s Cambria Freeman. rnfivsnuiio, pa. Tiibksday Mohnino, : Dfc. 16, 1869- A SPLE.YDID OFFER. We Invite the attention of oar agricultural friends and other to the proposition marie an Ier our loal had in regard tr the Amr tern S'ork Journal, which we offer as a free yifi for one year to all persons who pay S2 in advance for the next volume of the Fp.ee Mas. This offer should not only induce all our present country subscribers to psv in advance, but fhould secure us hundreds of new aubscrihers among those engaged in t i 1 Ini? the soil and raising live stock. Will our friend do us the kindness to make this i-flcr known to such of their neighbors as ere not tuheribers to our paper? The Slock Jur. no? cannot he had by single subscribers for lew than $1 per 3'ear. and we propose to fur llah it for nothing to ail who wish it. We are also prepand to give the Freeman Bud a splendid literary ninthly magazine for f 2.25 ; but of this we shall have more to ay in our next imn. The Message In a ul Shell. We do not know how many of cur reader will find fault with us for not publishing President Grant'.- first annual message in full, but having failed, fr rossona already given, to lay it before our reader ht3t week, we do not deem it advisable now. after so many ol our local cotensporanes have pub lished it, to devote the requisite space to that purpose. Hence we fly to th other extreme, and give,the following brief Fynopsis of the President's Message as we find it furnished liy the Baltimore Gazette: President Grant, in his annual message, expresses the pmfoundest eratitude for things generally, and states that though the -rforts i-f Congress have not been a succt)Sfiil as desirable, stiil they were quite as much tu c? could reasonably have been anticir attd. Recommends that Georgia (which has not adopted the Fifteenth Amendment) be re conducted so as to turn out white delates ami replace them by blacks, who were ille gally elected. That Virginia, having done all that was required, be admitted. That an immediate resumption, if practi cable, is not desirable, and that fluctuations in gold he stopped by authorizing the Treas ury to enlarge its stork opera' ions by re deeming legal tendrrs for gold, at a fixed price, and selling them fc;ain if applied for. That overdue; Government six per cent, bomls be swapped for four aud a half per cen'8., if the thirg can be managed. That as the revenue is already larger than is needed, and promises to increase, the ex herbitant tariff not be interfered with hr the j-.-seut. That for the same reason, the Income Tax at three per cent, be continued for three j par longer. Th.it the dignity of the office of Cornmis iouer of Internal Revenue bo made coin tuenhurate with the importance of the gen-t'eo- an who fills it. That although this Government sympa thizes with Cuba, belligerent rights can net be accorded to the Calans until the contest warracts it. That an intcr-cceatdc canal be built at Darien, if it cau bo done by private snter r.rise. That as he did not feel authorized to de tain the Spanish gunboats, Le tied them up iu law courts. That the Alabama questions be pett'ed Boon as England appreciates the gravity of their character and removes the sotii'e of i.bfr iondlint.-s to this couutry it.anift.etcd during its struggle for existence. That for tlie purpose of cultivating our relations with China, the importation of Chinese coolies he prohibited. That to enable us to fulfill our obligations, the whole public debt 4:cu!d be declared pavabta in coin. That as the Ter ure-nf Office c uld not I ave beeu intended to euibaras the Presi dent, it had better be repealed. That to quiet the Indiana, uhom he calls the nation's wards, and prevent strife, all the tribes be exiled to remote reservations. That as the frankinsr privilege is simply an abuse, it be repealed. The Message then compliments the mu nificence of Congress, recommends libetal appropriations to the Agricultural Bureau and increased pay to the Judges of the Su preme Court. It allude gracefully to the patriotism and statemauship of members of Gwg'ess. wisely, however, abstaining from the mention of particular names, and closes with a promise of rieid adherence to a strict enforcement of all laws, ibcludiog arasbd toeuts no doubt. A Model Pjklor Magazikf. For beau ty of typography, artistic engravings, and high-toned literary articles, together with a large and leautiful display rf tha Fashions, Donioreat's Monthly Magazine is certainly unsurpassed. The January number. jtiit received, ia addition to unusual holiday at tractions, has a fine steal portrait of both Mr. and Mrue. Deforest. The rich display of novelties offered in Demorest's Monthly would seem to be enough to secure a circu lation scfiicient to satisfy its publishers, but in additioa we sie they propose to give a very large and fine enravin to each sub scriber, valued at $10. The Engraving elone would make a very approdriate Holi day or Birthday Gift ; but when added to the costiy picture the best Parlor Magazine is includt d, to be a monthly reminder of the fjieudly feeling of the tiver, there is cer tainly no better way of invesring $3. Ad dress Demorest's Monthly, 838 Broadway, N. Y. Thb editor of the Houston (Texas) Times hasn't a very exalted opinion of the politi cal affair o! that unreconstructed State. He begins an article iu his paper of the SOih u't. thus : The election ccmn.enccs to day. An enor mous raven, more terrible than I'oo's.spreads its dark and foreboding wings over the land. The black snake winds its pitkenins coil around the white dove. Ciuca.sia and Etho pia embrace at the Suez of madness. The lovely goddess who represents the sreinus sn.! purity of the white race is to s offer rape by a hidt-ous monster, forced up from the ""d.ttk Plutonian shore." The -child of the tun" that perched on the American banner in days of yore is gone to Feme far distant ciWT. and a foul buzzard pukes iu its place. Fall back, you white tdcinned. white livcred wretch, and make way for the gentleman of "rich blood." Come up, negro, and vote. Rr.v, Joseph Waugr, Principal of the XI 1 'davsburg Seminary, will aHdres some if thr C' unty Teachers' Institutes this win ter on "What shall t or girls ttldy ?' The Oecumenical Council. WHO ABE THEBS ASH WHAT 13 TO BE DONE. We find the f Uowin in the Lancaster luielltgrncer of Friday last, but from whence copied does not appear. We deem it of ri'.fficient importance to transfer to our col umns, and have no doubt that it will prove interesting to all classer of our readers : The General Council of the Catholic Church commenced its session on Wednesday the Feast of the Immaculate! Concept:on. No similar convocation of the higher prelates and fthers of the Church hns taken place since tho Council of Trent, three hundred vers ago. and it is therefore an event of he .greatest importance, not only to Roman Catholics, but to the inhabitants of the whole world. The dtholio hierarchv has often fn'std the admiration of msnv who were strangers or pven opponents to t Catho'ic creed. It is the on'v monarchy am n; the er"t r" liiiioiip orcjan'zations of the world. Nt'tthrr t he Grei K c! tirrh, nor a single on of the Protectant btxlit-s. i or Judaism. norTlfoham c'antrm, ror any other nop .Ph-i ri forni of le1:?f has a mnjjvbal head. T e pres ent Pope. Pins IX.. wa born on Mv 73. 1792. and is ther.f yp now in hij T8'h vear. In tl.P list of bi.-hops of Jl ime. as is eiven in the "ffictal Ppal Almpnac. h is accounted the 2oth." L'ke all of his predecessors Jnr irg the last 300 years, he is an Italinn by birth ; the last non-Italian Pope having Iwn Adrian II.. who was a Hollander, and dif-d In 1523. Of all the bishop of Rome only 49 were non-Italians, and of the 13 were Frenchmen. 7 Gernmn, and 2 .Spaniards. The Pontificate of Plus IX. is one of the hujet on record. Having been elected on the 16;h of Junf. 1849. he hss'occupiod the Papal chair for 23 years and s.'x months. It is a well known legend tl e correctness of which, however, oven moft of the Ci'holic Church historians are not willing to defend that St. Peter was Biihop of the R 'man congregation for fu'l 25 years, and with this legem., common expctathn has connected it:elf, that no following Pore will occupy the apostolical ( hair en qual length of time, until the last Pope, undr whose pontificate this world will come to an end. Certain it is that no Pope, so far as documentary his tory has beeu traced, has ruled for 25 years. Oidy two have exceeded the length of the pontificate of the present Pope, namely 5 Pius VI. .-who d:ed in 1779, after a pontifi tvite of 24 years aud 8 months, and in the earlier hi.-tory of the Church. Silvester I., whr.e pontificate extended to 23 yea- and 10 months. The Pontificate of Pins IX has been agitated by grreat 6trrrus which more than once have threatened to sweep away the whole of the Temporal Power. At the sitne time, however, the borders (if the church have been greatly enlarged, and i!s organizations in many countries consolida ted. No fewer than 116 new dioceses, or about one seventh of the tetal number of Catholic dioceses, have been established by the present Pope. The Pope is assisted in the government of the Church by the College of Cardinals, which consi.-ts of seventy members nhw full, but there are sevcr.il vacant hats at present, which will probably he filled this winter. The bst known members of the Holy College, are Luoien B-naparte. a cous in of the Freuch Emperor; Prince Schwarz enburg. Archbishop of Spracue ; Prince Hoheniohe, a brother of the Prime Minister of Bavaria: Count Rcisach. who is now one of the six Cardinal Bishops. Of the other four Cardinals, Archbishop Bon;dd of Lyons. Archbishop Rauschcr, of Vienne, and Arch bishop Oullen, of Dublin, have occupied a prominent position in the recent history of ths Church, and are widely known. There twelve piiucipal Arclibi.-hop3, who re culled Patriarchs. These rule ovr the branches of the Church in whole nations and groups of nations. Under these there are 149 arcUbishops and 723 bishopries, and a large nutnVer of dioctses m jiartilus, or without heads, mokiug altogether 931 dio ceses iu thi' hierarchy. In the United States we have seen arch-bit-hopric. held by the following prelates ; Most Ilt v. Martin J jhn Spalding;. Arch bishop of Baltimore ; conseciatcd Spt. 10. 1819 ; formerly Bishop of Louisville ; trans ferred to Baltimore May C. 18G4. Mt llev. John B Purrell. Archbishop of Cincinnati; consecrated October 13, 1833 Mot Rev. Johu M. O lin, Archbishop of New Orleans ; consecrated March 6, 1842 ; transferred to New Orleans iu 18C1. M st Rev. John McClokey, Archbishop of New York ; consecrated M itch 10. 1844 ; transferred to New York. May 6, ltt4. Most Rev. Francis N. B'.anchet. Archbish op of Oregon ; conaocrnte'd July 23. 1815. Most Rev. Peter B. Kenritk. Archbhhop of St. Louis; consecrated Nov. 30, 1841. Most Rev. Joseph i5. Alemeny, Archbish op of Sanfrancisco ; consecrated June 10, 1S50; transferred to San Francisco, July 23. 1853. Under these thre are forty-six suffragan bishoprics, one of which is over Philadelphia, and too Right R' v. James Frederick Wood is the Poshop. This gentleman and Bishop Bailev, of Newatk, N. J., are converts from the Protestant faith. Besides Cardinals. Patriarchs, Archbish ops, and Bishops, also the Generals of Mon astic Orders and the mitred Abbotts have a right of admission to the Council. Accord ing to a recent statement made by the Pon tificate Chamberlain, there are 29 Abbotts and 22 Generals of Orders. Hardly any of them has a literary name; hardly any. we believe (txcept. perhaps. Father Becks, the General of t tie Jesuits;, will be better known, even in Europe, than Father Ileckcr, the Superior of the Am.etican PatiHsts. But, though well known, these Generals repre sent a considerable army. Religious orders of both men and women are again making rapid p impress. Iu the United States, in England, in all the States of Germany (es pecially in Prussia) in Fiance the number of monasteries is increasing with great celer ity. The Fraucisians again claim 50.000 members, the Dominicans, 4,000; the Jesu its. 8.200; the Carmelites, 4,000; the Trap ists, 4.000 ; the Lazarists, 2.000 ; the Par Uts. 2 000 ; the Rei'.emptorists, 2,000 ; the female ord-rs together, 190 090. This council is called the First Council of the Yatician, and will pass into history as the twenty first GE-umenical Council of tho Church, counting from the first held at Nice in the year 325 to the last Council of Tint. tie twentieth which met in the year 1545, and determined its sitting iu the year 1563, thiee hundred and six years since. Thw last niinetJ Council was convoked by Pepe Paul the Thin! and cont'nued under Julius the Third and Pins the Fourth ; the present bv John Maria Ma&tia FerreMi. the two hun dred and fifty-eighth Pontiff from St. Peter accepting the Catholic version of Peter's positiou after the death of our Lorl and Sa viour who was vested with the tripple tiara, the kejs and the sword in the year 184 The twenty (Ecumenical Councils which have preceded this, the first Council of the Matician, may be recapitulated in the fol lowing order of enumeration as to the period of their assimblae and results. Thfe C amcil of Nice. (325). against the Ariacs; 2, tf Oait act mop's, (881), against the Macedonians; 3. Ephesus, (431). againtt Nectorius and the Pelagians; 4, Chalceden, (451). against Kutychns ; 6. second Con stantinople. (553. against the three chap ters; 6, third of the came city . (680). npaimit the nioDotho!h-ts ; 7, sicond of the Nice, (6S7J. against the Iconoclasis ; 8. fourth of Constantinople. (869). Against Photiua ; 9, First Council of the Literao. (1123), to regulate virious matters of discipline ; 10, second of (he same. (1139). against Arnaud of Brescia; 1 1. third of the same. (1 179). on discipline ; 12. four of same. (1215). a.iinst the Albigenses ; 13. Lyons, ( 1245), ag-unsl the Emperor Frederick II., the nuthnr of the famous woik, "Da Tribus lmpos.ti.ri bus." (Moses. Jesus. Mahomet) ; 14, second of the same city (1274). for union with the Greeks: 15, of Vienna, iu Daupanine (1311), against the Templars; 10. of Psa (1409), against the great schism of the Wist : 17. of Con stance (1414), against the Hussites and pgainst three r Antipopes ; 18. cf Florence, (1429) for a neoud union with the Greeks; 19, of Uasle (1431). which after twelve years f diss-, i sicii terminated in a schism ; 20. of Trent (1445. 1SC3) which had to undergo still more vicistdf intea than its predecessor. In its earlier s-ttings it only counted four Archbishops and twenty-eight Bishops, but in its hter s'a'.'es it possessed 112 prelates. Ti e Most Iv. Archbishop Manning, of Vet m:ni4er. England, has been selected to pronsp at an early period of the Fession of the Council that those gathered phall by acclimation affirm the infallibility of the Ro man Pontiff-. The sillalus of the Pope, issued in 18C4. embraces eighty errcre in the Chii'ch. grow ing on to PanthoisTQ, Naturalism. Absolute Rationalism, IndifTerentism, Latitudinarian ism. Social ifcm. Communion ism. Secret So cieties. Bible Societies and Civil Sx-iety in its relation to the Church, all of which will have to bo considered and legislated upon by the Oecumenical Council. General Xeus Iteisi. The Pope thinks falsa human science and impiety were never before so strong as to-day. ' His Holiness is right. A negro man in Daviess county, Ky., formerly the property of the Mitchussons. is cutting his third bet of teeth. He is 85 years of age. A dog was accidentally shut up in Bridgewater. Conn., for fifty-seven days. When discovered, he was alive and well, having been without food for the entire pe riod. He appeared to be dog gored hungr. An old gentleman, alwa3-s regarded an a miser, and an eccentric, died in Boston the other day leaving behind him half a million worth of fine picture. While some misers have gold for their god he erected art for his idol. A yours man in North Adams. Mass , who last week learned that thb woman whom I he had looked upon as his wife for four j years, was the lawful wif of another man, I immediately left her for his father's house, and then soon sicxened ami d'.ed of gtief. Eckel, who recently died iu the Aibany Penitentiary, and who wa connected with the famous Batdell murJer, is said to have Ktatcd on his dying bed, that he had noth ing to do with the murder, hut hiDted that Mrs. Cunningham was the actual murderer. A youug lady at Burlington, tried to elope by dropping from a second t-toiy win dow ; instead cf falling 4nto a lover's arms, she soused over head into a water-butt. Her ardor was not damped though, for she "got," her frozen garments crackling like breaking windows. Respecting the Cardiff giant, the latest is that a number of gentlemen have made affidavits that the appearance of tht pit from which the statue was taken, aud the condi tion (if the soil iu the neighborhood, were such as to place the burial of the img at least beyond the memory cf those now living, . A young man thought to frighten two young ladies upon their return from a party in Sparta. Tenn . a few nights ago. by wrapping himself in a sheet and suddenly apptaritg before them on a loi.ely road. One cf the ladies fainted and fell to the ground, and the other ran heme, reaching there a raving maniac. The Dubuque Times has di-covereJ that the Cardiff iant humbug is a Western pro duction. The block of gypsnm wa quar ried in June, 18C8. near Fort Dodge, Iowa; sent to Chicago, and worked into a statue. I Thence it was trden to Newell's farm. New lork. It is sr.id that the man who carved the giact is now in Chicago, but prefers to keep quiet. Dr. Paul Schceppe, under sentence of death, lias presented a petition to the Su preme Gurt, Pennsylvania, earnestly, assert ing his innocence of the murder of Miss St inicke and asked anew hearing on a writ of error. Attorney -General Brewnter has assented to the grafting of a writ of error returnable on the first Mouday in January, which will be issued. In Boone county, Iowa, on the 20th ult., a young man named Emery Ackerman, while crosting the country with his gun, fell into an old defertcd well, thirty feet j deep, covered with rotten planks and earth hidden with enow, and was found on the sixth day afterward dead. He had scratched an account of his accident on a stone on the bottom, and it is thought, died on the fourth day after falling in. The Ciuciuuati Union states that A D. Richardson married a Miss Pease, in that city, the daughter of a periodical vender, who, fourteen vears ago, kept a store on Sixth street. 1 e marriago vas an unhap py one, and when certain facts connected with it are ventilated, the memory of the late A- D. R. will not shitw so luminously as the Rev. Beecher an 1 others of his admi rers woidd have it. Miss Pease at one time professed to be a great spiritual medium. Last spring a widow, living near Roch ester. N. Y-, was persuaded to trade her house with a neighbor for a farm in Wiscon sin, giving $300 in addition. She subse quently went out to settle on the farm, but found :t far from railroads and settlements, most of it water and the ret sand-banks. Moreover, it was a fine place for the sha kers," with which all the family were taken sick, and cow that their moucy is gone, they are in the poor house. That neighbor ought to he looked after. Kentucky, Tvhich is the most unflinch ingly Democratic State in the Union, hav ing never yielded to Radicalis-m. or allowed that ptstiient party to obtain a foothold in her borders, has no State debt. Under Democratic rule her financial affairs have ln-en honestly managed, while the Radicals have been piling up National a.id State debts of the hngest proportions. There is a lesson for the taxpayiug masse? of States which are laboring under Raoical rule. Let the voters of Pennsylvania lay it to heart. An iffirt is making in New York, to raise funds to defray the expense attcudant upon MeFarland's defence one gentleman ha? contributed $500, aud another $100. It is stated that McFarlaud is wholly with out resources, and the expenses of his defence will reach $5,000, as many witnesses will have to be brought from a distance. Dur ing the past year MeF irland received, ns an assistant Assessor. 1.500. out of which he repaid neariy $500 which he had borrowed J and the rest was exhausted in lha support CI Eim&eii anu eon. Tub Mooted Question. At a meeting of the Democratic County Gmimittee. held at the office of F. A. Shoemaker, Esq , Chair man, on Monday evening, Dec. 6th, the fol lowing resolutions were adopted : Resolved, That the Democratic voters of the connty meet at the respective place of holdiug the general election ia the several clec tioii Hisiricta, at 2 o'clock, p. m.,011 Saturday, the 4th dav of Juke lfe"o, lor the purpose ot decidin-.' by ballot their preference for one of th three following propositions, viz: For the Crawford County System ; fr the Increased De'ejtate Hystem ; for tbe present Delegate S s'em. " Rrsolved, That the voters present at the hour 1, a med shall elect cue person to act as judge of sai.! election and two persons as dorks of the same ; that the cletk shall write ilowa the nnme of every fleeter who shall vote at in ill flection, and immediately after the close ot the flcetiou. which shall be at (i o'clock, p. n., the said clerks sh ill make out a full and correet return thereof, attested by them and signed by the jaage d said election. Revolved, That iiid return sh ill be ttsken charge of bj the jud;e of the election ard bv hitn brought toihe Court House in Ebeusbmp. on the Ti'j spay following said election, at one o'clock, p m., at which time and place the sev eral return judges of the county shall organize by electing one of their number a President and two persons as Secretaries Kesolved. That the President shall call the several election districts in alphabetical ord( r and read the returns thereof, and after the Secretaries shall have ascertained ' the resuit, it shall be sign?d by the President ahd attesied by the Secretaries, and he published in theEb uhurg Freeman and Johnstown Democrat. Resolved. That the Chairman of the Demo cratic County Committee shall procure the print in; of 3000 tickets for e-nh proposed sys tem, and have them judiciously distributed throughout the county. Resolve 1, I hat should the increased dele gate system be iidop'ed, e.ich disirict shall lie entitled to its present tepre.-eiit:ition, and for ach 0 votes over 100 shall be entitled to an additional delegate ; and thai the Chairman of the County Committee shall determine from the vote for the Democratic Stale ticket at the precediiiR election the number of delegates to which each district is entitled. Resolved, That the foregoing proceedings 'of th'n Committee be published uiiut timks in the Cambria Freeman and Johnstown Demo crat. F. A. SHOEMAKER. Chairman. II. Secbler, Secretary. "Who's Got the Button ?" A young lady told the following story to a married woman. She of course told her husband, at:d he told the reporter. A young man of this city attended a select gathering of a few female acquaintances at t tie residence of a yoonc lady friend recently, and while there accidentally discovered that he hail lost or,e of his sleeve-buttons. But its whereabouts lie could not discover. They huuted and hunted, but the missing sleeve-but ton was no where to be found. The party tcparattd abriit midnight aud the youug lady friend retired vith a chum to her room aud began the disrobing. A the dress was opened the sllec-ve-button fell to the floor, its jingle be ing almost drowned in a suppressed shriek. IuJiano2olif Mirror. A country subscriber informs the Ly coming fcountj ) Standard, that a hen in that t-ectiou hn been setting for sevea weeks ou a half dozen potatoes, which ha vs sprout ed beautifully. 60 ttmt the stocks appear above her head nicely leaved. 1 HOVER & BAKER'S FIH.ST PREMIUM ELASTIC STITCH SEWING MACHINES, 495 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. 3 30 CSiewtnut St., Philadelphia. T01NTS OF EXCELLENCE. Beauty and Elasticity of Stitch. Perfection and Simplicity of Machinery. Using both threads directly froru the spools. No fastening of seams by lfand and 110 waste of tnread. IVide range of application without change of adjust ment. The seam retains its beauty and firmness after washing and ironing. Besides doing all kinds of work done by other Sewintr Machines, these Machines execute tbe most beautiful and permauent Embroidery arid ornamental wotk. Tnr. Highest Fa miums at all the fairs and exhibitions of the TJnitod Staffs aud Euror. have been awarded the OROVER k BAKER SEWING MACHINES, and the work done ev them, wherever exhibited in competition. Tint vfrt HinnrsT prizk. THE CROSS OF THE LLGION OF HONOR, wa conferred on the representative of the GROVKR k BA KER SEWING MACHINES, at the Exposi tion Universelle, Pari3, 107, thus attesting; their great superiority over all other Sewing Machines. 52F"For sale by C. T. Robkrts, Ebensburg. June 3, 18G3.-ly. TO COXSl'MPTIYES. The xnvFRTisKR, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, afrer having puflersd several years with a severe lun affection, and that dread disease. Con sumption, is anxious to m ike known to his fel low puflerers the means of cut e. To all who desire it. he will send a cory of the prescription used (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the sime, which they wili find a sure cure ron Cossotp rioy. Asthma, Pronchitis, kc. The object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit tbe afflicted apd spread information which he conceives to be invaluable ; and he iopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing and may prove a blensing. Parties wishing the prescription will please ad dies Rev. EDW RD A. WILSON tny20.-ly. Williamsburg. Kings Co., N Y. VALUABLE LAND AT PRIVATE SALE. The undersigned Executors of M. Lkavt. Esq., late of Loretto Borough, de ceased, offer at private sale, on fair terms, a Tract of Land In Allegheny Township, Cambria county, located one mile from Loret to, on the road leading to St. Augutine, and containing SEVENTY ONE ACRES. Forty Acrks of which are cleared, well fenced, well watered, and in d excellent state of cultiva tion having a good Log Bank Barx thereon erected. The balance of the land is covered with chestnut, oak, sugar and other valuable timber. For terms and other information ap ply to either of the undersigned. MARGARET LEAVY, Loretto, AUG. WALTERS, Carrolltown, Executors of M. Leavy, dee'd. N B. All peraons indebted, either by note or book account, to the estate of M.Lravy, dee'd. will save coti by making immediate payment to F. O'Friel. Esq., Loretto, who is authorized to collect and receipt for all monies due said estate. Dec. 9, 18G9. 2m. "TWTOTICE of DISSOLUTION Tho AJ partnership heretofore existing be'ween the undersigned in the manufacture of LUM BER at Lilly's S'ation, (Hemlock.) Cambria county, wag dissolved by mutual consent ou Monday last, Nov. 2'J, 1869. The accounts of the firm have been lett in the hauds of J. Mc Oonigle, by whom the buiiuess will hereafter be conducted. JEREMIAH McGONIGLE, B. F VAUGHN Washington Twp , Dec. 0, ltC3. 1870. a family 1870J NEWSPAPER for EVERYBODY "THE PATRIOT, A DAILY AND WfcEKLV NEv SPAl'Klt. GREAT INDUCEMENTS to CLUKS. Only Democratic Paper at the Capital. 77 AT WEEKLY PA TRIOT is an eiht page sheet, and conthins forty-eight column- of reading matter. In its columns can be found tales, eketches, correspuuei;ce, speeches, agricultural tacts and experienced, receipts in domestic economy, science and art, discovery, travels, incidents, anecdotes, hig'ori cal sketches, state news items, local occurren ces, foreign and dorrestic news, noted events, telegrajn front all prts of the world, commer ced reports, stock and general market quota tions and a frreat variety of current ni'scelUny, beM'les editorial mid communicated iiiscus.-ioi:s of and criticisms upon the passing political events of the times. Ad'-ed to these varied su jec'.s will be full and fresh reports ol con gressios'iil and legislative proceedings. TERMS OF THE WEEKLY: One copy, one year, cash in advance . $ 2 00 One copy, sis months, cash in advance 1 00 Four copies, one year, cash in advance J 50 Ten copier, one year, cash in advance.. Id 00 Twenty copies, 1 year, cash in advauce, .'5 00 Thirty copits, 1 year, cash in advance, 51 00 Fifty copies, one year, cash in advance, 61 00 One hundred copies, 1 yr .cash in ad'ee, 135 00 With the following premiums to persons get ting up club?. At;eiitd sending us club will be paid the following premiums in money : TO ANY PKESOX SENDING I'S A Club of four lor ii 50 cash $1 00 of ten for $13.00 cash 2 tlO " of twenty for $:i.".00 cash 4 00 of thirty for $51 00 cash . . C Oil " of fifty 'for 1.00 cash Hi 00 " of one hundred for $125,000 cash. 25 00 The cash to accompany every order. Agents may retain the amount of their premiums. Young men, devote vour leisure time to get ting up clubs for THE PATRIOT. There is not a village or township in which, with a lit tle exertion, a club may not be raided. Here is an excellent opportunity to circulate a good weekly paper and make money bv the ooeri- tion. i'o such offers were ever made by the! publishers of any newspaper. Scud our orders J as soon as possible. THE MORNING PA TRIOT Is a first class daily newspaper, containing full associated press teports, special Washington dispatches from our own correspondent 'ie -ta," the most complete and accurate market reports, full accounts of the proceeding"! of Congrets and Legislature, spicy editorials, etc. TERMS OF THE DAILY: One copy, one year, by mail $ 7 00 Five copies, one year, by mail 32 ti't Ten copies, one year, by mail. 60 t.O Lrrger Clubs at the last named rates. Pa pers m ty be separately ad lres-e l. but must he taken in one package. The money must ac company the rder to insure rmen'ion. Address 13. F. MEYKRS k CO . Dec 2, ltftf). llarrisburg, Pa. 1870. tug 1870. PITTSBURGH POST, (DAILY AND WEEKLY.) ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC! A MAMMOTH WEEKLY AT A J-.OW PRICK, With the commence me it of the new vear the undersigned aaiu take pleasure in calling the atteutiuu of Democrats a.-:d all others wishing to subscribe for a live new.Mpr to tbe Pittsburgh Weekly Post which enjoys a larger circulation ttian any po litical paper published in Pennsylvania, Each number contains a large amount of useful aud entertaining reading matter, giving the Latest News from all parts of the World by Cable, Telegraph, Mail aud Correspondents ; Edito rials on all leading subjects ; Poetry, S'ories, Local News, full Market Reportd, and a vast amount of niiee'laueous news suited lor all classes It is without doubt the LARGEST, ciieais:st ASD REST Political and Literary Journal in the West, and should .e in the hand of every Democrat and all who desire A FI1IST CLAfc'S NEWSPAPER! Terms lltVHys lit Advance: SINGLE COPIES, rer vear, $2 00 IN CLUUS OF FIVE, or more, 1 iu THE DAILY POST, A live, wide aV;ke journal, containing fud Congressional and Legislative Rtports, Tele graphic and Local Markets, full Cable. Te giaphic, Political, Local and Miscellaneous News, is mailed to subscribers at ifp'.OO per mi lium, or deli vcied in the city and adj ceut bor oughs and towns at 15 cents per week. E3jSend for specimen copies of tbe Daily and Weekly Post, vshich are aeut lj any ad dress free of charge. Address all letters to the Publishers, J AS P. HA UK & CO., PlTTJBCGUH, Pa. PARMERS, Look to Your Interests, AND BUT ONE OF SPROUT'S COM BIH CO THE BEST AND OXLV PERPLCTLT COMBINED Hay Fork and Knife Iilanufac tared. EVERY FORK WARRANTED. A only a limited number can be supplied for this couut v, orders for tl is celebrated Hay Fork aud Knife should bs cent iu early to wm HUM. lain. FA, Sole Agent for Cambria County, Who can also supply WOODEN PULLEYS, which are far superior to Iron Pulleys. Also,' STEEL GRAPPLES for fastenining Pulleys to Beams or R rfters the most convenient fas tenings yet introduced, as they cau be put up or taken down without the use of ladders. Ebensburg, Dec. 9, lbbJ. 6m. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF -Ll PARTNERSHIP : The partnership theretofore exist ing between the undersigned iu the Hotel busiuesa iu Loretto borough, was dissolved by mututl consent 0:1 the 1st dav of September last. The busine- is now carried on by Eager & Eager, in whose hands the books of the Ute firm have been left f'.(r collection Lorktt'. DAVID EAGER. Nov 11, 'C9.6t. ALBERT BENDER. C3 PECIAL NOTICE. The Fisher and Bloodgood Surveys being all patented, those who own portions or thm need not au ply lor Pateu.s Those who have purchased tracts, or parts of tracts, of other bodies of wr veys Khicli have not been patented, tan wo cur the patents bv applying to yr u SHOEMAKER & OATMAX. Ebnbur, Sor. 18, 16b9..tf. Hi: 1 1. EST4TC SAVINGS BANK, No. 63 fourth ATun, Adjoining new Merchants and Manufacturer National Batk, . , PITTSBURGH, PA. CSTAHLISIIUD IX 1 S G -2 . ISA AC JONES. President. WM. II SMITH. Vice Pti-iet.t. S. CAURIElt, Sec. and Tr.as- B C. PAKKK. Accountant. E. B. TODD. Solicitor. Tai srers : Hon.Thns. M Howe. Jacob Painter, Hon J K. Moorhead, C. G. Huw. Harvev Childi, Win. H. Smi.h. IanacJone-. D. W. C. Bidwell, ; Nicholas Voeghtly, Jr. Statement of Ottobnr 30, I 8C9, ASSETS. Bonds and Mortgrs, bei.:g firt linn on Real Estate $502 957 01 TJ. 3 131 Bonds, at p :r 25.000 Ki U S. 1') 4 Bouds. at par 25it!-.i 00 Rel Estate . . 2.72 1 47 Offi-e Furniture .. .. 4!H(,t) Cath 51.400 32 Total...: $6.7,436 39 LIABILITIES. . Amount due Dtiositors ., 855D.1C3 71 In;eregl, Nov. l.lPt!) 14,f27 73 Contingent Fund.... 41.:-61 60 Total $r,07,4'!S 39 INTEREST ALLOWED n Deposit?, at CIX PER CENT. PER ANNUM, pavable to Depositors in May and November, which, if not drawn, will be added to the principal, and C0SlPOU!iDF.I. Open for Deposit from 0 A . M . to 3 P. M.. daily ; also on Saturday Evening, from 6 to 9 'cloclt. 5fMoney loaned on Bnd and Mortgage only. Slip for the use of depositors who can not visit the eity, and copies of Charter and By-laws furnished by mail. S. S. CARRIER. Secretary and Treasurer, No. 61 ooih Ave., Pittsbcrgh, Pa. November 25, ItCJ. 5m. JpiRE! I'lREM FIRE!!!j Nw nRh Nw BUILDINGS DO YOU HEAR'THAT, FIREMEN:? ; 1 AKD ARB TOL" TRKPARUP TO j OBEY THE SUMMONS ! This To-i are not, unless you htv.i been-to Wolff's Clothing Store, and have bought one f thoa jiuperb F I R K M 4 X S 4; OATS, to keep you wrm and drv. W-jirF make them at from $1 to ?'i0, and shy other ar- irem you want on can have made to order at ; short notice. XT' NO FIT, NO CHARGE! Mr. WOLFF has just returned from the East, and his READY 21 Al)E CLOTHING DEMRTTO now contains the largest asortrrent, the most j varied assortment, and altogether the ircst ! pleasit'jr assortment of j fll'TIS GARMENTS FOR HI k B3YS ! E ER DISPLAYED IN ALTOON A. i CSfOYERCOATS. from the lowet p.ised I Cassimere to tue finest Beaver all one. CSfFu'.l Suit or Clothing at from 9 to $30. Pants from $1,50 to Vests from 75 centa to $5. Also, a genet al variety of NOTIONS & FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, Cups, Hoots, Nlioen, UMBRELLAS, SATCHELS. TRUNKS, ic. t-In the LADIES' DEPARTMENT will b found a full stock of FURS, from the low est priced Coney to the finest Mink and Sable. GODFREY WOLFF, Next door to the Post 02ke. Alioona City. P AR M E R S AND OTnEES SHOUbD SCT TAIL TO GET ONE OF THE JUSTLY CELEBRATED Lima Ooubic-Gearcd WOOD-SAWING MACHINES FOH WHICH GEORGE HUNTLEY, EBEXSDURG, PA., Is Sole Agent for Cambria County. 4 GENTS WANTED ! AGENTS WANTED. $75 to $'2C0per month, male and female, to 6ell the celebrated and original Common Sene Family Sewing Machine, im proved aud perfected ;'it will hem. fell, stitch, tuck, bind, braid nni embroider in a most su perior manner. Price otily $15. For simpli city a-.id durability it has no rival. Do r.ot buy from any parties selling machines under the itme name as ours, unless having a- Certificate of Apcncy signed by us, as they are worthless Ca-t Iron Machines " For Circulars and Term, anplv or address H. CRAA'FORD CO . oct.2I. 413 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. DWELLING AND STORE HOUSE AND THREE LOTS OF GROUND in LORETTO FOH SALE ! The under-iened oflers at private sale, on fair terms and eav payments, 3 Lota of Ground in Loretto boro:, on which there are erected a 2 etorv Frame House, 60x40 feet, containing a'Srore Room, 24xlSfeet, and lour other rooms on the first and five rooms on the second floor, all newly painted, a Warehouse. Stable, Lumber Yard', 2 Corn Cribs. Bujrgv Shed, and other necessa ry outbuildir g. The property is a most pesi rable one, and will be sold cheap Loretto. Sept. 23, 16S9. F. J ACOB. ?STATE OF THOMAS GALLA- CHER, Dkc'd INving been appointed Executors of the last Will and Testarneut of 1 nomas Gallagher, late ot Loretto borough, Cambria county, dee'd. the undersigned hereby notify all persons indebted to said estate tha't settlement of their respective accounts must be made without delay, and those holding claims against the said estate are requested to preaect them in proper sh ipe for settlement. SARAH GALLAGHER, Execuuix MICHAEL MALOY. Executor. Loretto, Dec 2, 1SGD fjt. NOTICE TO OWNERS OF L ND. Having procured a perfect lit of all warrantee names, dates of warrants, and of the payment of the puichae money, and the names of the persons paying tho satiie. whh a com plete Map showing the locatiou of each tract ol land in Cambria county, 1 am prepared tv procure Patents from the'Lmd Otlice for the owners 1. f Unpatented Lands, ui tier the Act of Assembly of the 2:)th of May, lPCi. and the supplement thereto, aa required by the recent order of the Surveyor Gei er-il Dee 2,19 ;i;w. GEO. M. READE. at t:ii EBEN3BURG STOVE, HABD AND GEVL nOl'SE-FlRMSl jee: CONSISTING OF The Largest AssosTijsxic, S .LEIGH BELL;' TKK LARCr.iT iT'.CK (f BOY r 1 0 Ettr lrcu;i to br.,lUrs! I Alo, a If.rps tr.rv Dr CRCPPIVT iti SLEHiH BASKETS. S A p I OM ,v G RIDDLES. HORSE COLLARS H;i'.' SHOES ai.U HORSE sIIGK SAIL3, Cook & Heating Stove: and a g eueral ortinDt of i! ar:i:'.M j, liae of buiiEesi. ill fill MIS LI let GEO. 1IUNTLEI Ebenaburg, Dec. 2. Ist3 3m EBENSBURC FOUND? AUAI I Ft LI. RLAS1! HAVIXO j:i;r.-hai th rr.; LNSliURG KOI NDP.V :-..-: jfrA, Glisf, and rebuilt and e:ili:f -t i's"i tirely, besides ret ir! it w:?n i.ew tu'r tbe MiHcrri''-;' r a e nu r r"r! tn fc-mi COOK. PA -1 h() K -Sr HEAllS'tmTZ if the h:t?t a:id mo?'. a.vz':irt p-r THRESHING MACIllNF.v .ViLLf.fi ING, P.O. f and U AT YAi A il Ki.l'!. doHcrirt'-n. IRON FENCiNo lycrir.tW. IRON FENCiSU. tLCT' t i:d l l.CC.IH CASTINGS. h h-: n ini.c of .-ir'.ic'e.- cinufsc-t .reJ iji fric ai m FourtVy; J,,b Tosk of aii kiud itif?.' prtimr.-tiy and done cheaply. ? f The special attention of F irp. ii , to to riesrly pAte'ittd FLOUOdS :t: 4 pv's-es the sole r'glu to rnnr.ulao'.nrf tx in ti:is couTity. anc nhscharr aiirr. UN tt the bpt ever tbtrodnved to the puhiic. Belie i: g ouri-eire c-ipHb! of por'rrr ny wotk iu our lire in th r.ort inarner, and Vnowinfj that we c,ia do :i www prici s than have been er.sr;H::; community heretofore " conSleri't r-1:. ! we will be ouid worthy ol ii'.eri'; ri:::! Fir re'luctiotis made to ho!e'. rSTl;e hiliest Mites paii ii; e-ist jrr.f mei.tl, or ca-tu.ijs tive-n in exri;n;e. j Oik nts ash ns cir t m'H m rsontTi CONVERT. VIN Eben.-burir, S ei t. e, lca roOD, M OK It ELL & 1 1 WASHINGTON ST REE Near Fa. R. R. Depot," Johnsto-:,'-. Wholesale and Ritcil Dec! i i fc FOUIMSillOMSM: MILLnCRl COODS, :'1 HARDWARE. QUEENS WAKE. slh ft'Vi boots and shots, hats and cap. ' iron andm: it : CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. '0 READY-MADE CV'E : .,bl GLASS WAKE. YELLOW WARE. me WOODEN AND WII.I.O V V. :-yti PROVISIONS ard FEED, ALL K. Together ith all manner of Western such as FLOUR. BACOX, FISH, 5i- CARP.ON OIL, Ac, &.c. hl Jl ZW holesale and retail frri - and j.roniptly filled on the abor;?'. nr most reasonable tcrnn t. WOOD. MORKSL-t - :. Johntown, April 2?, ltb'J. ly. NEW MERCANulfFTn I 'l.tkt7 lkUOl.U L .1 If-. TV . IT ll)riVIV I or-nf : t t.l -A notice to his old friend anl f- that, on the f.r.t dav of July, inl his son, GeoaoeH Robkkt. into ' ship with him in the inercai.tiie b ..-tt will be EDWARD ROBERTS Our stock will embrace every:..:? Fancy and SUple Dry G o U H'-ie. all kinds. Boots and Shoes. II' '.' the latest styles and of at! qu.nihie- of Hardware, Oiensware. if.. .!Jr" every article to be found in ' ! country store. . , 1., OTHaving enjoyed a ucct":f''-i ant expeckmce of more ttisu tet,:J -,e,t business this place, and ' P c f ' , business i this place, and ' K ff .' spacious edifice on Hih street my facilities for supplying nl. '''y" limes and at the loei t ri f''-,':!lftJ' : ppacious my times tides m the market, I cuin-. ' those vim bfivo sn -npri'UJlv p'.ven confidence and support in tiie ,0lt c the same measure of patroince '''"rv f firm. F-DWARPKOhU i , Ebensburg. July 15. lSo9jf 'L REAL ESTATE AND S.W t of land situate in Susquehanna t"rcrJ bria county, containing abnut 1 - . 1 ... Mi:i, if- Having inereon a cicm - . . .p. Maclune a Dtacksmith Slier. ilint Tools,) and two Dwellii.s Hm. Aiw. FIFTY ACRhS.OFv.l e TIMBER LAND in the .ime n'lort 4 Timber adjoining can be la"r-' ' ij t'??-Terms moiemte and -or. tro Apply to SHOEMAKKR iOA' Ebensburg, Nov. 11. I'il TIRTATKOF NANCY K'lU; t n ti th JUJ cEAsri. HavirK b.en Orph:iDs' Court of Cauit'tn cout. ty . tl of the estate of Nascv K '.' , y field township, dee'd, the un-h. i iiotifiei wll pers n uidebted W i ,. payment must be made witf : those having claims asiU't t- e ; i sent them ia proper s!-tKji v:- : White Twp . Nov. ll'. ltil': MJAINAl'KODLTEVt signed itill n!e"" ;,; SKATES AND SLEO MCI Bt'SiMM iu Saltsburi. bi,. Pa., aud would he jtlad.W r,,, tomers and all others with L- Corn an! Pork at reasci.';"!' . K der will bo promptly tey.IJ'rl5V Sa!t.bur5, N-v. 4.11. S j 1