KELs ;LZEI2CES2EE From the New York Courier. J THE LITEST LITAXT. From meat that is bony ; From Lores without marrow; From coata that are Lob-tailed ; From trout-era too narrow j From a fishwoman'a tongue. Ami from John Itussell Yourjg Libera nos, O Domini! From the prosicg of Cockling, Tho gabllo cf Cr reeley j From the dishwater IiJker Dispenses so froely ; "From hearing npaia The blather of Train Libera nos, Q Domini I From the Treasury Tuns, With its cheating and plunder From Sumner, who peddles Hi3 counterfeit thunder ; From the boiled codfish eyo Of the mountebank, Nj-e Libera nos, 0 Doming ! Fiom trading with Stewart, That shor keeper civil ; .lYOin lifitociu!; to Osgood's Inkhiant drivel ; Fn ra Bellows' cant. And. the Uutders of Grant Libera nos, O Dohtine I From women whose forte is In wcarinthe breeches ; From. Hiss, ilarui Bloorcer, Or any such witthea ; From the tqueaking i f raU, And the ensic of cats Libera nos, O Domine ! Trom" Cameron's cunning ; From Wilson's reriliug ; From Underwood's folly ; From Colfnx's smiling; From Dolly Borie, And such noodles as he Libera nos, U Domine ! From the vile Land cf rascals, Fit tools of Ihe devil. That losg in high places lla?e kept a wild revtl ; From Radical do3. Fleas, serpents and frops Libera nos, O Domine ! ?B 10 L,. ' now mm: noon the bull. Miko took a notion to go in swimruinsr, aud be bad just pot bis clothe olT', when he eaw Deacon Smith's bull making at him. Tho bull was a vicious animal, and had come near killing two .or three persons, consequently Mike felt rather -'jubua" 11a didn't want to call for help, for he was naked, and the nearest place from whence assistance could arrive, was the meeting house, which wsb at the time filled with worshipper?, among whom was the "gal Mike was paying bis devours to." So be dodged the bull, as the animal came at him," and managed to catch him by the tail. He was dragged round till neaily dead, and when be thought be could bold on no longer, ho made up his mind he bad better holler." And now we will let hirn tell his own story : "So, looking at the matter in all its bearings, I cum to the conclusion that I'd better let some one know whar I was. So I gin a yell, louder than a locomotive whistle, and it warn't long before I peed the deacon's two dogs a coming down like as if they war geeing which could get thar lirbt. I know'd who they were arter they'd jine the bull ag'in me. So,' sez I, 'old brindle, as ridin' is as cheap as wulk "f c" ,llis route if you've no objections, I'll jist take a deck passage on that ar back o' youxn.' So I warn't very long gitting astride of him. Then, if you'd been thar, you'd have sworn thar warn't nothing human in that ar mix, the tile Hew eo orfully, as the critter and I rolled round the field one dog on one side, and one on the other, trying to clinch my feet. I prayed and cussed, and cussed aod prayed, until I couldn't tell which I did at last and neither warn't of no use, they were so orfully mixed up. "Well I reckon I rid about half an hour this way, when old brindle thought it was time to stop to take in a supply of wind and cool off a little. So when we got round to a tree that stood thar, he nat urully halted, bo bcz, I, old boy, you'll lose one passenger sartin. So I jfst clum up a Lranch, kulkerlating to roost till I starved afore I'd be rid round that ar' way any longer. I war a makiu tracks for the top of the tree, when I beard suthiu' a makin aa orful buzzin' overhead. I kinder looked up, and if l bar wasn't well, thar's uo use a swearin but it war the biggest hornet's nest ever tilt. You'll 'inii' uow I reckon, Mike, 'cause there's no help for you. But an idea struck me theu that I stood a heap better chance a ridin" the ball tbaa whar I was. Sez I, old fel ler, if you'll hold on, I'll rida to the uoxt station arjjhow, let that be whar it will. "So I jist dropped aboard him agin, aud looked aloft to see what I had gained by chaugiu" quarters, aud, gentlemen, I'm a liar, if thar warn't nigh half a bushel of the Kingiu varmiat3 ready to pitch into me when the word lno' was fin mi I reckin they got it, for 'all hands" started for our company. Soma on "em Lit thu dogs about a quart struck me, and the redt charged on bundle. "This time tho dogs led ofT fusf, dead bent for the old deacon's, and A3 soon as old brindlo and I could get underway we followed, and as I was only a deck pass enger, I had nothiu to do with Btecrin' the craft ; if I Lad, we shouldn't have run that channel anyhow. Hut, as I said before, the dogs took tho lead brindlo and I next, and the hornets die'kly arter. Tho dog3 yellin' brindlo hollerin,' aud the hornets buzzin' and stingin. "Well, we had got about two hundred yards from the house, and the deacon heard us, and cum out. I seed him hold op his band, and turn white. I reckon he was prayin then, for he didn't expect to be called for so oon, and it warn't Ion" neither afore the whol congregation men, women and children cum out, and then all hands went to yellin.' None of 'em had the fust notion that brindlo and I belonged to this world. I just turned my head and passed tho whole congregation I seed the run would bo up Boon, for brin dlo couldn't turn an inch from a fence that stocd dead ahead. Well, we reached that fence, nd I went ashore, over tho whole critter's head, landing on tho other side and lay there stunned. ' "It warn't long afore some of them as waj not scared, cum runnia' to see whar I war ; for all hands kalkerlated that the bull and I belonged together. Hut when brindle walked off by himself, they seed Low it war, and one of 'em said : "Mike Finck has got the scrummage once in his Ufa !" "Gentlemen, from that -day I dropped the courting bizness, and never pokc to a gal since, and when my hunt is up upon tt'u yearth, there won't be any more Fincks, and its all owin' to Deacon Smith's brindle bull." L. L. LAXGSTliOTIFS FATMT MOVABLE COMB BEE HiVl ! PRONOUNCED THE BEST EVER, YET introduced in this County cr State. Any person bining a family rij;ht can hare their Bees transferred from an old box to a ue.v one. In every.iiis-tance iu which this has been done the result ha? been entirely satisfactory, and the firit take of honey has invariably paid all expenses, and frequently exceeded theui. Proof of the superior met its of this invention will be found in the testimony of tvery m. in who has iren it a trial, an.l among the nun. her arc the gentlemen named below, and their experience should induce every one interested in Bees to IIL'V A FA SSI 5' IlSr.IST! Henry C Kii kpatriek, of Carroll to-n.-!iip, took lbG pounJa of surplus honey ftoin two hives, which he sold r.t .':." cents per pound. Adam Deitrich. of Carroll township, took from two hived JOO pounds of s-urplua honey. James Kirkpatrick, ot Chest township, took CO pound of surplus honey from one hive. Jacob Kirkputrick, of Client townehip, ob tained 7 2 pounds of surplus honey from o;.e hive, worlh not less than $21, and the riht cost Iihn only .". l'cter Campbell from one hive obtaiaed 36 pounds of surplus honey at one time. C"taite a number of 6'iiuilar statement-?, authenticated by some of the best citizens of Oan.biia county, could be obtained in proof of the superior mer'ts of Langstroth'i Patent Mo vable Comb llee Hive. Persons ii.-hing to purchase family rights should call en cr address PETER CAMPBELL, Nov. 5, IStJG.-tf. Carrolltown, Pa. MARBLE WORKS! Having aain taken charge of tho f"v branch Warble Works at Ebensbui-g, which he will operate in onnectioiiTi-!( !i with his extensive establishment itjo!''? Johnstown, tlie subscriber adopts this'iS?r method of informing the citizens of Cambria county, that he kees a ecu staiit supply of the beat , ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE, which he is prepared at stated times in Ebens burg and at all times iu Johnstown, to manu facture to order, either ns MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, MANTLES, TABLE or BUREAU TOPS, in as workmanlike manner and at as low prices aa like work can be put up in any of the cities. Having in my employ a full force of experienced and skillful workmen. I do not promise too much when I sa that I can furuitsh any of the above articles on short notice, at the lowest prevailing prices, and in a fctyle of fiiiMi whit h cannot be excelled by any ether mat ufacturer iu the State. A large stock of GRINDSTONES on hand and tor sale cheap. . . . .Prompt attention paid to orders from a distance and work put up wherever deuiieJ, or delivered at any point named. JOHN PARKE. Johnstow n, June 4, 18CS.-tf. NDR.EW MOSES, MERCHANT TAILOR, SurPE's Building, Cujttok Sr., Jobxsto-w.y, HAS just received his fall and winter stock of fine French, London and Amerrun CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and VE3T1NOS, and a full assortment of Gent's FirKKi.suiha Goons. Mr. Jloses lias been for eight years cutter at Wood, Morrell L Co.'s establishment, and now desires to inform his friends and the public gen erally that he has commeuced business iu Sup ncs's building, on Clinton stieet, with a stock of goods adapted to the fall and winter, which he is prepared to make up in the latest styles and at moderate prices for cash, hoping by at tention to business to merit a share ot public patronage, and maintain that success which j bas heretofore attended his efforts in producing ; good fitting garments. Give him a call. jouusiowu, cepi. 'Z, 1503. -tt. TOEVERE THE. MEMORY OF FRIENDS DEPARTED ! MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, &c The subscriber still continues to manufacf nrt of the best material and ia tho most workmanlike manner, at the Loretto Marble Works, all kind of MONUMENTS AND TOMB STONES, ns well as TABLE and BUREAU TOl'S, and all other work in his line. None but the beat American aod Italian Marblo used, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed to all cases at prices as low aa like work can be obtained in the cities or elsewhere. Call and see specimens and jiule fur yourselves as to the mcri'.s cheapness of my work. JAMES WILKINSON. Loretto, March 12. 1868.1y. A. D. CRISTE, AVITU LITTLE & BAIE s WHOLESALE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 112 & 114 SECOND AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. FOREIGN SHIPPING EXCHANGE OFFICE. WE ARE NOW SELLING EXCHANGE, AT W TOitK ttATSS, ON England, Ireland. Scotland, W ales, Oermany, Austria, Bavaria, Baden, Ilessen, Hanover, Belgium. Prussia. Wurtemterg, Saxony, t witzerlaud, Holland. Norway and Franrn And Tickets to and from any Port in England, Ireland, Scotland, Germany. France, California, New South Walea or Australia. KERR & CO. Altoona, Fa., Jan. 31, 1867. . F. ALT FATHER, And Wholesale and Retail Dealer in HAVANA AND DOMESTIC CIGARS. PLPO AJVD FINK CCT Cliewlns aud SnioStlugr Tobacco, Shj; Pipes, Snvff Boxes if Cigar Casts'. AT TM SIS! or IH IKDIAV, HAIX STREET. - . . J0H3cK)Wir. HAVING recently enlarged our slock we are now prepared to sell at a great reduction from former prices. Our stock con sists of Drurs, Medicines, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Leon's, Hall's and Allen's Hair Restor atives. Pills, Ointments, Plaster:, Liniments, Pain Killers, Citrate iiagnesia, Ess. Jamaica Ginger, Pure Flavoring Extracts, Essences, Lemon Syrup, Soothing Syrup, Spiced Syrup, Ilhuburb, Pure Spiew. Jcc. ; CIGARS AND TOBACCOS, Blank Books, Deeds, Notes and Ponds; Cap, Post. Commercial and all kinds of Note Paper; Envelopes, Pens, Tencils, Arnold's Writing Fluid, Black and Red Ink, Pocket and Pas? Books. Magazines, Newspapers, Novels, His tories, Bibles, Ileligious.Prajer and Toy Hooks, Pci kiiivcs, Pipes, ic. tlf We have added to our etcck a lot of FINE JEWELRY, to which we would invite the attention of the Ladies. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS at lower prices than ever offered iu this place. Paper and CiirarsJsoM either wholesale or re tail. LiiMMON & MURRAY, July 30, 1SGS. Main Street, Ebensbttrg. "fPvEXTISTliY. Tho undesigned, a -3' graduate ol tne iJalii- -r- more Cui'tro Zr..i?zs?'t:. of Dental Sur gery, respect fully Oilers hi.T rUOFESSIONAL services to the citizens of Eb- ewsburg and vicluity, which place he will visit on the focbth Monday of each inocth, to re maiu one week. Aug Et. SAll'L BELFORD, D. D. S. DR. H. B. MILLER, F Altoona, Xa., UlHS Operative and Mechanical DENTIST. Oilice removed to Virginia street, opposite the Lutheran church. Persons from Carnbrit county or ehewhere who get work done by me to the amount of Ten Dollars and upwards, wiil have tlie railroad fare qedcc'td from their Litis. All t.ciik wARaA.Men. .Ian. il, IbtO.-tf. II. D. W. ZIEGLEU, Surgeon Den- tit, will visit Ebenbur p-o-fessionniiy on the SECOND Mov X day of each month, and remaiiiQvi, one week, durin; which time he3 may be found at the .Mountain lloueo. tSTTceMi cxtructeii aiihout p.iin by the use ol Nitrate Oiide, or Lauhin,; Oas. AMES J. O ATM AN, M. I)., tenders his professional terviccftos Phv- stoian and Surgeon to the citizens cf Carroll tcvvn and vicinity. Oilice in rear of build ing occupied by J. BiicK fe Co. as a store. Niht calls cau be made at Lia residence, one door faoutk df A. Haul's tin arid Lard ware store. ("iluy 9, lSbT. O DEYEREAUX, D., Pnv- ticiAX and Sckgeon. Summit, Pa. OiTice east end of Llantsiou House, on Rail Road street. Nilit calk may he made at the office. J. LLOYD, successor to It. S. Bukx, Dealer iu Drwjs, Medicines. Paints, !fc. Store on Main street, opposite the "Mansion Hume," ELeuoburg, Pa. October 17. 1EC7.-Cm. "S LOID & CO., a niters, sLJ Ebknsburo, Pa. Gold, Silver, Government Loans, and other Securities, bought and s( Id. Interest allowed on Time Lepotits. Ct llecticms made in all accessible points in the United States, and a general Banking business transacted. 31. LLOIl) & CO., Bankers, Altoona. Pa. Drafts on the principal cities and Silver and Gold for sale. Collections made. Moneys received on deposit, payable on de mand, without interest, or upon time, with interest at fair rates. anSl. FliANK W. HAY, WHOLESALE and RETA1 L Manufacturer. If of TIN. COPPEli aud SHEET-IKON WAKE. Canal street, below Cliutou,. Joh)u town, fa. A large stock constantly hand. JT.Sv. SHOEMAKER GEO. W. OATilAX. CHOEMAKEK A O ATM AN, Attou O Kt ys at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Offices on Hiyh street, imtnedialely east of Huntley's hardware store. ap.8,'63. D. M'LALTGIILLN, ITTORN'KY AT LAW, Johnstown, ra. l OCSco iu the Exchange building, on the Corner of Clinton and Locust streets up fctairs. Will attend to all buainfc33 connect ed with his profession. Jan. 31. 1867.-tf. U. It JOI1KSTO.V. j B. 8CAKI.AN JOHNSTON .& SCANLAN, Attorneys at Law, Ebensburg, Cambria co., Pa. Office opposite the G.urt House. Ebensbttrg, Ja:i. 81. l67.-tf. .TOIIN 1. LINTON, 1TTORNEY AT LAW, Johnstown, Pa. l Office in buiiuing on corner of Wain and Franklin street, opposite Mansion House, second floor. Entrance on Franklin street. Johnstown. Jan. 81. 18G7.-tf. WILLIAM KITTLLL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Pa. a Office in Colonade Iluw, Ceutre street. Jan. 81. !8G7.-tf. I PERSUING, Attokney-at-y Law, Juhnstown.fa. Office on Frauk liu street, up-stairs, over John Benton's Hardware Store. Jau. 31, 1867. TflSTM. II. SECIILEK, ArrouNEy.ATH " Law, Ebenaburs. Pa. Office in rooms recently occupied by Geo. M.lleade, E.q , in Colonade How, Centre street. aug.27. GEO. M. liKADE, AttornegLaw, Ebensburfr, Pa. Ot3co in new building recenllv erected on CeiiUe street, two doora from High street. aug.27. JAjIESC. EASLY, Att"o1Ln'e7 W at-Laav, Carrolltown, Cambria Co., Pa. Collections and all legal business promptly attended to. Jan 31. 1807. KOPKLIN, T. W. DICK. Johnstown. Ebensburg. 1TOPELIN & DICK, Attorneys-Ar Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Office with Wm tvuieii, tsq., lolona.le llovr. f oct.21!.-tf. F. P. TIEHNEY, ITTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg. P. Si Office in Colonade Row. Jan. 5. 1867-tf. JOSEPH M' DONALD, . .... ITTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg. ra. 11 Oliica oa Centre street, opposite Linton's Uotfel- Jan. 31, l8G7-tf. J0IIN FENLON, ITTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg Pa. 0, Offioo on High etreet, adjoining bis resi- d!?f.ej Jan 81. -1867.-tf. JJ KINKEAD, Justice of the Peace and Claim Agent. Office remoyed to the office formerly occupied by M. UasBon LTOONA NOT YET IN RUINS I CLOTHIHG BAZAAK ! ! STILL RIGHT SIDE UP ! SF1I1 Ml SMMER Mil! IN IMMENSE PROFUSION! ALL WANTS SUPPLIED f ALL TASTES SUITED! ALL P.UYEKS PLEASED! SUITS FOR OLD PEOPLE! SUITS FOIL MIDDLE AGED ! SUITS FOR YOUNG AMERICA! CLOTH!.G!CLOTHi?JG! 'to FIT t VElir SIXOi AX1J JlOV I GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS . CF EVEIiY lESCKIFTIOS. BOOTS dtiSHOES, HATS & CAPS, OY ALL STILLS AKD SUSs. Trunks, Valises, Traveling Bags, Lrjjbrctlas, &.c. &.C. STOCK THE LAKG1ST! GOODS THE VERY PEST! (STYLES THE NEATEST! PRICES THE LOWEST 1 C!.OTSai7 TO ORDER ef any goods or style dtclrrd. CALL akd SEE 1 CALL asu SEK JAN SUIT YOrJ in GOODS k PRICES 5 Stole on Axme Strket. one duor north of the Post Oilice. Don't mistakg the olace and there will bo no tuisLaUe about jua gettiiiir trooJ Unri;ahis. GODPRZY WOLFF. Altoona, April 2, letJ.-tf. Til SUIT PACIFIC RAILROAD IS I'lKJSIILi; ! First Mortgage Bonds OF TQi UNION AND CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROADS BOUGHT AND SOLD. ro.Xr Jfr RRflTIIUR AVEll miui limit Bankers and Dealers in Governments, No. 40 S. Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. TOOD, MORRELL fc CO., WASHIKQTON STREET, Near Pa. R. R. Depot, Johnstown, Pa,, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in F8HS168 AID BSMESnC DRY 6QQ0SL GOODS, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE. BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAP3. IKON AND NAILS, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. READY-MADE CLOTHING, GLASS WARE. YELLOW WARE. WOODEN AXD WILLOW WARE, PROVISIONS and FEED, ALL KINDS, Together with all manner of Western Produce, uch ad FLOUR. BACON, FISH, SALT, CARBON OIL, &c, &c. I3f Wholesale and retail enlers Bolicite 1 and promptly filled ou the shurtest notice and ruosi reabunatle terms WOOD. MORRELL ii CO. Johnstown, April 26, lbCU. ly. JjA WSOX & B A K E t FRANKLIN STREET, In th OliS POST UiTFICK IJUILiDIJig, bhastoiTD, Ia., WHOLESALE GROCERS ASD LEALLE3 IX WL'BTERH PIIOOUOE! fSill ST UllKF.ll hand a'larMinnv SUGARS. SYKUl'S. ilOLASSKS. TKAS. COFFEES, FLOUR. BACOX, POTATOES, DRIED and GREEN FRUITS, TOUACCO. CIGARS, &c. Ac. OrCes Kolicited from retail dealers, and sat isfaction iu gooda an1 prices guaranteed. Johiistown,.Apiil 2d, lbCD. T. JAMES' HOTEL', (Conducted on the European Plan,) 405 & 407 Lii!stt Stueet, opp-sitk tiis Union Depot, Pittsdcuuh, Pa. JAMES K. LANAIUN, Proprietor. This House is newly Lu'tit aarl splendidly furuiaheJ, and convenient to all tho Rail road.s coming into tLe city. The Restaurant connected with this Hotel open at all hours of the day and night. oct.17.-ly. PITTSBURGH STAR, No. 42 Liberty Street. OPPOSITE UNION TASSEXGER DEPOT, PITTSBURGH, PA. je.ll.-ly. FELIX HENLY, Trop'r. UNION HOUSE, RENRBURG, Pa., JEROME A. rLOTT, U Propietor, npares no pains to render this aotel worthy of a continuation of the liberal patronage it has heretofore received. His table will always be furnished with the best the market affords; his bar with the best cf liquors. His stable is large, and will be attended by an attentive and obligin" h0EtIe--. Jan 30, 18GS.-tf. "MOUNTAIN HOUSE, Eden-suuho. H.. P. LISTOJt A. The Table is always supplied with the choicest delicacies ; tho Bab is supplied with choice hquorp, and tho Stable attended by carelul hostlers. Transient visitors accom modated and boarders taken by tho week, poutii or year, oa reasonable tcrQis, fob2J II 11 Ayer's For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which ! ia at once agreeable, healthy, and tifectual for preserving tho hair. Faded cr gray hair is soon restored to its original color with tho gloss and freshness of youth. Thiu hair is thick ened, falling hair checked, and bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore tho iiair whero the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such as renin.m can bo saved for usefulness by this fipplicaiioa. Instead of fouliag tho hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occaoiuiial uso will prevent tho hair from turning gray or falling oil', and j consequently prevent baldness. Freo from thosvi delttei ioua substances -which make some preparation dangerous and i liijnrioui to tha hair, the V igor can oniy benefit but not harm it. II wuatfcd merely for a HAIR DRESSING, Bothiug else can bo fenud so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil whito cambric, and yet laats long ou the Lair, giviug it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful pei-Liine. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., PiULCTICAL AXD AsALTTICAX. CltrJUSTS, PKICB $1.00. For sale by R.J. LLOYD, Af,ent. Eberrbu';. Ayer's Gherry Pectoral, 3cr Diseoaes of the Throat and Lungs, raeh as Ooughc. Coldj, "Whoopias CougQt Bronohitis, Asthma, and Consumption. Frohablv never before in the whole hlstorr of medicine, tas anything won so widely anil so rteeply Vlioa tJia coDti'icnre of inunkincj, as this cxceli-ut romdy for pulmonary compimnts. Throub a ion? I tones "of yearn, and auiouf iaot of tlie races of i men it bus risen higher and hi:;hur in Uscir eetim.-v- ' tion, aa It has becomu better known, it uniform ', charactor and uowcr to cure tho various affections 1 of tho lungs aud throat, have mude it kuown as a re liable rou:clor aaiubt tiieui. While adapted to inilder forma of disoase and to yonng children, it 13 at the baaie time the most effectual remedy that can be given for incipient consumption, and the dan frcrous aff ections of the throat and lungs. As a pro. vision ajraint puddun atuicki of t-ovp. it should be kept on hand in every familv, and indeed as all are sometime subject to colds and coughs, all frliould be provided with thu antidote for tuem. .AlUiucB BtUc-d toumj)tion Is tlioucbt In enra'o'c, ctiU great numbers ulctucs -where the dis ease seemed retUoJ, have beea completely cured, and the aUont restored to sound health by tlio Chrrtj Faetural. So coinpluto is n rnastery over the disorders of the Luuirs and Throat, that the most obstinate of them yield to it. Whoti notu In? ol.;e conld reacli thum, under tho Cherry Pec toral they subside and disappear. Singers antl uilio &jakcrs aud great pro tection from it. sthnut Is always relieved &ad often wholly cored by it. Hrvttchitis Is jrenerally- cared by taking the CKarry Pectoral in small and frequent doses. generally are its virtues known that wo need not publish Uia certificates of them here, or do more than assure tho public that its qualities uo fully Tn.HHUillCvi. Ayer's Ague Cure, pr ToTPr and Arao. Intormlttant Tever, OhiU Fever. Kemittont Fevor, Dumb .Aj?ue, Perioaisal or Bilious Fever, &c, and indeed all tlie affections which arise from malarious, raarih, or xnioaamtid poisons. As it name ImpllM, It doe Cure, and 1oes not fail. Containing neither ArBcnic, Quinine, Itismuth, Zinc, nor any other mineral or poisonous substance Khatever, it" in nowise Injures any patient. Tlie iinruber and importance ot its cures in tho ague dis tricts, arc literallv bevond account, and we believe without a parallel in the liic.tory of Ague medicine. Our pride Is gratified by the acknowledgments we receive of the radical cures effected in obstinate canes, and where other remedies had wholly failed. Cnsccliinated persons, either resident in. or travelling through miasmatic, localities, wfll bo pro tected by taking the AOVE CfKB daily. For lAerr t'omptaint, arising from torpidity of the Liver, it is an excellent remedy, ttunuliiUn tlie Liver into healthv aetivitv. For ltilious Disorders and Liver Cornpbdnts, It is an excellent remedy, producing manv trulv re markable cure, where other medicines had failed. Prepared by Ik. .1. C. Auk & Co., I'ractictd and An.ilytiual CheuuaU, Luweil, Miss., tuij sold nil round Uio world. YUICIZ, 91-00 PEIt SOTTX.JS. IlttsK J. Llotd, Agent, EstNtBLKU, Pa. PHILADELPHIA. tST Samples sent by mail when written for. raiAILOKIN'G- ESTABLISHMENT Ji. REMOVED. The subscriber would re spectfully announce to his customers and tho citizens of Ebensburg anJ vicinity generally, that he has removed to the cew building on Centre street, opposite the Mountain House and aojoiuing the law olfice of Geo. II. Keade, E., and is now not only prepared to manufacture all goods which may bo brought to him. but is supplied with a fine line of CLOTHS, CASSI MERES, VESTINGS, &c. which he will wake to order in the bet style and at the lowest pri ces, reeling confident of giving entire satis faction, I hopo for aa increased pationage in my new location. D. J. EYAiTs Ebensburg, Jan. 14, lS69.-tf. O II N CHOUSE WHOLESLE DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINES AND LICIL'OHS. BEST BRANDS OK BKA.N DY, WfllSKY IIUSU AVHISKY. QIN. &c, &c ' The very best qualities of Liquors, Wines Sic, for Medical purposes. Prices LOW. ' t"Uotel and Saloon keepers will do Veil to givo mo a call at my store on Canal street, in building formerly occupied by T. (. Stewarl i to, Jotu3town, Aug. 87, 103. tf. A53 lOOFLAHD'S GERMAH TQIiC, l'r.-pared by Ds, O. it- Jurkaon, ISM:ifllphJa. T'.eir lutioAucttita ioto Uu couutry Ircai ti3Luuj 105. XUliY CUKKB TOrJt fathebs AUD MOTIIimS, An will cure yon amf yotir cM'.flton, Tlsey ars entirely diUUrtnl wsi .j uui tLi m;.j y The grtaUti latvwn mucjijer Iivcx Ccmplaint. UY&PEPSIA, Ifervous VoliiUty, Eis33sos of tho Kidooji fr.UPTIOKS OF THE SKIN, tnd all nlM-AM!i isrUtui: dmi a JJWx lnrcd I.lvur, (-tomiicli, cr IMWIUTY Uf XUZ JLOO. OoriBtlpitlon, rbitulcucH, Inward i'a'lness ot Ulood Vo t!.a Hiittl. AtldltjT of tne 8 to in i oh, Naanni. llert burrs, Ijisiust for Foo i. I ulnot4 or VreiiJt in tt'-mrcli, iour Sraiititioin, feinifc- iug or Fluttor.riK at the Pit of the Stomach, Swiin rri ritr ol t i e Head, li-i i ri-J or Circuit Ere;' bin.(, Fluttsrinn at i-he lXajt. x-5? Chokimr o x aulIocalimz7 vA Sensation whan iu a Ly-Vl inor ?oUr, lJimiiess o f Vision, Xot or V b3 Lfctoro the Fiuht. PiUl Pin in lixo Head, Dcfieisnoy ol' XJ i KpiratioiA, Ybliownea cf tha iitui atvd Eyes, Paua in t4 Sii. Eauk, Ciict, eto.. Stid den ITuHhea oT, Brn In in tne Flesh. Coxit-v.t Iaaiu'inuJirt ot y.i h il Cir-a.t Depression ol Sj.ircia. EocHand's German BIttor3 entirely vee-tlie. ail Mnt:ln ti liqn'jr. It httfunipnniul of Viiild Bl fin a t. The ltuotn, ISerhn, mitl Ilarks l"ri ivTitrli iht-hi- -xtriict are innd arc Kiit.erel l ti ruii.ii y . fill li HMMllfJ .ro ojttrn-cd V3. IiiiU vlrtiiFM trttm tlirui t -;t-iiiii(t. Thr. a ncli'iill il " citrarU nre men !tirmrilrd to tliia rmiiilr)- to lo uwd exrcnljr for Hi o njuiiutJictiirr ol ltioc Hiler. 'I here Lm i:o ult uiiollc n hfcUme' ol uiifklnil nr d In compound I ii-i ! nitter. heiirr it In the oixlr Itittoro lliat can be ud 111 tu-oa where aleoliolU; kUtUUlUU CJC nolftdi UmlLIo. Eoofland's German Tonla it a onvrhtna'lrm. qf all (ht inffrmlirntt tf (ha JlHra, v'Jt rvum Sa n!a Crut Rum, Orange, tte. A it tuai for the ume dure Met at the lixUrrt, wn "iii k-ti torn pur aUoi-Jic Mimulm it reqttirrH. Ton will b-if tn wind thai thrtt remtdirt art entirely riiftvrcnt Jrrm any uilttrt adnerlisid for the curt of Oit dtteutt wnntd, Ui' te bmng scttntflc prrpjrflticmt of tnchcinal txtrazbt, vhile Oil ttthrrt nrt nwre cUrnctxont of rum in tom4 firnm. The TONIU it d'exdrdly our f the wtott p.V tanl and aprttable retntdir trtr offered to the fut.htL. Ju tats it ezqui. tie. H il a ftleature to Ml it, wcriile fa life-goring, exhilarating, and medicinal qualities Itjct fiim.f MUi lit i faoura at tiu grtaUtt Stf M tuMk DEBHiiT"sr. Thert it net mrdtrt errttnl In ffnnfrinTt Qerwiart RtUert or Trrnio t w jnii M rwi nf IrkiJrijj. Ihej iirpart a tome " idrgnrtntht vh tyttrm, Urcng'.hm fTJ Ut aj-netile. cat. ft an enjoyment tjf f 'i i n i 1 1 food, enable the r uiach to diyett tt, purijy the blood, give a pxl. funH, healthy comyiexinn, trndicale the yr.llotc ting from L'.l eye, imparl a blnom to th cheeht, and ehinge the pattrjU tram a thort-breathed, tmaexmed. nceak, and nerroiu inralul, to afuU-faced. tLouK and vipoi ovt person. Weak and Delicate Children aro niad trna lr tiMiiur tti isittern or 'Jo ii ic. in lurt, t1ic?r l'nmlly .UfU. clnen. 'l'Ltey be ndnilnlMri d Mltll Ierlrct alctf to a rSiiitl tliro moiillLa old, tie luoti doUcuto lentuJf.. or luauat uXuIucit. Hut MtmuiUs art lie best mood Purifier rr VnW'i, and tmtl ertre all iimii rtullfvg from bad blood. Ke 'p ynwrwryBB blond pure : keep your Liver in order : kerp VA yfjur dipftt tre organt in a tound. Kruilhy til vtconditton, by the twt f Uiett ' J n n 1 ifiJ no disrate tciO tver attail you. The bef own m Uit country recommend Vtetn. If veart of hortAMt retitLrtltn rm err AnuTKtta you utuit try Uuic j cj-uraiiOM. FKOM nO. GEO. "NT". WOODWARD, Cldcf Jutic cf the yupremp Court of Frnnsy 'mola. I niLADSt rnn, Marrh 10. t"7. J find " JiooftamiTt (i-rman litutrt " I an in.'ozt tcaung, but it a good tonic, tuef'tt tn du-.rtirrt of 'he dijetlive. orga-nt, and of great btmJU in outi (tf U.LLiljj ttnti want of nerr. us action, tn tl.e system. Xivrt truly. FKOII HON. JAMES THOMPSON-, JaJge cf th Buj.rmo Conrt of I'ennsvlvuril. 1'HM llXLrillA. 'rfl 2. is. I consider I!oifln ndi lu a ours, with rc.prri. J Ail US TilOXli'SON. FROil REV. JOSEni n. KE5NARD, I. IVMor of the 'IVnth Piptln Chnrrh, rhili.Ulphl. Dr. Jicisnj-lisit ti:l hart bten fi eqwentiy requested to connect ir:y name vilft recommend of different kinds nf medicines, but regarding the pra-ict at out of my apropriait sphere, 1 hi me tn all eases -timed ; but tri a clear proof in various in.ilances. end particularly in my own family, of the uJ ulnesr f Or. Hoof.and t German H titers, I depart for once, fru'tn my usual course, to exprett my full cvntiilion tur cct cral debility of the iyt.:ia an.l ts-,.;ci!lv for Liv.r C.niplttiut, it U h"? aWMh! rw.U valuable ptepur aliou. In Jail; but usually. tome eatt tt misy J d"itU not, U tct'il be very b'ntficialt to Ui .st who t utter i'ui, verf re ec'.Jui.y. J. Ii. K&Jf.VJtiiB, Siyhth, btkm LWIU tit CATJTIOIT. JTonfaniTt Gel-man are rnmntrrf1itA fka genuine have the sywiture f C. ?1. Jackcon cm the front of the nuUde scrapper of each bottle, and tM f'tme of tht ajiiUt lloien ia aA boUia Jkii Uhtrt arm Price of h lilttrri, $1 OO per fcottle-1 r, r all doxen lor OO. Vrlee or tlie 'Ionic, 1 a(I pot bUll r,alalt UoMBior $7 iO. TLe tonic U put np fn quart bottlea, Revolted that it it Dr. HoofUimFt German Rgmertttt that are tm tinitermUv vtei and to kigVy recent, mended; and do nuitMsrpmssmq aliovt ti.t O'tmis'l to induce you to lake t J it.y;iny else IhM ht may tag it just at fA JJi "tcaut lu rnakrt a lary, r profLmeJLitmmttt&ir on t. These Rtm. diet will bt nw bf uiii ti. w ui locality bidm aiipUu tun Ut Hit PKIXCIPAL OFFICE, AT TUB MKDICIITB STOSXBJ J?tK CHI AUCU ST T, PhOadclpkici, CHASL II. EVA If 3, Proprietor, romorty C H. JACXSON & CO. Xhcse llemrdlp aro for ale by Dmj. Clt, Store Ire pern, txsxtX 2Kdiciiie Dettlm era everywhere. Do not forget to examine wU Ou arltclt you Jury, truer to get the genuine. !rSS.10 b R J- kLOYD, Drnsast, caili-J i;iiu:rs or h"j(4 Tonics. Tl.ty u4 no tavern prrpi Bu4at!iio, or aajiiinj; i'kaoii: uul svm1, ljutwMt. reliable lucdivUl-s. 'ihty t.erjuau te rn m rn.iM'kIt ti.Jicint lu f nno A tr atlarlin of I l ft 1 R tlonaeaa Bekaor lytejr3a. 1 CiUl Cert If V t ll ft rr:n ii, v m v nn.. u.a e The Cambria Frees WILT. BE rCBLISUtn EVEIIY THURSDAY M0i;vj.. At Ebcasbarg, Cambria Co.,? ' At Vie following rates, pa-jabU ' mouths ft urn dkiti of tuliQTh Oao ccpy, cue jear, - - . . J( I 0. 1e copy, six muutbn, - - . . 01. e copy, thica nicutLs, - - - . 'f who fail to j.ay their imV;.;.J until after the expiration cf six l,.V,; 5 be dwrfJ at l'10 ra'e tf i' ' f""N aal who fui t' pay uiitii afier . ' piration if twelve zuititLs wiii Let' ?' the rate t f j.Uo per yer. Twelve uuiiibers ruiutitutu a teiity-fiv, u'.x uiohtas; ab'.i f f;y J1"1 one year. " "r' BATES OF AbVMT!bl0. One 8iuaro,'12 Hues, cue ii.syrtit, t E.icli snl sCijuent iLsertiuu, Au iitor's Not id', tacl), , Almiuiitratr", No life, cucb, Execiilors Notices. taL, -btray Notices, each 6 7I,J 1 t tiara, i. utiCfl, J- ou $ i in. j. i '1 oO 5 00 7 00 9 '.( 11 CHJ ' mesa Cn: i 1 1 2 sijiurr, 'I S :idm, .i-irter coluiuu, '1 itird column, liif coliinin. 111,, i? t-. iv ' ( j j One Colutv.u, i Pr.-fessi -nal or P-:i. t-xcte. Itu J . per litis. St.eci:! ao'l ttuinis Ni.ti '-s t t t per litia f,r frit i!isriio:. aii f.-i ,;, er.t h bubst-q wtnt iiisertii u. l.CMoIutii'iiS f ZH '.trU, . ( i.r. ti.ni4 id a personal Latur HjUjI c; as a ivertiasnjeutii. J-B FBINTiJJ.T. We havo njude jrratiy-!-.ri-t U, we ran do tr h;ive -r.c a!i k:n-!, .f . ani fancy Ji b Fi'wr.ini:, ! i, , ; Parnphets, hw Carols, B'.-i .,,; ;4, Ilandhil'.B, Circulars, Sc., ;r, ; s btyle of the art and at the n.i.-t !:. .n prices. Also, all khi:!a .f Mui;'t-. i, U.w.ks, r.Hk Binding, iVc, f r ; as g"0'l aa the best rdJ ti- i. . .. t M. JL. A. JL JlAj PFAI.KR :S CHOICE FAMILY fiRGCBS goublc xvx mi ii;. SALT, FIS: mESir yegi;t.t:lk:. ALL KIMDS OF FRUIT! SUGARS, TEAS, C0FFIFS. SYRUPS, MOLASSES, CHEES-Ii AIst, a l.ira Wfli of the Best Brands cf Cigars and Tc'r: HTOHE ON HIGH STKEET. Fmrir Doors East cf Crav 'rrJ'sf EbcrssSnrgr, Pa. EBENSBURG FOUNDi AA. ITS Fl'lsts ISL.tsT! NEW FIRM, NEW BUILDINGS, i HAVINO furchased tlie weV. U r.NsBL'i:r; yea n dry in. (tii, and rcl.iiiH nnd eiii.irji I its': tire'y, b0idoa refitting it with i;c.t p . the snncrihe" -e now rrerirl t f COOK, PA: LOR .V HE A J ISO '' of the and most arnroe.i l .-.'! TH RESHI SO M A.CH INKS. yn.Lt.i: 1NG, UO?E and WATER WH KKL" ' description, IILON Fl.NClNi;. il . ud PLOUGH CASTINGS, .r.I in manner of articles m.iin:f.n ':r'i in v '- Foundry. Job Vi'ork of ail ki:fil ''-: promntly and done cheapl- The rpet-ial ailrntini nf Frr,'?''' " to two newiy pittertfeJ F:L'(;ii '' posse the sole ri.cbt to rnaniu -'urt u. iu this county, anc which ar c'aiit:e: the best ever introtliu-e'l to the public. I3elievin ourseSrcs c?.n.bie of t'"' ny work in our lira in the rr. rt nianner, nd knowing that we cn:i '' Lo-wria prices than have been ..r;t; -: community heretofore we rr.r .tiJe:.ti we will found worthy of r""'- Fair reductions made to whoIi.--.iie c; tS?"The hij;het f iice. pa ri in a;i & uietal, or curtincs irfji in icUic'- Of a TkEMS ARK HK'lTIT r'U,.&r':' rioDici. CON'VI'.KV, M.'i'U'--Ebttisburg, Sept. t.', CHAIR MANUFACTOi? fMi.FlWl ALL KINDS OF fill audi as crnnion Wirilsi.r Ci-.ri, Chairs, Vieuua Chairs. Dr.rt'.o Cr'-. Backed Chairs., S-A.-iab!e Ci Caae Stat hir-s ROCKING CIIAIKS, OF eVekV (' mm SEAT fHllES Settees. Lt.iinutft, Ac..o- . CABINET FURNIJU of evcrv description ar.d of ,. STYLES, WITH PRICES IVSIA- Tastes of all. Thankful for past favors, ullj wolicits a liberal thare of r'liir,', ase. Clintou Street, Johntown Co. Ta. IJau.SLj JOIIM GAT GA Y A: t,Y K h ? j; Soceeaaora to Cay r" WUOI.KSALK Grocers and Commission Me: AND TEALtUS IS - f 1) FLOUIi, PRODUCK. FISH. LT' DON OILS, &c. sc., 8G2 Libertt Strkkt. - riTT WHOLESALE GOOD, ETTERf"r.nST.-i. aiwl ehcapest Tobaooo aud CiP',n ar a( 21. . U&Uaas. Ga