4 SB KS "f5??r THfWa3 WORTH KNOWING. Cuke tor Frosted Flesh. No thing is better for -withdrawing the frost, -without injury, from frozen ears and cheeks than the .immediate application of kerosene, rubbing it on gently a few times. In one in stance both cheeks were frozen and this remedy produced immediate relief without the usual inflamaticn. The game person repeated the ap plication in a similar case at another time, with equal success. In an other case the remedy was applied to a badly frozen ear, which, as in the other instance, it cured without inflamation. It is indispensible that the application be made before thawing. This remedy is all the more valuable because it is generally at hand in every house. About Carhox Oil. To ascer tain whether oil is pure and non explosive, pour annall quantity up on a board or other smooth surface, and apply a piece of burning paper ; if the oil ignites and creates a Hame it is adulterated and expletive. l'urc oil will not burn in the open' iii r when thus tested, and its safety may be relied upon. Never blow down the chimney of a lamp to put out the name, because the gas in the lamp occupying the space unfill ed by oil is very combustible, and will, under certain circumstances, certainly explode. To Preserve 1 Teres. All kinds of herbs should be leathered on a drv day, just before or while in blossom ; tie them in bundles and suspend them in a dry, airy place v.ilii the blossoms downward. When per lectlv drv wr:m the medicinal once in paper and keep tliam from the idr; pick oil the leaves of those which arc to be used in cooking, pound and sift them line, and keep 1 lie powder in closely corked bot tles. Some thirty years ago there apjj peared a statement in CJov. Hill s "Monthly Visitor," that 'worms in the head of sheep could be cured by simply taking whale oil, and with a feather putting it up the nostrils two or three times. Jt ehould be lonj in the spring, or whenever the symptom of the disease make their appearance. Those who have tried it pronounce it a sure remedy. Coi"(;n Ct'RE. One who has test ed its eilicacy, and who is desirous of alleviating t lie barking which now nlllit-ts our community, advises them to roast a large lemon verv carefailv, without burning it ; when it is thoroughly hot, -ut andsquec.e it into a cup, upon three ounces of sugar, finely powdered. Take a spoonful whenever your cough trou bles you. l)u. Stum:, the eminent New Orleans physician, and who had a 1 irger practice in fevers than per haps iifty other physicians, declared that plenty of peach orchards are worth a thousand quarantines for tho public health. "No more sen r vy,' said the doctor; "eat stewed peaches if you would keep olf indi gestion." Frozen Feet. The following is paid to be n cure for frozen feet. Submerge the frozen parts in cold water, let them remain until all the frost is out, wipe them dry, and ay ply a salve made of equal parts of hog's lard and gun-pow der ground together. The cure will Ixj effect ed. A KEAT IIkwotiow its Pmcaa ! TU CASH MYERS I AT THI3 EBEIfSKTTna HOUSE- Li The tinders.,nod rronocLfnllv lnfrrm.t tn citicens of Ebenaburg and the public gohor ally that he ha mnde a great rednctbm la prices to CASH RUYERS. My stock will ixitinixt, In part, of Cooking, Parlor end lien 8y, of the most popular kin is ; Titt wart of every description, of my own man ufacture ; Hardtcare of all kind, roch as L :kH, Sciews, P.ntt Hinges, Table Hlngee, Shutter Ilirin, Rolls, Iron and Nails, Win dow Glass. Putty, Table Knives mid Fork, Carving Knives and Forks, Meat Cutters. Apple Parens, Pen aud Pocket Knives in fcieat variety, Scirsors. Shears, Razors and Strops, Axes, Hatchets, Hammers, Boring Mftcldnes, Augers, Chisstls, Pianos, (aiii-f-asses, Squares, Files, llanos. Anvils, Vise, Wrenches, Rip, Panel and Cross-Cut Saws, Chains cf all kinds. Shovels, Spades, Scythes and Snaths, Rakes. Forks, Sleigh i',.-.!!, Shoe LaKt3, Pegu. Wax Eristics. Clothes Wringers, Grind Stones, Patent MolasMes Gates and Measures. Lumber Sticks, Horse Nails, Hore Shoes, Cast Steel. Rifles. Shot Guns, Revolvers, Pistuls, Cart-ridgw, Pow der, Caps. Lead. Ac, Odd fctove PUU, (t rates and Fire Iiricks, Well and Cistern Pumps and Tubing; J lumens mid Saddlery Ware of all kind ; Wooden and Willow Wat t in great variety ; Carbon Oil and Oil Lamps, ' Fish Oil, Lard Oil, Linseed Oil, Lubricating Oil, Rosin. Tar, Glassware, Paints, Varnish s, Turpemino. Alcohol, &c. FAMILY GROCERIES, each as Tea, Coffee, Sugars, Molasaoe, Syr Tips, Spices, Dried reaches. Pried Apples, Fish, Hominy, Crackers, Rice and Pearl Barley; Soaps, Oaudlew; TORACOO and CIGARS; Paiut. Whitewash, Scrub, Horse, Mhe, Dusting, Varnish, Stovo, Clothes aud Tooth Urushes, all kinds and tiixe ; Rixl Cord and Manilla Ropes, and many other article at the lowest rales for CASIL tyj-llouss Spouti-rvj made, painted ami put . up at low rates for cash. A liberal discount imde to country dealers buying Tinware wholesale. GEO. HUNTLEY Ebeuabnrg. Feb. 28. 18CT.-tf. geouge m. iusaiTe; ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ebeun,rg, Pa. Office on Main street, three d.jors Est ol Julian. .Jan. Zlt 18G7. Ft'RNISIIIKG STORE Louisa Muhlbach's Historical Novels. D. APPLETON & CO., 443 and 443 BROADWAY, New York, HAVE JUST PCELISI1ED THE EMPRESS JOSEPHINE. An Histo rical Sketch of the Days of Napoleon. 1 voL.JSvo. Paper covers, $1.50; Cloth $2. NAPOLEON and the QUEEN OF PRUS SIA. 1 vol., 8vo. Paper cover?, $1.50; Cloth. $2. THE DAUGHTER OF AN EMPRESS. 1 vol ,8vo. Illustrated. Paper covers, $1 50; Cloth, $2. MARIE ANTOINETTE AND HER SON. 1 vol.. 8vo. Pacer covers. $1.50; Cloth, $2 JOSEPH II. AND HIS COURT. Tranla teil from ihe German by Adelaide do V. Chaudron. 1 vol., 8vo. Cloth, $2. FREDERICK THE GREAT AND HIS COURT. Translated from the German by Mrs. Chapman Coleman and her Daugh ters. 1 vol., 12mo. 434 pages. Cloth, $2. BEh'LIN AND SANS SOUCI ; ok. Fred erick the Great asp His Fjuexm. 1 vol., 12mo. Cloth. 2. THE MERCHANT OF RERUN. Trans lated from the German by Amorv Coffin, M. D. 1 vol.. 12 mo. Cloth, S2. FREDERICK THE GREAT AND HIS FAMILY. 1 vol., 8vo. Illustrated. Ch th, S2. L( EISA OF PRUSSIA AND HER TIMES. 1 voI.,8vo. Illustrated. Paper covers, S1.50 ; Cloth. 52. II EN" 15 Y VIII. AND CATHARINE PARR. An Historical Novel. F,y L. Muhibach. 1 vol., 12 mo. Cloth, $2. Prominent Cliaractcristics. I. TllKY AUK iN-jlKLCTlVK. "As puiely literary works, thcs:e histori cal romauces possess a high decree of merit. T1k-v read like yenuine histories. Catholic World. "They are correct descriptions of the countries and the people described." Her ald. II. Tlti.V A TIE KXTEKTAIXIXG. "We regard these books as among the best and rno.t t nfri tainin novels of the day." Spnnqiii'l.I Republican. "The reader is at once f.iscir.atecj nn 1 held spell-bound until the volume is completed." Free I'iC:s. "There is no dull chapter in it." U'Jca Herald. III. Tim v aim-; Miki:oi:.3 oi- tiik Timks. "No one can peruse tht-m without conce ding the arthor's great .skill in grasping and delineating the characters which figure con spicuously in them. "The study which enables the author to deliucato s accurately the emotions and ir ccntivee t action which moved men and women f a past age must be close and un tiring, and Louisa Mnhlb.ich shows in all of her woiks a perfection which carries the reader into the very presence of the charac ters icpresen ted. "Syracuse Journal. IV. Till.Y A HE IIl.STOKICAl.t.Y CuHKECT. '' Historically correct, and as entertaining many of the volumes of Sir Walter Stott." as Providence Herald. " Louisa Muhibach must have carefully end diligently studied the secret histories of the times and countiies of which she writes, and her ta: k is done well a!:d eiiccti vely." Worcester Spy. "No Historical Novelist has labored fo faithfully to reproduce a compute picture of past t'mes and events." Utiea Ilc.-j.IJ. V. They Ait Okioixau "It has agreeably surprised readers to find a new writ r with such constructive genius and knowledge of character as Louisa Mah! bacii possesses." Public Ledger. "Each Miccoe-'Hug novel adds to Mrs. Mutidi's reputation as a wi iter of historic lictiorj."-New York Tirued. VI They ai;e rrj.r. ok I.-tix.Tiox. "She is not only the skilful joiner, but a neat-handed arti.an." Christian Witnes--. "There is seldom any straining after cf feet, but it is really wonderful how Madame Muiidt manages to sustain and increase the interest to the cud." 'The word-painting of the authoress is much more effective tnan the best efforts of tho engraver." Illinois State Register. 1 VII They Contain Anecootio or CoLHTP. Scottish history offered no fresher and more romantic mateiial to tho magic wr -iking hand of Sir Walter Scott than she finds in the annals of the German courts." Even ing Gazette. "There are not to be found anywhere in human anuals, unused, such magnificent, such superabundant material for romance, as clog the chronicles of the Prussian and Austrian courts cf the 18th century. By their dress, their manners, their modes of thought, their language, they are almost as much separated from us as if they had lived one thousand years ago." Observer. VIII. TllEY TEI.E A UOLT K.V.I'EHOHS, Kixcs, axii Queens. "We learn from her not only bow Fred erick William and Frederick the Great, Jos eph the Second, Voltaire, Lous.--.eaii, Raron Trenck, the Empress Catherine, walked and talked in their grand rolas, but how they powdered their hair, Cirtcd and took tea." Register. "The choice of her subjects exhibits her genius. She takes the time of Frederick the Great, Joseph the Second, f. r example, aud upon the background of facts which the chroniclers of the periods afford, idie embroi ders the bright and sombre colors, the light and shade of her fiction, with the skill of a consummate aitist." The Eagle. LX. The Siyee is Inteuestixi. The stylo of this writer for purity, per spicuity and elegance, is some.thiii" "really .1 ! I.-, , ' . O J ; w lu commouuoi. it is tree ln.ni imitations, m'.'.niiorisms, and tricks of every kind." j The Argus. J ! "The translations do iu.tice to the vivid. pi-punt style of the original ; and the story is full of movement and crowded with en tertaining aud instructive incident." The Chicago Post. "The interest of tho book dues not depend upon its characters nor its incidents, nor yet on its charming style, but in its harmony of composition." Day Book. X- KVEUYEOIIY IS IvEAlINi Til EM. "Our people seem to have stopped reading French novels, and English works are com plamcd of as dull. Miss Muhibach precise ly supplies the public want. "The novels of Clara Mundt arc Lein read by every one." Times. "Muhlbach's novels have a worl 1-wide reputation, and are read with avidity, as fast as issued from the press." Springfield Republican. a "They are winning a wide ami deserved popularity in this country." State Journal. Either if- (,e sent free by mail lj any address on receipt of the price. a D I Hi 11 T WITH IIOKCSt & SIROTlli:it.S, Manufacturers, and Wholesale Dealers in CITY AND EASTERN MADE BOOTS AJD SHOES. Relow Fifth, South Side, - PI! It. A IP 1, I arr now prepared to offer SUPEllIOIl INDUCEMENTS TO CASH r0SCIIASERS OF TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE ! EITI1EB AT WHOLESALE OH RETAIL. My stock consists in part of every variety of Tin, Slicet-Iron, COPPER AND BRASS WARES, 15NAM Kl.EEIJ AND 1T.AIM SAUCE-PANS. BOILERS. &c, COAL SHOVELS. MINE LAMPS, OIL CANS, HOUSEFURNISH1NG HARD WARE OF EVERY KIND. Speat'a Anti-Dnat HEATING ani COOKING STOVES, EXCELSIOR COOKING STOVES. NOBLE, TRIUMPH and PARLOR COOK ING STOVES, And any Cooking Stove desired I will get wheu ordered at manufacturer's prices. O ld Stovo Plates and Grates, &c, for re pairs, on hand for the Stoves I tell ; others wiil be ordered when wanted. Particular attention given to Spouting, Valleys and Conductors, ail of which will be made out of best mate rials and put up by competent workmen. Lairp Burners, Wick and Chimneys AVHOI.KSAEE OU KETAIE. I would call particular attention to the Light House liurner, with Glass Cone, for giving moie liuht than any other in use. Also, the Paragon Burner, for CiuJo Oil. SI'l'XCER'S SIFTF.K ! It recciumcnds itself. SUGAR KETTLES AND CAULDRONS of all sizes constantly on hand. Special attention given to ! Jobbing in Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron. at io'.vctt po.-siuie rates. WnOI.KSAI.E ll KECi lANTb' LlSTS now ready, and will be sent on application by mail or in pcisou. Hoping to see all my old customers and many new ones this Spring, I return iny most sincere thanks f jr the very liberal pa tronage I have already received, and will endeavor to plcaso all who may call, wheth er they buy or not. FRANCIS W. HAY. Johnstown, March 7, 18G7.-Cm. WHOLESALE mm Mm D.W.IIARSHBERCER&CO., STRUCT, OPPOSITE SCOTT HOUSE, JOHNSTOWN, PA., Keep constantly for sale the largest and best assortment of pure DRUGS & MEDICINES 1T CA1I1U.IA CvjUM'Y. PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, Alcohol, Turpentine, Pure Wines and Liquors, best brands, 4000 Lbs. White Lead, mi DYE SIMS. BLAS3, PUTTY. And in fact everything kept in a first-class Druj Stoi e, all tf which will be SOLD AT CITY PRICES, MISHLER'S CELEBRATED BITTERS, by the dozen or by the gallon. OUR STOCK OK Perfumeries and Toilet Articles is acknowledged by all judges to be the LA RO EST IN QUANTITY " AND FINEST IN QUALITY OF ANY IX OUU TOWA". SOLE AGKNT3 FOIt SHARP' 3 1 iiirf AX1 SIIAIIP-S MAGIC LINIMEXT ! ALL ORDEP.S PROMPTLY FILLED AT LOWEST PRICES. Johnstown, Aug. 15, 18C7.-y. jOI IIS if ii IT I ESTABLISHED 1858. Tfili: OLDEST 7 3. IN CAMBRIA COUNTY. C. T. FKAZER Keeps constantly on baud the LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST ASSOll TMENT OF G O ODS PEE TAIN ING TO THE DRUG BUSINESS In the County, which he offers IT WHOLESALE OR RETJIL TO THE TRADE AND PUBLIC AT LOWEST EATES! IBS" J?5k ZiSSZ TZ1 ISRfi. 9 1'raiiKUn SI reel, OPPOSITE MARKET HOUSE,) JOHMSTOW.N, PENM'A. ALTOONA, PA., Prepares Plans and Design?, with, full de tails for HOUSES STORKS, CMURCnES. .te. Also fcr Alterations and Inirovenu-nt3 in obi building. AJdross or call at 8t Cliailoa Hotel, near Pa. P. It., Altooua, UUi'v county, Pa. jan.'C..3ia mwiw tuiuruiiui TJ Jin UTATH AN!) SMALL PROFITS. AND .SMALL PROFITS,' AND SMALL PROFITS, GURLEY'S NEW CHEAP STORE. GURLEY'S NEW CHEAP STORE, GURLEY'S NEW CHEAP STORE, EBEXSBURG, PA. EliENSRURG, PA. EBEXSBURG, PA. The Large-st Stock of Good.s. The Best Selected ami the Greatest Variety ever brought, to Town. LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST, LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST, LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST, GO AND SEE. GO AND SEE. GO AND SEE. The fuWrihei calls the attention of the public to the fact, that he ha3 just received and opened out in his New Store, a large stock of goods, consisting of FLOUR, CORN MEAL, CHOP FEED. Bran. Fish. Bacon and Cheese; Sugar, Cof fee, Tea, Mola.-es, Spices, Tobacco, Cigars, Candles, Soap, Vinegar, &c &c. NOTIONS. DRUGS, PERFUMERY. Stoneware and Earthenware. ALSO, a fine assortment of the best and latest style of Hats. He always keeps constantly on hand Bologna Sausages, Sardines, Fre?di and Spiced Oysters in can. or half cans, arid al most everything hi the eating or drinking line. A!l of which will be sold at !-niali profit. GEO. GURI.EY, MATN Si r.KET, EjJENSIJUKG, P.. January SI, 1807. E I s & n e u .ToHlistOwii. Pk . T II BODKSELLERS, STATIONERS A.I'W I51Mv 2J2Mi:iIS. MANUFACTURERS OF BLANK BOOKS, POKTE-MONAIS. PAPER BOXES AND LOOKING GLASSES. Looking GhiT-s r.rj-1 Picture Praties always oil hand, aud made to order. A largo and n-iiist complete assortment of Drawing Room and Miscellaneous Pictures, consisting of Chromes, Paintings in Oil, Steel Plate En gravings, Pl-in and Colored Lithographs, Oil Prints, Photographs and Wood Cuts. This collection embraces a selection of largo sized match pictures of Landscape and Do mestic Scenes and Porti aits, and 5,000 dif ferent varieties of Card Photographs of prom inent men, comic and sentimental scenes and copies of subjects by celebrated artists. We have also a varied a-soitment of BIBLES, PRAYER. HYMN and SCHOOL BOOKS. HISTORIES, BIOGRAPHIES, NOVELS, &o. Religions Prints and Emblems in great variety, and the largest and most complete stock of STATIONERY ever brought to this county. 500 new ami beautiful styles of WALL PATER, including an assortment oi Potter's celebrated English make, for which we are sole agents in this locality. These Wall Papers are handsomer in design, supe rior in finish, and 2 inches wider than any othfr make. The citizens of Etensburg and vicinity are rc.'-r-ecff'iViv notified that we make BOOK BINDING" and the manufacture of BLANK LOOKS a specially. AH wcik promptly executed at moderate rates. CO-Store clr corner of Clinton and Locust stneis, immediate I v opposite Foster House. Jvhnstown, Oct. 21, 18G7.-tf. TYRANT IIOUSE Vfl' Hemlock. Ctimljrla Co., Pa. JOHN WILKIN, rrojtrhlor.l This House has been refitted, and offers accommodations superior to any ether House in the vicinity. The Proprietor, after long experience in the business, feels confident he understands the wants of the public. IPs TABLE will be supplied with the delicacies of the season and bis BAR with the choicest wines and liquors. By constant attention and due care for the comfort of his guests the Proprietor hopes to merit a liberal share ofpatrouage. maylGly.J SCOTT HOUSE, Main Street. Johnstown, Cambria Co., Pa., A. ROW & CO., Proprietors. THIS HOUSE having been refitted and elegantly furnished, is now open for the reception aud entertainment of guests. The proprieora by long experience in hotel keep ing feel confident they can satisfy a dis ci iminatiiig public. Their Bar is supplied with the clioicest brands of liquors and wines. Jau. 31, 1868. . (ly.) T . J A M KS' HOTEL, Conducted on the European Plan,) 405 Sc -107 Liberty Street, opposite the Uxion Depot, Pittsl;UKg:h,.Pa. JAMES K. LAN ATI AN, - - - Projector. This House is newly built and splendidly furnished, and convenient to all the Rail roads coming into the city. The Restaurant connected with this Hotel open at all hours of the day and night. oct.l7.-ly. UNION HOUSE, PBENSEURG, Pa., JEROME A. PLOTT, jj Propietor, spares no pains to render this hotel worthy of a continuation of the liberal patronage it has heretofore received. His ts-ble will always be furnished with the best the market affords ; his bar with the best cl liquors. His stable is large, and will be attended by an attentive and obliging holler. Jan 20, lSOS.-tf. " SHIELDS HOUSE, LO PETTO, CAMBRIA COUNTY, PA., THOMAS CALLEN, Proprietor. THIS house is now open for the accommo dation of the public. Accommodations as good as the country will atford, and charges moderate. Jau 31, 18C7.-tf. "MOUNTAIN HOUSE, Ebexsucug. It. P. IilXTOS fc CO., Piop'ri. The Table is always supplied with the choicest delicacies ; tho Bak is supplied with choice liquor?, and the Staelk attended by careful boilers. Transient visitors accom modated and boarders taken by the week, month or year, on reasonable terms. feb21 MERCHANTS' HOTEL- J. & W. C. M'KIBBIN, Proprietors. Fourth St., between Market and Arch, May 9, 18G7.-ly. r III l. AD CLP III A. METER S I D E ST WITH HULL & CO., WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEALERS, N. IS. Cor Jan. 22, 1SG7. Tlilrtl di 'flnrkrt Sis , PHILADELPHIA. iORAFF, WATKIX & CO., Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES, No. 51:1 MAEK.tr Street, FLEM. 1I0LLTDAY. l5tl LiD'A. LIVE STOCK 1MEI COMPANY. CASH CAPITAL $300,000. ?e are now prepared to ins STOCK against both lhaih and ire LIVE Th-it, in Ibis live and renablc Company. 'Owners of stock have now the opportunity, by insur ing with this Company , of obtaining securi ty and remuneration for the loss of their an imals in case ot death or theft. OWNEKS OF. HORSES, Manufacturers, Farmers, Teamsters. Ex piessmen, Physicians, and in lact all who are to any extent dependant upon the servi ces of their horses in their daily vocations, should insure in this Company, and thus derive a protection against the loss of their animals, which are in many ca.ces the sole means of support to their owners. FARM STOCK. Farmers and others owning cattle should avail themselves of this means. of saving the value of their stock, and secure an equiva lent for the luss which would otherwise fall heavily upon them in being deprived of their Cattle, by insuring in this, the PIONEER COMPANY OF AMERICA ! By insuring in this Company you ex change a certainty for an uncertainty. No man can tell whether his animals may not be stolen cr die through some unforsecn" calamity. Gt Competent Ajcnts wanted, to whom a liberal compensation trill be p-iid. Apply to KEKU CO., General Agents, April 4. I8fi7.-ly. Altoona. Pa. CO- Col. WM. K. PIPER, Ehensburg, has been appointed local aent fur the Hartford Live Stock Insurance Company. ?0 II E I G N S II I vYl nTj ASD EXCHANGE OFFICE. We are now York Rates on England, Wales, Austria, Baden, Hanover, Holland, And Tickets England, selling Exchange (at New Ireland, Germany, Bavaria, If( : ('!, Belgium, Norway and Scotland, Prussia, Wurtt inberg. Saxony, Switzei land, France. to and from any Port in Ireland, Scotland, Germany, France, New South Wales or A'isti:d:a. KERR & CO. J OILN IIICKKY, At.tooxa llealrv In all kinds Pa. Household Furniture ! SCCJI A3 LOUNGES, TABLES, 1 BEDSTEADS SOFAS, BUREAUS, WHAT-NOTS CUSHIONED, CANE-BOTTOMED AND COMMON CHAIRS, &c. NEW FURNITURE WAP.ER00M, JULIA STREET, EAU 1IAHIJIET, Opposite the Protestant Epiyp.d C'.nv h, March 7, lBCT.-ly. EAST ALTOONA. A WOIIU i ixoi JOIIXSTOW'! I JOIiX Z. MnIIIY i CO., At their Stores in the Scoii House, Mr, St. and oa Clinton Street, Jokn&tcici, Have constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of seasonable Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, and a general variety of NOTIONS, Are. Their stock consists of almost every article usually kept in a retail store, all of which have been selected with care and are offered at prices which cannt fail to prove satisfac tory. Call and examine for yourselves. Feb. 23, 18G7.-tf. $5 II A II VET CHILD3. . . . I.OWIUE CIIII.DS. & CO., H. GUILDS AVliolesale IJra 1 rs In BOOTS. SHOES, ffl SOLE 1EATKB. 133 WOOD STREET. PITTSBURGH, PA. Agents for the sale of "Hope Mill" Cotton Yarn, Bags, Batting and Carpet Chain. Feb. 28, 18G7.-tf. JOHN GAY. n a y WM. WELSH. Ss W E ITS H , Succtsto 8 to Gay &. Pointer, WHOLESALE Grocers and Commission Merchants AND DEALERS IX FLOUR, PRODUCE. FISH, SALT, CAR BON OILS, &c., Sre., Corner Penn and Canal Sts.. opposite Grain Elevator. feb28 Pittsburgh. Pa. ii. Cilt-SSWELL, JoIlN a. it y deb, E. T. SLACK, AV.M. V. GEM11ILL. 33. 3ICDOXALD, WITH M. CRESSWELL &L CO., Importers and Jobbeis of MICY AID STAPLE MY W, o. 311 JlMktt Street, Juno 20. lSC7.-ly. PHILADELPHIA. rji o 31 r . D A Y I S WITH BOYD &L STROUD, Importers and Dealers in QUEEiNSVVARE, CHINA and GLASS, No. 32 Noutu Focutu t Four doors below Merchants' Hotel, TIIILA. JZ INPORT S & GO Wholesale and Retail Dealers in IS. IKON, NAILS, &c, Juniata Street, opposite United States Hotel, I10LL1DAYSBURG, PA. WHOLESALE ..iC J A At E S II. DAVIS, bealcr in all kind of POPLAR, CHERRY & ASH LUMBER, Yard Nos. 314 and 31G y. Broad St., PHILADELPHIA. CCJ-Business attended to in Ebensburg by Wm. J. Williams. ImylU-ly IT KINKEAD, Justice of the Pcac and Claim Agent. Office removed to the office formerly occupied by M. Hasson Esq,, dee'd, on High St., Ebensburg. j31 J S. STRAYEK, Justice ofthk Pkaok.' Johnstown, Pa. Otlice on tho corner of Market sirect aud Locust allej', SecoU'l YarJ. dtc.12.-ly. PHOTOGRAPHIC. II. i 11. T. AXTIIOXY, ?I ait ii Tact urer of PI IOTOG K A PI I IC 31 ATI 111 I ALS V. MuLL-ALR ANP tlKT.ML. COT BROADWAY, NEW YORK. In addition to cur main business of PHO TOGRAPHIC MATERIALS we are Head quarters for the following, viz : Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views of American and Foreign Cities and Land scapes, Groups, Statuary, &c. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS OF THE WAR, From negatives made in the various cam paigns, and forming a complete Photo graphic history of the great contest. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS ON GLASS, Adapted for either the Magic Lantern or the Stereoscope. Our Catalogue will be sent to any address on receipt of Stamp. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. We manufacture more largely than any other house, about 200 varieties, from 50 cents to $50 each. Our ALBUMS have the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability to any others. Card Photographs of Generals, Statesmen, Actors, tfc., fi-c. Our Catalogue embraces over five Tmus ASD different subjects, inclndirg reproduc tions of the most celebrated Engravings, Paintings, Statues, &c. Catalogues sent on receipt of stamp. Photographers and others ordering goods C. O. I)., will please remit 25 per cent, of the amount with their erder. C-The prices and quality cf our g cxls cannot fail to satisfy. apr25-ly.J mm MEG AID UK ISTOI! LU I'EAr.F.KS INr DRUGS, MEDICINES. PERFUMERY, Fancy Soaps, Leon's and Hall's Hair Resto ratives, Pills, Ointments. Plasters, Lini ments, (all kir dsj D.ivi.' Pain Killer. Rad wnys R:ady Relief. P.iown's Ess. Jamaica Girger, Citrate Manobia, Flavoring Ex tracts and Essences, Lemon Svrnp,S.xthii:g Svn-.p. Spiced Syrup, RliuI.T.rb, PURE SPICES, Ac. CKJAKS AND TO ISA ('COS. Blank Books, I)o ds, Notes and Bonds, Cap, Post and all kinds of Note Paper. Envelopes, i'tns. Pencils, Arnold's Writing Fluid. Black and Red Ink, Pocket and Pass Books, Maga zines, Newspapers. Novels. Hi.-torit.s. Bibles. Religiui s Prayer and Toy B.w.ks, Penknives, Pipes. S"r. CC75 Medicine for the body auj food for the mind. Call and see. Main Ntuf.kt, Eeenm:li;g. July '2o, 1807. U.OY l. JOHN LLOYii, 1're.iideiti. Cashier. TP 111 ST NATIONAL BANK OK ALTOU.VA. ANU DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY OF THE UNITED STATES. Cortur Vi.-fiiniu aud Aunic Streets, North Ward, Alic-ina, Pa. Authorized Capital, ----- $",00,000 Cah Capital paid in, - - - - 150,000 All business pertaining to Banking June on favorable terms Internal Revenue Stamps of all denomi nations, alivayson hand. To parchiisers of Stamps, percentage, in stamps, will be allowed, as follows : .$50 to $100, 2 per cent. ; $100 to $200, 3 per cent.; $200 and upwards, 4 per cent. Jan. 31, lSo-7-tf. 1LO 1I &, to., Hanker, -A Ebensbukg, Pa. Gold, Silver, Government Loans, and other Securities, bought and sold. Interest allowed on Time L'eposits. Collections made on all accessible points in the United States, and a general Banking business transacted. January 31. 1807. TSr M. LLOTD & CO., Bankers, Altoona, Ta. Drafts on the principal cities and Silver and Gold for sale. Collections made. Moneys received on deposit, payable on de mand, without interest, or upon time, with interest at fair rates. an31. "TfeEXTISTllY. The undersiirn- of Dental Surgery, respectfully offers his professional services tj the citizens of Eb ensburg and vicinity, which place he will vitit on the fourth Monday of each month, to remain one week. fcb.G. SALi'L BELFORD. D. D. S. D1;; 1. X. X. Jl UIJUIUJ, OLWll'.U. Len risr, Carrolltown, Cambria Co., ri- i.i it-nr i ru o c?. ........ Pa. Teeth inserted iu Gold, Silver, Vulcan ite, Cheophwtic, &c. fcJ-Proicssional visits made to Chest Springs the firt week aud to Lorcttt the second week of each month. Carrolltown, July 4. 1SG7.-Cm.523 A.MES J. OATMAN, M. D., tenders his professional services as Phy- sioian and Surgeon to the citizens of Carroll tewn aud vicinity. Office in rear of build ing occupied by J. Buck & Co. as a store. Night calls can be made at the hotel cf Law rence Schroth. TMay 0. 18G7.-tf. ENTISTllY. Dr7l)7Y.el7 ler, having opened an office in looms over R. R. Thomas' Store, offers bis profes sional services to the citizens of Eln-nsburg and vicinity. Teeth extracted without jniin by use of Nitrous Oxide or Laughing Gas. 5 DEYEmAU siciAN and Suuoeon, Summit, Pa. Oflico east end of Mansion House, on Rail Road street. Night cads may be made at the offico. fmy23.tf. J. LLOYD, successor to 11. S. Busx, Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Paints, fye. Store on Main street, opposite tho Mansion House." Ebensburg, Pa. October 17, 1SG7.-Cm. KKASK W. HAY, WHOLESALE and RETAIL Manufacturer. l of TINT. COPPER aud SHEET-IRON WARE. Caned street, below Clinton, Johns town. Pa. A large stock constantly hand. HE KISLNG SUN STOVE POL ISH. For beauty of polish, saving of labor and cheapness, this preparation is tru ly uurivalled. Buy o other. For sale by June 155, 1SG7. GEO HUXTLEY. AMES C. EASLY, Attokxkv- at-Law. Carrolltown. Cambria Co.. P- Collections and all legal butincs promptly attended to. Jan Si. 1SG7. G EOUG K wTb AT3I A N, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg. Pa. Office in Colonade Row, Centre street. January 31, lSo'7.-ti IF you want to buy gools on long credit and pav big prices, don't so to lb. Is, GEO. liUXTLEY'S. OLAND'S 3IagliT itiii,.., , '"Pwation is the di. pTi: ?. cover v of R,-v t w . Vovaw Church in Go.Tstown I- ,.ptltt fstown. K it (M AG 1 CI man ueariy beloved by tW ,i ? nomination throughout N Vn" land. IIh t,Acrt.A T7.T -i . . "o,"J ic:ihi mu ou,pu ana fctU(jy modjc,ne to gaye , own life, aud his Magic Powdkbs are on. c " the most wonderful di.overies of ajod.V limes. Tt is (lie GREAT LIVER irrl T'TI IOUS REMEDY which compfcuu, rc-.vs in the shade all other discoveries in medicin, : and it affords h.m much gratification tha they receive the unanimous approbation of all who have tested them. The Magic Bd ious Powders are a POSITIVE CURE FOP LIVER COMPLAINT in its most aggrava ted form, and an immediate corrector of a! BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS. Excellent for Headache, Constipation. Pimples, Blotch es. Sallow Sa'n. Drowsiness, Dizziness, Tal pitaiion, Heartburn, and a most wondeiful Cure and Preventative of Fever & Ague (We advice all who are troubled with thu fearful malady to always keep the Powder on hand ready fur immediate use.) Here are a few important particulars : 1st. They are the great specific for Bilious Affections. 2d. They are the only known remedies that will cure Liver Complaint. 3d. They are the only known remedy that will cure Constipation. 4th. The Powdeta are so thorough in their operation that one package will be all that the majority of thot,i using them will require to effect a cure. 6tl. They are a mild and pleasant yet the most effectual cathartic known. Cth. Tney are the cheapest and best medicine extant, .is they can be sent by mail to any part of lha duhe for the price. 60 cents. Circulars, containing certificates, informa tion, otc, tent to any part of the world tree cf charge. (JSold by all Dru-gists, or by mail on application to C. G. CLARK & CO.. Genl Agents. Price, 50 Cts.per Box. New Haven. Cr. JOE'S DYSPEPSIA CUKE ! r This great remedy f.,r all DISEASES OF THE STOMACH L the discovery of the in ventor of Cue's valuable Cough Balsam, white expei imenting f.r his own health. It cured Cramp in the Sumach fur him which hai" before yielded t: nothing but chohif. rm. The almost daily testimony from various patts of tLe country encourage us to believe there i no di.-ease cau.-ed by a disordued 5-toi:iach it will not fpeedliy cure. Physi cians endorse and use it. Ministers give tes timony of its fficacy ; and from all direction.-? we receive tidings of cures performed. Dyspep.u'a it is ture to cure. Heartburn one de will cure. Siik II adache it I..:. ruied in hunditds of cases. Headache an'? Dizziness it stops in thirty ndnutes. Ac: ity of the. Ftomach it corrects at once. Ru of the Fo(Z it stor s'immediately. Distress after Eating one dose will remove. Choi Morbus rapidly yields to a few does. J),i I Breath will be changed with half a bottle. IT IS PEI.FECTLY HARMLESS! Its unprecedented success is owing to tho fact that it cures by agisting Nature to : assert her way in the vystom. Nearly every dealer in the United St.. :ei Sells it at ON K DOLLAR PVR B TTLK. C. G. CLARK & CO., Proprietor.-. March 14.-eowly. New Haven, Conn, MANUFACTORY. JOIIASTOir.-V. 1"A. J ALL KINDS OF CHAIRS, such aa common indsor Cliaira, Fret B .i - : Chairs, Vienna Chairs, Buttle Chairs, lllui Racked Chairs, Sociable Chairs, ant jrat -lairj, ROCKING CHAIRS, OF EVERY Sl'il mm SEAT CHAIRS Settees, Lounges, &c, &c. CABINET FURNITURE of every descrij'tion and of latest STYLES, WITH PRICES TUSUJT THIt Tastes of all. Thankful for past favors, he resj-t-c:-fully tolicits a liloral sliare of public patr. r.'; Clmtou Street, Johnstown Camori.i Co. Pa. j Jan. 81.1867. T A 31 i: S C O X N o I C j IVIiotcsale Grocer, DF.AI.KR I! FLOUR, BACON, FISH AND SALT No. 355 Liberty street, June 27, 1SG7. PITISUURGH, P D. M'LAUGUIAN I TTORNEY AT LAW, Johnstown, Pa. Orrlce in the Exchange building, on t. Corner of Clinton and Locust streets r stairs. Will attend to all business connet. ed with his profession. Jan. 31. 18G7.-tf. R. L JOHNSTON, J K. 8CAXLi., JOHNSTON SCAN LAN, Attorneys at Law, Ebensburg. Cambria co., Pa. Office opposite the Court House. Ebensburg, Jau. 31, lSG7.-tf. RO BERT E. JONES. " Ebensburg, Cambria co., Tar, Dealer in Lumber. The hich-st prief f . in Cash, paid f,.r CHERRY, TOPLAR.AS:. and LINN LUM HER. JOHN P. LINTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Johnstown, Ta. Ofiice in building on corner of Main and Franklin street, opposite Mansion House, second floor. Entrance on Franklin 8tr. Johnstown. Jan. 31. 18C7.-tf. F. A.. SHOEMAKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg. Pa. Otlice on High street, one door East of tho Banking House of Lloyd & Co. January 31, 18G7.-tf. F. 1 TIKKN K Y. I TTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Pa. Office in Colona.Je Jan. 5. ISO- Y. 11. SECHLE1?, 1 TTORNEY AT LAW, Ebenslvrj, Ta. n Otlice iu the CeimmissionerB' Room. Courl House. Jan. 31, 'C7-tf. JOS-EPIl M'DONALD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Etensburg. Pa." Office oa Centre street, opposite Moore' Hotl. Jan. 31. 1567-tf " JOHN FENLON, I TTORNEY AT LAW. Ebmslmrg Pa f Office vn ll:t;ri street, adjoining hi resi dence. Jan 31, 1867.-tf. P CHAIR ii.r.r Hi 1U