g,bria Freeman. OCT. 13, 1870. ipjsnino- Jttne ,3th, ,870, fon taw p . t?a K bensbnrs: p Vm.ecting with FitteburgC Ex- P. ,,l.ii..i.ia Exriress East. lt and l'niw"-'" - RElTCBl d rture of Pittsburgh w'aM or on departure of Phlladel- "I . ma r r a W0 davA 3 A- PrtL'LtIS tA-- i. nuhiicaiiuo ui vu. .,. .w. l'x r , : Klo to recent lo nil r lill .f 11 1 iit n definite statement .sonieiu'" - . . . ' i -a.! tn eo to press with the very .0.1111 u .... tUrrtfor Congress. Assembly and L .hich we give io the .table below. ' eutire Democratic county ticket lD i.-. nd that the rerooTal ini- Un eid-lr" ... , . F : . u (4 ni ji fo ttnrt wa n r.ie u)Ct Willi ut-io. . - - -t- .the Dleasureof communicat:ng to "lU ,K 1. nltK r,o naora -thpv rill rest content anlil we are "'" .; the official figures in onr next fhe election ui . , r.l. is.v-cf ia innAeri a rrlorirmii . lDce o t -r;;-;.-- i.ct. in wh'ch Cambria we are sorry '.'in achieved no honor, la none the .w of ccnoratulation to all honest Uo Blood manfully up to the work and l,.f wnoie umj iu '"'""- " nr:.L iL. .... ........ cause- -c shall give full returns next wek. .t.bnt (ViT'fTI C'oHtf'B. 'i'Wv Sheriff. 1I6W. Si ? a a. ienf- 19 M 22 ,156; 71.... fa...... 80 64! Mil K 87j 28 92 19 00 212 00 163 129 69 1 224 GO 00' 09 9 1 72 69 "12 ;."'.(!".".'. "is 'i2o "'ii "ob "ii? oo 00 151 1 "is i( "a 4fi 81 46 23U la "ii 1M 78 130 107i 00.... I ... 203 91 172 4i0 fe6 27 4::: 00 3! 4 "47 .'iio"49 .... .... IrU.--. 45 151 87 Bor 135. ij ii.. SK 88. 8li 3 IIS' 17 i 2Vi 771 1271 .Ito'n. 1! 781 W 1351 r.rirjrt., JSI IS. 1 . 170 12, 1C8 87! 1231 ill- tewtill 86 , 50;-. LitVI l . i . tth'iu. Wl ! ir r.lntnn, ! 4. lye; uj; in te 58i 130' '.M...A Sll S2! ...!... I.. 17i 321.. 72; 118'.. klvtle- ....I.... I r , W, t Srtir LiW. We are frequentlj inter- kod in teereiice to the mode of treating torMf , rattle, ftiet-p, etc. 1 be Jaw on jbjct i in uh?tnnc no follows: When- iHrtTbetht is fuutid tres-pafsin on the iff of iit one, it is the dutv of tbe party FJ notice to tlie owner thereof under the of 5, if be cud be fouDd, and within hi deliver to the Town Clerk a full de i of the kind, marks, color, or any other K or artificial marks of such stray or f 'cgr'.t.er with tbe lees, winch aie tor a 50 ti.t; cattle, 25 cents; and each tt!.. If the owr does not appear in dT9 al ter ruch stray shall be taken kffttleall damages and costs it ahall Irdotj of the psrty taking up the B.irae to ifctiaid Mray or strays to b adveriieed seeks lu at leapt one newspaper. ( At :of Jl 50). And if the owner Vliall not ippeared within sixty days after such ad- pBer.t.and fettle all reaonable corns and tbe person taking up the said stray f ke application to a Justice of tha h, in itid towuship, who is required to i uairran; to tne constable, wnose duty yUbttoMll the same at public sale, first fgraatn notice of such sale by at least priDttd w written handbills. And after Mil tire (old the same, he shall make re of tbeproceeda to the said Justice, who tfiff paying all reasonable damages and Oi eepit; as aforesaid, naw niw rVia -a. if my there be, to the County Treasu- - wvuer auait appear within one ,w;u we. ana prove his proDerty in j.uBHiu justice snail certify tne tU.ettidTreanurPr.whnali.il r Ftlit thole BCOUtlt Of (Hich mcrnliu- Ktit !ner shall cot apply within the time "i t (ball thereafter be debarred from . nd the money aforesaid may be f iwuuvj purposes- BomuT cr THE Altooka Tost ''SOIta tin A..-:- o . i ttVht Altoon i'ost Office waa en f wrrlars. Vi a ra- . r,..i.i fWWLea, Bade a eln tliino- f St. A L" ' tt b ascertained, the amount of bTa i- Was T4,ued at bout 'ourteen , vu.ni, wrjich were all taken. As Wi d have 5t- there wre on'j x f letters in th . ' .v, IM. , , ...w uwvg a . lJUJCp bile 2J0f wlich were Ukeu, one said LTji? "other a small amount of 'nnTi p M UuD and th contenu of the taown. The burglars entered thro the rear end of the hall, b using a wealtinf and bendini? thn lack. bolt. J!f "known, bo other letters or t was amtnrlH ni-i u 'mmediately notified tbe De- of the thieves. GB E"CTI0l Tha elation for Ror- r waa pr,.1.,.,j i.h , --""-ticu on - ...mvw ua political pnu resulted n. K. . rn nf i of T. o to"- In the two eticlogeo louowing gontie- iIJr;Tow Council. Wm. H. Sech- JtG n " uriey; Judge or Jilec A'.lM0n,; In9Pctor, John Dough- b WTO;.'. "ue - ari8h' A- All llcpublicana ""'"7. wsa robbea d"1",1!! ,rom California. ftn?"1861- Therobbcry took Hffectd I . Acconoaodalion train. r,k, uaintn.o tj i "tru vi uwucnanu wi C,1Jl!ihen,0u- ? ,rn him on pretence Pnil- n trper a bil1 ftr go08 vB(tie.0n -- engaged m counUnf Be D.t.t. tbe succeeded ic boot !h C0nuiniDg lle $8,000 "e off ,l" - T.uaina succeeu- " ICS train ..A . I. : J fHerbwt hl fully real.Md I u . t l 82; & 89 ,.(n'h. 25! at; 29 .... ,W SO t W; 1! 118 W w! ! 25! HO 421 153 illnD Si 81 Z. ... w eo: 100 30, 117 SL... 0 i V, 4 ! 115 20 W W rt " 771 w! 7 .... a - ei 73 62 1W IS U 81 ! 132! !f7 J4 32 g - 31i &; 25 Kl! 12 tto CI 81 V 41 53' 1.3..... us; let l 139 a55 V .. Wl 15j HI 6 in mi u'i -.is mis 32! 61 80! 37 45!.... Si! 11U! HWi tETai,9J Jndg of Elec K ti n1 'P01'. Wm. Leigbty ; kl WAD1"; Ass't Assessor! R - u. i ibbott. Jack Frost has pafd several yisita to this vicinity , ithin the past few days. A pike weirhiae 23 nonnds was causht in the Conemaugh river, near Blairsville. one day last week. - A gentleman from the west, while occu pying a Bleeping berth on the Pacific express east, on Saturday, waa robbed of a valuable gold watch somewhere between Altoona and Harrisburc. The Fair of the Altoona Park Association is said to have been a complete success. The display was good, the atteudance large and the receipt? fully up to the expectations of the management. A boy named Pfoutz. ared ten years, a resident of Port Matilda, Centre county, while loekiog a wheel on a wood wagon, a few days ngo, fell, and the wagon passed over him, breaking his neck. Samuel Faultz, confined in the Indiana jail on the charge of attempting to commit a rape on a jouug lady near Armagh, managed to escape trom that ricketty institution on Mot.day night of last week, and forthwith left for parts unknown. .Leonard brewer, a waiter at the Lngnn House, Altoona, robbed one of his fellow- waiters of $95 and a watch, a few nights since, and ctarted east, bat a telegram brought him up standing at Harriabutg, from whence he has been brought back for trial. I be credit is due our cotennporary, 'Tae Alleghanian," of baYing fitst received and published the official census returns of the county, and all papers, our own among the number, which have since given publicity to them, were indebted to that journal for the facts. Handbills were posted in Johnstown yes terday calling fr a meeting of the removalites last night, and if it came off we have no doubt it was a very lugubrious affair. Misery is said to love company, but we fear that the removal leaders would Cud but little consolation in the company that would be likely to attend such a meeting ou such an occasion. The Etnre of Joseph o imer, at Canoe Creek, Blah county was broken into and de spoiled of a large lot of boots, shoes and other goods on Friday night last. The villains af terwards attempted to burn the building by kindling fires in two places, but fortunately the fires died out without doing any damage. No clue to the perpetrators. No local letters and no local news of any kind this week, and tbe turmoil and excitement of the election has not only delayed our paper, but baa prevented us from-giving it that atten tion which it is always our wish and our pride to bestow upon it. Hence we have to ask the indulgence of our renders for all shortcomings that may be apparent in the Freeman this week. We have done the best we could. The Johnstown.Echo says that Mr. H. A. Bathuret, f Coopersdale, has a full grown chicken which excites general curiosity. The conformation of the legs are such as to cause it to walk erect like a man, wit'.i its tail turned between its legs and slicking out in front. Its appearance and movements are much like that of a trained dog walking on his hind legs. It cannot sit on a roost, but rests at night by re clining on its side. It is a high-cock-olorum of a chicken. The Huntingdon Journal admits that its party has been "licked like blazes." It ae knowledges the defeat of the entire radical ticket in that county, thinks that its Senatorial aud Legislative candidates have shared the same fate, and puts down the election of Sperr for Congress as one of the events extremely probable. The political revolution in Hunt ingdon has been complete and wonderful, and the Journal commemorates the fact by printing its "roo-ter" wrong side up. O Nelson Smith, Eq , editor of the Johns town Mountain Echo, sojourned over Sunday in our town, and was visited by hosts of warm personal aud political friends. Now that the removal iniquity has received the doom it so richly merited, tbe success ol the Echo ought to be assured beyond a doubt, and we hope that the true-hearted Democracy of Cambria county will not tail to render it that suppoit which will insure it a long and successful ca reer. John H. Douglass, Ej., of Clearfield tp., an earnest democrat and warm hearted gentle man, has made us the recipient of several of the largest and finest at pies that have probably ever been produced on the mountair to say the least. Y e do not know tbe name ol tne ap pies sent us. but they are certainly mammoth in eize and very agreeable in flavor, and they reflect credit ou the genii em an who cultivated tbem, and te whom our thanks are due for so kindly remembering us. Mr. Adam Kettering died very suddenly in Johnstown on Sunday morning week. He arose io his usual health and ate a hearty breakfast, but about half-past nine o'clock complained of a severe pain in the region of the heart, and in a short time tnereaner ne was a corpse. Mr. K. was a native of Germany, but came to this country early ia life, and for many years resided in Somerset county, but for the last five or six years has been a citizen- of Johnstown, where be was much esteemed. His age was about 5 years, and be was the head of a large family. A Mission is to commence in the Church of the Holy Name, in this place, on Sunday next and continue tor one wees, it is to oe under the direction of two Passionist Fathers renowned for eloquence, piety and religious zeal, and there is no doubt but what tbe Mis sion will be productive of incalculable good to the members ot tne Uatnoiic congregation nere, as well as to all others wbo may participate with proper dispositions. Such eloquence and fervor as the (rood missioneries are endowed with cannot fail to make an impression even on the most callous heart, and hence the result of this grand religious awakening will be of th most pratifvine character. . Our merchant friend, M.'L. Oatman, went east Tuesday night, and the inference to be drawn from the fact ts that tbe renownea cneap cash store over which he presides as leading ia shortly to be made elad with a stock of goods Urge," complete and seasonable. Mart, has tne taste to ouj iu prckvics nw of goods, and as be knows exactly whereto huv at the lowest fijures, those who deal with the firm of M. L. Oatman & Co. may expect to look upon and make their purchases at cheapest rates from a very superb stock of merchandise ere many days go by. Dry goods dress goods, groceries, notions, etc., will all be embraced in the new stock toon to be in store . tki nnnnlar establishment, and we advise all our friends to 6ave their stamps for the good time coming. NamEOW Ehoafk fkom Dzath. -On "Wednes-a.- i... Tr.hr. Miller, acred twenty-one years, was driving & three-horse wagon loaded with stone for a rail roaa Dnoge, across ichjj .kni a mil helow Southampton Mills The two outside sleepers upon which the planks were laid gave way, tnereoy precipitant '. waeon a distance of fifteen feel to the rocky i. .i,- ..,,ob- Tha lead horse fell back on the wheel horse, striking his hiad 1 on a rock and was instantly killed. The other horses i- .i;nkti, hruined and stunned. Mr. were uuii oe,"j -- , . . Miller was slightly cut on the head, and his left foot and ankle were severely cut and bruised. The unfortunate mau was removed to fcis father's house, a mile distant, where a j-.. a.a th wounds. He is now rapidly recovering, to tbe great joy of his young wile and aged parenu. oomersc. o- nr - TTnnanin M ifllllNI. DubllShed by S. Wood, Newburg, N. Y., at $1.00 per year, (single copies 10 cents.) is the largest and best VBU,e ,v vvr , . . ij T, hio-h toned. dol.armObiniyiuvutjwu.lv. --. interesting. &Yl acter. x-verv numirer v - will contain a $100 prize story complete, lie side, furnishing $110 LT durinif the year, Ja.r. nwu r. lish all the best stories entered in competitioa . 7 Alan, each number will designed to entertain anu '""" Siwob Mr. WanamaKcr enlarged bit) great OakESl. Ld made it the largest Clothing House in America. popuUr favor - hM set m with redouoiea iorce. r -- pas, to look in upon the busy throng and ..i . th crt success. But tbe secret ,..,. : .v.. rA. .Pheaoest" aud ail llc in lug wv w. i Beet. " OXD SAWS ASD WlSB WKATHK Pr,rrr,.v. An exchange weaves an autumn wreath out of the old proverbs in regard to autumn. First we nave mis entomological precept: uo not let October flies Lead you to expect warm skies." But if, notwithstanding the ski loot for the chilling recompense herein indica ted: "October warm, with certain speed, -Makes February cold indeed." The leaves, too. bear their nart in th nop- tents; faded and thickly strewed on every , . -uuui. tan vo uenoieu in ine searcn for signs. The prognostic be ow. though rid- ly expressed, is based upon good physiological (jnucipies; "The earlier in October tlm lonvoc fln fn. an much the more fruitful will the next season oe. The next two are of similar import: Stop tha leaves long on the trees, you had best Prepare for winter a good lonir neat." When late In Oetohor thn Ipbvps kMII rfmnln fast to the trees, there will follow a bard win ter. Of rain in this month we have this trite sa w : "Much rain lo Oetohr.r. munh wlrwl in Tfin ber." And this, which to a superstitious mind uaicht be a cause of drend, God's acre being the beau tiful German designation for a grave yard: "October rains, when many and great, God's acre best fill and cultivate." Thunder in this month is decidedly out of season, but should its reverberations be heard they are not to be regarded as consoliue sounds, as witness what follows: "October thunder storms plainly sny, Chanjjeable weather all winter will stay." And this, which more obscure, is still less satisfactory: "Winter thundor misplaced and unkind Showeth much solid weather behind." Or this triplet, which institutes a compari son, must be taken in an a legoncal sense: In October the thunder, though sounding drear. Than that of February Is better to hear; Tbe last is but pleasing to the usurer's ear." As for frost and snow, whose advent is not desirable so early in the reason, but which occasionally put in an unwelcome appearance. we nave these: "Frost and snow In October are couriers to say that January will be mild." (Now let the weatherwise event aud hereby forewarned predict the usual January th iw!) "If there 1s In October much frost and wind. January and rebruary both mild you 11 find: Hut when in the autumn the weather is clear. The cold wind full soon will appear." Thin, relating to the first snow, is a quaint expression of a popular belief : "Should in mud and slush the first snow fall. Look for a mild winter, and muddy withal." The last of the gereral observations on the mouth is the following, w hich seems to derive its inspiration from the doctrine of compensa tions: "Stops the winter lonjr away. So much longer will it stay." Of the set days we have this, relating to the ICth: "When it is dry at St. Gall's dav. the summer that follows will be dry." And this of the same day, which acts as a reminder to those who last year had their trees broken and fruit damaged by the early snow; "At St. Gall's day every apple should be In Its sack." Of the 2 1st this: "Just as begins Ursula's day. So the winter's resolved to stay." How to Stop a Paper The following from one of our exchanges so fully and clearly ex presses our views cpou the subject that we copy it without comment: "You have an un doubted right to stop a newspaper whenever you are disposed, upon payment of all arrear ages. Do uot hesitate to de so on account of any 'tenderness of feeling for the editor. Don't you suppose he would stop buying sugar of you, or meat, clothing, dry goods, etc., if he thought he was not getting his money's worth? And when you discontinue a paper, do so manfully. Don't be so pitiful as to throw it back to the postmaster with a contemp'uous I don't want it any longer I' and bare refused written on the margin and the paper returned to the edit or. No gentleman ever stopped a paper in that way, no matter if his head is covered with gray hairs that should always be honorable. If you do not wish longer to receive a news paper, write a note to the editor like a man and say so and be sure that all arrearages are paid. This is the way to stop a newspaper. " "Which." Which I wish to remark, and mv language is plain, that Leopold Mayer has jnst received an immense stock of dry goods. at Iso- ZZ, alum street, Johnstown, wnicn will be sold absolutely at cost. Ladie, this is the place to see the fnshions and to buy chfap goods of all kinds. Every thing that ladies wear can be found in this large whole sale and retail dry goods and dress goods store, lie has some of the loveliest patterns outside of Paris, for Paris is not Paris any more. But call and see Mayer's fashions. Namm. In Cohen's Hat Parlor, No. 227, Johnntown, can be found all the names of leading generals, i-tatesmen, stars, and celeb rities in tbe land. They have hats called after every great man. Thousands of hats and cap, thousands of styles and oddities, in the line of gent's furnishing goods. All they want now is thousands of purchaser? they have hun dreds of patrons now, but would like to extend the trade, till every body would have a new bat or cap. All they' ask it just one call. It fetches every one. Whkk the Mohet Goks. It goes to M. H. Mayer's Clothing Store, No 214 Opera House. Johnstown. Mr. Mayer acknowledges that all the money's lately missed in Johnstown, and in Cambria county, waa taken by him. for choice made up Clothing and gents furnishing goods, and of course he fully acquits all others. He can show bis book of sales, which will settle the qnestion. A few more customers, however, will not do any harm. Eoom for all at No. 214, and clothing for all. Not for .Tosxph. if he knows it, but Tor Jas. J. Murphy we would say, that the public should by all means call on Jame at No. 100, Clinton street. Johnstown, for their fall and winter Clothing. James .1. Murphy has just received twenty trunks full and twenty boxes of new ready made clothing for men and boys bought cheap and sold cheap. Tbe best cloth in these goods we ever saw and sewed like leather. Call and examine these new goods and carry home your lull share. . N. F. Cabboll is now prepared to sell to all his numerous customers, new dry goods and fresh groceries, bought expresaly for the fall trade ; and for sale at No. 2l5, Main street, Johnstown, opposite the Opera House. No charge for calling to see some of the most beautiful patterns in the market. Mr. Carroll cannot be beat in either buying or selling roods, having had a long experience in the business. Do not fail to call on Carroll at No. 215 Main street. Who Spkaks First? Barpains.bargains.bar gains, at John J. Marphy's complete Dry Goods Store, at the Mansion House corner, Johnstown. Mr. Murphy haa just returned from the East with an extensive lot of new gocds, consisting of dry goods, dress goods, fancy goods, trimmings, notions and carpets. He offers goods at a mere. - song. Give Mr. Murphy a call and satisfy your own minds and your own eyes that what we sayla emphatically true. Dkcipkd. The question whether every man Is not a "wolf in sheep's clothing," was deci ded in the affirmative, especially If snid person buys his made up clothing at Leopold & Bro.'s store, No. 241 Main street, Johnstown, be cause their garments are all wool and there must be sheep's clothing about that. Leopold k Brother have just received a large quantity of made up clothing of all kiBds cheap for cash. Men's and boy's clothing made to order. Bxspohbiblr Advertising Aqkncies are a rreat advantage to both advertiser and publish er. That of Geo. P. Rowell & Co., No. 40 Park Row, New York, is considered by many the most complete establishment of the kind in the Unite Sta'.ei. JOHNHTOWV, PA Oct. X, 1870. Editor of Cambria Cmmtv GiimjEiiiw: As the actions of a public officer are open, or should bo, to the approval or disapprpvaf of nil his fellow-citizens I would mont respectfully submit the following report setting forth the several Inquisitions held bv mo as Coroner of this co-un-tr, with the different causes which produced them and the time and plaoo where they occur red. In doing so, I hope I shall not wound tiro feelings of those Who have had tho misfortune lo lose any of their friends, but merely perform a duty which I conceive that I owe to tbe peo ple of Cambria, and at the'same time furuish matter of local intt-rwit to the readers of the different journals of .the county i November 1st, 187, John McDonald, killed In Cambria borough by a shot tired from a guu said to have beeu In bands of Cyrus Thompson. April 11th. lmti, John B. Davis, killed in the mines of the C. I. Co., Yoder township. May 12th, 13G8, Henry B. Duffin, died of apo plexy in Cumbria borough. July 13th, lsos, John W id mau, heart disease, Millville.. July 19th, 1868, George Beigle, drowned at Dornick Point. July 20th, 1868, John Hodges, killed on the railroad at Johnstown. July 22d, 1868, Jacob Henry Kohlcr, cause of death unknown, Conemaugh borough. August 7th, 18C8, Patrick Knglish, killed on the railroad at Johnstown. September 15th, 1868, infant found oa tho right bank of Stony Creek, Johnstown. October th, ls8, Thomas Hocker, found dead on the railroad at Johnstown. October 23d, 18G8, Peter Kinney, killed In Tuy lor township by the upsetting of a wugon. November 2d, 1868, James Griffith, killed by falling of a scaffold in a church in Johnstown. November 8th, 1838, John O'Donald, killed by falling over the embankment at railroad sta tion, Johnstown. January 5th, 1869, Frank Boltz; January 5th, Frederick Metzker: January 6th. Conrad Tex- ter. These three were killed in the mines of the C. I. Co.-, by an explosion of tire damp. April 20th, 186. Patrick Boyle, accidentally drowned, Millville. May 15th, 1869, Edward Jones, intemperance, Millville. July 6th, 18G9, Washington Ilawes. killed by being run over by a street car, Conemaugh bor. August 20th, 1869, William Hawkins, heart disease, Millville. August 22d, 1869, Infant found in a carpet-bag at Wbiskv Springs name unknown, August 28th, '69, John Myers, killed by the C. I. Co. s trucks, Johnstown. September 24th, '69, Mary Ann Slick, epileptic fits, Johnstown. September 26th, 'C9, Marlon Osborn, death caused by burning of a house, Yoder township. October 16tb, '69, Conrad Hoff, death caused by earth falling in on him, Johnstown. November 3d, 69, James Wcakland, kicked by a horse. Johnstown. November 4th, 'G9, Bernard Honey, Intemper ance, Prospect. December 27th, '69, Cyrus Shaffer, drowned In the Conemaugh river, Johnstown. April 8th. '70, male infant, name unknown, Tavlor township. April 10th, '70. Anthony Ilipp, epileptic fit, Conemaugh borough. . April 14th, "70, John Koehle, drowning, Cam bria borough. May 27th, '70, Patrick Harkins, killed lu the mines at South Fork. June 7th, '70, William H. nunter, killed on the railroad, Wilmore. July 5th, '70, Bernard Bruder, smothered In a cesspool, Conemaugh borough. July 14th, '70. Kdward Hcssler, killed by tho cars on the coke yard of the Cambria Iron Co. August 23d, '70, James McIIugh, killed by the cars at Gallitzin. September 24th, 70, William Hice. killed in the mines of the Cambria Iron Company. Yours respectfully, J. A. HABHOLt), Coroner of Cambria County. Ballott's Maoazix por November. We have received the November number of Bal lou's Magazine, and have read it with interest, as we always do every month that Ballou is issued. It has the best variety of tjontents of any magazine in the country. Its romances are always well written, its sea stories such as only truo-hearted sailors can write, and all the rend ing is original and of the bent nuality. There are 100 pages, IB of them with illustrated sub jects, aud all for the small sum of 15 cents, or fl.50 per year. Great improvement are prom ised for the coming year. All periodical depots sell Bailou's. Tliomes & Talbot, 63 Congress St., Boston, ore the publishers. Cireat Excitement. All is excitement and expectation about the result of tbe election, and here and there men are gathered in crowds discussing the question and endeavoring to get a little more light on the subject. All eem to forget for the lime that the Shoemaker store is still open and amply stocked with every kind of articles dry goods, groceries, etc. which every family in the county is daily consuming, and which no dealers in the county or out of it pretends to sell at lower prices for the ready cash than the Mee-srs. Shoemaker, who are al ways liberal and obliging in all their dealings with the many customers who constantly pat ronize them. Good Xew.-It affords us no little pleasure to announce that the county seat will not be removed just yet, tho election to all appear ances having put a quietus on that project. This being the case, ieople will do well to keep on buving just what they need from that clever gentleman, A. J. Christy, who keeps a store in Loretto that coutuins everything desirable, be it dry gods, groceries, drugs, or what not, and sells with a view to please his customers and induce them to deal with him right along and all the time. Christy's store is the place to buy the best of goods at the lowest prices. Head Centre. Cham. Roberts seems to be the grand centre around which revolves all anxious inquirers after election news a cir cumstance accounted for by the fact, that the telegraph office is located in hia establishment. Mr. Roberts, be it known, keeps the only clock, watch, jewelry and fancy goods emporium in Northern Cumbria, and has a stock that will compare favorably in variety, beauty and cheapness with any similar assortment In the State. Don't forget C. T.. Roberts' elegantly stocked store on High street, aud he'll not for get to treat you liberally. Coming. The season for buckwheat cakes and 'lasses will soon be with us, and so far as the former is concerned ample provision will be made by K. J. Mills to supply all consumers with the very best quality of buckwheat Hour at the lowest market rates. The Ebeusburg Flour and Fed Depot is renowned for the su perior qualitv of Hour, feed, etc., that can al ways be bought there, and its enterprising proprietor deserves to receive tho custom of every mau who has a family to support, for the articles he sells are of the very best quality, and he permits no one to undersell him. Pretty Pletnre. We imagine that photo graphs of the removal leaders taken at this stage of the proceedings would form a group of pictures that it would be difficult to conceive the like of. We would like to see our artist friend, T. R. Evans, try his hand at their elonga ted visages, but as that ia out of the question, we hope that those amongst us who feel happy at the result will at once call at the National Photograph Gallery and sit for their pictures while they are in such a pleasant state of mind. Mr. Evans can do full Justice to such subjects, we warrant. Election Over. There is probably no ond that does not feel glad that the election is over and the opportunity afforded for all to return once more to the every-day duties of life, es pecially since there is still a chance for all to buy what they want, and buy at the most mod erate prices, at the cheap cash store of V. S. Barker, who is anxious to dispose of an excel lent lot of goods in the shortest time possible, in order to make room for a new stock. Red Hot. The political canvass Just ended was one of the warmest our people have ever passed through, although not exactly of that q uality of heat produced by the excellent stoves kept in endless profusion and variety at the mammoth stove and tinware depot of George Huntley, who can supply cooking, heating and parlor stoves of any desired pattern, and that too at prices which even the manufacturers do not prctond to undersell. DIBD. BOCKETT. In Wilmore, on Sunday evening, Oct. 9th, of typhoid fever, arter a few weeks illness, Mr. Jamks Kockett, aged about 28 yrs. In the early demise of Mr. Rockett haa once more been sadly realized the fact that fn the midst of life we are in death, for no ordinary man was blessed with a more robust constitu tion or gave promise of a longer life than he. Yet was he well prepared for the chwige, and as he led a blameless life and died a Christian death, there is good reason to believe that Tie has been summoned to a better world. The de ceased waa faithful in all the duties of life and truly exemplary in conduct, and as he won the esteem of ail who knew him, his early death has excited sincere sorrow in the hearta of many relatives and admiring friends, who will not fail to drop a tear to his memory. JZAJLTS YECnABUSIClUWl HAIR. Persons who are Gray Can have their hair restored to its natural col or, and if It has fallen out, create a new growth, by its use. It is the best HAIR DRESSING in the world, making lifeless, 6tlff, brashy bair, healthy, soft and glossy. Price tlJX). For sale by all druggists. It. P. JJALIi CO., Nashua, N. H., Frerrlefcjy. CI,OSIAG PRICES Of OB HAVEN A imo 40 Month Third Street, Philadelphia, nt 3 o'clock. I. 81.. Oct. IO, 1870. TJ. S.e'sof'Kl . 113- 1HK " " '62, 112' 113 " " . '64 111S U1X " " '65 Ill 112 " '6ft, new liov liov " 67. 110 V 1I0V - " " '68, 11()V 110H ' 5's, 10-tO's, 106 V Vf. IT. S. 30 Year 6 per cent. Cy.. Ill Ills Due Comp. Int. Notes, Gold 113 V 113V Silver 107 109 Union Pacific R.K. 1st M.B'ndH 8; 840 Central Pacific R. R., flW Un'u Pacific Land Gr'nt B'nds 700 725 RAVJEL.EKS' LIFE AND ACC1ENT INSURANCE COMPANY, of Hartford. Conn. Cash Assets, 1,500.000. Orante LIFE and EMOOWMKXT Policies of all ap proved forms. Ample security, low rates. Also insures against ACt'I 1ENTN causing denth or total disa bility. Policies written by tho year T or montn. Has paid svoo per cly i"o- a.., years in bcneilts to policy-holder. ROYAL HAVANA LOTTEBT. Prizes cashed and information furnished by GEORGE UPH AM, Providence, B, I. 50 Cents to $5 per Evening, at Home. We are prepared to furnish profitable emply mcnt to Men and Women at their homes. One person in each locality throughout the United Mates, can engage in tuts business at great wages. We send, free, full particulars and a valuable sample, which will do to commence work on. Any person seeing this notice, who wants profitable, permanent work, should send us their address, without delay. B. C. ALLEN & CO., Augusta, Maine. tlfl A DTFOR A l, l. Stencil Tool samples I Umailed f ree. U.r'uliam,C15 Broadway ,N.Y. XT' STATE or JOSEPH REICI1TER. ADMINISTRATOR'S 2OTICK. Letters of Administration on the Estato of Joseph Reichter, late of Carroll township, Cam bria county, deceased, have been granted to the subscriber, residing in said township. Those having claims against said estate will plettse present them properly proven lor settlement, and those indebted to the same will please make immediate payment. WILLIAM REICHTER, Oct. 13. 1870.-6t. Administrator. KT.ITION IN DIVORCE ! John Kinney vs. Catharixk Kinney. In tho Court of Common Pleas of Cambria County, io. i., nectmDer Term, 1. Aud now, 2sept. 12th, 1870, on motion of F. P. Tierney, Esq., At torney for Libeilant, T. Ii. Seaulan Esq., is ap pointed Commissioner to take testimony and report the same to tho Court. 2Yo. Cur. NOTICE. In pursuance of the above order of Court, I will sit at the office of F. P. Tieruey, Esq., in Ebensgui-g, on Monday, the 31st day of Octobku, 1870. at 2 o'clock, P. m.. for the pur pose of taking testimony, when and where the parties interested may attend if they think pro per. THOMAS it. SCAN LAN, Oct. 13, 1870.-3t. Couiniifcsioncr. Newspaper Advertising. A Book of 125 closely printed pages, lately Is sued, contains a list of the best American Ad vertising Medium, giving the names, circula tions, and full particulars concerning the lead ing Daily and Weekly Political and Family Newspapers, together with all those having large circulations, published in tho interest of Religion, Agriculture, Literature, &c. Every Advertiser, and every person who contemplates becoming such, will nnd this book of great value. Mailed free to any address on receipt of 25 cents. CKO. P. UOWKXL 4c CO., Pub lishers, No. 40 Park Row, New York. The Pittsburgh (Pa.) Leader, ia its issue of May 29, 1S70, says : "The firm of G. P. Rowell & Co., which issues this interesting and valuable book, is the largest, and best Advertising Ageu cy in the United States, and we can cheerfully recommond it to the attention of tnose who de sire to advertise their bustness aelentilically aud ayttteanatically in such a way: that is, so as to secure the largest amount of publicity for the least expenditure of money." JJEMOVAL and ENLARGEMENT. COOKING STOVES, HEATING STOVES, TIN, COPPER & SHEET-IRON WARE. Having recently taken possession of the new ly fitted up and commodious building on High street, two doors east of the Bank nnd nearly opposite the Mountain Douse, the subscriber is better prepared than ever to manufacture all articles in the TIN. COPPER and SHEET-IRON WAKE line, all of which will be furnished to buyers at tbe very lowest living prices. Tho subscriber also proposes to keep a full and varied assortment of Cooking, Parlor and Heating Stoves of the most approved designs. VB SPOUTING and ROOFING made to order and warranted perfect in manufacture and ma terial. REPAIRING promptly attended to. All work done by me will be done right and on fair terms, and all STOVES and WARE sold by me can be depended upon as to quality and cannot be undersold in price. A continuance and increase of patronage is rospectf ully solicU ted, and no effort will be Wanting to render en tire satisfaction to all. VALLlE LUTRINGER. Ebensburg, Oct. 13, 1870.-tf. REDUCTION I PRICES! FOR CASH! TO CLOSE OUT MY ENTIRE STOCK OP Glass Fruit Jars, &c. TO MAKE ROOM for otiif.i: Goods I will sell for the next FIFTEEN DAYS : 1 quart Cilajas, Tin Top and Wire, 81. OS. 1 qnart Hero Jan, 2.0o jH-r dot, 1 quart eui Jam, a.oo per doz. 1 quart Proleetor Jars,... 2.00 per doz. 1 quart XL Jam l.ftO per dm. 2 quart Protector Jam,... .t.OO per ilor.. 1 qnart Belle Jam, 2.20 per doz. Tin Cans, 1 quart, 3 pints, and 2 quarts, Vkrt cheap; One bushel Baskets, 50 to 75 cents; Clothes Baskets, 50 cents to tl.OO; Toilet Seta, from $3.50 to ?5.00 per set of three pieces. Re frigerators, Water-Coolers, Bath-Tubs, ID PER CEKT. IESS THABf CITYFBICES laTThese prices are strictly Cash when goods are taken away. A large stock of Brass Kettles, Tinware, Enameled Ware, Housekeeping Goods and Cook Stoves, Sec, at prices to please. CALL. AT rfo. 2 NO "Worilnjton Street JOHN STOW K, TA., AND EXAMINE FOR YOURSELVES! PRANK IF. HAY. Johnstown, Ang. 124 1870.-2iru Extensive Public Sale Or VALUABLE ' BEE Ai FEflSQIAL PMiRfr! THE subscriber, having determined to quit farming, will offer at Public Sale, on Wed. neMtay. Oet- 19th, 18 70, at 2 o'clock,". t., his FARM In Cambria township, one mile from Ebensburg, containing 255 Acres, 100 Acres thereof being woodland and the balance being well fenced nnd cultivated, with 70 Acres In clo ver, and two bearing Orchards snd ono young Orchard, besides not less than fifteen never fail ing springs of excellent water on the premises. The improvements are a two story Loo Hoitfb, (weather-boarded,) with Frame Kitchen attach ed, all under new roof, a Bank Barn 100 feet long, Carriaoe IIoitsb, &c. Coal and Lime stone in abundance on the premises,. Also, at 10 o'clock, A. m., at same place, will be exposed to saie, wyrr, iwu, coic ana tjaiveti, I together with Han, Grain, Potatoes, 1 Mower and itraper, l mowwq Macmne, tiorsc tiaKe, n tna milL, Carrtage, Bupqie, XV cioojix, and a lVtre va riety of other articles pertaining tj Vne farming business, besides a lot of HoVsehold Ftkni-TtIEic'-' &" ,nPJ necsftry to enumerate. . Vlf Terms Will be niM1 Irnnwn at Hmsnf aula yTnl k m aww and pos-ession of Farui given at any time after sale. Title indisputable-. . GEO. O. K. ZAHM. fetnel2rlrsr, Sep-, i?to.-ts. ... , . If fair prices and superb goods are what you want, the right men to deal with are M. IL. Oat man &, Co- whose Cheap (Store is at No.' 1$ High st. If you want to buy anything that can be bought in tx first class store, and save money in the operation, Oat man & Co.'s Store is the place to visit. If you want to buy Groceries of any kind, go to No. 1 High street, where you can get fresher articles and pay less for them than elsewhere. If you want to buy Hoots, Shoes, Mats, Caps, fcc, go to No. 1 High street, where there is a large stock at prices unsurpassed for cheapness. If your mother, wrife or sister wrants to get flie very best Sewing Machine in the market, tell her to buy the Grover 4& Baker, sold by It. Oatman. If you want to buy Queensware, Glassware, Hard ware, afec, be sure and go to No. 1 High street, where a fine stock at low prices await you. If you want the Eastern Star Flour the best ever sold in Ebensburg go to No. 1 High st, where alone it can be had. If not good money refunded. If vou want to w buy Dry Goods, go to No. 1 High street, where you w ill get better bar gains than at any other place in Eb ensburg. GOOD FARM FOR SALE. 1 ft7 ACRES OF CHOICE LAND, -I " 130 Acres of which are cleared, will be sold on the most reasonable terms. This Farm is located in Allegheny township, Cambria coun ty, on the road leading from Loretto to Chest Springs, and within two miles of tbe former and three miles of the latter place. The im- firovement consist of a comtooniousDwELtiNO Iodse, in excellent repair, a good Barn, aha all necessary Outbuiijilnos. There la a fine Orchard of choice fruit and an abundance of pure water on the premises. The woodland is covered with the best of timber. PrVThe above described property will be sol on conditions to suit the purchaser. App' orT the pnemises to B. & C. SnT. rba Allegheny Twp Ang. 13, lSTO.-tf. A UDITOR'S N0YICE.-The under sl8fne,Au'!iCr, appointed by the Court of tommon ,ca8 of Cambria County to report distrirjfjon tlf the f unni in the Sheriff's bands "Tislng from the sale of the real estate of Jacob Trlnglo on 1?. Veni.Xnn., No. fit dune Term, 1S70, E. !.. to and amongst the Hen creditors, hereby gives notice that he will sit at "the oiiice of .Shoemaker 6t Ontuian, in Etxmsburg, on TncstsiT, October 13th. 1870, at T o'clock. i M., when and where all perttcs Interested must present their claims, or be debarred from com ing In upon aaid fund. OEO. W OAT5IAX, Anditor. THOMAS CAIILAKD WBCl.FSA I.K IKlkkC IK - - GROCERIES "S QUEENSWARE- WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. . STATIONERY AND NOTIONS. FISH. SILT. SEAR CUBES MEATS. OACOX, FLOUR, FEED AND PROVISIONS, 1333 Eleventh Avenue. Between 13th and 14th Sts., Altcona. ' All such roods as Spices. Brushes. Wood sad Willow Ware, Shoe Blacking and Station er; will be sold Irom manufacturer s printed price lists, and all other rood in my line at Philadelphia, Baltimore. Cincinnati and Pitts burgh current prices. To dealers 1 present tho peculiar advantage of savins; them all freight and drayage, as they are not required to pay freights from the pviucipal cities and no dray age charges are made. Dealers may rest as sured that my goods are of the best qualttv and my prices as moderate as city ratep. By doinjj a fair, upright business, and by promptly and satisfactorily filling all orders, 1 hope to merit the patronage ot retail dealers and others in Cambria county and elsewhere. Order re spectfullv solicited and satisfaction guaranteed in all cases. THOMAS GARLAND. Altoona," July 29, 18b3.-tf. TUB SLATE COMPANY Are prepared to furnish to Builders or Slater their VEST DASK BLtTK O0L0n SCrtRIOB ROOFING SLATE ! From their own Quarries, located in Northamp ton county. Penn'a, AT QUARRY PRICES. Samples my be seen, and communications addressed to E. L. GOODWIN, Agent. J. S. KnALI.DVIlERGER, Pree'U Office : Brewkr'b Rcildinq. Dcqueknr Wat, Cor. Eighth St., Pittsburg, Pa. Imy 6-ein. 5 -20 ' 3 AND iQQl's B0C6UT.SOID A!p BXCBX6Er . OX MOST LllCRAL TERDIS. IiocaiiT and Sold at Market Rates. COUPONS CASHED, Pacific Railroad Bonds BOrGIIT AND BOLD. Shjcl.s tlovght tj Slid on Commiss'vn Only. Account reeelved ami Interest Allow ed on Dally Balances, anbjeet to eberk at Might. rvo. 4.0 Houtli TUlllD Btroet, iiiBi.Aii:i.nn a. THE TAMTE FOlt Gumming Saws, IS THE BEST SAW GUMItlER! in Tin: voiti.nt roa sai t GEORGE HUNTLEY, EbensLur, ta. VALUABLE FARM fob SALIl ' An excellent Farm in Clearfield town ship, Cambria county, tciui-dis- tant niuesi rrom 4. nest springs and Bt. Augustine. I offered for j sale on reasonable terms. Paid Farm contains I FT V ACRES. about Forty Acres of which are cleared, having thereon a LOG HOUSE and a LOG BAKN. For further Information, inquire of CONNKR BrLKT, near the premise, or call on or address J. C. S?L LLI V AN, Bepti 15.-lm. Aitoona, Pa. UDITOR'S NOTICE The tinker. shrned Auditor, appointed hv theCoiirt nf Common Pleas of Cambria county to report distribution of the funds ia the Sheriff's hands arising from the sale of tho real estate of:Ter renceand Frank Hughes, No. 8 Sept. Term. lt70, to and amongst the lien creditors, hereby gives notice that he will sit at tbe Frothonotn ry's Office Johnstown, onl-Sfrfurdaj, Oct. 22, ISTOi at 2 o'clock, P. 3f when and where all parties Interested must present their claims or be de barred from coming in on said fund. . C. W. EASLY. Johnstown, Sept. 26, 1370. A uuitor. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letter of Admlnistratibn hpon the estate of Capt. Mark M'l-augblln. defcd. late of Wa.sb ington rwp., Cambria county, have been grant ed to the subscriber resldibg in SummitvtMo borough. Thoee having claims against snd es tate will please present them properly proven, and those indebted to the same ure requested to come forward and make pavment. ' PAUL McKENNA. 8utnmittvlHe, Sept. 27, 1870. Adm'r ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTIE.H Letters of Admiultrat1on v .ion the estat of Wllliart; Gwlnn, M. I dec'a, hity of Loretto borough, have been grantee to tbe subscribe ." residing in said borough. Those having claisii. against said estate wiU please present tbem properly proven, and thr.se indebted fo rhe. same are requested to come forward and rrteka payment. A.J.CUBISTT, Loretto, fpt. 26, 1370-t. Adai'r. TJISSOI.I'TIO.'V f lMriiicrrilp... The Vartnemhip heretofrr existing be yT0". O. Cunningham, John fifonebaek and U. Martin, In tbe Lumber business at Fortaye. Washington township, Cambria countv, la this ' dav dissf lvcd bv mutual consent. witness our bands this Sfth dav of August, 1S70. O. CUNNINGHAM. JOHN PTONKBACK, B. B. MA KIT X. aep-ai (By his Attorney. Jno. C. Martin.) . . j. TJJIITED SKCl'BITY LIFE IBIAII & T3UST Clffll OF PhNXSTLVAKIA. CAMBRIA COUNTY AGENCY., E. II. FLANK. M. D.. 1 GEO. A. BEIU1T, Metllcvi Examiner. J AQcnt, Ebenibarr, !'. HRQ. j- utrcu sioaa.