The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, February 06, 1868, Image 3

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EsMTOlAI.H3rW. I1- GfcKEHAfc. -
A ruan named Tremble was canglit In a
fly-wheel of a steam bbw mill in Hunting
don county. vn.ondaj,tiiid killed outright.
lill has received legislative saueiion
creating another ward ia Johnstown bor
i ugh. The fifth ward (Keruville) has lecn
divided into two wards.
A "Wasp" endeavors to sting somebody
through tbe columns of thj Freeman. He
a;s i. ut no name to his communication and
we havo put it Into tha stove.
During a receut iffray in Westmoreland
coutitv a man named Coul struck, another
named Fecnell in the head with a coal pick,
and the latter is rot expected to recover.
Mr. F. J. Bavb.vrich, of Carrolltown, will
offer r.t publio sale, if not sooner sold, on
the 17th inst., horses, mules, wagous,
household and other goods. See handbills.
Au employeo of the Cambria Iron Cum
pany named Uovlau, was so seriously injur
..! by a fall of slate, In one of the mines, a
few days since, that he ia nut expected to
Miller's tin shop, and Bloomhart's boot
and blioa store, Altoona, were slightly dam
aged by fire the former on 'Monday even
ing and the latter on Tuesday morning of
last week.
A certain William Shannon has recently
wedded a Miss Mary Alloways !n Blair Co.,
Hiid no doubt considers it the most pleasant
doso of alloicctys that has ever baen pre
scribed for human ills.
We are indebted to Hon. Charles R. Buck
ale w for a copy of his able speech delivered
kt the Assembly Buildings, Philadelphia,
ou the snlject of "Representative Rtforui
'lho Cumulative Tote."
Our rcadeis will note the absence of "Sku
Bal's" letter this week, and regret with ua
that sickness has confined him to tha house
for several days past. We hope, however,
that he will ere long be himself again.
Notwithstanding the fact that the ground
Log s.iw his shadow On Sanday la;;t, tke
weather has moderated censlderably within
the last day or two. Re might venture out
again without getting his tail freesn.
The Pa. li. JC. Company has con veyed the
entire lino of cenal from nollidaysbarg to
Columbia to the Pa. Canal Company, far
and in consideration of $2,660,000. It Is
slid the latter corporation designs to enlarge
the canal its entire length.
Those of our Northern Cambria friends
who find It more convenient, will oblige us
by paying their subscriptions to Mr. Jacob
Stoltz, who has kindly consented to act as
our acnt. We will acknowledge through
thn Freeman all monies so paid.
That portion of Conemaugh Station which
hoi da allegiance to Conemaugh township, Is
Biakiug an effort to secede and set up on
its own hook as an independent borough.
Over fivti hundred names havo been append
ed to petitions praying for an enactment to
tint effect.
Four ears of the fast lino east on tha Pa.
R. 11., on Friday last, ran off the track and
upset over an embankment, near Mill Creek
Station, killing Mrs. Annie Dujgau, of
Pittsburgh, ar.d slightly Injuring several
ther passengers. The accident wm causui
by the breaking of a tall while the train was
pa-sing over it-
David Fritz, of Toungstown, Wccftnoro
land cnur.fy, had his Jaw broken, his Lralu
injured, ami was otherwise hurt, in conse
quence of being dragged by a horse, ou Sat
urday week. His hurfe fell oa the ice, and
when It got Up Mr. F.'s foot remained In
the stirrup, end was only released by the
breaking of the strap.
"Wblcomk Visitors. Mr. Thoa. M'Kier
nan. of Altoona, our earnest and energetic
fci-nt an.l whole touled friend, sojourned
with n over Sunday, and in addition to his
ever-welcome presence, brought with him
the names of four more subscribers to the
Freeman. Mr. M'K. has imposed upon us a
debt of gratitude which we can never hope
to repay, yet we are sure that he seeks no
oMier reward than the consciousness of hav
ing aided an humble friend iu the dissemi
nation of true democratic doctrine. May
long, peaceful and prosperous lives be vouch
baft d to him and hi kind-hearted family. Is
the earnest prayer of one who has abundant
le.vcn for being grateful to so true and un
selfish a friend.
Two of our Mineral Point friends m J pa
trons, Messrs. Crier and Kinney, rushed in
to our presence on Saturday, and rallied out
again minus a few greenbacks left in our
care and keeping. We saw the point, and
pocketed the stamps.
Monday brought to our sanctum Mr. Al
ver Akers, of Johnstown, a prince among
butchers and a model among gentlemen.
lie !eft an caret st of his well wishes in shape
of a 2 1 ill, in payment of his second year's
subscription to the Freeman an example,
by the way, which is well worthy of imita
tion just about this time.
We were greeted oa the same day by our
La t robe friend, James Fenlon.Esq., brother
of our townsman, John Fenlon, Esq. ; and
we are mainly indebted to his kindness for j
the facts connected with the lamentable rle- !
atruction by fire of St. Xaviei'a Academy, j
which we publish in our columns to-day. !
Several other kind friends called upon us
and "squared the circle" within the past
week or two: for which several manifesting
of practical approval they have, individual
ly and collectively, our sincere thanks. To
others who remitted "aid and comfort," a
like acknowledgment ia due.
riRK. One day last week the dwelling
Lonse of Mr. John Simme'.spsrger, iu. Chest
township, with all its content, was totally
consumed by fire. Mrs. S. had ben confined
only four days before the occurrence, aud
had to be carried from the house, while her
husband was forced to shield the infant in
his arms and witness JHie destruction of his
duelling and all the household goods he had
in the world. There was ho insurance.
Tho situation of the family appeals to the
sympathy of the benevolent.
-rSAJ Acciuknt. Our former townsman.
Mr. John J. Roberts, while engaged at the
pew steam saw mill of Hon. A. A. Barker,
in busquchanna township, had the two first
fingers of his left hand cut off by the circu
lar saw, and so mangled that amputation
above the second joint became necessary
Drs. Bunn, of New Washington, and Oat
man, of Carrolltown. performed iQ opera
tion, and we are inormed that Mr. 11. i3 ao
ing well, lie has our sympathy.
SLEiGHiyo. We have not for many win
ters had ao advantageous a season for busi
ness aud amusement as the present has been.
An abundance of snow, with fine roads and
k serious drifts, invites equally the sons of
toil and the votaries of plc.sure to make the
nist of their time. Instead of immense piles
of boaras standing around o.r nor ther a' saw-
Yii IMS the Ilk 1 a .
i ted at theEbcnrg le,,ot rea,j t wrW
" Academy in Ruin. At half-past S o'clock
on Saturday afteruoon last, St. Xavicr's
Academy, located between Latroba and
1 oungstown. in V estmoreland ooaaty. wn
ed and conducted by the Sisters of Msrcy,
was dissovemi to be on ore, occasioned, as
was supoosed, by a defective Hue. ' Id an
incredibly short space of time the entire
building, with the adjoining chapel, was
wrapped in flames, acd ere long the bare
walls of the large and imposing edifice were
alone left to mark the spot. In addition to
the buildings, toe bulk U the furniture, in
eluding bods and bedding for over one hun
dred pupils, was consumed. Tko piaues,
the wardrobes of the pvpilg, and some other
articles were save! and this was owing
mainly to the devoted and ontiring energy
of the Sisters, who. with that self sacrificing
spirit which ever marks their pare and holy
lives, directed all their efforts to the rescuing
of the property ef their boarders while their
own was being destroyed. By almost su
perhuman exertions the fine marble aitar in
the chapel was preserved. The entire loss is
entimated at $1SQ.00, while the Insurance,
we understand, is not beyond 430,000
scarcely more than sufficient to cancel the
debt against the institution. Wo ean but
Join with every feeling heart la the hope
that there is enomgh of Christian charity in
the land to erect for the good Sisters another
aud moro secure home than theoae of which
they have been so suddenly and ruthlessly
deprived. They whose lives are devoted to
the education and comforting of the human
family, should not lack willing and useful
fi lends when misfortune comes upon thoir
own household.
The Pennsylvania Rail Road Company Is
deserving of the highest praiso for their gen- i
erous offer of free transportation to the shel
terless S sters and the young ladies mnder
thtlr charge. Mr. Creighton himself was at
Latrobe, and attended to the arrangement in
person ; and he, as well as the Company he
represents, have the warmest thanks of the
good Sisters, as well as of the children and
their parents. Many of the yoang ladles
were removed to Lorotto, while others were
taken to PitUburgb.
Facts abb STrsBOBW Taixei. Dr. Val
ecUue has been performing cures in Holli
daysburg that may well be considered mi
raculous. Let those that have been restored
to health speak for themselves: Henry Lea
rner, stiff arm and hand perfectly restored;
Nlchelae Mercer came with two caDes has
no further use for them ; Eliza Butler, lame
in arm and leg for fifteen years hadn't her
arm up to her mouth in all that time per
fectly restored ; Anna Sconsor, severe dis
ease of head for fifteen months cured In
stantly; William Burk, tervousness cured;
Andrew Snewberger, consumption rapidly
improving; Margaret llannegan, falling of
womo and heart disease cuild hardly be
got tfp stairs instantly healed ; Frank Bai
ley has been in bed three months with con
sumption is walking about and rapidly
Here is fnrther testimony, give andcr
oath, as to the curative powers of Dr. Val-
entiae, which tells the same facts:
Statbov Pbka.-, YobcCo., S. S. .-Before
m. a Jastice of the Peace, ia and for said
ceanty, personally cane Philip Hoffman, of
lorn lowniaip, in trie coaniy aal State
aforesaid, who being duly iwDrn, deposes
and says ; That for fifteen years past he
has been deaf, eaussJ by a disease ef the
hoad, and that he called oa Dr. Valentine,
on the I5th day U Julv. at Yerk Burouirh'
and was initni$teliere4 aud pcrmr aUy
carta in ia course or ten atri, ana further
iwera aud subscribed before me the 3d
day of Augast, A. D. 18CY.
Justice ef ts.e Peace, lit Ward, York Boro,
Dr. Valerite will be In Kbensbarg from
Feb. 11th te 18th.
Ca Bees Tabi.s. The New York Teach
er and American Kdacational Monthly for
February Is on our table. Its getting up i
firm and handsome Its contents varied, use
ful aad entertaining. Publishers, J. W.
Hchermeihorn at Co., 430 Broome St., N. Y.
Price, $1.60 per annum.
The Thirty-Fifth Annual Report of the
Managers of tho Pennsylvania Institution
for the Instruction of the Blind, is also be
fore us. We are glad to see that this hu
mane institution, under tho eoutrol f its
prcscat Board of Managers, is in a most
flourishing condition.
The Feeruary number of Oodey'a Lady's
Book has beon to hand for a couple of weeks,
but was ina.iveitantly overlooked. The
highest compliment we can pay to it is that
it 16 fully up to tha standard of its predeces
sors tha I Tightest Qem in the library crown
of America.
NR&itALGiA. We have cut from the Alta
Californiau a reoipe for the euro of nearalf la,
which the editor ef that paper claims to
havo been effective iu several cases to his
own knowledge. He says :
Some time ego we published, at the re
qust of a friend, a recipt to cure aeuralgia ;
Haifa drachm of sal ammonia in an ounce
of camphor water, to be taken a teaspoonful
at a dose, and tho dose repeated several
tims at intervals of five minutes, if the
paiu do not relieved at onee. Half a dozen
different persons have since tried the recipt,
and in every case an immediate cure has'
been affected. In one, the sufferer a lady,
had beuu affected for more than a week, and
her physician was unable to alleviate her
sufferings, when a solution of sal ammonia
iu camphor water relieved her in a few min
ute. Good Xkws to Owners or Borsbs. Hav
ing secured the ai4 of a good Shoer, and
being well supplied with Nails and Shoes, I
am determined to ofTer to cath eustomert the
greatest inducement held out in this place
since things were low. You can have yeur
Horse shod all round for One Dollar and Fif
ty Cents. I will also iron Sleighs and Sleds
maae Wagon Tire and all kinds of Chains'
and do everything in the Blaeksmithinr line
at greatly reduced prices for Ike cath
Shop near the Foundry of K. Glass.
Ebenshare;, Dec. la, laT-m.
Notiob. Prs. Owinn and Troxel, hav
ing associated themselves together in the
practice of Medicine, offer their professional
services to tho citizens of Loretto and vicin
ity. Dr. Troxel may always be found at
the house of Peter Christy when not profes
sionally engaged, where night calls can be
made ; and Dr. Gwinn at his residence in
N. B. All persons having open accounts
with tho undersigned are requested to call
for aottlement. Wm. Gwixw.
It is said that the citizens of Alaska pro
seat a fine appearance in their new "togs,"
and it u further alleged that tha aforesaid
togs wara procured from E. Leopold &
Broa Oak Hall Clothing Store. Johnstown.
Be that as it may. you cant w .
giving this firm a call and baying all you
neod in their line. J
A market hoie snd to n hall on the jt
tt jck priaeiwle is talked of in Altoona.
The use of
Ilall'B Vegetable
will restore It to its natural color and pro
mote its growth.
Our Treatise on the Hair sent free by mail.
R. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, N. IJ., Prop'rs.
Coe'i Dybpepsla Cure
Will immediately relieve and permanently
cure tho most aggravated case of Dyspepsia,
Flatulency, Sour Stomach. Constipatiou,
and all diseases of the Stomacli and Bowels.
Physicians, clergymen, and all who o?e it.
join in unbounded praise of Its great virtue.
Sold by;druggists everywhere. Price Jl.
Coe-8 Cougb Balsam,
The great popular Remedy for Coughs, Colds,
Croup. WhoopingJCough and Consumption.
Uoth sizes ordinary 4 oz.t also mammoth
family bottles for sale by all druggists and
dealers in medicines. No family should bo
over night without it in the housa.
Ihtorhatioji. Information guaranteed
to produce a luxuriant growth of hair upon
a bald head or beardless face ; also, a recipe
lor the temoval or l'imples, Ulotcbes, Erup
tions, Ac. on the skin, leaving the same
soft, clear and beautiful, can bo obtained
without charge by addressing
823 Broadway, NowJYork.
Not Tbvb. It ia not true that a bill
has been introduced into the Legislature
requiring the peoplo of Ebensburg to buy
at a certain store, but it is true that a bill
of eK8ts may be saved by buying all your
bills of goods at J. M. Thompson's, on
High street.
Think o It. Time is said te be
money, and as it is natural to have a han
kering after money, we advise the pur
chase of a good time-keeper at Cham.
Huberts' great clock, watch and notion es
tablishment on High street.
Gosxo. Tbe greatly reduced prices
inaugurated at Mills & Davis cheap store
have caused an increased demand for the
desirable winter goods with which their
establishment is so extensively stocked.
Go thero and get bargains.
iENTISTRY. The undersitrn-
ed. Graduate of th Baltimore College
of Dental Surgery, respectfully offers his
professional services to the citizens of Eb
ensburg aad vicinity, which place he will
visit on the first Monday of each month, to
remain one week.
feb 6. SAM'L BELFORD, D. D. S.
TfcTOTIGE. The account of Wm.
" Palmer, Eq., Committee of Sarah Ben
s n, a Lunatic, has been filed In the Pro
thonotary's Office of CambVia county, to be
presented to the Judgos of the Court of
Common Pleas of said county for confirma
tkn. on tle first Monday of March next.
GEO. C. K ZAIIM. Froth'y.
Trothy's Office, Ebensburg, Feb. 6, 18C8.
ipUBLIC SAL. ft. Tho tinder
signed. Executors of Jane Wherry, late
of the Borough of Ebensburg, dee'd. will ex-
Fiose to sale by public outcry, at the Court
louse in said Borough, on Saturday, Me 22J
day of February, 18G8, at one o'clock r. M.,
all the right, title and interest of the said
Jane Wherry, of, in and to LOT 77 in the
Borough of Ebensburg, aforesaid, bounded
on the south by Sample street, on the north
by Craw ford street, and west by Phaneyst,
having thereon erected a Frame Dwelling
House and Frame Stable, bow occupied by
Lewis Rodgers.
Term cf Sale One-half the purchase
money to be paid in hand, and the balance
in one year thereafterwith interest, to be
socurcd by the judgment bond of th- pur
chaser. GEO. J. RODGERS,
Feb. 6. '68.-3t. WM. KITTELL.
Also, at the same time and place, there
will be sold by the Executors aforesaid, a
LajJ Warrant fur 160 Acres, granted to the
said Jane Wherry, (formerly Jane Lewis.)
widow of Richard Lewis, deo'd, under Act of
Congress. March 3d, 1865. for services of
the said Richard Lewis in the war of 1812.
Alao, Six Shares in the Capital Stock qf
the Ebensburg and Cresstn Rail Road Co..
held by tho deceased per certificate of said
tice is hereby given that the following
Accounts havo been passed nnd filed in the
Register's Office at Ebensburg, and will be
presented to the Orphans' Court of Cambria
county, for confirmation and allowance, on
Monday, the 2d day of March next, to wit :
The first and final account of Wm. Bark
stresser, Adm'r of Nathaniel Bracken, hue of
Susquehanna twp., deceased.
The first and final account of D. M'Laugh
lin, Adm'r of Catharine Mehan, late of Mill
ville borough.
Tho first and final account of Peter C.
Lehman, Adm'r of Levi Weaver, late of
Richland twp., dee'd.
The account of R. P. Linton. Adm'r of
David llite, late of Johnstown, dee'd.
The account of Wm. Caldwell, Guardian
of Fanny Levergood.
The account of Wm. Caldwell, Guardian
of Frank A. Johnston.
The account of Mary Nagle, Adm'x of
Richard 11. Nagle, doe'd.
Tho account of John Kerr, Ex'r of Thoa.
Rodgers, late of Conemaugh twp dee'd.
Tho second aud partial account of Enoch
Fan ens worth, Adm'r of Wm. H.Lloyd, late
of Conemaugh twp., dee'd.
The account of Geo. C. K. Zahm. Adm'r
of Zachariah Morris, dee'd.
The first and partial account of John R.
Nagle, Adm'r cum testamento annexo of Rich
ard Nagle, late of Susquehanna twp., dee'd.
The second account of Catharine Connelly,
Ex'x of Bernard Connelly, late of Summer
bill twp., dee'd.
The first and final account of D. M'Langh
liu, Adm'r of the estate of John Trainer,
late of Cambria county, dee'd.
The first account of Joseph Daily, Adm'i
of Hugh Daily, late of Millvillft bor., dee'd.
Tha third and final account of Wm. Kit
tell, Adm'r of the estate of John Rees, late
of Blacklick twp., dee'd, of the proceeds of
the real estate of tho said deceased ; sold
pursuant to proceedings in partition.
The partial account of Elizabeth . Wible
and Jacob Stoltz, Adm'rs of Peter Wible,
dee'd. of the proceeds of the real estate of
said deceased ; sold pursuant to proceedings
in partition.
Register's Office; Ebensburg, Feb. 1, 1868,
Xrnn tbe 37XH day or January, a, D. 1SG7, to tbe SOtb day or
January, A. I. 186S, both days laclcslre.
To balaaco due tho County at
last settlement.
To amount of County Taxes re
ceived from Collectors for A.
D. 1867 and previous years,
To amount Poor Taxes, do. do.
To amount Relief " 1865, do.
To amount Milit'y " 1867, do.
To amount Co'uty Taxes on seat
ed aad unseated lands for 1867
and previous years.
To amoHDt Poor Taxes, do. do..
To amonnt Relief Taxes on seat
ed and nnseated lauds, for '65
and previous years.
To amount Road Taxes on seat
ed and unseated lane's, for '67
and previous years.
To amount School do do
To amount Bounty Taxes on
seated and unseated lands, for
1866 and previous years.
To amount received from mis
cellaneous sources.
To amount received on redemp
tion of lands,
To amount of Exonerations al
lowed Collectors on Co. Tax.
To amount of Commission allow
ed Collectors on Co. Tax,
To amount of Exonerations al
lowed Collectors on Poor Tax,
To amount allowed on Commis
sions on Poor Tax,
To amount of Exonerations al
lowed Collectors on Military
To amount Commissions allowed
Collectors ou Military Tax,
43,791 66
21,o71 71
MSI 49
282 19
624 89
75 6
81 41
80 19
109 61
0 &0
684 07
182 11
1,142 S8
1,193 88
67 96
499 92
253 00
51 01
$40,718 33
Djse from Collectors far A. . ISC" ana previous
J. D. Parrish, Ebensburg bor.,
Daniel O'Harra. Minister tp..
G. W. McDowell, Millville bor.,
Henry Lloyd, Susquehanna tp
John Pringle, Wilmo're borough,
A. Maken, Blacklick township,
Anthony Gill, Chest township,
M. Dunegan, Clearfield tp.,
Daniel Pringle, Croyle tp.,
Htnry Rager, Jackson tp.,
Robert Boyle, Millville bor.,
Johu F. Stull, Richland tp.,
Samuel Stutzman, Taylor tp.,
James Conrad, Washington tp.,
Jacob P. Strajer, Yoder tp..
Joseph Daily. Allegheny tp.,
Joseph Manlis, Blacklick tp.,
Ebenezer Williams, Gimbria tp.,
John Yahacr, Carroll township,
A. Farabaugh, Carrolltown bor,,
Baltzer Ilelfrick. Chest tp.,
John Wagner, Chest Springs bor.
J. M. Dunegan, Clearfield tp.,
Chas. Helfrick, Conemaugh bor.,
George B. WTike, Croyle tp.,
Geo. W. Oatman, Ebensburg bor.
W. W. Harrison, Jackson to.,
Wm. Flattery, Johnstown bor..
David Tobio. Gallitzin township,
George Yinger, Loretto borough,
Robert Boyle, Millville borough,
Wm. B. Diver. Munster township,
George Orris, Richland township,
Christian Shaffer, Summerhill tp.
J. Sharbaugh. Summitville bor.,
John Porter, Susquehanna tp.,
Jonas J. Goughnour, Taylor tp.,
J. McGonigle, Washington tp.,
Terry Troxel, White township,
Joseph Horner, Wilmore bor..
Chas. Crissman, Yoder township,
Theodore liarnett ") No. 10 March Term, 1865,
and tBaI' of Debt $155 30
5 Interest to Jan. 30, 18QS, 1 19
uobert IJ. Gageby, J Costs, . g 2t $110 111
, ") No- 34, Dec. Term, 1867, E. D.
Jacob Hurgoon, V Ual. Debt and Interest to Jan 30, 'C8, 4 00
J Costs 12 rj2 653 o2
1 No. 260 Dee'. Term, I860,
George Gales, iPebf' 178 37
Interest to January 80, 18C8. 4 22
J usis.
K. I. Linton, Iato Sheriff,
D. T. Storm, late Commissioner,
Same, 4 years interest on same,
Total, $33 48
Statement ihonlng Liabilities and Assets of tbo County.
Outstanding Orders, $ 3,758 12
Balance iu favor County, 13,793 67
T.tal, S17.551 791
Given under our hands at Ebensburg, t
JOHN FERGUSON, V Commissioners.
Attest Wiluam II. Skohlkr, lerk.
We the undersigned, Auditors of Cambria County, do respectfully report, that we
have carefully examined the accounts and vouchers of Receipts and Expenditures of
the said County Commissioners from the 27th day of January, A. D. 1807, to the
30th day of January, A. D. 18G8, both davs inclusive and find them to be correct ;
as is also tho foregoing statement of Liabilities and Assets of said County.
" Ur band, al the Commifsioners Office, the 30th day of January, A. D.
1868- II. R. SHAFFER, "1
D. A. LUTHER, V Auditors.
Attest Gio. W. Oatman, Clark.
Testamentary having been granted by
the Register of Cambria county to the un
dersigned on the estate of Mrs. Eleanor Dod
son, late of Allegheny township, dee'd, all
persons having claims against said estate
will present them properly authenticated
for settlement, and those indebted to tbe
same will make payment without delay.
. - P. H. SHIELDS.aExtcator.
Loretto, Jan. 9, 18Wfft.
Treasurer of Cambria County,
11,141 71
241 00
10 51
1.S32 00
1,176 00
450 00
275 00
736 72
122 62
465 89
1.1GS OS
924 53
249 90
245 SO
210 75
287 76
1,421 88
2,770 81
69 00
664 67
26 76
846 60
20 66
8,760 00
100 00
285 00
136 55
762 20
72 95
616 81
29 00
217 00
890 25
1,323 82
S66 04
265 23
1,460 25
62 24
40 00
69 60
24 85
829 36
By amount paid Assessors.
By amonnt paid Auditors, Coun
ty and State accounts,
By amount paid Bounty,
By amount paid Bridges,
By amount paid Commissioners,
By amount paid Com'rs Clerk,
By amount paid do Counsel,
By amount paid Constables,
By amount paid Court Crier,
By amount paid Court Honse,
By amount paid Ciim. Pros'ns,
By amount paid Elections,
By amount paid Fox Scalps,
By amount paid Fuel.
By aaionnt paid Incidentals,
By amount paid Inqulbltions,
By amount paid Jail and Jailor,
By amouat paid Jurors, fTrav.)
By amount paid Jurors, (Tales.)
By amount paid Jurors, (Orand)
By amount paid Jury Com'rs,
By amount paid Military,
By amount paid Postage.
By amount paid Poor House.
By amonnt paid P. H. Directors
By amount paid Printing,
By amount paid Probates,
By amount paid Prothonotary
and Clerk of Quarter Sessions,
By amount paid Redem. Lands,
By amount paid Refnnd'g orders
By amonnt paid Relief.
By amount paid Road Damages,
By amount pa:dRoad and Bridge
By amount pid Schools,
By amonnt paid Sheriffs,
By amount paid Stationery,
By aaiount paid Supervisors.
By amount paid Teach. Institute
By amount pa;d TipBtavea.
By amount paid Trans. Records,
By amount paid Wildcat Soalps,
By amount paid Western Peni
tentiary, By Commissions to Collectors en
County. Poor, Military and
State Taxes.
Bv Exonerations to Collectors
1,744 81
for County, Poor, Military and
State Taxes, 1,969 94
By Commissions on 833.016 24 1,156 62
By am't in Treasurer's hands, 2,795 72
Total, $40,713 33
years :
Co. Tax. Poor. State. Relief. Military.
$117 64 J
82 47 45 06 89 28
20 99 9 69 9 66 12 81
84 61 63 62
44 26 81 62 82 62
43 14 18 83 21 78 18 70
83 81 61 79
140 93 95 44 It 49
198 87 85 70
119 93 60 20 8 83
47 00
73 14 29 26 2104 Ia litigation.
155 86 86
12 61
18 66
6 40 2 10 In litigation.
400 41 221 03 24 09 29 60
74 94 10 36 22 23 6 50
682 14 285 15 84 69 20 50
754 25 1G5 41 68 49 48 50
15 30 9 54 18 78 12 00
232 30 116 57 29 12 21 50
155 33 80 44 24 97 10 00
339 62 192 20 11 81 32 00
288 00 134 06 24 64 41 60
210 59 105 92 45 40 16 00
139 9 62 96 96 23 27 00
809 24 16S 21 85 67 20 50
210 35 184 65 234 11 110 00
114 73 82 83 18 9t 19 00
90 8S 43 85 17 02 7 60
72 00 86 00 In litigation.
41 85 23 41 7 75 12 50
688 31 294 49 47 81 44 00
408 23 208 33 81 92 19 50
CO 05 80 44 14 28 6 00
476 83 254 65 46 22 14 00
347 54 173 50 39 60 88 00
682 33 291 96 46 06 19 00
49 72 81 34 19 4S 17 00
155 12 77 81 18 69 8 00
9 00 4 50 Id litigation.
7,749 79 3,964 17 1,206 73 202 03 686 00
1 25
183 84,
$1008 87
$17 67
$16 78
4 03 20 81
Amt's due from Judgments, $1,008 87
Ami's due, Miscellaneous, 38 48
Amt's due from Collectors, 13,708 72
Am't in Treasurer's hands, 2,795 72
Total. $17,551 791
lis 30th day of Jansarr. A. D. 1868.
Testamentary having been granted by
the Register of Cambria county to the un
dersigned on the estate of Michael Carney,
late of Allegheny township, dee'd, all per
sons having claims against said estate will
(O.EO. C. K. ZAHM,- Treasurer,
Fttr aid Soma of Employment
or c a llama, couxtt.
1867. To bal. In Treasurer's hands at last
settlement. 8 til 17
To County orders on hand, do. 2,740 00
To County orders iseued during
A. D. 1867, t.000 00
To amount received from Chas.
McCoy, on loan. 20t Ot
To baL duo Treasurer Zahm, 66 77
12,887 14
2,27 45
78 6
IS 40
167 90
114 CO
93 86
1867. By amount paid on in
debtedness prior to Jan. '67,
By amonnt raid for
Bank discountLloyd & Co.,
S0 ; Geo C K Zahm, 43 04.
Blacksmithing U. H. SiDger,
122.70 ; T. Mealy, 80.70;
Thos Davis, 45.00.
Boots and Shoes Melius, Cur
rier & Co.. J122.90; Cyrus
Hart. 45.00,
Clothing Cyrus Hart, 20 pairs
Pants. $68 ; H- Nutter, 4;
Garrett, Young, Bcott & Go ,
Coal Evan E Evans, 459.13 ;
Wm Tl'ey, A7.63,
Coffins David W Jones. $51.
75; J Wright, 4; Thill p 3
Custer. 6 ; Wm Orr & Bun,
14 ; Jno Purdy, 11,
Corstalles1 Fes C B Ellis.
$7.70 ; Geo C K Zal m. 4 60 ;
G V M'Duwell, 7.50; John
Martin, C ; K Ryckmcn, 25.
26 ; Henry Bvme, 3.C0 ; C
Snyder, 4.75; N Nsgls, 4.98;
GeoOrtfs, 7.70 ; Jas Darby,
16 60; A B Davis, 7.75; B
JameH, 16.70; J Christy, 4 ;
J. seph Daily. 19.50; A Dlg
nam, 8.66; Geo Vainer, 3.45,
County Oiders on hands,
Dry Gods Shoemaker St
Son, $251.19 ; Jno Gels. 45 ;
Gardnor & Stewart, 102.88 ;
HaviUnd, Lindsley it Co.,
107.79; King, Barth & Co ,
10; David Dibcrt, 40$ yds
muslin, 8.10.
Farmers II Drlskell. S59.09 ;
John W McConnell, 96 98.
Farming Implements Moses
Kring, 1 twin sled, $11 ; Jno
llumphre)s, hay lork, 11;
Gotleib Bantley, rope for hay
fork. 6.39 j T B Moore 1
grain drill, 76 ;
Flour and Grain A M'Fadden.
& Bios., $l,S9f.S5; James
Diikll. 131,50; tt J Lloyd,
14 ; G G Owens, 14 ;
Freight James J Kay lor.
Groceries T G Stewart A Co..
coffee. $148. 2G ; Jas P Mur
ray, 62cts; li LI Tudor, no
bill. 91 04; Jos Gtis. SS.60;
A M'Faddeu & Bros., 14.C9,
Hardware and Tinware Geo.
Huntley, $65.66 ; S Glass,
4. 85;
Harness Hugh A M'Gy,
House Servants Racbael A.
Burke. $50. 86- M Mouse.
9 64 ; Theresa McDevitt, 57 ;
Elizabeth M'Cauley, 18 ;
iLtcrest Win rainier, $1.97;
J J Kaylor, 55c's ; Charles
McCoy, 8.60; E Shoemaker
& Son. 2.16; John W Mc
Connell, 60cts ; Theresa Mc
Devitt, lOcts; Joseph Geis,
23cts ;
Justice Fees J S Stra ver, $ 1 1 ;
F Boarer, 1; I Ratledge,
Lumber M McGuIre, 500 feel
Meat Jas J Kaylor, 480 lbs
beef, $36.00 ; Same, 220 lbs
mntton, etc., 48.15; George
C K Zahm, 644 lbs beef, etc.,
87.62 ; flame, 2020 do., do.,
125.24 ; Same, 65$ lbs veal.
9.60 ; James Driskell, 808 J
lbs mutton. 43.20 ; Same, 90
lbs veal, 11.70; F Kittcll,
69 J lbs beef. 8.32; Pter
Maltzie, beef, 2.50; Wm
Kaylor, 2557 lbs bief. 170.20
Printing II D Wiodruff.ll.&o
J M Swank. 1.50 ;
Provisions M Driske'I, 81 bus.
potatoes, $81 ; James Drie
kell. 65 ditto. 65 ; Joseph
Daily, 15 bus. beans. 22.00 ;
James J Kaylor. 4J barrels
cider, 20 bas. apples, 61.50 ;
Relief to Out-Door Paupers
Wm McPherson, $128.60;
Jno Hannan, 28 ; J Blouch,
86; Wm Flattery, 19.60;
George Orris, 207.85 ; Thos
Jinks, 25; John Furlong.
80 ; Jaue Jones, 82.25 ; B
James, 16 ; Isaac S Horner,
6 ; Mary Wolford, 15 60 ;
Wm Palmer, 162.76; Th. s
George, 16 ; Barbara Bar
tram, 89 ; H Byrne, 20.50;
Joseph Daily, 62 60; Wm
Martin. 85; Mrs Williams,
8 ; J Murphy, 18.76 ; Henry
Walters. 101 ; A J Stemmer.
8.60 ; Mrs McKerr, 10; Jno
Si vert, 8.60: Thos Hocker,
6 ; Wood, Morrell & Co. 40 ;
Geo Wehn, Jr., 142.61; I
Wissinger. 19.18; Juhn lie
Closkey, 109; J,.hn Mcdl
gan, 7 ; Patrick Kelly, 122 ;
James Murray, 41.50 ; John
W Wehn, 68.60 ; Mary Mac
gus, 43 ; A Oswalt, 3 50 ; J
Ryan, 9; John D Thomas,
10.50; Peter Berg, 3.25 ;
Relief to OutDoor Paupers
(Medical Attendance) H W
Marbonrg, $37 ; C Eme rson.
CI.60; B L Yeaglev, 68.75
W W" Walters. 10 ';
Repairs Morgan Humphreys,
$7.50 ; J D Hartsock, 9. SO :
T B Moore, 7.05 ;
Salaries Jas J Kaylor, $204 ;
George C K Zahm, 1 year
Sewing EHzabetk Skellv.
Sundries R V Hook, $1 ; J
J Kaylor, 96.99 ;
Stationery James Murrav.
S:ock for Farm Georee "(3 K
8ft 76
145 40
1,000 00
ill 94
147 07
1S8 SO
1,665 86
88 45
20 01
0 61
47 SO
119 19
14 01
10S 64
642 48
8 00
210 It
1,708 23
167 25
28 85
837 84
29 87
ta 99
2 75
Zahm, for 1 mare $125 ; Jno
reulon,2pigs 14; 1M 00
Tot&1. . $ll337 14
Outstanding orders prior to
January 1867. $4109
Do. do. for year 1887, 2,516 76
No. Inmates Jan'y
1st, 1867, 54
No. admitted dur
ing the year, 66
No. Died, io
" Bound out, 2
$6,620 06
ro. discharged Jk
absconded, 69
No.remaming lgt -Jan'ry,
1868, S9
No. Sane, 59
; Insaae, 10
Remaining at the Poor Home whm tau
charge of by B. M'Dermitt, (Steward.) as
shown by appraisement list dated Jnear
7th. 1813. signed by James Myer. H. C.
Devino and F. P. Tlarney, and o iil.- .u
the Poor House.
iIiceUneou Articles. 28 m:i'ir. f
10 muslin chemisettes; T sheets ; 4 iaix.l
shirts; 1 tick aad bolster; Ifc J.iiiotr i'.:r ;
Stamps; 9 milk pots ; 1 ccfTee 1..V.I; ft ti-.
buckets; 5 dish pans; S cofle l:!!-; i
cooking stove and fixtures ; 2 wash tut ;
87 plates ; 41 largo dUhfS ; 12 small dUhe? ;
18 soup bowls; 1 caster; dcz e-:.cza ; 3
knives and forks ; S glaaa uisLt. ; 3 soup
trays ; I tea pot ; 2 pitcheia ; 1 1 tilths ; 2
cream pitchers; 2 sugar bo-' ; 7 .iojili
ing irons; 23 psnt glas ; 2 w?Kh-iwf, ;
1 OiSp of Cambria county ; 2 buffalo robes.
Articles of Furniture for tie lie-use. 1
cupboard ; 27 Iron bedsteads with bed bug ;
2 iron bedsteads without bedding; 14 li
stands; 2 old tables; 6 egg stovea ; fi
chairs; 1 old book case; 1 old tc:i plati
stove ; 1 dining table ; 1 douh-trsy at.d I
Articles qj Clothing not hoe Mention?
1 snail buudle of blue drill ; I yard re'
linsey ; 24 yards ticking; r'.-r hp?; a
pai.sjants; 19 pairs shoes ; 42l n: d'eicf
cotton batting ; 1 grcaa hoe strings ; 1 .t
cotton spools; 7 linsfly dresses, ai.d 1 Lc.i
Article of rrovitisn and JVs-f. 180 bus
corn in tho ear ; 110 busoaU ; 10 !arr! f
flour; keg fih ; 9 crocks ot z pie Iutter ;
16 gallons of apple butter ; 20 lbs reap ; 8
lbs Coffto; 8y lbs pepper; fl Lus beacs and
16 t n hay.
Stock and Farm Implements. 1 bob sled ;
1 hay rake; 1 mowing machine; 1 gr;.i
drill ; 2 setts of horse gears ; ' -ir;rg brio! ;
1 wagon saddle ; 1 ahovel plow : i harrow ;
1 patent hay lifter and rope for same ; I
wind-mill ; 1 straw cutter ; 1 manure fik ;
1 whetl barrow ; 1 old griud stone ; 1 ol I
wagon; 1 spring wagon; 8 head horse;
13 head cattle ; 81 eheep -, 6 large hogs ; 10
small pigs, and 1 p'ough.
Appraised as the property of B. il'Dermitt :
1 buggy,
1 sleigh,
$145 001 2 pruublcsch-
45 00 cd olothe,
10 00
ia 00
a 00
4 oa
1 o
1 00
1 sett barn's,
bridle and
1 cow,
25 001 1 lars copDer
kettle, -Ides
1 dos knives a
I butc'r knife,
carv. knife
end fork,
1 steel,
1 sett diahes,
10 tumblers,
1 glass d!h,
J lamps,
2 spittoons,
1 brjre looa'g
2 hutcbeti,
1 good tofa,
1 bureau,
I stand,
i yards good
wocl'n car
pet, 44 ycrJs partly
worn ditto.
13 00
80 00
n 00
10 to
8 Ou
7 00
1 egg stove St
1 8 d'y clock
2 tables.
11 chairs,
1 cupboarJ,
' 0 milk pots,
2 cream do.
3 buckets,
cau'J fruit,
lard tallow,
1 bbl. flour,
2 crocks,
1 whip,
streiuer and
coffee mil!,
1 s't cane bot
tom chairs,
rock'g chair
2 beds it bod
ing. 1 siJe table,
1 p a i r table
fi 00
2 0t
4 10
Iff SO
8 CO
1 5U
I 00
9 0C
6 00
45 00
10 0('
6 0'
1 C
so ( o
8 (
8 00
34 CO
33 0O
110 y4s oil cloth
10 01
130 0
10 OC'i 1 bay mare,
Total, $70 60
We the undersigned Auditors of Catubn.v
coantj-, respectfully report, that wc have
audited, settled, and adjusted the accounts
of the Poor and House of Einj.Ujmeiii of
said County, with George C. K Zahm, Tr
surer thereof, according to law. and find a
balance due the said Treasurer of Fifty-fi
dollars and seventy-seven cents.
Givaa under onr bands this 21t day f
January, A. I. 183.
D. A. LUTllEil, I Auditors.
Attest Gro. W. Oatman, Clerk.
Bv virtue of an order of the Orphaas'
Court of CambriA county, I will txpote to
public sale at the Hotel of Michael J. Piatt,
in Plattville, Su--iueha nm towcahip, .-u
Saturday, 22d Ftbruary ntat, at 2 o'clock,
P. M., the following real estate, of which
Andrew J. Farrell, died seized, iiow owned
by his minor children, viz: Francis Farrii,
Archibald Farrell and Jatofs T. Farrell
6uVjcet to the dower of the widow of the
said Andrew J. Parrel to wit :
PARCEL OF LAND situate in Susquehanj
township, Cambria county, aforesaid, bound
ed by Undd of Joshua Davis. Pitts Jb Cagu.
Heirs of J. Conner. David Burkh&rt. M, J.
Piatt, and others , attaining IOO'ctm and
124 Perches, strict measure, or thereabouts ;
about SO acres cf which are cleared, aud
thereon erected a two 6tory PInk H nse.
Frame Barn, and other outbuildings.
Terms of Sale One-third to b paid on
confirmation of sale, and the residue in tw i
equal annual payments thereafter, with in
terest, to be secured by the judgmeut bouda
and mortgage of the 7nrchaor.
Guardiass of paid minors.
P. S. The above property will be sold 114
described, or In two or more parcels, as may
result to tho best Interests of taid minor.
Drafts of same will be exhibited on dav t f
s&le. f Jan. 30. ISPS.
SHERIFF'S SALE. 13 j virtuo
of a writ of Vend. Erjton. usued out of
the Court of Common Pleas of Cambria Co..
and to me directed, there will be exposed ti
Public Sale, at the Court House in EbeLS
burg, on Moaday, the 21th day of Ftbruarv
next, at 1 o'clock p. the following Real
Kitate, to wit : All tha right, title aad in
terest of Edward M'GIade, of. in and to a
piece or parcel of land situate in Summer
hill township, Cambrli countv, adjoining
lands of Wm. R. Hughes, heirs cf Johu
Crum, and others, containing 00 Acres.
more or less, aoout l.'O Acres of which art
cleared, having thereon erected a two etnry
Log Uouso and a one-and-a-half story Log
House and Frame Barn, now in the occu
pancy of the said Edward M'GIade. Takeu
in execution and to be sold at the suit cf
Thomas A. Scott.
JOHN A. BLAIR. Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Elensborg. Feb C. 1868.
NOTICE. To THE Ckewtoes ov
tub Huntingdon, Cambria and Indi
awa TcasriKE Co. By order of th Court
of Huntingdon county, I ana directed to pav
to the creditors of the Huntingdon. CamUt
& Indiana Turnpike Company onk per osot.
on tha amount of their claims, wilh iwterc-t
added to January 11, 1841. I am repirt-l
to pay said amount om proscntatioa of vtrtU
ficates of indebtedness.
t JOHN LLOYD, Sequestrator.
Ebeosbnrg. Jan. 23. 1863.
Letters of Administration on th..
tate of David Leidy. late of Ja.kson tl"'
ty all p.I haXr.."..'
iaieMed to the iaai;B" "Ji thos"
I i- .,.-Ct. - - - Adin'x.