1 3C2 nsrcuD dees: I t I t I- f f i t : 1 b I .' 1 1 - - r Thin" to be rtememTprctl TTlien 9 lot go to Vote. "When you g? vote, remember that the Union i ncU wiored. When you vote, remomber that all the blood fitsd and all the treasure ex pended la the war Lave failed to purchase peace. V!lCn you go to vote, remember that the Union might have been restored and that peaoe naigbt now prevail, bnt for the opposition ef the loaders of tbe Republican party. When you go to vote, remember that the Constitution is being continually vio lated and constantly sneered at Wlion you go to vote, remember that Thnd. Stevens openly declares that Con gress in acting "outside of the Constitu tion." When you go to vote, remember that negro repnblics have been set op on the nun? of eleven of the States of the Union. When you go to vote, remember that Tiiife men fcnvo boon repeatedly deposed by military satraps to make room for ne gro officials. When you go to vote, remember that a r";:i ban already been made a JuJga in New Orleans. Wh.n yon go to vote, remember tbiit r.c:rrofs fill th:: jury toxc.-? in the iktt!. When tc:j jjj Jo vote, remember that n and ri'.'irro SenntorH toi". thsJ iviuili legislate fur IV:: arc shortly expected to !y:inia. jf4 ' - i vii. n :iit.:iiot:i mat tho waited and eppresr-ed ixuth, once the richest iiection of our country, i.s kept im poverished by too policy of Congress. When yo.i g.j to vote, reincriLar that yovr faxes ore thereby vastly i:ierc:'.5ed. When you go u vote. :o member thnt to thw earth bv while you are thin ground oppre-sivo laxatiuu li.at the holders of U. 8. Bonds do not pay one penny. When you to vo!f, remember thnt the L.-vtrrs of the IJ.'pubi.ican party declare that the government of Pcim.-ylvunia i net Republican in form. When yoa go to vote, remember that Senator Sumner openly boastd that the nctrro will bo made your equal by nn act to be passed at the next session of Con gress. When you go to vote, remember that the Republican papers of this State open ly endorso that proposition. When you g-j to vote, remember that a Uepubiican triumph in Pennsylvania will be regarded ns n popular endorsement of Sumner's plan. When you go to vot, remember that TTcnry W. Williams is pledged to enforce such an enactment. When you go to vote, remember that tbe Republican party of thia State openly and, thanielcfely repudiated a solemn contract to pay the interest of the State debt in c:in. When you go to vcte, remember that Judgo Sharewood ha9 decided that a con tract to pay a debt "in coin" is binding and should be enforced. When you go to vote, remember that Judge Williams has endorsed the repudia tion of the contract to pay the State debt in coin, and also the repudiation of the t Aucgneny County Bonds. JVben you go to vote, remember that Congress is corrupt beyond all precedent, aad that many millions of the money wiung now your tori is bemg stolon by that body and their minions. When you go to vote, remember that the Legislature of this State has been little better than a den of thieves under Radical rule. When you go to vote, remember that rt is folly to expect economy nd rcforai until there U a completo change of ad ministration. When you go to vote, remember that every vote cast for the Radical candidates is a direct vote for a continuance nf all the abuses under which the nation is bo , eorely oppressed. ( Be sura and vote, and bo cure that you keep the condition of the country in view ; when you deposit your ballot. I Vote for a change I I Vote for reform ! : Vote for lower taxes ! i Vote against negro equality I i Vote for economy in Congress and the . State Legislature 1 otc against committing this nation to the combined rule of tho Puritan and the nrpro ! Vof ; early ! Vote the Democratic ticket I .-ce J,mt your neighbor votes, and that he Tot.'! r;'t ' Let t'r" lyj one grand rally of tlw thoughtful voter?, r.r.d the rule of the Kad e;d ievvL;iui:i.-?s will bo ended in Per.n- 1 vania. fsinaufcr Intelligr-rvxr, Pkanks np a Sr-a-SATRAP.TIiC Phil adelphia L.ujcr trays : "A enso. haa coma up from Gen. Ord's command for revision, being the proceed ings of a court-rnnrtial recently held in Mi.'.M.ppi. Tbo fac.a as Fr.ive are that the lieutenant commandimr in a town in Mississippi font n disreputable woman to a hotel in the place to board. The hotel proprietor refund to pve her a room. The officer remonstrated nd br..,., n.t failing to induce-the hotel keeper to yield. tut ueiacnmcnt ol soldiers and took poescsfion 0f the hotel, and placed the ; ' woman in a room. The facta were re ported to General Ord, and a court-mar- H,ial was ordered. The court found tho , ; ojucer gmltr as charged, rnd sentenced a him to duniKsal from the Fervice. Gen eral GraBt nppt.0vCS Gf ts0 ecntcnce. ..Judge Holt recommended an abatement of the Benicr.cc, and (hat tho offender be 2 suspended one month, on the ground that 1 n P-c.pal witnesa was once in the Confederate service. The President to- 1 .u7, approved of tho Eenlenco of d lisnns- OOBERT E. JONES. ' Dlr. V". Cambria co., Ta-, ' iCJr ,a-,H"mcr- The highest pricoe, v I . :'(9.D0Z- Wooden Butter llnwi. - -r met reeTfwl r i i r . -.1,.. a.ltlll ua o r:ueu unween tne lionrs i fcb.Sj 6 EO HUNTLrA l e;,Rht &f tCn -Cck iQ the enoon, and 1 ' O. HUKTLE1U 'shall continue, without interruption or ad- "KJJLEGTIOX PROCLAMATION. Purnant to an Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, entitled "An Act relating to the elec tions of this Commonwealth." approved 2d day of July, A. D. 1839,1, JAMES MYERS. High Sheriff of the County of Cambria, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do bere by make known and give notice to the elec tor of the county aforesaid, that a General Election will be held in the county of Cam bria on the SECOND TUESDAY, being the 8th day of OCTOBER, A. L. 1867. at which the following State and County officers will be lectd, to wit : One person for the office of Judee of the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of 1- ennsylvaaia. One person to represent the county of Cambria in the Legislature of Pennsylvania. One person to fill the office of Sheriff of Cumbria county. One person to fill the office of Treasurer of Cam on a count v. One person to fill the office of Commis sioner of Cambria county. Two persons to fill the office of Jury Com missioners of Cambria county. . One person to fill the office of Toor House Director of Cambrin county. .Two persons to fill the office of Auditors, one for 3 years and one for 1 year, of Cam bria conuty. One person to fill the office of Coroner of WtUnbria county. lie eiectoro of tho district comp-sed of (1 c t v.ruh:p of Allegheny, to inei-t at the ofiiee of LI. Leavy, E0q., in the borough of i.rtiu). The electors of t he district composed of the township f lilacklick. to meet at tho house y( Adam Meakin, in the village of Uclsauo, in taid township. T'ue electors cf the district composed of tl o township of Cambria, to meet at the Court House In the borough of Lbensburg. The electors of the district composedof the township of Carroll, to meet at the -eh! Ih-i!e in the borough of C-irrolih.-u-n Tiie elect'. f the district c;m"osed rl the l.ir'i:"ii of Oarro'ltown. to inert nt. il, School Jluiise in said borouli. The electors of the district composed of tho township of (Jh'st, to nie(!t at the Schnol House on the farm of Richard J. Proudfoot, in said township. The electors of the district composed of the boroimh ' f Chest Springs, to meet at the house of Jacob Wagner, in said borough. The electors of the district composed of the towns-Lip of Clrarfi.dd, to meet at School House No. ;3, adj-,inin the village of St. Au gustine, in said township. The electors of the district composed of the town-hip of (Wmaugh, to meet at the School House at Singer's, in said township. The electors of the district composed of the borough of Conemaugh. to meet as fol lows : First Ward, at the house now occu pied by Peter JJaltzi, in said First Ward ; Second Ward, at the house now occupied by Jesse Patterson, in said Second Ward. The electors c f the district cam posed of tho borough of Cambria, to meet at School Hou.-e No. 2, in said boro:;-'h. l.je electors of tho district comno?ed cf the township of Crovle, to meet at the Scho.,1 Ho; U AAA LlklU township. The electors of the district composed of j 1 1 c i no uorougn or iuensuur", to meet as follows: East Ward, at tho Court House in said Ward West War.l. nt -ijij noil, lli BU1U ard. Tho electors of tho district composed of mo lownsinp cr Uaiiitzm, to meet at the tjcfiool House in the town of Gallitzin, in baid township. TLe electors of the district compose I of V a- r t i tu vowubnip or oacKson, to meet at the house of HeDry liaier. The electors of the district composed of a. 1 l . m r r t . ine oorougn or jonnstown, to meet as fol lows : 1st Ward, at the Public School House No. 6, in said Ward ; 2d Ward, at the ofiiee cf Joseph S. Strayer, Esq., on Market strep in said Ward; 3d Ward, at Foster House, in sa-d Ward; 4th Ward, at the house of John Trclts, m said Wardj 6th Ward, at the Kernvillc School House, in said Ward. The electors of the district composed of me uorougn ci ijoreiro, to meet at the School Hous in said borough. The electors cf the district iuo wwasuip or juunster, to meet at the warehousa of Augustino Durbin, in the vil lage of Muuster, in said township. The electors of the district composed of the borough of Prospect, to meet at the School House in said borough. The electors of the district composed of the township of Richland, to meet at the house of Jacob Kring, in said township. The electors of the district composed of fh borough of Millville, to meet at the Franklin House, in said borough. The electors of tho district composed of the township of Summerhill, to meet at the School House in tho borough of Wilmore. The electors of tho district composed of the borough of Summitville, to meet at the School House In said borough. il. 1 t - f r Tho electors of tho district composed of the township of Susquehanna, to meet at the house of Jerome Piatt, in said township. The electors of the district composed of he township of Taylor, to meet at the School linnee near Jno. Hea 'rk k's.in said township. Tt" electois of ih'e district- composed of the township of Washington, to meet at the School II, use at the foot of Plane No. 4, in eaid township. The electors cf tbe district composed of the borough of Wilmore. to meet at the School House in said borough. The electors cf tho district composed of the township of White, to meet at School House No. l, in said township. The electors of the district pnmnn.,l I the township of Yoder. to meet at the public houss occupied by Robert Barclay. Anl lfurtltcr give noL'ca. ns in and btr fbo 13th Section of the aforesaid Act I am direct ed to. That all persons excepting JusticcscT the Teace, who shall hold any office or ap pointment of profit or trut under the gov ernment of the United States or of this State, or any city or incorporated district, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise, a subor dinate or acen. who is or shall be employed under the legislative, judiciary or executive department of this State or tho. United States, or any city or incorporated district ; also, that every member of Congress and the oiaMj legislature, ana ot tbe select and com mon council non councils of any incorporated district, is y law incapable of holding or exercUbio- at the same time, the office or appointment of Judge, Inspector or Clerk of any election of this Common wealth, and that no Inspector or Judge, or other officer of any such elec tion shall be eligible to any office then to be voted for. Also, in'tha 4th R,w;r,r, txjau inu loreomg mm sectioj) siiad not be go construed as to prevent any military offi cer or borough oGiocr from serving as Judce or Inspector at any general or special elec tions in the Commonwealth. Also, that in tho Gist Section of said Act it is enacted that "every general and 4i...i r . . .; . ' election shall be opened between the hours act or Assembly, entitled "An Act relating to elections and for other purposes," vvpro ved the 10th day of April. Iftrw: U'L joiirnmcnt, until seven o'clock in the even ing, when the polls phall be closed." The general, ppecial, city, incorporated district and township elections, and all elec tions for electors of President and Vice Pres ident of the United States, shall be held and conducted by tbe Inspectors and Judges elected as aforesaid, and by clerks appointed as hereinafter provided. No person shall bo permitted to vote at any election, as aforesaid, but a white free man of tbe age of twenty-one years or more, who shall have resided in this State at least one year, and in the election district where he offers to vote at least ten days immediate ly preceding such election, and within two yeais paid a State or County tax which 6hall have been assessed at least ten days before the election. But a citizen of tbe United States, who had previously been a citixen of thia State, and removed therefrom and re turned, and who shall hive resided in the election district, and paid taxes as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote after residing in this State six months. Provided, that the white freemen, citizens of the United States, be tween the ages of twenty-one and twenty two years, and who have resided in the elec tion district ten days as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote, although they shall net have paid taxe3. No person shall be permitted to vote whose name is not contained in the list of taxable inhabitants furnished by the Commissioners, unless frs-t he produce a receipt for the pay ment of a State or County tax assessed agree ably to the Constitution, and give tatCfac tory evidence, either on nis own oath or af firmation or that of another, that he his paid such tax, or on failure to produce a receipt, shall make oath thereof; or, second, if he claim the right to vote by being an eltctor between the age of twenty-one and twenty two years, he shall depose .on oath or affirm ation that he has resided in the State at least one year before his application, and 1 1. r -r i r - i1 r . . , I uiatvu &ucii prooi oi nis residence m t.ve dis trict as i.s required by thi Act, and that he does verily believe, from the account given him, that he is of tho ago aforesaid, and give such other evidence as is required by this Act. whereupo nthe name of the person so admitted to vote shall be iuserted in the al phabetical list by the Inspector, and a noto made opposite thereto by writing the word Tax, ' if he shall be permitted to vote by reason of having paid tax, or the word "Age," if ho shall bo admitted to vote by reason of such age, and the same shall be called out to the Clerks, who thall make their notes in the list cf voters kept by them. In all such cases, where the name of a person claiming to vote is found on the list furnished bv the Commissioners and Asses sors, or his right to vote, whether found thereon or not, is objected to by any quali fied citizen, it shall be the duty of the In spectors to examine such person on oath as to his qualifications, and if he claims to have resided within the State for one year or more, his oath shall not be sufficient proof thereof, but shall make proof thereof by at least oi e competent witness, who shall "be a qualified elector, that he has resided in the district for more than ten davs next preceding said elec tion. ?nd shall nlso bi:n.lf -fv.r thof 1,; i -- - ittB viiiu ni.- bona fide residence, in pursuance of his law ful caMlnrr, is within the di.striVf . an,! thn he did not remove into said district for the purpose of voting therein. "Every person qualified as aforesaid, and who shall make due proof, as is required, cf his residence and payment of taxes as afore said, shall be admitted to vote in the town ship, ward or dintrict in which ho shall re- If any person shall prevent, or attempt to prevent, any officer of any election under this act from holding piich election, or use or threaten any violence to any such officer. or snad interrupt or improperly interfere witnin tne execution of Jus duty, or shall block up the window, or avenue to any win- uow, wncre tiie same may be hoidin'r, or snau riotously disturb trie peace or such elec tion, or shill u-?e or practice any intimidat ing threats, force or violence, with design to influence unduly or overawe any doctor, or to prevent him from voting, or to restrain the freedom cf choice, such persons, on con viction, shall be fined iu any sum not exceed ing $500, be imprisoned for any time not less than one month nor more than twelve months; and if it shall be shown to the Guirt where the trial of such offence shall be had, that the person Sij offending was not a resident of the city, ward, district or town ship wdiere tho said offence was committed, and not entitled to vote therein, then, on conviction, he shall be sentenced to pay a fine not less than one hundred nor more than one thousand dollars, and be imprisoned not less than six months nor more than two years' Pursuant to tho provisions contained in the Act first aforesaid, the Judges of the aforesaid-districts shall respectively take charge of the certificate or return of their respective districts, and produce them at a meeting of one Judge from each district, at the Court House in tbe borough of Ebens burg, on the third day after the day of elec tion, being FRIDAY, the 11th dav of Octo ber. A. 1). 1867, and then and there to do and perform those duties required of them by law. , And further, if any Judge, by sickness or unavoidable accident, is unable to attend said meeting of Judges, then the certificate or i ft urn aforesaid shad bo taken charge of by one of the Inspectors or Clerks of election of tl e same district, who shall do and per form the duties of said Judge unable to at tend. "That the qualified voters of the several counties of this Commonwealth, at ajt gen eral, township, borough and special elec tions, are hereby hereafter authorized and required to vote by ticket, printed or" writ ten, or partly printed and partly written, severally classified as follows: U:io ticket shall embrace the names cf all judges of courts voted for, and ti bo labelled, outside, judiciary ;' one ticket shall embrace the names of all State officers voted for, and be labelled 'State one ticket bhall embrace all the County officers voted for, including office of Senator, member or members of Ass.-mbh', if voted for, and merabersof Con gress, if voted for. and be labelled 'County;' one ticket rdiall embrace the names of all Township officers voted for, and be labelled 'Township;' one ticket shall embrace the names of all Borough officers voted for. and be labelled 'Borough;' and each class shall be deposited iii separate Lallot-box es." Given under my hand, at mv ofiiee in Eb ensburg. the 11th day of "September, jn the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, and of the Inde pendence of the United States the nine tieth. JAMES MYERS, Sheriff. TAMES CONNOR, Wholesale CJrocer, DEALER IN FLOUR, BACON, FISH AND SALT, Jo, 333 JLiberty street, June 27, 18C7. PIT1SBURGII, PA. "S"F you want to buy goods and pay big prices, don't s on lono; credit Feb. 28. GEO. HUNTLEY'S. pOCKET KNIVES, Tabhe Knives and Forks, Spoons. Src, can bo bought cheap for cash at GEO. HUNTLEY'S. ALTOQNA ADVERTISEMENTS. LIVE ..SI8K 1IMISE eSMFABY. CASH CAPITAL $500,000. We are now prepared to insure LIVE STOCK against both Death and Theft, in this live and reliable Company. Owners of Btock have now the opportunity, by insur ing with this Company, of obtaining securi ty and remuneration for tbe loss of their an imals in case ot dsath or theft. OWNERS OF HORSES, Manufacturers, Farmers, Teamsters. Ex pressmen, Physicians, and in fact all who are to any extent dependant upon the servi ces of their borses in their daily vocations, should insure iu this Company, ami thus derive a protection against the loss of their animals, which are in many caes the sole means of support to their owners. , FARM STOCK. Farmers and others owning cattle should avail themselves of this means of saving the value of their stock, and secure an equiva lent for the loss which would otherwise fall heavily upon them in being deprived of their Cattle, by insuring in this, the PIONEER COMPANY OF AMERICA! By insuring in this Company vou ex change a cc-rtaint for an uncertainty. No man can tell whether his animals may iu t be stolen or die through some r.nforsc-cn calamity. ci- Comvclcni igents wanted, to trliom a c-cra; compensation vsiil be paid. Apply to jrvrwii; iv t;u., Ueuera! Ag-nt. April -1, l.C7.-ly. Altovna. Pa. Ct Col. WM. K. PIPE?v, Ebenfcbnrg. has leen appointed local agent for the Hartford Live Stock Insurance Company. OBEIGN SHIPPING EXCHANGE OFFICE, We are now York Rates on England, Wales, Austria, Baden, Hanover, Holland, selling Exchange (at Xew Ireland, Germany, Bavaria, I lessen, Belgium. Scotland, Prussia, Wurtcraberg, Saxony, h witzerland. Norway and France. And Tickets to and from any Port in England, Ireland, Scotland, Germany. Prance, California, New South Wales or Australia. KEflft & CO JOHN' ROCKETT, - - - - T. J. BTOflM. JJOUSE and SIGX PAINTING. 'JGHX roch:;tt & to. Desire to inform the juiblic generally that they are now prepared to execute 'House bi.jn and Ornamcn'nl Pau.Hna, Chizi"' J- i:r liatifiiiut. lu-amin t r - S 1 . .... . . " ij awl LU'tcniunyr ti- tbe r in Caml "ria. lilair or U:int:tgd'-n Cain- tier, en the shortest notice, in the very host style, and at prices as reasonable as anv other firm or individu-.l in the country. Cail at their room m Lowther's bui under Roush's Drug Store, or address Iding, JonN Rockett & Co., Altoona, Ta April 25, 18G7.-Cm. JOHN IIICKEY, Altoona Pa., Dealer In nil kinds Household Furniture ! SUCH A3 LOUNGES, I TABLES. I BEDSTEADS SOFAS, I P.UIIEAUS. WHAT-NOTS CUSHIONED. CANE-BOTTOMED AND COMMON CHAIRS, &c. NEW FURNITURE WAREROOM, Jfl.IA STKEET, NEAR UAER1ET, Opposite Hie rrotestant Episcopal Church, March 7, 1 867.-ly. EAST A LTOON A . BANK NOTICES. WM. SI. LLOYD, Pr&sident. J01.K LLOYD, Cashier. IRST NATIONAL BANK OP ALTUOXA. CiOVEUXSIEIVT AGENCY AND DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY OF TIIE UNITED STATES. Corner Virginia and Annie Streets, North Ward, Altoona, ra. Authorized Capital, $300,000 Cash Capital paid in, .... 150,000 All business pertaining to Banking done on favorable terms Internal Revenue Stamps of all denomi nations, always on hand. To purchasers of Stamps, percentage, in fetamps, will be allowed, as follows : $50 to $100, 2 per cent. ; $100 to $200, 3 per cent.; $200 and upwards, 4 per cent. Jan. 31, I8(i7-tf. FIHST NATIONAL ISABEL OF JOHNSTOWN, CAMBRIA CO.. PA. Capital, SGO,000.Prlvriege to Increese to 510O,C0O. Inland and Foreign Drafts furnished. Gold and Silver bought and sold. Collections made, at home and abroad. U. S. Bonds and Securities of all kind ob tained. Deposits received and money loaned. A general Banking business transacted. Dii:i:cTOits. D. J. Slorrell, Tsaac Kaufi'man George Fritz, John Dibert, E. Y. Townscnd. Jacob M. Campbell, Jacob Leversrood. D. J. MOURELL, Pre.l. J. Roberts, Cashier. janil'G". II. LOll) & CO., KaRiIicr, Gold, Silver, Government Loans, and other Securities, bought and sold. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. Collections made on all accessible points in the United States, and a general Banking business transacted. January 31, 18G7. Wf M. LLOYD & coi T v Bakkeep, Altoona. Pa. Drafts on the principal cities and Silver and Gold for sale. Collections made. Moneys received on deposit, payable on de mand, without interest, or Mpoa time, with interest at fair rates. an31. PRIVATE SALE The eubscri- ber offers' at Private Sale two valuable tracts of TIMBER LAND, situate in Jack son township. Cambria county, and known as tho "Lloyd Property." Also Four oth er valuable tracts of LAND, situate in Cam bria and Jackson townships, and known as the "Pensacola Property." Also TWO FARMS adjoining the borough of Ebensburg one containing abov.t 100 acres; tho other about 150 acres. Thobur!dings are all in good repair, with never-failing springs of water near tbe bouses. CT" Persona wishing to purchase or Fell Farms or Timber Lands, will do well by calling on me before buying or offering them for sale. F. A. SHOEMAKER, ap.ll.tf. Att'y at Law, EbenBburg. MISCELLANEOUS. PHOTOGRAPHIC. K. &, 53. T. AISTEJOrWT, Ilannfaetureru of PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS WIIOI.Ks ALU A JfD RF.TAH,. 601 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. In addition to our main business of PHO TOGRAPHIC MATERIALS we are Head quarters for the following, viz : Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views of American and Foreigu Cities aiul LamK scapes, Groups, fcjtatnarv, STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS OF TTIE WAR, From negatives made in the various cam paigns, and forming a completo Pl.oto . graphic history of the great contest. STEREOSCOriC VIEWS ON GLASS, Adapted for either the. Idagic Lantern or the Stereoscope. Our Catalogue will bo eeut to any address on receipt vf Stamr. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. "We manufacture more large! v than any other house, about 200 varit?. from" no cents to $:0 each. Oc.r ALBUMS h u e the reputation of being superior in l ear.ty aud durability to any others. Caxtl Pliofcsi-.-y'is cf t; rr? r-.-Zi, .tcs meii, Actors, &,c, it. uur t.:iia.og':tr em traces over f::-t. rr ano different suljeei.. ir:cl;:d.i;i' : lions of t' e most reV-ratei 1 vv:'vLv:r Painting, Sranic., ice. C. tcdocr iv.-j :r-nt oJ receipt of .vtamp. Photographers and other T.b.rin i go Is C. O. D., wijl plca?e remit 25 per cent, u the amount with their crd-r. CC5 The prices and quality cf our gor.ds camirt fail to satisfy. apr2.j-ly.J cTiAili matfactgryT JCJilKSTOWX I. 1 hi mm OF CHAIRS. such as common WlnsorCh:' :rs, ref unairs, renna Chairs, Hustle Chairs. R:m iivi(.'u vviiairs, oociacie :ir.:rs, iCUCJUMi CHAIRS, OF EVERY SIZE C V n Settees" Lonnges. Ac, fcc. e i i- i . v. LI a ' Li t-i. i xz ! i 5 n .- of every decrij tion and cf !ati'- STYLES, WITH PRICES TO SUIT THL Tastes of all, Thard-.f'il for pr.t favor?-, he respect fully solicits a liberal share of public patron age. Clinton Street, Johnstown (bmbria ! Jan. ?,1 . is i7. T'E A T, T. r; 3 IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, TE U FUJI E R Y, Fancy Soaps, Leon's and Hail's Hair Resto ratives, Pills. Ointments. Plasters, Lini ments, (all kiuds.J Davis' Pam Killer. Rail ways Ready R-,Iicf. Brown's Ess. Jamaica unger. titrate JManesia, Flavorirg Ex tracts and Essences, Lemon Svrup.Soothiri" ciVinVe Spicft! sJTur. Rhubarb, 'PURE CIGARS AND TOliACCOS. Blank Books. Deeds. Notes and Roo.ls.Cip Post and all kinds of TTote Pancr. Knyrin.,' Pens. Pencils, Arnold's Writing Fluid. VAxck and Red Ink, Pocket and Pass Books. Maga zines, Newspapers, Novels. Histories. Bibles, Beli-ioi-s Prayer and Toy Books, Penknives' Pipes. &c. Jledicina for tiie body and food for tbe mind. Call and see. Main Stueet, Ebeicsci'P.g. July 25, 18G7. AVOKD fj:om JOILXSTOWX! At t.icir Stores in the Soft House, 31 tin St., and on Clinton Street, Johns'oicn, Have constantly on hand a large and well selected stock cf seasonable Dry Gcods, Boots, Shoe-, Groceries, and a general variety of NOTIONS, &c Their stock consists of almost every article usually kept in a retail store, all of which have been sclented with care and are offered at prices which cannot fail to prove satisfac tory, oau and examine for yourselves J. to. o, U50..-U. - HARVF.V CIIILPS. . . . J.OWRIE CIl.r-.s VV. C. MCi'.ru-y. II I L D S 6c CO., "Wholesale Dealers in li3 WOOD STREET, URr.JL PA. Agent i for the sale of ' larn. Il.igs, Darting and Ca Feb. 23, 13G7.-tf. rpct Chain. JOHN GAY. A Y TVM. WELSH. W E ITS IT . G Successors to Cay . ral-iirp. v.'noLnsAi.:-: GrGcers and Commission lasrclinnis .XI) DKAT.rtr.S in FLOUR, PRODUCE. ITSH, SALT, CAR TON OILS, &c Sec, Corner Tenn and Canal Sts., opposite Groin Elevator. ftb2S PiUslwr.jh. Pa. ' M. CHESSWELL, B. T. SLACK, . JOHN A. IlVnEa, WM. 1). OEMS'IIL. with M. CRESSWELL a CO., InnwtiVS and T.JJirrv rf mn w( he AO. ull I-Iarlcet Street. June 20, 18G7.-ly. PHILADELPHIA. COURAGE HQJAE i.N'DUSTRY! House, Sign and Ornamental Painter. Graining, Uinzing. Paper Hanging, and all other work in his line, promptly executed, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shop in the basement of the Town Hall. -Ebensburg, May ), 18o7.-Gm. JAMES IL Xiealer In all D A V I kind of POPLAR, CHERRY & ASH LUMBER, I ard Nos. 814 and Sin AT. Broad Si., PHILADELPHIA. Orj-Business attended to in Ebensburg by Wm; J. Williams, niylG-ly PROFESSIONAL CARDS, i J. OAT3IAX, M. J)., tenders his profession0! s-rviccs a PJiy sioian ar.d Su-geon to the citizts of C:rr'vl-tcv.-n and vicinity. Of.lce in rear of bnild ing occnjdeil by J. Buo.l .: Co. y t v. Xight calls can bo made at the hitf I t f Law renco Schroth. Miy 0. lSG7.-tf. S. BELFORI), DENTIST, pONTINUES to visit Ebensburg pcrso: h on the 4th .vienday cl each n'ontu. Durim; his absence Lewis N. Pnvder, who tudteil with the Doctor, vV. nmain in tl-.e fdeo and attend to all business entrusted to dm. JaiiSl,?CT.' : : DR. T. r. M-CLURE, Sl:jjgeox ni-x-.,. r- m. ...... o i..;, n..- 0.i h rirvTiT e,rr!it,..., ri. Pa. Teeth inrted on G-.ld, Silver, Vulcan ite, Cheopiastic, &c. (XPr-.;fcsbioual visits mauo to L-iiest fcormrs tl:e nr. t v;tts au.i to Loretto the second week of e:ich raoth. Carrolitov.-n, Julv 4, lSii7.-m..r20 T DEYEREAUX, Yl. IX, Pnv Pt. .s. , on P..d J V. SICIAN A NO Ofi.ee east end jf.trifi'.'U i Road treet. the oiiice. u jo::n.to JCjL " Attcmey?: : i- OiT.ce oi Elir--' ,' i ! t L '.'; CO. i'a. D. "i'LAi ' 4T1CRNEV AT h il Ofdeo in the- K--;m Co.rscrof C'.:.-.t,.u M.d stairs. Will attend to e l wMb bfp r ro- d. il. Jnn. 31, lS07.-tf. JU-;:l;-sS C''Un'Ct- JOHN P. I.INTOX, sttornf: AT LAW. Jc?:nr-;.vn. pa. il on: - i: Frnldin second fio; Johns Jo : hi!!id?!;? on eorr.T of Td.iin and street, opposite Mxi.sion House. r. Entrance on Franklin street, wn, Jar?. 31, S7.-tf. r. a. UTTORNLY A' SHOEMAKER, ' L.VW. En,'.-rrn, Fa i;i.;h . or e (: or East of the Ean:-i:.r Jhtv. of Lh.vrl Co. II. A.T Cor SEfHEER, LAW, E'.- -,;rhvrj, Jan. 31. V 3TTOR:;EY il OfTf- in ti-Hon-e. '-t r F. P. TJEHV.i; fOHNEY AT I W 77?'. Fa. n C .!: "i le R lffi7-ff. jost:pii mdgnalix i TTORX ; or-- - v i t - -T 1 . i i n Ce; LAW srr-' F, 1 ; an. .1. 1- JOilN id-: .Y AT LAW FJ en-- 7 IZ i High t-triei, re J.va 31, S-37, OEORGE 31. REED s i r ; K. kv at r.wr r',. ,.. il OfHce .'U ilaia street, th i.-r,irg. I n. d.r-r-? 'in:?: !. SI, 1S-37. ot Julian. GEORGE V. OATJf vN ATTORNEY AT L.Y, EUntbuty. Ps H Oiiice in Colon fvl.j Row, Centre street. January 31, IbdT.-tf. WILLI.UI KiriELL, I STTORNEY AT LAW. Elxmbura. Pa. ! Oi!ica in Colorado Row, Centre street. i Jan. 21. !SG7.tf. ! A L. PEIISIIIXG, ATTORNTA'-AT- ! Law, John.ifoicn, I'a. Of n Frank- j on street, up-stairs, over John Inton's! nan! ware btore. J;n. 31, 1807. fAjlES C. 3" A SLY, Aitokney- 'W at-Lav.-, Cirr-'itoivn. Canbri.i Co., J'.i. Collections and r.U l--rrd butir promptly atteud( the off! E.q.. c Jan. 31, KINKEAD, Ji!:c of L;e Peace Xi:n A yen! Oflh e rernc-vtd to ce former! v eeupied hy Zl Has.-, n j i ; Ice d, on Hi c h St., Ebcu ur-. n u i iio. rOllANT HOUSE, JKmlotlt, Cambrn C':, r.-. JOHN WILKIN, Proprietor. i ms lor.r? Ins been refitted. 3 ".a I oilers mou Mipi-ri-ir ro anv ot;.'-r House Ho 1. 1 u.o icimiy. i no i rov-i r, ait '-r expel it-nee in the U; ess. feels cor.fi-.?; :: he mn!c;v..ai....s tKo wants .f the jnihli.-. . TABLE ivill be supplic! with th-bTr, ol t' s."as..n nr.d 1 . ; -- EAR win---:.. r.v.: !i.p: Rv c xv : in 'St o:i r.v. i'i- cr.rt' 1 : i' J rrii; r ljopj; to ir o. ct pair. -c. fmiyltVlv.J -COTT irorsE, :n, Cai;it;i iz Co.. Pa.. :i Street. V.St- CO., iOU: hi iia bt.'i-n re; t'Cl an.; it.-lie. now ('-'ja for the r:r.t.fu!!esU. Tl-.o lecvp n and eiiiri ! ;:iij: proprieors byljii: ; exp-Tienco i;. iioti.l ke -o- mi: loel eoiihdftit thty can satisfy a db- ciiroinati-i iT.blic. Their B.sr i.s .-upp'ied with the choicest brae, Is c f lienors and wir.es. Jan. ol, lbJi7 (ly.) union iioi;: DBENSBURG, Pa.. JOHN A. BLAIR, Jj Propietor, spares no pains to render this oi couimuaf.cn ot tJic Utcral i'Hiioriago it, das hcrctoloro received. His lEo.e wi.t auvays be lurnishod with th est el oqu-rs Uisstah:.; isLirc, arid will 2 attended by an attentive ar.d oblivion. : ; r. t,,"""L'ji " "-ii w in tne be ho-tler Ja-j 31. lSC7.-tf. n. r. li.vjos S CO., J'lors. i Alif.V R 1 h a!va'3 suridu-d wi-ji tl-.A choicest delicacies n . t... i .. -.i c.ioicc liquors, and the Stable attended by careful hostlers. Transient vi,if. rs aecoui- ,i- fuj't'iu'o wnn moflated and boarders take month or year, on reasonabl the v.vek o terms. Rb21 STTTTTT T" itotv LORETTO, CAMURIA COUNTY PA ! iiiuj.iA CALLEN, Proprietor. HIS bo-.ii-.o is uowj pen for tho accom.. 1 dation of the . lie. Aeeomm ai:,'.', as good n.x tho country v.id afford, and charges moderate. Jan 31. lS-37.-f MSRCHAWTS' HOTEL J. & W. C. M'KIBCiN, Proprietors. tourlh St., between 31-tr.Wt and. Arch, May 9, 1SG7.-Iy. I' 1 1 1 LA D ELP HI A . ; MEDiCALFPEPARATfe POLAND'S Minors r0 rovv of Jlcv.' j" '.vrt: ft'.,,... i j1AG 1 man dearly l . ,Vc,; 5' Dinr?VN coiuiuAti;.m tl-.r J '- t! 11 . lie W:is r, l: ' '. t.e T.uinit and stndy i-P,;.: it.- i osvu jiie.ani ii;s Z1.ck T J ? 1 tr.e most wonder fid ; ti. IMa I hn C, h'EAT UV-fj".," ; JV REMEDY, u hi.-h ton-.pv.1. iu'the rfu-.de sdl .l!.cr d:sc..f,-- ; l: J and it alV.-ds him r.H, cJ.v ; y revive tho m:dm..;'-: I all wbo have tested i t.' 1 Or - ! ad w4.o have te i .t Po'.. der? are a POs LI i:il CCr.MPLAIXT t.d f.rn. and an irnmc v i.p,;- v i DJLIOL'S DLRANGlIMrVTs-" i Curoar.cl Prevcn I (Ve ;..'v; :.- .'; .vocf Fever c A r- ! on 'ir:i?'i rea i I I-r.-e prr ;' , ' t; e a --G Hi i rev '"ecf c fiU'V I t - . i e r:r,---. ch n r" r:..-.), on ap; rc.-r- C. O. ;LARX Fries, 50 Ci.. '- J C: w ii $p OI3"S DYSPi'PS rACU TI:i3 crent m'v f TIIE .STOMACH L-thf vet: tor of Cv's valu while ex i,r; inien; in ' f, :ie C. hi- onn hi cureii I r imp m the St.-.m.v-h f. j ,, - U ,3 Y ""TL' r v re ,ei nof-: uotiir.i,-' tft:ra fr v?r, 1 I" i .v.;. - f F " rr.do-r-i :v.I rf" tirnony c-fits 'f!c-!cv : we reef-: ve t' iir. : "-f h:.tv'"M'i' it : oe wi?l c';r. eurei: :n f c?-- s in th'rfv rWj'; VI IS w ' t i Ti . t: rv :: i. C. .1 i i I O RICES 1 GREATLY RI AT TI'.K . JGKKSTOiVH luAIiLI '".." f nbscribcr has -"utt receive ana uar.osome luvoite 1 talis r nr.. I Ar.crlcan -T-.rr!' : c.'-mrTi-ln-: C.-.s l;:r:jit and f n ! st.vk of the kind ever rro:: :':t i J-.hrsto-rr:. ?t l.i- or iUi ':: ; I e- i-i : ., c i t . i :ure ; e i f c CX-'" r. I I .dtb ar( advauato f .i ' kiif::l workmen, to . MONUMENTS. V. ' Me and Bureau Tuv . : can 1 o i r.rcb.arcd b ar, I A r ' ar.d fr::; t i . ck i f G u ro-v. !ei i,or-i l,0f - C t fov.- w Dr. More, wjTt of ny h.Tr-1. is i t i v i kevt eonr,r.t!v o ter.t: of pure?!-. VO Pnn ipt attei.tir.n p.vid t and -Ror.-c ut . vt : . Ti T' V t ; . i . - 1 sire i hGTQtio Marble WcrKs. ' pni'' rii.-pi--x- I cit:z.?:s of Cambria .v J 1 v ':- : cot;-.-1 res, that l.e has just recei'---1. V, t Est i tin' I t :;.! ishtn.-n! in JL-x;-" C,u,t',vUi nn J . J . .. M , I. 0.. I I ' sl-:-:v--.-:i.::t., Ti'v'--t, Gntce-s''-and Parfmt t- :-.v m.v.r. "cti:u . brtiful ;:v.. i 1-1 ,1 - r.IW:1Vr t tl 1 to order as C::c:i! as they c;i in the tify, in 4 a neat an manner, and en the shortest we: i c-tia1 t; i.e vni.:;c nn? ress-r-rftr:. v mv..-. - - 'me a ca!! be-ft -re p-urchafir'el-'C"'- '''''' am confident that my work and r-'l'-atlsfv anv rerson di'sirint anv tl.nnT I 1 i :i t" l . ..... Ao-c is the lime io net a cliccp,,- '- ... JAMES VlLKlNl,r.', WHOLESALE A 1 CJ' . : -v I 1 n.&e-CuT- Off