j.f Il-lug heerd d big bos radicals a Lus.aud .. times dwehir .. Dt .la b'rtck fa1, kit aovi da uhiU folks was . perzvdi'y mi a par, At dare word I Voiced to take em. and o I nude a call Ou de p i''4 dut peddled ticket Lr Grant's D.y set i in 'for table, lookin mity proud url t-tiff- - -v - Au' dereckly d; chile Vr.ow fieslf, (ley all began to an iff. " Scs de cheerman. " Who Are yen. "sab ?" ins ' . I, "A rn;tu and bridder ; B it he -buck hU I.eaJ as if lie meant. "I'm damned if you am, nudler." f t-s I, "'Sense, me, my good bosses, I dont "tnean nv offence, "-. -I'm a wool-dyed I lick R?f ublican, ia dd "" "Merry strongest -enee ; .' 'T -And me and my 'old Vdnau she's jim up - at heel ami toe To your 'nam-juration breakdown, hev con , clouded we will go. '. ' . ' t u,,'. rt .,.t n. t.ut .-.'i ' ' Skf r,k. "My niKr- r frieii l. , Eoffyour k tiller and yuur priuei. loa is quite a recnir.nj? a J," L'u? jon jeedis ting ;s prlv't ; we're rleascd to have Vim call. Lut we kent.i t tell you tickets, not on co acc Ui.t tit a-i." ' . ..." Turnin' np dr "lel en noscp, dey all motion ed to do door, And ouc wl.i?p:red to de mettseriger, '-.Turn t'Ut dat iiii-'T hr.ie." S j bcin' quite dir-istiCed, I left de tntskic' croo. Aodjdaji.ed 'em all for uea aw Lite trash, by y vl au jivJO. 5luck Fm. a waiter at de ball, allows he nebber se, - ' 5 ScDce Ooratuity let him lib, a more proinis- ' ' cu i-prte ; Tubf, loafers, le'ts, and fkallywags. al! gftin it topedder, Like buttetilice and tumble huge, and liop- tuuds in a u.eddcr. l)e ladien dey was hrwsled round, dare starts and pnirs tured, De gemmen ! st dar hata and sacks, and ome of 'em was ihored ; And sitoh a fiht for ojstrrs, f-ereams bor.ed- tuikey ar.d champafne. Sin. hopes, for bunion eater's eake, he'll uebler bin ajain. I'm Irrrv p'.vl we didn't go, bitch rows don't corrcspoTid "Wiy de re lined and butiful of Africa' bo VWitd. At kullvd parlies all de 2DtaLP quret and joli(e. Ie black eiert don't lower demselvcB to bkranible like de vhite. Pownir? ar.d Boker dey -was right dey didn't shame de race I'.y tryinj; at do grand pow-wow to ccbupy a place. D y found le oyfters for de ball, and drcst de latlit-i hair, l'.ut dis chile i rj 'iced to say dat nuther gtnt was date.' And now my Jreddren far and near. I dis; v. id dis remark. Keep you rselve always to yourselves, with your own kul'.er sprk. Aid daii't let 't-ia'iA.n.n iuuiata your wives and daughters r-'ol ; Aa de Lrd parts una and sheep, yon mud . . jart de har and w(k-1. JUNIt'S BaUTCS r.KOTTN. I -T-taraci, lilij r th r-imrii-ii i imm iimp l'e-cutiat it) of llauJwi llitiS' It is ti remurknble fact, no nsan enn ever pet lid ut tha ftyltt of handwiiting pvculi.ir to 1.5a country. If lu be Ivipli.-h, he always, .u- itcs., in . Eui:li-li - ptjlc ; , if V enc'i. in Freiv h Mylc ; f G?rtnnn, ImN i--Mi o' Spanish, in the style peculiar to his ir.i'iori. ,5I urn nri'tainred," says a cor-r'-pm'"-'it, "with n Frcneluuat who HHkn En!h like one of our own couu tiyiiien, and writes it with ten t'nm-s the cwriectiicaa of ninety-nine in a bundled of or, bo: yet he cannot, for the life of hi.u, iinitaiu our modes of writing. I kre-.v a fcjjotch youth who was educated entirely i;i Fiance, and rcsiJed ci'.tcen years in that eon & try, mixing cxcluMvely with French people, but who, although he had u Fieuch writing mabter and p:obab!y never ?aw- anything but French writing ii Id- !if?, yrt wrote exactly in the English Ftyle j ir M"as really national instinct. In l'aris iiil the WriiinatjOf.Htcrs profess to tench the Ent-lish styl. ol wiiiin ; but with all their prol'esions nnd all tlwir exeriiJns, they cm never get their pupils, to ado, it uny but the cramped bun I of the FiTnrti. Sonio pretei.d to be able to tell the characteristics of individuals from their handwriting. I know not how this may be, but certainly the iia:un to which au individual belongs can be insianlly h tcraiined by his han Iwri'ing. The dif ference between the American or Eogli.-di nt d the Fier.eh Iian -Iwriti -g is immense a seh'H,Uoy would d'tinuieli it ut a glance. Mix together a hundred shrets of manuscript written by 'a hundred French lii. n, bud nno'her hundred written by Eni'.i.-'nmen or American?, and no one could lull to dtctin:!ii:h every one of them, thi.uszli ali i-hould be. written in the sania. language, and -with the same pens and paper. .The difference between Italian, Spanish and German is equally decided In fact, there is about as great a difference in the handwritings of ditlert-nt nations .t in their language. And it is a sinful r truth that, though a in:n may slo.ko otf national habits, accents, manner of tliirjk ing. style of dreFS -though hi may become perfectly; identified with another nation, ancf frjx'ak its language as wed, perhaps belter than his own yet never can be succeed in elutttging his handwriting to a foieigu style." E-s.'&s f'om the Club. . Cut iocs Wiu.s O.ic of our correal pondente. who baa a taste for such mat tets, ha8 collected and sent us for publica tion in tli L-dyery tha fiallowiiig carious wi'ls. The first is fiotn the will of Geo. Aprlebee, Koctor of St. Lride P) Lon.dop,' proved August 7, 1783 : "My body, after being dressed in a flannel waist-coat, instead of a shirt, an 1 old Burtout coat, and breeches without linings or pockets ; an old pair of stock ing, .shoes' I .shall want none .'(having done walking), and a worsted wig. if one can be got, ' J derire may be decently in- tarred " ' "'TI.e second U fi:n tTi;- will of Steven ! -Ecbrnnry 5; 1770 : ; ' ' ' ' "I gTve'nr.cl bapiia'ii un!o Jj'in AU-. !c it,, and Mary, hi wife, the pom of six pence auiocc, to buy each of them adul ter, in ens? the Sheriffs should not' be provided " ' " . . : rI he third is from tho will of William ShaekeU, ' Esq , Governor of I'lyniouth, proved Oct. 12, J 7 82. ' 4tI '(Wire that my body maybe kept ne lor.; a it may not be offensive, ' and tlint one of my toes or fibers may be nit off to secure a cortuinty of my being dead. I . 1.... .Via A : -t l -i i.n.t ti -m dear wife, that.u, .robl,d . , ii r i u i i i r I with. one old tool, sue will not tlimk ot j A p. lffi. tn vr in iu 'i.ji'ii' . tnarryins Hnother."' The following is from the will of Phil- I ip Tiiioknre. E-q , of London, proed ! Jan. 24, 17. "I leave tay. right Inn I, to be cut oil NOilLIJ, iulL "di ll ASirAf!L01i COUK jif'ermv death, to my Fun, Lord Audler, IXG 8TO ES, ifi- t . , i And nrv Oct' kir.c Sti;ve ('e-5cd I yill "ct and 1 d.-Mie it nixy b:- nt to bun, in - , 1 ,ir'- , - i-c- ... i r u. 0 . . -i i when ordcrcil t manulictiirer s prices. hojjee ih.it tin-h a t-iht . m.iy remind l im of liis doty to (Jod, after-lr-vio.7 fo lnp abandoi! 'J tl duty he own! to a. ftther v.-Lo or.ee t-rccticiialeiy ' ! ved i.iui." ' Josil Uii.i.ixos ON O .vi-d The o'.vl i.s a game bold ; ha can i.ip anytliing that wears feather? after dark He is a luxuiious bard, r.nd feeds on sruins: chickens. a He is a h-ng lived bnrd, nnd never was known to take death natrnliy. lie is a haidy burd, and greze tuff by bih in. lie is an honest burd, atsd ulways shows an open countenance. He is a prompt burd, nnd satu-f!ze at o:-st his o-u'.s'ar.niniz bills. He is a cor.iloi IrtUJe burd, and always sleeps in feathers. Us? is an attractive burd, and durin ill? dsy can alvara be found in. He. is a festive burd, and don't come home until mon::ii4. . Thus the owl, a mistaken emb'em of soiit'.idp Ptui radnf- if. we d;g into .his ratine closely, is emphatically o.ie of the boys, and belongs to the club. If fir" fho ly ri-i?'M C . '".1 V i . -.. ' f F." t' i "rv rfi will quickly rr&tor: Cr:y Hair to iti natural color aaJ beauty, cnl produce laxai i ant rowth. Li i pcrfictly Ji.arn-.lr5i, and is prrfrrred ever every c;.rr jrcpar-:dcn by the; wha have a jc lic.?d cf hsir, as well . i tliOi? who wish to rettcrt it. The bii-atifal ploss and psrluTie imparted to ths Hair mate it desirr.tlr for old aad young, far Ga.tJ b7 r.H irai;5iitfi. DEPOT, l'Ji UttHENWiCiA hT., 5- --:"-- u;i:-c--;---.v-y''--v $ i'v f V-5 r.'j . t-i Vi '1 .-v,-A kj ; V 8 Vv ii'V PHILADELPHIA. 1 -f , ' JC-CSsmpIcs ser.'.Lj- mail v;!;cr. wrlL'cn fct SALE' The. undersigned; ( fTers -a. . fjr sale the FARM on wli'ch they now reside, rituste in Allegheny tow-eship. Cambria eoiiLty, witLlr to miles of Loreito, (form-rly owned v JainOA MeAieer,) ontMinin'r ON K HUNDRED a r.M( MTV-SEVEN ACRES. tore or lest, l'OO Acres of which irec!eii(d the halrnre well tir.ibored. There is ere.-v-l ou the premises a e ood DU ELLING IKiFSE and splendid BARN, toet'er with other ne cessary outouildins-i. .neh i Blacksmith Shop, Corn Ci io. Sliecp House, kc. ; also, an excel lent ORCHARD ol' choice fruit. Title per fect. . For terms apply on the premises to ' U.kC SHIELDS. I Lorctta P. O., Aug. 0, JeGH.-tf. OOK IIEliE! LOOK HERE! !- A VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. The subsciiher will sell the Farm on which he re-ides, in Allegheny twp., Cambria county. T he Farm contains 145 Acres (90 cleared) aud the inii roveiufnt nreamtile nl in rnml rv.l.. F.air U.nns ud diapuun'.e title. Possession : l- V i , . A. n Abl JirtS. " - -n, . xiwrnco i . (j . s, Hp i a niin bsird nd hr.uis sit mos' ! f.-iTl "SzjmCTS. Vi iCk ar.ft CilllllTlEVS I ti vrnoi.K.eAU! o!-: KKTAir- :"'- " ' Nightfalls cm be made at hUresUer.ee, o ' .',' '. . . i i r i:. ., ,....t - .1.-r :'i. hor south of A. ILauifa tin and hardws -118 II a Fallen UH-il, n rn'M irir.n-ii . m-h.m v.,i, j , .Vn ...u m tuy .!-ui j r,f if"- juti-e of pefee and a comity supervisor. H-u-e Burner, with Glass Cone, for giving "Jie- - ' .ay V, lBo.. Ill is .,W b.od, nnd can eit up as etilT nioie liht than any oilier in u,e AUo, tue DEYEREAUX, M. D PilY .v..f-.n'Hf'hn . it-t 1'aragou burner, for Cuiue Od. ft . ' .' as an cxclamai.on p- ii.i. f.H;iAN ASi Mtugfon. Summit. Pa - VYV-T;-- rrrr ;ifJ.' tier- H ii f. V n n rt r V m tnn rr.?--fi risr-? ' to.'-n i T r.ns nov,' prrrarcd to f fTer .'SUPKRIOR lXDUCEMITS - to cif n rracnASEHS of m HT'T-Ii!ilM ?T P'1"PPn UUP Hill, iJ-lSM laUli l blilii Hflliil 'I .. rriTJiER at WHOLESALE OR I i ETA II- Mt ?tock consists in part of every v.triety t f Tin, Pilice-5ron. coppj:r and drabs wares, 3, .E0IXi2R3. tc., G"fi" CANS, IlOiiNh.r oh? ib.HlSrf IIAKD- V OF l- Vf I'V T"TrI) OIL Fptm Anaontt . HEATING and COOKING STOVES, EXCELSIOR CoOKLSG STOVES. O i l Stove Plates ru.d Urates, &c, ' for re pairs, on l.-ir.d for the Stoves I sell ; others will be orders; I when wanted. Particular attention given to SpoLitinp-, Valleys and Conductors, all of whieh v.-i!! be made out of best mate rials and put up by cimpcttct workmen. g?rCER's siFTr.i; ! Jt rcec tn mends iiself. SUGAR 'KETTLES AND CAULDRONS of all sixes consjamly on hdud. Special atteiit'.on given to Jobbing m Tin, Ccppsr and Shc&Mron. at lowest possib;e rates. VrHOI-FSAI.t: M KIT 11 A NTS' LlfTS ::ow ready, ar.d will hi sent on app.icatipn by mail or in petsjn. Ilopitis to see all my. old customers and many r.t-.v ones this Sp.ir.ir, I return mv oast sieeeie thanks f-,r ti e very liberal pa troiiat;e I have already re-eiv;'d. nd will "ndr'avor to j.'.eas-! ad wholiiay call, wheth er thrfv buy cr i.i t. FP. '-.NriS W. HAY. .TofctiPtown, "!darch. T. 1SC7. -'.Vvlv j. 'J j iiiki a. 1 1 ox! l-.i. BOOTS -AND SHOES ( F 31 Y CVS KANLTiCri-at. IWHkT I HAKE I CAN WARRANT i After an experience of more than a vear in J the sale of E;.s'rn made ork, rlnrlnj: whir-h time J have ex-jeudtd t::ore ti:n the profirs in tepa.nr.g rips ai.d t.r's, I have determined toJ,i. w..,,:,r v. w i n t . . ...... i.?,i, ii i 1 other ecurifes, bitJuht an 1 si hi. Jnttrci-t eonie l.:iek to hrt pri!:ciptc a::d hence ortli ., , ' , ., ,, . , , o. !h:e mvself to t e m:r.uf acture ot BOOTS aHnwcf! " 1lme Vr- Collections made ami SHOES for Men. Youths. LjkIIos and Alise- ' m all accessible points in the United States. es. bt.iI ftin row lirtr. r T-ri'ivir.vi th.ih ever to give entire satisfactkn in my hnshiek. I h:vc .it f-repetit in my cnip'oy a eomreont et-rp.s of worknsen. ar.l cm sav v. ithout t'ctti of coiirrat;ieti"ti that 1 c:m turn out as neat ami substantial 'toots mid S!-ue-i ut as m'idfbatk vricrs as c ii lie t.uide asivwaere in the State. am hivi-i B'i'i's ui:id of 'he ti'C-t 1'reneh (-..li.kia. and widii.i t!;c past month or two hare had or Irrs prvri;i in ,.pij:i me from .all fjiiarters frr t!;i- kind of work. Thern:ilcri.d in thpae Hoot- is the V-cst to be found in the market, and the wortn-mshi , both in nea'ness atid strength, cannot t.e (xeelled at any other vstahiisliuient in the country. .MY TRAIN ALWAYS ON TIME! All wmk will be reiily for delivery at the time piomied. Y-di.l:,r. v:stts and oth"r in terot'rp or important oeeiirrenee noed not he f os: pone.' ti.rjugh any lad. ne on my part to ((line to tiiiic. . . G. od woik r;n 3 moderate prices is my motto, and o:e tri 1 will eouvice anj person t'u-it the ni-'Oi. is m vi; eh-.i-. n CS'Kr:1!rimr ol" Boots and Phne attended to promptly and ia a Tt-.irkmullke m infier. Thatikfal for past favors 1 feel confident that my work and pr'.ce vi ill c.jTcmend me to a eon t. nuance ui.d mcrcaae of the s.ime. .lOr;:, I) THOMAS. libers' vrrr, Jlav 2?, ISrC". tf. T4.EOKGK W. YKAOER, Vhoiffnlf nn Stta'.l lical.r In riiATir Arej uuiiix S ! uVlS OF LVill'.Y DESCRU'TION, liiJ, Uuiiii.i. iitj Uxilti i-iti.i iililtiJ OF HIS O -VN I-! A N FFACTHRE, : ' f If; And GENERAL JOpiJ EH. in SPOUTING and all other woik iu his liue. Virginia Street, near Caroline Street, Tho only dealer in he eitr having the riht to eeil ihe r-.owned "JA11I.LY SHEAF '. C O O K. S t'O V F.. the mo- perfect, voi-t'.tle wild s itisfsietorjr -j . . . Stove ever i:. traduced to the public. Stock Immense. - ruicrs Low. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 7 6 N - E X l L 6S Tv if! -Tiir; Tf i ft'-i.iintiT. -'- pTT-T1? AT T?TTf -T WT T7TT) I ? Gives twice !.e light (,i C -ibon Oil, and is safe nrt(U r u' i..c;i-e--i!iti;ncs. CANNOT BE EXPLODED ! "I he undersigned are now m uiufacturtng and have for .ile t hir NEW PETROLEUM FLUID made I'V oisiiiiatiun without the aid ot com pou'iids, whieh is g odu.dly takleg the place of Oiirfvv. Oil wherever introduced. C AtJENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN! Send for Ctreulnr: Addrca -;-;J J.J. PALMER 4 CO., v ' ' No. C lis nd Street. Jan. 21, 18f9.-3m. ' Pittsbcbg!!. f JjlAILORI N C EST A DLLS 1 1 !1 E N T A REMOVED. The subscriber would re spectful It antiour.ee to hi customers and the citizens of' Ebensburg aud vieinitv generally, that he has removed to the rew building on Cevitre street, oppodte the Mountain House and iuijo'nir.g the law o Slice of Geo. M Reade, Eso... and is now not only prepared to manufac ure all goods which mar be brought to him. but is sm.phed wi;h a f.nebne of CLOTllS, CASSI M ER ES. VESTING &c .. which he wil ? make o order in the test style and at the lowest, pri ces. Feeling .confident of giving entire sat:-.' faction, l tiopo tor aa mireasM patronage lri my new location. D. J. EVA1NS. . -Tl:e inderfigned, a of the T!U:i m 're Coilpo of Dental S jr pery, repect- iull v oRerj hi? PE0FK3M0NAL services toth, f l? Ana n f ensburg nnd Tic?nit'v,licb place he will viit ouihe rortTft Mujiar of each month, to re main one week. -Au-J3. ' SAM'L BELFORP, D. D. S. I DR. H. B. MILLER, Operative ar.d Mechanical DENTIST Otnee on Caroline street, between Virginia and Emma streets. 7 F'cr.sons"' from Cambria county or ehewlirre wti.i ct Work done by rne to the amount f Ten DHirsSintT upwards, will hive the rHi!r-:d f":rfe dedue'ed f'vnin their Litis. All wotK wAr.EANren. Tan..2I , lfCO.-tf. llD7w. ZIEGLE IT, Surgeon Den tist.will visit Ftien-sSmrg-n-o- rw fesslonally on tho SECOND Mas-Jp-dat of e"if h nioi.th, ai.d TeMU.ittigr one week, during which time he a- irssv be (uun J at t!; ..fTi-e herefofore occupied l.v 'him. iJj .irdr.i Huntley's llsr.Iware i?t-re. Tee'-h cxfricted wit!. out p . in by the uzo cd 2t'i trate Oxide, or Laughing Uss. .. j . ... ' TAMES JV 0AT2IAN, -ii. D., tenders his professional srrvieesas Pby sioian and .Surgeon to the citizens of Carroll- i tewn and vicinity. Otliee in recr of build ing occupied by" . I. Bnctt ft Co.' as a Btore. ne ware Otlica enst end of Mansiou' House, on Rail Itoad street. Night calls toav b? mi le r the office. " fray 23. tf. rj J. LLOYD, successor to R. S. --' Bunx. Dealer in Dnnjx, iTtdicives, Paints, 3"C. Store on Main street, opposite the "M.insion lb ue," III eDsburg, l'a. October 1". loC7.-6m.' "frank w. hay, T71IOI.F.SALE and RETAIL Manufacturer. Jf of TIN. COI'PF.U and S! Ie7i'-I ii' N WAKE. Canal ttrccl. below Clinton, Johns torn. Pa. A large stock - constautiy hand. mil L. O A . T ii A N , 1TJ-.. ebunsbulg pa., Is the s de oii.tr of the Bight to Manufactuie a-'d el T TT f, t; n e q. i: a l led fETRQPQUTAM OIL!! id. mlahgfTlTn. ITTBXEY AT LAW. Johmiox-:n, Pa. lx Office' in the Exchange .building, on the Corner of Clintou and , Locust stre ts--up stairs. Will attend to all butiiaess connect ed with h:s profs.vdoti. -' 1 Jan. 81. lS07-tf. "3 LOID & CO., HnIierM, Bl.J KnKxsnrKO, Ta (Kill. Silver. Government Loans, ar.d and a general Banking business transacted. 31. LLOYJH &. CO., JUxiiv.es, Aliooma, Pa. Drafts on the principal cities and Stiver and Cold for tale. -Collections made. Moneys received on deposit, payable on de mand, w ithout interest, or upon time, with interest nt fair rate. ar.31. R. L JOnX-TO. J R. KCANI.AN. .TOIINSTOX & S CAIN LAN, Attorneys at Law, . Ebrnsburg, Cambria co., Pa. OiBce opposite the C-.nrt lluse. Ebcnsburg, Jan 18ti7.-tf. JOHN IV LINTON, djTTOFwCY AT L.UV, Jolinstov'n. Pa. l OiTiee in building on corner c f ilniu and Franklin street, opposite jraasionjlIou.se. fecoiid'Cx-r. Entrance on Franklin Btreet. JoLr.stov.n. Jan. 8l. lSd7. tf. ... WILLIAM 1CITTELL, UTTORKEY AT LAW, Ehenahvrg, Pa. fX Office in Colonado liow, Centre street. Jan. 31. 18u7.-tf. L. rETi SI II XG, ' Attorn kt-at- Lav, J.j:)t.-!uivn, Pa. Ofdce on Frank 1 in street, up-.-taiis, over. John Benton's -Hardware Store. . , Jan. 31, !Sd7. lyid. II SECHLERArror.M y-t-T Law, El.enbrT.' Pa. Oiii'e in room" recently ccup'od ly ' Geol'-?.r.Reade. Eso . in Co'onadc Row, Ce.ure street.' ' - atsg.27. O-EO. M. liF.ADE. Attorny-at-Laitr, 'i-W Ebens":urg, l'a. Ofiiee in new building recent! v erected oti Cei.Ue street, two doors fi in Iiih.sticet. - . .. aug.27. - mlMES G."lASIiVATTORNEr- 'si AT-U',r, Curro'Uou'n, Cambria Co.. Pv. P'o. lections and all legal bubintrs promptly ati ended to. Jan Hi. 1?G7. A. K0PSLT:r, - - - - T. W. DICK, Johnstown. ' ' Ebcnsbiirc. TjrOl'ELIN & DICIC, Attorxkys at--k'- Lav, Etensburg, Pa. Ofiiee with Wm. Kit tell, Esq., Colonacie Row. oct 22..-tf. F. A. SHOEMAKER. ITTORNEY AT LAW, Ehensburg. Pa il OnTii-e on Hih street, one door East of the Banking Ileiise of Llojd & Co. January Si, 18G7. tf. f. r. th:rney, ITTOHNEYAT LAW, Ebensburg, Pa. OTico in Colon adc Row. Jan: 5. lfiS7tf. " - JOSEPH M' DONALD, JTTOHXEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Pa! Odlce ou Centre btreet, nppobite Linton's tlotel. :; '' Jan. 31, 18G7-tf. JOHN 1T.NLON, - STTOKNEY AT LAW; Ef tnsbirrg Pa i Offico ou High "etreet, adjoining his resi dence. - . i "''Jan 31,1867.-tf 1 GEQEGEi-W.iO.mrAN, A 1 TTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Pa. Ii OLTicc in Colonad.e Row, Centre street. January SI,' lS67.-tf. - - ' , ; - XT KINKEAD, Justice of -tite Fcctce and Claim Agent. Offi- e removed to the office formerly occupied by M. Ilasson, Iv-o.. dee'd-en Uieh St.. Ebensburg. j!3. "J S. STRA l Erw, Justice of the Peace, wohnstowu, Pa. Office on the corner of Market street and Locust alley, Second Ward dec.12.-ly If 00 A "I'KIMP" GIGA IIS just lU.UUVl ceived at' M L Oatman's, rc- one oor east of 'Freeman',' office. ' Also, a laree b.octi oi me pest orands or cewrng J obacco, 1 Cigara at wholosahe pricea. 7fiEN nsTUY LtEAT Heduction in Trices ! 70 CASH lUVE'rS! AT -X S C I : C S 11 v n HOUSE-FlliiSmiiAG STORE. The undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Ebensburg and the public gener ally that he has made a great reduction in prices to CASH BUYERS. My stock will consist, in part, of Cooking, Parlor and V.eaU ing Stores, of the most popular kinds ; Tin icare of every description, of my own man ufacture ; liardu-are of all kind, such as Locks, Sc.ews, Dntt Hinges, Table Hin-es. Shutter IJinaes, Bolte, lrn e.nd Nails. Win .'rtw fllass. I'littv. Table Knives and Forks, Carvin Knives'and Forks, Meat Cutters, Apple Pnrers, Pen and Pocket Knives - in great variety, HcFsors. Shears,- Razors and Strops Axes, HatchetsHammers, Boring "Machines. AuserR.'Cbissels, Planes, Com passes, Squares,' Files, Rasps, Anvils, Vises, Wrenches, Rip. Panel ar.d Cro?s-Ciit Saws. Chains of all kinds. Shovels. Spades. Scythes and Snaths, Rakes. Forks, Sleigh Bells. Shoe ' Lasts, Pegs. Wax Bristles. Clothes Wiinsers. Grind Stones, Patent Molasses Gates and Measures, Lumber Sticks, Horse Nails, Horse Shoes. Cast Steel, Rifies. Shot Onns, Revolvers, PisUls, Cartridges. Pow der. Caps. Lead. &c. Odd Stove Plates, Grates and Fire Bricks, Well and Cistern Pumps and Tubing : Harness and Saddlery Ware of all hind ; IFocfcn end Willcir H are in great variety ; Carbon Oil and Oil Lamps, Fish Oil, Lard Oil, L'nseed Oil, Lubricating Oil. Rosin, Tar, Glassware, Paints, Varnish es. Turpentine. Alcohol. Arc. FAMILY GROCERIES, such as Tea, Coffee. Sugars, Mola??es, Syr ups. Spices, Dried Peaches, Dried Apples. Fish, l'ominv, Crackers, Rice and Pearl Barhiv: Soans, Candles; TOBACCO a;d OKr.UlS; Paint. Whitcwa.-b, Scrub, Horse. Shoe. Dusting, Varnish, Store, Clothes and Tooth Brushes, all kinds and siz.-s ; B'-d Cords and Mardlla Ropes, and many other artreles at the lowest rr.tes for CASH. Crj-Zoi'.ve Spont.'ny made, painted and pm tin at low rates for ci.ih. A liberal 'discount made to country dca'ers hu v'ng Tin ''are ! whoVsaie. ; OFO HIJ.NTLLY Ebensburg. Feb, 23. 18'..7.-tf. L U LANGSTROTIFS- PATEST 1MI COMB B'E BiI! PR O N 0 U N Ci;l THE BEST E V E R Y E T in'rod'icrd ic th: Conn'y or Sti'e- Any pers;-n b.:irsr a family riVo, c-in hrTe their Ilres tr-n'-ferre 1 f.om an old box to a new nnp. In evprv instance in which this lv.i Iwt-n dune ihe result, lin been cn'irr'y saM !.-icrrry, a:'d th firt t..ke of honey has invatiably paid sll expo !:ics, and freq.tently exfeeded them. Proof of. the supri'ir merits of tins invention will i.e touiid in the t( stimony of cverv man who has given it a tri 1, an I Miiong ther.ur.iber are the geii!'eineti n imel leow, and their ex x-rience shou'd ir.b;re e'erv n;if i.ifere-'ed in Bees to ESrV .4 TA'SES nSf;52T: Henry C Kirkpatriek. of Crroli township, fik 1'iG pounds of piirrlin honey from two hives, wb'eh he aolrt at Zrt cent per pound. Ad .m Deifrich. of C- rroil township, took from two li'vea 100 p'limj-i of sun.hm bnnev. J-tni" Kiiknatrick, ot C! es', to nV.ip, look CO p niiid ot Mirplns honey from one hive. bicoli Kiikpiirick, of Chet ton.-h:p, ob tinned 7'2 pji.nds o! surplus hor,y (rorn o e hive, worth r.of. less than i'2, and the right Cos him only $T. Petr Canifbell fr"m "ne h:ve r.bt.i-,ed "C pr.nnd-a nf t-urplna honey ot one tirne. CQuite a nnuitier of f.irri:ar statmnt". aii'lientieated by some of the lest citizens of Cambria t'uuu'). could be ..Vtau;ed in proof of th superior mrr:ts of IjangsliotU's Patent Mo vable Comb B e Hive. Person i.-hu:g u purchase family rights ghouIJ call on or ad !rs PETER OA JTPBET.L. Nov. 5, lS-?G.-tf. Carrolltonn, Pa. mm MANUFACTORY. Mich as common Windsor Chairs, Fret Back Chairs, Vienna Chairs, Bustle Chairs. Rim Backed Chairs, S-tciable Chairs, ROCKING CHAIRS. OF EVKIIY SIZE SPRISfi SE.iT rilAIRS Si tiees. I aviv cos ftc A'C CABffiET FURNITURE . ol evt:ry description and of latest STYLES, WITH PRICES TOSCJP THE Tastes - of all. Thankful for past favors, he re.'pec' idly yol'rits a liberal share of public Vatror -ae. Clinton Stmt, Johnstown C-m.bria .On. Pa. j Jan. 31. TSf.7. 5JJAVING iccentiv enlarged our stock ji.Ji. we are now prepared to Fell at a great reduction from former pr ce Our Etoek con sists of Drtics, Medicines, Perfumery, Fancy Soap, Leon's, Hall's and Alien's Havr Restor atives. Pi!!8, Mntr.icnts, Piasters. I.hiinients, Tain Killers, Cerate Magnesia, Ess Jamaica Giiircr, Pure Fhivcrmsr -Extracts, Essences, Bomoii S rnp, Soothing Syrup, Spiced Syrup, Rhubarb, Pare Spices, ie ; CIGARS AND TUPACCOS. -Blank Books, Feeds, Notes and Bonds; Cap, Post. Commercial and .all kinds of Note Piper; Envelope, Pens, Pencils, Arnold's Writing Fluid, Black and Red Ink, Pocket and Pas3 Buoks, Magazines, Newspapers, Nnrelti, His tories, Bibles, Religious.PraTerand Toy Books, Penknives, Pipes, &c CT" V.'e have added to our stock a lot of FINE JEWELRY, to which we would invite the attention of the Ladies. FBOTOCRM H ALBUMS at lower prices than ever offered iu this place. Paper and Cignrs'sohl either wholesale or re tail. LEMMON & MURRAY, July 30, 1S6S. Main Street, Ebensburg. New Firm New Goods! fg HIE undersigned, having given his son, i J. E. Shields, an interest in his .store, the business will hereafter be conducted un der the firm name of P. II. Shields & Co., and as we are determined to sell Goods cheap for cash, or exchange for grain, lumber or produce, we hope by strict attention to bus iness to merit a .liberal patronage from a generous public. ... . - , i . Having determined to settle up my old books of thirty years standing. I now ask those indebted to me to come forward and make settlement on or before the 1st day of December, 1S63. . F. H. SHIELDS,, Loretto. Oct. 15. 1838. tf: . v v - F. A L T F A T II E H , - MAN'CFACTCRFR . And Wholesale and Ihtail Dealer in HAVANA AND DOMESTIC CIGARS, PliCG AMI) FINR CUT . Clicivf n; nl SnioKIn Tohaeco, . : Snuff, Pipes, Snuff" Boxes if Cigar Cases. V AT THE SIQS OF THE INPIAX, MAIN STREET, - - - JOHNSTOWN. E J S A II JoMutown. Vs u rs... T I BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS AM 15i"6i. HI Xli -; il NUFACTL Ri:iiS OF 15LANK iiOOKS, PORTF-MONAl6. PAFLR BOXES AND LOOKING ULASKS. Iookiug Glass aud Picture Fraiee always band, and made to order. A large and on most complete assortment of Diawiug Room and Miscellaneous Pictures, consisting of Chroinos. Paintings in Oil, Steel Plate En rravintrs. ITiin and Colored Lithnyraphs, Oil -Print, l'hotograpbs and Wood Cuts. This collection embraces a t-electioti of largo sized match pictures of Landscape and Do mestic rkenes and Portraits, and 6.000 dif ferent varieties of Card Photographs of prom inent men, comic aud h' ntiniental scenes and copies of subjects by celebrated artists. We hare also a varied a.-rtment of BIBLES. PRAYERJIYMN and SCHOOL BOOKS, HISTORIES, BIOGRAPHIES. NOVELS, &c. Religious Prints and Emblems in great variety, and the largest and mn.4 complete stock of STATIONERY ever bn.utht to this county. fiOO cew ar.d beautiful styles of WALL PAPER, including an assortment of Potter's celebrated Euglih make, for which we are sole agents in this locality. These Wall Papers are handsomer in design, fnipe rior in finish, and 12i inches wider than any other make. The citizet'.sof Eliensburg and vicinity re respectfully notified that we mske p.OOK BINDING and the manufacture of BLANK BOOKS a speciality. All work promptly executed at moderate rates. " - 9rj-Store on corner of Clinton and Locust streets, immediately opn.vite Foster House. J .hr.stown, Oct.2. 187.-tf. ' EBENSBURG FOUNDRY aai. ir. ri:i K2..st: NEW FiRiVI, NEW BUILDINGS, &c. T AV1NO rnrrhnsr rl he we'd known F.B .LJL ENSKUF.G VOl Nl'HY from Mr. Edw. Glass, p rid rebuilt and eid.iteel it nlmn-t en tire!y, beside. refit-ing b with new machinery, tv-t . ri;.e- a e now "rf-r.-red to furnish COOK. PARLOR S? HEATING STOVES. of the I t-?t n :d tend arproved piterrn TIll'F.shlN'G MACHINES. MILL (5FA11 INO. Rf)SK :r.d V. ATKK AV il K KI.P. of cv-rv .l.Tr'T tion. IRON F r.NCl NO, PLOUGHS and PLOUGH CASTLNtts. and in f.irt all min:.er of articles m m!o'u'tiird in a Cr-;t class Foundrv. Ji'li Work of all kind attended to promptly and done cbe-jplv- 'I he sne'.-ial attentton of Firmrrsi incited ti two nwly patented PLOUG IS which we peg-ess ihe sole rght to m-inut ieture and sell in tins county, sue n Inch are adm:tted to be the TSt ever infrodnec 1 to the pu'dic. Berevi! g nnre'ves ciip.ble of performing any wotk in our lii e in the most satisfactory manner, and knowing that we c;m do work i-t i.owr.a rtrcis than have been charged in thi.- coann-.un:iy hcretof.ire we onQ.lently bpctht we will le 'onnd worthy of liberal ratroimge. Fair reiiuetioiis ninde to wliolejale dealers Jt"The ldchtst prices pa'd in c's'i for old met it, or ca-tinc ?:iven in exchange. Ova tiums An: sTn.CTi T cit i s f tst t rnoi.ee. CONVEllY. V1NR0E & CO. Eben.-bcr?. Psept. '2, Itd. JtjIjjj-'lo'jTii and ..bcnfsUmrff MAEBLE WORKS! ll.ivir.j ai':.in t.i'un th-.re o! t!;e ttT-y branch M:.rb:e v7ork-'at Fl.rnshnrg, fj ;TA hi-h h; will operate in ( or.neet :.n w i with t.i fei.sive etiili!is!i?nei.f, nt '' Jolmstt.w n, the su!sei iber nd-it-.ts this t metho 1 of i::forin:ng the (it .ins of, Ciirr'ni i c-aiiiy, th.it he keers a con- -' e"u t -1 1 r . . . . v ..f t e l.e-t ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE, which he is prepared at ?t :ted ii:res in F.!ens t-nrg and at a'ltime-' in .lohn,,-i n. to in mu f.if-nre o fir.:7r, tidier as MONUMENTS, TOMUSTnNT.S. MANTLES, TABLE or I'UREAU TOl'S, i:. as workmanlike manner and at as low ptlees as like work c. n be put up in anv of the ei.lc.-. 'Living in ny ctni.'.ov a full f.rec of e-e.a ionced nnd skillful workmen. I d-. not proie.i-e too m-ich -.hen 1 say th t I can f-.unish any of the above articles on sh- rt notice, at the lowest prevai'ing price, nnd in a style of fi- ish which cannot he excelled by an other mai t iclurer i-i tlie S'-..t. A !-rge tcck of GRINDSTONES on hand and for s;i'e cheap. 7" Prompt a'.tention psld to orders from a 1 i.: ce and work put vp wherever deoired, or delivered al anv pohit named ' " JOHN PARKE Johnstown, June 4, IS'"?, tf. ANDREW MIOSES, FvlRCHArT TAiLOR, M-rrr.s's ltfii.nivo, Ci.iNToy St., Jofin-st..wx, HAS just r.' eived hi.- fall nd winter stock of fine Fie-ch. I... noon and A meri.-ati Cl.O.'HS. CASSIMERE-5 and VRST1NGS, and a fall assortment of Gent's Fcrnish so Gor-n. Mr. Moses has been for elht years cutter at Woo l, .VoircM .V Co. 's establishment, and no de-ires to inform his friends and the public nci it al 'y that he has commenced businesh iu Sup P-a s o I'd'ng. on Clinton street, with a ttock of goods adaptcl to the f ill and winter, which he is prepared to make np in the Litest styles and et moderate prices fjr cash, hoping by'ut tention to business to merit a Fhare ol public p tr..n ige, :in l ma-r'i in th it success which has heretofore attended his efforts in pro lucing good fitting garments. Give him a call- . Johnstown, Sept. 2, ISt'd-tf. UNION HOUSE, T jBENSBURG, Pa.. JEROME A. PLOTT, "j Propietor, spares no pains to render this hotel worthy of a continuation of the liberal patronage it has heretofore received. Hi ts-ble will always be furnished with the best the market affords; his bar with the bePt cl liquors His stable is large, and will be attended by an attentive and obliging h2rJ. Jap 30. 18G8.-tf. T. JAMES II 6 T EL . (Conducted on Vie European Tian,) 405 & 407 Libk.'itt Stkf.kt. ofp isitk tus Union Dfp.i.t. -Pittsburgh. Pa. JAMES K. LAN A HAN, Projyrietor. This House is newly built and splendidly furnished, and convenient to all the Rail roads coming into the city. The Restaurant connected with this Hotel open at nil hours of the day and night. . oct.17.-ly. PITTSBURGH STAIt IVo. 420 tilbcrly Street. OPPOSITE UNION PASSENGER DEPOT, PITTSBURGH. PA. Qe.n-ly. FELIX IIENLY, Proo'r, "MOUNTAIN HOUSE. EnwcnT-. r, 1TB . ' w IL. P. LIJITO.- &. CO., Prop'rt. , The Table is always supplied with the choicest delicacies ; the Bar is supplied with choice liquor?, and the Sta'rlk at tedded by raretul hostlers.. Transient visitors accom modated and boarders taken by the Week, ?"tnor year, on reasonable terms., fel21 MERCHANTS1 HOTElT J. & W. C. fvl'KIBBIN, Proprie tors. Fourth St., between Market and Arch, May 9. ;18o7.-ly . PHILADELPHIA. OOD, 11ETTEK, HEST. The best . and cheap. at Topaoco aud Cicara in town areat It. TZ "Okctraan'. Go and . Tlq Uamoria i- rcci WILL Bit ICBLIAHH. EVERY THURSDAY MQ!'N1K0 At "Ebentburc Cambria Co., P At the Mowing rales, fxiyalU xi-Ju. : months from daU of nlitriii.j ; 4 One copy, one year, - One copy, six months, - - - . j' ; One copy, thicc mon'tLi, - - - Those who fail to pay their subscript- ; until after the expiration ot six nmntli be charged at the rate of Jli.CO per -; and those who fitli to pay until Bfier u't piration ol twelve mouths w ill be tLar-jc ' the rate of $3.0 ) per year. Twelve numbers constitute a quar-, twenty five, fc'ix monlhi; and Cfiy LQai1lb' one year. . . . . ratt-s or Al.vrkTISIXO. One square, 12 lines, one insertion. Each sulquent insertion, -Auditor's Notices, each, : Administrator-:' Notices, ach, Executors'' Notices, each, "iotray Notices, eacli n co 2 frj 2 0 - 2 ii 5 rnos. 1 S wos. 1 pquare, 12 lines, 2 s.jr.ares, 24 lines, 3 squares, 85 lines, Quarter column. Third column. Half column, One G.lnmn. $ 2 GO 5 00 7 00 9 .',0 11 00 14 (0 2o 00 I 4 on 8 dO 10 CO 14 00 16 Of) 2 " fO So 00 12f.) 15' M CO 6 CO Profess: n-.l or Business Cards, not exceeding 8 lines, with paper, Obituary Notices, over six line,Uct',4 per liue. - ' Special and Xusinrs1 Notices eight cr.'i per line fur first insgrtjori, anJ fource.? each subsequent irisi-J tu t, , , ' ; Resolutions -f !cetiesr. communis. t;ot9 "1 a"-eri.pari.ature Uiust'be j aid f as advef Uoeni'ents. '"",""...., " f .B PKtNTiXO. We Lave made rangetnents 1 y -' we onn do or have done all "kirn: of and fancy Job .Fiinting, such s Pamphets, Show Cards, 111! and I,j;..r Head.s, Hindbiils. Circuhu s, iSc, in tl.l.; style of the art and at the m...-t m. ,'-,. prices. Also, all kinds of P.j1:i:. b'-j 15-m .ks. B'k B:n'"ing, Ac , xvt:ti : ; as gool as the btst iUi. c.-Lap u5 cheapest. I 52' e:ITFdlS4L CLOTHES WKIAGSH, c.--Azp ' CJ LA'r -r N r ""Tj . . - I;: . " "" ' . - - t- Cannot T.e s"rr a.ssed f"vri I v a.- . ;.. Wringer fr durability- Tdl f'.e'i:; . . f the patent for the -COG WLF.ELP.r :-T-J.ATOR." vr "STOr-tiF.'.P. " r.o cr Wrinjrr i.f llcn.l f;nZr i.is V r.. ); heing usdvr.Mlly, c..ce.ltd- ll-itt C- i i:. nece-sary to prevent the Bulls for.; ta br ken or t-.m I -e. ma-v ft't' v.: t i 4- been made to t a C u-W r-e-i v-hu-h sh d'eaoil the UN 1 V! I S ! . a j av-'i i ir e -Mm-ur." i-nr ir,;: n- F .r s 1'e 1 v GT O. ! IL-.l i -b-i-g. My 7, 18??. 1; ponEiGX s ii i r"i'i:,-G A VP EXCHANGE OFFICE. WK ABE NOW SELLING -.X:.i;,XJS. AT KEW T UK F..l 3S. Fng'and, Irt'cn-i, Sevtlat.tl, Pi Wi-.r t!..'-. ?t i! T, Yaie, Austria. Baden, Hanover, G. tLnany, Bavaria, Hcs?!n. Tleltlnrn. Holland, Nt rway and Fran; And Tickets to and frcm any Poll ia Lnghmo, Ireland, S.ot'aro, Germany. France, Calif, rt .'a, New South Wales or Austral:. K F.R II & CO. Alto-m, Pa., Jan CI, 1SC7. WOPwD rnoM JOIINSTOVt':': JOIH J. TJHTStPIljr. & CO.. Have constantly on band a large ai d t'l selected stock of seasonable Dr" Gt'c R.ij ''ojio p-,..'.. ..j iwO, U-JHij O.lv-tj, CllJvC.t.i and a g.-neral variety of NOTIONS. r:. Their stock consists of almost cvny artic'-J usually kept in a refail store, all of vt!;--: have beet, srlc-ted with care and. are ilf-r-i at prices which can n-.-t fa!! to prove satisf--t.ry. CiTl and esatrdi.e for yourselves. Feb. 28, 18D?.-lf. Js gTlLEY, RVRKELE LC, MANCFACTUUEBS'or LEAO'AND CLOCK TIN FI?:, SBICEX - AD;n.lR LEAD, isn ai Krxns or Plunders", GasahdS'Jzm F.tters" Material, . No. lUf SMiTHrirLvSrR.iT, riTTSBniGii, .ri. I5rScnd for a Prioe Lit fnr.r.l?. im A. a D 'B R T ' WITH ROKF.R Si. J5.OT5ir:'nSi. Ma niifacturers. and Wholesale Ihalert ut CITV AND EASTERN MADE BOOTS AND SHOES, . No. 432 Mars.f.t Sthrkt. Below Fifth, South Side, - P III LAD i- JOHN GAY. ; . . WM. ft!'2- GA Y & XV ELS H. Sneuori to Gay & Paial.r. WHOLRs AI,K ' Grocers and Commission Merchant!. ASn deaj.ers in FLOUR, PRODUCE. FISH, SALT, CAF. BON OILS, Ac.. c. 8C2 Libertt Street, - PITTSoUlW''- WHOLESALE. -:ST ip E T E n S ,1 D E S . WITH ' niCKMAK, 1 1 iH. I. &, CO.. WHOLESALE TOBACCO. DEALERS, . K. t or. Third &. Markrt Jan. 22, 1SG7. PIlAVELP'- OILAr F , ' WATKIN'XcO" : Wholesale Heah rs in BOOTS AND SHOES, No. HV2 Makmt STs-rr, I I ye