Jack S 11? 8 PAPER SUBSCaSBCRS. We invite attention to the followiog class ification of Dewpaper bcribem : Firrt coma the Uprights.- Tfcene are the mea who take newspapers, pay for them, and rend them. Obfcf.rve the order in which these thinga are done: The pay coniei first the reading next. Thene roeu cor.sider they get the full worth of their money in the b,irf:ain. It 8. ems us fair and just to them that the news ajitr thouid be paid for as a barrel of Migar vi a new cunt. They n-ver entertain any ether opinion. When the year rut;8 out, t r a little before, they are on hand with the pay. There a do cuoie difficulty with thero in le numbering thin period than in remembering the Sabbath or the first of January. If one cf thcru wirlits in ftop his paper, he either cells orwriten a letter by his postmaster, in due season, I ke a man. TIj'k clan ia dear to the heart oftbe editor. Their imege is embalmed iu bis w arm affections May they live a thousand jtars. and tee their aunt' bod to the fourth generation. - - The secood now in mind U the Do Wtfh. Thi claps in nearly related to the other so near, that it is hard t tell where one liegins sod the oilier ends. Tbte men always pay in advance in the b ginning titd intend to do to contiuualy. Bui men: crj fails a little, or tome mishap intervenes, und the time runs by sometime? a little sometimes for quite a period. But their re ccllection.though nodding occasionally . Lever gets tucud asleep. It pronouucea the v oids iu due time, "The printer is not paid." and forthwith their will to do well kindln into activity. iow cornea the pay my up. "Meant to do so before. Don't mean to let ' iuch ihtogs pass by." A publisher can Jive j wiiu uucu men. mey uave a waim place lit Ins mrmcrj only a little batk of the Up rights. If uch' man dies in arrears, his wile or son ren,eu:bers that he may not have paid up for his newspaper, and foithwith ii ttitutes inquiries. They renumber that put i. the bbnefit was theirs. anil estate or on estate, ste that tie printer' bilV are not among their father's unsettled accounts. Next come the Easy Doers. Tbcfe men believe f ri ries taters. They have fully settled it in their "n minds that a re apaper is n i good Uirg. They take tl fin too. Sometimes at the fir.t they pay up for the first year at any rate, they n:an to pretty B.on. If they have done so they sit down with the comforting conviction that their uewsp.iper is "now set tled for; and this idea. hiving once pot into their heads, rtfuses obstinately to he dis lodged, but keeps its hold ftom year to year a tiuth orce. Bow un illusion, griy ni:d rheumatic with years. The editor, marking the elongated and elongating epat e in their accounts current of dollars due him. begins to ask if they ate dead t r have gone to Cali fornia. Then he proceeds tu poke hi Is at them. They suddenly start up to the reality that they are in arrears; and, hkv men. as they are at the bottom, they pay up. They E vcr depute his bill they know thnt book tell bet'.er stories than nios -covered n emo, ries. If the publisher has faith en. ugh. or a lei g purse, or can live like a hvl-eioat'mg tear, he may survive this cl.irs. But if he is mortal only, woe be to him. The next class is that of tho Dwn Hitters. Here we begin to slide over to ihc-vther side. The p'clr.ie suddenly sombre. We shall dispatch" Down. Us .l-r-s suddenly. One vf these may take a newn paper bt-cau-e his wile wan'ti if, or the chil dren are z-al- us to read it, i r h TieighU persuades him When it begins to come he dismisses all further thought 'about, it. Il the editor sends a man directly tf him at the end of two or three years, he mtv get s.-.me I jay for his paper, but with growls and surlv ooks. He Lever pays any debt if f lie can get rid oi it. and a rewspaper debt Iast of all. Still he hates lawsuits, and constables, and all that. A dun h.-.s the same tffect on him that a bullet ha on a Lii popotamos glancing from his hid, or sinking into the blubber harmless. He ia always sli. inn d,wu hill, and soon merges into another C11IS8. that of The Mix Cum Louse.' No 'mat ter how his mau beuan bin fuVcrii -tin. be nevrr pays tor it no he. -lie 'don't jike that sort of paper. It don't yive no newH.' He rever did like it. lie didn't wsut it in th. first place, an.-l told t,e tmstcr s.. sent it back once more than a year ago he aides, he never began to take'it tiil a b,ng time after it enme, and he hadn't had only two or three I them, st anv ra'e. and th se be hadn't read." Wipe hini iff. Here cmes the ScajH grace. Tt is enough to's'y , f Hm that ire never bills to have a new-r apfr twoor three cf them... When he trunks they have come nbout lor.-e enough for the pub lisher ty.want pay. he por-ds it b.ck with the rtqueft to -stop u.' ()r he"tnk s up his quarters ,iud leaves for f.ftrls ivknoAn Hedoes not want t p-iy. and hedot.'t mean to. Get it if you can. Reader, io which of the above '"classes afe you to be found 1 Btllikomsms A man with, few . brains is l;kf a dog with one flea on him." dread fir! Oneaay. I have alwnz noticed when an individual haint got jba ability to crStiei jmlitiouslv. he dama indiskriminately. AmbMiut. is bke hunger it obeys'do'liw but its appetight. " " ' " ' Thare U. no tnedivinc like a gffl j.,ke it is a silver cosip.1 pilt that frolicks and p1,y sics i h the run. . f , Beauty is a mornirg drenm whki the breakfast bell put an end to. A p;od) botik is like a good Jaw. ' ' s , Dandies are hybrid, a cross bet ween" a fashion plate and unpaid tailor's bill. . nu uw n viT :eiK iinve until li.t J .-t the au- iuo. i.: hciii ru nurses ra ; it is jurt so wtth some men's bluu ders. .About one-haff the pittv in this ' world U not tho rou t of toriow. but 1 satUfacshuu that .it ain't our hosd that has had his lee Most people wiien they come to yon for ad vice, uur to Lave- their uwu opinions fctrepatbered, not Ct rirCted. Men stru to n.o, now. iUy i? pP fjvj. ded into- slow Chrittians and wide awake sinners. Thare i lots 4.f folks who ate lile a r nmp v.. .uuj um; :u ir.euiseives. but simr.ty a handle and a sm kshun for o hers. . ' Hunger is a slut bound on a fief h trail. Toil sweats the brow, but idleness sweats all over. - - .. . . Djvpairl th.ash of hope, which tbo w-iod of trtbulBst.un fkaitera : He who spends a-l bi. lUtance in chari ty wnl undoubtedly grt hi ; re ward here and ..ereafter. but.Lia reward here will be tD,tho po.rhnot..- - , i .Gv a btnarn child a rck of kard &aj ft e e hn U-k. ard he viii larn to pla a c.Urtj gar!. of Li lo jak loog bofore he kin a wotd tf two : I bible. A lie is f.,r a short race, but it takes tiuth to rua tho heats 'bhj.wj te;i." A Jack that Cstcher IL i wore fn -n Frcfe ' u O S A D A L IS TI115 GREAT AMERICAN J1KALTD RESTORER puiifies the hlood and cures Scrofula. Byphiba. Pklu DiieaFea. Khenm aif rn, Diseases of Wo men, and all Chronio Affections of the iElood, Livtriind Kidneys. Recommend jed by the Medical Faculty and many jthfiusanu-i of cur het-t ciiizens. j fte:d the testimony of phvsicinns ard tor our Rrsndiilis Guide to iU altli Hook, or Almainic for this er, which e pub-li.-li lor gratuitous di.-tr itiuiiou ; it will rive, you uiueh valimble iclormattoa. Pr. R. W. Crr, of Baltimore, sayp: I teke pleasure in recottimenoing tout Rosadai is a a very powerful alterative 'I hate seen U used in two cusea with Shoppy results one in a case of second iry 'syphilis, in w hich the p.itient pr inoanred jhioiseif cured stter having taken five bot lcs of your medicine. The other i a cise lot Scrofula of long staidiua'. hich is rapidly improving under its ue. and the iiiGi;:tioEs are that the patient will soon recover I have carefully examined the formula by which your Rosadalis is made uDd fird it an exeellent compound of alterative Ingredb nts. Dr. bpark. of W icholatvtiie. Ky., s vs he has used Rosada'is in case of Scrof u ln and Secondary Syphilis with satisiac torv re-ults as a e'eaner of the blood I Jknow no better remedy. bamurl O M'rji.l.leii, Murfreesboro . Trim .says: I have uel seven bottles of RuHndalis snd am eittirelv cured of Rbeu-mati.-m ; send rue four bottles, as I wich it tor- my brother, who has scrofulous sore e ts. - . '. . Rci.j Bechtol, of lima. O . writes : I have uCVr d for 20 tcht with an mvet erate emjticu over my whole body. A short timesii.ee I bought n b .ttleol Ro sadalis and it effeftfd a perect cure. . Rondjiis is sold Kv Lisson i Met ray, Fbensbtirg, and Dru:i:ils gener il lv. - IHoratorv, Ct F.xohnnpe Place Baltimore. Cl.EM&KTS & CO., April 7, 1870. ly. " . rroprietuts. PKT E R CAMPBELL'S i IMPR TTS13 ' ' BEE HIVE. The undersigned has secured letters pat'ii of the United states, dated Decembei 14, IH' 9, for at, improvement in the construction of Pee Hives, and cluirns for his invention advantages possessed by no other heretofore patented. The principal feature of this Hee Hive is the arrangement by means of winch it is thorough- I ly ver.li..tea. tiu.s precluding the pos-ioilttv of the bees smotheritig, 'he con.b moulding or the hot ey soutin. ' 1 his deairatile end is acconi tlihed by n vertical peilorited tul.e, rum.ing centrally lirot:.ti tlie hive and pen nt the top and bottom. ' -AH prsors in crested in apicul ture will st once see the great advantages t-e cnied ii. this 'rrrrovement. . The ventilator is for the increase bees The reculiar constiuction of the box.partic u!ai:y in jke aitangt men of the inner com parlujcnts, wheieby it can be cleaned at anv tiire i?h..ut disturbing- the bees, is -a no her vaionl.te inipiovunr-nt. wl.kh wid be obvious !o uny peru who xnmine.iib.is Hive An exaadi'ation 'if the workings ot the bees or the condition of the interior can l.e made at anv time, ns the si ies.are cased with glass. Bees caii tie trufeiied fiom a dim-rent, hive to the im; roved one without any d'tliculty whatever It would require too much stmce to enumeiaie hue all the advantages claimed' in this inven tiot. but full ii for rnuiion w ill he promptly fur ni-hed by applying in person or by Utter to the pa.f'iiice. I am now iiepured to dispose i tei.iior fr the sale 4)1' the Improved Bee Hive in a u v portion of lUe United Stale. FKTER CAMPl'iKLL. Carrol Itow n, Cambria Co , Pa. A I ! T 01 1 T I C II A i L U A V G A T E I ha. patentee of the above ha ii ineniei and witn e.t aUI tJil ATIO RAILWAY GA I E.' to which he invites the attention of litilio.id tren. Ful: information will he fur i-lied on ap lication. and Company Riyhf will be disposed ot by the inventor. Address a above j:in.ll.7-tf. Si . THE SLATE COMPANY Are prepared to furnish to Builders or Slaters their TEST DARK BICK COLOEKD Sl'rF.RTOK R00FIK0 SLATE! Prom theii ii Quairis loiaie.1 in Nortbamp ton eoun-y. Penn'a. AT QU A R R Y PRI C t H. Samples may be seeu, and cooimut ications aodressed to --XL GOODWIN, Agent. J. W. SIIALLKMiEllfiElS, Ire't. Cfflce:nRKWTK;3 ncitnixG, Dcqckkm: Wat, -s..,.i i-i, j meuui);, ra. liny 6-tim I.:; Ill I I Ii- r It: I K I lire III. OP II tltI'P(llll).C(). SiEic; 5. riiio:, Tret't - - ITiacii S. Loselisi. 1 "i. v.ajj!i ai i riinks amoi.r Hie tintt J ib-s Life li'sun nee Companies doing bus in.(.s-tii, Massac hiii-eiU, and by comp' ing with the la Knot that .-tate, insures per lee t saletv to her Policy Holders. It grants ftO per tent loan of premium on Life Polities to its Inst.i ed and i v applying nl the cash collected Iron, its' members in Irrsurmce. jrives tbe largest Insu rance aitiiinable for the amount of 'mutter in vested "Its profit aredivided among the Pol icy Holdi rs. and its Dividenis have t.evei been leeR than 50 per ce.it.. ihu bringingt.be net co-tof the Insurance within ibe most limited n;eniis, mid irnVrdmg the prott-c ion ot a Policy ontcrtniiit rice led by anv Company TruMworthy auu telijble men are wnn,t in set as agents tor this Compuy hi Can.bria and adjoming counties, and wit, stiCh the mot liberal arrangements wir he made. To thone wno may ne u:mqumred wiih the business full instructions and aid will be most cheerful' ly reudered whenever desirable or m ailable COPE & JOHNSON, Agents for CambrU County.' tt , ' Johnstown." Pa. Xlou k Norton, fjonnal A-ents. f4 Fourth Aienue. Pittsburgh, Pa. apr.U ly.). Poor wom. n re tin every sUle. und on.U.nc cry for bread, because bus ' ands and ta ..thers hcea and died uninsured." LIFE ftSlRMiE (01IPAP OF PHILAIJELPIIAI. Orgmlted 1850. AiKX.Wnit.LDiN.Pres . .Johs S TViLaox.Sce. All policies non forfeitable. All policies are pa table at death or tii ye-rs of age. Economt in management. Caie 7n the elec- ooo o, ii,k, H'limiH in ihe navmt ,f Cea h claim. nd Si.ctfc iy in the ii.Ves mer.t ' R 0 S A D A L I S TT - uuu, nit.- r-giuiY ad ii erect loand ua e al Wats churaciened this Company. J. FRANKCCNDON, .knex'tu special Ageut. ttl V FOB. AM Stencil Tool mjtt The Kidneys are two In number, situated at the upper part of the loin, surrounded by fat, and consisticg'of three parts, vi : the Anterior, the Interior, aud the Exterior. The anterior absorbs.. Interior consists of tis sues, or veins, which serve as a deposit for the urine ami convey it to the exterior. Tho exte rior Is a conductor also, termfnnrfnfr in a sing-le tube, and called a Ureter. The ureters aie con nected with the bladder. The bladder is composed of various coverinrs or tissues, divided into parts, viz.: the Upper, the Lower, the Nervous, and the Mucous. The upper expels, the low er retains.. Many huve a desire to urinate without the ability; others urinate without the alislity to retaiu. This fre quently occurs in children. To cure these affections, we must tiring1 into action the muscles, which are enframed in their various functions. If they are nig-lected. Gravel and Dropsy may ensue. Ti e rree'er muft also he made aware, that however slight may be the attack, it is sure to affect the bodily health and mental powers, as our flesh and blood are supported from these sources. Gout, or Rheumatism. Pain occuring in the loins is indicative of the above diseases. They occur in persons disposed to acid stomach and. chalky secretions. : - , The Gravil.-The frravel ensues from nC Klect or improper treatment of the kidneys. These organs beinjr week, the water is not ex pelled from the bladder, hut all-.wed tt remain; it becomes feverish, and sediment forms. It Is from this deposit that the stone is formed, and gravel ensues. t , , Dropsy is a collection of water in some parts of the body, und bears different names, aceord iii.c to the parts affected, viz: when generally diffused over the body, it is called Anasarca; when of the abdomen. Ascites; when of the chest, Hydrothorax. TiiKATMEST.IIeliufcold's highly .concentra ted compound Kxtract Ihtohu is decidedly one of the best remedies for diseases of the bladder, kidneys, " a-ruveT, dropsical ewollinr, rheuma tism, and trouty affections. Under this he ad we have arranged Tlysuria, or diGioulty and pain in passing- water, Scanty Secretion, or snull and frequent discharges of wpter; Stransrnry, or stopping-of water; Hematuria, or bloody urine; Gout end Iiheuinatism of the kidneys, -without any chang-e in quantity, but increase in color, or dark water. It was always hijrhly. recom mended by tbe late Dr. Physlck, in these affec tions. " ' This rrcdlciue increases the power of diges tion and excites the. nbsortenb Into healthy ac tion by which the watery or calcerous deposi tions, and all unnatural c-ntarpr-mcnts, as well as nain and Inflammation, are roioeed. and it is taken by men, women, and Vhiidivn. Dirt-eons for use and diet accompany. - Piiit.aiiei phia. Pa., l'eb. 25. ISfiT. H. T. Hemibom, Prujrtfist : Dear Sir I have been a sufferer, for upward of twenty years, with jrravel, bladder, and kid ney affections, during which time I have used various medicinal preparations, and been tinder the treatment of the most eminent. Physicians, experiencing butlinie relief. Having- seen your preparations extensively advertised, I consulted with my family physi cian in rejrard to usin.tr your Extract Buehti. I did this because I had used all kind of adver tised remedies, and had found them worthless, and some quite injurious; in fact. I despaired of ever getting- well, and determined refuse no" remedies thereafter unless I knew of the hurt e- d:ents. It was this that prompted mo to use'i your remedy. As you advertised that it was composed of buchu. cuticb and juniper berrfes, it occurred to me and my physician as an exeel lent combination, andwith his advice, after an examination of the article, and consulting sjrain with the orup-ffist, ''concluded to try it. I com menced its use about eisht months ago, at which time I was confined to my room. From the first bottle I was astonished and gratified at tho ben eficial effect, and after rising it three weeks, was able to walk out. I felt much like writing- you a statement of my caseat that time, but thought my improvement mijrht only be temporary, end therefore conclude to defer and soe tf Jt would effect a perfect cure, knowing then it would be Of greater valOe to you and more satisfactory to me. . .. , , I am now able to report that a cure is effected after using the remedy for five months. I have not used any now for three months. miu iect as wen m all respects as I ever did. Your Buchu being devoid of any unpleasant taste and odor, a nice tonic und invigorator of I the system, I do not mean to be without it when ' ever occasion may require its use in such affec- llo,,s- ;. m. Mccormick. Should any doubt Mr. McCormiek's statement ho refers to the following gentlemen : Hon. William Rigleh, ex Governor, Penn sylvania. Hon. Thos. Florence, Philadelphia. Hon. J. C. Knox, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. J. S. Black, Judge, Philadelphia.' . Hon. D. R. Porter, ex-Governor, Pennsylva nia. . . , Hon. Fllis Lewis, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. W. A. Porter, City Solicitor, Philadel phia. Hon. John Bigler, ex-Governor, California. Hon. E. Banks, Auditor General, Washing ton, D. C. ,.t 4 , t And many others, if necessary. tW by Drupg-tsts and Dealers cveryl where. Peware of counterfeits. AskforHelm- bold s. Take nQ other. PJtlCE-L25 per bottle, or six bottles for 6.50. Delivered to sny ad dress. Describe symptoms in all communica tions. "- ! ADDRESS, : : H. T. HELMBOLD, 591 Broadway, Sew York. KOXE ARC GEl'IJfE UNLEf-S Cone up in Steel Engraved Wrapper, WITH " . - -i. .j FAC-SIMILE CF MY CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE , AND SIGNED HclraiDolci. June 28, lS70.-ly. ' u '-f 1870. Fall Trade. 1870. I arts now prepared to offer SUPERIOR INDUCEMENTS TO CASH PDKCHASKKrt OF Til. SlIT-ffl & CO FIR WAEE KITH KB AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL My stock consists in part of every variety of Tin, Slicel-Iron, COPPER AND BRASS WARES, KKAMEM.EII ASH PLAIN SAUCE-PAWS BOILERS &o , COAL SHOVELS. MINK I AMPS, OIL CAMS. HOrSEFURKISIUNG HARD WARE OF EVERY KIND. Fprat'a Anli-Dnat HEATING ani COOKING PTOVES, EXCELSIOR C0OKISG STOVES. NOBLE. TRIUMPH and PARLOR COOK IN Q STOVES, And any Cooking Ptove desired I will get when ordered at manufacturer's prices. Odd Stove Plates ai d Grates. Ac, for re pairs, on band for the Stoves 1 sell ; others will be ordered when wanted. Particular attention given to Spouting, Valleys and Conductors, il of which w ill he made out of best mate rials and put up by Competent workmen. Lamp Burners, Wick and Chimneys wiioi.esai.k oh Ri-rrAir.. I would call particular attention to tlte Lieht House Burner, with Glass Cone, for eiv".g mote liIit than any other in hse. Also, the Paragon Burner, for Crude Oil. SUGAR KETTLES 7m CAULDRONS of all sizes constantly on hand. Special attentioii given to ! Jobbing in Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron. at lowest possible rates. Wholesale Mei'icii ants' Lists now ready, at d will be sent n aj, icatioi. by mi'.il or in pers.-n Hoping to see all my o'd customera an many new ones this Spiin, 1 return ra most sincere tl.ai.ka for the very nWral pa trouage I have already received, smd will endeavor to p!ras-ail who may call, wheth er they buy or not FRANCIS W. HAY. Johnstown. March 7. 18t7. .KKaT Redi:ction in Pkices ! TU CASH HI-rat ' S! AT T1ST, l.nciiSRCRtj lipSE-FtHXISDIA'O STORE. Hie uiidcrsi rued respectfully informs th. citizens of Ebeu.-burg and the public sent r illy .that he has made a reat ret fuel ion ij prices to CASH BUY EllS My stock wiP coiJsi?t. in part , i f Cot-Uug. Parlor and iltaU g Stoves, of the niot fJl, u ar lun:s ; Tin ware ot evt-ry descripiion. f n:v own man ufacture; Hardware of all kind, such a Locks, See ws, P.ntt Hinges. Table Hintres. Shutter Hinges. Holts, In n at.d N.iU. Win dow (Jhiss. Putty, Table Knives and K- rk.-, Carving . Knives and F-.rks. Meat Cut tei Apph Partrs. Pen and I'.-cket Knives in great variety. Scissors. Shears, I!izs huo Strops Axes, Hitchets. Harmners. B.-rit,c Machines. Aimer. Chissels. Pim.es. ti.nj passes, Squares. Files, liasjw. Anvils. Vises. Wrenches, hip. Pa. .el and Cross-Cot Saws! Chains of all kinds. Shovels. Spades. Scythe and Snaths, Il.ikcs, Forks. cMeiyh Bells, Shoe Lasts. Put:. Wax Bristles. Clothes Wringers. Giin-1 Stones. Patent Molasses Gales and Measures. Lumber Sticks. Horse Nails, Horse Shoes. Cast Steel, ltirlos. Shot Guns, Be vol vers, Pist. Is. Cartridges. Pow der. Caps. I-ad. &o.. Od.I Stove Plates Grates and Fire Bricks. Well and Cistern Pumps and Tubinjr: Ifitrnesst and Saddlery Ware of all kind ; IVtkden and If7otr M art in great variety : Carbon Oil and Oil Lamps. Fish Oil. Lard Oil, Linseed Oil, Lubricating Oil, Rosin. Tar. Glassware. Paints. Varnish ts. Ti rpentine. Alcohol. c. FAMILY GROCERIES. such as Tea. O-tle. Sugars. Molasses. Syr npR. Spices. Dried Peaches. Dried Apples. Fish. Hominy, Crackers, Ri,e ar.d Pear' Bailey; Soa,is, Can, lies; TOBACCO and CIGAKS; Paint. Whitewash. Scrub. Horse Shoe, Dusting, Varnish. Stove. Clothes and Tooth Brushes, all kinds and siz. s ; Bed Cords and Manilla B-.pos, and many other articles at the lowest rates for CASH. 05- Huce Sftoiiting made, pain od and pin' uput low rates f..r ea.vA A liberal disc uint made to countrv dealers bnvintr t;... wholesale. GEO HUNTLEY Elnshure, Feb. 2. I8i;7.tf IAKMEllS AND OTIIKKS SHOULD NOT TAIL To OKT ONE OF THE JUSTLY CELEBRATED Lima Double-fieaied WOOD-SAWING MACHINE?," FOR W HICH GEORGE HUNTLEY, EISEVSGCllG, l'A. Is Sole Agenjarnbria County. T, 1X 33 T,A NITE IS TISE BEST SAWGUMMER! kx i in: houuii F.'.ll HA IK It GEORCE KUWTLEY, l.beitkLur, ia. UREA-T CIUNCK To Have Moncv I A LL PKhbOXt, buint.. Goo. trom'me ' altet this dale, .ind ,...vii CASH P liie iarne, will he illowed T b.S PHi CrNT .ff regular prices. Xu d scuta will beaijo-.,, " jCAf,H 18 P''1' lo,, at-tim', of pnrch.se Co me n ! c tnead! -m.1 cmiwe voi.p fe.ves that MoNEY OAN BE SAVEI3 BY BUYING FOR CASH l.om 1 GEO. UUNTL E Y. WHOLESALE sT GROGEiiS IIISYWIIL,- u . ' for -y .. Gumming Saws, HAS BECOME AGEKT IN Efcensburg and vicinity PUR TU K CELKBRATED munm & mum LOCK-STITCU FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, WHICn IS WAKRANTED TO DO ALL KIND OF WORK AND C:VK THE VTMOST SATISFACTION IN ALL RESPECTS. TIEN I IS TRY. The undersigned, JL'" tr:oliime o: . the Balti more Coi'epe of Dental Sur peiy. respect full v o Hera hi - PSt S&Z .t: :-j:S&& srn ices to thr citizens of Eb- enst.urg nnI v'cinity, which pluce he will visit on the FociiTH JIonoat of each month, to re tn.'iin one week Au-13. SAM'LBELFORD D.D.3 DR. H.B. MILLER, Attooitu. I'a., Operative and Mechanical DENTIST. Olhce reniove-l to VirmiH street m,oitf th. Luttieraii churcli Prrsuns from Cambria county or el.ewliere who pet otk . one bv me to tlie amount of Ten IXiilnro ami upward-! will h.ivp the riiiiroriii lret.eJuc'od Irom tl.eir bills. All Wckk WA.inn. I '&n. 21, lrGU -tl. if n w ytrnr ri c tisi.aill visit E'.en-loirs: i-i j'essionHpv tni the SECOND Mo.v DAT ol each month, mm! itm.tii one week, ilurin which time he m.-iy he toun.l nt the Mountain ilou-e. 3f"Tte'h ex Tiicteii niihout p. in hy the use oi Pirate Oxiile. ir Ban j: hint G;s AMES -J. OATMAN, M. J., tenders his profcsSioijiil servict-sas Phv atoian Htid Surgeon ti the citizens of Carroll tewn and vicinity. OHice in i ear of build iiifl occupied by J. Bock fc Oo. as a storr. Niht calls can be made at his residence, one d-xir south of A. Hang's tin and hardware IMayO, 1867. g J. LLOYD, siu-cessor to Tt. S. I'Cn.v . Dealer in Drugs. Mrdicines. Paif.t. Sec. Store on Main stieet. opposite tho "M.insion II- t!f." KbctioLurg. 1'a. October 17. 1PG7 -Gin8 IT II 1LNK. !M I).. frn.Trrs hi ' ' Profcssionnl srvices to the citizens of I hlifihurruml k-initv. OflScp on Hih strcr o.osito the new Conrfyational i-liurt-li. East ! V aru- "-r,,t oali tun he intuit nt tho iiite ro-i-, ot tue ot lr. It. S. liunn. West Ward, inyii W W. JAMISON, M. D., I-oretto. Hiitltrin Co., S., Rentiers hi pro(e-sifi iiI service- io Midi of the cii'zcii. of i he idiove plii-carni vicirov j,- ni it i quire ineilical aid A.-ril 21. lv M. I.I.(lYt &. CO., liAXKUis. ALIOONA. Pa Drafts on the principal cities ami Silver and Gold f..r sale. Collections made Moneys received on deport, payable on de mand, without interest, or upon time, with interest at fair rules. anSl. L MLAUGHLIN. jlTTOHXr.Y AT LAW Johnstown. Pa li Office in the Exchange buil.ting, on the Corner of Clinton and Locust streets uj .-lairs Will attend to all busi-ies-, connect t with his profes-sitm. Ian 31. 18t7.-tf. JOHN P. LINTOX, ITTORNKY AT LAW. Johnstown Pa li Dffice in buildinir on corner of Main and Kranklin street, opp.ite Mnnsior, H..iise. second floor. Entrance On Franklin street Johnstown. Jan. 31. 1807. tf. L. PERSIIIXG, AttOj v, Law. Joftnsfow n. Pa. ( mice i n Frank Im street, tip-staiis. t.ver John It. nfoti's Ilardwnr. S'ore. Jan. 31. 1M7. EASLY, Attounkv at Law. ffice. No. 108 Fronkl town FjI . tnorii.ors North t Fmth'j 11.,,.. u.ie. Will atund nicnu.tli- to nil m.,,. "r legal business, that n.aj he einru.-tei to hiui. A. KI'PHIS, lohllstowTi" W DICK, Khen.-bnrs;. 17-OPELIN & DICK," Attohneys-'at-Law Ktent-burir. I'a. Offce wi.h v r,. Kittell, Esq., Colonade Ib.w. foot 22-tf R.I. JOHNSTON J K. 8CANLAN. Attorneys at Law, Khin.sbiirs. Cumbria oo.. a. wmce.opp.te the C..urt HoUse LbensburK. Jan 31. 1807 -tf. F. A SH'lfVAKHI JKO. W OATMA.V GHOEM AKEil & OATMAN, Attoic - xt. at law. J-.h. hurg. Pa. OfGie- . n Hg. street., immediately east ot Huntley's 69. M H SICH LKiv. Attokni. v... I, . - A w . t . I r ... .-..:, " ' r urf! 1 a rooms .v.r.o.. urcupcu ot lieo. M. Kea.ie Eho t;o:otinlfi I;..? r-... i in vC"rc s'reei. aug.27 M. U K A DE. A ttornwit f;n - !... .! . r - . " reccnt.lv ereotmt on n.. . ... . . v n .7 U 1 1 1 1 1 1 , from Hiph street f TJ. , ; " on eei. two !oors taug JOSEPH M'DONALD, ITTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg. Pa. fl Ofhce or. Centre street, opposite Linton's ""tel Jan. 31, 1867 tf. . F. 1'. TIEKNEY. ITTORNEY AT LAW, Elenslurg. Pa. 11 Office in O.onade Row. Jan. 5. 18G7tf. WILLIAM KITTELL, I I ii.NLY AT LAW, Elen,bt,rg pa - II O lice ii. C.h.n T ... J' a- , Centre treet. Jan. 31. lS67.-tf.- JOHN FEMfiv M utirr ,- HOI. .1 1 .1 ., 1.. Ii lr-. Jn 31. lb(;7.-tf r.-Hi. 9' EA SLY, Attoiixey- AT-La v. CarrolUown. Cadi .. u. and all lal hu-.s Vrvxs ' Jan 31. 17 and Cla,m Agent -UfTi.-. ,enrTMi t . rhe.fhj formal y occup.ed hy M. , SAVE MONEY ! BY PATSUKIZIXQ -AHUM CHEAP CASH DEALERS IX aii mite hdv rnnnc ALU IVIl.liO lilll UUUD, LADHS' CHESS GOODS, Ready-Made CLOTHING, Hats, Caps, Ecots, Slices, CLOTHS.CASSIMEKES, SATIXLTT8, JCAXS, And a. Kresli nnd Complete (Stock or MOICIS FAMILY GROCERIES CoNSTSTIKG fT n Extra Family Fun RAI., FCED, BACON, SALT, FISH, FRESH YEGETUiLES, DRIED 8l CAN'D FRUITS, SUGARS. TEAS. COFFEFS, SYRUPS, MCLASSES, CHEESE, &.c. Also, a large stock of the Best Brands of Cigars and Tobacco, STOKE ON HIGH STREET, Four Doors Fast of Crawford's Hotel, KbriiNliut g, Ia. CHAIR MANUFACTORY. JO!I.ST!XV, Pi ALL KINDS OF CHAIRS, such as common Windsor f'hairs. Fret Bacl Chairs. Vienna Choirs. Hustle Chairs. Ilitr Hacked Chairs, S.-ciahle Chairs, no:iMi CHA1KS, OF KvKliY SIZ1 .SPRjXB SEAT I'li.liRS. Settees. litiunires. Jtc.oL'c. CABINET FURNITURE ot every tks ription and of latest STYLES, W ITH PRICES TO SUIT THE Tastes of all. Thankful for past favors, he re.stteo fully solicits a libcial share of public oatn.i - ige. tjiutoii otrett, Jontistown Cambriti r a. Jan. SI. 18h7. i:iii.sm tie; P ( s-, IU!:'.. ,- : Ii4 ( NJf' ' I., i.f S AVING lecotitly eidarjied cur stock Ji i . we are now prepared to sell at a preat reuuetion trom former prces Our itock con s st oi Di us, lletJicine.-., Periumerv, Fiincy Soups. LH!n's. IIoH'h an I Allen's 11 n'r P.e-tor-ativer.- Pillp, t liniments. Poster.-. Liniments, Pa.n killers Ci rite M-gnesia. E-a Jamaica On.-kit. Pure- Khiv.-rtni; Extracts. E-sei cea, ..emon Svrun. Sovihicg Syrup, Spiced Syrup, bhuhar'j Pore Sj.ice.-, ic ; C1GAIIS AND mnAccos, ' think Hook. Iteed. Note-nd Bonos; Cap' 1 om. Conimetciiiland all kind of Noie Paper' Envrlopes. Tens. Pencils, Arnold's Writii.P Fond, B.ack and Red Ink, Pocket and Pas bu..Ka, Mapizmea, Newspapers. Novels, Hia tones. Bibl.-s Ji. ligious.Praj er aud Toy Books, l'-i blvos. Pipes, ic Vt' hr abided to our sock a lot of FINE Jr.UE2.RY, to which e would invite the Hteniou o; i. L.-olies PHO IOt.RU H ALBUMS at lower prices than ever ottered ii, this pi "CO. Paper uml Cigars sohl either wholesale or re tail LEMMfJX a- mpwuiv Julv lfGb. Mam Street, Ehen.-burg. am nivn x - EVE11E THE MEMuRY OF -"- FlUEXDS DEPARTED! MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, &c. or .suuscrioer still continues to manufacture i l"e matenai and iu the most " workmanlike nianner. at the V Loretto Marble Works, .i,J 'A,OXUMKNTs AK TOMB wwFj&8rel1 Rs TABLE n.l BURKaU 1U1 b and air other work in his line. None but the best American and Italian Marble used, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed to all cases at prices as low aa like work can ho obtained iu the tide or elsewhere. Call "uu Iccmei.B and judpe for yonrlv as to the merita cheapness t my War ' -JAMKH -WILKINSON. Loretto. March 12. 1868.1y. gT JAMES HOTEL, Conducted on the European Plan ) 405 Si 407 LiBKHtr SrathT. orpos-Ti .,.rUc,S1;;N IrPoT. PtTTSl-VEGH. Pa. A.!iS . LANAI1A.W - - Proprietor I ins House I newly huilt and 8, lnjdi.Hy turiitshed, and convei.ieut to all tne Rail roads co.uinc; into the city; The Restaurant of the day and night. ict.l7.-ly. I'NION HOUSE, PBENSBURG. Vs.. JEROME A. PLOTT. U fn.pietor. spares no pains to render this hotel worthy of a coLtit uatiou of the libcrai patronaae it has heretofo.e received. His tble will always lie furnished with the host the market ii.rda : .hia bar., with the best , f nquors His stab'e is large, and will I'e RtteLdetl bv tylOUNTAIN HOUSE, Ebenshc.g, P. LINTON CO., Prop',,. The Table is alwava siiM.lied with h. choicest delicacn ; the P,AR is Hunpt,, wjtri choice -iqU'I-, and the STAULK itt.AA K Cnrttnl h.t-rt. Tran win., , , , "ii -in- "HM '' H,'"H,r'' tiikt-i. I tie a.tk. n it Firtli af F rrl f y instance whi -h ll,tVe't' dinarv that ' nrred on a rT" C: a3 very hot and sui T ' r5 lt a pecchanty abcnt tS , y L seldom obbervpd ;.. . . I!C!-.it. u.iddaj a thin. c!ear Of Vaoor. thr 1. -7. lrl'-!;. "Ejects beyan to make jL'r the nt fcta:.. lf,e r . - -Ma nriik .i Kinase, settled over the niagtia was ori,;,,- 1 n.onth , f the F.nh. B ..C"r5'' nraced the whole of the F r tl5t the eje could rearh m with i-tnirkaWerH.;r. p "3 1 hough the wh .lfcotot . wy up the horizon. tLV?1- ert bv th .. frnr-. ..... uo cre v-rv H them hnvm,, tt,.. t V 0" te . ers appeared in th- ' ... "?r . .... ..ij" m l,l KAa ; Bass Ikf the Lie of K 1 roond Dunbar harbor h ' most attention h . u Wf. r thevassnm..? TmTJ lZ j , e uais w eemtd to he fiat upon ,U -up .ntoatall spiral 1 ' battlerufn.s r.Biu4 tier oa tfc : wg a most in)r.tiin c. ' a'!' the most fantastic";; !- t.,.t..A K.. .u. underwent an almost innarncrT V iaiauiasrnagonc transformi .,J"e Une t was appaf. a a rlrc'p nt ,., r . . ... ,.im.r reen,!u lr niiles anair-.'t rV.v..:. the water, then risino tutent, he.ght; occasion.Hy portion, nUU hau away. tLtntu;-, -.utti, wllD;n theses.-; and in one instance thr f'.,'" 1 veel were distinctly visible c.;' H4.iti.-n between the two. The fi.-hin;: b-.ats prow-dio tor eveuu-K underwent the same t4. wtf-n only a few van's tf t;,4' double ap carance bfirg di.-'i'- r -withiu a etrtam dis,taoce r harbor also tecrned to paT f. opening and bhottiug, tu:-.g j-'i with apparent regularity. Yn nary iliuaior.a laste.1 fr..m c-Jlav f;: all. and excite-l Rreat icterM i-r -inhabitants of Dunhar, tprt of ".' Park and it for the purp -eoi wituesiDztne jl-" Affecting Lncidents TheLs! flo ica at llarj-t-i's Firry cVtt! :t: individual hercira. Tr.e Rev. D-' ai.d family lived in a brick ikw- l!au!. Uu IniUy tigl.t the hia hi Use hfg.in to ive wxy k out into the hall, he vusUuck mi. tliubrr aud fell StLacirM tut'ue 6,;. Dutt.'U signaled tu the house i!. opposite, a strong lui'iiinj, ti ? btCond story a r-.ipe asthtjEto ue-i inir aniun,'. onw .,t t sp.r5.- .he vaa dian aclJi the s'.rnei t.-: house, through water fi trea fct; drt: ri pe was rrtutiitd, t he ciLur tert over iu the same manner, tl.tn tb ConstCious hushand. ar.ti last tb la lifcist-il irossrd the n 'cd alier L her hub n.l sately over. James Seipe, i f Overtoo's l-hz. wife, t) whom he n.id lui r e.i wfdtled. on his back, ai-d iz fl ni.l, '.I'pii g to et'ika a t t-eors: :' nfu-ie. Afu-r strudit.f! f : theil yr-la he cuht Ly tbe IJli'.- Island, and at least ten t iltav.ired to get hoM of it. bzi lu washed him aay. Ili.- :fe r. to ht In r po and save hir.Heif. . n-t prepaid t- die. my dear h2li trtut that I an.." wre her itr.i. '. Cat cht thi branch.es of a fl..at hich he tnpporte 1 hira-!f for i utes, and lilting up his wife' Lit he had bren un0 e to keep abort he fouud that she was dead. " Crmors' IIistokt or a Chc bank check just rccf ived at ihiW ury at Washington has a inrt ! It was orjoinally is-uej tooKt master and maJe payable lo-r-1' vintj a mono the Indian. The l-"f it away to n contractor, who in-"-ed it to certain catlla ilroverifrs' Mhiiv months nfterwarJ, 3 closures low report receive! ' headquarters from an j5 f tiecti on h peace mission loctf13 Iv Indian)," wa- a dirty p.' ft :...t.. 1.1. . .t. ,..ir ,,f i bit tt- but not the hnlf which b'' fiiiiDuliiro Tbp. rpnortiSi'J been found in the camyl i A miKu.ntifltt t prn! I fr-.D AH ir.ther eiiTH2ed on another frWojj 11 another I moil tt section of the countrv, enc!r" vouchers ofthe s.nisft,''7 conference, tbe iniiwint-' l"tJU ctierlc. Tl. mvnterv vf "e fir .-..1 1 Tl ....Cn.'nute ir: lCU i IIC UlllVI r. been attacked and LiIIl by :' loncrins to two diif-'ient buk accordance with tlie co.-t lJl hid been eq tally divided U: Imnds, down to th" uiinut ; A New P. w.b. A power lias Intely been pa'1 ''" tears to jtes-nt a fnir pr-wj-'' ' .. i I.i evl'V n the uteani etigine. t ' ... .L-:- r- . it,j,in:tll""" r.t nr- r f the i.Fr i steam enuincs the t-tem ,fv"'t,'r' for the applies' h n of 'K,-1 ployment cau in no way wCTr ; ... tit v of jower f'ntr',u tl" combustion of the ftfl Bt're j ductal as .-to. generate P1'', might be dispensed with; is dune in a cannon, wlme ' burtion of the power power io proj ci ' ,y power arraiigetnent a'lin."' '.,(-k first convrr-ed into carKn:c. feet combustion, and tlit- ViJ., air unoer pre ti constitute a c ontin'"115''. ,r v,;..i.i voipH a!er I iiii;ii.T . - - - - - . anong the pr.Mi KltlC'S oi - hv hu-t' aratf cimimwi- ' - ,u . i i. steam ate rai-ed h'C t" ' ,r(tc duct and tbe tniimre i i .". r an engine Py this arrao.-- . is 1isp-n-eiJ wuu, ! . c nii-ui-tion ol t!i" tu' 3!" . .1 i. P n t - w , t ... . tr whne heat pa-es hrt'f" ,j of a portion tf U e-Cf '-ptb from the chimney, a- tj f . A WRtTBR hn X7'!''!rP;;rfv:'f an ax-in that O'1" 7jf 5: rage in it who will uot risk hi ly" property or guveinc:"-5-