The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, December 26, 1867, Image 2

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3 TI'?5T.iY
fTnvABVxr, " : : : Re 2G, I8G7.
A jiektiso of the Democratic Slate
Central CmmUfee will be hold nt the
. Iemoeriitic Club l?ooma, Harrisburg, on
Tuesday, Jjin. 7, 18G7; nt 7 o'clock p.
i. A full attendance is especially desired.
Wir.M.t A. Wallace, Chairman.
Cen. "WinsxI! Scott Ilancoclt.
There is something in jv nam! The
i;encr:il order of the hero cf Williams
'urg ic .".So:ning iha command nt Nov
Orh'Rfis proves ihr.i we have at least one
military commander, who recognises the
Constitution as lie paran-.our.t .mv uf the
imul, atui who is dit ermine to wield
p-wd in Subordination, to its provisions.
Ther. Is on roYilary chieftain, who
:J1 bwlicvvs tb'i chil pofver superior to
the arra .. the niilifury in time of pro
found peace : who still regards the writ
t Huberts Corpus and trial by jury as the
ioiomon biithright of the American peo
ple : an 1 who is willing to aecord to
wvcrtin Wtu'.es the power to govern
Sacb a loan is worthy of the name of
the presiding ofHcer of the immortal jifiy
sa, who signed the Declaration of Inde
pendence worthy of the prefix of the
Hero -A Lundy's Lane and ccrtqscror of
We do not favor military chieftains for
IVoident, nor are we willing to take any
thin for Grant-ed as to their political
c phiions : but should the Democracy bs
thrown upon a military chieftain at all
then Gen. Hancock is our man, and all
the people will say, Amen.
A warm hearted Pennsylvania!!, reared
in sight of Independence; Hull, amid the
clas-ic fields of Vulley Forge, Brandy
wine and Germantown, he could not be
s than a true-hearted patriot. ' If the
other district commanders would follow in
his f jotste p., instead of seeking to enslave
the South, the work of reconstruction
would be easy.
Lntc intelligence frcra the West Indies
presents a frightful picture of nero rule
"in Hayti, The particulars concerning the
a86cination of Montez, remarks the Age,
are well calculated to arrest the attention
of the friends of Christian civilisation in all
parts of the world. After starving him
for four days, an ineffectual attempt was
made to complete the business by poison.
W this.. Suli.ave. the negro President
e oi me so-eawetf mpubiic, ordered one ol
.' i . . .i . . . . . .
ms uwussir.s to Einouier mm, Out tins at
tempt also failed, and he was finally stab
Ld, his skull cut to pieces with a
ehiel. His body was delivered to his
frinls bootless and hatless on boards
a 1 conveyed to the cemetery, his friends
insisting on burying it without placing it
in a Cir?a. Intoxioatiwsr Iiauora were
lret'ly distributed to the people to induce
tlv m tf cheer for President Salnave. The
brother of Montez was captured, and
chained to the bloody bed of his murder
ed brother I.eon. Slontez's parents have
Ueen crazed by his assassination, and have
fled t Dominica for fear of the vengeance
.-of the negro President.'
.Now, as the Kadicsls insist upon Afri
ramzij.g tt;n Sutcs of this Uuion, of put
ting power in the bauds of the negro race,
i it not time fur white raen to pause and
ponder upon such facte aa those presented
with reference to r.egro rule in Hayti?
"What has happened in that island ivill
hstppen in this country, if the Radical pol
icy is carried cut in the South. Already J
nrgroes are demanding power and author-
j vtti Mll.nj 1UIN III SUWllOII.
Wheu that is denied they rfort to force,
nd mirdir8 and outrages are becminor
of daily occurrence. This is but the he
pinning of a policy which will result in far
Miore terrible scenes when the negroes are
fully organized under tha lead of desper
adoes, both white and black. .Recent
events in Hnyti bear strongly upon this
quustion of negro domination in the South
ern portion of this Republic, snd we hope
the facta will be read with attention by
every white man in this coun'.ry.
Tub overthrow of Radicalism, in 1867,
is the title of a lithograph print published
by tha Philadelphia News Company, and
represents Radicalism in the shape ' of a
bydra headed dead duck, slain by the
IleFCuIes Popular WtilJ One of the char
acters has just heard the Ohio election re
furnn, and with tears coursing his cheeks,
nd a hand covering bis eyes, he pours
fjrlb the lamentation. "No mere ridin in
de kcar?, no tuore buaein wid de white
folks, O I O ! Ohio !'.' Another Ameri
can citizen of African descent tries to
eonsole him ; he is sitting on a large trunk
Itbtlkd Ficcdmeu's .Bureau," with bas
ket aud ambrella by Lis side, exclaiming
'No use cryin' Sam, white man's shook
you dis time." The dead duck is on his
back, twisting bis tail, and manages to
Lep one of his beads erect," while be
lucJ hi the noeb of his other bead from
tr to'blt'vs tmiictedby the "popular
4 vlK 4
. A $65 pearl was found in an oypter
at Alexandra, .Va., the other day.
A son of the martyr," John Brown,
was lately placed in an Ohio lunatic asy
lum. Two wealthy Ch'wagonna ave gone
to law about n lot of four inches front", on
a Hreet i Chicayj,
-It is repo.t.( (bat the engineer whose
carelessness caused the Vermont railroad
disaster Aa become insane.
Albert Smith, a freedman, has been
"ppoiotod by General Pope a Justice of
the Koacc in Tuscaloosa county, Alaba
ma. A serpre shock of an earthquake was
experienced at Uticr. N. Y., and the ad
joining country, early on Wednesday
A young wife in Northern New York
threw her bonnet and fchawl into the river,
left a puieidal note for her husband, and
eloped with another man.
A rubber took $10,000 worth of dia
monds from a jeweler's store in Cincinnati,
on Wednesday night. The scoundrel was
pursued, captured, and nearly ail the.valti
ab'.e property recovered.
The late.Scth Hinshaw, a noted
spiritualist, of Greensboro, Henry county,
Ind , had his gravestones engraved and
prepared for about twenty years before his
death. lie used them as counters in his
On Saturday night last, Willliara
Rogers, of Chattanooga, Tennessee, ac
cused his wife of infidelity, which she de
nied, whereupon Rogers leveled his revol
ver, and' shot her twice, killing her in
stantly. '
The Cumberland County Poor House
took fire.on Thursday nieht, and was dam
aged to. the amount of $2,500. Three
persons were burned to death one, an
insane man who was chained to the floor,
being literally roasted alive.
The widow of a former membvr or
Congress, rei iiug in Ilallowell, Me., late-
ly oianied her hostler. Ho tr-4 i
v, and 6he applied for a divorce,
whereupon he decamped with 20,000 in
bonds, leaving her in destitute circum
stances. They have earthquakes at St. Thom
as at the rate of 47 in 24 hours ; or about
one every 30 minutes ; and in St. John,
recently, they had 114 in eight days.
For these desirable residences, we believe
Mr. Seward wants us to pay 7,500,000
in gold.
S. J. Woodman, of Chicago, HI ,
writes to the New York Farmers' Club,
that a barrel or a cask of new sweet ci
der, buried so as to be well covered with
fresh earth, will turn to vinegar in three
or four wec-ks, as good as ever sought
affinity with cabbage, pickles, or table
The Pacific States have boen visited
with a decidedly unpaciiic storm. Califor
nia, Oregon, and Washington Territory
have- been afliicted, some stnvl towns have
been swept away, and any number of
dams carried down stream. It requires
tuoia nerve n the part of gold miners to
! lpsc their dams without swearing.
A negro boy was arrested at St. Jo
seph on the 5th instant for setting fire to
the house in which'he was employed as a
servant. A reprobate old African told
him that he was working for "rebels,"
and urged him to burn them ont. Ac
cepting this Radical teaching, he placed
bunng coals on the roof of the kitchen.
The Cooper Ironworks at Phillipsburg,
N. J., with the mining lands belonging
to them, were sold last week for six bun
died thousand dollars. One of these
mines belonged to William Penn, and the
fir?t lot of American iron made from it
was landed at Liverpool, England, thirty
years before the Declaration of Independ
ence, The Coronet's jury, on the bodie3 of
the persons that perished by the late tene
ment house fire in N. Y., returned a verdict
Thursday to the. effect that the fire was
originated by Max Miller, and censured
the owner of the house for not providing
suitable moans of escape from the building.
Miller has been committed for trial with
out bail.
A few days since a boy in Littleton,
N. H , pet fire to a stump ou the land of
his father, near the village, and, it having
burned away, he discovered in the earth,
at roots, a small tin can, tightly seal
eu', whic.1 was found to con'ain a quantity
of counfri d'8 we preserved in oil.
It had evidei.''y remained there for some
length of lime. The dies were well exe
cuted, and for the pwrpos3 of making
small American coin.
The attempt is again being ratiJiJ to
confederate into a single nation the South
American Republics on the Pacific slope
of the Andes. Peru has taken the initia
tive, and has addressed a circular upon
the subject to the government of Ghili,
Bolivia and Ecuador. These four nations,
winch, it is proposed, shall form the new
Republi", have 3,900 miles of sea coast,
contain G, 8000,000 inhabitants, and cover
1,185,000 square miles of territory.
Colonel Parker, the Indian chief on
General Grant's staff, who was to lc
been married oa Monday last to a belle of
Washington city, ha9 turned up. ' He
fc-nys he was drugged by a brother Indian,
to pre74iot him marrying a white woman.
As Colonel 2'urker. is about the color of a
new saddle, in view of the future, he had
bettvr take a darker ituej aLclen claiming
to be of the superior race. It is iiif-lv he
would not be drugged under an arrange
merit of this kind.
A novel wedding took place in Co
lumbia, Conn., recently. The bridal par
ty was to be married and leave town on
the next train. They started for the
clergyman's residence, having but little
time to spare, and met him on the way:
In order that no time might bo wasted, it
was proposed to have the marriage cere
mony performed then and there right in
the middle of the road. No objection be
ing made, the minister did the. business,
several people meanwhiln arriving as pass
ers by on the road, who were accepted as
competent witnesses. The married cou
ple get ro the cars in ample sasoa to
start.jco tboir tour. . ' .
The Ajmjola Catastrophe The ter
rible railroad catastrophe at Angola, in
the western part of this State, turns out to
have been even more destructive of life
than h.ts been reported. There is now
reason to feir that the slaughter will not
fall short of sixty. The peionaJ horrops
connected with the atiair ar even soore
heart-rending than in ordinary railroad ca
tastrophes, and the appalling nature of the
entire scene is too shocking for the imagi
nation, The dead are out of all common
proportion to the wounded, and, consider
ing the circumstances, it is remarkable
that a spark of vitality was found in any
of the p:isscngers. The unfortunate vic
tims were not only burned to death, but
the great .part of them were past all recog
nition. Our first report gave the state
n&ent that the accident was understood to
have arisen from a defect in a rail ; a la
ter report says the train struck an iron
frog at a switch, and another report says
that the disaster was caused by the break
ir.g of a wheel, By one or other of these
means the car was thrown from the track
and precipitated over an adjacent embak
ment, with the ghastly results alfoady
mentioned. In any event, there is no
doubt that there wa culpability, horrible
culpability, on the part of the managers
and agents of the Lake Shore Railroad.
The charred remains of the entire body
of murdered victims have, we suppose,
been gathered up, and will probably be
snt to their families. The surviving
friends will forever mourn over their irre
parable losses. There will be suffering of
many kinds, for many long years to come,
in hundreds of hearts, because of the rail
way slaughter at Angola. For these things
it is out of the power of men to furnish
reparation or remedy.
But we again add Knottier to the thous
and warnings and appeals we have made
in times nast in r.-nn- " .:,i.
ever-recurr:r.g .'',oaa disasters. We de-
I "ana at nrc justice for the culprits, and
llic P1'00 tf something like common
. precautions against the recurrence of such
heart-rending outrages. A. Y. Tunes.
A Long Seakch for Relatives bt
Two Boys. About fifteen years since,
William G. Berry and family, two sons
and a daughter, removed from Charles
town, Mass., and located in New Ulm,
in Minnesota. Here they remained until
1862, the family having increased to three
sons and three daughters. It was in the
month of October of that year that the
hostile Indians of the Sioux tribe com
mitted their ravages in that State. One
afternoon two boys, eight and eleven years
of age, went out in pursuit of a stray cow.
When they returned at night they found
their father, mother, three sisters and
a brother all murdered, and some of them
scalped by the Indians. There was no
residence very near, and these two children
were left to their own resources. They
passed one farm house where a whole
family were hanging in front. They had
heard of Cbarlestown, and wished to reach
there, hoping to find the relatives or friends
of their parents.
These two children commenced their
journey, stopping on the way and doing
such work as they were able in various
towns, and at the end of five years they
reached Boston and Charlestown. But
no one could they find who had anv
knowledge of the family. They stopped
a while in Boston, then went to Glouces
ter, -where they sought an uncle named
It N. Heath. They were told that be
resided in Portsmouth. On Tuesday
evening they arrived here and appplied
for lodgings at the police station. Marshal
Johnson heard their story and gave them
accomodations, They can find nothing
of their uncle here, and are now at the
City Farm until some place for them can
be secured. The oldest, William Berry,
is now 1G, and Joseph is about 13 years
of age. They arc intelligent boys. A
reference to the records of the times shows
that Indian outrages were committed in
Minnesota at the time they state. Ports
mouth (N. II.) Journal.
As Ei-kphaxt Kills his Kekper.
The elephant Romeo, known as one, if
not the largest in the country, was placed
a short time since on a farm in Ilatboro,
Montgomery county, Pa., for winter quar
ters b' his owner, Mr. Forepauch, and
leaving his keeper, Mr. W. S. Williams,
in charge. On Wednesday last Mr. Wil
liam? went to the place where the elephant
was kept, for the purpose of washing the
face, tusks and portious of the body of
the animal, and while thus engaged Ro
meo attacked Mr. Williams, thrusting one
of his tusks into his body and treading
unon him. The cries of the keener nt-
. 1-
1 trarted a number of persons, when the
elephant .allowed the wounded man to be
removea without opposition. Williams
was so dreadt'u'.'v injured that he died in
about one hour after being attacked. The
elephant seemed to be pcrfeCJ'r docile
shortly afterwards, but it was thoi'c'11
proper to confine him with chains, so .as
to prevent future accidents. Mr. Wil
liams, the deceased, belonged to London,
in Canada West, and leaves a wife who
was with him at the time of bis death.
He had charge of Romeo for four or five
years, some fifteen years ago, and did not
again assume the duties of keeper until
one year ago.
If a lettenwriter trom Lima, Peru, is
to be believed, there is a region forty
leagues from that city, called the valley
cf Juaca, where the climate "restores
consumptive persons to health as certainly
as night4 follows day." No other medi
cine is required except the pure air of the
valley. Hundreds of persona are said to
go to Juaca from all parts of Peru yearly
to be cured of this terrible disease ; and
although the writer anticipates that medi
cal men "will smile at the idea of con
sumption being curable," he still avers
that every invalid excepting only those
in the last stage of the malady returns
physically sound after a residence in Juaca
of from one to two years. This state
ment ought to interest the medical readers
and those who tnay be afflicted with con
sumption, enough to induce pome inquiry
tnto tha trutti or fe'sity of it.
In view of the skating season, the
following, from Halfs Journal of Health
may wave our friends who indulge in the
m c-
recreation of skating no small amount of
discomfort. "Before starting for the ice,
bathe your feet in cold water, drv them
perfectly, a?l give them a good rubbing
wun a crastKtowel, out cn a pairol wool
en or heavy cotten strc!;inps, and your
feet will remain cortfurtably warm for
iliiee or tour hours m trie coldest weather
it will be remembered that some
wetks aero. William G. Grave wns ars
rested in Michigan, as tire accomplice of
nase. in the murder ot Mrs. McDonald,
in Jefferson county, last February. He
has been tried, found guilty of murder in
the second degree, and sentenced to eleven
j'ears and eight months in the Penitentiary.
Am-ericah Waltham Watches. The
true value of Machinery applied to Watch
making is not that by its use Watches are
made rapidly, but that they are made cor
rectly, very few people know a Waltham
Watch should be superior to any other. In
the first place, at Waltham the Watch is re
garded as only a machine, to be constructed
Iik iny other. machine, on mechanfcal prin
ipk. If the watches &Te good it is because
the machinery u good. Of course there must
be no dt feet in the principle or plan of move
ment -no mistake in the sies or shapes of
the pieces of which it is composed nothing
wsLutirij-nerr properties, and no error in
tfceir pot-Uinns. These points ooce thorough
ly settled, it rests wholly with the machine
ry, constructed with iufinite diversity of form
and function expressly for the purpose, to
produce the finished pieces. By means of
multiplying gaiiges ud microscopes, tests
and inspection for the detection of wear in
the cutting tools, and for faults and flaws in
steel and stone are made Is accompany the
work in every stage from beginning to end.
As a necessary result, the watch goes togeth
er a perfect machine. Every part is found
to fit properly in its place. Eveiy pin may
be pushed till U pinches, auCl ?Prv Re.rew
turned home'. Iustead of teriih and feeble
action, the balance, even under the pressure
of the lightest mainspring, vibrates with a
wide and free motion, and tha brat has the
clear ringing sound always characteristic 6f
the Waltham Watch. The machine is a
timekeeper from the start.
Tbis system of watchmaking Is unknown
in foreign countries, and is entirely original
with the Waltham Company. The Compauy
claim that by it they produce watches that
cannot be equalled for every quality which
makes a watch valuable. Simple in plan
aud correct in principle, the movement is not
only beautifully finished, substantial, accu
rate and cheap, but is uniform in the minu
test details, not easily damaged, and when
repaired always as good as new. There are
different grades of finish in the different va
rieties of watches made by the Waltham
Gmpany, as there are different sizes and
shapes to suit all tastes and means ; bat ev
ery Watch that bears the genuine trade-mark
of "Waltham" is guarantied to be a good
one. and nobody need be afraid to buy it.
Evert Watch fully warranted. For sale by
all first-class dealers in the United States and
British Provinces. For further information
address the Agents, BOBBINS & APPLE-
TON, 182 Broadway, N. Y.
Da. Schekck's Manpbakb Pills. A
Substitute for Calomel. These Pills are com
posed of various roots, having the power to
relax the secretions of the liver as promptly
and effectually as blue pill or mercury, and
without producing any of those disagreeable
or dangerous effects which often follow the
Ui,e of the latter;
la all bilious disofdfrs these Pills may be
used with confidence, as they promote the
discharge of vitiated bile, and remove those
obstructions from the liver and biliary ducts
which are the cause cf bilious affections in
general. ,
Sehenck's Mandrake Pills cure Sick Head
ache, and all disorders of the Liver, indica
catcd by sallow skin, coated tonpue, costive
ness, drowsiness, aud a general feeling of
weariness and lassitude, showing that the
liver is iu a torpid or obstructed condition.
Ia short, these Pills may be used with ad
vantage in all cases when a purgative or al
terative medicine is required.
Please ask for "Dr. Schcnck's Mandrake
Pills,' and observe that the two likenesses
of the Doctor are on the Government stamp
one when in the last stage of GDsuniption
and the other in his present health.
Sold by all Druggists and dealers. Trice
25 ceots per box. Principal Office, No. 15
North Cth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
General Wholesale Agents : Dermis Barnes
& Co., 21 Park Bow. New York; S. S.
Hance, 108 Baltimore St., Baltimcre, Md. ;
John D. Park, X. E. cor. of Fourth and
Walnut St., Cincinnati, Ohio; Walker &
Taylor, 131 and 136 Wabash Avenue, Chi
cago, 111. ; Collins Brothers, southwest cor
ner of Second and Viae Sts., St. Louis, Mo.
Usb thb Best: Blades' Eup7inial Lu
bricators are a medical preparation in the
form of a Lozenge, and are universally con
sidered the most pleasant, convenient and ef
fectual remedy in use for Hoarseness. Coughs,
Colds, Croups, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis,
Diptheria, and all Pulmonary Complaints.
They are wabranted to give quicker and
more lasting benefit in the above affections
than any other remedy. Also to contain no
deleterious ingredient, and not to effeud the
weakest and roost sensitive Stomach.
Blades' Constitution Pills are so called be
cause of their peculiar effect upon the Liver,
Stomach, Blood and Nervous System. For
inactivity of the Liver, for the Stomach in
derangement, or Dyspepsia, they will de
light the patient with their mild and bene
ficial effect, especially if after long continued
indigestion and costiveness, they are left
with periodical returns of the Sick Headache.
Ill case of a severe cold, producing Chills
and Fever," you can break it very aoon by
using the Pills as per directions with each
box. JOHN U. BLADES & CO.,
augS-Jy Proprietors, Elmira, N. Y.
For sale by all Druggists ; 25 cts. per box.
Tobias' Derby Condition Powders are war
ranted superior to any others, or no pay, for
the cure of Distemper,' Wrorm6, Bots, Coughs,
Hidebound, Colds, &c, in horses ; and Colds,
Coughs, Loss of Milk, Black Tongue, Horn
Distemper, $-c., in cattle. They are per
fectly safe and innocent; no need of stop
ping the working of your animals. They
increase the appetite, give a fine coat, cleanse
the 6tomach and urinary organs, also in
crease the milk of cows. Try them and you
will never be without them. Hiram Wood
ruff, the celebrated trainer of trotting hor
ses, has used them for years, and recom
mends them to his friends. Col. Philo. P.
Bush, of the Jerome Race Course, Fordbam,
N. Y. would not use them uutil he was
told of what they were composed, since
which he is never without them. lie has
over twenty running horses in his charge,
and for the last three ears has used no other
medicine for them. He has kindly permit
ted me to refer anyone to him. Over 1,000
other references can be seen at the depot.
Sold by Druggists and Saddlers. Price 25
03'iU bc. Depot. 5G Cortland St.. N. Y.
It is a perfect and wonderful article.
Cures baldnerttf. Makes hair grow. A bet
ter dressing than any "oil" or "pomatum."
Softens brash, dry and wiry hair iuto Beau
tii'u! fcilkeu Tresses. But, abova all, the
great wonder is tht rapidity with which it
COLOIi. . . ;
The whitest and worst looking hair re
sumes its youthful beaHty by its use. It
does not dye the hair, but strikes at the root
and fills it with new life and coloring matter.
The first application will da good ; you
will see the katdbal colob returning everv
day, and BKFORE YOU KNOW IT, the
old, gray, discolored appearance of the hair
will be gone, giving place to lustrous, shining
and basuitiful locks.
Ask for Hall's Sicilian Hair Itenewcr ; no
other article is at all like it in effect.
See that each bottle hA3 our private Gov-,
ernment Stamp over the top of the bottle.
AVL others are imitations.
li. 1 LI ALL & CO., Nashua, N. II., Pro
prietors. For sale by all druggists, d.12.
To Cossumptiyes. Kkv. EDWARD A.
WILSON will send (free of charge) to all
whodesire it, the prescription with the direc
tions for making and using the simple rem
edy by which he was cured of a lung affec
tion and that dread disease. Consumption.
His only oliect is to benefit the afflicted, and
he hopes that every sufferer will try this
prescription, as it will cost them nothing
and may pi ore a blessing. Please add rests
No.165 S. Second St., Williamsburg, N. Y.
ILsli. J. LJoyeJ, Druggist, Ebensburcr. is
Agtnt for the sale of the above preparation.
r: no it us of youth.
un-uiou w.iu puucji'u toi j vara i 1 v l u
M?rvous Dc-umty. Premature Decay, and
all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will,
for the sakw of suffering humanity, send free
to all who need it, the recipe and directions
fur making the simple remedj' by which he
was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit bj
the advertiser's experience, can do so by
addressing, in porfect confidence, JOHN B
OODEN. 42 CbdaT street X. Y.
Information. Information guaranteed
to produce a luxuriant growth of hair npon
a bald head or beardless face; also.' a recipe
for the temoval of Pimples, Blotches, Erup
tions, &c, on the. fkin, leaving the same
soft, clear and beautiful, can be obtained
without charge by addressing
THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist.
823 Broadway, New York.
Yankee Notions and T..ts may be very
nice tilings for the children to play with, but
Coe's Congh Balsam will cure them of Croup,
Coughs and Colds, and should always be on
hand ready for immediate use. It is an ex
cellent lemedj' and very popular.
No. 37 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
We have now to announce to oar numer
ous patrons and friends the publication of
Duff's New System of Book-Keeping
Harpbr & Brothfr.8, New York, Pp. 400.
Royal Octavo. 3.75; postage 35 rests.
For sale by booksellers. This splendid work
includes all late improvements and labor
saving forms iu
Merchants' & Masltactvueus' liooKS,
fully illustrated in six complete sets of Books.
Next follow
Duflfg National Dank Hooka,
Illustrating a fall, set of TWENTY-FIVE
BOOKS ; practically recording a series of
transactions from the formation of the com
pany to tke declaration of the first dividend ;
exhibiting new forms of the Receiving and
Paying Tellers' Cash Books, Deposit Ledger,
&c. These are followed by
Duff's Itallraad Accounts,
Practically exhibiting the business regarded
in thu Sevkw Principal Books in surveying,
grading, building and equipment, with op
erating disbursements and receipts until the
first dividend. The next are
Duff's Private Ilanker's Dookn,
Fractically illustrating the Private Banker's
business iu Ten BtrgixEa Books. Iu this
work all useless theories are reject!, and
much new and important matter, found in
no pre-existing work, is substituted. It is
tho first work of the kind published, bearing
the recommendation of the Chamber of Com
merce of New York. No course of business
education given elsewhere will therefore com
pare with it in effieiency. The College terms
and a full description of the above work, are
given in our new 11 Page Double Quarto
Circular, mailed free. Address
P. DUFF & SON, Pittsburgh, Pt.
Dec. 19, 1867. lm.
hereby given to the Stockholders of the E.
& C. R. R. Co., that the annual election for
a President and twelve Directors of said Co.
will be held at the office of Uoa. A. A. Bar
ker, in the borough of Ebensburg, on the 2.1
Monday, 18th day, of January next, begin
ning at the hour of one and closing at four
o'clock r. m. D. J. JONES, Sec'y.
Ebensburg, Dec. 19, 1867.
Lection notice. Notice
is hereby given to tk members of the
Protection Mutual Fire Insurance Company
of Cambria County, that' the annual election
rL Board of Drectors will be held at the
Office of. the Company, in Ebensburg. on
the second Monday (18th day) of January.
1868, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. m.
and 2 o'clcck r. u. R. J. LLOYD.
Dec. 19. 1867. Soc'y.
TRAY" STEER. Came to the
premuea.of the ubscriber. In Carroll
township, Cambria county, tuma time lat
Spring, a BLACK STEER, three years old
next Spring. No marks distinguishable
The owner is requested to come forward,
prove property, pay charges and take him
away, otherwise he will be disposed of ac
cording to law. JOIlK AGER.
Dec. 1, 1867.-3t. , .
- J
"DENTISTRY. Dr. D. W. Zeig-
ler, having opened an office in rooms
over R. R. Thomas' Store, ofifere bis prof
siotal services to the eitiaeus of Ebeimr,
and vicinity. , TecVi tmtracted tc','0t4 vain
by use of Kltrous Oxidet1
.he office, , ib,;M""nJ'rfA"
Lowest Prices !
itocr or
&&A larite tho
Cheap Goods
V. S. Bi
CXUBfUA-Gfc. mHk.
A Library of Un iverRii tT-
A Popular Dictionary of General v ? '
of General i, .
IlllTCT, "VI Vl,
GEO. RirLEY AM) niT? .
..... --. a. Dv
in all branches of Science 4 r ritlT
. ,un meet CO
xjiiersunre i
"-""i"--"i""w jjagis n each
ine leading claims to pBbllc
new American Cvrt. . Htl,4
sesses may be thus briefly stated
t Ta ... it
- a. ii, fcuipaites an other Work
cess and ability of the arfil . "e3-
Uuited States. 'gtoil,
"2. No other work col tains so m
liable biographies of the leading nun f
and other nations In thu reject it '
superior even to the mere Lu;kv r U fw
.odia Britannica. y UcJ:I
"3. The best minds in this couctrv
been employed in enriching ita ra,J -the
latest data, and the most rnt' "
eries in everv branch r.f m..r . 0
. """uiaaure
cnanice, and general science.
4. It ia A lihrari? in .
topic is treated, and where u.f ,rnia;.
I J i . Uuti V
lie is so nisros'n tn pnn.mi ...i
, ..., ur;er tin
ities, thus affording him an icvaluab'e
to knowledge.
"5. It is neatly printed, w"t:i r-,V-lype,
on good paper, and ctn'.aias a n.o
dious index. v-
"6. It is the only work which ves fi.
thing approaching correct deserLjoV
reliable statistics showing the w
growth of all settious "
Every one that reads, every cce
with allusions to subjects on which he'h?
and desires further information. Ilo lv.-t!
Ration, in trade, in prolVs-sioLal hfr, ta -j
farm, in tho family, practical qiiest'i'.ns t-t
continually arising, which no man, we'ip'ai
or not, can always satisfartorily aauxtr. If
facilities for referc-Dce arc at hanj, tUv Jt
consulted, and not or !y is tl:e eiiiiostv f i;;.
fied, and the stock of knowledge increV-'
but perhaps information ia gaii,t,i a:i.i
are suggested that will dirtctly counbuirj
the business success of the party concern'.'!.
A Cyclopaedia is pre ereh.eijtiv ti c
of our country ar.d generati.o. is
age of steam. No one haa t'nne to r t
among a hundred different works f..r ev,.'-v
H:tle t'act required, without the vr 'f
fiudiug it at last. With a CvcKij m ;'
braciDg every conct-ivabb? subject, ai,J iav.
mg its topics alphabftiealy arraugel, - s
'moment is lost The mitt.-r in qutv.;.- L
found at once, digested, c ti h?;.co i, s:rij; i
of all that is irrelevant and iiiu.e;i-in,l;A
verified by a comparisou i-f thebt a-.'tbr-ties.
Moreover, while only men of f rt:
can collect a library complete in a l ti.cV
partrnents of knowledge, a Cyrb fje-ii,
worth in itself for purposes r.f rtLrel'Si!
least a thousand volumes, is within t!:er ,;
of all the clerk, tho merchant, the rr.
sional man, the farmer, the mechanic. L
country like ours, where the hinnl!-: n. v
be called to responsible pisitious r : ': r
intelligence and gencrjl inf.irmrtti i, ths
ualueofsuch a work cannot he cv.rc-:-mated.
In extra cloth. per vol. 55 'i
In library leather, ' f
In half Turkey Morocco, ! i
In half Tussia, xtra gilt, 7 1
In full Mor. antique, gilt edgos, " 9r
la full Russia, " i'i
The same price per volume, and ur.if rx til
the jNcit American Cyclopcfi-.i.
Registering all the Import-nd Even's in is J
Year I tuuable as a If ork f R-J,i;f,'t.
It is an enterprise cf imirieLe vali:? .::
public, and ougiit to be in every,".
public aud private, as an invaluable vr :i
of reference. Alias and Arjut, Albci;
X. Y.
We can confidently and co; s.iont';''
recommend the "Annual Cycloj R lia" o
who would have an accurate ai,J rcA-i
history of cotemporary ever ts cl.v-e at Uzt
and as a safe work of reference. I'.t
It is icdeed a most excellent wrrk. h
thorough and'reliable, a:d jn.t such a
as is greatiy needed, a faithful chr"nicUr -important
events, too nur'iero'U-: to be
membered, and of too much arc. nut U w
lost. Cleveland Daily PiainJtaler.
In extra cloth per vol
In library leather "
In half Turkey Morocco
In half Russia extra gilt
In full Mor. antique, rrilt edirea "
9 0
In full Russia " S'-
We are in want of g ;-ud agfuts tjr t-?
abova work, to whom it will a:Yr.l r-a
some living obtaining subscription, 'i-
made known on applicatiou. Wea'aof-
lish the followiug by subscript!-c, !;f
which we want agents :
History of the American Xuvy inri,rf
Great Rebellion. In t wo vols, i'ria ' (';
The Military and Xaval History .J
bcllion. One vol Price $5.
The Comprehensive Dictionary ot Ut E ' 'j
Now published ia 21 numbers, cf whicii 'A
Are ready. Price 30c each.
Ancient History. In S vols. Pr'J3
The History of the United S'.altt y J1
tea. In one vol. Price 5. ,., ;
The Cyclopadia of Wit and Humor. !-''
by William E. Burton, the celebrated (vi
dian. In two vols. So each. ..
The Republican Court. 1 vol. rrifelj
Cydnpadia of Commercial and Evt:
Anecdotes. Two vols. Trice $4 each.
The Cyelopcrdia of Drawing. Vrt'i 'J
as a Text-Book for the Mechanic, Arcs !
Engineer and Shrveyor. In 1 vol. r,L
Send to the publishers for cirrf'ars
D. APPLKTON & CO., FoWislie
nov.7.-8m. 4i$ and 445 BrowrJ,'
hhctioms m umu
(Jry-Orders promptly attended to.
iLJ tion of Andrew llaug rUc.:f
keep an Eating House in Carn..tJ
ougk, has been filed and will be pres
the Judges of our Courts at the f.'1.-.
gument Court, on Thursday. J- ir
GEO. C. K. ZAHM, Pr0"
Ebeusburg. Dee. 19, 1267
Pkace. Johnstown, Ta. , w
coror of Maxktt st--;ti
, it -----
cm Willjr j