The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, October 17, 1867, Image 3

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    OCT. 17, 1867.
i,is road will ruo as follows :
,T EcsssnrRO-
mnci'tiri'T with Div Kinross
v,t and Phila. Express West.
o -.- i
,. p y., connecting with .Phila. Ex.
'jr .;t ami Iail Wi'bt.
-i . n... or on departure of Tbila.
or oa departure ef Phila. Bx-
. fi 4-1 1"-
T.:i!5!l Catt
.. .JUi .iTii-b, Local and Gilnehal
"r..B.vrJ Gazette has the large t ce
'.. , a t!.e State.
V"( 'i,t A'lt'jh&nUn is cut in a
, Jt.IjU if tho "midnight handbill.":
Vie ir.vite attention to tbe advertisement
rv -:'o friend, Andy Maguire, .in. our
!.. iav. We ehall refer to it more at
.' ;h crxt tt-k. -.. . i
V' v u radicals of .the. Indiana dls
..'t v'e a n.ei; cr of the Legislature at the
e'.tv'.i' ? Biicaw tbe Germans of the
Hi'-'-'-iu't R-llow Kim met.
J ;n il. B'lk, F .- j . Democrat, is tlected
v-'-.ivr'r tlse Lycoming, Union and
" ;.r f'-by a small majority, lion,
f Y.:' formerly of this place, was
sc n;poa-.' v
(;,'. l.'an.i'tu . Sloan, of Tudiana. Las
iL-cn allotted fc the Bar, after a
.v;ei'iiiAJcxatuiution. Success atteud
'., lie is a brave toldier aud most accom eoulienian.
A rLur.c rnan named Kegg, of Bedford
v. wl.ile engaged iu feeding a thresh-
i;V.'Li:.e. a couple of weeks aco, bad one
;.a'ir,5 drawn into the cogs cf the tuiub
uud terribly lacerated.
We p the press to announce tbat we
ri iij.tV) have carried tbe by SCO
:.rv. GIi ry enough ! filairsciile Press.
mi is eil ydu stopped tbe press for you
: U-'.'i-r "let it run." Your majority is
.v. J. II. Wilson, furmcily in charge of
i "i-byterian church -of .tbis place, bas
,. Ls"eii to tbe pattorate of the Presby
...r Lurch at. Sharpsburp. Allegheny Co.
. Wil-on is a zealous mini-tr and inott
,il !e r.'itlcnvm.
it- r.t nf-t t-'na .f cwu.; vn upon a
;tii W'w.. McKinncr, who was ut (.iUin
..I u :! I'tar S.indy Hill, Ilunliiidon
r,-v, a few d.ys co, killing him inttaut
"f i.Hs left a wifo and seven children
' 1 : '. : .; e i i rc u ir. s t a r. c ets.
iczarr.u? t ur exchanges for clcclh.'n re
f v,t (:,( in a rudicai paj er, aujid tbe
v.LiIaiir.i; newh from Pennsylvania, Ohio
'. Iiiiliana, that the radical lias-3 carried
.bury, Conn., by cue hundred nij jrity.
..!! favors thankfully received.''
''en. J.rncs C!ark, of Indiana county, died'.irtr, on ttie T.d
n tbe r.d instant, at a very i
r-ce.i ape. lie had -ervel ttu Mateawy t
::.e LvgisUture, the Iteform C-nventmn, j
'. is Canal Gmniiss! He was llirongL- j
life an ui.sworving dctn-crat. I
A i:. an in Lewiown basin bis pr?se?sion !
Eig'isli I'.ille which was printed iu 1C34 i
' l.'jiidrcd and thirty-three years ago. j
:'.zJiciti'jt. Tbe alitor of the Freeman is ;
p-'S-f-rsor of a Uib'e which was printed j
s'x vear cider tbau tbe Lewistown
IT. 5. Tv ui.J t.Al TA. J.vDCb,
' farmers of Cambria town-J
ii r . . a. 1 ' .it ii ci iintv, having recently disposed
'-i' Ir pr pertls here, left with their fam-
. i uesday moTfjir.g. for Iowa, where
, j.i r, ,:ate tLtmselveson farms ia that
rrp State.
IcG.veirifr lms sigrod the death war
;cf Lena Miller, convicted in Clearfield
; for the murder of her husband by ;
Tuning arsenic to him in his coGVe at j
;! t-nu-s during tbe month preceding j
'. at:!, nljicu occurred ou July 12th.
t. :ay, Nov. 15th, ia named for the ex-
' t tie len.'t uratirvinp result of the turn
Apolitical tide is the election, in the Tn- j Westmoreland district, of Capt. j
H. M'Cormick, T Cherrvtree borough , !
rr.ocratic candidate fur Assemll y. He
;j hiy cc-mpelitor 203 votes. Ilis associ
t!,e tick.-t, Mr.'Fansold. failed, how
". to make ti e ilfile. Mere's the pity.
11 u.tincdon MniHor eays that II-n.
'-'! Cvin, (if IL.llidayfcburg, declared in
". tii dtl'.veied at a radical meeting in
i'-'ce, previous to the election, that
1. 1 e war was ever and be looked bark
w the darker - we had escaped tue
''.Do on hi. Lend sfood on end This,
i:j face of the f.ict that the old dunce
a and ha not had a natural hair
J ;,'.ad f.,r ten' yeurs.
''it wrr "pleased, on M
pteaseil, on Al onlay last.totase
:.o i uT.d or.r young friend of other dayp,
. W. Tv-ert. who ia at present cn a
-ib.ftler I S l.irrr Its Dvsert. in tl.13
Mr. Dysert has been in the employ,
't. n aiid New York, of the Merchants'
"ss Ct mpany f r the past three years,
"nov on his way to Toledo, O., where
ipects to locate in the ?ervice of said
; ny. J .hn is a deserving young man,
e wish him a successful career in his
' 1;( ne. !
conceit or the Beethovan iroupe, on ,
ilay night last, the second one given j
was well attended and gave general j
p.e ringing of young haylor, 1
ti.iri certainly a most melodious voice
particularly well received, while the cf
jf aU the members were highly credit-
to tl.eni ns amateur vocalists. We Lope
-t cur voting friends soon again, aud
1 taey v. ill come with a larger selection
i'aiar songs, and think we can guaran
tn a fuller house than ever.
Down. As a matter of precau-
"' cc.iry on the Uatnouc ciuircti attnis
as f.ken down last week and the bell
removed tj the pastoral residence aud
i& position. It has been noticed for
j Urr.e past that tha ringing of the bell
tjir to quiver, but it was not known
" n-n.oval ot the belfry that thetim-j-P'jn
which it rested were in such a de-
' ar'd lianaerons rvmrhtir.n. Tbe l.nilil-
";f has evidently served Us time, and
I'f.ltfu. . e e . r
, 'ii saieiy, 11 or no otner reason,
r'Sation should join heartily and un
, 'c L7 with the worthy naitor in nush-
hnc.v church to an early completion.
oui be a matter of surprise to all
K-much has been accomplished iu fur-
Cf this frnrwl tjL-nTr raitKrmt'. onv rtrn
lJC ,s ar)y inc p00rer lor me am
given to it, and this fact should
. every member of the congregation
,; er auu more generous effort to have
wot completed and the building
L V.J 'j . HUM bllU kUl I V
ii.,! 1 oeiore tuo winter sets in.
llje time to act, and when the work
Pleti'il n.ii.-i:- j ?n 1
1. -" ukiuuuc lnunos win nave a
"u ac. tliey may iust,y ee-proud,
Ml & jeiD8 to wLose honor it is erect
u b! them tenfold for the sffort.
Altoona, Oct., 14, 1867.
Friend Mac We have met the sheep and
tbe wool is ours. Hurrah ! .Hurrah ! Jbullyj
I think if tbe Rads.' could read their title
clear, '' . '
Kigbt off to Salt River they would steer. '
Oh what a prand and glorious sight it is to
see tbe mighty upiisinp of a free aud inde
pendent people against tbe tyranny and op
predion more humiliating than the deppot
ism of Rusia or Hayti ! I consider this
expression "of the people second only in im
portance to the Declaration of Independence,
They have spoken in tones tbat cannot b
misunderstood. They have said to the Rump
Congress and its satellite?, to the blasphe
mous defumer, Steveus, to the arrogant Oo
Forney, and to tho blistering General of sev-enty-six
battles, (on paper,) who vmfoitn?
uately occ;ijies tiie chair once adorned. and
dignified by a Porter, it Bigler, a Packer, a
fchunk, and others, thus far shalt thou go in
the of treason and destruction, and no
further.:' This party, that was boru in ccr
rrption, nurtured in treason, and lived in
calumny, died of mortific:iion on the Stii
day of October, A. D. 1SG7, ar.l may we
not cherish the bepe that it -is killed so dead
that tlK3. thunders of resurrection -will rever
revive it again to"pollute the free air of
heaven witn its pestilential" poison. "
Breathes then a' man with s:nj' to dead,
Who to himself hath'never said, '
"D n the Republican party'?"
We reduced tbe Radical majority in this
county nearly 300. I attribute this grati
fying result to the able, energetic and per
severing labors rf ti e Cii -irman of our Coun
ty Committee, James' Lowther, Eiq., who
is a geniid, clever fellow,' and a fir.-st ci&W
politician. Tbat black corner of God's
creation, Logan tow:bip. did wocderg.
They made Democrats there by a mechani
cal process, and this is the way it was done:
A truly 4,loil" gentleman uct many m'.'es
from here is build;c a wartbeuse ia sai.i
township, and tbe contractor for tho txca
varion is an American citizen of dark com
pletion, who had in his employ a number
of 'loil" white men, and these were. for
bidden to stand or talk during working
hours, under penalty of. being discharged.
TLey refused to be gauged. in this. way, and
their cervices were -dispensed v.itn. Of
conree the' con.-idered this reasa suflicierit.
for voting the white man's ticket, and hence
the iucrease. ' ...
I can scarcely write. I feal so urspeaka
bl happy over e" news, l'y the way,
heard ye the tidings from the Pvjekeye Statt ?
She, U.o. l as Jt-clartnl in thunder tones that
tie Union must, and, by the Eternal, shall
I U rved. The true Union men of that
; g'.Ki old'bavc determined to turn that
! low, obscene, drunken imjxistcr, Wade, out
j of the 17. S. Senate, and put in h'19 place a
I man like tho fearless, ioc jrrw;lible Vallan-
i There was quite a InUierer.s bet made
! here on the result of tbe electi -n, between
; Samuel Kitt. a Republican, and that sterling
j Democrat, Samuel Lloyd. Mr. Kitt agreed,
: if Sharswo'id was elected, to wheel Mr. Lloyd
from the offk-e cf lbs Mister Mechanic to his
(yr. LloydV) residence,
usd rice versa if
When it was de
SViliiatus was successful.
finitely settled that he w as iu for it, Mr. Kitt
made the necessary arrangements for fulfill
ing bis obligation, on Saturday afteiuoon at
5 o'clock, by appointing several of tbe main
pillars of his party as his Aids. Among
thee was that honest, hard-fisted Repub
lican, Denj. Bnrley, as chief assistant. Mr
master of ceremonies, and Mr. - Fox
orator fur the occasion. The committee of
arrangements did there woik admirably.
l'Viey procured a large wheelbarrow, and
p.aCfcl a in the" centre and a banner
over it bearing these words, "A poor old
Democrat comiu down fronVSjJt'Tvr fir
eight years' residence." " On either side was
a beautiful -flag, and . I noticed that not a
star was erased not a stripe obscured on
either of them. r.
Precisely at 5 P. M. all the employees of
,i1G shf,n. the citizens of the town , and tbe
)Cajs (Jf j,jKir
iKirtments. assembled in front of
tue Master Mechanic's office. There was
from twelve to fifteen hundred persons pres
ent. Soon Mr. , master of ceremonies.
appeared harnessed up in the barrow, with
a large Salt River pass in front of 'his hat,
moving with the vehicle to the starting
point. He was greeted with tremendous
cheers. Messrs. Lloyd and Jvitt. accompa
nied by their Aids, soon made their appear
ance. Kitt and his staff had their hats
decorated with free pr.ssea to the saline re
gions, while these words were particularly
prominent : "Ho fur Salt River!" To the
the surprise of all parties the martial band
at this juncture marched to the ground,
playinp lustily. The statHy and majestic
form 01 Mr. Fox ascendei the platform and
delivering a very pertinent speech, after
which the Aids led their chiefs to their re
spective positions. Lloyd was soon seated
on the barrow with a newspaper iu his
hands, conning over the election returns,
while Mr. Kitt took bii place in shafts, the
signal was aiven. the band struck up tbe
"Rogue's March," the procession moved off,
and amidst the yells and cheers of-the popu
lace the feat was accomplished. This was
probably the mst amusing bet of the sea
son. Yours, Arc, r . . . T. I. M.
JonxsTowM, Oct. 14, 18C?.
Dear Freeman The election passed off
! very quietly in this locality, but neverthe-
! 1 it.. ..-i.. U...1HI-C r.n Kit1i mndf a
ic tua ,,artv lenders on both sides made a
ve tictermiUed light. Tbe result shows
, Democrt.t;C gains jn a majority of dis-
, . - A 5 sovera.i of .1.- warjs an unj.rc-
1VM l
ceilt.ntctl clian?e from last year's vote. The
principal interest here was centred in the
candidates for Sheriff and Poor House Direc
tor, and Messrs. Blair and Thomas displayed
their popularity by receiving the largest
majority on the ticket. The losing candi
dates bear their defeat philosophically, al
though I suppose their confidence in human
nature bas doubtless fallen considerably
since tho election. Quite a good joke, in
connection with one of the candidates, came
off the night after the election. Oae of the
aspirants had loaned his horse during elec
tion day to an enthusiastic individual, who
made his appearance cveay few hours, with
the gratifying information that he was "roll
ing them in" iu bis district. When the vote
was counted a gain of only six voters was
discovered for the owner of the horse. Whilst
our gallant friend was animadverting in
rather severe terms on the course pursued
by the hero who was "rolling in" the votes,
an Irishman in the crowd inquired, "And
did yees get your hor3e back ?" "Yes, the
horse has been brought back," was the
answer. "Then, under the circumstances,
ye may be dom'd glad you got him," return
ed mir Hibernian friend.
Reliable returns from the State camo in
but slowly, and it was not until Saturday
that the Republicans acknowledged the de
feat of Williams, whilst the Democracy
were pretty generally sanguine from tha
first that Sharswood bad been elected.
On Saturday evening police business was
brisk no less than five cases having been
lodged in the stone house. Two of the cases
had been mixed up in a free fight at a pub
lic house on Canal Street, and from the ap
pearance of their physiognoiniea, had Fitfierci
severely in tbe engagement. . Another indi
vidual who was "on the wing," induced by
over iudulgence urthe fbwing . bowl, wa
cabbaged and cribbed for settig obstreper
ous. Two sbovers of counterfeit money, whose
names are'aaid to be John B. Wright and
George B. Waters, paid our town - a flying
visit on Saturday. and left several tokens of
remembrance in the thape of $10 counter
feit National notes cn a Philadelphia bank.
They confined their operations polely to beer
saloons, aad probably shoved $150 hvthe
various saloons of town. Their modus op
erandi was to enter a- beer shop, lriuk a
glass of beer, throw down a $10 bill aud
receive $9.90 good money in change, Bur
.gets Kopelin telegraphed to Pittsburgh, nvd
tiie two scamps were arrested by the depot
police in a sleeping car, at an early hour
yetterday morning, and. placed in durance
vile. Burgess Kopelin has gone to the city,
and the two worthies will have a luaring
to-day, and will doubtless bo committed for
trial. . . -
The foreman of a shuck Fhop at Nincvcu
s'ati n, onthu Pa.' R. II , named Keller, a
.resident cf R'-dford county, while attempting
to g'jt cn a Ireight train, lor the purpose of
C' ining to ts place, -(W1 upiJu. the, track,
aui just at the inom'ent the. Cincinnati Ex
prrss came alotig from the east, at lightning
speed, and struck" the poor fellow in tho
baeSj fn angling 'L.iV3 Jul a Ishoclupg'mamjcV,
and kil'ing iiiin. iustantly. . ;
Rev,.R. L. Ague w has resigned the pas
torate1 of the Presbyterian churchin this
place, which he has held for the last ten
- Capt. Jas. II. Gageby.U. S. A., returned
home hisrt week on a brief furlough. Every
b'jily in this section likes the Captaiu, and
as he represents the county with honor and
our towu with credit, we are always proud
to welcome bira in his "pop" visits. May
he ere long sport tbe "eagle."
As yuu will have plenty of material with
which to regrde the majority of your readers,
I will stop short for this week.
Sue Cal.
The Mssmaid -Tiokkt. We are disposed
to hand the spurious ticket down to immor-"
tality. Here it is in all its beauties. As
soon a3 Rupert saw it he gave it the name
of the "Mermaid Ticket," his reason being
that it was lovely as a virgin at the head,
bui very fishy towards the tail : Judge of
Supreme .Court George J-harswood. As
sembly John P.Lintou. Sheriff Richatd
Hickman. ' Commissioner Francis Flana
gan. Treasurer William McDermit. Poor
House Director John 8. Ogden. Auditor
One year, Charles Buxton ; Three years,
Thomas a.u. Scoyoc. Coroner George
Stmcman. . . .
Banxfr Diethicis of Cameria If any
c iunty in the State caa beat the following
iu the number of votes polled we should iike
to hear from it :
Allegheny.. ....Sharswood 179, Williams 21.
Ciiuluia Bur., " 173, ' 14.
Carroll, " 263, " 24.
Carroiltown, 75, " 6.
Chest. " 112, 13.
Qearfi-'ld, . " 203, " 10.
I.-retto, . " 41, " 7.
Munster, " 93, " 10.
Washington, " 186, . 8.
-' Bclly roa Georsf:. We are pleased to
notice that our young friend, George Yeagcr,
of Altoona. bas become the proprietor of a
stove, tin and sheet iron ware establishment
in tbat place. If George meets with half
the encouragement his industry and-fine so
cial qualities entitle him to. he cannot fail to
prosper and wax rich. We commend him
most heartily to the liberal patronage of tur
friends in that bailiwick. Now, George,
don't forget to send cur boy a tin whistle or
d "toot" liuru.
Don't frget, as you move along through
life, that fortunes are made by living within
your means and saving all you can, and if
yo ajden't forget this you won't forget to buy
your goods at the cheap store of H. A. Shoe
maker & Co. Harry keeps tearly every
thing worth keeping, aud never permits
himself to be undersold.
Always Behind. It is no evidence of
enterprise for a man to be behind in any
thing, but when we see a merchant almost
constantly behind his counter dealing out
goods to an anxious throug, we take it that
the rule don't hold good in all cases. Jim
Thompson holds that "posish," and his cus
tomers are the gainers by the oieratiori.
Filliko Up. We peeped into Cham.
Roberta' clock, watch, jewelry and notion
establishment the other day, and found that
the long row of shelves which occupy the
new addition to his store room are being fill
ed with a varied assortment of choice good .
If you want what Cham, has he is the right
mau to buy from.
OCR wife one day a shopping went, as
wives will sometimes do, but for the little
money spent we were surprised to view tbe
pile of goods which from her arms into our
own she gave-us, and with a smile w hich al
ways charms, she whispered Mills fc Davis.
Store on -Main street, adjoining Post Office.
They Have Come! What has come?
Why the fine new stcck of goods which we
told our readers Mr. V. S. Barker, on Main
street, designed to supply his customers with
this fall and winter. The assortment is real
ly a handsome one, and the prices are down
to the lowest notch. Go aud see them.
St. James' Hotel. To any of our friends
visiting the Smoky City we cordially recom
mend the St. James as a hotel where the
very best accommodations are offered, and
where a gentlemanly and obliging landlord
is always to be found at his post
Pat Up. Mr. Hugh A. M'Coy desires U3
to say to all persons indebted to him for
harness, saddles, or work of any kind, that
he is much in need of money at the preseut
time, and hopes that they will call and set
tle their accounts without delay.
IsFORiiATio'x. Information guaranteed
to produce a luxuriant growth of hair upon
a bald bead or beardless face; also, a recipe
for tbe icmoval of Pimples, Blotches. Erup
tions, &c, on the skin, leaving the same
soft, clear and beautiful, can be obtained
without charge bv addressing
THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist,
823 Broadway, New York.
Dr. J. H. Jordan. Indianapolis, Indiana,
says: "I have known Dr. Strickland's Pile
Remedy to be thoroughly tested in numer
ous cases during the past year, and with
perfect success in every instance. And so
it is with bis Remedy for Diarrhoea or Chol
era, and his Cough Balsam. They are all
genuine and pure."
The advertisement of our book-bindery
friends, Messrs. Geis & Reutb, off Johns
town, has been unavoidably crowded out of
our columns this week. We shall give it a
place and have something to say about it in
our uext issue. - -
Renews the nutritive matter which nourish
es the hair.
Renews the brash, wiry hair to silken softness.
ESeauiiJuJ IS air Dressing,
One bottle shows its effects.
R- P. II ALL & CO., Nashua, N. H.. Trcp's.
For sale by all druggists. sep26.1m.
FISHER HAY. On Wednesday even
ing, Oct. 2.?. at the resilience of the" bride's
mother, by Rev. S. R. Fisher. D. D.. assisted
by Rev. R. A. Fink, Rev." Charles G. Fi.-h-er,
of Charabcrsburg, Pa., and Miss Maggie
S., youngest daughter of the late Dr.M.
Hay. of Johnstown. No cards.
Fg J. LLOYD, successor to K. S.
Bcnx. Deal. r in Druys, Medicines,
Paint. c. Store on Main street, opposite
the 'Mansion House," Ebensburg, Pa.
October 17, 1867.-Gm.w
(Conducted on the Eumjycan Plan,
405 S: 407 Libestt Street, opposite the
Union Depot, Pittsburgh, Pa.
JAMES K. LAN All AN, - - - Proprietor.
This House is newly built and splendidly
furnished, and convenient to all the Rail
roads coming into the city. The Restaurant
connected with this Hotel open at all hours
of the. day aud night. oct.l7.-ly.
Letters of Administration on the es
tate of Augustine J. Wcakland. late of Clear
field township, dee'd, having been granted
by the Register of Cambria connty, ail per
sons having claims against the Raid estate
are requested to present them properly au
thenticated for settlement, and those indebt
ed to the same will make payment without
delay. ' H. KINKEAD, Adm'r.
Ebensburg, Oct. 17, 1867.-Pt.
V-"'- '1 Commonwealth of Penn
i sylvania to Samuel Cain, hus
.Clf?3 band of Elizabeth Cain, late of
the towushio" of Tavlor. dee'd.
ousanuan snrayer, formerly ou-
sannah Cain.) Barbara Strayer, (formerly
Barbara Cain.) Luciuda Wassam, (formerly
Lucinda Cain.) Matilda Cain, Mary Martha
Cain. Hannah Cain, Elizabeth Cain, Sarah
Jane Cain, (the said Hannah, Elizabith and
Sarah Jane Cain having for their guardian
Jonathan Berkeybils.) heirs and legal repre
sentatives of Elizabeth Cain, dee'd : You
and every of you are hereby cited to be and
appear before the Judges of the Orphans'
Court, to be he'd at Ebensburg cn the first
Monday of December, there to accept or re
fuse to take tbe real estate of said Elizabeth
Cain, deceased, situate in Taylor township
aforesaid, and which has been valed and
appraised by an Inquest awarded by the said
Court and , returned by the Sheriff of said
county, on the 4th day cf September, .1867,
at -the pumof twenty-nino dollars per acre.
Herein fail not.
Witness the Hon. George Taylor, Presi
dent Jucge cf our said Court, at Ebensburg
this 4th day of September, 18o7.
Attest James Mters, Sheriff. Toct.17
.I-Z The Commonwealth of Penn-
Wrl&iZ sylvania to Margaret Krise. ( wid-
K.. : -i.- ,T 1 . 1 -r 1
a"; " nw 01 iienrv i rise, nor.'n 1 . nhn
viJy o. is.rie. unoget iucuadc, (tor-
merly Endget Krise.) JMarg.iret
Delozier, (formerly Margaret Kriae,) and
Wm. G. Krise, and Ellen Carle, Intermarried
with Luke Myers, and Henry Carle, children
of Ellen, who was intermarried with Lewis
Carle, a daughter of the said Henry Krise,
dee'd, ana iuichacl iMclJermitt. L-narles
McDermitt, John C. McDermitt and James
l. Mcuermuc. cmiciren ot Annie xvrisc. a
daughter of paid Henrv Krise, who was in
termarried with Henry MciDeimitt, (the said
Charles V. McDermitt. John C. McDermitt
and James P. McDermitt being minors and
having no guardian.) heirs and legal repre
sentatives of the said Henry Krise, deceased,
lite of CIearne:d township : lou and every
of you are hereby cited to appear before the
Judges of the Orphans' Court, to be held at
Ebensburg on the first Monday of December
next, there to accept or refuse to take the
reil estate of said Henry Krise, dee'd, situ
ate in Clearfield township, and which has
been valued and appraised by an Inquest,
awarded by the said Court and returned by
the Sheriff of said couuty. on the 2d day of
Rrntembpr. A. D. lftf.7. at. tpsnm nftwm.
ty-five dollars and twenty cents per acre.
llereiu fan not.
Witness the Hon. George Tavlor, Presi
dent Judge of our said Court, at Ebensburg
the 2d day of September. A. D. 1867.
Attest James Mters, Sheriff. oct.17.
There Is no need now of going to any place
cli.itant Irom home to purchase
Ready-Hade Clothing,
as the subscriber has not only ia store at his
establishment on Main street, three doors
east of Crawford's Hotel, a full line of
Ovekcoats, Fkock & Dress Coats,
Cassimere and Doeskin Pantaloons, Panta
loons for every day wear, Veeta of all
styles and textures, and Gen
tlemen's FURNISHINO-
GOODS, to suit all
purchasers, as well as
Trunks, Valises, Carpet-Sacks,
Ladies' and Gent's Traveling Bags,
&c, but he is prepared to sell his goods at as
Reasonable Prices
as like articles can be purchased from any
dealer in this section of the State. My
to the times, as every person can satisfy
himself who visits my establishment,
Cr Remember that this is the only regular,
Aralica P'LtVitn.T Ktrvrn in Fthpnabnrir Jnii
Uii-.-viu.u v,WI.UMJn v.w . . ?- 1 -
in variety, extent and cheapness of stock it
will be found unrivalletl. .Everybody is tn-
vited to give me a call.
. ,m .rsnl . T A T k rt TTT T f
IF you want n hn. goods on Ion" b'
j 7-j - wtt
an4 p7 big rrices' . jro to "
of sundry writs of Vend, Expon. and FL
Fa,., issued out of the Oaurt of .Common
Pleas of Cambria-county an'd to me directed,
there will be exposed to Public Sale, at' the
Court House in Kbensburg, on Saturday, the
day of October, intt.r atjl o'clock p. m. ,
the following Real Estate, to wit : All the
right,, title apd interest, of Edward M'Glade,
of, in and to a piece or parcel of land situate
ia Summerhill township; Cambria enrmt-,
adjoining lands of Christian Smay, William
M'ConacU, acd;tthers, CjOBtaioing four hun
dred acres, more or less, unimproved.
Also, a piece or parcel of land situate in
Summeihill township, Cambria county, ad
joiuiug lands of Wrn. R. Hughes, heirs of
John Crum, and-others,' containing three
hundred acres, more or lees, about one hun
dred and twenty acres of which are cleared,
having thereon-1-reeled -ir'-two- story Log
House and a one-ahd a half story Log House
and Frame Barn, now in the occupancy of
the said Kdward' M'Glade. 1
Also, a piece or parcel of land situate in
Washington township, Cambria county, ad
joining .lands of AYm.;Rossell. Joseph Mc
Gougb, and others, containing two bundled
acres,, more or lets, about twenty acres of
which are cleared, having thereort erected a
two story Plank House.' Frame Stable and
water Saw Mill, now in the occupancy of
Peter McGough.-
Taken in execution and to be sold at the
suit of Henry Logan.
: - ;- ' ALSO, '
All the right, title and interest of Edward
MzGladc, of, in and to a piece or parcel of
land situate in Summerhill township. Cam
bria county, adjoininp lands of William R.
Hughes, William Carr, and others, contain
ing four hundred and fort,-. ne acres, more
or I est? , unimproved. . 1 execution and to be sold at the
suit of Henry Foster.
Shff's Office,. Ebensburg, Oct. 10, lS67.St
By virtue of an order of the Orphans'
Court of the County of Cambria, there will
be exposed to eale, at the Hotel of Francis
P. Grossberger, iu the Borough of Carroll-
town, on Saturday, the lCfft day of November
next, at 2 o'clock p. m.. the following real
estate, of which Peter Wible, late of Carroll
township, died seized, to wit: A CERTAIN
situate in Carroll township, Cambria county,
adjoining' lands of Levi Luther, John W.
Luther, Solomon Dumm, James Dick, and
others, containing one hundred acres, or
thereabouts, about eighty acres of which are
cleared, having thereon erected a two story
Frame II iue and a large Frame Barn.
I erms of Sale One-third to be paid oa
confirmation cf eale. one other third in one
year thereafter, with inieiest, to be secured
by the judgment bond and mortgage of the
purchaser, and the other tmrd to remain a
lien ou the premises, legal interest thereon
to "be paid annually to Elizabeth Wible.
widow of the said Peter Uible, dec d, from
the date of confirmation of sale, by the pur
chasers, Lis heirs or assigns, during her life
time, and the principal, at her decease, to
the heirs and l'gal representatives cf the
Eaul Peter Wibel, or to the parties who may
Iten be legally entitled to the same.
it 17 a pvt wrnr r
.1 ' ijifi.i Liu i. i. i uij I A 7 J
inrfT crriT T? A dm. rs.
Oct. 10. 18'J7.-3t.
TTDUIjLIC sale of. real es-
T ATP Tti- T-trfno i-,f or. nrAni. rf ll,,
Court of Common Pleas of the County of
Cambria, (pursuant to proceedings in parti
tion. ) to me directed, 1 will expose to sale.
by public vendue or outcry, at the Hotel of
l'rancis P. Grossberger, in tho Borough of
Carroiltown. on Saturday, the.lCtli day of
iovemocr next, at z o ciock p. m., tne 101 low
ing real estate, of which Christian Wible,
lato of Carroll township, died seized, viz
CEL OF LAND situate in Carroll township,
Poml,1(l Almw Vn3n n .. t C r. I ...... I
in tne nameot John Dorsey. lands
of Solomon Dumm, George Tnndle, Georjre
Mise!, and others, containing ninety-eight
acres, strict measure, or thereabouts, about
one acre of which is cleared, having thereon
erected a one and-a-half story Tlank House;
being the Fame piece of land conveyed unto
Peter Wlble, dee'd, by Henry Buck and
wife, by their deed dated the 23d day of
June, 1854, and by the a?d Peter Wible
conveyed, by articles of agreement, to Chris
tian Wible. dated the 14th June. 1SC2. re
corded in the county of Cambria, in Record
Book, vol. 1, page 21. lerms Cash.
Oct. 10. 18G.-3t.
signed Auditor, appointed by the Court
of Gammon Ploas of Cambria county, at
September Term, 18G7, to distribute the
fund in the bards of Robert A. M'Coy and
George C. K. Zahm. A?signees of John Mc-
Coy, as shown by their supplemental and
final account, amongst the creditors, &c
?ntuIed thereto, hereby notifies all persons
interested tuat tie will attend to the duties
of said appointment, at his office in Ebens
burg, on tnday, the 1st day of November,
l&bii at 2 o clock P. M., when and where
they must present their claims or be debarred
from coram z in for a share of said fund.
GEO. W. O ATM AN, Auditor.
Ebensburg, Oct. 10, 18G7-2t,
L TTniTOR'S NOTTriR .in,lor.
signed Auditor, appointed by the Or
phans' Court of Cambria cdunty to report
distribution of the assets ia the hands of
William Kittell, Esq., Trustee to sell Prem
ises No. 2 of the real estate of Daniel Di-
me-nd, deceased, to and amongst the persons
legally entitled thereto, hereby notifies all
persons Interested that he will attend to the
duties cf said appointment, at his office in
Ebensburg, on f riday. Vie 8ih day of Novem
ber, 1867, at 2 o'clock p. m., when and where
they must present their claims, Or be debar
red frorrr coming In for a share of said fund.
GEO. W. O ATM AN, Auditor.
Ebensburg, Oct. 10, 1867.-St.
signed Auditor, appointed by the Or
phans' Court of Cambria county to report
Upon the exceptions filed to the account of
Emma Prirg'.e. Administratrix of John Pnn
gle, dee'd. hereby gives notice that he will at
tend to the duties of sard appointmen; at hid
office In Ebensburg, on Tuesday, the 5th day
ot ISovcniber ncTt, at 'A o'clock P. m., when
and where all parties interested must present
thetr claims, or be debarred from coming m
for anv share ot said tund.
Oct. 17, 18G7.-3t. .
i- signed Auditor, appointed by the Ors
phans' Court of Cambria county to rcDort
distribution of the funds In the hands of
George M. Roade, Administrator of Robert
I .-, , . . . . . - iiH
WJ'' a 5? t , ot 8aul JlP'otment
""'R. ou inuraj.
litnaayoj jovemoer next, a
I Whim flnfl WhPrfl no - -- " WW.
- . . ori tntc ref
. , : -;-e" c,a'm8' orPBe earrf
Ing in, for any share of said fund.
ueir ci&ims, or-ce ueoarrea irom com-
ii illiliiijlj
For .Bargains!
On High Street.
Flue DRESS 00B!
Standard Dry Goods,
Mil! MM,
WAY ! !
ME and ME
1)000 Inventions of great talue to fcn:i.ies.
all pay great prcriU. Send 25 ct. and g
pages and sample gratis. Agents have rnaco
SlOd.OOO. Epbraim Brown, Lcwo.1.
. van , m; B
t.-o t t lT mMPAT are bow manu
facturing the best, cheapest and moi-t ditrable
Paint iuuse; two coats well put t n, mixed
with pure Linseed Oil,' will. last lu or 15
years ; it U of light brown or boantifut
chocolate color, aud can be changed to green,
lead, stone, olive, drab or cream, to suit the
taste of the com.u.ncr. It is yaiuable fr
Houses. Barns, Fence d Agricnltifra! Impl-v
ments. Carriages and Gv-maker. P-'ls ad
Wooden-ware, Canvas, ?rtal and bhing-e
Rocifs, (it being fire and water prof. Bridg
es, Burial Cases, Canal Bts, Ships and
Snips' Bottoms, Floor Oil Cloths, (one Man
ufacturer having used- 5CC0 Vbls. the pant
year,) and as a paint for any j-nTpow ,9Tn
surpassed for body, durability, elasticity and
adhesiveness. Trice $0 per bbL cf 300 11.,
which will supply a farmer for years txr enme.
Warranted in all cases above. Sorrti for
a circular, which giveb full particulars. Jpr
genuine unlc branded in trade jr.Jtk.
Grafton Mineral Paint. Address DAlHEiy
BI DWELL, Prr.prietor, 254 Fearl-st., N, Y.
Auents wanted.
Extract of a LcUer from Baton StJo
mon Rothschild. -Pakis, 8th April. 18C4,
Ruo Fauby. St. HoDoie. Will yon be kind
enough to have forwarded to me here 200
bottles of your Indian Lirtment; if you will
send at the same time the account, I will
forward yon the amount through Mesera.
Belmont & Co., New York.
Baron Solomon Rothschild having recom
mended to many of his friends Major Lasi's
Linimest, and they being desirous to pro
cure it, be should advise him to establish a
depot in Paris.
tiie'ixxhax MuiMKirr, .
As a relief, ever reody ; as a killer of pain,
taken inwardly, or outwardly applied, has
no equal. For tho relief and cur of Rheu
matic and Neuralgic Affections, Sprains,
Uruises, $c , It is unequalled. It is also
moht efficacious, taken inwardly, in thecura
of Cholera, Cramps and Pains in tha Stom
ach, Diarrhai, Dysentery. Cholera Morbus.
Cholera Infantum, Sf-c , and is without excep
tion the in&i wonderful Panacea tb world
affords. No FAMILY should be without it.
Every TRAVELER by land or sea should
have a bottle. MINERS and FARMFRS
residing at a distance from physician honld
keep it constantly on hand.: In case of Ac
cidents and sudden attacks of Stomach Com
plaints, its value cannot be estimated. In
quire for Major LANE'S INDIAN LINI
MENT, and take no other. PRICE 60 Cu.
per bottle. For sale at wholesale and retail
by Demas Barnes & Co., 21 Park Row, N.
Y". ; Gale & R.biuson, 186 Groenwich-rt..
N. Y. ; F. C. Wells & Co., 192 Fulton-st.,
N. Y. : Chas. N. Crittenden, 38 6th Ave ,
N. Y., and by re.-poctabie Druggists through
out the world. None genuine unless signed
by Jons Thos. Lakh, and countersigned by
J. T. LANE & CO., Proprietors, 1G3 Broad
way, N. Y. C3-Send for circular.
ladiesTancy FURS I
John Faeeir.v's
old established
Fur Manvfadmrg I
jfMtK Arch SL, above 7th.
fhmmm'- ihilad'a.
11 Nation and Mantif.o-
'ture, one of tiie Iar-
"AStfesa" est and mct bean
tifui;selcctions of FANCY FURS, for LadieB
and Children's waar. now in the City. Also,
a fine assortment of Gent's Fur Gloves and
I am enabled to dispose of my goods at
very reasonable prices, and I would there
fore solicit a call from my friends cf CambIa
county and vicinity.
. Remember the Nam". Number and Street
No. "5 IS ARCH St., above 7th, south e:de.
$Z7I hare no partner, r.or connection wit
any other Store in Philad 'a. oe.3.4m.J
HAS just opened, and offers for salelower
than thev can be bought
elswhere, a splendid lot of Qi
e'Ightdayand twenty-four hour t
every description, ACCOUDEONs, JEWEL
RY, and a variety of all articles in his lin.
Repairing of Clocks, Watches, and all kind
of Jewelry, done on short notice and mcxt
reasonable terms. All work warranted. .
Call at his shop. High street, opposite Public
SeboulTlouse, Ebensburg. f sep.5,'87.
TSSOLUTTON The partner
ship heretofore cxtstinsr between 1..
undersigueo in the manufacture of lumber
under the firm name of Behe'& X-uthar has
this day been dissolved by m.utaal consents
The books and accounts have Wee left in
the hands of Joseph Behe fo- tettlemcnt on
whom all persons interested are rcqnested La
Susquehanna Tn. , Qct. 7. 183T..6t.
second a ,d final account of Giorge J.
Rodgers, Tr ustee of James Murray, an insol
vent, has, been filed iu the Prothonotary's
Office 'c Cambria county, and will be pr
sentet to the Judges of the Court of Common.
Plvas of caid county for confirmation on tho
first Monday of December next.
GEO. C. K. ZAHM, rroih'y.
rrothy's Office, Ebensburg, Oct. 10, Tjr.-4t.
bers offer at pvivate sale, on reasonable terms
the Portable Saw Mill located- in Susquehan
na township, Cambria county, formerly own
ed and operated by Cole Barberich. Th
Mill is in good running order. Parties de
tiring to buy can call on Francis J. Barber
ich or James C. Easly, Carroiltown.
Oct. 10,67.4t BARBERICH & CO.
TJAUTION. My wife, Cather-
ise, having left my bed and board with
out just cause or provocation, this ia to cau
tion ali persons against harboringor trusting
her on my account, a3 I am determined ti
.ay no debts of her cti tracking ualess com
pelled to do so by law.
Greenville Tp., Somerset Co.. Oct. 10, '67.
AUTION All persons ar, ierL
tinned against interferic in anv wav
purchased by ET.e at a Sheriff's sale, nn th
23th ult, of the goods and chattels of Thos.
Kaylor. as I have left the same Va the pol
session of the said Thomas Kaylor "during
my pleasure. nENRY C. KAYLOIL
Lorctto, Oct, 3, 1867.-SV,0
1 ;'
, 1
1 i
I i