1 lie maifl-it Sardines In the liox Live dirt A man. Pott do bills Pay thrm. This beinR fly time, time flicn. The cobbler bas a sole purpuse in life. To remove stains from character get fich. , To spell brandy with three letters 15. KandY. The most popular side just cow The shady side. 'Grocers should remembir that honest tea is the best policy. The prettier the foot and ankle, the ea sier it gets up stares. CircumstauccB alter cases -particularly reduced circumstances. The first Eve angelical alliance Ad am's marriage in Eden. The Eweetest of strains Trying to lift a pretty girl on a horse. The monogram that makes the most matrimonial matches is $. Living from hand to mouth is what a wit calls "manual exercise." Why do thieves lead comfortable lives? Because they take things easy. Tis a lonp lane that haz no turns, and ri a frno-1 mill that alwaVS dtlZ. Tbe man who would keep bib head cool j shouldn't out a stove pipe ou it. What horn produces the most discord ant music? The drinking horn. Chinamen eat with chopsticks, and use no spoons. Butler is down on 'em. A Pennsylvania school-marm recently struck ile." But it was juveu-ile. When does a woman's tongue go quick est ? When it is cn a railroad train. Why is lnziness like money 1 Because j yjjy FRY! Till the more a man has of it, the more he wants. An exchange asks : "Why is a wood chuck like a sausage ? Because it's a ground teg." Chandler is to have a bust by a Vir ginia sculptor. He has the other kind every week. When a Inree widow marries a small man. should he be called the widow's mite? He mite. Why are types like criminals Be cause it ain't proper to lock them up with out proof. When is a Chinaman the most like a vegetable ? Why, when he cue-cumbers his head, of course. What do we seek redress for when we go to law? "Injuries." Where do we find it? "In juries." We tlllr a palm leaf fan as a premium to any person who will get up an original remark abc ut the weather. What is taking a man's name in vain 1 Forging a man's name to a note, and then obtaining nothing on the ncto. A thief, who lately broke open a gro cer's warehouse, excused himself on the pita that he only went to take a tea. Tbe Heart's Misgivings Eating a mut ton pot-pie, and wondering, after a pause, what the contents were composed of. It is said that all Japanese women can read, write and cipher. An exchange says : In civilized nations men 'sigh-for' them." Oh! Some one says truly that the best way for a man to train up a child in the way it should go, is to travel that way sometimes himself. A Touna man in Ohio recently opened a clothing store and was sent to jail for it. Reason why the clothing store belonged to another man. "I have a great love for old hymns," said a pretty girl to her masculine frieud. I am much fonder," he replied, "of the young bers." "Lenny, you're a pig," said a father to his little five-year old boy. "Now, do you know what a pig is. LenLy V "Yes, bir, a pig's a heg's little boy." Marriage certi6cates in Chicago have a clause appended to them, like that on a rail road trip ticket: "Good for thirty days, Unless otherwise ordered." The worst yet. An exchange gets oQ the following horrible conundrum : "Why is an empty champagne bottle like an or phan? Because it ha3 lost its pop." Blessed are they that are ignorant, for they are happy in thinking they know eve rything. Blessed are the orphan children, for they have no mothers to spank them. Bachelors are a much abused class of mortals, but Quilp says it is much better to lauched at for not getting married, than not to be able to laugh yourself because you are. The Harvard Advocate says that this is the last thing from au impassioned lover to his sweetheart : "Would you were an ex clamation point and I were two parenthesis. (!)." Here is a profane conundrum for which the Independent is responsible : What is the difference between temptation and eter nity? The one is a wile of a devil and tke other a devil of a while. A western locomotivo ran over a man who was sitting on the nilroad track read ing a newspaper, and now all the local pa pers are claiming their sheet as the one that proved 60 fatally engrossing. At a teacher's institute in Missouri a lady teacher was given the word "hazard ous" to spell and define, and did it in this style : "ll-a-z, haz, a-r-d, ard, hazard, e-dou-ble-s, ess," hazardess a female hazard." A mau in Indiana lost his wife and his family physician on the tame day. and be is now searching for their remains with a dou ble barrelled shot-gun with the intention of burying them both in the same grave. A man in South Hadley who has just pot out of a lawsuit, wants to obtain a large framed picture of a cow, with one client at the head and the other at the tail, pulling, and the lawyers rueauwhile quietly milking. It is a question that puzzles even the . Universalists to know what will become of a man after death who refuses or neglects to pay for bis newspaper. All tbe places be lieved to exist in the great hereafter are thought to be too good for him. "My son," said a gentleman the other morning to a six year old urchin, ! wish you to go on au errand to your grandmoth imO,ASJSG'1870. And a GOOD THING in EBENSBURG. ROYALTY SUPERCEDED I The "House of Tudor" Surrendered TO THE SMALL FRY 1 NEW STORE! SEW GOODS! Hew Inducements! High Street! j j Lew Prices! Has token pOf-sesMon -" 'he rooms on High Street, (three Uoors lrom Centre totrcet, lecentlv occupied by R. H. Tador, into nhich he has just ir.tioduced a mammoth assortment of DRY a DRESS GOODS, Groceries Hardware, &.c, consisting of everything nd much more tlin any dealer in this " tieck of timber" has ever pretended to keep, and every article of which will be SOLD VERY CHEAP FOR CASH! OR IN EXCHANGE FOE CCtNTCT H-ODC CE. OSADA LIS , . . y-i t r ti T v r t Til.: nni'-vrr . ..... l;" x -i - D- DII'ItOVED NO DEALER KEEPS RETTER GOODS! NO DEALER KEEPS MORE GOODS ! NO DEALER SELLS CHEAPER 1 NO DEALER SELLS MORE ! FRY!! TRY FRY!!! Buy from Fry ! Buy from Fry ! ! THY FRY IF YOU WMNT TO BUY X the finest Dress Goods at the fairest prices. TRY FRY IF YOU SYAST TO PUY Muslins, Checks, Ginghams, Tickings, Shirt ings, Denims, Drills, Jeans. Cloths, Cas siineres. Hatinetts, Delaines. Lawns. Prints, &.c, Ac, and wish to get the full worth of your money. TRY FRY IF YOU W.1NT TO HUY Boots and Shoes for Men's, Ladies' and Chil dren's wear, unexcelled in quality and nowhere undertold in prices. TRY FRY IF YOU W.1NT TO BUY Hardware, Qneensware, Glassware, Caipets Oil Clo'h-, tc , of the handsomest styles at the lowest figures. 0 s A D A L I S Josh Hillings on riles. HPHE GREAT AMERICAN JL HEALTH RESTORER pu.ifies the bloou and cure Scrofula, Syphilis. ."-kiu Diseases, Rheumatism, Diseases of Wo men, and all Cbrot:n A flections of the Bteod, Liver and Kidneys. Recommend ed by the Medical Faculty and many tbousanas of our be-H citizens. Rend the testimony of physicians and patient.-' who have used Rosadalis ; send lor our Rosadalis Guide to Health Book, or Almanac for this year, whichwe pub lish for gratuitous distribution ; it wnl give you much valuable information. Dr. K. vv . uarr, oi miuimorc, say?; I take pleasure in recommending yonr Rosabai 19 as a very powerful alterative, j I have 6een it used in two cases with happy results one in a case of secondary syphilis, in which the patient pmnoanced himself cured after having taken five bot les of vour medicine. The other is a case 'of Scrofula of Ion standing, which is irapidly improving under its use, aud the lindiotions are that the patient will soon recover I have carefully examined the formula by whichyour Rosadalis is made and find it nn excellent compound of alterative Ingredients. Dr. Sparks, of N icholfiaviHe, Kv.,sys he ha- used Rosadalis in cases of Scrofu la and Secondary Syphilis with satistac jtory i ecults as 'ti cleaner of the blood I know no better remedy. 1 Samuel G. M'Fadden, Murfreesboro'. Tenn . savs: I have used seven bottles oi Rosadalis and am entirely cured of Rhen- . . . ' . . i t : i. matism ; senu roe lour ooiues, as i i-u it for my brother, who has scrofulous sore eves. Beni. Bechtol. of Lima, O.. writes : I have suffered for i.0 years with an invet erate eruption over my whole bony. A shoit time since 1 bought a Dottieoi ito sadalis and it effected a perfect cure Rosadalis is sold bv Li.mmon & Mra- !ray, Ebensburg, and Druggists general llv. Laboratory, CI Exchange Place, iBaltimore. CLEMENTS & CO., J April 7, 1PC9. ly. Proprietors S AND 1881'S TRY FRY IF YOU WANT TO BUY Hams, Sides, Shoulders. Mess Pork. Fish. Salt, Lard. Butter. Eirgs, Cheese, Coffee. Su gar, Teas, Soaps. Candles, Spices, or anything clse in that line. TRY FRY IF YOU WANT TO BUY auythiiig and everything worth buying, and be sure that nt all times vou will he supplied at the LOWEST CASH RATES. " Oh my ! my eye ! it is no lie That at the Dry Goods Store and Grocery Just opened by A. G Fry, On the street called High, More for your money yuu can buy Than from any one else, faror nih. 5-20' BOUGHT, SOLD AND IXCHANOFP Oj6 .MOST LIBERAL TERMS. BOCGMT ANI SOI-D AT MaKKET RATES COUPONS CASHED, Facific Eailroad Bonds BOUGHT AM) SOLD. StocJcs IJoiKjJit tj- Sold on Commission Only First Mortgage 7 P. C. Gold Bonds For sale at SO ajid accrued interest. AreonntR received anl Interest Allow ed on Dully Ralnnces, ulJect to elieck nt silit. I li:ite a fli. A tli is got no manners. He aint no gentilmun- Ile's an introoder, don't send in no card nor ax a interduckshun, nor don't knok at the front door, and nurer, nuver thinks uv takin off hia hat. Fust thinjr vou know lie is in bed with you and up your nose tho what he wants tliar is a tnystry and he invites hisself to brekfast and sots dutin in yore butter, thout breshi'ig his pants. He helps himself to ehugar, and meat, and melassis9, and bred, and presurves, and vinnegy ennything, and don't wait for no invitashun. lie's got a good ap pytite, anJ jiat as sun eat one thing as another. T'aint no use to challenge him for tak ing liberties ; he keeps up a hostile ker rispondence with you, wether or not and hlu'ots hissc-lf at you like a bullit, and he nuver misses, nuver. He'll kiss yore wife 20 times a day, and zizz and zoo, and riJikuIe you if jfou say a word, and he'd ruthcr you'd slap at him than not, coz he's a dodger uv the dodjririnist kine. Everv time you slap, you don't slap him, bnt slaps yoreself, and he zizzcz and pints the bine leg uv skorn at you, till he aggrevates you to distracshin. lie glories in a ligiitin every pop on the ixackt spot whar you druv him from, which proves the intenshun to teeze you. Don't toll me he ain't got no mind : he knows what he is after. lie's got sense and too much uv it, tho he never went to skool a day in his life ixcept in a eupe dish. lie's a mean, rnillignant, owdashus, premeditated cuss. His mother nurver paddled him with a y0I' "MOHRELL WASHINGTON STREET, Near Pa. R. R. Depot, Johnstown, Pa., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in fill 11 DBMESTIC Wi GOQBS. ailLLlXEKY GOODS, BEE HIVE. The undersized ha secured l P9 of the United States, dated December for"! improvement in the construction of Bee V,T l el.ima for hU invention advantages oseVscd bv no other heretofore patented. The principal feature of this 1 ee H, ve . th ' !l,nt bv means of which H is thoronKh HARDWARE. QUEICNSWARE. BOOTS AND SHOES. BATS AND CAPS. IRON AND NAILS ! CARrETS AND OIL CLOTHS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, r: T . A w A RE. Y I .LLO W W ARE. WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, PROVISIONS and FEED, ALL KINDS, Together with all mamipr of Wetorn I 'rod nee, such FLOUR. BACON, FISH, SALT, CARBON OIL. kc. &c. . t-ss?- Wholesale and retail orders prdicited and promptly filled on the shortest notice aud i most reasonable terms WOOD. 1IORRELL & CO Johnstown, April 2d, lbC'J. ly. arrangruK.il'.. u. , (.;!;. lv vcntiUted. thus precioump 1'",- " "'',h L bee Biaotherinc. the comb mou ding or the onev sourin-. Thi desirable end accorn o i"hed by a vertical perforated tube, running centrally through the hive and open at the top and bottom. All persons interested in apicm- .. :it r, s.ft the creat advantages se- Uirc J" , :!.,.,.. ;a . . . - t j ne Atlantic 2lor.t?Jy rivna , graphic sketch of tU t H every drunkard : "J 'f-'-Kz The daily Wh cf ard in like this: mornius, after a heavy, rtlcf ? sleep, lie-is mi-erable Iryon.l' 1 and almost helpless. lri v;rv i '5 so ne cannot i.it to J. t: :,! which h mania. Two or thren Rtfr ,.i tl.e in c t;ad a desirn ' ous liquors will restore him so f"'1: can control hia muscles, an.i L t::. Vt-..vo.?nr. u;.. 3'.- ' 1'T.fc. If. , " D ENTISTIiY. The undersigned, graduate -5? slipper in Her ate. of tbe Balti more Coi'ege of Dental Sur- trery, respect fully offers hi PE0FKSS105A services to the r-iti'iw of Kh- ensbnrg and vicinitv, which place he will visit on tlie'Voi-nui Monday of each mouth, to re main one week. Aug.13. SAM'L BELFORD: D. D. S. cured ir. this improvement. for the increase of bcea. ... The reci'liar construction of the box, partic ularly in the arrangement of the inner com partrnents, wl.erebv it can be cleaned at any time without disturbing the bees, is another valuable improvement which will be obvious nr, who f-x:imines this Hive. An t xaii.i'- atiou of the workings of the bees or the eoudiiion of the interior can be made at any time, as the tddee sre c.iscd wilh glass. Bees can be trasferred from a difl'erent. hive to the improved one without any difficulty whatever. It would require too much ipace to enumerate here all the advantages claimed in this inven i.nt full ir. formation will be promptly fur- ni-hed by applying in person or by letter to the patentee. I am now irepared to dippoM s of territory for the sale of the Improved Eee Hive in any portion of th United States. 3 y PETER CAMPBELL, Carrolltown, Cambria Co., Pa. out betraying his condition an hour, and drink'iDg every t( . '".. minutes, he will tis-ually be aV " ' pretty r'-od breakf.i-.t. ivi.Vi, :'e of cefft-e, tobacco, and aompara1- 1 amount of liquor, he will Le able t'"' After breakfast, for tome hour v. generally ab;e to transact rutite V.-,""'' and associate with his fellows wl-v.." lug their pity or contempt. As d n-'.. draws near, 1m; fee's tl.e necessity cfU' drinking som ot those infc t . 1 . r wnitn are auverii.-ia i r. t;ifc AliTOM iTiC RAILWAY GATE The patentee of the atove nas aiso iini-uim n.d patented an AUTOMATIC RAILWAY lhe attention of I design to keep a full line of DRESS GOODS of the most desirable etvles and texturea. and as I am determined to sell :is CHEAP A3 THE CHEAPEST, I respectfully solicit a call from all the ladies, and especially from those who have been in the habit of visiting other plates to make their purchases. Whatever jou want to buy, be sure first to try the store of A. G. FRY. kbensburg, May 27, JSCD. mm is mm mm, HAVING recently enlarged our stock we are now prepared to sell at a great reduction lrom lormer prices. Our &toek con sists of Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Leon's, Hall's and Allen's Hair Restor atives. Pills, Ointments, Plasters, Liniments, Pain Killers,- Cilrate Magnesia, Ess Jamaica Ginger, Pure Flavoring Extracts, E-sences, Lemon Syrup, Soothing Syrup, Spiced Syrup, Rhubarb, Pure Spices, &e."; CIGARS AND TORACCOS, Blank Books, Deeds, Notes and Bonds; Cap. Post. Commercial and all kind? of Note Paper; Envelopes, Pens, Pencils, Arnold'a Writing Fluid, Black and Red Ink, Pocket and Pass Books, Magazines, Newspapers, Novels, His toiica. Bibles, Religious.Prajer aud Toy Books, Penknives, Pipes, &c tW We have added to our stock a lot of FINE JEWELRY, to which we would invite the attention of the Ladies. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS at lower prices than ever offered in this place. Paper and Cigars sold either wholesale or re tail. LEMMON & MURRAY, July 30, 18G8. Main Street, Ebensburg. lO fSoxitli TI 1 1 IX D Street; PHILADELPHIA. THE M1W jETXA REAPER AND MOWER! GREATLY IMF ROVED, With double motion, or change of speed at will. By the movement of an easy vrorkiug lever, without stopping the team, the speed can be easily changed from fast to blow, and from slow to fast ; or by the same lever can be thrown entirely out of gear. Also a grand improvement in the new Geared Reel that is so popular, and with a new Self-Rake and other improvements, the Etna " is conceded to be far ahead of all its competitors in every essential quality of a successful machine. If you want to get the best Reaper and Mow er manufactured, call at George Huntley's House-Furnishing and Agricultural Depot and see the famed ' Autxa," or send for the new pamphlet of grand improvements for 1870, sent free to any rddress. VMTE CIT1IM till OP HA11TKOIID, CONN. Cixsl I. Elacrc, Pr?:'t. - - Francis D. Eosglass, Scc'y. fTHIS COMPANY ranks among the first JL class Life Insurance Companies doing bus iness in Massachusetts, and by complying with the laws of that State, ineures perfect safety to her Policy Holders. It grants fU per cent loan of premium on Life Policies to its Insured, and hy applying all the cash collected lrom its members to Insurtnce, gives the largest insu rance attainable for the amount of monev in vested. Its profits are divided among the PoT- icv Holders, and its Dividends have never been less than 5d ner cent., thus bringing tbe net cost pf the Insurance within the most limited means, and affording the protection of a Policy on terms not excelled bv anv Oompauv. Trustworthy and reliable men are wanted to act as aaents for tl.ls Company in Cambria and adjoining counties, and with such the most iibeial arrangements wiil be made. To those who may be unacquainted with the business full instructions and aid will be most cheerful ly reudered whenever desirable or available. COPE & JOHNSON, Agents for Cambria County, Johnstown. Pa. Home Sl Norton, General Agents, P4 Fourth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Fa,. apr.l4.-ly.J 'Poor women are on every side, and orphans cry for bread, because husbands and fa thers lived and died uninsured." A HI ERIC AX '.ill 11 I III! I' 4 IV OF PHILADELPHIA Organized 1850 ALJ.x.TYniLLDiN.Pres.. .Joux S. Wilson, Sec cr's to-day. It's impossible." was tho reply; "I belong to the Highflyer and Tiger base ball club, and both play match games to-day one id the morning and the other in tbe afternoon. Give me fortj cents for a ball. "John Smith, come up with jour lcs eon. What docs G-I-a-es' spell?" Well, I knew once, bui darned if I don't forget now." Pshaw what's in your mother's vrindow sashes?" "There's so many things that blowed if can remember them all. Let me see there's the boss blanket in one place, brother Job's hat in another, sister Patty's bonnet in another, and dad's old breeches in the hole that Ztb and I made yesterday." Tako a run out, Johnny ; you may go and play for awhile." -'If ever I'm married," said Ike, looking up from the book he was reading and kick iug the stove door to. 4,if ever I'm married " "Don't speak of marriage, Isaac." 6aid Mrs. Partington, "till you are old enough to understand tbe bond that binds congeal ing souls. P6oplo"musn't think of marriage with impurjity. It's tbe first thing children think of now-a-days, and young boj s with their piana fortes, and young girls with their beads fricasseed into spittoon curls, talk of marriage before they get out of their can teen. Think of tucb ouea getting married !' THE T- MS1MII W I b- w Ct id a m n MM 1 7 FOK Gumming: 8ti ws IS THE BEST SAW GUMBIER ! ITS THE WORLD! FOR SALE BT GEORGE HUNTLEY, Ebensburg', Pa. W. M. LLOYD & CO., Bankers, Altoona, Pa. Drafts on the principal cities aud Silver and Gold for sale. Collections made. Moueys received on deposit, payable on de mand, without interest, or upon time, with nterest at fair rates. an31. LOTD & CO., IlanUer, -i Ebenbburg, Ta. Gold, Silver, Government Loans, and other Securities, bought and sold. Interest allowed on Time Leposits. Collections made in all accessible points in the United States aDd a general Banking business transacted All policies non forfeitable. All policies are payable at death or 80 years of age. Economy in management. Caue ;n the selec tion of rir-ks, Prompts kss in the payment o death claims, and Security in the investment of its immense funds, are rigidly adhered to and have always characterized this Company. J. FRANK-CONDON, Special Agcut. Nov. 11, 18GfJ.-lv. ALU ABLE REAL ESTATE FOI SALE. The FARM lately owned by Epwahd A. Bubke, dee'd, situated in Washington township, Cambria county, is of fered for sale. Said Farm con tains 175 ACRES, yf) acres of which are clear ed, the balance being well timbered. The land is of the best quality and the improve mentsaiea House, Barn, &o. There is a good Orchard on the premises. For terms, which will be made easy, inquire on the premises, or of the undersigned in Allegheny township. Possession will be given when pale is effected JAMES J. KAYLOR, April 21. -tf. Executor of E. A. Burke, dee'd 7&TOTICE TO LAND OW NERS. Having procured a perfect list of all warrantee names, dates ot wan-ants, and of the payment of the purchase money and the names of the persons piying the same, wita a com plete draft made from the official records show ing the location oi eacn tract ot land, lam prepared to procure patents from the Land Of fice for the owners ot unpatented lands, unde the Act of Assembly of the'JOth of May, 184 and the euppienient thereto, as required by th recent order ot the burvevor Ueneral. GEO. M. READE Ebensburg, March 2-1, WO -tf. G Ilia morrals wus ni- glec.ktid, and he lacks a iood deal of hu mility mitely. He ain't bashful a bit, an I 1 doubts if he blushes ofting. Iu fack, he was nuver fotoh up a tall. He wuz born full grown, he don't git old uther things gits old, but he nuver gits old and he is itnperdent and inis chevus to the day ov his deih. lie droopz m cold weather, and yu kin ma?h him on a window pain, and you've jest put yore linger in it. lie cums agin next veer, and a been more with him. Tain't no use. One fli to a family might do for amuse ment, but the good uv so many flize I be due ef I kan see : kin vou ? I has thoit much about flize, and I has notist how ofting they stops in their devil try to comb their heads and skratch thar no?e with thar four legs, and gouge thar arm-pits under thar wings with thar hind eg 9. And my kandid opinyun are, that flize is lowsy, they ecches all the time, is mis erbul, and that makes 'em bad tempered, and want to make uther peepil miserbul too Ef that ain't the flossfy uv flize, I give it up. Altho a fli don't send in his kard, lie always leaves one, and I don't like it Taint piitty cf 'tis round. lie kan't DR. H. B. MILLER, flfc Altoona, Pa., "uXTLiy Operative and Mechanical DENTIST. Office removed to irginia street, opposite the Lutheran church. Persons from Cambria county or ebc.vhere who get work done by me to the amountof Ten Dollars and upwards, will have the railroad fare deducted from their bills. All woke warra.ntko. Jan. 121, lC'J.-tf. BR D. W. ZIEGLEll, Surgeon Den tist, will visit Ehensburg p'o- and p: fUTR to which he invites the railroad men. Full information will be fur niched on application, and Company Rights will be disposed of by the inventor. Address as above. jan.ll.'TO -tf. GEO. C.K. ZAHM.........JAS. B. ZAHM. ZAHSVI &L SON, DEALERS IN xt-k". ii,. trro v i v , ri'.ci day of each month, and reman one week, duriiifr which time he may be found at the Mountain House. fjTee'h extracted without pain by the use of .Nitrate Oxide, or Laughing Gas. II. l'LANK, M. D., tenders his professional service to tho oitiz-.-ns of ITucn.-Oiur;.' and vicinity. Ollice on llirh street, njiixisite t lis; new Ccntrrotrutional church, fcisi Ward. Nitrht calls can t- made at the late resi dence of Lr. it. t. lUuin, West Ward, mj 12. w. DRY 000DS, HARDWARE. QUEENSWARE, Hats,Cap3,Eoots,Shoes, AND ALL OTHER ARTICLES tsually Kept !n a Country Store. make a cross mark, only a dot, and he is always a dollin whar thar ain't no i's Thars no end to his periods, but he nuver cums to a full Etop. Such Iianu-ritm is diznpreabil. lie's a artiss, but his freshco and his wall paperin I don't admire. Thar's too much sameness in his patterns. II is specs is the only specs that don't help the eyes. You can't see throo era, and you don t want too. I hate a fli. Durn a fli. Tiik New Orleans Picayune, relates the following: incident which occurred at a recent trial in the Recorder s Court of a case of assault : "And you struck the man ?" inquired the magistrate. "Uedad I did." "Then you did wrung " "You don't say fo." "But I do." "If a man should call your honor a coward, wouldn't jou strike him!" "No, it would be wrong."' "Bedad, I bdicve it would" re plied the culprit, and a universal laugh evinced the appreciation of the crowd. AV. JAMISON, 31. D., Lore t to. ('ambriii Co., fa.. Tenders Lis professional services Ut such of the titizens of the above place and viciniiy as may requite medical aid. April '21. ly. AaIES J. O ATM AX, M. I)., tenders his professional services as Phy- i sioian aud Surgeon to the citizens of Carro'.l tewn and vicinity. Otllce in rear of build ing occupied by J. Buck & Co. as a store. Night calls can be made at hia re--idence, one door south of A. Haug'a tin and hardware store. "May 9, 1SG7. J. LLOYD, successor to II. b. P.UNX, Dealer in Dnujs. Medicines, Faints, e. "Store on Main street, opposite tho "Mansion House," Lbensburg, Pa. October 17. 18G7.-Gm. D. M'LAUGIILIN, 1 TTOTvNEY AT LAW. Johnstoim, ra j Office in the Hxchange building, ou the Corner of Clinton and Locust streets up ttairs. Will attend to all business connect ed with his profession. Jan. 31. 18G7.-tf. JOHN 1. LINTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Johnstoicn, Fa. Office in building on corner of Main and Franklin street, opposite Mansion House, second Coor. Entrance on Franklin street. Johnstown. Jan. 31. 1867.-tf. p L. PERSUING, Attorxey-at- Law, JoJinsfoicn, Fa. Oflice on Frank lin street, upstairs, over John Benton's Hardware Store. Jan. 31, 1867. WOOL AND COUNTRY PHODUCK TAKES IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS ! STORE ON MAIN STREET, Next Door to the Pest Office, June 10, 1S69. EBENSBURG, PA. ma! .. , . I-:.,.. i nn.) mntir.fiin ci'l.. 1 4 i " names, offered to the public, atd'd-v behind bars in drinkim? sal- trrr r. r .1 n k i i,f rpfnto .l !. ' " .. Ct.nU. cordials, wines, etc., mixed v.---;."' navoreu lutua iiie ue wj; a jlw ; " spices ana sugar. aLd s.ld utider ir-.. of tonics, restorers, aj petit' rs. t;c "y persons art inuueeu 10 laKe tUm !.. . tnern to oe oeuencia., wbtu, if the vile stuff from which tr.ty arr'; one out of a thousand would t ci" J t is vain t-jr advcrcates of temt-r... write, speak, or 1 ibor far refgrra, ti',' shameful business is earn-?.', en, Z:i , cians can be fund to sanctiou ui mend them. These bitters lash the torpid p-,,. a momentary, morbid, fierce active ,. eiiables the victim to eat even a sav ant dinrer. The false exoitca.ci.tjr but dinner rtmaius, and it has tc'.-y ed. This calls for an ceeasionil c - three or four hours, after iv!ii,-'n :-r is exhausted, and the m.in iVt's ;" lauguid. He is net tranquil: Le ,. continuation of the stimuiau :!:.- which human nature, to ali;i,v;. verted, never resists. Dv tijj ti: I evening, when all the apparatus ' tion is in the ful.eit activity, avi i lot'se population t f the town is sL: now bepu.s Lis evening t!t-V.-.i:;rh. a.: up a steady drinking until he can more, when he stumbles heme the stupefying fumes, and awake l ror and decrepitude; i f a drut.kar :': : ing. It is not surprising that fcr,.- ;. pie are becoming disgusted vhh u of "bitters," which are uotUr; 1: worst liquors disguised as neir-M' but lure the tippler on tj ruin and i tion. r1IN, COPPER AND SHEET-IRON JL "WAUE. Havinz purchased the tools and fixtures of Mr. T. V. Williams, and leased the building recently occupied by S. Singleton, Esq., on Hij-h street, opposite the store of Zahm & Son, the subscriber would respectfully inform the citizen? of Ebensburg and parts adjacent that he is prepared to f urnish all kind ot TIN, COPPER and SHEET IRON WARE of his own manufacture, which he will not only guar antee perfect in make and material, but fully aa moderate iu price as like articles are sold by any manufacturer in the county. Special at tention paid to making and putting up SPOUT ING of all kinds. .An examination of my work and prices is respectfully solicited, and I have no fear but what I can give entire satisfaction to all who favor me with their custom. VALENTINE LUTTRINGER. Ebentburg, Aug. 5, lSGD.-tf. j& T" J A M E ST HOTEL, (Conducted on the European Flan,') 405 & 407 Liberty Stbeet, opposite the Union Depot, Vittsduegii, Pa. JAMES K. L ANA II AN, Froprietor. This House is newly built and splendidly furnished, and convenient to all the Rail roads coming into the city. Tbe Restaurant connected with this Ilotel open at all hours of the day and night. oct.17.-ly. UNION HOUSE, EBENSBURG, Pa., JEROME A. PLOTT, Propietor, spare3 no pains to render this hotel worthy of a continuation of the liberai patronage it baa heretofore received. His table will always be furnished with the best the market affords ; his bar with the best ct liquors. His stable is large, and will be attended by an attentive and obliging hostler. Jan 30, 1868.-tf. A Y vfc W E L S II Successors to Gay Painter, WHOLESALE Grocers and Commission Merchants AND DEALERS IN FLOUR, PRODUCE. FISH, SALT, CAR BON OILS, &c, Sec. 362 Libebty Steeet. - PITTSBURGH. TT OUNTAIN HOUSE, Ebensburg, JL it. P. liINTON fc CO., Prop'ri. The Table is always supplied with the choicest delicacies : the Bah is supplied with choice liquorf, and the Staeie attended by careful hostlers. Transient visitors accom modated and boarders taken by the week month or year, on reasonable terms. feb21 EKANK W. HAY, WHOLESALE and RETAIL Manufacturer, ( of TIN. COPPER and SHEET-IRON WARE, Canal street, below Clinton, Johns town, Fa. A large stock constantly on baud. V on EASLY, Attorney at Laav. ffice, No. 10S Franklin plreet, Johns town, l a . two doors JNorth Ot r razer s Urug Store. Will attend promptly to all manner of legal business that uiav be entrusted to him. KOPELIN, Johnstown. T. W. DTCK, Ebeusburg. KOPELIN & DICK, Attorneys-at-Latv, Ebensburg, Pa. Office with Wm. Kittell, Esq., Colonade Row. oct.22.-tf. R. Ii. JOHNSTON, J E. SO A M J JOHNSTON & SCANLAN, Attorneys at Law, Ebeusburg, Cambria oo., Ta. Office opposite the Court House. Ebensburs, Jan. 31, 1867.-tf. A SHOKMAKF.R OKO. 'W. OATMA.V. SHOEMAKER & O ATM AN, Attor neys at Law, Ebensburg. Pa. Offices on High street, inrnedia!v va-t of Huntlev's hardware store. an. 8, 'CD. rp II. SCANLAV, Attm-my-at Tmw, - Carrolltown, ChmI. ;':'.. ra. All man ner of letral busin;s ;,! n hic'; I mav b fa vored will roti'ive f.tn':': jiiid tarelii! atton tton. Collections u stH i;Uity. May 12.1 II. SEOIiLEIi, Attokney-at- Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Office in rooms recently occupied by Geo. M. Reade, Esq , in Colonade Row, Centre street. aug.27. THE SLATE COFiPANY Are prepared to furnish to Builders or Slaters their VF.RY DADE BICE COLCItr.D SITEEIOR ROOFING SLATE ! From their own Quarries, located in Northamp ton county, Pemi 'a, AT QUARRY TRICES. Sample-? may be seen, and communications addressed to E. L. GOODWIN, Agent. J. . SIIAIJLEXBEKGEK, Ire-t. Office : Brew er's Building, Duqcesse Way, Cor. Eighth St., Pittsburgh, Pa. f mj5-tim. N D R E W 5IOSES, MERCHANT TAILOR, ScrpEs's Boilping, Clinton St., JonxsTowx, HAS jnst received his fall and winter stock of fine French, London and American CLOTHS, CASSIMERE3 and VEST1XGS. and a full assortment of Gent's Furbishing Goods. Mr. Moses has been for eipht years cutter at Wood, Worrell & Co. 's establishment, and now desires to inform his friends and the public rea crally that he has commenced business in Sup oes's biiildinpc, on Clinton stieet, with a stock pf goods adapted to the fall and winter, which he is prepared to make up in the latest styles and at moderate prices for cash, hoping by at tention to business to merit a share of public pitronage, and maintain that success which has heretofore attended his efforts in producing good fitting garments, tiive him a call. Johnstown, Sept. 2. 18fiS.-tf. CfBK FOB UrDRi FH -HIA. '.Vbi'jf with a relative at Sing Sil N. Y..;: William Beers, of North liavca, C bitten by a dog supposed to be r.l: at once applied pulverized chare ,) wound, and bas experience-.! no sr convenience from the bite saoe u wefks jnst followiog the occur. -c:.c which time he had snie f-f thelipr tc-ros of bydropln.bia 5! ore Ttces:. Leer?. whi!e living in Icw.i, wastL: of saving the life cf a y.'un !..? bitten bv a ratt:e?nase. ar t i:e j the young lady stsbsequeLt y a;;, same remcily for a rattls.-nike horse with entire success. Tl.t-it!" applyiiig the cb.ucjal is tJ makes: mixing with lard. TH EYEUE THE MEMORY -a-tt' FRIENDS DEPA R TED ! OF GEO. M. KEADE, Attornryat-Laic, Ebensburg, Pa. Oflice in new building recently erected on Centre street, two doors from lligh street. aug.27. JOSEPH M'DONALT), ATTORNET AT LAW, Ebensburg. Fa. Office on Centre street, opposite Linton's Hotel. Jan. 31. 18G7-tf. F. V. TIEHNEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Fa. Office in Colonade Row. . Jan. 5. 18G7-tf. WILLIAM KITTELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Fa. Office iu Colonade Row, Centre tstreet. Jan. 31, 18G7.-tf. JOHN FENLON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg Pa. Office on High street, adjoining his resi dence. Jan 31, 1867.-tf. VfrAMES C. EASLY, Attokxet- at-Law, Carrolltown, Cambria Co., Fa. Collections and all legal business promptly attended to. Jan 31. 1807. KINKEAD, Justice of the Peace ami Claim Aaent Office remnred t . the office formerly occupied by M. Hasson, Esr,. dee'd, oa High. St., Ebensburg. jl3. MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, &c. The subscriber still continues to manufacture of the best material and in the most workmanlike manner, at the Loretto Marble Works, all kind of MONUMENTS AND TOMB STONES, as well as TABLE and BUREAU TOPS, and all other work in his line. Non but the best American and Italian Marble used, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed to all cases at prices as low as like work can be obtained in the cities or elsewhere. Call and see specimens and judge for yourselves as to the merits cheapness of my work. JAMES WILKINSON. Loretto, March 12, 1868.1y. How to Make Blackfe!;i.t'.m?i following r ci;e for making ! .--is furnirhed the Country Gr!s P;Qrl,.trcvi:hi V:i.. bfnsek:. nice ripe blackberries; nnsht!:r wooden or earthen vessel, f.u.-. -every gallon of juice, thus olu: quarts of water to the poicax J stand several hours, s'.rr.r c-- then strain and mix with t'.e trv- To every gallon of this m:sf.:re im pounds white sugar. Iiaceina.; vessel to ferment, subsr.tunr.i. i -gauze neatly pasted tn for a: .';- fermentatioj. iooseiv rce i.t :-.- Rack cfl aud bottle iu C:tr. Mr. G.H. Nutter, tf Firih -; Minn., recently, while th"?,'' level prairie, when at tr.ece;- - two feet from the snrf.ce " '- ;. struck uptn a lot of clrps ir '"f kihlp viiprirp nf havir l"- "1. wen tnarpenea axe, i ni ; T., itiug as 10 is parii.tii j -- , . were removetl and a tree u.-- ; upon removing a section tv i-: proved to be red ced.tr, tric- indication it must have U'c t-"v and thousands of years. It ' hard yellow c!av, with no a?? different sou atove it. were also discovered. CHAIR MANUFAGPj IM.P.MI ALL KINDS OF such as common Winder m,;-- v;r.r.o Phairs. Lnstiei Viiaii . is....... (- Backed Chairf FIRST XATIOSAL Saddle & Harness Shop JiV UAMlililA COUNTY. The subscriber has commenced business at his Old Stand on Ilijrh street. West Ward, od- posite the Union School House, Ebensburg, Pa., where he is manufacturing and is prepared to fill all oider-i in his line at greatly reduced prices. Desirous of patronage from all formei patrons and the public generally, I invite them to call, with a view of saving money for them selves, as I will positively furLish the best and cheapest work that is or can be made in this or adjoiuin,; counties. Call and see samples of my work and learn my prices. M. M. O'NEILL. Ebenebnrg. March 10, 1870.-tf. WHOLESALE ociatle C llllL X ' . . t n J 1 h t. - ROCKING Ul l A v" " .; Settees, Lounges, c- .,; CABINET FURNjij of every description STYLES, WITH PRICES Tastes of fv x nan r i ui - t : fully tolicits a liiwraiw - . 3 L, age. Clinton Street, Co. Ta. jZ VALUABLE -A fine FARM . Cambria couiHy, !'.. Turr-J ensb lead fere v,;h are elt'ir' iDg -.ell tiored- 1 h ,w rtt in ii i vulu'o - .-. r r ,nrg and "J- v ing from Biairsvil.e to i- Iforeale on aeeoni 111! .IV. . . .rr ' .1. ibe has thereon errt - - T1: .ever fail in, lOZ tr!ted fruit in the co..,y ,I,v Kit For funher p'rtici or adore"--- Bos 31.