The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, October 03, 1867, Image 3

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OCT. 3, 18G7.
. .
-0nl to School Directors " came too
" f t insertion in this week's Freeman.
'S'e n(luence ne contlDuetl serious
.V.Vthe publisher of the Alleghanian,
":?r will ue issue( from that office the
fi!rt week.
'ff,)0f the largest and finest droves of
o't'e that traveled the road this sum-
1 . I. xrvll nl SM,v i fill' Tt Petmndil
GJ-- f rt. r
1 Otl
i'her cow was KUiea on
tho Branch
o! on Monday evening, the property, we
nf Mr. John hvans.
This is the
r- i ,,, kiUoJ within ten days.
"i'pki,!ical meeting held in Johnstown, on
vl.-eninc of tne 21st uIt began n rt
J?-ff Wili I Il3 1 icsiutuij uu.i 1.1 ii 1 1
j't" n3 a failure.
T' ws Reams, a coal miner employed
'" . , AT'. 1 1 . ..
DrirtolV station, .icaiiuuinauu wuui),
k'ill by a mass of slate falling on him
vfl.iicat v.-orlt v.i mices, on mursaay
'i'ternrK ii Uit.
' The barns of Mr. Gibson Lightcap, near
w Aiexitidrii, an Josiah Masters.
" f"pra:1k lin township, Westmoreland coun
t wi;!. ti:t'ir entire contents, were destroyed
j'T'fn? wck before last.
bm f Davil Gochnonr. in Marion
t wr.Miip, ftedford cointy, was struck by
r':?M:r.?. f"e 20th alt., and with its
'A'.ezd entirely destroyed. Loss between
Tf i jti.I t; roc thousand dollars.
Strcru'.n.s efforts are being made to secure
and many of the papeis and most
ile aequaict&I with him and his
;' -he rr
,.fc;;ni-t.t!ics, la Tor the interposition oi x
f;:it:ve clemency.
Q-x'w.Z to the resignation of County Super
v:oc'.fnt Condon the examination of teach
i!5!t tho Fchools her-e did not take placoon
Tifc'j-'av f last week, &nd consequently tlie
U.l not open on 11-iiday 3f the prt'3
at wick, as anniur.ccJ.
Tv.-n nhcfiKlvr-z llrnest D. IUiey
"i i'os V. Ds'iglfertv -hive b":gUt
u: a lut, cf.p a:id i'ur cstab-ishmcrit and
(.:: i!:to business 4n Iiraven-ivnrt'i. !ansa.
Te Vf'i e it wid prve a ctxp-Jttii s.1 iuvebt-;.i-iit
n vht fur nTcouiUr',
Tho "n-.icket-s rearmed a rich
harvest at
t!:!'NV?ir!n i mM-urgu last wceK. We
r.-i V-flT.rvi of tr.rep iLim hri.iis whrt u-pro !
v'c'inii.'o. in this way, one being relieved of
r,--r f-vo!;t y dollars, nnther of sitne frty
: '!'ir,5, au-i the third canieout minus aboirt
We ver? promised a full acotsnt of the
'arrr.'ho'vn pio-r.ic, but it has failed to reach
i. Thfl jifl'air itself was ont of the most
r.iViatcly prepared atid t-est conducted
tit crr.venod i:i the county. The festivi
tl'.s wore ke;t tip two or three days, and the
flir.ov.nt realizel is i?akl to have lK.-en 400.
A blnck fund namwl John Brown at
tempted to uutrage Miss Nora Filler, a
yrcrf v bite lady residing in Bedford, on
ti o c r f the 20th ult., "tmt tie ap
j r isch of some .persons fortunately alarmed
iiim !';" re h accompliMied his helli.-h jmr
7 s . '1 l c young lady, however, was badly
": r ;:-ci in the scufHe. The villain m-idehis
f--f. e at. 1 a reward cf one hundred dollars
1' 1 1.1 .11 1 1CI.
in o iioiu-mians, evi;er.t-y a latncr and
were struck by tho eirgine attached
'o tjC Vitus' AccoiamntTirloii train, near j
.i ;rr.rv,-,-..Kl station, on the reunsvlrav.ia II.
.... n many morning last. an,l the two
H. irYr n-t. M n'lirn L ; ' n. f I l t o r t It- l. ?
no tlied of his ir.juries the same nij;ht.
t'o fg was so dense that the presence of
i c i;Ti-f.. rtr.nate men was not discovered un
1 1 a?t-?r ti'C accident. Their names were
r.d Ir.cwn, as neither of them could speak
htili.-h or German, and all that could be
.' cf them was that they and several
'thrr of their coiintrj-men had stopped at
Ea.-t Liberty and obtained employment,
ri.e three weeks previously, while on their
way to the West.
Dfatii of Col. Jinx D. O'Connell.
Oufcitizins have been exceedingly paint d
to Lear of the death of this distinguished
Oirr.Lrian and gallant officer. It occurred
at New 'Orleans some time during last week
he ai.d his most estimable lady falling
victims to the yellow fever, aud both dying,
as we understand, on the same day.
Ctl. O'Connell had highly distinguished
hiaisclf in the rtrvice of his country. Beared
en a farm in the vicinity of Ebensburg, ho
bec;ir:ie a candidate fur West Point, where
he graduated with honor, and at once enter
d the army. For the last fifteen years he
lus been engaged in active service, except
!ur:ug the j-erkx! when his wounds disabled
him. He f jught gallantly through the whole
war of the rebellion, aud though but a cap
tain at the time, commanded a regiment in
any of the severest battles. Few survived
o many and such serious wouikIs, but his
temperate habits gave unusual vigor to his
All who knew the Colonel were his friends
and admirers. To the most determined
bravery and manly bearing, he added the
simplicity of a child and the modesty of a
lady. In his demise the country has lost a
gallant patriot and society a benevolent
christian gentleman.
Pcbi.ic Sale. Mrs. Susan Rhey will of
fr at Public Sale, at her residence on Cen
tre street, Ebensburg, on Saturday, October
12, 18G7, at 1 o'clock r. M., Chairs, Tables,
t-ooking Stove. Bedsteads, Bedding, Har
ness. Lady's Saddle, and a variety of other
articles. Terms will be made known on day
of sale. 2t.
Wiiex a man wants money or assistance
the world is generally obliging enough to let
iira want, but when he wants the full worth
-Of his money in any kind of merchandise,
:'-l La has to do is to go to the cheap store
tf II. A. Shoemaker & Co., on Main street,
where everything from a bodkin to a bureau
can Le bought at the right kind of prices.
Pooa IIorsE Appointments. We under
aad that the following appointments were
tewle at the Poor House, on Monday last, by
a majority of the Directors Henry Byrne,
&q., being absent: Steward, A. D. Criste,
Vfilunster township; Treasurer, George C.
Zahm; Physician, Wm. Lemon, M. D.
Leo Beokek. We regret to learn that
f,ur friend, Mr. Jacob Nagle, a much esteem
ed citizen of Clearfield township, had one of
jiis legs fractured in two places, on Sunday
ft, in consequence of the horse he was rid
lcg breaking thruugh a bridge, while on Lis
to church.
Accident. Sheriff Myers was thrown out
o his buggy, on Tuesday evening, in con
fcequence of one of the wheels striking a large
st&e, and sustained several severe coniusions
about the bead and body. Ilia injuries are
panful, but comparatively lightv
Johkstown, Sept. SO, 1867.
Dear Freeman It is my painful duty to
chronicle this week the sudden and terrible
death of Michael Boland, a citizen of Mill
ville, which occurred at Blairsville Intersec
tion on Wednesday evening last. Mr. Bo
land had gone to 1'ittsburgh on the preced
ing Monday, and was returning home on the
Philadelphia Express the evening above sta
ted, and when in the vicinity of the Inter
section he left his seat to pass into the ad
joining car, and it is supposed that in cross
ing between the cars he missed his footing,
and falling beneath the wheels, was crushed
in such a manner as to cause his death with
in an hour after the accident occurred. Ilis
body was brought to this place on Thursday
and iuterred in the Catholic cemetery on the
following day. Mr. B. was about 38 years
of age a kind, genial, good hearted man
and was universally esteemed. lie leaves a
wife and several children to mourn bis un
timely fate.
Patrick M'Donald, whom I noticed not
long since a? having Wen blown up in the
mines, died from his itjuries on Monday last.
This poor fellow had been'at work here-but
a few day9 when the accident occurred, and
being friendless and without means, was ta
ken charge of by the overseers of the poor.
I believe all that medical skill could accom
plish was done in his ca?e, but owing to the
severe nature of his injuries, it was impossi
ble to prolong his life. Far from the green
t-horts of his native land, he fell a victim to
the hazardous business in which he was em
ployed, and friendless and homeless, with
no loved one near to soothe his dying mo
ments, he departed to solve the great mys
tery of man's redemption.
Another lively foot race came off on Por
tage street, on Saturday, between Blacklock
and lledmond, (both of whom have figured
in like contests heretofore.) for a purse of
$50. Over two thousand people posted
themselves along the route, aud as there was
no delay on this occasion, everybody appear
ed perfectly satisfied except thos-e who "went
it b'.inrt" on our friend Blacklock. It was
nip and tuck with the conttstants for about
one half the distance, when the superior
bottom" of lledmond displayed itself, and
he took the leaJ, winning the race by about
fortytyards. Another race on the same even
ing between ParStt and Beam, for a stake
of &1P, was easily wen by the former.
Two young men, twin brothers, hailing
fiom Norristown, wire arrested last week
for assaulting a man named Snyder, an em-
pluyee at the Company's coke yard, near
j this place. It appears they got on a cargo
I of "tangle-foe t," and going tu Snyder's place
of business, they from some cause pitched
into S. and gave him a severe beating. Not
appreciating such siriking manifestations of
regard, Snyder information against
theni for assault atid battery, aud in default
of bail they will be taUcn up to your place
Another cap thief entered a store on Clin
ton street, n Saturday, and purchasing a
cap, started out. He returned shortly after
wards and wanted to get his money back in
exchange for the cap, but as this was not
the usual mode -of doing business at that es
tablishment, tte clerk declined the proposi
tion, lie agreed to compromise, however,
by giving &?.oAer cap in return for the one
purchased, but just th-crn his presence was
required in anottiw part of the tore, aad
as soon as his back w,s fjtrned the young
man, doubtless wishing to make himself
whole, abstracted another cap from the box
and started iff, but was soon overhauled and
the stolt-n propei iy take.) from him.
The till of a store on Main street wasaiso
robbed, one day last week, of ,$25. An
adroit till tapper was nv doubt, the perpe
trator of this bold robbery, for although eev
eral ierstns were in the store at the time.
no clire to the thief could be found.
J. V. Condon, Esq.. last wet;k resigned
the position of County Superintendent, with
the intention of removing to Philadelphia for
the purpose of accepting a situation tender
ed him by an Insurance Company in that
citj'. Mr. Thomas J. Chapman, the associ
ate of Mr. Condon in ths publication cf the
Tea-clttrs' Advocate, is an applicant for tlie
vacant Superintendence, and will likely suc
ceed in securing it
Mr. Hugh Bradley, who with his family
removed from this place to Bethlehem, Pa.,
about a year ago, came unexpectedly among
us for a brief stay, on Saturday night last.
Mr. B. has still a strong yearning for the
rugged hills of Cambria, and designs purcha
sing a firm, if he can suit himself, within
its limits, and devoting his energies to the
peaceful pursuit of tilling the earth. A host
of warm personal friends and well-wishers
will greet the return to this county of Mr.
B. and family with genuine emotions of de
light. Messrs. Fronheiser and Kress are building
a very extensive brewery on the old Portage
Railroad, opposite Wood vale.
Another Radical blow out came off on the
Public Square, on Saturday evening. The
meeting was addressed by J. T. Owens of
Philadelphia, Muller of Pittsburgh, and W.
R. Jones of this place. Skc Bal.
Altooka, Oct. 1, 18G7.
Friend Mac As an occasional chronicler
for your journal of occurrences transpiring
in this vicinity, it is my painful duty to an
nounce tiie death of a most amiable young
lady, Miss Sarah Stewart, which occurred iu
this place on Tuesday last, after a short but
painful illness, in the 26th year of her age.
When the angel of death appeared with the
dread summons it did not rind her unpre
pared. It was hard to die to be torn so
young from scenes fraught with many hap
py and endearing memories to bid a final
adieu to mother, sisters aud friends but the
good Being demandal the sacrifice, and she
bowed submissively to the stroke. Blessed
with an amiable disposition and a Ioveable
nature, in which there was neither coldness
nor reserve, utterly free from selfishness,
jealous only of the affections of those to whom
she was particularly attached, and remark
ably cheerful in her manners, she gained the
respect and esteem of all her acquaintances,
and won from her friends the most ardent
and devoted affection. Her mortal remains,
as they lay exposed in a rich and beautiful
coffin, were viewed by a large number of
visitors, and a3 each one passed rlowly by
and looked upon the cold, prostrate form,
the silent tear which fell from many an eye
told more plainly than words could express
how dear a place she held in the affections
of all who knew her Thus has passed from
earth to heaven a pure spirit.
Oh ! why should We mourn for her who has
gone 1
To a brighter and happier world she has
flown ;
She is free from all sorrow, her sou! is at rest
In the realms above, with God's chosen and
Requiescat in pace.
One of the most shocking accidents it has
ever been my misfortune to witness occurred
in this place at noon on Saturday last. A
very promising lad of 14 or 15 summers,
son of Mr. Washington Foutz, a blacksmith
in the employ of the Pa. R. R. Co., was on
his way to the shop with his father's dinner,
and stopped for a few minutes on wat is
known as the scale tra.cll, and while h;
tentionwas attracted Vy th- ng n;-f '
West, he was struck by the front caf of a
train which moved up behind him, and fall
ing under the wheels, three of the cars passed
over him, mashing his head and breast aud
severing his arms from his body. Of course
he was killed instantly. His remains were
followed to the grave on Sunday by a large
concourse of people. The bereaved parents
have the sympathy of the entire communiti'.
A somewhat exciting ircident occurred
here, one day last week, on the mail train,
which arrives at 7.30 r. M. This train, as
you are aware, stops here twenty minutes
for supper, and one of the gentlemen who
alighted from the cars for the purpose of
diniug, at the time stated, returned to find
his seat occupied by a portly "American of
African 'scent." The white gentleman very
politely informed his colored brother that he
would oblige him by vacating his seat, but
the "culled gemman" replied that he couldn't
see it in that light, and peremptorily refused
to get up. Tho white gent, finding that
moral suasion was of no use, concluded to
try what virtue there was in koock-dowD
argument, but had scarcely given the negro
a taste of his pugilistic powers before he was
arrested and taken to the lock-up, where he
was forced to spend the balance of the night.
I would remark here, for the Information of
all interested, that no one. not even tho con
ductor, has a right to dictate to a negro
where he shall sit in the cars, provided ho
has paid his fare. He has the lawful right
to go into any car or any seat he pleases,
and can even force himself into the sleeping
couch of a white man, as is said to have
been done on this very road not long since.
He is literally and practically freer than
any white man that travels A Radical
Legislature has passed, and a weak and im
becile Governor has approved, a special act
whereby a negro is not only made the equal
(so far as tho law is concerned) of the white
man, but infinitely his superior in privileges.
Did you notice in the last IVibune but
one the doleful wail over the defeat of Col.
Hall for renomination for State Senator? It
almoEt brings tears to the eyes to peruse it,
and reminds me very forcibly of the lament
tations of poor old Job over his sins.
Some of our euergetic citizens have in con
templation the erection of a large building
for a High School.
This is the last scribbling I will do for
you until Sharswood is elected Judge of the
Supreme Court, and I hope Jim Cramer
Sheriff of this c mnty. Yours, Src,
T. I. M.
St. Acc;usTiSK. Sept. 28, 18G7.
Dear Freeman I had the pleasure of at
tending a pic-nic given by the ladies of this
place to-day, and I deem it my duty to thank
them for the invitation extended to me, as I
was a siranger in this viciuity. I must say
that it was a grand affair, and was got up
in style. The principal promoters were Mrs.
Geo, M'Gough, Mrs. Col. W. A. M'Dermitt,
Mrs. Kate Burgoon, Miss Elite M'Guire,
Misses Sue and Maggie Olass, and -several
others whose names I cannot recollect. They
had a splendid dinner and supper, seasoned
with wine and lemonade, and all appeared
to enjoy themselves, especially on the danc
ing floor. Mr. John A. McIntjTe opened
the ball by dancing several Irish jigs, which
he can do in style. Next came the "prince
of landlords," George M'Gough, who more
than enjoyed himself, but business matters
called him away at two o'clock, which did
not please him, as I judged by the look of
his "phyzog'" when he left the grounds.
When I seek for fun and a g?od time again,
I will be sure to visit St. Augustine. That
the shadows of her inhabitants may never
grow les3, is the sincere wish of a
Live Stock Txs cbance. This branch of
insurance is something entirely new. Tlie
Hartford Company insures horses, cattle, etc.,
against death from any cause. It will be
of great advantage to the teamster, or small
farmer, who has a large portion of his capi
tal invested in hi team, from which lie de
rives his livelihood. The death of a horse,
in such a case, will often place the owner in
comparative poverty, wheieas. by the pay
ment of a few dollars, he can now be secured
against such calamity. The rich man can
also provide against the loss of valuable
stock in the same way. The Company has
had application for Agencies from all points
of the Union, and starts with every prospect,
of success. Hartford Courant.
I saw him on the street one day,
'With a most dejected look ;
In a broken voice lie told mo
That his girl had him forsook.
This eve again I met him,
In smiles his tale he told : .
His suit the girl could not denj.
When he went to her arrayed in a
superb outfit purchased from Leopold.
Don't forget the place ou Main street, a
few doors below the Scott Ilonse, Johnstown,
where a largo assortment of fall and winter
clothing, etc., is now in store. S. B.
Goon News. It affords us great satisfac
tion to be able to state that Jas. J. Murphy,
of the famous Star Clothing Hall, Johnstown,
has now on his shelves the largest stock of
fall and winter goods ever brought into this
county. Jim is a clever man to deal with,
and as the most fastidious taste can be suited
from his immense stock, til in want of
clothing should visit his establishment. A
large selection of Overcoats at the most rea
sonable prices. Remember Star Hall Cloth
ing Store, Clinton Street, Johnstown.
'Tjs said that "absence conquers love
'tis said the turtle is a dove ; 'tis said "a
life on the ocean wave" is apt to make a
lubber cave ; 'tis said that "lips with whis
ky wet will soon be dry again," you bet ;
'tis said that "might is right in mauy a
case," and and and 'tis said that when
you want either dry goods, groceries, cloth
ing or notions, Mills
Go and see.
& Davis' is the place.
Shaksteare says that "use strengthens
habit." but Squibbs alleges that he tried the
experiment for a twelvernouth on a coat.
and instead of use strengthening his "habit"
it weakened it so completely that he was
forced to buy a new one at the cheap cash
store of V. S. Barker, on Main street, where
a fine assortment of "habits" is always kept
in profusion aud sold at the lowest prices.
It has been discovered that the first wear
ing apparel mother Eve ever donned was a
bear skin. If the old lady lived in this age
and this latitude, she would find more com
fortable and fashionable goods with which to
bedeck her queenly form at the great mer
cantile mart of J. M. Thompson, on High
street. At least the daughters of Evo here
about are of that opinion.
Gold. The Copper river country, In
Russia America, is said to he rich in gold,
and the great watch, jewelry and notion de
pot of C. T. Roberts, oh Main stree t, is
known to be the headquarters for the sale
of all Useful and ornamental articles made
from this valuable commodity. If you oan't
go to Ilussia America, at least gq q Roberts'
and examine his stock.
' Go to the F0LL8 EARLT and Tvork all Jay.
WiA vl
Rfnewer .
Renews the nutritive matter which nourish
es the hair.
Renews the brash, wiry hair to silken softness.
Beautiful Hair Dressing.
One bottle shows its effects. '
R. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, N.H. Prop's.
For sale by all druggists. tep26.1m.
A gentleman who suffered for j-ears from
Nervous Debility. Premature Decay, and
all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will,
for the sake of suffering humanity, send free
to all who need it, the recipe and directions
for making the simple remedy by which he
was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by
the advertiser's experience, can do so by
addressing, in perfect confidence, JOHN B.
OGDEN. 42 Cedar street N. Y.
Wiiat Evert Oe Wants. A good, re
liable medicine that will be on hand when
required, and never fails when called on.
That is now to be obtained in Dr. Tobias'
Celebrated Ttni'ian Liniment. Many thou
sands call it the Wonder of the Age, as it
does all that is represented and more. It
cures Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic, Spasmn,
Vomiting, Croup, snd Sea-sickness as surely
as it is used, and is perfectly innoceut to
take internally, even in double the quantity
named in the directions ; and as an external
remedy for Chronic Rheumatism. Cuts. Brui
ses, Old Sores, Mumps, Toothache, Head
ache, Sore Throat, Sprains, Insect Stings,
Pains in the Back, Chest, and Limbs, thou
sands have testified to, and their certificates
can been seen by any one at the Doctor's
Depot, 56 Grtlindt street. New York.
Hundred.- of Physicians u-e it in their prac
tice. It has been introduced since 1847,
ond hundreds who now have it in their
houses, say thev wuuld not be without it
even if it was S10 per bottle. Every drop
is mixed by Dr. Tobias himself, and can bo
depended on. Only 50 cents and Si per
bottle. S-ld by Druggists,
landt St., New York.
Depnt 50 C rt-
Oct. 3-lm.
Goiko Vest Fast. This is an age of
wonderful inventions. The minds of inge
nious mt-n have brought forth machinery fa
cilitating and making labor easy. And
among the ret the Blacksmith has not been
forgotten, for I. C. Singer has invented a
machine v.-hich makes the process of bending
light or heavy tires, bands, &c. an easy and
very pleasant task. This machine is gauged
and numbered so as to tell exactly where to
place the rollers in order to bend any desired
diameter. Hundreds of references can be
given. To get the machine, address R. II.
Singer. Ebensburg, Pa.
N. B. A few State rights remain to be
disposed of. None need apply for Pennsyl
vania, as the inventor intends holding it for
the purpose of selling machines.
P. S. The place to get your horse well
shod, your wagon tire made and general j
r.l.icksmuhmg done, is at R. H. Singer
shop, near Isaac Evans' tannery.
Dit, J. II. Jordan. Indianapolis, Indiana,
says: "I have known Dr. Strickland's Pile
Remedy to be thoroughly tested in numer
ous cases during the past year, and with
perfect success in every instance. And so
it is with his Remedy for Diarrl cei or Chol
era, and his Cough Balsam. They are all
genuine and pure." ?
Pamphlet Laws The Pamphlet Laws
for the session of 1867 have been received,
and are now ready for delivery to those per
sons entitled to receive tliem.
Geo. C, K. Zahm.
Prcthy's Office, Ebensburg, Sept. 24, 1807.
Cast Sleep Nights.- A hacking cough,
a ?oe throat, difficulty cf breathing, are the
results of hard colds. Coe's Cough Balsam
allays the irritation, gives ease and rest to
the patient, and effects a permanent cure of
all lung and pulmonary complaints.
LILLY LEWLIN. At Lexington, Mo.,
on the 15th of September, by Rev. Father
Hammill, Mr. Samuel S. Lilly, formerly of
Cambria county, and Miss Elizabeth Lewlin,
of the State of Indiana.
It A I N E Y IiRO VN. A t tho - Summit,
on the 24th ult., by Rev. Thomas Ryan,
Mr. Joseph Rainey and Miss Mary Jane
Brown, all ff said place.
RYAN. In Camcria borough, on Wed
nesday, 25th ult., Kate, infant daughter of
John And Lizzie Rvan
AUTIOX All persons are licre-
tioned against interfering in any way
purchased by me at a Sheriff's sale, on the
28th ult. of the goods and chattels of Thos.
Kaylor. as I have left the same in the pos
session of the said Thomas Kavlor during
my pleasure. HENRY C. KAYLOR. "
Loretto, Oct. 3, 18G7.-3t.
jgllEltlFFS SALE By virtue
of a writ of Veml. Exjwn. issued out of
the G.)Urt of Common Pleas of Cambria couu
ty. and to me directed, there will be exposed
to Public Sale, at the Court House in Ebens
burg, on Saturday. Vie 3th day of October,
inst., at 1 o'clock r. jf.f the followiug Real
Estate, to wit :
All the right, title and interest of U. M.
L?mon, of, in and to a piece or parcel of land
situate in Washington township, Cambria
county, adjoining lands of M. M. Adams,
heirs of Edward Donaldson, and others, con
taining three hundred and fifty acres, more
or less, having thereon a good coal bank,
lateral railroad and other improvements.
Taken in execution and to be sold at the
suit of the Blair County Iron and Coal Co.
Sheriff's Office, Ebensburg, Oct. 3, 1867.
scriber oilers for sale his STEAM SAW
MILL, known as "Cambria Mill," two and
a half miles north cf Gallitzin. Cambria co.
The Mill is in perfect working order, and
will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply on
the premises to JEROME DAWSON.
August 15, 1867.-3m.
TF YOU WANT Vne beet Cooking
or Parlor StQe made in the world, go to
HUNTLEY'S and get Spears1 Anii-Duster.
J! AKGAINS can be had by buying
J yonr goods for cash at
Feb. 38. GEO. HUNTLEY'S.
DOZ. Wooden HrrrEK Bowls
iust received and for sale low for eash
?1 . a. Sx. -m W - 9 1 I
at Jftb.28.J UL.UtWUiSlXiX'a.
For Bargains!
On High Street.
Standard Dry Goods,
pi if
1 My.
mniw TTnrn nurw RTrmtiniiTi nnnn Lox
HE and SEE
The General Transatlantic Company's Spleu-
did M.iil Steamships :
St. Laurent, Bocande, Saturday. Oct. 5.
Pcreire. Duchtxne, Satusday, Oct. 19.
I iliede Paris, Sarmont, Saturday, Nov. 2.
Europe. Lemaarie. Saturday, Nov. 16.
To Brest or Havre, (wine included,) Frst
Cabin, $!G0 ; Second Cabin, $S5, (iu gold).
These Steamers do not carry Steerage Pas
sengers. GEO. MACKENZIE, Agent.
58 Broadway, New York.
A Complete History cf Vie New States and
Territories, from the Great liner
. to tlie Great Ocean.
Its popularity la attested l- the ale of
over !40,00 copies lit a biiigle niouili.
"Life and Adventures ou Prairies, Moun
tains and the Pacific Coast. With over 200
Descriptive and Photographic Views of the
Scenery, Cities, Lands, Mines. People and
Curiosities i.f the New States and Territories."
To prospective emigrants and settlers in
the Far West," this History of that vast
and fertile region will prove an inva'.cable
assistance, supplying as it does a want long
felt of a full, authentic and reliable guide to
climate, products, means of travel. &c.
AGENTS WANTED. Send for Circulars
and see our terms and a full description of
thi work . A dd ress National Public inj Co. .
26 S. Seventh St.. Philadelphia, Pa.
take orders fur our popular B.ks and
Engravings, either ou commission or salary.
Our publications are standard works bv the
best authors in the country, among which is
Titfany's Sacred Biography and History,
Holland's Life of Lincoln,
Abbot's History of the War,
Headley's Life of Washington,
Rev. S. Phillips' Christian Home,
and others. Agents will n..t be required to
canvass territory previously orcupie.l, unless
preferred. For particulars address Gckik.n.
Bill & Co., Publishers, SpriLgfield, Mass.'
We have published a Complete List of all
Newspapers in the New England States
price '2oc. State of New York price 25c.
Del., Md. and Dist. of GL, price L'oc. Oio.,
price 25o. Pennsylvania, price 2ocT Indi
ana, price 25c. AH of the above for Si. G
P. ROW ELL & CO.. 40 Park Row, N. Y.
Madam Fojs'
Corset Skirt Supporter!
J"inbines in one garment a
perfect fitting Corset,
and the most desirable Skirt
C ...
oupponer ever oiit-reu tlie
public. It places the weight
of the skirts upon the shoul
ders instead of the hips: it
imj roves the form without tiht lacing
gives ease and elegance is approved and re-
l commended by physicians. Manufactured
96 Summer St., Boston.
-- Ustey Collage Organs.
J. ESTEY & CO., Brattleboro. Vt..
The Original Inventors and Manufacturers.
Combining more perfections than any other
in tlie world.
Have taken the 1st premiums at all the prin
cipal Fairs in the country.
305 Wasliingtonst., Boston; 417 Brr. me
at., N. Y. ; IS North 7th-st., Phi'.a. ;
1 15 Randoiph-st., Chicago.
GEN TS WaYtED. To Ixscra sce
AflESTS, &c, &c.-We wish to secure
an agent iu every city of more than 6,000
population, to act for us in canvassing for
business. A man who is already establish
ed in tome occupation which allows him a
few spare hours, can easily increase his in
come several hundred dollars per year. This
is an opportunity for active men to secure a
profitable connection with the best Advertis
ing Agency in the United States. Address,
with full particulars, leferences, &c. GEO.
P. ROWELL & CO., 40 Park Row, N. Y.
And will present to anj' person sending us a
club in our Great One Price Sale of Dry and
Fancy Good, &c.. a Silk Dress Pattern,
Piece of Sheeting. Watch, X:c , free of cost.
Catalogue of goods, and sample, sent to any
address free. Address J. S. I1AWES &
CO-, 30 Hanover St., Boston. Mass. P. O.
Agents wanted everywhere for nv,r
One Dollar sale. A Watch, a Tea Sett, a
Shawl, a Dress, for one dollar each. Send
25 cts. and stamp for two checks and circu
lars giving full particulars. Address AR
ington street, Bofton.
A GENTS WANTED i 10 to $120 a day
to introduce our new patent STAR
$20. It uses two threads, and makes the
genuine Lock Stitch. All other low priced
machines make the Chain Stitch. Exclusive
territory given. Send for circulars. W.G.
Wilsox & Co., Manufacturers, Cleveland, O.
TTJP P'TIff Ijrjj J Don't be humbugged by
flfi U 1 ILL lulu! Impostors or "patent"
cas? iron or machine ''Stencil tools." Send
for our New Catalogue of Improved Stencil
Dies, 20 varieties, alt rf Steel, carefully fin
ished and tempered. S. M. SPENCER &
CO , Brattkboro, Vt,
my Patent Steucil Tools. I prepay samples
free. Beware of infringers. My circulars
will explain. Address A. J. " FULLAM,
Springfied. Vermont.
CYTO $100 per month, and traveling
J 1 expenses, paid good agents to sell our
Patent Everlasting White Wire Clothes Lines.
btate age aud address American If ire Co.,
162 Broadway. K . Y.
Look Here!
Agents, both male and
female, wanted
everywhere to sell the Patent Imvroved Ink )
Reservoir, (by wdiich from one to two pagt-s
can be written without replenishing with
ink,) and our Fancy and Dry Goods, he.
Can ciear from $3 to J 10 a day. No capital,
required. Price, 10 cents, with an adver
tisement describing an article for sale in cur
Dollar I'mcliaslugr Agency, cir
culars sent free.
to uanover fct, Boston, Mass.
coxstmi'Tiox Cjax he clrcd
prep?.rei Irom the fotraula of Prof. Trousse
of Paris, cures Consumption, Lung Dieg
Bronchitis, Dyspepsia. Marasmus General
Debility and all morbi conations of the
system dependent o- deficiency of vitai force.
It is pleasant 0 UstQt &ncl a single bottlJ
wlIj,C0DTtGce the most skeptical of its virtrre
i no great healing remedy of the age. $1
a Dottle, or six bottles tor Jo. bent by ex
press. Sold by S. a UPH AM. No. 25 S.
Eighth st., Philadolphia.and principal Drug
gist?, Circulari'bent free.
7irvTCl" nird. to sell Six'N
m Invents f
ages and sample gratiN Afu, f ..
S100 000. Epbraim Brow,,
Lowell, Ma?
ERAL PAINT COMPANY lire no vv manu
facturing the best, cheapest and most duraue
Paint in use; two coats well put on, rnixeu
with pure Linseed Oil, will last 10 or 15
years ; i is of a light brown ox beautiful
chocolate color, and can be changed to gre1!
lead, stone, olive, drab or cream, to -suit the
taste of the consumer. It is valuable for
Houses, Barss, Fences, Agricultural imple
ments. Carriages aud Gvr-makers, Pails and
Wooden-ware. Canvas, Metal and Shinglo
Roofs, (it being fire and water proof,) Bridg
es, Burial Cases. Canal Boats, Ships and
Ships' Bottoms, Floor Od Cloths, (one Man
ufacturer having used 6000 bbls. the past
year,) and as a paint for any purpose is un
surpassed for body, durability, elasticity and
adhesiveness. Price $G per bbl. of 300 lbs.,
which will supply a farmer for years to come.
Warranted in all cases as alove. Send for
a circular, w hich gives full particulars. None
genuine unless branded in a trade mark
Grafton Mineral Paint. Address DANIEL
BID WELL, Proprietor, 254 Pcarl-st., N. Y.
-L Extract of a Letter from Baron Solo
mon Ri.tftsciUd. VAiiis, 8th April. 1864.
Rue Fauby, St. Honoie. Will you be kind
enough to have forwarded to me here 200
bottles of your In.liati Liniment; if you will
send at the same time the account, I will
forward jou the amount through Messrs.
Belmont & Co., New York.
Baron Solomon Rothschild having recom
mended to many of his friends Major Lane's
Liniment, and they being desirous to pro-,
cure it, he should advise him to establish a
depot iu Paris.
As a relief, ever ready ; as a killer of pain,
taken inwardly, or outwardly applied, has
no equal. For the relief and cure of Rheu
matic and Neuralgic Affections, Sprains,
Bruises. 5rc . it is unenualled. It is also
most efficacious, taken inwardly, iu the cure ;
of ChoJtra. Cramps and Pains in the Stom- j
ach. Diarrluta. Dysentery. Cholera Morbus.
Cholera Infantum, i-c , and is without txeep- ; '
tion the mol wonderful Panacea the woild
a fiords. No FAMILY should be without it.
Every TRAVELER bv land or sea should
have a bottle. MINERS aud FARMERS
ret-idins at a distance from physicians should
keep it constantly on hand. In case of Ac- 4-
cidents and suddtc attacks of Stomach Com- .
. . . . . , i
p.a nts. Us value cannot be estimates, m-quir-
MENT, and take no vther. PRICE 50 Cts.
per bottle. For sale at wholesale and retail
by Demas Barnes & Co., 21 Park Row, N.
". ; Gale & Robinson, 186 Greenwich-ft.,
N. Y. ; F. C. Wells & Co., 192 Fulton-st.,
N. Y. : Chas. N. Crittenden, 38 Cth Ave.,
N. Y., and by respectable Druggists through
out the world. None genuine unless signed
by John Thos. Lake, and countersigned by
J. T. LANE & CO., Proprietors, ICS Broad
way, N. Hend for circular.
John Fakeiha's
oil established
Fur Jlanvfartory !
NO. 718
Arch St,, above 7tL,
e now in Store.
S-oI mv own Imnorf.
L3-IBation and Manufac-
0 ture, one of the lar-
est and mc
tifuljsclections of FANCY FURS, for Ladies'
and Childrco'6 waar, now in the Cily. Also,
a fine assortment of Gent's Fur Gloves and
I am cnahh-d to dispose of my goods at
very reasonable prices, and I would there-
fore solicit a call from my friends of Cambria j
county and vicinity. f
Remember the Name. Number and Street ,
No. -iUS ARCH St.. above 7th, south side
OCT I have no partner, nor connection vrilh 1
any other Store in Philada. oc.3.4m.J
In addition to his large stock of tbe'
hddren.,'s . iVeen.
the subseriber has just added to bis assort '
nitnt a full and complete irtvoic ef '
Bo6ts and Shoes for Men nrf youths I" f
which he will not only warrr.nt to be sune'- '
nor to any goods of like char acte, EOW bcini?
ofiered in this market, but vastly better in;
every respect than the slfjp.sllop WQrk .
which tlie country ,s fjooded. Remember?-
that I offer no article. for sale which I d 4 '
not guarantee to be regular custom irJade cf " :
the best material aud superior fir UV. oV ' '
while 1 du net p.etend to com iTprtc V
with the dealers in auction gooc ? U
that I can furnish BOOTS, S Hov? x' ?
that will give more service for , ' 7'r
than any other dealer in this c ommuniti '
I pledge mvself to repair, fr ' Unity
x: i " . J "iter:
i ixic i siat. ii. a v invti wav r. " :
ime ami reasonaoie usr .
respectfully invited to call am" . y
stock aod learn my r riceg - famine E.
The subscriber i? ajso
facturc to order ar v and ,fPJ to mam
n v.. . .1
ol the very best materi , , 4 1US "ut
"-ier .9i ,.,
ana at prices 'aS rea... V, "u1u!,ui v
be obtained anyw' JnabI as hke work ca,
mon Calf, Moro F,encL. Ca,f-
Leather conStf f,C &nJ al clher in
rv-p. rousir.ntly on hand. ,
rrTZr on Main
Cray. foni'. TI. . .
street, next door ( I '
-isburg. Sept. 2G, 1867.
fW ? n Tl'f -f aD rder cf lhe Orphan I
ourt of Cambria rnnntn , I.
4i ... , .' l" me uirecte
there will be exposed to Public Sale, at O i
Proudfoot School IIouso, in Chest townshb
on Tuesday the 8th dMy of October eK at,
o clock r. m the following describe,! rJ
tstate of whic, Michael Tanner, late' U:
Chest townsb;.Pf died seized -
CbiflT .cl ?f.LKD situated! P
Uiest to vnship, Cambria countv. adioini . ,
lands of Job steiger . Martin Yahn ?
'artm lahner. Jr.. .TarK twi,.:i '
others, containing 77 ACHES. lOSPEkd
ES. and the usual allowance for roade e.'VS
about twenty-five acres of which arecle'ar ! '
having thereo.i erected a LOG HOUSE ' '
LOG BARN. There is good pine timber I
the land. h
Term rf Sale. One-third of the pnrcl ; 1
money to be paid on confirmAtinn ., . '
r,J : " Ui s
nun tuc ii;auiuu in
two equal annual i j5
ments, with
its, with interest, to be secured bv V
tga2e and judgment bonds of the '..V
AdmV MichT Yahuer. d. .
t i
i !
- r