The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, October 06, 1870, Image 4

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    jmU i i i i tiii i iiwiwuiiiViii TirT;u i n ; .a r.,.n.mii mm u i . .1 1 iviTM1 J ' 1 1 ''ri r i"1. mi i
1870 1 Summer, 18?7d
1 am now prepared to ofier
My stoc.X consists in part of every v.trirty of
Tin, SIecl-Iron,
Spcti'i Anti-Dual
K015LE, TiilUiini asp PARLOR C00R-
. , . , .. ING STOVES, .
And any Conking Store tlesirsd I will get
when ordered at manufactuier's prices.
Odd Stovj Plates and Grates, &c , for re
pairs, on hand for the Stoves I sell; others
will be orcferprT when warftcd. Particular
attention given to
Spouting, .Valjeys. and' Conductors,
all of which will be rnkde out of Lest mate
rials and put trp by "competent workmen.
Lamp Burners, Wick and.'Chinmevs
., , VIW)I.1AI.E Oil 14KTA 1 1-
I would call particular attention to the Light
House Burner, .with Glass Gone, for giv"g
more liizht than any other in use. Also, the
" w Paragon Burner, for Crude Oil.
of all sizes constantly on Land.
Special attention given to '
Jobbing in Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron.
at lowest possible rates. '
Wholesale Merchants' Lists
now ready, and will be scDt on application
by mail or in persun
Hoping to see all my old customers ami
many new ones this Spring, I return my
most sincere thanks' for tho very liberal pa
tronage I have already received, and will
endeavor to please all who may call, wheth
er they buy or not.
Johnstown, March 7, 1867.
The undersigned. repectuUy informs the
citizens of Ebcnsburg and the public geuer
ally that he has made'a great reduction in
prices to CASH liUYERS. My t-took will
consist, in part, of CooMng, Parlor ami heat
xng Slaves, of the most popular kinds ; 7'm
ware of every description, of my own man
ufacture ; Hardware of all -kind, such as
Locks, Sciews, Iuft Hinges, '" Table Hinges,
Shutter Hinge., Bolts, lien anil Nails, Win
dow Glass, Putty, Table Knives and Fork;
Carving Knives and Forks, Meat Cutters,
Apple Pitrers, Pen and Pocket Knives in
great variety, Scissors, Shear?, Razors and
Strops. Axes, Hatchets. Hammers, Curing
Machines, Augers, Chissels, Planes, Com
passes, Squares, Files', 'Rasps, Anvils, Vises,
Wrenches,; Rip. Panel and Cross-Cut Saws,
Chains cf all kinds. Shovels. Spades, Scvthes
and SnatJ8 Rakes., F.ks.SIeh DelLj.
Shoo. ; Lasts. PwfcJVl Wait Drrstles.-- Clothe
Wringer. Grin.. Stones. .Patent Molasses
Gates and Measures... LuzjiLer Sticks; Horse
Nails, Horse Sinx-s. Cast Ateel, Rides-, Mhot
Guns, Revolvers, Pistols,' Cartridges, Pow
der, Caps, Lead, &c, Odd Stove Plates,
Grates and Fire Bricks, Well and Cistern
Pumps and Tubing; .Harness and Saddlery
Ware of all kind ; Wooden and Willow Ware
in great variety ; Carbon Oil and Oil Lamps,
Fish Oil, Lard Oil, Linseed Oil, Lubricating
Oil, Rosin, Tar,Glas?ware, Paints, Varnish
es. Turpentine, Alcohol. &c.
euch as Tea, Coffee. Sugars, Mol isses, Syr
ups, Spices. Dried Peaches. Dried Apples,
Fish, Hominy, Crackers, Rice and Pearl
Barley; Soaps, Candles; TOBACCO and
CIGARS ; Paiut. Whitewash, Scrub, Horse,
Shoe, Dusting, Varnish, Stove. Clothes and
Tooth Brushes, all kinds and sizes ; Bed
Cords and Manilla Ropes, and many other
articles at the lowest rates for CASH.
QO-IktL-e Spouting made, pain Vd and pm
rip at low rates for cash. A liberal discount
made to country dealers buying Tinware
wholesale. GF.O. HUNTLEY
Ebcnsburg. Feb. 29, 18G7.-tf.
raits?- katioxal -
Saddle & Harness Shop
The subscriber has commenced'. business at
his Old Stand on High street. West Ward, op-posite-iho
Union School House, Ei.enshrrp-,
Pa., where ho is manufacturing and is frep;ireil
to fin all oideis iu his lii.e at greatly reduced
prices. Desirous of patronage from all formei
patrons and the public generally. 1 invite them
to call, with i view of luving monev for them
selves, as 1 will positively furrish the bestHTid
cheapest woik tint ia or ean be m.icJe in this
or adjoiuin.r counties. Call and see samples
f my woik and learu mv priees.
' - M. M. O'NEILL.
Ebenshurg. March in. 1870. -tf. '
405 & 407 LiisKaiT Sxuekt, ofpomtk ins
Lnk.n Depot, Pittsbcegh. Pa.
yu- LANAHAN, - - - Proprietor.
A his House is newly built and srkndidiy
furnished, and convenient to all the Rail
roads coming into the city. The Restaurant
connect with this Hotel open at all hours
4f the day and night. ' foct.17.-ly
union house: :. '
h Propietor, spares no pains to render this
.hotel worthy of a continuation of the liberal
patronage it baa berttoiore received, llis
table wjII always be furnished with th
best the market aflords; his bar with the
best cl Jiquors His stable is large, and will
be attended by aa attentive and obliin
bostler. Jan SO. 1868-tf.
7 nut;-sf?oi offers
trm?hl: IAUM in l5L:ufelk k town
kijS OuiiUrta-cii nty, w ItWn oui7a?f
F 11JiTO,, CO' Pr.f,J'
x - r" isaIirJCs svipp!iscl -aith the
. fean? ; tke Ba is snpplk-,1 with
thaca liqnorr, and th Sriwat attealed by
rcol Traient vtii rs com-
uioJated and hotieis tken by the week
awath cs- jtar, on eifaojcaLI u-rnus. teb-'l'
Clil?lirr,, irAf ajnr,tAT i izen of iho I'nitcd States who hus nreviouelv
OllLiA lr t A 1 l.VJbiI'i 1 IV At titnA jjH.-Uitied voter of thj.s tit:'4'HU.l reifto'ved
, r t , , , j theretrownI rt.n-nei. tind wlrstnill have re-
PURSUAXT to n A t of- tbo eenerultJVse'jn- i sideit in tle c-te tion T!1trict and pajt rfTtr,"is
t)ly of the f'oiaiiK'iiwealtli of pfjiris.vlviif Ui, ( aforesaM, sluill be entitled to votafter rcMtUhjr
entitted "Ai;Ae rflatinjf JtlofWmnf of- hr tho State six months. Froriilcd. Ttmt the
tlii.s Commonwealth." apinnvoU ttie -'(! lay of I f rceir.oD clUztdie of tli TTnited fctate,' W2wet'n
.Inry.'A.l). im. JOHN A. BLAIlt. Illtrh Slier- ' tweirt.v-ruo t.n.1. twenty-two ycaif. :.:-whvTiAvo
ill of tht? Countr of Cambria, in the Common- j resi(ifl in an !leat!on listriot us aforpnidshall
wealth of lVrmsvlvnnia. do h reby make known j be erititlfnl trrToteaithough tht y sharr rfot have
and jrtve notice to tht- r.n'yKa cf the eounty i paid taxes. . ,
aforesaid, that an (ieiieral Kieclioii will be held : No; person shall be pjDrmittoa tJ vote whose
in the snld eouny of ('aiulji jj,. , A name Is not contained bv the list of taxable ln
VI TU"S5A7 ES& IhSEAT tf-KKBSJi, AiJ). 1S70, habitants furnished, by Commipjioners, unless,
f;r th;rn;ose of lectin the several personsj n,A
hereinnLter named, u: - " " - rw.sed HLM-er-ablv to the Constitution, nnd civ
wiittpcrsoii to.rtireseiu im.'-u-nm'ona on- j
jrressiuna! DistritH-. cniainl of tbefonnt-iesof
Cambria, Jiktir, Hiuitiusdoit and, MlSiiiuin the, I
Xatiouiti-Hodse of Tlepvesentatives.- ,
One. pcrsoii to mrcserit the Seventeenth Con- i
One person to represent the county of Cum-
bria in (;-nenil A"5Mnliv. -
One-wwsou for hitfh Sheriff of tbo county of
One person for County Commissioner,
tine iMtraun'-for JJirectorof Foor.aad iIo:se,
)ne perMu for Corncr ' " . 7 J
iirepiiu lumnmii .nuuum. ...
(me person lor Jury Commissioner. v - j
I nlso hereby make knoviumd--FiKXnotice
lat the place of luddimc tji-dforentid tdvcttou .1
i 'the several waribf, boroughe. districts jind I
Onewsuu for County Auditor.
t iiunJ;iw -:li:tll the coilutT oi' lul.-hl r,jiR
follows, to wit : if "
The electoi-s ot the district composed or the
townwiii ol Allesrhr-ny, to meet at the office re-
c'Otly-K-ciipied by M.Leavj', Kmj., dee'd, in the
boroujrli ot I.orctto.
The tskn tors of the district composed of the
townsliipV.f Adams, to meet at the School House
at Moses Krinr's. in said township.
The: Hie district eotutHHtd of"tlie
towristiip f BIiickti( k, to im-ttat the Louse of
Adam Makin, dee'd, in the villajre of Uelsano.
Ttio ercU'i's of the district composed of the
township. of" Cambria, .to meet ait,-io .Court
House in the boron jrh of ESiensbtir.
The ehCU'in of the djstrivt composed of the
township of Carroll, to meet at School Ifous in
Carrolltown bt)rouy-h.y
TTie electors of t';e listrict composed of the
ooroii-n qj. mnoingwir,
it, to meet tit: the "iehofjr
, , i
iistrltt corn posed ofthe i
IJcuscili sani Dortnijrn-
The . iTectoiu of l ho district com:
towTiship j C)nt-t to meet at tuo School House
on tlieiannTiT .tioyr-in?s;n.'C tn sain township.
Tbfc electors of .the distr ict ,eomioscl cf the,
boi oiiL-li of Chest Springs, to meet lit the house
of JiHKiii Wiiirner, in said boroujrh.
The electors of the district composed of the
township of Clearfield, to meet at School T-foli
3; Hdjoitiing- the villu(ie of St. Augustine, in
The i-lcctors of tho "district unipo"fr(l of the
towiship of Conemavtjrh, to m-ri-nt tht-Sc-hool
Hneal Sinjrer's, In said township.
The elei;Mir8 of th -lUtUicl .compose d of Ihe
borcruirh of Coneiiuuisrh, ti tneet as follows-:
l'irst VVard. at the house t- i'etcr jMaltzio, in
said First Ward ; Second Ward, at the house of
Thouii?ri;ulclille. 14 said S-oiul Ward.
The I'll etorS of the district composed of the
borough of Cambria; 10 meet ut fcci.ooi lU.iiao
Xd. 3, in' said Ix.rouh. v ' ' " '
The electors of tlic district composed -of tke
borough of Coopersdale; to inert at the School
Houee. In said borouyh. -,' ... . -
The electors of the district composed of the
township of Croylc to meet at tht; S-.ltool House
1 . 1 .,.. . 1 - . f . : 1 1 1 - : 1 -l . 1 -
iu me ijiiisiv 11 r'linLiH-iHiih in tuni'iownnip. ;
The electors of the district composed of the '
borough of Kast Con-mau!;h. to meet at the !
house of lianicl Confer, in Siiiil borough.
The electors of the district con.po-.od of the
bH"ouy;U of Kbensburr, to meet us follows : Kast 1
Ward, at the Court House, in said Ward: West
Ward, to meet at Jas. Myers Hall, in said Ward.
The eicfctors of tho district ooniiKised of-tiie.
borough tif I-Yanklin. -to lii&rt at the School
House,.iii said borough; - '.-; - - -.
The ek'ctors of the district comprised of the
township of taei 4it the School
House in the town of Onllftrtn, in said township.'-
Theeh-ctors of the cilstrfct cimposed ol tiio
township of Jackson," to meet'ut'the "house of"
Henry linger, iu said township.
Tho electors of the district composed of, the
borough of . .lohnstown, tu meet as follows:
Kiit V4iix.t Publte Sidiool lU.oni No.5,iiiidd
Ward; Second Ward, at the otlice of Joseph (.
Strayer, iq-i m Market stft t-U- in said Ward;.
Tlnid-iVara, at 'house of J'ohnllruOy. on Dunk
lin stre-t, in said Ward: Fourth Waid, at the
house of John Trcfts in saiil Ward: l-'ifth Ward,
at'tho Kernville Svhoid House in said Ward;
Sixth Ward, at the Johnstown Pottery iu said
The electors of the? district--composed of the
boroujfh of Lorotto',. to uKet ut the School
House in said boi-ouxh.' ' :
The electors -of the district er.mj.oscd of the
township of Minister, to meet at thi. M'an house
of Au. llurbin, iu the viliagele'Muiifter, in
ssdd township.
The elect t i s r.f the district obn"ipd'l f'the
txu-oiiMb of Millvilie, to meet et the l-'iankbn
House iu said boroii-h. i t u i j ."
The clec tor of the district composed of the
lioroiiffli of i'rospeetf r uict at the School
House in said borough. ' -,
The eleetcirs of the district composed of 1he
township of Kicliiand, to meet at the house of
Joejih (Jeis. in said township.
The 'lectors .f th" district composed of the
to.wnsMp of Sumiucrhill, to meet at the School"
House in the borough of Wilntore.
Tl-.e electors of the d:sUu;t composed f the
borough of Summitville, to meet at the School
HooMjni said Imh-ouv h. , .
The electors of the district composed of the
township ot Susquehaniia, to meet at the house
of Micitacl l'latt,-in sai.l-townsliip. a
. The electors pf the district composed of the
towuhip of Thj loi;. Iy meet at tieSc!uol llvuse
iiesr Win. Ileadru k's. in said tojrnshipv ; . is
The electors of the district composed of the
borough of Woodvule, tonicet at Ahool House
in said borough. ; .. . :
The elector's of the district 'coiiifmse't of fle
borough otWiinioro, to meet at School House
in said boroujrii.
The elector of the district composed of the
township of Washington, to meet at the School
House at the Toot of Plane Nu. 4, tn said tu p.-
The electors of the district eonmo-eil of 1 h..
tortiismp of White, to meet at School House
No. 1, iu said township. - , . . . ,. ., ,
The electors of tine district composed of the
township ot odor, to meet at the house of Wm.
A. Hicks, in said townshiy. . - .
The General Election in all the Wards, Town
ships, Districts and IJoroujrhs of the county Is
to be opened between Hie. huursof six ami seven
o'clock. in the forenoon, mid shall continue
without interruption or adjournment until 7
o'clock in the evening-, when all polls shall be
WYN " 1 JoitTHEit givk xotiCe,-us in and bv the
s,,Vrtljn " tl,fc 'for said A4 I am directed,
1 hat all persons execptin-r J ustloes of the
whAVt-.hU hold any t fik'c 'Or anpointjuertr. of
rrotit 01-rrusf under the jcoVn-nment of the
rmted States, or of this Stnte, or of anv city or
incorporated district, w hether a wnnm":ssio'nol
oincor or otherwise, a suboriliiiate or nyent-who
is or shall bo employed under the LcNIative
Judiciary, or Kxecutive Do. art m ems of this
State or the Ccitea Mates, or of 4111V citv-ov in
eortioratcd district, and lo r.t-r...,-"...,.'.!
Cnuirress.or of the State Legislature, aiid v the
select and common councils of auy ( ity,rafri-
An Act reial iuut to E!-ut ,..1
ui po-s, r,iro J Sre ,. t.f -Am-M -ilii
it is enn
enacted that the frnv-roiiij.- latii Section
shalt not t-e soerrrcrmrd as toprevent -n v ril
;uuvy olUcer ortborourli.oflic.r from servim-as
VM? or; biSjtctff 1- at in y .Kwn-ral. or si"i iai
eteciK-nlield iu this CommonwtBiHh.
Vr'.'V1' 01 a n1 3 "d0 of he elections sti al 1
"TE" .,hw. -fHective places appointed T.ll
iiol.lin.r th.. t .. 1. ... ? -I'l "." u ror
rVW ZfivV v . 1 1 yeuisinot to which they
respectively belong before seveu'cloojcin the
morninif, and -ach of said inspectors 1-
tl&&E nu.a o'rllronnt
tor shaU not attend on the day of any e CTion"
then tli person who thai! .LZ.J'i'P'
next highest number ofrotes for judge at "the
WlTr?)1. el" sbull act as in.nector in
his place. And iu csw tli
Lav received I the higlfet niinVberof rot Tfor
insiK-ctor shall not attend, th Z'rLZ L.r.
person who shall
SVifin " a.,,,H,iut a" inspector i,i bia pla.-e -
ce,vheahiL'he." "
pnmta judge-in hisoKand if n v vanfy"
have been elected, present t thn V,??, t'lE?or
f .".-F' tu'r "oappoiutcl tuiiri v
the person idling tlienlac'e of i'a. 'V' wi an incorporated district, is by law imHsnimr tniti.ens an opportnnit-v
incapai le of holding or exercising at tl.; sajife I Pfyform suhi.ri requisite or to become qual
tinic the oilicijorappoinuaontol 'yudjftnn- j fl, it shall Uuhedutv of fwerv porson
tor Or Clerk of any Klection of this Coin moil- I i"o.ff:v!r t,ri-e to all citizens of. tire Cmtod
v cult ii. ami that no lusiect or .1 ...'.,-..,....-.,- 1 Stat's the suiiie and e.nuil nnnn? -
1 . teVit ""'Vl'oloi-Oou, aUMVcli " suolijycceqiiisitnd to becomo quaiftvd
ri f u'rVX.V V" tor.--Also," bv to vot wnhonr disUuctiou of race." color, or
the 4tli Sect a.irVf the Act of Assvillv entitled I previous condition of servitude; and if any
j ne K'-uerai, special, cit v,c incornoraf cil rif
trict atid township- eh dti.S.s and ill t cction
for Elector of President an9ice PreSdcn t o?
'.L'1!10'1 States h?n beheld anjrt "tl
by the inspectors and JinVe Clfectt asJ etorp
said, and by Clerks ,in,nf,?f..x V IVrS.'.r?"
- - -.LluUlltl
Z?Zr of the election of the district who
rtSAvebAVal-'iifi'atfg sesseor8, if?,"?" Hwa. at nryoTncein Ebens-
! i
tors ji.u tno juiije, vr.tcftf?el 011. in refi- I ' , i .InifJ A TTAjl .'s
time to tirnoi-vqiiire. -m shu l0m f ,Vc,.n artnershsp ketofore existing be
- No person ahaU -be permitted t. ... -5 VrUC Vr?W"m: ",0i' Ptoneback anl It.
. .... 1 . . . 1 . . . - - - - - ' .- it 1 ri 1 .- 1 . - - - - - Hi.i . 1 1 r v 1 mm 111 inn inuii.m.
1 evectwio. as aioresiiut. w.hA,,h.n n.-:r ? i luisiriess nt Pttrtiim..
satisiaetory evuaeuotv fcitner liis
firmation or the oath or affirmation
that he has .paid, such atax.oron tai
Oueen reeeipt. shall make oatii to t
on at anoth-r,
failure to pro-
o ttit mtrmpnt.
thereof. Seeorul, if lio claim the rffrht to -vote
ty Im iiir an eleiUr uutween the nre of twentv
oneiupd twenty-two jrears, he shall depose-Vm
oath-orflirmttHorV t-hat ho has resided frrrTiis
riioifi.and make srieh prcif of ifsideneV in the
ciistriet as is required by this act, aud that he
-1 loes verily believe from the nccount jriven him
,.T Mir. is oi. l no. a tre ntoresiud,;find siiCIi otner
evidence as 1s reqniwd by this act : whereupon
the name of the person thus admitted 0- vote
'hall be inserted in the alphabetical listfcyjjie
inucctors and a not tnade opposite thereto lir
wrtturKLThtr-word" "tax." if he shall tie ajiimittod
rTovtt4'y ndson of havimr paid tax, or the
""woiu -nee, iruiHFrnu ne a!mittel to vote bv
reason'of'wk-ir?: and tho same shall Wen lied
out to the clors, who shall make the likd-rtwtos
on the list ofWera ket-tjf Ij'CiiT
In nil eases Where the' 'lValrio W flo-pnnn
elaimiujr to vote is found on the list; furrrfslrrd
liy the commissioners and nsxessor, or his rifrht
t vote, -wiiether'f onnd thoreoii tr m.-1s ob
jected to by any ouaTified citizen; it shall betlie
duty of the inspectors to examine &irt'h erson
on oath as to his qualifications', and if ho i-latin
to have resided witlitu. tba Statefor.Mie yeaf'or
more, lit onth rtnll-not tie wuftifeiont jiroof
theroof. but be(hill inakftjiroyf by irt fra.t one
competent witness, who si'.alllie a mfa'Cfied e fee
tor, tliat he hairei-idi d in the district; for iiifiro
tT:an ten days next immediatelv iii-eceilfno- siich
- ttion, nnd shahV ls himself swenr that his
i'iiii tide residence, in nursViauce of -his lawful
rsIiiJiir. is in uQ jifFtiirt.'and thatheTdd nt
remove intrrsl cUstijet for the purjnse of vo-
iji'i i Herein.
shall make due pronfVif r".jnired. of his resi
dence nnd payment of taxes a aforesaid, -sluill
bo admitted to tlie-tci-vrnsli;! ward-ir
district. in Svhich rf.'nrti1f-e'B'P.p. m
Tf any person shall prevent or attempt Krpre
vent any oflicer of any election uhrW 1 ht A t
from holding jb eli oletii on. or use threaten
iirrr violence to anysiren ftrtcef. orV .! Tnfr
rupt or improperlv interfere with liim ?Tt flie
execution of his duty, or jHnM 1 lock up the
window or avenue to anv "idn..wTf,lii13:e
same may be hwldinor. or shall riotoiwlv dfstrivb
tliCtieaeeat such election," or shallTtse nnv in-timiiiatui'-t
thrents. force or vioience With de
sicrntoinf!wetee unduly or overawe any elector,
or -to prevcut him-from Ttninvr, or to restrain
.rlio.frecioui of choice: snoh v.orson. oti"inic
tion. shall be fineil in any su not exceeding
live htndred dollars mid l imprisonel for anv
time not ltf"-"s timn three nor more thpn tw(i'c
months: imA if itslnill ho shown to the court
iv where the trial of ueh olfense shall le luid, that
tnepei-son so otrtuhns- was oot :if- resident if
the city, ward, district or towiwb'p where the
oirense was committed, nnd nor oiftftted to vote
thewin, then, on conviction, he shall he sen
tenced to pay a tine of not less than one hundred--nor
more than one thousand dollars, and
be imprisoned not less than six month" Ttor
more than two years.
, 1 f any pu-oanot by law qualified .-shall fraud-ulentrttto-jt
titir eh-etion of thi Common
wealth. oi4.cnr pttierwise qualified, shall vote
out of his propel- district, or if dnv person kitow
inr the waut of such qualincaiiuBdjall aid or
procure such persm to vote, the- n offending-
shall, on conviction, lie lined in imvfimi not
exceeding two hundred "dollars and lie impris
oned li) any term riot cxecedinir three months.
If any person shall vote at more thafi diepiee
fion district, .or otherwise franrtnlentlv vote
more tluin enc5 An t Uesume duv, or tohalj'fraud
ulently fold and deliver to the inspect jt two
tickets ,U'KOt her, with the iateirt ilicfraliv to
vote, or shall frrocu re -another to do so. Uo or
they offending litll, on conviction. beflnwUin
any sum not less than fifty nor more than five
hundred dollars, and be imprisoned focntt term
not les than three nor more than twelve iftomiis
If any person not qualified to vote in this
Conu'wuMveotth nxrw-ably to law (-xnert the
sons of Oiiolified citi.ensi shall apnea r it'm'y
phu-e of oeti-n for the purpose of'jnt'.uencin"
the oitioi onplJlW to vote, he shall. -Jtr onu
viction, forfeit and pay any sum not oxceWVujr
one hundred dollars for ev'erv such offense, and
be i tn prisoned for any term not ex ceedi?:-three
moiithi : "v v
AN" Act rea-ulatiiifr the mode of votiifjS afnll
the cloctioiis in the several eonntw-s of this
. Coimikon wealth, approved 3f9rchtiili, JM&a
SkCTIO. 1. r.e if flia'lr,! lrt. fh.Frtor- mul
Jn$.t,f ? ire.f Htativr of ihe C:inxuAnr olth ,f
I'fiiiisnlrariia in (,t ,ra! f .. rnirni wrrt U
I' tcJiii im,trtrl hit ttt'v.thrihi tifjtir'.trmrl Tnat
theqnalitkd voters of .-the several ciunties or
this Commonwealth, at the tri-neral. tTwnstfip,
beroitifh or special election, arelfereby. "tieVe
auer.. au1hori d and reu(ped to vte, Uv pic
kets, priiited or written, or pnrtlv print ful'ad id
partly written, serernlly classified as follows-:
One ticket shall embrace the names of all judg
es of courts voted for. and be labelled eutide
'.Judiciary:" cpn ticket shall emnvacethenames
of all Statf olticevs voted for. and be lahtdlod
"J-tate;" one ticket hali embww-oH" names of
all county oflieera tt,-9 for, Ant bo' lfibeliwl
'.'County :" one ticket shnll co.l.i .... n,t.
i of aJIU.wiisMipfliycs voted for. and beiii-belled
. w i. -unji, 'w- wl u.i 1 1 -ii: vnt( 9 cj if
ot all boronsrh oflicers voted for. end be labelled
"Huroujrh ; and each class shall tc deposited in
separate ballot-boxes-. a ,
"SEcnifMs . Tho rihtof citizens of the rjii
ted Spates to'r.te sfealijiot be denied ccnUrieirvifl
by the T nlted Staff s, or by anv State, on ac
count of race, color,, or lrevious eouditj.m of
servitude." 5- i -. - ' s -' - -
- - -- - - 4. if : f
' OFiLAIiCHcl. . .
"SEcriox -li-jfr it lu, mt A Vmul
Jlivsc ot Hriwcxrntalircx if Die Ci, it'll Striirx of
.ijiiirivn in Coiiin r ( mhh tt. That all citizens
of the T'nited Stilt es"w)to ,ine oVshillf be Vthi f
wise qunlirled to vote at' anv eelfrm 'by the
Ieople, in any State. Territory, district, county,
city, parish, township, school "district, munici
pality, or other territorial sub-division, shall be
entitled and allowed tft-vote at all ueh elec
tions, without distinction raef, color, or pre
yioim condition of, nay Coivtiwitiou,
JU'v. custom, usare or regulation of any. State
or Territory, or by or under its authority, to the
t ."S-p.-J, At1 le It firV?rreiiart,-d, That if by
Or under the authority of the Constitution or
jr-shall iM-KdniTjiO'l vjrti the performance of
t hereby, to be wcovered limm ,.tv.n ,1,,.
case, with full costs and fueh. allowance for
romisebfeesas the court shall fl-m-jifst., ami
sha I also, for every such offense, be deemed
gui'tyof a misdemiiiuims and shaih on coin-io-tioti fined not less thfH.fivelnift4rcrt
ctoliars or be imprisoned not less than one month
ir, -1 year,or .bofcbr4t the ii-
cretiop of tljacourt." jja j;
. LEGISI.ATITKE IW-VAPl'JL, 6, A. p. if.Q.t .
- -Pec. in.'ThatW mm h of errv Act of Assem
bly as provides that only white freeiiH n ate c-n-
i--i y1' r ne Tutored s, rr s
claiming to ote at itygetHrnl r sroi-rt ele--tion
of this ( onimonwcalth, be and the same is
Jiereby repenU'd; und that hereafter, ail fw--tnen.
wuhout disUnetioo of color, shall be n-
lh:' n1'1 'CK istered according to the provisions
a l,e ?X?o "e'-tion of the net approved lTth of
April, 1SC9 entitled "An .Fuppte
IhiTf ?L., C" a JT.'arinr to the elections of
Vnl,iC, ,nl.,rveah: an'1 whpn otherwise qual
it ;2i er thee-3i5ni? Iaw,t entitled;, rote
fnonuSTaT PPCCtal clcctlous ln this Com-
cJ.o"inLt0-tb?-proviot1!' ntalned in tho
fhX V.!?'.''!0' ttie Act first aforesaid,
the judges of "the aforesaid districts shall re
spectively take eh.rge of the certificate or rr-
..iVvi,i uoa m taMr rencetiv Btticts,
and rrofliiee.-them-at-a' meetinrof ontrudge
from each district at the Court Hon sef in tho
JrougftofKbensbtirg on fv ttiird aveAer
then mat there to do anV pVrfon Ue Sut eVf
, o;Vt ; iA;.' '.JJV1-:' '. " .wcanoss or una- uuaoie to attend such meet-
, , " 'l oy one oi the
f itness our hands this ,tl, day of August,
VAi:,,jN am, 7
"Jin (iEU vriv
(By his Attorney, Jno. C. Martin.)
satisfaetory evidence either im hisoiUvir f-
" tihic, or tne laws or anv Territory,
any aeC t or shall be required to be -doneas a
prerequisite or qualification for voting, and bv
such ( onstikiition or ln- iw-yonc r ..o;,.,..,
such person or officer shall refuse oi-iiiowlrigl'v
omit to givo full effect tq thi section. lu-Bl ali
lor every such offense, forfeit an.rpav thc'uei
ot nve hundred dolhn- f.. '. -t. 1
the cliitnr.F.xdr attiS.
by c. norkixs.
Sr enk kinuly, I fray, to the children of Erin,
To Patrick, and ijargaret, 10 Bridget and Bar-
- -' ney- ; -..'"'.'
As hardly they toil in the lnncT of the' stranger
l''or the lone ones who dwell on the banka of
Their eyes they are bright, their cheeks they
areTOsr,'1' - ' '
They sii;g as they toil at reaping or sowing;
But the sonps ttat they sing breathe. a. spirit
; - J rf c-.rlri oca--- ....
That tells of the land where ' the shamrock ,is
growing. , . ,
In country, in town, in city, 'in village.
In farm-house aud dairy ; at the mouth of the
cannon , - '
The children of Erin forever, are creaming
Ol the ki.d that id watered by th waves of the
They dreani of the cabin that stands on the
hillside ;
Of.4he recu, sunny meadows' i where the prim
roses bloom ; , ,
They d.eam ot the fields where in childhood
they played, ,- . '-,
Of the willow tlmt weeps o'er a young broth
tr's tomb.- , , .-. . -:; -
In far diant lands, wherever they roam.
Mid the snow of the North, 'neutlt the palms,
of the South .
Erin's warm hearted eons, in their dream3 still
To the Rrecn j-le of thdr home, to the land of
their birth. . - ,
, . i w , ,
Autl sad is the heurt
As she thinks o. a lar away lather or mother,
And her blue eves are dimmed with the tear-. !
. dropsofsorVoV - ' 'j
As she dreams of abright-eyed.sister or brother;. I
TUn an.'i;t.;u'"'t ' t- , '-',,i'i !
Then speak Lmdlyvl pray, to Wapoor chiU j
To rat.iek?a?id Margaret, to Bridget and Baf- j
' ney --. , ,.' ' . ,l j
As haidlvtheyifcoiVir. the latd of the etrangei
For the lone ones who dwell on the babks of j
kiHansev. .
TT"" .. !' J -"""""" ' i
Vka vikg. The Egyptians were theearl'
esf 'manufacturers of linen and other cloths
and thi jiWiJtiiUs. yf tlnsr Iounls were eager
ly conght by fv.reig'u nations-. On the eld
mocumeuts atTUtchere .are'', lictore of and ' weav-wra at work ; and n though
the reireantatioBa phuw. the! inacliiiies
have been exceedingly- crude,.yet k is certain
that by tins means -man j very fino speci
mens ivcre inanufactuK-d. .' This srtaetnent
is cofrobcrated by tlie fact that at the pres
ent time the I! indoos produce , exquisite
muslins from their mde looms, the same in
constinctien as those used by the ancient
Egyptians. Oa these pu'metive .contrivan
ces of beam, Leu'dJe ,iisl.ley, as depicted 011
the crumbling .tombs, .the fin elastic and
durable uiummy-cloth was 'woven for,tbe
dead. " ' 1 ' .,. - . . . ,'
Weaving was a special employment in
sotrro (jfthd larger towns or Greece; but jrj
tbstage of the woild it ts eotial
item t f female education to know. how to
weave ; hence almost every dwelling had a
h om at. which the wcruenworked.-
The ancient Komaiis.nsed every indnce
ment to encourage domestic industry. Spin
ning and weaving constituted the principal
occupation i,f the women. It was considered
a better qualification for women than wealth.
SisucLAK-FaEAK ofa Ued Pird. Mrs.
Ntdbam, who recently died at .Sale ml Ind.',
had a fihe red bird and a cage of canaries. 1
The red bird refusing to slug, she placed it
m.the cage with the canarie.. '-.Between the
birds the most affectionate frTendship grew
up." 'When' .the nestling season of the cana
ries would arrive, tho' red bird would sdiff-r
thenr to pull euf his' feathers to make
thtir nest from, and on such oceasiens he
was almost entirely Gripped cf-hls jdumaa'.
When taken from the canaries-the red bird
refused to sing, aud not a note could be co'
trD frouiLim until he was placed amou- the
canaries. . - ,. J , . ,. .
When Mr8.Nedham was upon her deat h
bed she ordered the red biid to be brought
to her. She. took it into her hands and 'ca
ressed it tenderly. . r3h'then Lad a window
opened near-her bed and placed the bird
injt raw&FMWSiUxny .lutiful ii.V
He bird sat,, uj..on the window for a few min
uets, and mounting into' a shrub near by he
poured forth' his ' richest "song 'for about a
quarter of an hour1. thetLplutijng his wjD"S
he lie w away to the woods; white. to soul of
bis .kind liberator almost immediately took
its departure to the spirit landv ; '
Two "Lone Womes." The Topeka
(Kansas) Lecord says: Sotne three years
ago two maiden ladies appeared in the vi
cinity of Osawkee. They built a cabin of
poies, which they carried on their shoulders
over a quarterf a mile. Iq this habitation
they havo resided ever since, with-no-protec-tor
tveept a large and savage o -Thy
bought no land, but. invested their money in
M,;1.11 Ltive.19 head of cattle.
.48 bop, S .horses, am a large "outfit" of
Keese, cWckens, etc. They manage all their
T "Ti tra'J,,action8'" without any outside
aidrri hey cpt and pat np thefr own hay
chopHWow wriori; and tlo-thesame
amount ior. xrk that two men woartt'do
under the same circumstances. They have
no society, but appear to be women of fair
education . The history of these women
prior to their appearance in their cabin on
the place, and the cause which, led them to
adopt thia singular mode cf life, are involved
i .:;
human little pf merb ?nirr,ality is there:
in it that it Is practised only in its fullest
pcrfc9tion arnona.ibe rnoetrefioed andctV
,'dtzed of. human specie. A -CommMi place
perfcon slanders only his enemies.' and that
too. on the strong provocation of rivalry, or
r - "v. pumrnui ana "pressm"-. interest
biead ; and there are never two or three of
them sathered together, but it is the staple
of their ordinary discourse. If it were req
u.s,to to an accurate definition of what
constitntes poltte conversation, one mi-ht
discnbe it as turning wholly ou persons, a'nd
nevcy upon thtjdiscussionoftWn-s.
Go into twenty fashipnabldfawuig roomsor
p0":!!1041 m of them jou: will
find the theme of discourse to be neither lit
erature, politics, nor
. , vv.ux-.nio merits
(that is to say, the demerits, for. the absent
has just left the room, or had dtherw-istt in
f identally heen brought upon the tapla
Ricnssthe man with good, firm health
is rich. . '
So is the man with good clear conscience
bu 13 the parent of vigorous, happy chil
dren. ; . ',. '
So is the clergyman whose coat the little
children pluck, as he passed them on their
play. " . .....
So is that wife who has the whole heart of
good husband. , ";. ;
" So is the maiden wh o?e : horizon is not
bounded by the 'coming man,' but who has
a purpose in life, whether-she er ntv;
or- not. -i i t- : . .. ...
. So is the young aan who, laying his band
on his heart, can say, 'I have treated; everv
woman I ever saw as I should wish my sister
o be "treated by other men." i' -
- - -- - ' .
The Kidneys are: two in number, situated at
the upper part of the loin, surrounded by fat,
and consisting of three parts, viz : the Anterior,
the Interior, aud the Exterior.
The anterior absorbs. Interior consists c it tis
sues, or veins, which serve as a deposit for the
urine ann con vey it to the exterior: ' The exte
rior is a conduct or iilso, -terminating in a single
1 tulie, and called a Ureter. The ureters airein-
IIV IVLVA n llll 1113 ui.i'iv.v 1 i
. . 1 - 1 . ,'' I re ' ' . . 1 1
The bladder Is composed of various coverings 1
or tissues, divided into parts, via.: the Upper, i
the Lower, the Ner-ous, ami the Mucous. The
upper cJtpcls, the lower-retains. Many have a j
desire to urinate without the ability: other. '
urinate without the ability to retain. This fre
quently occurs in children'.-' r
. To cure these affections, wo, must bring into
action the muscleg, wjijch engaged in their
various functions. I f they are negloc ted, G ravel
nnd Dropsy lnay -wisue. - - " ; .
The reader must 'also be -made aware, that
, r , ....
However si :gii 1, may oe ine airacK, lr is sure 10
our llesh Jind biood ure'suj-porttd from these
,.-,-, .a '
suurtxs- - . : "! ,
Ooct, or ItnECMATisM . rain oecnrtng in tlie
lwnis is indicjitivc of the above diseases. They
0,(.UP in p0r?oll8 0?crl to at,a 6tomath una
ch:'fcyrt,bns. ' . I V V - ;
Tn Gravei,. Tlie gravel ensue from oe
gleet or improper treatment of -tho kiduej'&-
These organs being weak, the water -is not ex-i
polled from the blad.let-. butllowed torenveinj
it-leeom fot-erlvh. nnrtitimTit flrtrtnii T Tt fa
front thiV deposit that the stohe is foriid,"-and
frrSvt l ensues. "' " " ' ' ' ml-
" ' - ' - -i 11 . ' f - i k . v I t .
Bjioi'SV is a collect ioiij of ;-fraJ, income parts
of the body, and bears diffeij'ij nJOWj-x;ord-i
ing to tins putts affected, :M:z"j wlxiirlr'gtf traJlj
difTuseil. o- n. tin body, it i.s-allf d A'uiU'-caj
when sCie abd.nnen, Ascitas wiimi f the
chest, HydrotUvortijc. . : 1 .. .
r - ' 1 .,1 f- - . ,
.TitF-ATMEKT. Ilelmbohl's hijrhlj- concentra
ted compound Extract Buchu is decidedly one
of the best remedies for diseasce of the Lltulder,
kidneys, giavc-U diopsjcal S'.vejlings, rheuma-ti.-m,
and g-outy afTcctious,'; Under thl head a-?
have arntnged Dysuria, or difficulty and rain in
passing water, Scanty Secretion, or small and
frequent discharges of wate; Strangury, or
stopping of water; Hematuria, or Woody rine;
Gout and Rheumatism of the kidneys, without
any change in'quantify, but increase in coler,
or dark "water. It was nlwayn highly recom
mended by the late DrVPhyeick, in these affec
tions."' ' ' ;" - ' -' ' ' - , -s.
This medicine increases tlie power of diges
tion and excites tho absortents into healthy no
tion by which the wntiiyor oaloerous deposi
tions, and all unnatural enlargements, as well
as pain and infhunma Inn, are redneod, and it is
taken by men, women, and: children. Direc-
ons for use and diet accompany. -
. Pjiiladelpitia, Pa Feb. CT., 1S67.
II. T. IIelmkoij), .Drufe'gLsf : - ... .
Deas Sir. I havo leu asuCei f r, for upward
of twenty years, with gravel, bladder, and kid
ney affect ions, during which time I have used
various medicinal pre partitions, and beeTi-tiiidcr
the treatment of tho most eminent Physicians,
experiencing butUittle relief.
. Having soon your preparations cxtr-nsively
ndvertiscd, I consulted with my family physi
cian in regard to using your Extract Isucui.
I did this because. I had used nil kind of rdver
tised remedies, nnd had found them worthless,
nnd some quite injurious; in fact. T despaired
of ever getting well, and determined to use no
remedies thereafter unless I knew of the ingre
dients. It Was this that prompted tne to ii.-o
your remedy. As you advert fred that it was
Composed of buchu, ctibcbs nnd 'Jtir.fpcr berries,
Itoeeurrei to me and my' as an excel
lent combination, and, with his ud ice, after nu
examination of the article, an 1 consulting again
with the druggist, Iconcluded to try it. I com
menced its use about eight months ago, at which
time I was confined to my room. From tho first
bottle I was astonished and grntified at the ben
eficial effect, and after using it three weeks, was
able to walk out. I felt much like writing you
a statement of my case at that t hue, but thought
my improvement might only be temporary, nnd
therefore concluded to defer and see if it would
effect a perfect cure, knowing then it would be
of greater value to you and more satisfactory
I am now able to report that a cure is effected
after using the remedy for five months.
. I have not used tinynotr for three months,
nd fcV as well in all respects as I ever did.
Your Buchu being devoid of any unpleasant
taste and odor, a nice tonic and inrigorntor of
tne system, I do notrneatttobc without it when
ever occasion may require frs use fft sueli affec
.tions.' - ? " - JI. MvbCOKMICK".--
Sho.uld any doubt Mr. Jle-Coriuiok's statement
he refers to the following g-entlomcn :
Hon. William Bicleh, ex-Governor, Penn
sylvania. Hon. Thos. Florence, Philadelphia.
,IIon. J. C. Knox, Judge, Philadelphia.
Hon. J. S. Black,. Judge, Philadelphia.
Hon. D. It. roiiTEH, ex-Goveruor, Pennsylva
nia. T ''.''- r .".
Hon. Er.r.w Lewis, Judge, Philadelphia. '
Hon. VT. A. PoRTEitj City Solicitor, Philadel
phia. ; -1 -
'' Ifon. .Totin, ex-Governor, California.
Hon: E. BANksAuditor General, Washing
ton,' TJC. '
And many others, if necessary. "
-'-!. 1 : . . - - .
; t?r PoId "by Bruggists and pealers every
where. Beware of counterfeits. Askfornelm
boiaB. Taienoothef. Price-13 per bottle,
or six bottles for 6.50. Delivered to any tid
dress. Describe symptoms in all communica
tions. h. t. heCmbold;
ii- Cull
594 BMUay, Xew T'orlc.
Done up in Steel Engraved Wrapper,
,. . . AI SIGNED
Juho 23,18TO.-ly. ' ' -, . .-
J5I. . .Ii.'" OATMAK
Ebensburg, and. vicinity
. . -; . . 1 s -
TENTIST1J V. The underfclgn'cd, a
-M- . graduate ?
of the- Ilalti
more Coi'ege
!.-... " -
of Dental Sur
pery, respect
fully ou"ers his
services to the
-Ai 5T TTi
citizens of Eb-
ensburg and vicinity, which place he will visit
on the;OuuTii Io;ia5. .of each month, to re
oiaia one week: .-..'..--
Auel3. SAM'L BELFOKD, t). D. S.
Altooita. Pa.,
Operative and i Mechanical DENTIST.
,',Pflice removed to'Tirginia street, opposite
tite-Xulheran church. Persons from Cambria
county--or ehewhere who pet work" done by tne
tpjthe a mount of Ten Do!l:ir5?ind upward, will
have the railroad fare deducted from their bills.
All woKK WAMisiHi. Jan. 1, IcGD.-tf.
TK D. W. ZIEGLER, urseon Den
M-7 tist.will visit Eoenbiirg pro
fessionally on theHECOKD ilo.v
j v of p.i r-h . mn-r f h n rl -mm sit '
ue wctikj" duriu which tune he
may )e-4ound at the Mountain House.
E3JTeeth extracted without pi5n "by the use
of titrate Oxide, or LaugLItij G:i9.
MET)IC A Iv-?A HD. Dr. E. J. Dm
KELL'ims coiumenofd tho practlor- of med
icine iu Cliest Spring-?, famr.rhi crajntA-, 1'a.
Office over the store of E. II. Nutter. Alli-ro-ffcssiorul
calls respomlcfl to promptly .it any
hour.uf.the eUiy eir nig-ht. je3.-3m.
7 II. PLANK, RI. D., tenders his
professional services to the citizen? r-f
EtK.nsturH- and vicinity. Office on Iliirh sti-cer.
oppoit the now Congregational chureh, Kast
Ward.- JVin-ht tails can be mud at the late rosi-df-iK-e
of Dr. H. S. Bunn, Wost Ward. myl2.
iTrj All I S O X7L D.,
- , " 1 I.ortto, Cambria toM Ph.,
Tenders his profe?siuil service to such of the
citizens of I be above place and vicinity ha may
reqtir; medical aid - April ili.-ly.
lAilES J. OATilAX, 31. D.,
tenders Lis professional services as Phv-
sio;tn aud Surgeon to the citizens of Carroll-
tewn and vicinity. Office in rear of build
ing tccupied by J. BucR & Co. as a store.
Night calls can be made at bis residence, one
door tou,tb of '.A, Ilans tin- and hardware
store. May 9, 1SG7.
m J. LLOYD, successor to 11. S.
m- Dhkk, Dealer in Drugs, Medicines,
I anas, tfc. Store on Slain street, opposite
the "Mansion Ilcuse," Kbenshurg, Ta.
October 17. 18G7.-Cm.
ITTORNEY AT LAW, JoTinstovn, Pa.-
fl Onrce m the Exchange building, on the
Uorcer of Clinton and Locust streets up
stairs.,;' Will attend to all business connect
eJ with his profession.
Jan. 31. 1867.-tf. . . - '
ITT0RNF,Y AT' LAW, Johnstown Pa.
II CHlice tn biiUdins: on corner of Main -and
Franklin street, rprosite Mansion House,
second doer. Entrance on Franklin street.
Johnstown. Jan. 31. 18G7tf.
(j .L BERSIIIXG, Attorney-at-
" Law, JoJuistoicn, Pa. Office on Frank
lin street, upstairs,- over John Benton's
Hardware Store. Jan. 31, 1667.
XV. EASLY, Attoknet at Laav.
Office. No. 108 Franklin strpt. .lnhna.
town. To. , two doors North cf Frnzei'j Drtir
Store. Will attend promptly to all manner of
legal business that may be cr.trusted-to him.
A. KOPKI.IK. ' - - -. - T.W.DICK.
.Johnstown. Ebensburg.
KO PELIN '& DICK, Attokxeys-at-LAW.Ebensburp.
Ta. Office with Wm.
Kit tell, Esq., Colonade Row. oct.22.-tf.
R. L. JOHNSTON'. , - - J K SC yl
Attorneys at Law, - -. .
Ebensbur, Cambria co.. Pa.
Office opposite the Court House.
Ebensburg, Jan. 31, 1867.-tf.
XITS AT Latt. -Rhpnahnrtr P, rm
High street, immediately east of Huntley's
hardware st6re.J ap.8,'61).
" "Law, Ebensbnrcr, Ta. ' OffictMn rooms
recently occupied by Geo. M. Reade1 Esq ,' in
Colonade llow. Ceutre street. aug.27.
O-EO. SI. R E A DE, A ttornsy-atLaie,
Ebensburg, Ta.' Office in new building
recently erected on Centre street, two doors
frpra High street. lau-27.
JTTORNEr AT LAW, Ebensburg.-Pa.
ll Ofhce on Centre stret. opposite Linton's
I i t ill - w .
Ldan. 31, lSG7-tf.
' F. P. TIEllNEY,
ITTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Pa.
EL Office in Colonade Row. '"--Jan.
ITTORNEY AT LAW; Ebcnslmrg, Pa.
U Oatce m Colonade Row, Centre street.
Jan. 31. 1867.-tf., -
a TTORNEY AT. LAW, Ebensburg Pa.
11 Otuce-on High-street;-adjoining his resi
dence. ,. ; ! - tJ 01
... va.ll 01, lOUI.-U..
Trfn V"UV'' roUtgwn, Cambria Co.; Pa.
attlnt ,? aud a11 lSal .busurs- promptly
attended to. . .... . Jap 3i;-18of.
HI. KINIvEAD, Justice of the rcace
th. 'Office removed to
Es rmc.y occupied by M. Haon,
Esi.,dcc'd. on n.-h St., Ebensburg. jl3
. t .-
----.,..oou aud cure, ScrV
I I tn. and all n'I'C
If,! I.. .1 .u'
lish for , ""'?.,
I . Pleasure in,
ILfla (Tilt
j-i';-'T.''c?u:ts-0liei '
,ies ot your nieJIcice t '
'of Scrofula of io,,,
"i:'u'y.rai,roviCSOlid JC
J'ncAc,n;o!:-nrethut t.VT:
("fiVi -r 1 I- 1
lid ficd it ' .m"
ihe ha nv-ej hr,fsja,;,.;;i;-
la and S.-m(,.. ,.''.,r
, - . . ...aiif.n v, ,.,... -
: torv reiiilri.. ' .,"
' :knownowt.erren)e(j
I LSamui g M-F..iri;;
I . 1 enn 1 k '
rnsnwrn - co.i r .- "a
it for my brotfcerj ho .
"sore eves.
I lienj. Becl.tol.ofLiB40
jhave snffercd for LOtM!? ,
r.uj.i ,,u over my
" 1 lOS"ii'.i.
saJ;ilis and it effected L''
- l.'k...! .it. :-tj 1 '-
t it av, Euenslinrs, H!.i i)ru
kS !'iT, . L'l,"-tr. 6t tij
KJ U-altinmre. CLEijVj-?
j nilll I, 1CU. IT.
5-20 ' s
BOUGHT, BOLD AND rt-gtfj. '
-.. v!jS-Q3DBL,-5
Hocgiit ano Soij) t iliiir:
Pacific Eailrcail:
!t , EOrGOT A5D S9U
JSiocIi. Bovgid cj- SAl m
First Mortgage 7 F. C. &
- F mle nt 9 end rna
Account rrM licdatiil Intw
f C-U on Daily Ilalanro. t
' '.' " - to vv-Leck at irL '
-1 .
Vo. 4o ot Trrrni
nnrrrTHTrr'niT ttti? mmn
"JL e3:if Lii li!nnr.ce Coarti
insa in Aln?J:iv.iiu;iia, izityw.
the laws f - th:U Stste, ii.-trsN-to
her Policy HolJer". l!;nii
loan of pterunx cn bile PiiiAiet
and v pt.Kiiii aii liiecaiiaii"-
members to Ii.r-ur itce. Hives uik-i
ranee attainab for tLe rrAa:i
vested.' Its prcf.t? sred'vijreuK
icy Holders, and its fcivfcwa "sin
less than 5d ptr -ent.. thw h'
cot of the Iiia-.irnnce wit! in u5.
means, and afc -rdii :g tlieprttewa
on ten nis not eiie:!ed b unj Ci---
Trustworthv ur.d reliiib'eaaii'!'-
act' as agents lor this t'oicy:'2
and adjoining countie;, tti
libeial arrangements wi'lbee
who maybe uaacquaic'.ed w:i w
full instructions and aid will b
ly rendered whenever d:k'vVi--
- COi'Ei JGDs-
- AesuforC1
Hove & Ncktox. Geoertl Areps '
Avenue, Pittsburgh, P-
"Poor women are on wertir'
cry for bread, because lei;--
iiieri ueu
All policies ncn forfeit-
payable at deal'n t'- J4"
Ecoxomt in mansgeaiect,CiU--tion
of risks, Fucsrw V
death claims, and SecciT.
of its immense iuuds, 3rer?
have always character;
- Special 4?st
The subscriber still conSBrajJ
of the best materia!
. workmanliiiec-'-jf,.
Loretto Harblej-
all. kind of MOXUME$:
STONES, as we'd as TAfcjjS,
TOPS, and all other wor ,
but- the best American a
nsed, and perfect wt'1'
all cases at prices as 10
be obtained in the cities "el
and see spectmet.s auu s-.t
.1 .tPArm'.Tr V-
Loretto. March Vl
. i-
Grocers and Cemrog '
flour, rnoprck r
862 LlBERTT fcTBEt'
- t. I
f i