The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, September 01, 1870, Image 3

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    QI2-3.2E5:iBBJaBLB:.SSL. JSET-jaqELSJjSCm-lrcB SZ3SrMT'S2:mES:22SISISS
iirbria Freeman.
... frtsaOK IA1L IvOAI).
t"llM .Tt:e 170;
till- 1 V VJ . Kr m
f'-ST me.W with P.Usburgh Ex-
m connecting witti -.ih'.i inim
. I i"",il:t: -i 1 -I: Fa press Last.
'l I V 'i '"' departure of Pittsburgh
v"l r'r ' departure of Phibi'Jcl-
" rust.
"We have been kitidlv favored with an ad
vance proof ei lhc followiug article relative to I
the disposition which has been marie bf the two j
C:iot ships in this Congressional district, and J
which wa3 prepaied lor the present week's issue !
oi the Jolim-town Teievnk. We give place lo :
ihe urticle with pleasuie, ai d commend the !
course pursue! by Mr. Mcbrell in disposing '
of theie twt Hiit-cures as the best that cou'o i
have be'en adopted :
On tl
.rap" ' I"" nenr ironic
Gth of July last. Mr. MorrcM. Rrn
resent alive in Congress from this district, pub
I lif heJ the iollowing card in the Johnstown
i Tribumc, and it was shortly after published in
nearly all the journals of the dis iict :
The Seventeenth Congressional District of
Pennsv lvuuia is entitled to one Cadet jit tlie
" TToliiJavsburg hunters teeently
,ri,v -iiiiirrels near St. Atigusiine Militaii Academy at West Point find another at
' too Naval Academy at Ae.uapolis. Cadets arts
Hj'i.iinvu on me rooomnie iidatK
P n coal miner in the emplcy
Coal compaov, iieai neiu
i '""'. . .' . i f.,11 i.l ernil on th I5th
fii KUifJ u.
engineers are now engaged in
C'.r,tu' rulite of t!lE proposed railroad
'i Jlil' l;!'lir ct"'llJ' lo 'Hw Tim
'(Vl'!j!fj Williams was crushed to
l1,ul . . i ....:
mine at irwiu s mauun, on
l,v Icing caught between a
tin lata couu-
I . I -
uoinitiateu as u.t: Ki-iuutiauu
. 1 o,:l
,v t"-'-.
tt.e n-iir end f the t-hi
",', ,e IVirikiti. Et-(j.. of 1
'nj'viJ M Ciawtord, of Ji
, nominated as tl.e
c-n.Jitl.itcs in the 21st district,
i.r.c Craw 'old, ol tl.U Jilace.
-.i .1 nin ovtr by
a wngoii at
(it ll.e
- 0:i Tuesday. Ilia are
u! n;.il he ii coi. fined to bed in coc-
f . . . r n.vli:r.t.. fuiv il'tia
! v !iurt' n.inic e Ciroueiui'v j;-i i.- ;n
. tii.iliL' wen, KUU me prou:.yiiiiii;3
.. i. ........ .ii 1 n. in l.w ii-itiritw
e ,!i mm i - " j
iKintl.e H'road 'I'cp regions, bat his
. . n mi
.rri, i. i o likelil.ot'U vi " cfuruu ue
,;r:iUlit)n arrived him. it
ii :jfc.e a waste d wind lor him to be
Uleat of t;ix Inils iu tne
The Captain's chauces
' bv liglnnii.g are less bill ious
;.i uiitiied Jo-fj lt t.ool emp'.oyea on
;,;;!, in Su.'i'H-tiaiiiiu luwiomp, liau
)Wn F:'.wt-(i in two lengthwise by a
(in Thursday last. It as. thou-l.t
:'i.i;itn i. Biiuld live lo be resorted to,
uei ot Ifiirn.d nlielher the operatiun
i;t'i vr Tint
"ui Mi . ?cott Williams, one of our
e-, !. r'A.inl h the champion pressman
-m he iteoi.tly wiiifced, with the
l! !iav," (me m.d a halt tokcrs ifil-r.-,:ot
il t' outride lurms of the Frlk-
l.oit fr:ire ol" titty eight tninu cs
:r 'i tl.:i.k' Le can beat that, let him
.!tfu:t;t cms l idon with seal fkins
.. m Ci.irn c'.r:.r thrmigh to Liverpool,
Mici ihc ii -1 1 1 : ; : t : t i u liivi-iun of the l'a.
i: Ji.-si'ijv hist, and :. the 'l'l:ursdiy
- ,i cr ln.i I ol' iav r-i.k, valued at over
'J . ' . : . ' i liom Ciiina. past-d Ci'.-S!f:i
jji ii!.- .-in;!- (ic.-t.i.ation. Wondtnul
. !
;: i :' e il at chinch on S muay
: J!r .Ji.i- ll"::iiin'li mid wile, o!
;.LVrit. . Hui.tinudoii county, their
jni',i: : !iii . with matches in the
- ii i- tin iilil. set fi'e to the building,
' i-H-tTf'y coiKanietl, burning one of
. ii. u H-br and the other very so
! - ii: i p. t lnl iMy.
e i r. v!:m -a liml he! ter be careful that
f r..nrlit a Tartar in their cainii
. A--rtulil, its lie declares that he wiil,
I"), nil iitti nip is to increase the
i' il'.i o t-f this ct.iuity, and il that
";;. ii tu ti e leniovu! ul the
.i!. ii.c!i ! til. I ii -voire an ut:tl ty ol
: .-ii t).,ll, e are at a loss to
' :t :t 'i'.ts mem.
'':S u:aii tsiintetl J sire? Johnston was
:n l.ixalii.-lira Cnk. iit L'gurier, .
t!:iii (H-wity, on l hnrsday week, ;
2i ui !. to rcacu-! a ci'im;uii)ii named
hi, mo miter in iiistr'i.'u!t.j, Having .
:'."! !!,e wiiiir. AimiIkt person .
'i-t.iiivc .nut s-ifceedc I in res-
..:i-!..iti!, hut bet'oie he could ic.ich
, e ;: I bCM'Jid ihe power of ;
"crt ff n inter oU fl.e Mimmit of Ihe I
:tp cool eiioruh in nil C'liscierc, j
'"'"e ' i!"1 reinovahes uiout op- j
n. rinse of taxes iu this couihy is :
'rr '.'nt it makes one shivir all j
"r-. i. win! it.y hare to s iy on the i
!' ' u house aiid c.n be ,
.'( 'it ,-ri hii iiti teaiiiti"' 'he i
3 'I'ivinn :h it sin., I j miw.ii ;. ...... i
11 f.ui tlii' rtniiva!itf! exuluin V
' ? ffi-C, lu
'i' . "i-.s-iv i ext
-i.i l.'.it
ill I'lf t lw. 'if.-til-
ih u.1 i.otiKt-ess ior tne ilis-tnet in which thev
I rV-s.ule. I liavo decided to reeo'iiiueiid such
! J oui.g- Kentlcinon us shall )e selected bv u board
! of exiiiiiim rs composed of jrentU-iiieiri ininciit
! for lireraiy mul inofossional nttiiimncnts, i-eni-;
dents ot the district, who will iairlv nnd with
out prejudice inquire into the ucudetuic iind
I physical (jiiuliP.cutioiis of all npj.iicunts. The
' c-Miiaination will necessarily be thorough: A
smart boy who is phyj-icallv undeveloped or ui-,-
sound will be rojeeteu bv the liourii, and the
boy who Is physically peiTect but has iKjflectcd
i his stuaii-s or is of weak mind ivil! also be rc
! .let ted: The names ol those who w ill constitute
! this bourd will be announced hereaf ter, as well
I as the time ol the exuininatioii. All who desire
j to be examined will address me at Johnstown
, until the jtl of August, utter which date no
j application will be received. Subjoined is a
copy of the lcnd;n.!f regulations jfoverninjr the
' miinNvinn of candidates into the Military and
; Naval A'-ademies, n-speetively, n ejireful "peru
' sal of w hich Viill luily intoiui all aplicants of
the nature of the qualifications demanded by
: the (iovernntent. Applicants must be actual
,' residents of Cambria, JJlair, Jl untbig-doii or
I ililK in counties. 1. J. MomtiiLi..
! As ptatcd in the card, the regulations gov-
' euang the adn,is.-ion of caiididates were also j
; ;uL!iiied. IS' inetei n applications v. eie reccirid
' and tied up to the 2f)th cf Augupt. All the
, iipplicunts weie iniornied by letter of the time j
I and place fixed upon l.r the examination j
i narnely; Altoona, Thar-diy, August ii.rih. !
; They w ere alio furnished by mail with an olli i
i cial copy of the regulations. I'-elow is the ,
; form ol notification adiircisod to each appli- i
: can I :
i JOUSSTOWN, PA.; August IS, 1SV0. i
i To f
! l)KitPjn: The examination of ajlicn:its j
for adini-sion to ihe .Military Ai-ailemy at West j
i'oint ami the Naval Aeaueuiy ut Annapolis w ill J
1 lal.e place Ht the boiran House, iu Altoona, on I
; Thursday, August r.'.'uli, comnieneinK-at U o'clock I
: iu the limrniuK. Veil w iil pit-use attend, and !
' briiiK wit Ii you oei tilicates lroin leudintr citi-
I .ens of your neiys hborhood (including- one cler- j
! iymau1 of morut character and industrious i
i iiabtis. Vours truly, 1). J.Mo::iiKU !
For rei-rons which wil! be Apparent upon re j
: flection, it was deemed best not to iutoi-m the i
npplicatits what gcntleineii would constitute'
i the to.ud of examiners O.i the day appoint- '
e.i the b..:.rd met at the Loau iloii.ic, ai.d, i
there beir.g no facilities r.t the hoiei for con j
ducting an ex -initiation, the board, accotiip.i I
i.ied by the iipplicaiiis and their Iricnds, piti- '
ccedod to one of the public school roottis ot the '
city, wherothe eSaminaiion was held. Onlv j
eight applicants presented themselves. t)f the j
leianiiuler v. Po had made wriltci; Kpji'icatio.i,
one formaliy withdrew his name unit two were j
iufuimed ihat tliey were not eligible on iiccouin !
of being over the specified age. Ol the eight j
who did not attend but were presumed to be j
eligible, it is known that some could not have i
successfully passed an ex.i initiation and pruba- j
bl remained away for this reason while no
icjsuu has been learned to account for the b- !
sence of tl e others. !
The boaru of examiners was constituted as j
follows, being composed of one from each j
county ol the district : (ien. .lohn I. Taylor.!
of Jicednville, Mifflin county ; J)r. Sidtc.i '
Thompson , ot Sipiucc Creek, Hutrindoo couu- !
ty ; Professor John ililler, Superintendent of '
the public schools, Altoona, Blair county ; nnd. ;
(!eo, W. Coj e, Iwj , upei iuiendeiit of the J
public schools of Johnstown , Caivhria countv. i tout g titlemeu, npoti iiM-ciubling, cno.-e i
Kev. Dr. Sfiadrach, of Altooti i, an aiiditioii I !
member of the boon!. The following letter to j
the board Irom Mr. Jl-.-rrell, was read soon I
after its organiz ition : j
Jiiii.vsTows, Pa., August 20. 1'u j
Tt'Cen. J-7i it P. 7V(,.ir, of Mipliiu lr. i".ir; i
7 .oi.-'p.-o;., ni Jliiiii ii;(!oi, finj. JuL'i M tilt r,ij
j;'iu , ill !i . ( ";, .'., r ( amin ut.
(;knti.kvv:x : At my rffpiest you hiive t on- j
senf-i to serve us a board of examiners ol the ,
qualifications of api'iicants for amuission to 1
West Point mid Anmip-otfR Acndetnii-s from th" !
Seventeenth 'Joni! re-j(;r!ul District of 1'ennsyl- 1
vatda. In the disehartre of this delicate and j
ri-sooiiible tru.-.t, J drsii-c that you be jrovf-rned !
XiOcrI Corrospondence. !
Jon nstow n, A u g-. 20, li-TO. i
Dear Frerman The flood here last week wns :
both suilden and daniafrinjz-- The rivers rc.e ten I
feet in rive hours from 4 o'clock to 9 o'clock 1
on Wednesday inorninsr. Dams were carried :
away, burdens inundated and damaged, and
many feiu es sw ept otr. The "oldest inhabitant"
Huir.its that he never saw a heavier rain than
leli m Wednesday moi-nii. Accounts from i
the East indicate tliut the rani was ns hv-avj-, if l
not heavier, than it was here. Much dumnxe '.
has been done in different localities throughout I
the State. i
The members of the M. E. Chnreh wre holdimr !
a CKiiii-ineetin;r just now at a phut- t ailed Lliii- I
town, near Nineveh, Indiana county, and the I
United liretbren are piirticipatinjr in like reli- j
! ious exercises in Kicbluud township, this conn- i
ty. Doth meetings are hoiiiff hi rsrely attended
by people trood, 'bad nnd indifferent by Die I
righteous as vv il as the rowdies. May the work j
well intended be productive of much trood.
WiirtiMii-n kti-'o still cn-roijod in tittiny i-.p tb.'o !
old Foster House for school purposes. It is h--
injf painted and neatly papered inside and taste- i
fully painted outside. A hijrh fence surrounds '
the lot. There are some thirty roomv i:i the j
entire building, and ihe painting and piiporir.jr j
has made it as clean and tidy as a new buildinv".
The oouiin iai ment Of the school, which is to :
le under the chtn-jre of the I'enedictinc Sistei-s, J
a Catholic order, will be somewhat delayed on :
u f-iimit of tlu-se inrproveiiients. t j
'J'he public sehiMls of Co'.ien:a-.ivh bovoiirh
opened ones- more on Monday, and t'o. Sup't i
ChiMjiiian is busy iio!iii:r exaininations in the j
various townships. Kdueatiuual matters look I
up, though vaires orsalaiies still continue to
look down. Teachers cannot make us p-ood wa- j
r-s us itn hostler at a hotel, though high i;uahli- i
-at ions are demanded. Pcni'syU ar.ia ia:ght to I
be ashamed of the salaries allowed teachers. i
Wo learn that a system of petty thicvinsr 5s
been goinf on 'around ihe t-tores and business
places of our town. Several merchants and
others have missed money nt various , times;
. which was taken in open dav ivbm their money
drawers by some very shrewd thief or thieves, j
The victims are utterly at a loss to aeeoitnt for
tne manner m wnii-n tiiese roooenes nave oeen
perpetrated, but the secret will no doubt come
out some day. I
There is not much said hcrconlb.e removal I
question either pro or cm, nor does there seem j
to be much It . hn;r on the subject: There may
be some thinliinjr done, liut ii so it is not loud !
enough to lie heard. f io not know w hat ihe '
present statu of the qucMlou is, but .vtl! kiio"
usore about it this tall:
'J'he liuit crop wilt tt- rfod in hi vicinity: j
Apples j'tid gi'ipes are iibundaiiv, aud nil kinds j
of berries have been very ph-iii il ul. Peaches
of excellent quality eiin be nought in fids mer- j
Her, ami people who a:ia.ord Ihe outlay are
putting up all kinds of fruits for winter use.
Picnics still continue, l tie liosc. Hook and
Ladder Company Int.l great success with their
picnic on Sai unlay !at;
Tl.e Turners wiii hold a mass meeting at their
Hall this evening for The purpose of expressing
sympathy Tvi'.h Piussia. 'J here will no doubt
bea large torn out, as nrurly all the Cerrufins
sid; wilii the la'.hei-laiid.
The fos:l firorpiint of Mr. Chnpuuin w:i like
ly made by Atlas when In; was Induing theeiirth
oil his shoulder, and is really a shonidcr mark,
whi;-:i w ill account for its being inuini on thr
ioii - side of the rock. The rusty, iron color
whs made by the blood which oozid out of the
arm, ,ccasio:ied by the great presvure.
iarry l:oliii,Mn's; ipcrci ta 'i'rv.upe perform
ed in L nion Hail, on J- r;d;y and Saturday e en, to greatty lielighted atid:t-ni-es, and will
give another entertain incut this t Monday; even
ing. Their mush; Is mirrn-provokiiig and the
entire performance is lirst -iass.
A. Kopciin. i;sq., has workmen employed in
remodeling mid rt 'Miring his dwelling house on
Franklin street, ati.i Mr." Jacob Fenu is having
a palatial mansion built on Main street on ihc
property formerly owned by Mr: 11. A. fiotrg-,.,
.-Clllit t t"T U UK-ll 1 aiiC.i ilClCHII MlllllllUl,
is disappt-ai iiig by dei: re-s, l.ui a v loieni type
of dyseiilery ia taking its j.lace. There have
bi'en and are now several cases of tnis 'disease
here, s, .me of which h:ive proved lata). Va!lll
weather, green truitsand maiariaaie supposed
to be the oau.M-s.
A rcfirmed bqlior drinker hel-e asserts that
he doesn't like to hear anything said against
landlords end sitloen keepers, ns they saved his
lifejby making their whisky und brandy tialt
water. HonltOY.
Cakkolltovs, Aiisr. 0, PT".
Thar T-'rn run it lightning, which ha b en
playing.-.) many and .-uclist rious pranks in tiiis
and otuer foealii ieso'oring 1 he present sumim-r,
gave us anotner f-lriktntl demotistraiioii of its
..striict i t powers on 'l l.ursdav Jc -ening last.
Tho huge missionary cross in t he cenn.-lerv here
was struck by the subtle tluid and iniiijiii'icly
demoiir i.ed. The hou-scoi Mr. I rank stritmat
ter.was also struck and the weather-boarding
torn from one side. A young man named 1'ranK
Shrimp, standing in the tioor of n basement
kitchen at the time, was stunned senseless for
about ton minutes.
It is my p-i'iiful duty to record the deaths of
two - il t h; sons of Mr. .I.i.-ol. Kir!; pat rick, ol I'ar
i oU township, iitoiieii and iigcl lespecti'. i iy as
follows: ..'..nn Celestiiie, tir- yeaiv and live
naiiillus and Jos ji'i Waiter, one year anil live
months. Hoth deaths were ci-.nsed l.y dyseiMpry
e.iid oci-urre.l within :'. few days of i-a.-n other.
The I.aoies' Fair, which has been on the tapis
tor some tune, wiii commence .u rt: witlio'tt rail
Wedelet? I.ovr.- Tl.eoVh t;'d stry told onto
more: in Jove two hearts cemented; the or
ange wrouth and Initial veil. r.nd cards so nicely
scented. How proudly pass they down l!ic
ftreet. nnd how geuTiy deth b.e take her to the
cbeuport. biggest i-tore "in town which. is every
person in this vicinity knows, is kept by our
accomodating friends, the Messrs. Shoemaker.
liiil IIP
I'orfeet I'Jelisros. No one eah examine
the phobrrnphs nnd other pictures tn exhil.i- I
lion attRi: line:
w ithout 1-einc
i .it; jnuroiiage or nu wn wish a pi'i iee-i eoun- (
teri't i; )i i seiitmcnt of tlie. human face divi'ie. i
flallery over Cl. I .wens' store, on High street, j
Work and i-rices satisfac tory.
k hi 5 2 Ul V
iphs mid other pictures tn exhil.i-I m -W rr
e!v titTeduo Gallery or T. K. l'vims , EX 13 K
c impressed with the fact that Mr. I ii4 M i C3 1
lass artist, and as sucli ho deserves . Xii. JUJixJ
3 rii t.y it"
IPlonv. V.. J. Mil-? has just received another
invoice of t hat choice family flour in the siilo
of which he has established a reputation and a
palrcnr.g'c second to no other dealer in the
county. Mr. Milli pells onlv the best '.our anil
feed of all isind, and when he gi ts a customer
be keeps, him. because he deals nil the time on
thesquaie and supplies e-nlv such articles as
tive sure to glveentiro satisfaction to the buyer.
.TImc.-ini! I.ovo In tcmpusohl u hero lived
qui loved vneinis deux ; he no pouvait pas
qtiite- to say, which me amabat inieux. as bth
sunt very agathae; so be went to Cohen's Hat
Parlor, No. C::7 Main street. Johnstown, and
bought a tip-top hat with which to adorn his
caput or cranium, and then ho whispered to the
younger one, '-)rli 1 ce n dna." ant", both went
off and fe'ot married. She said sdiu loved that
hat 1
Tl ltlraiIliir.- T!ii: !s a rronch cannon
that throws i:!T cr.e mice luills at once, or 0
in a minute. Tho inventor is no relation to J.
J. Murphy, who wlls made-up clothing at No.
liO Clinton street, Johnstown, cheaper than
ever, and has ti large sup; lv of all kinds. Take
your green' -aef-s to. Tames and he will ch-ah- vou
so nice 1hat you won t ,kmiw vourself. 'lie
Kepi's all kinds of Rent's furnishing goods and
If vou want
hny Dry CSooils, o-o
. street, where vou
Tr -w
will get better
gains than at
other place in
i MPlrt?.-The French measiiro distance by
i m'eires; it tlometres, etc. A niere is thirty-nine a Kooiueire is ncsiriv t w :-! :jiriis ol a
ISoots, SiiGC
mile, or :2.:i'0 feet, or l.lotl yards about as manv l ffTT ?
yards as X. F. Carrol! sells of dry giv.ds in a day . "11018. HLailS-. i
or so. at No. !- Main street, Johnnown, opp.i- ? "il
il ; go toNo.IMih
, street, where there
, i j
site the Opera Utilise. v, l;ere the Vetider can :;!
wavsgi-t cheap dry goods an't gro cries
nnti nice clerks and a nice bos-j to wait on the::
-vone can gaim-ay this
luiiuiig-.- t iiorc u j-pirtt a rove an
sp:i .i i eiow , nun a si :rit to i:r-ss, and so hen
wo go. to Mr. Mayer's St re. where one can ii:; !. j
any I-ind of gooiis, tr pi. aso t he iniiid. Made-up !
clothing for man jr hoy, and of such styles as j
gives mot-ii jov. :;n i q ta Hoiis', Main sti.-et.
.lor.iisiow n. i lotns, cas-inieri's, summc
nig. iir.-ss.t;o;: t i. line vests, shirts, in
nig .tin i i.M-nt s 1 1:1 niiiing comls, all gom. ioru
n:ere soii?. Calf and get a bargain.
is a large
. rtojf.jf sfu!. She often said that I was fair as
ti t: blly r r ti e rose ; she cniicd. me oft in sum
mer lime tile fains! bud that blows: :o;d then
sh went lo John J. Murphy at the Mansion
House corner, Johnstown, and she bought a lot
of dry goods and ore?. goods, arid her neigh). ors
followed nnd la night and bought t ill t lie si oe!;
was exhausted ; then Murphy, he went east and
bought and bought -till the stock was recruit
ed. So it goes ut Muiphy's every day:
Iia?&-i5j on Hie it!ijj. While ttte Prus
sians are Dangl.n" t.n the I.'hine. Leopold
No. '-'-Il Main street. Johnstown, areqiiietl. sup
plying the people of Cambria and Soniors- t
ct unties v.i;h clothing. They have a large
amount of math -ii clothing w liiih they olier
as cheap as couhl be botiglit at Bir.gen on the Nt-w York on the Hudson, or Philadel
phia on Jl;.- Delaware. We desire our readers
to call and buy elothinir from this firm nt No.
I 11 Main L'trcet, Johnstown.
rt-,.;;.:: i prices unsurpassed
iderclotii- ; JL
BV VJinVE of sundry writs of Y-n . .'n-'-issued
out ol the Coin t of Common P!ens?..i
Cumbria county nod t o tne dti t tf-i. there v. ol
h('C.lii tu i'olaii-Sale, st tin- Court Hou:-'-ii:, on MONDAY". t;m:."-,i: i.av ur
JkItemhkh next, at b o'clock, a. ii., the follow -fug
Peal Estate, to w St : .
All the right, title and interest of Abrani
Hitchiie. of, m and to a lot of ground sit ::ate in
Carro.'ltown county, fronting '5 f ot '. on Mai'e
s'rect. extending bjick ''" f-et to land of Ch': -topher
Carle, adjoining lot of Mrs. ir.o !-ai a It;,
ker on t i:o nnrt h and 'ole street on 1'ie so.;.- t .
baviny tliciimu ccttd one-and-a-half sforv
Plan House, i w a the ; 'mine Stab;.-,
and a T v story Frame Carpi r.tor Shop, ik.-w :.i
the occupancy of A train Hitchiie. fa lit n it:
fxet utiiai ami to In: s.ild at the suit of I ctcrC.
.tlvo, the right, title and inttresf of A.
Hiiinphreys. of s m and to a oie-ce i.r phi-o-l of
land siiaate in ( tow:v l.:p. Cambria t.ain
tv, containing Acres, in.-n i r !c., al-out
Acres tf e!."iv il. !::ivu.g ii .-id it
reett il a ti-i! story J. g 1 ' no a Peg 1 arn,
now i:i too. no ntwiii-v ot l :n-l l'!:n- .-;
j Taken in xi-e-lMt n iul lo be.-oid at tile stiit of
-vi at-1 1 u Xioi:vr. ye., ct.i'i.
,..i - - .--1 .. -
.. ii;i i ie rignr, i n :e aivi ii't-re-r e: ( !...
If you waiit tl
Eastern JStar Flour
the best ever sold
in Ebensluir"-ro !
A. TS.'" fl "?T"TT I a ! Delo.ier. tf. in ai;i to a p;.'-or pnrt el ( r land
tO 111 O- fall fOil St. i "itmue ia Carroll tVn.fu'I ir.mtv,
where alone it can
he hacJi If not good
money refunded.
noov er, and otners, cor.caiuii g .ii Acres. n,.n.
or les--, al.-eut .ei cs t l v i.ii h :! t ieare.i,
bavin-r Uieietm cretted a ei-.e-Hi.d-H-hatf story
Piauk House Hi!.! a Itian! Stride, oevr
in t he oeen aitey of "harles 1 : !i :-i; r. Tat n in
ee utien and in tn.- sold at the soil ol 'J iiom::s
A Ik.
!h: light, title at
is . t of John
. i .
i oar iiiojsier.:
wi(e or sister wants '
i a j ? - t , m tair.iuc ilaA.rrs. more or less, rl-ou, ii A. res
TO O'Of fSEfy Vei'V neSF "f w!"1' "'oeieared. lmvirgtJ.ereoi,reie.),l
' U V -'Jf i twosloi v Plank lb:use. rrair..-liaio. and otht r
Sewing Machine lu
A. Tr xeil. of. in end hi a ph-ce or parcel of lata!
situate in t'arroil to.v n.-ii:p. Cambria eooiuv,
n'.'.l-.fniig lauds of Hltii-y Fox, dan-lc Anna,
fames Mellon, and other?-, eo?-f:-iiv: s :"7 Aero,
more er less, about la Acres i-Unreo- pot now
occiij i. Taon in i'i.-i.tii.ii i;i..i in be sold
at t!i- suit ol F. D. Saepp.
A , til the right, I -.tie and ir tercet of Nel
son Gri tilths, of. in and to a f ii-cr i r panel of
land situate in Tn lor township. Can: bra; eoun,
ty, adjoining lands of John Slrajer. Christian
..uaigarnticr. itamel ooaogn, tied ot tiers, con-
the market, tell hes
hay the Grovci
sold bv
M. JL. Coalman
you want to
any k;nu, go to 1 o.i can
MB Miii'Ii street;, i a first class
you want
mvthinsr that;
be bouohfc in!
Tlio "rj- i;p.. ;u::--"n's Coppr r Tubular
Lightning kod, with Spiral Flange, has been
erected on then-ands o t buL!. lings in all ttirts
of the United Slates t Mai in a test of thirteen
yCnis'. no instaTico of Iheir int-lTieioncy has tie
currcd. It received the first premiums
at many State Fairs and Institutes, ami was l
never beaten in any stientitic contest, ft has
been endorsed by over five htindrt d Professors
of Colleges and scientific men. as ihe best rod j
ever invented, possessing all the elements re
quired to proteel buildings lrom lightning. Its !
power r u rpasscs twenty iron rods, or a olid i
copper rod an inch atiil a half thick. I does nof
get out of order, but will orelm e ap long as the
building-stands on w hii h it is erected; No holes
are ma tie m siaN or tm roots, ana m every re
spoctltie utmost satisfactem
The at tention of Architects an
spot tlully t ailed .to tl.e merits of this rod. j
Manufactured bv Lmckuakt & Co.. :::;t Penn !
trect. Pilts'iurgh. and put up in Cambria eoun- :
where vou caii get land save money in
! fresher articles and i the oeration? 3at-
ipav less "for them i man Co.'s Store!
ithaii elsewhere.
ty on'v
who will p
him'in the
m-r. P.O.
I J it A lil Jom:;:, .loiiu.-'tev.n. Pa
omptiy t.-ecute woik ri.l;ust. d to
most perfect ar.d satisfactory .naii
llox .0', John.-lev. n, l'a.
buy u e e n s wt arc.
iS'is'V Glassware Hard-
&C;5 be sure
nd o to No. I
is tne place to visits.
fair prices anci
dv tae Khcir ouf' ril-
' tn tie t!.e M fne ol rlea-ant tes-
pic-iiie in aid ol
fir.'' iti tins place
t I n pai at iun lor that oc-
fui tcmt.t the nonet ite or
To.i and f nji.y incut of a iiurmless
'.' j'1 rr';'-i itii in abiiiidant prolusiou,
Y iiaitatioti to paiticipate is cx-
t.. 1' -Clierall V. I.'.-.,
tu all lonurj at moderate ratt-t.
" HlJ'ii ui, representing ihepi
f"'fA ai. d wife, were be". mi,"
rauw,, cm F,ijay iilS!t f jtI0lhe
r cepnitiire westwarc'. but on
-.. norinug tiic man appeared before
13 -'tid in:, do ;,, i, .....,; :..,,
- ...iu. ..i.tiiuil IlaOlfcl
'"" Hi.kuown, charging them
't litutilU l.;i-.i i .
'.Hstury waa tlut while his wile
!'rf'I -ring something for them
: j S tuut a lue lor that purpose near
not m'!-e the n halt a mile
- weie vi-ited bv two men, one
-iw a t-.stoi an.l tw. .
t?.,., , ' "'V l OJIIlUldlll
, '?"' lie StilrlP,! tn. ..... K..
. .. " nil, 1, ucii u
i itMiU lam.ctrectuallv fr
' ' ' Hie S'-ri... .....i :.. e? .
'l I. ' . . . I
,.li,,. . m tnal thev beat !
oiur-r, ' jr1"l manner, and t
11 "iC ... j . . .. I
Ho,,,'... ' ",Jre ueaa man nltve ;
e,,.,. "M'"nci to i ue s pot, iinu
T'e fmr, i P'tiabie condition hf. ,.,.sult given below.
, of lipr rnwiin
tirnii i . . ; "
r.t .i,i " ' 1 orona recopni-
;faith,..;. "u t-iireus. i no
r-uc wore isonr. tni
jt on 17 ,onS "he was eonveved to
'Ou,?, . " in !l very
mnn hl,ase''f continuing
f'ifntn? lC'"S .tHke" to 1,10 l,oor
4 n. o ""man nas admitted that
' eie
1" tllat Ehe culls such,
'i the ontnr ...a.i. ..i-
-o mo "u laai ma siory
!irffc...nMe,l"P to shield him-
' "U Dlll,lsV,rr,. L
-laipra o - -, cuv wui.ut.ig
:e- Iti , V"1 ,ear probably ot a
l" "ifaraous wretch.
"in Ui.'.'!.!' a f''w poo1 singers and
'nw!:!"'- K't good or bad,
'V"'TS.".7I1,"l;l'-,'?.i beauty the
Tr' "U-r in?, ,:,'l'ine, which is the
' .it!. "- ""'I PaVK firr itsii-lf !. .
t he!,.'" w.'. V r mnn' WnT9
11 t-!l m . ;. ' Ko'rts, we cannot
-Jl' in r-vftlT "W "f joy and comfort.
"Ot-VMr hrv. 1 J"v ami comfort
V " siii.r,.-o, "'"in ue senus
in ocanroaa
V ai. rt 'ta.v of Autumn,
he ...... V""1 " ful1 fr",n
'n earth in nil direct ions.
E"' la:' in his fall
lii.i "'in-. ..-in I ; em-
1 1 11M..I ' . Ul heirm -..n
' ;i 4irtTTh. ,.... . ' '" iioiii
'r f 'V u- biVviV 1,1 1 1 m direction...
ii,,i .""t;iiir- ; """vr--
. ue r;lit uam customers.
-.-- "ii view lie w
r stock by giv
W. . IO 1,UJ' from,
:'iils J.' M-"a to ih.; ."w """' 'irt 3 et re-
i-v ,r-"'-"'U r,i, ",mu of liis child
r. i,i rtaea.hninit...,-.... rf
.. ... Jmu . . . - """"u ot
'1 ...
-i!!,.i'iif.!i.: t,"'- 'siii open tti the
'(?:,rt-for m.uuy "snmcti there.
" i i. ""rl to u-,, , ,"'"u, i as any
l. ,. !,''rk..,- V.5"- In the sale ,ff
"weib oBwiufj eitr.
Iclv i.y the spirit and the letter ot the oihciai
Government regulations concerning the ad
! ii.ission of candidates into those academies.
! eopie of which are Innewith i-iic!(.sol. It i
my vi isii that th- best qnaliiicd and most meri-
torious boys be recommended by your board
: for appoiniment, witiiout regard to religious,
i political, or other distinctions or considera
tions. You will tie the soli; Judges of the iiitt4
1 leetual and physieal qualitieal ions of the appli
! cants:. Tor a knowledge of their moral qualitl
. cations, habits of life, etc., you will necessarily
I have t rely upon the deportment of the appli
1 caf.l-' in your presence, and such verbal or
j written testimonials as they may present to
i J'ou.
I As early a Friday, .tugtist tilth, yon will
j piease sel'-et two of the a ppiieants for appoint
incur one to I ho Military and the other to the
! Naval Academy. You will also please desig
nate two of l he applicants, wfiose qualitieatioiis
are next in degree, as alternates, so that, if
those recommended for appointment should
from any reas'on fail of admission, these may be
recommended in their stead.
Immediately after organizing yon will please
select some lending citizen tit the district to
serve as the tilth member of your board. On
all test question, if any such should arise, the
vote of a majority ot the board will be recog
nized bv me as the action of the whole.
The policy of submitting all applications for
place under the General Government to com
petitive examinations is daily growing in favor
with the people., and I desire tiiat the examina
tion i; be conducted by you shall so result as
to rem lor this policy still more popular;
Vcrv respectfully,
h.l.N'ltL J. MOTtTtCl.I..
The examination commenced about ten
o'clock, and continued, with recess kr dinner,
until ei o'clock in the evening. It was thor
ough and fair. During the evening the fol
low ing decision was unanimously determined
upon by lour members of the board w ho were
present , and concurred in by the abscut mem
ber, Dr. Shadrach, on the following morning :
Altoona, August " 1S70.
Jt,,r.. D: J: yfin-rrll: t
DkvkSih: Wo. tho JJoard of Examiners ap
pointed by vou for tho purpose of examining
Ji... ....oli.n'its for cailetships, respectfully re
port that we have held the examination with
e re-uit given i.caov..
rin-re were seven applh ants : TI. P. Iterlin, of
Johnstown : Henry Henshy, 01 rostoria ; i. i.
lbimev, of Altoomi ; William it. A. ICooncy, of
ilollid'av sburg ; M. A. C. Weaver, of Huntingdon-
M' W. Silts, of Lewistown ; and Win. A.
Muuii! of Altoona. Charles i. Prisbiii, of i-w-istown,
did not attend until after the examina
tion had been in progress for some time. He
wascvatiiined bv Dr. Thompson, and hiving
been pronounced physically incompetent; did
not wish to enter the class.
Of the seven whom we examined, we take
pleasure in recommending for tho military cadet-hip
H S. lJerl'n.of Johnstown; and lor the
naval cadetship. Win: K. A. Kooney, of Holli
davsburg. As alternates, we rt-ftommend lor
the military radotship Yv m. A. Mann, t.l .Altoo
na, who was sixteen on July Ulst. If he is not
eligible, wo recommend Henry lIeiishy, of Kis
toria Ami for tho naval cadetship,- M. It. C:
Weaver, of Huntingdon. p MoR
Sidney Thompson,'
John Millkh,
Gko. W. Cope,
The succ'e?sful candidates, Mr. Berlin and
Mr. Kooney, have been recommended for ap
. ointment, "and in the event of their failnre to
pass a satisfactory examination at West I'oint
and Annapolis, respectively, their alternates,
Mr Mann, and Mr. Weaver, wrll be recom
mended for appointment. The examination at
West Point takes place this week that at An
napolis between the 20th and 30th of Scptem-
beThe hi"h character of the gentlemen who
constituted the examining board affords a suf
ficient guarauty to the public that the exami
nation was properly conducted and the deci
sion conscientiously reached. Mr. Moneii
was not present tit the examination. V e trus
the successful candidates may reflect credit on
their friends aud the district.
Dandruff may be effoctually eradicated from
the scalp by a lew applic.vions of Hall's Vege
table biu'ian Lldir Ueucwciv
' on the third .Monday ot September, mm :nst.
Every preparation is being made to renio" it
t intei cs; in;., i iij.. j a.hle and attractivo. and of
e;ui; it IS hoped nat t he public will e.vt: lid to
I H a liberal ciit-uia agi -mwi u And let me here
i remark tiial no like occasion lias ever been bet
ter prepared for in every way, and all who v isit
' the Fair may expect to enjoy themselves, and
not a few will more tha.n get their money back
in l lie winning ot tne mi'iimeraole liandsoiue
art:c-ls which" are to be ii:s.pored of by chance.
1 hope that nii'Jiv rei:d( rs of I !ni b'wmntt will
attend the lair, and that all of them will be
lucky enough to tlnrv pri:-.cs.
t'hrnftrst - K?in;Iesf ?Jrst Gcarirg ail 1
enclosed and warranted in MoLanaban. Stone -
lsett's ( f loUidiiv si.ui g, la.,) i"!, widcli thfy i
deliver Ire.-, of freight for 110. Tiiev hav e j l-o :
the t'cst Im!. r.i'rnt Srrhi!f T'ith ll'i'l U.'l.r,
Km") a Mmicr Knife fiiimli is. . If-l'al.iii.i 1 ';
i r, (.'mi: Sj rii ij j.i iVis. inni':':i tlnn-r j fa'r;'.-,
Sr i in rott try. Cfi'.-r Mills; .-o .':c. MrL.VNAnA.v. :
STt:u& lsK'iT, Holiidav.-.b-.n-g, Pa. m.l-'.:;m.vj :
f-:Tny:r.y. fvf-. atii . utic
ncd in nil rases instead of Pit l, F.i-.o:i Sa;
Ca ;Toi; (i;i &i:. I! ighiy Vv vor.-d. Pleasant to
take. Children like it. Price ? O cents. Whole
sale, 11. I'.. SCIJ.KKS ' Co., 4a Wood Stref f . Pitts
burgh, Pa. June lti, Is.n.-Iy.
111 '. II Will I I I I III P Ii I . I III II I I H I l1 I I,. I ill
High street, where! man &
a line stoetc at low
prices await yotii
supero goods
what vou wasi
ri4"ht men to deal
arc M.IL, Oat-
Store is atja1
No. nw eio-h
John Freidhoff to ;."blm ipp. M'ay iM. 'TO,
lot and imjir'ts in ( 'otui-iaiigli bor
Geo. Itruee's Adin'is to James Itoberts,
J uly s, is'Iil, l.S acres and 41 perches iu
j ileu-lM-iiv township
JTdin Meister to John Held. June 14, '".tl,
lot in Conemaiigh borough
Joseph Staub to C. Fink, . I tine :i4, "70. lot
and improvements in Franklin bor
ll. McComiughy to Jos. Stibieh, J ec. ti,
Isi,!", lot in Cambria borough
P. Kinports and others to Cunuinghaui
& Stone-hack, JnlyS", TST0, ."KJ acres in
Washington township
Witi. Sleep to S. J. "rouse, Aug. 1. ls70,
lot and unprovemetits in Johnstown..
John poweii to Mary A. I oweil, July 11,
1ST", 1:1 ieiv!tes in Yodcr township
H. Suavely to Peter Thomas. Oct. M. '70,
;-7 acres aiifl It x perches in Hiclil'd tp..
M. Kroiiiiiir to Jos. Kibler, July "Ja. ls-7'1,
ii acres and st perches in tvvp.
John Parke to 15. F. Yeagley, Ft b.'t. ",0,
lot ami improve m'ts in Johnstown
Sam. Plea.-aiils to John Douglass. May
JVi Js'T, acia-s and allowance iu Al
legheny tovvnsi.ip
II. Gillespie o '1 homas Martin, Aug. 1",
l.sS'.i. lot ttr. I imp'tsin Prospect bor
John Dibert's Heirs to H. Morgan. June
7, ls'i. 'i lols and imp'ts in Johnstown
T. M. Kinports to Porter Kinports. Oct.
7, lsti, loi acres and fi pcrtan s in Sus
quehano. township,
A. Hiii llebaugh to Klizab'h 1-jurbes, J one
YX, lS'.i, :." ae-rt-s and -D jicrchcs in Sus
quohatiTia townshij)
il. J. Roberts Ui Jas. McMuilin. Aug. tfi,
iTO, lot and impr'meiits in Johnstown
W.Griihths t V.'i A., March
f, 1S70, 1 acre in W a.-Limrton tivp
W. Griffiths to John U.iri'.er: March ", '70,
1 acre in Washington township :.
Wm. Tiley to Stdiool Hireetors of Wash
ington Uivrnshii.,.lan. .'it, 1.S70, 174tKt sq.
ft. in Washington township .-.'
2,5. XI.
i' s.d.
l.'tll.oK WHEN GUEY.
Uenews the nutritive mnfler which nourishes
the hair.
uexkws Tin: afunvrn of Tin: itaiii
WllKX 11ALJ.
rtenews the brush; wirj' hair fr siikf-n soffne-ss.
One bofile shows its effects.
It. V. HALL & CO., Na-ditia, N. II., Proprietor.
For wilo hy fill druggists.
OT rK IJ A VEX A- FltO.. iO Potilfi Tills-?
Street. Vlti tire3sliia, at o'riofh, I'.
PI.. A:ty.
V. S. li's of
NOTICK. N:im 5s
hercbv giver, thnt the following Account
have twrn passed and Ided In the Register's i d-fl-.-e
s:t Ebeiisburg. and v ill be presented to the
irpbans' 'ourt of ( iimbria eoun I y, for con fi 1711
atif.n and al!ovvai:ce. on Monday, theGthUay
of Septc'.-iber next, to wit :
The wt oe.d a.'d i.!.::l iiccor.nt of Paul George,
Adrn'r of ihc Estate of Ti-.os. H. I'orter. dee'.l.
The first and final account of J. F. Stall,
Guardian of Hatiiej stii!!.
Tht: account of Jacob It. St nil. Adm'r of Km'l
W. Gruiuiing, late of Richland town?;hi:. dee'd.
The fust ace-ount of Clairles Anna. Gunidian
of Alb.-rt Glosser, minorchild et I'.Giosscr,
of Chest township. lec'd.
'I he first account of harh s Anna, Guardian
of Ambrose. Augustine- and Ji,iia Am: Gioss.T.
minor children of Francis (ilossi-r, hite of Chest
township, dee'd. ,
"l:e fi.-st account of Charles Gurir. 'iin
of P ter Glosser, minor child of F. Glosser, late
of Chest township, liee'd.
The account of John McCormick and Francis
McCormick, Kxcctiiors of Patrick McCormick,
dec. ased.
Tho first t:i nount of I'bilip Glossor. Guardian
of Mich'l A. Uee-k. a minor child of Mich'l Heck:
The ti: t and final account of J. A. Krumma
noeker. Guardian of children of Jacob Hines.
Tlie nicoutit of Jacob J,ut)ier, Guarciian of
Henrietta Shields, formerly Henrietta Luther.
The account of Michael Ragcr, Administrator
of Peter Kager, late of Jackson township, dee'd.
account ol Patrick Storm and ri 't rb-
jp llOM A S
c a r. l a i)
Neill, I'.xecutors of the last will and ft-:
; 111. -lit
' " 'IA
" ii,
" " Ti, flew
" " "ti7
" 'CS, .....
" r."s, lO-tn's,' .......
V. S. :"l Y'fir a per 1 ent. ( 'y
Hue Cotr.p. Int. Nott s,.
Suv er,
Union Pacilie It. P.. 1st M.
Central Paeint: P.. R
Un'ii Pacific ITniI lir'rt Pnd?i
Hi's I H:-'S
GUV 111
111S, I in;
loi-s i no
iut'i lio'-i
110. ) 'A'x
jiis'V Ifs',i
HP; 112 W
Hii ' 11.".,
no n't
740 '.7' I
i) i 1: n .-
A ItECRPAvr IH'saANH. A married g-entlo-mii'i
from Rolivar, says the Greensburg AryM,
attended Court last week, and put up at a hotel
not far froTn Grcensburg. and while there made
the acquaintance of otic of tho sefv?Tifs. to
whom h: vvas cxeenTi'tgly attentive, 'ffrelr
"billingand cooing," and wliat not, culminated,
among" other thing?, in tho couple visiting a
photograph gallery to iiave their genial coun
tciaiiees. now lit up by Venus" intrigues, trans
ferred to pasteboard. They seemed as insuper
able as tho urost ardent lovers, and attracted
considerable attention. !y some means one of
the photographs, which represented the couple
taken together in tho most endearing and loving
attitude got rnto the hands r th" wife of the
amorous swain, when she forthwith. n a mood
that may be easily surmised, started to look af
ter tho pair. She found her husband's para
mour at the hrfr.1, engaged in mashing black
berries for the pttrtMiso of making wine. She
no sooner got her eyes on her than she "went
for" the disturber of her marital relations, and
fhe ba'tlo soon raged furiously the blackber
ries flvfinr in all directions, the attacking party
receiving her fuli share, and coining tiff second
best" in'the encounter. Shedeparted from the
set neof battle in a terrible rnge, vowing that
if she could not get satisfaction out of one she
would out or the other. Th-husband had the
good erse to keep out of the way during tho
Coirllict, but we pity him when she meets him:
jiitt tin- Thesnin ts alway shfn'ing, tho flow
6rs"nre always blooming, the birds tire always
sin"ing, the golden grain is always waving
somewhere In this wide world, and people are
always buying what they need in the hardware,
Cow-are arid general notion line from the mam
moth store of Geo. Hunt lev, whoso stock is the
lur-fit nod prices the lowest that Cambria has
over "been blesvpd wfth. When you need what
Huntley soils don't fail to buy from him.
Tjorftto. Fivc'mPes east of ETiehsbrg is tho
tilcasant little town of Lorei to, which cirii br;ist
among other things the jmssession of one of the
most complete and well stocked dry goods, gro
ecrvand general variety stores iu this "neck
timber, ' and of which that clever gentleman,
J Christy, is the proprietor, it is an estab
lishment well worthy of public patronage, and
,;,,., who buy there nev cr fad to i?c t the value j
ol their money.
RlfEY. At her mother's residence in Ebctis- j
burg, on Thit'-tday last. Miss IfAKltiet. V; iillKY,
ngeil '.jZ years. '1 "he deceased lady entered St.
Jitsoph 'a Female Seminary, near Kminrttsburg, I
Marvland, iu November, IstiS, from whence she I
was'rciiioved lo her motherY- residence. iiCthis
place, on the 4th of July last. Ilcr religious
name, as a Sister of Charity, was Theresa Vin
cent. The writer of this notice was aequalnied
with tho deceased from nor earliest infancy,
and if unafferted piety, unbounded charity,
imd the most perfect humility, could endear
her to friends in this world or rtt her for a bet
ter one, then indeed is sbe among the blessed.
i Well educated, talented and accomplished, low
I were better fitted to shine in tho society in
j which she moved, end in which she was a rare
; attraction. Put she contemned the things ot
I this world and forsook all to become ti child of
God. Her remains were laid in the Calholio
j cemetery, on Saturday rast, whither they vvero
attended bv an iintnens"; concourse of people
! who appreciated her virtues and truly mourn
her deat.h-
' ' 130 Acres of which arc cleared, will be ;
sold on the most reasonable terms. This Fa 101 ,
p.loeateti in Allegheny township, Cambria eoun- ,
tv, on tho road loading f rom lAirctro to t best ,
Springs, and withii two miles of the loriner I
nnditiiiee miles ot the latter place.' 1,N- nn-
prov:ernents consist of it commodious f Hvmxiso j
Hopsk, in excellent repair, a good Uakn, and j
ell nec'ssarv Ot Tiiril.PlNr.s. Thero Is a flue
Oiit'HAIli) of choice fruit and" an abundance tit ,
pure water on the premisses'.. Tho woodland is i
covered with the bes of timber. . . ... . , , s
-f-Tbo above acscMbcd property will be sold ,
on condTtions to suit the purchaser. A i'P'V " !
tho par-mies to Jk A: 1 . SHiLLU. ;
Allegheny Tw p., Ang. 1, ls70.-tf. ;
SALE. The ;n.h rsigiu;d otTci'
nt private sale, on the most re.tsonatdo - -
terms, his FARM in EIkcUIicK town- n d
5hhi, Cambria county, wit?mone-nart rii , - .
mile of the Clay Pike. Said Farm eon
tains Hi At'KX:. about WO Acres
I cing cleared, and has ercet.-.t thereon a largo
l')WEixiu Hiu sv a good Fkamk Uakn, , and
other OU'rnL'!L.DlN;s. An Orchard ol iyo I i xnt
Trees isgrowingon the premises. Title tudi-vna-tnhie.
For further pari iciilars inquire of ISAAC
MA HON, 011 the rnj'HLEri,
Aui. H.-"-'ui. Alt'yatiiiw, Lbcnsburg.
t f Ann Riglan, late of the township ot W asa
ington, dee'd.
Tho account of Augustine Craver, Alm'rof
Henry Lloyd, late of the township of Susquc-l.u-.nn.
The tirst nnd filial account of Augustine Cra
ver, A.dru.r of John Jiaiiia, late of Sitsquehaiiua
tow nship, dee'd.
.The third account of Sarah Lcidy. Adin'rtif
the Kstate of Havid Leidy; flCe'd.
The second ar.d final account of John A. Ilhsir.
At'.m'r of l. A. Conrad, late- of the boi-oi.-h of
Ehcird.iirir, dee d.
The account of Sarah C. Mcfanb-y and 5I--r:ry
C. KirUpatrick, Adm'rs t f Tims. V.'. MetY.iiicy,
C. Kirkpatrick. Adm'rs of Thes. W. MeCaiiit-y,'
late of Concmaugh township, dee'd.
(.Kb. W.OATMAX. EcgbK r.
Legist' r"s OlTice, Ebt nsburg, Aug. 11, s,0.-4t.
wiloI.KSAI.E ifeiLEU IK
wcgd'and willow ware,
Belween 13th and 14th Sts., Aitocna.
H I A L LIST, Skptkmpki: Term.
All such oods as Spices. Druslte. Wood
nnd Willow Ware, Shoe ioackingaid Station
cry will be sold from manufacturer's printed
price lists, and all other totals in fiv line nt
J Philadelphia, liaitiruor, Ci; ciimali and I!i-ls
btirgh cin ci-t pi ci s lodc;ileis I ptcseni tt.e
peculiar advnut ape of saving ihrm nil ficitlii
nnd tli!ivaj.e, i.s they t-re not no' .iicd if pay
fici"hts from t'ne pu'i.t ton! citic mid no dtav-
t age charges are 1:1:1 if. Dcn'r-rs may r st as
sured that nt goods titc of thf: best pi Jit and
my pf!cc rfs moderate rates. iiy doing
j a fair, upright I,'u;iC-s, at'i l bv promptly and
fiitisfaeiorily filling ali on ers, 1 hope to merit
Ihe putri ii 'ge ot retail dealers and others in
Cambria, cc-nnty and elsewhere. Order re
sf cctftillv EoIicitcJ aivj s it.isfaclioli trarai;eet'
ia nil ea?cs. TIJoXas CAliLAN'L).
Altoona, July 2'J. lSblf.-tf.
out on duinu's now iu the ei-ci;pan.-y of Nelsou
Tr:ft:1i:s. '('aken ir. eicecu t ion ami to be sold ut.
, the suit of A ii: am
: A!?o. oil Ihe rig'nt, tit ic and interest of Geo.
' Tiley. of. in and to a piece or parcel .1 Jand sit
; ualt! in V;:shin,-r'on township, t tuahi ia couol v,
' ad,t.iinir:gl..iK;.:of I Ii !io St iper. Wm. Tiley. dee'd,
; and oth. is, containing !i Acres, no. re or less,
. having ti-.ere.-o rcctctl a tiiit-i.nd-a-hi.lf sttn-v
' Plan!. House, now- iu the oci-upnnov of Miv.
: l-'o!l;ner, and a cnc-and-a-half stoi v Plank
, House. now in te oeeupaney of Herman Klein
i mier, and. a et.-al t'riir. in working order, in tho
; occii a::cy of Vi'm. Tiley. jr. , Xt.i.eo in eeu-
tion and to be sold at the sa.i of j)r. A'.'ultcr
t lie!!.
! At--,. .;i the right, title and inU rest of Rich-
aril I)r ttling. of. iu raid ma piece or parcel of
j laud situate in Washington township. Cambria,
; count;. . a.-ljoiiiing lar.osof Warner Pender. Jas,
( I onra.l. and others, contaiuirg 2Aerts, more
: or less, about ti Aer'sof v. hich are. clcai cd. Iiav
: ing thereon erected a one-and-a-half story.
I'lunk and a lloai d.Slabie. now in t be oc
cupancy t:f IJcrm rd f):tvey. T;i!.cii in cucii,
j lion and lobe so!- at the s:it of Washington
j o v. jiM-..t i-e ooi iiisiricr. , .. .
Also, all tho i-i.H't. title jtn.-J !,..'.:. st of Wm.
K. ("arr. of, ia una to tt li.t k.f ri' . und situate in
vv ii in (vi c iii.rcuir'a.i a nl. ret eo:. nt v. frocl ti-g on
j a st it ft oh the easj. an alley en ihcroitb. und
lot of Cii'ive Wf-.;trotli tai '( m.i.i!-. havng
! thereon fret ted -i p.o story Flank House witfi
! n one story Plank Kitcheti uttaciiitl. mul Frame
Stable m: v.- in I he :t ci.pancv of Wm. K. C:o r.
i i xu utien i-r.d to 1-r- "..l.i at the suit -if
j Isaac . l'Vmiock. Tru-'teo-r.f Mury Ann liuftv,
Alc. ll;i -.he- liht. Iitlci.iiil iioere.-t of Win.
, It. Hughes, of. in and to a lot of -j round
oi . uiiifn- o. on: ii. ;oii i nia eoun i v , l ri '.:'. - eg
on the eld I'ortagc liailn il l-J ft-et.' rtrttt-tnir.g
lot t f Alice Hughes on the -,v.s.. .Yard s! n ot m
tl.e east and Crooked street en s nil:, having
tru rti-n erected a twostorv Piai.k KniiM- hihI
ore Loom and a Frame Stub.'.-, n.-iv. ;:i if.- oe-
cupaneyot V m. R. 1 i ught. Taken ill . Veen-
lion ini'i to .sold at !Ltjuit of T.C.Jenkins'
,v Pio.'s. et. n i.
A lo, all the rihf. ii'tlc ;;::t', interest of E. M.
Lemon. Adm'.y of l'.. M. I emou. dee'd, (with no
tice to S. S. P-air, Ij., (iuardiaii of minor chil
dren of P.M. Lemon, i of. in rial lo a piece or
parcel of land siiiiatein n township.,
Cambria countv-. adjomtrg lam.;, of M. M. Ad
ams, ht-irs of Edward P'oi.tiidson, tlec'd. ami
others, containing FX I Acres, :ioi -or less, lasv
!: thereon a Coal Park and Hopper?, not novv
iised. and two. Tenant Honse, onc-and-a-haif
-'.ory cat h. now in t';e occt.i ;.ft v of John Me
l.iuilliiu ami Joseph Lol.-yti. T:-!."i in e.r u
tion and to be :-old at the suit of John E. Storm.
A lo, tin Ha' right, title- and interest of IP b t
Hoiial.j- on. of. i: :! a i'ieeeor j art t l of laml
situate 5u Was-hingtMi taw ash In. ' amliria coun
ty, ud.ioinit'.g luiuls of t'ao ;; i-sof t'.iii
neli, dee d, Jacob lim-goon. i oi.hers, coi.tidiiing
1 i Acres, more- or h-s-. r.'ooui Su At re f wiii.-ii
are cleared, iiaving l!a reeii erected a two storv
Plank H.-.osivuvl a Frail c burn, now in tht- is -
ci:jai:cv in rraneis Aii-ii:itii.-iiv. ! aken m ev
il and U be sol i m the suit of Sarah S;:n-
A io, t;ii th'- rfi,t, an.l intt rest of J.-sso
i'oodc-k. of, :n aiid tdi- ! i-pared of laud
situate in Washington fowiiship, i ambria coun
ty, adjoining land-; 'if M. Evans, Stephen Mov
ers, and ot hers, containing l Acri-s, more or It s.-:,
Iiaving thereon erect rd a Water Saw Jiill. iio-.y-in
tin- occupancy of Jor... Wi'lkm ; a oiic-i.nd-a-liuif
story l'lank Hon-.e. now in the occupancy
of Wm. Hall. .-txo. a piece or oared of l.!:'l
sitnatc'in ashii-gton township. ' 'ambria coun
ty, adjoining lauds of Stcph'-n A. Muurs. Son
man tract, aral titht-is. .euntaiidiiir '4(r Acres,
more or less, iiav ing there.-:i creoud two or.e
a nd-a-half story Plank fi'..i-:-es;;ni! a Plan!: Sta
ble, now iu the occupancy o .les-se Woodcock
and .ioj-.n iticiiardsou. Taken in ox cent ion and
lo be sold nt the suit of .ludson ilm-i.-ad.
Also, all the liKht, title ar.d interest of Tho.-..
Podarers, of. in and lo a piece or parcel of land
situaic iu the fioroug'i .f iC'ectisbuiir. Otmbrin
eounly. frentim: or. th.-old P'.ar.I. Ro;-,.. joljoiii
ing lai'dsof Samuel ; 'hoouia kt-r. David I'oweil.
and K. It. Duiii :.;n. coulailiing-Act es, more or
less, having thereon erected a twostorv 1 n;n:o
House ami a Frame Static r.ow tbeo'ecuran
cy of 'iiiorna.s Roogcrs. Taken in execution
and to be- sold -t The suit el Llovd ( o.
Aloj ail t'ne ritriit. title a:id in ten -t of John
J. Rfse. of, in and to a piece or land situate in
iilai '.Ii. ri towusbip. Caiubria coont v, adioiuiiig
UitaN ft Isaac M;,ki:i. Luti,. r Si ih s.'and oi hers
containing 77 Acres,' or less, about .VI Acre -i
of w inch are i-h art-d. lj:.vinjr tliei-eoii m i Ii u n
title story Log !ioii-e and n LogStrt le, now in
the oeciipaiiJ y of ."John J. I.'i-es. ' -: in exe
cution .mil ni l i'.jil.i 1 .-it of John Fci'.i
snii. for use of F a. Sin e:nai- , r:
Al.Mt, ill! the right, title 'o..l interot of V;:i
tha Pringle, if, us.rud -lv ti piece r.r pmi-i ! of
i.iii'l fit note in l.i... ii, township, 'cambrlit
county, tid.i'-'-uinir I::t d.- f '.. I'raliier, Can..
.to!:i: v ...-on, fuiit oti.ers.- t orita::ui
it. ere or css. .u ::- : waicn are
ing thereon erected a two storv rr.::i:- Mi.u-f
and a Frame SiAl-'te, : Wafer Saw Mid i;f:l
;-T(, Ae-. S,
! i:r-l. l iiv-
i i?i;iiil ie. f.iuuf.ig or.f.-r, now in the oct u-
t pyn.-y
; ll-.iu?e
Common Pleas to he held at Eiicn.- bury, in aiut
for the county of ("ambria, ooii.iiieuring on
Monday, tiio at'a day of September nt-.vt :
FliiST vv KI'.K.
.vs. Il'he & Luther
.vs. Noel
.vs. j.'unmire
. vs.
. vs.
. .vs.
La lttzy
Younj; kin
Roberts & Howclls
School Directors Siiin
merliill Township. . . vs.
Frvidieiser & J'litt vs.
Y oongiitn
T'enna If M Co
Stcig-cr ct al
Heuther & Ponacker
McDermitt vs.
Cambria Iron Co vs.
same ..vs.
same vs.
Allegheny Rail Itoad &
oat Company.
Itarker - .-
. snme. .-. .-. . ,
Mvird;ck .... .
. . . .vs. Mel iough
vs. Young
Melli rmttt ct al
Ram i's Heirs
. . . . .vs.
..... vs.
..... V' s.
. . .' . .vs.
... ..vs.
. . . vs.
...... vs.
. . ....vs.
J. K. I IMF, Proth'onofarv.
rrothonotnry's Office, Ebcnsburg, Ang. 11, ln7t.
Gallagher et nl
Penn a Rail Load Cf
Shartz ct ux
Dy sorts
l'atlerson ct al
sa mo
Weak land
I c
Tin: oi.'imians' c(unrr ok;
'AMPRTA COUNTY.- Notice is hereby iv- !
en that the following Apruiseincnts of c-rt::iti i
Personal Property or D.a-i-'it-r-ts, sr-ected and i
sot apart for the Widows of Intestates, under j
tho Act of Assembly of 14th April. Is".!, have !
been filed in the Legist (-f's OI!;ce at Ei t-tisburg. j
ini'i wiii he presented to the ( irphans" Court for
.ipi'ioval on V.'KnxKsnAy, the 7th day of Sep- t
tcieber ne.vt, ti wit : j
"ihe Inventory of the persomv! pre.perty of t
Daniel G tighn'oiir, sr.. late of Taylor twp.. j
dee'd, .retained by Mrs. Catlicrine (ioug-'itiotir, )
his widow 5:!7'lt". j
Tne ftivt-rtory ot the projorl y of James ti his- j
gow, dee'd. 1 et.iineii by ihe widow "00.
'I h" Appraisement tho ginms aivl. chatret-t '
which were of Thmr.a-? Mt 'ioegh. jr.." of j
Crov le tow iisirp, tice'd, set apart to his !
2i'.S-7.. J
Tiic Apprai.-ement of real tin. 1 pt-rsonul pro- ;
pel ty si '. ,. ;lt Jo the wiiiow of Pa;;"! W. Pro v. 11, i
'..'e :i "M.i'7 4.
GEO. W. OATM AN, Clerk.' !
Clerk's Office, Ebensburg, Aug. 11. Is7i. !
and a Frame f 'ai ti. now in the o.-ci:;aiicv
of J.C. Duncan: a twotlorv 1-iitme 'J't-e.-iaeiit
House and a Stable, not now ta copied. .If.-o, a,
pie'T! or part-el of l;'ial siloafe in Hlaei: licit I vv p.,
Cambria eoun I v. adjoin ing limits of E. lira I iter,.
T. It. Moore, and tit hers, oiilntring Is-t Acre-,
more or lo.-s. ;t ?r., t s'O Acres of v. l.ieh are e.'car
td. having thereiai eret ii'l :i one story I'ratiaj
House :nda Pack Larrt. not nt.vv oceupitd.
Taken in execution and lo be sold at the suit of
John M. King. Adm'r of John II. I romaid.
A ise. ;;;i tl.e l i.uht, firl- mid li :crit of. .lobii
O. Evans, of. in ah'! to two Lois cf Ground sit
uate in tho Kasl V,;ir.J of Epeiif l-orooirb."
Ciitr.biia cotritv . frontiei- on C: ;i-,i f j;d stm t
1:1! fc-t, an alley on the t ;:-t 2! f.-et. ami lot ol
David Evaivi o the west, und S.nrp.'i str'-et on
t!te south. haVfiur E'ereoi. ei a two story. lliiiiMi ami a Km me Stabie. now in tho
occupancy fif JoUii l. Evans and Mary Evans.
Taken in evceuliou and to be sold at Ihe suit of
Jl. ( hi Id- , Co.
Al-.ti. a!! thericht. title .tr.d intcrcr't of .Io!:m
A. Ti fn.-P, of, io and to a p;e.t; ratt-d of l-o.d
sito.ile in Ajlfpii'-uy toAvu.-litp. Cumi'iiii i-.n-i:-fv.'i-.ftig hinds of i"m. Pock, peter Sherry,
and olher-i. e;.n;;r:iit:t'Vt Acres, more or b-'s,
about 4. Aen-s of vviiich ::r-e ( ! ided, bav:.:
t'lere'.u e-s'.-t-.-d a or-.e-a-t;,i : ;' -. . !,;- !'p.u: .
in' !u Uog II in:. i'vov.-,i:T .!. fci:p: !ity of liee-y
Vr o t. 'J'iiri'ii i!f-n''.!inn :i;.i! to bo sold at
IT.,- suit of .loon J. OI.ijs.
J' -M A. ItLAlR, sh-rifr.
Sheriff's OtTico, F!t o-biinr, Aug.
7 ( H ) r AR5I FOR Sii LF. -Tf.o
'k V ' i '. iiM.-U-rslriiod olisrs ;.?r .:) at tin.
above j
in ( '-c;r
about :
i ro.n A
O t'!lll
Id town
lies iro;
-i'.dp. ( 'mii'ir'.'.if!:!
n St. Ale.'d.-1 ;: a
;i.i l e t co'ira.i: .; '
( j To tin- si.-re?" ( iui jn Co.,
J..S. ." C- t I 'ill l!..l.(.l V.l lUtil .!
ward A. ' juidtanf. late of your countv.
bEW mia Si dUutd Sa vca Sot n
Inventors who wish to take out Letters Patent
are advised to counsel with MCNN ,V CO.. edit
ors of the fr'iCJiti.tic A inrrirctn, who have prose
cuted claims before theiratent Oillco for over
Twenty Years.- Their American and European
Patent Agency is tho most extensive in the
world. Charges less than any other reliable
agency. A pamphlet containing full instruc
tions in inventors is rout gratis.
MI NN - CO., o7 Park Row, New York.
by all ami singular his goods rod eh'i.rr-ls, htnos
and tenements, iu vhoj.ehaivi-or pass'.'-sioi; -ever
the same may bo, si that he be and apiiwar
bet ore our t 'o'lft of Co'inoioti l'ieit to ia? holm ti
at Ebensiiorg, io and for said countv, on the
;:rf M'li.'f'ni v-p. ,i."-f, '..."ans-ver Hie
Juniata Iron Com piny on a pirn of action on
promises: and. al-o. timt vou sumn'on Da::iel
Sic-Lend and ethfr'", thai tle-y be:'.:-! appear be
fore our Coi.o t , !!..'? aid fir?! Motid.iyo: St'tc:.i
ber, toaiisiii-r wbut sitafi e-t-ic-. ted aga ills'
tin m. and ai id" too jndgu.ent i.i. the Com
therein. Au'5 have you then and there t i's v, tit,
'y, jte-s the jlop.ontblr lli'm-;"'' T.i; l'ir, Ir d
eont J iidiic of f.ur RiM ( at ICla .isfcurg, the
27th !ay of June, A. D. lc7o.
J. K. 1IJ Piothc'lot.-M-y.
Attest JoftN A. Pi.Aitt, r-Iu-i'iff. (jul.2.-.-t;t.)
T I CENSE NOTICE. Tlie petition of
-1 Petkii PltoiY. v. of Crov Ie to-Ttisfnp, lor H
1TV . r.itl.ot,
id 11 mil ,
J 1 Arro
tboiit It Aerc-K of T'lii.h .-t ;-.!:i red ami havt
therco.. ri'; :-t.:5 .i Pi.ANti- Mtn s::, ontaiiiiug 4
:;:-.e!i!-', ti"i a tirr-." Ha :jn t'e- l-aiaiiee of tho
.:j-l being well ue.--d with gcid oak ami
--t'.ritc ' iitiibe.-. TH" tt rii's of paj'tn.-nt will by
f:i0 in hal.d ati.l t noit her b.alf u on. veer, with
int'-nt. nropei IV s n-o.-e K.'.;- furt"her infor
uiiitioii addict CJIALLKS MeKLNNA.
..Mtii-.siidd Valley, Pa.,'.
or .to; ;r to i-t-7,ck. .'t.ui.ii:;, n si ting near
e j rein
f je.rX-3m.
The r,iu".'r-t.'nl i.ft.iv f.-r ale ovr; Ilf';--DP.LU
ACltl SOF LAMi situat- d i:t i '. .-t ti' ,'
Cava bi at t -un'.v, on the road it.-;i.::.. i.i i lict
"prmgs- a
- a.
tt Twr.r.vr
Oj V-.I,): !l um
t feared and have t!-.e-eo- t ree!; .1 a r.;; Ilci'si:
and I ah'- "S"'"A I'l. y. 'he -:i'.a; t the u
well c,vcr.-tl wilii pic". oak ai:l othi r v fihciT-io
timber, a:'.. I is aee-ssi! le to laa'ket. Tl.e pr
ptrtywni bF.ld on ca'y tt rms. For fnith.-r
inforii'.atiOn ap !y to tiv ;I.",ir. ss
tilAlti.iV- v. .;".M-.:t.
Chf-t Twp., June 0,-iu St. Law li iiet P.
cense to keep at l-jilii:g House, na-j l.c'Tt bhii f 1 1 , J SOANLAN, At-'OW tt k",
in Ihe oflico of th't Clerk ot i.'uurter.-essioiisol , -
Cambria county, and will bo presented to said 1 ' iiriobtovv-r. rubral ( n 1 a. All nan
Court at September Term, 1: e. ; m-r of h?ril b.-iness with wm;-!- a may .. , ta-
.1. K. H IT!" Cbrk. vni'ol nn-eive prooipt s::d Ciui-tfl iiit.-u.
Ch-rk's oflice. I".bet;--b;irg. Aotr'. 2."). 1ST0.
tioll. Co!!eet'ol(s
IMay 12.1