The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, August 20, 1868, Image 3

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    -TTr"EF' iZ5Q& LSSCTSSS-.
: AUG. 20, 1SC8.
Deinocrnlic homily Electing.
The normal meeting of the Democracy of
Cumbria covnry, lor (he ratification of the Na
tional, St to nuil Cmntv nominations, will take
pi ice on TUESDAY EVENING, SEPT.. Si h,
1SCS, at the Court Houfc, in Ebensburg. All
Conservative and Democratic citizera nre car-ne.-tly
requested to attend aud bear the (Treat
principle involved in the coming election dis
cussed. The public debt is constantly increas
ing. The public credit i deterioiaiug-. The
burthens loaded upon all industrial pursuits are
pitrahzir;: their efforts for success. The la
boring man is ground down with multiplied
taxation. White men are disfranchised, while
negroes are made voters and elevated to otUVe
and power by unconstitutional Congressional
cnactmoir.s. Negro Bureaus and large stand
ing armies are kept up ir. time of peace to de
Ftroy your liberties and eat out your substance.
Let the people arise in their night snd hurl
theec unprincipled demagogues from power,
who are fust overthrowing our tevsteDt of gov
ernment, mining our people, and destroying oar
liberties. Come to the meeting, and from this
hour until the campaign closes with vietoiy let
Our motto be action, action!
H y order of the County Committee.
II. D. Woodruff, Chairman.
Our Johnstown letter was not received
until Tuesday night, and as a consequence
we have been forced to condense its details.
The liatid that can make a pie is a con
tinual feast to the husband that marries it.
The rule, however, duu't hold good in print
ing ollicva.
The total number f emigrants who passed
over the Pennsylvania Kaiiroad from the 1st
t'ay of January to the 31t;t day of July, is
given at 17,108.
Governor Geary has pardoned James Mc
tj'.t'iwn, recently sentenced to the Petri ten
t ary f r a peiiid of five years, fm the killing
f Geo. Shields in Indiana county.
We l ave received a letter from O.i hoard
S'eac ship W st i. Hearing Liverpool,'? but
owing to its txtreme length we are forced to
'0.-tpoue its publication until next week.
A lad named Fleming had the flesh on
one of his legs badly lact rated at La t robe,
on Monday night w etk, ly ha ping it caught
between the bumpers of two freight cars.
A new musical furore has broken out
f.mong the young ladies in this vicinity,
iiiiiny of them having In-come attached to
brass bands which tncyvearon their heads.
Studies will be resumed at St. Francis'
0 liege, L )iett . n Monday, August 31st.
They were commenced at St. Aloysiut.' Sem
inary, M.nie place, on Tuesday f the present
liaccootis arc said to be unusually plentiful
in tiis reighUifhid just now. and their
nightly dej redathins in the corn-fields are of
n n.iture anything hut pleasant to the owucrs
.lames Applrton, E.-.j., of Philadelphia,
uh , in C"in eetti n with his brother, excava
ted the Oi l Portage Railroad tunnel, died at
Piooklyn, N. V , ti the 11th inst., in the
7 2d year of 1 is age.
Our next door neighbor. M. L. Oatman,
is having the front of his store-room hand-j-.nuly
lettered. Martin is ;u enterprising,
wide-awake bu'inor-s man, and we are glad
to know that he is prospering, as lie certain
ly dei-Cvcs to do.
(tu Rid:ea! t i'tvls in this vicinity have
r- cognise 1 '".hr" eternal fitness of things" by
!( tins aoue of the Vicc-Pridents of their
fin nt Oj! a man who can "talk horse"1
with as much facility as Useless Hiram him-i-eif.
Dully fur them !
A y nt g man picking whovtl .-berries on
the North Mountain, IluntingdfU) county,
on tiie 4th inst , was chased by a wolf. The
r.cxt day a party visited the spot, found the
ftnimal's den, and kille 1 two young wolves,
1 ut the old tie escaped.
One of the latest and least commendable
institutions of Kb nsburg is a Grant Club.
After the election one of the earliest and most
oommt tif'ahle institutions of our town will
l ean Emi-Gnmt Club, with the head waters
f Salt river as its (Vstinatioti.
A painful rumor prevailed here last week
to the. effect that a family of seven persons
Lad been murdered in Clearfield township.
It is dmMcult to say what gave lise to the re
port, but we are glad to say 'hat it was al
together without foundation in fact.
Just after dinner on Tuesday our citizens
were startled by the cry of "Fire!" but be
fore the greater poition of them reached tlm
Hfte the flames were subdued. The fire had
let'D communicated from tlu flue to the roof
of the res id- nee of F. A. Tit-rt.ey, Esq. in
the west end of town, but on'.y done tiitiiug
damage before it was overcome.
In view of Hiram Ulysse-s' predilections
for terp; ichoreau amusements, as manifested
on a certain memorable occasion in Wash
ington city, it is t tninently just and proper
that a Giant Club should be supplied with
a Piper, to that "the ball can goon" at any
time that dit-tineuisbed, and shortly to be
extinguished, artijte feels disposed to "trip
the light fantastic toe."
Rev. B. XI. Kerr, pastor of the Presbyte
rian church of this place, announces through
our paper to-day his intention to open a Se
lect High School for Wung Ladies, in ths
Academy building here, on Tuesday, Sept.
1st. Mr. Kerr is a teacher of large expe
rience and eminent capacity, and will net
fail in his duty to all ppiis who may be
committed to his charge.
During the progress of an amateur very
amateur gnme of base ball on Friday, a bat
Hew from the hands of one of the players, and
after redouuding from the ground, struck
a little son of Mr. John Lloyd on the side of
the face and temple, and injured him so much
that it was feared congestion of the brain
would result the same night. The little fel
low is now, however, out of danger and do
ing well.
An extempore club of base bullists, made
up of visitors to the Cressou Springs, accom
panied by a long cavalcade of "fair ladies
and brave men," came to our town on Wed
nesday for the purpose of participating in a
friendly contest with the knights of the bat
and ball here. They did participate, bt
not to a very alarming extent, as the. score
stood at the end of the game : Mountaineers
C5 ; Muffins 30.
The OTIara pic-nic, held on Wednesday
last, was an agreeable and most successful
affair nothing whatever being wanted to
conduce to the enjoyment of the occasion.
We have not learned "the amount realized,
but rumor says it will cot fall much short of
$o00. A handsome benefit for a worthy ob
ject. To Mr. Sam'l O'llara, more than to
any other one man. is due the credit of bring
ing about this gratifying result.
A young man named Delozicr, of Clear
field township, was accidentally shot, not
long since, by a pistol in bis own hand3.
IIow it was done we can't conceive, but we
are told that the ball passed through one of
his arms in two places, below and above the
elbow, and entered bis breast, passing up
along the ribs and lodging against the collar
bono. The ball was extracted, and the in
jured man is doing well.
Ebensburg boasts a Grant Club, just fledg
ed. We don't know whether it is a hurrah
ing club or a musical club, but most proba
bly the latter, as it has a Piper on its list
of officers. Xo talking is to be allowed at
its meetings, we believe, out of respect for
the dumb caudi'Iate ia whose behalf the club
has been organized nor wiH any member
be admitted without a cigar in his mouth,
even if he is otherwise sound to the cure on
the Radical goose. .
The Radicals hereaways formed a Grant
Club at the Court House on Saturday night
last, and as this is comparatively the strong
est hold that party has in the" county, we
doubt not that each ringing of the Ull, and
it was rang some three or four times, brought
not lebs than that number of the faithful to
the meeting. We believe the officers were
principally obtained Without drawing on the
"Boys in Blue," who seem to have been
"drawed 011" about as far as they are wil
ling to go with the Radical destructionints.
dames C. Easly, Esq., of Carrolltown. had
the misfortune to be thrown from a buggy
in this place, on Saturday evening last, in
consequence of the seat, which was cot fas
teucd to the vehicle, capsizing while turning
one of our street corners. Mr. Ka1y fell
between the buggy and the wheel, and was
carried around by the wheel, receiving pain
ful injuries on the back and hip and several
ugly scratches on the face. He recovered
Mifticiently in a couple cf hourB to be taken
to his home, where ho is still confined to bis
bed but gradually lecoveriisg.
Base Ball Extkaordixauy! There was
a fearful excitement on the Ebenkburg base
ball grounds on Thursday. A number of
very interesting matches had already been
played here during the season. When the
Johnstown club played the Mountaineers the
excitement was (Kickenappalling, and the
hot Mufilins from Cressuu made warm work.
But all other games were as nought com
pared with the one plajed on this occasion.
Early in the day the Lummix," a elub
txpressly improvised for the occasion, many
of the members of which had never been
beateu at this or any other game, challenged
the Mountainers to a match game upon their
own ground, which challenge WAS AC
The game was rot to commence until two
o'clock, but long before that hour an im
mense concourse of people had arrived upon
the ground. The array of "brave women
and fair men" has rarely been equalled.
Disregirdless of age, or sex, or rank, or con
dition, or color on came the crowd. Even
those who.-e who had been wounded on for
mer He Ids, and those whom age or disease
had rendered infirm, were brought to the
field on ambulances. In short, every body
was there, waiting with breathless anxiety
the opening of the ball !
At precisely the hour of 2 o'clock, 7 min
utes ai;d 46 seconds the Umpire arrived up
on the scene with hlstnff, and was the"ob
served of all observers." Though somewhat
paler than usual, there was nothing remark
able about bis appearance. A chair being
provided, lie sat down with as much non
ehahncc cs if he v.ero about to enjoy a. Ua
var a.
But the agony of suspense is over the
g: mo is commenced- I cannot, dearest Free
man, follow its details ; suffice it to say it
was pi"nfuily scientific. It soon became ap
parent that a portion of the "Lummix" had
been practising in the early part of the day,
and bad taken several "flies." It was even
said that one of them had cau ht a "fowl"
for d nner. They jud cioutly placed Scant
ling in the centre of the field, while Ceasly
sat to the right in the field, with a copy of
Fielding, studying the game. A Philadel
phia incmber after the first inning retired
on a n;0 Icrte competence. Yorkk llober
mami aided the running by seizing his run
ners by the collar and running them round,
for which a double track had been laid.
Theie was some admirable playing. Segil
displayed uncommon activity, and during
the game caught a ball, w hich was considered
ncc 7:ntal. The "short stop" always stop
ped short of the mark, while Secular strove
always to catch the ball when the Secular
arm could not reach it.
On the second inning Ilobermann went out
on a Lat-ter, while Cdytell was most foul ly
and IhiseAy was ruled out by the Umpire.
Tha experience of the Mountaineers, how
ever, triumphed over the enterprise of the
Lummixes and they were flumruixed. While
each iuning of the Mountaineers was pro
ductiveof sundry scores, the outings of the
Lummixes were accomplished wiih incred
ible facility ; and at the end of the fifth in
ning the game was called and came.
The best feeling prevailed throughout.
At fhe close Kink-head of the Lummix club
presented the ball with a few appropriate
remarks, which were briefly responded toby
the Vally ant Captain of the Mountaineers.
The air was then rent with cheers for each
of (he clubs, and for the Umpire, R. L.
Johnston, Esq., of the Freeman, for the dig
nified and impartial manher with which be
had filled his high trust. And thus"ended
the game. When the balljs opened again,
"may I be there to sec." MacSiiane.
Democratic Club Meeting. On Satur
day evening, 15th iDst., a meeting of the
Draociatic and Conservative citizens of
,Ch?st Springs Borough was held for the
purpose of organizing a Seymour and Blair
Club, at which the following officers were
chosen :
President J. K. McKcnzie.
Vice Presidents John Wagoner and John
Secretary A. Will.
Corresponding Secretary George Davis.
From the feeling prevailing here it is evi
dent that Chest Springs will do its duty in
the approaching Presidential Campaign. It
is intended that able speakers, from a dis
tance, will be invited to address the citizens
of this idace. Iago.
"The Good Time Comino." As probably
the last out-door festival of the present sum
mer, we announce a grand pic-nic at St.
Augustine on Tuesday next, i!5th inst., on
behalf of the bandsomo church edifice at
that place. Of course there will be no end
to the pleasant enjoyment and rich feasting
aff orded by our genial, whole-souled friends at
St. Augustineon this occasion, and every one
who visits the pic-nic may expect abundant
creature comforts and ample enjoyment of a
social, agreeable and innocent character. j
Go by alt means, and put in a day ot real
genuine recreation among tho?e who know
how to do the agreeable most effectually.
Stitx Anothbb. We notice elsewhere,
as probably the last of tha seasou, a pic-nic
to be held at St. Augustine, but have since
learned that there is still another to be given
at Loretto two daj's later. Those who ap
preciate enjoyment of fco pleasant a nature
may as well finish up the work by partici
pating with our Loretto friends on Thursday
next, 27th inst., as it is for a deserviug pur
pose. The finest grove in the county is to
be the scene of this festival, and those who
have the matter in hand will see that ail
visitors shall bo made happy.
PUBLIC attention- is invited to "HOUSE-
. 1 r ir t rlirvr7 ...1..,. -.So, .. :
IliUljl (jTAO iuaoumii n'jcuiorainuv iu
thi6 issue by David Jones, Phila. This Ma
chine commends itsell to puoue uvor,
Local C'rre6iouliace.
Johktowk, Ang. 17, 1863.
Dear Freeman An iLtuxicated German
in the First Ward, named IL-nry liitz, as
saulted his wife ona day last wtck with the
evident intention of killing her, but was
prevented by some of his neighbors. Ar
rested and sent to ycur place f...r trial.
A lady named Reed tame here Saturday
evening in search of her runaway husband,
who she alleged deserted and left her almost
penniless in Philadelphia about a year ago,
and has heen leading her on a "wild goose
chase" about the country ever since.
A gay and festive female was arrested in
Cotemaugh borough, Wednesday, for disor
derly cond'ist on the streets. When taken
before the Burgess refused to give her name,
but on beiDg asked if she knew anyone here
eaid acert&in prominent citiz?a "had brought
her to town and could take her away " Kept
in lock-up until Friday morning, aud then
A very large Democratic meeting on Sat
urday night last. Capt. Woodruff and Mr.
Jacob Zimmerman made excellent speeches.
Much enthusiasm prevailed.
Th public schools of tbia borough will
open on Monday, Sept. 17 th.
The mason work for the new iron bridge
over the Stony Creek, on the site of the
wooden structure swept away last summer,
has been completed.
The C. I. Co.'h new steel mill is progress
ing rapidly towards completion.
The German Lutheran congregation bave
had their old church building pulled down,
and will soon commence the erection of a
more commodious edifice.
Rev. B. L. Aguew, formerly of the Pres
byterian church here, has been spending a
few days with his many friends in this lo
cality. He looks well.
The notorious infidel, Carl Scburz, who
Fpoke of the Supreme Being as "the idaal
gentleman beyond the skies, called by some
people God," is to address his Radical
friends in this place on Wednesday, li6th
inst. A worthy champion of a bad cause.
The old wooden bridge over the Cone
maugh river, connecting Millville and Cam
bria boroughs, has been taken away to give
place to a new bon structure which is being
erected by the Cambria Irou Co.
Yuurs, &c. Wisp.
Somethixo New. Prof. J. B. Andrews,
of Philadelphia, is vUiting Johnstown for
the purpose of giving instructions in his new,
short aud simple Methods of Addition and
Multiplieatien, and their application to In
terest, Banking and Partial' Payments.
He guarantees teaching to add several
columns and to multiply by several figures
at once with as much ease and accuracy as
by the common method.
His rules for Interest. Banking and Par
tial Payments are the khortest and simplest
ever discovered.
He has been very successful in teaching
bis methods in the different cities aud towns
that he has visitod thioughtut the country,
and he comes highly recommended. His
terms are moderate. lie takes uo fses in
advance, and gives full satisfaction, or makes
no charge. We are authorized to say that
be gives instructions to ladies and teachers
at a reduced fee.
Successful. One of the most successful
business mm in this community is Mr. Geo.
Huntley, who is seldom idle notwithstanding
the stagnation in buinci circles every where.
This success cau only be accounted for by
ihe fact that in his stock is to be found such
articles as are nettled iu every household, on
every farm, and in every workshop, and the
further fact that be is a liberal, accommodat
ing And enterprising dealer. Such men de
serve succs, and we trust our readers will
liberally patronize Mr. II.
Attention! Attention is invited to the
Singer Sewing Machine advertisement in
our paper today, and particular attention
is invited to the fact that our neighbor, Mr.
C. T. Roberts, is agent for the sale of these
juetly celebrated Machines, as well as for
the G rover & Baker and Howe Sewing
Machines three of the best makes, by all
odds, befoie the public. Go and examine
them, and judge of their respective meiits.
"Tni: More a Mas Lives the Loncer
He Finds Oct." Nothing that we know
of confiims the above sage conclusion more
forcibly than the fact that every day hosts
of people are discovering the fact "that the
store of R. R. Davis Is the one at which to
buy the right kind of goods at the right
kind of prices. The closing out gale of sum
mer goods is very attractive at this establish
ment just now. Go and buy.
Tassiko A wat. The last of the summer
months has almost run its course, and as
the time will soon be around (ot laying in a
stock of goods for (he fall trade, buyers will
find ft to their advantage to call just now at
H. A. Shoemaker & Co. 's cheap store, where
all goods are being sold at the very lowest
figures in order to make room for other goods
bui table to the approaching season.
V. S. B. There is nothing cabalistic about
these three letters. They &imply stand as
the initials for "Very Sure Bargains" to
"Very Sensible Buyers" at V.S- Barker's,"
and you may depend upon it tkere is more
truth thau poetry iu this rendering of their
meaning. No better stock of goods th(n
Barker's is kept iu Ebensburg. and no bet
ter bargains cau be had anywhere.
Dctt. It is a duty we owe to ourselves
as well as to those dependant upon us to
lay up something for old age, and thib cau
only be done by living economically while
young. One of the surest methods of prac
tising economy is to buy your dry good and
groceries at Thompson's famous cheap store
on High street, where the best of everything
is sold at very low prices.
Oca Metropolis. What New York is to
the country Johnstown is to Cambria county,
and what Stewart' establishment is to New
York Meyer's store is to Johnstown. The
largest, the best, the most varied and cheap
est stock of ladies' dress and rniPinery goods
outside of city l-mita'can be fonnd at Meyer's
emporium, Parke's Hall, Main street, Johns
town. Doing Good. Clothing the naked is one
of the seven corporal works of mercy, and
tho one which L. Cohen & Bro., of the great
New York Clothing Hall, Johnstown, are
specially prepared to perform to tho entire
satisfaction of all men and boyf who desire
to be cheaply, comfortably andjfasbionably
clad iu the best of garments.
Its Good Effects are Perhakest. In
this it differs from all hair dyes. By its use
luxurient growth is guaranteed, natural
color and gloss are restored. Ona trial will
cause you to say this of Mrs. S. A Allen's
Improved new style) Hair Restorfr or
Dressing, fin one io?.) Every Drugget
sells it. Price One Dollar. ang.13.lm.
Gbo M. Rkade, Esq , has removed to bis
lino new law office, in the building recently
erected by hiox 00 Centre street from High.
"Tce War between the States, its
Cacseh, Character, Conduct and Re
sults." by Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, is
the title of a valuable work just issued by
the National Publishing Co"., Philadelphia.
Histories of the late civil war have sprung
up like mushrooms, and they can now be
numbere(!5!most by hundreds. All who are
desirous of arriving At a correct understand
ing of the causes, and a clear history of the
events of the late lamentable war, have felt
the want of a reliable history of the name
from a Southern standpoint, by some repre
sentative man of the South. This waut is
about to be supplied by Alexander II. Ste
phens. Mr. Stephens was a most earnest
protestant hgainst rebellion, aud ouly sue
cumbed at the last moment, when his State,
in spite of his warning, committed the great
The bare announcement that this distin
guished statesman had determined to write
a book, wculd, of itself, be sufficient to kin
dle a lively and wide-spread interest in all
sections of the country; but when it is
known that he has chosen as his theme one
so fruitful as the late American War, the
absorbing interest of the subject, together
with the evident and singular fitness of the
author for its treatment, unite in awakening
a curiosity entirely unparalleled iu the annals
of American literature.
It presents a careful political analysis of
the past, separating real from apparent
causes of the late unhappy conflict, and
gives those interior lights and shadows of
the great war, only known to those high
officers who watched the flood-tide of revolu
tion from its fountain springs, and which
were so accessible toMr. Stephens from his
position as second officer of the Confederacy.
To a public that has been surfeited witli
apparently similar productions, it presents a
change of fare, both agreeable and salutary,
and an intellectual treat of the highest order.
The Great American War has at last found
a historian worthy of its importance, and at
whose hands it receives that moderate, can
did and impartial treatment which truth and
justice so urgently demand.
This most valuable work is sold only by
subscription, and the publishers want an
agent in every county.
Who Shall be President ? The Phre
nological Journal for September contains all
the Presidential Candidates Grant. Colfax,
Seymour aud Blair, with Portraits and con
cise Sketches of Biography and Character.
Also, Hon. Anson Burlingame, the Chinese
Minister ; Franz Listz, the composer ; Armi
nius Vambery, the Oriental Traveler ; John
n. Littlefield, artist. Who are the Yankees?
Use Legs and bave Legs ; A Key Thought ;
the Development Theory defined ; Our Daily
Lectures ; A New Class in Practical Phren
ology; Finding a Situation; A perfect Church
on Karth Is it possible ? Only SO cents,
cr $3 a year. $1 50 for half a year. Ad
dress, S. R. Wells, 39 Broadway, N. Y.
Harrisburo Patriot. Under the man
agement of the new proprietors, Messrs. B.
F. Meyers & Co., this sound and efficient
Democratic daily paper has taken its place
iu the front rank of American jmrnalism,
and we are g'.ad to say that it i being pro
perly'appreciated all overjthe country. It is
r. honor to the Democratic party and a credit
to the eapital of our Commonwealth, and as
such deserves the support of every D-mocrat
who can afford to subscribe for either is dailj
or weekly issue. We heartily commend it to
our readers.
Dfhoresi-'s Monthly for September,
prompt to time as Ur-ual. and full of good
things to overflowing for the ladies. '-Maude
Estvaricg" is worthy of the perusal of every
mother. Its Fashions, Music, Literature,
Fun, Art, Household (we can not enumerate
half its good things), render it the roost at
tractive and useful Monthly published for a
family. You need to see it to know its vlue.
$3 yearly. Address, W. Jennings Demurest,
473 Broadway, N. Y.
The superior merits of the "Singer" Ma
chines over all others, either for Family use r
Manufacturing purposes, re so well established
and so generally admitted, that au (numeration
of their relative excellences is no longer con
sidered necessary.
which has been brought to perfection regardless
of time, labor, or exp' nse, is now coufidently
presented to the public as incomparably the
Burr rwixa Machine ix bxistkvck.
Tire machine in question is SIMPLE. COM
i quiet, light running, and capable of pkr-
before attempted upon a single Machine, using
either Silk, Twist, Linen or Cotton Thread,
and sewing with equal facility the very finest
and coarsest materials, and anything between
the two extreme, in the most beautiful and
substantial manner. Its attachments for Hem
ming, Braiding, Cording. Tucking, Quilting,
Felling, Trimming, Binding, iic, are IfovEL.
and Practical, and have been invented and
adjusted espesially for this Machine.
Kew designs of the Unique, .Useful and Pop
ular Folding Tops and Cabinet Cases, peculiar
to the Machines manufactured by this Compa
ny, have been prepared for enclosing tho new
A faiut idea, however, can at best be con
veyed through the medium of a (necessarily)
limited advertisement ; and we therefore urge
every person in quest of a Sewing Machine by
all means to exauine and test, if they can pos
sibly do so, all the leading rival Machines be
fore making a purchase. A selection can then
be made uudersUndingly. Brunches or agen
cies for supplying tb.9 "Singer" Machines will
be found in nearly every city and town through
out the civilized world, where Machines wid
be cheerfully exhibited and any information
promptly furnished. Or coramunicatiens may
be addressed to
The Singer Manufacturing Comp3nyf
Philadelphia Office, 1106 Chestnut Street.
EST C. T. ROBERTA, Agent for Ebensburg
and vicinity, keeps these Machines constantly
for 6ale at his store.ou High street. The pub
lie are respectfully invited to call and see them
in operation. Instructions given free. Ma
chines sold at city prices. No frlight charged.
Also, iSiuger's Needles, Oil, Silk and Cotton
always oa hand. aug 20.-ly.
ceivec Rt Ju. J-i. uatmau s, one
door east of "Freeman" office. Also, a large
stock of tbe best brands of Chewing Tobacco.
Clears ai vrnoiesaie prices.
Warranted Odeai-hst axd BfstI To Farm
ers, Express Companies, Stage Proprietors,
Livcrv Establishments and all who iwe Horse-'
MENT, ic Tint Bottles, at One Dollar, for
the cure of I,amene?s, Scratches, Wind Galls,
Sprains, Bruises. Sprint. Galls, Cuts, Colic,
Slipping Stifle. Overheating, Sore Throat, Kail
iu the Foot, 4c.
All who own or employ horses are assured
that this Liniment Will do all and more than is
stated in curmg the above named complaints.
During twenty years it has never failed to give
satisfaction in a single instance. Sold by the
Druggists. Depot, 55 Cortlendt Street 'New
York. - July 30, 18G8.-lm.
Testifyto its merits in restoring GRAY HAIR
to ita original color RDd promoting its growth.
It raakc3 the hair soft and glos?y. The old in
appearance are made young again. It is the best
ever used. It removes Dandruffand 11 Scurvy
Eruptions. It does noi stain the skin.
Our Treatise on the Hair sent free bv mail.
Bewore of the numerous preparations which
are sold upon our rejutation.
R. P. HALL, & CO , Nashua, N. II.. Prop'ra.
Fjr sale by all druggists. aug. 13. -1 in.
JICEN'SE NOTICE The following
persons have filed petitions for Tavern
and Eating House Licenses in the Cirrk's Of
fice of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Cam
bria countv, which will be presented to the
Judges of said Court on the first Monday of
September next :
Tavern Samnel Kennedy, Johnstown Bor.,
4th ward ; Joseph Shoop, Millville Borough.
Eating House Geo. Heuser and A. Kmuse,
3d ward, Johnstown Bor. ; John Belxner, Con
craaugh Borough.
GEO. C. K. ZAIIil, Clerk.
Ebensburg, Aug, 2d, lsC8.-3t.
IOR SALE. The undersigned offers
fur sale the FARM on which they now
reside, situate in Allegheny township, Cambria
county, within two miles of Loretto, (formerly
owned by James McAteer,) containing ONE
more or lest, luO Acres of which are cleared
the balrnce well timbered. There is erected
on the premises a good DWELLING HOUSE
and splendid BARN, together with other ne
cessary outbu'ldinga, such as Blacksmith Shop,
Corn Crib, Sheep House, Lc. ; also, an excel
lent ORCHARD of choice fruit. Title per
fect. For terms apply on the premises to
Loretto P. O.. Aug. 20, JgGtJ.-tf.
Dwellings, Stores, Factories. Churches and
Public Buildings tcilh Gas!
The simplicity and evse with which this Ma
china is managed, as also its economy and great
merit, recommends it to public lavor. Call and
see machine in operation at the store.
Tin Fi-kvish'no Store, No. 733 Greev St.,
Send for Illustrated Catalogme. PHlLA.
August 20, lBtS -3oi.-
REV. B. M. KERR, A. M.t
PROPOSES opening a School for Young
Ladies in the Academy Budding. Ebens
burg, on TUESDAY, SEPT. 1st, lStiS. ;
Terms, One-lialf In Advance,
First Grade, $15.
Second 21.
Third 25.
No deduction for absence except in protract
ed illness.
Tjie Trustees of the Academy have kindly
consented to act as a Board of Trustees for this
School. Ebensburg, Aug. 20, lJS8..3t
CAMBRIA COUNTY. Notice is hereby
given that the following Appraiement9 of cer
tain property of decedents, set apart for the
widow of inteftates, under Act of Assembly ol
the 14th April, lt-51, have been filed iu "the
Hegister's Office at Ebenbnrg, and will be pre
sented to the Orphans' Court for approval on
Wednesday, the 9th of September next, to wit:
Appraisement of rea! estate of John E. Mc
Permitt, late of Wheat twp., dte'd, set apart lor
the widow of said deceased.
Appraisement of certain personal property
set apart for the widow of Thomas Knylor, late
of Allegheny township, deceased.
Appraisement of certaiu personal property
set apart for the widow of Qeorge McGough,
late of Clearfield township, deceased.
Appraisement of real estate set apart for the
widow of Jcsiah R. Brown, deceased.
Appraisement f certain property set apart
for the widow of John Baum, late of Susque
hanna township, d?cet9ed.
Appraisement of certain personal property
set apart for the widow of W01. Charlton, late
of Prospect borough, deceased.
Clerk's Office, Ebeuiburg, Aug. 20, l6d.3t.
rjlRlAL LIST. List of Causes set
JL down fur triul at a Court of Common
Pleas ol Cambria co-.:nty, commencing on Mon
day, the Tib day of September next :
Bell vs. Swires et. al.
Storm vs. Penna. It. R. Co.
Cooper vs. Dunmyer, et. al.
While's Ex'r. vs. Woodcock.
Same vs Same.
Runnion vs. George.
Leidy's Adm'x vs. Simmons.
McMullen vs. Ivory.
Smith vs. Glasgow.
Hughes vs. Crum.
M'Coy's Adm'rs. . . .vs. Litztnger.
Hoffman .vs. Colclesser et. al.
C.ilvin et. al vs. Burgoons.
Morley vs. Duncan.
Calvin vs. IToel et. al.
Altimus vs. Cooper.
AhrUty v Christy.
Rowley vs. McHugh et. al
Robson vs. Cowan.
Lan'7.y vs. Hibsch et. al.
McKenzie. vs. Mellow t. al.
Allison vs. Myer et. al.
Fronheiser et. al vs. Ribblett et. al.
Snyder et. al vs. Byrne et. al.
Star rick vs. Hubert.
Bloodgood's Ex'r. . . .vs. Morrison's Ex'r.
Trainer ts. M'Cabe.
Davis' Adm'r. vs. Byrne et. al.
Milliken vs. Troxell et. al.
Easly vs. Chruty et. al.
Nagle s. Donegan et. al.
Walters' uso vs. Slick.
GEO. O. K. ZAIBJ, Frofh'y.
Prothy's Office, Ebensburg, Aug. 13, 1868.
OHERIFPS SALE Hy virtue of a
lO writ of Fi. Fa. issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas of Cambria county, and to me
directed, there will be exposed to Public Sale
at the Foster House, in Johnstown, on Satur
day, the 5th day of November next, at 1 o'clock
p. 11., the following real estate, to wit:
All the right, title and interest of John
Mincely, of, in and to a lot of ground situated
in Cocemaugh tivp., Cambria county, fronting
fifty feet ou Main street and extending back
one hundred and thirty feet to Township road,
adjoining lot of Charles Wendle on the south
west, haviiKg thereon erected a two story plank
house and blank stable, now in the occupancy
ef Levi Richard and John Yager Taken in
execution and to be sol 1 at the suit of Levi B.
Cohick. JOHN A. BLAIR. Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Ebensburg, Aug. 29, 1SC8.
SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue of
sundry writs of Vend. Expon. and Al Vend.
Expou. issued out of tbe Coart of Common
Tleas of Catnbria county, and to me directed,
thero will lie exposed to public sale, at tbe
Court Moose in Ehergburg, on Monday, the 7th
day of September next, at 1 o'cloek r. m., tbe
following re il estate, to wit :
All the right, tide and interest of William
Bradley, of. ia and to a piece or parcel of land
situated in Washington-twp., Cambria eom!y,
adjoining lands of Hugh CDonnell,- heirs of
Edward Donaldaon, and others, containing one
acre, more or less, having thereon erected a one
and a half ttory plank house and plank stable,
now in tbe occupancy ol the said Wm. Bradley.
Taken in execution aud to be sold at tbe suit
of R. L. J ohastorr.
AJao', all the rigiil, tilie and interest- of Tho.
Downs, f, in and to a lt of ground situated
in Millville borough, Cambria county, fronting
on Cinder afreet, and extending back by an
alley on the east to the Conemaugh river, aud
adjoining lot of Charles Schuba on the north,
haTing thereon erected a two story pi auk house,
now in the occupancy of the said l'hos. Downs.
Taken in execution and to be sold at the suit
of K.tA. C. Duncan.
Also, all the right, title and interest of Mary
Eigenbrod, of, in aftd to a lot of ground situa
ted in Carroll tOTi-n borongh, Cambria county,
fronting sixty six feet on italn street, and ex
tending back two hund-ed feet to an alley, ad
joining lot of Albert Oswald on the north and
an alley on the south, hating thereon erected
a two story fraaie house and frairre stable, now
in the occupancy of the said Mary Einbrod.
Taeu in execution and to be sold at the rait
of Peter Campbell.
Also, all the right, title and Interact of Jacob
Shoemaker, of, in and to a piece or parcel of
land situated ia Richland township, Cambria
county, aajoiaing lands of Richard Berkeybile,
Peter King, and others, containing sixty-four
acres, more or less, t.bont twenty acres of which
are cleared, having theteou erected a one nnd
a half story log house and cabin barn, now in
the occupincy of George Custer. Taken in
execution and to be sold al the suit of Elizabeth
Also, all the right, title and interest of Witt
K Piper, of, in and to four lots of ground sit
uated iu the Borough of Ebensburg, Cambria I
couuty , fronting on Centre street and extending
back to the Public Squire, having thereon
erected a two story brick hoese and plank sta
ble, now iu the occupancy of the said Wm. K.
Piper. Taken in execution and to be sold at
the suit of A. M. k R. Whkc, for use of Ban
croft, Ueavor & Co., now for u?e of Harry
White, executor of Thomas White, dee'd.
Also, all the right, title and interest of John
Keelan, of, in and to a lot of ground situated
in Cambria borough, Cambria county, fronting
forty feet on Broad street ani extending back
one hundred and thirty feet to an ailev, adjoin
ing lot of Andrew Myers on the north and lot
of Francis Uallisetb on the soith, having there
on erected a two story plank bouse and two
fraaae stables, now in the occupancy of the said
John Keelan. Taken in execution and to be
void at the suit of G. W. Stnt.mnn.
Also, all the right, title and interest of Jas.
S. Rani iey, of, in and to a lot ot ground situa
ted in 6th ward, Johnstown, fronting sixty feet
on Morr.a street and extending back one hun
dred and sixty-five feet to an alley, adjoining
an alley on the east and lot of Eliza Butler on
the west, having thereon erected a plank double
house, with a one story kitchen-attached, and
frame stable, now in the occupancy of Anna
Ramsey and Wm. J. Sprechcr. Taken in ex
ecution and to be sold at the suit of II. B. Claf
liu & Co.
Also, all the right, title and Interest of Jamea
Burk, of. in and to a tract of land situated in
Richland township, Cimbria county, adjoining
lands of Christian Smay, Jcremi h McGouigle,
Edward McGladc, and others, containing three
hundred acre, more or less, about rinety acres
of which are cleared, having thereon erected
two one and a ball' story log hou?ea and a log
stable, now in the occupaucy of Henry Allen
baugU and Jeiemiah Barnes. Taken in execu
tion and to be sold at the euk of Robert L.
A so, all tke right, title and interest of John
"Keelan. of, in and to a lot of ground situated
in Cambria borough, Cambria couuty, fronting
fifty feet on Broad street and extending back
to au alley, adjoining lot of John Bindley on
the east and lot of John Keelan on the west,
having thereon erected a two story plank house
and plank staido, now in the occupaucy of the
faiil John Keelan. Taken in execution aud to
be sold at the suit of R. & A. C. Dancau.
Also, all tbe right, title aud interest of John
Thompson, Jr., of, iu ana to a lot of grrund
situated in the Borough of Ebensburg, Cam
bria county, fronting on the plank road, and
adjoining lot of Mrs. Hutchinson on the north,
Edward Davis on the cast and Simple street
on the south, having thereon erected a two story
brick dwelling houne, now in the occupancy of
John Thompson, Jr. Taken in execution and
to be sold at the suit of James Clifford, for use
of John Fen! on, Esq.
Also, all the right, title and interest of Ilnn-
ry McDade, of, in and to a lot ot g-.ound situ
ated in ttalhtzin township, Cambria conaty,
frontins on the New Portage Rail Road, ad
joining land ol George Yeakley on the noith
and lands ot James il ClOjkev on tlie soutn
and east, containing one fifth of an acre, more
or less, having thereon erected a one story plank
house and plank stable, now iu the occupancy
of the saia Henry McDade. Taken in execu
tion and to be sold at the suit of Henry Scan-
Ian, Adm'r of Andrew Stuppy, dec d, et. al.
Also, all the right, title aud" interest of Jacob
Burjroon, of, in and to a piece or parcel of land
situated in Washington township, Cambria
county, adjoining lands of the heirs of Philip
Noon, dee'd, heirs of Edward Donaldson, tlec'd,
and others, containing one hundred and ten
acre? , more or less, about fifty acres o' which
are cleared, hiving thereon erected a two story
plank house, frame barn, and a coal
in the occupancy of the Mid Jacob Burgoon.
Also, a piece or parcel of land situated in
Washington township. Cambria cou.ity, adjoin
ing lands of the heirs of Edward Donaldson,
dee'd, heirs of Thomas Carroll, dee'd, andoth
ere, containing 6ix. acre, more or less, having
thereon erected a one and a half story plank
house, now in the occupancy of Andrew Stro
mer. Taken iu execution and to be sold at the
suit of Cambria countv.
JOHN A. BLAIR, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Ebensburg, Aug. SJ, 1863.
gigned, having been appointed Atiditor
by the Orphans' Court of Cambria county to
report i9tribution of the money in the hands of
Mathias Denny, Executor of Peter Denny, de
ceased, upon his first and final account, hereby
gives notice that he will attend to the duties of
said appointment, at his ofllce iu the Borough
of Ebensburg, on Wednesday tni 2r pat of
Skptembeb next, at 2 o'clock p. m., when and
where all persona having claims against the es
tate of eaid deceased will present them for al
lowance, or be debarred from coming in for any
share of said fund.
Ebensburg, Aug. 13. 18u3.-3t.
TVTOTICE. To Jank Martix : Take
JL 1 aotlce that an inquest will be held at tha
late residence of David Abraius, late of Cam
bria township, Cambria ceunty. Pa., deceased,
on Monday, the 31st day ef August next, at 1
o'clock in tbe afternoon of that day, for the
nureose of makinr portition of the Real Estate
of said deceased to and among bis children and
legal reprapentatives. if the same can be aono
without prejudice to orepoi'.ing of the whole
otherwise to value and appraise tho aaono ; at
which time and place you are reqnested Vo at
tend It yea thimk proper.
JOHN A. BLAIR, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, gbensburg. July 30, l6G3.-4t.
NOTICE To Pbter B. Brccb :
Take notice that an inquest will be held
at the late dwelling fcoase of George Bruce,
late of Allegheny township, dee'd, on Moaday
the 17th day of August next, at 1 o'clock in
tho afternoon, for the parpoae of makiug par
tition of the Real Estate of taid deceased to
nd among his childron and legal representa
tive, if the same can be douo without prejudice
to or spoiling of the whole otherwise to'value
and appraise the sme ; at which time and
Dlace you are requested to attend If yon thiak
JOHN A. BLAIR. Sheriff.
Sheriff Office, Ebeusburg, Jul; 30, IK?,
The very best in the Market
No. 45 I Foal Si, (piosite Si. Charles iLtcL
Also, Entrance Nos. H2 k 10-i Third St.,
Wholesale Agents for the West.
For sale by A. A. BARKER for Ebensburg
and vicinity. je 1 1.'6-S.-ly.
passed by the Burgees and Council fr
the Borough of Loretto, Cambria county, P. :
1st. If any person or persona, after legal r.n
fice given, shall gallop a? horse, m2t,
or gelding within tne Borough of Loretto, fhall,
upon Kmviction thereof, forfeit and pay two
dollars for every such offence.
2d. Arty person or persons cngiged in a quar
rel, fight or fiot, or aiding, abetting or partici
pating in e,arrellirig, fighting or rijting within
the Borough of Loretto, shall, upon couvict'ou
thereof, forfeit and pay the sum of fiye dollara
each for each and every such offence.
3d. Any person or persons intoxicated, and
exhibiting Hmsc?f of themselves in a disorderly
manner within the Borough of Loretto, shall,
upon conviction thereof, lorfeit and pav the
eum ol two dollars each for ovcry such offence.
4th. Any jerson or perrons dejiesiting wood,
lumber, shingles, or any other material or ob
struction, cm ground intended for sidewalk,
any nearer than ten fct from I t or lots of
ground owned by another person or persons,
without fh-jt obtaioiug the eonscnt of said per
son or persons so to do, shall, upon conviction
the:eof, forfeit and pay the run of three dollar.,
each for every uch offence, and be compelled
to remove e obstruction forthwith,
5th. Any person, nut a resident of Loretto
borough, selling, vending or aactioiiins mer
chandise, viz : dry goods, groceries, hardware,
boots, shoes, hats and eadiilery, or any ofte of
them, shall firs' pay two dollars to the Borough
Treasurer, for which the Treasurer shall pire
a Borou-h license, to be good for one moTrth
from the date there f, bat not after. Any per
son violating thig ordinance knowingly, "(thall ,
upon conviction thereof, forleit and pay the
sum of five djllarj additional for the use ol the
6th. Any person holding a publie show, cir
cus, or concerto! any kind, within tke Borough
of Loretto, sh-dl fir. piy from one to three
dollars to tbe Borough Treasurer, at the discre
tion of the Treasarer. Any person violating
this ordinance knowingly, shall, upon convic
tion thereof, pay a fine of fife dollars for tt
u$e of the Borough.
F. O'Fjuel, See'y. Aug
The Last GfMi&M Sue ths.
Jlfewyle neBoifie
will quickly restore Gray Hair
to its natural color and beauty,
and produce luxuriant growtli. It Si
perfectly harmless, and is preferred
over every other preparation by
those who hive a fine head of hair,
as well at those who wiah to restore
it. The beautiful gloss and pcrfur c
imparted to the Hair make it desirable
for old and young.
Vor Sale hy all Drugg .
Unshit '-.
Corner Virginia and Annii Streets, Nvr't'i
Ward, Altoona, Pa.
Authorized Capital, ----- $300.01
Cash Capital paid in, - - - . I50,0t 0
All business pertaiuing to Banking tlm-e
on favorable terms
Internal Revenue Stamps cf all dcno?i
nations, always on hand.
To purchasers of Stamps percentage, in
stamps', will be allowed, as follows :
$50 to $100, 2 per cent.; $100 to $?or),
3 per cent. ; $'200 and upwards, 4 per cci.t.
Jan. 81. 1867-tf.
jpo reign siiirrixo
We are now selling Exchange (at r"evr
York Rates oa
England, Ireland. Scotland,
Wales, Germany, Prussia ,
Austria, Bavaria, Wurtember-,
Baden, Hessen, Saxony,
Ilanover, Belgium, Switzerland,
Holland, Norway and France.
And Tickets to and from any Port In
England, Ireland, Scotland,
Germany, France, California,
New South Wales or Anstrnlia.
The undersigned offers for sale, on tu
aost reasonable terms, a TRACT OK LA2 H
situated in Chet township, Cambria ceuxty.
witbin two miles of St. Aupustlue. containing
85 ACRES, aboutSO of which are cleared, with
a pood Hovse and Barn ani a tkriviu orcbard
and excellent water on the premises. Tho laud
is prodnctite. in good repair and under good
fence. An indisputable title will be given.
Inquire on the premises, or of Mr. John Doe;-.
las or J. J. Kurns, Eso , St. Aujustine.