The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, June 25, 1868, Image 3

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JUNE 2.5, 1868.
compliance with the call of the Chairman of
the Democratic County Committee, the
lek"iUes h .sen to represent the Democracy
i f the seve ral disturbs of Cambria county
ns.;riJjh!i d in Convention tit the Court
j.'.iu.-e, i" l-4' I'hice, at 2 o'clock v. M. on
2fpt:day iat, ai.d alter being called to order
f v H. L. Johnston. ., of said
(.01 no. it toe, prooceJi-d to aa organization by
the fc'eetii-n of Cai-t. II. D. Woodrt S as
Pte4h -it and Me.srs. Peter McDormitt, Jno.
A. Kennedy and O.irer Ypung as Secreta
ries. After the organisation wm completed the
credentials of the several delegates were- prc-n-nted
in the following older, and with the
exception of those from Loretto mid Chest
Joiin: Hoi-uughs, wero admitted to their
s.'ats with' nt opposition or dissent. In each
i f the case mentioned two seta of delegates
preseiiie.i their eiedertials. the Chair
nj p"'.u?ed M5sr-. A. J. Khey, Simon Dun
lniie. .James Cstlw, D.miel C. Morris and
J h.i Swope, a committee to take into cn-hidt-nitii.u
t tuc calms of the re.-pec live con-le.-tantM,
v-Iid were as follows: For Lot otto
Thos. Cdlan. F. D. S..u p, Jwhn Bradley
r.u.l I.iiick Moran ; for Chtbt Springs
John V:i-nr, .lamvs Wirtner, S. M. D .nig
ht s mid I'. J. McKci z'v. The committee,
after due du!;;un, awarded the positions
to the gentlemen whose nanus aj.jxar ia the
list .irt n lelovv :
Allegheny ip Joseph Uogue, Joseph Cra
intr. Klacklicl: tp. Joseph 3. Maidht, James M.
C orell tp. Em ami el Disbart, J:imes Cain.
Carrolltown bor. John A Kennedy, Valcn 1 homas.
Cambria bor. Daniel M'Peak, Ed. Howe.
Chest tn. John M. Noie, Jas Kirkpatrick.
Cambria tp. T. W. Shoemaker, William
Larimer. j
Clcu field tp ila? Adams, C ia. MTJo iph. !
Ci.iHinaugh tp. jodock Kohler, J.icjb
0 -neni utgli bur. 1st w'd. John II iws, 11 . 1).
Woo li ntf.
O'oiieuiauh bor. 0.1 w'd Henry Freithoof.
A'-in-t Abier.
1 iovie tp Joseph W. Pi-ingle, Jos. Leekey
C-iiet Springs bor. John Wagner, James
V inner.
j:!eu-burg bor. E. W. John A. Blair, A.
J. Khey.
Ebensburg bor. W. W. John E. Scanlan.
John 1. Thomas.
Franklin bor. Win. A Ja us, George Harsli-berm-r. ti. James Henry, F. J. Parri.-h.
Johnstown bor John Sci-h, Oliver Youn0',
,Usrt ; J. 15. M'Cieiirht, Thomas M'(iou;h, j
iU w.irl ; John iiloeh, James King. 3d ward ; j
M. V. Dickcv, Jouathan lloiner, 4ih ward;
tteoiiie 1 nomas, v. j aiorns, olii iuu ; i ui.
U. M'Clellan, Joseph Kuu:z, Cth ward.
Jaeknon tp Simon Dutmiie, Ianie'. Parks
l.oictto bor Thomas Callan. F. D. San p.
Millvllle bor Peter il Det uiitt, Patrick
Maimer tp Daniel Hnidley, Aug. Dmbin.
I''ix.'ct bjr. David Harry, PaviJ Croriin
lliehlaiui tp. Jame. Cos'do. Ch:i-i. Llelsel
Summitvibe bor. Johu Sharbaugh, Paul
Si.iiimt-ihUl tp John Riley, Win. Doran.
S':?!pn,-!:ai.!ia ip John Hearer, J aeob 15.
St.d .
Taylor tp Win. HcaJ iek. Win. B. Bon
fiv.ker. Washington tp. Jeremiah M'Goni-'c, Ja
cob l.eib.
Wiiinore bor. Alichaol M'Co'.san, Teler
.'!..: jer.
N iuie tp --D uiiel 11. Donnel'y, i?ebaaiian
Voder tp l.ra'im Cu'di, James Rochet.
The Convention then proceeded to the
iK-mination if a County ticket, wheu the
nsmes of J-hn Porier and Jv.lin Feid-'ii,
lt's., were pve.-enteJ as candidates f'r As
tcuibly. Ui the Cxst ballot Mr. Poiter
loceived the nomination, tLe vote etnoJiu
IVrter 67, Feulon 17.
Tor the tike of Prothonotary, Messrs.
J. Jv. Utte, Geo. C. K. Zahm and Bernard
ZdeColgan were proposed for nomination.
The tiift bnllot dceiJnd in this ca., as in
the former, the choice of the Convention
Mr. Hito bing the sncce.-.sful aspirant.
The vcte st.xd : llite 41, Zahia l'J, Mc
Vsan 14.
The next ofdv-e to bo filled was that cf
Ii .trict Attorney , aud for this position the
contest waxed exceedingly warm, the as
pirants boiug more numerous and their re
spective friends more determined than iu
tuher of the other contests. In this con
nection the names of F. V. Tierney, F. A.
rih'i'tuaker, Joteph McDonald, Y. 11. Hose,
James l'otts aud John F., Esp.,
w er preei.ed. Ihe Couveatiou proeeected
to ballot, but uo decision was obtained until
tlj,e nineteenth ballot, which resulted, after
the withdrawal of Mr. Barnes, iu the selec
tion of F. P. Tierney, E.-q , the vote stand
ins : Tierney 87, Koe J5, lihoemaker 7,
Mi D.-uahl 4.
For County Commissioner, Messrs. John
Campbell. M.iriee McNamara, Jacob Priu
John Fianagau and Tnomas Wilt were
suggested. Five allots were taken with
out auy result, kut on the sixth Mr. McNa
mara, after the withdrawal of the name cf
Mr. Campbell at his own request, obtained
a maj rity of the votes cast, and was de
clared the nomine. This ballet resulted iw
follows: McNamara 42, Prin&le IS, Flana
gan 11. Wilt 4.
As buitable persons for the position of
Poor House Director the names of Messr,
Ctnist. Suyder, Patrick Markey. Paul Mc
Kenua, F. McCullough, J. Horner aud C.
Heifrich were presented. On the first ballot
Snyder received 35 votes, Markey 20. Mc
Cullough 7,llelfrich 2, Homer 2. McKotma
1. Mr. Suyder, having the majority, was
declared th nominee.
For County Auditor James Null and
Patrick Douxhoe were proposed. Mr. Null
received votes to Mr. Dwnaliot'iJ , nd
became the uominee.
Henry Scanlon, Esq., was cfcosen as the
candidate for County Purveyor by acclama
tion. The Convention then appoiuUd Phrlip
Collius, II. D. Woodruff and R. L. Johnst n,
B--qs., Congressional Couferes ; Wm II.
Jlo&e, Isaac Wike und John Scanlon, Esqs.,
Keaatorial Conferees; F. A. Shoemaker,
Esq., D.deate to 4th March Convention,
aud Capt. II. D. Woodruff Chairman of
County Committee, after which it adjourned
with three rousing cheers for the ticket and
the Democratic cause.
It is worthy of note that the utmost good
feeling and harmony prevailed throughout
the entire session of the Convention. Each
of tbe nominations, after the announcement
of the deciding ballot, were made unani
mous and hailed with loud cheers and gen
eral rejoicing.
Ikdkpexeexce. Pieparations aroon foot
to celebrate the birth day of American free
dom in a magnificent style by the Catholic
congregation of Ebensburg. It is under
taken in buch a manner and under fcuch aus
pices as to ensure its triumphant success.
We expect to be able ia our next to give a
further inkling of tha maia features of $his
prop--" celebration.
JuiTOKiALmiis, Local and General.
Csh will b paid for eggs at the store of
A. L. Oatman, cn High street, Ebensbnrg.
The proceeds of the Catholic Fair at thiB
plao amounted t tbe handsome sum of
$1,415 75 over and above all expensea.
A verv gratifying result.
Mr." J. II. Sharp, a ventriloqaist and
sli 'lit-of-band perfjrmer of considerable ce
lebrity, will give an exhibitou at the Court
House this (Wednesday) evening. Uo and
see his performances.
CiiArle:, M'2eUis, a flagman on the Fa
ll. K., waa struck on the head by a bridge
over the canal below Susquehanna station,
oi; Friday last, and rcry seriously injured,
lie ictidea in Altoona, we believe.
A coal miner Emed E. F. Hill was in
stantly killed on Friday morning, by the
filling of a piece of slat9 in the Oceola Coal
Works, near Pittsburg. He was a tingle
man, and his parents reside- in Indiana
W. II. Schell, having accepted a call
from the Disciples of Christ congregation
meeting in thh place, will commence his
pastoial taborB on Lord's day. 2Sth instant
IVeaching at 10 o'clock a. x. and 7
o'clock r. M.
A lad limned Adam Campbell, son of
John Camj brdi, roiidii.g near Newry, Biair
county, ag' d ah-jut 8 years, was drowned on
Moiday week. Ho bad waudertd from
home and wa3 fotiud dead in a creek er run
abont a quaiter of a mile distant.
Thomas T. Williams & Bto. make known
through our paper Uclay that they have
taken tho wa-oa-m.ker shop reoently owaed
by Mr. Wm. Lichty, aud are prepared tu
execute all woik in their IIdo with prompt
ness and at moderate prices. Patronise them.
S im'l Goodnmn, flagman on Pa. li. R. Ux;al
freight, was seriously iLjured ntar Peters
burg, ou Friday evening last, in couseqnence
of bis head coming in contact with a car or
truck on the opposite track, while leaning
over the side of the car upon which ho ras
Jacob Marks and his son Jackson were
severely burned about the face, neck and
arms by the explosion of a quantity of pow
dr iuto which a fpark had accidentally fal
len, at the Lanigan ore bank of the Cambria
Iron Company, near Uollidaysbu-g, on Mon
day week.
We learn that a young man named Corer,
s n f Mr. Alex. Cover, of Conemaugh town
ship, this county, employed in some capa
city ou the Pa. K. It., was run over by a
freight train on Monday last, and had both
his legs severed from his body. We could
not ascertain any partic4dars.
Dy announcement iu our advertising col
umns it will be seen that a Ntmal S.'houl,
of which Mr. G. W. Cope is principal, has
been opened in the public school house In
this place, and as it is the only school of the
kind, that will be opened in this county the
present summer, it should be well patron
ized. 1I n. LTenry D. Foster has received the
unanimous nomination for Collarets by the
Democracy of Armstrong, Indiana and
Westmoreland. If the peofJe of that dis
trict prefer honesiy and brains to vmpty
b.ass assuming that Covode is t be the
U.ulieal candidate there will not le much
.f a content.
The communication of "Sillier," dated
"Altoona, Juive 20th," did not reach us iu
time for publication this week, fcor could we
insert it at auy time verbatim tl lileralitn, as
the writer desires. The concluding tenteriee
is end rely too fmu-a.ncnLU for the perusal
of modest readers, and must be E4dLued in
order to secure publication.
A match game of base ball the
Mounti.iu Star club cf Altoona and the
Mountaineer club of this place was played
on the grounds of the latter clb, on Satur
day nf.crnoon last, and resulted in a victory
for c ur boys. The score ttood : Mountain
eer?, 67 ; Mountain Star, 20. Waut of
room c impelti us tu omit the fuU score.
A grand High Mass of requium far the
repose of the soul of the lamented Father
M'OuHough, was celebrated at St. Augus
tine on Saturday lpt, the anniversary of his
death, by Uev, E. Burns, G. Cristoph and
R. C. Christy. The music was under thw
direction of Father Decker, and members of
tho F.bensburg and Loretto choirs participa
td. It is pleasing to chronicle this evi
dence cf the veneration and esteem with
which the memory of a beloved aud failhfiil
pastor is still cherished by n people among
whom be was no well known and deserved
ly i e pee ted.
Tit:-: Xatiokal Ajtsiverjart. The ap
proaching Fourth of Ju'y Mill be celebrated
at different places tnroughout the county by
social gatherings and geueral merry makings,
and we doubt not that good cheer and pleas
ant recreation will hold high carnival at each
and all of them. Atmng ihe most notewor
thy of these celqbrwtio'is is tke proposed pic
nics at Gallitziu, Wilmcre.St. Nicholag and
at this place, in aid of the respective Catho
lic churches at those points, and we are sure
that either of these celcbiations will afford
as much fun, frolic and feasting as any per
son can well enjoy in OLeday. At Gallitzin
the pic-nic will be held in a beautiful groe
near the station, and Prof. Eller, the celebra
ted violinist, will lead tho band of music,
while on part of the managers every effort
will be made to render the occasion a most
enjoyable and pleasaut one. At Wilmore,
St. Nicholas and this place like efforts will
be made for the accommodation and amuse
ment of all participants, aud therefore per
sons desiring to enjoy the festivities incident
to celebrations of this character cannot go
amiss by visiting ary one of these pic nica.
An abundance of de!ic:cies will be prervided,
the best of music secured, and every arrange
ment made for the rational enjoyment of the
glorious anniversary at these several festi
vals, and when to these attractive features
is added the fact that most commendable
and deserving projects are to be aided, we
are sure that these pic-uics will be largely
attended and well patronised, as they will
ertaiuly deserve to be.
Thb Wilmobb Pio-Nic. We nee 3 scarce
ly do more than announce, as we have al
ready briedy done in another paragraph,
that our Catholic friends at Wilmore design
commemorating tha coming national anni
versary by a grand pic-nic in a beautiful
grove near that village. The only induce
meDt that need be held ont in order to teeurt
a largo attendance of plensure seekers, is the
fact that the ladies of tbe cocgregafton , who
are proverbial for taste, judgment and ex
perience in such matters, have gon9 to work
in downright earnest to make it, what pre
vious festivals at that place have invariably
been, a most delightfa and altogether iano
cent and unobjectionable "feast of reason
and flow of soul." There will be no lack
of good muic, rich viands and pleasant
social intercourse on this occasion, and we
feel eure that the d-y will be ng-e-alfly and
delightfully spent by all who participate.
Ice Cheasi. We are under b?Vi'"ii to
Mrs. II. C. Devine for an alvm ! .n' 7i i r. -:
delicious treat of ice cream and r rur d i-A'.,
sent to our resides ? on Tue- ij tv. -.: t:
We can recommend he- ica a.-, e
ax among tbe best we have cv&rir.dn &d
and advise all our friends to visit ber es
tablishment and juig for themselves.
Sol.iikrs Conferee Meeting. At a
meeting of the honorably discharged soldiers
of the 17th Congressional District, held at
Tyrone, on the 17th inst., the following of
ficers and soldiers answered to the call as
delegates from their respective counties :
Cambria county lit. Col. B. M'Dermitt,
64th P. V. ; Lt. John Porter, 65th P. V. ;
Capt. U. D. Woodruff. 47th P. V.
Blair county Capt. T. M'Farlane, 3d P.
V. ; Capt. M. H. Jolly, 22J F. Cav. ; Pri
vate H. D. Witmer, 12th Pa. Reserves.
Huntingdon county Lt. John U. West
brook, 49th F. V.
Mifflin county Capt. W. B. Weber. 46th
P. V. ; Private R. A. Matthews, 25th P. V.
Capt. Woodruff was called to the chair,
and Private R. A, Matthews elected secre
tary. On motion of Capt. Jolly, a committee
was appointed to invite Col. John P. Linton
aud Capt. A. M, Aults, who were in the
town, to take seats in the Conference. The
chair appointed Capt. Jolly and Lt. Porter
to perform that duty. The comaaittee re
ported by introducing the gentlemen named.
Ou motion of Capt. Jolly, the conference
proceeded to select five delegates from each
county in the district for delegates to the
Soldiers' and Sailors' National Convention,
to be held on the 4th of July next, at New
When the following named officers aud
soldiers were selected :
Cambria county Ool. John P. Linton,
64th P. V. ; Adj. Wm. II. Rose, 54th P. V. ;
Capt. Wm. Linton, 12th Pa. Cav. ;'Le. John
Porter, 66th F. V. ; Sergt. John E. Scaulan,
1 1th P. Y. -
Blair county Capt. M. II. Jolly. 22J Pa.
C iv. ; Capt. A. M. Aultz, 205th P. V. ; Capt.
A. Dobbins, 84th P. V. ; Capt.T. M'Farlane.
Bd P. V. ; Capt. J. R. M'Farlane, 137th P. V.
Huntingdon countv Maj. J. B. Petiiken,
Cth P. V.; Dr. D. P. Millet ; Lt. John U.
Westbrook, 49th P. V. ; Sergt. A. C Green
lane, 49th P. V.j Sergt. D. Thompson, 1st
Pa. Heavy Art.
Miillin county Capt J. S. Waream, 131st
P. V. ; Capt. W. B. Weber, 4 Cth P. V. ; Lt.
T. M.Utley, 4th P. V. ; Capt. A. M'Manigle.
131st P. V.; Private K. A. Matthews, 25th
P. V.
The following resolution was unanimously
adopted :
RescActd, That it any of the above named
delegates are unable to attend the con vent ion
in person, they are heieby authorized to ap
point substitutes.
On motion of Capt. Weber, Col. John P.
Linton and Capt. J. S. Waream, were ap
pointed delegates to represent the 17th Con
gressional D, strict iu the Soldiers' and Sail
ors' State Cpuveution, to be held in Phila
delphia on the 2d day of July next.
On motion adjourned.
II. D. WOODRUFF, Chairman,
R. A. Matthews, Secretary.
MacSIakb ox Drawing. The result of
the late Fair, Mr. Editor, has entirely con
vinced me of what 1 had long feared, that I
never can learn to draw.
When a boy at jchool I first essayed the
art of drawing. I had no success. 'While
my school-fellows would draw, even on their
elates, all manner of objects, animate and in
animate, I never could make myself under
stood. I learned to write, tolerably, how
ever, and this wits a great help to me; for
by writing the name of the beast, or bird, or
other object underneath was pretty well
I reeollect on one occasion the toucher
drew tho picture of a house for me to copy.
There it was, as nice and square as you
pleeo, with the doors and wi&uows, and
with iiven the smoke curling out of the chim
ney. 1 tried my hand upon its counterpart,
but it was no go it was a failure. It was
no more like a house than a lump of chalk.
I could not draw a house. I abandoued the
idea in disgust. Since that time I have la
bored in literature and pursued politics, but
unsuccessfully, for whether I was announced
to deliver a lecture or make a speech I
never could draw a house!
Further experience in life still further sat
isfied me of my paucity in draicing. In tke
political field, which 1 cultivated with great
ardor, I found that in the general riiflie for
office I alway9 drew a blank.
1 turned my attention to legal lore. I
leurned Littleton, cogitated Coke, belabored
Blackstcme, studied Starke, read Reports,
but failed again because I had uo talent for
drawing. I could never even draw oji infir
ence, uud hence was unable to draw the at
tention of a jury.
I invested liberally at the late Fair in Al
toona, but got nothing for my money because
I could not draw.
But the Ebensburg Fair complete! my
discomfiture. I got the other Mac to invest
with ne, confident that a pair of drawer
must wiu. But we both failed owing to
weakness, as I believe, in n.t being able to
Disgusted and heartily sick of my numer
ous failures, I have only sufficient capacity
in the way of drawing to liuw this article
to a close. MacSuane.
A well kxowx Citizen of Hollidayb
aor. Killed Robert B. Johnston, Esq.,
Cashier of the First National Sauk at llolli
daysburg, was killed in Baltimora ou Satur
day evening last. He was standing on the
track in tke Northern Central Railroad Do
pot, and a team backed in, knocking him
down and running over his leg below the
knee. He died on Sunday morning while
his leg was being amputated. Remains
were brought to Hollidaysburg on Monday
morning. Deceased leaves a wife (insane)
and one son aged 15 years.
A Natcal Phenomenon. A. piece of
land about an acre in extent, near Laurels
ville, Westmoreland county, is said to have
sunk some ten feet within the past two
months. Many people have flocked there
to witness the phenomenon, but uulike the
customers who visit the low priced mercan
tile establishment of V. S. Barker, they have
come away no wi&er or better off for their
journey. Barker's is tbe place to go to if
you want to get the worth of yonr money
i& the beet kind of goods.
Excrasiow Ticrrs Fourth of July excur
sion tieketm will be issued to and irom all points
on the Penna. K. good for a return trip
uutill tbe Cth inat. Would it nut be sensible
for our lady friends here and elsewhere to take
advantage of theso few days of grace and visit
the greet millinery and fancy dry goods estab
lishment of Leopold Maytr, Johnstown, where
liiey can please their tastes and secure tbe latest
faAions in all kind of dress and millinery
goods ? We think it would, as money can be
aav4 in the trip and saved in the purchases.
Th FaciT Seasoy. As it will soon be time
for commencing the canning of fruit, we advise
all persons who wish to get a good article of
fiuit cans to call upon Mr. Geo. Huntley, who
is manufacturing them of the best charcoal tin,
with grooved sanis, and sel.iug them at the
low prices of 5 1. "JO per dozen, cash, cement
iti-1 ;...;d. A lsovral oiseiuut to wholesale
Tar .Stat;
i i : j - i 1 ' ; f
4. t-.fc.o au t-.Uv...-
tion. Its advantages are surpacsed by no
sjmflar ipatititfioa known to us.
Johnstown, June 22, 1868.
Dear Freeman After a somewhat pro
tracted absence your "Sku Bal" again rnak
eth his appearance, and will afflict your nu
merous and intelligent readers with a brief
Religious matters deserve the preference
in my list of "notes," and . I am proud to
announce that two largts and elegant church
edifices, one in courso of erection and the
other in contemplation, will most probably
be pushed through at an early day. The
United Brethren church will soon be ready
for the roof, aud when completed it will be
one of the handsomest religious edifices ex
teiiorly of which our populous city can
bemst. The material used in building it is
unhewn stone, and the style of architecture
is known as the Gothic. The corner-stone
of the new Welsh Congregationalist was laid
yesterday, aDd the ceremouies were quite
interesting. This church is to be erected on
Walnut street, and will be a commodious
and elegant building. The German Catho
iic's design building a new church shortly,
and the location will probably bo Railroad
From matters religiom tho transition is
easy to affairs worldly, and a glance at a
new institution which has been on the car
pet for some time may not be amiss. I al
lude to the Forrest Dramatic Association,
composed of a number of talented young
gentlemen, who will give their first public
exhibition ia Parke's new hall, on the evt ning
of the 4th of July, Some very fine scenery
has been prepared ; an excellent stage fitted
up. and all the appurtenances requisite for
the performance of first-class dramas have
been arranged. We may look for our boys
to distinguish themselves on that occasion,
and may we not predict that this will be the
means of introducing to an intelligent audi
ence an incipient Forrest, who may yet make
the walls of a city theatre ring with the
applause which is the reward of theatrical
We had a somewhat exciting time over
the delegate elections in the various wards
on Satuiday, and as there were quite a num
ber ef applicants for the various offices there
was a deal of interest manifested. As your
correspondent was an uninterested observer
he can only wish success to the men wh.i
may win.
Our new water works is progressing ra
pidl3 aud the main is laid as far as the roll
ing mill. It is the intention to lay the pipes
as far as the public square by the 4th cf
next month.
The work of building a pier for tbe new
bridge over the Stony creek has been com
menced, aud ere long a substantial structure
will span that stream, on the site of the one
which was removed by the Ice a few months
ibe ground has been staked off for the
new Town Hall, and doubtless the work of
buildir.g it will be commenced immediately.
Geo. W. M'Dowell has been elected chief
of police, and the usual peace and quiet of
our town will be restored. I believe the ar
ticles which were called "maces" have been
sold to the Johnstown and Somerset railroad
company for cross ties on the new road
that ain't going to be built very Foon.
Hoping yon will hear from me soon again,
I am. Everyour's, Sko Bal.
Altoona, June 22, 1808.
FiienJ Mac The friendly contest which
has been going on for some time past for a
beautiful toilet set, at the Catholic Fair, to
be voted to the most popular and amiable
young lady in Blair county, was brought to
a close on Tuesday last. It was a question
of no small magnitude to decide, foi you arc
well aware that our county is famous for its
handsome and worthy young ladies. There
was quite a number of contestants for the
coveted prize from different portions of the
county, but Miss Agnes Stewart of this city,
having received the highest number of votes,
was thereby declared the most popular young
lady and the winner of the prize. It might
have been awarded to another equally mer
itorious, but to one more deserving it could
not have been given. Miss Stewart popsess
es in an eminent degree all the virtues and
accomplishments which adorn the female
Perhaps the most valuable prize voted fur
at this Fair was a wine set for the most pop
ular runn'Dg engineer on the Middle Divi
sion of the Pa. R R: It was awarded to
Mr. John Carr, ons of the best, most efficient
and deservedly popular engineers in the em
ploy of the Company.
Quite a sad and distressing accident oc
curred here on Saturday last. A promising
young lad aged some nine or ten years, son
of Mr. John Cendo, had one of bis legs al
most severed from his body by being run
over by several freight cars.
The Rads. had a lively meeting in this city
on Saturday night. Mr. Bare, the Buckeye
Blacksmith, (so called,) a Southern carpet
bag "loilist," was the speaker on the occa
sion. He said he was an old (lying) line
Whig, seventy years of age, and that he
never knew of so much talent (?) being em
bodied iu any two men as is possessed by
Grant and Colfax. Mr. Bare's macner is
rather pleasing and entertaining, but his
speech was made up principally of a rehear
sal of that political slang and misrepresenta
tion for which black and tan orators are so
The great question. Mac, which now agi
tates the couutry with terrible emphasis is
whether the sacred honor and integrity of
this republic, and the liberties and rights of
its citizens, shall be given over to be prosti
tuted and despoiled by ignorant, insolent
and degraded negroes, in the hands of cun
uing, selfish, corrupt and unscrupulous pol
iticians? If so the resplendent sun of all
our glorious fame, ur intelligence, our prop
perity and our pride must hide itself forever
under the dark cloud of anarchy, ignorance,
superstition and ruin : and a Republic once
more glorious than ancient Rome must per
ish and disappear from the face of the earth.
Yours. &c. T. I. M.
P. S. Oh, Mac, I almost forgot to notice a
silly effusion in the last issue of your paper,
the production of a correspondent in this
place who signs himself a silly cr simple
boy, I don't remember which. It was su
perfluous in him to sign himself Billy, for
any one who would take the time to read
his production would naturally come to that
conclusion. Now, I would kind'y suggest
to this mdkebate and scavenger of Hall's of
fice I mean henry joe and his , to re
member two things: Thou shalt not lie;
tbou shalt not steal. T. I. M.
In Demand. The Metropolitan Oil Kas
almost entirely taken the place of tbe carbon
cil in Ebensburg and vicinity. The people
have determined to use no oil but what they
can rely on as bein perfectly safe and satis
factory. Enough lives have been sacrificed
by tbe use of carbon oil to caution everybody
against using it. M. L. Oatman, on High
street, keeps the Metropolitan Oil for sale.
Now isthk Timk. A clear atmosphere and
a wiirm sun re favornhle to the xeeutiou of
rvbotgr tp'i niCMir i" in the highest style of the
!-.?, :. 'orrn q-ie'itl v now i the time to secure
;k. ': 1 Von-"t yourself . r vour frienls.
M.-. T. T r-n-o'e. the i h'i'otriph nrt.isi up
r 4lc--i-. -s i'li's e jiiioo-n and full- breoared to
j jrive si'sfacilno tu tilts respect, ftnrj now ts the
i f ight season lor' securipg the beet kind of pic-
Literary IVotlces.
A Pictorial Campaign Paper. Messrs.
Bra'tnn & Kennedy, of the Carlisle Yolvniser,
will resume the publicatian of Tiiw Cauca
sian an frustrated Democratic campaign
paper on July 10. 1868, to continue until
after the Presidential election. Each num
ber will be embellished with portraits of dis
tinguished Democratic statesmen or humor
ous cuts illustrative of the political history
of the times. This feature made Thk Cau
casian a decided success in 1866. Terms :
(Cash in advance) Single Copies, 60 cent3 ;
Ten Copies. $4,50 ; Twenty Copies, $3.00 ;
Thirty Copies. $16.00 ; Fifty Copies, $16,00 ;
One Huudred Copies. $25 00. All club
must be sant to one address. Ordeis should
be sent in at once.
DemoresCa Young America. Of all the
juvenile peri.idicals Demorest's Young Amer
ica is the only one that has rea'ly made a
distinctive name and place Its pictures, its
games, its puzzles, render it unitei sally pop
ular among the little oues, while its varied
aud instructive character equally recom
mends it to the attention of parents and
teachers. The series of French lessons, or
the music, which isa feature, are alone worth
several times the cost of the book. 81,60
yearly. W. Jennings Demorest, 473 Broad
way, N. Y.
BaUou. This monthly for July appears
enlarged and impn ved. Its first article,
"Down the St. Lawrence." by Mrs. E.
Oakes Smith, is written a lively and enter
taining vein, while our personal knowledge
on the subject vindicates the correctness of
her descriptions. The e'hjr artich s are va
ried and interesting. It is published at
$1.50 per annum, by Elliott, Thomas & Tal
bot, No. 63 Congress street, Boston.
Oodey's Lady's Book The July nutuler
of this popular vade mecum for the better
sex presents unusual attractions. We sin
cerely commend it to our fair friends ; in
deed it has become a necessity in tbe estima
tion of every lady of taste and cultuie.
C. T. Roberts has for sale Pictorials and
Magazines for Julv, Fairchild's celebrated
Gold Pens, Elgin, (III.) and Waltham (Mass.)
American Watches at reduced prices. Heavy,
plain and fancy Gold Rings just received.
Books of all kinds ; Seth Thomas' Clocks,
best in the world ; Toys of every description
just opened ; best stock of Pocket Money
Books in town. Also. Sewing Machines for
sale, payable $15 per month a good, and easy
way to secure one. Call and see the fancy
and useful articles he keep3 for sale cheap. Fi
nally, an American Watch for $20.
"Well Pleasi-.d. A young and ainiab'e
friend, ret a thousand milei from our office
visiied Johnstown a few days ago, and while
there had the good sense to call at the great
ready-made clothing emporium of M. Cohen
& Bro., in Parke's new building, where he
purchased a full suit of summer eassiniere and
another suit of fine linen c'othiug. ana as a
consequence there is not to-day a better dressed
or better pleased young mau in this community
than he is. He got what he wanted and got
them cheap. Go thou and do likewise.
Dull. Our exchange! are unusually devoid
of interest just now, little of importance seem
ing to be occuring anywhere throughout the
country. In our own midst, which is not the
liveliest place in the world ut best, we are
torced to content ourselves with the announce
ment of the fact that an excellent stock of
mmmer goods may yet be found upon the
shelves of It. R. Davis' cheap cash store on
High street, where all persons can buy what
they need at the la west piieej.
A New Issue. The new fifteen cent notes
have recently been issued from the Treasury-
department, and will doubtless soon be in cir
culation. It may be important to know that
when they do come you can buy the full worth
of them in the prettiest kind of good at the
renowned Thompson store on High street,
where desirable goods in endless variety are
constantly kept and always sold as cheap as
the cheapest.
The glorious Fourth will soon be here,
With its social parties and gooJly cheor,
Aud those who wish its joys to share
Will likely seek something nice to wear ;
Aud if they do they'll be sure to find
-The best at goods of every kind.
As wcil as provisions, fresh and sweet,
At Shoemaker's store, north side. High street.
Youxo persons desiring to study German
or Latiu. will find good instruction at tho
Normal School at Ejinboro, Fa.
Use thb Best. Blades'' EupTionial Lu
bricators are a medical preparation in the
form of a Lozenge, and ara universally con
idcred the most pleasant, convenient and ef
fectual remedy in use for Hoarseness, Coughs,
Colds, Croups, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis,
Diptheria, and all Pulmonary Complaints.
They are warranted to give quicker aud
more lasting benefit in the above affections
than any other remedy. Also to contain no
deleterious ingredient, and not to offond the
weakest and most sensitive Stomach.
Blades' Constitution Pills are so cal'ed be
cause of their peculiar effcet upon the Liver,
Stomach, Blood and Nervous System. For
inactivity of the Liver, for the Stomach in
derangement, or Dyspepsia, they will de
light the patient with their mild and bene
ficial effect, especially if after long continued
indigestion and costiveness, they are left
with periodical returns of the Sick Headache.
In case of a severe cold, producing Chills
and Fever, you can break it very soon by
using the Pills as per directions with each
aug8-Jy Proprietors, Elmira, N. Y.
For sale by all Druggists ; 25 cts. per box.
rft HALL'S
Is the best article known to preserve the hair
It will positively restore
It is an entirely new scientific discovery, com
bining many of the most powerful and restora
tive agents iu the vegetable kingdom.
It Makes thk Haia smooth and euissr.
And doks not stain thk slin !
CSfFor sale by all druggists Price $1.
R. P. Hall & Co., Nashua, N. H., Proprietors.
Geo. W. Cope, - - Principal.
The second session of this Institute com
menced on Monday, June 22d. and will continue
te weeks. There will be no other Normal
School iu the county tir.s summer. I his school
will afford superior advantages to teachers and
others to receive instruction in the higher Eng
lish branches of education. The teacher of
the school will receive a fixed monthly salary,
so that the greater number of individuals who
aiteud Hie lighter will be the ti.ition fees on
each. Remember, teachers, iMraovtMENT is
the wa'chword.
Ebensbi-fg. June 25, 1BC3.-3L
KT ANTED Men to cut and haul one
v to two thousand cords of "Wood. Dis.
tance short. M. M. ADAM3,
je.U. yt A. Duatux.
Letters of Administration on the Estate
of Thomas Kaylor, late of Allegheny town
ship, deceased, having been granted to' the un
dersigued by the Register cf Cambria county,
all r-ersons indebted to said estate are hereby
notified to make payment without delay, and
those having claims agaiust the same will p e
sentthem properly authenticated tor settlement.
June 25, 1869.-Ct. Administratrix.
MANUFACTORY Having taken the Wa
gonmaking Shop recently occupied by M' Wm.
Lichty, (who 6till remains iu their employ,)
the subscribers are prepared to manufacture
Iiht and heavy WAGONS, BUGGIES, CAR
RIAGES and other vehicles, and will guaran
tee all work done by them to be perfectly sub
stantial, neat and satisfactory, while their prices
will l.e as moderate as those of anv manufac
turer in the country. Repairing of all kind
doue promptly and done well. Give tie a call
if vou need anv work in our line.
Ebensburg, Sune 25, 1868.
ICENSE NOTICE. The following
persona have filed petitions for Tavern
and Eating House Licenses in the Clerk's Of
flee of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Cam
bria countv, which will be presented to the
Judges of said Court, on Wednesday the 8:h
day of July next :
Conemaugh Bor. Andrew Abler, 2d ward.
Johnstown Bor. Margaret Nicholson, Thomas
S. Davis, 2d ward ; John Brady, 3d ward
Millrille Bur. Thomas Michaels.
CarrolltowH Bor. Simon Schroth. Ju'ius
Steich. Johnstow n Borough Jacob Fend, 4th
ward. Loretto Bor James O'Douuell.
GEO. C. K. ZAHM, Clerk.
Ebensburg, June 22, 18(Jt.
JN BANKHUrrCY. District Court
cf the United States for the Western Dis
trict of
l ennsTlvama. in tile matter oi
nrivu t.i . . n ...
"laii. uamruuk . litis i ru Bin
notice, mat on tue lllli uav ot June, leui a
luru .
Warrant of Bankruptcy was issued out of the
District Court of the United States for the
Western District of Pennsylvania, against the
estate ot ISAAC WIKE, of Wilmore, ia the
county of Cambria, in said District, who has
been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition:
That the payment of any debts and the delive
ry of any property belonging to said bankrupt,
to him and for his use, and the transfer of any
property by him, are forbidden by law, and
that a meeting of the creditors of sail bank
rupt, to prove their debts, and to appoint one
or more Assignees of bis estate, will be holden
at the la-v ofbee of James I.tts. Esq., in
Johustowa, befoie JOHN BROTHER LINE,
Esq., Regir-ter for said District, on the I5ih
day of Julv, A. D , 18f8, at 10 o'clock a u.
THO A ROWLEY, U. S. Majshal.
June IS, lc68 4t. As Messenger.
The very best in the Market.
Cor. 2a and Wood Street,
Wholesale Agents for the Went.
For sale by A. A BARKER for Ebensburg
and vicinity. je.ll,'C3.-ly.
II TONE Y WANTED. Having retired
J-'-- from the Foundry business, the subsci i er
is desir--us of settling his books without delay,
and hence calls upon all persons iudebted to
pay what tbey owe immediately, and thus
oblige him and save trouble and costs to them
selves. E. GLASS.
Ebensburg, June 18, lSG3.-3t.
Operative and Mechanical DENTIST.
Office au Caroline street, betw een Virginia
and Emma streets. All Wokk wa aa an ted.
Altoona. June 18, le'ud.-6m.
N HANKKUPTCY. District Court
of the United States for the Western Dis
trict of Pennsylvania. In the matter cfST ILL
MAN PARKER. Bankrupt. This is to eiva
notice, That on the 5th day of June, 18GH, a
Warrant ot Bankruptcy was isaued out of the
District Court for the Western District of Penn
sylvania, against the estate of STILLMAN
TARKER, of Clearfield township, Iu the coun
ty of Cambria, iu said District, who has been
adjudged a Bankrupt on his own peti'ien : That
the payment of any debts and the delivery of
any property belonging to ata oanKrupi, to
him or lor his use, and the transfer ot anv pro
perty to him, are forbidden by law ; and that a
meeting ot the creditors ot saia Dansrupt, to
prove their debt3, and to choose one or more
Assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court
of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the law office
of the Register in Bankruptcy, next door to the
Court House, In Hollidaysburg, before JOHN
BROTHER LINE, Esq., Register for said Dis
trict, on the 14th day of July, A. D. 18Cd, at
10 o'clock a. x.
THOS. A- ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal,
junell.-4t. As Messenger.
IN BANKRUPTCY. District Court
of the United States for the Western Dis
trict of Pennsylvania. In the matter of ED
WARD McOLADE, Bankrupt: This is to
oivk sotick, that on the 4th day of June, 1868,
a Warrant of Bankruptcy was Issued out of the
District Court of the United States foi the
Western District of Pennsylvania, acrainst the
estate ot ELWARD McGLADE, of Wilmore,
in the county of Cambria, iu said District, a ho
has been adjuged a Bankrupt ou his own peti
tion : That the payment ot any debts and the
delivery of any property belonging to said bank
rupt, to him and for his use, and the transfer
of any property by him, are forbidden by law,
and that a meeting of the creditors of said- bank
rupt, to prove their debts, and to appoiut one
or more Assignees of his estate, will bo holden
at the law office of James Potts, Esq., in Johns
town, before JOHN BROTHERL1NE, Esq.,
Register for said District, on the 15th day of
July, A. D. 1S68, at 10 o'clock a. m.
THOS. A. ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal,
junell.-4t As Messenger.
MITT, DECEASED. Notice is hereby
given that Letters of Administration on the
Estate of John E. McDermitt, late of Chest
township, Cambria county, deceased, have
been granted to the undersigned by the
Register of Cambria county. All persons
indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having
claims against the same will present them
properly authenticated for settlement.
Clearfield Tp., May 21, 180S.-GI.
STRAY IMG. Strjci rVom the resvi
deuce of the subscriber, in Alleghany tp ,
".bout the 2C'i.Vi of April last, a saudy colored
SOW" Pill, about ten months old. Both its
ears bear evidence of having been frozen. A
liberal reward will be paid for any information
I that will leal to vko rjexYC;v of said Pie:.
k Junell.-?t ---- - TR.
After an cpericucc of more tlwn year ia
the sale of Eas'era made wotk, during wbloh
time I have expended more thnu the prefi.s ia
repairing rips and tares, I have determined to
come back to first principles and hen. e'orth
confine my?elf to tho manufacture of BOOTS
and SHOES for Men, Youths, Ladies and Minx
es, aud am now better prepared than eter to
give entire satisfaction in my buiivss.
I have at preseat in my employ a corspeteut
corps of workmen, and can say w'i'.haut toar of
contradiction that I can turu out as neat and
substantial Roots and Shoes at as mdkkatis
pbices as cau be made anywhere in the State.
I am having Boot made of tin ut-e.-.t Fit-nca
Calfskin, and within the past month or tw-
have had orders pouring in upon me from all
quarters fnr this kind ot woik. The material
in these Boots is the bet to be found iu t!u
market, and tke wrmanU , both iu nea-ne.-s
aDd strength, cannot be eicel'ed at any other
establishment in the couutry.
All work will le ready for delivery at trm
time promised. Weddings, vieito and othr in
teresting or important occurrences nend not ha
postponed through any failure on wy part v
come to time.
Good woik and moderate prices is my motto,
and one trial w ill couviuce any person lb it lLo
motto is well chosen.
ESfRei airing of Boots and Shoe attended
to promptly and in a workmanlike manner.
Thankful for past favors 1 leel confident that
my work and prices will Commend tue to a con
titiuauce and increase of the same.
Ebensburg, May 36, lc6.-tf.
JoIiumI oivn and Ilbetislmrg
Hivim- tkfm . l.or. n( tha
. . .r
l.rai.rh Man Hnrtmit 1- -.Khiu-.'
.... ... . .
with his extensive Ci-tabli.-Jimtint at !. .-,!'
wineii win uiiuaic iu oiiiieci Hju vic-f
witn ins extensive ci-tnbli.-nmint Ht J. ;
Johnstown, the subscriber adopts this 'j
mettiOil OI luiormnig the cit.zeus ot ,3. :)
stant sucdIv of tl-c best E '
which he ia prepared at stated limes in Ebens
burg and at all times in Johnstown, to manu
facture t.. order, either as MONUMENTS,
BUREAU TOPS, ia as workmanlike uiannt-r
and at as low prices as like teorkcau be put up
in any of the cities. Having in my eirndoy a
fall force of experienced and skillful workmen,
I do not promise loo much w ben 1 say that I
can furnish any of the above arti-lea on short
notice, at the lowest prevailing prices, and in a
style of finish which cannot he fKcelled by any
other mai ulacturer iu the St.-te.
A large to k of GRINDSTONES on baud
and for sale cheap.
E2rPronipt attention paid to orlers from a
distauce and work put up wherever desired, or
delivered at anv poiut named.
Johnstown, June 4. lS'V.-tf.
1 AUTION. Notice is hereby
given that I am the eole owiur of ti e
right to manufactuie and sell Benti.vt's
Nok-Explosive Metropolitan Oij.""in
Cambria county, for which I have an assign
ment of Letters Patent, aud that any person
or perwns manufarturin;; or selling it, or
any imitation of it, by whatever name it may
be knfrwn, without first obtaining authority
from me. will be proceeded agaiutt by due
course of law, and subjected to &uch penal
ties and ne as are imposed by law.
The fooowing named persons have pur
chased rights from me, and are authorized to
manufacture aud sell the Metropolitan 0:1 :
Christian Reich, for Summitviile borough
and Washington township ; John T.uck. fc
Carrolltown borougk and Carroll, Ohct and
Susquehanna townships. Any other pra
ties making or selling the Oil, or ry imita
tion thereof, without producing written au
thority fr.m me, are infringing upon Dy
right, and they acd thoe purchasing from,
them will be dealt with according to law.
Ebensburg. May 21, 1868.
virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Cambria county, I w ill efJVr for sale on tho
premises, on TutSDAV. Jcxk 3lth. Jfb:, at ii
o'clock p. m., all the K-eal Estate of Josiuh R.
Brown, dee'd, situate in Blacklick ton.hip,
and containina.96 ACRES and 5'J PERCHES,
about 41) Acres of which are cleared and nude
feuco, and have thereon erected a Loo Uocas
and Loo Barn, with a Yoi'NGoacUAan of choice
frcit on the premises. The ba'ance of the
tract is well timbered with Poplar, Cherry and
Terms or Sale One-half the purchase mon
ey to be paid on confirmation of sale, and the
balance in one year, with interest, secured by
tho bond and moitgage of the r urthaser, who
will also be required to pav for the Deed.
je.ll.3t. Adm'r of Josiah It. Brown, doe'd.
LI14U I'lPE,
rig Lead, Iron Tip, Rubber IIee,
Steam Gauges, Whistles and Vnlves.
Irou aud Copper Siuks and Bath Tubs,
Steam Pumps, Farm Pumpa aud
Forte Pumps,
And eccry description of goods for
No. 167 Smiihkiuld Street,
J64?"SenJ for a Trice List. pr 23.-ly.
MENT in the shop formerly occupied by R
D. Thomas, a few doors east of A. A. Par
ker's store, the subscriber respectfully in
forms his old customers and the rest of man
kind that he is now prepared to manufac
ture all kinds of Gen ta and Youtks' wearing
apparel in the latest style of tho art, with
neatness ajd dispateh, and upon the most
reasonable terms. Persons reeding woik So
my lino are respectfully invited to give me
a call. DAVID J. EVANS.
Ebensburg. April 9, 1868.-tf.
I C H A R D H O 'NV AN .
Is prepared to make contracts for the airt
ing of Churches, Dwellings and other Build
ings in Cambria and surrounding couulu-s,
acd for the execution of all other work in hte
line. Paiuting done at prices more moder
ate and in a style far superior to nicst i f tho
work executed in this section. Satisfaction.
guaranteed. feb.2Q -if.
A DEC'D. Letters of Admintration on vha
Citato tf Josbh R. Brown, late of Blacklick
' , dte'd. bavicjf boon granted to tue
end crsig tied by the Register of Cambria coun
ty, notice ia hereby given to all persons indebt
ed to said estate to make seitleurcut th'ou'.
delay, and those having claims against .he
same will present them to me in proper 6hirr
for adjustment.
GEO. M READE, Administrator.
June 11. Ib6a.-4t. '
ri cheapest Tobacco aipd Clears m toy a