CXZH PTfk- Jw Hik" Ha. icl-s. ioa jssl is 1233 r&ix . ' A ! ?r.Al WnvEis TiV Jairnitiy of hast 3 en: .Captain ALht, .a fishciniun Mc.-, Mailed iioni Lis home to vxrots tl.c buv (.Jooryctowii, to i.'ial.e ;;i ninjiementfi fur the Initial of is brother, C;:iv dames VVLik- oiftkina the tHt in hi!ft&l b-at j ti c bay, Captain ruarr was. Iot ; i . bis. bi at vji fCond'm) daje substq'teiuly i.' o;;u lhe ehore of Sequin ifdand. but - his " '!hJv; rot found,1 though the there? ' w ;ib -iei.fihed fwr'rrany clayg. - ' i . . naoHths- PiiWcn ieiit tu this. fad :f-piied to"VMr. 1. fort ho pfsVraertt of i i jti.T U iiEiieaiiuit aim at the Iruas Lo wits. lromr(. .' -' : 2 Mr.. IV averred that be "jwiil t"! 45,o!?',"iirul "rofused. tvfti2kjiUtTetlgi: bat he i v. ts indebted tu the estate of tlie deceased. As the rOtit?if Vr-fcs'irr the pocket oi I Cii--t iii'zr fit jf .lc4 w'as Twify. clii- cluaii.t.fcv.i Jew b. pr.oiucctl thhtij j mi l i.t-t bfcn paiu.-' . " -..--- I,.srSet.!c?jirCr, tie Wy cf Cpptaj. iviurr wi3 waited Jy-ng ik-uch, liut far i':ura wtita !ace it eccirs to hnve L-ecn burict! in ;h? f nnd frc tu J.-.i;uary tVA hcr.itaibor,, . ... . . , 'i'Lu budy Wft.iutii!irnil by. niarks ii; Iniii.-i ick-uu -oj uf tbe'trtafl. " In 'th I c!cf!:irg of the IkVIj y.;s fy(li.3' a wal'if, ! t la no;e ut ttU, I lie. f.- ijru.eatjLoi vi-aica IV Litil refused to the yidw. ; :;' - Mr. I. cou!J S.ny c?s.Zo pay ing it, nor did he appear 4i-i-'0P2l o l';ur tlc body cf the deceased -tten.tJ tu lrtv riatn fiutn its Lurird l(ce On purj.oijc! to Utiiiand it. " -'- " wouu oi ours ip liiica wna wouaorH. i a j i luici oscof-e rcyeab not lesa than the tcio- i fix-jje, each ut either eud of creation In ! i he- iasect creation, pErtiruiarly, there S much to krijtv that has never b'.'en j t':e:tmt of- svLela within wheels, without i cvr.ijjiitation or nmuler. . Lr.t .us take a rupid st the proof of thi elate- j nicii?. The polyp, it is saiu, like the f.t L!-d !:yJru, rcceir03 nc.v II To from the j'j which is lifted to destroy it. The j i!y spider lays ar cg a3 larga as itBt.If. j Thcieare 4,011 ra-jscles in a caterpillar, lljjke discovered 14. COO iiiirrct9 in the! of a d.-iTiC, raid to c-ilVct ihi rcspiratiu;) t f ii carp, 13,800 artcrks, vvtfai:'j, relus, LvJiiC-, ct., r,re iioct ssuxy. The body of j fcvty ?idtif contains fucr little m:is?es ! j'ierced-with o raulatuda ol' iaipcrceptihle i each hole pcrmitiing the passage of j i thread'; all the thre.u-i, to the amount j uf 1,000 to e.'icu mnss, join together when they corao but and make tie sii!g!e,tLreud ! with which the 5pidar spins its web; so ! that what we t all p. Fpiler'p t!.rcaJ crn-t-ists of more than 4. COO uaitcdi. "Len Nvl.eiiock, Ly meaiu . of . ai'cro&copes, ob fci'iuil spiders no ti-zcer than a "rain of bund, ai.d which spun threads po fine that j it took d,000 of iujzi to eqjil in magni- tude a siuirle hair. A ad Fate. J-'orrc years since a young man named William R. Ilai'-ht ; was attracted from hish.:ne and trade Ly the allurernc-tits of a traveling circus tuupe,i:i Cattamjgus county New York, .::d beeouia uifatuated with tha charms of a feraale p reformer, gri;t'ii.d her whims to the extent of h:s tinun ir.l capacity, and ! then robbed Lis employers of several hen- ' died dollar?, for which crime ha was tried, convinced, and re;,tcnei-d to sn imprison- ' men! of two years and a half at Auburn jnn. ITa was th3 only son of a fond and indulgent ludy resUHrg in New York City. Th"i3 mother dlid a fc.r dnys hince, and by Ler will leaves ail her fortune, 0 10,000, to her wayward, erring boy. lie has only terved six months of his imprkenment and when the facts above t.cted were related to him he acted like a madman, nnd sought t very means to take his own life, cursing ! luaiseh fur being a felon, with a fortune hanging j.vitbin Liri grasp, jet he dare not .touch i: until two lon years are spent in misery and Cos lino niuut. What a lesson to the youth of our land is Ler? depicted ! liiCKs. ruoMt GAfc-Co.iL Ashes. "Walls n ciarVab'.o lightness, p,jroty nd drysjA j niay be bulk cheaply of bricks mado i'4.;n the a-hes of the coks tlerived from ga works. ' The ashe3, afrcr btlng t.tken from tlie retort.", are spread oil the Burface of a clean flour; they Hi tlutn finely ju!vfr:.5cd, and ten per ..-control flacked lime, fcpefher with a nfl,i;t -pro-;l portion of water is iisLi'cdiatcly jtirfed ui-A' ''I incorporated with them. A fter A jCrt -f t-.venty-tour -hour?, the'rmtuie is ruade into bricks by the ordinary process. 'l'hfse bricks are imnaediately-trausferred to the drying she U, where a few day of ! e.posare rtnuers tiieai lit lor uso. the other day.". AAcrJhe fanfil, r,nc of - t)is eld lneada came to -Ink ;cancd cor. dolo with him The wMower dilated opu'u the virtucj cf the deceased, and cxchiim ed : . "Hut wasn't it"'bautiful funeral T "Ye?," replied the frk'n r'very Inter esting, indeed." 'Q.jite n crow.d.Lou" wasn't if, though V'z a"L,cV 'tl ; liuuriwr. "Very, very; ijuite a Eiict?css,'1 groaned th& frierxl. "Did you "notii e.tliivhyran T wasn't it totaling r'tfiicrtc-d tbc widower. "Very, very ; I jirred with nll-ruy-heart," replied lho guest. 'Yef and. o. did I," faid the bereaved ianaf i.Mr0rp I'ichd it pi t! , She nilersloved IhfttltTtun:"" , 4 ,., ;r ? . J Z.' V.'nts an Ambwomftft iferi-Ts mnrtV-1 ir:g again nftcf the death of'het linsband t-he goo? the niphfbefore the ceremony to pay a visit to Lis .There the knct ls and prays him not U bo ollendcni nK1o be jealous.. , As, however,- khe -Tetlsrhe ta will be cffinded and jealous,, the widow '; blinds with her a donkey laden with two 1 -oat'is hki ns of water. The prajer ended J s:;e prpcccu3 to pour ttio water. on- the grave to keep the first- hubband .foul i.n kr tLeckqiuistances .bout to tak p r-e, "aiidba.ving WfclU.'Uuratcd him.'ihe o Why is (haul's fa mi V hkejin .Id j in ln-eauiC there so many Lr.t; '.In it. !.IV ' - - ' V "M-'i m ;.' " ' , IN. .' " Q j5i rr9 nr cm ';-! IA ;1 ' H ''"iJllffli yeii fe tie mm I 63 p ft tis ad umvum.M fa m OF V. S. -BARKER'S LYiENSE Owing to the fact that mony is pretty iciircf, and people do not want to " r jtixi-it jjrdeFs' (Hey can get their moi.ty'a worth, V. 8. Hai;ki.u has ilctcriLLied to ctTor Lis cruise block of Goods at , r 7 y i 'JJ As it is my de?ire to dispopn of every article cr-ntained in my large and va iicd assortment of Goodi befute ATIilL lar, 1870, SlJirMMilsljl tub tim&mtb WILL LE OFFEIiED IX And Sliscellaneous . Articles OF -EVERY. DESCRIPTION! The ttoek is new and contains no 'damaged or Auction goods, but every ar--' tide is warranted to be in good and perfect order, and m m iinED at prices lower; THAN HAVE EVER PREVAILED IN THIS MARKET. The G-od3 are marled dawn so that OXLV ONE TUTCE v. ill bo asked - - FOIl CASH, ar.d sold for casli alom. - - - k ( ... -. So buy for CASII.'and MONEY save, J 1'il sr-1! you CHEAP f,.r CAPII to day And do not"ykvl tu sorrow ; And 1'il trust, yuii all to-morrow." And. Now' Look 'at This : STILL BETTER jFDir (ft LTJULj J s ' 51. ; ; . I ; I'B-nsox criTEc goods to tesc Will hava 5 PER CE1MT. beducted frc'ci thcirEill " Which th'ey. can have-either: in Goods or -Cashes they may wish. This Js the , grratret chance fof bargains ever otfer in this town", and persons vvisluna to buy Goods and, SAVE MONEY will do well to uaajiue out- .siocs anu-riucEs Semembeiy tlie whole sfock- Is:to Before tlie -FISST.'DAT of ;:APEIL ITEST. tel ilii 7 9 t n W II 111 NL 4 tw ti- feAjJj falr.J j OPPORTUNmLS Li r- i belorc . buv lag elsewhere. fee it IrTifa n n-n Ichabod Brown and Annabel Green. A SAD TALE CF TRUE LOVE ASD DIKE EETT.I- j- UUTI X. la II;rkimcr county Tiiere never was s'vn A sweeu-r young creature ' Thin Annabt l Grivn. She was fair as the Sillier And pure a the siivj-.y. And Ichabod Brown Was sweet Annabel's beau. Fair Annabel Gresn Thus to Iohabod spoke : 'S!uuhi you ever pruve fiVe My po r heart w iu'd l bruke." 1'iien lie aiwcid. :I !i -pe To be rjii'td and tut If mv Ann.ibei's 1 ve I sl.all ever f.T-ct." Bat Iukabo ? Drowu Proved f.;it Li!e.--a, and bjod l'uur Aumbel 'Jrocu V as d e: :i te 1 an I loue ; Thju Hut v.-cpt and tilnj mourned, And t-he fobbed aud sba ciSiid, Till her tender Lert br )ka And ehe lay Jjwn and diei. Then Ickab j B.wn as uev-iT at ease; He roamed all the way To the fir Southern .?as. And on going on t hore Some savjgur aiet Lim, 4 They built up a fi.e " An I ruatc-d and eat him. No!f,VlGIANT COOS I NO APPARATtTS. We are indebted to mis of the Magazines far the following description of this curious and convenient invention : "It is now several years since the eo-cJleJ Norwegian Cooking Apparatus' was first ! exhibited to the public; but it has since be- j come a favorite m every dirwtim. ia eonse- q nonce of the very great ecoiutuv of ful lesuithig from its use. " 1 u its smiphft form it of a square !nv rli.-f -t . 1 . a 1. .ri..m .....1 With felt, and with a suur nlm ..f tV.o I same mated, which can ne laid ou and the lid then shut down. Tiu or iron vess-'ii, containing the t-ubstau.-e to be coake-J, are j urn exp.iseo over a nie i. r a sru:rt tune to a j certain amount of heat, ar.d t!is hubs'a.-ices j in them brought to the bilfig temperature, j They are thea t.ti:a oif a.. uf iu.-id-a of ti, j f.-ii-iinel bus, the top is put .-n and tje iid c!-,'s-d, acd they are alio-ved to remain auy ! deirt- i ItLqth of time. Tue ft;lt in u j.oor ! a e,.L. !i.etor the tea:eraturef the veg- iris will be i ai-:t;.i!.ie,i f.rrmpv h .urs al- oost unchaniTe'i, iiu-1 fh prin;r-hs of i o"ki:;g i will go ou without iu'err-jptit: or the aopli- : citi'-n of additional heat. : la vne ertj i rim-:,t a j. ie.:e of btef wa boi.ed "A ; 1 1 1 si Luc iotattH.-s far to iil eeven t min-.ites fn a tin va d. which w.m thnn , i ... j ,i .. , i , , i Ii . . . . . - ...u.u for o, lit i ki linger time than would htt r"- ! ll -'-0' cocking. On" rcmovir ! tne ve.-s.I tut contents 'a t-re fouii I m-ib-ctly i at: 1 sna.kiii" b.,t ; and thev i.r.ibabiv i would have rstaino I tii . . . ! &".ue toinpt-raturo I man v wiiv hours longer, as after, th-s iaprx-oi" (ivf ! ,.," ,., v.'y-I -c.-Wi ,. f ,v ' i ; ! ou.s t.i' v. s.-cl ai. i-o iiat -that the bund . uld not be he'd U pou it. I ho C : " I l:e same ai-j-aratus is o-jallv tflli-iaoi i as. a re.r.g'Tf.t ir and we ci-uuuen 1 the hint : to r.ur read 'r's wIm to ir wish Co keen ice in i . "... . ,! j siim 1 qintKi.iiif, e.'j-.'et.u.y in a s;. k rooui. j In one exei itnent h:vi n j'oiPids tf ice v.cie i ,.N..,..t in ?n,;.T..-..f ,J.... i 1 vii.t., cu.- ing a hot afrr-rn ton Ia the course of the! evening trie l-ox wm r:-ei;r-o k t. V'r i i-ix t fines, to retn ov pi-rtious of the ice ; y-l j on tho, at tlie es:imti.a of twei.- tv-.our hoUif. r.!.:;j'v'l the wearier lU t;.e 1 tntautin-.e had beea excessively hot. a cuu- i 1-. . r ; .--i i i vub.c portiau of tne ice. e, id reniaiued un melted." W JlO Y AS T:I.. Sl.CO.ND ACTING T JS. aire ...mi.f la-Mi'r is rttl O::M01C Kr tlie t f.-owti" ti-'ii-ifr' .:t-. j 2.., - " i , ' .hu was the second a.-hington 2 'Ihet Radicals sav it was Kdwia M. -.Stanton. ; T, . : i , ... "... , ? It coti.t.n t have oeen Stanton, for when Thad. Stevens died thev paid it u-rs S,Tc, It couldn't have been Steven,, f r -vi.c'n Abe Lincadu died thev suld it wj-L-ncolti'. It cm Id not have be-n Lincoln, f r when John Brown died they said it was ii: nva. It couldn't have bt en Brawn wtli. itV no ,. .,.: k, ':-, ,i r, i . 1 ue running. the tnu.g ltlo. the ground utter ( rm-niirg it up the callows. Who was the s-c- ot.d Washington 1 iremCTB-w, .i m luj wa, .MCT-ga-rotOTa (f li F II A N S ' CO U 11 T SALE ! By Tirtue of an order of .the On.liins' I vw -v.-y... wv.c.j. , xiti i.iTT ICMU.rt' Jl UP DOr- J v-li of I'beiburg, ci) LIU DAY, JAN tiy.h, ?-;.!.T:V!"ck; ln ' ,thiteeria.. LOT nr J iiiUL,. neioiiginj; to the cttaie o) .Mu-hnci L. JCbajj-re,. U'.'ce-tH.fd . OtL ite in Etri;rliii " extende.l, and bounded a ad de.wnbed as fol- j lows: Beginning at a p st on tLeoutl, fciJe of Ogle street, thence south along the east side! ot Spruce alley" btxieen perehes to a post ,' thence east, along thenoith stce ol Jnumrh ftrcet lour p-rtlies to a po aiijoiiring lot sixteen u post, thence north alorg" the ! :tcen perches to a ; est, thence south side of "Ogle meet tour I et alciig the perches to th place ot l-egmumg it t'C-r.ig kaowu as Lot No. 1 on tlie Gh y-aercnth tquate. Ttaais Cash ou ennfirmfttinn of tlie sale. HAh'lflET ORR, JOHN LLOYD, ; Jan. 13. 3t. AJm 'rs ol M. C, M'Cague.dee'd. f OOK HERE I FINE FAK.M FOK h-J SALE C1IEAI'. The subscriber offers for Bale:, oa reasouuble terms, bis FA KM in Cambria township, three miles south of Eb enshurp, atid . coiuaiiiing ili iCliES and 70 l'EUGltLri, of which 5ti Acres ure under good cultivation and 2d Acres well tiKbereL An exeeiieat Stone Il-aue, Frame Baru, ttaw.aliil in ruiitiit:g order, U'agou and Carriage Houses, Wood Shed, and other necessary outbuildings, are the improvements! There i.on the pi-em Lee sullk-ieut water power to run any uiaciiii.e ry. as we!! as a good bearing Orchard of choice fruit. For further".jnforiuat!oit apply on the premises or adcies throt: uli Ebcju.'nu"" P. O,, JaV.'13'3t." , KODERT It. JONES. ACTION TO TIIK FUIJUC. All "persns are heieby cautioned not to ptir LSynds A'os. E-4 itad 1!, drawn iu A'.vor of Yai-extixb Y. Kbisk and Thomas "Cvbse, icr THREE II ENDUED DOLLARS (i,:ii)d) each, and ?ignc1 by Petes 'J'REXtER, 1'retident of the Board of School Directors of Clearfield Township. Thesaid bo!uls were is sued through misrepresentation", and will not be redecnied. Pv orrfcr of the Board. PETER T REX LER, PivsiJcut. Attest Lcite ISmie, Secretary: St. Augutitine, Jan. 4, lfcTJ. " Tjan.13 -3t.J IS.SOLUTION. Tub 1-aiitnkt:shu heretofore existing between P.vkne and Jas. Caclet; tinder the ftyle of T. "Erase & Co., was dissolved tiy mutual confer. t oh'1 January -hh, 1570.' The business of tLe old firm wril be settled by T. Evrne at the old stand, comer of R'.binson and Anderson sts.. f Allegheny, Pa. T. I5YRNE- Jan. 13, lfTO -3t. J AS. OAULEY. Q FECIAL NOTICE. The Fhdiuid J Bloodgood Survey being all-patented. those who own portions of tlivna need not pr' ply for J'iiteuis. Tiiose who h ive purchased i tracts, or r.urts of tract-;, ot other bodies of sirr. ! vcya which have not been patentei, cau pro j cure the patents br applyuii; t ( SliOEM AIvER OATilAK i Ebcasburg, Aor. IS, lbD. tt". ! Ayer's Hair V igor, For restoring Gray Hair to : its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing v.liicli at once agreeable, altby, and cflcctual r preserving the is healthy ior mm hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored ft.i.-'aV to its original color j vrdlt the yloss and 'y,.'y-.C.'i-rr ' frethness of youth. Thia Lair js thick- cned, falling hair checked, and bald ness ofteu, though not always, cured ! by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed. or the glauds atrophied and decayed. ! lint such a3 remain can be caved for usefulness by thi3 application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty scdi- meet, it will ker-p it clean and vigorous. Its occasional uso will prevent tiie hair Irom turning gray or falling oil, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make soine preparations daugyious and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but net harm it. If wanted merely for a ; - HAIR DRESSING, nc'hiii feUe can be. found so tle&iraLie. Coataiuiug neither oil nor dye, it does not Boil vhii3 cambric, and yet lasts long ou the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aver II Co.. . lo. ht t r- r n. t-T A vit x-t- i 4. PjirirraTa I LOTHLL, 3IASS. PJIIC2 Cl-OO. For sale by It. J. LLOYD, a-nt. E Ayer's Sarsapariila. Pntiri'OG TI3E Tim reputation CLi o.r-rcli-iit i:-!c1i-.-;r.( criovs, ii dei iv. J its cur", 1'iaijy 1 v UcH trulv laarvt-llau.-. l:a.:.r,-!j ca-es f Sororulous :- cae, -where the rystt-rii fxeiaed faturi.tcd v.i-!i curni: tion. tj.ive been juriiio.i f moi Lv it. .--.j-ol'iiieu- rcetiT.-ar.-i ili?c.-r.-!ers,-!.ieh wt-rejaj- fravaUV i.y ttie"f: jliS -oi:t lliiin.-itio'i u"7 "ere- '.wnu.i. .. m..icm!z, i;ave lava r;a;.t a nui.u in d...x cel. iniiiiiin in c(-r Fe' tion of the roaiitry, l!i.t U:c uhiie ca:cel tea ta 'Ul enemie.ct' our race. Often, UsL unseen rn'l unfeit i,J';1H5l:riv10-:i't: V:3' cci.ftii.m, mm in . ar ii:e aiaie.ioi eT'.iat-!.. r r r- . I aw..?. ywautewUEjf a Fnsjueion of its f:T(ae. Atrtio, t feo::as tcbrfv-d infwtroa tliron;.-!;cuttht bot v, ausd ?lK'n on fomc farnr.'iWi: oeeahi.n, id!v develop into one or other of its hideou? forms, eiuicr on the tairla-'e or. autcntr tlie vitals. In the latter, -talitr. eloa i.iay 1 e des-ositcd in tiio or its resei:u ly eruptions on the (kin, or t.loer- a.!ion; 011 fome rait of the boiy. H-:ie l!. wrv Flon.d n.-e of a hal'Je ef this iarsrt.'irUln i- ::d- vi-atd.-, even when no aetive s-n?;ai tus cf dista.-a aI'!'e"-r.. I'l'ivons a'llh-ted with. ti: fu'iowins o.n- r-,:n!:' nornny that iiai.jc-d:..te, ar.d, at leiirrui, euie. I v tap u-e ot t!i: :S-4 IIS tlii'ir- -1- Antl'"::t's J'irr, l:vse or i'n,'.;(eiiJ, jiarj-, i-iia i-atutii, cui-J iiid.l, Jiuittvorm, Snrr F,.ji. '-.. I'rf ..-.a . ti.... ....... ii .r-.-' vj.ii.le ibrux of Scroj'utous dera.-e. Al-o iii th9 ty ''u!e--k'a iorr..s, t, i.fsp, nia, atwl the various Vterruus L.Jieelioiis cf thc i.n",pn. lar nv.d nervous .y.-tvtns. f'thf tis or J cm rcril are! JfTerrttrial D'snsi crC cine.! hy it.thon-h a loir-tnee is ro.7uirtdr. FubduiuBlht-se ottius.te inula 'desLr anv nie-Vu iu Sfinsra r 1 p'.'j'iuiu); i.ul; o"ju;.h' ;n,ii:i atis Ly any na-. ; u lue. J'Ut i1!'? ouuxiu-.i use et Uus ne-.h iae w i'.l enre I7rarin, and JVtmtlr JJ.w.. are cm- "oi'ii rojoiuu anu Ui.nnate.v' eureu Iy iu r'n-iiyins and invirorathu: eiTe.-t. '-Xiuuto ltirec tions lor each caw are f..und in our Almanac, rup-' l'hed gratis. J:i.-ttmnisni nd OV.ii. vLcn eaitnl l.v accuinulaiiors .f extraneous matters m the Llood, yield jm-k!v to it, as i.L o J.ircr :omi.iluts, ZorjUiitft. Conu-etioH or inflnm- --'o- of theiirtr,a::d.7nMi.fitf,l.eni.:iinj, tt.Iatf tiABj tt.nvr for tlie btrenfrth and vijn.r f the pvetom. fl... .!-...- . . T 1 . - .. ..- tliiif, Slrr;,lrxs. un-'l tioc.1 ?l with AVrrom t r.4 usioiis or h't ar. cr anv of tire affoetionfi ?i-Cto"-?t-c r,f. --. find eonviaciag evldeuce cf its rcttoralive power uitou trial. n r r , . , P R E P A 1Z E D B Y - C". A"i"r:2t CO., I.O '!, i25., iVacieI l Atialytital Chrrr. . EOLD BY ALL DP.UOG1STS EVF.PA TUFr;: 1 . . . ft h If) f St ft'tsr fl T ? . bl'lilU iVirtliU rib ..Ui'ji- F; " Kr U L t'-1 lil " J j'J t R Id $ I;.' ift i.vLa o a ki U vL ii I f- IA-I0 (XU (h) i f HQ ".i i j I fc 5 I f A tti ; ii i X 'i 4 - il 1 i iJij . 1 ' 4i- 17 0 U1 VliiiiikUj smiIi as common "Wind.-or Chairs, rrct E.'.ck . Ciairs, Yienna Chairs, Castle Chairs, iiiui Lacked Chairs, Sociable Chairs, . 9- - ROCKING CHAIRS, OP EVERY SIZE SPRIS9 SEAT C1IAIES Stttcc-ri, Lonnges, Ac.ecc. CAB i WET FURJTURE of every description aiel of latent STYLES, WITH PRICES TO SUIT THE Tastes of all. Thankful for prut favors., ho respect fully solicits a liberal share cf public patror. age. "Clinton Street, Johns-town Can-Aria Pa. Jan. 31, n:c7. g5 T . J A M K S ' H O T i HT? -(Conducted on i!,e Eineaii Tlan,) 405 & 407 Ljeeutv Srt:ti-.r, oi-p.-siTii tub Ukion Depot. Pitt.sf.ui;ou, Pa. JAMES K. LAN AH AS, - -- I'rvirid. This Iloufe is newly built and si !e::did!y" furnished, and converient to all the- R.ili- reads coming into the city. The Restaurant connected with this Ilotci open at all Lours of the day and night. oct.17.-ly. ,PITTSBUKGSTA3T 5 So. 429 CZ'crty Street. OPPOSITE UNION PASSEXGER DEPOT, ' PI TTSB URG II, PA. Ljall.-ly. - FELIX HEXLY. Proo'r. UNION IIOUSE, FDRXSBURO. Pa., jr.ROJIK A. PLOTT - ' ' ' ' " ' .' - tJ iUl Ku0'--Vv'r U Pr.detor, spares no pains to rend-r this i T llTJ Pf FFI fivp, c ,na1y j : Ei ci.-bur. A-'ig hotel worthy of a coutiuuatTonof tlie-libt ral 1 iii !5 L JiJ V? InUFiil band a largvi snpplv ' 2 - patrnnaee it ha8 heretofore received 1 fU(5. RS. SYKP PS MOLASSES, TEAS.' pi;NK V. . IIA- Ule will- always be furnished tvUh tit FIF TTlIOLESALE ,nd EF-TAib ''.'."2 .';' best-the market affords: bis bar whir the ,1, i. - ObACyO . ( (f TN odTlin u:.d ;- r , best Ct His stable is large, and will ! o.desW-i.ed-.'r-nna retail dealer, ru.d s.u' V A 12 E.' Cun' .V.,. be!-v f,:j c be attocded hy ad itter.tiv and ohb-lr.S- at-.tion in goods lind tribes -uAranteed ' : 1 .-wet. Pa. A large c And a GOOD THING in EBE'iSBURG. IIOYALTY SUri-ClCDlCD ! The "McLiso of Tudor" Surrendered TO THE SMALL FRY ! vrr $l?mVl XftW fJOOHv I Itliti, .ki Ujl. J . ITCv JLIldllCCniSIltS ! w. Uizh Street! Has tnkt-ii ;-:iit'sif n of th? room on t?tftTt. ( thr re . xtt? froTii Ci iit.-e Stcct,) iccd.tJy oci!i; it,l l.v II. H. Tii'i r, in'O which lie h-. j :-t ir.'i o a niHH .'iio'h a!-orTtr.-ri i f D7VY ' DRjiSS GOODS,! , nrsv r fzi'crlt ;:'ri'ivn- Lf I . i ,1 v., j ,;ir.;.tin fjl ev.rul.n- Lnd n.uch i.ktc th ! Odd Stove j. v.j !?. !-r in n.N " :.i'(k i limim " Las j pair-, o. 1 J .ever j .-efei. ja kp. :ud t.erv . i wiil W t- - : T"x U' oi v'-:"i' "i! ' v,ui..-i iua .,.r-.n . , 3CUi;r (NuciiAvana r cm r:,:.ix::. j -y. .f NO DEAT.rit K'Fliri i'.ETT I'll COOb.-' No 1 k a bill; k rs moiik c;oi;--: No IjI-ialei-: s:-'ll c!5!:.rr.K 2 NO DJ-JALLIl Id. LLS MO 12 10 2 it.y FRY! thytly:! tiiy ri:Yi: F.y! lU.yJn,.! : ! TliY FP.Y IF YOU W.1NT TO 121 1Y the ii. vt-.t J-'ie.-s Guods i.t the- f.i-rcst trL- s. THY FI2Y IF YOI2 W.1NT TO I;I T Y i r.u.i-ir.i.i. i .. !". -. - in--. rvo.-.-. J Co C:i-- lit- -i , Dv: ai .f, l.aVrii,. ': -. ;r , .. i i.-li to ttt ! ! ill ot v,ur ra.t:t THY I-'ilY IF YOU W. INT TO lil'Y li'jui.- and Sl.i'cs for M La-u.' and C'.il tiicn's wear, isx X' in rm .!iv n:.J now l.ei't- uiJri2-i ir. ; itts. TJiY Fill' IF YOU W.4NT TO 1UY Il.iruwaie. Qik e!'- ire, ( il.i-s -are, ( urjt;s Gil C;..ih--, 4c. -f 0 0 h iraNo-CrO MT:CS St M.H iU'A-.-i .uris. TI?Y FRY IF YOU WANT TO in S;.-e-. M. er. Mts P .i r .Vi it, Tt-...-, r'-j.t't. O u. iit-icvs, oi ai.t1:2ig t-!e la i'.!. I T12Y VRY IF YOU WANT TO iJUY aiiVtiih.t' ai:-J r-very:h:ng v.' tmvar.. !::! le sure ti. at at ah nz-.' vow ;?; Pi: j at ihe LOWLST CA-H KA'i iL:L ('a t' ! :;!v ptp .' ir i nr. tip 1 li--it at the lrv .): "-" erf a;.,! Or eery Juit oj ened by A. l5. i'rv, t1;; the Mn:et c d!h.l IK jii. ri- far v-tur i:;j:.ev .. u can huv in Vren a fid' l:r-o"" " """?. i.'I; K.SS G -tiliS .f ti't "isf - J' .t.-.-irA'.'e sr vits -.ire! tTi,r. and s I am de'-i i a fo-i to bi ii .; j C'iJ E if A S THE ("IIEAI'ES r, I i e,.v. :.:.' a cal: a -'i:: :d: li i; i i i.e.-, a:..': o-r .i.-., v !i tire-1- r.' o 2i::ve'.toia t'.e hab't ot i-ii. g o p2:.t-os to S'.d.e t'o-lr ; ::(.': ?-. s. V :. .tti . .on want to b'iv, be i.Uit fc'rst t tr ?u :r of : A. 0. r:.v. ESen.-bur?, U.xy 27, 1S'.". I.F.AI.SU IS Th.Mi from ar.y o:re e!a, fr ( r lo a a? in ra p tr fin a ri ' v 1 ' - 4 ' J t;;.- -., "j J, ?: f ;- t j--. L'-- 1 ' . it. 1 i . jl .'. 4 vi i. v t hi iii 5 : . ' t- i 1 1 rates t.i.'i I D if , i . . ; o, tv : v,.te.v ' , :ud1c -zmx.Jr auu'n jrlaur, : n?h o.u L,rd oi. l; , 7. w'. . ' , Ci. R rin, T..r. ; :n iST, Ft2S2E5, , A" i!j2, ' "'Ji rRKSII "YKGETAIsLKS, All. F2r?r rV?r trrI t'.l-C i ' ."III A ' .:! : P..L. s:r"7 ;. e? Tr i? r ; rj- rr-.- SYRUPS, MOLASSES, CHEESE, tic. A"s a lar-o sijck of the Cest Crands of-Clgars and lobacco, i v" , STOIiE ON HIGH NTKEET, ? 4 E O U (.r i: V Four Peers lost of Crxvurd's ..?., j v;h!.!t .t i KTrt'-aHbiircr, IPa, 1L7. S Iii ',ii . .Vi , s- ' r; . i . . , , i i . . . . i . . .J - , ; , K t ! ' ' . t . - J . . f, TTTAYINO recently enlarged our stock llB Lliiibil lull JijM'L---' r we are now preiKired to sell at a ? ' ' r-1 action trom foriuer price- 0r stock ton- s sts of Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, Fancy j Soaps. Lean's, flal'iV and Allcrs Hair P.e.-tor- i atives. Pills, Ointments.' Tiasters. Li..imnM, i ;!Q ULuCHrtL JUi.-!. - Parn Kwiers, Oitrto Magi ssia, Ess Jamaica , , -.-, Ei:gcr, .EUvenr.g Extracts, E-sences ai.J a.. w. i.-. Leinaa fcvrnp. -)othu.g Svrup, SnieeJ Syruis ! r Rhubarb Pure sbu-e-. ; . ' j Virginia Street, near Ur-.- CIGARS AS'D TOVAUCOS, j ' niankJBooks, Deeds, Notes and P.onds; Cap. AS-TOO..4, Po.-l. Comuiercial and all hinds of Note Pitner- i Envelope-, lVus, Pencils, Arnold's Writing j The o:,v dealer in the citv 2-' ibaid, LI rick and Red Ink, Pocket arrd Pass ! tf;i t'b rsr.owt.ed A Uh. l jivi-.r.s, aiagazines, .xewspapeis, novels, idis tories, Rrblcs, Religious, Prayer and Tov Looks, Penknives,, ic. J" We biive added to our s'cck'a lot of FINE JEWELRY, to which v,c would invite the attention of the Ladies. PHOTOORAPH ALP.PMS at lower prices than ever Oifere.l iirthis place. PaK-r r.nd Cigars sold eitlier wludesale or re tail. LEMMON & M ERR AY, July 3;V, ?56. - Main Street, Ebe:ibi!isr. A W "S O X & li A KER, FRANKLIN STREET, llu OId PO.T OFFICE UClt.01.VC, j that ho i prejuoed to luit.idi aii y;: WHOLESALE GROCERS AND DITALEUS ljl . 1- St 4- 6 ii . I-iiOyt bi.: ,,,, f.,,. bo h ., i ..... ;ve e..:: jui i.Ui i .n ' , v TO (.AMI , lV. ... .His, caiiliin. VIH)LKSAH; (-; My stock o ' i. . ( CANS.-iioi: ;t;::, n: HEATING am, ((; r'--- :A:;.'--ii.v c; ; r ' - ' r 1 " -! V a' ; L:.n;p i'lirncr:. wick c I T -. ..'.1 ..! CI. i j..' T i i Ilu.tar, I n.i'Ifc. i.t j rvag..n r.-..r. - :. f .- I SUGAR KETTLES A'0 C'! ! f r. 1 . o j r V. o HM K lio.' roi-a'-', :-..-! -a c. V I: ; , f!.-r::.-T 2 . r.- , tr.-l.: I rr a-;,.-. i I.: sv i. r f ; .b h:t - "1 at t(r ;av.-': The 111. 2 .-irizera of E'; lly that he : ; noes to C eo;..-i t, in part 1 V .S'Oriv, i f VHtre 1 t evrv o' v.- : L ' . : . .. t o t. i : . i ', .- '-.' -) . r-'-a; 'V r-, -..ri : . Axts. ----. A- i i - -Wr.: . f" i Si:'..t I vS. 1 i'. Ali:i-.rr., Orii; i G it; s and Me:-..-t.rt-s, Nails, llor-e - s. 1 1 tins, to-v. .vt r, ; is, a nr' er.t:; t" i i 1 1, ' i t L V ei i 5, '- it', a-:, i v-a. v. j liar.!, a E artii-ies at tho -ov. est . rjr .'-anc-e i.: ; r. .tt ? -w rates f-.r t . j r.i v:c t - Cv !:::frv i.a in i 7"t n. in l -. n . f iii hLAIl-i.HHUijJbu $ OF EVERY L OF UJS O.VIv 32 AM i L.r- i .j rrii rrr 1. 1 i ad's VD ', . ' COOK. S S t E. :i.e i- coiapUte and -. Stove ever -i J Stock Immense. - V-ui - SATISFACTION GE A il A ; L; ",. f miN coiu-Ei: and siir.h v i-Ji V' ARE Ha i; i ! '-' "J ' and fixuires ot Mr. T. J the buihliiig recently occc.yea . - -E.-..,on Ilih srrei t; oe; .i'c o ' & Son.thesub.-i-Eb-r u2d c- lie iv.M-.s t.f EiifllshtU al a .' V j COPPER and MihUi '. ', :', . ", .. j vtfia uiauuracltire, which b o. ' ' ; ! ar.tce perfect in make and 1;' ,r' ' ' ,t j us moderate in rice a- ha.e h:- ' a:iy mairufaeiarrt r ir. li J - '""l-'' !"V; i lei. oon puj.J to luah:;.;; r:.d '' - - ' i lali Oi ah kinds. A n ' r. rr a:.d prices t- icj ectl idv -a! - ' to.ller. Jan GO, lcC3.-i JoUiuUOwn, Apiil 2?,-lwJ 1 bid.