s r..' i .-41. Sficcs grow mostly in tie ;.. On the tropiual islands of .. u K. M.ie(hcre an 1 ihe coast of Aj . i cult m diuibin. tl.rub . .- ? wl-vk peppvr of couiiiierce. t cecn bony, gathered .-. pd when dry afcHiice the faui'.ir to e Cinnamon ,s it; : r "lark of a tr. jrowing chiefly i ; Cv'o!, "f ielaal it is probably a '!. s CI a the Hd bu-la of a tiu I evergreen tree, cultivated alsnoet ex- c'.-.;ly on the Island cf Amboyna, one of tiiO .''tu I!nd. Nutuiee are the seed o; a iree tiitrty feet high, now grown prin cipally ou the ia'.and of Ban J a Mace is the ouior covering of the nutmeg Vanil la is the product f the vanilla plant, cul tivated in Mexico, Central America and Brazil. IIkrs is n statement cf what may be found ia a nine called Hayi City a 'city" 575 tuilc west of St. Louia, found ed cu a spot where buff.does, anl elopes juil bo'iveis ws: unJiputd lend-owners up to indguunner ( f tine yrar : It bus al ready feur hundred people, a railroad, a ot, three radro.ia machine shops under way, two hotels, a fine theatre btiildirg, stores ana dwelling koine in profusion, two excreta linee, two overland mail and .ata4e lice. a:id, of coarse, a brisk littla newspaper, with pro ibly the largest u um ber of "Uuftiu -o adrriiLoeui'' eer col lected in a town which, tin months be fore, wan a wilJornaas, with no attlemeut within fifty mile?. On th LorJwri of California and Ore gon ro a eerias af a arehac r Uk-a of wairu wultr, cxlanaiur nartb and ejulu nb )Ut fi-rty wilr-a, and in eorue place about nf'e'n mile wide. There are miles of uninterrupted water and tha i other uiil of iu.uVi. A troi northerly aarrcnt aetn through tha:n, which, it is thought, ia mused by u subterranean livar, and aouie are of the opinion that the waters that diaf pear in Nevada rppeur thr. Tin cleanest village in tha wyr'J ii LVocIi, iu Holland, winch do Lwievr car riage ha ever been permitted to enter, aud where everything u kept with the tuoat fccrupuloue i atiita. lietuia e.'iteii; ainny if 'h 1 bouses cu are rquireJ tu remove your ihoei. It i -id that evan the Em peror of Uus;a wa couipi!d to comply w::b thii cu.-t in. A TVLijr Tt:K grwi in Attaknpas, L,'ui-ia atiJ on tba Laa ot St. U iiy, which btrrie may Le .atii- red in a day to uukeeiht pounds f p.rior tall jw. Thi.'e berries yro.v rn the w.tx 'jiyit ', but it khoull be called the tallow uit;i or ta!lov trev, iuca it prw duCOe n.t Vi'aX but tft'Iaw. Is the town of Coburjr, N. T , ao in f.n.t was burn 'Abich wihd uiily one pjvnl. Toe child i now in htr third iiuM th ut.d ha t,aiited a pound and a ha f An Oi.liiiJity u'd oihij' ringer-iii!: will as-ily over bar aim to tl.e elbow, and Le; tlio.i? uvo jasL twu iiicnes tvn ' - TnKS i a bird in Xurni lia ca!!d the ,lamii--,.!e " I. imi:ate,i tl.e !ure, rna'.nT and wuli. yf a weman. It wac Called by Aiistotli iba 'Actor or Cotiie diun " and by 11 mv th "iaraita or Da.tr." ' Cotto sock next the skin and Woolen ones outride of them, are repreented as je to prevent cold feet. At ri;ht the cj'i'.-n cks will be qriia dry and tba out side ones damp. Tiikkk is a catHract "id tba intarbr f Labrador hulf as bijh Hgain as Niagara Valuable Kecipca. For Ctnixa Mkat To one gallon of wuier take lus. of salt, 1 lbs. augar, i oz saltpetre, and oz. potash. Iu this nuio ;he pickle to be increased to any quiiutity deired. Let these be boil J to gether, until all the dirt from the sygar rises to the top nnd is skimmed olf. Than throw it into a tub to cool, and whan col J, pour it over ycur beef or pork, to remain ihe usual time, Eay four or fi?a weeks The meat must be wall covared with pickle, and should not be put down far at lesst two dnj-8 after killing, during wl.L-h tim-a it should be slightly sprinklel with powdered paltpelre, which removes all the surface blued, i."., 1-aving the meat fresh nnd clean. If thia recipe ii p operly tried, it will never be abandoned. UrcKWiiKAT Caki:3 Hall's Journal of Health fays buckwheat cakei, when pro eily made, are very balthy and uniritioua. They should lie put on a soap stone griddle, ever a good fire, and turned once only, and the sooner they are eaten after baking, the healthier and better they are. When turned over mora than ouee, hWe wheat cakes, they are spoiled, and instead of being the most nutritious of food, become the most indigestible. Some Lousswives, not being aware of this fact which is really a chemical one saoil th'19 favorite food. Soap atona gri J require no graase, and terer Lara tba cake?. Excellent wheat: brxid aay La njrde by u?ing cohi water only to wet the fi ur. Alake a little stitlVr than far rid dla cakes and pour in shallow pae or saucers, nnd bake in a hot oven. This will be h light a sponge cake, without any preparation but the fofii'oinali.m of flour and waUr stirred well and baked immediately. It may be clammy if mixed too soft, but certainly will nxt be, if mixed still' enough and baked quickly. IIOXETCOMB GlSCEnBKEAD. -Half a ' pound of fluur, half a pound of sugar, a quarter of a pound of butter, half au ounce of ginger, one lemon grated, ami the whole tif the juice, two pounds of treacle. Mix nil tocether to a pasta Make it thin to spread upon fl.it tins, rub bed wi l! with butter. Hake it in a mod ar.it oven. lU-.MEDY fob Sprains One egg well beaten, half a pint of vinegar, one ounce of epiiits of turpentine, a quarter of an ounce of spirits of wine, and quarter of an ..r.'-inceof cjhamphor. These ingredients to DRUGS AND MEDICINES. WHOLESALE t rz iO era -r I In IIIW aa , D.W.IURSHBKRUER&I10., STREET, OPPOSITE SCOTT LOUSE, JOHNSTOWN, PA., Keep eooBtr.ntly.Jor le the largest and best assortment of pure DRUGS & MEDICINES I CAMBRIA COCSTT. PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, Aleoliol, Turpcutiue, Pure Wines and Liquors, best brands, 4000 Lb3. White Lad, BYES. DYE-SIM GLISl PUTTY. And in fact everything k ept in a Jtrst-claas lJriig Slore, all f which tciU b& SOLD AT CiTY PRICES. MiSHLER'S CELEBRATED BITTERS, by the dozen or by the gallon. OCB STOCK or Parf&xneries and Toilet Articlsa i acknowledged by all judges to be the LA 12 0 EST IX QUA.V TH Y AND FIXKS1' JX QUALITY or axy ix ntii tow. SOLIl a hunts for AKL SLLPaP-S ilAGIO OINTMENT ! ALL QUDEKS P!i(MPTLT TILLED AT LOWEST TRICKS. Jobsbtown, Aug. 15, l&C7.-ly. BEYO: w ESTABLISHED 185G. TUG OS.XJSIST DRUG STORE IN CAMBRIA COUNTY. C. T. FRAZE Keepa constantly ol kaca! th LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST ASSURTlirXT CF GOODS PF.LTAIX J'G TO THE DRUG BUSINESS In the County, which he offers IT TOES ILE.OH RETAIL TO THE THAI) 15 AND TURKIC AT LOWEST HATES! 2Za- JSJ JSk. ISFSL lrunUSIti Street, (OPPOSITE MARKET HOUSE.) J0HJJSTOWMf PENN'A. 1 MISCELLANEOUS. LADIES' FANCY FURS! AT JoaiN FAKHRA'S Id ftb!i?hed jeu. via ArckSt.aboTeTth, PIIILAD'A. ;re now in Store. of ruy own Impi rt ation ami Manufac ture, ote of the lar- est ami most beau- tifulVel cti-.na of FANCY FUKS. for Lilies' and Clii'dran'a waar, now in the City. Alao, a tine assortment of Glut's Fur Qlores and Cllars. I am enablt-d lo dispose of my goods at very reasonah'e prices, and I would tbure fora Hcit s Ckll fiorn my friwds of Cambria courrty atid Ticiiiity. Kemember the Name. Number an-1 Street. JOHX FARE1RA, Me. US ARCH St.. bo?e 7th, south bide, PHILADELPHIA. 8C7"f hare no partner, nor connection itiiJi a.iy oii.r Sturt in fkiUi'. ic..4fi).J F L E II. HOLLIDAT, WITH GRAFF, H4TKIS Jt CO, Wkclesale Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES, 48 MARKET STREET. Aut;. 32, 1S7. PHILADELPHIA !IT IXTORTS A: no. Wholesale an ! Retail Dealers in Mimimiymwmmi IKON, NAILS, &c, Jauuia Streat. opposite United Statea HoUJ, HOLL1DAY3 BU RQ. PA. WANTED, AGENTS Kale or W Fvmale. Can clear $S0 p- weak at their own Lnmee, ia a light and kooorable r.uiBs. Aur par b having a faw hars daily to tpaie will fial this a j:d Peyicjt rcupatio, Addract. naadioK two strops, for lull pAjtuaUre, E K. Loak wom.. Dtroit. Michigan. f'or.7.-ft. 03ERT E. JON US. Eben.shnrg, Cambria ro.f Pa-, Dealer in Lumber. The highest prien in Caih. pai l forCHEUUT, POPLAR.ASH au l LINN LUllBI R "FT KINKEAD, .Justice of the Peace and Claim Agent OflW removed to the offi 'e formerly occupied by M, Hatsnti Lb to COWETITiOX! MISCELLANEOUS. GII1AT Eeductioj w Piuces! TO CASH HVYEhS I AT Till: EBCltSBinQ miTinniiTn o maun The undersigned resjecifully informs the citizei s of Ebeusburg aud the public gcuer ally that he has made a great reduction m prices to CASH BUYERS. My stock will cohsi-t, in part.cf Cooking. Parlor and Heat ing Stores, of the mst popular kind ; JV trare of every description, of my own man ufacture ; Hardware of all ktud, such aa Licks, Sciews, Rntt Hinges, Table llinges. Shutter Hinges, Bolts, Iron and Nails, Win dow Glass, Putty, Table Knives and Forks, Carving Knives and Forks, Meat Cutters. Apple Parers, Pen and Pocket Knives in great variety. Feasors. Shears, Razors and Strops Ases, Hatchets. Hammers, Boring Machine, Augers, Chissels, Planes, (Com passes, Squares, Files, Rasps, Anvils, Vises, Wrenches, Rip, Panel and Cross-Cut Saws, Chains cf all kinds. Shovels. Spades, Scythes and Snaths, Rakes, Forks, Sleigh Rells, Shoe Lasts, Pegs. Wax Bristles. Clothes Wringers, Grind Stones, Patent Molasses Gates and Measures. Lumber Sticks, Horse Nails, Horse Shoes, Cast Steel. Rifles, Shot Guns, Revolvers, Pistils, Cartridges. Pow der, Caps. Lead, Arc, Odd Stove Plates, Grates and Fire Bricks, Well and Cistern Pumps and Tubing; Harness and Saddlery Ware of all kind ; If oixfoii and Jlllloic Ware in great variety ; Carbon Oil and Oil Lamps, Fish Oil, Lard Oil, Linseed Oil, Lubrieating Oil, Rosin, Tar, Glassware, Paints, Varuith ts, Turpentine, Alcohol, &c. FAMILY GROCERIES, such as Tea, Coffee, Sugars, Molasses, Syr ups, Spices, Dried Peaches. Dried Apples, Fifth, Hominy, Crackers, Rice and Pearl P.arley: Soaps, Can.llcs; TOBACCO and CIGARS; Paiut, Whitewash, Scrub, Horse, Shoe, Du.-ting, Varnish, Store. Clothes and Tooth Brushes, all kinds and tizes ; Bed Crds and Manilla Ropes, and many other articles at the lowest r ites for CASH. fjcj- House Spontiiiji made, painted and put up at low rates for caih. A liberal discount made to country dealers buying Tinware wholesale. GEO I1UNTLKT' Ebeusburg. Feb, 28, 1867.-tf. quick. s.iLrs, QMC'K SI.FS, QL'ltK SAI.i:, AND SMALL PROFITS. AND SMALL PROFITS, AND SHALL PROFITS, - GURLKY'S NEW CHEAP STORK. GUBLEY'S.NEW CHEAP STORE, CURLEY'3 NEW CHEAP STORE, EBENSBURG, PA. EBENSBURG, PA. EBENSBURG. PA. The Large.t Stock of Gods. Tke Best Selected and the Greatest Variety ever brought to Town. LARGEST. CHEAPEST AND BEST, LARGEST. CHEAPEST AND BEST, LA KG EST, CI 1 E A PEST AN D BEST, GO AND SEE. GO AND SEE. GO AND SEE. The subscriber calls the attention of the public to the fac. that he ha jrtt :ece'ved ,nd opened out in hi New Store, a larre atock of goo'ls. consisting of FLOUR.. O RN ME A L, CHOP FEED. Bran Fish. Bacon ik1 Cheese ; Sugar, Cof iee, Tea. Molasres. Spices. Tobacco, Cigars, Catidlrs, Soap, Viurcr, Ac.. A c. NOTIONS. DRUGS. PERFUMERY. Stoneware and Earthenware. ALSO, a fine assortment of the best and latest tyle of Hats. He always keeps constantly on hand B logna Sausages, Sardines, Fresh and Spiced Oy.-trs in cm, or halt" cans. ant al tnoft everything in the easing or drinkinc due All ef which will be sold at fcmai! proit. GEO. OUR LEY, Mais Stkbet, Ebensbuhq, Pa. January 81, 18ti7. PRIVATE" SALE. The suLscri- her oftVrs at Private Sale two valuable tracts of TIMBER LAND, situate in Jack son township. Cambria count3'. and known as the'" Lloyd Property." Also Four oth er valuable tracts of LAND, situate in Cam bria and Jackson townships, and known as the "Pensacola Property." Also TWO FARMS adjoining the borough of Ebensburg one containing about 100 acres; theother about 150 acres. The buildings are all in good repair, with never-failing springs of water near the houses. Persona wi&hirg to purchase or Fell Farms or Timber Lands, will do well by calling on me before buying or offering them for sale. Y. A. SHOEMAKER, ap.ll.tf. Att'y at Law, Ebensbuig. T OOK OUT FOR BARGAINS ! Being desirous of retiring from busi ness, I offer for sale the Ebensburg Foundry. with all its appurtenances, including all the real anda personal property thereto belong ing, the engine, patterns, flasks, cl-c. Also, all the stx:k, manufactured and unmanufac tured, consisting of Threshing Machines", Cocking Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Plows and Casting of various kinds. As I am deter mined to sell, purchasers may rely upon get ting any or all the. above named articles cheaper than they can be had anywhere else ia Pennsylvania. The public are invited to call and judge for themselves. July 4, 18G7.-6m. Z. GLASS. JOSEPH ZOLIMER TJ AS just opened, and offers for sale lower L-I than they can be bought ifA elswhere, a splendid lot of Q7'- e:sht dav and t went v-four hour ' Jf CLOCKS, fine WATCHES nfuj35 every description, ACCORDEONS. d EWEL RY, and a variety of all articles in bia lin. Repairing of Clocks, Watches, and all kinds of Jewelry, done on short notice and meet reasonable terms. All work warranted. Cll at his shop. High street, opposite Public School House, Ebensburg. fsep.6.'7 J URTA1H BIXTURE! Has no superior hp in the World!! It is pronounced JL fanltlessbv all who have used it. and it i. predicted that it will supersede all other Curtain Fixtures now in use. For sale by GEO. HUNTLEY. f HUE HISINfl SUN STOVE POL-- ISH. For beauty of polish, saving of labor and cheapness, this preparation is tru ly tririvalled. Buy no other. For sale by JuoeHS. 18G7. GEO HUNTLEY. F YOU WANT the best Cokiri or Par'or Stove msde in the world, go to HUNTLEY'S and get Spear's Arili Dii.frr IF you want to buy good on long credit and pay biz prices, don't eo in J1SD. jTUNTi.Trr MISCELLANEOUS. FILL TR1DO. J867- I ank now prepared to offer SUPEROR INDUCEMENTS TO CASH PORCH ASKBS 07 TiS & TOT-IRON WARE ! EITHEfe AT WHOLESALE OK RETAIL My stock consists in part of every variiy f Tin, Sheel-Iron. COPPER AND BRASS WARES, BNAMELLEH AND n.AIN SAUCE PANS. BOILERS, fito., COAL SHOVELS. MINE LAMPS, OIL CANS. HO USEFURN1 SUING HARD WARE OF EVERY KIND. Speai's A nt i- Dust HEATING and COOKING STOVES, EXCELSIOR COOKING STOVES, NOBLE. TRIUMPH ani PARLOR COOK ING STOVES, And any Cooking Stove desired I will get wlen ordered at manufacturer's prices. Odd Stove Plates at:d Grates, Jtc, for re pairs, on hand for the Stoves I sell ; others will be ordered when wanted. Particular " attention given to Spouting, Valleys and Conductors, all of which will be maae out of best mate rials and put up by competent workmen. Lamp Burners, Wick and Chimneys WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. I would call particular attention to the Light House Burner, with Glass Cne, for giving moie lip lit than any other in tiae. Also, the Paragon Burner, for Crude Oil. SPEXCEIt'S SIFTt It recommends itself. R ! SUGAR KETTLES AND CAULDRONS of all sizes constantly on band. Special sttention given to Jobbing in Tin, Copper and Sht-lron. at lowett posfcibie rates. Wholesale MckchaktV Lists bow ready, nd will be sent on appdeatian by mail or in person. Hoping to see all my old customers and many new ones thia Spiing, I return my most sincere thanks for the very liberal pa tronage I have already received, and will endeavor to pleas r ail who may call, wheth er they buy or not. FRANCIS W. HAT. Johnstown, March 7, 18t7.-6ra. HARTFORD LIVE STOCK USJjAICI COMPASY. CASH CAPITAL $500,000. We are now prepared to insure LIVE STOCK against both Death and Theft, in this live and reliable Company. Owners of stock hare now the opportunity, by insur ing ith this-Company, of obtaining securi ty and remuneration for the losgof their an imals in case ot dsath or theft. OWNERS OF HORSES, Manufacturers, Fanners, Teamsters. Ex pressmen, Physicians, and in tact nil who are to any txtrn'. dependant upon the servi ces of their horses iu their daily vocstious, should insMire.iu this Company" and thus derive a protection against the loss of the:r animals, which are in many cafes the sole means of support to their owners. FARM STOCK. Farmers snd others owning cattle should avail themselves of this means of saving the value of their stock, and secure an equiva lent for the loss which would otherwise fall heavilv upon them in btinj? deiirivpd of tl e.r Cattle, by insuring in this, the PIONEER COMPANY OF AMERICA! By insuriu in this Company you ex change a certainty for an uncertainty. No man can tell whether his animals may not be stolen or die through' some unforEevn calamity. Competent Agents wanted, to whom a liberal compensation will be ai.d. A nply to KERR CO., Geueral Agents, April 4, l867.-ly. Altoona. Pa. 03- Col. WM. K. PIPER, Ebensburg. ha I een appointed local asent for the Hertford Live Stock Insurance Company'. Jr OREIGN SHIPP NG EXCHANGE OFFICE. We are now sehing Exchange (at New York Rates on England, Iraland. Saotland, Wales, Germany, Prne-ia, ' Austria, Bavaria, Wurteniberg, Baden, Uaa-san, Sony, Hanover, Belgium, Fwitterland, Holland, Norway end France. And Tickets to and from any Port i r.ngiand, Jreisnd, Scotland, Germany, France, California, New South Wales or Australia. KERR & CO. 10IIN-IIICKEY, Altoona Pa.," Dealer In all kinds Household Furniture! St7CII A3 LOUNGES, I TABLES. I BEDSTEADS SOFAS. I BUREAUS, WHAT-NOTS CUSHIONED, CANE-BOTTOMED AND COMMON CHAIRS, &c. NEW FURNITURE WAREROOM, JULIA 8TRERT, KKATt HARRIET, Opposite the Protestant Epimrml Church, March 7, 1M7.-Iy. " EAST ALTOONA. 'POX. P. DATIS, " WITH BOYD a STROUD, Importers and Dealers t QUEENSWARE, CHINA and GLASS, No. 32 Nokth Foueth Sr.. Four doors below Merchants' Hre., FIIILA. TAME S C Wliolesale O N N O Grocer, PEALHR IN FLOUR, BACON, FISH AND SALT, Iff. 333 Liberty street, Jone 27, 1867. PITTSBURGH, PA FRANK W. HAY, WHOLESALE and RETAIL Mannfacturer. of TIM. COPPER and SHEET-IRON WAUL. Canal street, below Clinton. John , BANK NOTICES. WM. K. LLOTn. JT0EX LI.OTD. President. Cashier. IIIaST NATTONAIi BANK OF ALTOONA. GOTERX9IE.iT AGEJfCY asd" DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY OF THE UNITED S'lATES. Cbmer Virginia ani Annie Streets, North Ward, Altoona, Pa. Anthoriied Capital, $300,000 Cash Capital paid in, - - - - 150,000 All business pertaining to Banking done on favorable terms Internal Revenue Stamps of all denomi nations, always on hand. To purchasers of Stamps, percentage, in btamps, will be allowed, as follows : $50 to $100. 2 per cent. ; $100 to $200, 3 per cent ; $200 acd upwards, 4 per cent. Jan. 8 1 . 1867 tf. F.r.ST NATIONAL. 11 A Ik JOHNSTOWN, CAMBRIA CO.. PA C apltal. $60,000. Prlvllec ta Increase to 81OO,00O. Inland and Foreign Drafts furnished. Gold and Silver bought and sold. Collection made, at nome and abroad. U. S. Bonds nd Securities of all kind ob tained. Deposits received and money loaned. A general Banking business transacted. PIBFXTORS. D. J. Morrell, Isaac KaurTman. Jacob M. Campbell, George Frita, John Dibert, E. Y. Townsend, Jacob Levergood. D. J. MORRELL, PresH. Robekts, Cashier. jan$l'C7. II. J 1, LOID & CO., Danker., Ebensbcro, Pa. Gold, Silver, Government Loans, and Other Securities, bought and s Id. Interest allowed on Time Leposits. C'llections made on all accessible points in the United States, and a general Banking business transacted. January 31. Ir37. 7 M. LLOYH A. CO.. Bankers. Altooha. Pa. Drafts on the principal cities and Silver and Gobi for aale. Collections made. Moneys received on deposit, payable on de mand, without interest, or apon time, with interest at fair rates. an31. MARBLE WORKS. P IlICES GREATLY REDUCED! at tub JOHNSTOWN WARBLE WORKS ! J he subscriber has just received a large and handsome invoice of Italian and American MARBLE, comprising the largest and finest stock of the kind ever brought to Johnstown, at his establibhment on Franklin Street, where he is prepared, with an adequate force of experienced anri skilful workmen, to execute all kinds ot MONUMENTS. Mantels, Tombstones. Ta ble and Bureau Top?, Ac., a cheap as they can be purchased in any of the cities. A larjre stock of Guikdstonfs on hand and for sale low. A room has been opened in Ebensbnre, s few doors west of Dr. S. Christy 'a Drue Store, where articles of my rranufactu'e are kept constantly on hand, to which the at tention of purchasers is invited. tt Prompt attention paid to orders from a distance and work delivered where de "ired. JOHN PARKE. Loretto Marble Works. Ijllli: UNDERSIGNED begs Lave to inform I the citizens of Cambria And adjoining counties, that be has iu-t received a st.-tk of the finest Italian and other Marbles at his Establishment in Loretto Cambria co., Pa . Monuments. Tombs. Grave Stones. Table and Bureau tops, manufactured of the most beautiful and Gne.t quality of Fnreicn and Domestic marble, always on hand and made to order as cheap as they can be purchased iu the city, in a neat and workmanlike manner, nnd on the shortest notice. The public are respectfully invited to give me a call before purchasing eli-cvihcre, as I arc confident that my work and prices a?iR satisfy any person debirirg any thirg in my line of business. Now is the time io get a chenpj,-h ! JAM Ft WILKINSON. HOTELS. G RANT HOUSE. Hemlock. Ckrnsrl C.. Fa. JOHN WILKIN, Projirieor. This House has been refit'ed. and offers accommodations superior to any other House in the vicinity. The Proprietor, after long experience iu the business, feels confident he understands the wants of the public. His TABLE will be supplied with the delicacies of the season and his BAR with the choicest wines and liquors. By constant attention and due care for the comfort of his euests the Proprietor hopes to merit a liberal share of patronage. fmaylrJly.J SCOTT HOUSE, " Jrin Street. Johnstown, Cambria Co., Pa., A. ROW St CO., Proprietors. THIS HOUSE having been refitted and elegantly furnished, is now open for the reception and entertainment of guests. The propi ie( rs by long experience in hotel keep ing feel confident they can satisfy a dis criminating public. Their Bar ia supplied with the choicest brands of liquors and wines. Jan. 81, 1867. (Ij-) J T. JAMES HOT E L , Conducted on the Eurojtan Plan.) 405 A 407 Libbstt Street, opposite thk Union Depot. Pittsburgh. Pa. JAMES XV LAN AH AN. - - - Proprietor. This House is newly built and splendidly furnished, and convenient to all the Rail roads coining into the city. The Restaurant connected with this Hotel open at all hours of the day and night. oct.17.-ly. SHIELDS HOUSE, LORETTO. CAMBRIA COUNTY, PA THOMAS CALLEN. Proprietor. IJ1IIIS house is now open for the accommo 1 dation of the public. Accommodations as good as the country will afford, and charge moderate. Jan 81. l&67.-tf. i FOUNTAIN HOUSE, Ebexshcrv. '-i-"-H- K- I. LINTOai Os, CO., Prop'r.. The Table i always supplied with the choicest delicacies ; the Bar is supplied with choice liqucrp, and the Stable attended by careful hostlers. Transient visitors accom modated and boarders taken by the week I month or year, on reasonable terms. feb21 .MERCHANTS' HOTEL. MEDICAL PREPARATIONS. $100 REWIKD 1 For a medicine ihai evU cure COUGHS, INFLUENZA, TICKLING IX THROAT, W HOOPING COUGH, r rsKrse CONSUMPTIVE CO IV US. AS O.UICK AS COE'S COUGH BALSAM OYER ONE mTlLION BOTTLES have been sold, and not a single instance of it failure is known. We have in our pos session any quantity of Certificates, some of thm from EMINENT PHYSICIANS who have used it in their practice, and given it the pre-eminence over all other compounds. IT DOES NOT DRY UP A COUGH, BUT loosens it, so as to enable the patitnt to expectorate freely. Two or three doses will invariablt CTRB TICLlN IK THE THROAT. A half bot tle has often completely cured the moot Stubborn Cough, and yet, though it is so sure and Bpeedy in its operation, it is per fectly harmless, being purely vegetable. It is very agreeable to the taste, and may be administered to children of any age. In cases of Croup we will guarantee a cure, if taken in season. Ko Family should be without It. It is within the reach of all. it being the beapcest and bet medicine extant. C. G. CLARK Ar CO.. Prop'rs. mar.28.eowly. New Haven. Conn. C OE S DYSPEPSIA CURE ! I This great remedy for all DISEASES Or THE STOMACH is the discovery of the in ventor of Ge'a valuable Cough Balsam, while experimenting for his own health. It cured Cramp in the Stomach for him which had before yielded to nothing but choloform. The almost daily testimony from various parts of the country encourage us to believe thrre is no dit-ease cauKed by a disordered stomach it will not speedily cure. Physi cians endorse and use it. Ministers give tes timony of its efficacy ; and from all directions we receive tidings of cures performed. Dyspepsia it is sure to cure. Heartburn one dose will cure. Sick ILadaehc it ha cured in hundreds of cases. Headache and Dizziness it stops in thirty minutes. Acid ity of the ' tomach it corrects st once. Rising rf the Food it stops'immerfiately. Distress after Eating one dose will remove. Cholera Mrbus rapidly yields to a few closes. Bad Breath will be chanced with half a bottle. IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESS! Its unprecedented success is owing to the fact I hat it cures by assisting Nature to re assert her sway in the jsiem. Nearly every dealer in the United Ptataa sells it st OSK DOLLAR PFR B )TTLt. C. G. CLARK & CO., Proprietors. Msroh 14 -eowly. New Haven. Conn. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. S. BELFORD, DENTIST, CONTINUES to visit Ebensburg personally on the 4th Monday of each, mcnth. During his absence Lewis N. Suyder. who studied with the DKtor. will remain in the iffice and attend to all businev entrusted to him. .TanSl,'C7. TAMES J. OATMAN,- M. d7, tenders his professional f erviccs as Phy -k4an and Surgeon to the citizens of Cerroil tewn and vicinity. ORice iu rear of build ing occupied by J. Buck & Co. as a store. Night calls can be made at the hotel cf Law rence Schroth. fMay t . lS67.-tf. JJENTISTRY. Dr. D. W. Zeig c. .mi iii tiii an tuiL" in room over R. R. Thomas' Store, offers his profes sional services to the eitiEens of Ebcnsburs and vicinity. Teeth trtrae! without pain by use of Nitrous Oxide er Ltvghing &as. T DEVEREAUX7 M.rx7 Pht- piciam ahd Scroeok, Summit, Fa. Office east end of Mansion House, on Rail R.d treet. Night calls may be made at the ofSce. fmy23.tf. D. M LAUGHLIN ITTORNEY AT LAW, Jolinstown. Pa ll OfJe in the Exchange building, on the Corner of Clinton and Locust streets up stairs. Will attend to all business connect ed with his profeasioa. Jan. al. 18fl7.-tf. JOHNSTON & SOANLAN. Attorneys at Law. Ebensburg, Cambria eo.. Fa. Office opposite the Court Houfe. Kbensburg, Jan. 81. 1867.-tf. JOHN P. LINTON, 1 TTORNEY AT LAW, Johnstown. Pa.. U Office in building on corner of Main and Franklin atreet. opposite Mansioa House, second floor. Entrance on Franklin street. Johnstown. Jan. 81. 1387. tf. F. A. SHOEMAKER, I TTORNEY AT LAW. Ebensbttrg. Fa A Office on IIih street, one deor East of the Banking House of Llovd A Co. Jsauary 81. 18ft7. if. W. IL SECIILER, I TTORNEY 4T LAW, Ebensburg, Pm. il Office in the Commissioners R -cm Court Honse. Jan. 81. '67-tf. F. P. TIERNEY, ATTORNXY AT LAW, ZbenAurg, Fm. Office ia Colonade Row. Jan. 18o7-tf. JOSEPH M'DONALD, ATTONET AT LAW, Ebensburg. Pa Office on Centre street, opposite Moore' Hotel. Jan. 81, 1867-tf JOHN FENLON, ATTORN 1Y AT LAW, Ebensburg Pa. Office on High stieet, adjoining his resi dence. Jn 81. 1867.-tf. GEORGE M. REED, ATT.1RNXY AT LAW. Ebensburg. Pa. Office on Main street, threa .ioors East ot Julian. Jan. 81. I8rj7. GEORGE XV. O ATM AN, I TTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Pm. II Office in Colonade Rdw, Centre street. January 31. 167.-tf. W ILLIAAllciTrELL, I TTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Pa ti Office in Colonade Row, Centra street. Ian 81. !Sfi7.-tf. L. PERSUING, Attokxey-at- iaw, Johnstown, Pa. Office on Frank lin atreet, up-stairs, over John lientou's Hardware Store. Jan. 81, 1867. AltES C. EASLYTTor.NET- - - .mi, -n rrLxjCktmhria Cb , Pm. MISCELLANEOUS. PHOTOAPHir E. A. II. T. AXTIIOXT ntn.f... " l PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERtitc WHOLKSALR AVn But... AA 601 BROADWAY, NEW jURl In addition to onr mam buSiDH-r,f ,,' TOGRAPIIIC MATERIALS T, p! quarters for the following. vi H: Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic YJ -, " v'iUM U lj scapes. Groui s. htatn.rt. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS OF THE wj rrom negatives wane tn tbe virion. -psigns, and forming a comr-Iau Pbovo-"" graphic history of the gTf at com? STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS ON GLiS! Adanled for either the Uacve T ... '. k o -.uirrE '."i Stereoscope. Our Catalogue will fck,'-,"j any aouress on receipt i atamp. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUM. We manufacture more largely th&a t other house, about VVQ varieties f, , . r n i. - . r . .'" UJl cents io eacn. vjur ALtiLilS he- reputation or oeing superior in Uautv i durability to anv others. Card Photographs cf GaiTah, SkUttA , , (jr., Oir Catalogue embraces over rift:. ahd different subjects, incin lirg re'..,.:. tions of the most celebrated Iu:-a,,i Taint ings. Statues. e. Catalogq mx receipt of stamp. Photographers and others orderin C. O. D., will please rvmit 23 per cut. the amount with their rrder. 03r- The prices and quality cf cannot fail to satisfy. "prJ5-;?. CHAIR MANUFACM 1 rnni JOIIXSTOW, Pi. ALL KINDS OF ill rnch as common Windsor C!,rr Fret? Chairs, lenna Chairs. But;e C; ..r;, R Backed Chairs, Sociab'e Cl.vri. Cane Stat (5hb, ROCKING CHAIRS, OF LTCSY Si SPRIXC SEAT fllllLi Settees, Lnmgoj. &c ,ic. CABINET FURWITUrt- of every descriptlim and cf Ir.v. STYLES, WITH PRICES TO SCI 1 Tastes of all, I Thankful for past fav r, he rvA fully tohcits a hbeialahare of put hep. sge. Clinton Street, Johin Cr. Co. Pa. Jan. 81. If" ESEISEfflllMllISE DEALLES IS DRUGS, MEDICINES, PELTiSl Fancy Soaps, Lean's un. liar's i ..' H rstivfs, Piils. Olntuients. Tm?-- ments. (all kinds. ) D ivio' P.uii Killer. wavs Ready Relief, Brovn s i.t. ji Giraer. Citrate Masnesis, Farrif tracts snd "ssencoa. Lemon Syrup. Svrap. Sjloed Syrup, R'.iub.rb, 1 SPICES. Ao. c I g i CIGARS AND TOIlVCCOi T rr - 1 Blank Pnx ks. De-ds. Note? ai.H P-r'i Peat ar.d all kind of :: IV.: rr. Fr fVns. Pencils. Arnold's Wri:;r. Pi!::?.' anil Ii. il Int I'oi ct nr ',in . :nes, Npapera,Nove's. !I:...r.: Religiors Prayer and Toy B.i. ks, ?tr Tipes. c. Medicine for tl.e bolj aai f: tke ndnd. Call ar.d's?-. Mais tkeet, IZr.ESEJcr.fi. July 25. 1S67. V n a FtC A. AVORD rcoM J0ILNSTG' Jt their Slores the Scoft llwt. X andcn Clinton Strc.t. M;n'r- Have c.netantly on hand a large '-! selected stock of seasonab!e I IV, o W ! r;o I ot i re ! BI Dry Goods, Boots, Shcs3, G:: BC and a general variety of M)1K'J Their stock consists of a!n.ot er usually Kept in a rctiil s: re. ai- 11 have been sele-ted with csre a:il a' at prices which cannot fail ti prcve ' tory. Call snd examine f r y...r.ie.r- A PC hi Si; reb. 23. 18C7.-tf. HAKVKT Cnil.DS. . . . I.0WITI CI TT finiLDS C JLAa Uholtiale Dei l BOOTS. SHOES. AID Si B ia AVrH klTm-TT PlTTSbir.'- Agents for tke sale of "Hope " Yarn. Bag. Batting aud Crret L. Feb. 23, lS67.-tf. . - o " ' ? the WK. vii J0RK OAT. id A Y A TT E L.y lior V-M Sueaeaso ta far WHOLBSALE QroctrB and Commission E-' AXD DEALFR IS FLOUR, TRODUCE. FISH, sM BON OILS, Ac., j Corner Penn and Csnal Sts . H P'"'' Klevwtor. feb2S PUUb. I tba bt tU Wit th a it. O a KiW ELL, in . t. lai:, ' SI. 3lcDOXAlD M. CRESSWELL b Imjxfriers and . FAICY Al ci t nd Ko. 511 Mara" June 20. ISOT.-Iy. VUlL WHOLESALE .yx II Mart . a i r i T A M E S II. P A - ui ! I Doler illVi 0 5 POPLAR, CHERRY & ? .t YardNos. 314 and S 13 PHILADELI'i"- ft-.Ttiminess attended to 10 y wm i us lii.r.riii 1 01 H mm n 1 f UI4 U .(!..."'P Bill. ' I ' - T m. J- wuuaiua.