The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, October 10, 1867, Image 2

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'Itirksda, : : : Oct. 1G, 18G7.
'!. ArOi OGT. The election haB demanded
'so ranch of our time an J energies that vc
.have found it imposiiblo to do full justice
, to ihe present issue' of our paper. We
Med, however, that the gl'Ul tidings which
ho IVceman conveys to R3 rollers this
week will make ample amcn for U.l
shortcomings in other respects.
TJiKe Algiers ami U3iic2t ESur
lcl In Use
As we go to press the returns arc mea
gre and unsatisfactory, but enough has
Ixjon received to enable us to assure our
reader?, ;hat we have achieved a glorious
f victory. iSharswood is triumphantly tlect-
?j ed by a handsome majority, and doubtless
' r ; n Democratic Legislature baa been chosen,
t 1 Not withstanding the fallinjr: off in the
I ' vote, the Democratic counties nobly eus
X ' tained themselves, holding the voto of last
1 ! year Cambria, Clarion, Clearfield, Mon
I : i r roe, and several olhers, even increasing it.
j Many radical counties Franklin, Wash
f ! ington, Jiitrl-rson, and others have gone
i ' Democratic, while in the strong radical
. h counties there has been an immense, fall-
i! We arc not disposed in tho hour of
ic(ory to triumph over a fallen foe, but
, wc may and do congratulate our Demo-
craiio fillow-citizens on the auspicious re
fiult. It guarantees to our country n fu
V; luru exiot0l'tc worthy of the glories of her
V,pmt history, Let Democrats, then, iu
''fitead of vain -boasting, return devout
( V thanks to that good Iking who holds the
; destiny of r.ntions in tho hollow of his
jJi hand, and through whose blessiu" end th
, luntehigcncc ot a conservative people, our
glorious old Commonwealth has been
. "itEDrMKJ), KiXJIISmcATtiD and UISLN-
jj The following telegraphic despatch was
. 'j brought from Cressun by last night's train .
jj l'mi-AMM-iiiA, Oct. 9, 18G7.
y' Collins, The State -one
bce.tam lor ShWsv.W.. Democratic f:- kct
g fk-ctcd m this, cit v. Waterloo dtfeut.
J, "W. A. Wallace.
, I .tiii; OHIO u.f.ct:o?.
Tlcro is scarcely a district thus far
' lieurd from in Ohio in which there is not
j more or less of a Democratic gain. Some
changes of this kind are of tho most re
Uwknblo character, and phuuly indicate
I ft general uprising of the people against
the corruption and misrule of the party in
i power. It would, perhaps, be expectir-g
j Uto much to hope for tho election of the
j Democratic candidates there, but certain
jtit is that the proposed amendment to the
i ; Stala Constitution giving negroes the ri-dit
; to tote, has met with a most signal de-
j feut, and we can only hope that the party
M-base enou-Ii to nrooose it h-.i cr.. ,i..,
a w I 4 - - - M ii
,1 ,-with its pet project, never again to beres
j - Mtrectcd. God speed the good work.
: The negroes in Huludo resolved on
' j the opening of the fail term cf the public'
f t l schools, to abandon their own free schools
I mal put their children in with the whites.
;' - 'ltl0 teachers told them they were not al
ls to accept them, but it was no avail.
iJie Superintendenf did the fame thing,
. bt still tlicy persisted in serding tlK?ir
. hiidrcn to the white schools. Tho fc'u-
perinti-ndep.t was finally compelled to eject
I tl.e colored children from the schools.
; : At this the parents and a number of seedy
I radicals became exceeding wroth, and
H they now threaten to prosecute that func
' ; tionary under tho Civil Rights law.
f It is Mated that a new and fatal dis-
cae has recently ppjwarrd in ditferent
parts of Montgomery county, Alabama.
j Thus far it has ballled the utmost skill of
' the physicians. It begins with a fever,
- und soon bloody discharges from the blad
, ' - der ensue, which continue until a fatal
V termination within forty-eight hours. Af-
- Ver death the corpse becomes exceedingly
j i. . yellow. AH tho cases thus far have result-
ed fatally. Tho d'eas.', however, seems
? to ha o!ifined to tho country and to tho
whiter., as not a case hs occurred within
. the city.
. . A dispatch from Junction City states
j that thirty thousand head of cattle from
Texas and New JMexico, bound for the
- Eastern market?, arc now at Abelme, on
the Union i'achic llailway, eastern divi
sion, one hummed and sixty-five miles
"from the State line. J' jyers arc reported
-rcarcc. Xhis trade in Mexican cr.ttle to
wards the United States is a ud' J'ung on
this railroad, and tl ie Kiid,I.'nnfi :"ith
i! WlllCl it lias Snrnnrr nr itn cir.1i .
"1 tudo is remarkable.
Ilie Nashville Times hears it reported
that a company of Pennsylvania capital
sets have bought about forty thousand
j v valuable iron Iandj in Hickman
, nd adjoining coumies, and are making
f. preparations to manufacture railroad iron!
, iCSi' cIlflitls ad articles cf hollow ware.
. They have a charter in mncir..,. roll
road to Clarksvillc and Corinth.
Of all the coal produced in the Unit
ed btates. PenMvtvn;..
b, three and three-quarters per cent. IIer
T , v.iausuess ana their product is
I tUJomdly increasing.
McClellan lias engaged his passage
to America for the first week in Novem
ber. The "silver nuisance" of Canada can
hardly be appreciated by the more for
tunate dealers in greenbacks under Uncle
Sam's rule. Silver is refused for any
amounts over legal tender.
A legless irnposter was soliciting alms
on St.JLou'Strec-.s recently. Ilia poverty
was investigated, and he turns out to be cf property in New York city to
the amount cf sixty-five thousand dollars.
It is said the Mexican usurper Juar-
has ordered Generals Corona and Mar-
quez to olonize Mexicans upon the waste
lands west crJ.he Kio Colorado, in order
to forestall settlcme- b7 United States
General Scott's will, just prated,
bqiiiaths all Lis property to his dauhlc".
the wife of Colonel Scott; his Pulaski
sword to the West Point Academy, aud
his sword worn ia ?Iexico to his grandson,
Winfield Scott Iloyt.
I- V. Green, who murdered his
wife in Hartford several ycar3 ago, and
was acquitted on the grounds of insanity,
died at tho private hospital of Dr. Bucil,
in Litchfield, Conn., on Friday. He was
about sixty-four years of age and leaves
an estate of nearly 200,000.
A bhrowd villain in Nashua, 'N. II.,
on Thursday, walked deliberately up to a
store windo.v and broke in a pane of
French glass, and when asked to pay for
it art dehb.rately drew out a 100 bill,
which the storekeeper took, giving him
70 in change. The bill proved to be
A setiou3 acr:i;t occurred on fl,-
1. ennsyivau Northern Central railroad,
at Miliersburg, on Friday morning. Tho
nd down express trains collided, in
juring the locomotive--and scattering the
baggago In- ( very direction. A coored
boy fr.,m Harrisburg was killed. A few
passengers received slight Contusions.
Nicholas Ilyman, of IiuihJo, the nat
ural guardian of Anna Ilymnn, a little
g'nl of twelve years, sues Ellen Hurk, wife
of Win. liurk, for wilfully cutting 01T two
large Mack curls from the said Anna's
ho;-l and converting the same to her own
v.-se. The suit is in the Supreme Court,
and the damages are held at '2,000.
Mr. Martin Gates, of Dimcansville,
13 lair county, Pa , was severely wounded
in the chest during the late war. lie
came home and get well. The other day,
he extracted a large brass button from the
wound. Tho button, which was flattened,
had been driven into his body by the bul
let, aid Lai remained there fully three
A man, su:
pos. d to be a relumed
California!!, committed suicide ou the '221
hy hanging himself to a, tree a few miles
below Detroit. JIc was p.p. entire stran
ger in tho neighborhood, but letters found
upon him indicated Lis name to be Clar
ence lirewster. He also had -Vin
9 pockets and in a belt, nc
all in
A gentleman left New Orleans and
came North" until the fever abated, and
while in New York he purchased a ticket
in the Georgia State Lottery for the bene
fit of the Masonic Orchans Horn,- nr,?
drew the caoital nrize of tliirtv ihmism,!
dollars, on the 2iih of September, ultimo.
Lucky to avoid the fever and get thir ty
thousand dollars by his visit.
A year ao, Dr. Youmans was mH-
cd to attend a man in Ponliac, III. The
mm died, and the doctor ran off with his
widow. There beinr susnicions aflont
the lody was taken up, and it was nscer-
i.i... .
w.neu that tne man had been poisoned
by arsenic. Ever since officers have been
in pursuit of the doctor, and he has been
arresteu at Kewaunee, Vv is.
Near Kock Island, Illinois, recently,
Mrs. Campbell Uarthell was bitten by a
rattlesnake in a field of watermelons. The
whisky cure was immediately tried, quan
tities of the article being administered ;
but this remedy, as well as the skill of
physicians subsequently called, failed to
counteract the poison, and Mrs. Uarthell
died six days after being bitten.
Fires, floods, railroad accidents, crimes
of every grade, and suicides, have peri
odical turns in which they rage, one or
another taking precedence. Just now,
suicides aro prevailing all over the country.
The papers come from all parts laden with
shocking details of self-murder, sometimes
accompanied by the murder of others, and
sometimes without such horrid accompani
ments. A severe storm parsed over Danville,
Pennsylvania, on last Wednesday after
noon. Several houses were unroofed, and
a number of trees blown down. About
seventy feet of the steeple of the Maho
ning Presbyterian Church wa3 broken ofl
by tho wind, the point passing through the
roof into the audience room. The bridge
across the Susquehanna river va3 dam
aged. At tho trial of one McGarrcty, for
an outrage upon the wife of a canal boat
captain, in the Patterson, New Jersey,
courts, a singular scene occurred. The
accused brought forward three friends to
establish his innocence, when each was
successively recognized by the woman as
his companion in guilt, there being four
implicated in the crme, and only McGar
rcty having been previously identified and
An Atlanta newspaper brags lustily
that a large body of troops i3 to be per
manently quartered ia that city, and say3
" it point3 to Atlanta as the great interior
city cf the :vath." This rcmind3 the
MaCPH Td'jroph cf the contest between
two children a3 to the possession cf their
respective parents, when one was com
pletely silenced by tho other, who trium
phantly exclaimed: "Aha! my pa has
got a mortgage on his house, yours hasn't!"
Omaha dispatches state that a party
of railroad thieves, whoso operations have
extended over tho Pacific Kailroad for the
past six months, have been broken up,
and most if not all of them arrested. A
large amount of property was found se
creted in Omaha. It is a!so ascertained
that a large quantity of coods has been
shipped to points in the East during the
Hummer. All the parties impllcatcdhave
beca councctcd with the road.
Mis. Lincoln's Wardrobc.Fur
Ilicr cveIation5.
fFroni the N. Y. World of Saturday.
The exclusive publication in Saturday's
IVurld of Mrs. Lincoln's correspondence
with her agent in this city in regard to
the sale of her wardrobe, has created a
great flutter in circles fashionable as well
as political. Yesterday the rooms of Mr.
Brady, GOO Breadway, were filled nearly
all day by ladies and gentlemen, who
came to look at goods displayed for Eale
under such unfortunate circumstances.
The people could hardly reconcile tho un
impeachable accuracy of the World with
sjch a state ot facts, and hundreds came
on simple missions of inquiry to go away
satisfied that there was more truth than
poetry in the statement. During the day
three United States Senator, whose
names by request wc withold, called
to SCO Mr. Brad V. and rm incf: anr): n
t J I J " - - - .
misi'o.n. A Jarge number of letters from
all parts of tho coriiry hii"G aho been re
ceived by Mr. Brady, aa'J to know the
truth, and making indignrj, fc-esis
against permitting a forced oonsuinmt..'L n
of Mrs. Lincoln's plans.
The sales yesterday did not exceed
150, notwithstanding the large number
of ladies that called. Muuy no doubt
were prompted by curiosity, and after ex
amining the goods to their tatitfuciion,
retired without purchasing. Among those
who called were the wivos a;;d duul.tas
cf several prominent merchants.
As previously announced, if lb r"nfor
part of theiuventory b disp(scd vf
within a few days they will b? put p r.t
auction, Qiirj sold fcr whr.t they will bring.
From the Commercial Advertiser, Oct. 4.
We have never ar r-roached a (!ocs.i?,.t
with hah" the sorrow that this oi,e awa-
t jm .... ....
, , - x ..
10 vinuicate. sine Id.
ia trotect
'Heaven s best gift to man'' is a grateful
duty, whiiv; to even reprove, and much
more to assail a woman, is painful uid it'
without a perfect justification, unmanly.
If the American Congress or the Amer
ican people have failed to moot the p-eeu-niary
expectations of Mr. Liucoln's wid
ow, it is because that persona g.j failed,
during hio life and since his death, to in
spire either with respect or
They should not, therefore bo subjected
to the reproach, or rest under the imputa
tion, of ingratitude. Had Mrs. Lincoln,
while in power, borne herself becomingly,
the suggestion of a Lincoln Fund, by vol
untary cviiUibi'tions, would have been
promptly responded to. The national
heart was warm. It gushed out ia liberal
endowments for Grant and Farragut. It
would as cheerfully have met lhe i-pp-al
in fvor of Mr?. Lincoln if it had not in
tuitively closed and chilled.
In her conversation Mr?, I."-:-ol: L
represented bitterly dono!n?ip.g Secre
tary Seward, for which, of course, there
is no warrant or excuse, for he wrongs
no man, aud much kss is he capable of
injustice, wrong, or even unkindness to
But we happen to know the late Ca
leb B. Smith, then .Secretary of the Inte
rior, being our informant a fact which
incensed Mrs. Lincoln against Mr. Sew
ard. The President gave the Piinee Na
poleon a dinner, for which Mrs. Lincoln
sent to the Secretary of the Interior for
payment of a bill of seme 900. This
uL-iuami, uiou"!j wholly literal, comnv
trotn the 1 "resident's wife
c c ;
embarrassed j
the Secretary, who called upon th: Secre
tary of .State for advice, where he learned
that Mr. Sosvard had also dined the
Prince, having the same number of guesL,
and giving them a duplicate of the dinner
at the White House, In fact, Mr. Sew
ard ordered both dinners from the same
restaurant, and by iiis own bill knew the
cost of each, For what Mr. Seward paid
5300, Mrs. Lincoln demanded 000.
But whether three or nine hundred, the
claim was alike illegal, and could not be
paid. For this, however, Mrs. Lincoln
quarrelled with Secretaries Smith aud
Seward. This amount, however, was
subsequently covered up in a gardener's ac
count, but occasioned scandal ; which re
spect for Mr. Lincoln mcasureably sup
pressed. Though Mr. Lincoln left an estate
which enabled his family to live quite as
comfortably as they had ever lived, Con
gress and the people would have promptly
and cheerfully provided munificently for
them if Mrs, Lincoln herself, with every
advantage that high position gave her, had
made friends or inspired respect. And
this last exhibition proves how instinct
ively right the popular estimate of her
character was.
The fact for which Mrs. Lincoln seeks
large publicity, namely, that she received
presents valued at 24,000, is a pregnant
and suggestive one suggestive, at least,
of offices and contracts, unless the more
charitable construction is reached throuah
tho assumption that theyverc expressions
of regard and frendship. But it is not
known that tho wife of any President,
however estimable, was so loaded with
shawls, laces, furs, diamonds, rings, &c.
Mrs. Lincoln's propensity to sell things
was manifested early, and before any ne
cessity was foreseen. If our information
is reliable, eleven of Mr. Lincoln's new linen
shirts were sold almost lefore the remains,
which were shrouded in the twelfth, had
started for that "lourne from whence no
traveller returns."
Individually, we are obliged to Mrs.
Lincold for an expression of her ill-will.
It is pleasant to remember that wc were
always out of favor in that quarter, And
it is equally pleasant to remember that wc
possCed fLe friendship and confidence of
Mr. Lincoln to the last L'jur of his life,
without paying court, as others did, to
Mrs. Lincoln, and in spite of her constant
efforts to disturb our relations.
ants ruortityiajr revelation will eo
abroad, and as is natural, the press of
Europe win mane ine most 01 u, in cicp-
1 . -11 ii - r . 1 i
recaling the ingratitude of our government
and the want of liberality in the Ameri
can people. This consideration alone con-
strains us to discharge the unpleasant duty
of showing that neither the government
nor the people are justly obnoxious to these
Mrs. Lincoln, it is baid, authorized tb.3
publication of her letters to her broker for
the purpose of stimulating the sale of her
property. In New York she registered
herself as Mrs, Clarke and also a3 Mrs.
Morris. She is accompanied by her son
and servant. Appeals have been made in
her behalf to several Kepublican office
holders who are partly indebted to her for
their position, but without success, and
she lias been obliged to borrow money of
her broker. The following letter is of
interest :
Chicago, Sept. 14, 'C7.
W. II. Bkady, Esq:
M Daxr Sir Pieaso call and see Hon.
Abram Wakcman. He was largely in
debted to me for obtaining the lucrative
office which he has held for several years,
and from which he has amassed a very
large fortune. He will assist mo in my
painful and humiiialmg'eituation, scarcely
removed from want, lie would scarcely
hesifate fo return in a small manner tho
many favors my ImsV.nJ and myself al-
A?.y suowcrcd upon him. Mr. Waku
U3Un many times cveited mv svmnnifilps
1 j -"-.
n m j;cui. :rjpeais ior.omce, as-well tor
himsou'aa C'hcrs. Therefore he will only
be too happy to relieve me by purchasing
or.o or more of the articles you will please
place before him. Very truly,
Mns. A. Lincoln,
U-t Wakcman, it Ls said, lias not yet
bvCn heard frvtn.
IIorfclRLE. .1 You no Lathi Ab Juried
and ' ?
Huvisier Skinned Alice. Three or
four days have elapsed since the dark and
horrible transaction narrated below tran
spired, at or near Jj'iewvlHng's X Boads,
Mississippi. A young lady of the highest
respectability and most amiable character
wu3 orucL-eiir?-' to si ni.rilsir l-.on.
i v'-t're a Pariy 10 which she had been in-
..r..i . i .1
. .Z. -i - ' - - v 5
was rriven. when the was overtaken
by a r.egro man and forcibly drawn from
t'ae hi-h road into the wood., her cries
sliced by a clofh of some sort pressed over
her mouth. Taken to a secluded and des
olate pot, bhe wjis tied by the negro, and
there detained for a week, while the black
scoundrel effected his vile purpose, without
the miserable victim being able to offer the
slightest resistance.
Two men, who were ouf hunting, unex
pectedly came upon her, Fii'i tightly bound
and atone. Her captor had left her at the
moment either to procure food or pursue
sosi.e other purpose. Learning from the
wretched girl the circumstance of the
atrocity practiced upon her, lh?y concealed
thcmc!ve3 until he fekould return. Nor
Lnd thi-y long to wait and, upon his
eomir.g they at oaco seized and secured
him. Bolieving that the victim should sentence upon him, they await
ed !kt decree. It was to flav him a'ivn.
i Taoy at once proceeded with their hunting
j knives to relieve him of his epidermis.
I Tl.e forfcl resounded with his cries and
' impiecau-jns as they stripped the skin from
I the soles cf his. feet to hia bjrly. By the
time they had progressea to his waut, ho
could stand no more, but completely ex
hausted, yielded up, the ghost the "mon
ster dying a horrible death. The girl was
conveyed to her home, where everything
wits done lo relieve her suffering, but she
died the next day in great anguish.
?.lcijj7iis (7 !;iJ.) Avalaachs.
The colored radicals in Louisiana,
it teems, ia many cases, decline to o-o i.-
' J C
tno pohs aud vote, because they were not
to get pay. They understood when reg
istering their names, that they were to
have land or something else given them,
but o.n ascertaining that such was not the
fact, they treated the election with the
utmost indifference. Thoy thought that
which the "elective franchise" promised
them, was something to eat, and many
took baskets with them to get it in when
they had voted, and many refused to vote
until they had it in their basket safe and
shure. Theso are the radical sovereigns 1
fiLisEi) HAS
xAf . YlVFnFFfiRIF
.1 c?
1 v
Renews the nutritive matter which nonriah
CB the hair.
Renews the brash, wiry Lair to silken eoftnoss.
X3c-ac:fEful 52 a Is- EJressIng.
Oao bottle shows its effects.
R. P. II ALL & CO., Xwhua, N. II.. Trop's.
Fur sale by all druggists. eet2G,lm.
Information. luformation guaranteed
to produce a luxuriant growth of hair upon
a bald head or beardless face; also, a recipe
for the icmoval of Pimples, Blotches, Erup
tions, &c, on the skin, leaving the same
soft, clear and beautiful, can be obtained
without charge by addressing
TilOS.F. CHAPMAN, Chemist,
823 Broadway, New York.
Da. J. II. Jokdan, Indianapolis, Indiana,
says: I have known Dr. Strickland's Pile
Remedy to be thoroughly tested in numer
ous cases during the past year, and with
perfect success in every instance. And so
it is with his Remedy for Diarrhoea or Chol
era, and his Cough Balsam. They are all
genuine and pure."
Pamphlet Laws. The Pamphlet Laws
for the session of 18G7 have been received,
and are now ready for delivery to those per
sons entitled to receive them.
Geo. C. K. Zaiim.
Prothy's Office, Ebenaburg, Sept. 21, 18G7.
HAS just opened, and offers for sale lower
than they can be bought T
eight day and twenty-four hour -f?
every description. AC'COiiDEONS, JEWEL-
RY,-and a variety
nf all Articles in V5a liniv
Repairing of Clocks, "Watches, and all kinds
of Jewelry, done on short notice and most
reasonable terms. All work warranted.
Call at his shop. High street, opposite Public
School House, Ebonsburg. fsep.5.';7.J
L-r sale low at G. UUOTLJEY'S.
Loeot Prices !
, i 1 "; ! ..
and invito tto
Cheap doods
The General Transatlantic Company's Splen
did Mail Steamships :
Ft. Laurent, Hoca.vle, Saturday, Oct. 5.
Pereire, Duchcune, S;itu&d.y, Oct. 19.
Vi'lcdc Paris, Sarmoni. Saturday, Nov. 2.
Europe, Lzmaaric, S.itiir da-, Nov. IS.
To Jirot or Havre, (vii:o inclu.ied,) Fir. t
Cabin, $1G0; Second Calia,.$3.j. (iu -ld).
Those Steamers do not carrv Steerage Pas
sengers. OEO. MACKENZIE, A.ent.
3', New Yoik.
A Complete Hi story f the New S'afcs and
Territories, from the Greut Riecr
to the Gnat Ocean.
lis popularity i ntlratcd ay Hie ale of
over XU,UVU copies In a. nlngl rnonlh.
"Life and Adventures on Prairies, Moun
tains and the Pacific Coast. With over 200
Descriptive and Photographic Views of the
Scenery, Cities, Lands, Mines, People and
Curiosities of the New States and Territories."
To prospective emigrants and settlers in
the '-Fur West," this History of that vast
and fertile region wiil prove an invaluable
assistance, supplying as it does a want long
felt of a full, authentic and reliable guide to
climate. Roil, products, means of travel, &c.
AGENTS WANTED. Send for Circulars
aud see our terms and a full description of
thq work. Address National Publishing Co.,
20 S. Seventh St., Philadelphia, Pa.
take orders for our popular Looks and
Engravings, either on commission or salary.
Oar publications arc standard works by the
be it auihors in the country, among which is
Tiil'my's Sacred Biography and History,
Holland's Life of Lincoln,
Abbot's History of the War,
Headley's Life cf Washington,
Rav. S. Phillips' Christian Home,
and others. Agents will not be required to
canvass territory previously occupied, unless
p-eferred. For particulars address Gcin-os',
Dim. & Co., Publishers, Springfield, Mas.
a'r of riiuvsPAvrrJs
We have published a Complete Li.-.t cf all
Newspapers in the New England States .
price 23o. State of New York price 2oc.
Del,, MJ. and I)lt. of Col., price 25c. 01.; j,
price 2-jc. Pennsylvania, price 25e. Indi
ana, price 2:c. AH of the above for 1. G
P. ROW ELL & CO.. 40 Iirk Row, N. Y.
Madam Foj-s'
Corset Skirt Support
or f
01 1
Combines in one garment a
and the most desirable Skirt
Supporter ever offered the
public. It places the weight
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ders instead of the hiiis: it
improves the form without tight lacing
gives ease and elegance is approed and re
commended bv phvsicians. Manufactured
by D" 15. SAUNDERS & CO.,
06 Summer St., Boston.
ilstcy Collage Cr-iacs.
J. ESTEY & CO., Brattieboro, Vt.,
The Original Inventors and Manufacturers.
Cvmbming moie perfections than any other
iu the world.
H-e taken the 1st premiums at all the pi in- !
cipal Fairs in the Cuimtrv.
805 WaJdrgton-st., Boston; 417 Ilro-me- 1
tt., N. Y. ,-. IS North 7th-st., Fhila. ;
115 IUudoipIi-.-l:., Chicago.
AGENTS WANTED. To Ixsitbaxce
Agents, &c, &c. We w ish i? secure
an agent in every city cf more than ,000
population, to act for us in canvassing for
business. A man who is already establish
ed In some occupation which allows him a
few spare hours, can easily increase his in
come several hundred dcllars per year. This
is an opportunity for active rnee to secure a
prr-H tabic cocneeti-.n with the best Advertis
ing Agency in the United States. Address,
sith full particulars, ieferences, &c. GEO.
P. KOWKLL & CO., 40 Park Row, N. Y.
And wiil j
resent to any person tending us a
... . . . . , .
club in our Great One Pike Sale of Dry aud
l ancy UooJs, .Vc., a ti!k Dress Pattern,
Piece of Sheeting, Watch, &c . free of cost.
Catalogue of goods, and sample, sent to any
address free. Address J. S. 1LWVES tc
CO-, ."0 Hanover St., Boston, Mass. P. O
Box 5125.
Agents wanted everywhere for cur
One Dollar .-ale. A Watch, a Tea Sett, a
Shawl, a f,r cue dollar each. Send
25 cts. aud blamp for two checks and circa- I
lars giving lull particulars. Address AR
ington street, Boston.
A GENTS WANTED $10 to $20 a dav
to introduce our new patent STAR
420. It uses two threads, and makes the
genuine Loclc Stitch. All other low priced
machines make the Chain Stitch. Exclusive
territory given. Send for circulars. W. G.
Wilson & Co., Manufacturers, Cleveland, O.
UP WlU TUT-I "on't be humbugged by
HlJ UllLlj LllL! Importers cr "patent"
cast iron or machine "Stencil tools." Send
for our New Catalogue of linj.rored Stencil
Dies, 20 varieties, all of Steel, carefully fin
ished and tempered. S. M. .SPENCER &
CO., Brattieboro, Vt.
my Patent Stencil Tools, I prepay samples
free. Beware of infringers. My circulars
will explain. Address A. J. FULL AM,
Springfied, Vermont.
(JyTO $100 per mouth, and traveling
Oly expenses, paid good agents to sell our
1'atent Everlasting White Wire Clothes Lines.
State age and address American Wire Co.,
162 Broadway. N. Y.
iroU'UIS WASTKU: Leek SSere!
Agents, both male and female, wanted
everywhere to sell the Patent Imj-roccd Ink
Reservoir, (by which from one to two rwres
cau be written without replenishing "with
ink,) and our Fancy and Dry Goods, See.
Can ciear from $3 to $10 a day. No capital
required. Price, 10 cents, with an adver
tisement describing an article for sale iu our
DoSlar ErmcIiiEslns Ageacy. Cir
culars sent free.
65 Ilanovcr St., Boston, Mass.
prepared from the fotmula of Prof. Trousseau
of Paris, cures Consumption, Lung Diseases,
Bronchitis, Dyspepsia, Marasmus, General
Debility, and all morbid conditions of tho
system dependent on deficiency of vital force.
It is pleasant to taste, and a single bottle
will convince the most skeptical of its virtue
as the great healing remedy of the age. $1
a bottle, or six bottles for $5. Sent by Ex
press. Sold by S. C. U PI LAM. No. 25 S.
Eighth st.,rin!.ulclphia,-ind principal Drug
gists. Circulars sent free.
fciUU laveutions of g;eat v'.- . A
all pay great profits. Send -5 ' '',
pages and sample gratis. A-fr-M m
SIOO.COO. Ephraim Urov
L othei'.s.-the cfi"n?5-ya
MM, I'AIXT rn'i. x w - 1 -..
v..i .n 1 zr,, l.
factoring the bet ,cen-Cit and ?' ':-!:-i'aiwin
Ufe; two c..ats well put r '"
with pure Linseed (V.l, will p , "VX-i
years; IM.; CI a li.t Ir-wn ,r : '
chocolate color, and can be cha- -...! . '
!;;..!, tone-, olive, drab cr crt. ''.
t-.iste of tbe consumer. It U : :
; Houses, I'arns, Fences, A "r:c-i' VV'1' 1 ', ?rd;:;;;. "p,'--'1' 's
Wo-rr.-wnre, Cu v is, Ma.d l 1
Roofs, (it being !:rcr,!-.i water y r" ''V'-V "
cs, Burial Casos. C.ira! R J ''
Ships' Bjttom. Fl.-r o;i c',?,V '. :V"
r.iacturer having usel s,0f0 1
vear." and r.s a i.Aint f..r , f--t
! .sr.rpaescd for body, dnralilitv ( ' ''J'X'-
gc-namc i:r.Ievs branded in
trratton Minora! Pamt. A.Mrt-s h-?-?
BIDWRLL, Proprietor, 251 PcVrl"' - V
Agents wanted.- - -'-1.
Extract of a Letter fo,i Be- V
moil Rothschild. Taxis, s:h A.,F"l"VV
Rue Faubv, St. Ilonoie. Wi'I -i'."h
cnougu to have forwa-.r.led to me her
bottles of your Indian Linin-.ent ; if Tou I
send at the same time the account J-
forward voa the amount tLrou-h'Vr
Bolmont & Cj., New York. ",r--Baron
Solomon Rothschild Lavin- re.,
mtndcd to many cf hio friends ZiL.v.r Lis'X
LixiMEST, and tiicy being dcmV.s to
cure it, he should advise him to "
depot in Paris. 1
Grafton Mineral Pidnt.
- if" . -yrcir.!
Bruises, $c , it is untqualleh li s efiL-aci. us, taken inwnr-;', . ;he.V-
of Cholera, Cramps and Pai s in t'-.; .? ...
ach, Diarrhaa. Dysentery, Ch.-'r-.i y.
Cholera Infantum, . and is wi:b--t cs'
tion the ?nct vondcrful Panact the r--.'
affords. No FAMILY bhould b- vY
Every TRAVELER by lan 1 or sea fCV
have a bottle. MINERS and PARYF
re.-iding at a distance from phy:::. .--n
keep it constantly on hand. It, i f Ac
cidents and sudden attacks cf Stn.b C- n
pla'nts, its value cannot bf etiiirc.. n
cuir? for Major LAW'S jfffi.tx LVSj
JH1KXT, and iahe no other. PltiCE 0 U:-.
per bottle. For sale at wholesale ar.J ir-i
by Demas Barnes & Co.. 21 IV.rk Ro S.
Y. ; Gale & Robinson, 180 Greenwich--N.
Y. ; F. C. Wells & Co., 192 FuitV
N. Y. ; Chas. N. Crittenden, 33 6th Ave,
N. Y., and by resr c-ctable Druggists thrnzg,
out the world. None genuine unlets t-ign J
by John Thos. Lane, and ccunUrii-aeih
J. T. LANE & CO., Proprietors, leSEr
way, N. Y. &3-Stnd for circular.
Eastern maae
shoes, buskins, gaitl::3 Sc,
Fur Ladies' arA Chil.yrir.'y )fr,
the 8ubsnl er has in.-t addc-.i t- bis sijc-
mcnt a full and cemt-c'o Icr.-zl e!
wUVlS CkinJ Cilloj iv.i tli:.. I.u.,j
.vL.rn t.e win not only warrant tv "tr-
nor to aJvgoous o. i:e aracter lot
offered ia tu!? market, but vastly l-i;ez :
every respect that? the sb- p-shop work y.t-
whica tn ccuntrv : t:-x.;:;
that I oiler no article fcr sale wb:;b I t
not guarantee to bo regttiar cust.-r.: r.-..v"e. T
tho Lcfct material sad sur.enO" z-,:&2, s:
wiiile 1 do not pretend to e. i'n'h.r iz p.
with the dealers hi auction p I hzt
that I can furnish BOOTS ! r II :ES, t:
tha-t will give rio?:e service fr
than any clUer dealer in this con:;.:ui:y, t-
article that rr.p.y give rv.- r.ftc-r a r-.c.-;i':j
time and rcase nab'.e 11x2 ft. KverjrccT ;
respectfully invited to call and ciarr.K r-l
stock and learr. my prxcas.
Tho ulscril er is also prepared tc
fact uro to order aav ar.J all 701k in r.:s
ure to oruer any ar.u a.
f t ):: vn-v :,--t r-,-. -r'-
and r.t wiees as reasonable r.s lih." t.-:k c---
be obtained anywhere. Fic-cb CVf.
mon Calf, Morocco and all ether kir.c3 c.
Leather con-tantlv cn hand.
?- Store en Main strict, rext doer i-
Crawford's Hot!.
Ebensburg, Sc i. C, 1:557.
John Fahke"
old cstall':-
'hk' li so. :i
fiZ ' Svi't'ik Have now
t'tprf;:of my own
ture, or.e of the
'"--1 zn&' est and mot t3;
tifui;se!eotions cf FANCY FUES.or Lug
and Children's waar, nov- in tl.e City. .
a fino assortment cf Gent's Fur Gloves
x 11 t . - r .. rf.i-sli '
very reasonable prices, and I w"e"i
fore solicit a call from my friends cf Cac
conntv unit v'o?-!itv
Remember the Name. Number mi l Stre -
JO UN FJRUl' ..,
No. 7IS ARCH St.. r.'oove 7iJ, soutJ--
0I7iave ?io 2'at l i,cr, r.or conKi - ,
any other Store in Philad 'a. o:-3-
-ffi Y It E L A nTTe L
Fourth aud Arc H 5lt,''
Are offering a NEW STOCK of
Ar. B. Job Lots of GOODS
Sept. 5, 18G7.-0t.
rpi O 31 . 1) A V I
Importers and Dealers tit
. No. Z-2 Ncr.Tii Ycvr. rj'vj
Four doo belo w Merchant' H' '
aui;esive!:ess. rnee 5;; T,( r tl!. ( f -.-
wliith will supply a farmer for ve-, t." ' '"
Warranted in all cases as zUj,"
3. circular, which gives full parti.'.t .VU'.: r
As a relief, ever ready ; as a killer . f .3v
taken inwardly, or outwardly ap' !;-;
no tqusl. Y,jt the relief and cu.-a f foeu.
7 P 2 ? -Co T- Off