A SraANo.5 D;:s-.am axd its Fots-ru.- jis.SK Amon the victim o: tho lto Aitgola- dlstistc- whs a Mr. J. 1. Hay w;oJ, of Slate- Lino, who v; in the em pioy of iL Rnilroid Company as their j.geut ttt iLt'.t place. Tha Painesville (O.) AdrLef gives n secotrut of si ttrauge cirenr... ir the ccrrectnes3 of which it vouchee which Mr, A. hud just eix months befoie he lost bia life. It says : "He dreamed that he was away from j hoia?, iu a desert, when suddenly ho ts urd a terrible crash, arid tip'.,i lookup in the direction from which the sound proceeded ho raw a bright liLt, which Feeiutd to rouch to tha rj Leavens, and ht het.rd ecrf&nu and yells cf the nicsl frightful ami heert-retdinj character. Cn locking about hiai he riw tin augnM persor-ige a monk, Lc thought sitting ia high osur-jj r.iA be irqairod where all that cole collie lion. 'From hell, an swered tts monk, 'itid dreamer asked, VL.t does it tn&uQ V The monk replied, li icaus that you tnuft instantly die.' Mr. II. then, told the monk that he was :.ot j at rrepurcd to die, and bejrgcd for luthi-r time. The monk finally saiJ, 'yoar prater It gi noted ,- 300 may live opon the crib fix xjti.'ha iora-er: at the exi.ua lion of thit time $uh sfxill die.' At this j'jii-:uru Ivir. liny ward was awakened by his wife", who , as nbrmed at Ler hus band's actions, le tilting op iu bed and b-.ng jsretly sgitated." Ai. Lrie p..per speakurz f it adds The dream tunda a great imrreseion upon Iji-S mi:;J whs the subject of much thought and frequent conversation with Lid friends tor a time, hot at Lugth he came to ltok upon it as of no conseqnecce. Oi ;.u 5s!y tho lr.M duy of the six months ii.fr purchased a Ufa insurance ticket for 3,000, niid took passage on the ill-fated ti J.u fr Euffalo, pijd Jwns numbered ;I.e victims at Angola !' Kfis or Scaups. In tha St. Louis Xtulxul llrjnlcr we find the following piescrij ti:i 1'r this air.fnl nccidvnt. It is tcfeitii!y imfrd wht-n the cuticle or kcurf-ikui ha come awny to a considera ble cxtci.l : "Take one drachm of finely powdered alum and mix thoroughly with tho whi'e of two end one teaspoon ffcl v.1 fii-h Ir.rd : tpread on a cloth, and upply to !ho pnrts burnt. It gives clmo?t iii&tuLt relief IVcm pain, nnd, by excluding tha air, prevent excesfive imfintnmatory t-ellou. The application hould be charged al lehat once a day. While on tho fcub j j-t, we ive another fimuhi for an ap- p-tcution to burns : In severs O'.Scb, i clear creosote may be c-mployed, followed by a dressing to consist of creosote one diciuhm (a teafpoorful), simointment is uSciea'dy ptrong for most casc3. On the ooi.curtent teslimocy of several physicians tittadtd by Dr. O. K Drewstcr, tho sug grMrtr of the remedy, it almost immediate ly and eompletfij relieve the pain and Minting." A Oooi Cizt Sxonr. Tha Coneaat Hpv;tr avs : "An acciJcct of a re-t.-rtab!T character occurred in the wood? at Dentark ins 6v lnrt wck. A man was ttcndl.-.g on a brdance tree acrofi a Urce lc-g, to see anot!:er tree come down, whtii ihj irte in its falling course struck iha oihtr end of tLe one on which he wss luudii., a:. the tremendoaa weight cf it fallioj; on tlio tping kver, threw him, Kkc u shot, into the air. Vhcn at his highest eLvation the man catipht hold of u limb i:i the ton of a tree, and remained tu.-'ci; icd by tho arms until the person ho l.iA fj!In (he trco trnveled two lull's t ihe uerest honee and returned a luildti- to riloasa him from his perilous ;or;iion. Ha was net injured by baldeu aud rapid ll:.:ht, but took the dj.tf.'r ui ru oidi.'iiry occi'iTetiO?." In5n::cT of ms T't hi'La It has been ol?ived tht tcrtlcs crtss tho oceaa from the J;.y of II .n luras to the Cayman Isles, Leat .Jamaica, a distance - cf 450 mi!e?, with an r.ceuracy euj-ttior to the chart vr.d coaipas cf hac.an tkiil, f.r it is af Crmcd that vcssdo which have lost their latitude in tnzy weather have eteered en tirir'y by ihj noise of the turtles in swim 11. i rn. Tiie object of their voyage as in tha cinia of tho migration of bird9, is for tho purpose of laying ejgs on a fpot pe culiarly fuvorublo. To Make Tough Bkkjp Tekdbk. To :kosj who have worn dowu their teeth in ma.tiatit. poo: old tough cow beef we wi!i .y cai botixte of wsoda will be foand a leruedy tor the evil. Cut the steak?, the day before using, into sliced about two inched thick, rub ever them a email quantity of soda, wash off next morning, cut into suitable thicknes3; and cook to notion. The earns process will nnjffer for tb.v!a. lejs of mu:;on, cto. Try ir, al who lot 0 Jcliciouo, tender dishss of meat. A athc-ieijh rarLR tells a good dory : 'Theodore Tiltcu had just entered a hottl ia a wretched town, and was going up fc;air very travel-stained to change -bis toilette, preparatory to lecturing, when he encountered ou the second floor uu over dressed and vulgar woman. "Ara you the porter !" questioned the woman, lay ing her hand upon. Theodore's arm. "No, lua Jam," was tha quiet response, "Aro you the chamber-maid V o7'CR SAL33 CR REKT.Tbo eub ttriber o.Turs for sale or rent the wl kriwa ilASiioa Hovse Kotel" in Suaiaiit Tiuu oorouijb, Caaibrir. couutj, Pa., one mile ast ot Crw33ou, on the Pa. it. It. Tho im provements consist cf a large Frame House and Liitchen, with a good cellar under the tt're building and excellent water at tho ttoor. 1 here ar alio a commodious Store iaor. mere are alio a commodious Store tocin, Ico llcuso, Tenant House, tabling r Hy hoiac-s, C.rrifte House, and other utbuildii.f,s. If not sold before the 15tu for ou u.i j uva. ..i u rtntea ior tcrfce or more yttrs. Terms reasonable. Ea Saire of JAMES JI. P.IFFEL. Summit, Jan. 0, lSC3.-6t. rjlWO DWELLING HOUSES FOR SALE.Two Dwelling Houses iq the Borough, of Ebeusburg are offered at Pvif Sale. They are both in good repair and will be sold ou reasonable terms. Pus- msiou civta to purchasers oc firt of April I umJL. kr twraw and particulars apply t' I'ruvldeucu Itlornln? Herald, JETDAitr, $3 Pbe Asaru.-CSX REITBLU AS HERALD, TjrTKi:5i.Y, $2.50 Pii Ax N cat .-3 Largest Circulation in iht State f Rhode Inland. S"05LT DVEoCUATIC PAPERS IS RHODE Island 2Jj TALFABLIi A DVERTlsiXG UEDlUiXS. rpilE X0ETUEi:sT MONTHLY, a high toned Literary ilagaiics ; 48 "r. The American AKiiculturbt sent cua year free to new subscribers to Northern Month ly. OCi 7 Tark Kow, N. Y. Sample t-of.y 'Jo cciiUi. 'pilE BEST MA St yettr ; $1 fjr ti ASONICPAITK. 2per tlx months. Published 'Weekly, by tha "Fraternal Pt&ishing As- socialum," No. 9 Spruce Strict, New York. igiuii Wmtttd for " JIEIOO VtlH MISSISSIPPI." A Cumplcte iliatory of the New States and Territories from the Great Kivcr to the Great Ocean. Life and Adventure on Frames, Mountains and tho Pacific Coast, with over 200 Engravings of the Scenery, Cities, Lands, Ali lied, People, aud Curiusitio of tha Great West. Its ready sale, with an iacveased comruissk'n, Uiake ir the best subscription book ever published. Send fur circulars. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Philadelphia. Fa. Wanted Every wliere. GOOD Agents for onr new work, "HOME POOX"OF WONDERS also, for a new "Family PnoxcGaAPii Eiele," con taiLipg Notes. Inlexe, Maps, Engravings. A!buni. F-u.ily Fecord, At. Best Terms given. Addrs BRAINARD & SAMPSON, Hartford. Qun. FritrJ; MllUr's Lr.aQier Preservative arid Wa ter Proof Oil P.lackiuj:, for P.uots fc Shits. Frank M- 'ler's Prepared Harness Oil Jiluck inp, for oiling; Harnesses, Ca. ri.igc Trpb, dc., p'rtdv for use, with dim-liuns. Frank JWUar'a Polish Oil Flecking. For sale gen'ihalt.t in U. S. and Crnalai. Fr7i 21tUcr I, Co., IS & 20 Cedar St., N-Y. THE CELEERATED II! ESTEY ORGA,, WITH VOX I5L33ASA STOP. Pronounced by all who have heard it the inivt natural and beautiful imitation of the HUMAN VOICE ever yet introduced. J. ESTEY & CO., Br.1ttlcb1.ro, Yt., the original Inventors ,ir.d Manufacturers. 417 Broome St.. N. Y. ; 79 W. Favette Sr., Baltimore; IS N.:thSt.,Phl!a; 11G Randolph St., Chic. Advertisements forwariJed toall Newspapers No ft-lvauce t-LargeJ on Publishers' pricej. All leading XeTVij upers kc-r.t oa filf. Iuformation as to Cost of "Airertisiag fur nished. All Order receive careful attention. Inquiries by Mail answered promptly. Cciap'.cts Priated Liats ofNcwspaptr for sf.; !pocinl Lists prepared fjr customers. Ac'vertisetni nt Written aud Notices secure J Orders from 3u$iacss Men esDcciallv solicited Ye also beg to call attention to onr Lists of 1C0 New England Newspapers. 100 N. Y. and N. j. Newspapers. 100 Ohio, Ihd. and 111. Newspapers. 100 Pa., Del., Md., Va. and D. C. do. 100 Principal Daily and Weekly N'ews- jai er3, including Sixteen States. 100 Selections from Sixteen States. 250 Newspapers at the price heretofore cLarjjed for One Hundred. 54 Religious & Agricu'l Newspapers. jiiu tpcciai contracts with nil above papers, wo can of!'er very favorable terras. Circulars, with full particulars, Ecnt to any addre33. S5,QOO ACRCS SELECTED FARMING LANDS ! I.V JXDTAXA. ILLINOIS. IOWA, MISSOURI AND KAXSAS, with pui. ct titles, for sale cheap for cash. Apply to E. G. SUEPPA1U. 2 Bowliu Green, N. Y. P. 0. Box 40S3. " WANTED. Salestnea to travel for a ' Manuftcturing Company and sell by sample. 'Address, with stamp. HAMILTON & HOWK. 113 Chestnut St.. Phila., Pa. f 900 Fer Month Sure. No money required in advance. Agents wanted every where to soil our Patent Mdallc Everlasting Clfflits-Lines. Address Am. Wire Co., 102 B'way, N. Y.. or 1C Dearborn St., Chic'o, II. WE AEE COMIHOT" And will present to any one seadici u a club m our Great ONE DOLLAR SALE of DRY AND FANCY GOODS, a Watck Piece of Sheeting, Silk Dress Pattern, Ae.' FREE OF COST. Catalogue of goods aud sample sent ;o anv address fseb. ALLEN. HA WES .V CO., n n K Ft&ral St.. Boston, lias s. ir. O. Box C. Wholesale Dealers in Frsnch. German and Enghsh Fancy Good. Cutlery, Plated Ware, Alburns, Leather Goods, Arc. QSE DOLLAR EACXIWebs Cot 2 ton Cloth, Dress Patters, Pant Patterns. Seiog Machines, Watches, Dry and Fascy Goods. &c., ire. Send Ten cents for Patent Pen Fountain, with slip describing an article m tur dollar sale. Any person (male or fe-Uii-lc) ccn tend iu a club of from 30 to 1 COO at Bmo rate, (10 cts. for each.) and get a premium fur so doin. Send in Registered Letters. Samples mailed free to any address EASTMAN & KENDALL, ' - 65 Hanover St., Boston. Mass NORTH AMERICAN STEAMSHIP CO. Through Line to California, VIA PANAMA OR NICARAGUA. SAILING FUOSt NEW YORK December 51 li and 15th; Janu'rv &th, 15th and astla, and Feb ruary 15IIi and 25tli. With New Steamships of the First C3as. Passage Lower than by any other Route Fcr lurther information address the under signed at 177 West Street, New York D- N. CARRINGTON, Agent. AIV1ERICAN CLOCK CO 3 Cortland St., Sew York.. Manufacturers, Agents and Dealers in Alt. VAKiarriBs or American Cuoce. rols Amenta for TtfQMAS' ZLQeXZ, l Tn vrnr nmr.AT. VIEW OF 7f AH- -k. UIAGE. The Chtrptst Book eerPito-l luhad, containing nearly 3UU pages anu icm fine plates aud engravings of the Anatomy of the Human Organs in a state of Health and Disease, with a treatise on Early Errors aud their Deplorable Consequences upon the Mind and Body, with the Author's Plan of Treatment the only rational and successful mode of Cure, as hown by the report of case treatel. A truthful adviser to the married and those contemplating marriaga who en tertsiu doubts ui' their physical condition. S-mt fre of jOt.tago to any address, on re ceipt of 25 oents in bUaips or currency, by ftddrcssinn Da. LA CROli, No. 81 Maiden Lane, AlbaDy, N. Y. The authoF may be c luar.lted npra tny of the diseases upon vrLich Lis bock trsats, either personttllv or by mail. Medicines Bfiit to any part of the world. REVOLUTION !N TRADE. T ADIE.5, You can receive fur the sum of Silk, Meriuo and Alpacca Dretscs, Shawls, Balmorals, Linen Goods, Embossed Table Co vers, Watchof, Jewelry, Silver Plated Ware, Sewing Machines, &c. Send clubs of ten or mure, with ten cte. for each descriptive check, and the getter up of the club will rectiva a present, worth f:om Z to $300, according the number cf names bent. Agents wanted everywhere. Circulars sent free. PARKER & CO., successors to Qb.au.xh Si Co., 64 & 6G Federal St., Boston. AZYG0S.- Three magnificently illustrated Medical Books coetaininR important Physiological Information, for lien and Women, sent free on receipt of 25 cents, by addressing Dr. Johh VANDEsrooL. 30 Clinton Place, N. Y. rpsiE Advertiser's Gazette is the only publication devoted to the inter ests cf Advertisers and Publishers, anJ cut tuins each month. Complete Lists of News papers in one or more States, all new pa pers started, suspensions, changes, and re ports of nnroiiible parties. Vo have for three years kepi a list f all considerable advertisers, and It is very complete. To these names we ara sending the Gazette, and they, in a nnection with its fubscription and exebar ir lists, make the edition close upon Ten Thousand Coynes. Subscription price $2. Advertising 50 and "Gc. pr liue. G. P ROWLLL & CO., Publishers, 40 Park Row. N. Y. WHOLESALE mm r- nnr, ;r 1 D. W. MlRSllBEBGER & CO., M.tIS 5TKCET, QF1XJS1TE SCOTT HOUSE, JOHNSTOWN, FA., Keep ootetantly for sale the largest and best asburtaicnt of pure DRUGS & 3JEDICX2TES PAINTS, OILS, VARWSHES. AIccSjoI, Turyentlsie, Pure Wines and Liquors, best brands, 4000 Lbs. White Lead, byes, mmm, m, m. And in fad everything kept in a first-class Drug Slvre, all f zchich tciU le SOLD AT CSTY PRICES, MISHLER'S CELEERATED BITTERS, by tho dozen or by the gallon. OL li STOCK OP Perf&msriss and Toilet Articles is acknowledged by all judges to be tha LARGEST IX QUANTITY AXD FIX EST IX QUALITY P AKY IS OU It TOWN. SOLK AGKXTS FOR imn mmmm mm AX1 SILARP'S 3IAGIG LINIMENT ! ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED AT LOWEST PRICES. Johnstown, Aug. 15, 18G7.-ly. BEVOAD COMPETITION ! ESTABLISHED 1858. TI5i: OLDEST DRUG STORE IN CAMBRIA COUNTY. C. T. FKAZEH Keeps constantly on hand the LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST ASSOR TMSXT OF GO ODS PERTAIN ING TO THE DRUG BUSINESS In the County, which he offers AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL TO 1TIE TRADE AND TUBLIC AT LOWEST EATES! Franklin Street, (OPPOSITE MAREET HOUSE,) JOHMSTOWN, PEIMN'A, L. PERSHING, ATTorornr-AT- Law, JohnstounFa. Ofiice'on Frank lia atreet, up-stairs, over John Ecuton's iiardware Store. Jan. 31. 187. GEORGE M. REED, 1 TTORNEY AT LAV-, Ebcnsburg, Pa. Office on Main street, three doors East of Julian. Jan. 31 1857. "WILLIAM KIT-FELL, ' i i TTORNEY AT LAW, Ebcnsburg, Ba OSics in Colonade Row, Centre street. Ja. II, 1567.-tf. 1867. .rAixwAM. 857: . I am now prepared to effer SUPHOIOK ESPDUCEilENTS' TO CASH FPIKJHASEBS OP m & SflEET-IROX WIRE ! EITiitR AT WHOLEiaALfc: OU RETAIL. Sly 6tok oontdsU In part of every variety of Tin, Sheet-Iron. COPPEK AND BRASS WAKES, UNA11EI.LEIJ AKD PLAIJI SAUCE-FAUS. BOILERS. &c, COAL SHOVELS. MINK LAMPS, OIL CANS. HOUSKFURNISIIING I1A11D WAF.E OF EYEIIY KIND. Ppeat'a Auti-Ddbt HEATING ani COOKING STOVES, EXCELSIOR C0OK1XG S IV FES, NOBLE, TRIUMPH and PARLOR COOK ING STOVES, And any Cooking Stove dedrtd I will get when ordered at manufacturer's prices. Odd Stove Plates and Grates, &c, fur re pairs, on hand for the Stoves I sell ; others will be ordered when wanted. Particular attention given to Spouting, Valleys and Conductors, all of which will b made out of best mate rials and put up by competent workmen. Lamp Bnrnsrs, Wick and Chimneys WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. I would call particular attention to the Light Houfje Burner, with Glass Cone, for giving moio liuht than any other in use. Also, the Paragon Burner, for Crude OIL SPEXCER'S SIFTER ! It recommendd itself. SUGAR KETTLES AND CAULDRONS of all sizeo constantly on hand. Special attention given to Jobbing in Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron. at lowest possible- rates. Wholesale Merchants Lists now ready, and will be sent on application by mail or in pcison. Hoping to Beo all my old customers and many new ones this Spting, I return my most sincere thanks for the very liberal pa tronage I have already received, and, will endeavor to please ail who may call, wheth er they buy or uoi. FRANCIS W. HAT. Johnstown, March 7, 18C7.-Cm. OLLIDAYSBUEG JACOB M PIRCHER, FASHIONABLE CLOTHIER & TAILOR, Has just opened a full assorttnent of well se lected and most desirable FALL AND WINTER GOODS. Gents and Bovs furnished with CLOTH ING, HATS. SHOES, &c. of the latent styles and bes materia!, at tho LOWEST CASH PRICES. A VARIETY OF IIECE GOODS, wbich will bo sold bv the vard or ma la t.. order in the mot approved muuner. Having given full satisfaction to his cus tomers fur more than twenty-five tears, ha guarantees the bame'to all who may favor him with their patronage in the luture. irJ-Store oa the west side cf Montyomurv street, below Llair. next door to Ma6onic Uali, t!iiJaysburg, Fa. Lmy23.1y.J .RANT HOUSE, - Ilrnilock. CaiuurU Co., Pa. JOHN WILKIN, Proprietor.: This House has been refitted, aud offers accommodations superior to any other Hou.ie in the vicinity. The Proprietor, after long experience in the business, fee's confident he nndertaudn the wants of tho public His TABLE will be supplied with the delicacies ,of the season and his BAR with the choicest wines and liquors. By constant attention and duo care for the comfort of hi gueMs the Proprietor hopes to merit a libel share ofpatronage. maylS-'ly.J SCOTT HOUSE, " Main Street, Jolinsiown, Cambria Co., Fa.t A. ROW & CO., Proprietors. fpilIS HOUSE bavin- been refitted and I elegantly furnished, ia now open for the rcseption and entertainment of guests. The propi ieors by long exp?ricuce in hotel keep ing fctl confident they can satiofy a dis ci iminating public. Th'iir Bar is supplied with the choicest brands of liquors and wiuea. Jan. 31, 18C7. (ly.) T. J A ME S ' HOTEL, (Conducted on the European Flan,) 405 & 407 Libeutt Street, orrosiTE tub Union Depot, Pittssubqh, Pa. JAMES K. LAN AH AN, Proprietor. This House is newly built and splendidly furnished, and convenient to all tho Rail roads coming into the city. The Restaurant connected with this Hotel open at all hours of the day and night. oct.17.-ly. UNION HOUSE, r BENS BURG, Fa., JEROME A. FLOTT, U Propietor, spares no pains to render this hotel worthy of a continuation of the liberal patronage it has heretofore received. His tfcble will always be furnished with the best the market affords ; his bar with the best ct liquors. His stable is large, and will be attended by aa attentive and obliging hostler. Jan SO, 18GS.-tf. SHIELDS HOUSE LORETTO, CAMBRIA COUNTY, PA., THOMAS CALLEN, Proprietor. ipiIIS house is now open for the accommo I dation of tho public. Accommodations as good as the country will afford, and charges moderate. Jau 31, 18C7.-tf. MOUNTAIN HOUSE, EiiEssuunG. a. P. IiINTOS A. CO., Prop'n. Tho Table is always supplied with tho choicest delicacies ; the Bau is supplied with choice liquorF, and the Stable attended by careful hostlers. Transient visitors accom modated and boarders taken by the week, month or year, on reasonable terms. feb21 MERCHANTS' HOTEL. J. & W. C. M'KIBBIN; Proprietors. Fourth St., between Market and Atxli, May 9, 1867.Ty. ; PHILADELPHIA. BARGAINS can be Lad by buying yonx goods for cash at Feb. 23. GEO.lItN TLTJfS. I F YOU "WANT the best Cooking or Parlor Stove made in the world, co to 1 KiRTFOKD LIVE STOCK 1M1AEE BHFASY. CASII CAPITAL "$5O0,C0O. Wt aro now prepared to insuTB LIVE STOCK against both Death and Th'ft, in this live aud reliable Company. Owners of stock hava now the opportunity, by insur ing with this Company, of obtaining securi ty and remuneration for the loss of their an imals in case ot okath or theft. ' OWNERS OF HORSES, Manufacturers, Farmers, Teamsters. Ex pressmen, . Physicians, and in tact all who are to any extent dependant upon the servi ces of their horsea in their daily vocations, should insure iu this Company, and thus derive a protection against the loss of the:"r animals, which are in many caees tho sole means of support to their owners. FAIIM STOCK. Farmers and others owning cattle should avail themselves of this means of saving the value of their stock, and secure an equiva lent for the loss which would otherwise fall heavily upon them in being deprived of their Cattle, by insuring in this, the PIONEER COMPANY OF AMERICA! By insuring in this Company you ex change a certainty for an uncertainty. No man caa tell whether his animals may not be stolen or die through some unforeeen calamity. Jt Competent Agents wanted, to whom a liberal compensation tcill le paid. A pply to KERR & CO., General Agents, April 4, 1SG7.-Iy. Altoona. Pa. C3- Col. WM. K. PIPER, Ebensbnrg, has been appointed local aent for the Hartford Live Stock Insurance Company. JOREIGN SHIPPING EXCHANGE OFFICE. We aro now York Rates on Lngland, Wales. Austria, Baden, Hanover, Holland. And Tickets England, Germany. selling Exchange (at New Ireland, Germany, Bavaria, Ucseen, Belgium, Scotland, PrtiBsia, Wurtembsrg, Saxony, Switzerland, Norway and France, to and from any Port in Ireland, Scotland, France, California, New South Wal cs "or Australia. KERR & CO JOHN HICKEY, Ai.toona Pa., Uctltr la all kludi Household Furniture! SCCH A3 LOUNGES, I TABLES, I BEDSTEADS SOFAS. I BUREAUS. WHAT-NOTS CUSHIONED, CANE-BOTTOMED AND COMMON CHAIRS, &c. NEW FURNITURE WARER00M, JULIA STKEET, NEAR HARRIET, Opposite the Protestant Episcopal Church March 7, lSC7.-ly. EAST ALTOONA. WORD Tito 51 JOHNSTOWN! JOBIX J. MURPHY &, CO., At Vieir Stores in ihe Scott House, Main St., aiul on Clinton Street, Johnstown, Have constantly on hand a largo and well selected stock of seasonable Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, and a grneral variety of NOTIONS, Ac. Their stock consists of almost every article usually kept in a retail store, all of which have been selected with caro and are offered at prices which cannot fail to prove satisfac tory. Call and examine for yourselves. Feb. 23, lSG7.-tf. $5 HARTET CHILDS. . . . LOWRII CKI1.DS. HC II I L D S A CO., WbtUitU ! 1 a In BOOTS. SHOES. AID SHU WW, 12S WOOD STREET. PITTSBURGH, PA. Agents for the Bale of "Hope Mill" G;tton Tarn, Bags, BattinR and Carpet Chain. -Feb. 23, 1807.-tf. JOHN GAT. WM. WBLSH. GA Y & W E L S II , Sucertto to Gay &. Fainter, WHOLESALE Grocers and Commission IHercnants AND DEALERS IN FLOUR, mODUCK. FISH, SALT, CAR BON OILS, Ac., Ac, Corner Penn and Canal Sts., opposite Grain Elevator. fcb23J Pittsburgh, Fa, i. oarsswrLL, X. T. SLACK, J.iltX A. BYMSH, WM. I. GElililLL. 32. JIcDOXALD, M. CRESSWELL &. CO., Importers and Jobbers rfi FAICY All STIFLE E8Y GOODS, o. 511 JIarLtt Street, ' June 20, 1SG7.-Iy. PHILADELPHIA nn O 31 . P . D A Y I s , WITH BOYD & STROUD, Importers ajid Dealers in QUEENSWARE, CHINA and GLASS, ! V -v -si . . 1 no. is jNoisTii rocitTii ct Four doors below Merchants' HottM, THILA. "ST I N P O R T S & c"o Wholesale an ! Retail Dealers in miimimmmnmimi IRON, NAILS, &c, Juniata Street, opposite United States Hotel, HOLLIDATSBURG. FA. WHOLESALE v eROOgES JAMES LL DAVIS, Dealer in all kinds of POPLAR, CHERRY & ASH LUMBER, Yard Nos. 314 and 316 N. Broad St., PHILADELPHIA. C3-Business attended to iu Ebcnsburg by Wm. J. Williams. fmyl6-lyj JTW KINICEAD, Justice of the Poac JLa. and Claim Agent. OfSco remoyed to the office formerly occupied by M. Ilasson Esq,, dee'd, on High St., Ebeneburg. j31 S. STRAYER, Jcbtxczopthb uuuu.wi.ii, viucc on IBM, i - - -- PHOTOGRAPHIC. E. Si. II. T. ASTHOXY, Haunfaclorcrt of PHOTOGRAPHIC ilATERIALS WHOLKALR AND BKTAiC. 691 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. In addition to our main business of PHO TOGRAPHIC MATERIALS we are Ucad quarters for the following, via : Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views of American and Foreign Cities and Land scapes, Groups, Statuary, &Q. 8TERIOSCOP1C VIEWS OF TEE WAR, From negatives made la the various cam paigns, and forming a complete Photo graphic history of the great Contest. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS ON GLASS, Adapted for either the Magic Lantnrn or tha Stereoscope. Our Catalogue will be sent to any address on receipt of Stamp. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. We manufacture more largely than any other house, about 200 varieties, from 60 cents to $50 each. Our ALBUMS have the reputation of being superior In beauty and durability to any others. Card Photographs tf Generals, Skesmm, Aciors, tfc, c. Our Catalogue embraces over five thous and different subjects, includirg reproduc tions of the most celebrated Engraving, Paintings, Statues, frc. Catalogues seat on receipt of stamp. Photographers and others ordering goods C O. D., will please remit 25 per cent, of the amount with their crder. CCJ- The prices and quality of our R.vids cannot fail to satisfy. apr25-Iv.J - LADIES' FANCY FURS! John Faueiea's old established Fur Manvfactory 1 MO. 7 18 Arch St., sbors 7th, . I'll I LAD 'A. ijv Have now in Store, $lyjrscf my own Import- ,i1-ation anc Manufac- 2 tore, one 01 tLe lar- 354- est and most be.iu- tifulelections of FANCY TUKS. for Lar.es' and Children's vvaar. wit in the City. Also, a fine assortment of Gem's Fur OIovos and Collars. I am cnablnd 4o dispose f my goods at very reasonable prices, aud I would there fore solicit a call from my friends of Cambria comity and vicinity. Remember iheNama. Number and Street. JOHN FA RE IRA, No. 71 ARCn St.. above 7th, south aide, PHILADELPHIA. (7" I have 710 partner, nor connection triih any other Store in Philaul'a. foc.S.4m.J IDIKIIAlSSTlf! LE31C. A MURRAY, PEALEBS in DRUGS, MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, Fancy Soaps, Leon's and Hall's Hair Ik-tto ratives, Pills, Ointments. Plasters, Lini ments, (all kinds J Davis' Pain KilUr. Bad ways Ready Rsliff. Brown's Ess. Jamaica Girder. Citrate Magnesia, Flavoring Ex tracts and Es?encen, Lemon Syrup, Soothing Syirrp. Spiced Syrup, Rhubarb, PUHE SPICES, Ac. CIGARS AND TOHACCOS, Blank Books, Deeds. Notes and Bonds, Cp, Post and !l kinds of Note Paper. Kovsiopes, Pens. Pencils, Arnold's Writing Fluid, BIsek and Rod Ink. Pocket and Pass Books, Maga zines, Newspapers. Novels. Uitur:es, Bibles, Religious Prayer and Toy Books, Penknirsa, 1 iprs. Sc. C35" Me-dicios for the body ad fcci for th mind. Call aud see. MAIK ihTRIET, IZNSBCS. July 25. 1167. WM. SI. LLOTO. JTHH LIOTB, President. Gishitr. I?IRST NATIONAL BANK OF ALTOOAA. GOTEUX32t:.T AGEXCI AND DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY 07 THE UNITED STATES. Corner Virginia and Annie Streets, North I Vard, Alloona, Pa. Authorized Capital, ----- 1S0O.O0O Cash Capital paid in, ... - 150,000 All business pertaining to Banking done on favorable te-rms Internal R-venue Stamps of all denomi nations, always on hand. To purchasers of Stamps, percentage, ia stamps, will be allowed, as follows : $50 to $100, 2 per cent. ; $100 to $200. S per cent.; $200 and upwards, 4 per cent. Jan. 31, 1867-tf. . "I LOYD A CO., Bankers, M.A Ebensburg, Pa. Gold, Silver, Government Loans, and other Securities, bought and sold. Interest allowed on Time jbepo6its. Collections mado on all accessible points in the United States, and a general Banking business transacted. January SI, 1867. 7aT 91. LLOl'D CO., V Bankers, Altoona, Ta. Drafts oa the principal cities and Silver aud Gold for sale. Collections made. Moneys received on deport, payable on de mand, without interest, or apon time, with iuteret-t at fair rates. anSl. TH LI X. A. X. JiL VAUAVrj. OLP.GEON Dentist, Carrolltown, Cambria Co.. Pa. Tcot h inserted on Gold, Silver, Vulcan ite, Cheoplastic, &c. CO-Profossior.al visits made to Chest Springs the fir.st week and to Loretto the second week of each month. Carrolltown, July 4. 18o7.-6m.$2 i AMES J. OATMAN, iL D., tenders his profetsioual fexvices as Pby bioian aud Surgeon to the citizens of Carroll tewn and vicinity. Office in rear of build ing occupied by J. Buck & Co. as a tore. Night calls can be made at the hotel of Law rence Schroth. May 9. 1867.-tf. DENTISTRY. Dr. D. W. Zeig lor, having opened an office in rooms over R. R. Thomas' Store, offers his profes sional Eervices to the citizens of Ebensbnrg and vicinity. Teeth txtracied without pain by use of Nitrous Oxide or Laughing Oat. T DEVEREAUX, M. D., Piiy- sician and Sprgeon, Summit, Pa. Office east end of Mansion House, on Rail Road street. Night calls may be made at the office. fmy2S.tf. J. LLOYD, successor to H. S. Sre0Q Him-Vreet. "opporiU tlo'toaHw " Ebeusburg. PaT. OetoberlT rt o A ? PERSON intending to build ft Iloose or Bara, o&n buy Nails and HrxJr; cVrp by Tre ) at Hi f . fi..5-W& Sinn wn.v. v m w v w a ratter. tUt rr ui COUGHS, INFLUENZA, iTICKLINGlTHTto,.. WHOOPING tovjj'u NSUMPTIV i O UCIK . ' or rtlinc C01 Ag quick as CCE'S COUCH SALS AM OVER ONE MIlLION B0TTLEJ nave reea scid, and cot a irg! i, sUli f us faiiuro is known. We have in our p, h.icn any qrumiiy of Certificates, some of them froei EMINENT PHYSICIANS who have ud it iu their practice, and piven it t.ie pre-eminence over all other compounds IT DOES NOT DRY UP A COUGH," BIT LOOSENS IT, so as to enable the patient to electorate freely. Two cr three doses isvaeiaelt CCEH TICELING IN TUE TI1E0AT. A half bot tle has often completely cuu-d the rtii.-t Stubborn Coug, and yet, th. u-ili it ia eo sure and speedy in its operation, ii is t.er fectly harmlo.-s. beig purely vegetable. It is very agrt-eabie to the tatc. and may bs administered to child rt-u f w.y ae. Ia cases of Croup ice trill gvuranlu a cure if taken in season. Xo Family hIioc:!e! lnVwltlicut it. It is within the reach cf all, it being the cheapest and best medicine extnut. C. G. CLARK CO., Pr.ip'w. csar.28.eow ly. New R.-wcn, Cona. C OE'S DYSPEPSLV CUR ! I This preat remedy f.r all DISF.ASI3 OT THE STOMACH i, the discovery cf tha in ventor of Coe's valuable C.uh Balsam, while experimenting for his own health. It cured Ciamp in the StociacL for him whicii had before yielded to m.thirg but chob.form. The ;iin.-st dailv tesiimotiv from vari. ns parts of the country encoiirags us t.i 1 tiievo there 5s no disease caut-e.1 bv a ensori lereni stomach it will not speodiiy ture. Physi ciatis endorse and use it. Ministers give tea-tinicnj- of its tfficacy ; and from all directions we receive tidings of turei performel. Dysj.epsia it is suro to crre. Ikaribicrrt one dose will cure. Skk H.xlache it fcss cured in hundreds of ea.-ts. HccxLichi an-I Dizziness it Mops in thirty minntr.t. Acii itt ffthe tfiwiach it corrects at ones. F.ising f the Foo-J it stops'iminediate'y. Distress after Eating one doss wili remove. Cholera Morbus rapidly yields to a few d. Bad Breath will be changed with half a bottle. IT 13 PERFECTLY HARMLESS! Its unprecedented success ie owin to tta fact that it cures by assisting Nature to re assert her sway in the yste-m. Nearly every dealer in the UnliM Stated sells it at ons doi.lak pkr b.ttlz. O. G. CLARK & CO., rVoprietcTs. March 14.-eowly. New Ilsvon, Cosa. CHAIR MANUFACTORY. n s g urn W If JOIIKSTOWri. 5A. 7 ALL KINDS OFCflAIRS, sueh as commoa Wini.Mir Chairs, Fmt T.&lc Chsira, Vienna Cl;irs, Basils Chairs. P.ia Bscked Chain, Sociable Chairs, ROCKING CHAIRS, OT EVERY SIZI3 SPRING SEAT CHAIRS Settees, Lounge, $e.,&c. CABIMET FURNITURE of every descrlpv.on ard of latest STYLES, WITH PRICSS TOSUITTUS Tastos of all. Thankful fir ps fvor, bs r?pfcf- fu'ly coheirs a liberal shar of public j stront are. Canton 2:reet s'.o wn Cambria Co. Pa j Jai: 31 1367. TAME S CONNOR, TtflioIesaS Grocer, UEALES IX FLOUR, BACON, FISH AND SALT, .to, 3S5 Lilbartjr street, Jane 27, 1?C7. PITTSBURGH. FA D. JFLAUGIILIN, K TTORNEY AT LAW, Jstotrn, Fa Office in the Exchange building, on the Corner of Clinton and Locunt streets up stairs. Will attend to all business connect ed with his j.rofeasi,.c. Jan. 81. 18o7.-tf. a. l .lHxsrov, j . scanlan. . JOHNSTON & JCANLAN. Attorneys at Law, Ebensburg. Cambria t e., Ta. Office opposite ths Court House. Ebensburr, Jan. 81. 18C7.-tf. FRANK W. HAY, TJ HOLES ALE and RETAIL Manufacturer, ff of TIN. COPPER and SHEET-IRON" W .RK. Canal street, below Clinton, Johns town, band. Pa. A la rcre stock coDstanliY "f OBERT E. JONES. Jl Ebensburg, Cambria co., Pa-, Dealer in Lumber. The highest prions. in Cash, paid for CHERRY, POPLAR.ASII and LINN LUMBER. JOHN P. LINTON, 1 TTORNEY AT LAW, Johnstown. Fa. i OfSce in building on corner of Main and Franklin street, opposite Mansion House, second floor. Entrance on Franklin strett. Johnstown. Jan. 31. 1S67. tf. F. A. SHOEMAKER, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Pa Office on High street , one door East cf tho Banking House of Lloyd & Co. January SI. lSG7.-tf. F. P. T1ERNEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, EbemUtrg, 2'a. OiSce ia Colonade Row.. Jan. 5. lSG7-tf. ' V. II. SECURER, 1 TTORNEY AT LAW, Ebmsburg, Fa. OSico in the Commissioners' Room. Court House. Jan. Si, '67-tf. JOSEPH U'DONALD, I TTORNEY AT LAW, Eba j ft Orice on Centre street, opo-,i:a Moore', Hotel, Jau- 31, 18G7.tf JOHN FENLON, I TTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg Pa. Office cn High stieet, adjoining bis res' donee. Jau 31. 1867-'" GEORGE W. OATMAX i TTORNEY AT LAW, Eh-?' Oflee im Colcnade Row, Centre street. January Si, 1587.-tf. A fcy hi H ti tZmm SU