The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, July 30, 1868, Image 3

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THURSDAY, : : : JULY 30, 1SCS.
EnrroRiAMnES, Local and General
A eeivant girl at the Mono tain Douse.
Cnsion. we are told, died very suddenly ou
Sunday last.
Why if the handsomest young lady in
Ebensburg like a hinge 1 Because the is
Fonifthitg to adore.
Our frit-ud Huff, now of Greenfihurg, spent
a day w ith us nut long since, and was greet
ed by all his old friends "on sight."
Our down town neighbor, Edward Glass,
Esq., who bus been suffering seriously from
protracted illness, is now, we are pleased to
say. tlovly convalescing.
It is alleged by persons competent to
judge, that the wheat crop of Cambria this
year will more than double the yield of last
Feaion. The same will hold good in regard
to neighboring counties.
Tho barn of Daniel Shrader, in Sewickly
township, Westmoreland county, was struck
by lightning on Sunday week, and barn,
vl eat, hay, machinery, etc.. to the value of
fifteen hundred dollars, were destroyed.
A fracas occurred Let ween VVm. Lane and
Thos. II. Fa gen, two plasterers in Ilollidays
burg, on Saturday, which resulted in the
latter beating the former so brutally that he
d almost instantly. Fa gen arrested.
A German resident of Yoder township,
named John Widman. fell from the iron
bridge near tho Cambria Iron Co.'s store,
Johnstown, on Saturday week, and received
injuries which caused his death the next
The painters art has made a great im
provement in the outward appearance of the
Town lLd', which is now one of the finest
looking buildings in our town. Messrs.
John tjtutigh and Jerry Fegan did the work,
and they have certainly done it well.
Mr. John Skelly, of Rlacklick township,
was thrown from a horse, on Saturday last,
and receive I a severe fracture of ths hip
Ixjne. Ti e "u jury is of a serious character,
and as he is a man of some seventy years of
Ace, his recovery may be considered doubt
ful. A Scotch miner named John ITodgets,
vhile intoxicated, fell or lay down upon the
railroad track near the Johnstown ihition,
on Monday ni;ht week, and was run over
aud instantly killed by the mail train w.'st
a hunt half-past, ten o'clock. His body was
fi.irribly mar.gled.
The house of Ir. D. D. Taylor, at Irwin,
"Westmoreland county, was entered through
n window, by burglars on the night of the
17 ill irst., ether administered to the Doc
tor wbi'e sleeping, and a pocket-hook cn-
tiU'iii g eleven hundred dollars abstracted
from his pillow. No clue to the per
jietri.toi .
"Tad" Lincoln in imitation of boys who
tievor h:oi 'ft President fur their father, at
tempted to jump on a passing freight train
at Clef-son, on Monday week, but his hold
slipped, and had it not been for the timely
-id of a gentleman who stood near, he would
have fell under the wheels and most proba
ta y have lcm killed.
Mrs. Kate Moore, of Dell township, West
moreland county, was noticed going into an
old cooper shop at HuB a saltworks, one day
not long since, and shortly after the dead
body of a child was found secreted iu the
.veils near t he building. The child is sup
posed to have dix.l from neglect or violence,
" .-it. d Mr. Moore, who has been separated
fit i:i her hu.-sband for two years, is supposed
to be the iuhuman ciutLcr. 2sot yet ar
rested. As UNrr.fiTCXATK Tbais. Tico Smash
' ah'i ,SYj'ii.f Injury of the Enguxeer and
j'tremaii A ficiuht train west on the Pa.
II. R. ran off the track between Cresson anil ! on Sunday night last, and fotue
five or s'x cars wi re Kidlv de;n-raliiccd by
tlso operation. Two travellers who were
migrating on t!e 4froc gratis for nothing"
firificiple, we are told, were buried in the
wreck, but fortunately escaped with a few
scratches. AOer ?ver;l hairs' severe labor
the train, or that portion if it not demoral
ised, was gut in running order ami proceeded
n its way, but when in th vicinity of WU
Mure on Mund.y corning, owing to the
fict that no flagman had given the required
wamiiig, it came in collision with the
of the local freight eat,t, which for some
purpot-e had passed cu to the western track,
nnd the result of this collision was the seri
ous ii jury cf the engineer of the trnin, David
Randolph, and the fireman, John Flanagan,
as well as the u'nv .st total demolition cf four
of the cars and the engine attached to the
train. Tim pushir also sustained consider
able damage. The train engine was thrown
from tho track nnd almost broken to pieces,
ami how the engineer aud fireman escaped
with their lives seems to us a mystery. Ran
dolph but few outward injuries, yet it
was fcui-d that he was injured internally to
an extent that might eventually prove fatal.
Flanagan, who was held by the machinery
for an hour or two before he could be extri
cated, had ere of l is aims broken and the
fiVsh on his thigh, by which he was held,
badly lacerated. Both tuc. injured men were
taken to Altoona, where they reside.
Dastarm t Outrages. During the past
ten days or two weeks there has been quite
a number of complaints made in regard to
Kn otiVnce for which it is hard to conceive a
motive, much less form an excuse. Several
lad ie have had very valuable dresses ruined
in consequence of vjtrtol having been thrown
upon the skirts of them while promenading
our streets, but thus far it is not publicly
known who the miscreants are who have en
gaged in this nefarious and hellish business.
Ooe or two links, however, have beeu ob
tained in the chain of evidence, and we may
yet have the satisfaction of announcing that
the bare wretches who could conceive and
execute such dastardly outrages are serving
the State in capacities for which they are
best fitted and certainly most worthy and
To be Revived. We have no direct au
thority fur the assertion, but from what we
sco and what we hear we are led to believe
that the AUeghanian newspaper, which gave
up the ghost some five months ago, is to be
resurrected, and will probably its ap
pearance next week. Mr. Hutchinson is to
be aided in the publication by Mr. Eel.
James, and with two such competent prin
ters, clever editors, and deserving fellows,
we certainly hope that tho AUeghanian will
henceforth be a permanent and paying insti
tution. e fear, however, that the defeat
of Grant, which is as certain as fate, will
conugn the AUeghanian. as well as its party,
to a death that will never know another res
urrection. On a Visit. Our venerable friend. Mr.
Michael Hughes, formerly of Cbambersburg,
Pa., now of New York, is spending a few
days on the mountain. Also, our young
friend. Mr. P. V. Rodrigue. of the house of
Kugene Kelly & Co., Bankers. New York, is
cn a visit to Ebensburg. We trnst they
inay both derive benefit from the wholesome
-r cf ths mcantain region.
Gkakd asd Teateiik J"cboim. Below
are the name3 of those who have been drawn
to serve as jurors at the September term cf
our county Court.
Grand Jurors.
George "Walters, White twp.. Foreman.
Alhghany Francis A. Storm.
Carroll John C. Eckenrode.
Chest Daniel Eckenrode. John Gill
Cleat field John E. McMullin.
Croyle Joseph W, Pringle.
Onemaueh Bor. Christ. Heaker, John
Stormer, Adara Rowland.
Ebensburg Bor. John Lloyd.
Johnstown Bor. Peter Horuick, Hobert
B. Gageby, Robert Parsons.
Millville Bor. Patrick Graham, Samuel
Yocum, Jncob Marsh.
Mnnstcr Jacob Glass.
Susquehanna Ileniy Miller
Summerhili Ilenry Walter.
Taylor Jacob Hoover.
White Daniel Donnelly.
Yoder William Eldridjze.
Traverse Jurors First lletk.
Allegheny rat'k Braniff. John Conaery,
Charles McManamy.
Blacklick Abraham Makin.
Clearfield Thomas Adams, Jr., Timothy
Cauley, Samuel Wiil.
Conema-Jgb Alex Cover, Jacob Singer.
Conemangh Bor S. D. Canan, Nicholas
Frcidhoff, William Miller, William Young.
Chest Snrinrrs Bor. S. M. Douglass.
Carroll Thomas Eager, Simon LiUinger,
Peter Noel. Wm. Weakland.
(Jhest Nicholas Helfrick.
Gallitzin Michael Conrad.
Johnstown Bor. Charles Barnes, Isaac
Chandler, John Litz, Wm. P. Patton.
Lore t to Bor. Michael Levy.
Millville Bor. Jceph Burrell, Evan G.
Lewi.s, John Terry.
Richland George Conrad, Moses Kring.
Summerhili MichT Braniff, Mathew Bi
ter. Jacob Emigh.
Susquehanna Theodore Baker.
Taylor Abraham Angus. M. A. Brown,
John" B. Laughry, Jacob R. Miller, John
Slick, Jeremiah Vaughn.
Washington Joseph Bene, Jas. Conrad,
John WTkin.
White Joseph Bardine, Benjtmin Beers.
John Gates.
Yoder George Beam, Sr., Elias Ciissinan.
Traverse Jurors Second Wetk.
Allegheny Joha C Bradley, Washington
Douglass. James J. Kaylor.
BUicklick Lewis Edwards, A. II. Longe
necktr. Carroll Wm. Arble, John Bonder, John
Fresh, John J. Weakland.
Carrolltown Bor. E. L. Binder, Ilenry
Scanlon, Esq., D. C Welz.l.
Cambria Bur. David Burket, Da'l Mc
Donald. Cambria Evan R. Murgan, William D.
Conemaugh Bor. William Cnshoo, Jesse
Croyle William D. Pringle.
Chest Paul Y aimer.
Ebensburg Bor. William Day.
Johnstown Bor Elijah Butler, Thos.
Kimmell, John T. Llewellyn, Charles
Lewis, James II. Mitchell.
Jackson William Bycrs.
Loretto Joteph Hera -g, Sylvester Little.
Millville Bor. John Baikley, Chas. Col
bert. Archibald Noland.
Monster Dennis Farren, Teter Kaylor.
Richland David Costlow, SaniT Fleonor,
George Shaffer.
Susquehanna John Msnnion.
Taylor Wm. L. Galbraith, Win- Ilocvcr,
William A. Krisc.
White Mathias Xessler, David Younkin.
Wilmore Bor. John M'Colgan.
Washington G. W. Mullin. P. MoGough.
Yoder Aartn Croyle, Jacob Seigh.
Blair Cocstt Nominations. Tke Dem
ocratic County Convention, which assembled
ia IIolHdaysburg on Tuesday of last week,
placed in nomination tho following most ex
cellent ticket one which may not, but
shonl 1 be, elected to a man : Assembly
James Funk, Duncansville ; Reguter and
Recorder Captain Frank Cassiday, Ne vry ;
County Commissioner II. Fettinger. Altoo
na City ; County Treasurer Martin Bechtel,
Ilollidaysburg ; Connty Auditor William
McGonigal, Tyrone ; Poor Director Tamea
Stevcr.s, Juniata Township ; District Attor
ney Samuel Wo'vlkok, Altoona City. Col.
J. C. Everhart, Martinsbnrg; Dr. J. M.
Gemmiil, Altoona, and Sam'l. L'. MeFaddun,
Iloilidavsburg.;. wee chosen Conferees, and
lion. John Cresswcll, IIollidayBburg, made
Chairman of the County Committee.
A Complete Stocx. In tho way of drugs,
mediciues, books, stationery, notions, ic,
no more ample stock has ever l-cen brought
to Ebensburg than is now in iftore at the es
tablishment of Messrs. Lemmcn fir Murray,
and no assortment combines more fully va
riety, freshness and superiority. Add to
this the fact that the proprietors aro enabled
to sell aM goods at jast as reasonable figures
as tbey rau bo bought anywh"re, and it is
not saying too much to assort that Messrs.
Lcmnion fir Murray are fully prepared to
supply the wants of a'l persons in Northern
Cambria. Their new st ek of jewelry is
very handsome, snd their facilities for pur
chasing photograph albums enables them to
sell these articks cheaper than any other
dealers in tho county. See their advertise
ment and then go and see thir stock,
Combined Reaper and Mower. A num
ber of our citizens witnessed on Monday the
operation of one of these machines in a field
belonging to Mr. Barker, adjoining town.
The machine worked admirably, and cut
and laid the rye (and it was a heavy crop)
in the speediest and neatest possible manner.
The machine is called the "Valley Chief,"
and is manufactured at Mount Joy, Lancas
ter county. This one is the first that has
evei been introduced into this county, and
in the estimation of competent judges is far
superior to any Reaper and Mower ever used
here. Goo. C. K. Zahm. Esq., is the agent
in this count' fur the manufacturers of this
machine, and can give all needful informa
tion in regard to it.
Grand Concert. To our town subscri
bers, who receive their papers on Wednesday
afternoons, we wish to give a wrrd of re
minder ia regard to the proposed coneert
this (Wednesday) evening, at the Court
House in this place. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. M.
Kerr, who e mtomnlate entertaining onr citi
zens on this eocasion iJy, are members of
the renowned Continental troupo the best
band of vocalists now extant and will aps
pear in regular Continental costume, and
sing some of the finest musical selections in
their own inimitable style. No one should
fail to attend the Concert this evening.
A large and choice stock of Groceries is
just boins: received at the very cheap cash
store of M. L. Oatman. This is the place to
buy any thing in the grocery'.lino cheaper
than anv where else in Ebensburs?. Vl.
every person buys must surely be the place
to buy right. Goods are received every day
and always fresh. The metropolitan oil is
made and sold at same place.
Just Received. Twenty cases of fresh
canned Tomatoes just received at the cheap
cash tore of M. L. Oatman,
The Sctiool Sctfrintexdent's Annual
Report. We lae been presented by Mr.
T. J. Chapman, A. M.. Cctcty Superintend
ent, with a copy of hia report for the year
ending June 1st, 1868. We give below such
oortfena of it as we can find space for in our
columns. After alluding to the fact that he
has been only commissioned since October
5th, 18G7. atd that he was forced to go to
work without any time in which to soTVey
the work before him,. Mr. Chapman goes cn
to treat of the educational progress which
has been made in the county during tbe year
ending with the above data. This portion of
his report we give entire :
Hocses. A number of school houses have
been built during the year. Thee are all de
cided improvements upon the style of houses
which bus usually obuined in this county.
The new house in iiiilville, mentioned in last
year's report as in course of ereetion, was com
pleted in time for the term commencing last
October. It is of brick, two good Btoriea in
Light, roofed with slate, and surmounted with
a cupola and belL The halls, staircases, reci
tation rooms, etc. , are in proj ection at two op
posite ends of the building. The building
stands in a large lot which is enclosed by a
good fence, and contains such outhouses as are
nessary. The school house is warmed by
heateis placed in the basement. The house
contains four school rooms which are provided
with desks and seats of the latest improved
patterns, with large blackboards of liquid sla
ting, with outline maps, cards, charts, etc.
The cost of the bnilding was about $16,000.
The fact 1?, Millville has set a laudable exam
ple for other districts to follow.
And they seem to b following it. Johnatewn
has just completed a new house, the very coun
terpart of that in Millville. Ita cost was about
the same. Public school ia no taught in it.
Two new houses were erected In Allegheny
townihip during the year. These are as good
countrj school houses as can be found any
where Urge, airr, light, well ventilated, well
painted inside and out, substantially built, pro
vided with good eeats, blackboards, etc., and
last, butno:. least, properly located. The other
districts that have built duricg the year are
Chest 1, Jarkson 1, Conemtfigh 1, Summerhili
1, Taylor 2, Washington 1, tJusquehanna 2,
Richland 2. These hare all done well, and
speak noble words for the interest which our
eople leel in tbe cause of popular education.
ScnooLs Our schools, so far as I could dis
cover in visiting them, and from what I could
learn by lnquiri?;, have done reasonably well.
Some of tliein bare done very well indeed
others, of course, not so well. There have
been very few, if any, cases of decided failure.
Some diuatiefaction has been expressed con
cerning a few of the teachers ; but when was
this otherwise? As good an illustration as I
cm tfiva of the success of our schools during
the year, is the fact that the per cent, of at
teudaoce iu 71 school of which I made memo
randa was a traction over 70. Thee schools
wora not selected eases, but were taken just as
they came, and represent, I be!!ve, a very fair
average of all. I should kave been pleased to
make note of the per cent, of attendance of all
tbe schools that 1 visited, but a number were
visited during the first month of the term, of a
inmhor of oiliers the report books were not in
the echool house, and could not be consnlted,
&hd in a few instances the lepoits were not
made out.
Examinations 0ing to causes which I
mentioned ia the first paragraph of this report,
I prooecded at once, after receiving my com
mission, to hold examinations. My first public
examination was held Oct. 9th. As I had not
time to derive or even think ot anv'cther meth
od of examining, I adopted the plan of my pre
decessor. Jndeed, a better has not yet suggest
ed itself to my mind. Examinations had been
aereitiseu lor Aliilville and Johustown on tlaJ
3d and 4th days of October, and in the interim I
between the resignation of Mr. Condon and the:
appointment of a superintendent iu his place;
Mr. S. B. M'Oormick was authorized by the
Department to hold those examinations, his
proceedings to be subject to the approval or dis
approval of the superintendent wheu one ehould
be appointed. Mr. M'C. examiueJ aud granted
certificates to 42 persons. On my acc?sion to
office, I approved of his proceedings. Bering
the year 59 male and 153 female applicants
were examined, and two males and two females
were rejected: Of tko whole number examined
34 had cever taught.
CEanncATrs Of the persons to whom cer
tificates were granted, 1 34 hole provisional cer
tificates, 4 hold Professional certificates issued
by my predecessor and endorsed by myself, 6
have Professional ceitificates granted by my
eelf, and 5 possess Termaneiit certificates.
Visitation The season was well advanced
before I was ready to begin my visitations.
During the course of the winter I visited 167
schools, and spent on an average one hour and
a half iu each school. In addition to filling the
column of items in the note book famished by
the Department, I made such other memoranda
of the appearance, progress and conduct of the
echoed as suggested themselves to my mind.
1 usually made a short address to the pupils,
and gave the teachers such direction aa 1 tho't
proper. . In the course of these duties I travel
led over 1600 miles, mostly on foot. Wherever
1 have been, I have been uniformly treated
with kindnef s and respect.
Other Schools. Last summer three Nor
mal Schools were established in the countv
ono at Johnstown, under A. C. Johnson, A.M.,
one at Ebensburg, in charge of Miss C A.
Home, and one at Loretto, taught by Miss Liz
zie Marshall. These schools were all well at
tended, and effected a good work among oar
At Loretto is an excellent school for females
condurted by the Sisters of Mercy. This pleas
ant village is also the seat of St. Francis' col
lege, a Roman Oatholic institution, of which
Rev. A. J. Brown is President. This school is
in a nourishing condition. It had, for the term
ending July 1st, a corps of V2 professors, and
an attendance of 94 boarding students. Ar
rangements are making for more extensive ac
commodations for the fall term.
Denominational schools are kept up "all the
vear round" in somo parts of the countv. Thus
the German Roman Catholics have a school in
Conemauffh boroush wbich has over 200 pupils.
The German Lutherans have a school ia Johns
town, which is very largely attended.
By the munificence of tbe Cambria Iron Co.
night schools were established last fall, one in
Cambria borough, under Mr. J. A. llairold,
and one in Cenemaugh borough, under Mr. A
O. Johnson. Thc6e schools were.krpt in opera
tion for several months. The thanks of many
an otherwise neglected boy are dee tbe gener
osity of this corporation.
Institutes. Our County Institute was held
in January, commencing the sixth ay of the
month. It was a success, rt e baa a large at
tendance under the circumstances, and eur
teachers went away gratified and benefitod.-
For lecturers at the Institute we had Cyrus El
der, Samuel Singleton, a. 9. Jack and . U
Boyd ; for instractors, S. 3. Jack, S. G. Boyd,
J. F. Condon, Sam'l Singleton, Geo. "W. Cope,
and Dr. D. W. Evans. Our sessions were well
attended by the public, and I am safe In saying
that the Institute wrought a good work outside
of our profession. District Institutes were
maintaided in quite a number of districts thro'
the winter. They had a good effect upon the
teachers who participated iu them.
Mr. Chapman then compliments the press
of the county upon the alacrity it has ever
skown in aiding the cause of education, pays
a merited tribute to the "Teachers' Advo
cate," charges the pulpit with shameful and
astonishing indifference in this important
particular, reviews at some length the obsta
cles in the way of improvement, which be
classifies under the heads of low salaries,
short terms and angraded salaries, and. con
cludes bis report with a few suggestions
which we deem of sufikient importance to
publish in full:
The first and second of the difficulties tinder
which we labor can be properly reaaedied only
by moke if okkt. And we haven't got any more
money. Cambria county row pays a higher
rate of taxation than aay other county ia the
State. She does this cheerfully, because the
education of her children is th otic object dear
est Vf her beart. And where ia the money t?
come Irom ? "tt'e think that money for the
support of public schools should be levied by
an equalled rate of taxation over the ?tte.
It is believed ihat by an equalized rate of
taxation of 10 mills on the dollar, a sufficient
amount of money could be raised to keep the
schools of the commonwealth open 8 months
in the year, and pay $30 per month ; and bet
ter wages tor proportionate) j shorter terms ;
and when we take into consideration tbe higher
valuation of real estate as fixed by the last tri
ennial assessment, the large increase in our
population and the consequent larger per capita
mi, iiiiu me greatly enlarged state appro .na
tion hereafter to be made, It is believed that
our schools could be kept open six months in
the year and our teachers pid salaries accord
ing to their qualifications of lrom $40 to S70
per monih.
1 he remedy for obstacle No. 3 will suggest
itself. There is not a schowl director in Cam
bria county who will not see the manifest in
justice and impropiietv of the present plan. It
is hoped that they will adopt measures to ob
viate it. A fair rate of wages shonld be made
the standard for medium certificates say cer
tificates that would average from S to'2 ;
then for certificates that would average better
than this let them pay say $5 a month more,
and for those that would average worse $5 less.
In this way it would not coat a district much if
any more than by the present wav of giving
medium wages to all alike not at least nless
they should get all sood teachers, and then
they should be willing to pay a little more. In
this way they would encourage our teachers to
excellence, tbey would reward merit, and they
would do what they profess to be so desirous of
doing, fill their schools with competent and de
serving teachers.
LlonTNiNo's Dorsos. Within the recol
lection of that mythical individual, "the old
est inhabitant," we doubt whether more de
struction to property from that subtle fluid,
lightning, has occurred at any peanon than
during the present spring aud summer. We
scaicely pick up a newspaper without find
ing one or more catastrophes of this kind de
tailed in its columns. Our own county has
not escaped, aud in addition to other acci
dents of this nature already recorded we to
day give an account of the destruction by
lightning of a barn and all its contents only
a few miles from our town. In view of these
oft-recurring conflagrations it behooves every
property-holder to adopt means to guard
against loss in this way. The only sure pre
ventative is a good lightning-rod. and the
one arnoSg the many admittedly iht very best
is the Munson copper tubular lightning-rod.
with spiral dangef, now being erected tbro'
out this county by Mr. Ilichartl Jones, of
Johnstown. No man who regards his own
interests should neglect this matter, and do
one who examines the Munson rod can fail
to be convinced of its auperiority over all
others. Mr. Jos. Hoffman, whose barn was
destroyed by lightning not long since, has
contracted with Mr. Jones for putting up
these rods on his new bouse and proposed
new barn, convinced as he is that it is the
best and cheapest before the p.ublic. Every
other property-bolder should profit by his
example, Mr. Jones' address is Box 60,
Johnstown P. O. July 25 -i!m.
EornooD Days. We were forcibly and
plcasautly reminded of youth's happy hours
by seeing at the store of Mr. Huntley, a day
or two since, one of those old-fashioned reels
upon which, many a time and oft. we have
watched our . good old graudame wind and
re-wind tkto stocking yarn preparatory to
putting it up in "cuts." We were also re
minded, in looking over Mr. Huntley's im
mense stock, that no more complete, varied,
extensive and desirable assortment has ever
came under our observation, and we would
remind all buyers rf groceries, hardware,
tinware, etc, that at no place in the county
orout of it are they so likely to be suited at
the lowest prices aa with Mr. Huntley.
WAttBAKTtn Cheapkst and Best! To Farm
ers, Jixpress Companies, stage Proprietors,
Livery Establishments and all who use Horses:
MENT, ic Pint Bottles, at One Dollar, for
tho cure of Lameness, Scratches, Wind Galls,
Sprains, Bruises. Splints, Galls, Cuts, Colic,
Slipping Stifle. Overheating, Sore Throat, Nail
in the Foot, ire.
All who own or employ horses are assured
that this Liniment will do all and more thau is
stated in curing the above named complaints
Daring twenty years it has never tailed to give
satistaction in a single instance. Sold by the
L ruggista. Depot, oa (Jortlendt otreet. JNew
lurk. July 30, ISte.-lm.
Shi stood within the parlor,
Dressel in finest clothes.
Which to her noble person
Added charms which those
Alone can find who for the best
And cheapest goods doth call
Where ladies best are suited,
At Mayer's store, in Parke's Hall.
The most beautiful dress and millinery
goods in Cambria county alwsystobe found
at L. Mayer's great emporium, Main street.
Dos't Faii.. To our gentlemen friends
visiting Johnstown we would say don't fail
to call and see the extensive and certainly
most superb stock of clothing kept by M.
Cohen & Ilro., Parke's Hall, Main street.
There is no doubt about the superor quality
of the goods sold at this establishment, nor
about the low prices at which they arc sold,
and hence buyers find it to their advantage
to deal with this enterprising and dekerving
To Ebensburg town post baste there came
Ac honest farmer and his buxom dame ;
And why they came and what they sought
They knew exactly, and who should not :
Tor he had promised his wife to take her
To the renowned store of H, A Shoemaker,
WThere goods the finest, cheapest and best
With which our town has ever been blest
Can always be found, in styles fancy or plain.
At prices so low that no buyers complain.
"Ths Lat or the Last Hbjt," a new
poem by the author of the "Fowl Deed," is
about to be issued, but will scarcely meet as
ready sale in this region as the hundreds of
interesting novels and periodicals rurnisnea
the reading pubVc by Cnam. Roberts, at his
great clock, watch, jewelry, sewing machine,
book and notion depot on High street, Ebens
burg, Over thb Wat. Our mercantile neigh
bor over tbe way Mr. V. S. HarKerj nas in
his steck every article, perhaps, that is
needed for househould or personal use, and
can eel) his goods either in English. German
or Welsh, but always at the same prices,
which are down the lowest in fown. When
on a shopping expedition don't pass his door
but "go in."
"Draw it mild" is a very good advice in
cnm eaaea. bnt whether you prefer to draw
it mild it dra.w it strong, you will not go
i it 1. t .
amiss in selecting your gootis oi an Kinas at
the cheap caah store of J. Patton Thompson,
where 'draw it mud" is the invariable rule
in the Tjriees charted for goods sold. Go and
New Frokt. Mr. O. G. Owens has put
a nne new iruui in uia dmji o iuuiu. nvu
tttA atreet. and nfearlv oPDOsite. Mr. R- R
Davis has put a new Stock into hia. Look
at tbe new front, but don't fail to buy from
tne new itock, wnica wii a 901a uvoj'i
has proved itself to be the most perfect prepa
ration for the Hair ever offered to tbe public to
Restore Gray Hairto its Original Color,
and create a new growth where it has fallen off
from disease or natural decay.
It tfill yrereut the Hair from falling out.
All who use it are unanimous in awarding it
the praise of being the beat Hair Dressing ex
tant. Our Treatise on the Hair sent free by mail.
R. P. HALL k CO , Nashua, N. H.. Prop'rs.
r jr sale by all droggwts. fjul9.-lm.
Use tbm Bbt. Blades Euphmial Lv
bricaiors are a medical preparation in the
form of a LozoDge. and are universally con
idered the most pleasant, convenient and ef
fectual remedy in use for Hoarseness. Coughs,
Colds, Croups, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis.
Diptheria, and all Pnlmonary Complaints.
They are warranted to give quicker and
more lasting benefit in the above affections
than any other remedy. Also to contain no
deleterious ingredient, and not to offend the
weakest and most sensitive Stomach.
Blades Cuiistitution Pills are so called be
cause of their peculiar effect upon the Liver,
Stomach, Blood and Nervous System. For
inactivity of tho Liver, for tho Stomach in
derangement, or Dyspepsia,- they will de
light the patient with their mild and bene
fioial effect, especially if after lon? con tinned
indigestion and costiveness. thev are left
with periodical returns of the Sick Headache.
In case of a severe cold, producing Chills
and Fever, you can break it very soon by
using the Pills as per directions with each
aug8-7y Proprietors. Elmira. N". T.
For sale by all Druggists : 25 cts. er box.
STRAY MARE. Came to the premi
ses of the subscriber, in Susquehanna twp.,
Cambria county, about the 22d of February
last, a e'ark strawberry roan MAKE, about 10
years old. with small grayish spot at the root
of the tail nnd a small white spot in the fore
head. Tho owner is requested to come for
ward, prove property, pav charges and take her
away, otherwise she will he di-posed of accord
ing to law. FPvANCI A. LUTHER.
Susquehaana Tp.. July 30, 18Cb.-3t.
lrom the premises of the subscriber in Car
rol: township, Cambria county, on Wednesday,
J uly 22d. an indentured apprentice to the farm
ing business named JOHN H AFFERTY, need
about fourteen years. All persons are hereby
cautioned against harboring or trusting him on
my account, as I will not be resi.onrib7e for his
acts.' The above reward and no thanks will be
paid for his apprehension.
July 3i), l68.-3t. RAPHAEL HITE.
Will be sold at a great sacrifice, if sold soon,
a number of
and you cannot fail to purchase.
Ebensburg, July 30, 1S68. E. GLASS.
The undersigned offers for sale, on the
most reasonable terms, a TRACT OF LAND
situated in Che.t township, Cambria county,
within two miles of St. Augustine, containing
25 ACRES, about 20 of which are cleared, win
a jjood House and Harn ana a thriving orchard
and excellent water on the premises. The land
is productive, in good repair and under good
fence. An indisputable title will be given.
Inquire on the premises, or of Mr. Jahn Doug
lass or J. J. Burns, Esq , St. Augustine.
Chest Tp., July 30, lfcC8.-tf.
NOTICE To Peter B. Brow-x :
Take notice that an inquest will be held
at the late dwelling house of George Bruce,
late of Allegheny township, dee'd, on Monday
the 17ih day of August next, at 1 o'clock in
the afternoon, for the purpose of making par
tition of the Real Estate of jaid deceased to
and among bis children and legal representa
tives, if the same can be done without prejudice
to or spoiling ol the whole otherwise to value
and appraise the sime : at which time and
place you are requested to attend if vou think
proper. JOHN A. BLAIR, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Ebensburg, July 30, lib?.
"jLTOTICE To Jank Martin: Take
-Ll notice that an inquest will be held at the
late residence of David Abrams, late ef Cam
bria township, Cambria county. Pa., decease),
on Monday, the 31st day of August next, at 1
o'clock in the afterncon of that dav, for the
purpose of making porti'ion of the Real Estate
of said deceased to and among his children and
lepal repraseutatives. if the same can be oone
without prejudice to or spoiling of the whole
o hcrwise to value and appraise the same : at
which time and place you are requested to at
tend if you think proper.
JUlii A. J3L.A1K, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Ebensburg. July 30, lbG8.-4t.
i:ni:siu no
HAVING recently enlarged our stock
we are now prepared to sell at a ertat
reduction lrom former prices. Our stock cou
S'Sts of Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, Fancy
Soaps, Leon's, Hall's and Allen's Hair Restor
atives. Pills, Ointments, Piasters, Liniments,
Pain Killers, Curate Marnesia", Ess Jamaica
Gincer, 1'ure Flavoring Extracts, E-sences.
Lemon Syrnp. Soothing Syrup, Spiced SyrUp,
Rhubarb, Pure Spices, Lc" i
Blank Books. Deeds, Notes and Bonds; Cap,
Post. Commercial and all kinds of Note Paper;
Envelopes, Pens, Pencils, Arnold s v ritmg
Fluid, Black and Red Ink, Pocket and Pass
Books, Magazines, Newspapers, Novels, His
tones, Bibles, Keligious.t rayeraud 1 oy Books,
Penknives, Pipes, &e.
We have added to our steck a lot of
FINE JEWELRY, . to which we would invite
the attention of the Ladies.
PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS at lower prices
than ever offered in this place.
Paper and CigarJold eitrTer wholesale" or re
July 30, 1868. Main Street, Ebensburg.
DEC'D. The undersigned Auditor, ap
po:n ed by the Orphans' Court of Cambria Co.
to hear and decide upon exceptions, and report
distribution of the f unds in the hands of Paul
Yahner. Executor of the last will and testa
ment of Francis Glosser, dee'd hereby notifies
all persons interested that he will attend to the
iliitix nf said annountnient at his office in Eb
ensburg, on Saturday the 15th day of August
next, at a o ciock t m , wnen ana wnere tnev
muet present their claims, or be debarred trom
coming in for a share of the fund.
GEO. W. O TMAN, Auditor.
Ebensburg, J uly 23, ' eG8 3 1.
NOTICE. Whereas Letters of Ad
ministration cum vestaH rsTo ax.mexo have
been rrauted to me bv the Registtr of Cambria
count? on the estate of Wm. W. Gittins, late
of the borough of Ebensburg, deceased, notice
is hereby given to all persons having claims
against said deceased to present them properly
authenticated for settlement, and to those in
debted to make payment without delav.
Ebcnsburj, July 33, 18S. 6.
The Last (ffMlt Success.
will quickly restore Gray Hair
to its natural color and beauty,
and produce luxuriant growth. Jt is
perfectly harmless, and is preferred
over every other preparation by
those who have a fine head of hair,
well as those who wish to restore
it. The beautiful gloss and porfnme
imparted to the Hair make it desirable
for old and young.
Vor Stile by all Droft,
OTTCE. Rule on the heirs and legal
L l representatives or Igtmias Adams, dee'd.
Cambria CoD.vrr, SS. The Commonwealth
f Pennsylvania to Joseph Criste, Ouardiaa of
LITza Kyle, and Guardian tao bai- ticb fos
Winifred and Thomas Reillv and for Annie L.
Adams, Mathew M. Adams," Mary Mil!er. for
merly Mary Reilly, (now residing in Pittsburg,
Pa.,) Bridget and John Reillv, (the said John
now residing in Clearfield county, Ta.,) Igna
tins Adams, jr.. (present residence unknown.)
heirs and legal representatives of Ignatius Ad
ams, late of Washington township, dee'd: You
and every of you are hereby cited to he and ap
pear before the Judges of the Orphans' Court
to be he!d at Ebensburg on the first Monday of
September next, then and there to accept or re
fuse to take the real estate of the said Ignatius
Adams, deceased, situate in the township of
Vt nshington aforesaid, and which has been val
ued and appraised at an Inquest awarded by the
said Court, and returned by the Sheriff of said
county, on the 31 day of June. 18G3, to wit :
No. 1, containing 4 acres and 13U perches, val
ued and appraised at eleven dollars per acre :
No. 2, containing 1 acre and 2? perches, valued
and appraised at one hundred dollars per acre:
No. 3, containing 2 acres and 130 perches, Tal
lied and appraised at nine dollars per acre ;
No. 4, containing 118 acres and 125 perches, val
ued and appraised at sixteen dollars per acre ;
No. 5. containing 417 acres and 90 perches,
valued and appraised at nine dollars per acre ;
No. G, containing 471 acres and 70 perches,
valued end appraised at nine dollars per acre ;
or show cause why the same should Hot be sold.
And herein fail not.
Witness the Hon George Taylor, President
Judge of our said Court at Ebensburg, the 3d
day of June, A. D. 1S63.
Attest Jonx A. Blais, Sheriff. jjuli'Mt.
TOTICE In the matter of the ac--i.
v count of Edward D. Evans, Assignee of
E. Bedell under a voluntary assignment. And
now, 15th July, 18fi8, on motion F. A. Shoe
maker appointed Auditor to report and decide
upon the exceptions thereto, snd to report dis
tribution of the money in the hands of the said
Assignee to and amoDg the persons legally en
titled thereto. Extract from the Record.
(l.s) GEO. C K. ZAHM, Proth'y.
In pursuance of the above appointment I will
attend at the hotel of Gen. t enderoth, in the
borough of Wilmore, on Tuesday, the 11th of
Auguet next, at 10 o'clock a. m , when nnd
where all interested may attend .
Julv 23. 3t. F. A. SHOEMAKER.
NOTICE. In the Orphans' Court of
Cambria County. In the matter of the
second and final account of Julius Steich, Ad
ministrator of Andrew Geis, late of the borough
of Carro'.Itown, dee'd. Ou motion, F. A. Shoe
maker appointed Auditor to report distribution
of the funds in the hands of the accountant.
By the Courti Extract from the Record,
In pursuance of the above appointment I will
attend at my office in Ebensburg, on Thursday,
the (kh day of August next, at S o'clock P. to ,
when arid where all interested may attend.
July 23.-3t. F. A. SHOKM AEEtl.
IN HANIvRUPTCY. In the District
Court of the United States. Western Dis
trict of Pennsylvania, at Hollidaysburg, the
14th of July. lfcGS.
To wbox iv mav concfrx: The undersigned
hereby gives notice of hia appointment as As
signee of Stillman Parker, of Cleas field town
ship, in the county of Cambria and State of
Pennsylvania, within said District, ho hat-,
been adjudged a bankufpt upon his own peti
tion by the District Court of said District.
July 23, lSU3.-3t. Assignee.
matter of EDWARD M'GLADE. Bank
rupt. To whom it mat coNcitRN : The under
signed hereby gives notice of his appointment
as Assignee of KDWAKD M GLAUE. Of Wil-
more in the county ol Gambna, in said .Dis
trict, who was, to wit : On the 4th day of June,
ISO;, ndjtided a bankrupt upon his own peti-
tition by the District Court of said District.
Dated at Johnstown, this 21st day ot July, A
D. 1S68.
July 23, 180S.-3t. Aasignee
A fcSIUrsEK Al'l'Ul-MLD. In the
X. matter of IsAar Wim, Bankrupt. To
whom it mat ooNCraN '. I he undersigned her
by gives notice of his appointment as Assignee
of the estate of IsAao Wikt, of ilmorn.iin
the county of Cambria, in said District, who
was. to wit i On the 11th dav of Aoril. A. i.
1868, adjudged a bankrupt Upon his own peti
tion by the District Court of said District.
Dated at Johnstown, this 15th dav of July, A.
July 23, lS(i8.-3t. Assignee
1 he subscnb r offers at Trivate Sale his
FARM, situate in Chest town-hip, Cambria
county, 4 miles from Carrelltown and 6 miles
from Chest Springs The Farm consists of 66
ACRES, of which 20 Acres are cleared and
in a rood state of cultivation; The balance o
the land Is well timbered with marketable lum
ber. There is a comfortable Frame House and
a Barn on the premises, besides a young and
thriftv orchard of choice fruit trees. There are
al?0 a never failinjt spring of pure water aud
other conveniences on the land. The property
will he sold on fair terms and an indisputable
title will he riven. For further information
applv to N. 1) EASTMAN.
Chest Tp.. Jmly 9.
Can and should obtain
eood education. For particulars address J. A
Cooper, Principal of the State" Normal School
Ediuboro, ri. fjuiy v.-4t.
F YOU WANT the best Cooking
or Parlor Stove made in tho world, go to
EUXtk-Y'S 8pr' Jfti-Duster.
The very best in the Market.
Cor. 2a and TTood Street.
Wholesale Agents for the West.
For sle by A. A. DARKER for Ebensbu -and
vicinity. je.ll.'fiS.-ly.
The Commissioners of Cambria court
will offer at public sale, at the Court Houe .
Ebensburg. on TuisnAT tuk 8th dav or l.?t
tember, lrd, at 1 o'clock r. x.,tbe followiL -tracts
of UNSEATED LANDS, which tract
were legally purchased by the Commipaioner
at the Treasurer's sale of iyti. and have ler
beld five j ears and upwards, as required by It"
subject t bnt without redemption :
.iauib or owmeks oa
..,. ACl 8.
Sarah Barr
John Redman
James Hunter
John Cooper
Snm'l Stoltz Estate
William Govet
John Croupe
Simon Roop
Jonathan John
Lloyd.HillliUoUiday 14 ; White.
John Sirrnsi ...... 319
Thomas Ketland 30
William Weet 221 17 "
William Rush. 371 73
Thomas Town llfi "
The owners of anv of the above tracts cf Isc-J
desiring to redeem them, can do so by applying
to the Commissioner, at their oftice on or
fore Saturday the 5th day of next September.
No redemptions will he allowed after that date.
Witness our hand at Ebensburg, this lUta
day of July, A. . ISGS.
Attest Wm. II. SF.cni.ra. Clerk.
SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of cer
tain writs of Fi. Pa. and Vend. Exnon. in
sued out of the Court cf Common Tlea of
Cambria county, and to me directed, there will
be exposed to Public Sale, at the Court House
in Ebensburg, en Monday, the 3d dav of Au
gust next, at 1 o'clock r. m , the following real
estate, to wit :
All the right, title and interest of S S Chri
ty, of, in and to a lot of ground situated in El -ensburg
borough, Cambria county, fronting two
hundred and twenty teet on Centre street, and
extending back two hundred feet to Public
Square, bounded on the north by Walton street
and c n the south by Milton street, having there
on erected a two story brick house and imck
building, and frame stable not now orenpied.
Taken in execution and to be sold at the suit
of Geo. W. Carpenter, Honer.ey k Co.
Also, all the right, title and interest of Wm.
K. Piper, of, in and to a let of ground situated
in Ebensburg borough, Cambria county, front
ing two hundred and twenty feet on Centre
street and extending back two hundred leet t
Public Square, bounded on the north by Wal
ton street and on the sonth by Milton street,
having thereon erected a two ptory brick house
and back bnilding, and frame stable not now
occupied. Taken in execution and to be sold
at the suit of Wm. Williams, surviving admin
istrator of Thomas B. Moore, dee'd.
JOHN A. BLAIR, Sheriff.
Sheriff's OtJlce, Ebensburg. July IS, lGS.
JoImstOTTn and tbetisbrirp
navir.g again taken charge of the
branch JJarble vYor
ks at i.bensburg,C
which he will opevat
ite in connection J vr&ii,i
with lil extensive establishment at
Johnstown, the subscriber adopts thwlwv
Cambria coantv, that he keeps a eon- t
erunt cunnlf nf the heat a
which he is prepared at stated times in Ebens
burg and at all times in Johnstown, to manu
facture to order, either as MONUMENTS,
BUREAU TOPS, in as workmanlike manner
and at as low prices as like work can be put up
in any of the cities. Having in my employ a
full force of experienced and sVillful workmen,
I do rot rromiVe toe rauoh when I say that I
can furnish any of tho above articles on short
notice, at the lowest prevailing prices, ana m a
style of finish which cannot be excelled by any
ether mai ufacturer in the State-
A large etc-k of GRINDSTO ES on hand
and for sale cheap.
raFrompt attention pnM to orders lrom a
distance and work put up wherever dealred, or
delivered at any point named.
Johnstown, Jane 4, lC.-tf.
Dealers and Commission Merchants
Corner Virginia Si. and Fluk Boad,
Will keep constantly cn hand a large and
well selected assortment of FLOUR. FEED.
Jtc , at wholC-BalC, in Altoona city, ana
the adjoining counties can be supplied with
the leading articles generally used by them,
at citv and mill prices.
All kinds of country produce received an
paid for in cash, or sold on commission.
Prompt returns will ne raaae.
Storage famished for all articles, such, at
Coot lumber, sbooks, shingles, etc.
Articles will be delivered to purchaser
or sent to freight warehouse.
Having the only bouse where po'jus ey
the car load can be removed at tbe door,
thus savirig drayage, onr customers will re
ceive the benef.t cf it.
Price currents will ke sent weekly to per
ioni desiring them.
Altoona, April 80, 1868. -tf.
Pljr Lead, Iren Tipe, Rubber Ho
Steatn Gauges, Whistles and Valves,
Iron and Copper Sinks and Bath Tubs,"
Steam Pumps, Farm Pumps as
Forte Pomps,
And ercry description of goods for ,
No. 1G1 Smithfielo Street,
JSrSend for a Trice List. rpr.23.-ly.
a of Administration on tbe Estate
of Thomas Kaylor, late of Allegheny town
ship, deceased, having been grunted to the un
dersigned by the Register of Cambria county,
all persons Indebted to said estate are hereby
notified to make payment without delay, and
those having claims against the same will pre
sent them properly authenticated tor nettlement,
,T,i3 23, lS??.-6t, Administratrix, -