The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, February 20, 1868, Image 3

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1 f
I'KK. 13, 1868.
EnrroraiHT" Local asd Gknktul.
Qr f;r, fit;; burg correspondent is informed
that the Freeman luce is not for sale.
Tho Elevation of the Teacher's Profed
e,n" h been reoeivtd aud will appear ia
our rext is-uo.
Our very "promising" fviesd MacShar.e
Las "gone back" on us again. Ah Hal said
of FalbtaCf, "we could better spare a bettor
Our friend . in Huntingdon County,
has our thanks. ShouV. like much to meet
you in y ur pleasant Burg, anJ call with
you i.pon our mutual friend, "Rye," senior.
The Democratic voters of Ebensburg are
rcjr.e.-ted to meet at the Court Iljuse this
(Vedaasday) evening, f or the purpose of
nominating a Borough ticket to be supported
at the election cn Friday.
In Jenner township, one of the moat Rad
ical spots in the grii? .'y Radical county of
Somerset, says tha Democrat, were hitly
married Solomon Boyer (white) to widow
M'Kelvey. (!,. ml.) and J 'avid Deetz (col
ored) to Tolly Thomas (while.)
The Tyrone Herald sjvs that Mr. Fmp!e
Anderson has discovered what is Pfid to be
r rich gold mine near that place. Th jew
elers can pronounce it notbirg else. Nitiic
acid products no visible effect on the metal.
So pile in, ye gold worshippers, to the new
The city charter wag adopted in Altoona,
on Siturday last, by a majority of 235.
That portion of Logan township which made
a "dead set" against the city at previous
lections was "left out in the cold" on tins
occasion, and hence the majority if not the
success ef the movement. How ire you, city ?
There is a great want feit in this eomrru
iiity just n- fiT tenant Louses. We have
learned of several families who know not
where thy are to Cud a roof to vhe-lter them
when moving time comes. Would it not be
a P"yi"g investment f.r srr.e of or.r monicd
nicii lo ;rn'.t suitable tenements to meet this
growing want ?
Persons requiring the services of a good
pamtrr may rest aured that our fiie-nd,
Richard R "Win, of Altoona. Is fully com
petent to execute work in the best ttyle and
at the lowest prices. We say it, without
fear 'A contradiction, that he is one of the
most competent mechanics in the Sta'.
See Lis card and then seo Lini if you want
a tip -top j b.
Mr. J.;n-s M. Rifilo has Tercel f ha "Man
sion House," his well known !.otel stand at
the Summit, to Mr. John II. Herbert, of
Ooalmont. Huntingdon county. Mr. II. will
take possesion the hitter pirt f net mom'i.
Mr. Uifil will offer at '..'olio vouJue, on
Monday . March 23d, a Ur-e lot ( pcs.-nal
pro.j "rty pertaining t fv.'i i hut:l. See a-i-vertoenvuit
and handbills.
I'atri.-k Duggan, who was co seriously in
jured nn.'l his wife killed by the recent acci
dent on the Pennsylvania Railroad at Mill
Creek, died on Wednesday night from hit
injuries. Mr. and Mrs, Dtigsan were newly
married, and were on their way to Califor
nia at the time the accident occurred. The
death 1 this ui. fortunate couple excites the
sympathies of a large circle of friends.
We notice Ly the Altooca Tribune that
t?e lied Lion Hotel in that plac-e, Mr. P.
Murphy, proprietor, has been fiais'ned and
licensed, at. I i.s now open f r g:: sts. Mr.
Murphv fully u-jierstands how to "keep
n ii,.ttl," a , we know ef no n an in that
j.!iy '.,-.-r more, voril.y of suc'.-ev.
We command the 'Fed Lion" and. its land
lord to the patronage of a'.! persons vi.-iting
T!i dweliir-g hours ff Mr. -Tohn Evar.s,
near RidoJt.s'ourg, Bedford cor.nty, was
ensumed by Crc. t:i the 4th in?.., and Lis
two litt! childieu perished in the flames,
hi th parents were ahs'-nt from the house
(he mother at a near neighbor's.) when the
lire broke out. :md when the Utter reached
the scene of destruction it was impossible to
rescue the I;U,'e innocents. It was difdeuit
to Keep her from rushing into the tiames.
Sheriff idcKf age, ( f liair county, I xled
in the Penitentiary, on Tuesday of" last weeL
the following convicts : Washington I ett.
convicted of rape cn Mrs. L. Wilt, sentenced
to an imprisonment of tight years ; Edward
fcimmH, he ungrateful Englishman, wlio
hharcd the hospitality of old Mr. Barkley,
watchnian on the Pennsylvania Railroad,
and thc u robbed him of his watch while at
prayer, s'nttneed to four years imprison
ment; John Williams, larceny, or.o year
and three nvnths' imprisonm.f-r.t.
The car.j of our yoimg Cambria friend.
Mr. A. C. Dibert, appca-s in n:r column?
to-day, and we not only direct the attention
tf a'.l cur mercantile readers to the an
nouncement he makes, bnt heartily com
mend l.iru to their most liberal patronage.
"We know Ale to Le entirely worthy of con
fidence encouragement, and also know
'hat tlif-ru is no more reliable and fair deal
ing riiin in the boot and shoe trade in Phil
ndtlpl.ia than the one he represents. None
..four friends can do better with any sales
man in tLe business than they can with Mr.
Death rr L. S. Cantwell, EcQ This
I. 'rave soldier and true gentleman died at
Kittanning, Pa., on Sunday, the 9th inst.,
nd his remains were interred in the Cath
oliccenu tcry at Blairsville on the Tuesday
following. Mr. Cantwell was a lawyer by
profession, and commanded Ly his ability
m-A proiessional acumen a most lucrative
practice. At the commencement of the re
bellion, however, he deserted the Bar and
raised a company, of which he was elected
Captain, aud joined the 8tli Pa. Reserves
serving with the most distinguished brave
ry throughout the greater part of the war,
aud only returning to civil life when im
pair! health rendered him unfit for service
as a so'dier. After retiring from the army
he again resumed the practice cf his pro
fession in Lis former home.
We knew the deceased long and intimate
ly. He combined a high order of talent,
s.nd a mot-t persuasive eloquence, with those
mre social gifts which endear the possessor
to tocsety. Kind, generou and forgiving,
r leaves a host of mourning friends not a
Mcgie entmy. May he rest in peace!
TiRZ. On Saturday Ust the Jelling
hoj SO of Mr Jamea C-evin;cr, on Laurel
II. 11. in Jackn towhip. took fire, and
before aid could be procured, was consumed
with all it contained. The accident occur
red from a stove pipe passing thr.uu the
ro of. This deplorable disaster has Zu r
C. and his family in exceedingly destitute
circumstances and their condition strongly
appeals totho charitabla instincts of the
human Leart
Falljko Met eohs. A friend informs us
inat wai!e standing on one of the streets of
f ha Lron M Re?ra.1 brilIUot 'teor3 fall to
I;9 fecund m hi, immodiate vicinitv. Oth
r person prtf at alsQ wita,S3od lQe continued fJf sTveral rnin-
CiwJO fjr tea t:E3 bi,'.- '
St. Valentine's Dj-j SlaJAnny Affray Lar
ceny liitrgUirtj The Cusfi'jator of ihe
" Oil Man" li.ard FroftiThe Hull Martin-
Tri-ilClcsina cfl'ullic Schools Ex
niUtior. Lft Town A Curiosity ilu-fiicif-al
Elections, ?c, c.
J.asCTows, Peh. 17, 1868.
Dear Freeman iMiday last was the day
on which tLe feathered songsters are popu
larly supposed to chex se their mates, fter
having previously done the ufual amount of
"biliing aud cooing;" r.d ia connection
with the occasion It is the invariable custom
oS newspaper, tn mukiuj their comments,
to kivo a few bread Lnia to t':vir bachelor
friends to pront by tlieexamplc of the birdn.
and forthwith poc?:d to a cVoicj of tome
fair ci;e to on Luttons ar. j perform the
other liule efce.'erw vhich in ear day and
gtDcrati.u i supposed to bj the r.atural
sphere of w. nuu. Wi: "a a'i du respect for
the aavice gratr'toj -iy ofl-red on the
aonuai recnrrTCe cf the c y, 1 feel rather
disposed to enter my humble protest against
anything of the kid, nd -'oald most re
spectfully iuggest that if ;he birda fel in
clined tj do their sp.ukir.g aad mating Rt a
tiroe when the thermomet-r ranges in the
neighborhood cf zoru, why let them do it
it's "their own lur err U' b it as for me, I
would vastly prefer the lire my autumnal
evenings it. w'.i"h ;o do the p-.'-f-iratcry soft
poldenrg, and the f:rt ijy br-.-at'i cf winter
for popping the question and ca-m'y subsid
ing into a realization of tiie oft repeated in
iunctie n that 'if. is not goxJ for man to be
alone." Thi3 day is a'so dedicnteei lo the
sending of tender msives or c0;'.r3 carica
tures, as the care my W, t- the object of
your love or disiiko, and a,fho'ib the cus
tom has sadly degen.-rated, tv-re are atill a 1
great many wLo take &':vartaof the li
cense allowed, and make their frir.ds or en
emies the recipients. c" bautrfu1 sentiments
cr di.;agresble cancaturvs. lc is a matter
of muck regr9t that the practl:e is not cou
fi.ied to its legitimate purpose i f love mak
ing an 1 the ofTinsive cr.itj- -o -.v:ng out of
it difcontiuued.
A eeri-Mis stubbing r.Cf :.y recurred a Cwu
emauh cn Frioay moruio? l:si,, in which a
mnn jumcd M-jcre, a lesio. i t of that place,
received saverp.l stvt.e stabs from a pen
knife in the hands oi a yourg mai r imed
Henry Roberts. From wj at 1 can learn it
appears that Moore had been quarreling with
another party during the caiiy pert of the
evening, and in this qttarrel Roberts finally
beeania involved. It is alleged iLat at thi3
juncture Moore ent to the "Rund Uj'i''
a bui'.uiag t:scd for bousing .and c!cning
engines ai.d procuring a har mer, returi:d
and. struck Robertson the 1. -juilei ; t e !at:er
then drew a large p-.a-kcif.; an 1 mnde seve
ral lunges at Morc, him twice o
the breast and once on the back. Th gihes.
ii'tliough severe, will n't nnifssnriiv prove
dangerous. Robert l ad a bearing the same
day. and was 'ommittcl for assault and
battery i-itcr.t to kid. Ha thon ir.ti-
luted a crsssuU agaiuet M're f.-the Fame
oiicne. A hearing in the latter ase will be
had to-day.
A gay and festive yotirg chap n.arr.eil Mc
Oowan. who resides in Cambria borough,
went to Pittsburgh recently, and about the
time he thought of returning, carue to the
conclusion that he needed a watch and suit
f ciu:'i--; ; and being of a ccvetous dispo
sition, he found that a le'il-nr bo'rdor had
the very cr:'.cles ho wanted. The vr.atch
and clothes were appropriated, and McG.
came on his way rejoicing, but a Nemesis in
the shape of a de;ective c-fnoer was poor- on
Ids track, and nabbed him ;n IMday even
ing ia a scloon ia Cambria borough. The
agaiieved indviidual, whose time and dry
goods were so surreptitiously spirited away,
was on hands to prove prop'erty, and had no
difficulty whatever in recognizing his vest
and pants, in which his late fellow lodger
was at the time "sporting." The bracelets
were attached to McO.'s wrists, and he was
taken to Pittsburgh booked, no doubt for
a passage across the river.
The ho.jsc of Mr. C. Suppe? was entered
one tiijii.t last week, bv s.,r-,f. 'ar:.v:o
individual, and three pocket-books fibstract
e l from the pockt-ts respectively of Mr. aud
Mrs. C. and a servant girl in their employ.
The thief doubtless thought he was making
quite a haul, but the contents of the coin?
bmed pocket-books enly amounted to five
dollars and eighty cent.
The house of Mr. Unvuzagt was also en
tered a few nights since, but it is supposed
the burglars were frightened off, as nothing
had been taken.
The young man whom I noticed last week
as having been indulging in .a little rencon
tre with his father, and injuring him to such
an extent as to induce the old man to have
him b-nmd over foi assault and battery, Las
been effecting .a chai ga cf ba.e. and has
succeeded in getting up a little by-play
which gives a rather livelier aspect to the
position of affairs. He h returned no les
than seven sliebetn shops for selling on Sun
day, A-e., and among the number is the
"tavern" of his owu pa'.er familias. The
parties were all bound over to Court,
A Lrge number of our most prominent
citizens are attending the trial, at Greens
burg, of Hull, who killed Parker, the con
ductor of the Accommodation Train, a shcit
time sgo. They were subpoenaed for the
purpose of breaking a portion of the evi
Ueuce given by a witness from this place,
f the defence, and whooo testimony id, I
believe discredited.
TLe public schools of th:3 town will c'ose
in two weeks from to-day. and it is the de
sign of the teachers to rive a general exhi
bition on the following Thursday.
The new school houso in the Sd Ward i
now completed, and will bo ready for cccu
parcy as soon as the desks ara located.
Capt. James II. Gageby took his depar
ture last week to rejoin his command, which
is stationed some two hundred miles south
of Santa Fe, New Mexico.. The Captain
has hosts cf friends in this locality, who
umte in wishing him a safe journey aud a
pleasant time generally.
MrTL.- ra-rig tto popular landlord of
the Union House, at Concmaug'i Station,
has on exhibition a mechanical curiosity in
the shape of a pair of shoes which measure
about 10 inches in length, and are larpe in
proportion, and which are just a neat fit fur
a gentleman in that neighborhood who must
be a lineal descendant of "Big Foot."
Our Municipal elections take place or
Friday, and there are ijuite a number of per
8ous whose ambition runs as high as Burgess,
or Councilmen. Not wishing to uro.e a
false prophet I will not attempt tj piognos-tlcate-
Sko Bal.
Altogn-a Cur, Feb. IT, 18C8.
Friend Mac There i no telling what a
-"v may bring forth. On Saturday I made
rt -t,f visit to the mountain. I left .the
ba ,ough of Altoona at 8.40 a. m.. and arrived
on mv return in the city of Alt-.-) at 9 p.
uur Population was Borne eight or nine
thousand, fc-a-n I left in t!w morning-when
I returned ia the evening it had increased
in hundred fold.
When I th:nk what nmr we 13,
And what we used to waa,
I thijk vre've thrown ouplves wrzj
W!; :x:i sefficient cause.
I- r:oa i; may oonvey to yorr in;r.
a fiiat i.t cf wsat our cltj tw U, I ea-
close a letter received from a very intelligent
gentleman, in which be details bis experien
ces and impressions in a most vivid manner.
I'submit the epistls without comment, as
the writer ia fully competent to tell his own
stery. Yours, Sic, 'I. I. Ml
"Altooca city!' shouted the conductor
at one end of the car. "Altoona city!"
yelled two brakeruen and three water car
riers at the other end. We seized our bag
gage end jumped from the car. We noticed
that all the other passengers did likewise.
Everybody stopped at Altoona. What a
tnais of people were about the station house
and platfot m ! What miles of Railroad cars
were strung out in all directions ! We be
came bewildered. Wondered if there could
be two Chicagoes, and if we had got into the
wrong car and been, landed at ono of them.
But uo 1 the conductor shouted Altoona city.
There was no mistake, so we soon found
our way home and itted until the following
morning. In the morning we procured the
services of a friend, and went forth to take
a luok at the city. There were omnibuses
and drays, and milk wagons in the streets
everywhere. We passed by whole blocks of
four story salesrooms and warehoufles, but
saw no persou that we knew. We met six
policemen with stars on their coats and ngly
looking sticks in their hauds. We also met
a colored beiy with a bell in his baud, crying
out. "Lost Child!" "Lost Child 1" were
stopped thirteen times by ns many Jew
dealers in ready-made clothing, and invited
to "step in and buy something." We saw
two fights and heard fourteen organ grinders.
Also, saw several strangely dressed people
on the side walks, and asked our friend why
they dreBsed s queerly. He told us that
they were Chinese, Japanese and Hottentots,
who resided in the city. Heard our friend
iy, good rnetrning Andy" to a gentleman
who waJ riding by In an open carriage.
Asked what "Andy" and were informed
that it km th Ex-Govemor of the State
that the Executive Mansion was on Thir
teenth strett. Get tired of the ncioa and
confusion, and requested our friend to stop
somewhere for the night. The next morn
ing we mad a some further inquiries about
the city of Altoona. Found that the Sreat
Central Railroad from sunrisy to sunset
passe through the centre of the city, and
that all either Railroads and Plank roads
centre at this point.
Altoona city ja the Railroad centre cf 'he
whole country. Nearly all the plank nada
and tone r uds in the Union terminate here,
including one fron Wrpsanonick. Wa have
been ififorcned that very important change
Lave tak.n pNco (politically) during our
absence. The Cii".tu! of the State has been
moved to Altoona. and the name of the State
itself has been changed to AHaonm. All the
neighboring towns around about, have been
annexed to Ait-na city Hoi lidayshurg
forms the 9th Ward, aad Tyrone the 2 1st.
Mudcown hna bom fenced in and has become
another BmlJik. The total population o?
Altoona city is alut 600,000, more cr (a
good cieal) less. There are 109 newspapers
published in Altoona city 110 of them are
daily. Of the former cumber is the Tribune.
It ia ably edited and lias a large subscrip
tion list. There is a paper published in the
9th Ward that's very singular one-half is
printed in the South African language aud
the other half in the Caffraira. It circu
lates extensively among the colored petyAe.
There are 149 Ore engines in Altoona city,
besides a larg tiumber of hexk and ladder
companies. The City has 4CQ Street Com
missioners and 5 Scavengers. Each of the
former is required to station himself at a
tr9t corner and keep strict watch ever tliat
portion of tbc street that extends to the next
corner. D gs and hoes are not trowed to
run at large, but ars kept in cellars under
the Chinese hote'j. Desirable building lots
Lve become very scarce, owing to tbe rapid
growth of the city. Within the past few
ycara we Lad thought of purchasing, but
now fear we shall not be aula to get nearer
the heart of th city than the 9th Ward.
Oar present address ia No. 1556, Altoona
street, City of Altoor.a, State of Altoona.
LiTErAKT. "We have received from the
ptiblihhers. the "Uiod-Boek of Internal
P.evenue." It is a pamphlet r-f some htin
dred pages, and is an invaluable companion
for !wyer, merchant, clerk, manufacturer,
and indeed, almost "any other man." It is
the latest and most systematic vroik upon
the subject it treats of.
The Speech of lion. Daniel J. Morrel! em
the "Financial Condition of the Country,"
is a well written paper, and enters at con
siderable length the best manner cf putting
tha public debt of tbe country ia process of
liquidation. It deal ia frequent allusions
to the law givers of antiquity, a subject
which is treated with the author's well
known familiarity.
Of Isteemt to Evkybolt. Since the
advant of the Star Shuttle Sewing Machine
ia the market, about one year ago, the man
ufacturers have sold about Fifteen Th jus nd,
and such unprecedented testimonials of their
intrinsic worth has prompted them to en
l.iige the roach ine, and otherwise improve
it. that now the Star Sauttle Sewing Ma
chine stands without a rival. Mr. Wilson
deserves great credit for assuming the re
sponsibility in putting a Loc$ Stitch Shut
tle Sewing Machine in the market at such a
very low price.ia direct competition with
all the first-class and high priced machines.
A Cambria:-, -Our old Cambria friend,
Joseph Giil nenda greeting from Earlviile.
Delaware county, Iowa. He ay, "We
have very little enow here, but good sleigh
ing nil along. When old winter rets in here
it keeps right along, tot breaking op every
few days. Yesterday ("Feb. 11th) was tha
coldcet day here since I havo been in Iowa.
The thermometer was down to SO, ytt I was
out s'eighii g all day, and did not think it
baif so cold as it used to be in Cambria. We
want Pendleton for President, and down
with the non-taxing bond-holders party."
Joe does not forget to send us a greenback.
Dkmoizst's Monthly. Mr. Damorest
has won tbe hearts of tao ladies th:s year,
by giving them all scrts cf silverware, silk
dresses, and other valuable thing?, for pre
miums. Wo have seen some of these in
ducements." and find them really beautiful
an 1 valuable, like the Magazine itself. One
lady has fupplied herself with a sewing
machine, a parlor organ, and a set of fcilver
sp.xins and forks, in less than three years.
We don't wonder that it is easy to get sub
scribers to "Deinorest." Ths book is worth
the money without any premium. Publica
tion Office, 473 Broadway, N- Y. Send for
a circular.
The Annuau Elbctiok for Borough offi
cers takes place on Friday. It is to be
hoped that good men will be elected and
that the Borough fathers, as well as all other
fathers, motheis, tons and daughters, will
not forget to patronize the cheap store of V.
S. Barker, oc iliin fctreet.
St. Yahtisb's Dat has past and ?one,
and we trust that ft gvod.'j cumber of our
young friends have taken advantage of the
occasion to make arraugments for emigrating
to the stat of matrimony, setting up on
their own hook, aad buying all their house
hold supplies at Thorn jsob' cheap ttor
Home, Feb. 12, 1863.
Mb. Johnstok Dear Sir: In your last
paper I notice a statement purporting to be
an inventory of articles remaining at the
Poor House after I left it. As this state
ment is false throughout, and sure to be con
strued, as it is intended, to my injury, I feel
bound, reluctantly, to notice it. 1 will brief
ly enumerate a few articles cf such a char
acter that all persons will see that they were
wilfully omitted, which were there when
these men made out that list and are there
now : At the bara a cart, set hay ladders,
log sled, chain and spreaders, sleigh bells,
wagon whip, rakes, forks, etc. At the hou.-e
a small amount of meat, (more than three
tons.) a large lot of potatoes in the field, in
pits, 1 1 coal stoves, in use, 2 wood Ftoves,
8 wooden bedsteads, with good bedding,
(does Thomas, who ran this job, know any
thing of this?) 8 good tables and 1 old one.
a bureau, (Mrs. Wesner's, insane.) a cVurn,
a cross cut saw, a spinuing wheel and reel,
and let c f rolls, sausage cutter and i-tuffcr,
apple parer, 2 coffee mills iustead of one,
carving knife and fork, iron vise, wood screw,
sugar kettle, five gallon brass kefle, chest
in office, 3 axes, 1 hatchet, (2 buflalo robes
on the list no such things were there.)
kitchen stove furnished with everything, 6
tin buckets, 3 wash bowls, 5 dish pans, 3
coffee pots, 1 coffee pitcher, 2 large tin wait
ers. 2 stone cream crocks, lj dozen stone
milk crocks, iron bread pans to bake twenty-three
loaves, 1 large and 1 dozen email
cake pans, pudding pan, coHanac,-, 2 graters,
2 cake cutters. 1 gallon and 1 quart meas
ures, 2j dozen fruit cans, dippers, lifters, 1
dozen candlesticks, egg beater, an unbroken
tea set, 2 sets cantlle-moulds, flour sifter,
large steelyards, counter scales, clothes bas
ket, 200 feet galvanized wire for clothes-lim,
30 lbs. white sugar, 1 caddy tea, nearly full)
a lot cf glassware, a lot of shirts and blouses
in office chest, (every inmate had a change
of clothisg.) 3 1 irou beds, with beddirg. r.nd
table ware sufficient for allnhe inmates. In
fact, everything was there when we left ne
cessary to conduct the hous3 as we under
stood K Farther, 600 bushels of oats were
put in the granary on the first of November,
and the stock has been fed since. There
was certainy twice as much corn as iR put
down. If this thing was necessary, it should
have been elone right, should have been done
at once, and I s-h-uIJ have had notice. If
there is any dispute about my atr.temeut, I
w ill show the .articles named to any resjject
alle person wislung to se them.,
I will only say to Mr. Myers: Tou have
lent yourself to this scheme of defamation ;
now take year choice of these positions
cither these articles were at the house on
Jan. Tth or they were net. If they were
there why did you omit them 7 if they
were not there how came they there since ?
You will explain this. I hope. To the Di
rectors: If you thought it right to buy all
McDerraitt's property, jou should have the
manhood to father the act instead of trying
to create the impression that a necessity ex
isted for so doing, which was not the case
and this, too, at the expense of the absent,
and, as you thought, the defenceless. With
respect to this arrangement I will only say
that no such thing was ever done in the
State before. To you, Mr. Johnston : I ap
peal to your love of fair play to publish this
paper, promising that it will be the last time
I will trouble you, and trusting that you
will not allow your paper to be made the
instrument for the destruction of any man's
reputation without giving him a chance to
defend bimsplf.
With respect. I remain
Abithhetical QrrEsTios. A correspon
dent propounds the followirg arithmetical
problem, for the Ommon School students to
solve through the columns cf the Freeman:
Two friends, A, and B.. residing 324S
miles apart, and wi.-dnng to have an inter
view, started at the same time A. travel
ing at the rate of twenty miles per day, and
B. at the rate cf 10 miles the first day, 10
the pcconl day, 11 miles the third day, and
so on increasing one-half mils each succes
sive tlay. But when within one day's jour
ney of raeetinj each other, B. got disabled
and had to stop. A. continued on until he
reached bis friend at his stopping place.
Required : The number of miles traveled by
eacn, and how many days from thestaiting
time until they met. Plleiak.
Jcpt So, We spend half our lives in
making mibtakes, and wasta the poor re
mainder in reflecting how easily we might
have avoided them. If wo buy our books,
stationery, clocks, watches, jewelty, fancy
goods, frc, from Cham. Roberts, we may ha
sure wo will net have anything to repent of
on that score anvhow.
At It Yet. Don't think because we
said nothing about it last week that Mills &
Davis have ceased to offer those astonishing
bargains which people have been running
after with such great avidity for some time
past. They still have plenty of seasonable
goods at greatly reduced prices.
o f Ed.
BUCK. In Carroll township, on Satnr
day, 15th itost., Mr. Christian Buck, an old
and much esteemed citizen of Cambria coun
ty, aged about 70 years.
GOUGUNOUn. At Conemaugh. on Fri
day afternoon last, of dropsy, Margaret
Goughnour, aged years.
"" Intending to retire from the business
of hotel keeper at the well koown "Mansion
House," Summit, Cambria county, I will
offer at public vendue, on Monday, March
23t, 1803, and on following days until every
thing is disposed of, the personal prooerty
pertaining to said house, consisting cf Beds.
Bedding, Tables, Chairs, Washstands, Stoves,
Carpets, Oil Cloths. Sofas, St ttees. Looking
Glasses, Cupboards, Sideboards, aud a gen
eral variety of glass and queensware, and
many other articles needless to enumerate.
Also, 2 Horses, 3 Cows, 1 Hack, 1 Carriage,
2 Buggies, Sleighs, Sleds, Harness, &c.
Sale to commence at 9 o'clock a. m., when
terms wili be made known.
Feb. S0.-2t. JAS. M. RIFFEL.
PERTY FOR SALE. The subscriber
offers for sale his FARM, located at Alleghe
ny township, Cambria county, about ne
mile west of Loretto. The Farm contains
145 ACRES, 90 Acres r.f which are cleared,
feuced and well cultivated the: balance be
ing heavily timbered. There are erected on
the premises a two story Dwelling Bouse,
comfortable and commodious, an excellent
an& Barn, and all necessary outbuildings.
There is also a large orchard of choice Fruit
Trees on the property.
The subscriber also offers sale a Dwelling
House and two Lots of Ground located on
Main street, in the borough of Loretto.
All the above properties will be 6old on
fair terms and indisputable titles will be
gtn. rouseettioB given ou the lt of April.
i T-V - "T" -rf-t- m tots !
niitn f't VS7. fJf ie0.-JT,
C D I B Hi E T ,
Manufactvrera, and Wholesale Dealers in
Below Fifth, South Side, - PJIILAD'A.
Is prepared to make contracts for the paiut
ing of Churches, D wellings and otLet Build
ings in Cambria and surrounding counties,
acd for the execution of all other work in his
line. Painting done at prices more moder
ate and in a style far superior to most of the
work t-xecuted ia this section. Satl-faction
guaranteed. frb.CO -tf.
. w it 1 u 11 F . A r, k x t.
At Jolmstoicn. Pa., for
FIRE MD Um ISlilUill.
Office with J. S. Strayer, Justice of the
Peace, Market Street.
Companies Represented Mutual Life In
surance Co. of New York, $25,000.000 ; Con
necticut Matual Life of Hartford, 18.000,
000 ; Home Fire Insurance Co. of New Ha
ven, C no., $1,000,000; Putnam Fiie Ins.
Co. of Hartford, Cona., $300,000. feb20-tf.
SHIP. Notice is hereby given to all
parties concerned that the co partnership
which existed between II. Omit and Jona
than Barrett, who carried on the business of
manufacturing sawed lumber in Allegheny
township, Cambria county. Pa., under the
firm tf O nit & Barrett, was diVsoh ed
on the 18th day of September, 1867, at
which time I disposed of my interest to
James Henry, who with Johnatban Barrett,
has been carrying on the business under the
name of Henry ic Barrett, who are to pay
all the debts of the late firm of Omit &
Bartt. H. OMIT.
IlamVours, Feb. 19 1S08. 3t.
I ICENSE NOTICE -The following J
Petitions for Tavern end Eating? House !
Licenses will be presented to the Judges of
our Court of Common Plea ou the second
Monday of March next :
Tacern Licenses Peter Keels
Quinn. Cambria Bjr; D iminic Egar, Carroll
town B or; Joseph J. Duncan, 2i ward, Con
emaugh Bor ; Wm. C. Fitzimmons, Patrick
O'Oi.nell. Mrs. Cath. McKenna. Bernard
M'Caffrey, 2d ward, and James H. Benf.rd,
And. Ilenning, John Ratio, 3d ward, Johns
town Bor; Joseph Bradley, Pat'k M'Cauley,
Ann Daily. Midville Bor ; Daniel Confer,
Taylor Tp ; John H. Herbert, Surnmitville
Bor; Richard Detling, Washm-ton Tp; Val
entine Milfz:eWilrrore Bor.
Eating Iluuse License John Pearson,
Taylor To. CEO. C K. ZAHM.
Ebensburg, Feb. 20, 18GS.
LEGE, Bordentown, N. J., fafnishes
the very best educational advantages in con
nection with a pleasant brrao. Board and
Tuition $208 per year. Fr Catalogues ad
dress Rsv. Josh II. Brakkley, A. M., Prea't.
!-page Journal of
ublie Speaking. Pure
Literature and Practical Religion, cont&inioz
the best things said by the Clergy and Pub
lic Men the world ever. Bv our plan SENT
cts. with your address to "THE PULPIT
COMPANY," 37 Park Row, New Yoik.
theU. S., aooooMAK to sell by ssraple
C It a miter I nlii's Combination
The greatest invention of tae age, nnd one
that every Mechanic, Workman and Farmer
in the land will buy. Send address, with
name, State, County and Post-Office plainly
written. and we will send circulars and terras.
W. S. Batchelder & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
""7AXTED-133 Teachers, Students,
' or other intelligent men and Women.
Business pays $100 to .20o per month, ac
cording to Hbil'ty. Address ZEGLKIt, Mc
CUltDV k CO., 014 Arch St., Pbila., Pa.
WAXTEIJ To make an arrangement
with a live man in every County who
wisbrs to make money, and can give good
references. No capital required. Will sell
a business now paying 1,500 per month,
and rely on profits for mv pay. Address J.
C. TILTON, Pittsburgh, Pa.
your own selection, free of cost, for a
few days' servic9 in any town or village.
Particulars and a gift sent free by nddrss
ing, with stamp, N. B. CLOUDMAN tt CO.,
40 Hanover St., Boston, Mass.
3 CortIanl St., Aew York.
Manufacturers, Agents and Dealers in
AlLv, Varieties of American Clocks.
Solo Agents for
Pronemnced by all who have beard ,it the
most natural and beautiful imitation ef the
HUMAN VOICE ever yet introduced. J.
ESTEY & CO.. Brattieboro, Vt., the original
Inventors and Manufacturers. 417 Broome
St.. N. Y. ; 79 W. Fayette Sc. Baltimore ;
18 N.7th St.,Phila; 115 Randolph St..Chic.
W claim tt will cut Twenty-Fi're-25-pr
cent more cord wood per dajr
than anjr other Ax made.
McKitBsroaT, Dec. 19, 1867.
Messrs. Lippinoott & Co. Sirs r-l have
fully tried your Patent Axe and find that ll
is all you claim for It. It will chop faster
than any other axe I ever saw, and leaves
the wood without sticking at all. I would
not chop three days without one, forthe cost
I need not say any more, for any'rnan that
tries one will be satisfied. WM. KKBS.
PAIITinM I -Th At nd the Label
UHU I lull are both patented. In
fringers on these patent! will be prosecuted
according to law. Venders and dealers,
and persons using any infringement, are li
able with the maker of tire infringement.
JFor Sale by all Dealers and the Man-
tifacturers, Llppiaott &J3akevre
SuacissORs to Lippikcoti & Co
ri of tha PaUats, PlTTSBUPQ,
with perfect title, for sale cheap for cash.
Apply to E. O. SHEPPAUD. 2 Bowling
Greeu . X. Y. P. O. Box 40S3.
or Alpaca Dress, Wool Shawl, Carpet, 50
yds. SbeetiuK, Family Bible, Sets Ladies'
Furs. Sewing Mnchine, Cloth for Gent's
Suits, &c, for One Dollitr each. Agts.
wanted. Circulars sent tree. Adare33
G. S. V7AUREN & CO., Boston, Mass.
ton Cloth, Dress Patters, Pant Patterns,
Sewing Machines. Watches, Dry and Fancy
Goods, &c, &c. Se id Ten cents for Patent
Pen Fountain, with slip describing an article
in eur dollar sale. Any per.-oti (male or fe
male) can send in a club o;' from SO to 1,000
at Kame rate, (10 cts. for each.) and get a
prei' ium ft r so doing. Send in Registered
loiters. S mples mailed free to an- address.
Eastman kendall,
65 Hmover St., Boston. Mass
And will present to any one sending us a
club in our Great
1 lece uf bhtetmg. Silk Dres Pattern, &c,
Catalogue of gcoda and sample sent to any
address Fats.
IL Federal St.. Boshn, Mass.
P. O Box C.
Wholesale Dealers in French. Gerrrnrj ard
English Fancy G ods. Cutlery, Plated Warej
Albums, Leather Goods, &c.
T 1ST OF CAUSES Ret down for
trial at an adjourned Ce.urt of Common
Pleas of Cambria county, commencing on
Monday, the 2ith day oj Fthruary next :
Brotherlioe vs. Smith et. al.
rtnlon vs.
Burgooa Vs.
Truby vs.
Krif-e vs.
Morley v.
Noel et. al.
Noel et. al.
Calvin ys.
AHimus vs.
w ' -
Hre vh.
BtndoDs Vs.
Smith et- al. vs.
Davis & Litzlngor.
March Term First H
vs. Christy. .
Whits, Trustee,
Crossman, Solomon
& Co.
Crossman, Solomon
4 Co.
vs. McGlade.
vb, Same,
vs. McKeuxie et.
vs. McMuIien.
vs. Hughes & Co.
vs. Adams,
vs. Nagle.
rs. Scanlan.
vs. Hamilton,
vs. Carr.
vs. Woodcock,
vs. George,
vs. McMillan,
vs. Collins.
Shoemaker, ss'ee, vs. Kleinmyer
Prinale. Adm'x.
vs. Pringle
vs. Smith
vs, Gjlclesaer
vs. Black
vs. Heyer et al
vs. Wehn
vs. Zimmerman
vs. Burgooa
I Gm'th, for use,
j Lndi
j Hamburger
i Calvin ct al
j Gurretson
r. Cole et al
Boody's AdmVs
I w'ftnger tl 11
j jna
j iri
I TySrm
! Storm"
Vs. Litiinger et al
vs. Penna R R Co
Vs. Cowan
yt. Lewis el al
vs. Cambria Iron Co
vs. Tenna R R Co
vb. Same
vs. Lynch et al
vs. Ribblett et al
vs. Davis et al
vs. Dunmjer et al
vs. Hubert
vs. Morrison. Ei'r
vs, Allenbaugh
vs. MeOough et al
vs. Southworth et al
frs. Jackson et al
C. K. ZAHM. Troth' v.
Fronheiser et a!
Lemon, Adm'r,
Bloodgood, Ei'r,
Troth'y's Office. Ebensburg, Jan. 27, 1868.
By virtue of sundry or'Iors of sale issuing
out of the Orphans' Court of Cambria coun
ty, I will expose to sale, at the Court He use
in Ebensbnrg. on Wednesday, the Ith day
or March. 15C3. at the hour f 2 o'clock r.
m., by Public Vendue, the following Real
Estate, of which Robert Davis died seized,
LAND, situate in Cnrabri township, about
one mile west of Ebensburg, adjoining the
Turnpike, lands of Alex. McVicker, and
others, containing 7 Acres. 110 Peeches.
situate in Blacklick township, surveyed
warrants in names cf Nathaniel Simpson ,nd
Joseph Conn, containing about 6U0 ''.csrs
valuable as Coal and Timber land?. Also
the Borough of Ebensburg, fronting on Ogle
street C6 feet, and thence ex.endir.g aloaij
Cherry alley 123 feet, t9 Lot ne w own-d by
Joan K. Evans, having '..hereon erected a
new Fa a me Stable, .and. a number of youne
Fruit Trees. Also, the HOUSE AND LOT
situate on the souti side of Hiffh street, ia
said Borough of fvbensburg, adjoining pro-f,ert-r
ZT ,John Dougherty on the west. Geo.
C. K. Zahra on the east, and extending back
to an alloy. The House is a two stobt
frame TiciLDiNo, in excellent rapair, and
there are good outbuildings on the premises.
Tai is oue of the most desirable properties
in town.
Terms or Sale One-half the purchase
money to ba paid on confirmation of sale,
and the balauce in one year, xith interest,
secured by bond and mortgage.
Adm'r of Robert Davis, dee'd.
Ehmsburg, Feb.
13, 18C8.-4t.
dersigned offers for sale one of tbe most
desirable Farms in Cambria county, situate
in Summerhill township, within two miles
of the Pa. II. R. at Wilmore, containing 200
ACRES, half of which is cleared, with a
splendid apple orchard and a good LOG
HOUSE and BARN on the pfemlset. The
property will bo soli together or in lot to
euit purchasers. The teims, which are easy,
will be made known bv R. L. Jntnn
B-q.. Ebensburg ; and an indirjutibla tit'a I
made to the purchaser. j
Jan. 38, 1868.-tf.
TJOTICE. The account of Wfnl
x Palmer. E.o.. ComfMUfj f ,.k r
l " w. v,, lICU
a Lunatic, has been filed in ik r.
thomtary's Office'of Cambria county to b
(Jommou Pl-i cf 8ai J" r U2rt f
;V;OQ Cu thef A'" ? cofirma"
10 ' 1 11761 Monday cf March next.
GEO. C. K. ZA1IM, PrVy.
of rr.nt'ry wilt e.f Ftn.; ?,. r- rn
Vend. Erprm. and Letcri U ?;:. v. u 1 l
oi the Couit of C:min. r. I'les of Cmb.-i
cctitity, anri to me directed, tfcH-j l
posed ta I t Lite Sale at the C u:'. II -vv a
li,Den8Dtirsj. on Wjr1.1v. tie -i ai
next, at 1 o'cIX P. M., U
Rotate, to wit : AW tl right, tUi? ,.r t iu
teret of Dofnetritis WtaVl-.n, cf. it. a t
a piece or patcel ol laad s'.rratcj :r. Ole
field towrbh
(Jauitiiia ouuty,
lands 01 desepn i.ysart. ueorgc ; : . . tTt ,
and others, outinl.'.g 17C accf, uinrr r
less, about ten ac:cs of which are clcrrM
Laving thei eon erected t--o our and a r . '
Ftory boue, now in the rvcttpar jy r i James
Weaklucd. Taken in czpcntion and to b
sold at the suit of I wis Plajk l. al.
Also, All the runt, title and intert. t f
William Gittens, of, ?n aod to a lot of ground
situated in the- borough of Ebensburg. Ctm
tria county, fronting on Main street and ex
tending back to lauds of Stephen Lloyd, ad
joining lands r.f William 'Kitte'.l on the
North and an alley oa the South, having
thereon erected a two ttory frame bor.e;
now in the occupaucy of John Griffith
Taken in execu'iou and to be s-ild at tVa
suit of Ebensburg & Crcsson Rail Road C-.
for use of Philip Collins.
Also. All the right, title and interest of
John J, Trefts, of, in aud to ahlof ground
situated in 3d ward, Johnstown bonughj
fronting on Bedford 6treet and extending
back to an alley, adjoining lot of Mr. -
Giifhith on the North end an alley oti tbe
South, having thereon erected: a (wo story
rdank house, fiame stable and slaughter
house, now in the occupancy tif the said
John J. Treftx Taken ia execution aud to
be s.ld at the suit of Robert Smith.
A-o. AH tbe right, title and intercut of
Charles Piitt, of, in ami to the following de
scribed building and lot of ground of Charlea
Piitt, to wit: "A dwelling house of two
stories, (f.ame.) having a front cf twenty
four feet and depth of tlirty-two feel, sitr
ate on Stony Creel Roet at the foot r(
Level good street, in the borough of Jrhr.f
town and buiit upon a certaiu kt of ground
belonging to eaid Piitt. which said
lot is triangular in shape, and bounded bv
SUjny Creek street, (at the foot of tha
Levergol street.) Stony Crek ritnr. and
an alley which divides the lot of Kaid Charln
Piitt from the property rf Jacob Levergoivl.'
Taken in execution and to te sold tt tha
iuit of Cliarles Uelfrich.
Also, All the right, tit! and interest cT
Pfter Solty, of, in and to a lot of ground
situate lu Cambria tr.-Oug'u, Catnbria conn
ty, fronting seventy frt on Chestnut strr t
and extending back thirty-three feet to a lot
of Mr. ilagtly. adjoining strt
on the ono side and an alley ou the other,
having thereon erected a two i-tory plank
house and plank suble now ia the occupan
cy of Joseph Soley.
A?o. A l t of ground c'tuafc in CaroV.rU
borough, Cambra county, frcutinJT trt'
five feet ou CbfrstnU'-. strtt, at ! ex'e rt:ri
back one huudieJ feet to an alley. adj..inin
!ot .f S8 Lau ad;eh on th ca--t and
Martiu Overmire on the wet. having thc--5
en erected i one and a htlf Ktory !a-"t
house and plank stable, now in tl-e occupan
cy of John Myer. Taken in c secrtiori and
to be sold at the suit of Joseph Soiissiiuc.
JOHN A. BLA iR. SberiiT.
Sheriff's OiSce, Ebensburg. Feb. 13. r-
gTiSTKU'S JSOriCE. 2?o-"
tice ii hereby given that tha following
Acceunti have been passed and fiied in w
Hegister's Of.ioe t itbenbnrg. ard w.'.I ix
presented to the Orpl a Court of Cs U
county, for coi.fa"rmat'ea and illnwancs, Cin
Monday, ihe 2d day rf Msrch n'jc!. to wit :
The f.rht and finsl account ct Wm; Bark
tresser, Adm'r of Nathaniel Brackaa. hie of
Susqu-hanna twp., decrased.
The first and final account e f D. M'Lanah
lin, Adur of Catharine Mehan, late of Mill
rille borough.
The first and final ajcuinl ef PtUr (i
Lehman. Adm'r r.f Levi Weaver, lata of
Richland twp.. dec M.
The account of K. P. Llnfors. im'r of
David Uit. late of JohiMown. rlu-c'd.
The account cf Wm. Caldwell. Quft.m.
of Far.ny Levtrgond.
The account of Wm. CaldweH, Gdardias
of Frank A. JchnfoTj.
The account of Marv Njle, Adni't f
Richard H. Nsgla. doo'l.
The account cf J, hn Kerr, Fx't of Tli.-s.
Rodcers, late of Cn.atigh t.vp , dee'd.
The second rj.i t - .rtial a?co:n t"f Enoch
Farrens worth, A l.u'r or Win. H. Lloyd, late
of Conemaugh twp., eitc'd.
The acenunt of Geo. C. K Zibm. Adra'r
ofZachariah Morris. decd.
The first and partial weeuut of John R.
Nagle. Adm'r cvm testunento annexo ef Rich
ard Nagle, late of Sn.-quebariua twp.. dec' L
The secoud accotiut of Catharine Connelly,
Ex'x of Berna-.l Coiite-ilv, late of Summer
hiil twp.. dee'd.
The first aarl final accoHLt of Ft. M'Larfih
lin. Ad'u'r rf the estate of John Trainar,
late of Cimhria county. d?cM.
T!ie first account of Jopeph Daily, Adm'r
of I'.ogh Daily, late rf Millvil her , dacM.
Ihe third and fiual r.ocouui of Wm, Kll-
i Jell
Aom'r of the estate of John Reca, lata
j of Blacklick twp., !cc"d. of the proceeds rf
j the real estate of tbe said decaed ; ld
pursuant to proceedi igs in pirti!iot.
The partial account e.f Elizabeth Wib!
and Jacob Stolta. Adm'ig of Peter Wible,
dee'd. of the proceeds of the real eftata f
said decesfd ; sold ptirs'iant to proceedings
in partition.
Rgieter's Office. Ebensbiirg. Feb. 1. 1859.
LICENSE NOTICE. Take rioticfi
that the following persons hate fled
Petition for Tavern and Ea'.Iag House Li
censes in the Court of Quarter Session rf
Cambri County, which will be present-! to
the Judges of said Court on the first Mon
day of March next :
Tavebx ticirks.
Cambria Eor. John Coad, 1'ne. Jadg.
Cambria TwF.-..Michssl Lattfra.
Carrolltown Bor. Paul Ellwanger.
Carroll Twp. Nicholas Lamborn.
Conemaugh Twp. peter Rubritz.
Ccusmaugh Bor , 1st Ward Henty Glck,
Ji.cob Widman, Charles Belfrick.
Ebensburg Bor., V. W.Henry Foster.
Gallitsin Twp. Jacob Gearhart, Law.
rence Carrpbell.
Johnstown Bor. CJ Ward, Gotleib Les
siger ; 3d Ward, Thos. M'Cano, Ciias. Zim
merman, Jacob Ream, John Gerhart, Jacob
Holtzworth, Pius Klug ; 4ih Ward, PhiU
Shultice; 5th Ward, August Weisaad.
Loretto Bor. Tfomas Callan.
Millrillc Bor Thotnaa Dnni
Munster Twp.Henry C. Kaylov.
Prospect Bcr. John Smuw.
Taylor Twp. M
Washington Twp Otto Helly"
more uor. Ueorge Wenderoth
-- - wi. annrtv llaur.-
illc:Ael Glauber.
H'U'fiaa Cor. Mlthael Gia.
Eb?nburg Bor. Richard T6I6r.
Johnsio wn Bor. 2d WaikTnf i O'Coa
nell ; 3d Ward, Cyrug lTar
G0. C. K. 7. A II M , Clsrt.