TIIIXGS TTORTn KSOIYIXK. UgiFCE Hints. Put a few live fish Into well, if angle worms infest them. Toads are capital helpers in taking care of Tine patched. f2eW milch cows should be carded dai ly. They like it, and it pays. Rich milk is not the best for calves. A butter cow is not a good stock c ow. Insects do not infest very late sown peas aa tbej do early ones. Stewed pumpkin as a poultice has been found of great value in reducing inflam matory rheumatism I be potato is a great absorber of pot- j ash. Therefore wood ashes are a good j manure for it j Experiments seem to prove that fence j posts set up the reverse way from which j they grow, will last much the longer Calcined plaster is as good a fertilizer as the uncalcined, but it is usually wasted after its use in the arts. Some one says if salt is kept before a horse in the stable, he will not gnaw his manger. Trial will tell. Root crops, not grain, are the things for young orchards. They do not steal so much tree food. Look out for morals as well as muscles in hiring farm hands. They may ruin the boys by their vicius examples. Smoke from rags, dry wood or corn cobs is better than tobbacco in pacifying bees to remove honey, etc. Carrots are recommended for horses to aid digestion, and tomatoes to cows to improve and increase the milk. Mangers should be low, and stables well ventilated and well lighted. Many horses are made blind by being kept in the dark. It is difficult to tell colic from bots in a horse, but a tablespoonful of chloroform, in twice as much mucilage, is a good rem edy for either. If the roots of trecB ara dipped into water just before planting, the earth thai sticks to them will give immediate sup port to the small fibers. John Johnson says that farmers must fMVA anplal ottdnlinn trh tlipon find fnffla ! ? t .u . i i keeninm if fhev want tr make nrnin "row- C D J " D D ing more profitable. Nine-tenths of the diseases which hap pen (o the hoofs and ankles of the horse are occasioned by standing on the dry plank floors of the stable. Shoots will push on old and young trees just where the limbs are not wanted 1.1 lilt. IlllJU OIC UUb illlfcV.. Al . A, , i.l that the new tender shoot j Remember will Boon be a hard, woody branch. A slight rub will now remove it. but if left a J year the knife mu?t be used. Hub oil", these shoots when young and save cutting J hereafter. Cultivation in the orchard has a two- i fold effect it destroys the weeds, and leaves the surface in that light, mellow , condition which enables it to anawer the purposes of a mulch. Young orchards, with crops between the row?, should be cultivated with aa much an cyo to the J trees as to the cropa. LrQuiD Grafting Wax We advise none of our readers to pay a dollar for a receipt for making liquid grafting wax. We have once or twice published such a receipt and aain repeat it for the benefit of our subscribers. The following will make a wax that can be put on with a bru6h, will always be ready for use if kept tightly corked in a bottle, and can be applied to bruises or wounds on tree?, or used as grafting wax ; viz: Melt one pound of rosin over a gentle fire ; ndd an ounce of beef tallow and stir it well ; take it from the fire, let it cool down a little and add a tablespoonful of spirits of turpentine, and after that about S6ven ounces of very stronjr alcohol (9o percent.) i It will be necessary, after putting in the j alcohol, to put it on the stove again, stir ring it constantly, taking great care that the alcohol does not get inflamed. To avoid thi?, remove tho kettle from the etovo as soon as tha mass, which may have cooled rapidly by the addition of the alcohol, begins to melt. Continue to stir, until the whole mass becomes the consis tency of honey. This will be found far better and cheaper than the common shel lac preparation used for this purpose ; and after being puf on for a day or two, becomes a clear, white color, and as hard as stone impervious to water and air. W charge our reader nothing for the above, and will warrant it better than that made from a receipt for which many will pay one dollar. The preparation for it has been proved and recommended by some of tha best horticulturists in the country. Maine lltrwur. Ci.Kanino Sii.k. The following is said to be and excellent recipe fur clean-, ing silk: Pare three Irish potatoes; cut them into thin slices and wafch them well. Poor on them a half pint of boiling water, and let it stand till cold ; strain the water and add to it an equal quantity of alcohol. Sponge tho silk on the right side, and when half dry, iron it on the wrong side. The most delicate colored silk may be cleanad by this process, which i3 equally applicable to cloth, velvet or crape. When to tct Paint ox Surfaces. Experiments show that paint on surfaces exposed to the sun will be much more durable if applied in autumn or Spring, than if put on in hot weather. In cold weather it dries slowly, forms a hard, glossy coat, tough like glass, while if ap plied in warm weather the oil strikes into the wood, leaving the paint so dry that it is rapidly beaten off by the rains. JL Ccmous Stort. Michigan papers state tha a young man named George Denslow, living at Rome Centre, in that State, dreamed on the night of March 13th that he was deaf and dumb, and on awaking was horrified to Gnd that he coold neither speak nor hear. From that ' till the 4th of May, fifty-three days, be remained totally deaf and dumb. On the vening of that day, while returning home from the field whore he had been at work, an odd feeling carat over him and he was obliged to lean against the fence for sup port. Presently ho heard a bird sing, and be found also that his voice had re turned to him. During this suspension of roice and bcariiijr, be bad enjoyed un- -They have a of the towns on the Connecticut river. lie is a man of considerable property and unmarried. I Ie will never go near a lady if he can possi bly help it. It is said that it is frequent ly the cafe that he will postpone a visit to Kew York tor a day because a iuujt happens to be in the stage in which he must ride to the train. At one time he sent word to the driver of the stage to stop for him on the following day, he intended to po to New York. When the etae came down the next day the driver and asked it lie was () Nev Yrk. The pentlemnn at first ga;j i,c would, then sai 1 he wouldn't, then conciujej he would, then gave it up aaajn? Hmj finaily ask if there would be A,ca on tl,e trip. The driver told ) l.im probably not, so ne emoareta. ! short distance on the route a lady cot on board ; a little further, another came on : another followed, and finally, there were 6even ladies on the Ettme and only one man Old Eccentricity himself. Ha was cuught that time, and never recovered from it. He hires a room in a hotel in New York by the year, as he is there a good part of the time. He never uses the washbowl and pitcher furnished by the hotel, but has some of his own which he kpeps locked in his trunk. If he knows it. he will not allow his room to be occupied by any one save himself. One morning he walked into the office, held out n long hair to the clerk, and said: ''l' ound that in my room." His acquaintances know but little of him so cially, and he is in every respect a strange being. A Cdriohs Cebemosy The London cor respondent of the Chicago Journal writes: I witnessed one day last week a curious ceremony in or.e of the chr.rrl.e.i in my neighborhood. In 1794, an old lady died and was Lnried in one of the vaults of that church. When her will was read, it wa-i found that she had bi q'lrathcd a considerable sum to the church, the proceeds of which were to be annually distributed to the por of the pair-h on the 29th of January, 1 er own birth-dav. The condition attached to tho bequest was, that he .. . . coffin" shoiiM be carefully dusted every year on the day in question. In rnsj this operation should I e omitted on a single occa.-ion, the entire prin cipal of the bequest was to pr.s to the au thorities of the adjoiniug parish. Of cot r e the officials have always been car. fill to j e -form this interesting ceremony, and it was done this year fjr the seventy-fif'.h time, 1 y , . m y , the sexton, in pre.-ence of the vicar, cnurt i war;ll.n3j auJ umtin,u spectators, amon. whom was probably gi nie iQteretel party from the ajjining pari-ii to watch the jro- I ceeir.i. a Osions If onions are sliced nnd kej.t in n sick room I hey will absorb nil the at mospheric poison. They should he chang ed every hour. In the room cf a small pox patient they blister nnd decrmpose very rapidly, but will prevent the spread of the disease. Their application has ns0 proved effectual in the case of snake j bite" EVERYBODY Should kcp constantly within tlir!rre"h tLoc inraluable reme'l'3 to succj'Bfuliv conbut c'is--e. Rob-ickV IJlood Pill, P.oK-u-k's Stomach Biiters anJ P.ohfick's Blood Purifier, 'l iny aro ;.n fallible ia the diseased fur w hich they are recommended. NOBODY Can fifTird to be without n:h valuable meai j fines a Kohuck a Blood Piils. Stoiuach B;uis I and Blood Purifier. TEMPERAMCE. There is, perhaps, r.o one thing that has Cone so much to promote the cause of temj i-rriiH-e as that gentle stimulating tonic, Bohuck's Stomach Bilter3. They strengthen and invig orate without producing the effects of alcoholic stimulants. RENOVATE. During the Sprirg mouths it is one of the regular household duties to renovate, nnd, in the multiplicity of other duties one's own self i3, in a great measure, OTerlooked. Thousand.- of valuable lives might be prolonged, and many doubtless saved from premature gruves, jy thorouhly renovating the system with Dr. Ro back's Blood Pills, Stomach Bitters and Blood Purifier. DON'T GROW OLD. There h no necessity for premature old age. TJsa Itobac-k's Stomach Bitters. It gives vi tality and elasticity by invigorating every organ of th bodv. Household Remedies. Thera are no remedies so well and favorably known as "Household Remedies" as Dr. lio h:ck's P.lood Purifier, Stomich Bitters and Blood Pilis, and no family should be without them. PREPARE FOR WAR!! "In time of peace prepare for war," j? the old idage, and there is no sentence in tho Eng lish language more expressive, nor one tlut is so applicable in innumerable cases. Who is so wise as to know the exact moment thit thnt fell destroyer, piskase, will att-ick him? Then be ye ever prepared. Have the Rob-tek B!ood rills. Stomach Bitters and Blood Purifier at baud and combat disease successfully. BBaaMaHaEiEBaaMBaaB Diseases of the Skin, Old Sores, Eruptions, Cutaneous Diseases or Diseases of the Skin, all readily succumb to the wonderful influence of Dr. Koback's Blood Purifier, Stomach Bitters and Blood Tills. E-For sale by LEMMOUT & MURRAY, Sole Agents, Ebensburg, Pa. (my. 20.) SUCCESSFUL, IJEUAUSE OF SUPERI OR MERIT. Mns. S. A. Allen's Imphov fd new style) Hair Restorer or Darssisa. (icne loiile.') y.vcrv Druiji alls it. Price 02 Lc'ila. Afraid of the Sex. oueer character in one The Cambria Freeman EVERY THURSDAY MOKNINX-l, At Ebcasbsrg, Cambria Co., Pa. At foe following rates. payahU Ktihin Una months ft out dale of tub twilling : One copy, one year, ----- 00 One copy, sis months, - - - - 1 00 One copy, tore? months, - - - - &0 Those who f.iil to pay t'.dr subscriptions until after the expiration of six months will be charged at the. rate of $2.0 per year, and those who fdi to pay until after the ex piration of twche mouths will be charged at the rate of 3.0') per year. Twelve numbers constitute a quarter; tvventy five, bis. months; and fifty numbers, one year. RATES OP APVEBTISIXa. One square, 12 lines, one insertion, $1 00" Each subsequent insertion, 2o Auditor's Notices, each, 2 00 Administrator' Notices, each, 2 60 Executors' Notices, each, 2 50 'ietray N-itiges, each 1 60 3 rtos. 6 tnos. 1 yr. 1 r.quare, 12 lines, $ 2 SO 1 4 00 J-S 00 2 squares, 24 lines, 5 00 8 00 12 00 55 squares, T,o li-.K-s, 7 00 10 00 15 00 Quarter column, 9 50 14 00 25 00 Third column, 1100 16 00 23 00 Half column, 1 1 CO 25 00 So 00 One Column. 25 00 35 00 60 00 Professional or Business Cards, net exceeding 8 lines, with paper, 6 00 Obituary Notice, over six '.ii.os, ten cents per line. Special and business Notices eight cents per line f-r first insertion, and four cents fur each subsequent insertion. Resolutions of Societies, or eoinrnuuica tions of a personal ratur nuut be paid for as advertisement.. JoH PRINTING. We have made arrangements by which we can do or have done all kinds of plaia and fancy Job Punting, such as Books, Pamphets, Show Cards, Bill nnd Lettei Heads, I la :i I I -ills. Circulars, Ac. in the btut sty Id of the art and at the n''t moderate j prices. Also, all kinds of Ruling. E!auk jjoks. D'K.k B:nding, v , 'X'-cuted to order j as Knod as the Lett and as choap aa the i cheapest. E?SampIes sar.t by mail vhen written for. f.OOK WELL TO YOUR BOOTS SHOES For lien' end Ucj-s' AVer. The undcr"gned respectfully informs his nn merous cu'touiers and the public generally that he i prepared to manaiact-.n e BOO t'S and SHOES of any desired fi:ze or quality, from the finest French ca'A-kiii boots to the co:u'Scit trjgan. in tha vr et bt.sz MA.v.vta, on the nhr-rt-est notice, and at as modiato piijfes as like work can be obtained an va here. Tiioe who have worn Root and Shoes rnfle r.t my fft.-tblihm'nt ree 1 r.o n-.suraace ns to .he Biiticiior quality of my work. Others p;n easily be convinced of the t'aci :! t'.c: li'.i only give n a trial. Tiy and bt? o-ii v icuPvi. Rot airing of Boots and She.-i atfev.iled to pronijt!y nnd in a workmanlike manner. Thankful for p.-.st favor-? I feci confident that my work and pric will commend me to a con ticuance and increase of th siime. JOHNT D. THO 11 AS. Ebensburg, April 28, 181'D. DON'T BE MAKING "RYE" S N N s -s I ABOUT BID BREAD & CAKES BUT Ill'TL' YOLIt 'MF CXS "CO" SIS. M. OATMAN, Who sells the BEST BRANDS AT Ti MMST MABUT PRICE. jonx GAY. Wil. WELSH. & vr e i, s tt G A.Y Miiion to Cay 6c. Painter, WHOUSA LE Grocers and Commission Merchants, AXU DEALrBS IN FLOUR, rRODUOE. FISH, SALT, CAR- POX OILS, &c, Ac, 282 Lieeutt Street. - PITTSBURGH. A. C. DIB u R T , WTTfT Boars & iIrotizcrs, Manufacturers, and Wholesale Dealers in CITY AND EASTERN MADE BOOTS AiMD SHOES, No. 4.32 Market Strkkt, Relow Fifth, Mouth Side, - J1 JUL AD A. WHOLESALE V 2 17 V.1 JD E T E II SIDES, WITH IIICI&3I.4X, I3UI & CO., WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEALERS, ?f. L Corrur Third anJ. llirUt ft,., " Sxz. -22, 1-3 3S. riL'LAliZLPUIJ., iv fmra 3ta iimmmmm 1869. SF1IE TRADE. 1869. I an r.ow prepared to offer SUTERIOR INDUCEMENTS TO CASn runCHASKRS OF Til SUET-MI k Hffi III E1TI1KP. AT WHOLESALE Oil RETAIL. Wy stock consists iu part of every variety of Tsn, Bisect -3roa, GOITER AND BRASS WAIIES, 14XA.VJKI.I.KD AND I'l.AIN SAUCE-PANS. EOILEBS. &c, COAL SHOVELS. MINE LAMTS, OIL CANS. IIOUSKFUKNISH1NG IIAUD WACH OF EVERY KIND. Speni's Anti-Dmt HEATING ani COOKING STOVES, EXCELSIOR COOKING STOVES. NOBLE, T1U U MTU and VARLOU COOK ING STOVES, And any Cooking Stove dedred I will get when ordered at manufacturer's prices. Odd Stove Plates and Grates, itc, f.a- re pairs, on hand for the Stoves I Fell ; ethers will be ordered when wanted. Particular attention given to Spouting, Valleys and Conductors, all of which will be made out of best mate rials and put up by competent workmen. Lamp EurnerGj Wieli and Cliiiutieys WMOI.KSAI.K OR RETAIL I would call rajticular attention to the Light House I'urr.'T, with Ciirss (a no, for tivipg moie licht than any other in Also, the Paragon J'.urnfr, f r Ciude Oil. It recemmends itself. SUGAR KETRESTMD CAULDRONS of all siies toiistunrly cn baud. Special attention ?ven to Jobbing in Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron. at lowcKt "-?frtro' rates. Vv'hoi.ksai.i: r.Ir.RcnAXTS' List row ready, and wi'l bi; sviit on appiicutit n iy mail or in peis ;n. I Japing ti ?e all rt:y o'd cTTf'omers and rnaTiy nw rp.es thi-j Hpiip, I return inj nioi-t sincere tlmrdss frr the v-ry lil'cral pa troi:a3 I have already reteived, nnd will endeavor to li,is ail who may call, wheth er thev buy or not. FRANCIS V. HAY. Johnstown, March 7. ISC 7. TJ'iiEAT Ii::rrcTi.)x i.v Pkicks ! TO CASH ULYEHS! Tlie unfloffi rr.ed rc;-y e.t fully it-fi-rnis t!ie citizens of K Hen :1 .! ru-1 tl.y pul lie tjcr.fr allv th.it 1. l.-s-i tna'le n irrcat rciir.i-i-n in triors to CASH r.UVFKr. My s,t rk will conMst, in pf.rt.of Cooliv.y, Porter or-.d lift ing Ftorcs, -f the xrii.-st pojuf ar kin Is ; Tin tcare tf every isei ij-tiou. of my ..:. ir.an ufucttirt ; .'in'u-'ve of till ki.-.d, sm-h c Lf-cks, P.. -i e-'. P.r.tt I5ingt-s, Tahle Hirst's, Shutter Ilin-.t, l'olrp, Iron atd Nails. Vin dow Glass, Puffy, Tl.-.le Km res and RtIjs, Carving Kt.irt-s'at.d F..iliK. Meat Cr.tter. Aj.ple I'.-.rcrs, Pen n::c i'.-chft Kt.ives ir C'.eat v;Mi'.'t;r, So r. St-tar-, Razors and Strops. Axe, Il.itci.p's. Hammers, I.oiirp; Murhit.ps, An.scc-, CLisstl. PlaT.cs, (Vm t.Keis, Sqnres, File's, Uasj.?. Anvils, Vi?-es. WrcncLc::. Rip. Par t-1 and Crofs-Cut S:i'.v.- Chains cf al! kinds. Si-.'.v-l.-, Spadc.-, Srrf et and Snaths, K.ikes. F.-rl;-. filei-h ivil.. Shoe Las-ts, Pcs, Wax Prices. Cl.dlie? Wringers, Grind Stones, Patent Mo'nsscr Gat s anl Mpasurc.-. I.timler Stic k"!, ITirse Nails, Hor e Shoes, Cast St-tl. Rifies. Shot Guns, ReTt-lrer.-'. Pistols, Cf.ri ridqes. Tt.w Ier, Caps. Lead. eVc. O.ld Si-ve Tia's. Grates and Firo Rricks, Well and Cistern Pumps and Tuliiui:; ITmvfss and Saddlery Ware of all kind ; W.odcn mid WiTiow M are in great rarictv : C.nbon Oil and Oil Lamps, Fish Od, Lard'O;?. Linseed Oil, Lnl-ricaf inp Oil, R-sin, Tar, Gin?- re. lV:r.ts, Vurr.ih t?, Tnrpcntin-". Alc.-lt-tl. &c. rr . 7 ? ! ? r cr p t Ai.iiLii vuMUiiSitu., such as Tea, C.fT?r, Prjrars, Mol.'.rcs. Syr-ui.-s. Sj-iocp, l)riel Peaehc-. Dried Annies, Fish. Iloniiiiv, Crackers, Rire and Pearl Barlor: S.-ar"-. Oandl-s; TO'.IACCO ck(1 CJGAliS; Paint. Whitewash. Scrub. Horse. Shoe, I Justing, Varnish, Stove, Clothes and Tooth Priif-hes, all kinIs and sizes ; Red Cords and Manilla Rojch, and manj' other articles at thn lowest rates f. r CASH. fjj-llovse Spotliny made, painted and put up at low rates for cash. A liberal discount made to country dealers buying Tinware wholesale. GEO. HUNTLEY Eber.shur-. Feb, 28, lS07.-tf. KG E W. YEAGEIi, WhnloAie and Retail Dealer in HEATiNQ AND COOK STOVES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, m, mm m mum ware OF UIS O A'2T MANUFACTURE, A.id GENERAL JOBBER in SPOUTING and all other woik in his Kmc. Virginia Street, near Caroiina Street, ALTCOSA, PA, The only dealer in the citv having the riirlit to eell tie renowned " PARLEY SHE At"" COOK STOVE, tbo nio-t per.'eot, complete and satisfactcry Stove ever introduced to the public. Stock Immense. - Prices Loyt. SATISFACTION" GUARANTEED. IT O II N G R O U S E , FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINES BEST BRANDS OF BRANDY, WHISKY, IRISH WHISKY, OIN, &.c, &c. The very best qaalitiea of Liquors, Winej, kc, for Melical purr3e3. Tribes LOW. Cnotel and Saloon keepers will do "well to give me a call at mj store on Canal street, in'building formerly occupied by T. G. Stewart & Co, Johnstown, Aug. 27, 136ti. tf. m il O A T 31 A N 1.1 A. EBENSBURG, iA.t Is the sole owner of the Right to Manufacture nnd gell THE UNEQUALLED M ET no C L IT A U OiL!! WW tot GiMii 5uccs' Th v L-J --'.L .-. s ,;v..imm.. .,,-1 immmssM je " oitt will quickly restore Gray Hair to its natural color and beauty, ani produce luxuriant growth. It 'u perfectly harml:s3, and is preferred over every other preparation by those who have a ne head of hair, as well as tho?e who wish to restore it. The beautiful gloss and perfume imparted to the Hair m?.!;eit desirable for old ar.d ycung. For Sale by all 11 raj;gitj. DrPOr, 19S tJSSESWICU ST 3Ti T. 5S! OF ALL KINDS- ALSO, li JL2. a ill Ci jXIJL J J Ujf WAREHOUSE TRUCIIS, COPYING PRESSES, Improved Mcney Drawers, Slc. FAiaOANK , MORSE & CO.. SccontS .Ivcnne, I7ar VTozd Street, riTTSBUnGU. SCAL1S KKPAIRrn tromptit. (p 8 "m.) A. D. CR13TE, "WITH LITTLE & BAIiD, COMMISSiQM rERGi-iANTS. 112 dt 114 SECOND AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. Nov FinnHew Goods. rSHE nadfrsf'gned, having given-his son. SL J. E. Shields, au interest ia his store, the busings will hereafter be conducted un der the firm name of 1'. II. Shields &' Co., and as vc are determined to sell Goods cheap for c?.feh, or exchange for grain, lumber or produce, Tve hope ly strict attention to bus iness to merit a liberal patronage from a goner.jxts public. Having df-terniineil to settlo np my old b'X.ks of thirtj' years t-t ori:i;.g, I niw aslr those indebted to inc to com:; fo:rar'.l r.rd make settlen.t lit ou or before tho t dav of December, 1SC3. P. H. SHIELDS. Lorctto. Oct. l.j. 18S8. tf. rlAI L( ) IHN CI EST A HLISI I M EXT REMOVED. The Fu!.?eiiber would re spectfully announce to his customers and the cnizensof Ebenslmrtr anil vicinity enerally, that he has removed to the rew buildirig on Centre street, opposite the Mountain House and adjoining tliel.iw otlicc of Ceo. JL Rcade, Esq., and is i;0v not only prepared to uianufac.ure all pcods which roav be brought to hin. but is sunnlied with :e lino of CLOTHS, CASSI MEKES.VESTlNOS.ic, which ha will make to order in the best stylo and at the lowest pri ces. Feeling confident of pivin entire satis faction, I hope lor an inereas-; p.itronacc in mT new location. D. J. EVANS. Ebenibur-, J.in. 11, ISGO.-tf' T. JAMES'- HOTEL, Conducted on the Eurojyean Plan,) 405 & 407 Iirzmr Stuf.f.t, opposite the Usius Dli-ot, Pit tsbuugii, Pa. JAVES K. LAN AH AN, - - - rroprietor. This House is newly built and splendidly furnished, and convenient to all the Rail roads coming into the city.. The Restaurant connected with this Hotel open at all honrs of the day and night. oct.l7.-ly. '"PITTSBURGH STAR, Ko. 429 rjrjei-Sy Street. OPPOSITE CXIOX PASSEKGER DEPOT, PITTSBURGH,' PA. fje.ll.-lj. FELIX IIEXLT, Prop'r. UNION HOUSE, rUEXSBURG, Pa.. JEROME A. TLOIT, U Proiietor, spares no pains to render this hotel worthy of a continuation of the liberal patronage it has heretofore received. . His ttble will always be furnished with the best the market affords; his bar with the best cl liqu. -rs Ilia stable is largo, and wiil bo attended by an attentive and obliging holler.. Jan 30, lS68.-tf. HfOUNTAIN HOUSE, Ebessbckg. IU P. LISTOS &, CO., Prop'r.. The TADtE is always supplied with the choicest delicacies ; the Bab is supplied with choice liquor?, and the Stable attended by careful ho&tlers. Transient visitors accom modated and boarders taken by the week, nonth or year, cn reasonable terms. feb21 MERCHANTS' HOTEL J. & W. C. M'KIBBIN, Proprietors. r0' A I 11 B A X K S ' I,. L. LANGSTIIOTII'S PATEHT MOVABLE COHB EEE HiVE ! PRONOUNCED THE BEST EVER YET introduced iu this County or ytte. Any person buvinp; a family ripht" can hare their Bees transferred from an old box to a new one. In every instance hi which this has been done the result his been entirely satisfactory, and the first tike of honey has invariably paid all expense?, ai.d frequently exceeded them. Proof of the ii"-rior merits of this invention will be touiid in the testimony of every man who bis gir-n it a trial, and among the number are the fientltrnen named below, and their experience should induce every one interested in Bees to RITV A FAMILY RIKIIT! ITenrv C. Kirkr.atrick, of Carroll towns-hip, took 106 pounds of FiiriJu9 hotipy from two hives, which he sold at 35 cents per pound. Adam Deitrich. of Ctrroll township, took from two hives 100 pounds of surplus honey. James Kirkpatrick, ot Chest township, took CO pounds of surplus honey from one hive. Jacob Kirkp;trick, of Che.-t to-vnsdiip, ob tained 2 pounds ol surplus honey from or e hive, worth not less than $21, and the right cst him only $5. Peter C :m;bell from ore hive obtained 3G poutvl-t cf uplus L"i ev atone time 52f'J-.iite a number of sin-i'ar statement?, authenticated by some of the best titizens of Cambii county", could be obtained in proof of the superior merits of Langstroth's Patent Mo vable Cnmb Bre Eive. 1'crsous vibliir.s to purchase family ri-uts shouid call ou cr uddress PETE It CAMTHELL, Nov. 5, lSfi.-tf. C.trrolkown, Pa. 31. L. OAT M AN, DEALER IS CHOICE FAMILY 6R0CEBIES COSsISTIKtJ CV cuMc (grfn mk lour, EACOF, SALT, FISE, FRESH VJ.:GETI5LES. ALL KINDS Or FRUITS, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, SYRUPS, MOLASSES, CHEESE, &c. Also, a large ttock of the 3s s Brands cf Clears and To-jacos. I STOKE ON HIGH STREET, j Four Doors Last of Crawford 'S Hot A, j r- r t" - 5 ins i t f r" '"'. ' r ; O AGAI B.S S IM- IJLASI I NEW FIRM, NEW BUILDINGS, &c. H A ! ( i nirclisspd thi -aell known EP ENSCEKG FOb SDKY from Mr. Edw. Glass, nnd rebuilt and e:.!.ire 1 it almost en tirely, besid?s rtfitiiucj it with new machinery, nhscriiici-f e imw TTepareil to furnish COOK. PARLOR HEATING S70 VES, n: Ihp bitect nnd most approved pitterns I TilKESIIlNU l!AO!UNFS. MILL C-fAIl-ING, RObEar.d V AT PR TV H EEL? of ere-r decrirUou. 1 11(1 N' FF-NCINC. 1'LOUHHS and PLOUGH CASTINGS, an! in fact ad manner of nriicles m'tnuf.uU;red in a firt eiass FcunOrv. Job Work of aM kind attended to i promotly and done cheaply. The Special attention of Farmers is invited to two rewly pttented PLOUGHS which we prs-ess the sole right to manufacture and sell In this county, at e which are admitted to be the best ever ictr-dn-ed to the public. ilelievirp ourselves cap-.b'.e of performing siir woik in fi;- li; a in the ruot satiaiactory m:mner, and knowing that we cm do work at lottfr ritiCES than have been charged in this community heretofore we confidently hope that we will b found worthy ot liberal ratrouae. F:ir reductions made to wholesale dealers. 5?The highest prices paid in ensh fur old metal, or ca.- tings given in exchange. OfR TERMS AUK PTR CTLT Cii OR COUXTT Fttoi.cc. CONVEKV. VlIiEOE & CO. Ebensburg, Sept. '2, lcrJ3. : !:! U L , ..1 -v ' '( VWV ivSimJ JJimi i "pJT AVINCJ- recently enlarged our stock JL.J, we are new prrjar-d tt ell at a grCMt reduction from f"rn;er pr;ces. Our stock on s:sts of Dregs, Medicines, Perfuinery, F;mey So.ips, Leon's, Hall's :m l Allen's Hair Retor n'ives. Pills, Ointments, Piasters, Liuianents, Pain Killers, Citrate Magnesia, E;s Jamaica (linger, Pure Flavoring Extracts, Essences, Lemon Syrup, Soothing Syrup, Spiced Syiup, Rhubarb, Pure Spices. &.C ; CIGARS AND TOBACCOS, Plank Books, Deeds, Notes jnd Ponds: Cap, Post. Commercial and all kinds of Note Paper; Envelopes, Tens, IVneils, Arnold's Writing Fluid, Black aud Red Ink, Pocket and Pass Books, Magazines, Newspapers-, Novels, His tories, Bibles, Ee'igious.Frayer aud Toy Books, Penknives, Pipes, Jtc. C3 We have added to our stock a lot of FliE JEWELRY, to which we would invite the attention of the Ladies. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS at lower prices thau ever offered in this place.' Paper and Cicars'sold either wholesale cr re tail. LEMMON & MURRAY, July 3H, 1FC. Main Street, Ebensburg. SECURE THE SHADOW EUE THE SUBSTANCE FADES! SPACE'S 3C KIT Is now in perfect crdrr for executing Pictures ia every style of the ai t. Photographs of life like accuracy, ranging from the smallest card picture to the largest size for framing, taken in any weather, and warranted to give satisfaction. Particular attention paid to children's pictures. Frames of ail kinds for sale cheap. Frames of any kind no; on hand will be ordered when de sirei' Instn,ctiom in the art on liberal terms. EWGallery on Julian street, 3 doors north of Town Hrll. T. T. SPENCE. Ebensburg, Oct. S.ISGS. Photographer. WORD from JOIINSTOyv.NI J02IX JT. 3SURIM1Y & CO., Have constantly on hand a largo and well selected stock of seasonable Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, and a general variety of NOTIONS, &c Their stock consists of almost every article usually kept in a retail store, all of which have teen selected with care aud aro offered at prices-which cannot fail to prove satisfac tory. Call and examine for yourselves. Feb. 2S. 18G7.-tf. S JjMDOK HERE ! LOOK HERE ! ! A VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. The subscriber will sell tha Farm on which he resides, ia Allegheny twp., Cambria county. The Farm contains 145 Acres (90 cleared) and the improvements are ample and in good order. Fa:r terras and ludisputab't? vilo. Possession tfen las April. A. WALTERS." fib. .-tf. I.c:ctto CIS fc K E TJ T Jottnatotrit, Pa., BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS - - ..,l4lt. MANUFACTURERS OF BLANK Etv, POIiTE-MONAlS. PAl'EIi BoXEx" AND LOOKING GLARES. Looting Glass and Picture Prar.Te ;Wa on hand, ami made to order. A hVjre t?i moFt corapleto assortment of l)ravir;2 j ."J and Misceilacocns Pictures, corM-tir. 7 Ci.rr-raoa, Paintings in Oil, Steel 1'iveV rr.tvincs, PI?.in and Colored Litl..-vr,v' Oil Prints, PhoteXraplis and Woi C;;-', Thi collection embraces a selection cf siz''d mntch pictures of Laud sea j e Rn.i j melic Sceties and Port r?. its, and 5.0(jQ, ' ferent varieties of Card Photorajjlis . f ytr iiicnt n;et!. comic and sentimental scene? rr copies c f subjects by celebrated artists. y"( have also a varied assortment of Birif; PRAYKil. IITMN' and SCHOOL LCf.rV HISTORIES, PIOGRAPHIES, NOVEL?' Jtc. Relirfioui Printu and EmVdenas h variety, f.nl Ihe largest and mt e r;.; stock of STATIONERY ever bron-ht tv, conutr.. 00 rew nr.f beautiful t-tj'es ; WALL PAPER. inel.':n-? an a-s.-.rttLe.v Totter's celebrated English make, f r -we are fole agents in this locality. T!. Wall Papers are lmndsumer in desiri. f ;... rior in tinis'i, aud 2 i inches wider E.i:;.:j othr mak?. Tlie citizens of Ebensburg and :c:n:tv respertfullv notified that we m.-.U l)(f IUNOING aud the manufacture of t.; BOOKS a speciality. All work jrpty executed at moderate rates. 5S-Store on corner of Clinton and L-...; streets, immediat- Iv opp.v.ite Foster H-.. J.dir.fttown, Oct. '2. 18G7.-tf. CHAIR MANUFACT03Y. T??7?r7 ana ff A rziTTif- johsstow:;, pi. ALL KINDS OF CM such as common v im-J.vtr Miatr.-, trot! Chairs, Vienna Ch&irs. Ettstie Chair. BacKed Chairs, .Sociable Chairs, (Cane tat 6kir?, ROCKING CHAIRS, OF EYi:i;V si7' mm SE.1T mm ' St-tters, Lounges. ic..uC. CABiNET FURJjTURE of everv -leperii tion nnd of l.tfft STYLES. WITH PRICES TOSCJT TH! Tastes of all. Thm kfr.l for pat t'nvor.-. re'j-'. r.llr tolifits a lileral hare of !ul!:: r rr -. a-e. Clinton Street, Jt,tir;-jt-j .'si. Pa. Jan. 1 JulittMown and i.Iicnr.:.- Hav'M'-j ft;-in t-!l;e:i clurgf of i: o Kr-'t eh Mail.'e Works at Ebc: !.u wh'ch Ik- vvi'l ofr:to in ten ee::.ji.'.- with extensive e-tabllsh ,Toli!.;.tovn, the su'vsciibcr adopU this tretho 1 of inform ins t::e tit."iis '. CamVitin copniy, that he keep a con- . tat.t supply of t! e bet t- 3 ITALIAN AND AMERICAN r!,ich he is rrep-rcd at tt itt-d rim i'lMnLLu u, v: - bur anil at !l t:rnes in ,uiinis-t". ' faetnre to or.!er. eirl.er s M').vt'. TOMBSTONES, MAN'i Ll-, TAid. i". liUREAU TOPS, in as wo.-kojr.hl.-and at as low prices as like vo;i cn ' : in nnv of the cities, iliv'n : i-: t:;r t:v fii.i force exr er"'t.-?K-cd I do not promise too ru;.c'i when 1 s.-.y f can furnish any of the above urti'-'fa on s uotii-e, r.t the lowest j revi ing p. i-'e:. sr.; style of fi:.i.h whirh cannot bo cxev'ici l; other n'.:-.i u"ac'urer in tb- St.if. A Urge iock of GRINDSTONES and for sa'e cheap. .... Prompt attention paid to or h-s distance and work pui up vrhc-rsvtr Uk-:.u delivered ut anv poini i.:me-i JOHN PAL- Johnstown, J.;:.e -1, lS':t.-tf. REVERE THE MEMORY FRIENDS DEPARTED! MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, L The snhscriber still continnes to tva.v.-.'ic;;: of the be-t material and in tht- r.i tX workmanli'-e mar k' s-, at rl Loretto Slarrble Wcrb. all kind of MONUMENTS AND STONES, as well as T A ISLE and TOPS, and ali other woik in 1 is l r;e. N but the best American and Ita'inn Mo used, and perfect satisfaction cnar.Uitfi-J t all cases at prices as low as like v.-irk (' be ohtainetl in the cities or else.vhtre. f and see specimens and judge f r yc v.r?-r-as to the merits cheapness cf ruv work JAMES WILKlNivX Ioretto. March 12. IPCS.ly. ANDREW TlOSKcj. MERCHANT TAILOR, Scpffs's RciLriNt;, Clinton St., Jchns? HAS just received bis fall and winter of fine French. London CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and Vl-Si'''-nnd x full assortment of Gent's Fikn"s:v' Goons. air. roes hns been fr eirrl.t rear cj"1, Wood, Morrell & Co.'s cstabiishnier.t. r.J desires to inform his friends r.r.d the rul" t'.' erally th.it he has commenced business ir. -." pes's" building, on Clinton stieet. with of goods adapted to the fall and winder, he is prepared to make up in the latest s"! and at moderate prices for cash, hoping tJ 5 tention to business to merit a sh:ire et j"---; pttronage, and maintain tint success has heretofore attended his efforts iu rr".u- good fitting garments. Oivo him a cad. Johnstown, Sept. 2, lS6S.-tf. foreign siurrIu EXCHANGE OFFIC WE ARE N0V7 SELLING ENCIIAN'-- AT SEW TURK KATES. ON England, Ireland. Wales, Germany, Austria, Eavaria, Baden, Ilcssen, Hanover, Belgium, Seals"-1' rrusii.ii "WurtemU'i- Sax'-tJ. . Swit-cr'J' Ilolland. Norway and France- And Tickets to and from any Port England, Ircdaud, Scctlana. Germany, France, Caliui"' New South Wales or Austral-- KERR i Altoona, Ta., Jan. 31, 1SC7. W. F. ALTFATin-11 w w " MAKCFACTUBKB And Wholesale and Retail Dealer m HAVANA AND DOMESTIC CIGARS PLVO AND FINE Cl'T Chewing ana Suioliin? To534 Snuff, Pipes, Sn uf Boxes $ Cyar f tf' AT THS 1C.V OF THK INPI n'. MAIN STREET, - - - JOILV (HOOD, r.rrrrEi?, isest T'? K;' iT and chMr-st Tnbseeo a::d C : ' G- nve t 1 O 'i53':