f I Mi i CAMBRIA HtBEMAN. XB&K3DUfiV. PA., Oct. 17, 1867. Tip.:bat, : : : C3:J33a.TtJLAT0aY ADDRESSES Psu'KTi atjo Stats Committbk Rooms. I'hiudklPiIIA, October 9, 1867. ' To the Democracy of Pennsylvania : ' Victory crowns yoar efforts anl Penn- I njlvaaia is redeemed. " i The Keystone proclaims her. hatred of despotism, her foally to the law, her fi- i delitv to the Constitution. . You have elected Judge Shai:svooi, a representative man, to the Supreme Hench ; ieversed the majority of last year, and ad ded to the number" of your Senators and xuf mbers of the House of Representatives. New York and New Jersey will follow where you have led, and the future is your own if you will grasp it. To your untiring efforts in the work of organization is this result mainly due, and to you belongs the honor of the triumph. New honors await you, new labors are bf fore you. You have won the fight for position, let v.s now prepare for the great battle of the 1 coming yar. Hedging ourselves to the maintenance ' ' of n government of law for the entire lla I ' public, to the preservation of the eupre- ' Yniey of our own race, to the develop . ment of our immense resource-!', to the i t r reform of ubuses, corruption and cxtrava - . .. . . . . . . . (.unit, tua iiauuu mt-i; lo ma reiiei ci tha tux-payer, and the payment of the public k'bt, let us move resolutely fbr- w aid. Uy order of the Democratic SutoCuiu- fl - : Ch:;irmr.n 2"o t)tt Demcciacy of' Caultia County : We have achieved a "lorious victory. j "Little Cambria" Biill occupies her proud position in theory front of tha Detno cri tic column. The official in jority is t, 052 being a net gain ot 300 on the,, vote j of last fall. The majority on the county i ticket is still higher, owing to the popu larity of our candidates and tha reaction :,aueed by a blaiuk-ruus havtdb:'.!' cn the 2ve of the election. , The Democracy performed their whole f Uu'y nobly ; vet not to them alone arc we o ascribe the extent of oar trrumph. ! , , I .Many con-ervaUve Kepubucans, alarmed ., t it the wiid measures of the radicals, voted j tor our candidates, while a still crcater i ibr our candidates, while a still greater H . . . . ,.. . . siumber refufieJ to vote. Ve know they ' ill rejoice with us that the band of the (ietroying angel of liadicaliem has been "y?J?tate has gor.e for Judge Shara-S- "S'oy about 74 4 majority. Ohio has 'lfcted a Kcpublican Governor by a very 'sail majority, but on the other hand has Ioted down the negro amendment by 50, 30. In lailuna uni Iowa we have also Wge gains. ! We trust, now that the free North has ij.ioken, that the warning voice will be eeded that wc tl-.all have an immediate :'.8toration of that Union to preserve which 7e have expended so much blood and Measure, and that the present burdens of ) j'he people, will be relieved by a return to , he peace establishment and an economi al administration of the government. ' ft. L. JOHN'STON. f Chairman Democratic Co. Cora. A R1"Z.Y Tl TIIEI.IDEL. It ha9 been a subject of cor.gratulatiou . in past elections, here in Cambria county, y&i low personal abuse Las been avoided y both parties. The canvass . through fhich we have just passed has been emi i ; ently so, so far as the press is concerned. J ! Jut there has been that- done which we ; rust, for decency sake, will never be rc . 'eated in Cambria county ; and from the - ebuke it has met at the bands of the peo- le we think there arc no fears of a repe- ,'ltion of the same dastardly game. The Democratic ticket was nominated ,.ome three months before the election, .-.nd the character of every ma.n on that y icket was fairly presented to the scrutiny ( tf every elector. The columns of a free 1ress, representing Uth political parties, n -as opn to any charges that could be ,' ; referred against any candidate by any .J v,pPnsible party. No charges were made, ' ecauso we bclicvo none could be trnth ; t illy made. V, . On the very eve of the election, how .rer, after the respective papers had issued leir last numler before the election, a ji anderous handbill was got up by some . '..idnight assa?sin of character, printed reside of Gunbria county, and, through the (edium of the post office, scattered all ii'er the country. We give this beautiful j Voduction to the world : AN INSIDE VIEW OF POLITICS. . . ' TH WAY THE MONET GOES. ' JTia a.truc saying. that if the people knew i W thtir money was spent, taxes would !; jt be eafcily collected. This saying applies -' 'it now, with peculiar force, to Cambria I, unty. Look for instance at your Toor ; use, where about fifty persons are iadif ently supported at a cost of $10,000 per t r. Of course no sane man believes that : mm is spent for the benefit of the in J ? -lhe Preut Steward, having made . much money as he is likely to need, has , lly consenteJ to withdraw, remaining a w ml purtner. Tha present Cvunty Treag- i - !-. - urer I ting at lat settlement a defaulter, in the sum of near $4,009.00, and the leading politicians of town being bis security, the candidate for Poor House Director, a brother-in-law of the Treasurer, who has enough of the County's money to start a Shoo Store, is nominated, and the Treasurer, being a cousin of another Director, and a cousin of the candidate for Sheriff, is to be appointed Steward i.f the Poor House, bo th-it these worthies can get their money back, ex ne cessitate. This is the plan, it may be alter ed as to form, but not as to substance, But bad a3 this is, th operations of your Com missioner's office is far worse. Think of l pacing your Commissioners $2,400.00 for uoing the LusiiiCPiS which a good buuness man can do furty in days. .TL:i:k too of paying $2,000.00 for the support of uboi:f, on an average, six persons for a year in your jail. But you may ask, have we not Audi tors to settle ail these accounts yearly. Un fortunately the Auditors seldom know any thing about their business. They come to town, and the first persons with whom they .confer are the Cmmissuners. They toll the And: o s they must have a Clerk, and that the Commissioner's Clerk is thtf . proper per son ; he is emph.ycd, and 63 one of the Au ditors is always to be Commissioner nest year, any ana alt bills are soon passed. They then go to the Poor House; where the Directors' Clerk and the Commissioners' Cleik soon settle the accounts and cover all tracks. This is the system, and it is time the people knew it. The papers will' never say a word, because they almost live by re ceiving exorbitant bills for public printing. People of Cambria county, whatever denial of the above may be made, you may lest assured that the half has not been told. The remedy is in 3'our hands, and if you do not use it, you deserve to be taxed to death. Break up these camps of dishonesty, the Commissioners and Poor II -usj Directors, and your burdens will be lightered, other wise those Lurt'ens will be doubled within a few years. This mean, poisonous libel was without n signature, and was accompanied by a ticket hea led by. bharswood and Linton, arid the rcct made up of tha radical can didates. It elicited the following reply: CAM DiU A FUEL M AN F XTlt A . UIDXKillT LYING. The Detr.ocratic th-ket r.f Cambria cctmfy was fairly nominated, in broad eliu light, in an open Convention, v.heru all the world might wituens the proce. -dins. Prom that time to the present neither of the two re publican papers in Cambria county, con ducted by men responsible for what they say, have dared to utter a word agiinst the honesty or fitness of th 3 respective candi dates, and when we made no chnrge against the Jlepublican candidates, we sujtposeel the canvass would be conducted on principle. We were mistaken. Afoul and slander ous, midnigjit handhill has gone out, on the eve of the election, nut signed by the re spectable Chairman of the Republican Com mits e 'Dr. I t.ll, i or by ar.y re-nonsib'e name, no Republican in the county beiog mean enough to father it. No ehult it was I atched in the midnight orgies of the league. We do not Llame the Republicans ure. a3 ue cnly catididate this section of the c oun on llie.r ticket Irom E has Vi81l ,acnCce.f 'by lhe B0VCW This handbill Contains m re falsehoods than sentence.-?, and is a. libel n-1 only on near;' ad tue leading- Democrats in the county, but ca thi Damjcratic party itself. Not content with, lying about the candidates, it has the wickeciiies to slander Col. Mc Dei milt, a brave soldier, as a heavy default er without the shadow of truth, as he has not a dollar of public money in his hands. Thus are the soldiers, of the Ik-public slan dered for the purpose of electing a Canadian Rad.cal Shcrifi" and a poor tool Poor House Uirector. It will bo time enough after the election to trace- up the parties to litis infamous libel. For the present we can only say toemr fellow Democrats, be os thus gvav.d ac.aimst FALSE TICKETS. ESAMISE TVIIRV TU KF.T BE- roiiK you voTia, f..r alon? with this handbill is a ilepublican ticket bearing the nanus ef Judge isharswooel and Col. Id r. ton, and the balance of the ticket Itepublican, and an other with all the Democratic nominees upem it excepting John A. Blair and John 1). Thomas. Fellow Democrats ! we shall carry the btate; but let not the election of Judge Sharswood, and the j ly it will afford, be dampened by the defeat of a single candidate on our ticket, especially when the effort is made through secret midnight handbills. R. L. Johxtos, Chairman Dcm. Co. Com. But it was not needed. .The people of Cambria- county have too much sense to swallow a midnight fetch of this kind. Some preserved the bill as a literary curl osity, some burnt it, and some even con verted it to an unseemly purpose but perhaps not a score of them voted the ticket which accompanied it. On the contrary, while the fraudulent ticket con ppired with Col. Linton's popularity to throw our friend, Mr. Singleton, behind his ticket, the reaction on the part of right-ruinded Republicans, ran the other Democratic candidates ahead of Shars- wooci The Ignorance of the poor devil who got up the bogu3 ticket is eqvial to his im pudence, as he spelled Sheriff Ktckman's naicO wrong, took an "M" out of Com missioner Flanagan's name, an "A" and a "t" out of Treasurer McDermitt's, "IV out of Coroner Stinman's, and mude an Auditor of ThPraas Van Scoyoc instead of John. liut enough ! It may Le some consola tion to the eetters-un of this handbill to know that they are dcpiscd by every de cent Democrat and Ko-nublican in Iho county. . A. ''lovely girl" in Wisconsin recently recovered fourteen hundred dollars dam ages in a breach of promise suit against a perfidious lover. Her lawyer congratu lated her on th? unwunt, when she er claimed, with a furious glance towards the mulcted defendant, and nervously clenching her fingers, "I'd give every cent of it for one good pull at his hair ! " On the 10th salutes bf one hundred guns were fired by the Democracy of Worcester, Mass., Auburn, N. Y., Ban gor and Portland, Maine, Baltimore, Maryland, whilst at Lockport and Water teiwn. N. Y., illuminations,.. bonfires and firing of cannon were intlulged in, over the' victory in this State and the great euccess in Ohio. ELECTION REM! ; Governor. Supreme Judge. Assembly 1SS6. a '-l DISTRICTS. z O a: o o J Allegtmny Tp.... IMacklick Tp 22" 27 17V 4C 45 173 2C3 77 21 17 60 174 54 46 Cambria Tp..-. .... Cambria Uoro Carroll Tp Carrolltown 40 145 A 42 14; 173 -24U2G3 16 20 43 7 SCI 89 124 21 61 Cht Tp.. 16 36 27 113 .121 113 Chen Sp.-'Ogs 30 22' "3D 239 203 ' 63 12-7 108 19 ' 91 .36 32 200 64 127 108 97 18 uieurueia , Coneniaugh Tp..... 72 122 49 Do. Uoro, 1 W Do. . Boro, 2 W. 113, 100 13 70 118 66 52 30 80 55 50 46 82 3i, 54 88! 56 Croyle Tp , Ebensburg, E. W.. or, 43 49; -42' is 71 112 .- 521 .- 47 40 . '80 52 70 41 97 Do. V. W.. Gallitzin 53' 92 173 133 87 89 17G 8 Jackson Tp 70 144 101 07 ' 85 136 7 147 . It Johnstown. 1 W.... Do. 2 W.... Do. 3 W.... 'Do. 4W.... Do. 5 V.... 42 90 0G 79 40 99 93 120 92 20 Loretto Millville Munster 20lj 11 16, 159 5C- 6 90 i4: '47 134 j 60. 91 11C 95 Prospect 32 Hi 13i 139 39' 10i : n. 114! 38 16 4o! ;-84i Richlir.d Tp fiuir.inerhill Tp 12l' 90 2 &U r -i l lSo 5-1 27 So IOC Summit 81 SiK;iue-Iiuiina To..-. Tavlor Ti a 'j - - 4 l OK. 76 ISO 5 1 28 3l AVashincrton Tp White Tp Wilraore.'. C2 31 3j Yoder Tp Total, 2o: 2.1543 13020: 20M 3031 Majorities Sbarsvk-ood, 952: Linton, bhaCer, i027 j Harold. 9fc'0 TZ1JE JOHASTOW. t'XXIBUAK. Our Johnstown neighbor ia disposed to be tcvere upon the Chairmaaof the Dem ocratic County Committee for a short ad dress issued -by hirn on tfie eve of the elec tion in' reply to a scurrilous, si'norTinou3 handbill which had - made its appearance. There was littla time for reflection, and we had to meet a most dastardly act, yet if we did iiiju3tice even to the League we are sorry for it. When a pit'per appeared playing into. the hands of the radicals, it n-as natural to suppose it came from their camp; yet we exonerated ; every d-ceiil IJepublican from any 'chare in it. We are under obligations to the Tribune for cor.iidiring the Chairman no "block head," especially ?.6 that epithet, never very flattering, has grown worse in signi fication since Greeley applied it to the radicals, but think he should not be quLe eo bcns-itive on the subject of suztt, confid ing the crowd who have been to the wind ward of him for the last few years. The following very . sensible remarks appeared in the 1'ittBburgh CJromcle, a radictd paper, on the morning after th election. V e commend then to the think ing portion of the Kepublicana here : The imperfect returns of the vote on es- tcriidy in the Western lUserve, Ohio, !hjw a state of fce-ntinitiit which we confers take us by surprise. Wc Euppcwed that there would be in that sectkm little division amongU the republican relative to the Amtudiiieiit givmg surrase to black r,eti. It appears, however, that there has not beta such unauiruity ia th party on that qiK-s lion, even on the luaeiTJ, as had been con- jeetui'td, aud it will very serkusly rairf the inquiry whether tee can injutttce demand the South io do what vet refuse to do ourselves. A defection on the qiution of suffrage ia strong Republican districts will very natu rally excite people to consider the propriety of instating as an absolute condition of resto ration on the enfranchisement of the blacks in States where they far outnumber the white voters, whilst we of the Nerth are un willing to extend suffrage to the few blacks ho live in our midst, and whose vote could exercise no material influence over public affairs. Ohio. The Cincinnati Enqvircr pays the political soccers in this State is per fectly wonderful. Of the 42,000 liadical majority which towered 90 high last year, hardly a yestige remains. There has ben a change for the Democrat in the total vote, of at kat ten per cent. The most aanguine expectatioM of the Democ racy have been more than realized. The Uepublicans, putting confidence in the loud boasts and tatinta of their organs of what immense rasjoriti-a thcy woald ob tain, are dumbfounded at ths result. They had no premonition of tins tremendous popular hurricane that was setting in. It struck tbenvlike a thunderbolt, delivered from a clear tky. They nov sec the "handwriting on tlte wall," which presa ge their fat?re doom. Their afroefidancy in Ohio is irretrievably broken, if wily a moderate degree of sense whall actuate the Democratic party. Ho. Wiujau A. Waixack. -At a time when cvry man has don his duty, it 19 perhaps invidious to single out n par ticular namt to mention with especial praise, : lkit no one will find fanlt with our. calling attention to t lie able and ener- gefic manner ir. which th Chairman of the Democratic State Committee discharjr ed ali his duties. The position he occu pied required capacity -of a peculiar order, and we rejoice that such a competent and efficient leader was placed at the head of the Democratic column during the cam paign which has just terminated in-a glo rious victory for the Democratic cause. Mr, Waixace labored earnestly and faith fully. He gave all his time to a proper organization of the Democratic forces, and we, in common with thousands in our midst, heartily thank him for the marked ability he di?playeel in the per formance of his official duties. Age. Two employees of the Lancaster cotton mill Etate in a published card , that they were discharged on the morning after the election because they voted the Democratic ticket. . . -. OF CAMBRIA CODNTY S.'ieriJjF. Treasurer Co. Com. Jury Com w 5" C5 W 1 w o M o 4 ra j 3 -I. 21 53 143 14 24 17C 52 87 21 176 45 42 173 21 172 22 174 45 41 172 261 46 104 53 45 53 149 14 42 149 165 203 20 172 264 75 113 "30 15! 23 8 3 " 22 20 91 63 75 24 6 12 "22 23 91 23 6 12 22 21 91 6 i J : 73 12 "22 21 91 35 30 48 82 122 - 30 199 64 123 104 97 32 113 113 30 200 64 127 107 97 18 '30 198' 2001 64 128 108 97 18 69 111 64 127 107 97 18 69 111 54 44 42 89 51 67 33 4o 34 36 31 48 82 48 43 69 142 100 64 83 135 8 141 19 12 137 -.7 34 30 48 82 48' 43 69 142 09 65 85 134 7 142 19 5 48 63 Tf' - 48 -80 '30 69 111 53 43 42 89 61 67 35 98 30 33 121 92 8l! 75 11- 43 111 41 54 6.- . 59 61 -. 54 . 44 4C! 141 . 40 3T 70 50 57 146 100 GO 80 127 7 144 10 12 138 37 ;:2 84 43 91 51 70 38 99 81 87 147 38 5 94 136 99 SO 33 82 32 124 12 135 37 91 8ti! ii9i ??! 5ai ss: 911 121 92 20 81 7b1 ISO 54 23 13 S7 10 6 ;.9i 92, 20 82 7C1 179 51 2sj 33 92! 10 20 89 70 179 54 i - 30 6 113 S3! 115 3D 113' 39i 179 55 51 38 23 84: 33 5ti 5'J 3S 84 35 84 33 i7L 3018)1954 3009 lObC 2983t&94 2076 952j Linton, 10C0 ; Biuir, 100a ; Co.v, 1(24; Kennedy, 989 jtiI) 1 1110c rttts iu i.'JALL cai-s ; Jitpublicuni ia Komau. 10C0 : NEWS OF THE WEEK. Gen. Harr is defeated for Senator in Allegheny by Kuwll Errctt by only 5,400 votes. The General made a good run. A quiet, inoffensive Democrat named Richard Taylor was so badly )eaten on election day by Philadelphia Radicals tlnit lie cannot recover. . The President has pardoned sixteen Bcldiers who were convicted last summer by court-martial of joining in Feniaa de monstrations at IJotiido. It is believed in Chicago that Mrs. Linccla's circumstances are not so straight ei?d as represented. It is intimated that a wedding is in contemplation. Sharp Yankee skipper now load their schooners at Boatoa with molasses, and, ducing the paeaae to New-York dis till the ktutf into whuiky saving the rev enue. A gentleman taken ick with yellow fever on bourd a Mississippi s(camr was put ashore and rca:.n-?d on the river bank for two days, was robbed of his clothes and moner, and 6nally die of starvation and neglect. Counterfeit United States 7-30 !xm-is of the A IJ serk?9 to the amount of $70, 000 have been discovered at the Treasury, where they were wmt for redemption. TVy are of the $1,000 doocainatioa and well executed. The public money fbut Radical "re construction wiiboost would buy ewnigh Ird in South Amenca upon which to coLniE3 rII th Southern mjrte and pty the cost of their transportation thilLer in to the Uirgam. Three Louisiana negroes recently killed a yonng man, keeper of a store, by chopping his bexd and face with an axe, cutting his throat and scabbing him seven times. This they did to procure iaoftcy, rum and dry goods. Two nice young men of Virginia, III., named Thompson, have paid 50 and costs, each, for breaking up a dancing party by sprinkling Cayenne peppor on the floor of the hall whan the fantastic toes were tripping one evening last week. The Pacific liaiiroad is novr receiy ing hemlock railroad ties from Chicago, five hundred miles, and then up the road four hundred miles nine hundred miles by rail at a cost delivered at the Missouri liiver, of not over eighty cents per tie. The Catholic priests in New Orleans have many of them died of the epidemic. The Times speaks enthusiastically of the zeal they show in fulfilling the painful du ties imposed upon them in ministering to the spiritual wants cf the sick and dying. The cashier of the First National P.ank of New Milford, Connecticut, is a defaulter to the amount of $50,000. Ho was regarded as an honest and religious man, but got into stock gambling with the common result. He has gone to Canada. Two Tennc?eans bu'dt a fire under a cow fe make her move, and the creature die! of torture. The next day one of these men paswd tb'plce cn horseback, the how became frightened at the dead cow, threw his rider and nearly killed him. A neat ease of poetical justice: r ravi Sillimn Ives, D. D , L. I. D formerly Bisljop of the Protestant Episco pal Church, of North Carolina, . and well known for-his" religious writing, Philan thropic works, and conversion to" the Catholic faith, died at his residence in Manhattanville, N. Y., Monday afternoon. A few days ago Mark Dempsey, nn engineer on the Lehigh Valley railroad, felt from the train, tha wheels of which passed over and cut his body into pieces. He was drazged over one hundred yards and horribly mutilated. His fragmentary remains were xouna strewn along the track for the above-mentioned distance. ;In New Orleans, according to the re ports of the newspapers of that city, there have been no less than 40,000 persons who have had the yellow fever during the present season. The New Orleans Times attributes the wide spread of the disease to the neglect of the public authorities to keep the city in good sanitary condition The editor of the Louisiana Democrat saw, a few days ago, in Alexandria, an old nejrro freedman, at least eighty-five years old, with two large navy revolvers buckled to his waist, a pepper-box revolv er in each breeches pocket, a hujie susar cane knife in his bosom and a loaded walk ing cane in his right hand. He was a delegate to tho Radical mongrel convention. FOR 18G7. OFFICIAL. P. U. D hector. Auditor, 3 years. Auditor, 1 year. Coroner. o c o a O CA a 3 -a a o ' 3 c H O OS o o o 22 173 59 24 176 -.45 21 , 54 175' -45j 43 172 263 75 113 30 200 21 r 54 176 45 42 17a 2G3 75 21 54 149 14 24 6 12 22 21 91 36 31 48 . 82 43 : 43 CO 142 100 69 83 136 6 142 10 12 137 37 ' 10 53 149 15 25 . 8 12 22 21 91 39j 120! 25 24 - 6 8 22 21 91 35 30 48 71 32 43 68 70 63 172 2G3 75 113 30 128j 15 21 6 12 22 21 . 91 36 31 46 149 15 24 5 G 12 22 21 91 : 36 31 48 ' S2 48 43 69 142 99 67 83 162 259 . 7 11 113 30 30 199 61 125 107 97 29 " 89 109 54 44 40 82 48 69 34 200 G4 200 , C4I G3 127 107 36 127 127 107 97 31 107 98 48 82 96 18 70 111 54 19 70 111 .54 44 ,8.l! 181 46 !' 48; 70 4 111, 54 44' 42! sri 50" C7 35 99f 80 121 92j 20, 70 143 99 69 142 : 99 67 . S3 140 ll2' '.72! 83 12J' 139! 21! 12: 138 g: ' . 50 38; 43! 42 40 65 -49 65 .35 93 66 82 87 50 134 G 142 10 12 136 37 10 c lie' 39! 56j 38i 84! C7 136 136! 6 144' : 18l 12l 138; 371 10 ' C' 1151 Jo 99 79 33 6 144 10 12 138 3C 10 C ' 115 36 5G 97; 79 33 119 C2 20 82 ' 80! !33! I19j 92 20( 81 j ' 76 ! 121 93 20 82 C 115 7G 17S 177 54 28 179 ,54 33' 179t 38 5G .54 56 JV7 28; 33 sir si 54 ,29 33 90 si! I -I. 1890 3015!l954 3010:10072987' 100o'2?72 1932 ; Buck, 10S5 ; Thomas, 1071 ' '' ; Evau?, 1C43 ; LIucelnlNmii, Indelicate and , . . Oiscrtdltabie. From the Cleve'and Herald (R (d.) Our readers in perusal of the article copied from the Nevr York World, will agree in this, that the disc!esure there made is very indelicate on the part of Mrs. Lincoln, and sadly discreditable to that person ; for, of course, .the private letters there spread Out are published with the knowledge and consent of the writer. The New York Times says : We believe it ia no secret that.ilrs L'nV coln ia in this city, under an assumed name; trying to dispose of a quantity of valuable laces, shawls. jewelry;'nd other article re ceived as presents by, her while in the VVhi e lIou.e, from parties interested in securing her favor. c We have beard mys terious whisperings that unlets they were re deemed by parties who had received politi cal favors at the Lands of their owner, very damagicg revelations were likely to be made. The sooner they are made the better for the party, the country, and all concerned. No person wcmld be justified in drag ging Mrs. Lincoln before the public, and in prtibing the domestic and private affairs of the White House, so far as she was instrumental in their administration ; but Mrs. Lincoln has herself come before the world, appealing to the public for sympa thy, and if that appeal results in ' disclo sures, damaging to herself, she can alone be held responsible therefor. It has b;en believed that charity and oblivion we-ro the cloaks that should cover Mrs. Lincoln's career as mi9tres3 of the White Hou3e, and a generous public has been willing such shooi 1 be the case ; but if Mrs. Lincoln will not permit it, on her own hcaa must lie the consequences Congress has been charitable, too, for it Is well known that investigation has been suppressed through regard for the feelinga of that lady. But we hcpe that nothing will now be kepi secret, and that we may know the whole truth in the premises let the sea pel of investigation cut where it may. A lady whose early life was one of very simple indulgences, and whose sphere was one of very limited circumfeience, sudden ly raised to the possession of an income of seventeen hundred dollars per year, with a profusion of shawls ranging from seventy-five dollars to two thousand dol lars, with dress patterns costing four thoussnd dollars, with flounce worth one hundred and fifty dollars, a parasol cost ing two hundred and fifty dollars, and a handkerchief valued at eighty dollars, with diamond rings to match, cannot ex pect plain, economical people to believe her wben she complains of being pressed for means of common subsistence. The facts are just these: Judge Da vis, Lincoln's Administrator, reported that the eetate was worth $75,000. Congress gave Mrs. Lincoln the President's unex pired year's salary, and also gave her V-J,000 besides, the same as was allowed the late Mrs. General Harrison. . Congressman Wentworth pressed Mrs. Lincoln's claim for one hundred thousand dollars, but Congress did not . think such a course justifiable. There are other facts that should see the light, and perhaps woul.l explain Mrs. Lincoln straightened circumstances. Among such facts is this, that a bill for 15,000 for jewelry pur chased by Mrs. Lincoln, was presented to Congress and disallowed, and the secret3 of that committee would divulge most remarkable items that through Mrs. Lin coln were presented for payment We hope these things will be made public, and that it also may bo known what the forty huge boxes sent to Chicago from the V bite House, after the death of Mr. Lin coin, contained. L.et?the country know the fact that it required an appropriation of one hundred thousand dollars to make good the spoiliation of the White House, and let it be proved who had the benefit 01 such plundering. A DMINlSTRATOIi'S NOTICE. Letters of Administration on tho Es tate of Wm. Burk, late of Washington town ship, dee'd, having been granted to the un dersigned by the Register of Cambria county, all persons having claims against said estate are requested to present them properly au thenticated for settlement, and those indebt ed to the samo will make payment without delay. EDWAHD A. BURK, Adm'r. Washington twp., Sept. 19, 1867-Gt. POCKET KNIVES, Table Knives . and Forks, Si-onns, &c. can be bought j cheap iot cash at yw. HUNTLEY'S. VARIETY ! STYLE ! HEAUTY ! . - . . 1 MORE NEW 9 SUMMER GOODS Lowest Prices ! MVIiyiTlEIIFES Eli ' A NEW AND EXTENSIVE STOCK OF DRESS GOODS, CLOTHING, NOTIONS, &c., I DEFY Competition! EITHER IN GOODS OR PRICES i and invite tho b ATTENTION II OJ Ml PURCHASERS TO MY SUPERB STOCK OF Cheap doods V S. Bi EBENSBURG, CAMBRIA CO,. PEN'NA, IRRER wJi.ADVERT,SEMENTS. OSLY DIRECT LIXB To ' The General Transatlantic..- ;,CE. did l ail Steamships. Sl,Lauret, Bocandt, Saturday nt Verexre. Duchesne, Satus,;.:, '-5. ViOede Paris, Sarmont, S.-tdllv' huro,e. , Lsmaarie, Satiid,v' ,5 To Brest or Havre, (wine incluvi 'Vf Cabin, $160; Second Cabin JU- r T iiiesse aieanitrs 00 not carrv Sv.. I l sengers. bLO. MACKrI7M.' .sr; 68adway. "BEYOND THE miSSISnT A Complete History of the Xew sv, ' Territories: J rmn the Great R;l to tne urtal Ucean. BY ALBERT D. RICHARnv Its popnUrlly t attested bv th. OTcr r u,uuu copies in a sln-i. ""f "Life and Adventures 011 Trains v tains and the Pacific Coast. With Descriptive and Photographic Vie', 2fo i rmo. T 1. m.- - u t:.i kj.j , v.v.c., ij.jus, ra.nc-.e. Pen'1- j CuriOfcitics of the New Stat and TerrCi the 'Tar West." this JIL.fc-.ry of ti f assistance, supplying as it dues a van'6 ft of .1 full A,.ti,pf . . atti-a: AGENTS WAXTF.n q j r 1 tc- andiseeour terms and a full (,,scr: 't'ars tho work. Address Xo!i.mnj p. 'n; '.''' V 26 S: Seventh St., rhil.ule'rK ' A FKW MORE AGESWAVmT? JT. take orders for our popular Bxfe 4 engravings, eur.er on commission or s-.V-Our pul-lications s.rt uLirtrtxr.l authors in the cortrv, amr.r wViT Tiffin'b Sacred Biosraphy and lilt rv" llollar.d't. Life of Liocr.ln, AM-i'.jI s Iji.rtory of the War. Ileadley's Life of Washin. P.ev. S. Phillip t'T.r;' 7;. "r and other?. Agents, will n- t he retired t, prticrreo-. i or particm.ir ad-rp?snrv a list q r xsz ivspaFksm" "We have nnhllshpd a Cnmn'.fo f;,,.t.n x - 1 ' - - . I I Xewppapers in the New England St,itt.J prire 2Gc. State .f-Nev York r,r'fi n-v Del., lid. and DUt. f 0.;1., price 25cV oK price 23c. Per.nsylraida, price 2x ana. nrice 25c. All i f th rhr.rA f... 5i r P. ROW ELL & CO., 40 Park Pw.Jf.l." Corset Skirt. Supported rizl-Jm Cinbiues in one jrarTr;t i aud the moat ceil rath-Sk Supporter ever e. fie red public. : It place-s the vvgr.: of the skirts uprn the she ci dtrs iiistead ef theliir:r. mr-roves. the furni wiiheut tiit lacinj- gives ease and eleance-is approved commenucu v vnysifurss. ianutacf-'?ta by D. B. SAUNDERS & CO.. lf Suminer St., Bostoa. rpHE CELEBRATED J- Eley Ccftagro Oraas. J. ESTEY & CO., Brattltlwro. Vu. The Ori?iriiil Inventors aud Maui:f;cti:r?r?. f-y Combining more perfections thai ary c-ibt: m the woria. Have taken the 1-"Treni:jms at ell the j ris- ciial 5;i"n the o.ui;try. 395 Washington f;t.. Boston; 417 Brcra?- St., Ii. I.; IS A or t!i th-s-t , 1 ilia.; 115 Ii3odo!pl.-st., Chicag-1. A GENTS .WAVTEIl-Ta Agents. &c. &c. We wi?h to secs.ro aa agent iu fvery city of r.n.re than o.Ovi population, to act fur us i;i canv.isi. iV lusincs6. A man who is already estallisL- ed in some occupation which aliows hira few snare himr-s, can easily increase h:? "r- come several hunlred elo'iiars per -ear. Tr.s is an opportumtj' for aftive n.eD tOMrrrei profitable connection with the best A ivert..- ing Agency in the United Mates. Adirerf, with full particulars, leforence?. Av.. GEO. P. HOWELL & CO.. 40 Park Row.X.T. WK Aim COMING. And will present to any persin sei)ilin2 wa club in our Great One Price Sale of DrvaiJ Fancy Gootls. &c. a Silk Drc.-s ra'.:rr., Piece of Sheeting. Watch, &c . free of ccJt. Cataleigue of goods, and sample, sent to tor a.J.iress free. Address J. S. I1ALC CO-, HO Hanover St., Boston, Mass. P.O. Box 6125. ONE DOLLAR! ONE DOLLAK- Afrents wantpil evervwhere f r P'-r One Dollar sale. A Watch' a Tea S.U. Shawl, a Dress, for one dollar each. Seci ington street. Boston. A GENTS WANTED $10 to $20 to introduce ur row pateut t-i SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. Tr' J20. It uses two threads, aud makes genuiue LckJc Stilcii. All . ther low machines make the Chain Stitch. Exc.?'e territory given. Send f.r circulars. r!" Wilsox & Co., Manufacturers. Cleve.'..in'l,P' ITFr P-TTTI I TTTT? I Dou'tbehumlngP-''b;- imposters or 'p.'.tcV. "Stencil tools." cast iron or machine pere' CO., Brattkboro, Vt. $10 A DAY MADK DTAMOSK my Patent Stencil Tools. I prepay tCj f free. Beware of infringers. My circu.aj will explain. Address A. J. FELLAH Springfied, Vermont. . . TO $100 per month, and traKcg IfJ expenses, paid cood agents tofr''c'' 1'atent Eccrlastiny White Wire art-1' State age aud address American Yi e L 162 Broadway. N. Y. YOU'RE WASTED! Look UeJ Agents, both male and female, 'f'fl everywhere to sell the Talent Improve Reservoir, (by which from one to twop. can be written without replemshiig ink,) and our Fancy and Dry Goods, Can ciear from $3 to $10 a day. No cap required. Price, 10 cents, with au dT,;r tisement describing an article for sale ia Dollar l'urcliaslng lgcncj L culara sent free. . ' - EASTMAN & KENDALL, : 65 UaOQvcr St., Ho&Un,J COXSUxlIPTlOX CA1V HE CIE? THE TRUS REMEDY AT LAST DrL'J. EUED. UPHAM'S FRESH MEAT Cl prepared from the fotmulaof Prof-Trou of Paris, cures Consumption, Luug "j Bronchitis, Dyspepsia. Marasmus, Oen Debility, and all morbid conditions cm system dependent on deficiency of vital It It is pleasant to taste, and a single will convince the most skeptical of its vl as the great healing remedy of the a bottle, or six bottles for $5. Sent by press. Sold bv S. C. UPHAM. ' Eighth St.. Philadelphia. and prinnpaii gistf. Cirouhus sent free. WW 25 cts. and stamp for two cuecks aca cne lars f;Ivinrr fnj particulars. Adilrft-s Air LING TON, DROWNE & CO., 573 Wash for our New Catalogue cf lmprorr-l .vn-- Dies, 20 varieties, all of Sled, carefully fin ished and tempered. "S. M. SPENCEB 0: o. - 0 . . T rcc r