl ti from I'.onihnv i;. t i "Psp.Ueh has been ren..iirj,t f,. .v. . ... city whtch states that a day haa bten fixed bv the Chinese for the mafacre of. alt for. I eignerB io unnii.. anrl thint H.a r-i,;-- . . " , ., " wumrtm .are marcninc and lihribsiiri( t.b, t., . . tordingly. The , natives have he,, cious'y insolent of late nA k : ' . ' . . - - r i onion . . '. - . " g ,,,;h aud French residents in China. . It is reported tbttt'Dr. Edward iketr a prominent physician of Amherst V if o,- .-...-..Wn-necten m an unfntnaie finatial,: irregularity. ; H bad f..r - l.Z ll-tr 1 a i fi -iri ii i-jt cou-e. Ai.e tre.eri i tutt S.u.dny sch..;efW.iT-upj.ort the TIC II XKV r?U. V fhoo.s c mea from the people, at lar". trie. ? 41, CiiVt, tttJit lUl, . f'T. rT'i'ei . orn"",:ratton j conrqTvpn I tv-ifvtroc4on a''eerr;inor-denr 'nl f rrs niOt c.iEhrm U emad vei ourio'x ch . , 1 FtlcD AND PROYiSiCH La dr? i ov. n orn. rs niOt c.iEhrm U emad vei ourio'x ch . , j FEED AND PROYiS'C! . U's to their !ej;:tiina.te and proper .loth." - 'i This what th Chicago rfjuhrc m D ' - , , I RadKHi)" rhH.ks b,-.. coi.tesiioc at.-. ' between ,ota 2"d UtHCtj..;; ., f r , .. . ( , 1 (R:u1kh!) think abt ut coi.fes in CVgrrs. Oih- or mn .lri....i-.l (ildatt-a in (bis State niih rrt tt br : j ! perusal: .. . ' ' j We h..:;e th. e io tr.i i"i All s-.rh jrc erv a'.'! e ..';'.! i'; wt-u, viff.ra any.i.J?e:;ir.N tu Cottt (,h PI... , s f-olo. e! Campla-11 'sea?' in C-it; "1" e 1 i eenr rT-r-tP -i t act-. a tar a we oaa It-trt.-Waa n mi, tt.e and I !:! ,tWv. i-s t:.--a Cl-fe or-Zfrid "S. h-t rt(-f-Vt is u,.vh ! fieih s'trPm 'the ;.i . rnorc hi tu,rai'e fo h;rn it tar.U ih .. i. i-tfe .-hra are nn r : r H-at ir. C r.tres oh:a:-. i f -"rh subt.-rfu-e i r,ir'1 1 I u ......... . - I J . I . . i.-ii.t-r.. IV. .1111 IIP 1 ... . . . . -cot tes'ii.g'fVh'..ilid e left to tie So'ut hrn ;';PNorihrf.n-t u-r .... I; . . , ruopoool' zp j it" ir. iili ..j.- I.... .IT-. XT I.I V J,-r-Ct-a a !' J a U.T. mnchf t ' he r-Hr. Siff of C-.mbr'a c ret-.:' lti.-f; ... . , - -.. --r-,i..H rr. j .ntv j in an ca-es. ! ; v C.i.-. I I Of-CU.e Wit i..i;t rfur !........ ......... ' . - ...... .- n it v i i. r t ' o, 4..-1 rjKOTOK W. Yi? joey a,e k'KsIiy elated. it the K -v-run ent I 1' U fut.bed IT Very-HrAr.1-pJr y' ,, 0f ' j t,, ; Wlkolrtal ad H flail Cuk f .,i il.. kri:.. r . - . . -.ii-, r .er.Ja.-t i.l,a a, very eiperu-ive tl.-ug, Mwi-liv.'. - Ci- ; IT A TlVP I VT) C'ViT trrTidsrvrer'y n- tVer'c-.nVae i hCA I luh hlSU lUijNvl. ..e .r..s. uiua4 C4utU..wt,ft.iVrt w;;i litt'e or no' T-viden. e-'lft-ynara'ihrn. We ; " ?,Uf 'P .nutter,1; it .I,, inn oteAj. ; r: , r --j , j , ( j i i t ! : . tL. ' . . - ' tlll ihriBihllill, ' ! - " an J all ot hfT roil Jr Virginia" Street, r.c:r Cr: '": , " Ai;rooi, Pi. The only 'eaJe- ir ,V;' .-'tfJiT -i CCCK S : - Vh::n S..e gave ut her en-aement t a" PH-tWun tn VS artiarr. tj; ;biidrttto o-rdr se. t fU' -j puests came in VRni r.anv rrcse-.ts wer sent iu, the clt-rvnian. as realy. thf. h-..-aitiDjj. but the jir.ajir. c-T-ne n t O-i sn erpUnatinr,- raM'deiy ir.oed, i f the tt, L e-. seulletnan. Tt-aj j.e!reJ"that te whole Mng vao de!uM.n. .r an rluventi..n .f th lady a ilium the khehtest feno'i,bj , 'n h.s P,rt. It was a sad case of -'rnrrria-e on the htn " ''-'.'. i . T c. ; A VDITO,rS "NOTiCE.T!,e,!d2 Cnnrff Orphan '.CVC OT 1 .. tt li e -tt.rf . . .:il r- . - - - Tr'??"'" Immense. - i- JOHK KlNXKY l I .'- - ' - : ... 1 i..s. .- ro i:ie m f ; i!t -iVv ulK h- lhe n.lersi2e. bavins r.min ',TH1ntefl be the Orphrtrf Conrt of .VOUn,v an A'-it- to report distritm- andH.-nrylJen.ter.Exec-itorsofEmcriciVAl inl ! for cause- thtr.n--vt I ' his M'titicn to" ou r J .. -' v-','.-. - mn.i 1U... ... i n-TT : I "i - u.'t. . 1 . VI . V - ' iu'lll'B mat tie Will ait for tl. 1 '.i'UO mi iniu: L..- . ..iu -- purp0la.s hfawpwutBaiuU to X' n into with you. 0tr-ru:e K ;-" ,. Lbensourg. on Fri-Xu Vm Lulau fr7t,. j w5 tin reft rec.--..ra.' -r ".. SocU, pm.; vMl'tto i crinS kluney.ase ha rartit-a interests a trentif they th'nt pro- b" "" rt'-ar in y-.-r IT- t)-(", P"Pr: JUSKril McOOXALl) Auditor our J-., sat ri..-::rr. r ,r tntrton two Ca-nhrin o.,.i. i. w a n i frhounl not be ilinw. 1 " , , eKtoT-ip-i?Cl.c""rZ' have been jrrant- rhaoov. areiblk- W tr. V ruch cue made rhJ pre'. -- - Tin. - .f - hnri, n-i ! A ."jinijt u ruimiiituje tare wT.i Vilh.e baOn, claim aain.t said W ! n i.K '-'- 'u-em inetn pronerlv proven to come forward and make pa v meut. lutle1 Pnmmitt-dlPopt.27, 1ST.-- - -AfluY'rV A ? -M WISTK.VTOR.-S OTTCr. iv- 1 1 1-' ( i r nm iniatm. .. . Witnosa the K ' n o r N V '" ff 1 1 f t-1 Vtr.t Jurtire of our i'-J '"" I ....a u.i ,...- WV-. ITJ". 4tafrJonT A. hi-AUt..3;" vtt c fww . ... - . &aria'a u.ticc, Ot- i-' rszsT .' rjf.airijf in Mid borough . Those hnvhr cttom i A-- ,f r.trainar taia entte Mill A t Mnini-. .... . . iii'uvit. l.l lun . . . " requswtcd to oome lor war. 1 mi m..- t Tt.a aniiaier hi ' "Vn.V - XJCHRIV :.:..i ,,... .' -,. .-i., r;e the Untn -ito r nrvOY r- UKS ! ; t' , 'n:!'M rier in h.- C aurl th olhar i.uro hLn. . .. . le farm d. Mr -Shearer. bi Uopo h evr ' rime";'r ""MX kind that - ever .h on ,k una. Lynchburg Veirs, JOHN FAREIRa! p';- id tt:e Ti'itT" r. iitbaveiM.'- ; : Sth.. Souiii Mi.if, cbeipet work tnt. : PHILADELrilLV. ' or adji.b'jn rorrfe rr f ' f -' ff t.T.i V'l , PHIL-1ELPHIA, ' r '.'tlftiX fT Importfr. Manutto- of ,rih"R,",l tlArT nl lcalor In ' ' niv A, . tvf" . v y . . i . - H. . .. IT .f " T-r- -' i. it s -fTath'-T1 ,:i'' ITr!"enNr'ret1, re- -1. - - - -"'T "'O.tol .1 Mini improv- niy Known I-Va J. cooDF. n M r.5r,?tri i ci:r 0!" 1 .v-v" - " - v nhly known fra vy. Iornfl in '.. and a ', j r;rt,,ien'"":L,. 'nt kind- of S,.riu,a i 'ri - Jn !:. Miui .& r -i u 1,1- l tivr tiown, I .m8',, uf JV the most skillful workme. i oroVerurnt ..i..i i iiitv..i it. iv in. is. ..... . . - it . HuawU-nlnt-W-i . ... A . J'.':" " "Ci hri.. .V .T:"".4'iv u,rB M1 -irienda,f ram- H.i-. i ' a ,, . vi - i w . uoj ii ii i in iii u rit i ii r i vu jawu a. riiuiii A.a 1 1 .... ..i i uiejvirv 1 - - an behmdbim nHbiiit.w;::"'ijti"2 ssj? -i ow i- " j . . ..... .r.T .ot, i Tu- . t i- in. yor lrfiaies and Cb1Mr-rv J m,'Z Ami duw wilitl' ':1 IJr 1 . f fie!"- i 1 ocfor was a nrr.m nen . ex r ne i termined taii ta iw -r-!X'!.- !"' d .o, the tt ef 'H Trm!.,f....V r" . ,"rr "' tnetrnnrl. Houae in thta i r a 1 1 X. .VT. re" -irrili ..,,10 i.;sa . ; TtV. on eondit!or.ro6Uit 3 - p V t he paemle? to . '13. 1?' r ir I n r 4 i f r. t). 5 ' I'm e t:i f CI ffri SU! Idr 4-1 b tn. r'.i !. " TV. : tl.I ' - . i hi ' il ' f I Wr -rii oil f-aic ? -fii . i C( h! i t at d i er i f lie eI -ed srer, & f-ft rim. ?-Tl lt-t to t& .on elar .' w J elt Jrtifi. feed rr. tera tout im p 5to. Tot: V ! ion J'1. no Aliearnft. "t"---