The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, June 11, 1868, Image 2

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E3.5!iSEURGi PA., "
TnrsPAT, : ',: :.- : Jixe 11, 18GS.
Democratic State Ticket.
Of Fayette Cuntg.
Of Coin mlia Count.
Democratic County Convention.
TKc Democratic elector?, anJ all others op-p-sed
to lii'iieal misrule, will meet at their re
Fj?tive ciection precincts, on Satcrday, the
2;'tii day of Jd.m:, instnnt, between the hours
of 3 ai.J 6 o'clock p. a., for tho purpose of
electing two delejritteH from mch district to at
tend a County Convention, to le hoIJen at the
Court Ilouye. in Ebensburg, on Mosoay, the
Wd pr of Jest, instant, to plac in nomina
tion a County Ti.-ket to be sup ported by the
Cemrcnt and Conservatives nt tlie coming
election, and to transact such other bu,in&sa us
th interests ot the co.mry end the party may
IS j OTaier of the Corrra'tlee.
It. L JOFlNsTON, Chairman. 1 m the majority, and where the presence of
Eue:uburg, Juno 1. 1GS. ... ' , .
! a strong military force, ought to have been
. w . 7, , ! sufllcient to deter them from such outrag.
Tj tlie Democracj cf Cambria. . .
j If negro suffrage produces such fruits in
The Democratic County Convention ha? j Washington city, what will be its harvest
been callud for Monday, the 22.1 day of a the far south ? Let Conservative He
the present month the delegates to be publicans think of these things when they
chosen the Saturday previous. ftre solicited to vote for Grant.-
A county boasting one tliousand Demo-
cratic mnj jrity, with a very large number ! al ofCx-S'resU EJucliaaau.
of Democrats competent and willing to J xha last sad tribute was paid to the
perform the duties, of any of her offices, ! ,nurtal remains of Hon. Jas. DucuAN.vr,
vxperiencea some difficulty in settling her I Fifteenth President of the United State?,
ticket. Many candidates for nomination ' on Thursday last. The funeral procession
must be disappointed, and it often happens 1 extended from Wheatland to Lancaster,
that the candidates and their fiiends com-! one mile and a half, and was the most
plain of the action of thj Convention. It j imposing pageant ever witnessed in that
h frequently charged that "rings" control j portion of the State. It is computed that
tle nominations in accordance with some about force thousand persons were in the
mysterious "elate" arrangement, j pr0ccsMon, amory whom. were delegation?
If there ar or have been any abuses j frora many 0f the principal cities and
ih have tLe remedy the only i towns, as well as from tho National Con-rrmc-'y
in their own hands. Let every gress anj political, benevolent and other
Democrat tube an interest in the Selection of j assJciution:f throughout the country. The
eood men for all the edees. Let ench j body was taken charge of by the Mas-jna,
IKmocrat attend the dehgate election and J of which fraternity Mr. Uudianan was a
see tru and tried men are chosen to j distinguished member, and by them con
reprent them in the County Convention. !giicd to its last earthly resting place with
Lc: the dogates so chosen come to the appropriate Mai-onic ccremtnies. The
Conenriun letrminei to support none
Ljt gord and competent men ; let them
fc-ive at iiu-ai t t! ! interest of the Democra
cy of county, rather than those
cf twy indli'ual candidats. Let them
acceptable to (ha pcrople
Dpmnrrur' v, t i
Bemocrat!c,Tj,clary la Oregon.
Grant und Colfax by the Kudicala
the first repudiation of the infamous
e ..... . ,
ines of that iniquitous party m the
tbe S'.ral of cc-ndem nation upon the dastard
lv .'. m-i r,,.rn- uK,. ...v ,t , .
ly ucmagogue. who seek the destruction
of our common country that they may t
rulc and rit amid iba ruin.
T( . n,.r.. rr, i t , I
The Democracy of Oregon have clecteJ j
tl ir member of Congress by over one
thusat.i mrjoritv, fCCUieJ both I ousea !
f , : . tu w u t-ou'e,
ol .he State legislature, winch renders
certain tbc electien cf a Democratic U. S.
t r.i i ,
Senator m p.ace of the insolent impcacher I
and bigoted radical, Williams, and gained i
nearly all the county cf.iccr3 throughout
th Slata.
The mi'etary fame of Gjd. Grant, be
dizcaod and bedet koj as it is with laurels
pfulcfl from the brows of braver and better
mcn.icould rat saro the ldical party from
a moot ui.trous defeat on tho shores of
th great Pacific, nor will it avert the
utter nnd more overwhelming defeat which
nwaits that party io the coming November
elocti on. All praise to the glorious Dem
ocracy of the Young Giant of the Far
West I The icfory thty Lave won is
lut a harbinger of the more sweeping
victory jet to be won by the Democratic
rvuty all over the country in the approach-
avoid clique or rings, but act upon their oiiiil ol the Junoial trumpets were heard
owa judgment, and we venture to tay that d"ceu'irir'1K tL,e loI ot tbc -Marietta turn-
tho actcou of tht Convention will be entirely ! among the gravest. .cea and around the chand I
shape ot n grand Democratic victory in i 'htle people j-oung and old peeped in at in-
the far ciT Siato of Oion. which in its l"Vai?' ftH'J ll'ed respectively Near by
... . j wa the chapel, with u.i large Gothic win-
election on 1 uesday of last week placed j dow, embowered amor a the 'linden and manle
in fall elections, when Grant and Colfax ! T,hc ?CDera! was evidently much embarrass
i i- i , j erl when it came his turn to pocak but ti e
K.Hhch?ra and robbery, negro suffrage j words he said were apt and baracterisoc
ml frcedffien'a bureau, will all their at
tendant corruptions and cankering vices,
will be buried in ot.e common grave so
de?r that tbu of political resurrection
vi-. never reach thm.
IXesro Zllois in UTashlngton.
Ti e municipal election was held in the
capital of thn nation on Monday of last
utr! h. occasion- was seized upon
by the negroes to inatig-jrats a terriblo and
' J.'cody ri..:f which resulted in thd brutal
?iinaiion of two white men and the
. :tream?it of eeveral other?, as well as
v bii. i; j of it number of voters of their
ctri ra. stct! of supporting the Con
yaire ticket. While men, naya the
. iftasrer Tnietfgnert commenting on
apaHiBj scones of bloodehed and
' vt9eni, wer prevented from deposit-
th;r votes by organized banis of
, arned afld brutal blacks, and whenever
. of their pvn face was euepected of
;jg tho Conservative ticket, he was pet
1, abused, beaten and driven from the
Wben it was declared that by a
nt. bel'evpd to have been fraudulent,
'vfraPn.l.M.n., e it t ' i
. . a . fa ira.Uca! candidate for Major had '
ft majority, armed bands of negroes ap
peared in a procession, and being infuri
ated by incendiarj harangues from John
W. Forney and the Radical Mayor, they
proceeded to murder white men, and to
commit the grossest outrages upon the
peraons and property of unoffending and
peaceable citizens. No white man dared
to express his political views in the hear
ing of theae black roiacreant?, and a cheer
for the Conservative candidate cost its ut
terer his life. With razors and other
unusual and horrible weapon?, white men
were deliberately murdered by negroes in
the street of the National Capital,
This is the direct and legitimate result?
f that radical reconstruction of the South,
which constitutes the pla'forra upon which
"Grant and Colfax expect to be elected
Let tfce people read the account of the
affair which" appears elsewhere, and then
let them remember that this exhibition of
what maybe expected from negro rule took
1 place in a city where white men are .arcc y
; scene is thus nai rated by tho Lan-
caster Intelligencer :
The scene at the burial place -.vasnot the
least imposing of thin interesting- day. The
paths of Woodward Cenietert were lined
iMtn uaies and children from uoon till the
were filled with quiet, crouching parties, and
the great object of attraction was the open
' -raVl' waging to receive the body of a Chief
; M,2iatrate. Tlier. .. L ,.ira
J the undertaker, asdstans ni.d polict
I ,Keelnn", ltje puce clear, ihe grave was mm n
i '-irj-er than tnose usually opened, aud in the
j depths of it the coffia-rase was expose 1
! t('t, When the laigo procession arrived,
j to the thuJ of mnflied drums and the long
j plaintive peal of tho trumpets, those per
ona who constituted the advance bodv-
firemen, beneficial associafons, etc.. formed
,a lir,e 0 t"er hide tf the turnpike while
tho Mason. lawyers and the numerous car-
riages and fctrsnge puest iled through them.
?l Wil8 a sctne of eolemu and yet Fmposins
interest, the musio stirnng the foliage and
silencing the birds among the trees, sounded
trcnS Boft dirge-like by turni ; and to its
heavy pulses the feet of the people ft 11, until
ftt hvst the hearse moving Long them rd!
brought the rreeident of the United States
to Lis last palace, where he shall be laid
away to the fame to which the sober memory
and verdict tf men will consign him. lie,
at least, was at rest, dumb to the cry of
faction, deaf to the urgent annoyances of
office-seeker?, forgotten "tho long lifetime t f
duty, ambition, prosperity and w.r. And
not a heart of all the gazers but felt that in
his death a greU man had pissed away, the
topic and hero of a mighty collision, which h
had striven with all his patriotism and talent
to avert, but destiny would not have it to."
Geant's Speech. Knowing that cor
Kadical friends are exceeding anxious to
read the speech made by Gen. Grant last
evening to the committee -who waited on
him, we hasten to produce it from the
epecial telegrams to the Masouri Demo
crat :
"Characteristic SijmA 7, il, gj
ami wnen ne rootle tly closeJ with the idea
that hid action in the paat must be his guar
antee for the future, there was a hearty and
unanimous cheer of 'that's right,' with much
fchoutirg, clapping of hands, ard expressions
cf confidence and good feeling."
We trust the admirers of the General
are now satisfied with their candidate.
The man who can make such a ppeech at
cueb a time, is unquestionably the right
stuff for President. "His action in the
past must be his guarantee for tho future"
is good. So clear and explicit, so
easily understood, so free from any uns
certainty Nothing like knowing" posi
tively tho views of the man you are going
to vote for, gentlemen! C
ISy all means get h'is speech by heart,
and when any Copperhead doubts Grant's
position, repeat it to him nnd cover the
sceptical wretch wiih shame and confusion.
f Alton Democrat. .
The African "voters" in tho South
stand thns: Alabama, 104,518 ; Arkan
sas, 25,506' ; Florida, 16, 089 : Georgia,
05,103; Louisana, 84,430; Mississippi!
80,300 ; North Carolina, 73,932 ; total,
71o,948. It is suggested, for the bene
fit of whom it may concern, that when
l ...i , . . . "
the debt comes up " these gentlemen will
vote against paying it in any form. Dot
ter look, therefore, ere crystalizin this
avogc suffraSe into organic law, Ieat it
turn again sod rend yon;
Call Ttr n Conservative Soldiers'
and Sailors? Convention.
Tlie following call for a national con
vention of the conservative soldiers and
sailors at New York on the 4th of July
next, lias just been issued by the National
Executive Committee appointed by the
Cleveland, Ohio, Convention of Sept. 17,
Washington-, D. C, June 4. 18G8.
In puiu:mee of a resolution of the Nation
al Executive Cnninittee. appointed by the
Soldiers' and Sailors' 0"ii volition, whichas
serahlcd at Cleveland on the 17lh of Septeui
her, ltGO, a national deh-tratioii conventi-jii
of all who served in the Union army daring
the late relt-Iu4-n. and who are anxious to
rercue the country from the ruin f the raui
Citl party, is called to n;eet nt New Yt-rk
city on tho 4th ilay f Ju!1 t.ext. Delega
tions wili be chosen from each State in such
manner and of such numbers as t lie several
Slate Executive Corninittees may prescribe,
ami etch delegation will cast in all the pro
ceedings of the Convent! n the number of
votes to which its Scute may be eu tit led in
the electoral co!'ege.
General Gr uit U the c.n hd ite ( f the r.vli
cal paity. which for three years past lias
prevented the aecomii.-hrn-rit of nearly all
ithe avt w;-d (j! j; cts cT the war, and turned
t - ti e destruction of the Cinstitution and
( the Ui.i en the power.- coi-filed to it for their
! preM: v;.tiou ; but he will be no stronger
bef ;e tlie 'C.ip!e than lii policy lie repre
sents 11 tie Dw-m'--cr;ts aim Conservatives 1
cordially unite and nominate ag-iiust htm n
(talesman or a s 1 iicr rtcr l of j-.atri-otic
K'.i vice is as uiiqui tioncd as hi. own.
The nmracnto'H iiit-s between thn t wo par
ties will then b' fiirl v- co'.isj l;-re.l . and the
ieason, not the prcjiuHce, the peo; le will
l-tenr.ine tli- ir t!i-ier.
The pup"hj (if thi Convention is to ad
vise and co s re vi'. !i li.e 1 ).-i!ficrai ic
party in pre.--ii'ing to the natl.n a enr-di-d.ito
for lVci-liont who will command the
sup port of all v ho d hire to extinguish th1?
leveng-s of the war, i.b vi-h the military
despotisms n w ruling the South, "ive hack
to tlie Srait'ncrn States the rights .f t-clf-govt
ri.iiient and of an equal and fraternal
union, and restore to the nation an economi
cal an.t eon.-tirnf ional eoverninent.
Col. A. W itllADltUllV. Main;-.
- Gen. ). DONAH UK. New 1
Xio.) r .1. 15 ;H 1'. t; nneete-ut.
Col. LAWiLI-.NtE. RinHie hliiMl.
f!en. James ?dcl)I" -E. Ntrw Y.-rk.
Col. C JI. Z A LICK, Mew Jersey.
Gen. J. KN 1111. Peiip-vlvania.
Gen. II. MAULM'.Y. Maryiand.
Col. 1MI. ALL A 15 ACK, Dist. ofGI.
Cd. L. D. CAMi nilLL. Ohio.
CM. T E Pdt A M f.ETTE. Kentucky.
Gen. JOHN LOVE. Indiana.
Col. T. L DICKEY. L'in...
Gn. J. G. I'AKKlll EST, TTichiiran.
Gen. EDWARD l'.RAGG. Wwonin.
Gen. WILLIS A. GOKMAN, Minnesota.
G-.n. E. V-. r.hOWX, Miss .mi.
Col. niTFIl Mc FA LLANO. Kansas.
Gen. J. V. DMNVHi:, Cal f rr.ii.
C 1. ELY C. KINSLLY. ?d .-snchu setts.
National Kxcutive Committee.
Y Iiftt Ucniucrts Yill EJo.
It has been asked, "Wlwt will the
Democracy do if we he'p to place them
in power?" The question is so well and
appropriate' answered und so satisfac
torily summed i;p, by Cin ral W. A.
Go:m tnof Minnesota, in a late sprcc'i,
that we feel bound to insert the answer
here :
"If (he Democracy get power in the
Government, I hey will reduce the la. -ill
tax on your tea, and what yot drink aud
"I hey w.h restore the Union, and turn
over all the Southern States' expenses to j
be paid by the South alone. j
"We will turn out and abolish ten
thousand Abolition Frcidmon's lluteau
ooicu uuucip, aim sae (uiuions Ol u-.'Uars !
to the people's pockets. I
..rr.i...ri ii-
"We will bid the South support them- !
selves and c to raising cotton and sugar,
and we will raise produce to feed them.
-"We will pay the public debt in the
same currency we pay you and the same
you pay each other, and Ly so doing s ive
millions more m the pockets of the people, j
"If wc pay the rich in gold we wiil j
pay you in gold. If we pay you in pap. r
money we wnl pay tho bondho'dtu s in pa
per money.
"We will enict laws to enable you to
buy your goods wnere you can buy the
cheapest, and
Scil wnere you can get the
best price;
'We will pr tret le.b.-r from tlie
croachmeiit of capital.
"We will leave each State to e vrrn
itself, limited oi ly" by the Federal Consti
tution. "We will reduce the army in toe South,
and send ihem to the Phiins lo protect the
frontier and new routes to the Far West.
"Wo will restore commerce, p.ace and
good will between the North and the
''We will reduce taxes, both State and
"We will lessen the officeholders, and
release you from the taxation to support
"We will enact laws inside the Consti
tution. "We will restore peace at home and
"Wc will inaugurate a day of modera
tion, order and good will, instead of hats
and ill-will, as now taught by Jacobin
"We will give equal rights to all and
every one, and grant exclusive privileges
to none.
"We will substitute calm statesmanship
for mad Jacobinism.
"Wegill make pets of negroes no long
er at the expense of the white man nor
force suffrage upon them at the expanse
and against the will of those who have
created and maintained the Government."
Grant Beaten at Homk. Galena,
Illinois, the home of Gen. Grant, was
yesterday carried by the Democrats by
from 2o0 to 300 majority; If that siuV
wa!k in that city, from Grant's house to
the railroad depot, which he once wanted
built.for his own accommodation, and in
order lo accomplish which he then aspired
to bo Mayor or Councilman, is not laid
down yet, we bope our Democratic friend
in Galena will have it done. Grant may
have occasion to use it some time next
November, when he goes home, to receive
the sympathy and condolence of his old
neighbors as a defeated candidate for the
Presidency. dnc'nmti Enrcrer Gtk.
Prentice thinks that, when Ashley
refused to take Mr. Chase's hand, there
was a clear saving tf soap aud water to the
Chief J ustice.
The P.ev. M. Junkin, father-in-law
of Stonewall Jackson find President of
Washington College in its early days, du d
in Philadelphia lately, nt an advanced ago.
The National is to be re
tired becaute the portraits of Chase and
Fessenden appears on it. A great num
ber of petitions arc daily sent to Congress
on this subject.
Joseph Kubideaux, the founder of St.
Joseph, Mo . died in that city on Wed
nesday, at the ace of S4 3'ewrs. lie es-tiibli-hed
an Indian tradinu pot at that
point CO j ears ago, and resided there ever
Gen. Schofitld has been appointed
Secretary of War by the President, and
co;d;rrned b' the Senate. He entered on
the duties on Monday week. Since the
n'-q-dital , f ihe President, Stanton has !ert
th.i War Department, and can't be heard
At tlie city election held in Norwich,
Connecticut. few dajs n?o. the Jindical
ticket was elected by one hurtled and
seventeen majority a D in .Ciati.; gain
of nearly tvo hundred -u !a-t yfar'.-t vote.
TIm vote polled was ten bun r d ml
tiitt- tincp. the largest ever cat.
1 M .'ii oou iOliKOl n y we
have never tried it that nuttincr pens into
boiling water for about nn mir.ofc before
dansing, the cro; produced will be free '
from tho bug. This seems to be an easy J
and plausible remedy ; the purboilincr Jf
tlie S;vd will also doubtless help germing-
tion. j
At South 11 . jd, Indiana, on Tuesday i
evening, Missis Mary .Miller and Del phi ne j
r-ixas witii ivio.-ne eixas and Charles
atcrhotise, went out for a sail upon the
..t .i.- -i i,.. .. '
...v. U..UJ. i ty t-onie mean?
they lost control of the boat, which drifted
into the swift current and went over the
dam. and ;dl were, drowned.
The editor of the Venango Sjfctalor
has been shown a specimen of lead ere
which i- found in that county, and is said
to ield sixty- iht per cent of lead ml
eighteen of silver. The $ savs
there is an old tradition of a silver mine
linvin? been known tn iha Tn.i;...
Jr . .. , . '
the spot wnere tins ore was obtain .-d,
Said the Tribune n few months ao,
tr-itit cannot carry our Irtnucr H.
j - - "
wears our uniform." "Imagine Ulyses
walking down Pennsylvania avenue with
Horace's old hat and wjaite coat, a bushel
of newspapers in his pockets, and one leg
of his pantaloon? stuck into his boot. The
cifect of the picture would be heightened
by a little st;itrgerin-.
On Wednesday evening, near P.ucy-
l ma, n uraKeninn Mmci uenrt-i
! Crumley, while sit ivg in ih cab os : !
talking itli the conductor, snd.L-nlv teli j
to Mie floor, exclaiming, "My God, my
He remained in an insensible con-
dition, and lie.l shortly afterward, on a j
passenger train upon which, he had been J
placed for removal to Fort Weyti?. j
During the rain storm lat Fiiday, n ;
waterspout swept down Moody's Moun
tain, in Hope township, Knox county,
Maine, putting three ravines down the side
of the mountain, one of .hem four rod
, i i . r . i i .
mde. and eight feet deep, and also uproot-
mg in us course trees ten inches in diam
eterand raiding Liucolnville Pond, iu one
night, three feet higher than ever kuown
Michael Ihirrett, convicted, n?ains;
:..........,: r -
-oociuMve exioenee ol innocence, 01 in in
the fuse that started the Clerkenwell ex-
plosion, has been hung to appease the
latest h-nglish cry for Irish blood. Sixtv
five years ago Iiobcrt Km met gave up his
life for a cause not unlike that for which
Michael liarrett di-d, and Ireland still
hated England and plotted to break her
"filling yoke.
The telegraph agent of the Assor-i t.
ed J
ress in San Francisco on Wednesday
;ave a rather neat sp'-cimen of what the j
bjl- T-i m.'.rO .! ..ff.r-.. .. ttr.l ......1 ... II
..- .....IV.IIIH1 .v.nji. 11:3 iiii T.t-.i n, call i
Aiier annonncinir thr uu- i
tier the circumstances, ready wonderful
Democratic victory hi Oregon, the wa-- I
. . . . ' . i
gi-!i Mgent adds : " i ne nomination of
( j rn
ran? and Ctiltax excites great enthusiasm
here." Now that is really good tor a i
telegraphic iokfl. i
A week ago last Saturday, in Chey- j
enne. iJaKota. one Ilooke found his wife,
whom he had maniad out of hand, too
intimate with a John Owens, and there
upon sought tlie presence of the frail pair
only to swallow some strychnine and die.
The influence of example was too etrong
to be resisted and the girl and her para
mour then and there did the same thing in
tuin, to be buried all thice together. Chey
enne promises some more soon.
Our Irish fell iw-citizens have good
cause foi pride in the dotuils of the storm
ing of fvlagad.ihi which have just been re
ceived by mail. It seems that the brunt
of battle and hardship was borne on the
plains of Abyssinia, as it has been borne
in so many other fields, by the Iri.-h sol
diers of the Queen's army. What that
army wnld be without the recruits it
draws so freely from the Emerald Isle,
we need not stop to conjecture. A". T.
Il1 Cambridge, Ohio, on Tuesday
night, I F. Sines, nmnrietmr of tin.
tier named Ker.non. Sipes broke into
Kennon's room in order to' extinguish a
light which he had left burning, and
which, as Kennon was in the habit cf
going to bed drunk, it was feared might
set lire to the house. Just as tho land
lord forced open the door, the boarder
shot him with a musket, causing death
almost instantly.
The following account is given of Mrr
lnJchanan's last moments: On Sunday
his physician had hopes of bis recupcra
iton ; but toward night he began to sink
rapidly and exhibit the symptoms of early
dissolution. Such of his relatives and
friends as could be summoned were with
him in his last moments, lie prayed and
took the sacrament at six o'clock on Mon
day morning. "God bless my country !"
were tho last words expressed bv him.
j and they were repeated by him several
lanies m wnisper.
Fihst Ai-r.ictN VicroiiY sinck tih; !
Nomination ck Grant ani Cou ax !
Those wlio happened to be in the vicinity
of the Erie Canal bridge, on Plymouth
avenue, Lochester, about eight o'clock on
Saturday morning, were entertained by n
hand to hand encounter between a black
man and Ids wife. It appeared that tlie
man had started to go toward tho centre
of the city, when his wife overhauled him
and demanded that he should return home.
Each was armed wi;h an umbrella of con
siderable antiquity, which was brandl-hed
in the air as the tongue was used in no
delicate manner. At length I he woman
received a blow from the umbrella in the
hands of her antagonist, which depressed
her lipo a foot or more, and was ihe signal
for action at ch Se quarters. Casting her
iltiihrvll i t.b.-tvv1 i,.l l..,t f.. tl... I
and tellin- a boy that she would r,av him
a dollar to carry them to her house, she
pitche 1 in, and in less tin e than is required
... " - r J
to record the laet she tore the c'o'hit g from
the b!a -k fellow till he was in a st ile boi-
derir.jf ujxn nudi-y. His boots beio-r cev-
eral sizes too large were shaken otfi7i the
fi.rbf or,.l i :, ..m ..t .mi ...
.w. .v.. ,i,r,,y. jiauicr i:ien me
le.iow a severe thrashing, the woman led
the piece of damaged cbor.y away amid
tlie shouts of sjvetator-, he as tame and
subdued as a Iamb. If l. wns not n
lamb he was covered in part with wool,
and was b ully Itiva -d. This the first
. t
n'-,'.) vu'tor' '" Grant and Colfax were !
I nominaied.
- - ii ijJiiOTnm., . i
3 5 Af'k ta l.'ll?T PuiVflDf rcj;
BOfiTO R.1 ? Ollrfoi
L w w I o rNU O fi W C O
Of MY OWN M istFAtTl Ki'.
..... ,-t- , . .. .
! f ' . ' n,ort!'?. jcr m
I f::,(! ' r-ru ide work, .ir.nnc wl.ieh
I time I ln.r exi n.U d n:o-e tl:ui the nr. ti i ii
repaifins: t:ps;u.u t.ires, 1 i.are determined to b::ck t ) tir-t principles and hem eh.r'h w uid recommend every housekeej er to
cor.line lnvseli to tac nui.ufaeture ot liOOTS I Sf-t one. Mrs. A. M.
ana Ilulldlor ilea. Youth. Lilies and Mis5- ' Q. IU!e'The Dotv 31.,-
es. a no now letter r-rep-u-ed than ever to ' i , r , .7
r.iv ..,. o j.-t.,,;- :' i cnine 1 jurcn u-e.- from y.u proves to be an
I have at present in mv en.nlov a corr.-.eter t 1 artsc,e rra! nior.t tLe bt I have ever
corps ot workmen. r..l can cliv without fear of f ('p" Considering the great relit f it a fiord,io:tii .n I can turn'ou! nent and,'1'" Ihor of washing and the saving cf
snh-i.o.t.d l!oot3 and Shees ;a a? i idld.vtk time, no family should b" wit lion t it.
i-sjcks an can be .,:..! i.tij wJsere in the St.t'e j " WM. M. JONES.
1 :" .i-vin l, m-ile
I ai.j !i.vinu I ; node cf th tv-i-it Frr
j Cali-Kiii. aind will. hi ihs past month or two '
j hare hul or.iers p..r.ring in upon me from all 1
! quarters IV r this k'xrl of work. The inaltrinl I
t "J'-ti is me tt st to i to-jd m tl
j in-.ik"', m.d the w raiaiislii .. btith in nearness
;mi Ftren ;th. oaiuu.t l e rxctbeJ at arv a'.ber
All work will be fur delivery at the
:oie promised. Vr . are! other in- i
tere-finjr jr itupnt.oit lue.l n it be
po'pi,..'.. throu-'i iiiiy t.nbue uii ir.v jsrt to !
eeriM! to ti-: e. J
G .d wotk ;nl .moiicrato pi lev-? is mv motto, '
:.n i ot.i tri il ccuvince any ptvion'thtt the j
moon is wep clu.sen
C-ir'Ttc; l:::!!: el' ft.-iets :ibJ Shoes attended i
to prvtnpMv an l in a wofkmsuilike re I
1 h:i:ik!ul l;.r . ilUvrr 1 leu! confi-teitt ihit '
i my work and j.n
Os Will c :ne lo a cn
tinu iL.ce ar.a increase el t.:e same.
Ebenshur, Mav 2, l!rlj-'.-ti'.
i.U, 1 iii . -
-Xotic..: is lic-ri'iv
:m ti;.? i'tc O'rner of ti e
uivc:: I
RIGI!T to triiini.fe.-tme and fell "Bknti.iy's
j K:i::ipI-OSXVE 3D:Tr.r.rc.i itan On." in
'fT wh 1'
i ment of Lt tteis rattnt.ahd that any person
or eis.,ns tn:Uin!aclunn- or llin'it. or
any imitation ol it. trhit1ect.r naue. if i
he known, with, nt fi.rt obtains g authority
j from me, will le proc-eded against by tine j
course oi uw, ana sui jecte-.i to such tenal- '
j '. 'V;;'0 .a4 arc ln'?"' 5
ifiio-.ving iiamwi persons nave pnr- i
cbased riirhts from titc and arc anthoriz-tl t.. i
matmfacttirn ami sell tlie Metropolitan Oil ; j
Christian ft' ich, for Summit viPe boronh '
and Washington township ; .John-Luck, for j
Csrro:tnwn lcnuh. and O.rroll. nr.d !
Susquehanna townships. Any other par
ties mtki: q or selling the Oil, or any in;ita- ;
tion thereof, without pro hieing written an- i
tbority Ir m me, are infringing up.-n mv
tight and ihev and tli. se putchash'g from i
lhtm will be th-alt with according to law !
M. L. OATMAN. ' '
Ebensburg, rIy 21, 1S"3.
u J.
pte- r
ovAi.r. emails k;-ir kssve::
Pronounced the best, ever yet intro.h:ce.l in
tlli- Coiintv or Stii!l. Anv or..-.i l.m
n familv rfeht can have il-.em".., ir.ii
from an obi box into a new t n -. s-evtrat
ffr,'"s have had their bees trur.s U -rreJ.
i aii.tttirv nave nruvon sa' ...i.tctorv.
CAJ-Messrs. .b s. W. S.-esean.i 'O. p F.ver
soic say thrit thev took of one Hive, i l .Jmie.
1 ';. 43 pounds of honey, and in IbMi. (,2b j
ihs. find a swarm, and the bees had rh-nrv i
to d.o them through the whe
in lsjfi7. !
80 lbs. of surplus honey was taken i.ut. '
Out of nine hives J 1 Kagariee to k ZCo
lbs. of box honey in 1S' (!. '
reroti w:sliipr to purchase family rights !
can do so by calliror m or a.blressinir
April 2i, 15(13. -tf. ' Carndltowa, Ta.
Ti); Lead, Irou Pipe, Rubber Hoe.
Steura GaiiKes, Whistles an. I Valves,
lion aud Copper Sinks find Huh Tubs,
Steam Pumps, Farm Pumps aud
Torce Pumps,
Awl every description f qneds for
r"Send for a Price List. pr.23.-y.
-ilj. mntrerof Vm K. IIcoues, lVtrkrupt.
To wliom it may coneern : The ninJersigrie-.J
hereby yives notice of his appointnient i.s As
sicnee t;f the estate of U"m. UiGnit. of
Wilmore, in the county of C:imlria, i.i the saia
District, who wan to wit: On tht? 21 tliy of
March, a r. lr'G8, at'.j-a.lped a Bankrupt, upon
his own petition, by the District. Court of saiJ
District. Dated nt Johnstown this oi'lh day of
April, A.Jn.
mj28. -Ut. Asslgnef.
4 SSlGXEEArFOINlTa) In the
-Jk- nnitierof Ctoaoii KiRBtv, Bankrupt.
To whom it may concern : The ur.deisitied
hereby cives notice of his appointment as As
s'L'tiee of the estate of Groups W. Kn utT, of
Wi! more, in the county of cTimbria, ii: the said
District, who was, to wit : On the Cth day of
March, a. i. lcb'3, ndjtidj:ed a Bankrupt, upon
his own petition, by th5" District Court ot said
District. Dated at JohnstowD, this 2iJth dar
ot April, : p. lMS I
MZ Clothes
Tho best i
ever invented
:.'. !-l i - J'v
The longer
t st tl tho
a r.i:
'J"J .FC C "!l " IUO enrr
use tfcrouIiottt iliv, ccuiMi j .
Many who s'-H the 1'sivfks.u Wkivgkr
j k--p nh-o the Dott WASHING MACHINE, j
I which, altre u)) but recrf!y in'rrJncrd. is (
i ns rcr.t a I.n!ir at;d Cl !!u a Surer ss the j
Wr5,':r' a" 1 is iehtit,c,i " uin t,tih f I
vor and patrr.raae every wI-,-ie.
It w.-!K ,es yr-r fi-Hii wtliotif.
; ml, M i u -
rnl'irif the clothes at all.
f;d'rieo- Family Wat-Lcr. $14. No. 1
j W.ineer. 10. !
1 'I I ...... i ,.v:., 4
j i i.i . " .. Uiiii o siic il" l 1 j 1 1'. u i!v l ; . t i ..7Cr-
i ? A;rli nl'uris! ns Pi.-Ti inins and tndoi.-cd '
v lis I, i;turs as the le.t in mr.ikct.
R.-ad the fo?!!.w:'.ig testimonials from per-s-'tsiu
E'.'-ns? 'ire who h.avo ne.l s ci !e;;rn-
i cd to a
at' these vaiuablc Mtehir es ;
ir. V. J7u),Lrtc have used one
i H'i'y-s Wasmng M.icuine-', whi-n we
cased from you several we-ks inr e,
anil it
fives entire 8atisf,et:..n. '.W. ,-hee, fully re- I
j cm. '.r end it t;. all h-u-ehre, ( rs, and an f-rn !
1 t' sav that we w-r.ld'ra t di.-r.etise with il f -r I
- - consideration, it is fc.reat tav .fi
J labor and ch-tl
j LINTON & SON, Mount IJ
' i I'crcpss'o one ci i) jys aslif rs Irom
VI- itt:ey ana am e.ent.teti witn it, i
Oco. Untitle'; I am
dei'jjhted with
IlotV Wh ,er nnrp 1:icr..l vnn
the raore I use it the Later I like it. I
wo-dd te-t be wi'hout it. It is a jrrTt saver
I"' ,!r':e S1;i' labor, and tines not wear the
-"I' thes t much a the eld tr.b and wash-
! b
- Mrs. A. BLAINE.
F-.r saV; by
M.iv 7. lt-JS. Crr,.
Ebr-rssVurg, Ta. i
, . .7 7 ; i
f, Sr..
Tnc Lzz Qtff Kilti Success.
will quickly restore Gray I lair
to its natural color and beauty,
and produce bavarian: growth. It is
perfectly hsrmles.1, and is preferred
over every other preparation by
those who have a f.r.c head of hair,
as well as those who v. i-h to restore
it. The b-.a-.tufal gloss and penunc
imparted to the Hair make it desirable
fjr obi a-.;! ycur.rr.
DrrOT, J'. (JREIIS lYKIi ST., Y.
fnTAm.tsnEr rv isrjx.)
rmsT pniz in gold liudail.
Awarded by the Aceriokn Institute, Jow York,
ror. xuk jiEsr
Solo llaJinfactiirerG cf Grand Rr.d Squaro FAtcut
Mouitor Plato Tiaco Fortes, uith
(Tatcntc-il Pobruary SOth. l'sCfi. )
Wnrrreomt, 45 J Broome St., Tr Vork.
The Tat.-nt Mnlr Pltte ri&nns Ivy thrlr tn-tiliir Con-
(Tru.'ll..u K'tf i-n..r tn ail ulhrri. .n.rth. ir TlirrH . on.t.
In ;li ii.i P anil fiilH.n-d by tiir iron fr.iur. a.iuw.
In a 'rf r ipiu t u.r e..iu,.iu ili.ii i. rv.-.u..
. u K iii.l of I'inno. Bv tins In. an. tnr au.nOtv .. ..J
nurtVrriid'f "r 1"J'! I'ronuuuctd by tLe best judfr. to ba
Power and Swoctaass cf Tone, Eary and AgreealiU
Toucli and Beauty cf Finish.
Mot flattrin rerriflcate. cf rxrearnrr fn-m Thslbenr.
G ntfi lm k. Strnk.i.. b. V ieiixteinp. mi.t . large iiunitK-r f tiia
U.Ubt d;.liut.lir.l ............ F....n 1.... ...
t ...tic W1..K1-1V nitinwn.
j piirin-r Mi l 9ti;-rior 1.. i'ltira ..r M num. Curing, we fire rn-
K"lru . uur i iimufl ,i u lew ,ni.4 a .ra btca Dy ir
Unf.r luakem.
bmti tor Cirru'.ar and Price Ll.t.
govi:u3ii:t AGC.VCV
. AM)
Comer Virgiin'd and Annie Streets, Xerth
Ward, Aitoona, Pa.
Authorized Capita!, - - - - - $S00,C00
Cash Capital paid in, - - . . 150, tCO
All business pertaining to Banking done
l.ivorable terms
Internal Revenue Stamps of all denomi
nations, always on hand.
To purchasers of Stamps, percentage, iu
M.imps, win ie ailowetl, as follows
$50 to $100. 2 per cent. ; .f. 10i to $L'00,
3 per cent.; 200 and upwards, 4 per cent.
Jan. SI, 1867 tf.
l22HCltfVl VIZ PRICr 1,1" .
Colie9, School, aal Jfercaatllo Book !..-:
(vrrni rtxL clwiii bixotNcs.)
liit.r.jvf..i. .tt.t witu Anlr f'.r l.V. v
1uima.i.(.i,i- p li.'l', .... Vx-
I'r uiJ..U (...V I ilh bllt(!lL'M
t'"'-e. d... tniA'i i
r-n. ' J-i - . k
srxicA r
lllUr! . uv
l.lf I
.i;-T.i.t' j.
l'U,', wnl.
SILKX BOOIC RT.ATE .us !'.i.rl..rf l-.r tftir
ll j . - - .... e;i."
M I -...11...... . A I' . : )-.... ll. . 4o
KiKEilAt, POOS li;.ATE,
l:tt.T.f.:t..l. .. .ri-.j r .
J "wutj.
li.n rirarni , v
dr. 61-'
Any o: of r r.K-
n.s.M, ,; u ri.i'lrl,!,. -
J-lft l... lr-,n :..r iTvil.
At-.J iu:,m ,,..,(." f. r 1 r... r!- e.l.irrr
c.iioM Him Cor."
-j Curtlai: W
f r -.TV. -i 5. f V 2-T i t i r' ;-,
U HAV3: St-FfI.l:lT -WTTl ( A'l A T.l-III L . . -y.aic.
it l.a-.i li rt!.i;.Kt n - - ..'-is:i m:i. -
I i iiia i.iir.ivwtLtaad !:tar:i
u-vr ii rt.Ur. i fi rt ,1. Txt
Jn fi wr - -
iii (1 t!:t! rei ijx- jv.r . iTrjiO;.
r srf.p. rr i r. to j.;! ; :?., it. l j,,
r-i.....!v v.
le.tuuii; tiiO !:!:, v ill j-)vitv :tnlr i-s
jas. i. noLi:r:.. rt .-;..u r
r.'.'-i.. ? --w
1 1 ' i -o ( roioi ( rinoi;r.i
Ar.' CI..rnir. fur
rfjl!ioo;i.on" Crown C viur.lirftt
Aio Supr ri-T lor Tllaat-'ri?
rbooMitt'a Cl C" Crinoline
rI''Sioniii, C'rowv ('r.'nnllnr,
JBL la a wnrl, n;e t l rr in thi -!!, ana
iii !r ' linwu than a&y oti
At wholcsnlo liy
3:'l l.r..-iuwT.
f w YorL.
. r. ' ' .. . ft-Al r; ...v
"",,V",",U tI otter r riakm. ta
ai.m In i .t t-1
Tlo IIOVir: Sowii!: Machine
VANtTACTVi n. m-
xi:c ::.';v.i: MAriiix:: co.
LLL5.5 EC7T2. JV..,
101: iUir;Lii:s and
:r a n it a c x r r. n r.s.
THE PltlU.
Av.-ari(i ovrL!htj--r.-o Corrp.-tltos.
t::j: Kit ;h est hxwi.
znn osly cp.cs.j cr n:-z trrtM or
IiO.TCE. AgiU &OI.i f
fir c m
r iyuc u Ln :-t ivi J.v. i.-. in tht .
Vcruat ui ti
. corjiirr ri;.;nf.
Ct flaw?. J, ,
I Mar nice. Ekhlbitcr.
T-'Tr. Mi.'..n er. r.:.l;rrt (.- tnil,t
- - .j-i. w fcii..Tf r iit-a:r- K-r !
it t rt r.-c !
c m.'.iif i -
r r.rf'4 h V r-
',lb-r 'tblt lir;t t. f. ii'V. f- 7frti.Br;i
' evict t. ;n it', nor r t r..h i.- m f
rir- it-m -r:. v rrT" a
U TV. f
Wr h"v- r ;'Vr A; Firrtt:ir. i- T
r jrtd ; : e.i 1 i-oT femriu
!t e in t r r 1
' S t;i V. .'h
Sir.t (.:-
N-rw Jeiy
J "4 Sl Yi"
'i v 'i v lit
TTsre-rooms, 343 Eleefker Street, Kew Tk &t."
83 Var, Elri i-hed. mid Irlr
JUv.,I An-ntdnl.
Onr Plino Fore-. rr nnw r.r
i- 'ii i
'i.."v arklw-wV'rd
r q.urr.1 to ,.T .,., wnrrt la t .. i f-.- ,r tlT, 7
.nri. WMBiiimi;, t..t,J'. f ':LJl :l-1"' r
at !ic w 1 Urn a c ?nS CV."
Everj Piaao Forte Warraiiied f;r 5 TtArr, at!
to givi Batls'aotica.
.,I!.rtTCls rn'"'t " : rVm '---'-"e iat f-f ,
part arc oi r -.isbl -aa.M.,i. ,4 . f , h, lJr, ,..t au..atv tr.
C3i L-procir.i. Ko prt i. ..i.; J ; wLat t:. p..b,i"c .v
r..Uat ia . ot.t, n-rer i.-jv uur Ti.reance r.e-Tpart :iii.
cn j -lit. i. )ioi:r.tlT. f.iri.iull. vi.Iimt! ik. :y n ,1t!ul '. t
wiil barttie most ti.iaiitr .samiiis!. n Ti. -eti. r frcrx l b
lon4. carve rtie rf mml plan . w ; ,. b i. .1 i ;ri e.eic'n
nina. .,J wr .very .i.v. . e,--..i .. -H i 1. r. i.rj K"tt
dele ate. fiir la ir. vll.rntK-.iM. del'-t u i i:: 1 1, k mc'ik r.i.c
tr. autl tiM iu tie power Beceutirr t l.mjurt ettrv u.. rt 1
ir r. ' '
Tt-.v M,i'bwtWt, t'.e br.f, tt- rnr-t ., .1
e, nr. y the ri,.v. We .re rmna! iiu a fiir irt! t
Or price, raiife Irom .v tw..niu. -.
C OM p A X Y .
Minufetnrer cf
Agraffe Piano-Fortes;
Ko. 340 anil 342 tteeon4 Ai kuur,
m:w yokk.
for drcriptive C-uduae and rrio Ijmf.
IO HlteUrr Mrfft, V
M.rnif.etorel wilety .v tl.l. Cnmrf r at nrtdcei-rt C.t.w
Oi.e r L. 'teif. ..f t'alrt.r ol the t'uild State.
Inlioo. '"" "rty ..f rtyle. au4 fii.nh, u3
Canary. Parrot. MocXIne BtrJ. Bjulrrl &o. CnUUe.1 In a ..jpeiln, tr.on,,.' M , .,,"
la tliett ron.troein.n Ta.i ... Vw t m,.f
rleT. wtia.,,,eMetbrp,iil,ott.,1-...rn,r, k, b. iKn. In
n i.rber C.i.a They reee;vrn the hi-'-.- jeftm at
Aniertt-an I;iif.;te m4 y. State F.'-aef :ff
Uri J.-Qr.t to tue, Iraae. Stu-it t.rt- af ap rrt
- : - y
i 1
1 i
! 1
v 1