The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, December 10, 1868, Image 3

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: DEC. 10, 18G8.
Driep Mektiok. Tuesday last, 8th inst.,
wa observed, for the first time in this coun
try, by the Catholic Church as a holiday of
obligation, being designated as the Feast of
the Inmaculate Conception. A young
man named Martin, a brakeman on the
llollidaysburg Branch coa! train, was se
verely injured one d.iy last week while try
to adjust a coupling between two cars.
The Fair of the Vigilant Steam Fire Com
pany opened in Altoona last night. The
Catholic Fair is stdl In progress, and large
crowds attend it nightly. The new skat
ins rink at Altooua has been completed.
No less than four bears, a mother and three
cubs, were shot on one tree in Indiana
county, a few nights since. The old bear
weighed 220 pounds, and the cubs more
than 100 each. The Cambria Iron Com
pany have bought Lemon's Iron Works, in
Bedford county. A young lady named
Mary Dowalt was run over by a freight
train at Mifflin on the ilh inst., while en
deavorirg to get out of the way of the ex
press train, and so seriously injured that she
died the same eveniug. A noted horse
thief uamed Peter Walters was arrested, a
few days ago, in Indiana county, but while
the Deputy Sheriff was on his way to Indi
ana with his prisoner, be was knocked
down by some unknown person and Wal
ters made his escape. A large force of
workmen are now engaged in widening the
Pennsylvania canal from Havre de Grace to
lb Hi daysburg. It is to be made six feet
deep, and double locks placed in it similar
to those in the New York canal.
Borough Council, at its last meeting, repealed
the law requiring bogs to be penned up,
arid the porkers are uow at liberty to roam
nd root where they please. The fact that
nearly all the bogs have been butchered
adds, of course, to the magnaminity of th:s
net of our borough dads. Mr. Porker asked
f.r liberty or death, aad verily he has ob
tiiued both. The remains of a child
which had been buried thirteen years were
exhumed from a cemetery at Lwistown,
not long since, fr the purpose of removal,
when it was f und that the legs from the
thighs down ward were completely petrified,
ana even the little shoes weie turned into
rtme. The ret of the body ha 1 mouldered
entirely aw ay. An extensive fire occurred
iD Leavenworth, Kansas, on the night of
the Sd inst., and among the victims we no
tice tl at our young friends, Ernest Hhey and
Charles Dougherty, in the hat and fur busi
ness, have suffered to the extent of $5,000,
which, however, is fully covcre 1 by insur
ance. No larger, fresher or more delicious
oysters were ever put tip in cans than are
now for sale at the cheap giocery ktore of
M. L Oatman, at the exceeding low price
of 50 cent1 per half can. This is the opin
ion of all who have yec bought them, and it
will bo your opinion if you try them.
Teachers Cocktt Isstitcte. The sec
ond session f the Cambria Couuty Teachers'
Toftitute will be held in tha Court House In
Ebensburg, coa.n.euciug Monday, Decem
ber 21st. The exercises will embr-ice clas
drills in the vaiious branches of enmmon
tichool 6tudy, reports on subjects of educa
tional interest, and discussions of the reports,
lectures, &c.
Among these who are expected to be
present and participate in the exercises, are
lion. J. P. Vickerham, State Superinten
dent of Schools ; Rev. Joseph Waugh, A.
11., Principal of the UoUidaysburg Female
Seminary, Prof. Andrew llurtt, A. M., of
Pittsburgh; Uev. li. M. Kerr, A. M., Piiu-
ipal of the Ebensbtrrg Female Seminary;
J rof. C. A. Johnson, A. Al., of Johnstown ;
Prof. G. W. Cope, Editor of the Teachers7
AJvocatt; Samuel Singleton, Efq., and
Evening lectures will be delivered as fol
low s ;
Monday evening Rev, Jeph Waugh.
Tuesday evening Hon J. P.Wickershani.
Wednesday evening Prof. Andrew Burtt.
Thursday evening Rev. B. M. Kerr.
Boarding places will bo provided for
teachers during their stay at the very lowest
rates. They will confer with the special
committee. Miss Maria Brook basks, Geo. W.
Cope, and T. J. Chapman, at the Court
House, before securing boarding places for
Free return tickets will be furnished such
members of the Institute, as pay full fare
over the railroad in attending the meeting.
It is believed that the course of exercises
will be such that no teacher can absent him
aelf cr herself from the Iustitute without
suffering a loss. Progress is the watch
word of the profession. A teacher's status
in the profession will hereafter depend, in a
good measure, upon the fact of his or her
attendance or non attendance at the annual
School directors are especially invited to
be present. In accordance with a sugges
tion of the State Superintendent, Wednea
day, or such part of the day aa may be
thought proper, will be set apart for the
exclusive business of directors.
The public generally is invited to attend
the meetings of the Institute, aa it is our
desire that the benign inf uence of the In
stitute shall be felt by all classes in our
midst, and that it shall "leaven the whole
T. J. Chapman-, Co. Sup't.
Sirtoci Accidekt. A few weeks since
Mr. C. L. Clark, in the employ of Mr. A.
Unmpheys at a log job in Chest township,
met with an accident which resulted in such
injury as to endanger his life, but from
which be is fortunately now recovering. He
wn engaged in hauling logs, when the piece
of timber he was hauling, while descending
a steep hill, struck a standing tree and
knocked a limb from the tree, which struck
him on the head witn such force as to Injure
him so seriously that he lay twelve days un
able to utter a word. Through the skill of Dr.
Doyle, who was called in immediately, and
the care and attention of Mr. Humpheys,
he ia doing well.
BA6E Ball Cokcmt. A concert tinder
the auspices of the Mountaineer Base Ball
Club will be given in the Court House in
this place, probably on Tuesday evening,
29th inst., though the time is not yet defi
nitely determined upon. It is the purpose
of the committee having charge of the
preliminaries to leave nothirg undone to
make the proposed entertainment a most
excellent one, and we feel confident our ci
tizens will extend them a liberal pntronage
when the occasion to do so offers. We feel
cure the concert will be a success musically
cd financially.
An Octege?akian. Mr. Jacob Tost, of
Carroll township, walked into our sanctum
to settle on Saturday last. lie ia in his
eightaith year, and baa lived sixty-five years
In Cambria county. Considering his length
of residence among us, and the business up
on which he called, we consider him one of
Coal. In the general depression of busi
ness which has followed the result of the
late election, the article of coal has escaped
the decline, and, on the contrary, has ad
vanced considerably on former prices.
Though a consumer and not a producer,
We cannot regret the improvement in its
selling prices. Cambria county is unques
tionably the greatest bituminous coal pro
ducing county in the Common wealth. It is
safe to assert that more than one-half oar
territory, probably every foot of it, is un
derlaid with this valuable mineral. We
doubt not the very spot on which we write
covers a rich deposit, which the necessity
and ingucity of man will yet bring to light.
W7hile upon this subject, we have learned
that our euterprising friend, Mr. M. Adams,
Esq., has been exploring his extensive terri
tory, immediately this side of Summitville,
and has ascertained by boring that the cele
brated four fool vein of the mountain strata
of coal underlies the whole tract, and is by
no means difficult of access. This will
open one of the richest and most extensive
coal fields in Pennsylvania.
Severe Weather. Since Monday night
last the storm king has been abroad in all
his furj, and the weather has been as severe
as any ever experienced on the Alteghenies.
Between snowing and drifting, we have been
almost completely hemmed in from the outer
world, no trains having arrived or departed
since Monday night, and the only mail and
passenger facilities now left us being by way
of tleds to Cresson, aud even they have to
dig their way through in many places. The
Carrolltown road is considered impassable,
and we believe no one has attempted to get
through since Monday. In many places the
snow has drifted to the depth of six and
eight feet, and it is even said that on the
Branch railroad, near the station here, it has
reached the depth of fully ten feet in one
place. On the main line great difficulty has
been experienced in getting traius through,
and on Tuesday morning we are tol l a pas
senger train was six hours in reaching Cres
bon from Johnstown. The blockade baa of
course prevented many witnesses and others
from reaching here, and the business of
Court has been considerably retarded in
Visitors. Among the victors to our
town during the present week, we were glad
welcome to our sanctum our editorial breth
ren of the Altoona Viivlicator, Messrs Camp
bell and Easly, who have been cited to at
tend court, one as a principal and the other
aa a witness, in a little libel suit which has
been UttntaA up, but yet not brought up
for trial. We certainly wish them a safe
We were also pleased to to take by the
h:nd our earnest, honest and generous hoart
ed friend, Mr. Aug. Fogle. of Altoota, who
spent a portion of Monday in our town ; aud
were no less gratified in meeting ex-sheriff
Rtxhtel, late of county, Capt. M.
McDonald and A. S. Spigelmire, threo gen
tlemen who represent three of the best whole
sale mercantile houses in the city of Broth
erly Love. Many other friends cklled to
Bee us whom we were glad to greet, an 1
those of them who "squired the circle"
were particularly welcome and timely in
their visits.
While we sympathize with our friends
of Oak Hall, Philadelphia, in the loss of
one of their firm, we appreciate the oppor
tunity that is now for a few days offered to
our readers of securing a bargain in cloth
ing which will repay ten-fold a visit to the
city. We, the editors of this paper, will
certainly not lose the chance, but v?iil either
go or send for something from Wanamaker
& Brown's. We advise you all to do the
same thing, for sure arc we, that if you
don't you will regret it all winter.
It would not be a bad idea for us to go
"en masse" and get the whole county
"dressed up'' for once cheap for cash, and
if anv canuot poHsibly go, let them send
their orders along with us, and by getting
such a big lot at once, no doubt our delega
tion could secure better terms than will be
current. Whether we go singly or together
let us go at once, for first come is first served,
and we all know what a rush there will le
aa soon as this announcement is made public.
Departed We had a farewell shake of
the hand with cur young friend. Dr. D W.
Ziegler, on Wednesday morning, who in
formed us he waa about to take his depart
ure for Phillipsburg, Centre county, where
he designs henceforth to practice his pro
fession, varied, however by a visit and so
journ in this place during the second week of
each month. Dr. Z'egler is one of the most
worthy and honorable of our acquaintances
and a most excellent Dentist ; and although
he not unfrequently "looked down in the
mouth," he was always a genial and pleas
ant associate. We certainly wish him abun
dant success in his new location, and profit
able monthly visits to our own midst.
Court. Thedisposal.of two liquor cases,
in which neither of the parties were convict
ed, and the arraigning of the man Farnor,
charged with stealing a horse and buggy
from Dr. Yeagley in Johnstown, and who
submittel without trial, is about the princi
pal part of the business thus far disposed of
In our County Court. The case of Hunt vs.
Campbell, for libel, has been continued until
next session. Court was not in session this
(Wednesday) forenoon, as no bills had been
sent in from the Grand Jury,
Sleighixq. There is rather too much
snow and "blow" just now to make sleigh
ing enjoyable, but the present state of
things cannot last always, and when the
time does come for enjoyment of this kiud ,
it will be well enough to have everything
ready, and now is therefore the time to se
lect your sleigh bells at the great hardware
emporium of Geo. Huntley, where a full as
sortment of the sweetest toned bells have
just been received and are offered low.
If Yoc Wast. If you want a good
Photograph go to Spence's Gallery, Ebens
burg. If you want a good Ambrotype go to
Spence's Gallery. If you want a Photo
graph Album go to Spence. If you want a
Picture Frame, or a Picture of any kind to
put in a Frame, go to Spence. If you want
a Chrorao or Steel Engraving, go to Spence's
Photograph Rooms. In fact, if you want
the worth of your money go to Spence for
Fgffiso. The windj has been puffing
and blowing for the past few days, and
everybody is puffing and blowing who at
tempts to make headway against it. It is
neither puffing or blowing, however, to say
that at B. K. Davis' cheap cash store as full
and desirable an assortment of merchandise,"
of all kinds, can be found as at any other
establishment in the county. Fine goods
and low prices.
' wQo To." Persons attending Court
should not fail to look in on the really splen
did stock of sewing machines, docks,
watches, jewelry, notions, etc., now in store
at C T. Roberts'. If they do they will cer
tainly find something to buy which will
clnrlden the loved ones at home Cham's
Jwdj ar fpwtfa.Uy rrited for holldrr tffuT.
Local Correspondence.
J0HS8TOWK, Dec. 7, 1868.
Mr. Editor The holidays are rapidly ap
proaching. They may be expected here
abont Christmas or New Year, The good
people are making arrangements for a hos
pitable entertainment when they arrive.
Some bad people are doing likewise. The
geography of the country is being thorough
ly reviewed from turkey to grease, and even
j)0-Jfc-opolis. The general rush of people,
however, is to la beef and Shanghai. The
young folks will visit Candi, Purtijgal and
Dress-den. The writer intends to spend his
holidays either on the Monongahela or at
Braudy-wne, and if possible will double
the horn. Several men who are fond of
hunting will go to roam, while the poor
will remain in aboshantee. Some of our
family will spend their holidays at IJollidays
burg. The folks who are fond of sweet
songs will likely go to CaroMown, while the
lovers of intricate games will feast at Bowl
ing Green or Chess Springs. The lower
classes will go it on all Jours. And thus
the 7ioly-days will bo greeted and welcomed
by ten thousand people. But this is not
what I was going to say.
It was remarkably healthy here until a
day or two ago. Now consumption is pre
vailing to an alarming extent. Tom Aloes
took it first. lie was almost immediately
followed by Ap. L. Jelly. It has now
spread till the whole place is a dessert. I
rernaiu for two raisins, which I need not
mention. I am afraid your compositors
may catch the alement, in which case the
matter will all go to pie, unless you over
rule them with a slick.
A large drove of turkeys and geese came
in. a day or two ago, from Ligoniet valley.
Thev'looked like so many spritely brides and
grooms not foolish virgins they, for they
had lots of oil with them, lney were met ny
the committee on consumption, who quar
ter&t them among the people.
Prom the preparations made at our retail
shops, we judge sweet meats will be boun
teously dealt in, especially kisses, and
among the toys sold, bought and used will
be baby jumpers and whtps. Big guns will
buy little guns for their children, and thus
the fun and the pvn will go on ad infinitem.
But I am rff my story again. I was
about to attend to the local matters which
have transpired during the week.
Well, our schools, fourteen in number,
are busily engaged in stopping for the win
ter. The teachers are sharp-ving up the
didlest of the pupils for a final examina
tion. The Directors have caused the Union
School grounds to be planted with trees,
which we hope will not convict them of
trees on.
Petitions are being circulated by four dif
ferent aspirants for the poet office. Many
signatures are being obtained. The circu
lation is so brisk that the pulse of every
candidate beats high with expectation.
Cur worthy coroner has obeyed the gospel,
and taken to himself a help-meet.
The tanners have suspended operations
for the winter, and the tanyards are in a
droqnng condition.
The a'mosphere about Johnstown ia hu
mid and heavy, while on the bills around
the air is light and fcoyant. For further
particulars see Chapman's History of the
Conemaugh Valley.
Snow full on Friday night to the depth of
about twelve inches or, perhaps, one foot,
and sleds were running early the next morn
ing. It is probablo that the poor sdis will
suit'-r this winter. As the snow is soft and
balls easily, we think it not unlikely that
same balls will come off before it goes away.
One of our police, in company with a
man unknown to ns, made an attempt to
get into the lock up, but while said police
way trying to pick the lock with his key. the
comrade took flight and ran away. The
I'.ss is severe as there was no insurance.
Your correspondent will appear in a new
suit next week, if he doesn't pie hi- form iu
the meantime.
It is said that when w-ild animals come
down from the mountains into the settle
ments in the full, it is a sign of a hard win
ter. If this is true, the coming winter will
be severe, for not less than twenty came
into town last week. There weie several
corpses of them. MaoShanb, Je.
Wilmorh, Dec. 7, 18C8.
Dear Freeman: Wilmore is still here and
s am I. I was about to cut loote from here,
but was afraid if I did I might gft tide
somewhere else, and as the weather contin
ues cold am fctiil ice-bound. The long looked
for snow has come and almost gone again
There was a fall of about ten inches on Fri
day, which continued until Sunday, when
it almost entirely disappeared iu an iccred
able short space of time caused, perhaps,
by the melting smiles of those warm-hearted,
genial looking ladies who walk from Sum
7?jerhill here to church on Sabbath day, and
bring all the sunshine with them.
We hsve not heard "the hoofs keep time
to music's chime" very often since the ad
vent of this, our first deep scow. Wilmore
cannot boast a livery stable yet, although it
is much needed. Some young man might
make a name if not a fortuneby going into
the horse business here more probably tho
former, as there would likely be more break
ing than making love. However, some of
those who were not chicken-hearted took
their ducks and went sleichins: at the risk of
being called geese by some of the olil Shang
hais so numerous here. The f7.?-orbitaut
demand for dears often causes some of our
young calves to make sheep of themselves,
and as we love veal this is very distressing,
more so when, after waiting from early dawn
until the twilight shadows deepen o'er the
earth, with noses pressed flat against the
window pane, waiting on some hero to come
and "he comes not," we say like Maud
Muller, "It might have been." Begin to
think they hove been actingybu', and tried
to make a goose of me, for which they are
picked when meet for their neglect. But
we refrain from doing anything rash, being
hopeful of gliding into tranquility through
grease and turkey with some other fomga
rian. Just wait, Mr. Editor, until Christ
mas comes, there will be plenty of slaying
then, and as the young men all love the
belles I expect a merry time. While youth's
will wishes are filling heart and brain, we
love amusements and hence all the children.
young and old, are now on tiptoe for the
pleasant sleighing parties, the merry dance,
the steaming suppers, and the always ac
companying Cold.
Forgot to mention in my last that J. C.
Kauffman has opened a saddler's shop here.
He is a first-class workman and will do
well, but it seems useless for a man to make
a business of manufacturing bridals and in
ducing those who are not ready to be sad
dled to get into the harness.
The United Brethren Congregation have
been holding meetings during the past week
with but limited success, there being only
oue convert. -
Dav express, east, will stop here during
the present term of court, for the benefit of
these who frequent tne oar. or wisn 10
court, and more especially for those who go to
be courted bv the egal citizens of yeur village
If this letter does not reach you telegraph,
and I will go up on the wires, and instead
of doing things "by thunder," you can do
tfcem by lightning. ioutb, ere,
A Qrrr or rxn Ou Biw
.EN I G II A NO. 8.
One-third of the nickname of Johnny Corode;
Two-thirds of a diet by poultry bestowed ;
The whole of a' fowl that prod ucee my hist;
One-fourth of a twelve month ; together
these cast,
The result is a Btream that southward doth
In' the great State of Penn., to the fcroad
A Templar kneeled at a friar's knee f
He was a comely youth to see,
With curling locks and forehead high,
And flushing cheek, and flashing eye ;
And the monk was as jolly and large a toan
As ever laid lip to a convent csn.
Or called for a contribution
As ever read at midnight hour,
Confessional in a lady's bower,
Ordained for a peasant the penance whip.
Or spoke for a nobles venial slip
A venal absolution.
"Oh, Father! in the dim twilight
I have sinned a grieuous sin to-night;
And I feel hot pain e'en aow begun
For this fearful murder I have done.
"I rent my victim's coat of green ;
f pierced his neck with my dagger keen ;
The red stream mantled high ;
I grasped him, Father, all the while
With shaking hand, and feverish smile,
And said my jest, and sang my song.
And laughed my laughter, loud and long,
Until his g'.ass was dry!
"Though be was rich and very old,
I did not touch one grain of gold,
But the blood I drank from the bubbling
Hath left on my lip a purple stain."
"My sou ! my son! for this thou has done,
Though the sands of thy life for aye should
The merry monk did say ;
''Though thine eye be bright, and thy heait
be light.
Hot spirits shall haunt thee all the night,
Blue devils all the day."
The thunders of the Church weie ended,
Back on hie way the Temblar wended ;
Kut the name of him the Templar slew
Was more than the Inquisition knew.
Hemlock. Dec. 6, 1808.
Dear Freeman: I send as answers to
Charades Nos. 7 and 8, in your last, the
word West-more land, and the following :
I am composed of 4 characters.
My first 'mong the Romans was numerically
And in England means a title, second only
in the State ;
My second with the Romans was numeri
cally pmall,
But in England it would represent just any
one at all ;
My third, in point of number, ii one twen
tieth as much
As myfirxt, and also is a title, or indica
tive of such ;
fourth, (of numbers speaking.) ten times
greater than the third,
And "what every lady should be" is the
meaning of the word,
Which, had it been set up right, 'tis very
plain to me,
Frauk K. would have answered Enigma
No. 3.
Yours, enigmatically, W. L. M'G.
What trade will Gen. Grant follow till
next Fourth of March ?
What meat is never cheap in theEbens-
burc market ?
What State of the Union .hs au Irish
Answer to Charades Nos. 7 and 8 West-more-land.
Answer to latt week's Enigma
Good Night.
Must Do It. In order to keen the body
comfortable in this exceedingly cold climate,
it is necessary to pileou all the clothing that
can be borne, and in order to get the best
and most desirable fabrics for the purpose,
as well as the most seasonable ready-made
clothing, it is nefessary to go to J. 1 attan
Thompson's leading emporium, where ladies
and gents, boys and girls, will find just what
they need at most moderate prices.
At this cold ar.d dismal time
We can scarcely tell in rhyme
What we wish to say ;
But if our advice you take,
For Shoemakers' you will make,
And that right away.
Their goods are cheap indted,
And if you buy what you need,
You'll suiely make it pay.
Clothing It would be difficult to think
of any oue article of merchandise suitable
to this market which is not kept by V. S.
Borker, but his stock of gents' and youths'
clothing is particularly ample and seasona
ble, aud wo are sure he will give good bar
gains to all who call with bim. For your
holiday suit you should go to Barker's.
Oysters, &c. Strangers awd others who
wish to indu'ge in a most delicious oj-ster
stew, a cup of hot coffee, or almost any other
delicacy of the Reason, should not fail to
visit Faller's restaurant, next door to the
Cambria Houso, where they will be served
with the very best at the very lowest prices.
Jactb Fend, Johnstown, his just received
a tiemendous supply of confections from the, intended for the Holidays, which, to
gether with what he manufactures himself,
will supply the whole country. He has a choice
variety of toys, notions, crackers, candies, lor
eign and domestic, which will be sold at whole
sale or retail. Address Jacob Feud, Johns
town, Pa. Great bargains can be had at his
nAcsnBEUGKR & Co. have jut received a
choice selection of drugs and dye stuffs at
their drug store in Johnstown. Great care has
been taken in selecting pure, unadulterated ar
ticles, which will be sold as cheap as the
cheapest. They keep on Main street, opposite
Luckhardt's jewelry store. Strict attention
will be p'lid to orders accompanied with the
cash. Give them a call when in town.
Thomas was one of the doubting disciples,
but he was no telation to Thomas & "Weaver,
at the end of theKernvIlle bridge, Johnstown,
who sell such cheap groceries, dry goods and
provisions. Thomas & W eaver are old hands
at the business, and know how to lay in for
the holidays, you better think. Give them a
call, and take home a sled load of good things.
The end of the world is again predicted, for
which reason Leopold & Brother, Johnstown,
desire to sell off all their large stock of made
up clothing at low rates. As you pass p
Main street you will see Oak Hall printed on
the awning. Drop in and shell out.
Don't eat too much turkey, nor drink too
much whisky, but go to Mayer's New York dry
goods store in Johnstown, and buy your wife,
or sister, or daughter, or friend, one of hit nice,
nicer, nicest dress patterns, and then you will
fetTf iTBthing fw ytrar mvarj
Mcider. Or not murder, but Murphy ; i
tnat is James J. Murphy, a very obliging
clothier on Clinton street, Johnstown, who
keeps all kinds of Cnade up c!thing for sale ou
the best of terms possible. At the sign of the
star. ()
Amothvx Hall L. Cohen & Bro. keep
lots of made-up clothing, the beat quality, at
the New York Clothing Hall. Main street,
Johnstown, opposite the Adams' Express Co.'s
office. Their motto is to please all who call
on them.
ROWLAND. I a Blacklick twp., Dec.
8d,- Amanda, second daughter of Amos and
Mary E. Rowland, aged 1 month and 4 days.
Our little one was a bright light in our
borne, but we feel that God has not left us
in darkness in taking her away.
One sweet flower has drooped and faded,
One sweet infant voice has fled ;
One fair brow the grave has shaded.
One dear daughter now is dead.
The superior merits of the "Singer" Ma
chines over all others, either for Family use er
Manufacturing purposes, sre so well established
and so generally admitted, that an enumeration
01 ttuir relative excellences is no longer con
sidered necessary.
which has been brought to-prrlection regardless
of time, labor, or exp nse, is now confidently
presented to the pub'.ic as incomparably the
Best Macuine in existence."
Th" machine in question is fel M PLF. COM
is quiet, light running, and capable or per-
beiore attempted upon a single Machine, using
either Silk, Twist, Linen or Cotton Thread,
and sewing with equal facility the very finest
and coarsest materials, and anything between
the two extremes, in the most beautiful and
substantial manner. Its attachments for Hem
ming, Braiding, Cording. Tucking, Quilting,
Fellinjr, Trimming, Binding, &c.,are Novel
and Practical, and have been invented and
adjusted especially for this Machine.
New designs of the Unique, Useful and Pop
ular Folding Top? and Cabinet Cases, peculiar
to the Machines manufactured by this Compa
ny, have been prepared for enclosing the new
A faint idea, however, can at be3t be con
veyed through the rsedium of a (necessarily)
limited adverti.-ement ; and we therefore urge
every person in quest of a Sewing Machine by
all means to examine and test, if they can pos
sibly do so, all the leading rival Machines be
fore making a purchase. A selection can then
be made understanding!?. Branches or agen
cies for supplying th3 Singer" Machines will
be found in nearly every city and town through
out the civilized world, where Machines wi.l
be cheerfully exhibited and any information
promptly furnished. Or coinmuuicatiers may
be addressed to
The Singer Manufacturing Company,
Philadelphia Offick, HOG Chestnut Strfet.
0. T. ROBERTA, Agent for Ebensburg
and vicinity, keeps the?e Michiues constantly
for sale at his store on High street The pub
lie are respectfully invited to ca!1 and see them
in operation. Instructions given free. Ma
chines sold at city prir es. No freight charged
Also, Singer's Needles, Oil, Silk and Cotton
always on hand. aug 23.-ly.
To Conxuiiiptives.
The advertise r, having been restored to health
in a lew weeks by a very simple remedy, after
having suffered several years w'.th a severe lun?
affection, and that dread disease, Consumption,
is anxious to make known to his fellow suffer
ers the means of cure. To all v. ho desire it he
will send a copy of the Prescription used (free
of charge), with the directions for reparing and
using the same, which they will find a subs
Cube for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis,
&c. The only object of the advertiser in send
ing the Prescription is to benefit the added,
and send information which he conceives to be
invaluable : and he hope9 every sufferer will
try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing,
and may prove a bless"ng. Parties wishing the
Prescription will please address
165 South Second St.., Williamsburg, Kings
County New York. Nov. 12, '68 -ly.
T I CENSE NOTICE. Tho following
. -i petition for Eating Houe License has
been filed in my office, and will be presented
to the Judges of the Court of Common Tleas
at the next Argument Court : llenry Shaffer,
Richland township. J. K H1TE, Clerk.
Et.eusburg, Dec. 10, 18CS-3t.
CAUTION. All persons are hereby
cautioned against interfering iu any way
with the following described property, which I
have bought from James W. Delozier and left
with him during my pleasure: Two bay
marcs, one five and the other four years old
last spring. The left hind foot of tke five
year old mare is white. JOHN NAGLE.Ja.
Clearfield Tp., Dec. 10. 1 3t.
Can realize a handsome profit by exchanging
them for the
OF the
Union Pacific Railroad
Central Pacific Railroad
On this date, October 19.
For $1000 U. S. 6s of 18GI we would give
S1000 Union Pacific Railroad Bond and $124.
33 cash.
For $1000 5.20s of 1SG2 we would give 11000
Union Pacific Railroad Bond and $100.33 cash.
For $1000 5-20aof 18B5, May and November,
we would give $1000 Union Pacific Railroad
Bond and S 88.03 cash.
For 1 4000 5-2,)s of 1SK5, January and July,
we would give $1000 Union Pacific Railroad
Bond and $78.08 cash.
For $1000 5 20s of 1867, we would give$10C0
Union Pacific Railroad Bond and ?7tM)8 cash.
For f 1000 5 20s of 1868, wo would elve$1000
Union Pacific Railroad Bond and $80 58 cash.
For$100010 4 Is. we wo tld give $1000 Ui 1 n
Pacific Railroad Bond and $25 58 cash.
In case Central Pacific Railroad Bonds are
preferred, the difference would be 10 less on
each $10U0 exchanged.
The difference will vary slightly as Govern
ments go up or down.
No. 40 South Third Street,
Dw. 10 18C8Ij. PII ILAP EJLrHIA .
la that of the dyspeptic Why suffer when Ro"
back's Blood Purifier and Blood rtlls will sure
ly cure you 1 Tbey can be obtained from
druggist. ftDT
An Ounce of Preventive
Is worth a pound of cure. Fever and Ague
can be prevented in all climates and in all con
stitutions by the constant use of Roback's Sto
mach Bitters, and oft times the very worst ca
ses have been cured by their timely use. Per
sons living in malarious districts should sever
be without them.
3 Dtacriraaxr
That, after repeated trials of other remedies.
Roback's Stomach Bitters, Blood Purifier and
Blood Pills are the best medicines extant to cure
the diseases lor which they are recommended.
Is but another name for Dyspepsia, and the pa
rent of many ills. Roback's Stomach Bitters
taken in wine g as9 fall dose?, directly after
each meal, will surely effect a permanent cure.
Do not take our word for it, but try them.
Ladies, who, during certain periods are so much
troubled with Costi Tenets or Constipation, can
find certain relief in Roback's Blood Pills,
which can be taken during all etages of preg
nancy witu perfect safety.
And all diseases of the blood, and all eruptive
diseases of the skin, Old Sores, Tumors and
Ulcers, arising from whatever cause, can be
permanentlv cured bv the use of Dr. Roback's
Blood Purifier and Blood Pills
Dealers often recommend other bitters because
they have not Roback's. We desire to caution
the suTcted a pi inst purchasing any of them ;
buy Roback's Stomach Kilters, and none other,
if you would combat disease successfully.
All persons troubled with Costivenets cr Con
stipation of the Bowels to buy Roback's Blood
Pills. They contain no mercury, are purely
vegetable, and work like a charm ; can be ta
ken with safety by persons of all ages and in
all conditions of life.
The Agents for the sale of Roback's Blood
Pills, Stonnrh Bitters nnd Blood Purifier are
Messrs LEM M ON & MURRAY, Sole AgenU,
Ebensburg, Pa.
-iljL for oca NEW
Great Standard Work,
C II 4 Itl IS K K S 9
The largest, best and cheapest subscription
book ever published, and endorsed
by all Literary People in
Europe and America.
As well to supply a much-needed want in our
own country by diffusing correct information in
a form best adapted to our people, as to gratify
repeated solicitations from friends to issue an
American edition of this valuable work, the
Publishers have undertaken the enterprise. The
vast amount of illustrated trash that has flood
ed the country for some years past demands a
book of this character, for the benefit of those
who wish to read for instruction and entertain
ment, instead of cheap pictures and sensational
newspaper clippings bound up in form of and
sold for books.
This great work is of itself a complete and
select library for every family containing over
3,0l)il closely printed pages, on all subjects of
popular interest. Irora the best authors, and es
pecially adapted to the wants of the people.
The daily inquiries received as to date of issue
give assurance of an extraordinary sale. By
applying at once, agents will secure a choice
of territory for a book that wi.l sell to every
body, regardless of sect, party, or section. Send
for circulars, nnd see our terms and a full ie
scription of th'n mammoth work. Address,
Broome Street, Jew York. fnov.19.-Gt.
011 SALE. The undersigned offers
m. fjir sale the FARM on which they now
reside, situate in Allegheny township. Cambria
county, within two miles of Loretto, (formerly
owned bv James McAteer,) containing ONE
more or lest, 100 Acres of which are cleared
the balrnee well timbered. There is erected
on the premises a good DWELLING HOUSE
and splendid BARN, together with other ne
cessary outbuilding", such as Blacksmith Shop,
Com Crib, Sheep House, kc ; also, n excel
lent ORCHARD of choice fruit. Title per
fect. For terms apply on the premises 10
LopHo P. O., Aug. 20, IBOS.-tf.
Will be sold at a great sacrifice, if sold soon,
a number of
and vou cannot fail to purchase.
Ebensburg, July 30, 18G8. lfT GLASS.
NOTICE. Letters of Administration
on the estate of Joseph Hradley, late of
Mill villa borough, dee'd, having been granted
to the undersigned by the Regiater of Cambiia
county, notice is herby giveu to those having
claims against said estate to present them duly
authenticated for settlement, and all persons
indebted to the same are requested to make im
mediate payment.
AnShny Tp., Nov. 12, 18e.-6t.
The Lt
will quickl restore Gray Hair
to its natural color and beauty,
and produce luxuriant growth. Ic ia
perfectly harmless, and is preferred
over every other preparaticn by
those who have a fine head of hair,
at well as those who wish to ictoie
it. The beautiful gloss and perfume
imparted to the Hair make it desirable
for old and young.
I"or Sale by all Drng;tti,
A mild and agreeable TONIC STI1I U
Extracted entirely from HERBS and ROOTS.
Highly beneficial in
General Debility,
and an excellent CORRECTIVE for persons
suffering from Disorders of the BjwcIs, Flat
ulence, ic, &e.
The very best in the Market.
No. 45 Wood St.. opposite St. Charles IIoU.
Also, Entrance Nos. 1C2 L 1C4 Third St.,
"Tfho'.CEale Agents for the "VTest.
For sale by A. A. BARKER for Ehtyhur;j
and v'irtT fi ll.'CS.-ly.
1ST OF CAUSES set down for trial
at a Court of Common Pleas of Gambit
Countj, to be held at Ebensburg. comraencinjj
on ilondnT, the 7th Any of" next :
Gallirgham & Oirri-
son vs. "Weak land 1 Thomas.
Mirparet Snyder ...vs. Same.
George Snyder vs. Same.
John Snyder vs. S.imo.
Frederick Snyder. . . .vs. Same.
M'Coy, Adm'r vs. Litzlnrr.
Bell vr.
Shriver, for use vs. Mcliugh ct. ah
Calvin & Rat stead, .vs. Burgoons,
Morley vs. Duncan.
Calvia vs. Noel ct. si.
AUimus vs. Cooper.
Christy vs. Clni-tr.
Rowley .vs. Mcllugh et.'aL
Storm vs. Pu. R. R. Co.
McKenxie vs. Mellon e. ftl.
Allison vs. Myers et. 1.
Snyder vs. Byrne et. al.
Helsell vs. Dud mire.
Starrick vs. Ilnr.eit.
Trainor vs. M'Cabe.
Davis, Adm'r vs. llyrt.e L Foster.
Garman...." vs. James ot. al.
Easly vs. Christy ct. al.
Nale vs. Dunegan et. al.
Walters k "Wehn ...vs. Slick.
McMorris vs. Plunket.
fiEO C, K. ZAHM, ProihonotnrT.
Prothy'a Office. Ebensburg, Nov. 12. 1S6?.
ice is hereby given that the Stockholders cf
the Capital Stock in the "Palo Alto Iron Co."
will meet on Moxdat, December 2Sth, ISO-,
between the hours of S and 9 o'clock p. m., at
their office in the Borough of Potts viile. Pa.,
for the purpose of electing a Board of rive Di
rectors for said corporation, to serve until th
next annual election. Attest,
J. T. PETEUY. Sec'y.
Pottsville. Nov. S6t1663.-4t.
FOR RENT A House and two Lota
ot Ground, with Stable an! other out
buildings, belonging to the estate of M C.
M'Cague, dee'd, (now occupied by Fred'k Kit
tell.) Possession given imtneoiatel v.
Apply to GEO. HffTLET. .
Ebcntburg. ST. 19, '63