The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, October 10, 1867, Image 3

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    OCT. 10, 1867.
aSd Cbkssoj Railroad.
1 connecting with Day Express
I i Pliili. Express West.
k5 ..' onnoctine with Thila. Ex.
M3. p'. ''j Mail West.
I. or on departure ef Phlla.
I c'r.s West.
j r or on dePr lur0 of Pllila E-
jffCW is Cambria. The result of
v--J . . . i: - 1 -
-jjne CXpecianuus. muiuua, ever
'the &ctt Democratic cause, has more
heart within her limits will
-'- . . i I . - T i im iirKpn tov 1aain
' .ifviD record our couuty made for
1 fv . Tnp-sdav last. The majority on the
lu-ot will" probably reach 1,100, while
J "of the candidates on the county tic-
j-j nr more, we give sucn oi toe re
"'1 r.n the nrincipal officers voted for &s
reached us up to Wednesday af tei noon,
. fibular t" wtcnieufc oi wunu wo are ln-
.,j to Geo. W. Oatman, Esq
i vheny Supreme Judge Sharswood,
tviiliaii-.a R. 21. Assemblv Lin-
1.5? , ' " r
. n 175; Singleton, R, 21. Sheriff
't D 17G; Rjcknian,R, 21. Treasurer
' 'n' 17C ; McDermitt. R, 21. Com.
EUv, D, 176 ; Flanagan, R, 21. Jury
" li;ick 174 : Cooper, R, 22. P U Dir
Tai, f, 1" 3 ; Ogden 24. Auditors
:-i D. 170. Shaffer, D. 17G : Van Scoy
5 1. Buxton, R, 21. Coroner Ilar-
P ITS : fctinernau, K, "1.
"vkiick oiiarswood 4&. wunams o4 ;
Va 45, Singleton 63 ; Blair 62, Ryck-
,40; Cox 63, McDermitt 4a.
jlria onarsivoou rtiiuams no
- n 42, Singleton, 148 ; Clair 87, Ryck
-104; Cox 42. McDermitt 146; Ken
: 2, Flanagan 140 ; Thomas 70, O-dea
r..?.bria Dor Sharswood 1.3, Williams
!; Liutou 173, Singleton 14; blair 1C3
's:r.n 20; Cox. 173, McDermitt.. 14
k!v 172. Flanasau 14; lhomas 162
... v . -
iVm!i Sharswood 2G3. Williams 24
;rU 0-
n -C3, 8ingltoii 24 ; Bl-iir 2C3. Ryck
,n 23: Cox 203, JlcJ ermi!t 24 ; Kennedy
-i.-r'iiiM.V-"1 2:5 ; '2o0, O'lcn 24
' 'arroJiU'wn feliarswitMi 16, Yi)am (j
.t,m 75, Sa:sleton G ; Biair 73, Rckman
LVx 7u, McDermitt 6 ; Kennedy 76,
.Tin C ; Thomas 75, OJen C. .
Liit Springs "Iior Jsharswood 30, Wil
zt 22.
'oarfield Sharswood 203, Willians 19.
Ctraeraaugh Sharbwood C3, WillianiS &!;
iir C4, Ryckmin 91.
Coneniaugh Bor l&t Ward Sharswood
Williams 8G. 2d Ward Sharswood
i Williaais 32.
Ebiiisburg East Ward Sharswood IS,
V,!lam.s 82 : Linton 18, Siugleton 82 ; Blair
:,;u 63 ; 0'X 18, McDermitt, 82;
faDedy 13, FlaDa.a.-y 82 ; Thomas 29,
pi 71. West Vvardi;harsvuod 71,
miwns 41).
Gallitziu Sbarsvvd 112. Wlliiams 42.
LtvD 64, S!'ipleton 08 ; IV. air 69. '--chman
Cox 51. JIcDoruutt C9; Kennedy 54,
nkgai 00; Thomas 54. 0JoiC3.,.
jJoiu-5Uvi 1st W Sharswood 40, Wil-
uu-n vvr Cha,w,n.l 40. Williams
i! ; 81 V SharswcKxl S9, Williams 66 ;
i V.' Sliarswood 63, Williams 85 ; 5th
'Sharswood 71, William 135.
Loretto Sharswcxxl 41, Williams 7; Lin
ju 40, Singleton 7 ; Blair 3S, Ryckman 6 ;
-.1 18, McDermitt 7 ; Kennedy 38, Fiana
m 8 ; Thomas 34, Ogden 9.
Jlil'.ville Bor Sharswoo-l 91 , Williams
47; Liiiton 99, Singleton 144; Blair 94,
..kman 136 : Cjx 99, McDermitt 142 ; 99, Flanagan 141; Thomas 97,
Wen 139.
Minister Sharswood 95, Williams 10 ;
iton S3, Singleton 10; Blair 82, Iiyck
ml8; Cox 81. McDermitt 19; Kennedy
), Flanagan 19 ; Thomas 79, Ogden 21.
Trospect Bor--Sharswood 32. Williams 13
Pamraltville Bar Sharswood 20, Wil
ies 10. The balance of the ticket have
19 MC1C VOtO.
Eidiland Sharswood 121, Williams 189.
5'quoLanna Sharswood 80, Williams
LiaJi 83- Singleton 7 ; Blair 89, Ryck-
-a 3- Ct 81, McDermitt 6 ; Kennedy
ilait:igMi v t AllouJiis ogoen o.
SuunterLMl '?arswood 90, Williams 39;
Vm s2, SiaietOi? S7 BIair 92' K3'ck"
Taylor SharswooJ 75, Iiam,s.1.14.4-
Washington Sharswood
!; Lirtoa ISO. Sngleton 26 "',a.irJ
vckmaa 40; Coz 160, IXcDe..'11 "V
WjeAy 179, Flanagan 22; TLonW? l7
Uioa 41.
Wlliaoro Bor Sharswood 27. WilUan
Jo 8S.
White Sharswood 54, Williams 56,
Voder Sharswood 33, Will lama 84.
Wr in ma Woods. An old man named
a Buzzard, about eighty years of age,
bo has been an inmate of the County Poor
cse for some time past, left the home of
.... .
tiieco, whom he was visiting, at liarKer'd
', T:ccr Plottviue, fou.quebanna townsh) p,
Tknrsda)- evening last, and up to latest
eounts no trace of his whereabouts bad
jfir- diurnvproii fllr.hon.'m nartics secured
, O I
- woode on Friday and Saturday In search
H:rn. On Sundav the entire male portion
the Inhabitants thereabouts were to go in
iist of him, but we have not thus far
mel the result. The old man was some-
;Ut demented in mind, and it is feared that
has gone estray and perished in tho woods.
.Cokceut To-Niohi. Our youn
the l'-cetboven troupe, an amatc
ateur band
ocuiuta, who regaled our citizens on Sat
. y veing last, intend giving another
erta'mtnent in tho Court House this cven-
This troUnfi Rino- wIl in chorus, and
pfwetit a choice selection of exquisite songs,
j iA7itnuiLi in M tiiaugc ilx
me this evening. They "done" Carroll
n' St. Augustine and Loretto this week,
tv '.crc very successful. Let them meet
"a like encouragement here.
JT'clks useful as well as ornamental are
prised in the fine stock of clocks, watch-
jewelry, notions, etc., now to be found
. P'-'ater profusion than ever at the cheap
pporiurn of a T. Roberts, on Main street.
Lt is tho place lo buy the right goods at
rlht prices.
aAcoo and Seoaus. If you "chews"
moke, kind reader, you cannot find a
h artmeat of soga'rs and tobacco anv-
r2 r at J" M ThomP3on's. on High
i y tim keeps everything worth keep-
, rtr,ck of th9 wecd is particularly
G rand J ueilee ! Old Portage Rail Road
Reunion!! Tuesday, the first of October,
instant, was a gala day at Summitville. It
had teen announced that a social meeting of
lormer otucers and employees on the
f 11, I . ln I 3 1 1 1 , . ,.,.
Mansion House, and preparations had been
made to accommodate a largo number of
guests. But the assemblage, in point of
numbers, exceeded the most sanguine ex
pectations. From every point of the com
pass the participants flowed in, and Sum
mitville, before the dinner hour, was alive
with the assembled multitude.
The happiest feeling pervaded the assem
blage. The old and the young the brave
and the fair all mingled congratulations,
and renewed long severed friendships. Ma
ny wno had been co-laborers on the road.
but who had not met for many years, had
the pleasure of a hearty shake of the hand,
while they mutually recounted old incidents
of tha road.
When the dinner hour arrived, the cuests
eat down to a table, furnished in Mr. Eif
fel's best style, groaning with all the delica
cies of the season the ladies, of whom there
were a large number present, the wives and
daughters of the employees, occupying the
first table.
Dinner over, the younger portion of the
party repaired to tho ball room and contin
ued to trip It on the "light fantastic toe,"
while the more aged and sedate amused
themselves in friendly discourse and recount
ing anecdotes of the early history of the
road some few, indeed) renewing their old
acquaintanship over a convivial glass, until
night closed in.
But darkness had no terrors for the lively
congregation assembled at the "Mansion
uouse." x ue music continued, mere was
no flagging in the "mazy dance," no lull in
the enjoyment of the occasion
About ten oclock matters took a more
lormai snapc, wnen it. Li. donnston was
called upon for a speech. Before commenc
ing hi3 remarks Mr. J. read the followin;
letter from Gov. Geary :
Executive Chamber. )
ilAlmisBURG, Fa., Sept 30, 18G7.
W. K. Tipes, James Smith, A. M'Coy,
and others, Committee, Summit, Cambria Co,
Gentlemen : It would afford me great pleas
uro to be with you to-morrow evening, to
take bv the hand so many of the old em
ployees dn the Portago Railroad, but the re
cent death of a near relative demands that I
should decline
Please exprebs to yonr companions at the
re union, my appreciation of their kindness
in extending the invitation, and say to them
. that although unable to be with them in
person I shall be in spirit. Wishing you
one and all, all the enjoyment that you could
dtfiire upon such an occasion, I am
Respectfully yours, Jko. W. Geary.
lie next, at the request of the Committee
rrad the following poem prepared for the
Long time ago, when we were yocng,
We think in twenty-nine'.
Or maybe thirty was the year.
Our project wa3 designed.
To build a railroad across the hills
As a connecting link,
And join canals, both East and West,
Was the design, we think.
The largest wisdom of the State
Was all collected hither,
To give their views and throw their weight
All in the scale together,
un;l starf the work as best they could, " - -'
To push with miht and main; -
And build a road of forty miles,
Iiiclulic inclined planes. . ,
Canal Commissioners, we think,
Same time had been appointed :
James Clark, of Indiana town.
Was President annointed.
Sylvester Wclb, a man of worthy
Possessed of education,
Was deputised to run the line
And find the best location-
He organized a noble band
Of able engineers,
AiuFsent them out to run the lino
Along with overseers.
Commencing dovrn nt Couemaugh,
They climbed the highest hills,
Then down the gap to Gaypport,
Below M'Cahan's Mills.
Commencing work in early Spring,
As some do well remember,
They pushed it through with all their might.
And finished In November.
Then soon the work was parceled but,
As some considered fair,
While half the nations on the globe
Were represented there. At Vie Letting."
The work went on with lightning speed
For 3'cars two, three or more,
When finally it was opened wide
In the Spring of thirty-four.
As transportation spread itself
And moved along tho planes,
Some towns and villages sprang up
Whose traces still remain.
The Summitj one among the rest,
Had flourished in its day :
j place of pleasure and resort,
Wbore strangers loved to sUy
Designfov-' uen and demagogues,
w'hosehe.-'-rts were set on plunder,
Concocted plaus o tear ik UP
And reud it au1 asunder.
It was a very pleasant place,
I i Where strangers love J 0 r(
And where many an honcs
f wnrkirnTTnan
Had bought himself a home
But now. alas, there's little left
Of former greatness there;
It has passed away, and may be classed
Among the things that were.
The road has also had its day
And served iti generation,
And nothing now but lightning speed
Will suit this Yankee nation.
Whatever may have been Its faults,
And some we know there were.
It educated many men
For usefulness tl.-e where.
A chaDge of base was soon proposed
By thoso who held the reins
To build a road around the hills,
Avoiding inclined planes.
Contractors all, both great and small
From snowy white to sooty,
Assembled here to get the spoils
And pocket all the booty.
Then a corporation stout and strong
Came at us in the rear,
It gobbled up our property
And left us nothing here.
One thing we had almost forgot
While speaking of location.
It is of a hunter cute and sharp,
His name was Adam3-ation.
lie settled here in early life,
Midst young creation's bloom ;
He shared his cot with honor bright,
And still had lots of room;
One day as he was in a glee,
While in the woods a straying,
le blundered on the engineers
As they wore out surveying.
Ah hooh ! by dam," he Fays to Welsh,
'Here comes Neaso Adams ation ;
1 want you to bring your railroad here,
Close to my coal-bank-ation.
"And if you do you'll save yourself
oome cxooKea litigation ;
But if vou don't, inst tnfc it ci;
lo h 1 or through damnation. "
But enough of this, we'll droo tho theme.
A 1
ab we nave too long tarried ;
We'll write no more in verse or prose
Till somo of you get married.
Pittsburgh, Sept. 27, 1807. J. R. B.
Mr. Johnston then proceeded to mako a
ew remarks commemorative of the "good
old times," and closed by complimenting the
temaio portion ot tne audience, and this part
of the ceremonies concluded with three rous
ing cheers for the occasion and a unanimous
resolution to "do it again" next year.
lhe dancing was resumed and continued
for some time, when it was ascertained that
A. Kopelin, Esq., had. arrived, when he was
called upon and responded with hi8 usual
force and eloquence. Meantime supper was
waiting, and all partook of a sumptuous
feast. After supper dancing was resumed.
and the party did not fully break up until
the small hours of morning.
Mr. David Humphrey, Mr. James Smith.
and others, who had principal charge of the
arrangements, exerted themselves during the
whole day and evening to secure the com
fort of every guest, and they succeeded ad
mirably. Upon the whole, dnnng many years, we
have not, at any public entertainment, ex
perienced the same enjoyment, and when
another anniversary brings around a like re
union, "may we bo there to 6ee." y
Mr. Andrew Decker, of Oneida township,
Huntingdon county, raised a stalk of buck
wheat this season which yielded the euor
mou3 number of 3.0S1 perfect grains.
John Brown, the negro who attempted to
outrage Miss Nora Filler, of Bedford, was
arretted Jn Snake Spring township, that
county, on Tuesday eight of last week.
An examination of teachers fur the pub
lic schools of this borough teok place cn
vesterdav alterncon. Wo did not learn the
names of the teachers selected. Schools
will open on Monday next.
A vounc man named Cain, a citizen of
Huntingdon county, was killod on the Sandy
Ridge siding of the Tyrone & Clearfield Rail
road, oa Monday, the. 23d ult., by being run
over by a freight train.
A few days ago, C- A. Jobr-scn, of Wil
liamsburg, Blair county, while standing in
Wood berry township, shot an eagle off a
tree in Catharine township. The bird meas
ured six feet and ono inch from tip to tip of
Nicholas Vaudevinder was tried in the
Indiana County Court, week before last, for
tho murder of his son-in-law, and acquitted
on the ground of insanity. The jury was
out twenty-six hours before it decided on its
On Friday week, William McHcnry was
killed in tho coal bank of J. Nnttal, naar
Osceola, Clearfield county, by a slip in the
coal. He lived about thirty minutes after
the accident. He leaves a widow and five
A match game of base ball between the
Elm Club of Loretto and'the Pastime Gub
of Summitviile, was played on "the grounds
of the former, on Saturday week. The Elm
boys came out victorious, the result being :
Elm 77 ; Pastime 69. We have found it
Inconvenient to publish the score jn full.
A.woman named Maria Berryman, about
40 r 45 years of age, who died recently in
the Mifflin county poor house, U said to have
confessed, on her dying bed, the murder by
poison of her illegitimate offspring a little
girl three years old. She premised other
revt-lattona, but lxl before oh made them.
No less than four citizens of Centre coun
ty have died very suddenly within tho last
two or three weeks. Two of them fell dead,
one while at woik and the other while walk
ing along the read, and the other two only
lived a short time one indeed only a few
in the midst of life we arc in death.
jjr. o. LurisT.y nau tne miaioriuno 10
fall from the high steps leading to the porch
of the Mansion House, Summit, on Tueida3
of last week, and sustained contusions of
such a character as to render him uncon
scious for a day or two after the accident
during which time his life was despaired of.
He is now, however, slowly recovering, and
will eoon be himself again.
An insane Frenchman, whose narno was
ascertained to have been Founder, jumped
through the window cf a passenger car on
the Pennsylvania railroad, while the train
ww in rapid motion, on Saturday week, and
received internal injuries of such a nature
that it was not expected lie could recover,
ne was left in charge of tho railroad agent
at Mifflin, being at the time in an uncon
scious condition.
The new Catholic Academy building in
Ilollidaysburg has almost reached comple
tion, and it is announced as the intention of
tho ydUng ladies of the congregation to hold
a grand festival in it at an early day, the
proceeds to be devoted to the payment of
the debt which has accrued from its:erection.
The edifice is an imposing and handsome
structure, and the festival is in the proper
hands to make it enjoyable and successful.
Tho last Huntingdon Journal, in appeal
ing to its Radical friends to vote the whole
ticket, asked whether the rebels should be
permitted to come back and rule tho North
with an iron rod, as it did before tho war.
We judge from the inklings that have al
ready reached us as to tho result ou Tuesday
last, that tho people prefer a rod of iron to
a red of steal we might say whole acres of
steal under which they have labored and
groaned for the last seven years. We doubt
not the rod of iron has entered the soul of
tho Journal man since the election, and that
ihfra is a terrible Nash-ing of teeth in that
locality, About this time.
Winter is coming on apace, and every
body should be properly clothed to resist its
chilling influence. Ladies and gentlemen
will find just what they need for this pur
pose at V. S. Barker's store on Main street,
as cheap and good as is offered by any deal
er in this section.
The election is over tho men with the
most votes have won the day and the best
thing for us all to do is to settle down to tho
routine affairs of life, and buy all we need
in tho dry goods and grocery line at the
cheap cash store of Mills & Davis, on Main
Pay Up. Mr. Hugh A. M'Coy desires us
to sty to all persons indebted to him for
harness, saddles, or work of any kind, that
he is much in need of money at the present
time, And hopes that they will call and sot
tie their accounts without delay.
The air is full of rumors, election news is
rife; but despite the great commotion, (on
thi? you bet your life,) still will come the
tidings tidings true, as 'twill be found
.4i Shoemaker's great emporium aro tho
cheapest goods in town.
From Vie Scholastic Year.
Death of a Graduate cf Kotre Dam3.
All the many friends of Augustixe E.
Tammaky, and especially his old college
friends, were profoundly grieved to hear that
he had met with a premature death. Ilo
was a young man cf robust constitution,
and of more than ordinary grade cf talent.
His genial manners, Lis usually strict ob
servance of college regulations, and his high
order of intellect, endeared him to the Stu
dents, ODicers and Professors of the Institu
tion. The following extract from a letter receive
by one of the students, was tho firs.t au
nouncement we had of hi3 death ; since
then we learn that his death was caused by
an accident on the JNorthern Ueutral Rail
road :
Ebessdurg, Ta., Sept. 18th.
Mrs. F. Shoemaker received a dispatch ?
last mgnt, onucmg tne sau news ot the ,;B
1pAtl, lf o-r Virrl Anc - nrxrr m .1 n tf TT.i. i
died very suddenly, in Elifcira, N. Y. He f,p
went there on a visit. I suppose the news
will surprise you; for it is too true to be
doubted. I have not heard the particulars
yet. Mrs. Shoemaker left for Elmira this
morning. It is supposed that he died of
cholera, as it is raging in that place."
ps re-
On Tuesday, the 24th inst., the Philbdcm-
ic Society, of which Mr. Tammany wa3 an
emcient member, passed the following reso'
lution :
Hesrilced, Th3t we, the members of the
rhilodemic Society, unanimously express
our regret for Mr. A. E. Tammany, formerly
a member of our Society, who was killed
recently near Elmira, New York, on the
Northern Central Railroad. We heartily
sympathize with'rribers of his fami"
in their bereavement, fctill we hc-pe tf;
they, with ourselves, will be to some degree
consoled by the belief that he is now enj.iy
ing in Heaven the reward of a well spent
life. Yet we cannot but ask all who may
read this, to join us in solemn prayer for the
soul of the departed one. May he rest in
Papers please copy.'
Rev. A. LKMOXXIER. Prest.
M. J. IIohgan, Cor. Scc'y.
Cn Wednesday, tlje 26th in?t.. the holjr
sacrifice of the Mass was offered by Rev.
Father Granger, Prefect of Religion, for the
repose of his soul. All the t-tu Jeuts of the
college were present. Rev. Father Uallinan
addressed tho students. He alluded to the
unprecedented popularity of Mr. Tammany
with the students of the past year, his geni
al qualities of heart and mind, nn l the glot.c
and bereavement his death mut causso- ino
the home e.f his loving sisters, lie also al
luded to the brilliant career that seemed
naturally open tJ the young gentleman's
talents, his determination to succeed in the
cgal profession; and how his many friends
looked anxiously to his future success ; anei
yet bow prematurely all these bright hopes
were blighted.
After these remarks he reminded the stu
dents of the salutary lesson Mr. Tammany's
eleatli teaches all mat death cornea like a
thief in the night, when we least expect it,
and not infrequently when we are least
prepared ! . .
On the same day a meeting of the students
f 18GG-7 was htkl in one of the college hulls,
Rev. Father Uallinan presiding. The fol
lowing resolutions were unanimously adopt
ed r
Ulureas, By a sad and fatal accident,
our late friend and dearly beloved fellow-
student, A. E. Tammany, of Lock Haven,
Pennsylvania, has been stricken elown by
Jjho itl destroyer death ;
Hcsdvcd, Yc can Lordly find words to
express our deep sorrow and regret at this
mourmul event, which has deprived us of
so valued a friend.
Resolved, Wc extend our heartfelt sym
pathy and condolence to tho pfllicted and
bereaved friends of the deceased, knowinir
that their loss is irreparable, but hoping they
may ue comiortea by the loud asuranre
that he has departed this lift for a far better
and happier ouu.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions
be forwarded to tho family of the deceased,
nd that the-y be published in tho following
ournals, viz : Chicago Times, The Scholastic
Year, Notre Dame, Indiana, E'ocnsbunj
Democrat, Lbcnsuurg, Pennsylvania,
Lock Haven, Pennsylvania.
Committee James Cunnea, John Fitzhar-
ns, W. T. John.ion, J. C. Keveny. James
M'Cride, Robert Snort, James Watts, Na
than Wood.
Jonxsxowu, Oct. 7, J867.
Dear Freeman The melancholy
the saddest ot the year,' are with us, and
.1 : - . z , ,i ,
uvcttyiug uitturo is ooservaoie wherever we
turn our eyes, ino leaves have turned to
russet brown, and the sighiug winds seem
to be play mg thorn a sad requiem as they
noiseiessiy arop to the ground. The hus
r. ti i ... .
oanuman, alter au his toil and anxiety.
watch and care, now reaps the fruits of
his industry, and only God's poor dread
tho coming of the cold, biting blasts of which
i i t. .
iue n.eeij, uracicg ivreezes ot Autumn give
us a foretaste. Typical of tho instability of
iue is tne ruin ana decay around us, and all
inanimate nature seems wliisnrino- "niccm a
away, passing away." Will for ua whotake
to heart the lesson thus brought so forcibly
a : i - -. ., .
to our ujiuus, meuuaiing upon the change
which has occurred within the past few
weeks. hat were ttst while- green trees
will, ere many days, be leafless spectres, and
beautiful flowers, like pleasant memories of
the past, wid have hided into indistinct rec
collections. So mote it be.
A lempcrance meeting was eld cn the
I ublic Square, in this place. la-t week, and
was largely attended by a quantity of ladies
aud a number of gentlemen. . As the. ladies
are strongly appealed to in gatherings of this
kind, they of course turn out lively, aud the
appeals made to them to save fathers, big
brothers and "lovytrs," is heartrending in
the extreme, and great inducement for thorn
to lend their reliable assistance ia punching
iue eyes put oi tne 'destroying element."
"Maidens, like moths, are ever caught by
And Mammon wins Lis way where seraphs
mignt aespair,"
and as it is epidemical just now the girls
have a perfect light to be on it as Jong as
tne excitement lasts, liev. Liemcn.ot Arm
strong county, was the speaker on this oc
casion, and interspersed his numerous anec
dotes with some very sensible remarks
The examination for the public schools
here was held last week, aud the school term
commences to-day. . S. B. M Cormick, Esq
conducted the examination, havirjg been ap
pointed temporarily to the position of Couu
A man named John Hitchings, had one
of his legs broken and was otherwise badly
crushed ia one of the Company's mines, to
day, in consequence of a portion of the roof
caving in upon him.
Mr. T. J. Chapman received his cotnmis
sion on Saturday, tp fill the unexpired term
of Mr. Coaaon as County Superintendent.
ir,rj .Baj.-
Kead new advcrtLicrucntc.
OCTOBER 17, 186
During the night the sea rouahene
, . . . . .
biuu a violent storm having arise!
vessel was in peril. O Gunnel ha
on deck nd watched the sailors lo
the mainsail, when the lightning fl
rividly and he saw among them O'i
himself, who flunc a letter sealed
black at his feet, and was instantly sh
;e oc-
ea rn darkness. It is impossible
f his
sciioe the anguish which the unl
man experienced at this sight. II
that it was all over with him. Ilenc
not a hope remained ; his heart j
with grief and despair. When lie re
the residence of his relative, so i
was he changed they could hardly i
nize him. A livid palor oversprea
rr bc-
wuincimuvt;. a ounung lever cons
him. Instead of the gay companioi
joyous guest whom they once knew.
found a man prematurely old. sad.
rose ; seldom speaking, and never sm
at a
His relative, pained as much as
ished at this transformation, only
tioned CGunnel ; but he always ei
a reply, and many weeks passed befo
i re
ihair sud-art-tlin,
bad made the slightest disclosure.
At length one day, while promeni
together along the canal which trav
the Ileeren-Gratt, one of the prin
streets in Amsterdam, the merchant t
him more earnestly than usual to r
the cause of his condition. O'Gu
LANDIS. In Johnstown, on Sunday
ast, Annie, E., infant daughter cf John and
Henrietta Landis.
(PAUTION Jly wife, Cather-
INE, having left my bed and board with
out jus-t cause or provocation, this is to cau
tion all persons against harboring'or trusting
her on my account, as i am determined to
pay no debts ef her contracting unless com
pelled to do so by law.
Greenville Tp., Svimerset Co., Oct. 10, 'o7.
t" III'' I Y -. . I n ni I rwil . 1 1 f ( ... I. n T
lotlgers, Trustee of James Murray, an insol
vent, has been fled in the Prothonotary's
Office of Cambria county, and will be pre
sented to the J udges of tho Court of Common
Pleas of paid county for confirmation on the
first Monday of December next.
, GEO. U. lv. ZAUM, rrolh'y.
Trothy's Office, Ebensburg, Oct. 10, 'C7.-4'.
y PlSSULU i LUN Tho partner-
ship heretofore ex'sting between the
undersigned in the manufacture of lumber,
under tho firm name of Behe & Luther, has
this day been dissolved by mutual consent.
Tho books and accounts Lave been lrffc in
the bands of Joseph Ikhe for settlement, on
whom all persons interested are requested to
call. JOSEPH BE I IF..
Susquehanna Tp., Oct. 7, 18o7.-Gt.
XL A rP PPIl'lTl.1 O I T T.- rni .
"a i uhaid oxvijii. j.iio suoseri
bers offer at private sale, on reasonable terms,
the Tortablo Siw Mill located in Susquehan
na township, Cambria county, former! v own
ed and operated by Cole & Barberich. The
-Mill is m good running order. Parties de
siring to bay can call on Fiancis J. Barber
ich or James C. Easly, Carrolltown.
Ujt. 10. 7G7.4t BARBERICH : CO.
A uniTni?'s TcnTTr'T ti.
signed Auditor, appointed by the Or-,
phans Court of Cambria county to report
distribution of the funds in the hands of
George M. Reade, Administrator cf Robert
Davis, dee'd, hereby gives notice that he
will attend to the duties of said appointment
at his office in Ebensburg, on Thvrsday, the
tin cay oj itJvcmocr next, at 'A o'clock p. a.,
when aud where all parties interested must
present their claims, or'be debarred from com
ing in for anv share of said fund.
Oct. 10, 1837.3t.
signed Auditor, appointed bv the Or
phans' Court of Cambria county to report
distribution of tho funds in tho hards of Em
ma Pringlo, Administratrix of John Priugle,
dee'd, hereby gives notice that he will attend
to the duties of said appointment at his office
ia Ebensburg, on Friday, the Ht7i day of No
vember next, at 2 o'clock r. m.,. when and
where nil parties interested must present
their claims, or be debarred from coming in
for any share of said fund.
""Oct. 10, 18G7.-31.
signed Auditor, appointed by the Court
of Common Picas of Cambria county, at
September Term, 1SC7, to distribute the
fund in the hands of Robert A. M'Cov and
George C. K. Zahm, Assignees of John Mc
Coy, as shown by their supplemental and
final account, amongst the creditors, &c
entitled thereto, hereby notifies all persons
interested that he will attend to the duties
cf said appointment, at his office in Ebens
burg on Friday, the 1st day of November,
18G7, at 2 o'clock P. M., when and where
they must present their claims or be debarred
from coming in for a share of said fund.
GEO. W. OATMAN. Auditor.
Ebensburg, Oct. 10, 1807-St.
signed Auditor, appointed by the Or
phans' Court of Cambria county to report
distribution of the assets in the hanels of
William Kit tell, Esq., Trustee to sell Prem
ises No. 2 of the reul estate of Daniel Di
mond, deceased, to and amongst the persons
legally entitled thereto, herebv notifies all
perrons interested that he will attend to the
duties of said appointment, at his office -Ebensburg,
on Friday, the gii ; -
bcr, 18G7, at 2 o'clock - . oj bevem
thsv m'1" - M, nca and where
1 Ebensburg, Oct. 10, 18C7.-"t..'
3 Ml
7? p
u ri a r:
r 1
4 h
5 -
For 'Bargains
m a m
"5 a-x v rt cm
c nrt
Eg rr fi-i
On High.3tree
rrni3 i inrmoli orrAnir i
ttih Mi kiml Miiii
a. iiti'
Standard Dry Goods,
rs. ,s-
1 . V
mmm mm
mm mm i
ip mm
ii rill ' r' T 1 t J I .1 i j F-rJ if- rl V
iIElUFF'S SALES. -"By virtue
e-f sundry writs of Vend a:;'5 J'
Fa., issued out of tho Court of Cynim. .ii
Pleas of C.mibria county and to roe airt-cU i.,
there will le exposed to Public Sale, nt lhe
Court lloueft in Kbensburg, on Suturta,, tne
2ti'h J g if Odder, inst., at I o'cle-ck P.
thj fuftowin- Real Estate, to wit . : Aj tho
.iht. tTtle and interest of Edward M Olae,
ef in a:l to a pieco or parcel vi ""
in' Si-mmerhill township, Cambria toimty,
a-jicin,? Lmdj of Chii.-ti.m Smay, William
M'Conndl, A.:d ethers, containing fc.ur hun-
1 .1 ' . 1 M"i I II
dred acres, more or less, ummprovn
Also, a picco or parcel of laud situate m
S itnmerhill township, Cambria county, ad- lands cf Hughes, r.t.irs ci
John Crum, ami ethers, containing three
hundred acres. mOiu or less, about os.e hun
dred aud twenty ncrts of which are elcarow,
having thereon erected a two story Log
Uou.-eaud a nne-and a-half ftory Ig Hoiibe
and Frame Barn, now iu the occupancy of
the slid Edward M'Glade.
Also, a piece or parcel of land situate in
Washington township, Cambria county, ad
joining lands of Win. Russell, Joseph Mc
Gough, and others, containing two hundred
acres, move or lets, about twenty acres of
which are cleared, having thereon erected a
two story Plank House. Frame .Stable and
water Saw Mill, now in the occupancy of
Peter McGough.
Taken in execution and to be sold at tho
suit of Henry Logan.
All the light, title and interest of Edward
McGlade, of, in and to a piece or parcel of
land situate in Sunmierhill township. Cam
bria county, adjoining lands of William R.
Hughes, Wm. K. Carr, and others, contain
ing four hundred r.nd fuity-one acres, lnoie
or lf.-s, unimproved.
Taken in execution and to be Bedd at the
suit of Henry Foster.
n.ff's Office, Ebcn.urg, Oct. 10r187.3t
By virtue of an order of the Orphans
Court eif the County of Cambria, there will
be exposed to sale, at the Hotel of Francis
P. Grossberger, in the Borough of Carroll
town, on Saturday, Vie ICth daycf Kvttmber
next, at 2 o'clock r. the following rial
estate, of which Peter Wible, late of Carroll
township, died seized, to wit: A CERTAIN
situate in Carroll township, Cambria county,
adj. lining lands of Levi Luther, John W.
Luther, Solomon Durum. Pick, and
others, containing out hundred acres, or
thereabouts, About eighty acres of which are
cleared, having thereon erected a two story
Frame House and a large Frame li irn.
Terms of Sale Oi.e-lhird to be paid on
cocfirrration tf sah?. cue other third in one
year t! .ennttcr, with intciest, to be secured
by the judgment bond and mortgage if the
purchaser, and the other third lo remain a
lien on the premiss, legal interest thereon
lo be paid annually to Elizabeth Wible.
widow of the said Peter Wible, dce'd. from
the date of cnj.firma'ion of fcalo, by the pur
chacrf, his heirs or as.-i.ius, during her lifc
tihie, and the primipal, at her decoa-p, to
ti e heirs arid hgal re-pn-ieatatives (if tl:o
Pe-ter W'ibel
r t tiie
parties ho may
be Irg.Y
Oct. 10, 1807
111 i s.
TaTE. By viitueof an order of the
Court ef Cuiiiriii,n Picas of the C ra.ty of
CambriA, (pursuant to proceeding. in parti
tion.) to u:e directed, 1 will cxpesc to t-.ile.
by public vendue or outcry, at the Hotel t f
Francis P. Grossbergc-r, iu the "Borough of
Carrolltown, on Saturday, the 1C7 day of
November ;icxt, at 2 o'clock i m., the foiierx
ing real estate, of which Chribthsn Wible.
late of Carroll towi.hip. died j-ci.od viz
CEL OF LAND .siti-atc in Carroll tov.i.j.h-j,,
Cambria ci,unty. being part of a larger tract
m the name of Johu Dorse v.
!';.i. ley las cV
of Solomon Dumm. George Trii
He, George!, and ethers, containin
aci.ks, strict measute. or
; 3 -'"l.l 1 J n. It -j.-
, v r- t . ......
oic acre of which ia elcare
having thereon
erected a or e and-a-hal
story Plank Ib-use ;
being tlic same piece cf Ian
convoyed! unto
Peter "Wible. dec'J, bv U
tury liuck ar,1
wne, by their de
June, 1854, and
convevevl. by artu
tian Wible. "d.ited
u i:
es v
.1 th
hi day of
t!e said Piter WiLh.
f agreement, to Chri.H-
1th June, if02, re
corded in
Book, vol
e coUinV cl l.aiiibr:a. m I. '.- r.?
1, pipe 21. Terms Cat.h.
Oct. 10. 1837.-3t.
.1 4WIof Vel;Zr2"t- iutd out cf
iue eoure oi umiiiHiii i leas of Cambria eo
y. anu to me uireeied, there vill
ic exposed
i'J i. iio.ic o.oo. at i leiAit'rt -r.-.,. ...
,.. 111. C I- -il t .
burg, on Saturday, Vie 19V. dCy of October
AU the right, title :ind interest cf R M
Lemon, of, in and to a. pic.fe or parrel of lan-i
"l"a ! " V nr townshh). Cambria
'uu", .iv:j"iiiiii umas eil
M T A 1 ..
. . . , . auii otners. con-
aimng three huudred and fifty acres, hum
or less, havmg theroon a good roa, .
lateral railroad and oth cr improvements. '
iakrn m executioD at,j .'v.,,,,,.,.
suit of the Blair
JIES MYERS. Sheriff.
ijEbexsbiirg, Oct. 3. 1&C7.
t , ,IfvUC'lof. "stratioa on tho E
tate of A Bui K, Jate ct Washington town
ship, ouc'd, h-.ving been granted to tl, -dersigned
by thc Reghstcr of Cambria county
ad persons t.aving claims against said estate
are rcqu .ste,i to prCei:t t;ltvil ri.crerlv ail
tneaii'a.ed for settlement, and t i-.j..
1 1 -. , . -
same will make payment without
.ay. ED W A R D A. BURK. Adm'r
Washington twp.,Sept. 19, 1867-Ct.
."4"5" Having been appointed bv tbelW,
ister 01 bamDru connty Administrator
icstamcnto anntxo of George ScvdeT, late 1
Carroll township, dee'd the "tindercine.
hereby notifies ail persone indebted toaid
ueceoent to make settlement without delay
and those having claims against the fcame
will present them properly probated for pay
Sept. 5, 18G7.-Ct.
Q AUTION-A1I porns are Lcre-
tioned against inteiferinar in any way
SJJfr J SherLT's fa!e. on the
-Sth u.t., of the gooils and chattels of TW
Kaylor. as I have left ;he same iu th r.
session tt the s.vv ailt)mM Kwvk.r
mpleasu. HENRY C. KAYLOR.
Tftto, Oct, 3, lcG.72t.
scriber offers fer sale his STEAM SAW
MILL, known as "Cambria MiU." two and
a half miles north of GalHty.'n. Cambria co.
The Mill is in perfect woiking order, and
wul to sold on reasonable terms. Ann'i
P'.V Oil
the premises to JEUOME DAWSON
li 7
i f
1 '
1' 1
l -
i I
. V;
1 .
! '
1 X
m. (