H li THE FREEMAN- THURSDAY, : -. : OCT. 15, 18C8. gj , LOCAL AND PERSONAL Tf.esons desiring to attend echool should write for the catalogue of the State Normal School. Address J. A. Cooper, Ediuboro, Erie Co., la. The Rksclt is Cambhia. Amid the gen eral defeat which seet to hare overwhelmed the Democracy in Tuesday's election, it is gratifying to know that Cambria county has in the main sustained her fair name, and given a Democratic majority on the State and the greater portion of the county ticket nearly up to her average 'majorities It is nlso a source of great gratification to know that our candidate for District Attorney has een elected, notwithstanding a renegade Democrat was placed on the Radical ticket and many otherwise consistent Democrats truck hands with tmr political enemies in the effort to defeat Mr. Tiorney. What his ninj'rity will le it is now impossible to de termine, but while it will be small, probably tiot more than one or two hundred, it is con ceded by all parties that he has been elected. We giv tie vote, from such districts as liave thus far !xcn reported, on Auditor Gent-nil, Cotigrens, Assembly and District At torney, the tabular statement thereof, as given below, having been kindly prepared for us by Win. II. Scolder, Esq. : Ur gen'.IcokgbVI assr'.t'd at't. w o j -3 t- - s ; i W S EISTriCTf AiU-yherj lilacklkk. Cambria, " Ilor. Carroll, Chest. Chest Sp Clca field. Cnni'gb Cor.. 1 l'.... 2 w Crovle. I -,. Con. li. Eb J K.w j IT 1 ? r 1 Wuj 73 r rkiin lor Callilzin, Jachs n. f 1 wY. I 2 w'd a 3 w'd j 4 w'd 0 I 5 wV. 4 l 0 w Lore t to D Jlillv'ie li.I 'IVlunstor, Prosp't B ilicli'and. &u,-nneh 10 V112JI06 1 12j 100 131 5 1 12 49jll0 50 Ho' C4 42 C 145 02 a funi'i hill Summit 15 J'avh.r, "Wb'ton Vh-f, Wdm'rel y.Hier, 111 27 63 o 43 27 6 2 6 .20 145 GO 48 59 too 149 51 46 59 245 119 04 3 22G 1 i 32 40 104 3S ! 5Vl,108 6011061 57 Prief Menti x Our readers will undi r fti.nd that our paper has been delayed in tir!jr to give as much information a pocsj. 11q in regard to the result of Tuesday's elec tion. In this out of the way place it is dif ficult to oltiv.n any definite returns eo soon after the election, but such ns we have we j;ive elsewhere in our pj e: Me Donald Kitfcll, jvuiiuesf son of Wm. Ki'tcl!, E.q., of this pla-e, had ti e misfortune to inflict a very severe wi tind on the back of his left hand, on Monday last, while engaged incut ling pumpkins for cow feed. lr. George Mm ley was very roughly and outrageously handled in a jMIitical street fi.ht near his ".vn residence, on the evening of election day. A piece was bitlen 'out of one of his cars, and the end f one of his thumbs was served in theSJine way. Seveial parties were engaged in the melee, but as yet no arrests have been rrad. The woik of roofing and closing in the new Catholic church building in this place is progressing finely, and it is thought this part of the work will b completed be fore the rough weather pets in. A brake man named James M. Shearer was killed at Derry station, on Tuesday veek. lie wa engaged in putting on the brake when the rha'n broke, precipitating him to the track, and a portion of the train passing over him. severed his head from his body and killad him instantly. The bady of an unknown man. suppled to have been dead a couple of weeks, was found near Grapeville station, Wes-tmorcland ctir.ty, a few days tincc. It is thought that he was knocked from th track by n passing train, and then crawled to the spot wb'.re he was found. Mrs. Kllcn Murray suid her little son, Eddie, de pait our town, this evening for California, whither they go on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Charles AVingard. May a safe, pleasant and prosperous passage and an agreeable sojourn in the Golden StatB bo vouchsafed thn. Our. "better half " declares that sbe never paw a handsomer display of dress goods than can now be tjeen at the Thompson store on High street. We fear our pocket-book will fuller from tho hint. Sinco putting the previous notice in type we learn fhat Mr. urley is confined to bed by the brutal inju ries inflicted upon him on election day Ilia . body is severely bruised in several places from the savage kicks given him. SlVEBtLY Bcrxf.d. A little daughter of Mrs. Sarah Clark, who resides in and teach- school in the Academy building, in this place, was considerably burned, on Friday morning last, while engaged in lighting a fire in the school-room. She had ignited a handful of bhavings, and holding them too close to her person, her clothing caught fire, and in this condition she ran out on the back porch, where-her mother fortunately suc ceeded in subduing the flames before any se rious injury had resulted. The little suffer er was severely burned about the breast, however, and her injuries are very painful. Appabent to All. The fact cannot fail to impress even the hasty passei by who casts a cursory glance into the store of Mr. U. R. D.ivis, that upon his shelves is now 'displayed a most elegant and varied stock of dry goods and dress goods of every descrip tion. It is one of the finest assortments in Ebensburg, and will be sold very choap. The Northers' Monthly i again before 11s, this time for November, filled with the choicest genia of literature. We would say to such of our friends as desire a choap and entertaining serial with which' to while away the long winter evenings, subscribe for the Jfortbera Monthly.1 - Vp call attention to the advertisement of the St. Louis and Iron Mountain bonds. Thy are pronounced to bo among the very bst secured and cheapest bonds offered. 197 2S 107j 28 197i 28 15G C6 53 72 53 72 53 72 9 65 49 1C9 51 170 49 170 SO 179 217 27 175 C8 177; Cl 271 4S 272 48 271 50 lo4 1R2 7G 4 75! 4 70' 5 49 27 135 28 135!. 28 IS4' 23 135 22 II fill 97 Glj 9C Cl 97 CO 9G 1 COj 58 153, 58; I 101 53 93 GO 95 57 100 52 W2j r.6 1021.66 102 65 103 48 47 no' 471 30 47 271 I I 941 19, 93 18' 94 13 100 o'J: 71j CO f,3 65 III 125 5S-124. 531125 51 113 04 70 91: 70! 9i C9 92' 73 8G 59 190 54 1931 53 190 50 190 j roil. ill jlr iool A 1 ! 1 1 1 11il.11 I 82 CS 87 GO 75 7c ' 67 flm 07 99 I C5:l45l 59 151 GllM'.! G3I145 1 ?l ?! ??l " ?':! 4" ??l i? ! 31 t 01 JU Oi 1U 41" lil 116 -I(.n01i2SjlU -II' 114 1I0 115, 10 115' 1C , 85 45 i T'-"1 I M 117 Local Correspondence. ; JoHNSTOWir, Oct. 12, 18G8. Dear Freeman A man ijamel Thomas Hocker was found dead on the Pennsylvania Railroad track, a thort diktance east of the Btation house at thia place, on Thursday morning last. There were several braises upon his person, which led to the belief that he had been struck by a passing train. He was a resident of WoodVale, was well ad vanced in yeaTS, and leaves a family. There was a very large workingmen's meeting held on the rublic Square, on last Monday evening. It was addressed by E. IJ. Haywood, Esq., of tbc "Massachusetts Labor Reform League." On the following evening there was a very large gathering of the Democracy at the same place to listen to speeches from Hon. Eli P. Norton, of Xew York, A. W. Phelps, of Connecticut, and Col. II. L. Van Cleve, of Tennessee, all of whom delivered most elo quent and effective addresses. Whatever may bo the result of to mor row's election, the recent Democratic out pourings in this place have had the effect of alarming if not frightening the Radicals in regard to that result. On the bills calling for the Radical mass meeting on Saturday, Oct. 3d, it was announced as the "last grand demonstration before the State election." The immense Democratic meetings held since then seem to have startled them exceedingly, however, for flaming posters were stuck up about town announcing another "grand ral ly" on Friday evening. After much trouble they succeeded in drumming up a diminu tive crowd cf men and boys, when the man ager, "Col." R. W. Hunt, proceeded, with due solemnity, to read off a long list of offi cers to preside over the meeting, and conclu ded by inviting them to the stand, which was objected to-on the gronnd that there would bo no one L-ft belcv-to listen to the speakers, and that in order to maintain their reputation as an organization it was necessa ly to put on the semblance of a meeting, at hast. It was therefore decided that tho few prt82nt should not go on the t-tand. Another ' grand rally" will be held on the Public Square to-night, and still another in Cambria city, which is to be conducted, I am told, by Messrs. D. J. Morrell and James Morley, two Radicals of this place who are now be fore the people for their suffrages. .. The Democratic mass meeting here on Sat urday was a grand success. The meeting in the afternoon was well attended, while in the evening there was undoubtedly the largest turn out ever witnessed in Johnttown. Gen. Richard Coulter, of Westmoreland county, entertained the afternoon meeting with a powerful address, after which our talented townsman, Hon. C. L. Pershing, delivered a forcible speech in his usually able and logic-il style. Iu the evening Gen, Coulter again spoke more at length, and Wei. II. Sylvis, E?q., President of the National Labor League, followed in a leujthy arid convincing address to the workingmen. The night meeting ad journed at a late hour. The Radicals have been playing the old game of fraud hereabouts, thiii latest dodge being the getting out of fraudulent naturali zation papers, which they are believed to have went into somewhat extensively. , Two of t'ie participants in this nefarious business have been arrested and held to bail, and rev era! others will probably ere long Cud them Svlves in a like predicament. One of the ar rested parties is a "b -sa" at the rolling mill Yours, Sec, Wisr. Now React ! For 18C9J The Illustrated Annual ti Phrenology and Physiognomy, containing nearly fifty portraits of distin guished characters Civilized and Savage is published. The true basis of Education ; uses of Culture ; Ilo-v to Study Faces ; a Convention of the Faculties; Nature's No blemen ; Krainent Clergy meu ; Power of Ex ample ; Choice of Pursuits, or What Can I Do Best? Mirthfulness, Wit, Humor, with Illustrations; Heads of Victor Cousin, He p worlh Dixon," Wilkie Collins, Rev. John CumminB, author and prophet. Blind Tom. Artemus Ward. Alex. Dumas, Mrs. Ritchie. Mr. Julian, with Indians. Cannibals, and others. Richer in Matter and Illustration th in ever before, everybody w ill wmit t read it. Only 25 cents. S. R. Wei.i.s, Publish er, 389 Broadway, New Ycik. YorxG America. The Oct. No., which closes the volume for the second year, of this popular little periodical, comes to us bright and &ay as ever, flourishing a grand toy res ideuce called a "villa," rich in stories, poe try, pictures and puzzles, closing the inter esting juvenile adaptation of the famous sb ry of Robinson Crusoe, and promising a bril liant attraction in the shape of a new story of out-door life, for boys, by Geo. J. Varney, whom not a few persons think superior as a writer for boys to Oliver Optic. Hurry up with your pennies, children. You will all want YorjXG America this year for. with the November No., it is to be enlarged, and. according to the publishers, "otherwise im proved." Address W. Jbvxikgs Demorest. 473 Broadway, N. Y. - $1 50 per year, with a Premium. First Graxd Opesixq To-day has been fixed upon for the First Grand Opening of Hats and Bonnets at the New Y'oik Dry Goods and Millinery Store cf Leopold Mayer, Park e's new building. Main street, Johns town, and our lady readers will do well to visit this mammoth establishment without delay, as nothing so grand, varied and exten sive in this line of goods has ever before met the gaze of the fair inhabitants of this region . Mr. Mayer has become the leading dealer in ladies' dress and millinery goods in Cambria county, and no man in the trade pretends to keep so large and handsome a stock or sell at such moderate prices. These are facts which one visit will serve to establish. Campaign Clubs and Others. You can be supplied at once with Caps and Capes of Red, Silver or Gold Bronze. Also, Silk, Muslin, or Bunting Flags, all sizes, from 5 incles to 30 feet; Medals, Pins, Sashes, Streamers, Song Books, Charts, and every thing wanted for the Campaign. Send your orders to the only Manufactory in Western Pennsylvania of Campaign Good, Our De scriptive Catalogue of these Goods can be seen at this office, or by addressing ; --. - - JOHN W. PITTOCK. Mtnvfacturer of Campaign Goods, Pittsburgh, Pa. Active men at Conventions can make mon ey by selling our Goods. ; Ballou'8 Magazine for November con tains over twenty valuable and interesting papers. Its leading article, "Natural Scene ry of tho Amazon," is of an unusually enter taining character; and well illastrated with plates descriptive of scenery, etc. Indeed, the entire volume sustains its high character fully; Elliott, Tbomes & Talbott, Publish ers, Boston. Price $1,50 per year. L? you wish to "see yonrself as others see you doa't fail to go C.,T. Roberts' ele gant cloek, watch, jewelry and notion ba zaar, and buy one of thise handsome looking glasses just received and offered for' wile at reasonable figures. A beautiful assortment of picture frames, jewelry, and fancy good3 generally, is comprised in Cham's new and brilliaut stock, "' - " . " "Bio Thiso' t a slang exclamation more expressive than clegaut, nevertheless it serves; to'coavey the idea intended, and hence we will e underFtood when we use it in speaking of Geo. Huntley's mammoth bard ware, tin-ware, wooden-ware, willow-ware, glass-ware and grocery depot, which is be yond question "the biggest thing" of the kind in this sect km of the State. There .Is scarcely an. article, from the smallest to tbe largest, in Mr. Huntley's line, which is not comprised in bis immense stock, and we are sure that all comers will bo accommodated with any article they may need at prices un surpassed for cheapness in Cambria county. t Now is thb Time. No man should losa sizbt of his own interests whiie laboring for what he conceives to be his duty to his coun try in tbe present political contest, and com mon prudence should dictate to all men that their own int rsts will be best subserved by buying their fall and winter clothing at the great New York Clothing nail of M. Cohen & Bro:, Parke's building, Main street, Johns town, where men and boys can be comfort ably and elegantly attired at lowest prices. The Location. On the east side of Main street, about half way between Clinton and Locust streets, in the borough of Johnstown, isdoeated the popular Clothing Emporium of E. Leopold & Bro., and if there is any estab lishment at which justice is more fully done to customers, both in the quality and make cf the clothing sold and the prices at which goods are offered, we are ignorant of its whereabouts. Money can be saved by deal ing with the Messrs. Leopold. 2t. Cak't Help It. The vanquished in the late political co itest may as well accept the result with the best grace possible. There is no help for it now. and the only thing that remains for everybody to do is to call at the cheap cash store of H. A. Shoemaker & Co. and buy liberally of the beautiful goods recently received at that leading mercantile mart. No one can fail to be pleafed with both tbe stock and prices there prevailing. TriE State Election has been held, and although it is not yet definitely known what the entire result haa been, it seems to be con ceded that the long established and honestly earned rej uUtion of the renowned ''Star Clothing Hall" of James J. Murphy, Clinton street, Johnstown, will pot suffer, no matter who may have been the winners in the po litical race. Fair dealiog and superior goods will always attract sensible buyers. The RianT Wat. The most effectual mode of prospering in this world is to live within your nieins, and we know of no way in which this can be doae to better advan tage than by purchasing your dry goods and groceries from J. Patton Thompson, whose stock is ever kept up to the highest stand ard and whose prices are down to the low est notch. Do this and save money. Jubilant Our Republican fellow-citizens are very jubilant just now over the ro sult of the election, and feel as joyous no doubt as if each of them had purchased a bill of goods at tie cheap cash store of V. S. Bar ker, where an excellent assortment has been but recentlyreccived, and where "quick sales and small procts" is ever the popular motto. House and Lots for Rent. A large double frame house and two lots of ground situated on Homer street, Ebensburg, for merly occupied -by Jas. Maguire, are offered for rent. The house contains ten rooms, and would be suitable for a sumrmr resort. Ap ply toll. L. Johnston, Ebensbuurg, or Wm. Callaii, Cresson. " ' OUSl SEW FAMILY " SEWING MACHINE ! ! The superior merits of the "Singer" Ma chines over all others, either for Family ue er Manufacturing purposes, are so well established and so generally admitted, that an enumeration of their relative excellences is no longer con sidered necessary. O m NE W FAMIL Y MAC HINE . which has been brought to pertection regardless of time, labor, or expanse, is now confidently presented to the public as incomparably the Btsx ."ewix Macmixe jn existence. : The machine in question is SIMPLE, COM PACT, DURABLE and BEAUTIFUL. It is quiet, light running, and capable of ier- FOKMIXO A HANG E AND VARIETY OE WORK never before attempted upon a single Machine, using either Silk, Twist, Linen or Cotton Thread, and sewing with equal facility the very finest and coarsest materials, and anything between the two extreme?, in the most benntiful and substantial manner. Its attachments for Hem miug, Braiding, Cording. Tucking, Quilting, Felling, Trimming, Binding. &c, are Novel. and Pbactical, and have been invented and adjusted especially for this Machine. New designs of the Unique, Useful and Pop ulnr Folding Tops and Cabinet Cases, peculiar to the Machines manufactured by this Compa ny, have been prepnred for enclosing the new Machine. A faint idea, however, can at best be con veyed through the medium of a (necessarily) limited advertisement ; and we therefore urge every person in quest of a Sewing Machine by all means to examine and test, if they can pos sibly do so, all the leading rival Machines be fore making a purchase. A selection can then be made uuderstandingly. Brtncbes or agen cies for supplying th 3 "Singer" Machines will be found in nearly every city and town through out the civilized world, where Machines wiil be "cheerfolly exhibited and any information promptly furnished. Or communicatieos may be addressed to ' " ." The Singer Manufacturing Company! 438 BROADWAY, NEW Y O R K. . Philadelphia C-Fvira, 1106 Chbstwut Stkekt. tSO. T. ROBERTS, Aqent for Ebensburg and vicinity, keeps these Machines constantly for sale at his store on High street. The pub lie are respectfully invited to call and sec them in operation. Instructions given free. Ma chines sold at city prices. No freight charged. Also, Siuger's Needles, Oil, Silkad Cotton always on hand. ' - " aug.20-ly. H ALUS Y&EIABLE SICILIAN HAIR jRl7NEWER-. will positively Restore GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOB. It keeps the hair from falling out. It is the. best dressing in tho worldr making Jife less, stiff, brashv bair, healthy, soft, glossy. For sale by all drugaista. R. P. HALL & (X) , Nashua, N. H., Proprietor. oe.2j. t ;Mos Bitters of . the present day tbat afe loudly ptofFed-througrr tRe newspapers aa having great tonic aod curative propeities are vile com pounds and base impositions, containing no me dicinal virtues whatever,-and are 'reaHy very poor whisky beverages : and, instead of acting a a stimulant a&d tonic, have a tendency Xo w ei k on the stomach by entirely destroying the coating. "The -public should therefore be very cautiou,and purchase none but Roback's Stom ach Bitters, which have stood the teat as a rem edial agent for many years, and are really, as their name indicates, a stomach bitters, and not a beverage. They combine the properties of the best tonic and stimulant a gentle laxative, an efficient anti-bilious agent and the best stom achic known to the world, and, when taken in conjunction with Roback's Blood Pills, are the safest and surest preventive against all bilious derangements, thoroughly regulating the whole system and giving tone to the digestive organs. They are highly recommended as an invigor ating tonic for mothers while nursing, increas ing the flow of milk, and for convalescents, to restore the prostration which always follows long continued sickness, they are unsurpassed. No household should consider themselves safe from the ordinary maladies without these in valuable remedies They can be obtained of any druggist. Leramon & Murray, Agents. Da. Tobia8' Celebrated Venetian Lin iment, whose wonderful cures, sure and instantaneous action, in oases of Chronic Rheumatism , ' Headache;' Toothache, Cuts , Burns, Colic, Cramps, Dysentery, etc., have astonished the civilized world. It is no new catch-penny, but an article that has stood the test of twenty years. The enormous sale and rapidly increasing demand is at once the surest evidence of its usefulness and popularity. Try it and be convinced No family should be "without a bottle in the house hundreds of dollars, and many hours of suffering may be saved by its timely use. Colic, Cramp, and Dysentery yield at once to its pain-curative properties. It is perfect ly iunocent. and can be given to the oldest person or youngest child. No matter, if you have no confidence in Patent Medicines try this, and you w ill be sure to buy again and recommend to your friends. Hundreds of Physicians recommend it .in their practice. Noce genuine unlees'signed, "S. I. Tobias." Trice 50 cents per bottle. Sold by all the Druggists. Depot, 56 Cortlandt Street, New York. - foct.l.-lm. j New Firm New Goods. rjltlE undersigned, having given his son, A J. E. Shieldn, an interest in his store, the business will hereafter be conducted un der the firm name of P. II. Shields & Co., and as we are determined to sell Goods cheap for cash, or exchange for grain, lumber or produce. We hope by strict attention to bus iness to merit a liberal patronage from a generous public. . Having determined to settle tip my old books of thirty years standing, I now ask those indebted to me to come forward and make settlement on or before the 1st day of December, 1868- " ; P. II. SHIELDS.1 Loretto, Oct. 15. 1868. tf. UDLIC SALE OF "lIVE STOCK AND OTHER PROPERTY The sub scriber will effer at public outcry, at his resi denee at Cambria Mills, on Saturday, the 7th lay of Xovemher next, at IO o'clock a. m.j the following described personal property, to wit : 2 HORSES, 2 COLTS, 2 Yoke of OXEN', 1 Two Horse and 1 Four Ilore WAGON", I CARRIAGE, 3 SLElS,i LOG TRUCKS, GEARS for six horses, 2 jets HARNESS, 1 Tread Power THRESHING MACHINE, complete, 1 Four Hore . Power Lewis' Machine, 1 Fodder Cutter, 1 Wind Mill, T.ofr Chains, Saws, Axes and Tools of various kinds, 1 set Blacksmith Tools. J0U.0UU -feet of LUMBER, (Plank. Boards and Frame Stuff,) 1 Twenty Hoire Power Steam Eng ne, with S.-iw Mill and Fixtures. Also, 1 Engine (no bui'erg) at the Hollidajsburg Feundry. E3TTerms will be made known at sale. Six per cent, will be deducted for all cash payments over Five Dollars. JEROME DAWSON. Cambria Mills, near Gallitzin, Oct. 15, '08 3t. LADIES' FANCY FURS! AT ; , John Fareira's . t fid established FUR Maxitact'ibt, No 718 ARCH St., above 7th, PHI LA. Have -now in store -jsC of my own Importa- !f'5,tlOH anu iilanu'ac- tt.lt tV'iift vr ture, one of the larg- fev 5cst d most beauti ji!i6 ful selections of fSai FAXP.Y FTTRS 4-?. ;y for Ladies and Chil dren's Wear, in the City. Also, a fine assortment of Gents' Fur Glore and Collars. I am enabled to dispose 6T my goods at very reasonable prices, and I would therefore solicit a visit from my friends of Cambria county and vicinity. .Remember the Name, Number and Street 1 JO II IV FAKEIRA, No 718 ARCH St.. ab7th, south side, Phila October S, 1868 .-4m. ' SECURE THE SHADOW. ERE THE SUBSTANCE FADES! S PCX CCA KBIT '.M MOT M raft W Is now in perfect order for executing Pictures in every style of the art. Photographs of life like accuracy, ranging from the smallest curd picture to the largest s'ze for framing, taken in any weather, and warranted to pive satisfaction. Particular attention paid to children' pictures Frames of all kinds for sale cheap. . : Frames of any kind not on hand will be ordered when de sired. Instructions in the art on liberal terms. tGallery on Julian street, 3 doors uorth of Town Hill. T. T. SPENCE. Ebensburg, Oct. 8, 166i. . Photographer. ? Y E E .& L A N DEL L Fourth akd Anon Sts.. Phila., GOOD IlLACK. SILKS, GOOD COLORED SILKS. . 1S6S. FALL GOODS, OPENING, FANCY' AND STAPLE 1 : i LYONS SILK VELVETS.' ' NEW STYLE SHAWLS: ' NEW DRESS GOODS. . - ... - GOOD BL&.NKETS, r -TABLE LINENS. .' ' SHEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES. N. B. New Gooda received -daily in large lots for Jobbing. ' . ,' . sep.l7.-Ct. XECDTORS NOTICE. Letters Testamentary on the estate of Aon Ken nedy, late of Muhster township, dee'd, having been granted to the undersigned by tbe Regis ter of Cambria county. AOtlce is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to make payment without delay, and those having claims against the same wiil present them properly au thenticated for settlement. JOHN KENNEDY, ) T "' , '. JAMES A, BROWN, Executors. ' Munster Tp., Sept. 17, 1868.-6t. TTOTICE. Letters Testamentary on iuB rawifl gi iinurew r. uaiter, late Ot Carroll township, deo'd, havhig been granted to it e undersigned by the Register of said coun ty, notice is hereby given to all persons indebt-. ed to said esttte to make payment and those having claims against the same to present them lalv authenticated for settlement without delay.: " ..: - : HENRY BYRNE, Executor. 'Carroll Tp., Sept. 17f 186S. 6... .. . rP- 1 : Til 1 V . KitA lira it n AS AM AEERIENT .There, is no medicine . much in favor with thoee who are acquainted with their action as Roback's Blood Pills ; they are sale, pleasant and mild in their operation, and are purely ve" etable ; can be. taken by children as well as by adults i try them.-. - SLEEPLESS NIGHTS. Asa remedy , to soothe all rerfous excite ment, and in its truest sense a service, there Is, perhaps, no medicine extant which U received with so much favor as Roback's Stomach Bit ters. A wine glass fuU on going to bed i all that is required to produce sound and healthful sleep. ERYSIPELAS, Or, St. Anthony's Fire, can be most effectnally eradicated by tbe use ol Rolacks Blood Puri fier in conjunction with Roback's Blood Pills. OPTHALMIA, Or, Inflammation of the Eyes, not uufrequcnt ly arises from a disordered ?tate of the stomach; a few doses of Roback's Blood Pills wiil, in most cases, effect a cure by removing the cause. KEEP YOUR BLOOD PURE, There are no remedies, now before the public, so well calculated to purify the blood and re construct (so to speik) the whole system as Roback's Blood Purifier, Blood Pills and Stom ach Bitters. LEUCORRHCEA, Or, Whites, which follow local debility and constitutional weakness, can be effectually cured by the use of Roback's Stomach Bitters. Do not let the druggist sell you any other remedy, as these Bitters are prepared with special refer ence to this complaint, and are warranted to cure. BAD TASTE In the mouth in the moi nit-g is one of tbe symp toms of a bilious condition or disordered state of the liver, and should not, for a single day, be neglected, as it is but the premonitory symp torn of a train of evils and the verv t-ceds of disease. Procure at Oucc Roback's lilood Pil s, administer them according to the directions ac companying each box, Htd the difticiltj ?t:d danger of disease will at once be removed. HOT A BEVERAGE. Unlike most of the bitters of the present day, Dr. Roback's are not intended as a pleasant stimulating whisky beverage, hut are perfectly medicinal, cotitaiuing ;ouly suflicient pure bour bon whisky to hold in solution the medicinal extractive matter from which they arecomposed. WHO SELLS THEM: The Agents for the sale of Roback's. Blood Pills, Stomach Bitters and Blood Purlfi jr are Messrs LEMMON i ilURRAYSole Agent', Ebensburg, .Pa. . . . , . .. r The Last Qff Sue ce. will quickly restore' Gray Hair : to its natural color and beauty, and produce luxuriant growth. It is perfectly harmless, and is preferred .over . every - other preparation by t those who have a- fine head of hair, as well as those who wish to restore it. ; The beautiful gloss and perfume "imparted to the Hair make it desirable .- - for old and young, k for Sale by H ZraggUt. DEPOT, 193 tJUEEN WICII ST., if. T. IjOR SALE. The undersigned offers far sale the FARM on which they now reside, situate in Allegheny township, Cambria county, within two miles of Loretto, (formerly owned by James McAteer,) containing ONE HUNDRED and EIGHT Y-PEVEX ACRES, more or lest, 100 Acres of which are cleared the balr nee well timbered. There is erected on the premises a good DWELLING HOITSE and splendid BARN, together with other ne- leeasary outbuildings, such as Blacksmith Shop, Corn Crib, aheep House, ic: also, an excel lent ORCHARD of choice fruit. Title per fect. For terms apply on the premises to- - -j B. & a SHIELDS. Loretto T. P., Aug. 20. 18fi8. -tf. ; .QODV 1JETTEK, 1JEST The test and cheapest Tobacco and Cigars in Uwn re at M- L. Qatmaa'$. , Go and eo- . M LECTION OF ELECTORS L ' OF A PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT . r OF. TilK UNITED STATES. Pursuant to an Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act relating to the Elections of this Com monwealth," approved the 21 dav of Jnlv, A. U. 1839, 1, JOHN A. BLAIR, High Sheriff of tbe Couuty of Cambria, in the State of Penn sylvania, do hereby make known and give no tice to the eleetnrs of the rounty aforesaid, that a GENERAL ELECTION will be held in said county of Cambria, Pennsylvania, on the ht Tuesday, 3d day of November, 1853, t .l(loh time TWENTY SIX ELECTORS of a President and a Vice President of the Unitti States are to be elected. I also hereby" pve notice and make known, that the places of holding the aforesaid Gener al Election in tbe several. Townships and Bor oughs within the couuty of Cambria, are as fol lows, to wit : The electorsjof the district composed of the township of Allegheny, to meet at the office of M. Leavj-, Esq., in the borourh of Loretto. The electors of the district composed of the township of Blacklick, to meet at the house of Adam Meakin, in the village of Belsano, in said township. The electors of the district composed of the township of Cambria, to meet at Court House in borough of Ebensburg. The electors of the district composed of the township of Carroll, to meet at School House iu the borough of Carrolltown. . ; The electors of the district composed of the borough of Carrolltown, to meet at the School House in said borough. The electors of the district composed of the township of Chest, to meet at the School House on the farm of Alorsius Swone. in 8:iid twn. The electors of the district composed cf the borough of Chest SDrin"-s. to meet at the hbnse of J icob Wagner in said borougli. I he electors of the district composed of the township of Clearfield, to meet at School House Xo. 3, adjoining the village of St. Augustine, in said township. 1 The electors of the district composed of the township of Conemaugh. to moct at the School House at Singer's in said township. The elector of the district composed of the borough of Coucma-.igh, to meet as follows : First Ward, at the house now occupied bv Peter Malfzie, in the said First Ward; Second Ward, at the house now occupied by Jesse Patterson, n the said Second Word. The electors of the district ccinpo? eJ of the borough of Cambria, to meet at School House No. 2 in suid borough. '1 he electors of the district composed of the township of Croyle, to meett School House in the village of Summerhill in said township. The electors of the district composed of the borough of Eflst Conemnugh, to meet at house of Daniel Confer iu said borough. The electors of the district composed of tho borough of Ebensburg, to meet ns follows : East Ward, at the Court House in said Ward ; WestWard, at Jas. Myers' Hall in said Ward. Tbe electors of the district composed of the borough of Franklin, to meet at School House in said borough. The electors of the district composed of the township of Gallitzin, to meet at School House in the town of Gallitzin, in said township. The electors of tbe district com osed of the township of Jackson, to meet at the house of Henry Kager in said township. The electors of the district composed of the borough of Johnstown, to meet as fallows : Firs-t Wnrd, at Public School Ilooni No ;", in said AVarJ; Second Ward, at the cflice of Jos. S. Srraycr, E-q , on Market st., in said Wrd ; TLirJ Ward, at Foster House in said Ward ; Fourth Ward, at house oi John Trefisiu said Ward; Fifth Wnrd, at ivctnvil'.e School House iu saia Ward ; Sixth Ward, at iLie Juhn.si.own Pottery iu said Ward. The electors of the district composed of the borough of Loretto, to meet at Sjhool House iu sail borough. - The electors of tLe district composed of the borough of ilillvilie. to meet at the Franklin House in said borough. The electors of the district composed of the township of Aluustcr, to meet at the warehouse of Augustine Durbin in tUe village ol iluuiter, iu sia township. The electors of the dMrict composed cf the borough of Prospec t, to uitet at School House iu sa!d borough. The electors of the district composed of tho township of itichlund, to meet at lue house of Jacob Kring in said township. . The electors of the district composed of the township of Suuiineihill, to meet at the School House iu the borough of Wilmore. r The electors of the district composed of tbe borough of Sniimtviile, U) cijet&i the School House in said borough. The electors of the district composed or the tjwnshr) of Suatjuohann i, to meei at the house of Michael Piatt la said township. The electors of the district composed of the township of Taylor, to meet at School House near Johu lleadrick's, in said township. The electors of the district composed of the township of Washington, to meet at the School House at the Foot of Plane Xo. 4 in said twp. Tho elector? of the district composed of the borough of Wilaioie, to meet at School House in said borough. The electors of the district composed of the township of White, to meet at School House No. 1 'u said township. The electors of the disulct composed of the township of Voder, to meet at the public house of Robert Barclay in said township. And I further give noiice, as in and by tbe 13th Section of tbe aforesaid Act I am directed, That all persons excepting Justices of the Peace who shall hold any ollice or appointment of pro fit oi trust under the government of the United States, or of this State, or of any city or incor porated district, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate or agent, who is or Shall be employed under the legislative, judici ary or executire departments of this State or the United States, or any city or incorporated district ; also, that every member of Congress and the State Legislature, and of the select ami common councils of any incorporated district, is by law incapable of holding or ese.-cising at the same time the office or appointmeLt of Jmise, Inspector or Clerk of any election of this Com monwealth, and that no Inspector or Judge, or other officer of any such eleution, shall be eli gible to any ofRce then to be voted for. Also, in the 4th Section of the Act of Assembly, en titled "An Act relating to Elections and for other purposes," approved the 10th day of April, 1856, it'is enacted that the foregoing 13th Sec tion shall not be so construed as to prevent any military officer or borough officer from serving as Judge or Inspector at any general or special elections in the Commonwealth. ?own came her husband out of the chitn- I mAv.. .1 w I r. ...1... 1..- I , , i c; , ou nuru ma ym or me came iuside the kitchen, there she found him jlanding on his head in the porridge pot. i Winter, There is no doubt of our Imving an early and severe winter, one of ;he "old fashioned" seasons, which, after ill, are the healthiest aod the best. Heavy rosts have already appeared in various larts of the country. Even in the South 4iey are having what they call cold veather, and are anticipating a ppeedy reeze. In view of these probabilities we ught to ba looking ahead, and seeing arhat can he done for modifying the con lit'on of the pxjor. Poverty is fearful to e borne, at even the most favorable sea pns ; but in bitter winter weather its flighting chills are intensely aggravated. 'ood and fnel are the two greatest essen als to be provided ; but clothing, eppeci Uy for the little children, is also highly cedful. Don't wait until the ice forms look after those whom ye always have j ith ye. In case Che person who shall have receive the stcoud highest number ( f vntca for Ir.spee- tor shall act attocd ca the day. of election, tbs person who shall hve received the next high est number of votes for Judge at the next pre ceding election, aliaH act ;is Inspector in hid place. And in cusc the rerejii who shall have receive! tho highest number of votes for In spector shah not attend, the peis'ja elected Judge shall appoint an Inspector in his pi ice, and in case the person elected Judge phi II not attend, then tbe Inspector who snail hive re ceived tbe highest number of votes shall ap point a Judge in his place, and if any vacancy thall continue in the board for the sna'-.e of one hoar after the time fixed by law for the opening of tbe election, tho qualif.ed voters of the town ship, ward or district, for which puch officers have been elected, present at the place of elec tion, ?hall elect some of their number to fill the vacancy. "In case any Clerk, appointed under the pro visions of this act, shall neglect to attend at any election during the said ye.tr, it shiill be the duty of the Inspector who appointed said Clerk, or the person filling the place of such Inspector to forthwith appoint it suitable person as clerk, qualified as aforesaid, who shall jerform tbe duties for the year. 'It shall be the duty of the several Assessors, respectively, to attend at the p'.ac of holding every general, speci il or township election, dur ing the whole time said election is kept open, for the purpose of giving information to the In spectors, and the Judge when called on, in the relation to the right of any person ussessad by them to vote at such election, or such other matters in relation to tbe assessment of voters a3 the said Inspectors, or either of them, shall from time to time require." No person shall be permitted to vote whose name is not contained in the list of taxable in habitants furnished by the Commissioners, un less first he produce a receipt for tbe payment of a State or County tax assessed agreeably t' the Constitution, and give satisfactory evidence, either on his own oath or afHrraation or tbat of another, that he has paid such tax, or, on fail ure to produce a receipt, shall make oath there of; or, second, if be claim the right to vote by be'mg an elector between the age of twenty-ono and twenty-two year?, he shall depose on oath or affirmation that be has resided in the State at least one yc.ir before his application, and make such proof of bis lesidcnce in the district as is required by this Act, and that he docs ver ily believe, from the account given him, that he is of the age aforesaid, and give such other evidence as is required by this Act, wlurenpoti the name of the person so admitted to voto t-hall be inserted in the alphabetical list by t:.o Inspector, and a note made opposite thereto by wiiting the word "Tax," it l.e shall be permit ted to vcte by reason of having p iVd tax, or tho word "Age." if he shall be admitted to vote by reason ol such ngf; and the same shail be called out to the Clerks, who tdi;l make their notca in tbe list of voters kept by them. In all cases where the name of a person claim ingto rote is not found on the list furnishe i In the Commissioners and Assessors, or his right to vote, whether found thereon or not, is l jected to I y any qualified citizen, it shall be t ho duty of the Inspectors to examine ?ueli pcr.--;i on oath as to his qualifications; and if he cb iins to have resided in the State one year or m"re, his oath shall be sufficient proof thereof, but he shall make proof by at least ono compe tent witness, who shrill be a qualified e.vc tor, that he ha3 resided in the di: Hict for more than ten d iys next preceding said election, rtnd shall also himself swear that his bona fide res idence, iii pLirsuar.ca of his lawf.il calling, is within the district, and that he did not revive into said district for the purpose oT voting therein Evpry perso:i qualified as nforesuid, ami win shall m ike due proof, r.s is required, cf his res idence ai:d payment of taxes a3 aforesaid, shall be adraitud to vote in the township, warl or district in which he slia.ll resi.le. if any person shall prevent, or attempt ti preieut, ay clli-'er of any election under tl.i i Act from hulding Mich eioc:it;n. or use or threaten ary vio.enie to any s;:ch officer, ca shall block up the win low, or venue to nny window, where the samo may be holding, or shall riotously dUtuib tho pence of such elec tion, or shall use or practice any ii;iciidat'iiiij threats, force or violence, wi-.ti d-ign to inHii euce unduly or overawe :uiy elector, or to pre vent him fioni voti;LL, or to rt-straia the iVee- ilom of eLo.'ce, such shall be fined in any and be immisoncd fi reisons, .ii convict; .--n, :-.un not cv-'ccding S.VJJ - any tin;e not le3 thnn one month nor more ti n twelve months; and if it shall be shown to th-3 Court where the Ui il of suh offence .-hall be had, that the person so oftW.ding was r.ot a rcsi-icut of the ckv, warl, di.-triet or township where the said ciTauce wa.3 cu in in. tied, and not entitled to vote therein, then, on conviction, be shall be sentenced to pay a line of not less than one hundred nor more than one thousand dollars, and be impri ono 1 not less than six months nor more than, two vears. "That the qual.fiel voters of the several counties of this Coram inwealth, at all general, township, borongh and special elections, are hereby, hereafter, authorized and required to voto by tickets, printed or written, or partly printed and parti y written, severally classified as follows: One ticket shall embrace the name. of all judges of courts voted for, and to be la belled, outside, 'Judiciary; one ticket shxll embrace the names of all State officers voted for, and be labelled 'State'; one ticket shall embrace all county oflicers voted for, including office of. Seaator, member or members of As sembly, if i oted lur, and members of Congress, if voted for, and be labelled 'County; one tic ket shall embiace the names of all township oliicers voted for, and be labelled 'Township' ; one ticket shall embrace the uiu.is of all bor ough tfiicers voted for, and be labelled 'Bor ough'; aud each class shall be deposited ia scp crate ballot boxes." Parsuant to the provisions contained in the Act first aforesaid, the Judges of the aforesaid districts shall respectively take charge of th certiiicate or retuin of their respective districts, and produce them at a meeting of oae Judgo from each district, at the Court House in the borough of Kbensburg, on the third day a tier the day of election, being FRIDAY, the 16t dat of October, A 1). IcCS, and then and there to do aud perform the duties required cf them by law. And furtner, if any Judge, by sicknesa or nnavoidable accident, is unable to attend said meeting of Judges, then the certiiicate oi re turn aforesaid shall be taken charge of by one of the Inspectors or Clerks of the election of the same diitrict, who shall do and perform the duties of 5aid Judge unable to attend. Gi"es vxd ra my hax d. at my office iu Ebens burg, the 12ih day of September, in year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty eight, aud of the Independence of Americ-i the ninety-tirt. JOHN A. BLAIR, sep-l7.-te. Sheriff of Cambria County. ROHRER'S WILD CHERRY TONIC BITTERS ARE THE BEST IN USE! Rill'S TOXIC BITTERS, The very best in the Market. R. E. SELLERS 6t CO., No. 45 Wood St.. opposiic Si. Ckarhs lhtcl. Also, Entrance Xos..K2 k 1C4 Third St., riTTSBUKGII, r A , tft2F"'VV"ho!osale Agents lor tho TV est w, For sale by A. A Wand vicinity. BARKER for Elen-bur ria.H.'CS.-ly. tin nnn 'J'kimi-j uiai pis 't re- TlU.UUU ctMvod at M. L. Oatuaaira,' one XI- d?cr et cf "Frrvman" !".. Als.. a large j 9 to t the bet 'brands of Cheirln Tobacco, C-.-urs at wlsials rr:?e. Ml) T ?1