The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, December 26, 1867, Image 3

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    1 OZ2 T33225MSC
: DEC. 26, 1867.
,ter Monday. April 19, 167,
J in :'.k,.vi,l will run as follows :
!' . connecting with Day Express
;-JrA't'ml Il'iU- Express West.
.nn(tin(f with Pliila.. Ex.
,. . V.. lUU-vv.-o
'l-'t Md Mail West.
t or on departure of Phila.
.jiTor ou departure of Phlla. Ex-
, B,3 of thk Dat In accordance
V'' custom among country
' order to give ourself and
." r with the assistance of a boy,
.'..r ei!'.: .es of the young man we had
' 1 , v we have been forced to per
, ! tve et tire work of the establih
".i ' e V.;t tive weeks.) there will be
in tVm th:s office next week.
;,el iu loind and worn in body,
. ,! is Lave nc t come any too soon
i'i. n''i''i'tuijity for recreation.
i ".re are to issue from our pretn
v, , k. .irl they have kept all bauds
i' , -1' i I.ihjr. Our better half thinks
- i Miii.iriy confine-iug and thus
as well as our responsibility, be
'.','.,) liv t! i is Chriotmas iixlt. our
,n r.s if there is no issue
We may add that our uew haud
-, t ty: '.'f the publisher sex only
-e nuru her will conclude the first
-.t i'f the h'reiman, and we deem it uut
r cr but imperative that we hhould
rijal to those who have n t
ji,y, r only a p. rtion, of thsir tub-
::i f -r t'.ie current ar. At the close
,.-rr?'-! t volume theie will be over six
.7 .;' 1 Hrs due us fiom uticiil.erj who i! our paper from the
.. r ;;!: T n a few week of the coi-
f ' ur enterprioe, and as we fee!
-i,.ve turned this money honestly
7; Mjr.-ly, and have given full value
.:, a have no hesitation in soliciting
: ptyiueut from every one in arrears.
, Jcvit i- as the tubscription price
if paid within four weeks, but if
::x !.- permitted to go by unimproved
7! tiiiike out tills against all who owe
year, and charge the extra fifty
rufr trouble and the expense of col
: 'hf m vera! amounts. So take heed,
in terete J, end remember that
.:. .,. , r.itnodate us and save additional
u; selves by a timely atteution to
IVvmhis who wih to avail
'ftbis oSt'r, and do not de.iire to
direct, will have no trouble in
,.n.e cue of their neighbors who will
. t..tLi dcAy with pleasure, and who
. justice to all parties.
: ' 1 y
t -
.:: ay Fi btivar.. Nutwithatanding the
e that has prevailed for a shoit time
n regard to the Holiday festival in aid
: uew Ua- none cnurch, me enterprise
i ; l v anv me-iLS been abandoned. It
tho dlidir will not be got up on as
its a s.i'e as was at first contemplated.
.'.jvLvi fct that kimilar festivals for
'irpes a.e to It; h!d iu neighboring
es, ami it is not the wish of the Rev.
r L re t iiiterfers in any way with the
s f these varu u enterprises. It is the
ti n, however, to irepare a grand sup-
it lie Union Hotel on to-morrow (Christ-
ir':.iii, to which every person is cor
. mw'.e 1 who has a spare dollar to in
a c . d cati'-e. On Monday and Tues-
wuinrfs el next wet leastmg ana ies
ts ' .f the sainc character as those which
i ti e "Harvest Home," will be iu
y. in at the Town Hall, and on New
e.iio. if the sleighing is of a nature
p: personR at a dintance to attend, aa
s . pptr will l? served at the II all. So
' l .-een that l"ts of fan and an abun
- f feast inj wi'l be afforded to all who
i--n prcjier to attend. Several of the
'vhkh are up f r chances will ho dis
' rf at the Festival, but the more valu
will be reta'cifl until further effort
eto ohtiin something like their value
atii or William B- IIctchiksos.
''::!uin E. Hutchinson, the publisher
t A k'jhanian, is to more ! He died on
Tl.i.-sidy niui, aged 19 years, 10
!id 12 days.
- i!':rae i was in the er.joyrnent of ex
.' i e ilth utitil some three tiionths siuoe,
L? was taken down with a severe
r: in'e of the lungs. From that time
i s ih-ath h"pe and fear alternated
- L.s fieni'b but alas! their hopes
::-.4 to disappoictment.
ii"it';:.'ti.ion was a young gentleman
si typr. Manly, decided and en-"-
iu hi ci tiduct, he was, at the same
i-ntle. rurteous, and amiable in hia
:;n:,t. His unexpected death will
i ci. in the circle of which he was
' :-re. His family have our depest
I'-y in their ailliction.
-'ur peiierov.s Teutonic friend, Mr. Otto
-f Altoiirja, for a very opportune pre
1 '.ur'i.ife of a can of his unsurpassable
; -ut. for which the doaor will pleasa
"' ' 'ir Ptomach felt thanks. Mr. Ilossi
c ,tif.-cuir;er and pastry baker oJ well
W;i reputation, and we commend all par
'l specially those on the eve of matri--J.
to apply to him for all needed aweet
'n.i.,thiT "chicken fixens" in his line.
,Jr esc-.tnation Mr. H.'s mince meat I
rt tnat was ever sandwiched between
' f baked dough, but if any one
' '-r ju'ltrnientin the matter all he has
to call at our dumicil and .
'Jic can.
lsome Present. The other day,
t:rev,tae sitting in Bankruptcy, on
,aZ ror sanclum we found a square flat
?Uj he.3n handed in 'Cy Express
' .foa opening we found it to contain a
'n'" : graving of the "Old Tenn Man-,lW-.Wphia5
Built A. D. 1696 De
A. D. 1867. With compliment
j'we M. Apple, Thilad'a, to Robert
."r-toa. Esq , KbensLurg." Such was
r-r'ptijn beautifu ly written under
T' picture, which is elegantly framed
i .an",!,8 tHken from the phita of the
to tie
7,nr C'JMMissioNaRS Jnhn Tiuck. Eea..
Cities a..per, Esq., the newly elected
' vur.m.ssioners, will meet with hi
oucge Taylor, on Thursday, the 2d
li Xl 10 select, the jury for the
irrtar' VV diJ not favor the law.
' .1 in (p i "
better qualified
rors than the two
F u,ak two f
7" a Cacrihria county,
To our reader, we tender the compliments
of the season. V wish the patrons of the
Freeman, one and all. a3 well as the "rest of
mankind," a Merry Chri8tB1Rl ftnd a Happy
ew Year The birthday e( the Redeemer
of mankind should, of all dy jn year
be a day fraught with sentinaQts of goid'
will to all our fellow creatures. The nativ
ity of the Saviour of the world, the Second
Person of the Godhead, is itself a symbol of
'Peace on earth and ood will to all man
kind." Christmas, from Christ and Mass. has been
recognized as a Christian holiday ever siace
the coming of the Messiah, though the man
ner of its observance has been varied in dif
ferent countries, and among different relig
ious denominations, but with the whole
Christian world it has been recognized as a
season of joyousness. While in Catholic '
countries is is toe greatest Holiday known to
the calender, in neaily all Protestant com
munities it has been regarded with more or
less of religious observance, and of late it has
even been uade a legal holiday by statute.
Christmas Carols, in imitation of the songs
of the shepherds, have been in vogue from
an early period of the history of Christianity,
and are beautifully illustrated in the prose
poetry of Dickens, in his stories of that name.
We present this week a beautiful "Carol"
from the pen of our gifted young friend, "Lin
net," and though the talented warbler is now
far from her mountain home, we know her
effusions will be none the less appreciated.
The Christmas Carols of the Welsh are
said to have excelled all others, and are to be
fouud in their "Lfftn Corolan," (Book of
Carols.) an old volume.
The Christmas Tree, the delight of the ju
veailes, is said to be of German origin. A
young evergreen tree (generally a yew) was
planted in the children's apartment, and ail
its branches loaded with sweetmeats and
"goodies," and often more valuable presents.
This practice still prevails very generally,
and indeed the children are opposed to any
innovation upon it.
Another .traditioaal usage is to hang up
the urwhins' stockings on Christaias Eve,
whea Cliristopher Kringle, E?i , (vulgarly
known as Kriss Kringle.) would fill the said
blockings with sugar plums, candies, etc.
We recollect of making this experiment on
one occasion, but Christmas mwruing showed
us a stocking as empty as it was on Christ
mas eve when we took our foot out of it.
This mystery was, however, explained by
showing us a large hole in the heel of the
stocking, through which the " goodies"
were allowed to have escaped. " Darn the
tkirg," was all we said, as we once more
' put our foot 5u it."
Christmas day was also a great leveler,
both on the Continent and the British Isles.
The prince and the beggar, the lord and the
peasant, the nobleman and his retainers,
ignoring all distinctions of rank held a com
mon jubikc a clown, or quick wittel fel
low, designated as "lord of misrule, " or
" Abbot of unreason," usually leading the
revels. All the tenants were entertained
in the manorial hall, and the lord of the
manor encouraged all mauner of inuocent
Then opened wide the baron's hall.
To vassal, tenant, serf, and all ;
Power laid his rod of rule aside,
And ceremony doflid his prftle.
Tho heir, with roses in his shoes,
That night might village partner choose.
All hailed, with uncontrolled delight
Aud geaeral voice, the happy night
That to the cottage, as the crown,
Brought tidings of salvation down.
Kngl.tnd waa merry Lug and when
ITtd Cbritnis brought his spoitu again-.
'Twas Christmas broachM the mightiest al ;
'Twas Christmas told the merriest tale ;
A Christmas gambol oft would cheer
A poor man's heart through half the year.
At Queen's College, and at legal festivi
ties the chief dih was a boar's head, bear
ing a chant, half Latin, half English, run
ning thus:
Camt Oiri Jefero
Reddens lades Domino.
The boar's head in hand bring I,
With garlands gay and rosemary,
I pray you all sing merrily,
Qui estis in convitio.
The Yule log is 6till a Scottish observance.
Yule if the Saxon term for Christmas, but is
nearly obsolete, excepting in Scotland. The
Yule fire was made on Christmas with the
understanding that tlie yourg folks should
hold carnival until the last log was reduced
to ashes. The canning youngsters were
wont to procure a water-soaked black ak or
chestnut log of moustrous size, and by this
meaus would lengthen their reveli till Can
dlemas, which always ended the Christmas
This was a famous time for courtships
among the Scotch, who, as a general thing,
had no religious exercises en Yule : and
these occasions are of'.eu noted in Scottish
poetry. Burns more than once notices this.
One of his most popHlar songs commences :
Duncan Gray cama here to woo,
Ha, ha, the wooing o't.
On blythe yule night when we were fu'
Ila, ha. tho wooing o't.
Maggie coo6t her head fu' high, &c.
The Catholic custom of decorating churches
was formerly, aud is still, extended to cas
tles and cottages, the mistletoe being the
favorite wood, on account of an old Druid
reverence for the " mistletoe bough ;" but
holly and ivy are common decorations in
England ; and" laurel at Oxford and Cam
bridge colleges. ' ' ' .
Tt is also a superstitious idea that the
spirit of the deceased retreat from the
earth on the approach of the dawn of Christ
mas ; and hence in Hamlet, Shakspeare
makes Marcellus bay in speakiDg of the
ghost of the defunct king :
It faded on the crowing of the cock.
Some say, that ever 'gainst that season comei
Wherein our Saviour's birth is celebrated,
This bird of dawning aingeth all night long.
And then thej say no spirit dares stir
abroad ;
The nights are wholesome ; no p'anets strike,
No fairy takes nor witch hath power to
So hallowed and so gracious is the time.
Horatio : So have I hoard, and do iu part
believe it.
o o o
And, now, kind reader, we have only to
repeat our best wishes for your health and
happiness. Before we greet you an
other year will be commenced. Time rolls
on let ns improve it ; for coon " the night
corneth when no man can work." Let us
with what talent we have try to do good
among our kind. If our neighbor has
wrouged us, let us forgive him. " If we have
wronged him let us hasten to make atone
ment. Let us begin the coming year " at
peace with all mankind." Where we see
sorrow, let us soothe it where we see want,
let ui relieve it. rLet us treat the whole
world as one great brotherhood ; and play
the part of a brother in it. In conclusion,
let us all endeavor to act our part on the
grand theatre of life, so that we shall have
an approving conscience ; for
Honor aad shame from no condition rise
Act well your part, there all the honor Jiea,
Stoybs of all kinds for sale aWill5'
EurroRiAuriEs, Local and General.
Argument Court meets ou Thursday the
day of January next.
We put our paper to press one day earlier
than usual this week. The reason of course
la obvious to all.
Mr. David Leidy, ene of the oldest settlers
of Jackson township, died one day last week,
aged about 05 years.
W illiam H. Aukrim, who was co'uamirted
some time since on the charge of bigamy
has been released on bail.
Our Johnstown letter, much to oor regret,
is non est this week. We hope " Sku Bal "
has not wearied in well doing.
The public schools of our borough closed
to-day . (Tuesday .) and studies will not be re
sumed in tbeni until Monday, January 13th.
Our respected townsman, A. C. Mullin,
lusq., has removed with his family to Ash
land, where he purposes making his future
residence. Success atteud hita wherever he
Mr. Isaac Crawford offers at private sale,
on favorable terms, his valuable farm in
Cambria township. iVrsons seeking an in
vestment of the kind will do well toconsult
An adjourned Court for jury trials will be
held on the week commencing the fourth
Monday tit February next, being the week
immediately precediog the regular March
Tho First Annual Teacher's Institute for
Cambria couDty, meets on Tuesday, the 7th
January, proximo. It is hoped that teach
ers aud others interested will give it their
Vast quantities of lumber are daily find
ing their way to the Ebensburg depot. The
amount taken out this winter promises to
be very large, notwithstanding the dullness
of the market.
We have at present a carnival of sleigh
ing ; the rain, which it was thought would
remove the snow, became incorporated with
it, and instead of damaging, has improved
the facilities for snowj locomotion.
Burgess Moore lost a valuable mule on
the Carrolltown road, on Saturday last.
Another sled beam came in collision with
his, and by some mishaps one of his mules
was ripped open in a shocking manner.
A fellow possessed of more daring than
discretion jumped from the Express train at
Cresson, a few days ago, while it was under
full headway. He wanted to stop at that
Station, but the train didn't. He fortu
nately escaped with but slight injury.
Prof. Hugh II. Hughes proposes to teach
a class in vocal music, commencing next
week. Mr. Hughes has an extraordinary
natural talent for music, which he has culti
vated with care and discrimination. We
recommend him to the patronage of our
citizens. Tickets , may be had at Rees J.
Lloyd's Drug Store.
We regrtt to learn that Mr. Rees S. Lloyd,
a worthy citizen of Cambria township, met
with a painful accident, on Monday last.
While engaged in grinding corn cobs for his
oxen at his steam mill, a part of the machi
nery flew from its position and struck him
oa one of the arms, inflicting a severe frac
ture boloTr the elbow.
We notice by the Johnstown Tribune that
our energetic friend, F. W. Hay, has sold
one hundred and fifty of Spears' Anti Dust
Heating Stoves sluce last fall, and has orders
for mere. And so he ought to. ne is one
of the most liberal advertisers and accom
modating businfss men iu Cambria county,
and his success is as well merited a? it is
liberally promoted.
The concert for the benefit of the Moun
taineer Base Ball Club comes off on Wed
nesday evening, January 8th, 1868. It is
unier the superintending care f Prof. II.
II. Hughes, a gentleman fully qualified for
the position. Preparations have been male
to render it what no doubt it will be a
complete success. We trust the troupe- will
be greeted by a full house.
On a cold day recently Mrs. Myrunett
Kraigle and her two daughters started from
Frenchvillo. Clearfield county, to Sinnema
honing, a distanoe of twenty-six miles.
They were all thinly clad and had provis
sions for only one meal. Niht overtook
them in the woods where they remained
without shelter, and in the morning the
mother was found dead. The little girls
were rescued by some hunters.
Christmas comes but once a year.
And coming brings us glrvdness ;
So let us all enjoy its cheer.
And bid farewell to sadness.
And while we are doing all this, don't let
us forget that II . A. Shoemaker & Co. have
the greatest lot of seasonable goods in this
market, and sell them at prices considera
bly lower than any other dealer pretends
to do. .
Thb Golden Rcle. Over the door of one
of our most enterprising mercantile firms
may be read, in golden letters, at all hours
of the day, these patronymic words. "Mills
& Davis." If you bob in under these gold
en letters you will find a golden opportunity
for buying" as many goods for a paper dollar
as used to be purchased for a gold one In
days gone by. Try the experiment.
Oct akd Iu. On Satutday the 14th
instant the term of James Myers, Esq., as
ci :tr ,.r ComKrii ronntv Aiided. and John
A. Blair, E.-q., having taken the oath of
offiee, commencea in erioriuu
duties. Wo wish the late Sheriff a pleasant
retirement imm me ow vrt"u
ties of his office ; and h'is auaceaaor, a plea-
sant ana sucwiui Kim.
Littlk Stockings. How many little
v.-filial trnnlt.1on. this niffht
BlOCKIUiiS " 111 " - ct.
with Christmas gifts, and how many little
hearts will tverflow tomorrow morning
when they see what Krus Kringle has done
for them. Don't forget that C. T. Roberts'
- .1 onnf fnr trtVR &TH1 Other
Store 13 inegiB""'"" -j - ------
suitable goods with which to make the little
folks joyous.
Railboad Accidbht. R.Ait Pringle, a
e -:vi. n tha PeuusvlvaDia Kail
Road, was struck on the head, while leaning
out at the side ot tiis engine, " """""J
morning, by a telegraph pole or some other
object, near Penn Station, and bo seriously
injured that bis me is ae&paifou .
Tt would be almost ft shame
for any one to permit his or her wearing ap
parel to go to seed at this inclement season
of the year, when goods of all kinds can be
bought so cheap, as they can be, at the ex
tensive mercantile emporium of Y. 3. Bar
ker, on Main street. . , . . -
Stop Mr Paper! An old gentleman
residing near "U"J"' y ,7, "
undertook to break down the United States
bank, hf refusing its-paper. The geatle-
Yr.,n.tar tnwnamn wnu
III AH iu jauuk" - 1- - . ,
rA- tia namfl nnrrx9e. W1U om
equally successful. ." ,
Shopfino.-As this is the time when shop
ping is more generally than ary
other season of the year, seekeri iafr the
best articles of merchandise should not pass
th doof Of our merchant friend, W
Thrrw Stock new. ataplt bV-
Altooka, Dko. 23, 18G7.
friend Mac Quite spirited revivals of re
ligion are at preseut in progress in the Meth
odist aud Lutheran churches here, and some
forty or fifty persons have been added to the
membership of each of these churches. Our
town is sadly ia need of revivals, and it is to
be hoped that these meetings will accomplish
much good.
At the last meeting of the Democratic
Club a very animated discussion was indulged
in in reference to the reception of the report
of a Committee appointed at a previous meet
ing on the subject of the Pre.-kleiit' Message.
Capt. Crozter led the opposition in a very in
genious and argumentative speech," followed
on the same side by the worthy President of
the Club, while, on the other hand, the re
port of the Committee was ably advocated
by Messrs. Fettiuger, Lloyd, and others.
The report was finally" tabled for the present.
- On my way to the Company's shops, on
Thursday last, I was somewhat surprised at
the commotion and excitement among the
people, and looking in the direction- they
appeared to be going to and coming from, I
saw upwards of a hundred persons assem
bled in the vicinity of the "Green Corner."
My first impression was that Mrs. Clark,
alias Mrs. Government, alias Mrs. Lincoln,
was disposing of some articles from her su
perabundant wardrobe. To satisfy rrty curi
osity, I Rtarted towards the scene oi ertitw
ment. Meeting; a gentleman, 1 inquired the
cause of the commotion, when he iuf rmed
me that they bad a beast in a cage. Think
ing it possible that he had reference to But-
er, Sheridan or btevens, I hastened forward,
but discovered, soon after my arrival, that
the "animile" was neither Mrs. Government,
Spoon Butler, Tyrant Sheridan, nor Malig
nant Stevens. It was a more amiable and
useful beast than either of these creatures,
being no less than a bull-y calf, seven months
and three days old, which weighed 1182 lbs.,
dressed 7 74 J lbs., and furnished 68 lbs. of
uncleau or entrail fat, while its hide kicked
the beam to the tune of 95 lbs. It was
reared by Pat. M'Closkey, near Hclhdays-
burg, and killed and retailed by those priLCJS
of butchers, Mestrs. Zmk A Olmus. Can
Cambria county produce anything to equal
this juvenile specimen 6f the genus boviue ? J
f si trot :t out.
The fire companies of this place have elect
ed the following officers : Alex. Smith, Esq.,
Chief Engineer, and Hon. B. F. Hose and
Archv Maxwell, Esq.. Assistant Engineers.
All first-rate, thorough going gentlemen, and
fully competent for the dutiss assigned them.
Quite an amusing incident occurred iu one
of the stores m tms place, a few evenings
since. The proprietor of the aforesaid store
and one of his customers got into a discus
sion on the subject of religion, and the con-
troversary waxed so warm that it hnally cul
minated in a grand tableau representing the
customer making a straight coat tail for the
door with the proprietor's foot in unpleasant
proximity to his la?t end. ltie scene was
enjyeu exceedingly uy iooa.cra-ou.
lours, etc., A. 1. M.
For Bargains!
.ii., . i J.ii.
ME ffl.
lish and French Boarding School for
Young Ladies. Accomplished Educators,
healthful location, delightful river-side resi
dence, arrd home-like comforc, are the chief
attractions of this new and beautiful Institu
tion. Thirty handsome chambers limit the
number of boarders to sixty. Second term
commence Feb. 1st, 1868. For Prospectuses
address the Principal, Miss RACUELLE G.
HUNT, Beverly. N.J.
AZYGOS. Three magnificently illustra
ted Medical Books, containing important
Physiolcg-kal Information, for Meaiind'Wo
men, sentTree "on" receipt of 25 cents, by ad
dreeing the Secretary of the New York Med
ical University, Na. SO Clinton Place, N. Y.
And send it to SMITH & COWLEY, Pitts
burgh, Pa., for their large Quarto Circular
of the 1ROX CITY COLLEGE, containing
specimensof Cowley's Premium Penmanship.
Elegant Views of College Buildings, Halls,
City of Pittsburgh, Ac.
For 1668.
For the New Year should subscribe for THE
ADVANCE. Live, Earnest and Spiritual.
J ust the paper for home and Sunday. $2.50
a year. Splendid premiums for those who
get up Clubs. Specimen copies sent free.
25 Lombard Block, Chicago.
rpiIE RURAL. Gi:XTIi:3I AX, a
J- Monthly Journal, published at Balti
more, Md. $1 a year, in advance. Specimens
10 cts. Advertisements so'.icited. Agents
wanted. Address as above.
Rubber Moulding and Weather Strips.
The best, cheapest aud only perfect Weather
Strips in the market. Excludes snow, rain,
cold air and dust. Prices reduced to agents.
The sale Is beyond anything ever offered.
Send for an agent's circular.
87 Nassau st., N.Y., 67 Wash'gtn st., Boston.
Importer and Grower of
On High Street.
Cakrtisg the Mail. Proposals will be
received at tne i obi jiucc uvyu-i wicu,,
Washington, up to March 4, 1868, for car
rying the U. S. Mails tor tour years irom
July 1st, 1868. The following are the routes
advertised, in the letting or wnicn reuuers
of the Freeman may be interested :
2263. From Cresson to Loretto, 4 miles
and back, six times a week. Leave Cresson
daily, except Sunday, at 8:40 a. ra.; Arrive
at Loretto at 9:40 a. m ; Jjcave loretto aai
ly, except Sunday, at 7:10 a. m.; Arrive at
Cresson bv 8:10 a. m. -
2264. From Loretto, by Chiss Springs,
Saint Augustine, Falleu Timber, Rose. and
and Utahville, to Smith's Mills. 25 miles
and back, three times a week to Saint Au
gustine, and twice a week tne residue.
Leave Lorretto Monday, Thursday and Sa
turday, at 1 1 a. m.; Arrive at Saint Augus
tine, by 3 p nvj Leave Saint Augustine
Monday, Thursday and Saturday at 3: 15 p
m.; Arrive at Loretto by 7 p. m ; Leave
Saint Augustine Tuesday and Friday at 6
m.: Arrive at Smith's Mills by 11a. m.:
Leave Smith's Mills Tuesday and Friday at
p. m.; Arrive at Saint Augustine by 6
p. m.
22G5. irom .L,uemDuig, oy urroiuuwu,
Platteville and Garmau's Mills and Graut,
23 miles and back, k5x tiaies a week to Car
rolltown, and three times a week the residue.
ra F.honsburs? dailv. exceutf hundav. at
10:30 am. m. Arrive at Carro ownDvl m K UTKN' 1 II A f ill 1 1 W
i w
day, at 12 m.: Arrive at Lbens'ourg by 1:30
. m l. rni
n. m.; Ieave uarroiijown luesaay. xnurs
day and Saturday at 1 p. m.; Arrive at
Grant by 6 p. ni.; Leave Grant Monday,
Wednesday and Friday at 7 a. m.; Arrive
Carrolltown at 12 m.
2206. From Cresson toMunster.4 miles
and back, twice a week, bcneduie to oe
arranged to the satisfactien of the Post
master. - ......
2307. From Somerset, by Sipesvilie,
Jenner's Cross R ads and Somerset Furnace,
to Johnstown, 80 miles ana back, six times
a week. Ieave Somerset daily, except Sua-
dar. at. 10 a. m.; Arrive at Johnstown ny
Ft n. m.: Leave Jotiustown aauy, exoepi
Siim.lav. on arrival of cars sav 12 m.; Ar
ftuaa'-aoj w r
rive at Somerset bv 0 p. m.
2311. From Somerset, by Bentford'n
Store. Steystown, Stanton's Mills, (n.o.)
nnd Davidsville to Johnstown, 29 miles and
Kiirk. six times a week. Leave Somerset
daily, except Sunday, at 7 a. m.;
Jobnstown by a d. m.;
daily, except Sum'ay, at 7
Somerset bv 3 p. m.
2313. From Berlin, by Shanksville.
Shade Furnace and Scalp Level, to Johns-
fr.uTr, 331 miles and back, once a weett
T Pivn Herlin Thuradav at 7 a. as.; Arrive
at Johnstown by 7 p. m.; Leave Johustown
Vick's Illnsl r alert CnUlocii or Setdt
aud Floral Guide for ISO 8,
Is now published and ready to seol out. It
makes a work of about one hunds-ed large
pages, containing full descriptions of "the
GROWN, with plain directions for Sowing
Seed, Culture, Ac. It is beautifully illu.strn-
ted.with more than ONE HUNDRED FINE
WOOD ENGRAVINGS of Flowers and V. -
PLATE OF FLOWERS, well printed oa
the finest paper, and one of the most beau
t ful as well as the most instructive works of
t ie kind published.
yCJ-Sent to all who apph', by .mail, post
paid, for Ten Cents, which is not half the
co6t. Address
JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y.
Through L.lie to California,
December 5th and 15th: Janu'ry
5th, 15th and 25th, and Feb-
ruarj 15th aud 25th. .
With New Steamships of the First Class.
Passage Lower than by any other Route
ror lurther information address the under
signed at 177 West Street, New York.
UCorllandSt., iew YorK.
Manufacturers, Agents and Dealers in
All Vakiktibs of American Clocks
Sole A genu for
30,000 FKAIJCS!!
RIAGE. The Cheapest Book ever Pub
lished, containing nearly S0O pages and 130
fine plates and engravings of the Anatomy
of the Human Organs in a 6fate of ITealth
and Disease, with a treatise ori Early Error
and their Deplorable Consequence tipn the
Miud and Body, with the Author's Plan if
Treatment the only rational and tucce'ui.
niode of Cure, as blown by the report of caes
treatel. A truthful adviser t the tnarrud
and those contemplating marriage who en
tertain doubts of their physical oomlitir.n.
Sent free of po-tae to any address, crj re
ceipt of 25 cents in stamp or currency, by
addressing Da. LA CROIX, No. 31 Maioan.
Lane, Albany, N. Y. The author
consulted upon any of the diseases upon
which his book treats, either personally or
by mail. Medicines sent to any part of the
DnCil AGENTS WANTED tr go icit ' r
DUUlXders for DR. WJ1. SMITiI S DIC
70 of the most distinguished Divines in Eu
rope and America. Illustrated with over
125 Steel and Wod Engravings. Complete
in One Large Octavo Volume. Retail Pi I re
$3.50. We ernph y no general Agenti, and
can thus offer Extra inducements to Agent .
dealing directly with us. For fuil particu.
l r and terms address the Publishers.
J, B. BURR & CO., Hartford, Conn.
Chamnion Safes
World's Fair, - - - London,
World's Fair, - - Sew fork,
Exposition Uulverselle, - Pails,
Having located in Ebensburg, I would re
spectfully inform the public that I am pre
pared to execute PHOTOGRAPHS in every
style of the ait, from the smallest card Pic
ture to the largebt sired for framing. Pic
tures taken in any kind of weather.
Every attention given to the taking of
Children's pictures, but iu clear w eat Ver only.
Special atteution is invited to ruv s'oek
of large PICl'IIRE THAMES and PliOYO
GltAPII ALBUMS, which I will sell cLcp
er than they can be bought elsewhere in
town. Copying an? Enlarging done on rea
sonable terms. I ask comparison and defy
Thankful for past favors, I solicit a con
uance of the same. Gallery on Julian street,
two doors south of Town Hall.
T. T. SPENCE. Photographer.
Ebensburg, Key, 14, 1867.
Has just opened a full assortment of well se
lected and most desirable t
Gents end Boys furnished with CLOTH
ING, HATS, SHOES, &c, of the latest
styles and best material, at the L OWEST
which will be sold by the yard or made to
Having given full satisfaction to his cus
tomers fur more than misn -kite teaks,
he guarantees the same to all who may favor
him with their patronage in the future.
Qrj-Store on the west side of Montgomery
street, below Blair, next door to Masonic
Hall, Hollidaysburg, Pa. LmY23.1y.J
tm mi mi
m.: Arrive at
Leave Johnstown
a. m.; Arrive at
Standard Dry Goods,
p. m.
at 7 a.
in.; Arrive at Berlin by 7
finon Nkffg to Owners of Horses. Ilav-
ing secured the aid of a good Shoer, and
hinir well suDulied with Nails and Shoes, I
am determined to offer to cash cuttomera the
Greatest inducement held out in this place
since thing3 were low. You can have your
TTnrsP shod all round for One Dollar and F-.f-
ty Cents. I will also iron Sleighs and Sleds,
niaite Wagon Tire and all kinds of Cbaine,
and do everything in the Blackstnithing line
at greatly reduced prices for tne casn.
Shop near the Foundry of !?. Glass
Ebensburg, Dec. 12, 18C7-3m.
-nL o Elizabeth Wible. el. al.
j. ,w t . .
. . t rn ion? Snmrrmns in Partition
atarcu xciuj, , ,
1 .k nemlier. 1867. John 8. Rhey, Esq.,
tn renort distribution of
.w.l the nroDerty in the above stated
case. In pursuance of tha above appoint-
T 5U attend at the office of Wm. Kit-
tell Esq.. in Ebensburg, on Tuesday, the iih
Jay of February next, at 1 o'clock r. m., to
diacharse the duties of my appointment.
when and where all persons interested may
attend. JOHN a. ku & i , Auauor.
Ebensburs. Dec. 24. 1867.-4t.
30,000 FRANCS ! !
OOO In Gold.)
At the recent International contest, in the
Paris Exhibition.
The public are invited to call and exam
ine the report of the Jury on the merits of
the great contest, and tea the official award
to the Herring's ratent over all others.
Cor. Murray St.. NEW YORK.
HERRING CO.. Chicago.
riadam Poj
Corset Skirt Supporter I
mbines in one garment a
ana tne most aesiraoie aairt
Supporter ever offered the
public. It places the weight
of the skirts upon the shoul
ders instead of the hips; it
improves the form without t!;-bt lacing
gives ease and elegance is approvea ana re
commended by physicians. Manufactured
by D. B- SAUNDEIiS & CO..
98 Summer St.. Boston, and 22 Walker St.,
New York.
Also, by HENRY C. MOORE. 429 Market
st.. Phila., and ST ELLM ANN, UlNKICUa
& CO , 21 Uanovar street, Baltimore, MJ.
itnr M Mif7
District Court of the United States for he
Western District of Pennsylvania :
In the matter of ISRAEL BERKLEY,
The undersigned hereby gives notice of
his appointment ns Assignee of th estate of
ISRAEL BERKLEY, of Yoder township, iu
the county.of Cambria, in the said District,
who was, to wit, on the 30th dy of October,
A. I). 1F67, adjudgrd bankrupt upoa hia
own petition, by the District Court of said
Daved at Johnstown, the 5th day of De
cember. A. I). 1807. -
Dec. 12, 18G7.-4L Assignee. -
UD ifoiPK NOTICE The under
sigued Auditor, appointed l y the Curt
of Common Tleas of Cambria County to dis
tribute the money arising from the Sheriff's
sale of the real estate of the defendant, iu ;h
case of J. Y. M'Laughlin & Co., for the use
of Jeremiah M'Gonigle. vs. James Burk, No.
12, September J erm, 1807. Kx. Doc, anion '
the judgment creditors, hereby gives utico
to all parties interested that he will attend
to the duties of said appointment, at of
fice ih Lbenburg, on Saturday , January 1.
1868, at z o'ciocK p. M., when ana wher
they must attend, or be debarred from com
ing in on said fund.
GEO W. OATMAX, Auditor.
Ebenurg,-Dec 19, l8B7.-ftt.
X AD1E3, Yii can receive for the sum of
S I'k. Merinc and AliuiCa Dresses. Shawls,
Balmorals, linen Goods. Embossed Table Co
vers, Watches, Jewelry, Silver Plated Ware,
Sewing Machines, &c. Send clubs of ten or
more with ten cts for each descriptive check,
and the getter up of the club will receive a
present, worth from $3 to 4300, according
the number of names sent. Agents wanted
everywhere. Circulars sent free. PARKER
& CO , successors to Gbaram & Co., 64 & Q
Federal St., Boston.
JAKGAINS can be had by buyin
O your goods for
It is the Best Chance ever offered to Agents !
One or two days' time will secure a good
Sewing Machine, Watch, Silk Dress, Be vol
ye,r, or. some other article of equal, value,
p'BEE OB cost ! Agents wanted everywhere
male and female, for the best Ono-Dolla
Pawnbroker's sale-in the country. Send for
Circular. S. C. THOMPSON & CO.
81 Exchange Street, Bj6ton, Mass.
signed Aaditor, pppoiated by th 0-
phans' Court of Cambria County to rerxjrf
dibtribution of funds in the bands of Frarrci!
Christy, Trustee for the bale of the rank
estate of John C. M'Onire. deceased, berabv
notifies all parties interet?d that he will sit
at his office In Ebensburg, on Friday, Janu
ary lOtA, 18C8. at 2 o'clock r. u . ror the
purpose or attending to the nuties of sak ap
pointment, when and where they must pre
sent their olaime, or be debarred frora onminT
in for a share of said fund."
GEO. W. OATMAN. Auditor
Ebensburg, Dec. 10. 1867.-8t.
EIGHT ACRES OF LAND, adjeizmg the!
Borough of Chest Springs. CamWi-t county,
having ihereon erected a good Pl nL f&us.
Frame Stable, and other ou'l uikh jgs, with,
a never tailing spring of water and an excel
lent young orchard on the premises.. The
land is in a high state of cultivation, and
the property altogether would be a most de
sirable home for any obc wishing to buy it..
For further information apply to
Cheat Springs, Dec. 12, 1867. "-71. 8
Will be offered at Public Sale, at
Summerbill . Cambria county , on Wednesday,
the lbth of day January, 1868, a tract tf
valuable WOODLAND, formerly owned W
Owen M'Nally, containing J22 Acres, more.
"or less, a.djoining lands of Isaac Paul, Au
thony WarBer, and others- . The lan ts v'al
aabla aad the title good. Tern a will b'
mode known on day of sale br
Dec 19, 187.-fs.
I o i- 1
na P -T- r