The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, November 21, 1867, Image 3

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Ifll'KSDAYT : : NOV. 21, 18G7.
'""local and personal.
Ve recollect the meetings to which
: refer, aol are pleased that your lot bas
L,n r;t among us.
r:::-i of all your
Biiaii be happy to be
jiuronui-rriEfi, Local and General.
. buck w as ki!ld in White township,
ja:.a C"unty, on Monday week. When
i-t covered the deer was with a flock of
-K.vlii.-ar Orthography. The IIoiHdays
Iyz lladlcal .'ays : 'We had our first shift
f.a vvoa Wednesday." It was early for
i, .-i-vi re a yell. Jtihn.
I'-t' r DolanJ (not William, as erroneously
iitci ly u.-,) is rapidly recovering from the
received by the accidental discharge
,f L:sg" i 111 tne 9tM iUfit- Dr. Krise is
u'..t.-..'i:.n physician.
" 0:i Tudsi.iy of last week George Swires,
rat-!oa t-f our worthy friend, Anthony
vv: c, of Clearfield township, was kicked
:l ii.u o an J bis suuil so badly fractured
- i I'.sna red r.i.
il. Gardner, Esq.. for maty years a
. .;. -. t . i' Wi'more, this county, paid our
i v;t oil Thursday. Mr. Gardner
,. ,r ; r.-ru' connected with a hanking house
: I: ;!i-i.ivkirg. He is always a welcome
r .ii;. -at: the "frosty sons tf thunder."
L : i Miller was executed in Clear
: ,;, ! "i We lncS'lay lust, for causing the
:: .;a f ! '-" he-ban d by adminirteiin.4 poi
i (. !.:!!. he confessed tt-r guilt, and
; - : ! ::! tr'itr.ieht at his hands as her
:: f r reai'Jsitiing the deed.
M Wt-ivcr, of Indiana, Pa., while croFS
r; r-i.e ci tie streets in that place, on Wed-r-.i.-.y
last, was knocked down and
:, ..ver I v a r.maway team of horse, and
.A ne i" her I'.-gs so serioti.-ly fractured
' .:.;!'.! ui ;;: had to bo resorted to.
ung c-.lored man in the employ of
i-rorrL-tors of the M-uMain
t this phue. has been arrested on
(' I'Urrlirv. at ;! is now in jiij.
;r c '. it impeachment," and en
' 'j throw the hiu:e on another nezro
v-. ! :S 'oft.
V. ; i:id have ftated last week that
'.rrit a ; . i Waters, convicted of parsing
.('" ? rroi.ey in .luht.stown. have each to o n yetrs imprisonment at
lal-T in the Peniw-nMary, while the for-:-t
i pny a fiue of $3,500 and the latter
. ' f J-!.or0.
A rirv -.-ir old daughter of ?Tr. Jackson
t'.s, te-iding at Carpenter's Station,
' -!.!: county, was so shockingly
.r:.r,!, " c ur.'e of wt-eks since, by fire com
to her clothing fii m the kitchen
('uring the absence of iier parent1.
; -J lived only & few hours after the sad
TL:' ;.?..'. Z says : "Jerry Black was his
' : attrv. and h'S influence got
i j- ....." .ludgo Clack was not Mr.
'" -1 "! ni-jii's att"inev. and Hon. D. J.
! t- i, arid other d i t i r f u'shed citizens of
i r': ,i ued his petition. The Pres
:;'t !. i ri'!it, and eveiy b-xly is glad to pre
i "M sijlliei" at liberty again, but what
!. 9 v.'-e ( !' ti l'.in stirit'S about it.
J..ti.( ILimlin, who was convictevl in the
-'r CAtnty Court, in July !ast, of larceny,
" ! . il. Honm t, convicted la-t mouth of
have rarli been sentenced to an
. ; r;?- ::rr er:t of two years and three mouths
n in the r-r:ue:.-:ary. A uiotioo for
: ' V tri tl h is been made in the esse of Tfett, found guilty f rape, and
w.i; i e decided at the Argument Court.
A ilev-rt?r fi-cm the army, while on his
v. tt, handcuffed and in charge of an
r, j nrj ed from a window of the car in
h If was ridifg, near Packsaddle, be-
:.r..-tu-.vii, on Monday of last week,
' tie train was moving at the rate of
' .'' five miles per hour, and sustained in-
'. -s f sv.f-h a character as to render his re
Tr y ahv.-jyt impossible. He was taken to
' '. ii: r H- ii.e in Tittsburgh.
'. In Dtmocart says that during
't !.iv last wetk the merchants cf thut
s.hl about 12,000 yards of calico,
y '.nderteok to undersell each other and
J ecple wcut into the contest with inter
' 1 r vi.iiing themselves with Merrimacka,
' iSt rs. Wamfuttas, -c, at from 8 to
: c-;-ts r ard. The madder the nier
1 -i-ame the more "madders" the peo
i ' .'.t. Calico contests ought to be eu-
nr '
A rr t-. r.nmed Flick was brought to our
'' ( '-.Veduesday) morning, charged with
' - a i.utnbr of valuable, articles frm
J. i. il'Ci eight's residence, in Johns
".'n Monday niht. The scamp repre
- -i hi ;-i..-! f as being in destitute circum
1 sr.d was kindly furnished with lodg
'. he repaid the kindnss by helping
f t j a watch, wearing ap-paral, etc.
" f i timatuly overhauled before he got
' w-i:i, hit, booty.
' ,,, informed? The Johnstown Tri
mi not'ciiig favorably the appointment
h f'. M uiii:! , Km., as Cashier of the Ach-
D.n.e Savings Bank, wants "somebody
'' i (it) where Ashland is located ?
;. Ebj.sburg FiCfKian tell?" Yes!
; is located in the Northern portion
v IkiU county, and is almost the equal
! ; u'.ation and enterprise of our own thri
: nutr'polis, Johnstown, with its Fur-'-';:
's included. It cotitatu3 upwards
' ' ' 00 ijihabitacts.
' 'r'c; Jhmsen, a freight brakcmin on
; i'i. K. It., fell from a car during the pas-
"i I'nc tia:n from Derry to Gmemaugh
.,n Friday night last, and was in-
y to such an extent that death ensued in
"'I time thereafter. lie was not missed
, i- tr un until it reached Contmangh,
-'".ii being made, he was found about
" between the stations named, with
' l crushed at the thigh and other
"ii on his p-rson. He expired fihort
'",''r, ' ":r K f .und. lie leaves a wife and
' c.".;ldre:i in Pittsburg.
no rKB We learn from tho Pitts
; I'hat. on Thursday morninir last.
, j 0 T
1 ,'.. . . : . I . i .1 . . i
-y : otuui'n, U'is counxy, tne ueaa
'f a r.piro boy. apparently about 12
' '' " h was discovered upon the track of
'usvivania lUilroad. The boy had
f or some time, and had apparent-;r-
tun tYcr by a train, ahe was badly
-' ibout ti:e ba.l The rpmiina wpm
to Gallitzin, and left in tho charge
; r- G.Isin, eaj erinttndent of the road
, ;Q Wednesday two colored boys ar
; at,Jllit2iu, having otolen a ride thith-
av nKer train. One of them was
''"-C, and aiilt-arrl tf ha a limit, fi.iir-
"''lr! f ae. ami gave his name as
'iiis.sev. Tl 1,..,. ...i,. i .1... tl
U.S "JS to heir aunt, anI Louis
, ti,t his mother lived in Al!e-
,:' " tl.3 hovs were Hw n tli turn
"'I"'1 C 'i.eiijauh. where ther stated
... i 'c brothers", ani were grin2 to
I'Tbt ' UUi'Jlutr- ii is supposea mat
it.?ndeon a flight train leaviug
on Wednesday night, and Mas-
.-e JfiUDer. fill r.ff on1 tzro a
MncSbane on his Travels.
Dear Freeman I have been to 5Tw YnrV
again. You may talk about Boston, and
mmweipnia, and Ualtimore all three of
inese respectable cities wouldn't make one
New York, nor anything like it. But it
takes, some time to see it all, and I hadn't
time. Uut I saw gome of it.
lue election was hist over, and it haA
been held principally by the Democrats.
ine majorities for that party had been piled
up to something oyer 40,000, and the "cry
was sun tney come." The Copperheids
were getting weary of their load of majori
ties, and calculating Radicals were wonder
ing how much furthtr the joke would be
Tammany Hall was refulgent with a blaze
of glory, and Mozart had forgotten her local
defeats in the rejoicing for the geueral'victory
But as your mountaineer readers, excepting
a few from Ebensburg and Jacob Glasser,
Esq., of Chest township, may not have visit
ed New Y'ork, let me tell what the teims
Tammany and Mozart mean.
New Yoik has not only the moit numer
ous but the most bellicose and uproarious
Democracy of any city in tho Union or out
of it. They are always equipped according
to taw ior a tree election or a free right. And
their organization, though somewhat rotiizh.
is always strong, as the Devil is said to have
remarked on one occasion.
The ancient club organization was named
in honor of an Indian seer or saga who flour
ished at a period "whereof the mind of man
runneth not to the contrary,'' and who is
still revered as St. Tamenand. By an easy
corruption (for New York is not without its
corruptions) the tirst local habitation" in i
wnicn this Democratic Association net for
counsel was called Tammany Hall. And t
this Hall has remained the regular Demj- I
cratic headquarters to the present d y. j
But the Democratic party in New YorV I
became so thrifty that one llab woui not j
answer, and certain Wood F. I
becoming dissatisfied with Tammany, oran- !
ized at a new point known as Moza.t Hull, j
where they coutiuue to flouri.-h, und serve to I
divide the .New lork Democracy, a;;l ocoa
bionally elect a Radical.
Every branch of business every trade cf
society seemed to participate iuthe general
rejoicing. Cnly oue-f.urth part of X. York
is radical, it is true, but I had not tLs plea
sure of meeting any even of that fraction.
For example, my business lay at the Ceritrr.I
New Jersey ticket office, at the foot of Lib
erty street. Being a stranger, was inquir
ing my way as 1 passed along West strict.
"Is this Liberty?" said I to a fctalwart
Hibernian whom I found on a dray.
"You may well say it," was his reply,
"liberty to ate an' drink an' wear what you
plaze, in spite of the radicals and nagnrs."
"Is this Liberty V I repeated to a heavy,
good-natured looking man who kept a cigar
"Libertisch! Mine Gott, yah ! Hurrah
for Libertisch !" was the answer.
"Is this Liberty V I once more asked of
a 6lender, nervous-looking fellow, with a
bl.-r:k moustache.
"0' est la Liberte, by Gar! C est la
Liberte! Glorieuse!" was all the reply 1
VarieJ with travel and fruitless inqui
ries, I stepped into an ale house, kept by a
chucky, square-faced, a la Scott whiskered
Englishman, and ordered a glass of ale.
After imbibing I remarked, "We are near
Liberty, are we not V
"We 'ave it, we 'a ye it," Lc sang out.
'Utra for Hokey 'AH !"
I left in despair. My friend informed me
that A. O.ikey Hall was a lea;. ug candidate
on the Democratic ticket, and that every
body's head was too full of tre election to
auswer correctly. But we reuched the pi it-t
of our inquiries.
If the population of New York outstnps
her rival citits, the magnificence of her im
provements makes the disparity still greater.
This is more observable in the Northern c
upper part of the city than elsewhere.
The great Central Park, which embraces
three hundred acres of land, of every variety,
is destined to become the principal attraction
of the great emporium. If splendid drives
in every possible direction if the smoothest
footways, meandering (if I may use the
term) among and arouud natural hills and
artificial mounds if forests full of game and
lakes covered by'swans if all that is grand,
beautiful and varied in the floral depart
ment, from the tiniest vklet to the loftiest
magnolia if bridges, aqueducts, waterfalls,
lakes for pleasure-boats in the summer and
ponds for skating in the winter if all that
is grand, sublime, grotesque and picturesque,
with the addition of fast horses, faster wo
men and fastest men, can give a charm to
any pleasure grounds, then the Central Park
has that charm to perfection.
New York is also famous for her Boule
vards. TheBe delightful drives are not con
fined to the metropolis itself, but crossing
the llarlam river, (the Northern boundary
of New Y'ork city and island,) extend away
into the adjoining county of Westchester.
These are paved with square split stones,
wedged in, have almost the smoothness of a
floor, and are of sufficient width (I judge by
the eye alone) for the passage of half a dozn
carriages abreast. From 3 o'clock f. m. till
after nightfall these thoroughfares are liter
ally alive with every form and style of ve
hicle that the ingenuity of man can contrive
or the wealth of millionaires purchase.
But enough of New Y'ork for this week.
We Wouldn't, Wocld Y'ot; ? For no
consideration would we part with a picture
of a deceased relative or cherished friecd. '
How highly such mementoes are prized only
those know who possess them, but notwith
standing this admitted fact, many neglect
to "secure the shadow ere the substance
fades," and when they go out forever from
those near and dear to them the bereavement
is more keenly felt in consequence of this
neglect. Why, then, should any one fail to
secure counterfeit presentments of them
selves and friends wdien the opportunity is
afforded them, as it now is by Mr. Spence
at hia gwllery in this place, to obtain most
excellent photographs at most reasonable
prices? We are sure that our artist friend
can give you full satisfaction in all that per
tains to his business, and wu advise you to
call on him at once.
Evekyb )DT Suited. There is no assort
ment of goods in this county, at least, in
which there ia comprised so many articles
of adornment and utility as are contained in
the superb stock of clocks, watches, jewelry,
fancy goods, notions, toys, books, station
ry, etc., with which Cham. Roberts' store
is -now filled to repletion. The old and
young, the grave -and gay, will be sure to
find many things to please their fancy or
meet their wants at the above establishment.
Always RirXMisniso. Those enterpri
sing merchants, Messrs. Mills & Davis, are
constantly replenishing their shelves with
the choicest goods from the Eastern markets,
and hencf are always prepared to furnish the
latest styles at the lowest prices. Their last
invoice embraces shawls, dress goods, and a
general variety of articles required for house-
Johxstowh, Nov. 18, 1867.
Dear Freeman An employe at the roll
ing mill, named Michael Sullivan, met with
a very tevere accident one day last week. He
was working at a heating furnace, and while
m the act of drawing a piece of metal from
the furnace with a pair of tongs, his hold
slipped, and he fell with considerable force
against one of the "buggies" which is used
to couvey the metal to the rolls, thereby
hreakmg three of his ribs. He was taken to
bis residence aud a physician summoned
who replaced the dislocated ribs, and he is
now in a fair way of recovery.
A man who resides in Pittsburg, and who
came here to assist in putting gravel roofs
upon teveral buildings in this vicinity, was
very severely injured, a few days ago, while
working at the new roof of the Mechanical
Works. He was in the act nf ocn,i; iu
- ' v- -uvvuuuij; LUC
ladder when a piece of board was blown from
the roof, which struck him nn t. fk 1
making a terrible gash aud completely pros-
iiatmg mu.1 ior nine, ne was conveyed
to the residence of a Riircroon an V.;a
O - nuuitu
dressed, and from thence he was taken to
ms nome tne same evening.
A voune son of Samuel Doncriaca
w - - o-""i
was one dav last week Ktandintr in t'Ua
ity of the new Methodist church, upon which
the slaters were at work, when a piece of
slate came eliding down from the roof, and
falling upon his head, iuflicted a serious gash.
J. F. Condon, Esq. late Co. Sup't, made
a very narrow escape the other day. He was
standing in cIorr nrn-imii tn o i,i.;i,i;r,r. ;
U " - . ' w - UU'lUllIf, 111
process of construction, and while one of the
--ii oBuicia was in mo act oi driving a nail
home distance above Mr. C.', the hatch
et slipped from the handle, and whizzinsr
; ufia his c:-ir, ut open his boot at the side of
.1.1 f.i V . 1-1
me loot, rut cia not touch the skin. Mr.
U. may wt'.l congratulate himself on his es
cape, for the hatchet, coming with such
force, would doubtless have killed him in
stantly Lad it struck him on the head.
Mr. E. A. Vickroy and family started on j
a visit tu tne west the e irly part of last
week, and design absenting themselves until
Spring. Mr. V. is one of the oldest and
most, resj teled citizens of this neighborhood,
"frosty, but kindly," and the family of which
your corespondent is a member are under
many obligations to him for several acts of
kindness, and for which they shall ever hold
ini and Lis in grateful remembrance. Mr.
Vickroy ha leased his farm for a term of
years, and intends taking up his residence in
our town on his return from the West, In
common with their many friends, I wish
them a pleasant trip and a safe return to our
Your correspondent was pleased to greet a
number of his Ebensburg friends in twn
during the past week. First came the Direc
tors of the Poor, flanked, by our lately elect
ed friend, Mr. John D. Thomas. On Mon
day came John A. Blair, Sheriff elect, Hon.
James Murray, Geo. W. Oatman and F. A.
Shoemaker, Esqs. S. B. aud his friends are
always glad to greet these gentlemen on their
visits to our town, aud he will ever pray,
&c, that their "shaddcrs" may stretch out.
Situ Bal.
CuAsaED Hands. In order to enjoy a
brief period of relaxation previous to assum
ing the duties of Sheriff, Mr. John A. Blair
has retired from the management of tho
Union Hotel in this place, and has been suc
ceeded by Mr. Jerome Plott, of Susquehan
na township. In ail that constituted a pop
ular and accommodating landlord Mr. Blair
was eminently without a superior, but it is
gratifying to know that his mactle has fallen
npon a man who is iu the highest degree
qualified to "keep a hotel." We bespeak
for the "Union" a continuance of that pa
tronage which has always been extended to
it, and we are confident that no one will
have cause to complain of the treatment
vouchsafed them by the new landlord.
Coxtbacts Awarded. The Poor House
Directors, at their meeting on Thursday last,
made the following award of contracts for
the furnishing of meat for the use of that in
stitution during the coming year. The fig
ures named are the lowest that were offered
by bidders: To Geo. C. K. Zahm & Gx,
2000 lbs. beef at $6.65 per cwt.; to Wrn.
Kaylor, 1000 lbs. beef at $G.6C per cwt.";
to Daniel Carney, 300 lbs. pork at 9 cte. per
lb.; to Joseph llogue, 300 lbs. pork at 10
cts.; to Simon Fisher, 600 lbs. pork at 10
cts.; to Wm. Carney, 1000 lbs. pork at 10c.
AssiyinsABT Ball and ScrpitR. The
De Lernke Association of Carrolltown intend
giving a grand anniversary ball and supper
on the eveuing of Thaakegiving day, Nov.
28th. The public are invited to attend, aud
from the well-known character of the gen
tlemen connected with the Association a
pleasant and entertaining "feast nf reason
and flow of soul" may be expectsd.
A Hikt to Marbied Ien.
If you're loving, kind and true,
You should never fail to do
What is done by not a few,
And should be done by many more ;
That is this, and nothing less :
Buy your wife a handsome dress
The place to buy you'll easy guess
Is Shoemaker & Comp'ny's store.
Comk Axthow. "Come as the winds
come when forests are rended; come as the
waves come when navies are strandnd ;" but
if you can't corns that way come like other
sensible people, and buy all you need at the
low-priced store of V. S. Barker, where all
kinds of merchandise are being sold at prices
much more moderate than hare'prevailed in
this bailiwick for many years.
JrfiT Received. That large and hand
some invoice of new goods which we intima
ted lait week would soon grace the shelves
of J. M. Thompson's cheap store, has come to
hand within the past few days, aud we deem
it our duty to apprise everybody of the fact.
You cannot but be pleased with the 6tock
and surprised at the prices now prevailing at
thi3 first class establishment.
At Wilmorc, on Tuesday, Nov. 12th, by
Rev. J. Hackett,-Mr. Edward Lthch. of
Summerhill township, and Miss Maet Ann
O'Kieffe, of Washington township.
Welcome, truly welcome, Edward, are
you ta the matrimonial fold, and may you
bo as happy and contented a benedict as you
have been a worthy and prosperous bachelor.
May peace and plenty ever gladden, and no
care or sorrow ever sadden, the future lives
of you and your estimable bride; and after
a long and happy career in this world, may
you pass to that better and purer existence
in the world to come.
Through summer's heat and winter's pinch.
May each escape ail grief
Since both have donned tho name of Lynch,
And lost the name O'Kieffe.
On the 12th inst., at the residence of the
bride's mother, by Rev. A. R. Haight, pas
tor of the Lutherau church, Wilmore Mr.
n- n - " - -
Da. Schf.nck's Pulmonic Syrlp. This
great medicine cured Dr. J. H. Schenck.the
Proprietor, of Pulminary Consumption, when
it had assnmed its most formidable aspect,
and when tpeedy death appeared to be in
evitable. His physicians pronounced his
case incurable, when he commenced the use
of this simple but powerful remedy. His
health was restored, in a very short time,
and no return of the disease has been appre
hended, for all the symptoms quickly disap
peared, and his present weight ismoiethan
two hundred pounds.
Since his recovery, he has devoted his at
tention exclusively to the cure of Consump
t;on, and the diseases which are usually
complicated with it, and the cures effected
by his medicines have been very numerous
and truly wonderful. Dr. Schenck makes
professional visits to several of the larger
cities weekly, where he has a large concourse
of patients, and it is truly astonishing to see
poor consumptives that kave to be lifted out j
of their carriages, and in a few months
healthy, robust persons. Dr. Schenck's Pul
monic Syrup, Seaweed Tonic, and Mandrake
Pills are generally all required in riifinr
vxjnsumpuon. mil directions accompany
each, so that any one can take them with
out seeing Dr. Schenck, but when it is con
venient it is best to see him. He gives
advice free, but for a thorough examination
with his Respirometer his fee is three dol
Please observe, when purchasing, that
the two likenesses of the Doctor one when
in the last stage of Consumption, and the
other as he now is, in perfect health are
ou the Government stamp.
Sold by all Druggists aud Dealers. Price
U-50 per bottle, or $7.50 the half dozen.
Letters tor advice should always beuheeted
to Dr. Schenck's Principal Office, No. 15
North nth Street Philadelphia, Pa.
Gen'l Wholesale Agents Dcmas Barnes
& Co.. N. Y. ; S. S. Hnnoe & Co , Baltimore,
Md. ; John D. Parke, Cincinnati. O. ; Walk
er & Taylor, Chicago, 111. ; Collins Bros., St.
Louis, Mo.
U.e the Best. Blades'' Eupfumial Lit
hriealors are a medical preparation in the
form of a Lozenge, and ars universally con
sidered the most pleasant, convenient and ef
fectual remedy in use for Hoarseness. Coughs,
Gilds, Croups, Catarrh, Asthma. Bronchitis,
Diptheria, aud all Pulmonary Complaints.
They are warhantkd to give quicker and
more lasting benefit in the above affections
than any other remedy. Also to contain no
dek-faiious ingredient, and not to ( fiend the
weakest and most sensitive Stomach.
Blades1 Ckmsiitution Pills are so called be
cause of their peculiar effect upon the Liver,
Stomach, Biood and Nervous System. For
inactivity of the Liver, for the Stomach in
derangement, or Dyspepsia, liiey will de
licht the patient with their mild and bene
ficial effect, especially if after It ng continnnd
indigestion and costiveness, they "are left
with periodical returns of the Siek Headache.
In case of a' severe cold, producing Chills
and Fever, you can break it very soon by
using the Pills as per directions with each
aug8-Jy Proprietors, Elraira, N. Y.
For sale by all Druggists : 25 cts. per box.
Horrible Accident. A man some time
since was repairing a gas leak, corner of
28th Street and 6th Avenue, New York.
He went in to the excavation and then lit a
match. An explosion of gas took place, and
the man was much burued. Dr. Tobias'
Venetian Liniment was applied freely, and
in three days the man was about his busis
ness in the Manhattan Gis Works as well
as ever. Hij aine is Saiuel t Waters.
This is one of the wonderful cures made by
Dr. Tobias' celebrated Venetian Liniment ;
it is not only good for Barns, but for old
Sores, Bruises, Chronic Rheumatism, Sore
Throats, Cuts, Insect Stings, Pains in the
Limbs, Chest aud Back'; also internally, for
Colic, Cramps, Diarrhoea, Dysentery and
Croup. It is perfectly innocent to take in
ternal!', and is the best family medicine in
the world. Orders are received all'bver Eu
rope for it. The moat celebrated Physicians
recommend it it never fails." Dr. Tobias
puts up every drop himself. Sold by all
Druggists at 50 cents and $1 per buttle.
Depot 5G Cortlandt Street, New York.
I'ersong vrlio arc Gray
Can have their hair restored to its natural
color, and if it has fallen out, create a new
growth, by its use.
It is the best HAIR DRESSING in the
world, making lifeless, stiff, brushy hair
healthy, soft aud glossy.
Price $1.00. For sale by all druggists.
R. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, N. II.! Prop's.
To CoNSUiirTiyEs. Rsy. EDWARD A.
WILSON will send (free of charge) to all
who desire it, the prescription with the direc
tions for making and using the simple rem
edy by which he was cured of a lung affec
tion and that dread disease, Consumption.
His only object is to benefit the afflicted, and
he hopes that every suffer will try this
prescription, as it will cost them nothing
and may pioye a blessing. . Please address
No. 165 S. Second St., Williamsburg, N. Y.
It is not trtje that R. II. Singer intends
leaving-towi!, as some will have it, but, on
thn contrary, intends to carry on the Black
smithing, in all its branches, stronger than
ever. In order to do this it is necessary to
employ workmen and buy tool-", iron, etc.,
all of which cost money. Therefore persons
indebted to Mr. Singer for work done iu '65,
'06 and the early part of 'G7, are requested
to call and settle. He feels confident that
his customers will not let fcini stick. 3t.
A gentleman who suffered for years from
Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, aud
all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will,
for the s;ike of suffering humanity, send free
to all who need it, the recipe and directions
for making tho simple remedy by which he
was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by
tho advertiser's experience, can d.o ko by
addressing, in perfect confidence, JOHN B.
OGUEN. 42 Cedar street N. Y.
Information. Information guaranteed
to produce a luxuriant growth of hair upon
a bald hea l or beardless face; 'also, a recipe
for the lemoval of Pimples. Blotches, Erup
tions, &c. on the skin, leaving the same
soft, clear and beautiful, can be obtained
without charge by addressing
THOS. F. CHAPMAN, emist,
823 Broadway, New Y'ork.
Eat UeartILT. There are hundreds of
people who do not daro to eat a hearty meal
of victuals for fear of the distressing effects
that follow. Coe's Dyspepsia Cure will stop
it instantaneously. It has cured more cases
of Dyspepsia than allother remedies com
gHERJFF-S SALES. By virtue
of sundry writs of Vend. Exjyon.. Levari
Facias and Fi. Fa., issued out of the Court
of Common Pleas of Cambria County, and to
me directed, there will be exposed to Public
fcale, at the Court House in Ebensbure. on
MONDAY, the 2d day of DECEMBER next,
at 1 o'clock, p. m., the following real estate.
to wit :
All the right, title and interest of James
D. Hamilton, of, in and to a lot of ground
situated in Wilmore borough, Cambria conn
ty, fronting 130 feet on Main street and run
ning back 200 feet to Conemaugh river,
theDce aloDg 6aid river 300 feet to a Mill
race, thence along said Mill race 200 feet to
lot of Valentine Maltzi, thence alohg lot of
alentlne Maltzi 200 feet to Main strset. ad
joining lot of Valentine Maltzi on the south
and land of Ephraim Crum on the north,
having thereon erected a two story plank
house and back building, now in the occu
pancy of tho said James D. Hamilton. Ta
ken in execution and to be sold at the suit of
James Eager.
Also, all the right, title and interest of
George Robinson aud John Robinson, of. in
and to the following described building and
lot of ground : Said building is a repository
or store house for carriages, lumber, etc., of
two stories, having a front of 49 feet and
20 feet back, with a building attached 16
feet long by 20 wide, one story high, situa
ted upon the back portion of Lot No. 20, in
the borough of Chest Springs, Cambria coun
ty. Taken in execution and to be sold at
the suit of Jesse Varney. j
Also, all the right, title and interest of
Samuel D. I rice, of, in and to a lot of ground
situated in the borough of Ebeusbur, Cam
bria county, fronting 50 feet on the 'Turn
pike road, and extending back 105 feet to
an alley, adjoining lot of George J. Rodgers
on the north and an alley on the south, hav
ing thereon erected a two story plank house,
now in the occupancy of Wm. Richardson.'
Taken in execution and to be sold at the suit
of Graham & Thomas, for use of David R.
Also, all the right, title and interest of
John J. Trefts. of, in and to a lot of ground
situated in the Sd ward of Johnstown boro',
fronting on Bedford street and extending
back to an alley, adjoining lot of Mr. Griffith
on the north and an alley on the south, hav
iag thereon erected a two story plank house,
frame stable and slaughter house, now in the
occupancy of the said John J. Trefts. Taken
in execution and to be sold at the suit of
Robert Smith.
Also, All the right, title and interest of
Ellen Burk and James M. Burk, of, in and
to a piecuor parcel of land situated in Wash
ington township, Cambria county, adjoining
lands of Nicholas A. Burk. Aient Son man
aud others, containing 13(1 p.rres. rmr. r.r
less, about two acres of which are ch ared,
having thereon elected a one and a half story
plank hoiw; and frame stable, not now occu
pied. Taken in execution and to be sold at
the suit of R. L. Johnston.
Also, al! the right, title aud interest of
Wm. R. Hughes, of, in and to lot of ground
situated in Wilmore borough, Cambria coun
v. fronting on Railroad street on the west
aiN! CrcKiked street on the south, adjoining
the Jxhool bouse property, containing one
acu more or less, now in the occupancy of
Win. I'. Hughes. Taken iu execution and
to be sold at the suit of Mrs. Alice Hughes
of Werit Philad'a.
Also, all the right, title and interest of
Thomas Scott, of, in and to a lot of ground
situated in Cambria borough, Cambria coun
ty, fronting on Broad street and extending
back to an alley, adjoining Fourth street on
the west and lot of James Cobe on the e;tst,
hirirg thereon erected a two story plank
h- use, now in the occupancy of Anthony
Prestn and Thomas ILdlen, and a two story
plank house, now in the occupancy of Pat'k
ilogan. Taken in execution and to be sold
at the suit of Miry Divers.
Also, all the right, title and interest of
Demetrius A. Weaklaud, of, in and to a
piece or parcel of land situated in Cleai field
township. Cambria county, adjoining lands
of Joseph Dysert.Geo. Bingham and others,
containing 170 acres, more or less, about 10
acres of which ye cleared, having thereon
erwted two one and a half story houses, now
in the occupancy of James Weakland. Ta
ken in execution and to be sold at the suit of
John Scott.
Also, Al! the right, titlo and interest of
George Gates, of, in and to a piece or parcej
of land situated in Voder township, Cambria
county, adjoining lands of Elias Crissman,
Jonas Yoder and others.contaiuing 300 acres,
more or less, about 100 acres of which are
cleared, and having thereon erected a two
story frame house, log barn and spring house,
now in the occupaucy of the said George
Gates. Taken in execution and to be sold
at the suit of E. A. Vickroy.
Also, All the right, title and interest of
Michael Snyder of, in and to piece or parcel of
land situated in Susquehanna township,
Cambria county, adjoining lands of David
Burkhart, David Horst and others, contain
ing 42 acrfs, more or less, about 10 acres of
which are cleared, not now occupied. Taken
in execution and to be" sold at the suit of A.
A. Barker. JAMES MYERS, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Ebensburg, Nov 14, 1867.
hereby given that the following appraise
ment of certain personal property of a dece
dent, selected aud set apart for the widow of
an intestate under the Act of Assembly of
the 14th of April, 1851, has been filed iu the
Reg ster's Office at Ebensburg, and will bo
presented to the Orphans' Gmrt for appro
val on Wednesday the 4th of December next,
to wit :
Appraisement cf certain personal property
of Owen M'Caffrcy, late of Cambria borougb,
clec'd, set apart for the widow of said dee'd.
Clerk's Office, Ebensburg, Nov. 14. 1S67.
lion of John Strohm for L:ct-nse to keep
an Eatirg House in theSil Ward. Johnstown
Borough, has been filed, and will ho present
ed to the Judges of the Court of Quarter Ses
sions of Cambria County, on the first Mon
day of December rext.
GEO. C. K. ZAIIM, TrothV.
Ebensburg, Nov. 14, 18G7.
TOTICE. The petition of John
Devil, of Cambria county, has beeu
filed in the Court of Common Pleas of said
county, praying that his name bo changed
to John B. Harnbt, which said petition
will be presented to the Judges of eaid Gmrt
ou the second Monday of December next, for
decree, fee. GEO. C. K. ZAIIM.
Ebensburg, Nov. 14. -4t.
TRAY CALVES. Came to the
premises of the subscriber, in Munsttr
township, on Friday last, 8th inst., THRKE
CALVLb. two of them heiffers and the oth
er a bull. They are red in color, with some
white spots. The owner is requested to prove
property, pay charges and take them away.
nov. 14. St. WM. B. DIVER.
TT J. LLOYD, successor to R. S.
La Bunn. Dealer in Druys, Medicines,
For Bargains!
On High Street.
Standard Dry Goods,
TV! "L T.
I P mm
TRIAL LIST. Lint of Causes sei
down for trial at a Conrt of Common
Pleas of Cambria County, oora meocing oa
Monday, the 2d day of November next :
vs Black
vs Cooper
ts Christy
vs Gates et al
a Gallagher
s Penna B B Co
Crossman. Solomon
& Co vs Ilughes St Co
Same vs Hamilton
vs Mclntire
vs Klineuiyer et al
vs Pringle
vfc Srrdth et al
vs Ellin
vs Colclesser et al
vs Duncan
Shoemaker Asa'ee
Pringle Adnix
vs Noel et al
vs Noel
vs Davis vt al
vs Bood' Admrs
vs McGLdc
vs Same
vs Ben Ions
vs McKenzie et al
vs Pa R R Co
vs Grumbling et r.l
vs Carle
vs Adams et al
vs Pa R B Co
ts Cowan
vs Pemeree et al
vs Pa R R Co
vs Davis
vs Delozier
vs Pa R R Co
vs Samo
vs Same
vs Same
vs M3 e s tt al
Dun mi re
White, Trustee
McGough et al
Morris eux
vs Lynch et al
vs Devlin
GEO. C. K. ZAIIM, Prothonotary.
Pri'thy's Orlice. Ebensburg, Nov. 7. 1807.
tice is hereby giveu that the following
accounts have beeu passed and filled in tLe
Res'isttr's Cfiice at Eheoshurg, anil will l e
presented to the Orphans' Court of Cambria
County, for onfi'matinn and allowance, on
Monday the 2d day of December next, to wit :
The partial account of E. Hughes and Ed
ward Parris-h, Executors of Jacob Turner,
late of Ebensburg, deceased.
The account of Jacob Sharbaugh. Guard
ian of Margaret Sheank.
The sicind partial account of John E.
Scanlan. Trustee for the s.ite of the real es
tate of John Noel, late of Washington town
ship, deceased.
The first and final account of Philip J.
Deithrick. Administrator of John Deithric':,
late of Chest township, deceased.
The account of R. L. Johnston, Adminis
trator de bonis non cum testamento annexo of
Francis Gillespie, late of Carroll tp., dccM.
The first account of Evan J. Evans. Ad
ministrator of Elizabeth J. B. Jones, late cf
Cambria township, deceased.
The account of J. Levan Metzgar, Admr.
of David Metzjar, late of Johnstown, dee'd.
The account of Neal Dugan. Administra
tor of Bernard Ha-Iigan, late of the Borough
of Wilmore, ileceaed.
The account of Josph Criste, Guardian of
Henry Donaldson.
The parri il a.. -TV4icfs T. Cnrity,
Trusts for the sale of the real estate of John
C. McGuire, late of Carroll townfh;p, dee'd,
pursuant to proceedings in partition.
The account of E. J. Waters, Executor of
Mrs. Jane Roberts, late of Ebensburg, dee'd.
The .-.ccouLit of U. Kiukead, Exr of Elis
abeth Stahl. late of Ebensburg, dfc'J.
The final account of Michael Noon, Px'r
of Jas. Murphv. late of AlVgheny tp., dee'd.
Register's Office, Ebensburg. Nov. 4, 1867.
District Court of the Vnifrd Slates for the
Western District of Pennsylvania.
In the matter rf ISRAEL BERKLEY,
Bankrupt, Wet-tern District of Penn'a, fs :
thirtieth day of October, lfc67, a Warrant of
Bankruptcy was issued out of the District
Court of the United Stales for the Western
District of Pennsylvania, against the estate
of ISRAEL BERKLEY, of Yoder township,
in the County of Cambria, wh has been a 1
judged a Bankrupt on his own petition :
That the payment of any debts and the do
livery of any property belonging to said
bankrupt, to him, or for his use, and the
transfer of any property by him, are forb: i
ben by law ; and that a meeting of the cred
itors of said bankrupt, to preve thur debts
and to choose one or more Assignees of hu
estate, will be held at a Court of Bankrupt
cy, to be hoHen at the law office of Ctkcs
L. Pershing, Esq., in Johnstown, before
JOHN BROTHERL1NE, Esq., RcgUter for
said District, on the 5th day of December
A. D. 1867, at 10 o'clock a. m.
THOS. A. ROWLEY. U. S. Marshal,
By S. Taos. Elder, Deputy Marshal.
Nov. 7, 1867.-4 1.
Letters of Administration hitino K...
lf uu
granted to the undersigned by the Register
of Cambria county on the estate of Thomas
M'Cauley, late of Conemaugh twp.. dee'd,
notice is hereby given to all persons having
claims against said estate to present them m
proper shape for adjustment, aud those iu
debted are requested to make immediate pav-
October 24 1867. 6t.
J- Letters cf Administration nn tV,
of D. A. Conrad, hte of Ebensburgh boro,
decM, having been granted to the undersig-jl
ed by the Register of Cambria county, 'all
persuus iiaviog claims against said ete
are herebv notified to nrpsi nt. V.m ..-....i ..
authenticated for settlement, and i-w
dented to the same are requested to m&ho
payment without delay.
JOHN A. BLAIR. Administrator.
Ebensburg, Nov. 7, 1867.-6L
STRAY COLT. Came to'Tu
premises of the subscriber, residing in
Chest township, Cambria county, on or uboui
the 8th day of October, a 2 year old dar
sorre! MARE COLT, with left hind foot whie
and a small star in its face. The owner
requested to come forward, prove property
pay charges and take her away, otherwise
she will be disposed of according to law
Chest Tp., Nov. 7, 186T.-3t.
nn WANTED Agents to Fell ti sTjipJ
U f J best low-priced Sewing MachiuebJ
ever made either by the month, or on ouut
mission. Our machine will sew, hem. feii.
tuck, bind and embroider equal to a hih
priced machine. Cut any third stitch, ami,
theQfiiiii.lejir-before, the Re-im-wiili
i s
-1 t
1 PaOPP. n..TZ f