The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, December 03, 1868, Image 3

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DEC. 3, 1868.
Tuk Stat Normal Shool at Edinboro u
the best place for the young people of Wt
em Pennsylvania to obtain an education.
lu advantage are surpassed by no similar
institution kuown to us.
Buiar MESTtow. Sott Monroe, colored,
convicted in our County Court in December
laht, of receiving stolen' goods, has been par
ti, ited by the Governor, after having served
nearly two-thirds of tie term for which he
vcan sentenced. We welcome to the col
umns of the Freeman our new correspondent
from ".Vilmore. "A Chip of the Old Block,"
and hope heieafter to lay before our readers
many chips from the same block, which is
far from being a blockhead. An alarm
tf fire was cieated on Saturday evening by
the burning out of the kitchen chimney at
the Crawford House. Uad the roofs been
dry more than the chimney might have been
burnt out. Eight deer were seut by Ex
press from this place to Philadelphia, on
Satuiday morning last. They were all said
to Lave 'been shot by one man near Carroll
town, but that is sajtng more than we can
vouch for. Deer are shipped nearly evry
t'.ay from this puint. The Fast Line west
i n Saturday last ran over and killed a man
lii-ar Lewiatown, who was afterwards re cog-nizc-d
as a faimer residing in the vicinity.
Hi. head was severed from bis body, and his
arms and legs terribly manglwl. The
,late roof on the new Catholic church was
completed on Tuesday. This is only the
tecond' roof of the kind that has been put
t.u in this place Thanksgiving day wit-
i.esed a geners.1 closing up of business houses
in tLis place, although not a few kept one
eye open and one or two went both eyes and
ti e mouth towards evening. The war with
Turkey was prosecuted vigorously and the
belly gerenta on our side won a signal vie
tory. Wm. Drum, convicted at Greensburg
of niurder in the second degree, for killing
David MoLegan, Las been sentenced to four
years and six meutbs imprisonment in the
iVnitentiary. A petition for his pardon has
lt-en sigt.t-d by a majority pf the jury, the
court (fficers, county t fficers, and very many
of the cilizeus of that place. They have
a Leu in Centre county which has batched
6ve broods of chickens iuce the 15th ot
June Jafct. The last brood she deserted sever
m1 weeks ago, and cne of the first brood has
taken them under her motherly wings.
An old lady named Dovine was found buru
td to death near Bellefont, ou Saturday night
wei-k. lie hus'.'aud and son had occasion to
git out of bed during the night, and found
the corpse with nearly all the clothing burnt
away. The old lady was subjtct to fainting
pell, and while affl'.cted with oue of thm
it is thought her clothing took fire and the
was unable to call for help. Our young
friend, Ed James, of the Alleghanian, has
ust recovered from a severe attack of quinsy,
"if there is any one person more than another
who ha our bjmpathy, it is him or her who
is afflicted with this excruciating malady.
We have ''been there.'" and a f How-feeling
makes us wendrous kind." We hope
Ed. has eudured his last tw itihing. Wm.
iioodinan. whom we noticed lat week as
Laving Lad loth legs fractured by a freight
train at Huntingdon, died of his iujuries on
Monday last, mortification having ensued.
A two year old son of Mr. John Shri, of Huntingdon, during the absence of
its mother, ou Friday last, drank a quantity
of liLamcnt which had been prepared for
the use of Lis father, recently iiijured on the
railroad, aud died on Sunday afternoon from
the t Beets of the do:-e. Mr. Abel Lloyd.
ticket agent here.. Las bought a one-fourth
interest in the Kbcunburg Foundry. Mr.
Lloyd it" an abU man in any position, and
we doubt uot his connection with the Fouu
tlry will add much to its prosperity. The
fiim now is a most excellent one.
A HIST and its RutCLT. Two weeks
ago we wrote an item about thanksgiving,
aud in it ufked whether somebody would
not send the printer a turkey for his dinner.
The com jrtititor made somebody "some lady."
and the result has been that "some lady"
not only 8eut us a large aud very delicious
turkey, which teived for our thanksgiving
fcupper, but 'somebody," evidently having
an idea of what we really intended to say,
brought us another equally fine, which has
not yet "gone the way of all flesh," but we
decline for Miudry reasons to tell where we
keep it. Of coun-e we are uot at liberty to
name the lady who did the kind act, but
do cne who knows and admire ler will
think we Lave Lide in the least when we
say that she is oue of the most amiable and
acromj lhd.ed young ladie-j in this fair moun
tain village. The "somebody" is no other our wide awake young friend, Harry
Shoemaker, who did the same, thing last
year, and for aught we know intends to do
it nixt year, and so on ad infinitum. Of
course we are duly grateful, and all that
port of thing, but we think a great many
more nice things for Ilarry than his modesry
will permit us to say out loud. Therefore
he will accept the will for the deed, and
consider our best bow made.
Ot'T asd Is. On Monday last the term
of office of George C. K. Zahm, Esq., as
1'rothonotary and Clerk of the Courts of
Caoibria county expired. Mr. Zahm made
u excellent, faithful and accommodating
officer. He has removed with his family
into the borough, and, as we understand,
contemplates going into the mercantile busi-
Cn Tuesday Mr. Zahm's soceessor, Capt.
J. K. Uite. donned the robes of office. We
predict that he will make & faithful and
satisfactory inoambent. His qualifications
are of the highest order, while his obliging
disposition will make all who have business
in bis office Aral themselves at home.
Fatal Ratlhoad Aocideht. A brake
roan on the second stock train east named
Wm. Coates, 18 or 19 years of age was in
stantly killed by being run over by some
twenty cars and dragged a distance of fully
one hundred yards, at Wilmore station, on
Tuesday of this week. He is supposed to
have fallen to the track while attempting to
get down from the roof of one of the cars,
as that was the last position in which he
was seen alive. The top of his head was
cut eff, and his body was shockingly mutil
ated. Net a remnant of clothing except
one boot was on his person when found. Mr.
Coates' home was at Cresson, whero his
mother, who in married a second time, re
tides. Osoo ThI3S. Our enterprising neigh
bor, 11. Lu Oatman, he of cheap grocery
renown, expect to receive an invoice of
fresh canned oysters in a day or two, which
he will sell at very low figures, lie also
designs to keep the best mince meat manu
factured In this countty, as well as all other
delicacies sought after at this season of the
year. Martin is determined that our citi
moi shall be well fed, and our citizens
ffconJd tbtt EOtircgio tie opera-
"Local Correspondence.
Johsstoww, Nov. 80, 1868.
Mr. Editor It was Doctor Franklin who
said tht "a man who sets out to hire by
his nils gentially breaks up for want of
stock." I am broke, bat I kind of think it
is for want of gain. It does not pay now-a-days,
A dividend is seldom declared, and
when i is the per cent, is but small. In
short, we have too many long writers these
times, each of whom is more or less witty.
A boarder was once asked whether he would
take tea or coffee. He replied that if the
last cup was affee be would take tea, but if
it was tea he would take coffee. No doubt
your readers feel like that boarder, especially
in regard to my scribblings. There is but
little local news in our little town, aud what
does occur gets stale before a weekly can
print it. Still, I fwl as the Quaker did
about swearing, that it is better out than in,
only that I feel the other way, aud would
rather have my letters in than out.
The chief thing noticeable about town is
the vast number of new buildings that are
being put vp. We are very willing to put
up with them, too, for house room is scarce.
Last week brought a slight freeze, and
then a thaw, so that between the two we
reallv had ice cream on the streets, on the
sidewalks, and even on the hose, till the habi
tants washed the pavements off with thtir
hose and vild cat water.
Our market is now crowded with hens,
chickens and fowls, pork, hogmeat and ba
con, grease, butter and fat, and will be till
after the holidays.
Conemaugh Furnace has bloiced out for
want of a blast or ballast. Mr. Given let it
oive wav. somehow. Some justice issued a
fye fah and took all the personnel, which
was rather a personal anair. Xney bad too
much money invested ia bars, which they
couldn't trade for scythes, or anything else,
and if they could have, the trade wouldn't
have had the ring of the true metal.
Wesley J. Rose, Esq., has made a neat toll
box for the Keruville biidge, which is an in
genious affair, having places for passes and
change ot all kinds 1
There was a burglary committed or at
tempted at the Company's store, on Satur
day morning last about seven o'clock. Seven
or eight men came and hand-cuffed Mr.
Wise, who atteuds the Furnace at night,
which was a vise trick. They then attempt
ed to open the safe, but rinding ic unsafe,
they left, one remaining to take the hand-culls
off the gentleman aforesaid. As Saturday
was pay day the burglars had thought to
make the matter pay, but the funds being
too closely veiled, their efforts proved una
tailing. Sandford's fcopera troupe were about
played out on Saturday night. Their per
formances are not appreciated. The Radi
cals thought they were making fun of their
equals, the niggers, and the Democrats
thought that a white man who would make
a nigger of himself was scarcely worth at
tention. A man -who calls himself "The Wonder
of the World," and who shells soap on the
Public Square made harangues for t-everal
days. It was a soft affair not the soap but
the manner of sel iog it. The next thing
we see will be San ford or the soap man play
ing monkey for some organ-grinder, and pass
ing the hat for cents quite as honorable an
occupation as blacking ones or taking
tar out of old rags.
Thanksgiving day was generally observed
here, though many merchants bad "half an
eye" on business, and the drinking saloons
kept one rye open, so that those who desired
could get an eye opener. We were invited
to carve a chicken on day, but we told
them that we would "cut it to pieces," and,
hence, we were excused.
This borough was crowded with wagons
on laat Saturday. The scene was as gi&ud
as the supply train of Sherman's cavalry,
except that no devastation war left behind.
There was a great running rouud of wheels
and wagons.
Thomas Swank, Esq., brother to the Tri
bune editor, is about to establish a job print
ing press in this place. He has secured the
large and commodious room in the new
building of David Dibert, Esq., above the
room intended for the Post Office. As Mrs.
Partington would say "Job" is going into
the printing business again. The prophecy
if now fulfilled that "brother shall rise up
against (opposite) brother."
The lioliidaysburg Radical is mistaken
when it says that the Johnstewn people are
luxuriating on water brought from Wild Cat
hollow several miles below town. Wild Cat
hollow must be above town, as the water has
a fall of seveuty feet. "Several miles" is
correct, an the water is brought about seven
miles. Wild Cat hollow hits found a watery
A carpenter who was going to finish a nice
jA of work at Ben's Creek, fell from the lad
der and was seriously injured by the fall.
Alas! what a fall was there.
''Hugging in the cars," is a new play, or
an old play revived, if one might judge from
the performance on last Saturday's Emigrant
tiaio. Some people hug dtlueicns, but the
chap we saw had a real fact in his arms.
Our cabinet makers are doing a rushing
business in town, but the bureau, makers at
Washington city, who are making Grant's
cabinet, can beat them, for which reason it
is said that Grant won't Seymour than one
man at a time. MacShane, Jr.
Wilmore, Xov. SO, 1SG8.
Dear Freeman Having sought vainly in
your columns for weeks to find something
said about our neat little village which al
though not so high up in the world as your
brisk town, and cannot boast of such a
weekly as the Fkkbean, excepting the "as
sociated press." composed of several young
gents and ladies, and their productions,
(rnoro especially the latter), still deserves
some notice. We are not desirous of becom
ing immortal, like Beulah, and hence my
letter to tell you the town still exists.
Wilmore is quite a thriving place. There
are three churches, tb ree hotels, two school
houses, (one lately erected by the township
in the suburbs of the village,) two grist
mills, a saw null, a post-oificw aud telegraph
office. Also, five large well-stocked stores,
where one can have choice of a great variety
of goods their contents being something
like the "swords and pistols, jam and piils
seen by Kriss Krindle in the rich lady's cup
board. Speaking of pills reminds me that they
are in great demand here now, Thanksgiving
day being just over and the gay young doc
tor gone. He was an Ernest man, but was
not proven to be really Ernest until he left.
However, they think he'll come back to 'Em
in the spring.
A change for the better has been made in
the postal arrangement hare, but it has de
prived Sbylock of his pound of flesh. Mac
is a fine fellow, and we are sorry to think he
will not be Granted another term.
The P. R. R. Co., have erected a fine and
commodious brick depot here, which will be
ready for occupancy about January 1st. It
has long been needed and will add consider
ably to the business interest of the place.
A new schedule went into effect on Pa. P..
R., Nov. 22d, which i3 more convenient for
the traveling public here-aways than any
on iseued beretefore Piiila. .Express eaft
W6rJ bow itojps daU.
Thanksgiving day was pretty generally
observed here as a day of feasting and by
some as a day of prayer; but mine especi
ally as a butct.ciing day. There was no
freight schedules represented on that day,
and those who brave the dangers of the rail
took advantage thereof and killed their bogs.
Its an ill wind that blows nobody good.
Major Furgeson is teaching a class to ting,
and I think be will accomplish something,
despite the fact they ara almost all
6ingers; but there are some sweet sounds
emitted from the pipea of sweeter performers.
He proposes giving a concert at the close of
the session.
The weather Las been very fine for this
season of the year a little rain, a little
snow, some freezing night before Thai.ks
giving, but the graceful little Conemaugh is
still navigable for boats, and it is presumed
nothing has been nipped in the bud so far.
An interesting little incident occurred in
the Lutheran church here on last Sunday.
The minister was about giving away in mar
riage Lis daughter to a gallant young man
from the Buckeye State. He was reading
the morning lesson as the soon to be son-in-law
entered, and simultaneously he read,
"This is my beloved son, in whom lam well
pleased." The whole congregation smiled,
and thought the text appropriate to the oc
casion. The only ripe Rerry in the village was
plucked last week by a nice young man.
Hope the fruit will prove luscious.
I find I have trespassed, and will close.
Should another communication be accepta
ble you may expect to hear from me again.
You must not look for local items unless I,
like Wilkins Micawber, "wait for something
to turn up." More anon.
A Chip of the Old Block.
Altoona City. Nov. 30. 1868.
Friend Mac On Tuesday night last the
good people (to say nothing of the bad ones)
of this city were awakened from their slum
bers by the ringing of fire bells and the
yells of the ever Virgilant and faithful fire
men, and after being awakened they were
not long in discovering that the Mariott
House, occupied by Alex. Smith, Esq,, and
the dwelling of Mrs. Marshall, adjoining,
were in flames. Doth being frame buildings,
they were almost entirely consumed before
any water could be thrown upon them.
The Mariott House, belonging to Mr. Wm.
Mariott. was a new building, and I am in
formed that the Iocs on it alone will reach
between $4,000 and ;?5.000, without any
insurance. Its destruction is a severe blow
to Mr. M., who had earned the money to
erect it by Lard work and frugal habits.
The loss on the other property I did njt as
Thanksgiving day was observed here in
true Puritanical style. Stores, woikshops,
bar-rooms and doggeries were closed up in
front, and no admittance afforded except by
the rear entrances. Appropiiate services
were held in the Episcopal and Presbyte
rian churches. In the latter the pastor.
Rev., delivered a sound cud able
discourse, stlec'.ing for his text the 12th
veise of the 116th Psalm. I regret that I
have not the time to give you a few points
of his masterly effort. The Rev. gentleman
is a graceful, fluent and very pleasing speak
er, and Lis manner always gives zest to his
able set nr n
TLe Cathoik Ladies' Fair is still iu pro
gress, and it may be said with truth that
the fair ones who have it in charge are the
most successful "Fairists" that nave ever
run a Fair. Their appeals are almost irre
sistible, and under their influence few gen
tlemen cau refrain from diving their hands
1 to the uttermost depths of their trovvserloon
I 1 . 1. " r - .1 . - f ii
pocK.e;s ana oringing up me stamps ii iney
have any. All visitors, particularly those
of the male presuasion, are deemed worthy
of the most flatteriug attentions, and rich
and poor, homely and handsome, meet with
equal consideration. Thus far the receipts
have been fully up to expectations, and no
doubt the Fair will bo a successful financial
experiment all through. Among the many
beautiful articles to be voted for is a splendid
set of surgical instruments, of best material
and exquisite workmanship, to be awarded
to the nijst popular physician in the county
of Blair.
The Vigilant Fire Company will open a
Fair on the 9th of December, for the pecu
niary benefit of the organization. It will
deserve and should receiva a patron
Politics are dead. The Democrats are
like the bound boy at the husking, aud the
Radicals are about in the same fix the indi
vidual was who drew the elephant.
There are some ten or twelve "loil" gen
tleman here who are willing to serve their
country in the capacity of -Postmaster, bnt
it is not believed that the sugar plum will go
around them all. It is "none of my fuuer
al," but I think they have a good Postmas
ter now. and they had better hold on to him,
Yours, &c, T. I. M.
Cahrolltown, Nov. HO, 18C8.
Dear Freeman The anniversary celebra
tion of the Lemke Association, the coming
of which I alluded to in my last, passed off
very auspiciously and pleasantly, on Thurs
day last, and was well attended. The com
modious hall of Mr. Henry Blum was en
livened by the presence of some fifty couples,
who indulged in tripping the light fantastic
until about Gre o'clock, a. m. The hall was
tastefully decorated, a prominent feature of
the decoration being a baudsome banner illu
minated by man)- burning candles, spelling
the words "De Lemke Association.' Had
the llev. Father Henry himself been present
he must have been pleased with the quiet,
orderly and enjoyable manner in which the
celebration passed off.
In the absence of the earnest ana unfortu
nate repetition of misfortune, such as I chron
icled last week, I have a suppty of thettensa
tiooal. A young gallant, not having the fear
and devoid the favor of an anxious "parient,"
took upon himself the responsibility of se
curing his fair inamorata under the shielding
cover of Friday night's dullness, and had
since reported, bound by the nuptial bond.
The bappy twain departed for Indiana coun
ty, and having crossed the border, concluded
to have all matters legally arranged by a
court of simple, though exact justice, and
then returned to soothe the sorrow of an
only and desolate parent. The father-in-law,
against bis will, beara the affliction as his
daughter will hereafter bear the ilia of life
as icell as can be expected. Ukum.
Still Gaowiso Printers cannot afford
to indulge in such luxuries as oysters very
often, but we are assured by persons who
have, that the bivalves served up by Mr. A.
II. Faller, at his new restaurant, are still
getting larger in bize and more luscious in
quality. Some which he sold the other day
are said to have been as large as a pigs ear.
He only charges 40 cents per plate or 15
cents per dozen it you wish to have them
served at home. Patronizo him.
AccrrtENT. Tillie Hoover, a young daugh
ter of Mr. Lewis Hoover of this place, had
one of her legs broken, on Tuesday after
noon last, while coasting down High street,
near the Union School House. The sled
t upon which she was riding ran against a
I k 4tAn.: i re : il. . u n - .1 1 a i
mw, ujivtiuk nor ou wjwj iu igdui ataieu.
Bt tawffT ekjlcfrtB,
A Bake OrpouTUKiTY. The following
letter, addressed to the editor, explains itself
Such an opportunity to purchase ready-made
Clothing at is detailed therein will never
again, in all probability, be afforded our gen
tlemen friends, and not one of them should
permit the chance to go by unheeded. We
are confident that every promise contained
in the letter and in the mammoth advertise
ment given elsewhere in our paper, will Le
faithfully fulfil'ed in every particular :
Deaa Si a : The death of one of our firm oc
casions chajiges in our business, which will ce
ce.sitate our immediately taking account of
stock and the disposal "of our entire supplv
or Fall and Winter Clothing. Of this immense
quantity of ready-made goods, the largest,
most varied and cheapest ever offered in Phila
delphia, you have already spoken to your
readers through your excellent paper, and many
of your friends and neighbors have already
visited us aud cati testify to the truth of all
that has been said. Will you please say to
them now that everything that is in our im
mense establishment, thousauds upon thousands
of coat, punts and vestsjinust be sold off im
mediately, at any price we can get for them, in
order that the proper settlements of our busi
ness may be made.
Ota .neckssht jsthur crroBTCNiTY. There
is not an article the price ol which shall uot be
reduced, and rather than mias sales we will let
the poods go at their cwn prices. Add to this
the fact that Buch ready made clothing, 60
beautiful, so durable and so well made' has
never before been manufactured in Philadel
phia, and all will see thst this is an opportunity,
the like of which they may not fiud again in
their whole life. There is not a man or boy in
your county mhom it would not pay to lay in a
stock of clothing for the next ten years, aud
we will confidently expect to sell at least one
suit to every reader of your paper.
The sale will commence on Friday, Decem
ber 4ih. About seventy five salesmen will be
employed, bo that any number of customers
cau receive prompt and polite attention. The
store will be opened early and kept open late,
and nothing will be allowed to stand in the
way of the immediate cleaning out of our
whole stock.
Please insert the enclosed advertisement and
make any use of this leiter that may serve the
iuterests of your readers and friends.
Yours, verv respectfully,
Wanamaker & Brown. Oak Hall Clothing
Building, Sixth and Market Sts., Philad'a.
Hunting. .The amateur sportsmen ia this
neighborhood have been doing considerable
hunting for the past few weeks, but we have
not learned that game Las got any scarcer on
that account. No deers have been shot in this
immediate vicinity, e believe, and none have
been even seen except tho "dears" whom the
Toung fellows go to see in the evenings Talk
i:ig of hunting reminds us that Huntley's exten
sive house-furnishing emporium is the place to
go to w hen you are hunting a sove of any kind,
hardware of any kind, cutlery of any kind, gro
ceries of any kind, and huudreds of other use
lul and desirable article, for you with hunt in
vain elsewhere for a more extensive stock or
moi e reasonable prices.
Hiawatha We never did like the measure
in Longfellow's Hiawatha. ItPourdstoo much
like the screaking of a wheelbarrow. There
are some fire sentiments in the book neverthe
less. For iuHtauce, speaking of the Indian's
winter, he says :
"Oh, the cold and dreary winter I
Oh, the cold and cruel winter
Makes us hunt up warmer clothiDg
At the store of James J. Murphy
At the jreat Star () Clothing Hall,
Clinton street, Johrston boiough ;
Pot thwe is no better fellow
la the town of Minehaha."
Holiday Gifts. When three more weeks go
by we will be on the eve of the Christmas hoi
idays. Just that length of time remains for
people to make up their minds as to what they
are going to buy for Christmas presents. As
to where they are going to buy, we presume
that is fixed, for certainly no oue w ill pass C.
T. Roberta' door so long as he has such a su
perb stock of sewing machiues, watches, jew
elry, etc., from which to make a selection, aud
w hich are exactly suited for holiday gifts.
Raixb"ws. Many people look with delight
on a miiibow without knowing what produces it
There are often two rainbow s at the same time
They are made by light ghiuiug on diors of wa
ter, and being iu one case twice reflected and
onre refi acted, and in the other twice refracted
and once reflected. This is no reflection ou
Leopold &. Bro.'s Clothing Store, Oak Hall,
Joims'.owu, where c othing has colors as bright
as the rainbow and durable as adamant. The
best of ecw ing, and good fits always warranted.
Solkkkino. This is a kind of dye put up in
bottles, and which will dye three or four colors,
such as red, yellow, 1-ivender, purple, etc It
can be bought at C.T. razer's Drug Store,
eornerof Main and Franklin streets, Johnstown.
Mr. Frarer came to that place about ten or
twelve years ago, and by close attention to bus
iness and gentlemanly manners has won iriends
and custom. He ha put up a splendid brick
I uilding on said corner. People f rom ilie coun
try who w ant good Drugs should call at Frazer's
Bust. The busiest bo lies about town just
now are the boys, but we fear they are paying
more attention to their skates and sleds ihan
they are to their slates and books. The side
walks are in excellent condition for sliding pur
poses, and if pedestrians along High street
would only slide into R. R. Davis' cheap cash
store they would fiud an abundant assortment
of all manner of goods, which the proprietor i.-
willing to "let slide" at the lowest of low prices.
Henry W-altms. This is the name of a new
and prosperous firm who has etirted up by him
self on the corner of Main and Frauklin streeta,
Johnstown. Mr. Walters is alreidy bringing
back the rush of business that "ued to was"
when Mr. Thomas kept there. When in that
town the other day we noticed a large number
of person 9 carrying away good goods from Mr.
Walters' store, lie keeps choice groceries, dry
goods, boots, shoes, queenaware, notions, etc.
WHirpooBWins. These birds Usually appear
in the spring of the year, when the evenings get
warm, but we hsard one the other evening on
Yoder hill, west of Johnst wn. It said, or seem
ed to say, "Goto Mayer's I Goto Mayer's!
Go to Maver'sl New York Dry Goods! New
York Dry Goods! New York Dry Goods!
Parke's II til ! Parke's Hall ! Paike's Hall !
Johnstown Borough! Johnstown Borough!"
That's what the whippoorwill said.
Spoke Too Late. The local of the Al
toona Vindicator spoke too late on the tur
key question. lie tried to induce some
lady" to send him a turkey, instead of to us,
by alloging that we were a married man aud
he a bachelor. The turkey came before tha
Vindicator, however, and bis labor was all
in vain.
Important The place where goods are re
ceived the oftenest is certainly the place where
the latest styles are to be found, and if there is
any decline in prices that is the place to get the
benefit of the reduction Mr. J. P. Thompson
resides in the city, and is sending new goods to
his store here every week. The prettiest good
in town are thereforeon his shelves at all times,
and just now his stock is very fine end ample.
" A. J. Haws is absolutely selling his immense
stock of Queensware, Glassware and China
ware at less prices than we thought t-uch things
could be sold at. He has also a large amount
of Crockery ware at half prices. Country folks
who need such articles should call at his store,
Main street, next door to the New York Cloth
ing Hall, Johnstown.
WiJat makes your hair so beautiful? , Mrs.
S A. Allen's Tmnroved lnru &tnle Hair Re
I Btorer or Dressing, (in one bottle.) P'rioe One
Jox9X. Every DrnggUt evils it. fnsv.lS.
The bardy husbandman at eve
Admires the setting sun,
As to my firtt Le turns his gize
Before the day is done.
My second is an adjective.
Comparative degree,
And which of all that's goo! we want
Each opportunity.
My Otlrd's that portion of the globe
By water not o'erflown.
On which each man desires a horns
That he may call his own.
Within the good old Keystone State,
Where western waters Sow,
My whrte is found a county large
And Democratic, too.
If you look at the map you will find
My first indicates a direction.
And it is also, as you may well know,
The name of a very great section.
My second, in comparison, is of greater de
Than many or much, as the case may be.
My third is a noun denoting a country,
Aud also a verb, meaning to come in from
If my econt"and third together you join,
You will have the cry of our Secretary of
In Virginia a county names my whole.
And in Pennsylvania wc have that coun
ty's mate.
Answer to Charade No. 6 Clear-field.
Sir Hilary charged at Agincourt
Sooth, 'twas an awful day !
And though in that old age of sport
The rufflers of the camp and court
Had little time to pray,
'Tis said Sir Hilary muttered thero
Two sylables by way of prayer.
My first to all the brave and proud
Who see to-morrow's sun ;
My next with her cold and quiet cloud
To those who find their dawy &hroud
Before to-day's be done ;
And both together to all blue eyes
That weep when a warrior nobly dies.
A yonns animal, a State, a City of South
America, and a reptile.
Answer, to Charade No. C Time; Enig
ma No. 1 The let'tT"A'; No. 2 Cam -biia
Freeman; No. 3 Wilford N. McGough.
What bully times the boys do have
Coasting down the hil'.s on sleds
Wearing out their boots and shoes
Tearing trowserloons in shreds.
No donbt they think its jolly fun
For their dads to buy them more.
So long as goods are sold so cheap
At the great Shoemaker store.
N. Y. C. S. L. Cohen & Bro. hare a choice
selectiou of Ready Made Clothing in their large
store room in rarke's Hall, Johnstown. Per
sons visiting town to make purchases should go
to Main street, then lo k out for the large sin
above the door, "New York Clothing Store 1
That's the place to get your money back. Give
them a call.
Louis Luckhardt keeps a Jeweiry Store on
Main street, Johnstown, and does all kiuds of
rrpairing in his line. Mr Luckhardt is a gen
tleman in every sense of the word, and those
who desire to obtain watches, jewelry, etc , on
fair terms, shoold call with him.
The Last ffifflm Succcss-
Hair dressiM
will quickly restore Gray Haif
to its natural color and beauty
and produce luxuriant growth. It i
perfectly harmless, and is preferred
over every other" preparation by
those who have a fine head of hair,
as well as those who wish to restore
it. The beautiful gloss and perfume
imparted to the Hair make it desirable
for old and young.
For Sale by ail Druggist.
The very best In the Marketi
No. 45 Wood St.. opposite St. Charles Hotel.
Also, Eutranco Nos. 1C2 Sz 104 Third St.,
ty-Wholesale Agents lor the "VYest.
For sale by A. A. B ARKER for Ebenaburg
MiTtointty fj.ll,"68.-lj.
11 i jr-a
Immediate and
OWING T CITANGE3 that have takea place in oar firm, by reason of the death of one
of the menibeia, it has become absolutely necessary to sell out oar entire St. ck. nf
Rather than send any portion of it to Auction, vre will offer it to the people at
Priccs.Bclo'v tlic Cost of Manufacturing,
and thus clear out cair entire Establishment securing a
rg to it azz iffiSL. nx. 333
BY LETTING THE GOODS GO at snch rates as vrill satisfy any reasonable purchaser.
Our immense house is fairly loaded whh
Mads up with the utmost cauc
Of tuc vert Finest Materials
comprising, is the
3000 OVERCOATS, made in most fashionable etjlcs, of all kinds of Beavers, Chinchil
las, IncoU, &c.
3000 Sl'ITS, Coats, Pauts and Vests of the same material Eusines, Dress, Traveling,
"IndispeDsiblc" Su its, &c.
5000 COATS, Chesterfields and Sacs, Morning and Lounging Coats, Frock and Drcaa
Could. Ac
5000 I"TS. 1"AIV;TA LOOX9, of all materials, and cut on every approved style, Narrow
aud Nobby, plain and comfortable.
60OO VESTS, Velvet Vesta, Fancy Casiulere Vest?, Cloth Vest?, double or single breast
high or low cut.
In the
Ilere wc have a large assortment of Piece Goods that must be disposed of ; to do which
we propose for a Few Days to make to order from measure, iu our very best style making a
Tl.ub we offer Clothing as pood in points of STYLE, MATERIAL. FIT and FINISH as
be had in any MEIlCU tXT TAlLORliG ESTADLISHMEXT, and at about
half the ordinary prices.
In tie
Youths' and Children's Department.
This department haa been a tpecialitv with us this year. "We have had manufactured the
largest and bet assortirunt of BOYS' CLOTHING to be louad in the citv, all of which i-now
MOUBNINQ WEAK Clerical Garments, Full Dress Suits.
Elack Cloth Overcoats, Black Cloth and Doeskin Pants.
Black Cloth and Cassiruere Coatf, Black Vesis.
In the
Gent's Furnishing Department,
any customer purchasing fin article of clothing will be alllowcd a deduction of TWENTY
PER Ch.NT. on any additional purchase made in this department.
si A T.171 001MM:E!3Sro:E2iS
Store will be opened early and closed late. About SEVENTY-FIVE SALESMEN will
be in attendance. Prompt and polite attention will be given to all. No customer will
be nnsupplied if any rtaor a ,le accommodation of prices will Induce Lim to buy.
1st. It 19 the largest and best stock in the city. 2nd. It must be all soi l NOW. 3d. At rrioea
even below our lowest current rates. 4th. That whatever your size or shape, you caa
be fitted. 5th. The goods are eo elegant and the prices 80 low, that it w ill
pay you to lay in a stock of clothii g for the next few years.
6th. you miy never have another such chance.
S. E, Cor. Sixth and Market Sts.,
Dec. 3, 18GS. tf.
LIST OF CAUSES set down for trial
at a Court of Common Tleas of Cambria
County, to be held at Ebensburg. commencing
on Monday, the 7th day of Deeember next :
Perren et. al , As'ne.vs. Hunt
Bloodgood's Ex'r v
Morrison, Eieoutor
Smith et. ah vs.
Leidy, Adm'x vs.
Huches 4 . . . va.
Byrne vs.
M'Gonigle vg.
bame vs
Evans vs.
McBride et. al.
Gallirgham & Garri
son s.
Margaret Snyder ... vs.
George Snyder vs.
John Snyder vs.
Frederick Snyder. . .
M'Oot, Adoi r vs.
Bell . ' vp.
Shriver. for use vs.
Weakland & Thomas.
Swires ct. al.
McHugh ct. al.
Calvin & Rai-stead. .vs. Burgoons,
Morley vs. Duncan.
Calvin . .vs. Noel et al.
Aliimus. vs. Cooper.
.vs. Unristy.
.vs. McHugh et. al.
v. Pa. R. R. Co.
.vs. Mellon et. al.
.vs. Myers et. ah
vs. B yi ne et. al.
.Vs. Dunuiire.
.ts. Hubert,
.vs. M'Cabe.
.Vs. Byrne & Foster,
.vs. James et. al.
. vs. Christy et. !
vs. Duncgac et. al.
.vs. Slick.
Davis, Adm'r..
Gar man
Walters ii Webn
McMorris vs. Flunket.
GEO. C, K. ZAHM. Prothonotary.
Prothy's Office, Ebensburg, Nov. 12, 18(38
PUBLIC SALE The subscriber will
offer at Public Sale, at his resideuce on
Hickory Ridfie, Allegheny township, Cambria
county, on THURSDAY NEXT, KOV.2Cth.
1868, at 'J o'clock iu the forenoon, the follow
ing describad personal property, to wit: 3 Hor
ses, 8 Cows, Cattle and Sheep ; 1 Two Horse
"A'agon. Buggy, Sled, Sleigh, Harness; Wheat,
Ccrn, Oats and Potatoes by the bushel ; Hay
by the ton Cultivator, Ploughs, Harrow, and
various other Farming Implements; Cooking
and Parlor Stoves, Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs,
Stands, and other Household and Kitchen Fur
niture. A icasonable credit will be given.
Allegheny Tp., Nov. 19, lcfti8. lt.
tice is hereby given that the Stockholder of
the Csipital btocK in uie -raio Alio iron vo.
will meet on Mondav, Df-cexbeh Sdru, 1SC8,
... - li Vinnra nf R an1 !) oVlor.k P. u fit.
ua. -" -
their oflice in the Borough of Pottsville, Pa.,
for the purpose oi electing a lioaru oi five di
rectors for said corporation, to serve until the
next annual election. Attest.
J. F. PETERY, Sec'y.
FotUvill, NtfT. 36, 1868.-4t.
Imperative Sale
A Boarding School for Young Ladies.
Rev. JOSEPH WAUGII, A. M. , Principal.
. CARL F. KOLBE, Trof. ol Music, French
and German.
Competent Assistants in other Department.
None bat experienced anil aneceaaf ul
Teachers are employed in this Institution.
Healthful and Beautiful Situation.
Building eiejanl and complete in all its partv
Supplied with Gas, Water. Bath Rooms,
Wardrobes, and all home comforts.
Next Session opens Jannarv 1.1th, 18G9.
HolUdaysburg, Nov. 12, 18CS.-3m.
SANBORN'S PATENT has been demon
strated, by the most thoroughly practical
tests, to be vastly superior in fire proof quali
'ies to any other makers, (being water in cop
per tubes hermetically sealed, preventing com
pletely any evapora.ion and is the driest safejiu
use. The patent can be ap. l:.ed to any safe.
Before purchasing elsewhere call and exsniine,
or send for pamphlet containing the certificate
of trials with all other makers safes.
American Steam Fire Froof Safe Company.
300 Broadway, Ktw York..
Nov. 12, lS0'S.-3m.
Plumbers', Oas and Steam Fitters' Materials,
No. 167 Sm-rnriKLn Stbkkt,
t"y"Send for a Price List nov.J9. 5m.
Mrs. Mary Owens offers for sale her
House and Lot situated on the corner of Ogle
and Mary Ann streets. The House has lately
been rebuilt and fitted up with all the modern
imj roveinents. Terms liberal. For further
information aoplv to
'GEO. U. READE, Agent.
Ebcn.sburg, Nov. 19, lf6S.-3m.
TRAY COW. Came to the premises
of the subscriber, in Munster township, on
or about the first day of October last, a RED
COW, eupposed to be eight or nioe years old.
No marks visible. The owner ia requested to
come forward, prove property, par charges and
take her avay, otherwise sh will be disposed
ol according to law. PETER O'NEILL.
Munster Tp., Nov. 19, 1868. 3t.
FOR RENT A House and two Lots
of Ground, with Stable an J other out
baildiugs, belonging to the estate of SI. C.
M'Cague, dee'd. (now occupied by Fred'k Kit-
tell.) Position given Immediately.'
Apply to GEO. HUNTLEY.
ItiCBibiirf, Nov. 19, "f f Otfardiaa ,