- Csxurr h Iboit. I7ole in tba bot tom of iroo tattles, or la stoves, may be fc topped by oeiog a compound made of fix parts well pulverized dry clay, and one part iron filings : make into a paste with boiled linseel oil. New Year's Cakk. Dissolve one pound of euar in one-half pint of boiling . water ;. halt a pint of melted butUr, one ieaspoonful and half of salaratus, three ounces cream of tartar, caraway and flour to moke a poft dough, roll out light, in thin squares, and mark with flour ehapea on top. Remedy von a Bohk Feixs. As soon as the pulsation that indicates the dis ease is felt, put directly over the spot a fly blister about the size of a five cert piece, and keep it on for six cr eight hours; at the expiration of which time, directly under the surface of the blister will be found the felon, easily taken out with the point of a lancet. Hleedinq at the Nose An excel lent remedy for bleeding at the nose, never known to fail : Take n piece of brown paper, fold it several times, until it is the 6izi of a small petinj-, then wet it in cold water and apply it to the little string nnder the upper lip, holding it there until the blood ceases to flow, which will be almost immediately. Focn tcrkeys were cooped up and f.d with meal, boiled potatoes ami onts; four other of the same brood were treated in a similar manner in another pen, but with a pint daily of pulverized charcoal added to the food and an abundant supply of the coaL All eight were killed the same day, and thoee fed with charcoal were found to weigh a pound and a half more than the others and to be of much better quality. A Minute Pcdding. Place over the fire one teacup of sweet milk for every guest, let it corce to a boil, and stir one eg?, one tab!eapo -nful of flour wet with a little milk ; stir it well, and let it cook a few minutes ; oil common teacups wiih butter, and put the pudding into them. When cool, tirn the cup into a saucer, and the pudding will slip out nicely. Serve with sweel cream. This is a q-;ick and cheap dessert. A corrkspon Dent of the New York Tribune communicatos the fallowing, which, he says, has never failed to cure colic in horses : "It is simply to drench them with a prepa a bn of chlorine ai d permangantic acid, which can be procur ed at any drug store. I have used it and seen it uBed repeatedly, and have so muih confidence in it that I would be wiping to insure the recovery of any horse if it was administered in time." Boned Tckket This a favorite dish for the holiday season and may bo thus preparee: Boil a turkey in a littlo wafer as may be, until the bones can bej easily separated from the meat. Remove all the skin ; ehce, mixing togeter the light and dark parts. Season with suit and pepper. Take the liquid in which the turkey was boiled, having kept it warm, and pou' it on the meat ; mix it well. Shake it liko a loaf of bread, wrap in cloth, and press with a hoavy weight for a few hours. YV'hen served up, it is cut in thin flices. Chicken can be preserved in the fame way. Soap. Get from a druggist a pint box of concentrated lye for forty cents. Em ty contents into a gallon of boiling water. Let it have ten hours to dissolve. Then empty it into a boiler, add another pallon of water, and when the two gallons boil. I f ..-.. w - v .iiry Pill ring it well until thoroughly mixed. Let it simmer for four or six hours, and half an hour before taking it off a gallon of hot water may be added. Two tablespoonfuls of pulverized borax and four of rosin add greatly to its detersive qualities ; but a tea cup full of salt must be thrown in. When thought done, dip in a case knife, and if the mass drops clear, ropy and chills quick ly, it is soap. Eraty into a washtub hav ing the sides wet, nud in a few honrs you will have twcuty-tive pounds of hard white soap ready to be cut for us,?. A Towx is Two States The thriv ing city of Bristol, about which we hear so much in connection with Gen. Mahne's railroad plans, occupies rather a singular position, and is something like Bill Mug gins grocery in Lickskille, Louisiana. Bill's shanty is erected across the line di viding Texas and Louisiana . It is against the law to play cards in Louisiana, and equally unlawful to sell whiskey in the Texan County. lie? gets over all these difficulties by allowing all the gambling in the Texas division of tha grocery, and all the guzzling in the Ijuisiana apartment. The people of Bristol, according to the following, which we take from the Whig's correspondent, occupy a doubtful status on the States' right question : "Bristol is situated partly in Virginia and partly in Tennessee, the main street being the lino between these States. That portion of the town lying in Virginia is the larger, and is called Good?on, in hon or of Col. Samuel Goodson, to whom the land originally belonged, and is in Wash ington County, V a. Bristol proper is in Sullivan County, Tenn. Each town has ta own Mayor and town oflfcers ; it is sometimes called . Bristol Goodson ; by long usage the two have become consoli dated in name, but not in "overnment injur in iftfir ttmm.fa nt iinmrf n-oc ; - The two combined have a population of aooui i,ouu. A Dcsnkk Wanted! The Columbus (S C.) Phoemx fir ding its subscribers slow to pay, advertises for a collecting agent as fo'liws : ' Wanted at this office, an able-bodied, .hard featured, bad-tempered, not to be put off, and not tu be backed down, freckled face young man. to collect for this paper ; must furnish his own horse, eaddle-bags, p'st ls, wh.skey, bowie knife and cowhide. We will furnish the accounts To such we promise constant and laborious employ ment. " r J PRIME CIGARS just re- - - - . jLt. viiuuaii b. Otic door east of "Fre-ninn" office.' Also, a lar(re OQk ot tU best brands of Cfewg TobaJo. L. L. LANGSTROT1PS PATB1BT HflVABLE GIB Hill! PRONOUNCED THE BEST EVER YET introduced in this County or State. Anr person buying a family right can have their I1(m transferred from an old box to a new one. In ever instance in which this his bei done the result has been entirely satisfactory-, and the first bike of honey has invariably paid all exnenes. mid freouenllv exceeded theni. - Proof of he superior merit of this invention Trill fce found in the testimony of ever mm who has given it a trial, an-i mnong the number are the pentlemen named helow, and their experience should induce every one interested tu Bees to UUV 4 FAMIL1 HlfillT! TTcnrr C. Kirkuatrii-k, of Carroll township, took J"G pounds of pnrrlu honey from two hires, which he gold at 33 cents per pound. Adam Peitrieh. of 0 rroll township, took from two hives 00 pour.d of surplus honey. James Ktrkpatrick, ot Chest townhip, took 60 pounds of purphu honev from one hive. Jacob Kirkpntrick, of Chet to-vnship, ob tained 72 pounds of surplus honey from or e hive, worth not. less than $21, 'and the right cost him ouly $7t. . ' Peter Campbell from one hive obtained 36 pounds of surplus honev at one time. Quite a number of sirpi'ar statement, authenticated by some of the best citizens of Cambria county, could be obtained in proof of the superior merits of Lnngstroth's Patent Mo vable Comb Bee Hive. Persons wishing to purchase family rights should call on or address PETER CAMPBELL, Nov. 5, IS86.-tf. Carrolltown, Pa. Isi. L. OATMAN7 DEALER IS CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES Consisting tp gouHc &(ra fantim if lour, BACOH, SALT, PISH, FRESH VEGETABLES, ALL KINDS OF FRUITS, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, SYRUPS, MOLASSES, HEE SE, &c. Also, a large stock of the Best Brands of Cigars and Tobacco. STOKE ON HIGH STREET, Four Doors East of Crairj'ord'3 Hotel, llbeusburg', Pa. ANDREW MOSES, MERCHANT TAILOR, Si'ppes'3 Bcudi.nq, Clinton St., JonNsT .ws, HAS just r-ceivtd hi full and winter stock of fine French. London and American CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and VF.ST1NGS. nd a full assortment of Gent's Fchxishixg Goods. Mr. Moses has bee . for eight vears cutter at Wood. .Monell 4 C.'s establishment, an now desires to inform his friends an-4 the ; ubHc sren crally that he has commenced business in Sun pes s biii'ding. on Clinton 6tieet, with a t-tot-k of good 4 adapted to the f ill and winter, which lie is prepared to make up in the latest styles and at mo-lerate prices fur cash hop'ng by" at tention to huoines to merit a share of pubHc p.tronage, and maintain that success which has hnretofore attended his efforts in producic good fitting garments Give l ira a call. Johnstown, Sept. 2, le'GS.-tf. New Firm Hew Goods. ffllUE undersigned, having pivea his Hon, i J. E. Shields, an interest in his store, the business will hereafter he conducted un der the firm name of P. II. Sh;e!ds Co.. and as we are determined to sell Goods chap for cash, or exchange for grain, hirrber or produce, we hope by strict attention to bus iness to merit a liberal patronage from a generous public. Ha vine; determined to settle up my old books of thirty years standing. I now a&k those indebted to me to cume forward and make .-tt!emect on or before the 1st day of December. 1863. P. IT. SHIELDS. Loretto. Oct. 18C3. tf. rpAILORIXGSTAIlLrsiIMENT i REMOVED. The subscriber would re- Ppectfullv aniionncA tn ha A : . - - v..;. v-"-i iiici a auu irie citizens of Ebensburj; and vicinity generally, uv nils rem.jvea 10 me rew buildin" on Centre street, onooaira tl.n Ar.iir.to;.. tt. ? i adjoinmg the law office of Geo. II Reade. Esq . la now noi on:y prepared to mantifac urc all floods which mav bo brought to him but is supplied wiih a fine line of CLOTHS, CASSI- iiro. wn. us, ac, which he will make to order in the best stvlc and at the lowest pri ces. Fcelin- confident of pivins; entire satis faction, I Lope tor an iicro-. j pntronauo in my new location. D. J EVANS For doin!T' a familv-wnshmw in tha o..r cheapest manner. Guaranteed equal to any irr the world ! 11 is all the strergi' of old rosir soap with the mild and latlttring qualities, ol genuine Castile. Trv this splendid Soap. ' Sole bs the ALDEN CHEMICAL WORKS, 4-i N Fr nt Street. Philadelphia. sep.2. ly. F. A L T F A THE R And Wholesale and Itdail Dealer in HAVANA AND DOMESTIC CIGARS, PH'6 A NT) KINK CUT Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Smif, Pijyes, Snuff Boxes tf Cigar Cases. AT THE SIGN OF THE INTMAN. MAIN STREET. - - - JOHNSTOWN. GREAT BARGAINS ! ! ! "V ill be sold at a great Ha rrifice, if sold soon, a number of THRESHING MACHINES, PLOUGHS. POINTS and other FARMING IMPLE MENTS, and CASTINGS. COME AND SEE, FARMERS, and you cnnot fail to purchase. fcbensburg. -Tnly 30. 1863. E. GLASS JOHV GAT ... . . WM. WEL8U. Q A Y " w ELS WIIOLEALE V Grocers and Commiasion Merchants AND DKALhRS IN ' FLOUR, PRODUCE. FISH -SALT CAR BON OILS, Ac, &c: . R" BC2 Libebtt Street. - PITTSBURGH; L. O A T M A .N.; EBENSBURG. PA.. U the sole owner of the Right to Manufactui , and sell - THE UNEQUALLED METROPOLITAN OIL 1 1 J868. 'PALL TRADE. 8(8 . ' -I hk now prepared to ciilc-r. ,' SUPERIOIi INDUCEMENTS : TO CASH rtJUCHASERS OF I fflff-IM.fi tOFPfflf A EITHER AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. II. My slock consists in j art of every variety of Tin, SSsect-Iiou. COPPER AND BRASS WARES, BSAMEM.ED AND PLAIN SAUCE-PAW3. E0ILERS &c.' ' COAL SHOVELS. MINE LAMrS, OIL CANS, HOUSKFURNI SUING HARD WARE OF EVERY KIND. Speai' Anti-Dust HEATING and COOKING STOVES, EXCELSIOR COOKING STOVES,' NOBLE, TRIUMPH and PARLOR COOr ING STOVES, And any Cooking Stove desirsd I will get wlien orders! at manufacturer's prices. Odd Stove Plates ai:d Grates. &c, for re pair. ) band for the Stoves I sell; others will be ordered when w anted. Particular attention iiveu to Spouting, Valleys and oiJu ctors, ail of which will be made out of best mate rials and put up by competent workmen. Lamp Burners, Wick and Cliimnays wnoi.rs.vi.K OK KKT.VU.. I wov.Id call particular a'.tej.ti. n to ti e Lijjht House Purr.tr, with Ghurs C r,c, for giving moie lifht than any oilier in ue. Also, ti;c Paragon Burner, for Crude Oil. sri:xci:s2.'s sifter ! It reccmrrenc's it.-elf. SUGAR KETTLES AND CAULDRONS of all sizes constantly on L;iud. Special attejitii.n iven to Jobbing in Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron. at lowest possible rates. Wnoi.KSAi.E Mk.kch.vsts' Lists dow ready, and will be sent on app.ication by mail or iu person. Hoping to see all my old customers and many uew onts this Spiin, I return my most sincere thanks for the very liberal pa tronae I have already reeeivtel, nud will endeavor to pleas; all who may call, wheth er they buy or not. FIUNCIS W. HAY. Johnstown, Mitrch 7. 18G7. KEaT Rf.di-ctiox IX riacKS TO CASH IUYEKS1 AT Tin: i:E5S:?.SE5i R nOUSE-FIIRXISIIIXG STORE. T!io uuilui si ;t,ed repeetfttily iijl'uiiiis the citizens of Eleii.-bnr and t!ie public yer.er ally that he has made a great reduction in I rices to CASH BUYKIIS. My stock will consist, in part, of CwAimj, Parlor and Heat xvg Stores, of the most popular kimis ; Tin ware of every deroription, of my own man ufacture ; Hardware f all kind, such as Locks, Seicws, Cntt Hinges, Table Hinges, ShuUet Hinges, liolts, In n ai d Nails, Win dow Glass, I'ntty, Table Knives and Forks, Carving Knives and Forks, Meat Cutters. Apple I'.irers, Pen and Pocket Knives in great varietj', Sei.-Swr. Shears, Razors and Strops Axes, Hatchets. Hammers, Boring Machines. Aujrers. CLisscls, Planes. .m r ses, Squares, Files. Rasps, Anvils, Vises, Wrenches. Rip, Panel and Cross-Cut Saws. Chains of all kinds. Shovels, Spades, Sevthes ar.d Snaths, R.u;es, F..rks. Sleigh Belli,. Shoe Lasts, Pegs. Wax Bristles. Clothes Wringers, Grind Stones, Patent Molasses Gati s and Measures. I.umler Sticks, Horse Nails, Hor.-e Siioes, Cast Steel. Rifle?, Shot Guns, Revolvers. Pisti Is, Carl ridges. Pow der, Caps. Lead, &c. Od.l Stove Plates, Grates and Fire Bricks. Well and Cistern Pumps and Tubing ; Harness and Saddlery Ware of all kind ; Wvotlcn end Willow Ware ir rrat variety ; Cnrbon Oil and Oil Lamps, Fish Oil, Lard Oil, Linseed Oil, Lubricating Od, Rosiu, Tar, Glassware, Taints, Varnish s. Turpentine. Alcohol, &c. I FAMILY GROCERIES, Such as Tea, GolTee, Sugars, Molaspes, Syr ups, Spices, Uriet 1'eacliCs, Urie-J Apples, Fish, llomiti', Crackers, Rice and Pearl Parlev: Soaps. Candles: TOBACCO and CIGAliS; Paint. Whitewash, Scrub, Horse. Shoe, Dusting, Varnish, Stove, Clothes and Tooth Brushes, all kinds and situs Tied Cords and Manilla Ropes, and many other articles at the lowest rates Jor CASH. (SJ-House Snoutiwi made, painted and imi up at low rates for cash. A liberal discount made to country dealers buying Tinware wholesale. OKU. lUNTbEY Ebensburg. Feb. 23. 1807.-tf. CLOTHES ITKirfGBH', Cannot be surpassed or equaled by any other Wringer for durability. Till the expiration of the patent for the "COG W7 II EEL REG ULATOR." or "STOP-GEAR." no other Wringer is licensed under this Patent. It being universally conceded that Ones are necessary to prevent" the Rolls from "being broken or torn loose, many attempts have been made to get a Cog-Wheel arrangement which shall equal the UNIVERSAL, and yet avoi.i the "Stop-Gear," but without suc cess. For sale by GEO. HUNTLEY. . Ebensburg. May 7. 1863.. ly., . LADIES1 FANCY FURS! AT Johx Faretra's Id established FUR MANCFACTORr, No 718 ARCH St., abr.ve 7th, PHI LA. Have now in s'ore Of m? own Inmfirf:!- .tJOH and Mann nr.! is ture. nn rf tkA lo.n fSSiC-i eat apd most bcautt- SssaSrr FANCY FURS, ""-r.-T -prf 'f ft"" Ladies' and Chil " Tr ' dren'a Vnr, in the ity, . Also,, a fine assortment of Gents' Fur Gloves and Collars . , . ' .1 atn enabled to dispose of mv goods at Verv retfonHbl prices, and I weuld therefore olicfr a Visa from-njy fiiends ot Canabria comity auu vicjnrtylr Remember the Name. Number aud Srreet.- , - .IOII. FAIIEIRaI ? ty&, Y'' "'J llCOrLAITBS GEEHAII 12ITTF.ES, BOOFUBD'S GERMAN TONIC. l,rrp'-el by T'T. C. M. Jackson, rhllr.delj.lifci. Tliclr U.'.ryJcLUou lulu tills country fruiu Oermauy occuriiia IS23. THEY CURED yotTIl PATIIEF.S AKD MOTHEES, And will rnre yrru an.l voor chHitroo. Thoy ar entirely diilUit-i.t acn-m'wB-Tf3m flom tbe inanjr lirii-ir::i.iis ijow Ki in tlie countiy liitu-ra or i vA Tunica. They lire no tvurn prepH mm mm mm 1 ration, or any lliing Hkoouv; bui guoi, Luut.bt, ruiiuble mcdiciuuk Tliej are The grtatett known remediuer Liver Complaint, DYcPEPSIA, ITcrvous Debility, JAUNDICE, Eircases of Iho Kidneys, ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN, end :t!l ll.eat-c u.vlins fi'oit a. DUor ilend Liver, Moumch, or IMPURITY OF THE RT.00D. Corstirtion. Flr.t-.ilerTf , Inwarl Tilg, Fu'.ln-Ea cf Bioo'i to the Iload, A ciuit7 of tile or Weight i-i Bour - 1 rivtHtions, Sink- jrisr or 1 lutu.rine dt tbe Pit cf tha ?-Umveh, w:?n mintr of p Hesd, H'trrifdor IJ in., uit Lirit-, in tf, I'L.i; t.orlnit r. t die Iloart ,.,-r'C!? Chokintr ot SiiiYocati) f V5, Son!ntione in a Ly-V! jine Posture, Diriippas oi" '-Mxzsf&r Vision, I3t3 or Webs bfort? the f-"i-'ht, Us.:i V&.in in tha ilead. Deficiency oi IYr.p, ration. Ytllowatss cf trie Skin lid Eyes, I'ain in the Siuf, S.if'.T, Ciist, Xiiu.'.s, ere., S'v'in I-lu.-h. r t" ile-t. Dun. ins iu ti.tt F: M, 1 ir-n: t ,nt ltiasr:iTs of ! vJ aivi i. r. at Ic;;ressicii of CVjiiVita. All ih'tc iLiliC'i- .Itsr-Tfr n thr. J.irtror f 'j.-3ii;:c fivu, i.nl'inrd uu.'i ti'ure bioud. Hoofland's German Eiltcr3 f eTiiJrely ves;et:i!Ie, nnd eo:)tafri HO liiti,r. It In u roiitpniind of I"tuil ICx lrn l. '' int, lirriix, al liurkn i e gatlierod rv. i i . or 111:1 11 t. All tlc iiieiMAf yNrSiu;! virtue are MtraclfilM Agiruin Ihtni by M arte ntt tir i tiiotniAl. 'iint-r-eitrarU art- lliew lorunrdril to tl'tn country to be nrd cx)rewly lor tlte nin 11 nfVici si rc ot ttit-we lZitU'rw. 1 lierr 1 no a: t-oSiol ir u list a uee 01 a n y li in tihed in -oui !is :l S ii n tlx- ItltCer., lieuee it i the oiily itltttTM lltj)t nu bo itol In ro m litre Hco!io:Ic fctlmulinili nre Koofiand's German Tonio is n wmhinition rf nil !he tti;r'Jtcnts tf the Bitter tci:h P( Rk Sun-a Cruz ICum, Orange, etc. It i used for ti .-f- n-e dtt'n- as the Hitters, in costs wh're. some jmrc ztcl;;' i; sttmv!i is rffjiu'ril. I'ou t.t'i bar in mind ikd thtse remedies art entirely HitiTent jrom an it tShrrs n dve rHz'-l for the. cure of the di iscs named, ttfse bir.g sctttJtfc frtjuira.'inits of m (liana extracts, zchiU Ut others are m rt decrctivn (tf rum in smt form. The T N (J decidedly one of tht ruoxt pVa snnt and ri(jrai. Tem'dirs er tarred to the public. Jit taste is exquisite,. It it a pleasure to take it, while i'-'j lif'.-girivfj exhilarating, and m'ticinl 'iViVj Jtar4 earned u Uj In, kitvu. it as the yrtaUst of a'U touU. DEBILITY". Tli nre is " id!r-in errrri fn tffont German flitters or Tnic u KMBwac '?. ttf DthHity They ivip'irt a t' ilt fc?LH ''d r i".;'f to the u hoit syst'-m. rft-rn?lJ.,n tj r,e at p-tite, cause mn enjoyment of U.fmshAasi food, enable the sto mach to digest U jmnj y Uit blood, give a ytxtd, sounds h'aithy cumyb-jrin, eradicate the y-How tinge fmm ths eye, imjart a b'ru.m to the checks. ard chatge the patitnt Irum a short-breathed, ematiA'ed. urak, and tttrvouM invalid, to a fni'-j -icrn' , ftfitf. nf-.d vijoroits person. Weak and Delicate Children ara maile Ktron l,y us-'iir tlie Hillerw or 'Ionic lit tn t, IIjoj ki-c I':irM .Vlodi Cllt .. TiM'V 11 I f l.-)lin5-t r iS wiili perfect irtj t h Iii! tliree bitotl itl, 1 lie moM clciictu It Jiiiilv;, or a. x11a.11 oi'i)i;ufy. Thcie Remedies art Che lest lilood I'urlCer ffr l nr,rn, and taill enrr oil dismsrt r'sitlting tro tadbtiMiti. K'fp ynm ' blt'i vurr : krrp your JLiccr in orir.r ; krep pj your tj.rs irr. .n-yirlj in a tnuurf, heaVJiy T unriiUnii. by Hit vse of thru Tcmr.dit. m&unujuj ind tta riizra.ic tctL ever assail yu. The bf-s'. nurn n iht country rrcf'Vimcnd them. If veart of honest repu.Uun yo Jur anything you mutl try that jirrptxraliont. FROM HON. GEO. V. VOODWAUD, Chief Justice of the Pujiri'rre Court of lVr.ny;V!nia. I hi 1, auk! Fin A, March lti, 1S67. 1 find " llof f.atttV s German Hitlers '' i not an tutox irming brxertiye. but is a gonti tonic, itfrful in ciisordrrs if th' diystrre orjnns, and of great 6 nrfit in casts of dtbiiily and uant of nervous action, in the system, l ours truly. GEO. ir. Yt'OODWARD. rnoii Hon. jame3 rnoiirsox, Judge of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. l'lIII AI'KUPHIA. .Arii -.'S, IrfA. I ooiuldpr fitV " Hcoiland'i German lilt tpra mihWj mediniir. ill disc iV4. of Oltuckn of I 11 1 1 c e tio niiw 1 n BtOtaior 15 j nojta. I cau cert ify-1 .its I rom ,,iy ox er euce of it. lours, Willi rospcoi, ja.iijl:s JL-Jtio.iii'sox. T it' T .it n-cr-. xx- iE.!r.xr"T A 1? r. T). T)., TnRtcr of the Tenth B.iptift C!iir-h, I'hiladulpht.x. I)B. JiciSiix J )kk hive been freenrn'ty rrnutst'd to connect my nr.me tvirh i-ccomniend:itions of dii'eirnt tenuis of tnricines. bn' rr ding iit praci--e as out of my a; propri'ife rpiiTr, J Jnte 111 all C'lSs ile cUn"l ; tin! wufi a ucir proof in p.irious ivstarw:. :'nd pariicuhir'y i,i my vu-n lmr.liy, of the vsefuinezs cf Jjr. ll'iffanVs Gcman Btiters. I b-pnrt foronce from my msiui; n urse, to express myjuu a ncuiion ". t r cc'i era! fit:i...ity ot lJu" Hvr-i;i nnt fSj i'ciH.iy I.r laver Kfe and valua:le strnie. cises it way d. u' t not, it will tn those w'lt) surfer Comt lainl, it i p r c l) a r ul:on. In, fit'; but u.u-r. be eery b nejlcm! m ffiw ti.c above cuiuc. Yours, very rr'echUl', J. jr. K t:lAiiI), Eighth, below L'vatet slrtd. CAUTIOIT. ITnofetvrT s Germnn Remedies are counterfeited. Tht genuine hare the. signature of V.. 31. JaoUitoll on, Vie front of the outside wrapper of each bottle, and the name of the article blown in each boUle, AU others art counterfeit. . Price or tlie Bitters, $1 OO per bottle t Or, a hall do?eii lor $5 OO. I'rice or tlie 'ionic, $1 5 O per bottle! Or, a. lia.lt dozen lor 7 oO. The tonic ia put up in quart bottle. Recollect that it is Dr. Ho Kami's German Remedies thai are to universit y used anj so h'ohlv recom- m e nd'.d : attd do no: a'Jma the Iiianistt to induce, you to take may say n juH oi makes a laro- r troli: inythmff else that he 'gtod, because he on U. These Reme- dies trill be sent byucj. Uun to tht e- 1. any locality upon apptsca- . -pitixriPAL ori'JCE, " AT THE GEIililAISr XIEDICINE STOBE,' IiO. 631 ARCU STREE T, Philadelphia CIIAS. M. EVANS, - Proprietor, Formerly C. HL. JACKSON & CO. : Xliee Remedies are for ale by Dras elt,'storelreepert, and Medicine Deal I era every where. . ' Tr not forget in examine wtU tht or licit you bug, itt filer to get tlie genuine. ' 7-For Sale by E. J. LLOYD. Druggist. BEY nn rmipiiTiTin? iJi ESTABLISHED 1858. THE OLDEST DRUG STORE IN CAMBRIA. COUNTY. C. T. :FRAZEB' .Kees constantly on hand the LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT OF GO ODS PERT Am 1XG TO THE . DRUG BUSINESS In the County, which he offers ATWIIOLESMOR RETAIL TO THE TRADE AND PUDLIC AT LOWEST RATE!! Frnulitln SlrecJ, (OPPOSITE MARKET II CVS E,) JOHNSTOWN, PENN'A. Gi: i s & 11 t : u t h , JoJOist OAVii, l'a , BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS MAXlTFACTrRKU.S OV BLANK BOOKS rouTi:-:.ioNAis. pater i;oxi;s AND LOOKING GLASSES. Looking Glass an'l Picture Frar.rcs always on hand, and tn;ide to order. A large and mcst comt'Icte assort men t of Drawing Room and iliscelUiiie. 113 Pictures. cons;.ting nf Chroinos, Paintings in Oil, tSteel Piute Ea irraviiis, P!?in and Colored Lithi-raphs, Od Prints. Photographs and Wood Cuts. This collection embraces a selection of lare sized match pictures of Landscape aud Do mestic Scenes and Portraits, and 5.000 dif ferent vaiielicsof Card Photoirraj lis of prom inent men, comic and sentimental scenes and copies of sulj'.'cts by celebrated artists. We have also a varied assortment cf IJICLES. PRAYER. HYMN and SCHOOL HOOKS. HISTORIES, BIOGRAPHIES, NOVELS. &c. Religious Prints and Emblems in great variety, and the largest and most complete stock of STATIONERY ever brought to this county. 5f.O new and beautiful styles of WALL PAPER, including an assortment of Potter's celebrated English make, for which we are soic agents in this locality. These Wall Papers ate handnner in design, supe iior in finish, and Li inches wider than any other make. The citizens of Ebensburg and vicinity a'-P respe tfullv notitiod that we niAke IJOOK BINDING' and t!-.c manufacture of BLANK BOOKS a sjecbdiiy. All work promptly executed at moderate ratcn. 93'Store on corner of Clinton and Locust streets, immediately nppo-ite Poster House. Johnstown, Oct. J. 16G7.-tf. CHAIR MANUFACTORY. Il.i .i h JOE1XSTOW.V. 1M. ALL KINDS OP 'CHAIRS, such as common W ind4or Ci;airx, Fret Bad Chairs, Vienna Chairs, Bustle Chairs, Kim Backed Chairs, Sociable Chairs, Cane tii (Shin, ROCKING CHAIRS, OF EVERY SIZE SPRING SEAT CHAIRS Settees, Lounges, &c.,S:c. CABINET FURNITURE ot every description and of latest STYLES, WITH PRICES TO SUIT Till Tastes of all, Thankful for past favors, he respect fully feolicits a liberal share of public patron age. Clinton Street, Johnstown Cambria Co. Pa. J.Lin. 31. ISttt. AVOKD from JOHNSTOWN! JOIIX J. 3XVRPEIY &. CO., Have constantly on hand a large a;jd well selected stock of seasonable Dry Goods, Boots, Slices, Groceries, and a general variety of NOTIONS, etc. rnclr stock consists of almost every article usually Uo,t In a retail itk.re. all Jf which have been selected with care and are o ffered at prices which cannot fail to prove satisfac tory. Call and examine for yourselves, Feb. 23, 13G7.-tf. HAEVF.V Cnil.DS. I.OWRIE CHIT.D5- "er s tt T T -r-v n o ii i Jj i; o c Sc C O "Wholesale Dealcri In BOOTS. SHOES, ii IE LEATHER. 133 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. Agents for the sale of "Hope Mill" Cotton Yam, Bags, Batting and Carpet Chain. Feb. 28, 1867.-tf. 1. O. D. I 15 & Ii T , WITH 1 IIOKER & UROTIIERS, Manufacturers, and Wholesale Dealers in CITY AND EASTERN MADE BOOTS AND SHOES, No. 432 Market Sthkf.t, Below Fifth, South Side, - PH1LAD A. WHOLESALE v" iS' GROCERS METER SIDES, WITH IIICKM4.V, IlnLL & CO., WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEALERS, S. K. Cor. Third St, Markrt St., JaD. 22, 1867. PHILADELPHIA (CJ.RAFF, WATKIN & CO., Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS ANE SHOP? No. fiVi Makket STREEr, viif xyvisjim. u 1 1 1 lull mm i 1 i til! ACK to Fill ST PRINCIPLES BOOTS AND SHOES t-P MY OWN MANUFACTURE. WHAT I MAKE TAJ MZ UN f After n experience of more than a yer in the pale of Eas'erti miide work, during which time I have expended more than the profits iu repairing rips and tares, I hare determined to come back to first principles and henceforth confine myself to the manufacture of BOOTS and SIIOES for Men. Youths, Ladies and Miss es, and am now hetter prepared than ever to give entire satisfaction in my business. I have at present in ray employ & competent corps of workmen, acd can Bay without fear of contradiction that I can turn out as neat and substantial Boots and Shoes at as moderate prices as can be made anywhere in the State. I am having Boots made of the finest French Calfskin, and within the past month or two have hud orders pouring in upon me from all quarters fer this kind of work. The material in these Boots is the best to be found in th market, and the wermnnshin, both in neatness aud strength, cannot be excelled at any other establibhuieiil iu the country. MY TliAIN ALWAYS ON TIME! All work w ill be reidy for delivery at the time promised. Weddings, visits and othr in teresting or important occurrences need not be postponed through any failuie on iny part to come to tin-.e. Good work and moderate prices is my motto, and one trial will convince anj person tbit the ran'to is well chosen. 3""Rerniring of Boots and Shoes attended to promptly and' in a workmanlike minner. Thankful for past favors I feel confident that my work and prices will commend me to a con tinuai.ee and increase of the same. JOHN D. THOMAS. Ebensburg, ilay 23, lMjv.-tf. Jolmsf own anI J:bens-Jr MARBLE WORKS! Havinc airain t:iken chire ot th ranch Huible Work at Ebensburg,. hieh he will operate in ionLectionV t iih bis extensive c tubli.-luuent at? -hrfl ' ' metho 1 of informing the cit'zens ofv?V Cambria county, th.it he keeps a con- iii statit supply ot tlie best ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE. wbich he is prepared at stated times in Ebens burg and at ull times in John-town, to m:iM! fucture to order, either as MONUMENTS, TOMRSTONKS, MANTLES, TABLE or BL'IIEAL TOPS, hi as workm tnlike rniinner and at a U-vr pt i.-es us like work can be put up in any oi the cities. Having in my '.i;loy a r..! f-.rctr ol' experienced and ekiilful worknit-n, I du not promise too much when I saj tli:tt I can fuiuish any of the alove articles on slx.rt notice, at the loe-t prev.-ii'ing prices. nn-J in a stylu of fii-)h wLk-h cannot be excelled by any other niai uiacturer 5n the St ate. A large s;cck of CRIM)STOXP.S on haml and lor sale cheap. 3?" Prompt at:entiin n.iid to orders from a distance and work put up wherever desired, or delivered at any point named. JOHN PARKE Johnstown, June 4, tS(?.-tf. EYE RE THE MEMORY OF FRIENDS DEPARTED! MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, The subscriber still continues to manr f.tcfure of tlie beet materia! ari l in the most workmanlil-e mrinnoi, at the Loretto Marble Works, ub kind if MONUMENTS AND Tt).MU STONES, asve!I as TABLE ami BUREAU TOPS. an.l ul; other work in 1 is line. Xnne but the bct American and Italian MtrLle useil, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed to ail cases at prices as low as like work can be obtained in the cities or elsewhere. Call and see specimens and judge for yourselves as to the uierit3 cheapness of mv work. jam es v ilk in son. Irr!tr, March 12. lS,;S.ly. WM. M. Ll.OYI'. JoJIK LI.oYP, President. Cashier. 1 11 ST NATIONAL EANK i- OK AUTOOSA. AND DESIGNATED TKP()SITORY OF THE UNITED S'lATES. Corner Virginia and Annie Streets, North Ward, Aliocnei, Pa. Authnzed Capit il, ----- $800,000 Cash Capital paid in, - - - - 150,000 All business pertainhig to Banking done on favorable terms Internal Revenue Stamps of all denomi nations, always on hand. To purchasers of Stamps. pcrc?ntage, in stamps, will be allowed, as f.dlows : $50 to $100, 2 per cent. ; $100 to $200, 3 per cent ; $200 and upwards, 4 per cent. Jan. 31, 1807 tf. 1LO YS &, CO., It inK, i , EHESSBI'HG, Ta. Gold, Silver, Government Loans, and other Securities, bought and sold. Interest allowed on Time Leposits. Collections made on all accessible points in the United States, and a geueral Banking business transacted. January 31. 1SG7. y-T M. LLOVD &. CO., T Bankkks. Altoon-a. Pa. Drafts on the principal cities and Silver and Oold for sale. Collections made. Moneys received on tleposit, payable on de mand, without interest, or upon time, with interest at fa'r rates. an3l. UNION HOUSE, rBEXSBURG, Pa., JEROME A. PLOTT, j Propietor, spares no pains to render this hotel worthy of a contir.uation of the liberal patronage it has heretofore received. His Uble will always bo furnished with the best the market affords ; his bar with the best cl liquors His stable is large, and will be attended by an attentive and obliging holler. Jaa SO, 1868,-tf. gT. J A MES' HO TEL, (Conducted on the European Plan,) 405 & 407 Libbstt Street, opposite tub Uniok. Depot, Pittsburgh. Pa. I A MES K. LAN A II AN, Proprietor. This House is newly built and splendidly furnished, and convenient to all the Rail roads coming into the city. The Restaurant connected with this Hotel open at all hours of the day aud night. oct.17.-ly. PITTSBURGH STAR, o. 42J Liberty Street. OPPOSITE UNION PASSENGER DEPOT, PITTSBURGH, PA. fje.ll.-ly. FELIX HENLY, Prop'r. -FOUNTAIN HOUSE, Euexsburq it. r. LIKTOS St, CO., Piop'ri. The Table ia always supplied with the choicest delicacies ; the Bab is supplied with choice liquorf, and the Stable attended by raretol hostler. Transieut visitors accom modated and boarders taken by the week, nonth or year, oa reasonable terms. feb21 MERCHANTS' HOTEL7 J. & V. C. M'KIBBIN, Proprietors. I'oujA St., between Market and Arch, -May 9. 18r.47. PBii.ADSe.KHA. Jdiw UU-Jm O yjg AVING reccr.tlv enlargadou p:.-c!c jLS. we are now jreparcd to sell at a rre.t reduction from former prices. Oar stock con sists of Drugs, Medicine?, Perfumery, Fmcy Soaps, "Leon's, Hall's and Allen's Hair Restor atives. Pills, Ointment, Posters, Liniments, Pain Killers, Citrate Magnesia, Ess. Jamaic Ginger, Pure Flavoring Extracts, Eeuces, Lemon Syrup, Soothing Syrap, Spiced. Syrup, Rhubarb. Pure Spicen, &c. ; CIGARS AXD TOBACCOS, Blank F.ooks, Deeds, Notes and Bond; Cjp, Post. Commercial and all kind of Note Paper; Envelopes, Pens, Pencils, Arnold's Writing Fluid, Black and Red Ink, Pocket and rM Books, Magazines, Newspapers, Novels. II. s tories. Bibles. Religious, Prayer and Tov Books, Penknives. Pipes, &c. tW We hve added to our stock a lot of FINE JEWELRY, to which we would invite the attention of the Ladies PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS at lower price than ever offered in this pUc. Paper and Cisrnrsjsold either whoale or re tail. LEMMON & Ml! lilt AY July 30, le63. Main Street, EbensWe. poll E I G N SIIIPpTxg EXCHANGE OFFICE. WE ARE NOW SELLING EXCHANGE, AT SEW YORK HATES, OX England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Gcriaany, Prussia, Austria, Bavaria, WuriemLcrg, Baden, IIe?en, Saxony, Hanover, Belgium, Fwitzcrlat J, Holland, Norway and France. And Tickets to and i'lom any Port ia England, Ireland, Scollitm!, - ' Germaiiy, France, California, New South Wales or Austral:. KERR & CO. Altoona, Pa., Jan. CI, 1607. TTENTISTRY gradna'e The unJersir.cd, a of the Balii- --?--''3.'?-" more Culksge - ';ZZ.''': oi l.'cr.tal t?ar- jt&t - rery, respect- fid lv offers hi '- .. " -. t : " - ; ' seTiiees to the V.1- i h j if i iJ citizens of Eb- wN--'--i-v-''-'' enshurg and vicinity, h.ih p'..-ec he w ;;i ri-.'i on the Focani Maxpiy of c-acii :uo:.th, to le niain one week. AuS 13. SAM'L BELFORD D. D. S. TAMES J. OAT3IAX, M. 1)7 lenders his professional crviccsr.s Pi v siiian and Surgeon to the citizens : f C;-.rr !I tewn and vicinity. Office in tear f bi::'..! ir.g .ci-upiel by J. p.ncK & Co. as a ttor. ight calls cau be made at his rori.ieurr . no 3o::r south of A. Hang's tin and hnr-nvare store. "May 9, If-CT. II DEVEREAUXL IX, Viiy- SICIAN ASI) ScKiEOS. S t'il.-l if , it Office east end of Mansion Hoii:", or; Kail Road street. Night calls m.v ! made the off-je. " f rr-y '23. tf. J. LLOVJ), su.-oe.or foR. S. Bunk. D.-aler in Dnnjs, M di ::c. Paints, u'f. Store on Main sft. t, or ; ocite the M.insh.n lb use." P.!:.er!bur j, P'. Oct-bcr 17. 1SG7.-Gm.j FRANK W. HAY, nilOLKSALE and KETAi L Manuf-trrrr. U of TIN. COPPKR and Sil KLT-I HON V'ARK. Canal street, below Cliiib'ij, Joh.iS fotcn. Pa. A large slock c-utartly hand. D. M'LAUG III.IN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Johnstown, Pa li Oftioe in tij..- Exchange ba'l ing, on tt.s Corner of Cliniv)'- and Lo.-us-t strei-rs vp stairs. Will attend to all business cona'.ct ed with lus ).rofessi- -n. Jan. 31 . l&o7.-tf. R. L J01IX.-TON'. j y m sCANLaS. JOHNSTON & SCAN LAN. Attorneys at Law. Ebmsburg, Can.biia co , Pa. O.Tice opposite tlie C urt House. Ebensburg, Jan. 31, 18C7.-tf. JOHN l. LINTON, ITTORXKY AT LAW, J,Js'-:. ra il Ofiioe in building on cn.rr f M.-iin and Fianklin street, pposiie '.!-si- i- li fteond lioor. Entrance on Fiaokiiu irctt. Johnstown. Jan. 31. 1S07. if. A. SOI'ELIX, Ji'hnstowrj. . W. p:CK. KbcLobur?. ITOPELIN & DICK, Attorxf.ts-at- Lav.-, ELensburi:, Pa. CBire wii Wn. Kittell. Esq., Colonade Row. foct.22.-tf. F. A. SHOEMAKER, ITTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Pa ft Oflice on High street, one door East tf tli3 Banking House of L'oyd. & Co. January 31, 18G7.-tf. F. V. TIEHNEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburj, Pa. Office in Colonade Row. Jan. 5. lSG7tf. JOSEPH M'DONALU, I TTORN E Y AT LAW, Ebmbur.7, Pa. Office on Centre street, cprosite Eicon's Hotel. Jan. Cl, 1807-tf. JOHN FENLOX, ITTORNEY AT LAW, Ebcnsburo Pa j Office on High street; adjoining his re deacc- Jau 31. 18(,7.-tf. G EORG E Y. OATM A ITTORNEY AT LAW, Eltnshurj. Pa. 11 Office in Colonade Row, Cectre street. January 31, lSG7.-tf. WILLIAM KITTELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Klwburg, Pa. OHice in Colonade Row, Centre street. Jan. 31. 186 7.-tf. Ij. PmSiHNG, Attorney-at Law, Johnslvicn, Pa. OlTice on Frank lin street, up-stairs, over John Benton's Hardware Store. Jan. 31, 18G"J. M. H SEC II LEU, Attoiet-at- Law, Ebensburjr, Pa. Office in morat recently occupied by Geo. M. Reade. Esq . in Colonade Row, Centre street. aug..7. EO. M. IiEADE, Attonwgat'-I'i't Ebensburg, Pa. Of!: ce in new l-uil'iing recently erected on Centre street, two diors from High street. ,Jg27. AMES C. ILVSLY', Attoexey- at-Law. Carrollioicn, Cambria Co.. Pa. Collections and all legal business promptly attended to. Jan 31. 1SG7. HKINKEAD, Justice of the Peace ' and Claim Agent. Office removed - the office formerly oceuDied by M. Hsso;;, Esa.. dee'd, on Hish St.". Ebensburg. j!S- "ff S. STRAYER, Jcstick oftue Peace. Johnstown, Pa. Ofii- on th corner -of Marleet rtrat ni Iocust ailcy4