The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, February 25, 1869, Image 3

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EnEN'SBCRO and Cuebsos Railroad.
0n and after Monday, May 11, 1868,
twin on this road w ill run aa follows :
Leavk Ebbssbcbq
t5.25 a. m., connecting with Aceomoda
tion East and Phila. Express AVest.
At 7.15 p. m. . connecting with Phila. Ex.
Etst and Mail West.
1 Leave Ckbsson
.; At 6-25 A- M- or on departure of Thila.
1 Express West.
At 9 8! p- M-,or on departure of Fhila. Ex-
' I'TQua East.
Brief Mention. The ladies and gentle
men belonging to the temperance organiza
tions in this place attended tho funeral of llary S. Jones in fu'l regalia, on Sun
jay afternoon last, and presented quite an
imposing appearance as they marched along
oar streets some hundred and forty strong.
Tim only celebration of Washington's
birthday in this community was that of tLe
Good Templar associations, who commemo
rated the event by a spleudid supper at their
l,xV rm on Monday evening. No doubt
they all enjoyed the "fea.-t of reason and flow
ot soul." The bill for the removal of our
county teat was to have Let!) acted upon by
tlie cotnraittw having it iu charge yesteiday,
(Wednesday,) and a number of our leading
ci' fus are on hand to oppot-e tho iniquitous
lure. "Doubly armed is he whose cause
h just." The Legislature refused an ap
propriation to the proposrd JStato lunatic
atvlum at Danville on tha aliened ground
that it was not in the centre of the district
ft was designed to In-uttit. As the 6eat of
j ;ttice, if removed from Ebensburg toJohus
twu, would iK't be iu the centre of the dis
trict 'it was designed to benefit, our repre
sentative will certainly uot stultify them-
itlvcs by sanctioning such an outrage.
The dialing house f Henry C ok, iu Chest
tuwrndzp, with furniture and all else it c ou
tlined, wasl-Airoeil to the ground an the 1 1th
ioct. Is heavy. Tije teachers in cur
bowjh nchoU wore each presented with an
st'j-ropriatc gift y their pupils, at the c!"se
ol the wiul-r w:.ion on Ei iday last, Prof.
(Jtpe was made the recipient of a handsome
irti'ra. TSuch agreeable episodes are worthy
tf imitation Mr. .'. 1). Eistman, of Car
roll townaLip. is said to Lave been swindled
(Ait of ficoie four or five hundred dollars, a
few days ago, io that modern Sodom, Chica
fa, by that same old confidence game which
has lieu tiji'sed hundreds of times. A cou
ple i fcharpers have a draft on the batik
lai.k is closed m.d they n.ust leave the city
that evening Mr. E. is offered a good thing
in tl.-e way of premium if he will cash the
draft the vifUm comes down with the no
ceiary t-tatrip, t-barers disappear, and next
morning rtvealrt the fact that the drufl tin't
worth a continental eun-e. Mr. E. is an lmu
tst and wor.Ly nian, cud we are i-orry for
Lis niitfuriULie. We were in error iu an
nouncing last week that Mr. F. P. (Jrashbcr
jier had bought eight hundred acres of Vir
g'iiia land. It was Mr. Jacob Licb who
ttade this extensive purchase. Mr. Grass
Icrger bought less than ouc hundred acres.
Mr. Joseph' Lantzy, a Dative of Switz
erland, died in Carroll townt-Lip. on Satur
day latt, at the patriarchal age of S3 3-f ars.
lie was the oldest man in that part of the
coiinly, and was fir very many years a rer-i-
dent ( the locality iu which he died.
While Aaron Stains and S. S Ramsey were
attempting to cross the Conemaugh liver at
Mineral Point, this county, in a tkitT. on
Monday morning of last week, the k ft" ran
against a log and upset, precipitating both
i lh) voting men into tho water. Ramsey
;'wan ashore, hut as Stains could in t swim
jl.e held cu to the log, where lie remained
lraot lictpless until bis companion divested
Liiubt-lf of nearly all his clothing and swam
Lark and succeeded m asmtting him on to
tLe log, from which he was readily released
In a tJjort time. Frederick Boris, of
Cumberland Valley, Bedford count , was so
eriou(i!y injured, on the 11th inst bv a !oi
rJJiug over him wl.i'.e splitting niU in the
woods, that bodied on the tveuing of the
14th. Leaves wife and two boall children.
T. Lyttleton L-on and son. formerly of
Bedford, I'a., ptrished in the Nellie Stevens
di.-aotcr on Uel river, on the K'th inst.
Th dead Ixidy of Win. Johnston, a coal
digger, was found on the Pa. R. It., near
llomewood Station, on Satunlay evening,
h'uppowid to have hteu killed by the accom
modaticu train A wife and two chil
dren mourn hi death The largo him of
John Grcss, near Adamsburg, Westmoreland
county, was burned down on the 15tli inst.
A large quantity of wheat, corn and oats was
destroyed and 150 tdicep were burned. Loss
45.CCO. Two men name il Joseph Church
and Marsliall Quay had each an arm blown
ff bv the premature discharge of a cannon
in the Capitol grounds at llarrislurg. on
Monday last, Washington's birthday. They
Loth served in the amy, and Church,- who
is a nephew of Mrs. Gov. Geary, lost a leg at
Fredericksburg. Several cases of aggra
vated sore throat are said to be prevailing in
this community. Ladies are the principal
euffereis. The Huntingdon Globe denies
that a colored woman in that place roasted
Ler child over a hot stove. It says that the
child accidentally fell against the btove.
A mr.n in Juuiata ccunly was recently rob
bed of two chicken cocks, a weathercock and
the cock of his gun.
The Ladifs' Fair. We ask OHr readers
to bear in mind that the Ladies' Fair in aid
cf the new Catholic church in this place will
open out in the building on High street re
cently occupied as a tinware and stove depot
by Mr. T. W. Williams, on Monday next,
and will be continued during the two weeks
cur County Court is in session. The display
ft useful and fancy articles will b fully up
to any exhibition of the kind that has ever
Ucn made here, and of course the most per
suasive eloquence will be made use of to in
Cuce visitors to aid a good and really neccssi
txia cause by imesting their 6pare 6tampa
In chances for the many desirable articles of
fered. In addition to these attractions am
ple proTisiou will be made, if not to '-clotho
the naked," at least to "feed the hungry,"
and there will be no lack of either subtan
tial8 or delicacies in the edible line during
the progress of the Fair. Persons attending
Cotrt from a distance will be served at any
time of the day or evening with a warm meal
at a moderate charge, and we hope our visit
ing friends will be hungry very often, and
that they will appease their hunger by pa
tronizing an enterprise that appeals to them
eo strongly and bo commendably for aid.
Our own citizens too, we trust, will extend
the most liberal encouragement to the enter
prise, for the chuich building it U designed
to aid ia not only greatly needed by the eoa-
eicgauuu, uut wuen completed it will be an
ornament to our town a whioh every citizen
will have reason to be pruud. Let all class
es, therefore, do what they can to make the
v finandal Bucceas, and we feel iure they
ill be none the poorer for haviDg contribu
ted of thir means to assist in the erection
cTjo handsome a temple to the service of
JSjVf i; T111,? fa bleas them for the
"groa Jd veil eone."
Pakke's Opera Hocbb. No one of the
majiy recent and elegaat improvements in
and about Johnstown is more likely to im
press visitors with the conviction that the
town is rapidly assuming the attributes of a
city than will be conveyed by a visit- to the
magnificent new opera house recently erect
ed by Mr. John Parke ou Main street. This
stately edifice has been erected and fitted uj
without regard to cost, and the best architec
tural aud j-cenic talent in the coantry has
been employed upon it. The gallaries, of
which there are two, are built in a semi-circular
form, aud these as well as the main
floor are so arranged as to give the spectator,
no matter what his position, a full view of
the stage and the actors. The stage is a
model of beauty and the scenery is as fine
in conception and execution as any of the
larger city theatres can boast of. The build
ing is capable of accommodating fourteen
hundred people very comfortably, and the
stability and safety of tho structure has been
established beyond all question, not only by
the declaration of the architect Lnt by the
trial of its capacity by audiences which have
filled it to its utmost extent. Mr. Parke
has been fortunate in securing first class
troupes as lessees of his splendid opera house,
and its reputation has thus been established
throghout the county. Messrs. Henderson
it Canning's excellent dramatic compaoy
from Pittsburgh, now on its second visit to
Johnstown, is drawing immense and delight
ed audiences to this fine establishment, and
will continue to give representations of the
legitimate drama each eveidng and on Sat
urday afternoon of the present week. This
is a first class company, and their exhibitions
are strictly chaste and eminently successful.
Iu the basement of the Opera Ilonse Mr.
M'. B. Smith, of Philadelphia, has recently
established a City Restaurant, and having
secured an A No. 1 cook he is prepared to
fumih anj of the sobstantials or delicacies
in the way of eatables or drinkables on the
very shortest notice, lli.s rooms are large
and comfortably furnished, and everything
about them is kept in the neatest and most
inviting manner. This restaurant is a tip-,
top establishment, and to our firienda who
visit Johnstowu we wo Id say, don't fail to
visit it and pationizo its gentlemanly pro
prietor. T!oi.r. OF Honor To tho fallowing gen
tlemen is due the honor of having paid their
subscription to the Freeman, either ia part
or entire, for the present year.:
Johnstown Geo. Wr. Hay, John R. Sny
der, each in full. Wilmore Val. Maltze,
pait.J ihn Knepper, part. Conemaugh
Rev. D. Pringle, in full. Hemlock Jacob
Burg.KJii, in full, Peter M'Grsw. part, P. B.
Myers, part. Cresson Peter Dunn, part.
Gallium Philip Sanders, pari, John T.
St rm, par. Altoona Wm. Muiray. Chns.
Moran, each in full; Aug. Fogle, David
Mearney and A. F. Or, each a part. Hoi
lidaysburg J. M. Pircher nud- Col. John
Lemon, each in full ; llobert M'Namara,
part, S. P. M'Eadden, part. Munster
IVter Parrish, part. Loretto Charles Mc
M an a my, in full ; J. F. Null, part. St.
Augustine Luke Bhe, in full, M. D. Will
part. Chest Springs John C. M'Mulliu,
in full ; Jacob Stoltz. part. S. F. George,
part. Carrolltown F. Bearer, Esq., Wm.
Weakland, Joseph Gutwald, John Wirtner,
Peter Weakland, each in full ; Lawrence
Doc, Philip Schettig, Francis Huber. Albert
B i.ilct, John Snyder, Wm. Wiutz, N. Lam
bcurn, S T. llartman. J hn Zrn, A. A
Burkcy. A. Miller, each part. Grant P.
Kir.ports. part. Nolo D.iniel Downey,
John Downy, in full. Strongstow.i M.A.
Byrne, part- Ebensburg P. O. Abel Lloyd
part, Wm. Larimer, part, Thomas T. Wil
liams, part. Sand Patch Thomas Huber,
part. Marion Iowa Samuel B. Gillin. in
full. S'iirleysbure Dr. M'Xite, part.
Washington, D. C. J. F. Murphy, part.
Clearfield A. Humphreys, part. St. Mary's
Mi-ai n, Ks. M. J. St- rm. pait. Pit Hole
A. J. Christy, part. Oaberg Joseph
Oatman, part.
The Spuing Electios. In addition to
the uames of the gentlemen elected iu several
of the boroughs and townships of the county,
as given by our interesting correspondent
"Tip," we have ouly bteu furniahed with
the resides given belj.v :
Ebensburg Borough BurgcFS.Abel Lloyd;
S-h'l Directors, John J. Evans and X. I.
Huberts. West ward Council, C. T. Hob
rrts, John E. Scanlan and James Convery ;
Juttice, 11. Kinkend ; CVnstab'.e, George
Gurlev : Jul-ie of Election. George W. Oat
man : Inspectors, Morgan Hughes
Geo. W.
Brown: Assessor. J. D. Pariish
Eiiet wutd
Council, Samuel Henry, John Thompson,
jr.. F. II. Barker; Constable, Thomas Todd;
Judge of Election, D. O. Evans; Inspectors.
Wm. 1). Davis, Lewis Iiodgers; Assessor,
Wm. Divis.
Munster Tp. School Directors, Wm. O'
Ilara, Wm. Glass; Supervisor, Peter Parrisb;
Justices, Cornelius Diver, Martiu Campbell
Constable, Isadore Lilly ; Judga of Election,
John Itel ; Inspectors, Dmiel M. Farren.
Daniel Carney; Assessor, Joseph Noel ; Au
ditor, Frank OTIara ; Township Clerk. Jas.
The following partial list of the Justices
of the Peace elected on Friday, and not oth
erwise reported in our columns, we obtained
at the Prothonotary's office: Din'l J. Jones,
Cambria tp.; Edward D. Lvaus, Wilmore
bor., (said to be no vacancy) ; S. S. Stains,
Taylor tp. ; James It. Cooper, Summerhill
tp. ; II. B. Fieidaoof, 2d ward, Conemaugh
bor. ; David Mills, Gallitzia tp. ; John Kob
erts, Franklin borough.
Tribute of Rkspkct. At a meeting of
Evening Star Social Temple, held at their
Hall in this place, the following preamble
and resolutions relative to the death of Miss
Mary S Jones were unanimously adopted :
Wheueas, It is fitting that we should give
expression to our feelings and sympathies
whi'e shadowed by this cloud of death beneath
which our Sister sleeps; therefore:
Resolved, That while it is our desire to
bow submissivtly and say to that kind Father,
"Thy will be done!" we can but express our
regret that an ardent friend of our order has
ceased to labor with us here, that the church
rf htr clioie has lost a cem. and society an
ornament; but, most of all, has a fond mother
lost a christian daughter.
nunlTJ. That our warmest sitnpathies are
oxtoii.lofi to the bereaved mother and family of
deceased although, believing that their loss is
her trnl train.
r?iA.1 That our thoughts will wreathe
for her their richest flowers in garlands bright,
tn h oat bv memory's hand upon bsr tomb.
Resolved, That copy of these resolutions
ha nt to the mother ana family ot ins oe
ceased, and that they be printed in our town
IIabbied On Thursday, 18th Inst, at
th residence of Wm. J. Rowland. Esq., near
Iowa City, Iowa, by Rt. Jones, Jlr.
Hkkbt Edwards, of the above place, sod
Miss Lizzm E. Uobebts, formerly of Ebens
th. ifith Inst., at the residence or i.
S. Robinson, Esq., in this place, by Ber. B.
M. Kerr, Mr. Charles A. Zeioleb, of Fbil
lipsbnrg, Pa., and Mis AUXXDX 1 . Ott, ol
ZjOCuI Cerregpoudencc.
Johkstoww, Feb. 22, 18G9.
Dear Freeman There was a general up
heaval of political associations iu Johnstowu
and Conemaugh boroughs. Party lines were
for a time entirely disregarded, and the Issues
seemed to be personal or clannish altogether.
The result is that good men were elected
generally. A. J. Ilawes is elected School
Director with James Qhinn, there being no
opposition. Mr. Ilawes made a very effi
cient Director when in office a few years ago,
and we think Mr. Qainn will make a good
one too, not beine cumbered with too many
other responsibilities.
The qu.stion of a change of judicial base
in this county is growing quite warm, and
a stienuous effort will be made to carry the
point. I have thought that it might be
better for both parties to consent to the dis
memberment of the county rathci than to
remove the county seat. The population of
the county is rapidly increasing in all direc
tions, and ten years hence there will be am
p's business for two courts. We. do not de-
sir to see ny material injury done to Ebens
burg. the old county seat, and yet it seems
hard that all the growing business of our
place and suburbs must be taken i.-av for
adjudication. By dividing the county by a
line which would take off Taylor, Yoder,
Conemauuh, Richland, Croyle, Summerhill
and Washington, and leaving Ebensburg as
the county teat of the balance, the differ
ences might be adjusted. That, or a crimi
nal court, or the removal of tho county scat,
or nothing, will finally bo the result. Maik
my word.-.!
When Henry Ward Beecher was charged
with commencing a sermon with the expres
sion, "Its d d hot !" he denied it, but ad
mitted that the heat was snfiieientlj' intense
to suggest thfl expression. Even Beecher. it
seems, has been slandered, but if he has not
said so, he may yet when he gets to a warmer
climate. If we were not opposed to swear
ing we would say that court y matters, as
well as some political and personal matters
down here, are getting like Beccher's atmos
phere. Those who waut to swear can sup
ply the ellipsia. If we have paid or done
anything wrong during the past year iu
politics, or in county or personal matters,
to wound the feslings of any individual, we
regret it, but think our ca-e is covored by
the amnesty proclamation of A. Johnson,
and we promise not to do so any m ue.
The following persons were elected to office
in this neighborhood, so far as 1 can learu at
this ear' y day :
Johnstown Borough BurgefS. Y Horace
Rose, Esq., Democrat, by 84 votes over Maj.
It. ltyckman. Republican; School Directors,
James Quinn, A J. Ilawes
Conemaugh Borough Burgess, II. B Froid
hoof ; Councilmen, Joseph Mencer, Reuben
Semon; Skhool Directors, John Scibirt, Wat
Young and John Fend; Auditor, Charles
Kresf; Judge of Election, Herman Baumer, Jr ;
Inspector, Albert Breudle ; Assessor, Joseph
Conemaugh Tp Srhool Director'., C. Von
Luemen, Jr., Jeremiah Wisinper, Abner Grif
fuh; Justice, Samuel Blough; Constable, Wm,
Parks; Judge of Elcc.ion, David Horner; Su
pervisors, David Bhcam. Levi Jacoby. Audi
tor, Henry II. SoaRer; Township Clerk, Lvi
Wissinger; Asse.isor,Elia3 Horner.
Yoder Tp. Sehool Directors, lane? Berk
ley, George Kri?s, Stephen Stutzman; Justice,
E. A Yickrov; Judpe, Alex. Howard; Consta
ble, Wm. Ream; Supervisors, Wm. Ream,
Jacob Seih.
Tarlor Tp. School Directors. J. J. Varncy.
I. B.'Laughry, David Goughnour and Jamc
Cocner are a tie for the third Director; Super
visors, J.S. Snjdcr, Wm. Galbraith: Consta
ble, Isaac B. Bowser.
Eat Conemaugh Borough Burgess. Thos
M'Cabe; Council, Pnilip Shaffer, Diuiel Con
fer. Leonard Kist. John M Guire, Wm. Alex
ander ; Justice, Thomas M'Cabe; ConstaMe,
Benjamin Kist ; School Directors,; Robert Mc
Kirum. flohn Steiner. John Christance, Thus
M'Cabe, James Palmer, John Cooney.
Cambria Borough lbirgess, Thos. ME ier
nati; Justice, Thos. M'Kiernan.
A well dressed but deeply intoxicated
mau stopped off the train at East Cone
maugh and was followed by somo bad boys,
who relieved him of all his burplus money,
amounting to $i0 or more. Hume of the
parents compelled their boys to return the
money and some did not. He got on the
train again, but was put off for want of
funds. What won't whiskey do?
Washington's birth day was celebrated
here by all the drinking saloons in the city,
but there were uo other noticeable demon
strations. Tip.
CoNr.MArr.H Tp., Foi. 22. 1600.
Friend Mic 1 notice the columns of the
Frmimn are made use f bv correspondents
for the edification ol' your many readers, and
with 3'our permission I ask a small rpace
In passinsr along the line of the Pa. Ran
Road I think few places deserve the notice
of the traveler moro than the "Horsesnoe
Bend." At this point'the Conemaugh river
makes a circuit of nearly three miles, the
peninsula thus formed being about t-vo hun
dred feet at us istnmus. in matins mis
circuit it has a tail i t about lony leti, anu
engineers say "it is the greatest water power
in the State." Dy tunneling tnis, power
could be obtained capable of driving suflS
cent machinery for any purpose. The Little
Conemaush here is a stream of some impor
tance, especially when it's on a bender. It
has the tend, but not the Grecian.
The surrounding bills present a magnifi
cent and picturesque appearance in the
spring and summer seasons, when nature has
adorned them with her mantle of foliage and
vegetation, and within their bosom is imbed
ded some things more substantial than their
scenery,, for an abundance ot iron ore, coal
and fire clay are here found. EnergT and
capital are all that's required to make them
"blossom as the rose." The time is not far
distant whon their riches will be fully devel
oped. The viaduct which spans the Conemaugh
on the west side of tho "Horseshoe" is worthy
of a "passing notice in this connection. It
was built by the State when the "Maiu Lins"
was in course of construction, about thirty
five years ago. It is a single arch or semi
circle of eighty feet span, with wing walls
at each corner built in quarter circles, which
give it strength and a very imposing appear
ance. From low water to its top is seventy
five feet. It was three years in building,"
which was done by contract at a cost of
nearly one hundred thousand dollars. The
architectural design is "sa'd to have been
drawn by a- lady. The assertion may or
may not be true, but of this we are all satis
fied, the ladies can look very arch and design
ing It became the property of the Pa. Rail
Road Co. whea the "Main Line" was given
to them. It is said to be the mot substan
tial structure of its kind between Pittsburgh
and Philadelphia.
Ths old residents art passing away, several
of whom I could name. Prominent among
those was Michael Bracken, who lived within
biht of ths viaduct. From its completion
to his death, which occurred five years ago,
h was well known throughout the county,
and much respected by all who knew him.
Having said all I can think of, I will for
the present bid you
An Jtevoir, Wtdock.
Died In tliif place, oa Friday last, at
the residence of her mother, Mies S.
Joyrs, ajpd about 20 years. ,
Literary Saniniary.
A Liberal Offer fkom me Applet j s
Free Foundations for Libraries EveryvcJiere.
The establishment of libraries by charita
ble endowment, or the cooperation of intel
ligent public-spirited citizens, is a subject
that should receive general attention. As a
purifier of morals, a means of popular edu
cation, a relief of ci owded prisons and alms
houses, a direct promoter of the peace, hap
piness, and wealth of communities, the
public library ranks with the church and
the frcbool. It apbears, from sigus cropping
out here and there, especially in tke West,
as if the times were propitious for the fur
therance of this great work. Such, at least,
is the conviction entertained by D. Appleton
& Co , who have received, recently, many
inquiries from different States, asking to be
informed as to the best method of founding
libraries, aud selecting books. In response
to the wide-spread feeling thus shown to
exist upon the subj ct, and to give it a pow
erful impulse, the' have determined to off er
a direct and substantial encouragement for
the formation of public libraries in all parts
of the United States. The plan which they
propose is, in Kcope, liberality, and precise
adaptation to the beneficent end sought to
accomplished, unparalleled to the histo
ry PMic enterprises. It is as follows:
The Applets, urrer to ive fieo wiiat i
may b called the rouoation for libraries
everywhere. They will present to each
club of persons desirous of firming a puvu.
library a complete set, in 10 volumes, of
their standard New American Cycloj k Vmx.
Ihis great national work, the only publica
tion of the kind, is one which organizers of
libraries usually buy first of all books, be
cause it is the one most often consulted by
persons of all classes and vocations, in
search of reliable information of all kinds of
topics. Sixteen large octavo volumes, con
taining many thousaud pajjes of the most
valuable reading-mai'er, fur the purchase
of which they wnnl I ordinarily spend their
money, they theref.ire receive for nothing.
In one sense, tho Cycloj to lia is in itself a li
brary ; so that from the start, the Clubs
will have the better paitof what they want
ed for nothing. The only return askod by
the donors for this munificent gift is, that
thu Club shall proceed to raie and expend
not less than five hundred dollars to buy
other books. In other words, that the Club
shall build the superstructure on the found
ation laid by the Appletons. In the selec
tion of suitable books by bands experienced
for many years in tne making of libraries,
tlie Appletons will render all the assistance
required, and supply the books, with the
Ueual discount. Tim Cyclopaedia thus be
comes literally a gift.
Tnis extraordinary pUn. so ftr as it has
Leeu submitted to the judgment of individ
uals, meets with unanimous approval.
When it cotiCS to be generally know, it
cannot fail to elicit prompt recognition and
thankful acceptance from the inhabitants of
hundreds of cities, towns, and villages, in
the United States.
For particulars of plan, addrers D. Ar
pi. eton & Co., New York.
The March Xl'Mees of that ever welcome
fimily visitant. Demorest's Magazine, has
just appeared in our sanctum, bright, beau
tiful, and interesting, as an elegant display
of the early spring fashions and an entertain
ing collection of handsomely illustrated tales
and eketches cvn render it, and numberless
cut?, descriptions and hints all relative to
matters important to the fair sex. This is
undoubtedly one of the best, largest, and
most usefnl journals of fashion now issued iu
this country, whull er relative to the house
hold or society, and every woman will find
it an earnrst, faithful friend. $3.00 yearly.
Publication office, 838 Broadway, New York
$10"0 RiwA-.n fr any rnnn that will sell
cheaper or be'trr flour or grocer e than Cun
nirig'iam & Muller, who keep in Johnstown,
opposite the "Houston House." They keep
constantly for sale, cither wholes-sle or retail ,
choice fi-iur, feed, groeorie-?, provisions, etc ,
and are il'.ing to sell at the lowest price and
smallest possible rr,"'i!'- Having made ar
rangements by wliic-h ihey can procure fresh
and new articles, they will warrant their flour,
meat, fish, buckwheat flour and t?'ed, with all
other articles in the grocery or provision line,
to be pood, and as they pay consent otieution
to business iliey design a share of the puolie
na'ron-sfre, and would be p'.e.ied to see m.inv
call and examine for themselves as to the
truth of what they s ty.
Bio Tims. There will prolilir be a tiig
time in Ehensbui next week, as Court will
be in session and a Ladies' F;dr in progress,
and everybody is expected to be in attendance
at one or the other. If you, dear reader,
should happen to be eomin-T, don't forget to
bring your pocket book, for you will never
have a better chance to buy more goods for
less money than you can just now procure at
the renowned cheap cash store of II. A. Shoe
maker li Co., who never have been, never
will be, and never can be undersold by any
dealer in nry goods or groceries here or elv
wherc. Lend talk but come and see if it ain't
true talk, nevertheless.
A Coon Article. The clearest and niot
pihtt'.b'.e syrup we have ever tas'ed was
bought at. the hardware ard grocery establish
ment of Geo Huntley, who makes it a point
to buy only the very best go ds in his line of
traffic;. It was as bright as honey and as
sweet as the first, from a maiden's lip3.
Our readers w ill find many thing they may
need at Huntley's mammoth depot, and need
never fear that exorbitant prices will be
charged them for what they purchase.
Bi.csTr.rtr. Tuesday List w-.s ono of the
most Blustery and disagreeable days of the
scapon, and it was with the the utmost difficul
ty that persons could m their way to the
cheap mercantile mart of V. S. Barker, where
cheap prices and an excellent stock prevnils
just the same in windy weather as during tha
most pleasant teasou of the year.
Elfctkd Our renr neighbor, C. T. Itob
erts, having been tdceted councilman, deems
it not incompatible with his duty to counsel
everybody who wants to buy a sewing machine,
watch, clock, or anything else in his line, to
call upon him, as he wants to sell out every
article in his establishment, and and buy
more. So come right along.
Tn Weathk. We will write no more
about the weather, for if it were snowing, be
fere we could get it written down it would be
shining. Not so with L.Cohen & Brother,
New York Clothing Hall. Johnstown, who are
always sunshiny because they are prospering
at doing an honest business.
What it Costs. Ths Tenna. Railread
earned seventeea millions of dollcrs and ex
pended twelve millions during 1868. Mr.
Mayer of the Johnstown New York Dry Goods
Stors, -has sold his millions worth of goods,
too, since he established himself here. He is
now selling goods at cost.
Chask'b Dioisio.t. The late decision of the
Supreme Court of the United Stat in regard
to greenbacks has not altered trie deterrmna
tic of Leopold & Brother, Oak Hall Clothing
Store Johnstown, to sell the best oi clothing at
the lowest rates known, and to take green
backs for pay.
Old "WiNrra will doubtless ere long close its
engagement for the present in this localty, and
.ith tm H.r,rtnr we hone to see the shelves
of our merchant friend, Rowlcypavia.'divested
of their entire stock of winter gooaa. cspien
did assortment at the very lowest figures.
Farm fob Sale.- Capt. Dan. Bradley, of
"u" wwuBiiip, wants xo sea nis I'arm
containing about ninety-eight acres, and
says that he will give any man a first rate
bargain and make the payments easy. The
improvements are as good as those of anv
farm in the county, and the land, orchard,
water, etc., cannot be excelled in this region!
Any person wishing to negotiate should call
on or addrees Mr. Bradley at Munster, Cam
bria county.
rnoTocnAr-HS, Photograph Albums & Fit a si as.
Come fair or foul weather.
Come snow or come rain.
We've been to Spence's G dlerv,
And we're goiuf there again.
All right, stranger, come along ami
I'll giv you pictures that are true,
And of very handsome fiuisb. too;
A fine complexion, clear and bright,
A pleasant smile, and all i right.
To Lumbermen. Mr. C. L. Goehring. of
Irwin's Station. Westmoreland county, offers
at private sale for cash, at a great bargain,
or will exchauge for lumber, a Portable Saw
Mill and Stationary Steam Kngine, both in
first class condition. The Eugine is of 25
horse power and the Saw is a 66 inch circu
lar saw. and they will be sold very cheap.
For further information address as above.
Curiovs Worm. Any one who cari tell the
meaning of gustrib'qi y, deliquescent, machia
valism and nidiiiea tioo . can cet (rood bargains
of made up elothing at J. J. Murphey's Star
i? .?'.otlling Store. Clinton street, Johnstawn
,UIU'"S "en and boys. Call in.
Insurance Statement 18G8 -The
following is the twelfth annual statem of
the Protection Mutual Fire Insurance Com
pany of Cambria county :
Am't of property insured as per 11th an
Dual report. 447,210 77
Am't of property insured since
11th annual report, 193.477 CG
C40.C88 43
C6.031 90
Deduct am't expired and can
celed binco last report,
674.656 &3
Amount of premium notes in
force as per 11th annual re
port. $ 431419 07
Am't of notes taken since the
llth anuual report,
18,984 89
C2.403 40
7,125 47
Deduct am't notes expired and
canceled since llth annual
55,277 99
No. policies in force as per
llth annual report.
No. policies issued einco last
Deduct am't expired and can
celed since last report.
Bal. in hands of Treasurer and
agents at last settlement, 919 23
Per cent, on premiums collect
ed since last settlement, G66 29
1,586 52
Componsat'n to officers 276 00
Exonerations and com
missions, 232 71
Incidental cxpenies, 93 19
Losses, 9 00
Bal. in hands of Treasurer and
agents of Company,
G10 90
974 G2
K. J. Lloyd, Secretary.
A NOBLE ARTICLE. The testimony of
lntelhcent men and women, in favor ot any
given thing, cannot be thrown aside, and re
parded as worthless-.
Dr. Hooklasd's Gjbtn' Bittkri have rO
ceived the endorsement and cordial approba
tion of the most eminent men in this and other
coTiiminiMes. The human system very often
needs a TodIc to strengthen it, and to aid in
the performance of it? functions when it be
comes debilitited. The German Bitters does
thia, find pospeRflea the nd.-lii ionul advantage of
being non-in:oxicatinc. For the cure of liver
complaint, dyspepsia, nervous debility, nnd all
diseases of the nervous system, it is u'nequalcd,
and is recommended by physicians of the high
eat standing. The wonderful el whirh this
article has, is of itself a suflieieut guarantee of
its surprising excellence.
Tnis Bitters is entibelt fkkk from all
Alcoholic apmixtcbe.
combination of all the ingredients of the Bit
ters, with pure Santa Ciuz Rum, orange, anise,
&c, miking a preparation of rare medical val
ue. The Tonic is used for the same diseases
na the Bitters : in cases where some Alcoholic
Stimulus is neceasarv. Principal Office, (531
Arch St, Philad'a.'ra. Sold by Druggists
and others everywhere. fb 25.-1 m.
the medicinal virtues of Robach's Blood Pills
Stomach Betters and Blood Purifier over all
other remedies, prepared to relieve fulfcring
humanity, is shown in many ways, but especial
ly is it evinced in this important fact : That re
sponsible druggists and merchants all over the
country take active interest in Introducing them
to their best customers and fricr.ds, while, at
the same time, it is quite as much to their pe
cuniary interest to recommend other medicines.
The reason for this is obvious. They are in
positions to 6e the prc-em:nent efficacy of the
pills in cases of Liver Comp'aint and all ob
struct'tons of the bowels, nnd, in fact, iu all
cases where cathirtic medicine can be employed.
While the Bitters, by their gentle tonic, stimu
lent and laxative properties, and as a safe and
certain remedy in Dyppepria, have won the ad
miration of every one who has given them a
trial, and the Blood Purifier is acknowledged
to be one ofthebest remedies to search out
disease, cure Scrofula, Old Sores, Eruptions
and skin Diseases and to purify the blood ex
tant; bene the people must naturally give
their voices in favor of remedies which effect so
much real good in the world .
What makes yonr hair no beautiful ?
Mrs. S. A. Allen's Improved (neto style)
Hair Restorer or Dressing, (in one bottle)
Price One Dollar. Every Druggist sells it.
UJL 'Letters of Administration on the Estate
of Mrs. Ann Biglin, late of Washington town-nhi-.
deceased, having been granted to the un
dersigned by the Register of Cambria county,
all persona having claims agaiust eaid estate
will present them in proper shape for settle
ment, and tboae indebted to the same are here
by notified that payment must be made at once.
a t n t mr CTrrf
Muaftet Twp., Feb. 18, 1869.-61.
CallforBla and Oregon
We furnish Fan mers with the
Perfectly free from iusectiform or other im
purities ; grown from AUSTRALIAN aud
CHILI Seed, yielding, on good soil
and wEieitiso
S3 Pound to the Mtttur Bushel.
The EARS OF WHEAT, when mature.are
tZ Fut up and securely tied and sealed io
lineu bags, and sent by mail free to all parts of
the couniry, on receipt oi p: ice.
Samples 10c. each Bao4. .5"c. k $1 each
Or in larger quauutiea at reason ible rates
California, and Oregon
LICENSE NOTICE. Notice is here
by given that the following petitions for
Tavern and Eating Houe License have becB
filed in my office, and w ill be presented to the
Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions on
Monday, the 1st day of March next :
Tavern August Snyder, 2d ward, John S.
Ogden, 3J ward, George Engelbath, 3d ward,
Jacob Rheam,3d ward, John Streim,3J ward,
Thos. Kinney, 2d ward, Peter Sa!ey,4th ward,
August Weigand. 5th ward. Johnstown; Pe'et
Helfiich, Susquehanna Twp ; Cercakas
oohnepr ohe,t Twp.; F. Been, Loretto ; Dan
JV' Conemaush ; Henrv Frlta,
illhani A. Hicks, Yoccr T0nshlp, Tho nas
Zehnder, Cambria Borough ; MlcK.l GrfEn
Millville; J. S. Keil. Otto Helly. Washing,!
Twp.; Michael Lattern. Camtiria Twp ; Hen
ry Foster, west ward, Ebensburg ; Dominick
Eger. Andrew Haug, Carrolltown; Lawrence
Citmpbell, Qallitzin township.
ETrxo House Catharine McKenna,2d w'd,
Pntrick O'Connell. 2d ward, Gotleib Lessiger,
2d ward, John Raab, 3d ward, James D Ham
d ton, 3d w'J, Ocar CrafT. 4th w'J, Mix Hem
bick,4tb w'd, Johnstown borough; John Coad,
Thos. Judge, Cambria borough; Mich'l Uradv,
Milville borough; Michael McCabe, East Con
emaugh borouglu
Quaet Cyrus Hart, 3d Ward, Johnstown";
Richard Tudor, west ward, Ebensburg.
J. K. IIITE, ProthonoLary.
Ebensburg, Feb. II, 1869. 3t.
HP RIAL LIST. List of Causes Pet
-. down for trial at a Court of Common
Pleaa, to be held for Cambria county, com
mencing on Monday, March 1st, 1SG9.
rissT WEEK.
vs. Hubert.
vs. J.mej et aL
vs. Burk.
vs. Same.
vs. Shoeuberger's Exr.
Starrick . . .
Carman. . . .
Gillingham & (larrUon vs Weakland A: Thom
as; Margaret Snyder vs Weakland & Thomas;
John Snyder vs Weakland & Thomas; Freder
ick Snyder vs Weakland & Thomas; Leighty
va stimer; W illiams vs burner; liliams, guar
dian, vs Stimer; Devlin & McNeill va Stimer;
McCoy's Ex'r vs ldtzinger; Fenlon vs Duncan
Moore va McCombie; Mooie & Roberis vs Mc
Combie; Rowley vs McIIugh; McCormick vs
Sanker et al ; Pomroy vs Nagle ; Pomroy vs
Scanlan; Cooper vsDunmire; Snvder vs Byrne,
Trainer vs McCabe; Snvder vs Parke; Cooper
vs Wike i Scott vs McGlade and Pa R R Co;
Allison vs Myers etal; Farnswonh, for use, va
Wagner; Grue va Barker.
J. K. HITE, Trothonotary.
Prothonotary's Office, Ebensburg, Feb. 4, 'CD
OFFICE, Westers District ok Penx-
stlvama, Pittsburgh. This is to give notice
that on the lUth day of January, A D. 1SC9,
a Wartart in Bankruptcy was issued agninst the
Estate of AUGUSTINE D. CRISTE, of Mun
ster, in the county of Cambria, and State of
Pennsylvania, who' has been adjudge 1 a Bank
rupt on his own petition ; that the payment of
any Debts and delivery of any property belong
ing to sueh Bankrupt to him or for hia use, nnd
the transfer of any property by him, are forbid
den by law; that a Meeting of the Creditors of
said Bankrupt, to prove their Debts and to
choose one or more Assignees of his Estate,
will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be
holden at the office of the Register in Bank
ruptcy in llo.lid.i vsburg before Joha Brother
Jina, Eq -. Register, on the 15th day of March,
A. D. lbGO, at JO o'clock a. m.
IT. S Marshal, as Messenger.
W. F. BATnyRT, Deputy. f leb IS. 4t.
OFF1CK, Wkstkrx District of Pk.n.n
vaxia, I'ittsburgh. Tins is to r;ive notice
that on tbe 6tU d ly of January, A. D. 18(iJ, a
Warrant in Bankruptcy was Wsued against the
estate of JOHN M. KINO, of Johustown, in
thd county of Cambria, ard State of Pennsyl
vania, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on
his own petition; that the payment of any deb's
and delivery of any property belonging to such
Bankrupt to him or for his se, and tbe trans
fer of any property by him, are forbidden by
law : that a MeetiDg of the Creditors of said
Bankrupt, to prove their Debt and to choose
one or more Assignee ot nis r.srate, win oc
held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at
the office of the Register in Bankruptcy in Hol
lidaysbarg before John Brotberliue, E.-q., Reg
ister, on the 15th day of March, A D.
at 10 o'clock a. m.
U. S. Marshal, as Messenger.
W. P. Batdurst, Deputy. feb I8.-4r.
-ajL Letters Testamentary on the Estate of
Mrs. Margaret McKenna, late of Loretto bor
ough, deceased, having been prantcd to the un
dersigned by the Register of Cambria county,
all persons indebted to said estate are required
to make payment without deity, and those
having claims against the' same wiil present
them proper'y authenticated for settlement to
FRANCIS O'FRIEL, Administrator.
Loretto, Feb. 18, ISO) t.
letters Testamentary to the Estate of
Jacob Bender, late of Carrolltown borough, de
ceased, have been granted to tha undersigned,
all persons indebted to the saia estate are re
quested to make immediate payment, and all
having claims against te estate of aaid dece
dent will make known the same without delay
Carroll Twp.. Feb. 12, 1369. -6t,
CAUTION. All persona are hereby
cautioned against purchasing or using a
Note for Twentv-Eipht Hundred Dollars, with
out interest, dated Dec.Jth, 1868, running ten
months, and drawn by me In favor of Urbanns
Riggle. Said Note was obtained through false
representations, and 1 will not pay the same
unless compelled to do so by legal prooe.
Osceola, Pa., Feb. 3, 18b9. feb.ll.-3t.
SELECT SCHOOL. The ondersigned
will open a Seleet School in Room No. 1,
Ebensburg Union Sch"Kl House, on Moxdat,
March 15tb. 1869. "or a aesrioa of two months.
Tm9 $1,511 Bor month of fonr week.
Feb. 11, 186.-tf. OEO. W. COFE.
The undersigaed offers at rrivate sale
14 MULES and 2 Yokes Oxen. Th Mules
are all young, large and unblemished.
feb .4.
St. Crefooa, Cambna to."-
OOD, BETTER, BESr. mo oesi
- rr1 t a
and chmpest Topaqpo
" -
Go aud M.
neat K- DTXWnwn s
tue of an trder of the Orphans' Court of
Cambria county, to me directed, there wi:i bts
exposed to Public Sain, at the hotel of Law
rencw Schroth, in the borongh of Cnm.lltown,
on Saturday the 6th dav or March utir, at
2 o'clock r. v. , th following described real
eatai of which Mary Ann Buser, late of the
borough of Carrolltown, died seiz! : A. cer
tain LOT OF GROUND situate in said bor
ough of Carrolltown, county of Cambria,
boundoi and ds-tiibd na follows, to wit ;
Fronting SvetoOion Church t, eet aud encod
ing back fourteen rod. ai.d eight feet to Mil
dU alisy. w d kaon al nuuud on the gene
ral plan of ad orougk as lot No. 15 having
thereon crectsd a on iuU a half story LO
HOUSE, weathar boarded, and a small FJlAilE
ALSO, ay vJrtoa of an order of Mid Court,
to me diractsd, thsrs will b exposed to Public
Sale, at tha saute time and place , the following
described rad taw of which Barbara Buser,
late of tbshorouh of Carrolp.own. died seized
A certain LOT OF GROUND situate in said
borough of Carrolltown, county of Cambria,
bounded and woscribed a follows, to wit :
Fronting flvs rerehe and five fet on Church
etraet, and extending, back fourteen perches
aud eight fast, to JsidJla allay, and known and
numbered on the xanaral plan of said borounh
as Lot No. 16.
TERMS OF SALE-One third of the pur
chase money to be pid on confirmation of sale,
ai.d the residue in two eqnal annnal payments.
wnn imeraat. to o Fasuraj rv the mortj:
and pidgineht bonds oi th purchaser.
Adm'r of Mary Aun Baser anaLWbara Puscr.
February 11, lit 4t.
Wholesale al Ketall Dealer Iu
ra. mm m mmm mi
of his o var manufacture,
and all other work in bis line.
Virginia Street, near Caroline Street,
The only dealer iu the citv having the ripl't to
coll the renowned "llARLEY SHEAF"
COOK S rOVEtho most perfect,
complete and satiefnetory
Stove ever introduced
to the public.
Stock Immense. - PjKrcrs Low.
- Notice is hereby given that Letters Tes
tamentary on the estate of Emericus Bender,
late of Carroll township, Cambria cotintv, de
ceased, have been granted to theiiudersigned,
residing in said township. All persons, there
fore, having claims against the estate of said
decedent ere requested to present them proper
ly authenticated for settlement, and persons In
debted to said estate are requested to make im
mediate pavment to
HENRY BENDER, ( Executors.
Carroll Tp., Feb. 11, ieC9.-Gt.
CAMBRIA COT NT Y. Notice is hereby
given that the following appraisement of a de
cedent, ptlectel and set spirt for the widow of
an intestate under Act of Assembly of the 14tli
April, 1851, has been filed in the Register's Of
fice at Ebensburg. and will be presented to the
Orphans' Court for approval on Wednesday,
the 3d day of March next, to wit:
Appraisement of certain personal propeity set
apart for the widow ot Aloyeius Wasser, late of
Carroll tOwnship, deceased.
Clerk's Office, Ebensburg, Feb. 11, 18C9. St.
FOR S A t,E!
The undertigneJ will sell at private "ale a
HOUSE and LOT on Market street, Johns
town, known as the Downey property. It has
heretofore len used an a hotel, and is situated
in one of the best lecatioirs for th-it po'-popo in
the town. Apply to I). McLAUGHLIN,
Attorney at Law and Real tate Agent, Johns-
town.'1'a. f feb.4 -4t.
The subscriber will sell the Farm on which
he re-ides, In Allegheny twp., Cambria county.
The Farm contains 145 Acres (90 cleared) and
the improvements are ample and in jrood order.
Fair term- and Indisputab'e title. Possession
given 1st Anril. A.WALTERS.
Feb. 4, lbJ-tf Loretto P. O .
Tho undersigned h-ivitig disposed of
his interest in the Ebensburg Foundry, and re
tired from the business, offers for s i'eto close
out the remaining portion of his stork. FOUR
are well made, and will be sn'd for tl 5 each,
on 6ix months' credit, ar for?llt!50 cash.
The sled soles will be sold in one lot for 3 cU.
per lb. E. GLAS3.
Ebensburg, Jan. 14, lSC3.-tf.
OTICE. Letters of Administration
on the estate of Marr Ann Bu-er, Bar
bara Buter and Margaret Baser, late of the
borough of Carrolltown, ounty of Cambria,
deceased, having been granted to the under
signed by the Register of said county, notice is
hereby given to perjoi s indebted to said estato
to make payment without delay, nnd thoro
having claims against the same will present
them properly authenticated for cc't'ement.
Carroll Twp., Jan. 14, lfrt.9. 6t.
Letters of Administration on tbe estate
of Mrs. Eleanor McGuire, late of Clearfield tp.
dee'd, having beer, granted to the undersigned
by tbe Register of Cambria county, all persons
knowiag. themselves indebted to jsld de-edent
are requested to make payment without delay,"
and those having claims against the same will
present them properly authenticated for settle
ment. WM. II. SECHLER, Adm'r.
EbensWg. Feb. 4. 1869 -6t.
T .tr-a nf A itm:nitnf i.-in on the estate of
Joseph Springman, late of Susquehanna twp.,
Cambria county, having been granted to tha
undersigned, all parties indebted to said estate
are required to make payment, and those hav-
irg claims against the same are requester to
present them for se-tlement.
F. A. SHOEMAKER, Administrator.
Ebensburg. Feb. 4. 1 bti911t.
li testamentary on the etate of Peter San
ders, late of Munster township, deceased, have
been granted to the subscriber resi ling in (
litzin township. '" "' county . Persows bavn.g
claims against said estate will prefnt them
properly proven to the subscriber ; aud those
owing the same will make immediate payment.
Oallittin Tp., Feb 2, 169 6t.
OR RENT A House and two Lot
of Ground, with Stable and otaer out
Klnnirin? to tbe estate
n - Aix-'A fnow occulted by rreu a M
tell. ) Possession g en J m''e'V r v
Apply to GEO. HUNiLfcY.
Ifcenstnirs, Nov. 19, -OS.-tf. -.atdia.