1 3a331H2SSE-fE.12LJ THE FREEMAN. ZEZXSBUllG, PA., TDEdnT, : : : Feb. 13, 18GS. r -11 1 ni -n tt man i an m pi m m m , t-i DATIS A.VD-L(.TO.. The )tfinocratrc Statu Convention, to iu:i ut IIurTioliurg on the 4th of March next, among its other duties?, will nomi nate cnniidutP3 for Auditor General and Surveyor Geneial of 1 V-nnsj Ivaiiia. Sev eral drj-:ihijUKheJ gentleman have been nnrnt-d in connection with er.eh of these ' ' ' ' vei.tion will phrve before the Democracy 101. m i :.f i o ttj.ii. t: nooi.t mo lot t onv hueh cundidatcs as will command the uni- veial support of the party. Whatever claims other candidates may possess, it scents to tin that our standard- t Mirer of If Co should again receive thi i.omiirution. They both received the full -7 Deuioeroiic vole t.'un, and they seem to ., . , , , ti "ially entitled to it noiv. 1 hey are 1 J ' )oth nteii of education and talent both posits ui! the requi.-ito qualifications ;md both shed their blood to preserve that ! An exchange says that a freed woman Union which the mudiKt of KadiciK.a. ! f wirleans bought a skyrocket, un , I dor t Iii impression it was an ornament for now seeks to de.troy. , lho ... i;i wh;ch pUIon s,je wore jt l.j)ti:UIy if Col. Ltuton entitled to a J uut;i iX sagacious urchui touched 4t off. rciiOuunation. When formerly nominated 1 . .'V.e friends of a Western United he was but little known throughout ike !a;es Senator, of intemperate habits, who vj, , , i . i; -i- . recently afpared in the dining rtiora of .State, e.Mcefitiiig fur liu military services. ...... , ' , . ... ,. . , , . ,, t v uiary s hotel, at V. ashington, clad in 1 lis .avd qualifications were, in a measure, : 0!lly a c ganneaf, arc trying to induce taktn upoii trust, or rather upon the as- j hiin to resign. ur.ice of those who khjw him bt st. ! .. A farmer named E. W. Dixon, of : prerenti. d, Mitchell, an honest rj.d rcs yC has, bince that time, been placed in a ! 1,;'f'! Cunty, Virginia, was re- pcetable citizen of Atkansas, died in his v i i I duced to bojgary a few nights since by crll the munlcif-d vh-tiin of t !,r.if.J ml! position whero not onlv lus principles, , it i rto ,v,a . t. ' muiocicu Muim oi a orutat rnn- - ' iK-ing robb-:d of fc3,000 the amount re- nary despotism ae, brutal far more but h,s capacity, have undergone a test, . ceiVcd from the sale of hi, farm but one -han any act that ev er i.-graced the an. and be has fully sustained the reputation ; day previous. j t!!l!i, Df 0,i.CP government under the bis ;Vktstls claimed f.T him. ' -Mis Kettie Iisbee, who stumped j sun. Liuck lliver keninfr. As a Democrat his cour,c has been un- ! iv:',! i;t ,n Ut''J',,1, wo,m'n SUUr? "ac ... ,. , ! c-me over to the Democratic nartv, and wavenrKjr, on all occa.Muns stanamji up for ! :, - ... 4,-T., . , j is now .ecturing on "Ihe r allure and the live integrity of Democratic principles lot," meanirg the f wluieof the llepub never jicldlng to expediency never dloJg- ! bcar.s to avc the country, and the horn? iiuj uny of the real issues of the dav, Ah a Lejiislar, his career compares fa voiably with the most tak ntcd and elo- ijieiit in that body when the Ie:nc-crat ' have fo inriny able find fcarhss cl:arapion.-. V'e do nut know that Col, Li. .ten cares i.r ihe ht ommation, or se.-ks it ; for kiod- j rcty Le as nua h a characteristic of the ii.n as sto his other acpiiiThi"nts. 1j; wo do tl.'uik that it ; a compliment du ' W il: Dviujcruey oi the State, and espr- ' i ai y to the mrcr fahei ing Democratic' .iduvui of lniN Ciimbrii, to place Lim :. ' tea ond lime Ik fore Th-- A.'i'VfH'.tt has o.ji Geary into the "ia?t ditch ar.i the; c ipc-ms disoscd to leave Kim, it sv:rs ce T .. ;iii!y no fault of ihe "grca; failuic" li.at he couid not tflttr the ditvh," (fbotv.di had he been go ing ft t'-jHrcr.t Ji.'rcoo.'i wo have no doubt I - would bavs ckarrd it.jbt.t the f:;?t of history is, h:.t so f.'.r from l-:vd:n "his n.k'ii to the charge," fat-y wvr-s net ahlc him to it. 1 As to Genry'a charge cf politics, .at ! 1 as nothin- fo do with bis nersom.I c.mr- l O 4 ' i He chas.ged repeatedly, but nvt "about the year bl," for a f.-w week-: be fore he was nominated for Governor bv the li he littd? in 1SGC, if he is to 1-2 bolioved ! .imrclf, he was n Democrat, "without ,- - I. i ).. ... . ' hi i.o.x ci pie.i... inuccti. ie l:as alwavs managea to a iapt ins politics to los in- i los in- j ampant ; t":ot. " hen Democracy w:;s r an l protr.aon', tua.ie a r xe ilng on the Old Portsge When it rcrpired back tone, as in JCansas, lie took insults fioni border rufdan i-.r.d liierallv it- 1 wua weakness w .hen it was dangerous to bo a i emocr:.t. In tle palmy days of Know Notbinism, he was, what he is so we!! cpiaKfied (o be, .voinisa. At the fag end of lSuohanan's administration, he was :i valiant Democrat and Ihicham.n's D--pity Manh.d. Hut too much of Geary ' i con-rf.-lcnt in one thing, and fhat is, in the words of Tliad. e-tevens, "a great failure." j II-jvv a it v. t 1 i v. Mititnr r.vi.i.Ks!, The. j forrcspoiiJcnco of Gerend Grant with ' ilit- 1 .e.-iaent, re!.;iv.i to Stanton and the War Department, shows how the might- Jail, when he ordered tLe Adjutant Gen ief.t heroes und most popular men may eral und iissistra.ts to rescue him, but l:d! when th-y ent.r info polities and suf- woat effect. llr fhemselvi s to be influetic ! I v politi- i TT ciaiM. A fhort lime ngo Gen. Grant 1 wo 5IliL,i:i-9 Cavskii by a Lamk was the most popular man in the country. 1 JU'Ui AND rD?G e revived yesterday lie had won imperishable renown on the ! 'n 5c f the employes of the Quincy buttlo field. He was looked upon as a 1 . S. Jo La"ro;uI the news of a shock- model of honor and frankness, and as be ing inherently conservative. He was looked to as the proper man for President, because it was supposed he would not g a with ihe extremo parties. In a word, his po-ition was a sp'.ended on". Rut he fell into the hands cf scheming poll iciuns. Through their influence-, d.ubtlesj, he i went into the War D.-partmcnt to thwart ! the President to watch" and obstruct the I Executive, as ho confesses, in the matter I of carrying out the reconduction laws of ! Coticress. 1 h:? great soldier ha5 been led iato the most cqjivocal conluct throo-h ! teat .l o wheal ii Ihia Ko.nton l,t;.le j v....,e.-S, , w:n iio...tun, ami a. u.siro w pteasc the le vh rsol the domin-cM party in Cot i an.l ihcv b ,vo used him as "u cataw for ! th ir ow.i purport s The fate of General I ti-:n ii.o:;tuii, and a, desire please the : so ; Sc'U might Lave been a warning to him : bwt it 8. vn t! at nml-i;is;n bkn Is and -er-(ftts ike no.-t distir.guk-hed nu n, NVhn we look nt the position General Grant ha I. It ! flinU Ml ! rt(-..r, tl...!.. . " vwiuiuiiir, . ill? 11. . 1 o ... 1 It. 1 . ' UJlLJ U l L II IIP l:li rivMvrvi.tln I U. ,hro-U thU i-nton affair, it ,ay ' ' ' - ti'd tiQ U ! and ail di'4,,3 of the Stomacl! iS, 2' wTl r said : How fcre ih mij-fity ' "'"""l. V- r;iQ ,ir l" Pur'- rhysici.r.s. clergymen, and ad who ue iY en! A. J. fit -.Id. h.m, l it vv itti btt.e h.3 of securing him." join ir. unbounded prdise of its great rirtoe ''",r' C l ) L'ccrm, 25 g.V.d drygjisfs er.rywher. Vric $1. " IJEV7S CF THE YEEK. . .The Democracy of Tionestn, Wnn go county, elected their burgees and town council on Monday the first victor' t-ince the town has been a borough. . . A nero at Fort Porter, New York, attempted to Walk one hundred miles in one hundred consecutive hours, the other day, but fell dead ut the fifty-seventh hour. . .It is ?aid that Mrs. Liincolii id really insane. .Siie lately fold out nil her furni ture for fear ol' being rubbed, and keeps two men hired to etund -uard iu her f huufc-. ..Mure than 22,600 was raid by . i . me c.tiai-j or i.ie .ate i ctcr l-wniiavtt as ! internal revenue tax on Jeizacie?. TIas is j the hirf tax of the kind ever collected in this country. . .M'. Jlenreh'dT, the oil speculator, who was robbed of 1210,000 sevcia! days j since, at Oil Creek, i- s.-.id to be worth ; cur $7,000,000, and ha $1,000 per day. as an income ol . V Au man was picked up ( m the streets of 2ew 1 ork by a policeman J -p, i. r ! .i on J hursday n:ahf. On searching the ! drunkard at the station hmi. :? 4-l.v i was found on his person. - - , . ! ,lui W'-mccrats will. . . i ne .vianitaio t.vitnn.; union says that in South I.-mi.I, recently, a man over t-igldv years of a-c was married t a SwrJi:!i girl of twi r.iy years of p.g?. Mr. 1 J'ugh is a WeIliUi!.r, ai.d con ot .-peak a ; -.d of ITnisl S vedi.-h, raid th jriii can r.ritu'.r sju r.k Wcl.-ii or Knglish. ..A correspondent of l.ic N -w io!i, : 'IVibane, sl.ocke! at the t rrlb!e, . a i. he s ;r. n-ed!e? U.:iv.-:-- h ringing, s-.igge-ts that !.. h" ma !? to t 'iivh a wo with twelve I.oyd -n iars cr.m.n, t. ft-T t!:ev I:::"- c :m-i:--wka d. :':r.oi.w li. ,v wt-tilJ to inat;i.r,.,.!ie us a: d ( j aii.l-j.-s . . At the ex; ! jsion t f the Harry D.-an, j . on the Ohio livr, recently, i n-j of the ; ''dh s on braid was so frightened that the ; ; . . i : r e r (nil H-.e ot iiiitantly ( . - i lite, while that on the other dido j r.la :e d its natural color. A lady t unchanged hair in 1st u-A have ! bo". ri her own. . . A si-houl teacher iu a di.vr'o-t j r.-.ir Vi oodstock viilairo. Wrmo'-.t. reeet.iiv . . "7 , tioew a !.e.-.vy d-.r key at a boy for oing c' !' u t.n- i'f... !!! . " across toe nose, r c h-d the I -kio c-tf iruin that, took an eyebrow vtV, ; 1 boi-r.4 -1 b.ic' sevcu or eight f.-c fa!!-' i:.r c.n tl-.- 11 ,or A Nc.v Yotk ppcr ki ov. s cf a p cr V0P-'n in ;h;it 'v!:,) embroidered a ork, a.J received therefor 1. 'J'l.e r 1 J' Washington correspend ia;erial cost the merchant w ho paid the ev,t "f a K:iJ,' p-ipcr says : : ice for work on it if'7. The .o-nnJ-te ! "Mr. Sira;iue. of Ilh ;d T-l.io.l ,... r,r,""'!e co l'i"u $11, and he recently U f'-'r 70' ! --li:? Elated that n-h were recently ! .tly i ...... ; i. ii'it'ii away irom leaver Jake, iseon- .... rffjT -in, by t! mii, by the. s!e l load by farmers to fctd j ocir hogs with, The iake froze over ' nus!ia..y e ii this year without air :S. A ..:., n t. . . .1 1 o.o.j: .-j ii.i irjivs Hiio me iaKe, nvi:,ir.g a I :e spaec of open water near the s.are, mid here the ihh ru,hcd lr j air, crowding so thick that sleds were loaded wuh them with pitchforks. . .In h rank fort, Ky., en the 20th, a j riro com rait' cl ko cutrag on an Iri-h ! L'irl, tit.etn yeais ell, and afterwards threw her over an embankment at the railroad tunnel, breaking her shoulder blade and otherwise injuring her. The nepro was subsequently arrested and lodg ed in j-.il. On the 30th a crowd of in furiated citizens assembled and forced the jail open, taking the negro out and hang ing hioi to a tree on top of the precipice where the young Irish girl was thrown over. Several shots were fired into his while hanging. The Governor Knew r.uxning ol U e ot j -ct ol the citizens until the nrisonr-r luiil lvon t-A-.-n r,..ir. il.o in- amor inai transpired at Uottaviile.iMo.. one hundred miles west of this place. The particulars are as follows: "A farmer who lived r.ear Iwtlsi!!e, on going into his yard or field, discovered a lame mule, belonging to bis mighbor, eating and destroying his oats, which were stacked J near the house. He a: euce set his do" -f LJ ones sot his dog Vf laC cnfl aii;n':tl- 11:5 nghb, ,the V' cf,t!,.e c,uIe observing the dog ara-n? a!Kl ng the animal, went j 0 1l!lC no?:c Prfcurod Lis gun and shot j " J "u aggravate.i me owijer that hc rrocurci a gun, a Cing to his ndghhor's, discharged it . , T.r ...... 1. . 1 .. . .r ".onuau-iy ins neigtaor and , V v'lfc wcr8 f hf dic;,arr'u f" i.im v. i.c uu h.anumg near, tlai latter uit in her arms. The sin om the gun not only killed the nmie, but inflicted a mortal wound upon the mar, and left the child a corpse wi its mother's arms. As sotn r.s the p-petrator of the dee 1 rwi.liz.-d the terrible A Sl'KCIMEX Oi Mil itahy DnsronsM. Near the Southern centre of this State of Arkansas lived, a few months ago, a young man and his still your.er sister, with a young and accomplished wife, whom he had taken to his home fireside. Everything seemed bright and beautiful before them. The young; man's name was Mitchell. In August last Mitchell bein absent, as also was his sister at n neighboring house a worthless scoundrel cr.ine to their house, whose advances the young lady had rather sccrnfully repulsed, and hired a negro man to send a negro b'y to tc!i Miss Mitchell that a lady had called to see her, and desired her to leturn home. After closely questioning the boy the young hidy was convinced that lie ..o tf i!',: her a lie, and did not return, I,, the cvcn'uio; the bt other returned, and having learned the facts as above stated, jiti 1 provoked at the impudence cf the no pro who had accepted a bribe to sen 1 m lie to his young sister, lashed him well with a bridle rci The negro went to Duvali's IIIu.'Fand reported to one McCnllorh, agent of the Freed inen's U-jreau, who r-ferred the matter to General Smith, at Little Hock. C?mi;h at once ordered the arrest of young Mitch ell, who was incarcerated in the Arkansas penitentiary in a dark cell, four by eiikj let t in size, w here he lay for nearly four months awaiting triul by a military com- mission. Seeing no disposition on the part of tke military despots to give Lim even the form of a trial, young Mitchell's counsel prepared, about the 20th of Octo ber, an application to the Judge of the Distiiet Court of the I7t.it. d Sta'es of ike North'. rn District of Aikai sas. for a writ of It-.tli: its corr.im but bef .i e it could be Waki:in(j aoainot tc Dlad. The New York Tribune says : "It is said that Gov. Genry withholda the lYuriiylvania appropriation tWa the An tictam Ceructry becan.e the Maryland au th'iritks have made provi.dr n for buryinc tic re'-fl dc.vd ;l:trrin. We tri:.-t tliat" the stfy r.-.t true. If '.vc a:e :ealy r t.;u dun the l- b-As who 1 i.iVj i iki .l i.vn t 'acir .irms, c.iu s r.ot f rg"t re.-ertTent towards tL. se who have given s:p their lives' Gov. Geary has not- only withheld the nppropnati'n, out has socurvd the passn-o pa t a ic-'o.ution o f th aiiris in the Lower tb . h - L"lt rsi.it ore, for so doing .v.-ry "i rTow imraf.d Ljockhcatl" and (Vvry !:t!le neatro"' votinjr for it. . I!: V. tiiei:u:i;b r ol tune who voted tho? ."r? :-c:n-2 who wens roforious cpr-oii- lators in the neccs.-i'.i of the Gove;rii!oif dui !!"jr the v ir otl'tr? '.v!:o simulated ailments arid plead ae to avoid conrrlo- tion, and sti 1 others who fc t tv-froes info the army to destroy rations in th.ir stead. Among these who voted r.ainsi thank Geiry for his hyena-like, conduct, were u l.LC.bcr of brave Democratic soldiers- i.i;:uu , luaiKii, liousii ana others who n-.t only met th? rebels in fair li -h. l.it T . 1.. !. 11 1 -I ., !-h.! tkrir b'oo-.t In r'..v .,r.i.., r. ------- 3 --. .1 I IU. V J I L 1 I meat the Government which their noli- .-1 -.a,...-.-.s I .,11.. .1 1 I ... . . . - ' ' - , . . . . runted, and brounht to the vcr( of Hr-.fir.. cial nnd political ruin w ith their malignant anU corrapt partisan measures. V-:-.' u uton. Tinr Sexatoks. "God and Mo a li,J'-- Sensation, about one o'clock, by insisting on bis r?p!t to the floor. lie finally made huo.se.if uudlll-j a.oiniu to sv, by e finally made himself nudiL'j a.omjJt lo svj 1 ''' ''i a pmttoa jium las constiiuctits. . 7 , .... . .. u'r' lrtre P00t' ami had no one to reic M',!t 'hem on this floor. After this sur- in.-ing declaration he became discouraged. .,.1 ..... 1 .... .. . ... oi.i nus iiM?iuii o oiii me nau bv a svia- pathizir." Seniaor." Discouraged" is rood. We supoose the "sympathizing Senator" was Yate of HHoois, who recently made his appeal ance in the uininii-room of Wlard's lloted. clad in .1 sin"lo lino, -...r,,,.,,,, a strong movement is on foot to induce him to resign. lie 1ms been in his seat very little during the present session. Chand ler, of Michigan, is little better than Yates, being drunk most of Ids time. Ve do not suppose Wendell Hiillips, and the more decent and conscientious Radicals, will be able to damage General Grant seriously with the politicians of the Ke publican party by proving that he is frequently drunk. It seems to be a very common thing with the present leaders of the '-God and morality" party. Lcincus tcr Lit. c- - o - Moke than They R-ARfiAixKi Fon. The Washington correspondent of the New York lJcrcdd says, the House Judi ciary Committee, in investigating the matter of Mr. Justice Field"s alleged ex pressions with regard to the unconstitu tionality of the Reconstruction acts, found more than they expected, or perhaps de sired. The chairman of the committee - I. .... n ........ 1. ,1 f i i-cvu, xjn a, 1 luoiougu ivauicai, was called to the stand as a witness, and he testified that not only Mr. Field, but Mr. Justice Davies, and, what is more astound ujg, Chief Justice Chase, had pro- I)0uriced the p unconstitution of tLc Radica pending Reconstruction bill ioual. The rtCAt Ilieh l'rit 1 Church, tha Radical can- jiJa(e fl Wilson's testimony created a commotion, at this capital. Cot's I)jpcpfla Cure Will immediately relieve and icrmanently cure the mo.-t ng-rayated c-.tseof 1) vspensia. ,r (!:.- I'raji.tinmi f'l.'. .C T , - . .n-i , , ' . uoiu uay oi January, sv. v. ioo, Dotti days inclusive, ana nna inem J VCAW - k-JIUVilt 1.1 A 1 , ' . 'J.li . .... . 1T I A W-v . . . . . - , . . I ; ,. ,, . ... . r . aa lun-uivi siie:iieni oi iiau:illief ana vsceis ui haiu i-.ii"t-ii, ulli; tii iJiniiie CO.nVCTta- ..I ... .1,., C : ... . . c t t-i-.- i . - -1 ,1 ' i i ,: ,7.7. . : , " rt Witness our hands, a: the Commissioners' Office, the 30th li. .11 .iii- iiiii luirim.r i li nni i , . i .... . , w, ipju,,. II. D. .S1IAFFE1I, 1 ..... v..u.,.. y a. -u.j.uMj lo lae D. A. HITHER, ) Auditors, mousmg pohticaans who thought to make EDWARD D. EVANS, I a case agatnst Mr. Justice Field ! Mr. A.c. r--,. vr . 1 RECEIPTS MB EXPEKBITURES CF CMB8U feiiSTL I'fom til 27Ha day or Janusiiy, A, D. to t!i 30?Ia Car of ' January, A. 19. ISSS, boJIi Cajs 1dcIs.:to. Dr. BERNARD M'DERMITT, Treasurer cf Cambria County. dr. 1SG7. To b alance due the County at last setrement, To amount of County Taxes re ceived from Collectors for A. 1). 18G7 and preVrus years, To amount Poor Taxes, do. do. 3,792 21.571 222 C'2i '1 amount Kolief 'tff aniourjt ivU'iit'y 1805, do. 'y " do. To ani;nit C.A.ty Ta"X"s on seat tl aud unseated lands for 187 and pievaivis j-ears, Tt amount Poor Taxes, do. do.. To amount Relief Taxes on seat ed aa.d unhealed lands, fur '65 and previous year;. To amount K'ad Tuxes on Peat td and unseated lands, for '07 and previous years. To amount School do do To amount Vunty Taxes on suited and unseated lands, for 1830 aDl preTioua years. To amouut received from mls cellanec'iis sourceP, To amount received en redemp tion of lands, To amount f Exonerations al lowed Collectors on Co. Tax, To amount of Commission allow ed Collectors on C. Tax, To amcunt of Exonerations- al lowed Collectors en Poor Tax, To amount allowed on Commis sions on Poor Tax, To, amount of Exonerations al lowed Collectors on jSilitarv Tax, To amount Commissions allowed Culles-tra pu Military Tax, 75 -',0 Zl 41 3 72 80 10 109 61 9 60 C81 07 182 15 1,142 98 1,138 83' G73 9C 02 253 00 61 01 S40.713 33 OUTSTANDING DEBTS nae lYo:u CcIIt ttors fbr A. O. ls(i7 ana previous jris: 1804. Wm. "eD.-rniit. W.ishint -n tp, Ifc'io. J. 1). I'arrih, Khmsburg b...r., Daniel Odlarra. rdunster tp., G. W. MeDowe!!, MiliviHe bor., Henry L! -yd, Su.-'juel.;r.na tp Jahn Priiigle, Viiin.e borough, A. M-.ikcn. B'acl;Ii..k townsliip. Anthorv Gill. Ciiest township, M D mc-an, Clearfield tp.. Da-del Prinze. CroyWo tp., II my Riger, Jackson tp., Robe-t Boyle. Miilvi'de. Lor., John P. Stuil, Richland tp.. Samuel Stutzti;R, Teylor t.p., James Conrad. Wa.ihit'glon tp., Jacob P. SdssTCT, Yoder (p.. Joe:;h Dailv," Allegheny tp., J .seoh Mau'is. Blaeklick tp., E; t::i z; r Williams, Cambria tp.., Joi n Yahner, Carroll township, A. r'arabauh , Carrullt j'.vu bor., Bd-z.T Hi-liVick, Clest tp , John Wagner, Chest p;iiigs bor. J. M. Dunegan, Clearfield tp., Chas. Ilalfiick, Conemaugh lor., George B. Wikr, Croyle tp., Geo. V. Oatrnan, Ebwnsbm g Lor. W. V. Harrison, Jackson tr., Wm. F'a'ury, Johnstowu b.-r.. David Tubin, Gallifzia township, George Yioger, Ivrctto b'Tough, Robert Boyle, Millvi!!e borough, Wm. B. D.vtr, Munsr town diip, George Grris. Richland toxr.'hip, Christian Shafur, Sunimerhill tp. J.. Sliarlaimh, Sumimtvillo bor., J jIiii Porter, Su.quebaiiua t p. , Jonas J. Goughnour, Taylor (p., J. MeGiiuigle, Washington tp., Pirrv Tioxe!, White lownuhip, Joseph Horner, Wil mo-re lr., Chas. Cr'uirr.an, Yovltr tewnsijp, 1507. AMOUNT DUE CAMBRIA COUNTY FROM JUDGMENTS, &c. : Theodore Harnett ") No. 10 March Term, IS60, I Hal. of Debt, and f Interest to Jan. 3 Robert Ik Gageby, J Costs, ") No. 31, Hal Del ) Costs 1 T 'I . Jacob Borgoon, 1 No. 2S0 Dec. Term, 18CG, I Debt, Interest to January 30, 18G8. George Gates, J V ost?, Total, AMOUNT DUE CAMBRIA COUNTY MISCELLANEOUS : R. P. Linton, late SheiifF, $17 C7 D. T. Storm, late Commissioner, 1G 78 Same, 4 years interest on sain?,- 4 03 20 81 Total, 33 48 Statement Iiowlugr I-labllillo and Assets of the Count). LIABILITIES. Outstanding Orders, $ 3,7oS 12 Balance in favor County, 13,793 G7 Total, 517,551 79 Given under our bands at EbeiiBburg. uv;u.i o.ijii itksi.u, i JOHN FEJiGUSON, V Commissioners. JNO. A. KENNEDY, J Attest Wii.uaji II. S-:cnf.ER, Clerk. We the undersigned, Auditors of Cambria County, do recpectfully report, that we have carefully examined the accounts and tlie said bounty Commissioner from the gXI.CUTOli'S NOTIC15. Lttlars TcMamentnry liavir.fr been granted by the UegUttr of Cambria county to the un dersigned on the estate of Mrs. Eleanor Dod soii, l ite of Allegheny township, dec'J, al! parsons having claims against said estate will present tlietn properly fuithenticaled fu.r settlement, and those indebted to rfie same will make payment without delay. P. II. SHIELDS, Executor. Lerett, Ja. 13W.-St. 1SG7. By amount paid Assessors. 1.141 Co J, By am. unt paid Auditors, Coun ty and btala accounts, f'y aniouut faid Bounty, 71 Iy amount pai 1 Bridgrj. 49 j l'y amount paid Commissioners, li) j V.y amount jwid Com'ia' CJeik, oB r iy amount paid do Coifusel. 243 10 1.802 1.07G 450 275 78 122 465 2.1G8 924 549 245 210 2S7 1,423 2,776 69 654 26 840 20 8.T50 300 285 135 i liy amount paid Constables, iiy amount j aid Ourt CriVT, Uy amr.uiit paid Court House, liy amount paid Cim. Pios'us, l'.y amount paid Elections, By amount paid IVx Hoalpe, By amount paid Fuel, By amount paid locidmUds. fly amount paid Inquisitions, By amount paid Jail and Jailor, By amount paid Jurors, fTrav.) By amount paid Jurors, (Tales.) By amount paid Jurors, (Urand) By amount paid Jury Com'rs, By amount paid "Military, By amount paid I By amount paid Poor House, By amount paid P. II. Directors By amouut paid Printing. By amount paid Probates, By antonnt paid Prothonntary and Clerk ot Quarter Sessions, By amount paid Rcdcm. Lands, By amount p.dd Rtfund'g orders By amount paid Relief, By amount paid Road Damapes, By amount j aid'RoadandBiidgo Views, By amount pid Schoolg, By amount paid Sheriffs., amount paid Stationery. By amount paid Supervisors. By amaur.t paid Teach. Institute By amount paid Tipstaves. By amount paid Trans. Records, By amount paid Wildcat Scalps, By amount paid Western Peni tentiary, By Coannifsi 'm to Collectors on County. Poor, Military and Slate Taxes, By Kx ncr.itions to Collectors for G-nuty. Puor, Military and State Taxes. By Commissi. .us on 333.016 24 By am'i in Treasurer's hands. 752 72 510 29 217 390 2,323 S55 255 1,410 62 40 69 24 829 1,741 81 1,919 94 1,166 62 2.795 72 40,713 33 T.taU Co. Tax. Poor. State. Relief. Military. 117 01 2 47 45 Ofl S9 23 20 3J 9 C6 9 66 12 81 84 6 63 G2 4i 3 81 62 82 62 43 14 18 83 21 73 13 70 38 81 61 79 140 .3 95 44 10 49 133 87 SS 70 119 03 60 2 8 85 47 00 73 14 29 2.3 21 94 th litigr. tiers. 165 50 Sti 12 01 13 55 5 40 ' 2 10 In litigation. 400 41 221 03 24 03 20 50 74 9 10 85 22 23 6 5 6S2 14 285 15 S4 69 20 50 754 So 41 68 49 48 60 15 30 9 54 18 78 2 00 SO 110 57 29 12 21 50 155 33 80 41 24 97 .10 00 C39 G2 192 20 11 81 22 00 283 CO 134 0G 24 64 41 50 1 210 5 105 92 45 10 1C 00 ! loO G9 52 UQ 9G 28 27 00 ar.Bii ics 2i a 67 20 50 210 C5 14 65 234 11 110 00 , 114 73 32 S3 18 91 1ft 00 0-5 S3 43 35 17 02 7 60 72 00 86 CO In litigation. 41 5 23 41 7 ?5 12 50 Jl 29-1 f? 4T 81 41 00 40S 23 208 33 31 C2 L0 5 CO 05 E0 44 li 23 5 00 476 88 254 65 40 22 14 00 347 54 173 CO 39 00 83 03 5S2 SS 291 03 45 06 19 00 49 72 81 34 19 43 7 00 155 12 77 81 15 C9 6 00 5 00 4 50 Id litigation. $7,749 79 3.904 17 1.206 73 232 03 5S 00 $155 30 1 K) 9 62 6if 00 12 02 178 S-7. 4 22 1 25 '3, 1863, $116 11 CSS 92 If? TP TV 183 84 S100S 87 ASSETS. Amt'a due from Judgments, $1,008 87 Ami's due, Miscellaneous, ' 33 48 Ami's due from Collectors, 13,708 72 A ui't in Treasurer's h inds, 2,795 72 Total,' $17,551 79 this 30th day of January, A. D. 1863. T. - n v f Vr ijimi r n voucher of Ueceipfs and Expenditures of 27th day of January, A. D- lbbV, to tne to bo correct ; County. lay of January, A- D. "lXECUTOirS NOTICE. Letters J" 'lestaaientary cavtng ocn jrr..ai-u oy the Rercister of Carabria couiiry t the ua- designed enjfie estate of Mic'a.ie! C-rr.f( late of AllegTTVriy township, drcM., iU ntr sons having claitis rgrair. ,t s-'.j c.tn.t will preteut. tueia projierly iri?Etkate1 fr ?&t tlenictit, Rad thosv, inJebtt J to ths s-vioe will niakj payra-iii tvit'aoat d-clay; PATRICK T. CAB'ST, T.x -ror. AlighenT 7 Ju. 9, 18??. f1 T" Zili.r, Treasurer, IN ACOt CI I- WMJI TAF. ocr r.nd Ecnso ci Emplovmeiit OF CASIUKIA COUUITY. DR. 18G7. To ba. in TrcasBr's hards at settlement, To County ..i er on hand. do. To Comity crde.-a issued darln- A.I). 1867. To amount received frcm CLas. Mc(?oy. on loan, To bl. ue Treaaarer Zahui. Z 331 2.750 D.000 200 r $12,337 $2,207 73 OS 167 114 Go 71 00 51 00 00 00 CO 72 62 89 C3 58 90 30 75 70 88 81 00 07 76 60 C6 00 00 00 55 Tutal. CR. 1867. By amount paid on in debtedness prior to Jan. '07, By amount pail for Bank discount iJoyJ & (i $30 ; Geo C K Z .hm, 43 04, Blacksmithing R. II. Sir.gr, $22 70; P. Mealy, 10.70; Thos Davis, 45.00, ; Boots and Shoes Melius, Cur rier & Co., $122.50; Cyrus Hart, 45. CO, Clcthipg Cyrus Hart. 20 pairs lV.nis, SOS; II. Nutter, 4; G.rr(tt, Your;, S.vtt & Co 42, Cord Tvan E Pvar.s, $59. S3; Wm Tiicy, 37.53, CoiTms Davi.l W Jones. $51. . 75 ; J Wright, 4; I'hiiip S Custer. 5 ; Wm Orr & S.n, 14; Juo Purdy, 11, Cor.s;abk-o' Fees C B Ellis. $7.70 ; Geo C X Zar m, 4 50 ; G W M'Dc.veil, 7.50; Job a Martin. G ; It Bytkman, 2?. 25; Ifei.ry Byrne, 3.60; C Snyder, 4.75; N Nag!?, 4.96; Geo Orris, 7 70 ; J s I f. rbv. 15 60; A B Davis. 7.75 ; K James, 1C.70 ; J Christy. 4 ; Joseph Daily, 19.50; A I)ig- l.am , 3-55; Geo Yarrer, 3.45, O uny Orders cn l ands. Dry G. oJs E; r-hc-maktr A Son. $251.19 ; Juo Gci 15 ; Gardner & Stewart, 102. bG ; llaviland, Litdi!ey A: Co., 107.79; Kin?. Barth A; Co . 10; David D.Urt, 40 yds muslin, 8.10, Farn;rrs II Dk-kell, ?."0 09 ; John W reCiii.ell, 90 93, Farmit.g Implcijumts M ses Kring, 1 twin 'cJ, J 4 1 ; Ji.p IIumpl:res. lay totk, 11 : 20 95 81 00 00 25 82 04 23 25 24 00 50 5 3G 1-15 S,0o J 524 147 Go'leib Bantley, rope fr h.iy fork. 5.30; T B grain driil, 76 : -"j;e 1 Fke.ur and G rain AMTadbn. 5t Bios., Il.v9-".. ones Diik. ll. 131.50; It J Lkyd, 14 ; G G Owens, 14 ; FrriLt James J Kavh.-r. Groceries T G Stewart &G., coffee. $14S.2G; .Taa I Mur ray. 52cts; It II Tudor, m bill, 91 04 ; Jos Gus, o5.50 ; A M'Fudden el- Bros., 14 .69, Hardware and Tinware Geo. Huntley, $5 66 ; 12 Glass, 4-85 ; Harness Hugh A MCy, 11 .ise Servants Racl.at-1 A Burke, $56 85 : M Mou-e, ft. 54 ; Theresa MeDevitb, 57 ; Elizabeth M'Caidty, 1G ; Icteresf Wm Palmer, 1.7; J J Kaylor, 5 Gets ; Charles MeCcy, 8.50; E Shocrr.aktr vt Sun, 2.15 : John V Mc G.nr.eH, 50cts; Theresa Mc Devilt, lOeta; J.epli (.:. s, 2Cetv; Justice Fees J S Straver. $11; F B-'art--, 1 ; 1 R athdg-.', 91-64; Lumber 11 McGuiic, 500fet piauk, 1,553 320 133 11 10 -3 6 Mu.it Jar J Iay! 4S0 us beef. i-lG. 00; Same, lbs matton. etc., 4S.15 ; Georga C K Z slim.644 lbs Let f, ttc, 87 o2 ; Sime, '20-20 ,0., do., 125.24 ; Sam-. Co lbs veal. 9.50 ; damtv Driskell, "JOS lio DlKKc:;, 4?,. 20 ; S;i:r,K, 00 lbs veal, 11.70; F Kittell, C0J lb.; beef. 8.Z2 ivter ll-iltzie, L-ccf, 'J.Z0 ; 7,'tn Xaylor, 2557 lbs beef. 170 20 Printing II D Wtodn.tl, i l.oJ J "JJ ri.'.ark, 1.50 ; Provisions M D.ikc:i, 61 bus. potatoes, ill ; James Drib-kc-tl, Lo ditto. 63 ; Joseph Daily, 15 bu. beans, 22 00 ; James J Kayl.T, 4J bairels cider, 20 bus arjdcs, l l 50 ; Pa lief to Out-Door IVipcy Wm McPhersoD, $123.00; Juo riarman. 23; J ni.-ueh, 3G ; Wm Fiatt.-ry, 10.50; Gcorgo Orris, 2o7.S5 ; Tiie-s Jinks, 2o ; John Furka 30; Jai,t Jones, 32.23 ; E James, 1G ; Isaac S Horner, 5; Mary Wolford. l.".,0; Win Palmer, 102.75; Th. s George, 1C ; Barbara Bar tranC 30 ; II Byrne, 20-50 ; Joseph Daily, 52 50 ; Wm Ivlartin, 33; Mrs Williams, 3 ; J Murphy, IS. 78 ; lleury Walters. 101 ; A J Stcuimcr, 'i.60; Mia McKerr, 10; Jao Sivtrt, 8.50: Tln.s Hoekr, 5; Wo.d, Morrcll & Oj. 40; Geo Wehn, Jr., 142 C2 ; I WisMnger, 13.18 ; J hn Mc Closkey, 100; J. hn McCol gau, 7 ; Patrick Kelly, 122; James Murray. 41.50 ; John W WeJ.D, 6S.50 ; Mary Mali gns. 43 ; A Oswalt. 3-0 ; J llvarj, 9; John D Timrn.-.s, 10.50; Peter Perg, 3.25 ; Relief to Out-I)A"r Paupers (Medical Attendance) Ii W Marbourg, $H7 ; C Emerson, Cl.50; li L Yeaglev, 6S.75 : W W Walter. 10 ; Repaii? Morgan Humphreys, $7.50; J D Hrtsock,9 30 ; T P M,re, 7.05 ; Salaries Jas J Kaylor, $204 ; George C K Zahm, l war, 133.34 ; S 00 210 1,703 2o 167 :3 ei 837 '2 d SO 2 Sewing ElizaVth Skilly, Snndiies I: V Hx.k, ; J J Kaylcr, 9j 09 ; Stationery Jnv.ti Murraj-. Sock for Farm Georne C K Zihm, fir 1 mare $123 ; Jao Feulon, 2 pigs 14 j 139 T1- .112,307 14 OUTSTANDING T)tVrs DUE BY THE POOR UOUriM KJutstandiD? orden prior fj i'o. ilo. for year 1867, 2.516 i 1 Total, - $-',,025 INMATES OP POOR TJOUSii. 5s o. Tnrriate? Jiu'y No. dbcharod Jb abscondetl , No. remaining 1st Jan'ry, 169. No. admitted dtjr- I in tho year, T r i ir BcvnH out. Insr, INVENTORY OF PROPEirrY IJemaining t the 1W Hnse wLcD iA charge of by IJ. M'Dero,iu, ("Steward.) Z shown by appraisement li3t dntea Jart 7th, 1868, Bisned by James Mv?r ii J Device and F. l Tierccy, and f.;". the Imr House. Miso-Hancoa.i AiOlcs. 23 muslin heet; 10 m-atlin ( I cmiMtte-; 7 he ts ; lL:r3'l sbi ts ; 1 tick aad boh-ter ; 18 pillow i! i j K ; 3 lan.ps; 9 milk pots; 1 ct ff.;e mill; 3 tin buckets; 5 dish pans; 3 Ceitee boilers; 1 cooking stove and fixtures: 2 wah fuLf s ..T.j... . j i 1 i: . ..... ' last 37 00 00 00 r 14 4S 04 40 SC CO 8.J l e ...... i ...... , , i knifes and l-rks ; 3 g!a-s t!;-! la ; 3 :-(,U!i trays; I fa rot : 2 pitrii'.is; 11 n.-l:e : cream j itch."-rs ; 2 sugar l-ow-.s ; 7 smooth ing irins : 23 paries glass; 2 wash-b -nr.is ; 1 r-ap of Carr.f-ria county ; 2 bufl'-tlo rob'. Arik'.es of Furniture for He Home. 1 rupboaif : 27 ir.i b dsi eads w it h bed-ling ; 2 ir.-u U-dstevls without be.lding : 14 oil s'aT;.', ch.urs id tables; C st-jves . 1 old ten 1 ( Id bo. k ca-.-e ; ff.ovc ; i timmg titj.e s"iik. r I . 1 1- - .. 1 ('e-ugh-trav and 1 AriUlcs j ClaJa i;7 j;- a ' ore AT utii. ?ed. 'i ill : 1 vtloJ new : d.-z hats : X i si-:;.:i uvin ic ol om 2ir.v ; 24 yards ti- i.i: pans pants : J".) pa.rs Shoes; 4 2 or.ir.".; cotton Lattn.g : 1 nross siioe stnms 7 i; sey .1, esoes, and 1 Led hap. Arises 1'rovi.u'o.i an ! Ivc?. l s -3 1 com in ti.u ear : 100 bus oats ; 10 L :;n !.s f 11 "- ; heg Csh ; 9 crocks oT apt h- l-u'-cr ; 15 gall-..iis t.-f apple b.iacr : CO iis : a lbs c f,'..e ; ;?1 los pepp.r ; 0 bus b. o.s ;.:id 15 i" ns hay. S!oI: iitd r.tnu I.:j-L,n:..!s 1 L-., s.IcJ ; 1 bay r ike : 1 m.-wm n.aci.'u.e : 1 cram v.lo. ? 2setlSti ;i( V.-p ;;,! ; 1 i 1 , ' : ; - , 5 ri.i'f- 1 1 .-'.;ovei j !-;vv ; 1 harrow- l jvitent I. ay lilu-r und r- e for so.e ; 1 wind-mill ; 1 straw eiiio r: 1 nianme f.-k ; 1 whcl barrow; 1 .'.d -rit.,1 st..ne : 1 old wa--.ii; 1 .-y.rii;.T vv.;gojj : 3 l ea ! h or. -..-' : 4 0 CO 3 1 whtt ii ; C l.-.r-'v I, -rs : ID I iS ami 1 p'o-- ;. LIST OF AP.'l'K T.i;s ', - I p-raised as te.c pro: civ o! li. M'Dermitt: ! 1 mijrgr, $1 15 ' L' ;-r un1 -,( h- I 1 sle'.L'li, 45 '..'! -. . !.,ths 10 00 I 1 sett kinm', 2-j 0a ! lr'.-- cot r I 1 r'lJ!- it ii j i k title. ' UO i - iJle, IS 00; 1 lo?. tllver 1 cox, 0"i forks. s u) j 1 egg stove w 1 do:', knives .t I il-, 12 C 'i forkc. 4 0-4 j 1 h ti'j tlock !.' 1 butc'r kaif-'. 1 0J 2 t.ib'.r, 8 0'"j (' irv. kr.ifrj 11 chr-i-?, 7 Oti! au-I foi-k, 1 0" i 1 cupboard, fj (ij 1 stt-c-i, l on '0 i!iil"--c pots, 4 o"j 1 sc-.t tiis'ies, $ tn.i 2 ere:tl;i .'.o. 2 ji'i i .i.n'.'.trrs, 1 J 3 3 ba.-kets, 4 !"'. 1 ci t.-s u;a'., a::'u iVait. l'i -ri !:;!; . 1 r,o l.tvix tail. 3 ci. ; :eioi.-i, 1 i.'O i bob !!;nr, ti ,..! 1 i.-r -f i..: !;0 2 ctooivS, r.o (,-Um. 5 f.o j 1 v. iiip. 1 5vl 2 loiielitt--. 1 i iV j ctreiij'-r an i ! gcoj soi'., i,a i co dee mi!:, 1 0-: 1 (.oireau, 8 D j 1 s'tc.'tiu-i.-at- j ! stand, 3 oO ; tm chairs, 9 0;21 v'ti is tjoo-i : rocii'g chair 5 o-. weu'.'n car- ; 2 K-i? a LtJ- j . t. 5 '"0 ! Rg. 45 Uo44 oi,-,!? partly 1 f-i.ie t.ii.Ie. IU j t,rn i;it'oi. n-" ; 1 j. a i r n.h'.e. ;i0 vds oil c!--'t:i le 0' j C'.otb?, 10 ('. i l.;;y u:::re, 13- o ! T.-t.ti, .?7 We the uadersigm I Au iit ,..,) .. .r-. j lO'ijty, icspvctl'uiiy ; c--.it. lii .t - .. . ' n-aiiOe-l. Settled, a ! :! Jo'j t..t f.J T i: itt i of t'.e I'oer au-1 iioti-; of I.ati-i. v.-.u-nt oi ! s-dd t.'o'iaty. vvi:. N lo-erg.- i'. K .-.!. u. '; rri 1 -i'rer tr:rco!', accordia to hi .v. :i : ! :;,.; 91 07 01 ! 39 Oi 01 00 ' !.m! i.'ictr liae t'.ie .-.".:! Tl -.s:i:-r of t if:v - ti vc j uoil-irs and sc v ?uty-st vc-ti o p!-'. ; Given i;:i.'.-r oar hur.Us tki 2 I -1 dav of ! JaiiU.irv, A. I. lS:-. j H. R. ti H A F FK IJ, ) J. A. bUT:ib:l. I Auditors i:iv, ;;i i. lvans. j Attest Gr.o. W. (J.vtv. :;, Clerk. 7 LEY EN Til ANN I AL I J MP. NT OF Till: rUoTr.c i ij ,mlm in- Tut-: rui i :( Ti'.ix Mr. TL'Ab KliJ-: INSFnANCii lO.Il'ANV I'F cami;kia an'.Nir. r. Aiiit. pro:-.-rtv ir.siir'. J as j sr lvliiiniiiu.il report 3, 3 C-l A rat. proi'CTty insured since loiL :un;u.;i report 75.T3T C IleJaet PI -r!T iiisiireu po :iC3 caace lied x it'..'.oc d: 4 I i i 10 ! A uit. f.rcniiure. io''S in firoc a par lCth auuual rep n t A rat. notes taken if:ce bt.t an nual rt'-ort. 9J : 4 0 -ti;.. cT 3,172 l) Deduct aii't notes r:: erj ircd i-iuee l.ut n; i. ad 4 '.i , '1 1 ii o 1 ! "'5 I : t 30 173 . No. roiieu's vi fe;rie as per lota ' fi i! io.i .il rejio i t ! No. policies Since i.ul report Opduct cf.ncc'lc 1 and expire 1 er i a Bal. in Tre.iy. Jiin. 1.1. ljy-7 i I'efv ct.t. on pleai.atr.s collected since loth ainit.'il report To arat. niaessnetit No. 1 72 1,7 lo I Centpetisation oTicers agents pat year !?20C " 2 Inrideutal expenses past year f" 1 ZH Py arat. pd. I'.ivid Crerd 230 74 By amt. pJ. Hubert Ed wards l.-'' 0 '"'" Bv amt. pd. F. I'. Tier m v 2 -J t-J Dal. iu bauds of Tre vs. aid A'ls. '.'i 23 liirHIHt EoK r.NCINti VI At: Tres : d o n t .1 o ii n V' i i 1: a is a . "ccrc'.ary and Treasurer F J. Lloyd. 25 i i i;. r...:., r.s. Executive Coraniittce i 1. 1-;i a f..-r 1, Juo. Idev.l. J,:- l:- ,-trts, .venta ... , ' " I l.V:tr r.obert-. j inSO. l. J. Ll.OYl), Sec y. i X TI iTrCGUIi T O V CO 1M ( x - I'LEAS OF CAM riUI A C(UTY. i're.i ciick Krinp vs. Elijah Moi.-ison. 1- of 31 37 90 75 J. w arrcn is:0'ty. o. ... t-e u.n . Term, 1CC7. E-t etiicrT : 'For a tae?-!iu aa ! tract of I. r.d situato in tii Town.-hip -t' JacK-un, Chanty cf Cam bria, State of Cenn-rylvaBi, bnunde-l by land now or late of Joseph I'.r.rkharil Bni Lewi Puaiurer on thee.i-t. by l.ir.d no cr late ot Smoilfl Paul ou tiie fouth. by hvni of V"ill:ara Siraycron t'.:e west, and by lanl cf John Hnscr'a'I Uichard Davii or. tlio uortli, cou'-iininj one hundred and twenty five acre3 ted uiticty-aLae percbea, be th same iMore or lss." As d sow, Pec. 2d, 1SC7, on motion of D M'Laugblin, E?t., Rule on the defendav' 'J plead oa or before the first Monday o'-,"ircJ next. r WitnA5& TOy hand and seal n-ober i 00 j - i 75 06 69 at Ebensburg, tb second A. Lt 18S7. tsr'.l b E AHM. J. 9. :51S. J'reth y. 10 t -p'.'i.s ; ,s 'OS ct 1 doz ST ATE - ,117 TO , - 1 V II 4 4.' ft l 9: 2 I l,:-il l