The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, July 16, 1868, Image 3

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j 1
Tus 1?id3 Show. The Radicals essayed
to hold their County Con volition ou Monday
Just. It was vtr.v iu .dhmsive, and the De
mocracy can well utLud ij treat, it as Thud.
fcf vcr.n proposed tu ticat a certain memor
able election, "as though it Lad never beeu
held." Carroll, C'earudd, (the two largest
districts in the Ovui.ty J Chest, Blackhck and
VirUowu were uureprcscuteJ, while other
districts had only cue delegate.
liarry Hoggs, liui h man's postmaster at
Johnstown, A. II. Gregg, Breckinridge can
didate for Register and Recorder in 1SU0,
and George EiigeiLach, of I'uiUge Railroad
luiuiory, ran the machine.
Hoggs otganize.-l the meeting, Doggs offi
cered it, Hoggs cailed for the credentials,
lhgg8 l r light out the candidates, Hoggs
Wis the Convention, and without Hoggs there
was no Cvn ventii n.
Hogga notiiinaad IIou. I). J. Morrell by
acJaf '.iaU. L..
Lolls made a strong speech in favor of a a man tor St. tie Senator, and couciu-1-d
by nominating Hairy White, of Indiana,
hy acclamation ! and that Le appoint his
.vn conferees.
Col. Piter war. ted the Convention to np
j. ii. t . utVices, iitui iiioiaUd in his hone-i ih;
Way that I he conferees should go "unLiiblcd."
Pull Bogjs had him !
Boggs then nominated James Mi-rlcy for
A -i-eiii lily.
Boggs then looked at his woik and saw
that it was very g... u.
Boggs then run the CoiivCQtioti from high
tragrity ti low comedy.
Hoggs then urged 'ii Christy for IV-thon-oiary,
and lie was ii'Uuiii.ild! aceoi dit.gly
-".Si : the t.idy war candidate on the ita.I
l Wet. hell iVil tictMiit i cared its hii eons
( oiit and tie iel-d face ! the ti.ititti rn-ir
f babel their r.itiks in I .at lie arsay tite.i.
hen li.-: t.iii.t ii.-artcU hid in the h .n tt
i.ig lit- d t Cam-da i, oh! thenilvv;.
t 'Si t imely i Ushed to the rescue, and i.-
I . thmgeri II S j,v -l Sllt'tr, like i he Colored
t.o'p. "bore away the palm," and a good
c' iil. T'?.
I'-yg .-Iipii d U's fat thighs and laughed
it the j ke.
J5 -gv MX' j kv (he nm-t have been read
).,. J ,v iNiim i'.- i book) was to Vote f.l
At liil:u l i 1. strict Att-iiu-y. And this :
v . ti. !.!;. unmeevviu! j ke he attempt, d.
! i Jet- M.litr was defeated, the vote itand
i. -i :
"vlge M R A.V, Erq. 35
Jo-in jl.i'ti', L.q. . -2
c . i. , .,.,, it. .,. ....,., ir.w..
J"or.t- r, v. as nominated Coinmisstourr, having j
r.ciivNi'. 2 i voter, but as lltnry lb
iiir in ic '.iicrati-.c i.e doclii.ed, Joseph
C;o!e was n .iKinatei-l on 20 votes.
'1 hen B.'gg iiioved a comuiiiire on res.
lwlioiis a.d it tired v. ith hi coironittee, le
tv.irt.i;.g sooti after with then. We did hear
t-..; itm!'.tt:.-i) r-;id, tut Kiip.o'r- they wire
I i he triie faith, s . tie of the LXutTa of the
'.: cii'ircn pi op
-d ih-ni.
Then Bojgs cn'le 1 on Uar.y White for a
id ilan v made a pood cue.
told the :u to not lelos to ic cotul.-iloj
i'.tt In 1 ar.a was a gr ;at count", ile told
tin' in thai it watf n iicctstsafy to stiivly the
li.l lie.ll pi.'.tf 'TI:) S it the "; 1 oltc!" Ctt-
ei i-ni." We think it r. 'pii cs ili'.ro study,
il y.n ex; -it to uni't it.
'I iie ei "p; .u.t Jle.lklr, N.iid he been to
Vi'a!.i:.,i 'ii:ii'i! M't-'i I i rant's papa. Tiien
to'td a very p.dhefic uiiccdoiu ab-ut o d
C .i: () account of Uijse.s buying
. rut, with a ('i-d description f (hat
i : iti.-acii. n Tne tiling t'ceinod a i.ttle dr
f r a while, but hi-n he came to the colt
tr.uic, Cob I'i,..rr an i Henry CJ.ore riveted
their attenti .i. on the eh rjceot t- e:ik.r
mid y ou m'v' ' hive h'-nrd a j in tall, (In it
i. a lin h-pin ) co o'presaivo u as the silence
of the moment.
B' ggs then made himself chairman of the
County Committee, and bavins; nothing fur
ther to do. the Convention adjourned. the above was writ ten we under
stand that Mr. Rea.le has declined tb-j nom
ination for District Attorney, and for the
present at least that poMUou begging
t-o tar a tha Uadieal pai ty is concerned.
The other candidates have no, jet declined.
e believe, but tii3 pe .pie a!mot ca masse
will decline to vote f r them if th-y (Iom'i
ihcline t j be Voted f,.t theiWe Vej ia the
r:TrN'iVK A sf iiir'o r.s 'raft
f r ziid "as pieseiited at the Fnt National
! u. k ot town en the 1st inst., by a
tnari wi o railed' William Ila!, and
aid. The draft purported to have b.jtu
drawn by the banking Ilmsu of Howard &
l'.aker. of Watertowfj. N Y.. on tho Fifth
National Bank f N..w York. Ti.e iriek
vf: a in i-t ingenious one, as thfl tlr.tfr had
sill the u.i'iea'.i' ns of being tenuit e, being
r rir.t'.d on an tnptaved j.b.te. which was
regularly numbered and cauctled by stamp
ft Howard & Baker. Upon inquiry by
t lepra ph it is learned k'uat no su.;h firm as
Howard Biker is in exigence. Hall,
who got the ti.'ujoy, was in C 'lniacy wi ii
tAli others who registered their names as 11.
K. l Joiaabeiii. N. J., uid G. B.
Price, if Aitwona, Pa. Ilaii represented
himself to be siuiply from New Jercy. A.l
tin ee stopped at tbe. Fofcter House. Ti ey
teem to le professional iivindlers. Tbe
Aborua and Ibdiidaytburg bat ks are re-po-ted
to have beer, jointly ictimizd by
tiiem to the amount of $lb00. It is sup
posed that they have also operate.! in Blairs
viile and Indiana. Jjfwstoic.i T-ribuaa.
SisftCLAR Visitors. OnTuursday '.R3t a
largo bear made its appearance at Galbtzin
cameduwu thu bid near tbe tunnel, grave
ly marched through the village, crused
tne rail road track, and coolly took his way
towards the f .rest. Tbe object of this visit
of lrts Warship remains a profound mystery,
but it is supposed there is mischief binin.
We also le irn that a bear was discovered
up a tree u"ar the residence of Mr. Martin
Kanders, in Cambria township, ou Friday
last, but before Mr. Sanderd, who was ap
prised of the fact by a lad who resided wiih
Lim, could get bit gun ready to go olT, the
bear descended the tree and went tJT uimseif,
thus making good his escape.
Since the above whs iu type wj learn that
the bear was a tame one- whiCu had broken
ita chain and uiaae its escape from Tyrone
Beveial days pievmus.
A Taib TtST. The best evidence of a
ruaa'o skill in bis profession or bis mechan
ical oureuit is iu the style and finish of the
work be execute. Judged by ibis criterion,
no candid man can withhold from Mr. Jas.
Wilkinson, of Loretto, the credit due him as
a moat proficient and skillful worker in mar
ble. Some of the finest and mt elaborate
ly wrought monuments aud tombstoms put
up in this county are tne work of Mr. VV.'s
own hands, and they bear unimpeachable
tcstimouy to his mechanical tastes aud ac
complishments, and stamp him as & rnojt
excellent workman. We commend Mr. Wil
kinson to the patronage of al! who may need
"wcrk ia his hae.
EliITOLIalihes, Ixkial anu Gkneral. (
KxShcriff Bechtel ia out & n indepencl- i
cm candidate fir TiHnrHr in liinir cinntv .
The Normal School at Ldinboro has a I
good reputation. The State asaist ttose
wlio intend to tach.
B. A. T. We never publish a conjmnni
cation, either in prone or poetry, without the
full name of the author.
John Cwver, of Conemaugh township, who
All from a train and was ran over on ho
Pa. R. R.,a few wecki binco, diei wefk be
fore last.
Ralph Hunter, of De.-y township, West
mortiaud couuty, while mowing & few daja
t-ince. dropped down and instantly expired
fiom the etfects of cua stroke.
A Miss Osborn, of Derry bjWCbhip, West
moreland county, fell into a small stream of
water, on Wednesday Wtek, while laboring
under a spasmodic fit, and was drowned.
Crus Wilson, a pauper at thej Wostmare
land county poor house, fell or jumped from
a third Btory window olb night recently,
and Mistained injuries of a nature which
caused his death ia ten miuutea after, lib
its M-.pposfd to have had the mania jjofa.
We learn that a Gemn touo iiiajn in
Johnstown, whi'e pa.'sinr along Canal atrtel
on Tudy tvruiug, was prostratd by
snr.rtroke, and it was th tight by Dr. Low
man, the physician runtnonr-d, that ho
could not recover. Wo did not loar;a his
Jostph II flman'sbarn ia Rhmlaad town
ship whs struck by liuhtning and entirely
consumed, on Tuesd ly week, together with
most cf its contents, including a cow and
calf and a bit of household furniture which
wbh stored in the barn awaiting the comple
tion of Mr. H.'a new bouse. No insurance.
The Bethlehem Timi-s says that the name
of Cyrus L. Ferbhing. llq., of JohutloWii,
is prominently mentioned in connection
with the Presiding Judgeship of that Judi
cial diitrict. So man more fitted by oatuif
and education could be tt-Ucttd; "et he
cou'd be iily spared froni the Bar of this
J. ho II'. li, father of th vouwa: man who
killed C'r.Jiii'ti r Parker, was struck on the
heal wi'h a Mono by a man ame! Petr
Win i hrcnur.r, during .in r.Uerca'.b'ri at New
Florence, ou the 2-ltii ult-, and jvo scriouly
ii j -.rod that bo d'ed in a few days aftr.
iuebrenner was arrested, but tuanagrd to
e-eaoe, and is glil! at !ar;.
The-young Johnstowr: Indy wh. swallowed
' at the Uuiv n Depot in Pittsburg
n Mondav week, as m.tiied by us in our
la.-t is'l-', died from the nf..vt of t!.3 poison, j
at the home cf her fri.nds in 12-ot Liberty, j
u ii.urfuay. M.e was snxims t.j live, tut
w hen she- found she mn.-t !ii be alleged t-ba
trotir k bad driven ber to tbe c riiR.isi-ion of
self-murder. Sh rt.fue i to ivw!o the ra
ti: re of ber tmubla, bonevtr. litr tame
was Miller.
Tnr. T:E".""."Bcr.o F.fMHT. TTavir.g fre
quentiv been told that tbe new firm of Con
very, Vinrue A' Cn ute, into hands
the Ebonsburg Foiiudry j'Es.-ed last sprisg,
were making extensive alterations, adiliitons
and ivnprovMv.ent-s ab(ut the old Rstablssh
mtit. we viaited ti:o premtscs a Sew evenitign
.ii'C-.' for the purpose cf teeing was to
i,n w.i,. Wo ffciiir.d that ubat we knew a
few months ago as thecld LI entburg Foun
dry had bcrn uhnest completely rnetarmor
riiizcd turned inside out, ks it weri that
the e.'.roporatively siwall and dilapidated
huiidiriK which had Let u t?wcd &s a eauting
ilepartment bad given place to a new and
nrw complete", much larger
and r.i. .-re complete in its dimensions that
tbe olJ cupalo had bcrn take:i down and a
new one in course of erection tliat the cei
g!no, nnchinery, gririDg, patterns Mid other
adjuncts of the est.tbiisntnent had bcew com
pletely overhauled. ieLovat;d and put in
perfect w o. kii.g, and that tho new pro
prietors were laboring with the determina
ti. ti to make their foundry one of the largc&t
and nio?t comjUte in the interior cf the
State, and a credit to our town.
Siccc their advent amongst us Messrs.
Couvery, Vinrue & Co. have devoted all their
time and a gieat deal of money to the fur
therance of these improvements, and by the
first of August they expect to have every
thing in apple pie order, when they will be
prepared to manufacture all kind of cooking
and beating stoves, plough casting, iron
railing of the most beautiful designs for fei.t
ni purposes, and in fact all ftyle of casting
which may be needed in this section of the
country. This expenditure t f time and mcw
ey has been made simply because this entcr
piising firm feels confident that it can turn
i.ur work which cannot be excelled anywhere
in tbe country, and tent of this they
desired to le prepared in all resrects for tht
execution of any work which trwv piny bo
called upon to perform. As an institution
which must prove an important auxiliary
to the prosperity of our town wo cannot but
r joioe at tbe extensive improvements which
have ad led somueh to the capacity and use-
I fulness of tho old LbcBsburg roundry, and
i as competent and bard-working mechanic.
! and enterprising and respectable citizen", we
cannot refrain from recommending tho new
proprietors of this establishment to the lib
' eral patronage of all e-ur
j Duiiiig i ur visit to the foundry we were
I ah wa a'-side plough (vh:ch these gentle
's have the exclusive right to manufacture
j in this county) Rnd a two borsa plough, of
Jtiniroun in ver.tiui. whieh cert.unly. cren
I to our unskilled mind, pr .sente 1 many ad
I vantages over any like implement which we
i h ive ever examined. Faimors would do
well to call and sec these p!
Wits. There i no ccid in.iticn of letters
ir. the Eiigiith language which excites more
pWusir.g and interesting associations in the
mind of man than the-wor.1 wife. It presents
to the mind's eye a cheerful cimpanion, a i
disinterested adviser, a nurse iu Kickt'tss, a
comforter in r..iof. rtrnc, an ever affectionate
companion. It conjures up the of a
lovely woman who cheerfully undertakes to
contribute to jour happ'ness, to partake
with you the cup of weal or wee which des
tiny may offer. Tho word wife is synony
mous with the greatest blert-irts, and we
pity the unfortunate wight who is compelled
by fate's severe decree to trudge along thro
life's dull pilgrimage, without one. Wea'.ro
pity those who do not know end cannot so
that Mr. L. Oat is neliing groceries,
notions, tobacco, cigars, etc , lower thai;
they can be bought anywhere else in EbenS"
btirg. This you will find to be a fact by
calling at Oatmau's cheap cash
Serioci Fall. We understani that our
friend, John Shar'nauu, Esq., while en
gaged in painting tbe upper part of a two
story house at the Summit, on Monday week,
was precipitated to the ground in conse
quence of the ladder upr-n which , ho was
standing giviog; away. Ile Lrtanatoly fcua
tained tw very serious injuries by the fall,
however, but bis escape may well be con
sidered a miraculous cue
Recipe for Savins Greenbacks. -Put
your greenbacks in yotir pocket-book and
don't take thrn cut until yon go to Oat
man's Cheap Cash Store, where gool are
received every day, and where you can buy
tho best articles at the lowest prices, and
where you will find tbe reco-fli Ifetrcjitfi.
tan oil.
Pass Him Rockd. The 8uUied article
fr Veratulles (Missouri) Vindicator.
1t scoundrel referred to la Doctor CoVel
a t' practued in the neighbor
hood of Cl.erry Tree. The rillian deserted
bis own wife. ted'icf d the datughter of a re
Epctab!e farmer in Susquehanna township,
this county, coased her itom Ler home, )d
having completed her ruin by making her a
mother, deserted Ler, and left her a charge
upon the community. We giva him this
notice at the requ8t of respectable Radicals,
who are unwillinjr that their political frienda
I in illss- uri should le imposed on by the
graeuena scamp :
A Bexto Cocnti Radical Caxd.tiatk ij
Seabcu cr Ttsri mo-xiai . For some time we
have teea liKikiug tur thia distinguished Penn
avlvanlan. He is sweetly distinguished. This
par excellent spawn of degeneracy lives in Ben
tun county, a nd ia a poliiicitn withal. lie ia
seeking tiie JtaJicnl nom'.Daiiou to represent
the peoule of thJt county la the next Legisla
ture. -New, who is this stud mink ? Ue is a
man of family has a nice lady and two or three
children. WUtt a pity ! pitv for them! lie
desetv no pity, but the execrationa of all hon
est, virtuous people. But who is he? Ask the
poor widow, now in poverty and disgrace iu a
poor houae in Pinu-yh &nia, w ho was led astray
from innoe-nec and virtue, foully Fed&eed and
:ilaudoned iu i;:fainy by tfeii livef colored, lantern-jawed
libertine. Atk her p.vor children,
w bo now etnrve and grovel in dicrace and
ghime that will ever rest like a foul blight up
on them soi:s and daughters of bis tr.u3pect
it g victim and they will answer fiend 1 Ah 1
steal a poor, uuj.rj:ectcd widow's mor.ey, the
proceed of a farm her de al hasband 1 ft her
al-d his ehil'ireii, seduce, ruin at.d fcbsiidon her
iu infamy ttejnal, whila ou hate a devoted
find virtuous wife at home, and then leave tho
just indignation of honest reeple Jn Penupjlva
uiii and come to Mis-oeri. sticking ih and
emititip the odor of foul, hcAthpnhb.,
erioiiiihl adultery, anJ preeutne to run for ihe
Legislature, juu daUird son ot ahame and h 1!
No wonder, tlun, that you wanted honest men
iu our to n to swear that you are a od it-d-iral.
Any mm wl.D kr.;-a you and your black,
uufi:iiaL; history in Pennsylvania , could swear
t:iat you are a Rudical. Instead of running
for the Legislature, go and tell jor.r wife and
children that jcu are not tit to be their friend
and protector ; and thea, to give jj ' eatis
"action to all tbe honeit croMl, go hi.g your--elf
and brik your accursed necic. People of
Benton aa t j h I wl;h this ioul, aitdicrftus
-Ivcnk :
This raAncvr," by J: ITjlton.
"M. I.' Wu are in receipt of a volume of
nearly 200 pnges beariug tht aborp high ounl
ing title, frcin the jkii of J. Dunbar llyltbn.
"Jease ire u;e a
the Cftaibria Frc
wno, ia ttie letter accomp Jibing tlie book says:
l o'iec in your wort.'iv r jper
W rrotced to do
. i
. . i . r T 1 s-. x.
i uai u.i-.-iiri.iin wiuer, 11011. jonn vooe,
'nia created a new adjective .for tov. Geary, j
und Ciills l.itn ''the Bi'JiBco'fcT Governor we '
ever had." We borrow h a classic superlative
for th ccakion, and pronounce It tbe "hunt
bugest' attempt at put try we have evor m t
It takes the shupe of a Monologue gets J.
Vfilkes Booih ou to a threshhig'fl Jor, and in ikes
teoi pin ant bis uo hi.nured piiqea of ruaiing
rhyra. Much of l'. ia ridiculously r'".ime.
kilo still mire 'a ttnibly Uikne. We depie
cate surti buiiIir., bouil'.i: balder '.ash, and
trtiei the medical au hur will icaoaaca hb poe
try icd resutuo bia j.i'.'s.
Vi-lk6. Uocth wis an a-saam a murderer
in c':e t.Io'Mi of an aroiab'e I'r-lie-.t, and u.
tnaa vthoiQ tk country nwde-J to s:e.u t!;eraJ
ical torrent bich, rir.e bisdeih. hasfprt'.d
over the rouniry, tbrtening the very rx ft
erce our government. He piu thd pin.ilty
of hia crime waskil ed aiwl burlvd out of sight.
It ia cue!, Hen to him, to put aujii j tighng
u(i!o:iee into Us
But poor Lincoln I ho deserved a better fate,
to be lira? muidcied by p.o:h. and tbe.u mur
dered airesh by a Tegin of scribblers, who l-.ave
boon Airvritvc u:s i.-rs ever since, ia pruiv
aad pue'.i T. 1; is too bad 1
It is a eciot:a r.!tr, which clitora hire
daily opjK-rtttuiiied of noting, tht wboti any
iHnj tis;?sl.ftl whic'i aav narticular inrtivi-
dual wthfsl to sec in the newspaper, it ia all
rieht and the editor ia "a bu'.lv good'felk w
but if at)) tiling appcarj ibat anybody didn't
want to see, it.'iu it 1 tin wroi g. ana "tue
newspapers have buoiueis to fay, anything
about euc'i thing. 1' But n.ibjdy ever '
back tm us" mr anything we say in praise ot
the cheap and compieta hardwure, tinware arid
house furnishing emporium of Geo. Huntley,
ber the smallegt wmt aad tho b.rgrat order
can be supplied promptly, SAlisiacUwy s.ud at
tbe letvcst sash prices.
"I wish it would rain 1 I wish it wnuld rah.'."
I the cry that comes up from hillside aud plain;
But fcty what we witf, aud do what we may,
Our wi.h goes unheeded day aftetdaj.
o let tig ' dry up," and no longer complain
For "ury up" is the motto juat now viilh tbe
. rain
Bet ia wet or dry weather let every one go
And buy what fee nerds from Shoemaker & Co.,
Wko are always prepared with goods cheap and
To sail all who icay need anything in tbair line
How Hot ! Fverjbody 5j complaining of
the heat H ich wi'.ti'ig weather hi? njt been
experienced on tho mountain for many a day.
The thermometer indicated 0-i degree in the
shade on Tuesday, and under the awning at
V. S. Barker's store we are told it went one or
two degree higher. ValUe juht let? ii go up.
but be offsets tbe tberrrometer by keep:ng h's
(scale of prices down to the'lowcst uo'.ch. Peo
ple may tire el the but they can never tire
of buiiug goods at the Ijw trie prevailing at
Barker's store.
S;warD Dowx. Complete 'aaitiido, ov
injT to tke exeme warm weather, prevails ia
busine-s circles, social circles, end all other
circles, not rxjep;mp even "swinging aiouuu
the circle. Ncerlhele.-3. it you can nerve
yourself up to the buying point, jou will find
the imnense ?tock cf jewelry, clocks, watches,
notion, sewing machines, etc.. at Cham. Rob
erts' th most complete and handsome in the
county." Not much exercise and very little
mohey is needed to purchase at thi3 renowned
8he eforvd before the counter,
Tbe day 111 ne'er Lrget
Ebe thought the muplln cheaper
Than any ahu'J'seea jet ;
And all the spleadid dress go-cds,
In textures rich and rare,
Ehe beheld in grea-t profusion
At the store of Leopold Mayer.
An immeTfse stock of millinery and dress
sot3,iD great vare'y, just received i.t lltyer's
New York Store, Parke's Hall, Johnstown.
"itoms not metcly four rquare walls,
Thougb ith pictuaea hung and gilded,
Homo is where a-ffection calls
Filled with shrinca the heart hafti fcuilu?d.
Still we can't stay at home att the t'coe, Wutwe
iau m u". m.jw jr..,.u, r rr
visiting tbe mamrsoth clothing stre of Cohen
Jt Parke's Hall. Jehnstow u, aud buying
a full Biit of excellent woaring apparsl very
How Hi Pom It. When people consider
that Mr. J. Patton Thompson is at all times
in the city watching the markets and buying
the lates; Btyles aad beat goods offered, they
may ease to wonder why it's that his stock
is the most complete and handsome offered for
sale in this community. Buyers should note
this fact, and at tbe same time remember that
"cheap r ash" it the mtftto of this first class
The instruction given at the licrmdl
SchvZ, Edlnboro, la systematic, suggestive
and accurate. A single term at such school
ofteu of great TIU
Local Correspondence.
Altoona Citt, July 13, 18C8.
FiE!D Mac Tbe upholstery shop of the
Ta. K. R. Co. caught fire on Saturday l ight,
and the material and building was euiiMiderably
damaged. If ir had been for the timely inrer
ference of tbe fire steamers, under the efficient
management of the respective companies, there
is no doubt but there would have been a gen
eral conflagration among the Company's shops.
It is almost incredible the short space of time
required by the several companies to get their
engines into operation. Too much praise and
commendation cannot be given to our fire de
partment (being comparatively novices iu the
business) for the energy and skill they display
in the wot king of their engines.
Our mountain city is now pretty well provided
with fire apparatus. The city has two A No. 1
Amoskeag fire steamers, one hand cng'u.e, one
hook and ladder company and a hose company.
Besides these tbe Pa. R R. Co. has a first class
Amoekeag engine, which they have kindly con
sented to permit the city to use in case of a
conflagration. Thee several companies are
composed of some of our best and most reliable
and energetic cit zens.
A Mr. Wong Sakee, a Chinese gentlemn,
delivered two lectures here last week, llis
subject was ,JTlie Chinese and their Customs."
He appeared in Chines costume, and exhibited
a Chinese emperor's robe, laiiies' shoes, model
of a pigoda, and quite a number ol other inter
esting articles. 11 is simplicity of tyle and de
leniation of character were indeed quite inter
estinjr and instructive. 1 have beeu iuformed
that Voi'g Sakee is studying lor the ministry.
On Saturday last the utiterrified of this city
had a monster Seymour and Blair ratification
rneetme.. To say that it was a grand success
would not convey "an adequate idea ot the im
mense crowd of people assembled. The strong
armed, hard working yeomenry, tbe honest,
hard fisted mechanic and the brawny, sun burnt
laborer were all there to aid in the t;ood cause
The people evineod by their atteution and de
corum that they wert fully alive to the mo
mentous issues involved in the campaign just
opemnl a campaign which is to decide heiher
Uiiioi.isru shall staud or mongrel radicalism
shall again triumph, with all its attendant evils
and liberty-destioying influences. Among the
speakers present was that ".ble and eloquent
champion of Democratic princnles, the (earless
R. M.lton Speer, Esq.. ot Hun tinge" on, a man
who, in the darkest hour of our nation's peril,
when seceionists at tho south and traitors at
tbe north were seeking the otherthrow of our
republican form of government, stood firm,
turning neither to the right nor to the left, but
fearlessly maintaining his integrity and his De
mocracy. This was the first time that Mr.
S.eer met with. the Democracy ot Altooua, and
he made quite a favorable impression among
the people here. Ilia speech whs free from that
petty elaiig and personal abusa so common
Kadical orators. It was able, logical and sound,
aui sa.k into the minds of bis hearers.
n.. i . . .. .. i . . .1..
i :tn tue uuaneiai question n a I'cuctui
r : I : .1 : . 1- "., .. . .... ..,.-I. tiK'.i n ml
liuuunr, anu iiisii'gie n n. m
his conclusions so forcible that they made some
ot the Ptcicii!s wince, tw ist, snarl and snap like
a bhiok tn.ike in the middle of August. John
F. Barnes, Lsq., of Johnstown, was the next
speaker, and a very forcible and effective one
be ia too perfectly at home in the discussion
of political questions.
At the conclusion of the ppeeches a grand
torchlight proeessiuti formed and marched thro'
t!;e principal streets of the citv, preceded by
ti Mountain City Brass Band, which discoursed
most excelieut music. The procession was
under tbe marahalship of that old war horse of
Democracy, li. H. Feitinger, E-q. After the
procession the meeting disperse t with three
reusing cheers fnr Seymour and Blutr, the next
President and Vice President of the United
T l.cre was nothinj to mar the harmony of
the occaljn except a futile attempt on part of
8 lew Radical sprigs to create a disturbance.
I would advise the-e p'ugs to behave themselves
in the future or they may get into trouble.
Youra, &c, T. I. M.
HoLLirAVSBuno, July 10, 1SCS.
F&!i; McPikk Amid the numerous ac
counts you receive of conventions, exhibitions,
picaica." para les, etc., it miy not be amiss to
inform you that we are not altogether behind
the age here.
On th 'JJ inst. was held the exhibition of
St. Mary's Academy and Parochial Schools.
Exercises began at nt ti o'clock p m and closed
a: half Dast rive. Encloed you will nnd a copy
cf the progr.itnine. Our beloved Bishop, the
Right Rev. M- Domenee, oui own good pastor,
Rev. J. Walsh, several Rev. clergymen, the
Mother Superior of- the Order of Mercy, and
six Sisters, honored the occasion with their pre
sence. St. Mary's trass baud discoursed excel
lent music at intervals
During tbe examinations the pupils ef the
good Sisters and those of the Male Department
evinced au aptitude in their different studies,
ni.4 a decided taste lor music, which was high
ly creditable to themselves, and gave ample
proof of the extraordinary care and attention
bestowed on them by their talented and reli
gious Instructors. Among the pleasing and
well selected "plays" presented at the exhibi
tion, the "Witch of Rosenberg," arranged by
the late honored and lamented Cardinal Wise
man, at:r.ic:ed attention aud gaVe uni-ver-iil
After the distribution of crons to the most
deserving pupils our kiud Bishop, in his usual
haj py manner, testified h:s gratification at the
apparent progress of the children and puid a
well merited compliment to those devoted ladies
wr.o hav.) dedicated their lives to the cause ot
rell'ous education. The large exhibition hall
was tided with an appreciative audience, who
were highly delighted w ith this much wished
lor nnd most agreeable entertainment..
Previous to the recurrence of our national
independence festival a notice appeared in one
of our town papers stating that "as usual n
celebration of the coming Fourth might lie ex
pected," and rather encouraging its leaders to
seek eniovmaut elsewhere. Pro in this it ui'irbt
beinfei reu that we are a very unpatriotic people
Now, I have been for a lou term of yeirs a
resident of this good old town, and yet cannot
recall to memory a single Fourth of .liily , Bur
ins nearly a ouarter of a century, which was
Nor celebrated in a becoming manner by the
titiers of Holiidavsburz. Last Saturday was
no exception to this rule. It is true, some per
sons lelt town in the moruiug to visit other lo
calities. These could hardlv be supposed toj
know anything of what occurred here in their
absenceand therefore must be readily pardoned
for asserti ag that the town, after being deprived
ot their enlivening (?) presence, was as "quiet
as a (Junker meeting
Three picnics were held, not by the "German
and Irish citizens," but by the Methodist, Pres
byterians and C.ithol.c American citzens.
Those of the Methodist and Presbyterians were
for tho children of the respective Sabbath
schools and their friends, and were well con
ducted affairs, highly enjoyed by all who parti
cipated. The procession for the Catholic pic
nic kit tho church about half past 8 o'clock a
u., beaded by the "stars and stripes" and pre
ceded by St. Mary's brass band, which made a
short halt of tbe Diamond, aud there enlivened
the quiet of the morning, with the stirring
streams of our most popular national airs. The
procession mar ched to Col. Jack's woods, where
was found every facility for the indulgence of
innocent pleasure. J. he day was nue one, the
, rove selected a delightful resort, harmony and
j gwoa ieeiins prevailed, ine oes uruer was main-
. lHined tn6 i,our3 seemed to pass quickly
and happily for all present. All parties who
visited our picnic concurred in the statement
that it was just the place for rational enjoyment,
and wk think that such affairs are deserving
the name of a "Celebration of tbe Fourth of
the Fourth of July." H.
The Latist and Bist. It is ouly a few
days since our mercantile friend down street,
Mr. R. R. Davis, received a most ample and
excellent stock of summer goods of almost
every description dry goods, dress goods, and
a complete line of notions. Now is the time
to fo and examine them, aa there ia a good
chance to suit your tastes, and buy goods at
the cheapest prices.
The Motinl Union Herald has given tsp
h hL
dence of the bride's mother, at Cherry Tree,
Indiana county, on Tuesday evening, 7th inst.,
by Kev. Solomon Benshoof, Dr. Emanuel Bral
lier, of Blacklick township, this county, and
Miss Lucy M. Kiuports, of tbe former place, jjj
So it goesl Oar talented young professioml
friend has renounced bachelordom and entered
the front rank of the noble army of benedicts.
He has taken Unto himself one of God's la.-t.
best gilts to man one worthy to be cherished
aed enshrined in the inmost recesses of his heart
and we can orly hope that he and hinamiablo
and accomplished bride may enjoy a perpetual
honeymoon and realite the idea of the heroine
iu Ingomar :
"Two souls with but a single thought.
Two hearts that beat as one."
HUTCHINSON FOX. At the lesidenee
of E. F. Lytle, Esq , in Ebetifburp, on the even
ing of June 6th, 1G7, by Lev. T. M. Wilson,
Mr. J. T. Hutchinson and' Miss Nannie E. Fox.
So our brother typo went and did it ! Well,
we wish him and his bonny bride a long life of
married bliss. As our friend Todd is the prince
of pood fellows, we appropriate from another
LoNG-lellow a suitable motto :
"Then come the wild weather come sleet or
come snow
We will stand by each other, however it blow.
Oppression and sickness, and sorrow and paiu;
Shall be to our true love as links to the chain."
SHERIFF'S SALE. liy virtue of cer
tain writs of Fi. Fa. and Vend. Expou. is
sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of
Cambria, county, and to me direcwJ, theie will
be exposed to Public Sale, at the Court House
in Ebcnsburg, on Monday, the 3d day of Au
gust next, at 1 o'clock r. m , tbe iollo ring real
estate, to wit :
All the right, title and interest of S S. Chris
ty, of, in and to a lot of ground situated iu Eb
cnsburg borough, Cambria county, fronting tao
hundred and twenty leet ou Centre street, and
extending back two hundred feet to Public
Square, bounded on the north by Waltnn street
and f n the south by Milton street, having there
on erected a two story brick house .u.d back
building, nnd frame stable not now occupied.
Taken in execution and to be sold ut the suit
of O'fo. W. Carpenter, Henezey & Co.
Also, ull the right, title aud iuterest of Wm.
K. Piper, of, in and to a let of ground situated
in Ebeiisburg borough, Cambria county, front
ing two hundred and twenty ieet on Centre
street and extending back two hundred leet to
Public Square, bounded on tbe aorth by Wal
ton street and on the south b" Milton street,
having thereon erected a two story brick bouse
and buck building, and frame stuble not now
occupied. Taken in execution and to be sold
at the suit of Wm Williams, surviving admin
istrator of Thomas B. Moore, dec "d
JOHN A. BLAIR, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Oflioe, Ebensburg, July 16, 1&C3.
The Commissioners of Cumbria county
will oflor at public sale, at the Court House in
Ebensburg, on Tcksday tue 8th day or Lr.p
TistBKtt, lend, at 1 o'clock P M.,tbe following
tracts of UNSEATED LANDS, which tracts
were legally purchased by the Commissioners
at the Treasurer's sale of iaG2, and have beeu
hgld five ) eat s and upwards, as required by law,
subject to but without redemption :
Sarah Barr 372
John Redman 1"U
James Hunter
John Cooper
Sam'l Stoltx' Estate.
William Govet
John C rouse
Simon Roop
Jonathan John
Lloyd.Hill&Holliday 14 JO White.
John Servosa 319
Thomas Ketland.'... 30
William West 221 17 "
William Rush 371 73 "
Thomas Town 116
Tbe owners of any of the above tracts of land
desiring to redeem them, can do so by applying
to the Commissioners, at their office, on or be
fore Saturday the 5th day of next t-'eptember.
No redemptions will he allowed after that date.
Witness our hands at Eoensburg, this 10th
dav of July. A. D. ISO'S
r.L, )
EDY, )
Attest Wm IL Skculer. Clerk
NOTICE. In the Court of Common
Plena of Cambria County No. 6 March
Term ,ltG8. Daniel Snyder vs. Mnrgaret Sny
der. Alias is Divorce.
wealth of Pennsylvania to the Sheriff of Cam
bria County, Greeting : Wukskas, Daniel ny
der did, on the 11th day of December, A. D.
18G7, prefer his petition to the Judges of our
Court of Common P eas for the said County of
Cambria, praying, for the causes therein set
forth, that he might be divorced from the bonds
of matrimony entered into with Margaret Sny
der, his wife . We do therefore command you,
us we have heretofore commanded you. the said
Margaret Snyder, that setting aside all other
business aud "excuse whatsoever, you be and
appear in your proper person before our Judges
at Ebensburg, at a Court of Common Pics
there to be held for the sai l County of Cam
bria, on the first Monday of September next,
to answer the petition or libel of the said Dan'l
Snyder, and to show cause, if any you have,
why the 6aid Danie' Snyder, your husband,
should not be divorced from the bonds of mat
rimony, agreeably to the Acts of General As
sembly in such cases made and provided ; and
hereof fail not.
Witness tbe Honorable George Taylor. Pres
i.leut Judge of our said Court, at Ebensiurg,
the 8th day of June, in the year of our Lord
one thousand eight huniho l and sixtv-cight.
GEO. C. K Z UiM, Prnth'v.
Attest Joh.v A. Bi air. Sheriff. jul.9 4t,
S II SKIFF'S SALE. l)y virtue of sun
dry writs of Fieri Facias and Vend. Expon.
issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of
Cambria County, and to me directeJ, there will
he exposed to Public Sale, at the Foster House
in Johnstown, on Suturday the 25th day of July
next, at -J o'clock p m . the following Re il Es
tate, to wit: All the right, title and interest of
Robert ISarclay, of, in and to a piece or parcel
of land situated in Yoder township, Cambria
countv, adjoining lands of G. W. Osborn on
the east, the township road on the north, and
lands of G. W. Osborn and Samuel Blough on
the west, containing nine acres, more or less,
improved, having thereon erected a two B'.ory
plank L house and frame stable, now in tbe oc
cupancy of Robert Barclay.
Taken in execution anu to De soiu at tne suits
of John Thomas et. al
JOHN A. BLAIR. Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Ebensburg, July 9, 16tiS.-3t.
The subscrib r offers at Private Sale his
FARM, situate in Chest township, Cambria
county, 4 miles from Carrolitown and 6 miles
from Cheat Springs. The Farm consists of C5
A ORES of which 2U Acres are cleared aud
ii. a .rood state of cultivation. The balauceof
the land is well timbered with marketable lum
ber. There is a comfortable Frame House and
a R-irn on the nremises. besides a young and
thriftv orchard of choice fruit tree's. There ate
also a never-fading spring ot pure-water ana
niKar eonveniences on the Lnd. The property
will be sold on lair terms and an indisputable
title will be civen. ror further information
apply to N. D EASTMAN.
Chest Tp., July 9. 16f8-tf.
V Can and should obtain a
tmn etlucation. For particulars address J A
Cooper, Principal of the State Normal School, j
Edinboro, 1-a ijaiy J
Wholesale Dealers in
NO. MABEBT dtreet,
Q'T to $200 per montli salary
V paid to Agents, male or female. x
Amir can Wib.b Co.. 7G William St., N. Y.
or 16 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111.
Raw that leaves our Factory is Oil Tempered
and Fateut Ground, jierftdly true and even,
and made of uniform temper by our patent
tempering proctsa.
&U4J?&MJ- i:vj
NE3, con-.ra "n t-hape, as good as the bts.
The BED JACKET (Colburn'8 Patent)
AXK cannot beex celled. We guarantee
they will cut' 25 per cent, more than com
mon Axes, with less labor to the chopper.
Pend f r circular and prices to LIPPIoT
Sole Manufacturers. For bale by principal
Hardware Dealcis.
UFACTURING CO., Albany. N. Y , Manu
facturer of General Agricultural Machinery,
comprising tne ceieoratea -o ir i
Machines, "Star" Railway (or En iless Chain)
ai,d Lever Horse Powers, "Star" Cotton Gins
and Con ltnsers, Circular Cross cut Saw Mills,
Vegetable Cutters, Horse Hay Forks, Corn aad
Feed Mills, Power Cora Shelters, Dog rower?,
4c. &c.
We wish to call tho parti, u'ar at'en'ion of
Farmers to our celebrated "Star" THRESH
ER asp CLEANER, which, a lately improved,
w e claim is far superior to any other machine
now iu market. It is compact aud easily por
table, simnla in its construction, and therefore
easy t operate by the most inexperienced, and j
will do its work with marvellous raprlity aca
perfection, and with comparatively the least
demand upon the strength of the animals c'riv-
We have- made recent improvements in this
machine by which we are enabled to tuok Ji oa
lt tu f. grain under sliiiust- any combi
nation of difficulties, and we are now uping an
entirely new and effective dovh-e for relieving
the feeder of tlut, miking the operation
of threshing as comfurtab'e and t-afe as with
the ordinary mnehiues it is annoying and fre
quently destructive of health.
These Machines are made of suitable sizos
for our "Star" Rail a ay 2 Hore Power and for
our .Star" Lever Powers for 4 and G homes.
For sale by our agents and dealers generally.
For full particulars, send for our Illustrated
Descriptive Circular ana i iiee Last, t orres
pondents will please address THE ALBANY
P. O. Drawer lb-', Albany, N. Y.
roa Tobacco. This gieat remedy is an excel
lent appetizer. It purifies the blood, invigor
ales the system, possesses great nourishing and
strengthening jwer, enables the stomach to
digest the heartiest food, m ikes sleep refresh
ing, and establishes robust health. Smok es
and Cuewkrs roa Fiftt Yers Cured. Price
Fifty Cents, post free. A tieitise on tbe i: ju
rious effects of Tobacco, with lists of references,
testimonials, etc., sent fuee. Agents wanted
Address Da. T. R. Abbott, Jeisey City, N.J.
GENTS WANTED. Something new.
. Every family wants it. Galvanic Silver
Plating Fiuid. Received 1st premiu n at Paris
Exposition. Send GO cts. for sample. II. Bars
& Co., 32 North 5th st . Thila . Pa. "
Ot the OSK nnt.TL.AR. SALE a Itevclu-
tleu In Trade.
E furnish at a tu iform price of Osk Dol
lar such arlielei as are u-ed by everv
family, at a less price than "hey are sold by any
wholesale dealer in New York or Boston.
Agents wanted to co operate with us in car
rying out a plan which meets the wants of the
million, and in the disposal of a large aud va
ried otock of Dry and Fancy (joods, Silver Pla
ted Ware, Watches, Carpctings. &c. Ourterme
to Agents are superior to those of any other
Cr.ii, as our circular will t-how. Those getting
up clubs can secure a piece ol Sheeting. Watch.
Dress. Seeing Machine, kc , FREE OF COST.
A check describing an article to be sold for
a Dollar. Id eta ; 20 for 52 , 4 I for 1 ; CO for
S ; l'JU for S10, sent by mail. Send money
oy Registered letter Circulars mailel free to
any add re 8. Agents waited everywhere.
Address HARRIS ,t P LU M M E K ,
31 Hanover St., B oaten. Mass
Proef of oar statement that we tava made
iitai TTmimT iv rnn inn
HU1JU Illit 111 lllHUiA
can be found in the fact that the iuimciine bus
iness we have built ip has inducod a multitude
of small concerns to imitate our club system.
and some by advertising the presents they will
give to agents, seek, unsucces&fuily , to divert
some of our business to them.-el vcs. We make
this anncu'iceiuent simply to inform the public
that it will be for their interest to patronize our
house, as we still continue to give BtTrca
We sell every description of DRY A r ASCI
&c , for the uniform priee of ONE DOLLAR.
Ciiculars sent to aov adJiesi free.
Nos. 33 and 100 Sumner St., Boston.
Snyder ts. Margaret Snyder. In the
Court of Common Pleas of Cambria County.
No. 6, March Term, 1668. Libel i.t Divoecb.
The undersigned, having been appointed by
the Court Commissioner to take te&tiruony in
the above 6tated cae, hereby gives notice to
all parties interested that he will attend to the
duties of said appointment, at his office in Eb
ensburir, on FatnaT, Jcly 31, lbG9, at 2 o'clock
p m ., when and where thev may attend if they
think proper. GEO. Y . OATM AN.
July -2, lfcG8 3t. Commissioner.
UM. Letters of Administration on the Eetate
of Thomas Kaylor, late of Allegheny town
ship, decease J. having been grantel to the un
dersigned by the Register of Cambria county,
all persons indebted to said estate are hereby
notified to make payment without deliy, and
those having claims against the same will pre
sent them properly authenticated tor settlement
June 25, IPCS. -6t. Administratrix.
and Forks, Spoons, eVc.can be bought
ipfcjfCMhaV. QE0. HUKILEJ'S.
t '&:Pl&W?te " 4 .:tr!" i?
ii ti 1 1 1 1 1
We are prepared to receive Advertiseontats fc
Also, a new l ist of Newpapers, by which w
can Insert an Advertisement occu
pvinx au inch of space. In
For 40 cents each per Month.
A IJ 13 liCS 3
B ri Lmtr I' TAi
Anti-Incrustation Companv's OfHcG.
No. 147 Solth Focain Strut,
V7 Y
jjj-e ; r.. v. --'i'iyfi f ?oS 7.W
Will remove scales from STEAM i?OILER3
and keep them ci.lav. reader the Boiler less
lG OF Fl'tL.
These iNaracMv.sTs ha teer. in srcc-asrrL
ue during the last two rrAK; ic many of the
LAfcGC ISTABLUnMINTS of I'hiladelphi mid oth
er parts of tho Unite i Suttee, from which the
MjH rLiTKkiso-T.STij(OMiLa cf their w s
perfcl saviso or fvel anx. iad.k have been
K-PAE.TIES having EOILER5 wonld io
well to call at the ohee and examine testimo
nials, etc JOHN FAREIRA. Fre-'t
EAa LrarNa, Sec'y and Treas. ju.4. 3m.
JoImtoTTii and sUbciiMbur'C
Having aain taken clnrg" of tlie
brancn Aiarble Works at t-benaburg,
wlncn he will operate in tonnectiot. j
with bis citeneive c.-'tublishment at
Johnstown, the subsrriher adopts this .
nietno I ol lulorinmg the citizens ot ys
Uambria cnaarv. mat tie aeer.s a ecu-
stant supply of tiie best
which he is prepared at e'.ived tims in K-er.a-burg
and at all times in Jobr.itiwn, to warn
facture to ordr. either as MONUMENTS.
BUREAU TOPS, ia as wwrkminhke manner
aud st as lew prices as like work run be rut up
in any of the cities. Having in my employ a
full force of experienced and skillful workman,
I do not promise too much w hen 1 say tbat I
can furnish any of the above ariielo.. oa short
notice, at the lowest prevailing pri. and ia a
style of fi rii.-h which cannot he excelled by aay
Other mai ufacturer iu the Stat-v
A large stock of GRINDSTONES on band:
and for sale cheap.
E3r""Prampt attention pid to orders from
distance and work put up wherever desired, or
delivered at any point named.
Johnstown, June 4, 18(18. tf.
XjL of the Board of Directors of Ehenburg
School District, showing the receipts and ex
penditures, and the amount due from the Col
lector, and all the financial operations of tka
district for said school rear :
Amount due on Duplicate for 18G7.. ? T.147 75
" from Cambria township
and other sources,. . ICS 11
' received on School Warrant
of State Treasurer,. . 06 1
Balance due from 1 Kb6, 'M3 'M
Total fl,7iJVJ
Amount paid to teachers - $1,00 00
" " for fuel a contingent lea, i0 4i'
" " collector, treasa er and
secretary ,
' " for rent, repairs, etc , .
Balance due from collector and treas
urer, July 4ih, lbCS,
ICS 62
271 IS
17S 77
$1,752 !M
D. W. EVA.ib, rreJdeut.
Samttl StNGLVTor, Soeretary.
fivo. "VT. Cope, - - l'rlncipali'
The second session cf this Institute com
menced on Monday, June 22J, and wi'l aonticua
iexwklks. There will Le no other Normal
School in the cr unty I his summer. Thi- rchoul
wiil afford fiuperior advautagc? to teachers ar.d
others to receive instruction in the higher Eng
lisb branches of education. The teacher of
the school wiil receive a fixed monthly saliry,
so that the greater r.rmbfr of individuals wh
attend the lighter will be the tt.Iti-m feea on
euch. Remember, teacheri;, IracvsxijiT la
tho wa'chword.
Ebcnburg, June i5, 13G8.-3t.
MANUFACTORY- Having t.kvn the V.-.
gon making Shop recently occupit d by Mr. Wm.
Ltchty, (who still remains in the.r employ,)
the subscribers are prepared to mnr.'itV.ocr
light and heavy WAGON S, BUGoI ES, CAR
RIAGES and other vehicles, and will pnaran
tee all work done by them to b perfesijy sub
s'antial, neat and satisfactory, w Idle lha'r priea
wni be as moderate as those ct any xnauutao
turer in the country. Repairing "of all kini
done promptly and done well. Give tu a call
if "ou need any work in our I"ne.
Eber.sburg, June 23, Icb.
MENT in the shop formerly ocenpied hy R.
D. Thomas, a few doors taut of A. A. Par
ker's store, tho subBctiber respectfully ia
forms hisoltl customers and the rest of mao
kind that he is now prepared to rr.aonfs
ture all ktuds of Gent' and Youths wearing
apparel ia the latest style of the art, with
neatness aad dispateh, and upon tho mitt
reasonable terms. Persona needing work fo
my line are respectfully invited to giv ms
a call. DAY ID J. EVAN 3.
Ebensburg, April 9, 1868.-tf.
Operative and Mechanical DENTIST.
V. m . , w V: : ;
Ulnce au corouuo nwmi., unwcu t u(ui
I ard Em-na street. Ail
.' --AJtoca, Jaa IS, 1SES
r. v ik
i i
X 1
, i