tiVi Ti Yankee marocuicy. A Hath (Me.) correspondent -rrritoa in ha following amating and interesting way to a Boston paper: I once stopped t the liouse of a friend. It wai desirable that ws ihoulJ take an eiidy train next morn ing, and, notwithstanding the aeeuranee. of the servant that we should ba called tright and ew! I felt anxious cn retir ing lest we tkouM not rise in time. I therefore tet myaeif to devii-ing an alarm. The oidy "bow of operation" was ray watch. This I opened the face of, ex posing the hinds, and laid tie back on the toilet table. The hour-hand only was available to produce the action that pbould give tl.e alarm, the minute4iRBJ having many revolutions to make fire the appointed hour. A b!aJe at each end of ray pot ket-mfe waa opened, and the han dle supported on three pennies (pirr-d one on the top of the other), so that it should be balanceJ, and aX the same time havo the blades on n Una with the face, ne blade resting lightly on the figure 4 the minut-a band pa??in over it in its revolution. The ol ject of this arrange ment was to causa the hour band, on ar riving at tbe hour cf 4, to come in eon tact with tbe blade ; and the knife being balanced, the hand would have aulTiciant power to move it on its pivot (the pen-, niea), the opposite etad of tbo knife, of cour?e, having a reverse motion. I next drove n pin into the handle of our hair-brush, and balance it on the edfre id" tho table, jtwt so that it would topple over were cot the end cf the pin in it held down gently by tbe head of tbe pin coming under tlvs tab'.o at tbe knife oppo fito tbe watch. I previously tied one end of try tundltcrehief to tbe handla of the brush ; tlie other end I now secured f the comb, with wLich I propped up the heavy lid of a fancy box that sat ou the table leaving soma black" between the brut-h and comb. The mucbino was now "ect," and the expectid or ration was this : Tbo hour hind fehouid push tbe blade resting on the fl gure four ; and the other j-Lule would have a correppon ling motion nnd fclip off the bead of the pin in tbo brush-band! ; this won'd allow tbe brush Lalancod on the edjs of tbe table to tilt and fall, tbe slack ia tbo handkerchief allowing it to acquire entlicic--.it momentum in falling to pull out the comb supporting the heavy lid of tbe fancy box, which bhould fall 'with a loud noise." These things real ly came to pasa at the appointed hour, r.nd wo were aroused from our slumbers io time to take tbo early train, and went on our way rejoicing. TTUAT THAT BELLI That thare is n sleepless Providence watcbirg over all the affairs of mm, and cftt'ti by special agencies, bringing to ib as in the (lash of a mcm?nt, the crimes which they commit, find additional confirmation in an event which baa re cently occurred in Enfield, Conn., and which merits a mora pormaoent record than a more passing thought. A young man belonging to one of our incsi respect able families, but who, from his irreguh r habits, had been strongly su?peeted of be ing guilty of criminal offunce, and ben once under arrest for passing counterfeit currency, and escaped by forfeiting his bonds, on Sunday night, a few weks since, broke into a store at flazardville, and loaded a wagon, which be had pre viously ktokn and druwn to the door, with various merchandise. Ho then entered a Mahle, and attempted to lead out a val cablo hcrso of ood by tbo man from whom bo bad stolen the goods, LiteniKng to bars ness it to tla wagon, and makf oif with fcis booty iu the stillnefs of tba tight, when he thought no eye could see him and o ear bear him. Just at that moment, however, the bell from the village church tower soucded cut an alarm loud and clear upon tie night air, startling the in habitants from their slumbers, who, sup posing it to be a fire alarm, rushed into ttie street, and caught the tLicf with bis plunder, before be bad time to escape from the village. Tbe ringing of that bell, however, was a mastery. But upon inquiry, it was as certained that the sexton, ia tinging the boll for the service the day previous, had by n seeming accident so turned it up and s.t it, that he could not poll it down with tbe rope, and not having a koy to tho bel fry door, he was obliged to let the be!l remain in (bat position. Just in time to detect that youthful criminal it camo down without human help, ai.d sounded that midnight alarm. After his arrest, goods were fouud in Lre poeseggion, which were taken from i store Li Thompronvilla a short time pievioustly ; and he confessed that with tba aid of an accomplice, he had broken into it and stolen several hundred dollars woi th of merchandise The owcer of these goods had formerly employed him as a tleik iu hia stora 'Ihus tbe ringing of that bell, without bumnn bunds, bro't several criminal offenders to light, and arrested one in his dishonest career. Central Fraltcritn. As Extkaoriinakt Ride. The report of an extraordinary riJu has come in the in telligence from Califcraia. A ycu&g rasa named Mowry Let that ha would ride three hundred miles in fifteen hours. The wager was $2,000 to $2,500 on Mowry. For sev eral days he trained for bis ride. lie had thirty hortes taken to the Park SUblea, and est Suuday moraing, at twenty minutes bo fore five, he began his rids on his own hor?, which be rode four timea around tho track. The rider r:ghd about 160 pounds. He carried a canteen filled with water, and a small pouch coctaiuiug a few sandwlehes. When the signal was given the Lardy rider gave rem and was off. The horse broke into the gallop so Common to California horses, and continued it until it went around foar times, when the rider changed it for a second. Botae of the horses were ridden oaly once round the track, but nearly all of tbbia were pushed around tLree time,". During the firt six hours Mr. Mowry would dicmount and uouat without aid, but In th after part of the day he wan assisted by pen-ons retained for the purpose. At the end of '200 miles a placard was disped from the jud'a stand stating that the dis tance had trffcu accomplished in tight hours two minutes and forty-eight seconds, ashort m tiiis than It had vr bee accomplished Those who bad waccred their money against Mowry felt convinced that Le cu.d nut bold out, for, notwithstanding that b hail accnm nlisbod 200 miles, and kad yet in. ntarly seven hour to spare, they argued that everv hour bo remained iu tbe saddle was more fatiguing to him now than two hcurs at the begioniu. The rider was withdrawn to a convenient place, and given a i-alb. which greatly refrwhed him; afterward h an-jrtcd hi horxe and r.ide awny as frai.y s if he was juU beginning. This enlivened hia friends, who, however, nover for a mo, cent ch-ulUd his ability to accompli the task. Finally, at eleven minute before eian oYlotk, tbe rider was completed, the tire hundred miles bad be ridden, and that too. in fourteen hours and eleven num- ute. a friction tu.-re than twsutv io buur. miles Intebestinq Facts A Jrl -store it 14 pouoda in Bnglnr. nd 16 pound m H .Mand A fathom. 6 !er, is dtriveo iruin the height of a full grown man. in horse measure, is 4 icche. A baud, An Irih mile i 2 510 yards ; a Scotch mue is a Germaa. 1.896; a Turkish, 1,026. An aero is 4 843 square yards, 1 foot and 3 incbea. A rq-iare mile Is 1 ,7C0 yards each way, containing 640 acres. 1 ha human body consists of 240 bones. 9 kinds of artic tlatk.u or j..ininK3. 100 cartilages or liga rutats, 400 muc!es or tendons, and 100 nrvM, besides blood, arteries, veins, etc. Potatoes planted below three feet do not vegetate ; at oue foot tbsy grow thickett, and at to feet they are retarded two or thr months. There are no solid rocks in the arctic regions, owing to the severe frobU. The surface of tbe sea is estimated at 150,000,000 square miles, takino; the whole suiface of the globo at 190,000,0C0 square miles. Its greatest depth is smpposed to be equal to tbe heigth of tbe highest mouu tain, of fc-ur miles. Not one in ten thousand, pcrhapp, Mr. John Ball pay6. can move his ears. The celebrated Mr. Mery used, when lecturiapr, to amuse his pupils by saying; that in one thing he 8'irely belonged to the lonr-r-ared tribe ; upon which be moved b;.3 ears very rapidly backward and forward. And Albi- us. the ce'ebraied anatomist, had the Earue power, which is performed by little imi.-cles, not eeen. Mr. tliyd.n tried it on"e in painting, with great fcct. In bis picture c Macbeth. paiDting for hir Georgfl leaua:ont, when the Thane was listening in horror be fore committing the murder, the painter ventured to prcus tbe ears firward, like an animal in fright, to give an idea of trying to catch tbo nearest sound. It was very ef fective, and increased amazingly tl.a terror of the sceue. without tbo spectators being aware of tbe reason. White Wash. As the K?ason ia near at hand for white-washing buildings, fences, 8rc. we taks this opportunity to inform our readers that they can make a superior white wash pa'nt, by taking two quarts of kim med milk, eight ounces tf freshly slaked lime, Bix onnces of lioeed oil. two ounces cf white burgundy pitch, and three pound of Spanish white. The lime mutt be slaked in water espied to the air, m'xd in about one-fourth the milk. Th- ;! (in which the pitch h3 previoudy d:s3oveu) must be ad dd a lit t'e at a time. Then add the rest of the mhk, and afterwards the Spanish white. Color it to suit, if you do not prefer a whi'e paint) with Ppaaish brown to make a pink ; with Spanish brown and finely pulverized clay, to make a stone c d'r ; with yellow ochre or chrome, to make a yellow co'or. and so on. Pi r.psTUAL Paste. A perpetual paste may be made by dissolving an ounce of alum in a quart of warm water. When cold, add a much iljnr as will make it the comlitericy of cre3m ; then stir into it hslf a teaspovnfi 1 of powdered rosin, and two or three cloves. Boll it to a consistency, stirring all the time. It will keep for twelve months, and when dry may be softened w:th water. de8G9 J. ID I au now prepared to offer SUPERIOR INDUCEMENTS TO OASn PUBCHASEKS 0 II. ffl-IM & wm WAS IT'S ZITHER AT "WnOLESAI-E OR RETAIL. aty stoek eor.s'sts In part of erery Tir'ety cf Tzln, SIsct-Xrcn. COPPER AND BRAS 3 WARES, ENA1IKLLED A!fD PLAIS SAUCS-PASS. EOILEnS. tio , COAL SHOVELS. MTN'K LAMPS, OIL ca:"5. HOUSKFDRNISHINO HARD WARE 07 ETERY KIND. peat's Anli-Dnit HEATING asd COOKING STOVES, EXCELSIOR COOKING STOVES, NOiiLE, TUIfJ-MPII a PAP.LOR COOX- ixa STOYES, Aid any Caking Stove desirtd I will t when ordered at manufacturer's prices. Odd Stove Pistes and Grates, fto., for re pairs, oa hand for the Stoves I sU ; others will bs ordered when wanted. Particular attention given to Spouting, V'at'eys and Conductors, all of which will be made out of best mate rials and put op by ccmpttest workmen. Lanp Darners, Wick naa Ciicmsys VTHOLKSAM OK RETAIL. I wor.Id eall particular attention to the Llht Ilotue Burner, with Glass Cone, for RlvTng more light tfcan any other In n. Also, the Paragon Burner, for Crude Oil, SPESCEXVa SIFTEH ! It recommends itsslf. SUGAR KETTLESAND CAULDRONS of all sizes constantly n hand. 8poIal attention jlvsn to Jobbing in Tin, Copper and Sheet-fron. at loweaj possible rates. Whouiali MsncnAHTs Lists now ready, and will be sent on appllcatlca by mail or in perssn. Hoping to see all my old cnitorners sad many usw ons this Spring, I return ay most sincere thanks for the very liberal pa troaage I havs already received, and will endeavor to please all who rr.sy call, wheth er they buy or not. FRANCIS W. HAT. Johnstown, Jarh 7, 1867. w. 91. LLOYD &. CO., BAXKEE8. AUOOVI. Pi. Drafts on the rrinoioal cities and Kilror and Cold for sale. Collections made. Moneys received on deposit, payable on de mand, without interest, or upon time, with interest at fair rates. nsi UNiON PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. akd CENTRAL PACIFIC HAILSOAD ESMPT FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS. This preat ecterpice is approaching comple tion with a rapidity that astonishes the world. Over tiiteen (15'. 0) miles have been built by two (2) powerful companies: the Union Pa cific Itailroatl, beginning nt Omaha, building west, and the Central Pacific Railroad, begin ning at Sacramento, and building east, until the two roads sh 11 meet. Less than two hun dred nr.d fifty miles remain fo be built. The greater part of the interval is now graded, and it is reasonably expected that the through connection betwecm San Francisco aud New York will be completed by July I. As the amount of Government aid given to each is dependent upon the length of road each shall buildT both coropanics are prompted to great efforts to secure the construction and control of what, when completed, will be one aud the only grand Railroad Line connecting the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. One Htfndred and Ten Million Dollars ($110 OCO.CoO,) in money have already been expend ed ty the two powerful compauies engaged in this great en:erpri.e, and they will speedily complete the portion yet to be built. When the United States Government found it neces sary to secure the construction of the Pacific Railroad, to dsrelop aud protect its own inter est, it gave the companies, authorized to build it such ample aid aa should render its speedy completion Weond a doubt. The Government aid may be briefly summed up as fuilow?: First. The rijrht of wav aud all necessary timber, aud stone from public domain. Second. It makes a aoimion cf 12.8Q0 seres of land to the mile, which, when the road is completed, will amount to twenty-three Bullion (23.0OO,OJD) acres, and all ol it within twenty (20) miles of the railroad. Third. It loans the companies fifty million do'.Urs ($50,000,000), for which it takes a ecotid lien. The Government has already loaned the Union Pacific Railroad twesty four million and fifty -eight thousand dollars xf24.0."8,COd) and to the Central Pacific Railroad seventeen million six hundred and forty eight thousand dollars $17,6-ttf,l;b0), amouMiug in all to fortv-one million teven hundred and six thous ar.d'dollars ($4 1 ,706,030) The companies are rermittedto iue their own Fir-t Mortgage Bouds to the same amount as they receive fruin the United Statca. and r.o more. The compunies have Fold to permanent investors about ?4;),00U,0t!0) fotty million dollars of their first Mortgage Bond. The companies have already paid in (including net ejiiiiugt'not divided, grants from Sttteof Cali fornia, sud Sacramoiuocity and San Francisco,) upwards of v$SJ5,i-0-,tKHi) tweuty-tive miliioii dollars of capital stock. WUAT I Iu coii-i' ; THERE YET 70 BE DONE 7 fcriiipr this question it must be re- membered th it all the remaiDintr iron to finish the road is contracted l'-r, and the largest por tion paid for and now delivered on the tine of the Union Pacific Railroad and theCeutral Pa cific Railroad, end that the grading is almost fi'iished. WHAT RESOURCES II AVE THE CO.M PAKIKS TO HiMSH TUB ROAD T First. They will rcceiae from the Govern me::t its the road progressea about $D,COOJ'J0 audition!. Second. Thev can issue their own Firt ,.:ort:ige Bonds for about !J,uT0,0U0 adJi tional. Third. The crinpaijics cow hold almost all the land they have up to this time received irom l!;3 Goverr. mcut ; upon the ccmr'ie'.Ion of the road they will have rfti-ived in ail SS.tlOi), 0(0 acre, which at $1.50 per acre woulJ be woroh S34.5C0,0(li. In adUition to tUe above the ret earnings of the roads and additional capital, if necessary could be called in to finish t!:e road. WAY BUSINESS- ACT UAL EARNINGS. Ko otie has ever expressed a doubt that a soon S3 the ron.d :"3 completed its through busi ness will ba abundantly piofitnble. Gros3 earnsngfl of the Union Fa clGc Rai'road Compatiy for six months, ending January 1, 'C9, were upwards of $3,CO0,OQD TLo earnings of the Central Pa cific Railroad, for six months?, ending Jan. lt, ltO. were, f 1,750 OOOj'Id Expcasoa $'50.0:J gold iLtc-rest 430.100 " i.eoo.roo " Net profit of Central Pacifi-i Rai'road, after paying all in terest and expenses for eix months $7.r0.000 gold The present cros earnings of the Union and Central I'aclfic Railroads Hi e $1,0'J,(.00 mouth- ly. UOW LARGE A BUSINESS IS IT SAFE TO TREDICT FOR THE GilEAT PA CIFIC RAILROAD! "Wo would givo the fallowing fact3 derived from Shipping Lists, Insurance Companies, Kaiiroaus, ana general iniormauoo: Sbip3 g-in from the Atiatic around Cape Horn, 100 80,000 tons. Steamships conceding at Pa nama with California and China. 55 120.0CO Ovei land Trains, Stages, Horses, etc., e:c 30.000 Here we have two hundred and thirty thous anu tons carnej westwara, ana experience has enown thr.t :n the last lew years the re turn passengers from California have been nr-arlv a numerous q thore o:nz. II OW MANY PASSE NGKK3 are THERE! We make the following estimate. 1 10 Stcamyhins, both wj g, 70,(j0'J (act'l for 'C8) 200 Vessels, " 4.0U0 estimafd Overland " ICO.lOd " Nnmber perarnum. .174,000 Present price (averaging half the costs of the steamships), for both passengers aa ton nage,, g'ves the following result: 170.0UO passengers at 100 $17,400,000 4C0,OC0 tons, rated at l per cubic foot .. 13,G-10,006 $33,O4H.O0O Basing calculations upon the above figures, with-iut allowii;2 fur (he Urge increase of bus iaess, which can Siftly be looked for, then efl tiruatc the running expenses at one half and we have a net income of $16.J20,000; which after pajing the interest on the First ilort-g-.ge Bonds and the advances made by the Government, would leave a net annual income of t!).C0'',0i j0 over and aboe all expenses ami intere-t. The First Mortgage Bonds of the Ur.ion Pa cific Railroad company and tbe First Mort gage Bonds, of the Central Pacific Railroad company are both, principal and interest, pay able ia gold coin; they pay six per cent, iuter-e.-i in gold coin, and run. for thirty years, and they cannot be paid before that time without the consent or the holder. First. Mortgage Gold Bonds of tho Union Pacific Railroad lor sale at par and accrued interest, and First Mortgage Gold Bonds of Central Pacific Railrord at 103 and accrued iuterest. DS HAVEN & BRO. DHALERS IS Government So nrities, Gold, &c.j NO. 40 SOUTII THIRD STREET, riIiIAOEI.PIIIA. 3 LOD &, CO., Bankers, " -3.- Ebensbubo, Pa. Gold, Silver, Government Loans, and other Securities, bought and sold. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. Collections made in all accessible points in the United States, Wd a gsnral Banking bowm ri-mrjMah LADIES Of sedentary habits who require a gentle pur- cative will find Roback's Blood ruts just the e ... . . fT", l n n..r,tln aof. medicine tney want, i urj " and can be taken at all times. They, contain no mercury or niiueral puison, but are purely vegetable. LIVER COMPLAirJTS, t a; ,m) U affections of the Liver are ,omT(t bv the use of Roback s Stomach Bitters and Blood Pills, they are composed of vegetable medicinal extracts with especial ref erence to their direct action on the liver aLd di gestive apparatus SICK HEADACHE a T-rv, o Jia.r.ro.l RtfttG of tbe BtOtBacll and bowels, and a bilious derangement ot the liver, and can be permanently cured ly ttto u.-e of Roback's Blood Turifier and Blood Pis. Pull direction accompany eaca www uu. DYSPEPSIA. ThnnsiTida of tho worst sutforcrs from this ti-r-ihln snawin? diaenre have been cureJ by t. lit of Rotack's Stomach Bitters, as the Wstiruouials now iu our hands fully prove. CONVALESCENTS Should tine Roback's Stomach Bi ters Btrer'Srthcu the prostration which alwnys to fol iowa acute diseases; it will be found far supe pior ii a. htimulatinsr tonic to any of tho wine and bark preparations of the present day. VII TETJS.ALGIA Canbeeffe tiully cured by taking Dr. Roback's Blood Purifier and Blood Tiiis, anil Ontturg i,f. eaecte l narU witu 1 mciuxe Ol jvcouius o. ., . . . .. ..r ChioroRrm. There is no medicine hi use so efficacious as Dr. Roback's Blood Purifier and'Blood ri.lc for the Derra inent cure of Blind or i..eedi;:g T'Hm- th strikp) a the root of (i:s9aie, tLere- by removing the cause. NIGHT iVJARE Is ont of the ni ,ny diseases of which Dyppep g:a is tho parent. To effect a cure persoi s should avoid he irty food at night, and take a wine-glass full of Roback's Stomach Bitters on retiring to tied. EST fold by Lsmmo & Mcabat, EbensVj M. L. OAT MAN, DXAL13 Is? CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES OOKSISTIXO gloabk (Extrx Jfamify lour, GrX.tl!'?, FEED, BACOH, SALT, FISH, FUESU VEGETABLES, ALL KINDS OF FRUITS, SUGARS, TZA3, COFFEES, SYRUPS, MOLASSES, CHEESE, &c. Also, a large stock of the 3a s Brands cf Cigars and Totaoco. STORE ON HIGH STREET, Fur Dr East cf Cra i fjord' $ IIoUl, Ebentiburg:, Pa. MANUFACTORY. IB IslfitllEll: JOUXSTOWS, PA. ALL KINDS OF CHAIRS, such 83 common Windsor Chairs, Fret Back Chairs, Vienna Chairs, Bustle Chairs, llitn Backed Chairs, Sociable Chairs, Cane 'JStat (Sfcatw, ROCKING CHAIRS, OF EVERY SIZE mwm SEAT CHAIRS Settoos, Lounges, kc, &c. CABINET FURMITURE oi every description and of Litest STFLES, WITH PRICES TO SUIT TUB, Tastes of all. Thankful for past favors, ho respect fully tolicits a liberal share of public patron age. Clinton Street, Johnstown Cambria Co. Pa. Jan. 31.1867. ECURE TLIE SHADOW ERE THE SUBSTANCE FADES! S PERCE'S SIETT mmmi mm Ts now in perfect order for executing Picture id ererr style of the art. Photographs of life like accuracy, ranging from the smallest card picture to the largest s;.ie for framiDg;, taken in any weather, and warranted to gi re satisfaction Particular attention paid to children's pictures. Frames of all kinds for sale cheap. Frames of any kind not on band will be ordered when de sired Instructions in tbe art on liberal terms. tf Gallery on Julian street, 3 doors north f Town Hill. T. T. SPENCB, BbetrSUmKjfc Or. 8, 1949, Fhoioqmfcn. CHAIR lire? k i a - in lI W m. 1 G BEAT .'Reduction rr raicra I 7T tlASlI P.LTKRS! 'AT TElEEBESSliSJBO B. The Bndersigned refcpectfully inform the citizens of Ebsnsburg and the public ffener ally that be baa made a great reduction la prices to CASU UU1EK3. My stock will consist, in part, of Cooking, Parltir and HeU tng Stores, of the most popular kinds ; Ti- van of vry ceacriptlon, ot ray own man ufacture; Hardtcarg of all kind, such as Locks, Screws, Butt Ilinges, Table IlingM, Shutter Din-res, Bolts, Iron and Nails. Wiu- dow Glass, Putty, Table Knives and Forks, Carving Knives and Forks, Meat Cutters. Apple Parers, 1 en and rocket Knives la great -variety, Scissors. Shears, Razors and Strops, Axes, Hatchets, Hammers, Borinf Machines, Angers, Chissels, Planes, Com passes, Squares, Files, Hasps, Anvils, V lse, Wrenches, Rip, Panel and Crone-Cut Saws. Chains cf all kinds. Shovels, Spades, Scythes and Snaths, Rakes, Forks, Sleigh Bells, Shoe Lasts, Pegs. Wax Bristles. Clothes VVilngers, Grind Stones, Patent Molasif Gates and Measures, Lumber Sticks, Ilorss Nails, Ilorte Shoes. Cast Steel, Rifles, Shot Guns, Revolvr8, Pistols. Cartridges, Pow der, Caps. Lead, &c, Odd Stove Plate, Grates and Fire Bricks, Well and Cistern Pumps and Tubing ; Jlarness and Saddlery War of all kind ; Wooden and Willow Wars in great variety ; Carbon Oil and Oil Lamps, Fish Oil, Lard Oil, Ltneeetl Oil, Unbricating Oil, Rosin. Tar. Glassware, Paints, Varnlsk s. Turpentine. Alcohol. Ac. FAMILY GROCERIES, sucb as Tea. Coffee, Sugars, Molasses, Str aps. Spices, Dried Peaches, Dried Apples, Fish. Hominy, Crackers, Kice and reari Barlev; Soaps, Candles; TOBACCO ad CIGARS ; Paint, Whitewash, Scrub. Uorss, Shoe, Ducting, Varnish, Stove. Clothes and Tooth Brnshes, all kinds and sizes ; Bed Cords and Manilla Ropes, and many other articles at tl.e lowest rates for CASH. try House Spouting made, painted and pnl np at low rates for cash. A liberal discount made to country dealers buvlnz Tinr wholesale. GEO. HUNTLEY Ebensburg, Feb, 23. 1867.-tf. L. L. LANGSTROTII'S FATE5T MiH COMB BE HIVE ! PROXOUXCED THE BEST EVER YET introduced in this Com-ty or State. Anv person buunr; a lamiiT nerit can nave mcir 15 ee trarisferre I from an old box to a new oi;e. In every instance in which this has been done thn reiilt h i3 been entirely pa'.i-dactory. awl the fir.-t t.ike of honev has invariably paid 11 exppniei, and frequently exceeded them. Proof of the superior merits ot this invention win o found in the testimony ot every man wno r.ns iven it a trial, and ftmon; the number are the f-enflemen named below, and their exp-rier.ee 6hou!d induce ev-rv one interested in Bees to Rl'Y A FiJIIIA Rir.IlT! Henrv C Kirkpatritk, of Carroll township. took lt'6 pounds of surplus honey from two hives, whi'-h he sold at 3."i cents per pound. Adam Deitrich. of C rroll luwnship, took from two hives 100 pounds of surplus honey. James RiikpHtrick. of Chest township, tooii 60 ptu:id" of surplus honey from one hive. Jiicoli Kirknatrick. Ot Uhet tOTn?iin. oo- tained 72 j")ind-' of surphu honey from o'e hive, worth not less than ana trie r;gnt cost h;m only 5. Peter Campbell from ore hive obtained 36 pounds of fu; plus honey rt one time. fpQuite a number of sirri:ar staternpnts. am heiiticiited by some of the beat citizens of Cambiia cour.tv", could be obtained in proof of the superior merits of Langtroth6 Patent Mo vable Comb Bee Hire. Persons wishing to purchase family ngnts aaoulJ call on cr adire-s PETER CAMPBELL. Nov. 5. lS?f..-tf. Carrolltown, Fa. 623 HOOP SKIRTS 823 ASP CORSETS, CORSETS. WM. T. HOrKINS, No. C.2S Arcu St., Phii.., Manufacturer of the ee!a brated "CilAMPJON" HOOP SKIRTS for Lndies, Mis?es and Children tha lftrgest as sortment nnd best nualitv and Ptlc8 in the Amerioan Market. Every ladv should try them, as they recommend themselves by wearing lorig er, retaining their ehtipe much better, beine Shriller and much more elnstic th .n all others WARRANTED in every respect, and sold at very low prices. Ask lor lloraixs' "Cham pi.tn" Slt.'RT. Superi-.r Ifand-madeWbale bone CORSETS in Fit teen different Grades, including the "Im prrial" and Tjiomtsow fi Ltqdon'8 "GLOVE FITTING" CORSETS, rtncinsr in prices from fl Cents to 95 .":) ; together with Jo I'eckel ceiebrnted FRENCH WOVEN CORSETS, superior shapes and quality, 10 diiTerent Grade. Irom l,10 to 9.,i0. 1 bey are the finest and lr?t rroods for the prices ever imported. The Trade supplied with HOOP SKIRTS and COR SETS at the Lowest Rates. "Thcse visitin'r the Citv should not fail to call and examine our Goods and Frier, as we defy all competition. f Nor. 12. 4m. 5 FT tr"." "J r-r,V it rvfi ,vs Op. I ; v : r !. ; ..AVING recently er.largeil our stock jl. we are now prepared t sell at a grest reduction from former price. Oar stjck'con-p-sts of DruRB, lle-licines, Perfumery, Fancy Soap3, Leon's, Hall'd and Allen's flair Restor atives. Pills, Ointments, Plasters, Liniments, Pain Killers, Citrate Magnesia, Eg. Jamaica Gincer, Pure Flavoring ExtracU, Eoences, Lemon Sjrup. Soothing Syrup, Spiced Syrup, Rhubarb, Pure Spices. 4c. ; CIGARS AND TOBACCOS. Blank Books, Deeds, Notes and Bonds; Cap, Post. Commercial and all kinds of Note Paper; Envelopes, Pens, Pencils, Arnold's Writing Fluid, lilack and Red Ink, Pocket and Pass Books, Magazines, Newspapers, Novels, His tories, Bibles, Reiigious.Prayer aud Toj Books, Penknives, Pipes, &c. Cay e hare added to onr stock a lot of 1? JJN k, J l.v i.i,K. i , to which wc would invits the attention of the Ladies. PHOTOHRA1H ALBUM3 at lower prices than ever offered in this place. Paper and Cigarssuld either wholesale or re tail. LEMMON & MURRAY, July 30, lb'fit-i. Main Street, Ebensburg. Hew Firm New Goods! THE nndorsisned, having given his sn, J. E. Shields, an interest in his store, the business will hereafter be conducted un der the firm name of P. II. Shields & Co., and as we are determined to sell Goods cheaD for cash, or exclwinge for grain, lumber or produce, we hope by strict attention to bus iness to merit a liberal patronago from a generous public. Having determined to uetlle Tip my old books of thirty years standing, I now ask those indebted to me to come forward and make settlement ori or before the 1st day of December, 1868- P. II. SHIELDS. Loretto, Oct. 15. 1868.-tf, 7 F. ALTFATIIEE, MANUFACTURER And Wholetale and He fail Dealer in HAVANA AND DOMESTIC CIGARS, PLUG AND FINE CUT Cliewlns and Stnokliigr Tobacco, a Mjr, ripe, anvjj uoxes y Cigar Cases. . AT TH SI6S Ojf TUB IDmiAIT, VATS STBEBT, - - - TOUKSTOinr. GETS & Jl E U T II , Jolxhitown, I.. BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS A.VD BOOSL BIDDERS MATCUFACTUREKS OP BLANK BOOKS, rORTB-MONAIS. FAI'KII POiES AND LOOKING GLASSES. Looking Glas and Picture Frames always 1 .A..a.1b A YAr-Ann-4 on band, ana uisnewjuiui-i. .uu most complete assortment of Drawiuij Kxm anrl Miscellaneous Pictures, consisting of Chromos. Paintings in Oil, Steel Plate En graving, PI-in and Colored Lithocrapas, Oil Prints. Thotographs and Wood C'lts. This collection einbrares a selection of large t.izl match pictures cf Landscape and D. mMtin Swne and Portraits, and 6.000 dif- ferent varieties of Card Photographs of prom- 1 iuent men. comic and sentimental scenes and copies of HUbjecta by celobrate.it artisrs. o have also a varied assortment of IilBLES, PRAYER. HYMN and SCHOOL POORS. HtSTOP.IES, BIOGKAPIHFS. NOVELS. &z. Religions Printu and Emblems in great variety, and the larcest and most complete stock of STATIONERY evr brought to this county. 600 new and beautiful styles of WALL PAPER, including an assortment of Potter's celebrated Luglndi make, fur which we are sole agents in this locality. These Wall Papers are handsomer in design, supe rior in finish, and 2i incLes w ider than any other make. The citizens of Ebensbnrg and vicinity are respectfully notified that we make BOOK BINDING and the maunfacture of BLANK BOOKS a speciality. All work promptly executed at moderate rates. ffc-Storo on corner of Clinton and Locust streets, immediab ly opposite Foster House. Johnstown, Oct. 24. 18U7.-tf. EBENSBURG FOUNDRY AUAI ITS WJLld BLAST! NEW FIRM, NEWEUILDINGS, &c. H-VVTNG r-i-. hn'r-d th well known T1B ENSI1CKG FOI DRY from Mr. E.lw. Gla?i, au'l rebuilt and eular-! it almo-t en tirely, befiden refit-i.-s; it with new m-ichinery, t nhs''ribe!- h: now rrpired to furnish COOK. PARLOR HEATING SIO VE3, of the l.i text m d most i-prf.vI p;ttrrri THUKSHING MACHlXFS. MILL GEAR ING, RO.) and WATKR WHKKLS of everv t'e-crirtion, IRON FENCING, PLOUGHS nd PLOUGH CASTfNGS, aud in tact ail manner of article- manufactured iu a first claea Foundry. Job Work, of all kind attended to promptly and done cheaplv. The special attention of F-irmers ia invited to t-o newly piteted PLOUGHS which we poa-cs the sole rigbt to niiicufacture an i eell in this cour-tv. arid which ure admitted to be the best ever introduced to the public. Bclievirg ourselves capable of perforrain any work iu our lii in the uao.-t s-itislactory manner, aud knowing that wi can do work at LOWEa rairrs than have ,een charge! i:i this community heretofore we confidently hope that we will h found worthy of liberal ratroinjrc. Ff-ir reductions made to wholesale dvaleM. J2?TLe highest prices paid io cft-h for old metal, or ea.-ti:i!? given in exchange. Ol R TERMS ARE ira CTLT CASU OR Cr-fST-T mnbt'ct. CONVtkV, V1NUOE & CO. KbcUr-burg, Sept. H, ItC JoShmtOYTH f :ijenb.irsr ; MARBLE nr n T?. TT s 1 Havir. branch 1 which h with h:s the arble. Work at &hi8burir. - V o . : .--AiiVi will opfraic j:i n..i:.!v:iir. . : mi. Job: lo .Tr;, ine f-u.!"cr;i r :.! i is ii tnet-ho-l cf inf rmiiu: the citizen Cambria county, th it be keeps a con stant sut't'lv of tbe best ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE, which he i prepared at et:iied limes in F.be: s l;t:r and at all tinier in JohnHt.'"r . to rrMiiu fncture to -order, eir'r.er us MONUMENTS, TOMBS-TON KS. MANTLES, TABLE cr BUREAU TOPS, in as workminlike manner and at as low pri-es as like work c:.n he put up in anv of the citie. Having in mv emtdov a full iurce of expennc-d and skillful woikmen, I d) not promise too much it hen I say tht I can f'.irnirh any of the above arti'-Iea on ithcrt notice, at the lowest prevailing prices, and in s htyle of fiuii which cannot be excelled by any other mai ulacturer in tbe St.it. A brce stock of GRINDSTONES o hand and for sale chean. k-y Prompt a'tention paid to ordrs from a distance and work put ir wherever desired, or delivered at any puiut named. JOHN PARKE Johnstown, June 4, ISf'bVtf. ANDTtFAV MOSES, MERCHANT TAILOR, Suppes's 13cildimo, Clixto.i St., Johnbtowk, HAS just rpesived hi- tall and winter stock of fine Fiench, London nnd Ainer'cnn CLOTHS. CASSIMERES und VFST1NGS. and a full assortment cf Gent's Fcsnishiso (Jov. Mr. Mofcs hs been for eipht TMr cutter at Wood, Alorrell & Co.'s establishment, and now desires to iuform ids friends an 4 the public irei crally tht he has commenced busiiie- in Sii!. pes's bnildins, on Clinton !tieet, with a ptock of poods adnptl to the fill and winter, which he is prepared to make up in the latest sty'es and at moderate prices for c-iedi, hoping by at tention to biwin6s to merit a share of public p.tronnsre, and ma'utain thnt success which has heretofore attended hi- efforts in producing good fitting g.irments. Give him a call. Johnstown, Sept. 3, lfG.-tf. UNION HOUSE, rBEXSRURG, Pa., JEROME A. PLOTT. y Propittor, spares no pains to render this hotel worthy of a continuation of the liberal patronage it has heretofore received. His table will always be furnished with the best the market affords; his bar with the best ct liquors His stable is large, and will be attended by an attentive and obliging ll! Jan 30, lS6S.-tf. T . J A M K S ' II 6 T E L (Conducted on the Eurojtean Flan.) 405 & 407 Linicp.TT Street, opposite tob Union I)fp.t. Pittsbcugh. Pa. JAMES K. LAN All AN, - - - Froprietor. This House is newly built and splendidly furnished, and convenient to all the Rail roads comiDg into the city. Tho Restaurant connected with this Hotel open at all hours of the day and night. oct.17.-ly. PITTSBURGH STA&7 Ao. i2o liberty Street. OPPOSITE UNION FASSENGLR DEPOT, riTTSBUFGII, PA. Lie lL-ly.1 FELIX HENLY, Prop'r. JOUNTAIN HOUSE, Ebkssbuuo y R. P. LINTOS du CO., ITi'ra. The Tablk is always supplied with the choicest delicacies ; the PAit is supplied with choice liquor?, and the Stable attended by carelul hostlers. Transient visitors accom modated and boarders taken by the week, nonth oryear. on reasonable terms. feb21 merchantsmtelT J. St VV. C. M'KIBBIN, Proprietors. Fourth Si., bcticcen Market and Arch, May 9. 1867.-ly. PHILADELPHIA. G OOD, ircTTElEST.Tho lest and ebHpest Tqta$oo aud Ci'jsara ni te'vrn ire at )fc It?tta.aTf. Go nd n The Cambria Freeman WILL BE PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, At Ebenbur'r, Cambria Co., Pa, At the Mowing rates, payaLlt viihin months from date tf sulsoriling ; One copy, one .year, - - - - - J2 One copy, tix months, - - - - x 00 One copy, three months. .... Those who fail to pay their sub3cript;&t4 nntil after the expiratioD ot eix mr-utbi will be charged at the rate of 42 50 pr j and those wbo fall to pay until after tha piratiou of twelve mouths will be charged n the rate of $3.00 per year. Twelve numbers constitute a qaartw. twenty five, bix months; and fifty uucU one year. RATES OF ADVIRTIS1N3. One fquare. 12 linw. one iLsertioc, Each subsequent insertion, Auditor's Notices, each, Administrator Notice, each, Executors' Notice, each, 'istray Notices, each 11 00 3S 2 00 2 60 2 tO 1 63 12 CO 15 cn 25 Co 26 to 85 ( 60 00 8 m?i 8 mcs. 4 4 00 8 00 10 CO 14 00 16 00 25 00 35 00 1 square, 12 lines, 2 s-qtiares, 24 lines, 3 squares, 38 lines, Quarter column. Third column, Half column, 2 CO 5 00 7 00 9 50 11 00 14 (0 25 00 One O'lumn, Profeasi'-nal or Business Cards, not exceeding 8 lines, with paper, 6 CO Obituary Notices, over k:x lines, ten ccz'j per line. Special and business Notices eight cr U per line fur firt indertion, and four cents kt each sofceequent insertion. Resolntions of Societies, or comrr ni.ics tions (i a personal Lature must be pai-J fu as advertiaementa. job rsiNTixa. Yre have made a-rDje!i:er,ts by wl;th we c;n do or have done all kinds t p'a E and fancy Job Printing, such as I ks, Pamplett4 Show Card.--, Bill and Lt'.i Heads, Handbills, Circulars, &c, in therM style of the art and at the most nj:.('fr.0 prices. Also, all kinds of Ruling. h; Books. Book liinJitJi:, &c , txecutetl t -h a: aa good as the Leal and a cheap i cheapest. THC lT.!VEP.S4L i CLOTHES WIIIBR, r Sort i jw: vv -; - K C-nnct be s'lrj-asd or ctju.iVd by any Wringer fr durability. Ti.I O.e expliM . f tho patent f"r the " COG WF1EML f.r.ij V LATOR." it "STOP-GEAR." no ... Wringer is licensed under this Fo.'L bt in un;ver?Hl:y; concede 11 thar Ci'-n t-ncp-Hry t- prevei.t the I'.r !J$ fn m . br, kcii r.r torn loo.-e. many attempts hi; bi-en mad? to eet a C '-T.Vh?'l arrani;ir. which sh.d! equ;tl the UNIVERSAL, i: vet av-.i-l the 'i.'t.-GciT.,' but tcWfvitvi cf j.. F..r s!e hy ' GKO. i!UX ILi Y. Et.eriiihug. M'wy 7. ISZH. ly. JfO 11 K I G N c II I r p 1 2 (f AND EXCHANGE OFFICE. WE ARE NOW SELL1NO KXCIlANJ AT MW T- HK RATKS. i X England, V.'Hies. Aue trim, PadeO, Hanover, Holland. Ire'sin-i, Germany, Bavaria, Htvcen, Belgium, Ixorwav and Scotiar.d, Prussia, WurieiLs-j, Saxorv, r-itzei'.id. Franc6. And Tickets to and fioni aov Prt !a EnLdand, Ireland. Sr.tland, Germany. P'rauce, Ca:if rn:, New South Wales cr AntraV-a. KERR A CO. Altoona. Pa., Jan SI, 1?7. WORD from JOIIN'STOV,:.;! jossnr j. Mi npjjr co Ilavt- constantly on h;md r large aid we'.l selected stk cf season a Lie n r i - r - i i r ury uuojs, doois, i,,ces, ur3cer;!. and a general variety of NOTIONS. A-.-. Their stock consiti of almost every :::c'i u -nail y kept in a rftaii ttoro. jl ,'f have been se!e"ted with care ai.d are i-ff-rfi at prices which cannot fail to nra lory. CaiI and examine Lt vourseive. Feb. 3, lSG7.-tf. " i SAILEY, FARIU:r.L CO.. w MAxcrACTCP.;:a0 v LEADING BLOCK TIN PlPc, siiCLir ad;dir z.eaz?, ANI A LL KINUS OF Plumbers1. Gas and Steam Fitters' Matenaii, No. 16? SlilTU FIEI.rr:THSIT, PITTSBUr.'HI.'.FA. C-iJSenJ far a Fricje List frov.U Co A. c- D-1 B J" R T ' WITH BOREP. &, IJKOTIICKS, Manufacturers , and Wholesale Fta crt CITY AND EASTERN MAlJi: BOOTS AND SHOES, No. 432 Market Stukkt. Below Fifth, South Side. - Till LAD A OAT. WM. WBi-Sil- A Y & W E L S II , Snccdion to Gay St Va.lutr, G WI10LESAI.E Grocers and Commission Merchwis, AND DKALtKS IN FLOUR, PRODUCE. FISH, SALT, CAR BON OILS. &c. e.. B82 Libebtt Stbeet. - P1TTSBUEG r.T WHOLESALE TOETER-SIDE-3' WITH WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEALER 8. E. Cor. Third dc jrark !,-, Jan. 22. 1867. PILLADFLM1 (CI RAFF, WAT KIN & CO- Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES, No. 512 Mar-cm Strkit, Ttra. HtSLLTTJAT. rmtAD'-' i t r