The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, July 23, 1868, Image 3

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    THE FlljEEaiAN-
TIIUKSDAY. : : : JULY 23, 18C8.
Km-roRiAuriEs, Local and General.
Mre. Lincoln and her son "Tad" are just
now rusticating at Cresson.
As wc go to press the long wished fornml
much needed rain id coming down in tor
rents. Thank God for the blessing.
Persons intending to teach school should.
11 ji'istiiUe, spend one term at me rorniai
School atEdinboro. It will prove &f great
value to them.
John Mnll, w n wr-s recently struck on
the head with .1 tune at New Florence, id
lmt dead, as has beeu reported, but is in a
fair way of recovering.
Five spans of the Tenna. Railroad bridge
across the Susquehanna near ilairisburg,
were destroyed by tire early on Friday morn
ing last. It was fired by a locomotive.
A lady named Miss Mitchell, residing in
IJrowu tvnsh''p.jMifflin county, was recent
ly killed by lightning while engaged in wri
ting a letter iu an upper room of the house.
A man name 1 lteighart, a rfident of Cani
1 ru borough, was drowned in the Conemaugh
riccr at Drnak Point, bolotf Johnstown,
on .Sunday last, while lathing. He leaves a
A new-born infant wns found dead near
the Union graveyard, ou the. bank of tb?
Stony creek, Jjhnstown, on Monday morn
ii g week, by a number of school children.
.'o further developments.
James Mcaghan, a young married man
who had a wife and one child in Johnstown,
died from sunstroke at Laughliu's blast fur
race, n .ir Pittsburgh, where he was cm
jd'iyiid, on Wednesday last.
David Weaverling fell dowu an ore shaft
f'irty-tive feet deep, near L'.loody Run, lied
ford county, n couple of weeks since, and
landed square on hi (let. lie received severe
but it is thought not fetal injuries.
John 'Williams aud Thomas Wellinctoj,
two young F.nglishmeu residing in Johns
town, were recently rubbed of all their nion-t-y
iu New Y-rk, while on their way to vhit
their friends in "Merrio England.""
P lion. D. J. Morrth, our nicmbe of Con
press, was taken seriously ill in the House of
Keprcx nativcs, on Saturday, and tad to le
carried to bis room at the hotel. lie was
considered out of danger ou Sunday. The
extreme l.tvt did it.
A little son of Col. Wm. K. Piper was
ttitick ou the mouth by a base ball bat
which accidentally flew fioin the hands of a
younger brother, ou Tuesday, and had one
of his lips severely cut and several teeth
knocked out of place.
An exemplary and much esteemed young
lady named Maggie Stover, about "21 years
of age, committed suicide at Vtodbury,
Iiedfurd county, on the 8th inst., by hanging
l:ersc!f in her father's stable. No cause is
assigned for the terrible dee J. .
Four cars of the emigraut train westward
on thy I'a. Ii. II. on Sunday wer thrown
fnm the track near Newton Hamilton, and
one of them ftiu overturned and badly
wrecked. About twenty passengers were
more or less injured, none of them seriously.
An oil train on the Pennsylvania llai'road
poing wett, on Saturday, bok fire near Hunt
ingdon, from sparks from the locomotive. A
quantity of oil was consumed, fifty yards of
the track bed burned ami the rails warped.
The next train was delayed au hour and a
A little girl named Michel, aged thirteen
years, was thrown from a horse in Clearfield
county, on the 4th inst.. and one of her feet
becoming fastened in the stirrup, she was
l'terally dragged and tramped to death by
the horse. Her h:ad and body were terribly
On Saturday morning weok two children
of James Starfon, in Spring township,
Centre county, were riding on a load of hay,
when tlie wagon upset, breaking the neck
and instantly killing the younger child, aged
about six years, and seriously injuring the
ofrxT tvue.
Onr artist friend up street, Mr. T. T.
fpcucc,is about putting the finishing touches
to a neat atd certainly most commodious
and well adapted photograph gallery one
in which he will have all the facilities for
executing the best and finest picture that
can be furnished by any artist in the country.
We notice by the Tribune that our clever
oi.d talented young typographical friend,
Jumes E. Ilartrell, of the Pittsburgh Chron
icle, is at present rusticating in Johnstown.
Couldn't yu bob up this way, Jim? Would
lik to see you for the sake of auld lang syne,
and promise you the best our larder affords.
The German whom we noticed last week
ns haviag been prostrated by sunstroke in
Johnstown on Taesday. died about 6 o'clock
the same evening. His name was L"onard
Krlinger, and he and his family (wife and a
ten years old bov) had len but six weeks ia
the country. lie was employed in a 6tone
Two men nurned Morrison and Higgins
pot into an altercation near Reed's Mills.
Blair county, on Wednesday of last week,
wnich resulted in Morrison cutting an awful
gash in the nock of Higgins with an axe,
entirely severing the jugular vein. Morrison
gave himself up immediately after the oc
currence. A young man named Iirodcrick was bro't
to our county jtil on Mouday last by Major
Kyckman, charged, on oath of a young girl
in Johnstown, with attempt to commit a
rape. The offence was perpetrated and infor
mation made in February last, but liroder
ick decamped, and only returned last week,
when he waa arrested.
A four horso team and wagon driven by
2kfr. "Ihos. I). Jones of Susquehanna town
ship, this county, broke through a bridge in
White township. Indiana county, on Thurs
day week, and Mr. Jones, the two rear horses
and the wagon fell a distance of about fifteen
feet. Mr. Jones and the two horses were
considerably injured, but no bones were bro
ken. Adam Stephens and James Sensonbaugh
were considerably injured, on the morning of
the 7th inst., by the explosion of a blast in
a well in Jackson township whifth they were
coqaged iu sinking. The blast did not "go
off," and.they were attempting to bore it out
when it exploded with the result stated. Mr,
Stephens lost three fiDgera and a portion of
the left haud.
Mr. Elias Uucy, of Grant township, In
diana county, waa crossing a bridge with a
wagon loaded with lumber, a few dayaEince,
-when the bridge gave way, upsetting the
wagou and lumber and precipitating Mr.
Huey into the stream, where he lay in an
unconscious and helpless condition until the
following day before he was discovered. He
was properly cared for, but is not yet out of
A harvest hand employed by Mr. James
Roller, of 31air county, obtained the loan of
a horse from that gentleman to ride to llol
lidaysburg, but when he reached there be
traded the horse off, and the new owner for
warded the animal to this place. Here Mr.
Roller came on Tuesday, arriving before the
horse did, and after due legal process and no
little Etrategy, succeeded in recovering his
property, with which he rcluruod Lome yes-:
Ligiitsixg's Doisos. Within the recol
lection of that mythical individual, "the old
est inhabitant we doubt whether more de
struction to property from that subtle fluid,
lightning, ha ccurTea ai any season than
during the present spiing and summer. . We
scaicely pick up a newspaper without fiud
iug one or more catastrophes of (his kind de
tailed in its columns. Our own county has
not escaped, and in addition to other acci
dents of this nature already recorded wo to
day give an account of the destruction by
lightning of a barn and all its contents only
a few miles from our town. In view of these
oft-recurring conflagrations it behooves every
property-holder to adopt means o guard
against lore in this way. The only 6ure pre
ventative is a good lightning-rod. and the
one among the many admittedly the very best
is the Muusou copper tubular lrghtaing-rod.
with spiral Sanger, now being erected thro'
out this county by Mr. Richard Jones, of
Johnstown. No man who regards his own
interests should neglect this matter, and no
one who examines the Munson rod can fail
to be convinced of its superiority over all
others. Mr. Jos. Hoffman, whose barm was
destroyed by lightning not long since, ha
contracted, with Mr. Jones foT putting up
these rods on his new house ana proposed
new barn, convinced as he is that it is the
best and cheapest before the public. Every
other property-holder should profit by his
example, Mr. Jones' address is Box 56,
Johnstown Y. 0. "Ju,J J3.-'Jm.
A Boors Coxvkktiox. The proceedings
of what is gravely called the "Union Repub
lican County Convention" appears in the
Johnstown TriLunt of last weHc. They
abound in fraud and forgery ; and we speak
confidently when we allege that Mr. C. T.
Roberts, the Kbensburg Secretary, never
prepared them far publioatiou. Quite a
number of delegates are named who wore not
iu the Convention at all. For initaBce-
(we quote from the Tribtuw) :
'Carroll, Joseph Davis." ' Mr.
, Davis was
not present.
"Chest, Jacob Kiblor." Mr. Kil.ler was
at home on his farm in Chest township, as a
good citizen should be.
Clearfield, Cclestino M'Mullin." lie was
nut in the Comentiou.
-Gallitzin, Capt. D. Miils, II. Gallaher."
There was no II. Gallaher present.
"Loretto, Henry Myers, Charles Miller."
Charles Millvr was not in the Convention,
but Henry Myers, a clever follow and good
wag, voteJ in a sojtrano for himself and a
deep bass fur Mr. Miller when- the names
were calkd, thus taking two clia-uce iu the
Radical lottery.
No delegate t-lcctioas were hel l ia pursu
ance of the call here or elsewhere, so far a
we can learn, and the Convention jfaelf,
tripped of the Rolling Mill, would have keen
less than a rump. fi. won VI not have becB
cveu the shadow of a shade.
We have received the Catalogue of the
State Normal School at Ediiiboro'. Qu tLe
front cover is a Clussijif.l 'ruble f Contents,
and ou the back cover a SUJenW Guide,
whiih, if followed, will make good scholars
of all who attend there. Ou the second page
is a Railroad Map, engraved for this work
and showing tho routes to Edinboio. We
like the fullness, clearness, aud conciseness
of the Catalogue, and the pkus and methods
of instruction described therein. Among the
advantages ef the School we notice and com
mend "a well supplied and well conducted
Reading Room," an extensive set of Appa
ratus, and a recognition of tho necessity of
study. The School deserve, and has received
extensive patronage, and is destined to still
greatet success. It is highly recommended
by all the school officers acquainted wlU it.
All our readers should semi for its catalogue.
Something for Everybodt. To house
keepers, to farmers, to mechanics, to every
body, the stock of merchandise constantly
kept by Mr. Geo. Huntley affords abundant
variety and embraces all manner of goods
which can be classed under the head of hard
ware, tinware, wooden ware, groceries, no
tions, etc. He has many thousands of dol
lars' worth iu his mammoth establishment,
and can fill an order of any kind prouijrtly
and at as low prices as like goods can be
purchased in towns of greater pretensions
than Ebensburg. He Is this week receiving
a new invoice of those celebrated clothes
washers and wringers so highly appreciated
by all who have purchased aud used them.
No housewife should do.without those labor
baviug machines. '
More Fpn and Feahtivo. Ths grandest
picnic of the Season one that is intvndsd to
eclipse any rural festival that has yet lake
place on the mountain will be hehi in a
most, delightful grove on the farm of Mr.
Samuel O'Hara, in Munster township, about
four miles from this place, on tke 12lh of
August next. Mr. O'Hara hitnpclf is ths
prime mover in the promised festival, and it
is needless to say to those who know him that
he is the right man in the right place."
The proceeds are to be devoted to a purpose
which is most praiseworthy and deserving,
and to all persons disposed to enjoy a day
of delightful recreation In the proper spirit
a cordial invitation is hereby extended.
Destroyed by Lightsisg. We learn
from Mr. Nicholas Lambourn that during
the prevalence of a thunder storm which
passed over the northern portion of our coun
ty on Sunday afternoon last, the barn of Mr.
Augustus Ysst, Jr., in Cambria' towuBhip,
some eight miles north of Kbensburg, was
struck by lightning and entirely destroyed,
together with all ils contents, consisting of
the almost entire crop of hay gathered by
Mr. Yost, wagon, sled, gears, etc. Nobody
resided upon th premise, aud tho destruc
tion was almost complete before the Are was
AMONiUs. Mr. John Rodriguej ef New
York, has been rusticating in our mountain
village for a couple of weeks past, aud we
are glad to notice that his sojourn has bcon
productive of no little physical advantage to
himself, and doubt not tkat-he is enjoying
his brief experience of country life with pe
culiar zest and satisfaction. Mr. R. is a
young gentleman of noble impulses, correct
principles and commanding talents, and we
arc pleased to number him among ths most
esteemed acquaintances with whom we havs
ever held social intercourse.
Ik your sympathy for the "omforter" ahouM
prove the stronger, yon have oar fiee permis
sion, as the immortal "J. N." would sat, "to
lift the veil and remove the pressure." Stahd-
AtD. '
Shouldn't like" to "lift the veil" without
gloves on our hands and a very bad cld in
our head, but if you will send the "pressure"
up this way we pledge eurself to "remoTe'
u wun me toe ot a No. 8 boot in so Dnei
space of timo that you won't know wh
nurt you.
M. L. Oatmn's cheap, cash store is tke
place to go for anything in the way of en
cerios. It is the place iu Eben.burg where
you can buy ; right. Flour, feed, bacon,
cheese, oeffee, tea, sugar, rice, tobaccc, ci
gars, etc., received constantly and 3cld ycry
cheap for cb.
Iocal Correspondence.
Altooma Citt, July 20, 1868.
Fiibd Mac Several straDge and startling
events have occurred since my last communica
tion to you. Mr. James Clark, assist int yard
master nere, met with a terrible death ou Wed
nesday last. TLe circumstances, bo tar as I
could learn them, are as follows : ' Mr.- Clark
bad just uncoupled a number of cars from a
large freight train, for the purpose of allowing
them to run down the yard, and while in the act
of giving the signal to the engineer to back
down against the detached cars and put thtm ic
rrroiioD, another train pulleil out of the yard on
the same track upon which Mr. Clark was stand
ing. Wishing the engineer to see the signal he
at i snip ted to pass to the opposite side between
the to sections of the train, but just at that
moment they came together, impaling him be
tween the two hampers, crushing him in a most
shocking manner and producing instant death.
Mr. Clatk had been employed in the yard some
seven or eight years, and on that very day had
obtained lea ve of absence to go home to harvest,
remarking to a friend that it was the last day
he was going to railroad. He was a man of
noble and generous impulses, always kind and
affable, and one of the most faithful and effi
cient men in the employ of the Compwny. His
remains were taken to New Florence for inter
ment, several societies here of which he was a
faithful and houored member accompanying
them to their last testing place. Peace to his
Our eity was jsst recovering from tht pro
found sorrow occasioned by Mr. Clark's tragic
death., when it was again thrown into the most
iutense excitement and bewilderment by the
announcement of ore of the most shocking su
icides and attempts at murder that it has vrer
been my Isrtune or rather misfortune to hear of.
A man named Thomas ilerkleion, formerly in
the employ of the i'a. ft. It. Co. at this place
as a nia-'biuut, but more recently employed at
Iteuova, had been paying attention to a very
estimable youttg lady of this city named iliss
Seibeats, and rumor has it that they were en-,
gaged to to married. 1) this as it may, while
he was absent in Kenova a mi-ndertanding
areiv between them, the sequence of which it is
not uecui&My to mention. MUs SeiberU, with
the instinct natural to a high minded lady, be
lieved keiself to be the aggrieved and injured
party, and collecting together all the trinkets
aud keepsakes she had received irom him, for
warded them to him at Renoa. With these
h also sent a note stating that all previous
arrangements or agreements between them
should bo of he past, and that if they ever met
"uiu it would be as strangers, ileikieiou re
fused t accept the packa'. however, and sent
it back to U i Seibcj ts ; and in a few days
after oanio to the city hiinelf. In the mean
time Miss beiberts had strange prtsentimeats
and fearful forebodings of the future, and when
he came positively refused to see him or have
any intercourse with him. After his arrival
Ueiklciou got on a spree and kept it up at a
feanful rate until Saturday morniur, w htm- be
became comparatively sobtr and exceedingly
loquacious, eupeetally to an iutimate aud con
fidential friend, to whom he remarked that there
would be a tragedy euactcd before night which
would make a good caricature for the Police
Oaaette, at tho same time rcqaesting his friend
to eixi his truak, clothing, etc., to his mother.
His frieud paid no attention to what ho was
saying, treating it altogether as bombast.
About ten o'clock the same day Markleion pro
cured a foar barrelled revolver aud repaired to
the scene qf the tragedy, (Mirs Seiberts' resi
dence, iu the 4th waid,) and enquired if that
lady was at home. Being answered iu the af
firmative, he replied he wiohed to have a
private conversation with ber and also receive
njiy token of remembrance from him which she
might have in ber possession. Miss Seiberts
concluded to see him, bot took tho precaution
to have her mother pogted iu an adj oining room.
Alter receiving the trinkets, etc., Meikleion
remarked : ''Ella, if we cannot live with each
other we w ill die. together.!" and drawing his re
volver, he took deliberate aim at her heart and
tired. Fortunately she, in her w ild and terrible
excitement, sprang towards her mother's room,
thus saving her lite, for instead of the ball en
tering her heart it penetrated her shoulder, in
tlieting a very painful though r.ot dangerous
wound. Finding that he had not killed his in
tended victim Meikleion ran after her, bu; her
mother, hearing the report ot the pistol aud the
screams of ber daughter, ran to ber aid and suc
ceeded iu getting the door closed between the
would-bc murderer and his helpless victim
Merkleion then shot himself through the head,
and died almost instantly. The unfortunate
actor in this terrible tragedy was a man of lib
eral education and consideiablc talent, wkich,
if properly directed, would have inide hiin an
ornament to society and an honor to the circle
in which he moved. As a mechanic he had
few superior, and when at himself was a man
of w-arin aad generous impubes, and steadfast
ia his attachment to his frieuds. He was a sol
dier in the late war, aud was one of the bravest
of the brave. Ia his younger days he acquired
a Wste for nrel reading, and was passionately
and lamentably fond of perusing papers that
pandered to the worst passions and most de
praved feelings of the human heart. He has
left a poor mother, two brothers, a sister and
brother iu-law to mourn lus shocking and terri
ble death. Insanity is said to be hereditary in
his family, and charity forbids the thought that
he w as in his right Blind when he attempted to
take the life of a young lady whom he evident
ly loved, and destroyed his own in the appalling
utaaner in which be did.
A young lady, whrlc out shopping the other
evoniog, was examining some very fine goods
in one of our prineipal stores, when, by some
means or other, Urn or twelve dollars worth
stuck to her fingers. She did not discover the
fact, or thought nobody else did, until Chief of
Folice my gently touched her arm and request
ed her to accompany him into the august pre
eace of Alderman M , who kindly and
politely kiformcd her that she would either have
to procure bail or take lodgings for the night
in the city lock up. ' Fortunately for her the
prosecutor was a al lant and amiable young
man, and be proposed that if she would give up
the goods h Might go Elt free, and in this
war the -'little unpleasantness" waa got over.
." Yours, lie, T. I.M.
Thr Emporium o Esmsbcbo. "There
is no 6uch word as fall." To prove this just
call aud see the new articles of Jewelry that
Cham. Roberts' has just opened. Here you
will find all the varieties of Jewelry worn.
Also, a fresh lot of Stationery, Books, Mag
azines and Tapers just received. Singer's
improved, Cf rover & Baker's and Howe's
Sewiag Machines a nw lot just opened.
Sold, at city prices. Also, to cap all, he has
just opened the campaign by receiving a
fine stock of Grant and Colfax and Seymour
sad Blair medals, sleeve buttons and badges.
Only just 6tcp in and taks a peep at his new
show cases and new goods, and don?t leave
until you Lave treated your wife to a sewing
roachlB or your sweetheart to a sice breast
pin or ring, or yourself to a good cigar.
"Siaxs." Signs of dry and signs of wet,
siges of things that will happen yet. The
sigs !. It's a beautiful sign, all in one line,
and it's bound to be re(ad, because Harry
has "said " it's the best sign in town j and
his prices are down below all the rest, and
his gooi are tho best here or elsewhere, as
well as fancy and rare. All of which will
be verified by calling at H. A. Shoemaker &
Co. 'a cheap store, High street, Ebensburg.
Tm BidtaT Wat Tbe ngnt roaa to
la to snend less money than you earn,
and the proper way to do this is to buy
where you can buy the cheapest, and buy
only what you need. TAfiBStawi's great
mercantile mart offers the best inducements
fd rash' purchasers in this region. Goods
very cheap,, very select and very abundant.
w t
ns desiring a sound and pyefematicing, as he keeps all the needles, oil tl
aesiru,e ; t ttdinboro. tn etc., which are hard to get if you buy
D ..are , adviood to go U v" Sewing Machines from any but local age
many respects
ja yiM"f - r-
"Good News." Under the above title a
new monthly magazine has been established
by Messra. P. S. Wyncoop k Son, 103 Fulton
street, New York. It purports to be dedicated
to a general union of the Evangelical churches,
and contains much excellent reading matter.
"BAtLou's Moxthly Masazixe for August is
already u, on our table. Unpretending as it is,
it if fast growing into popular favor, and no
serial better deserves it. It is now enlarged to
une hundred pages, and abounds in a great
variety of useful and entertaining articles,
handsomely embellished. Terms, only $123
perannum. Address Elliott, T homes & Talbot,
ii'J Congress Street, Boston.
Demokest's Young America. This enter
prising little Magaz'ne, which has already won
so large a share of juvenile favor, enters upon
its third year with the November No., and also
increases its size nearly one half. This change
will effect a great, though doubtless cos ly im
provement, and is due to the suceess which has
attended the two years of ita existence, and to
the determination of the proprietor to make it
acceptable, not ot ly to its present class ef young
patrons, but also to their older brothers and sis
ters. The price will remain unchanged, $1 50
per vear. Address. W. Jennings Dkuosest,
473 Broadway, N. Y.
Thk Wavkrlst Novels. One of the mar
vels in literature ia the cheap edition of the Wi
verley novels published by D. Appleton & Co ,
of New York. It is an edition for the million.
The cost is but twenty-five cents a volume,
while the mechanical execution of the works,
from the elegant covers to the fine paper, beau
tiful type and handsome illustrations, makes
them fit volumes to place in any library.
Besides, everybody should read Scott's novels.
No man can rise from their perusal aud not feel
that he is wiser in head and better in heart.
They are as much to be distinguished from the
common run of novels as virtue is to be distin
guished fiotu vice.
Dhmoskst's Monthly. This popular parlor
Magazine has won for itself an enviable place
iu the esteem of American ladies. Its useful
ness, tbe ameunt furnished for the money, is
only equaled by its variety, iu high tone, and
general literary excellence. In all these re
spects it is far in advance of its contemporaries,
and thoroughly deserves the high favot it has
won. It is marvelous that premiums of real
and great value can be added to a magazine of
such cost and character, for three dollar per
year. It only proves what is so often said, that
books and newspapers are the cheapest and best
educators in the world. Address, W. Jenninos
Deaiobkst, 473 Broadway, N. Y.
Sue stood upon the door-step
The second time we met
The store she's about to enter
Other goods to got ;
For the cheapest, choicest.
And very best are there,
At the ladies' great emporium
Kept by Leopold Mayer.
Goods of nil kinds for ladies' we ir and house
hold uses sold very cheap by L. Mayer, Parke's
llall. Main street, Johnstown.
"The Sat to Wat It." To every married
man whose wife does not "wear the breeches,"
to every single man who wishes to present a
captivating appearance in the preseuce of his
adored, and to every other man, either married
or single, who desires to procure tbe best ef
wearing apparal for the least money, we would
say that M. Coheu & Bro. keep the most ex
tensive and cheapest assortment of clothing to
be found in Cambria county. Store iu Parke's
Hall, Main street, Johnstown.
Still a Chasce. Don't stay away from
the cbeap store of R. R. Davis for fear that
his list invoice of goods has been sold out
and he has no stock worth examining, for it
is a fact that he keeps up au excellent as
sortment and always sells as cheap as any
dealer in the county, His line of dress
and ether goods is not excelled anywhere,
and he will give tho best of bargains for the
ready cash.
Dcia Times. July and August probably
witness less activity in business circles than
any other months in the year, but they are
the very months in which the cheapest
goods can generally be bought. Merchants
are the most anxious to make sails when
customers are scarcest, and reduce their
prices accordingly. Go to V. S. Barker's
cheap store and see if you don't find this to
be correct.
CAUTION. Owing to circumstances
I am compelled to notify the public that
I will not hold myself responsible for any debts
contracted by my husband, Elias D. Jones, nor
by any member of the family without mv writ
ten order. JANE JONES.
Ebensburg, July 23, 1868.-3t.
OTICE. Whereas Letters of Ad
ministration Cl'M TESTAla ERTO AKNKXO have
been granted to me by the Regiattr of Cambria
county on the estate of Win. W. Gittins, late
of the borough of Ebensburg, deceased, notice
is hereby given to all persons having claims
against said deceased to present them properly
authenticated for settlement, and to those in
debted to make payment without delay.
Ebensburg, July 23, 1868 -fit. .
DfiC'D. The undersigned Auditor, ap
pointed by the Orphans' Court of Cambria Co.
to hear and decide upon exceptions, and report
distribution of the funds in the hand of Paul
Yahner, Executor of tbe last will and testa
ment of Francis Olosser, dee'd, hereby notifies
all persons interested that he will attend to tbe
dutie of said appointment at hie office in Eb
ensburg, on Saturday the 16th day of August
next, at S o'clock p. m , when and where they
must present their claims, or be debarred trotn
coining in for a share of the fund.
GEO. W. O TM AN, Auditor.
Bbensburg, July 23, 16C8.-3t.
NOTICE In the Orphans' Court of
Cambria County. In the matter of the
second and final account of Julius Steich, Ad
ministrator of Andrew Geis, late of the borough
of Carrolltown, dee'd. On motion, F. A. Shoe
maker appointed Auditor to report distribution
of the funds in the hands of the accountant.
By the Court. Extract from the Record.
In pursuance of the above appointment I will
attend at my office in Ebensburg, on Thursday,
the 6th day of August next, at t o'clock r. .,
when and where all interested may attend.
Jnly23.-3t. F. A. SHOEMAKER.
NOTICE. In the matter of the ac
count of Edward D. Evans, Assignee of
E. Bedell under a volnntary assignment. And
now, 15th July. 18C8, on motion F. A. Shoe
maker appointed Auditor to report and decide
upon the exceptions thereto, and to report dis
tribution of the money in the hands of the said
Assignee to and among the persons legally en
titled thereto. Extract from the Record.
(I. s ) GEO. C. K. ZAHM, Proth'y.
In pursuance of the above appointment I will
attend at the hotel of Geo. Weederoth, hi the
borough of Wilmore, on Tuesday, the 11th of
August next, at 10 o'clock x., when and
where all interested may attend.
July 23.-3t. P. A. SHOEMAKER.
is Agent for the SINGER SEWING MA-
INES. Selling at city retail prices. Call
eeat the Clock, Watch and Jewelry Store,
street, Ebensburg. U. 1 . Roberts is the
A NES. Selling at city retail prices.
nCst one. High street, Ebensburc.
at uie ijjociE, watcnanu jewelry store. U
T. Roberts is Agent for the HOWE SEWING
MACHINES. Selling at citv retail prices.
Aarties wanthig a good Sewing Machine will
ti . - 11 nn l. ..u :u i c i
I do well to call on the subscriber before purcha-
i Ebensburg, JuiyJMj eoo.-iia,
1 M
matter of EDWARD M'GLADE. Bank
rupt. To whom it mat CONCERN : The under
signed hereby gives notice of his appointment
as Assignee of EDWARD M'GLADE, of Wil
more, in the county of Cambria, in said Dis
trict, who was, to wit : Ou the 4th day of June,
1SCS, adj edged a bankrupt upon his own peti
tition by the District Court of said District.
Dated at Johnstown, this 21st day of July, A.
D.IfcGS. - 3 3
July 23, 18b-3t. Assignee.
jljL. matter of Isaac Wixe, Bankrupt. To
whom it mat concern The undersigned here
by gives notice of his appointment as Assignee
of the estate of Isaac Wise, of Wilmore, in
the county of Cambria, in said District, who
was, to wit : Oa the 11th day of April, a. d,
1863, adjudged a bankrupt upon hia own peti
tion by the District Court of said District.
Dated at Johnstown, this 15th dav of July, a.
July 23, 1868-31 Assignee.
IN BANKRUPTCY". In the District
Court of the United States, Western Dis
trict of Pennsylvania, at Hollidaysburg, the
14th of July, 1668.
To wbom it mat concesn : The undersigned
hereby gives notice of his appointment an As
signee of Stillman Parker, of Clearfield town
ship, in the county of Cambria and State of
Pennsylvania, within said District, who has
been adjudged a bankurpt upon bis own peti
tion by the District Court ot naid District.
July 23, 1868.-3t. Assignee.
V OTICE. Rule on the heirs and legal
i-' representatives of Ignitias Adams, dee'd.
Cambbia Cocntt, SS. The Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania to Jeseph Criste, Guardian of
Eliza Kyle, and Guardian po hac vios for
Winifred and Thomas Reillv aud for Annie L.
Adams, Matbew M. Adams," Mary Miller, for
merly Mary Rcilly, (now residing in Tittsburg,
Pa.,) Bridget and John Reilly, (the said John
now residing in Clearfield county. Pa.,) Igna
titw dams, jr., (present residence unknown,)
heirs and legal representatives of Iguatius Ad
ams, lale of Washington township, dee'd: You
aud every of you aro hereby cited to be and ap
pear before the Judges of the Orphans' Court
to be held at Ebeuaburg on the first Mouday of
September next, then and there to accept or re
fuse to take the real estate of the said Ignatius
Adams, deceased, situate in the township of
Washington aforesaid, and which baa been val
ued and appruUed at an Inquest awarded by the
said Court, and returned by the Sheriff of said
county, on the 3d day of June, 1868, to wit :
No. 1, containing 4 acres and lot) perches, val
ued and appraised at eleven dollars per acre :
No. 2, containing 1 acre and 27 perches, valued
and appraised at one hundred dollars per acre ;
No. 3, containing 2 acres and 130 perches, val
ued and appraised at nine dollars per acre ;
No. 4, containing 118 acres and 15 perches, val
ued and appraised at sixteen dollars per acre ;
No. 5, containing 417 acres and 90 perches,
valued and appiaised at nine dollars per acre ;
No. C, containing 471 acres and 7U perches,
valued slid appiaised at nine dollars per acre ;
or show cause why the same should not be sold.
And herein fail not.
Witness the Hon. George Taylor, President
Judge of our said Court at Ebensburg, the 3d
day of June, A. D. lfcC8.
Attest John A. Blair, Sheriff. ju!23 4t.
What It ! I)ont,Wht It la Dolag,
aud What It will Do.
Formerly Member of Congress from St. Law
rence Co., N. Y.; more recently Registrar
and Solicitor of the LT. S. Treasury
Department, and Solicitor for the
United State in the Court
of Claims, ic.
Dedicated, by special permission, to Hon. Ho
batio SkTMOl'a, and written ander the advice
and with the concurrence of leading Demo
cratic Statesmen.
In one elegant volume, large 12mo. of over
400 pages, bound in extra cloth, and containing
splendid Portraits, on steel, of Jefferson and
Jackson. Price, $2 00. Mailed, post paid, to
any part of the United States on receipt ot price.
This admirable work contains a complete and
spirited history of the Democratic party, from
its origin down to the present time.
It depicts the devotion of the Democratic
party to the Constitution and the laws, iu all
the crises and emergencies of the country.
It trices the conflict between Federalism and
Democracy, and contends that the Democratic
party has always been true to the Union, wheth
er disunion was threatened by Northern Feder
alists or Southern Secessionists.
It gives a history of every interesting incident
and event in each of the political parties.
It gives enrnently interesting sketches of
every Democratic Statesman.
The book, in brief, is a vast repertory of po
litical and historical facts, of profound interest
to every citizen, and of value to every politician
for reference. i
The author's experience dates far back into
the early portion of the century : he was an
associate of Silas Wright ; he enjoyed the con
fidence and friendship of Jackson, Van Buren,
Polk, Taylor, Fillmore, Pierce, and Buchanan,
and, probably better th-vn any man living, is
acquainted with what the internal workings of
parties have been for the last fifty years.
Agents wanted to sell this book in every part
of the Union. Clabe and Democratic organi
sations will be supplied at special rates.
D. APPLETON t Co., Publishers,
90, 92 & 94 Grand Street, New Yerk
SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtne of cer
tain writs of Fi. Fa. and Vend. Ixpon. Is
sued out of the Court ef Common Pleas of
Cambria county, and to me directed, there will
be exposed to Public Sale, at tbe Court House
in Ebensburg, ou Monday, tbe 3d day of As
gust next, at 1 o'clock P. M , the following real
estate, to wit :
All the right, title and interestof S S. Chris
ty, of, in and to a lot of ground situated in Eb
ensburg boroagh, Oaaibria county, fronting two
hundred and twenty feet on Centre street, and
extending baek two hnudred feet to Psblic
Sqmare, bounded on tbe north by Walton street
and c n the sooth by Milton street, having there
on erected a two story brick house and back
building, and frame stable not now occupied.
Taken in execution and to be sold at the suit
of Oo. W. Carpenter, Henesey A Co.
A Io, all the right, title and interest of Wm.
I. Piper, of, In and to a lot of ground situated
in Ebensburg borough, Cambria county, front
ing two hundred and .twenty feet on Centre
street and extending back two hundred feet to
Public Square, bounded on the ofth by Wal
ton street and on the south by Milton street,
having thereon erected a two story brick house
aad back building, and frame stable not now
occupied. Taken m execution asd to be sold
at the suit of Wm. Williams, surviving admin
istrator of Thomas B. Moore, dee'd
JOHN A. BLAIR, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Ebensburg, July 16, 1868.
SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of sun
dry writs of Fieri Facias and Yend. Expon.
issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of
Cambria County, aad to me directed, there will
be exposed to Public Sale, at the Foster House
in Johnstown, on Saturday the 2.Hh day of J uly
next, at 2 o'clock v. m., the following Real Es
tate, to wit : All the right, title and interest of
Robert Barclay, of, in and to a piece or parcel
of land situated in Yoder township, Cambria
eounty, adjoining lands of G. W. Osborn on
tbe east, tbe township road on the north, and
lands of G. W. Osborn and Samuel Blough on
the west, containing nine acres, more or less,
improved, having thereon erected a two story
plank L hou;e and frame stable, now in the oc
cupancy of Robert Barclay.
Taken in execution and to be sold at the suits
of John Thomas et. al
JOHK A. BLAIR. Sheriff.
Sheriff Office Ebeflgdjor July 0.1868.-1
The last
WM Success
will quickly restore Gray Hair
to its natural color and beauty,
and produce luxuriant growth. It is
perfectly harmless, and is preferred
over every other preparation by
those who have a fine head of hair,
as well as those who wish to restore
it. The beautiful gloss and rarfume
imparted to the Hair make it desirable
for old and young.
For Sale toy avll Draggbti,
The Commissioners of Cambria county
will offer at public sale, at the Court House in
Ebensburg. on TuicsnaT tbk 8tii pat or C.r
TtMBER, 18Cd, at 1 o'clock r. St., the following
tracts of UNSEATED LANDS, which tracts
were legally purchased by the Commissioners
at the Treasurer's sale of 1SG2, and have been
held five J ears and upwards, as required by law,
subject to but without redemption
acts, rnct To-wjrsnir.
Sarah Barr
John Redman
James Hunter
John Cooper
Sam'l Stoltz' Estate.
William Govet
John Crouse
Simon Roop
Jonathan John
Lloyd,Hi!14Ho!liday 1400 White.
John Servoss 319
Thomas Ketland 30 "
William Wet 221 17
William Rush 371 73
Thomas Town 116
The owners of any of the above tracts of land
desiring to redeem them, can do so by applying
to the Commissioners, at their office, on or be
fore Saturday the 5th day of next September.
No redemptions wili he allowed after that date.
Witness our hands at Ebensburg, this 10th
dar ot Jul?, A. U. ISliS.
r. f 3
Attest Wm. H. Skcules, Clerk.
NOTICE In the Court of Common
Pleas of Cambria County No. 6 March
Term , 1 S68. Daniel Snyder vs. Margaret Sny
der. Alias Scbpoea ts Divorce.
CAMBRIA COUNT r, S3. The Common
wealth of Pennsylvania to the Sheriff of Cam
bria County, Greeting : Wiikreas, Daniel ny
der did, on the 11th day of December, A. D.
1S67, prefer his petition to the Judges of our
Court of Common P'eaa for the said County of
Cambria, praying, for the causes therein set
forth, that lie might be divorced from the bonds
of matrimony entered into with Margaret Sny
der, his wife . We do therefore command you.
as we have heretofore commanded you, the said
Margaret Snyder, that setting aside all other
business and excuses whatsoever, you be and
appear in your proper person before our J udges
at Ebensburg. at a Court of Common Ple-s
there to be held for the said County of Cam
bria, on the first Monday of September next,
to answer the petition or libel of the said Dan'l
Snyder, and to show cause, if any you have,
why the said Daniel Snyder, your husband,
should not be divorced from the bonds of mat
rimony, agreeably to the Acts of General As
sembly in such cases made and provided ; and
hereof fail not.
Witness the Honorable George Tavlor, Pres
ident Judge of our said Court, at tbenaourg,
the feth day of June, in the year of our Lord
oae thousand eight hundred and sixtv-eight.
GEO. C. K. ZAHM, f roth'v.
Attest Joh.x A. Bi Aia, Sheriff. jul.9.4t,
The subscrib r offers at Private Sale his
FARM, situate iu Chest town-hip, Cambria
couutv, 4 miles front Carrolltown and 6 miles
from Chest Spriugs. The Farm consists of 65
ACRES, of which 20 Acres are cleared and
in a good state of cultivation. The balance of
the land is well timbered with marketable lum
ber. There is a comfortable Frame House and
a Barn on the premises, besides a young and
thrifty orchard of choice fruit trees. There are
also a. never-failing prinr of pare water and
other conveniences on the land. The property
will be sold on fair terms and an indisputable
title will be given. For further infnation
apply to 2T. D. EASTMAN.
CLest Tp., J sly 9. 16C8.-tf.
MANUFACTORY Having taken the Wa
t onaaking Shop recently occupied by Mr. Wm.
Liehty, (who still remains in their empley,)
the subscribers are preparer! to manufacture
hrht and heavy WAG0N8, BUGGIES, CAR
RIAGES, and ether vehicles, and will guaran
tee all work done by them to be perfectly sub
stantial, neat and satisfactory, while their prices
will be as moderate as those of any mannfae
tnrer in the country. Repairing of all kind
done promptly and done well. Give as a call
if von need asv work in our line.
Ebensburg, June 25, 18C3.
MENT In the shop formerly occupied by R.
D. Thomas, a few doors east of A. A. Bar
ker's store, the subscriber respectfully in
forms his old customers and the rest of man
kind that he is now prepared to manufac
ture all kinds of Gent's and Youths' wearing
apparel in the latest style of the art, with
neatness aad dispateh, and upon the most
reasonable terms. Persona needing workia
my line are respectfully invited to give me
a rail. DAVID J. EVANS.
Ebensburg, April 9, 1868.-tf.
Letters of Administration on the Estate
ef Thomas Kaylor, late of Allegheny town
ship, deceased, having beeu granted to the un
dersigned by the Register of Cambria couuty,
all persons indebted to said estate are hereby
notified to make payment without delay, and
those having claims against the same will pre
sent them properly authenticated tor settlement.
June 25, l68.-6t. Administratrix
ii. Can aud should obtain a
pood education. For particular address J.A.I
d - . a .-.. . a i I
Cooper, Principal of tie g'atC oriaal i":
Th very best in the Market.
Cor. 2ft and Wood Streets,
Wholesale Agents for the West.
For sale by A. A. BARKER for Ebensburg
and vicinity. fj.ll, wS.-ly.
yrare, It bad destroyed my toW and sait-iling
Impaired my aight and hearing'. . Iu six weeks I
hava hern niUr-ly cured. For humanity's sake t
will send the re'ix fur the fchmlo remedv used,
roerauK Fi:EE. to all aftiirted. Those winking or
awiHDg tho same, will ilt-a addreea.
JAS. T. UOi.IEy, Station T,
f nu4n's C'rswn (fri Mollnra
JL Aro A arming for Utrhtnwis.
ryS)maats Crtwi Crlacliar
JL Are SuptriorTor Elasticity.
unequalled for Durability.
ban sna Crewe Crinolines,
Iu a wont, aro tae bent Id tho world, and
more widely known than any other.
At whohwale by
301 Broadway,
Kcw York-
mini! ii mm,
.Tit0TtA. Send for Cstaloffiui and Clrrti1r
ond band Inln ol sttw makers, takes ht par pa for
aim, for sals CHEAT.
1 rark Tiara, Nrw York
131 Federal t.. Baton.
m Axrr Acrnia ne, ' i
Wara-roome, 343 B'-'ecker Btreet, New York City.' 1
39 Yrari Ketabliahed, aad M7 Prix
iriedavla Awarded.
Oar Plane Tortus sre nnw snlrrnanr srktMwlrde by
1M mast BtTiviaa tit to br thr Best nianufx torro.
and wlKTrwthejp have bertl tntrrWirrd jd UM-rf, me liic not
l-q'Hrod to pay m word Iu tbrl hw, tllelr txr?llrnr
sandi nrrmlnrntlT to Hint f other ma Its: and i-aui ILa
Crat anerral arkievrd. srrH In noymtmi Biadr by ua In ths
t thjfty yrara. mr can afford loaall a firtt-claaa flona Forks
si l'Xo (IV) leas rtiin s ai:allar was caa be buu.-iit eUewth-ra.
ErftTj- Plana ' Forte 'Warrarted for fi Tsui, ani
to give Batisfactioa.
0r PKnoe are mndr to last ; thm s! er!al sard for ererf
pwt are flr-rubl naaourd. td f 111 rrrv brat qn.llty tbaS
caa Lrmcr.rrr to part la alpbtrd : ahat thr public r a
nlcut pa a trier, nrrrr aacap--a our riffilanrr. Etsi part. InadBs
snd -ot. ia hnrtlT. faithfully and thorouaSly in&rir. ao tbat It
wlil brarthe must mlaittc rxamlaatiua. Tbry dldrr from ths
load, coaraa toa of moat plan, shlfh ii bad in the hr1n
ntn. sad aroirs worsr crrry day. ) tnmaeb si. la rrfraed sad
delicate, pure la Its rfbnrtlbna. di-IightSa! in Ita atnctns rapart
t. aad baa all tlis poster Bcctsssry W produce aitiy d cured
Thar sco. wtlh-mt Jon'-t, st Iwat, th moat laatlna. and
conaeqyulv tbr rbrapst. W nrr contest with a fair proa.
Osr prices nine frum kxu ts sso.oc.
199 BUeeeker Street, N. V
M annfartnrvd aoVly bv this Corr-an-r at Brtdarport, Coao.
anA-r Lfti-raof I'atrnt cf lb r nlirrt fitatra.
Tbeae Cages are of a frral rartelj of style aad Salsa, aad
Canary, Parrot. Kocfcln Bird. Sauirrel sko.
Tlins-arr Rntehrd la s superior manner .i.y a m
fctame hw laao fatal U hlrrta an1n:a brtns need
i:i tlu ir rnnatrarrfan. Tsar V aaasnt Tavsa. Bird Faa
flefs will arrrertate these pointa of earelUne. Co be found la
n o her Caiaea. They reset ved the highest ravmlntn at tSs
American Inalttuts ap few T or State Falra if ly.
Liberal illMOoatto tfas Trans. Senator Circular and Pries
Lint. t nut
Sfannfsotarers of
AgrafTe Piano-Fortes-
Ti: aad 949 Mrtsud Attinr,
Seed for desoriptiva Catalogue and Price Idat,
Johssfowa and lJbenvtmr?
II a vine sgaln taken ebarge ef tbe
branch Marble Works at Rnebnrg,
which he will spent in .onsection
with his extensive Mabll&hmeat at
John town, tke nbeoriber a slopes this
methol of inforaijr the eiticena ef
Cambria cownty, that he kaeps a oo
stant enpnly of the bet
whieh he is prepared et eteted ttnes in Ebejsa-
burr and at all times In Jshsatown, to mana
factnre to order, either as MONUMENTS,
BUREAU TOPS, is ae werksinlike manaer
and at as low prices aa like work can be pet
in any of the cities. Having in my eeapley a
full force of eiperiesoed aa4 skillful workmen,
I de not promiae tea swuch when I say tbat I
cn furnirh any of tbe above articles o abort
notice, at the lowest prevailing prices, and ia a
style of finish which eesnot be excelled by any
other mat wfactnrer iu tke S'ate.
A lacge stock ef GE1XDSTONE3 on hand
and for sale cheap.
t?f Pro nipt a iter, si ea paid to orders f rem a
distance and work eat an wherever deeired, or
delivered at any voiat named.
Johnstown, June , lSW.-tf.
Dealer! a Comxiliaisn EXercliantg
Corner Vwgiida Si. and Plank Eoad,
Will keep coniant!y oe hand a large and
well selected assortment of FLOUR, 1'KED,
c , at wholesale, in Altoons City, snd
the adjoining counties can be supplied with
tfce'lea4inf Articles generally used by them
at City and mill prices.
All kinds of country produce received snd
paid for in cash, or Bold on commission.
Prompt retnris will be made.
Storage farniahed for all articles, such as
floor lumber, shooks, shingle, etc.
Articles will be delivered to purchasers
or sent to freight warehouse.
Having the only house vrhere goods by
the car load can be removed at the door,
thus saving drayage, our customers will re
ceive the beneit f it.
Price crrenta will be sent weekly to pet
sons desiring them. -.-THE
Altoona, April 30, 1868.-tr.
" at Ti 1 V as.
aU Forks, Spoo&s, sc.. can oe douBui t GEO- UVHX.tKY