The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, October 24, 1867, Image 3

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OCT. 24, 1SG7.
April IS. 1867,
, l. ,,d will run as follows
rtin2rwith Div Express
03-. ". i I'liiU. Express West.
..mnecting with Phila. Ex.
:13 and Mail West.
yrI nr un departure of Fhila.
) A.
i'Tnrea est.
y Qr olj .lv. .... - w. - ....... - .
.,IS, Hist. With the present nnm
"'r kc Freeman closes the first nine
j ;w existence, and we cannot be
i tl.erc is one subscriber upon our
.'row doubts the stability of cur eu
" J.ioviJwl they themselves do tlwir
ci,tn the first we have met with
' ncuurftsremcnt. ar.d to-dav
I'd Oil IU tlif Loon uy, I ki uniiJVi) u r-
tut iu tie character of the men who
X ; Of the nine hundred and od'J
'.';, ho at present take our paper
? i r,i ddftd that there is not one hun-
i i. I ave not yci paiu ior it wno wouiu
.I 1
fMltl Uili1 u'imiu.vw, ......
t "1" t i. - i r i
ii t c tri'Uoie iiuu VApeusu oi iiuiai-
u ,:i;c us 111. mt- nm i'i mv i-m.
' ; we propoi-e-to accept $2 for the
t vi-p.r sutiscripiioii. ij swu, oui
1 1 ...iu(u,1 with nothing less
'0 if e ftre compelled to collect it at the
I, i the cm rent volume. There are some
i rrtii.-m' - f-
hiiifireJ names on our ocxjU to which.
tt either no credit at a i or oniy credit
i r. rti 'ii (l' Year, anu 10 ea aim ai:
i!ifanie uuenvialle jMsition, we trust
y longer) that they will respond to
Vil uirlioitt d-lav. So roll in th
fila-ks. every nn-the.r's son of you. ana
v.i!! i;"t only gladden the printer's heart
; vou will enj y me pu'Ksure oi reatuii;
r svn paper for the next threo mor:ths
. t . : ..1..' .1. - I...
rfriif. hi Je.irr. i'o i"-'" iuhuiv iuc ou-
i. Ir.iiltv of teheving that this hint is de-
ft! f r coice cf your nei"hlKrs, but be:r
n ii:il.if have not yet paid up. that w
tue fifin'V r.riO uc'in savo a half
iT hv letting tis have it light away.
jr vi-nr-s friend, Dan. Z.ihni, of Cambria I
iiiti, killed an titter near his father'
. i.. i : i
.rnce. on Jionunv ltisv. iiare gaviio i.-i
tck of timber. '
Akrestrara tannery located at Xossville,
jtinphn county, belonging to a JUr.
:,d Ktw York city, was destroyed by
in Sunday w.ek last, togtther with lca-.-,
hide, .md all else it contained. Loss
John Buzzard, the demented old man
ri we noticed a couple of Weeks ago as
.viiig wandered away from the residence of
niece, in Susquehanna township; was
r.J in the wotxls, sevi ral days afterwards,
n (shaustcd condition, and properly
ctl for. - .
1 iiiinii:utive tiuadriiied of Ihe genu pole-
: met with an untimely death at the hands
teVfisl youths of the masculine perua
:m J(fj rreet.on Monday evening last.
skunk.lii "Vasted his frjtgrance n the
rftt air with a pertect looseness, ior sev-
: hour cfter hi tragic taking-off. ile-
inrn int.
0-ir clevrr postmaster. Mr. Refcse J. Lloyd,
futtiiig In a new front and otherwise re
'.inc the store room recently occupied by
1:. L, jeweler, rthd into which he will
i:'.Iy remove hie stock ol drugs, etc., os
ila's the post-office. Mr. frilner has re
rtd hin stock and fixturee to his residence,
(lie public fchool house.
F. A. Slioetnaker, Esq., of this place, has
ctiie the possessor of the fine farm just
tide the Hmit3 of our borough, known as
Hugh llughes' property, lie paid 84,
0 for it, which may be considered dirt
"p. Mr. S. will offer at public sale, on
Vjr.ay, Xov. 0th, the two farms near town
n hs the Reeso and Davis farms.
Mrs. L ena Miller, condemned to Ve hung
Clearfiohl next month. for the poisoning of
"bush. n 'i had the death warrant read to
t a fi'w days ago. It sietoed to havo but
;;!e efT.ct upon the unfortunate woman,
ii'j rnanlfcsted the same stolid indifference
ir.tained bv her throughout the trial.
d.tii asked if the wr.s ready to meet her
-e, he promptly replied, "yes, to-morrow,
A young man named Martm shot ajother
at.l Smith, in South Huntingdon town
P. Veitmoroland county, not long since,
-ile the latter was peaceably seated cn the
-lit Kt-is nf Via rpsidpnce. Four shots
e-e fired', three taking effect, one in the jaw
1 the other two in the arm and shoulder.
5e weunds are serious but not dangerous.
;'h jouncr men were paying attention to
arae girl, and hence the difficulty. Mar-
1 riiaiie his escape, and was not arrested at
' accounts.
It is said that a man cot on a passenger
ia at Pittsburgh, on Saturday week, hav-
l m his possession a carpet-sack contam-
2 some 520,000 worth ot diamond. anu
tches. While crossing the mountains he
'asleep, and woke up at Altoona to find
t his own carpeSsack, with all its trea-
cs, had been purloined and another one
Uaiung a few packages of rice and sugar
witituted in its place. ro clue has yet
en had to th perpetrators of this darmg
!ery, hut the victim himself is of the
&ion that tho thief or thieves followed
from St. Louis or Cincinnati.
Two voune men offered a span of horses
w n - -
n barouche, which they represented to
property of a Mr. Howard, of Pitts
lor whom thev claimed to be acting.
' public sale in Greensburg. a short time
ir, and thev were knocked down to a citi-
;a of that place for $IG0. Before paying
f them, however, the purchaser telegraphed
"r. Howard and ascertained that the
lg men's story was all bosh. They were
; -tquentiy arrested, and were afterwards
cn'zet as two young men named Bless-
am. wltn ia.1 Viirflr t.hfl turn -nut
livery stable in Erie, and to that place
i "uc lasen ior inai.
Gratt;i,atory. Our mercantile friend,
uenpson, must just now be one of the
lost I
0'ant and hannv mortals in this
:jtmunitv. and we ilnnht. riot, ho ia n IVia
t mood possible at the present moment
1 giving the greatest bargains to the great-
t. (i its me iiuio uj uujr ouuup-
i&aa ever at bio woii
- j null B bWlWVAi DVVt 1
j.AaAW Cliam. Roberts has "made
bllr.J p OQ u,s native heath onc again,
in,V.LCl06cly from the Eastern cities by
'Ur.Prh t i. ji ...
tor..;! ." OI things
useiui and orna-
. With
more room, more goods and
I'tlCOS tl.nn m i . .
;9!Tt.,. "":, vjjam. uugnt lo add
J 0 Lh wirong of customers. - ,
Father Lemkr. We c!iD from the Her
ald, Elizabeth city, X. J., the following no
tice of the labors of Father Henry Lemke in
his new sphere. Everything with which
his name ia connected possesses an interest
for the admirers of the venerable priest.
We need scarcely explain that our Carroll
town is confounded with Carrollton, Mary
land :
Mr.'Epitor On the first &utfday of Oc
tober the commencement of another import
Unt religious improvement will be made in
our city. A solemn laying of the corner
stone of a German Catholic school Ik use, to
bo elected on that fine property on the cor
ner of Magnolia and Spring streets, which
Rev. 11. Lemke purchased about four year
since, and has recently commenced to im
prove. The purchase of this large plot of
ground by thu Rev. Father Henry was a
matter of surprise to his congregation, man'
of whom wondered what he intended to use
it for, but now the mystery has been re
vealed. Last Sunday the venerable pastor
of St. Michael's annouueed that he had ob
tained the approbation of the Bithop, and
consent of his congregation, to transfer the
old church site at ruith street to this new
and more suitable location, which he had by
his own means purchased, but now entirely
devotes to this religious purpose.
It is intended, however, to commence first
with the School -and Si6tera' house, which
will be at the same time large enough to re
ceive the orphans not only of the German
Catholic Church of this city, but a'.so those
Of othtr cities of the diocese. It will, we
understand, be a large and imposing struct
ture, 36 feet wide by 100 feet loug, and 2
1-2 stories high. We have no doubt of the
speedy completion of this new work, as it is
not the nist institution of this kind that
Father Henry has inaugurated and success
fully carried out. We noticed a short time
since, in one of the Pennsylvania journals,
alluding to his purchase i f a large tract of
land in Cambria county, Pa.', where he corn
tnenced and reared the infant settlement,
Carr - .lltown. home of the first Catholic liUh
op tf the United States. Ihis has since
grown into a large and flourishing place,
with religious institutions belonging to the
Benedictines. May his undertaking now
though not 60 extensive as his former one,
be equally advantageous to his flock.
The" Vicar General of the Diocese, Rev. R.
J. M'Quaid. will lay the corner stone at 3
! o'clock, Sunday, Oct. 7, and address the peo
ple. A large turn out of the Catholic con
rtgttt'ons is expected.
Rauk Dbstroyi-D by FniE. A large bank
barn located on the farm of Mr. R bert "Ed
wards, (at present occupied by his son,) in
BLck!i k township, some seven or eight
urili- from this place, was totally destroyed
by fire, on Suuday night last, together with
the entire stock of grain, V.ay, harness and
one colt belonging to Mr. Edward, as well
as a wagon owned by one of his neighbors.
There seems to be no room to doubt that the
fire was the work of an incendiary, as there
had been no one about the barn who had
any business there, the family having been
absent during the day at church, and only
reached home at a late hour of the night,
when they discovered the barn to be on fire
and the flames under such headway that it
wan impossible to eitinguish them. Mr.
Edwaida' lofs will probably exceed $2,000.
We did not learn whether he had any insurance.-
t)a. J. W. IIadlkt, the justly celebrated
ThysieMn for chronic and acute diseases
without the use of medicine or surgical in
strument, will remalu at the Rcott House,
Johnstown, until Nov. 1st, healing the sick
and ftfilicted. Dr. Hadlej neither usss med'
icifcesncr instruments, yet diseases that baf
f.e the most skillful are cured by his treat
ment. His cures are wonderful too much
so to believe w-ere they not attecl to toy
men and women of undoubted veracity and
the highest respectability.
Dr. Iladley can refer to persons in Johifs
tuwn who have been walking on crutches
for yeAr?, and who have been enabled by the
Doctor's treatment to walk home without
them in twenty minutes after calling on him
Persons afHicted should lose no time in visit
ing the Doctor. Parties unable to pay will
bfe treated without charge, cleanliness being
the only requisite demanded of them.
CokCebt. A grand vocal and instru
mental concert tinder the auspices of the
Mountaineer Rase Rail Club of this place, is
in contemplation and will probably be given
in course of a couple of weeks. Few towns
in the State can boast the possession of so
much musical talent, in proportion to the
number of its inhabitants, as Ebensfcurg,
and hence we ar not promising too much
when we bespeak for our citizens an enter
tainment in the approaching concert w hich
cannot fail to give entire satisfaction. We
hope to see otir young friends greeted by a
large and appreciated audience.
Lear In Mixd. The extensive clothing
store of J. A. Maguire & Co., which will bo
found advertised elsewhere in our columns,
is the onlj' one in this community specially
devoted to the sale of gentlemen's ready
made garments and furnishing goods, and
we know it to be a fact that this firm has
the facilities for not only keeping a full line
of the best goods ; but it is as well prepared
to sell at as low prices as like articles can be
bought at any establishment in i the county.
- Geis & Recti!. We havo no hesitation in
recommending to the patronage of all our
friends the enterprising firm named above.
They this week make known through our
columns what they have and what they can
do, and to all who wish to buy what they
sell, or need binding of any kind done, we
say in all sincerity give them atrial. They
are liberal" and deserving, and will be found
worthy of encouragement.
Wake t Betsy, wake !
My fair galoot.
And with me to Shoemaker's
Come and buy a suit ;
And the Furniture, too, you know,
That we want to make a show.
So come, and do not longer tarry
We'll buy them from Shoemaker Harry.
The Musical Review. We have before
us the second number of the "United States
Musical Review." To our musical friends
we recommend this valuable monthly peri
odical as in every way worthy of their sup
port. Our sanctum will furnish the inqui
rer with a specimen number. It is publish
ed in New York.
Lumber Bubnt. A pile of lumber loca
ted at the eat tend of town, containing some
15.000 or 20,000 ftet, the property of E.
Hughes & Co., caught fire from a spark
thrown from the locomotive cn the Branch
railroad, on Monday morning last, and was
entirely consumed. ,
' New Stock. Mr. V. S. Barker has ju?t
opened oue of the largest, -cheapest and
prettiest assortments of Fall and' Winter
goods to be found in the county. ' ' If you
want to get something neat and cheap, iust
drop in and eeo him. charge for shoiv
Sbarswood's Majority, 92a.
1866. 1867.
0 O W
5 Z r
1 ': k
- - I -m
Adams, 8126 2910 2829 2437
Allegheny, 12795 20511 9994 16333
Armstrong, 3078 3758 2934 3235
Beaver. 2385 3310 2278 1818
Bedford, 2835 2591 2644 2305
Berks, 1328S 7121 11912 611"
E';d. 2768 3520 2590 3113
Bradford, 8091 7134 2633 5846
Bucks, 7399 6805 6910 6224
Butter, S0G1 3544 26G2 2939
Cambria. 3295 2643 3020 206$
Camero, . 303 374 300 35
Carbon. 2339 1906 2124 1687
Centre, 3565 3094 3473 2790
Chester, 6221 8600 6853 7751
Clarion, 2813 1776 2603 1410
Clearfield, 2786 1650 2740 1477
Clinton, 233? 1754 2228 1602
Columbia, 3683 1965 3453 1696
Crawford, 4969 6? 14 4018 5400
Cumberland, 4667 4030 4231 3451
Dauphin, 4301 5691 3847 5217
Delaware, 2262 3647 2148 207
Elk, 916 376 751 286
Erie. 3957 7237 3428,5504
Fayette, 4359 3569 8859 3184
Forest, 76 100 319 289
Franklin, 4106 4299 3902 3773
Fulton. 1055 775 1019 709
Greene, 3230 1699 2753 1343
Huntingdon, 2239 8248 2258 3009
Indiana, 2109 4458 1867 8603
JeflVrson, 1912 2015 1851 1806
Juniata, 1814 1516 1665 1368
Lancaster, 8592 14592 7475 12799
Lawrence, 1410 3560 1231 2833
Lebanon, 2fJ96 4194 2501 3625
Lehigh, 6731 4159 5 Ml 3514
Luzerne, 12387 8733 10404 7935
Lycoming, 4448 8871 4357 3604
li'Kean, 714 877 545 705
Mercer, 3757 4416 3414 8935
Mifflin, 1835 1725 1769 1565
Monroe, 299 705 2359 543
Montgomery, 8342 7286 7683 G586
Montour, 1523 1130 1383 1006
Northampt'ii 6870 3859 5979 3027
NorthumTd 3829 . 8361 3469 3023
i Perry. 2495 2581 2292 2427
I Philadelphia, 48817 54205 62075 49587
Pike, 1084 SCO 901 235
Potter. 620 1316 481 1134
Schuylkill, 10514 8793 8380 7256
Snyder. 132$ 1792 1199 1630
Somerset, 1759 3062 .1540 2756
Xullivan, 761 436 683 421
Susquehnn'a 298 1 4 4 2 9 2590 3 9 4 7
Tioga, 1623 4791 1425 4090
Union, 1287 1991 1200 1675
Venango, 3492 4109 2610 3040
Warren, 1572 2687 1459 2131
Washington, 4712 4977 4513 4618
Wayne, 2883 2357 2586 2320
Westmorel'd 6113 6046 6645 4212
Wyoming, 1499 1408 1474 1357
York, 8780 5896 7671 4S48
Geary, 807.274 Sharswood, 267,746
Clymer, 290,096 Williams, 266.824
Rep. maj. 17,178 Dem. maj. 922
JonxsTowx, Oct. 21, 1867.
Bear lYechian The past week has been
a trying one on local reporters, and 3our cor
ronpundcui, after vainly endeavoring to hun
up an interesting item. ismmriplU! ma.i
ogize for a commtinitv as lar7ea this n hirK
will allow an entire week to go bv without
creating the least sensation.
Major R. Ityckman, Chief of Police at this
place, and late Republican candidate for
Sheriff, met with a Very severe accident at
Pittsburgh, (where he was in attendance at
the hearing of the alleged shavers of coun
terfeit money,) about 3 o'clock on Friday
morning last. He had went to the depot for
the purpose of returning home, and reached
it just in time to see the train move olT. and
whils attempting to overtake it. fell thmmdi
?ome trestle-work and sustained a fracture
of two ribs and other injuries about his poi
son. He returned home in the evening,
however, and is now doing well.
A man named Martin fell from the Env
grant train un the Pennsylvania railroad,
about three miles west of this" plarjR, on
Tuesday of last week, while it was under
full headway, and singular to say, escaped
with only a few slight bruises.
An alarm of fire was given on Cinder st.,
one day last week, and the "steani squirt"
was promptly on the ground, but a few buc
kets of water, judiciously applied, subdued
the threatened conflagration. The fire ori
ginated in a defective flue.
A widow lady residing in Conemaugh bor
ough, named Mrs. Lynch, had a valuable
cow killed to-day at the head of Portage st.,
by the C. L Co.'s engine.
John B. Wright and Geofge B. Waters,
the alleged shovers of counterfeit National
currency, who victimized several of our citi
ent a few.days ago, have been held for an
other hearing in Pittsburgh at an early day;
Two female pugclists had a mill" on the
"Island," on Saturday last. M'Cooleand
Jones couldn't have fought as wicked, al
though they might have done it more scien
tifically. A German who resides on Portage street
had his pocket picked of $180 last week.
He had been on an elongated drunk for sev
eral days and by showing his money at dif
ferent saloons offered an excellent induce
ment for the light fingered. He has sine
sobered up.
A valuable overcoat was stolen from the
clothing store of Jas. J. Murphy, this even
ing. The thief deliberately lifted the coat
from a stand in front of the store, and made
off ere he could be identified. . -
A can of oysters was stolen from the gro
cery of Mr. Ed wart's, on Canal street last
week. The surreptitious taker "of the bi
valves was overhauled after a rigorous chase,
and having a hearing before a magistrate,
was bound over.
The fruit can business has been tremens
dous in this locality during the past season
that enterprising dealer F. W.Hay, alone
disposing of over 32.000cans.
"S. B." is indebted to John Bonner, an
attache of the Indiana Democrat, for several
recent copies of that Stirling paper4 Jack
is a hunky boy, and works on one of the
best county papers in this State. I see
"prohibition" is rather flattened out in that
benighted county. SKti Bal.
? Don't Believe It. It is said that corn
is telling ia O.-dtaloosa, Iowa, for eight cents
per bushel. . We are not prepared to "ac
knowledge the com," but we believe, what
is more important to the people of this sec
tion, that dry goods, groceries, notions, etc.,
a,re being sold at Mills & Davis' cheap store
at prices that cannot fail to astonish the
natives. No dealers in this neighborhood
give better bargains.
Renews the nutritive matter which nourish
es the hair i
Renews the brash, wiry hair to silken softnes?.
Beautiful Hair Dressing.
One bottle shows tts effects.
R. P. HALL & CO., Nwhua.N. II.. Prop's.
ror saie oy ail tiruggista. sepZO.lm.
idence of the officiating clergyman, in Ty
rone, Ulair county, ou th 16th iust ., by Rev.
ii. li. lioisinger, Mr. L. Roberts Braiheraud
Miss Susie Wareham, both of Blacklick tp.,
this county.
Ihe happy couple did not forget the prin
ter, and we cannot do less than wish them
an a u dance of the choicest ble: si ;t s We
sincertly hope that peace and conteutment
wurever hud a place at their fireside, and
that the little responsibpiies which fullow a
t ie train of weddVd bliss will only add to
their mutual happiness hrougboulife.
JONES. In this ulace. on Fridav even-
last. Grffith Jones, aged ab-a t 60 years.
We first knew the deceaed in 1839. when
his min i was but slihtlv tcceutrin. Son a
years afterwards, however, his mind became
so impaired that he whs sent to the State
Insane Asylum, from which institution le
subsequently escaped, and for many years
nas Deen residing in our town and its vicu -itv.
Ilemivas entirely harmha and vtrv
kind hearted. His health had been bad for
several months, but he had been moving
about until the day of his death.
j. Letters of Administration having been
grained to the undersigned by the Register
of Cambria county on the estate of Thomas
M'Cauley, late of Conemaugh twp.. dee'd,
notice is hereby giveu to all persons having
claims against said estate to present them in
proper shape for adjustment, and those in
debted are requested to make immediate pay
ment. simn p ni'n itnrv
mpvpv n vTi.'tf i a 'Pi? inv f Admr?.
October 21, 1867. 6k.
Letters cf Administration on the estate
of Michael Maxwell, late of Washington tp.,
dee'd, having been granted to the undersign
ed by the Register of Cambria countv. all
nersons. havinr olaims cainst. said tut.
are hereby notified to present them properly
autnenticaieii ior settlement, and those in
debted to the same are requested to make
payment without delay.
PT 17 PVTU ll iVtVff T
wir r t . t t . viupt t f AunWi
Washington Tp., Oct. 24, 1867.-6t,
Richard J. Hughes,
In the Court of Com
. rupn Picas of Cam-
bria Co., of June
Term, A. D. 1867
No. 91r Fi Fa
Wh. R. nrarrEs.
And now, to wit ! The second day of Oc
tober, A. D. 1867, Wm. H.Sechler appoiut-
eu Auditor-1 lUstiioute amount or sale in
Sheriff Myers' hands, in the above case.
among creditors cr tiku thereto. Extract
from the Record of said Court.
GEO. C K. ZAHM, Frothy.
By virtue of the I heieby give nee
tice tnat i win sit at my ofuce, in the Com'
missioners' room, Court Ilou.-e. Ebensbure
on Saturday. Vie 0th day fif November next,
at 2 o clock r. if., when r.h-1 where those in
te rested may attend.
WM. U. SECHLER. Auditor.
Eb-'osburg, Oct. 24. 1867.
of a writ of Vend Expon. issued out of
the Court of CmtnoD Pleas of Cambria coun
ty and to me directed, there wlil be exposed
to Public Sale, at the Court House in Ebens
burg, on Saturday, the 9A day of November
next, at I o'clock P. m., the following Real
Estate, to wit : AH the ight, title and inter
est of Joseph Cole, of. in and to a lot of
ground situated in the Borough of Carroll
town, Gambria county, fronting on Main
Street and extending back to an alley, ad
joining lot of Lawrence Schroth on the south
and a street on the north, having thereon
erected a two story frame tavern stand, a
one story frame house, a one story plank of
fice, a frame carpenter shop and frame sta
ble, now in the occupancy of said Jos. Cole.
Also, all, the right, title and interest of
Joseph Cole, of. in and to a piece or parcel
of land situated in the townships of Chest
and Susquehanna, adjoining lands of Francis
Baker, Nicholas Helfrich. and others, con
taiidi.gone hundred and thirteen acres, more
or les. having thereon tfect d. a steam saw
mill. lank h-mse and plank stable, now in
theo. cupancy of Joseph Ceand Francis J.
Taken in execution ahd to bg sold at the
suit of MiiU-r .V R--krtMn.
.1 A M 1 -:s M Y F.IIS; Slierig.
Shff Office., Oct. 24, 1867.3t
E I S S It E U T II ,
FoIitiatotvn, Fa , -
Lookiug Glass aud Picture Frames always
on hand 4 and made to Order. A large and
most complete assortment of Drawing Room
and Miscellaneous Pictures, consisting of
Chromos, Paintings in Oil, Steel Plate En
gravings, Plain and Colored Lithographs,
Oil Prints, Photographs and Wood Cuts.
This collection embraces a selection of large
sized match pictures of Landscape and Do
mestic Scenes and Portraits, and 5,000 dif
ferent varieties of Card Photographs of prom
inent men, comic and sentimental scenes atid
copies of subjects by celebrated artists. We
have also a varied assortment of BIBLES,
&c. Religious Prints aud Emblems in great
variety, and the largest and most complete
stdek of STATIONER Y ever brought to this
county. 500 new' and beautiful styles of
WALL PAPER, including an assortment of
Potter's celebrated English make, for which
we are sole agents in this locality. These
Wall Papers are handsomer in design, supe
rior in finish, and 2i inches wider than any
other make. .
The"citi2ens of Ebensburg and ricinity ari
respectfully notified that we make BOOK
BINDING and the manufacture of BLANK
BOOKS a speciality. All work promptly
executed at moderate rates.
cj-Store on corner of Clinton and Locust
streets, immediately opposite Foster Uoiiie.
Johnstown, Oct. 24, 1867.-tf.
For Bargains !
On High Street.
Standard Dry Goods,
C0SEE and ME
TheGoneral Transatlantic Company's Splen
did Mail Steamships :
St. Laurent, Bocande, Saturday, Oct. 6.
Pereire. Duchesne, Satusday, Oct. 19.
VilUde Paris, Sarmont, Saturday, Nov. 2.
Europe. Lemaarie, Saturday. Nov. ltf.
To Brest or Havre, (wine included,) First
Cabin, $160 ; Second Cabin, $85. (in gold),
These Steamers do not carry Steerage Past
sengers. GEO. MACKENZIE, Agent.
58 Broadway, New York.
A Complete History of the New States and
Ttrrilorits. from the Great Ru-er
to the Great Ocean.
Iia popularity Is attektcd by the inlc of
over siO.OOO copies lu single mouih.
"Life and Adventures ou Prairies, Moun
tains and the Pacific Gast. With over 200
Descriptive and Photographic Views of the
Scenery, Cities, Lands. Mines. People and
Curiosities of the New States aud Territories."
To prospective .emigrants and settlers in
the "Far West." this History of that vast
and fertile region will prove an invaluable
assistance, supplying as it does a want long
felt of a full, authentic and reliable guide to
climate. Boil, product, means of travil. 4c.
AGENTS WANTED. Send for Circulars
and see our terms and a full description of
mj worK. Address National PubUshina Co..
.to o. oevenill i3L.. I'lll ao-nlnhia I'a
take orders for our popular B-x.ks and
Engravings, either on commission or salary.
Oar publications are standard works by the
best authors in the couutrv. amnn wt.'irh 5
Tiffany's Sacred Biography and History,
xiouann s L.iie oi ljiuc.-ln.
Abbot's History of the War.
Ueadley's Life of Washington,
Rev. S. Phillir.s' Christ if.n IT.tna
and others. 'Azents will not h rm:riil t.
canvass territory previously occupied, unless
preierrea. ror particulars address lira Don,
Bill & Co.. Publishers. Spriug6eld. Ma.-s.
We have published a Complete List of all
Newspapers in the New England States
price 25c. State of New York price 25c.
Del., Md. and Dist. of Gil., price 25c Ohi...
price 25c. Pennsylvania, price 25c Indi
ana, price 25c. AH of the above for Si. G.
P. ROW ELL & CO.. 40 Park Row, N. Y.
Madam F"oy
Corset Skirt Supporter!
Combines in one garment a
and the most desirable Skirt
Supporter ever offered the
public. It places the weight
of the skirts upon the shoul
ders instfarl of thn li5r . ;
imj roves the form without tiht lacing
iii ves M3K anu eiegance is approved and re
commended by physicians. Manufactured
by D. B. SAUNDERS & CO..
06 Summer St . Boston.
Ksiey Collage Orgaus.
J. ESTEY & CO., Brattleboro. Vt.,
The Original Inventors and Manufacturers-
Combining more perfections than any other
in the world.
Have taken the 1st premiums at all the piin-
cipai fairs in the country.
395 Washingtonst.. Boston; 41? Broome
st., N. Y. ; 18 North Tth-st., Phi!.t. j
115 Randolphst., Chicago.
A GENTS WANTED. To Inschance
Agents, &c, &c. We wish to secure
an agent in every city of more than 5.000
population, to act for us in canvassing for
business. A man who is already establish
ed in some occupation which allows him a
few spare hours, can easily increase his in
come several hundred dollars per year. This
is an opportunity for active men to secure a
profitable connection with the best Advertis
mg'Agency in the United States. Address,
with full particulars, references. &c. GEO.
P. ROWELL & CO., 40 Park Row, N. Y.
And will present to any person sending us a
dub in our Great One Price Sale of Dry and
Fancy Goods, Src, a Silk Dress Pattern,
Piece of Sheeting. Watch. &c . free nf cst.
Catalogue of goods, and sample, sent to any
address free. Address J. S. DAWES &
CO-, .30 Hanover St., Boston, Mass. P. O.
Box 5125.
Agents wanted everywhere for our
One Dollar sale. A Watch, a Tea Sett, a
Shawl, a Dress, for one dollar each. Send
25 cts. and stamp for two checks and circu
lars giving full particulars. Address AR
ington street. Boston.
A GENTS WANTED 110 to $20 a day
to introduce onr new patent STAR
120. It uses two threads, and makes the
genuine Lock Stitch. All other low priced
machines make the Chain Stitch. Exclusive
territory given. Send for ciiculArs. W. G.
Wilson & Co., Manufacturers, Cleveland, O.
WP Tiff 1 1 VI? I DD't be humbugged by
nlj DULL lulu! Imposters or "patent"
cast iron or rttadhine "Stencil tools.'' Send
for our New Catalogue of Improved Stencil
Dies. 20 varieties, all of Steel, carefully fin
ished and tempered. S. M. SPENCER &
CO . Brattleboro. Yt.
my Patent Stencil Tools. I prepay samples
free. Beware of infringers. My circulars
will explain. Address A. J; FL'LLAM,
Springfied, Vermonti
AyTO $100 per month, and traveling
WlV expenses, paid good agents to sell our
latent Everlasting White Wire Clothes Lines.
State age and address American Wire Co.,
162 Broadway. N. Y.
YOL'ItC WANTED! Look Here!
Agents both male and female, Vanted
everywhere to sell the Patent Improved Ink
Reservoir, (by which from one to two oaes
can be Written without replenishing with
ink,) and our Fancy and Jiry Goods, kc.
Can ciear from $3 to $10 a day. No capital
required. Price, 10 cents, with an adver
tisement describing an article for sale in our
Dollar t'uchaslng Agency. Cir
culars sent free.
C5 Hanover St.. Boston, Mass.
prepared from the fotmula of Prof. Trousseau
of Paris, cures Consumption, Lung Diseases.
Bronchitis, Dyspepsia, Marasmus, General
Debility, and all morbid conditions of the
system dependent od deficiency of xital force.
It is pleasant to taste, and a single bottle
will convince the most skeptical of iU virtue
as the great healing remedy of the age. $1
a bottle, or six bottles for $5. Sot by Ex
press. Sold by 8. C UPHAM. No. 25 S.
Eighth st.,Philadelphia,and principal Drug
gist. Circulars 9er
AGENTS wanted, to sell Six Kw
Inventions of great value to fnii.:es.
To " ; . T4 . rts. and eel oJ
pages and sample gratis. Agents have rnoi.
8100,000. Ephraim Browp. Lowed, Ma?s.
f act u ring the btst.cheaj est a&d jnotl durz A;
Paint in use; two coals well put u:, h!X
with pure LiDseed Oil. will last 10 r
vcars; i i of a light brown or beautiful
chocolate color, and can be ctanged to grten,
lead, stone, olive, drab or cream, to suit the
taste of the consumer. It ia valuable fi r
Houses, Bans, Fences, Agricultural Imple
ments. Carriages and Car-maker, Pails na
Wooden-ware, Canvas. Mttal and Shir-gle
Roofs, (it being fire and water prLof. Bridg
es. Burial Cases. Canal Roatf. Shrps an.l
Ships' Bottoms, Floor Oil Cloth, (nu Man
ufacturer having used XC0 bbls. the past
year,) and as a paint for ci:y l urpce un
surpassed for body, durability, elasticity and
adhcsivenfF. 1'ricc per bbl. cf SCO 11
which will supply a fanner for years to com.
Warranted in all cases as above. Send for
a circular, which gives full particulars. None
genuine unless branded in a tiade mark
Grafton Mineral Paint. Addrers DA'JKk
BI DWELL, l'rnpiictor, 264 Pcarl-at., N. Y.
Ajrtnts wanted.
-A- Extract of a Letter fitan Baron Wo,
mon Rothschild. Pans, 8th April., 18'',4.
Rue. Faubv. St. Houoie. Will you te Juna
enough to have forwarded to me ht re 200
bottles of your Indian Liuiment; if you :N
stnd at the same time the account, I wi.l
forward you the amount through MeoiS.
Belmont & Co., New York.
Baron Solomon Rothschild having rcccrc-
mende i to ninny of his friemls Major Lane's
Liniment, anu they being desirous to pro
cure it, he thou.d advise h:m to estuUlisu a
depot in Taiip.
As a relief, ever rcrHy ; as a killer of lin.
taken inwurdly or outwardly applied. hs
no equal. For the relief and euro of Rheu
matic and Neuralyic AjftcUun. trains.
Lruises, a'c , it is unequalled, it is uio
most efficacious, taken inwardly, in the cure
of Clutera. Cramps and Pains in the Stom
ach. Diarrhoea, Dysentery. Cholera Morbus.
Ltoltra l-Jantvm. e,-c , and is without excep
tion the inot iconderf ul Panacea the woihl
affords. No FAMILY should be without it.
Every TRAVELER by land or Fea should
have a bottle. MINERS aud FARMERS
residing at a distance from physicians slw-uld
keep it constantly on hand. Iu case -f Ac
cidents and sudden attacks of Stomach Com
p!a:nts, it value cannot be estimated. In
quire for Mnfrr LANE'S INDIAN LINI
MENT, aiui take no other. PRICE 0
per bottle. For sale at wholesale and retail
by Demas Barnes & Co., 21 Park Row, N.
Y. ; Gale t Ib.hiion. 18G Greenwich- t.t
N. Y. ; F. C. Wells & Co., 192 Fulton t ,
N. Y. ; Chsj. N. Crittenden. 38 6th Ave,
N. Y-, and by respectable Druggists through
out the world. Nne genuiLe uilcss tignd
by JonN Tuos. Lank. nd ccnrter.Mned by
J. T. LANE & CO., Proprietors, 16S Broad
way, N. Y. (pJ-Scnd f. V circular.
ONLY $1. Unfortunate Humanift: $1
ONLY. My Ii jection cures Gonorrhoea
or Ghct iu ten days, without noxious ilnis,
when all other remedies fail. Dh. HI NKY
REMMAIR, Station F., N. Y. Ciiy.
RtAGE. The Cheapest Bk tter Pub
lished, containing nearly 300 pages a: d ICO
fine plates and of the'ny
of the Human Organs iu a state of Health
and Disease, with a treatise on Early Errors"
and their Deplorable Consequences upon the
Mind and Body, with the Author's Plan t.f
Treatment--the only rational aud successful
mode of Cure, as shown by the report of cases
trcatel. A truthful adviser to the marriod
and those contemplating marriage who pn
tertain doubts of their phj-Mcd condition.
Sent free of postage to any address, on re
ceipt of 25 cents in stamps or currency, by
addressing Da. LA CROIX, No. 31 Maiden
Lane. Albany, N. Y. The author n:av be
consulted Hon any of the disease. upj'i
which his book ieats. either perowallf or
by mail. Medicines tent to any part ci the
Success Ctuo.ran'eeil. I)r Record's Essence
of Life restores manly poeer, from whatever
cause arising, the eft'erts of early pernicious
habits, se!f abuse, im potency and climate,
give way at once to this wonderful medicine,
if taken regularly acctirding to the iiirecTjons
(which are very simple, and require no re
straint from business or pleasure. ) Failure
is impossible Sold in bottles at $3, or four
quantities in one for id. To be had only of
the sole appointed auent in America. HER
MAN GEUZEN, S23 Bowery and 205 2,1
Avenue, New York.
John Vare3ra&
old established
Fur Manufactory I
Arch St., &bove 7th,
fg Have now in Store.
uwn import-
Sation and Mannfac
gJture. one of the Kr-
' tt fln.l mrv. I
tlfuleieclions of FANCY FITlS f... t j:-
v. tJuir-
a id Children's waar, now in the City. Alo,
a fine assortment of Cent's Fur Glove aE4
I am cnabh d to 'dispose of my ooLj at
yrry reasonah'e prices, and I would there
fore solicit 9. call from my friends of Cambria
county 'ud Ticioitj'.
Renumber theNam. Nnwer and Street
io. 7IS ARCII St., above 7th, south aide
HyI have no partner, nor connection viih
any other Store in rhilad 'a. oc.3.4m.J
gT. JAM E S ifo T E l7
Conducted on the European Plan.)
405 & 407 Libbstt Street, opposite tub
Union Deiot, Pitts bubgh. Pa.
JAMES K. LAN AH AN, - - - Proprietor.
This House is newly built and splendidly
furnished, and convenient to all the Rail
roads coming into the city. The Restaurant
connected with this ITntpl n-nan ot -ii i
. ai an lioura
oi me aay ana mgnt. loct.17.
Wholesale Dealers in
Aug. 22, 18G7. PHILADELPHIA.
TO J. LXOYD, successor to It. S.
Busn. Dealer iu Drugs, jJediciues.
Paints, Ifo. Store on Main street, opposite
tb "Mansion House,' Ebensburg Pa
October 17, 18Q7.-6m.&
i St
t !
1 ? 1
f, i
i i
f i
i 1
1 PapbZ'CuT-