0 UflXMlhK- ,,:DAV; : : : NOV. 23, 1867. itrt rVT" nnnn i i s, Local and General. . DtT iu the ELd r county jail, named 1',. TClt'. UICt cuuuiutf v uvaib UIO' 11 A -V I'.ul) ins' ! ; ;ue in Rarne township, Indi- was burned to the ground on sV Veek. Supposed to have been :3J hon.c situated about a mile from -cui'icd ly Mr. David M'Cartney, ,u,l by tire, on Monday, 18th iust. 'f:0i;i a defective tiue. ..ui:.H t . w fek f,ir the List t i m t. Lim, ai:d diiect the attention of . . ? intT.-ted thereto. .. L:iM a In! k'aycr in Hollidaysburg, j;: n- .ik on a sc '.li'old, on Tuesday week, . :: r ;J i-n'y gvo way, precipitating ? LT'ouud. a distance of thirty feet, .: . 'ra severely. "ie!!i: mr.e of Samuel Christian, . p-j- cv svil'e, B'.air county, was totally ,L. , lv f:e. on Sunday evening, 17th ,.;e;h-r "irh a'-' bis household goods j ,v ;r ceer.l'.'.cks. , ,., ; .; rnnie.l Breth, while hunt ,: r:. . e ty, a few days since, , - , ; ''.w ! e: I by I he acoidt-nt:il dis v i':iur;: ! :n t:.f hand nf a companion. ; n ( 'tc 1 t Mir vive. .T Ucrald .dvocates the erection .,v c i- ' v out of porfi ins of Hunting iTti ' i. Canibria and Blair jat :': :i f i'Aoh to make Tyrone the cen- ,; c:V':t,i! f the new county. : nt!''r nr. improved car ailelri lias -.-t ! i -Mr. Wm. Iloyden, Altoona. .. Fry. l"'s-5 ir.'-'Uhlcr at the Cambria Vi'.'Ks has obtained a pitent for an v ,! n.iuid f-r casting steel ingots. , .,M v.-ffi-an tailor and clothe r, Mr. !' pr'y. h is a f-w words to sty .! ' ; : :!!::; -f nr ndvertising cnl .ve ft-(LM;r tli t everybody will ! : '1 a i l t'len act upon bis st;g- J "- .?..! P.i 7.-...T 1. the old man whom tv .': ? .re :;fce as h.ivig been lost v ;n 8 -is-pti-hai. !, i tv.-iishi (, rV.ed !'. ! 't:s-'o!i Sitt.r!f.y hist. lie was ! (': .: dur county, and formerly . ii: : rv c ve recently an'.ed nd i !o tb IJii'itingdn i.ii' ra the i t .-'c.T'in'' a hoi'sr from Mr. IJ"H. of -f'-"ik. Th"7 took the anim.-.l to i -rs. field c U""'y, where they -U A ( one of the hotels. :w'8l :itt-mpts wtr..' mafb' tr . r tru;r,- (nuib" ti-.c!: cf liio v ni t R.iilro.. 1, on Friday nigb.t. r.s u-fd w re r:ii;s ar.d !.?3 acrcss . Pic'vii.'ertiiiliy the obstructions v, r,--I in time to prevent nsi.-chiof. ii v-? ( dri vps a hack Vttwe(--j Latrote r ' r. w;o; wi'':;ncr on th? track of !l. 11 . it the loin; r j 'ac. on Toes- ; ,k. when he wa knocked down : ..v.-r by the Cincinnati Ks.res.. - f ' oil' f his f-t from th- leg 1 St r,li,r-r ;n it r. ,. :( t to 'v:trti that the dwelling house ! . Ji ob l'lii gle. sr.. M'uated iit Sum '. rl is couiity. was entirely destroyed -. n -veil as Mr. T.'s h:.useh-.! 1 xU, : -'): Mi.,: or two bed.s. on Thnrlay hs'. fire i.- said t j have been communicated t. e -tiiv p'be- Tl:i''.,:ia Pnvcrat s;ihtly proma in ti !!'i'o-unce!net of ib'sarr. t of :.; " -n, ( t Ti: '..ia-.) who killed y o.ng i.i Cambria borough, not long Th- d.-p.-'ruio i.s still at larg, but : - ! :-.b .:t.s is uo secret, and our Johnb- rrr.-r. ndent says that a paHy has ' p!.ruit. of him who are bound to '-"0 !.;:n ih-ad or alive. Vu;!.'' loan named John Mrers. an an- - the Hohidavsburg Foundry, was Uly killed, on M-mday of la&t week, iu i;'- n. e of a heavy fia.sk or mould fall r m ihi carriage on which it was being : iuto the cere oven, and crushing him - t the Mdp wall cf the oven. James - : J u. a::othtr apprentice, was consid irjuixd t the same time. KiVi-ws fkom Turkey. We intimated '-'j'ei.t wet-ks ago that thanksgiving day i m ici ing. and that in order 1 1 ob - ti.t. i...-,ioa propei ly we .stood in need ' y. Of course tl.i was le.-igned i-'-.t f jr fcon?.cbody to present us with biit time piss.sed by and the present w - Jiite:ed upon without any person ''i aop;! i-titl y understood the hint. ' oi.fie.-s it (hd not go unheeded. About ""i-stl.-at we had made up our lnimithat y WA-ii't a very palatable dish. Any- a:d that we would probably live just Z if we .ii.bi't have oue for dinner to- ' r i (lice door rpin- d and two bipeds r' l up' n one pair ol legs one was our '!"..:)? the uiiur was our turkey. The v "f the Giat part had been to Shoema i L'".'. st-i-e. HT:d our whole-souled, jrer;- voiii.sr fr'.eod. Harry, very kindly and if i!t iy noh. if. -d biio to convey the yi the second part to our tlomicu. : i :..it in it bow we come to have the an.! heaviest gobbler for our thanks- Z ii:mer tiat ever made hungry mor n)oiuh water, ilariy Shoemaker did e is the "one am ngst ten thousand "t or less) altogether lovely," and if ho t u'et married, or S'me other good thing ;n to him ere manv melons, you may us Hown fjr having lied under a mis- So take notiee, everyboly who iu- -iJ to send the printer a turkey just in !"idck of time." that we have an abun- - e of the aforesaid articla for present cm--f'i n. but if there are any of you that t Uei easy imhssyou emulated iriend ,:'f praiei-worthy example, let us remind l,ia the holidays are coming, and that T":"' of that fact we will submit as grace-a- posfiibls to any and all jokes of a ' character that may be perp-tiated upon ' Sj ni,tj it ba. 1 LOCAL CORRESPOXDEaiCE. Johhstown, Nov. 25, 1867. Dear Freeman The wife of our towns man, Mr. John Urady, met with a painful and seiiomj accident on Tuesday last. She had started up stairs with the youngest child in tier arms, and when about ha'f way to the landing, she missed her footing, and falling backwards, fractured one of her limbs just below the knae, and also sprained her ankle. Fortunately she succeeded in preserving the child from injury. Medical aid was prompt ly summoned and the broken limb properly adjusted, but owing to the serious nature of her injuries she i3 now lying in a critical con dition. This is a severe affliction to Mr. Brady's family, and it is rendered more poignant by the fact that he himself has been suflaring from a fractured limb ever since the terrible accident at the stat ion in this place, last September a year, from which he had only sufficiently recovered to enable him to vibit his relatives on the mountain on the very morning of the day his wife was so se verely injured. A man named Russell, a resident of Cone maugh station, met with an accident one day last week, by falling from the trestle work at that place. His head and shoulders first came in contact with the ground, and his injuries are of such a nature as will confine him to bed for some time. Mr. Ii. had just recovered from an accident received on the railroad some months ago. Still another individual was arrested last week for displnying belligerent propensities iu a beer saloon in Conemaugh borough, and for flourishing a loaded revolver in a threat ening manner. Complaint was entered, and the police took him to durance on a charge of surety of the peace. He will have a hear ing to-day. There is some prospect of the outlaw Thompson being caught soon, as a party who were in search of him traced him to M'Counellsburg, where, getting wind of the pursuit, he stole a horse in the neighborhood and rode back in this direction. The shad ow of his crime, Nemesia like, pursues him, uud it would seem as if some unaccountable fascination ever leads him back to the vicin ity of the commission of his awful offonce. During the past two weeks he has been seen at various times at Ktoyttowu, Laughlins town and Lxtrobe, and although recognized, no one seems to have had the temerity l.t h-nlihooJ to attempt to a: rest him. There it a j arty row oa his track, however, who will most certainly capture the desperado. T ic individual who waiseut up last week for the robbery at Mr. M'Cretght", was ctr U.ir'.y a genius in his way. During the oight be commuted the felony he was enjoy ing Mac's hospitality, and it is prubble that his ruminations were principally con lined to meditating upon tile handsome fig ure 1:3 would be likely to cut in his h-jsi's hc.-t suit of wearing parapiuenalia. Ih-that as it may, h rose from his bed and proceed ed to uoo the aforesaid suit. His next move w:-. to f jb a valuable gold watch, likewise ut property of Mr. li'C At this stagii of his pruceedings it doubtless occurred to him that he had a. lady friend, mayhap his 'af finity." v.ho would bo gratified in being m.ule the recipient of some new "togs." So a b:ud!e of Mrs. Mac'a wtaring apparel was hastily selected, and the jcung man then took his departure. As soon as his pecula tions bcame known pursuit was made. Mr. M'C. had a suspicion that the ycusg tiaa would make for Indiana county, so taking the train weat, he was very agreeably surprised to see the put loiner enter the same car at iew Florence. All the stolen pro perty, except Mrs. M'C.'a clothing, was re covered. Johnstown has been enjoying a decided sensation the past two wests, which cousiats in nothing more nor less than a veritable perambulating ghoit. This ghost does not diii'er in disctiption from other ghosts the orthodox winding sheet and accompaniments being s -ported in regular ghost of Hamlet aud lUnquo, or famous "Cock Lane," style. His ghostship appeared the other evening to a lady residing in the Second Ward, and the appearauce was so terrifying a3 to produce convulsions. A little girl residing near the point also got a view of it, and thereupon immediately fainted. A gentleman in the same locality was horrified, a few evenings after, to tee the "gho.-t" glide into his house, and as he did not feel very courageous, he "turned tail and rar." It is proper to re mark that when he came back with rein forcements the ghost was non est, as likewise several loaves of bread, etc., from his cellar. The ghost has evidently a "taking way" with it, for clothes-lines and cellars have ex perienced mysterious disappearances, in tho shape of "washing's" stretched out on the former, and eatables from the latter. The "ghost" does not cotifiue his visitations to any particular quarter, but roves 'round promiscuously. The individual whom it is supposed is thus playing upon the supersti tions aud credulity of the weak-minded is spotted," and if caught by the party who are anxious 1 1 see the ghost, an ounce of lead will give him au opportun ty of solving the mysteries connected with the land of sha dows. The scaffolding ",has been removed f'ora the spire of the nsw M. E. Church, and it is certainly the neatest affair of the kind in this section of the country. The slating of the new School Houge is also about completed, and the gravel roofing of MesM-s Frazcr and Montgomery's hand some new block, on the corner of Main and Franklin street;, was last week finished. Stu Bal. .TI Tt ET Come. We have already '!iLo.l a jls, 0f valuable articles donated fcf the new Catholic Church in this to I e ojTered f..r chances in connection J the Cdtnicg Christmas Festival, and 4 'etk w have the pleasure of announ 2 '"at the worthy pastor of the cor.gre ' Uev. Ii. c. Christ', has been present a httlw farm &f ie acres near Ebens & a i valuable gray pony, only 7 years old trained, and a pet coon one of the 5 "11 conservative coons of long ago. rt::jS will be put un for chances .;' ith the others heretofore donated, that is iiovv r.ti?.-it !c fiir tl.p mflni. 1 l'ie Cuiiffie-TAthin to no to work in -'ILc.-t. ami w.iH.i fl.a .Ar..r.ili..n of "o I i;blic in the good Wwrk k. The Ax Awful Accident. We are pained to ham that a most distressing accident occur red at Wilmore, this county, on Tuesday morning. Henry Martin was instantly kill ed by a ball from a rifle ia the hands of Val entine Maltzi. Of course the whole affair was Durelv accidental. Mr. Maltzi is suffer ing the keenest anguish in con&equence of the sad occurrence. The deceased was a man of family, and had but recently moved to Wilmore. He was employed on tho railroad repairs near that place. Casualty. Mr. Phillip HaR. late of Chest township, met with a severe injury on Saturday last. A portion of the machinery at which he was at rork flew from its place and struck him with such force as to fell him to the earth. Medical attendance was soon procured, and we learn that Mr. Hagg ; rpcoverin?. : The accident occurred at a saw mill, a tiile or two from Wilmore. Not Any. We don't advise anybody to coe-v or smoke, but to all who tre addicted to th weed, we have no hesitation-in recom mending the brands of cigars ahd tobacco kerjt bv Cham. Roberts. If there are any better in towa we have failed to sample them. COJIMCXICATIOISS. Carboix Tr., Nov. 26, 1867 To the Editor of the Freeman J regret i.ub jou leni, me columns of your paper to a. xj. u.nste ior the purpose of singling me out as one of the Ilousa Directors, and must avail myself of tne same columns as a medium of replv ....u u prfwjuai nostuity to any man living, having endeavored to live at peace with all men, and having conscientiously discharged my duty, nude my oath, as Poor Director, I am quite at a loss to conceive wny should be singled out from tb e whole Loard as the object of personal abuse. Let me say a few words m reply : In the first place let me assure vou that I have no objection that the world shall see and Know every transaction that occurred at the Poor House since I have been a mem ber of the Board. And the records will show, and I appeal to them, that no other Director has drawn less from the public trea ury than I have, during the year that I have been a member. It is false, then, in the first place, that the Board ever visited Johnstown at my instance. It was proposed by my seniors, shortly after I became a member, that a visit to Johns town, for the purpose of arranging the pay of out door paupers, employing a regular physician, and other matters", would be ad vantageous to the county, and I submit to my colleagues whether it was not so. We received barely euough to cover our expen ses. and that amount wan suggested by otherB, and not by myself. As to the pitiful falsehood that the "party went upon a regu lar spree." I leave my colleagues to answer. To those who know me, no contra lictiou is necessary, so far as I am concerned. The other charge is that I signed an order for a friend for upwards of Forty Dollars. The friend alluded to is a certain Irvin Rut ledge a man whom I had never seen before. The Poor House train went to the station for my colleague, Mr. Orris, and I went along to meet the train. Irvin Kutledge was with him, and stayed all night at the Poor House. I never had a word of private conversation with him in regard to any bill or order for it. It is not my purpose to say whose friend Irvin Rutledge was lie never was a friend of mine, Rnd I had a prejudice against him from h-iving heard that Ii? had an undue influence at the Poor Hor.e. Any orders I over signed for Lim v.eia made out bv the Steward and signed by an older member of the Board fir.-r. fieing the youngest mem her of the Board, I defened very much to the opinions of the o'er members, and never signed an order that was not filled by the Steward and signed by my seniors, or one of them, if both were rot present. I did re sist bills presented by Rutledge, and believe I at one time prevented him from getting an order for what I thought an improper bill. These are the two monstrous wrongs I have done to the peop'e. as regards thtir money. But thU is not what's the matter ! I was absent from one meeting of the Board. This frequently happens, and as two Directors form a quorum for business, it does not af. feet the public interest. But I had a satis factory reason for not being present at the meeting referred to. I learned that a new Steward would be chosen at that meeting, and I thought it unfair to the people cf Cam bria county for a Board to choose officers for their successors. The proper course, as I believ. is for every Board to appoint its own officers, s Jone by the County Com missioners, and all other bodies of the kind. If a different custom has prevailed in the Poor House, it is a bad one, and I hope we have Bet a good example for the future. But A. D. Criste having, by the vcte of a living and a dying Director, been appoint ed Steward, I moved to rescind the appoint ment for the purpose of making a new one, and he claims that this is without precedent. But it is not. Only a few years since the new Board revoked the appointment of the old Board, and appointed the present Stew ard ; and fortunately, too, as the discarded Steward turned out a murderer aud the ma tron a prostitute. At the first meeting of the new Board I did what I deemed my duty to the people. I d:d not know JL. D. Cnnste to be the pro per person for the appointment; 1 never charged him, as he seeuia to think, with be ing a "gambler, intemperate, or lazy," nor did I find any fault with his family. I sim ply treated the question as an open one, doing what I thought my duty, but I con fess that, elected by the Democrats, I could hardly, against an equally qualified person, appoint to a position a raan who, I was credibly informed, bad voted the whole Rad ical county ticket at the late e.ection. It paying m commutation for military services to the Government was not sufficient evidence of loyalty to my country, I trust I have partially atoned for it by choosing for Steward one who, while he is neither "a gambler, intemperate, or lazv" has done his part in the army of the Republic a man who is not only deserving but compe tent, humane, and honest, and a man who did not seek the Poor House as a plaster to heal his broken fortunes. But I must stop. I beg pardon for the length of this paper, and my only excuse is. that having never sought or held au office in the county of my birth but the humble position 1 now hold, I deem tbe attack upon me unjust, uncalled for, and malicious. ; Henry Byuse Carhoixtown, Ta., Nov. 1. 18G7 t,ditor or the freeman JJear &ir : l no ticed an article in your paper last week, headed in letters quite conspicuous, "Com munication," and signed by one having the initials, "II. II. S." No doubt the writer of this letter was prompted by what he con ttdered a good motive when he undertook the task. With a'-l due regard for the author's good intentions while writing thiscommuni cation, which musit naturally be classed an advertisement, I would respectfully request that he calculate the real worth of all so called physicians who permit their names to used in connection with testimonials of "won derful cures," which are said to have been performed by them, with the aid of some secret remedy; which, when needed by their duped patient Is not known to the U. S. Pharmacopcea or any scientific druggist. Advertising physicians are almost invariably impostors, and always quacks. To the readers of the Freeman -1 would say that the communication referred to was neither asked or paid for by me, and of the worthy Editor I would most cordially ask the favor that no further testimonials in my favor be published in the Freeman without my consent. J. J. Oatiiax. American Waltham Watches. The true value of Machinery applied to Watch making is not that by its use Watches are made rapidly, but that they are made cor rectly." Very few people kuow a Waltham Watch should be superior to any other. ' In the first place, at Waithata the Watch is re garded as only a machine, to be constructed like any other inaohine, on mechanical prin-. cipies. it the watches are good it ;s because the machinery is g. od. Of course there mut be no dt feet in the principle or plan of move ment no mistake in the sizes or shapes of the pieces of which it is composed nothing wanting in their properties, and no error in their positions. Thee points once thorough ly settled, it rests wholly with the machine ry, constructed with infinite diversity of form and function expressly for the purpose, to produoe the finished pieces. By mean3 of multiplying gauges and microscopes, tests and inspection for the detection of wear in the cutting tools, and for faults and flaws in steel and stone are made to accompany the work in every ttage from beginning to end. As a necessary result, the watch goes togeth er a perfect machine. Every part is found to fit properly in its place. Eveiy pin may be pushed till it pinches, and every sciew turned home. Instead of sluggish and feeble action, the balance, even under the pressure of the lightest mainspring, vibrates with a wide and free motion, and the beat has the clear ringing sound always characteristic of the Waltham Watch. The machine is a timekeeper from the start. This system of watchmaking is unknown in foreign countries, aud is entirely original with the Waltham Company. The Comnanv claim that by it they produce watches that cannot be equalled for every quality which roasts a watch valuable. Simple m plan and correct in principle, the movement is not only beautifully finished, substantial, accu rate and cheap, but is uniform in the minu test details, not easily damaged, and when repaired always as good as new. There are different grades of fiuish in the different va rieties of watches ma.le bv the Waltham Company, as there are different sizes and shaj.es to suit all tastes and means ; but ev ery Watch that bears the ganuine trade-mark of "Walthaji" is guarantied to be a good one, and no'Kdy need be afraid to buy it. L.cery natch fully warranted. For sale bv all fiist-class dealers in the United Statea and British Provinces. For further information address the Agents. BOBBINS & APPLE TON, 182 Broadway, N. Y. Janets Lr 4. 1 , 'U a Chascb. There is still a chance Vl UMan- 8 fu!1 of 8')0 ls at the cbeaP ' . Thompson. His Btock ix tb wgest, bct and cheapest in town, , U iy& hy buying at his estab- Usk tub Bkst. Bludcs1 Euplionial Lu bricators are a medical preparation in the form of a Lozenge, and ara universally con sidered the mst pleasant, convenient and ef- tectual remedy in use lor Hoarseness. Coushs. GIds, .Croups. Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis. Diptheria, and all Pulmonary Complaints. They are warranted to give quicker and more lasting benefit in the above affections than an- other remedy. Also to contain no deleterious ingredient, and not to offend the weakest and most sensitive Stomach. Blades' Omstitulion Pills ar e so called be cause of their peculiar effect upon the Liver, Stomach, Blood and Nervous Sj'stem. For inactivity of the Liver, for the Stomach in derangement, or Dyspepsia, they will de light the patient with thrir mild and bene ficial effect, especially if after long continued indigestion and costiveness, they are left with periodical returns of the Sick Headache. In case of a severe cold, producing Chills and Fever, you can break it very soon by using the Pills as per directions with each box. JOHN II. BLADES & CO.. aug8-Jy Proprietors, Elmira, N. Y. For sale by all Druggists ; 25 cts. per box. Horrible Accidkvt. A man some time since was repaiiius h- cas leak, corner of He went in to the excavation and then lit a match. An explosion of gas took place, and the man was much burned. Dr. Tobias' Venetian Liniment was applied freely, and in tnree days the man was about his busi-. ness in the Manhattan Gas Works as well as ever, Ilij name is Samuel F. Waters. This is one of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Tobias' celebrated Venetian Liniment ; it is not only good for Burns, but for old Sores. Bruises. Chronic Rheumatism. Sore Throats, Cuts, Insect Stings, Pains iu the Limbs, Chest and Back ; also internally, for Colic, Cramps, Diarrhoea, Dysentery aud Croup. It is perfectly innocent to take in ternally, and is the best family medicine in the world. Orders are received all over Eu rope for it. The most celebrated Physicians recommend it it never fails. Dr. Tobias puts up every drop himself. Sold by all Druggists at 50 cents aud $1 per bcttle. Depot 66 Cortlandt Street, New. York. Thk PrtRHoLOGiCAL Journal for Decem ber contains 17 portraits of distinguished men, with their biographies Geo. Peabody, President Woolsey, Elias Howe.Oliver Crom well, Rev. Dr. Worcester, Chauncey Giles, Abiel Silver, J. R. Ilibbard. James P. Stu art, J. C. Ager, W. B. Hayden. and others. The Sultan of Turkey, and a Glance at his Empire; Our Social Relations; the Paris Exposition; Unmarried; What shall we do with Old Maids? History of the New Jeru salem, or Swdeuborgian, Church ; Saints and Sinners ; and much other instructive matter. End of Vol. 46. A new volume begins with the next number. Now is the time to subscribe only $3 a year. Address S. R. Wells, 389 Broadway, New York. HALL'S YESETADLE SICILIAN HAIR Rekeyzer . Persons Hho are Urav Can have their hair re-Tored to it natural color, and if it has fallen out, create a new growth, bv its use. It is the beat HAIR DRESSING in the world, making lifeless, st;ff, brushy hair healthy, soft and glossy. Price $1.00. For sale by all druggists. R. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, N. II. Prep's. To Cokscmptives. Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON will send (free of charge) to all who desire it, the prescription with the direc tions for making and using the bimple rem edy by which he was cured of a lung affec tion and that dread disease. Consumption. His only object is to benefit the afflicted, and he hopes that every sufferer will try this prescription, as it will cost them nothing and may piove a blessing. Please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON. No. 165 S. Second St., Williamsburg, N. Y. It is not true that R. II. Singer intends leaving town, as some will have it, but, on the contrary, intends to carry on the Black smithing, in all its branches, stronger than ever. In order to do this it is necessary to employ workmen and buy tools, iron, etc., all of which cost money. Therefore persons indebted to Mr. Singer for work done in '65, '66 and the early part of '67, are requested to call and settle. He feels confident that hi customers will not let him stick. 3t. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility. Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing, in perfect confidence, JOHN B. OGDEN. 42 Cedar street N. Y. Information. Information guaranteed t-- produce a luxuriant growth of hair upon a bald head or beardless face; also, a recipe for the lemoval of Pimples, Blotches, Erup tions. A'c. on the skin, leaving the same soft, clear and beautiful, can be obtained without charge-by addressing THOS. F. CHAPMAN Oemist. 823 Broadway, New York. Lik Magic. The certainty and quick ness with which Coe's Cough Balsam cures Ceughs, Colds. Croup, and lung difficulties. Give to the children when attacked with Coughs and Colds, and rest assured they will find relief at once. Physicians say it is the best cough medicine in the world. MARRSED. MURRAY MEEHAN In Philadelphia, on the 18th inst.. by Rev. Father Mouahan, Pastor of St. Francis' Church. Mr. M. A. Mckrat .md Mrs. Elizabeth Meejjan', both of Philadelphia. We were no less gratified than surprised at the reception of the above news. Mathew holds a prominent position on our list of in timate and esteemed friends, and now that he has taken upon himself the cares and re sponsibilities of a benedict, we sincerely hope that the comforts, pleasures and felicities of that happy state may be vouchsafed to b!n and his without stint or alloy, and that the lle!iii;8 of a bountiful Provideoce mav at tend and cheer them both throughout life. ECURE THE SHADOW ERE THE SUi&TAXCE FADES. Non Bkttf.x. Ladies on a shopping arnilti.in or i 11 lnolr in rain for a more su perb or varied assortment of goods than is displayed on tne Bneives oi juessrs. xuuis s Davis. A fine stock at low prices is the in ducements they offer. - A tan colored baby, about six weeks old, was found on the street, in Uollidaysbvrg, on Monday night. A negro found it, and as it U of the prmicr color, h H orW WAiiTD An active yoing man, with a small capital, to act as agent in Cambria and B'air counties for the Bale of the Rustic Win dow Shade an article used by every family, hotel, school house and chureh,jind yielding a handsome profit to all persons engaged in sellins them. . Address or apply to the man ufacturers, LorDiRBACK, Jefiebson & Co., N. E. Cor. 22d and Wood Sta., rhila. 2. Just ah Will. We may as well. say here uany where else that V. S. Barker's stock of merchandise is as good as the best, and as cheap as the cheapest, and comprises almost everything required bjr mata or a. trou. Lu2it of i-MbWyr. " Another Partner. Onr popular j'oung friend, John Kinney, has recently become a member of the firm of D. W. Harshbereer & Co., Druggists, Johnstown. John has by close attention for several years past earned for himself an excellent reputation as a cor rect business man, and his many friend will not forget to patronise the firm of which he is now a member. A !are stock of fresh and pure Diugs, Perfumes, Oils, Soaps, Li quors, Paints, Dye Stuffs, etc., received within the patt week. Pi' IP! 1 YOU WEEE THIS WAY ! ! For Bargains! JUST RECEIVED AT THOMPSON'S On High Street. THE LARGEST STOCK ! Glorious Sights. It is a glorious sight to see the aged parent leau confidingly on the shoulder of a dutiful son to see the love light pliy in the feautures of a youthful husband and wife to see a turtle basKiug on a loer 'neatn tne summer sun iu seo six year old urchin hunting cigar stumps in front of a hotel to see a manly form dressed in a superb winter outfit from Jas. J. Mur- I 1 1 lOl.. II, 11 rlV: 2nr pny o uncap oir uati uiumiug Clinton street, Johnstown. PICTURES FORTHEMSLLION. Having located in Ebensburg, I would re spectfully inform the public that I am pre pared to execute PH010G RAP; IS in every style of the ait, from the smallest card Pic ture to the largest sized f.r framing. Pic tures taken in any kind of weather. PHOTOGRAPHS PAINTED .V OIL, INDIA INK OB WATER COLORS. Every attention givn to the taking of Children's pictures, but in clear weather only. Special attention is invited to my stork of large PICTURE FRAMES and PHOTO GRAPH ALBUMS, which I will sell cheap er than they can be bought elsewhere in town. Copying an1' Enlarging done on rea sonable terms. I atdt" comparison and defv competition. Thankful for pat favors, I solicit a con- uance of the same. Gallerv on Julian street, two doors south of Town Hall. T. T. SPENCE. Photographer. Ebensburg, Nov. 14, 1867. MEW AND EXTENSIVE ARRIVAL a. v mi. m sua m-m m a a sw j JOHN DOUGHERTY, Tailor, has just received a new and extensive stocK or ULt- THING from the East, consisting of Cloth Coats. Flossed Salma Overcoats, Short and Long Flossed Gum Boots for Gents, Boots and Arctic Shoes for Ladies and Gum Shoes for Children, all cf which will be sold at the lowest prevailing prices;- He has slso recei ved his (Quarterly fashions for the tall and V inter of 186. with a large number of pat terns fur Boys' Clothing. nov.l4-3t. AY UP ! All persona indebted to the subscriber, either by note or book account, are requested to make payment on or before the 1st day of January next. 1 need what is due me, and must have it or know the reason why. Those interested will save costs by promptly heeding this no tice. uEUlvuK uUULtil. Ebensburg, Nov. 14, 1867.-3t IT TCENSE NOTICE The pcti- lion of John Strohm for L:cense to keep an fcatiDX House in the 3d ard. Johnstown Borough, has been filed, and will be present ed to the Judges of the Court of Quarter Ses sions of Cambria County, on the first Mon day of December rext. GEO. C. &. ZAUM, rrotb y. Ebensburg, Nov. 14, 1867. THE BEST VARIETY ! THE GREATEST BARGAINS AND MORE OF THEM I THAI HAVE m mmi HERE FOR A LONG TIME! Fine DRESS GOODS Standard Dry Goods, SUPERB LINE OF NOTIONS, loss im? 9 V4SSAR COLLEGE Tor Voimp Ladles The Trustees of this Inatitu tinM, dt-airing to extend the benefits of Mr. Va-ars munificent gift for the better educ tion of yonng women, will admit, at any time io the Collegiate yesr. titudents i-rt-pared to join College classes, charging ex penses only fiom the date of Ihf ir reception. Terms low ; great facilities for education, such as Cabiuets. Art Gallery, Library, Mu sical Conservatory, lc. For circulars cou tainingfull information, addrcs J. N. Sonorj, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. THE BEST 18 THU CHEAPEST. Ilurvtvst I fiver! The Yield Is Great! IToporf I y Abounds! Wiuier Is Coiulutf ! AND NOW IS THE TIME TO TAKE MOORE'S RURAL NEW YORKFR, . Tlie Gital Town autl Country V.c.. The RUUAL is the Leading and Largst Circulating Newspaper of iis Cia&b nu the Continent superior in Value and Variety" of Contents and Beauty of Appearance. Ib embraces more Agricultural. Horticultural, Scientific, Educational, Literary and News Matter, interspersed with Eugravings. tbau any other Journal, L-r it coaipriatb Depart ments including Agriculture, ( holec LKrrrlnfr, Horticulture, Sornce onct Art, hcep Husbandry, kdncatlon, Grazln.Dalryiiig, Yonl 118 Reading-, Domestic Kcon'mj,l'oiDnifrrr, Jitrk'la, Hur'l Architecture, Caencral News, Ifith Illustrations, Tales. Esxais, Jl'i&ic, Poetry, Rebuses. Enigmas, Sfc, "j. The Bckal Nfcw-YoRKKR is a NafionuZ Journal, circulating largely in the East and West, North and youth. It Empl'Ts tii?: LJestTalent in nil Depaitments. Itscorps of Editors, Contributors, clc, compri.-' 8 many of the beat Farmers, Planters. V-1 Growers, Grazieis, liorticulturalhts, &i.r and also Authors. Scholars. &c, of n ti- t'ui ability. In brirf,the Rural is Attn Edit ed, Profusrly I lustratrd. Na(ly Printed Practical. Scicutifc, Useful Mral, Ltlr art ire and Eitttr'uinii.g. Wt eiever located in C- iKdrv, V11.12P " Ci'v YOU WANT THK KUR I -YOFII FAMILY AND FRIENDS WANT IT! for it is adapud to the want? of all. Note that it is not a monthly, but a Large and Bu.iful Weekly, and "that Vol. XIX will be materially lliilai go!. Each No. contains Eight D .ul-'.e Q larfo Pages, printel in extra style. C'ear Type, Good Paper, and more and better Illustra tions than any other Journal of its Class A Title Pane, Index. &c... at close of Vol. TERMS Only $3 a yesr; to clubs of ten. $2.60 per c. py. Vol. XIX b?eii J Jan. 4. 1868. Now is the time to Subscribe and Club. Great Oif rs to Ciub Agents. Sp-rc'inei s, Sho'v-Biih, Premium Lifts. tKXT fble; rthe 13 nnmbcrs of this Q ?ar tr, (Oct. to Jan ) on trial, for Only Finr Cents. Address D..D. T. MO HUE, Rochester. N. Y T HE PAPER FOR THE MILLION! THE AMERICAN FARM ER. the Pr&o. tical Farmer's Own Pper. the Cheapest and the Be-t Agricultural aud Horticultural Jout nal in America. Beautifully Illustra ted with Numerous Engraving's of Farm Buildings, Animals, Frnits and Flowerg. Now is the time to subscribe for 1868. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR! Agent waDted everywhere. For Club Price Lit of Valuable Prizes open to ail, do., address JOHN TURNER, Publisher aud Proprietor. Ri'bpstr. V V - - 7ANTEI. ICO Farmers to encase iu a business that will pav from 100 to $160 per month from now until Spring Address JONES. BROS. & CO.. Phila. W CLLSIOH DIALOGUES. fistiDg of New and Original hrl-cliua dramas, colloquies, etc., for advanced Speak ers io Schools, Exhibition-rooms and piivau theatricals. Every line written expre.-sly f.r this book by a erps of Professional Teacbera and writers- Acknowledged to be the he.0t work of the kind ever published. Cloth, nearly 400 duodecimo pg.. i rice $1.75 mailed free. Address Publishers, 702 Chestn G aRKETT, riii: AND ALL OTHER GOODS IN GREAT PROFUSION ! ANTED ! 200 FAR3ILR8 To engage iu a light and honorab'e business for the winter months, in the vicin ity in which they reside, which w ill net them from $50 to $150 per month. For par'icu lars apply to or address PARMEl.EK BROS., 722 Sansom St.. Philadelphia, Pa. AZYGOS. Three magnificently iiiustru ted Medical Bonks, containing impnrf vr. t Physiological Information, for Men and Wo men, seut free on receipt of 25 cents, by ad dressing toe Secretary of the New 1 ork Med ical Lnivemty, No. 30 Clinton Place. N. Y. ST.4DAItI) 711111ns Machines OF IMPROVED CONS'! RtTCTluN. great power, largo capacity, unrivaled con venience cf adjustment. Also, pipe vises, with and without extra jaw, and vises of all sizes, tor heavy ana light wore. Sena to UNION VISE COMPANY, of Boston, Mass. for illustrated circular. Foi sale by dealers in hardware and machinery. Iiust 3ioitxc; sois,s r. " LOUIS IRON MOUNTAIN li.Mlr ROAD CO. Seven per cent, interest Febru ary aud August. These Bonis cover a iWd of 91 miles, finished from St. L. uis to Pilot Knob, and in first-class order, and au-xtpn-sion of about the same length from PiIjc Knob to Belmont, uow rapidly constructing, for which the proceeds of these bonds are t be used, makiug a through route from S". Louis to New Orleans by rail. The earnings of the 91 miles are $1500,000 a year ; the net profits now are sufficient to pay the interact on the entire amount of bonds, were th-y all issued. The basis f security is believed 'o be beyond that of any other bonds now off r ed. Apply at the office of the Company. No. 43 Wall-st.. to 11. G. MARQUAND, Vice President, or to CLARK, Du'JtiE & C0..or. Wall and Williatu-sts.. N. Y. City. Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy, Neat, but not gaudy, and rich, Though not expressed in fancy. Just the place you were looking for is the famous -Oak Hall Clothing Store," Main street. Johnstown, under the proprietorship of E. Leopold & Bro. They have just re ceived another large invoice of beautiful Winter Clothine. Hats. Caps. &c. and are prepared to tell cheaper than ever. Oft in the stilly night, . Wrapped up in a warm shawl Bought from the cheap store Of one who uses the awl. It is further announced that the lady in question did not get the last shawl wehad, for there is no end to them. So peg on and see who will tret the handsomest at II. A, T&IOTICE. The petition of John TltrviT. rt PamVirifl rnn ntr bfL.4 blMii filed in the Court of Common Pleas of said county, praying that his name be changed to JoHH B. luRNsr, which said petition will be presented to the Judges of said Court on the second Monday of December next, for decree, &c. GEO. C. K. ZAUM. Ebensburg. Nov. 14. -4t. Proth'y. ripEACIlER WANTED A Male Teacher is wanted to take charge of tbe school in the village of Si mnnrhill. Crovle township. By order of the Board. JAS. U. PLUM.MER, Sec'y. Nov. 14, 18G7.-4t. SEE MY I'luKbUM intending to build a liouse or Barn, can buy Nails and Hardware chesD by paying cash St Fsb, 33. - GSO.HUSTLErS. AND TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS! PACKED , XX THIS DK AND s. it m DAILY J i Mondays, 1 $100 Note Tuesdays, 2 Fifties Wed days, 5 1 wenties Thursdays, 10 Ten- Friday. 2o rivf Saturdays, 60 Twit- P. & G. LORILLAKD, 16. 18 & 20 Chamber discontinued, n r do we intend to rp, packing 8100 Da!' in pflptrsof Ce. i dm TcBacco, report io the contrary notwith standing. CC5-We are making he Century from the choicest letf ; it i5 f r lrm drugs, and i n every rroect the bel FincCutTottaccQ rosrr- 15 ufactured. Soldbrn.'! St., NEW YORK. !repectable johfcJr. TO $25 rER DAY, SURE a :7 wanted even where to bell our - .. ,p. .. .... - - ------ bceriasung hue ire LlolJies Liites. "Zir ery housewife should Ufteit " N.T.TMbune. "We have seen it used and it gives entirt satisfaction." AT. Y. Christian Adcocttfe. The Patent Wire Clothes Liue is all it pu-. ports to be." A. Y. In-lependmt. Addr Amfbicas TV'St Co., 1S2 Broadway, N. X- CENTURY TOBACCO. I 100 U . , t , 1 i9r:rw,7 f V f 1 I !