TALUADLB ItCCIl'CS. A ItEcirii Worth OxkTiioi-saxdDoi tJlus The Ohio Cultivator Bay a : Take one pound of sal soda and a half a pound of unpacked liine, rut t,l?n jn a gallon of water and boil twenty minutes; let it Ntand till cool, then drain off and put in i strong jug or jar, soak your dirty clothes - jvcr uight, or until they are wet through, ' ' then wring them out and rub on plenty of boap, and in one boiler of clothes well cov ered with water add one teacupful of - washing fluid ; boil half an hour briskly, then wash them thoroughly through one ' suds, rinse, and your clothes will look bet- tcr than the old way of washing twico be fore boiling. This is an invaluable recipe, and I want every poor, tired woman to f i try it. I think with a patent washiub to yfdo the little rubbing the washerwoman f f might take the old Bible and compose her-i- : ecU on a loungo and let tho washing do t ; itself. ' j Milk and Osion Juice vor Dropst. ' Dr. Fautier, a French physician, re f lates the case of a man who was ahTicted with general dropsy and a double drop?y r of the chest, accompanied with threat ditli ' culty of breathing and other distressing V symptoms. Various remedies had been , 1 taken without any apparent benefit. Dr. f ; Tautur then prescribed tho following tre&t ; ; ; rnent : Three cups of milk porridge to be taken daily, each to be followed by eating Iry bread and raw onion, without any V; drink. This diet was persevered in for :hirty days, but before half this time had lapsed the patient was able to leave his cd. In the following month nothing ' -emained but slight outlines of tho feet " ' ind ancles. A generous diet was then prescribed, and in another month a cora f , dete cure was effected. CuANiiERitY wine taken internally and Applied externally is announced as a cure 41 or scrofula. To make the wine, take the St ipe berries, mash them in a mortar to a j ine pulp, put it into a stone jar, add one . I mart of water to two quarts of berries; , -;jtir it well: set away and let it stand a ; 4 eek ; then strain it througli cotton, and wou have a beautiful wine, which, with a 'ittle Bugar, makes a wholesome drink at '.mce cooling and palatable. It does not ferment. J- Greem Conn. A writer in the Gcr i. uiiitoicn Telegraph says that green corn ' lay be kept the year round by pickling . jj ; with the husk on, in brine strong enough prcaervo cucumbers, care being taken j Keep u covered with brine. lioihnMt i a eood supply of water will freslipn it ijfficiently for tlie table. It is worth ymg. A Sad Failcrk. "Hurleigh," of the 'o6ton Journal, ays : The representa tive of a large 'ew England house closed '3 counting-roora and allowed his paper p go to protest last week. The sudden jeath of tho senior member of the house, Ihodroprcd down dead while he was f liking, brought things to a grand etill. .fhe house wa3 tound to be bankrupt, and .j large t-mount of trust money was swept Vay. Drinking, gambling and dissipa 11 an in New York scattered the funds. fcvw.c-cf the shrewdest New Ergland men ve gone down with the concern. One ell-known New England lawyer, reputed be wortli 300,000, is involved in this ilamity to the full ext- id oS his property id word. Widows and orphans have it their all. It seerrs strange that reck 13 young men, whose habits are well jiown here, whom no prudent man in pw York would trust with $l,000,should put in cnarge ot millions. It is equally angc that shrewd logs I gentlemen, who n take such excellent care of other neo- S-8 property, should so loosely take care. p their own, and will, as is often the case '. low reelrlpea ,,..., ..,.. I .... i .... ju.. met, lu uavu unmnii- .; use of their name, and to run away : th all that they have. Yet such events l;r o of daily occurrence. the Hall Koi.uko 1 AY TUP U sex in Greenbacks, Our private in , . mation from all parts of the Western . mtry assures us that the plan to pay the X .blic debt with greenbacks is storming '' o convictions of the people everywhere d carrying them captive. And it is ' eop.ng over the country like a fire on e prairie, though with a far different 1 rect Where nothing but gloom appear- : . in the future, light now begins to shine. . here no hope of escape from financial i Jiculues oppressed tho mind and the -or of the hands, mw a way appears . it is easy and just. Where despondency . jd taken possession of men, a cheerful ' 93 begins to shed its blessings ovrr hon so lus and communities. Get rid of j Duntam of debt and a taxation grievous : Lc born'i ly payin the bonds in tilf ;')ney of the Government the monov nf j, s peopleis becoming the cry of mcu of . jveep tho ball a rolling is the j r trom au quartet a. Cia. Enquirer, t Aim aaicals arc now busily engaged attempting to explain tho cause of their - .mense logses ia Caiifurnia ar.d Maine, 'nomination, they say, worked their u uiB oiaen btate, while sumptuary , rs and prohibitory liquor fills brought ;7. , b'" ,ong e Anstook. No ?. ine8e cai,5e8 were all of them pow V Flooring tneir discomfiture, but v. , IIO use blinking the matter. The "t of the Associated Press in San Fran , :o told the true story in one of his con Uory telegrams. It was simply because t liadicals hadn't votes enough. n,at , wuat wag the matter in California, ,ine and filontana, and that is exactly ?U .s going to be the matter in Penn i aiua. waidili7i!1"si.uh,lluPon t,ic back , wry ten dollar "greenback" is printed .. a words: -This note is a leal ten- 0fB thto U wi be seen that XL fe tle,nders anJ fat Ibe holders ' mr U V . r""y that in tL CC of 4 ' I'uonc debt j. . - 'I'Mviiaiiun, - V 9 rrr.ii;.: in green- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SIGNIFICANT. The new system of Advertising ndopted byJGco. P. Howell & Co., Advertising Agents, No. 40 Park Row, New York, is attracting a fiood deal of attention. The following ext. act from a speech de livtrcd before the N. Y. State Editorial Cou vention, (lately hoHen at Penn Yan.) by a prominent Advertising Agent of N. Y. city, goes to show that he at least acknowledges it3 advantages. From Jamcstoirn, N. Y., J-mrnal of Ann . 2dx Edited by C. E Bishi Chairman rf Com mittee OH AOVKKTISINQ AOENCIKS. "Mr. Pettengill spoke in opposition to that plan from the pn?lisJier's stand point alone, lie showed the publishers that by this system cf contracting they were giving lower rates than they :ive their own home customers or others equally as prompt and good customers ; that they were selling one portion of their papr to be used to compete with and underbid the other columns ; that the owner of the space thus sold could come riht in and beat the publisher's pi ices and take his business away from him; that if the publishers, fully understanding this, still wished to continue so irregular and unbusi nesslike a system, he (Pettengill & Co.) should i f course cease trying to get advertis ing for the papers at their regular rates aud go iuto the other system of contracting which he could stand if the printers could." The anxiety on account of the newspapers is uncalled fir. There is not one in twenty which would not prefer-to receive all their foreign patronage on this plan, when it is ftn ly understood. It is too generally recog nized as thoroughly beneficial to all parties concerned to be injured in the least by any thing whkh may be said against it by inter ested j ai ties. Advertises i-hould fend fur a circular giv ing full explanations. rOL&RCK. IXSTITUTK, a first cl:is Hoarding School for Hoys, at Pitts field, M.iss. Fall Term of 'JO we..s begins Oct. 4, 1SG7. For particlars address Hev. W. C. KICIIAKDS, Principal. Have vcu seen the '-I'EXX LKTTEK BOOK," for copying letters without the use ot either press or water ? It saves time, la bor, and the cjrjense of a copying press. For sale by all first class stationers, and at the i-flzcc of "Pcnn Manufacturing Works." 702 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia, Pa. A few more good Agents wsntoil for Gen. L C. Baker's - IIISTOKY OFTI1E8ECUET SERVICE." Increased commission allowed an.t grriitcr inducements offered. Addre.-s P. GARRETT & CO., Ikx 217, Philadelphia' AGENTS wanted, to sell Six New Inventions of crcat value to families: all pay great profits. Send L'5 cts. and get SO pages and sample gratis. Agents have made 81CO.00O. Ephraim Brown, Lowell, Mass. A Treatise on Dcifness, Catarrh, Con- sumption and Cancer. Their causes and means of relief and speedy cure, sent free. Send particulars to Dr. STi LWELL, No. 40 South oth Street, Williamsburg, L. I. Jlnilam Pejrt' Corset Skirt Supporter! Combines in one garment a VERFECT FITTING CoUSET, and the most desirable Skirt Supporter ever offered the public. It places the weight of the skiris upon the shoul ders instead of tLe bins: it improves the form without tijiht lacing gives oa.;e and elegance L-s approved and rc commended by physician?. Manufactured by D . B- S A U N D Ell S & CO. , 00 Summer St , Boston. PAITS rOR rARMCKS AND OTHERS. THK GIIAFTON M1N EIIAL PAINT COMPANY are now manu facturing the best, cheapest and most durable Paii t in Use; two coats well put en, mixed with pure Liu seed Oil, will last 10 or 15 years ; it is of a light brown or beautiful chocolate color, and carrbe changed to green, leal, stone, olive, drab or cream, to suit the taste of the consumer. It is valuable for Houses. Hams, Fences, Agricultural Imple ments, Carriages and Car-makers, Pails and Wood en-ware, Canvas, Metal and Shingle Roofs, (it being fire and water proof.) Bridg es, Burial Cases. Canal Bats, "Ships and Ships' Bottoms, Floor Oil Cloths, (one Man ufacturer having used GC00 bLls. the past year.) and as a paint for any purpose is un surpassed for body, durability, elasticity and adhesiveness. Price $(i per bbl. of 300 lbs., which will supply a firmer for years to corne. Warranted in all cases as above. Send for a circular, which gives full particulars. None Pennine unless branded in a trade mark Grafton Mineral Paint. Address DANIEL IU DWELL, Proprietor, L'0 1 I'cail-st., X. Y YOU'KC WASTED! Look Here! Agents, both male and female, wanted everywhere to sell the Patent Improved Ink Reservoir, (by which from one to two naes can be written without replenishing "uifh ink,) and our Fancy and Dry Goods. fL-c vau e.eur irem j to jiu a uav. jsio capital required. Price, 10 cents, viih an adver tisement describing an article for sale in our Hollar I'lircliasln? Agency. Cir culars sent free. EASTMAN & KENDALL, C5 Hanover St., Boston, Mass. DEAFXESS CUIiED. The Organic Vi brator fits into the ear, is tmt perceptible, and enables deaf persons to hear distinctly at church and at public assemblies. Send particulars to Dr. STILWELL, No. 45 South Cth St., Williamsburg, N. Y. IV K Alt E COM IX G, And will present to anv person sending us a club in our Great One Price Sale ol Dry aud Fancy Gor.ds, &c, a Side Dress Pattern, Piece of Sheeting. Watch. Arc , free of cost. Catalogue of goods, and sample, sent to any jKioress iree. Aciuress j. HAWKS & -U HO Hanover St., Boston, Mass Box 5125. P. O. TIIIRTCCX YEARS AGO Dr. Louis, of Providence, U. I., discovered Pcmedies with which he has cured h of fses of Paralysis, Fits, and all forms of nervous diseases. .Send two stamps for Pamphlet and Certificate A WATCH SEVT FREE. A Sil ver P. Watch Given Gmtis tl.rtP. chaser of Every 100 of Kennedy's Mammoth x oinunwy l acKages. t-e largest in the world, as an inducement to h.ivn thm ?r.f duced. Agents sell the . I x "I'm they enn rerch them out. so nil.P, day sure. We have agents that sell on an average 1000 per week. Price per hundred 15 Dollars. Pctail at 25 cents. And a Watch in the bargain that will retail for .IIS iworc. l or full particulars nf I - - ' "i- ' Tf -Z nu other Raleahle vniMi. nAt,. I? mav KOKZKXmwrCou 6th and'wJod S I.; I lttsbur-'h T.i . Pittsburgh, Pa MAKE YOUR OWN SELECTIONS! TO ADVERTISERS. We take this opportunity to solicit a lar ger uhare of your patronage, assuring you we are in every way competent to transact all your advertising business. We are in reg ular communication with every newspaper published, and our facilities as general Ad vei tiring Agents arc not surpassed in Amer ica, while the amount of business influenced enables us to promise our patrons the most favorable terms. We are not emi fined to ai .special lists. If you want to advertise in one paper only, or live thousand, we woidd like to give you rates. Orders receive that careful and circumspect attention for which we have ever been commended. Call and examine our facilities. GEO. P. POWELL & CO., Advertising Agents, 40 Paik Bow, New York. SCHOOLS. Principals of Academies, Seminaries, Src, should consult us in regard to mtver'.ising. No charge for information. GEO. P. ROW ELL & CO., Advertising Agents, N. Y. iXYEXTOStS If vou wish to advertise you should con sult GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., 10 Paik Row. N. Y. TINWARE, HARDWARE, &c. 1867. "thade. 1867. I ar how prepared to offer SUPERIOR INDUCEMENTS TO CASH PURCHASERS OF TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE ! EITHER AT WHOLESALE Oil U ETAIL. My stock consists in part of every variety of Tin, Sltec!-Iron. GOITER AND BRASS WARES, IIXAMEI.I.EI) AND PI.AIN SAUCE-PANS, BOILERS, fee, COAL SHOVELS. MINE LAMPS, OIL CANS, IlOUSKFUPNiSHING HAPU WAllH OF KVEPY KIND. Speat'a AntiDnst HEATING and COOKING STOVES, EXCELSIOR COOKING STOVES. NOBLE, TRIUMPH and PARLOR COOK I NO STOVES, And any Cooking Stove desired I will get when ordered at manufactuier's prices. Odd Stove Plates and Grates, Ac, fr re pairs, on hand for the Stoves I tell ; others will be ordered when wanted. Particular attention given to Spouting, Valleys and Conductors, all of which will be made out of best mate rials and put up by competent workmen. Lamp Eurners, Wick and Chimneys "WSIOIXSAI.E OK KETAII.. I would call particular attention to the Light House Burner, with Glass Cone, for giving moie liyht than any juthor in use. Also, the Paragon Burner, for Ciude Oil. srE.CE!Ps sifte: It recemmends itself. SUGAR KETTLES AND CAULDRONS of tdl sizes constantly on baud. Special attention given to Jobbing in Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron. at lowest possible rates. WlIOIXSALi; MkIJCU ANTb' Ll.STS now ready, and will be sent on application by mail or in person. ITc to ??ee c.i my oi.i customers and many new ones this Spring, I return my most i-incere thanks for the very liberal pa triage I have already received, and will endeavor to pleas all who may call, wheth er they buy or not. IT AN CIS V,'. HAY. Johnstown, March 7, 1SG7.-Cm. GPtEAT l'tEDUCTIO.V IN PiilCXS! 'TO CASH ELY EES! AT TSIE i:RE.Sl'RG HflliSE-FDRMSff'XG STORE. 'lhe undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Ebensburg ar.d the public gener ally that he has made a great reduction in prices to CASH BUYERS. My stock will consist, in part, of Cooking, Parlor and Heat ing Stores, of the most popular kinds; Till- ware oi every description, of m' own man ufacture ; Ilardu-arc of all kind, such as IvicUs, bciews, Butt Hinges, Table llmes Shutter Ilinjrcs, Bolts, Iron and Nails. Win dow Glass, Putty, Table Knives and Forks, Carving. Kuives and Fork3, Meat Cutters, ppie I'arers, l'en and Pocket Knives in great variety, Scissor. Shears, Razors and strops. Axes, Hatchets, Hammers, Boring Machines, Augers. Chissels, Planes, C.ni Tasses, Squares, Files, Ra?ps, Anvils, Vises, Wrenches, Rip, Panel and Cross-Cut Saws, Chajns cf all kinds. Shovels, Spades, Scythes ana snatns, Kates, Forks, Sleigh Bells, Shoe Lasts, Pegs. Wax Bristles. Clothes Wiingers, Grind Stones, Patent Molasses Gates and Measures. Lumber Sticks, Horse JNans, Ilor.-e biioe3. Cast Steel. Rifles. Shot Guns, Revolvers, Pistols, Cartridges, IWT tier. Uips. .Lead, &c., Odd Stove Plates, Grates and Fire Brick-?. Well and Cistern Pumps and Tubing ; Harness and Saddlery Ware of all kind ; Wooden and Wdlow Ware m great variety ; Carbon Oil and Oil Lamps, Fish Oil, Lard Oil, Linseed Oil, Lubricating Oil, Rosin, Tar. Glassware. Paicts, VarBibh" ts. Turpentine. Alcohol, &c. FAMILY GROCERIES, such as Tea, Coffee, Sugars, Molasses, Syr ups, Spices, Dried Peaches, Dried Apples, Fish, Hominy, Crackers, Rice and Pearl' Barley; Soaps, Candles; TOBACCO and CIGARS; Paint. Whitewash, Scrub. Horse, Shoe, Dusting, Varnish. Stove. Cloth nn Tooth Brushes, all kinds and sizes; Bed Cords and Manilla Ropes, and many other articles at the lowest rates for CASH. &3-House Spouting made, painted and put up at low rates for cash. A liberal discount made to country dealers buying Tinware wholesale. GEO. HUNTLEY Ebensburg. Feb, 28, 1867.-tf. URTA1N 11IXTUKE! Has no superior M in the World!! It is pronounced J. faultless bv all who have used it. and it is predicted that it will Clinorecrla all nllm. O.. . w- " uuih uuiiAiii a' lAiures now in use. For salt by GEO. HUNTLEY. A NY PERSON intending to build a f-- House or liarn, can buy Nails and Hardware c;jap bjr payiupj rash at Feb. 23. G EO. U UN TLE Y'S, ' ALT00NA ADVERTISEMENTS. HARTFORD LIVE STOCK IISipi COMMIT. CASH CAFITAL $500,000. V"e are now prepared to insure LIVE STOCK against both DeaOi aud Theft, in this live and reliable Company. Owners of stock have now the opportuuit', by insur ing with this Company, of obtaining securi ty and remuneration for tie loss of their an imals in case ot peath or theft. OWNEIiS OF HOUSES, Manufacturers, Farmer, Teamsters. Ex pressmen, Physicians, and in tact all who are to any extent, dependant upon the servi ces of their horses in their daily vocations, should insure ia this Company, and thus derive a protection against the loss of their animals, which are in many cares the sole means of support to their owners. FAIiM STOCK. Farmers and other? owning cattle should avail themselves of this means of saving the value of their stock, and secure au equiva lent for the loss which would otherwise fall heavily upon them in being deprived of their Cattle, by insuring in this, tho PIONEER COMPANY OF AMERICA! Ly insuring iu this Company vou ex change a certainty for an uncertainty. No man can tell whether his animals may not be stolen or die through some unfjrsevn calamity. 3- Competent Agents xcanted, to whom a liberal compensation iciil be jxxid. A ppl y to KEKK & CO., General Agent. April 4, 18G7.-Iy. A! toon a. Pa. 03 Col. WM. K. PIPER, Ebensburg, has been appointed local agent for the Hartford Live Stock Insurance Company. ThTeign shipping AND EXCHANGE OFFICE. We are now selling Exchange (at New York R ites on England, Wales, Austria, Baden, Hanover, Ireland, German-, I'avaria, Uevson, IMsium. Scotland, Prussia, Wurtemberg, Saxonr, Switzerland, Holland, Norway and France. And Tickets to and from any Port in England, Ireland, Scotland, Germany. France, California, New South Wales or Austsalia. KERR A- CO. JOHN KOCKETT. F. .1. STOHM. J"OUSE and SIGN PAINTING. J033. UOriiBTTT & CO. Desire to inform the public generally that they are now prepared to execute 'House, Sign and Ornamental Tainting, Glazitvj, Pa-P-r Hanging. Graining and L'alcemininq, ei ther in Cambria, Blair or Huntingdon Coun ties, on the shortest notice, in the very best style, and at prices as reasonable as any other firm or individual in the rmmtrv. f-.l! o I,,.:, t ....! v -i i- vn in mvii itji'iii in ii'.'rtmer s i ruh.in P U2C St. .). or joiix i;cc:;i;tt rc Co., Altcona, Pa. April 25, ISC- SOIIX IIICKEY, Ai.toona Pa. Dealer In all klndi Household Furniture! srrii AS LOUNGES, I TABLES. SOFAS. BUREAUS BEDSTEADS WHAT-NOTS CUSHIONED, CANE-BOTTOMED AND COMMON CHAIRS, &c. NEW FURNITURE WARER00M, JL'I.IA STltl ET, :;KAR KAritlKT, Opposite Uie Protestant Episcopal Churcii, March 7, 18G7.-ly. EAST ALTCONA BANK NOTICES. Wil. M. LI.OVI. President. Julia 1-i.cvi), Cashier. WIRST NATIONAL IJAaK J- OV ALTOOXA. GOVE U M i: . T A ti CIV C 1 A T DESIGNATED PKi'OSITORY OF THE UNITED STATES. Corner Virginia and Annie Streets, North Ward, Alioona, Pa. Authorized Capital, SS00.000 Cash Capital paid in, - - - - 150,000 All business pertaining to Banking done on favorable terms Internal Revenue Stamps of all denomi nations, always on hand. To purchasers of Stamps, percentage, in stamps, will be allowed, as follows : 150 to $100, 2 per cent.; $100 to $200, 3 per cent.; $200 and upwards, -1 per cent. Jan. 31, lSGT-tf. :"ST WATiO.Vtl, BASK '1 I . uJOiUHJ, LAailIHA CO., rA. CapItnI,CG0,O0O PrlTllfgcto Increase to SlOO,000. Inland ar.d Foreign Drafts furnished. Gold and Silver boCht and sold. Collections made, at inrnc and abroad. U. S. Bonds and SecunUeJ of -ill kind ob tained. Deposits received and money loaned. A general Banking business transacted. DIRECTORS. D. J. Mori ell, George Fiitz, John Dibert, E. Y. Townsend. Isaac Kauffman. Jacob M. Campbell, Jacob Xjeveroon. D. J. MORRELL, Prcs't. J. RonKKTs, Cashier. jan31'G7. II. LOIU & CO., Bankers, Gold, Silver, Government Iioans, and other Securities, bought and scld. Interest allowed on Time L'eposits. Collections made on all accessible points in the United States and a general Banking business transacted.' January 31. 18C7. w. IU. LLOYD & CO., Bankers. Ai.toowa ta Drafts on the principal cities and Silver and Gold for sale. Collections mado. Moneys received on deposit, payable on de mand, without interest, or upon time, with interest at fair rates. an3I. PRIVATE SALE. The subscri- her offers at Private Sale two valuable tracts of TIMBER LAND, situate in .Wfc. son tov.nship. Cambria county, and known as the -Lloyd Property." Ai so Fair cth. cr valuable tracts of LAND, situate in Cam liia an. I Jackson townships, ami known as tb: Pensac Li Prmiertv" A t :n two FARMS a(lj..inin: the b p rgl, i f llliensbnro- one containing about lOUaeres: the other about 150 acres. The buitdint s nre nit n jood repair, with never-failirg sorins of il. 1 o wN'.fr near me nouses. (T7 Persona wishing to purchase or fell Farms or Timber Lands, will do well by calling ou mc before buying or offering thcua for hale. F. A. SHOEMAKER, ap.ll.lf. Att'y ak Law, Ebcusburg. MISCELLANEOUS. PHOTOGRAPHIC. E. & SI. T. ASTIIOXy, Mauufactiireri of PIIOTOG1LVPIIIC jMATERIALS WHOLES A LK AND RETAIL. C01 BROADWAY, AEW YORK. In addition toourniAin business ol PHO TOGRAPHIC MATERIALS we are Head quarters for the following, viz : Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views of American and Foreign Cities ami Land scapes, Groups, Statuary. ,tc. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS Ol'1 THE WAR, From negatives made in the various cam paigns, and forming a complete Photo graphic history of the great contest. -STEREOSCOPIC VIKWS ON GLASS, Adapted for either the Magic Lantern or the Stereoscope. Our Catalogue will ho tent to any address on receipt of Stamp. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. "We manufacture more largely than any other house, about 200 varitti. s. from 50 cents to $50 each. Our ALBUMS h-tve the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability to any others. Cnrtl Pliotngrnplis of Cmrmlg, tatrs meit, Actors, ic, &,c. Our Catalogue embraces over five rn-us-akd different subjects, ineludirg reproduc tions of the most celebrated Engravings, Paintings, Statues. &c. Catalogues sent on receipt of stamp. Photographers and others ordering goods C. O. D., will please remit 25 per cent, cf the amount with their crder. C3- The prices and quality of our goods cannot fail to satisfy. apr25-iy.J chair Manufactory. t JOIJASTOIV.. IA. ALL KINDS OF CHAIRS, such as common Winsor Cliairs, Fret Back Chairs, Vienna Chair?, Bustle Chairs, Eiin Backed Chairs, Sociable Cliairs, (Cane Stixt &vimf nocKixa ciiaius, of i-eky size SPRIG SE.1.T CHAIRS Settees, lyjungcs, Src.,.Xrc. CABINET FURNITURE of every description and of latest STYLES, WITH PRICES TO SUIT Till Tastes of all. Thankful for past favors, he respect fully solicits a liberal share of public patron age. Clinton Street, Johnstown Cambri Pa. Jan. 31.1807. mm mm mmm & 38 U II RAY. DTUGS, MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, Fancy Soaps, Leon's and Hall's Hai Resto ratives, Pills. Ointment.-?. Plasters, L-'oi-n.et,ts. (all kinds.; Davis' P.un Killer. Rad ways Rciidy Relief, Brown's Ess. Jamaica Ginger. Citrate Ma-nesia, Flavoring Ex tracts and Essences, Lemon Syrup, Soothin" Si'!c(-J Syrup, Rhubarb, PURE CIGAKS AND TOKACCOS, ' - x j n.-i. Clank Books, Deeds, Notes and Bonds, Cap, Post and all kinds of Note P-.j.cr. Envelopes Pens. Pencils, Arnold's Wri!i: Fluid. Black Blank Book Post IV ine for the body and food for th e mind. Call and see. Main- stueet, Elexscviig. JaTy L'o, 1SG7. AVOIID JOHNSTOWN! JOZi.-Y J. SH'RPHY & CO., At their Stores in the Scott .House, Jliin St., and on Clinton Street, Johnstoicu, Have constantly on hand a large and well faciecceu stock oi treasonable- Dry G y Goods, Boots, Shoos. Groceries, t a general variety of NOTIONS, c and -ii.. i...i)MM.s ot airnot evciy uriicie iisiiidly kept in a retail store, all of which have oeen selected with care and are ( fTered at prices which cannot fail to prove satisfac tory. Call and examine for yourselves Pcb. 28, lSG7.-tf. J3. Tkr.;. c1- : . r . HARVEY Cnil.DS, W . . I.OWJUE CHI LPS CHILD ' o o . tit m. AID SOLE IEATBEB 1S3 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH. PA. Agents for the sale of 'Hope Mill" Cotton Yarn, Bags, Batting and Carpet Chain. Feb. 23, 18G7.-tf. JOHN il-K' WM. WEI.SIt. V Y & AV E ITS II , Sucetiof. to Gay JL rainier, WaOLfcCALIi Grocers and Commission JJerclifista AND DEALERS IN FLOUR, PRODUCE. FISH, SALT, CAR RON OILS, &c, &c, Corner Penn and Canal Sts.. opposite Orain Elevator. feb23 Pittsburgh. Fa. M. CBESSWELL, E. T. SLACK, JOHX A. RYLE.-l, WM. D. GEJlilii.T.. M. McriTAL, WITH M. CRESSWELL 8l CO., Imjmrta s and JoUjers of racy m mm m us, Xo. Sll Market Street, ' June 20. 18G7-ly. PHILADELPHIA. jjNCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY! F, SJIARUITTS BYSCItT, House, Sign and Ornamentc! Painter. Gi-amm-, Glazin-, Paper Hanging, and all other work iu his line, promptly executed and satisfaction guaranteed. Shop in the basement of the Town II all. Ebensburg, May 9, 1SG7.-Cm. J A M E S II. Dealer lu all I A VIS, klndt of POPLAR, CHERRY & ASH LUMBER, Yard Nos. 314 and 310 N. Broad St PHILADELPHIA. C-Rusiness attended to iu Ebensburg by W m. J. illiatua. f mylo- n-j mm p h h to i a as u mini and Red Ink, Pocket and Pass Rooks, Maga zines, Newspapers, Novels. Histories. Bibles, Religious Prayer and Toy Books, Penkuives' Pipes, &c. Vrr AT,.,';. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JAMES J. OAT3IAN, M. D., tenders his professional services as Phy sioiau and Surgeon to the citizens of Carroll tewn aud vicinity. Office in rear c f build ing occupied by J. Buck !c C". as a stnre. Nis'.t calls cau'be made at the hotel cf Law rence Schroth. f May 'J, 18o7.-tf. 13 E LFO li I 7 D E NT I ST, CONTINUES to visit Ebensburg personally !i on tho 4th Monday of each month. During his absence Lewis N. Snyder, who j studied with the Doctor, will remain in the cfiice and attend to all business entrusted to urn. JaiiC 1,'U7. iKNTLSTHY. Dr. I). Y. Zel-- ler. bavin" nr.ei.ed an frlce in looms over R. R. Thomas' St'.re, oilers bis profes sional services to the citizens of Ebet.sburj aud vicinity. ap.18 I)EVERI:AUX, U., Iny- sr-iw Ltt lit lint, A . Office east end of Mansion House, on R.ii! Road street. Nig'ui calls may be made at the ofdc fmyli.tf 11. L JOHNSTON, J. E. SCANLAN. JOHNSTON & SCAN LAN, Attorneys at Law, Ebensburg, Cambria co., Pa. Office opposite the Cuirt House. Ebensburg, Jan. Gl, 18C7.-tf. D. M'LAUCillLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jolmstown, Pa il Office in the Exchange building, on the Corner of Ciinton and Locust streets up stairs. Will attend to all business connect ed with his profession. Jan. 31, 16G7.-tf. JOHN P. LINTON. I TTORNEY AT LAW, Juhushmn. Pa. H Office in building cn corner of Main and Franklin street-, opposite Mansion IIou-c. second tIo.r. Entrance on Frankliu btreet. Johnstown. .I.-in. 31, 1807. tf. l' A. SHOEMAKER, 1 TTORNEY AT LAW. Ebensburg, Pa ll Office on High street. one door East of the Banking House f L'ovd & Co. January 31, 18G7.-tf. II. SECIILEK, AT LAW. Ebensbura. a iiUWEY AT LAW. Ehensbura. P.r 11 E O--co in tne Criiriiihiioners' R om. Gt.ii Vise. Jan. 31, 'G7-tf. r. P. TIEENEY, TTORNEY AT LAW, EUnslurg, Pa li Ofiice in Clonada Row. Jan. 5, lSC7tf. JOSl-:iII MDONALI). I TTORNEY AT LAW. ib";ish!rg. Fa. lb Ael. rJan G1 1?G7-tf ...iv,i; vtiiiic; ctrcci. .jios! le "If-f. JOHN FENLON. ATTORNEY A 11 Office on Hi- i V V. . LAW, Eipi shi;rg tieit, :n;j i'f!:; : ra s re.-i- J r.i 31, !S'j7.-t r GEORGE SI. HEED i i . Mi.- .i A. X Li.- . L-n inbura. Pa Of:k-e ou Miiiu street, three doors Iir oi o u.ian. tJ;U) 'I, 1SG7. OEOKG V. DAT3IAX. TT il Oi ORNEY AT LAW, Ebensbura. Pa. Hiee in Cilonade Row. Centre street. January 31, lSU7.-tf. WILLIAM KITTELL, 1 TTORNEY AT LAW, Elvnsburg. Pa ll Olhce in Colonade Ruxv, CeLtie street. Jan. 31, lSG7.-tf. (J L. PEHSI1INU, Attokxey-at- w Law, Jahnstoicn, Pa. Office ou Frank lin street, up-stairs, over Jolm l,.ent...n'e Hardware Store. Jan. 31. 1-G7. JTT KINKEAD, Justice of the Peace - an l Claim Agent. Ofiice removed to the ofiice formerly occupied by M. II as son Esq., dee'd, ou High tit., Ebensburg. j3l HOTELS. fjKAXT HOUSE, Ii-iitlicU, Cambria Co, JOHN WILKIN, Proj.rietor. Tin's House has been refitted, and offers accommodations superior to any other House in the vicinity. The Proprietor, after ion experience iu the business, fee's confident. he nn.'TM.cJd th wants of tho public. His TARLE will be suppliej with the delicacie-s of the season an.l his BAR with thech..Wst wines and liquors. By constant attention and due care for the comfort of his -ue?s tho Proprietor hopes to merit a lil e-:f !,,-; IC of patronage. fmaylOlv. SCOTT HOUSE, Main Street. John stoic n, Cambria Co., Pa,. A. ROW & CO., Proprietors. " -THUS HOUSE having been refitted and 1 elegantly furnished, is now ope.i for the reception aul entertainment of guests. The proprieors by long '.-spirience in hotel keep ing feel confident they can satisfy a dis ci iminating public. Their Par is supplied with tho choicest lianas oi liquors and wines. Jan. -11, ISO 7. (I'-) uxrex liousu, PBEXSBURa. Ta., JOHN A. BLAIR, It Propietor, spares no a!ii.s to rr,-w " hotel worthy of a continuation of the liberal patronage it has heretofore received. His table will always bo furnished with the best the market affords ; his bar with the best cl liquors His stable is largo, and will 00 attended by- an attentive and obli-in-hostIer- Jan 31, lSG7-tf. FOUNTAIN HOUSE, EnF.Nsr.vho. vT nT" P L,XTOX CO., rrnp'r,. , 1.ho Table is always sui..li.-l v.-th C:e ."ct delicacies; the Baii'is supplitd with choice liquors, and the Stable attended by careful hostlers. Transient visitors accom modated and boarders taken by the week month or year, on reasonable terms. feb21 SHIELDS HOUSE, LOIiETTO, CAMBRIA COUNTY, P i THOJIAS CALLEN. rrvprieto'r. ITHIS house is now open for tho accommcv 1 dalion of the public. Accommodation, as good a tho country will nfp,r.i nn3 charges moderate. Jau 31, qI' MERCHANTS' HOTEL J. & VV. C. M'KIBBIN, Proprietors. " vciteccH Market and Arch v ' isr.T i .. ........ ' Tf-AMES C. EASE yT attuieyJ JiH at-Law, Carroiltmrn, Cwnbrin Co.. Pa. j v-V Collections aud all leal butiness promptly I liLM-N''-N"- attended to. Jan. 31. 1S07. j UV & -s v May y, 1SG7. MEDICAL PREPARATIONS. )lUu Fur a me-Jivin" ( COUGHS, exrr.- 1NFLUF.NZA, TICKLING IN Til Ho r WHOOPINCi (;0!V;-,r or relieve CONSUMPTIVE Olrv "' AH VU!; K 1 " J iS- COE'S COUCH SALflw -OVER 0ME MILLION EOTTU have teen sold, and xyA a ir ,-.. ;t .t 1,0 ................ In ( ,.r j l se.-su.n any quantity of CertUica'es M, ' j them ffoni EMINENT Pll YaiClAXs"1'.! j nave urfu 11 m t.'jeir pracrce. ! tl ie pre-er..mence over all otl. tr ei:,,.,.,,,-; IT DOES NOT DRY UP A C(h;g-i i:! T i.ooi;ns it, i'' so as to enable the pati.nt to (.,.,., ireeiy. iwo oriurrecos?.si: :y (TKE TICKLING IX THKTHKOAT V Stillborn Cough, and yet, thoi--h it 1' sure and speedy in its opf rati, .n, p js'S 5'J fsctly l.arnilcfs. btins p-urely vc-et 4Fe h is very agreeable to the ta-te, ar.J n'iH'P , admii.i.itered to children .f any p.- ' " In casts nf Croup tec iciil guartcc act,-,-if tahen iu seacon. ' ' ivo Faml.-yftSiculd J oV.i?ri3l.( It is within the reach of it ti hcapcest and he-t n.f-.'vi; e v )T '" u' C. O. CLARK .fe Co" p,",' mar.28.iowly. e;v Illvea.'t',;. n. qoi-:-s d y s i 'E i ,sia c u 1 1 e7 ; Tb's irreat remedy fur all DISK V'-Fn v THE STOMACH itl,e dic-vcrv of :'u i vent or of Coe's valu.ii. C i . - r.i U- i ... v. ,.,o t-xrenmentins tf j j i ! turtd CrmVij) in ti;f S: had before vlel.led t n - I. f r !. - V.t ( .. .. f. n- i'!:.y fr in v.::; !: ire us . ,V, 1 ly a ::.. r:.r. :rr.c it d.Ji v tC.it: parts of the enmtry t ric tl.' ie is t.o di.-ease cat: stvmach it will in.-t rpe. ciaus endorse ar.d r.-e it. timr.ny of its t nie.-.ry ; an :uy nirn. r:.vs ir.i. m : -IV i fr j we receive tiding-; of cures p-rf. ' Dmp'psia it is sure to cure. ll ...i"C. liar": ' one l,-.se will cure. S.Vi a-t.'.-Je it cured in l.un'ire.is of cases. 77-.';. ,? Dizziness it stops in thirty minute. J ;;. X'li it c ,rrc-cs at o:. i. R t. : s;r: .; . :y. jr. ... :.e (I se w :il ri-m-iv:-. Cf'-.. rf, F,l it rit.r E ,!:7 M r..u.i r..; '.v icMs to a fc.v d-E- Ert'.h v. :: be .urr.-rd with l.a!f a V-v',.. IT 15 Pl-I.FECTLY HARMLESS! Its unjTert .'feted snccss owir. t"i ''. t;iet that it eurfs by assist iiv; 2afu;c- t3 re assert her sway in the stci:;. Nearly every dealer i:i the Unitof. ?i..:e sells it at onk Ijoixau i". v. b TTi.t:. C. U. CLARK, ic Co., IV Marcn ll.-eowly. Ne t i v ; : MARBLE WORKS. "PRICES (JliEATLY UEIH'CKH : - AT T! !: JOIINSTOWIJ niAHBLE WSRKS! The subscriber hasj.i-t m-iive-3 a y ry large anl andsomc invuice c Italian and American II A R RLE, J , -..- compri.-Ing the largest and fl:.c.-t ViJ. stock of tha kind ever brought to .r"1-?. Johnstown, at Lis establishment 1 on Franklin Street, where he is . - with au adequate fi-rc of eyperk'a;.'--! :-l' skilful w-ikm-n, t j e.eci:t - :.II k::i MONUMENTS, Mar.tels, To:r.bsto:.cs. ble and l-un au T.ps. &c, as ela ip : t--.v can he j'.t:rch:.scd in any of iiie :it:u. A lar-e fct.ck of Guiskstoxks on L '-'- ' and for sale Iw. A r.v-m has b?en openc.1 in Ei en - - ' few drors west of 1);-. ,S. S. Christy 'j b. Store, where articles of my mar.nf.-tci ''.' kept constantly on hand, to which d - -' tention r-f purchasers is inviti-d. fH7 Prompt attention paid to or '" ' a distnntc and work divered w: -.' ' c' fired. JOHN PA liKE- Loretto Marble Works. IjUIE UNDERSIGNED begs leave tuU- 1 the citizens of Cambria and -it.: counties, that he has jtit rrceiro l a of the finest Italian and olier Mir?-'-? i- k Establishment in LnrctUi Cambria cr., i Monuments, Tombs. Grave St ?.f.. ?'J' and Bureau t ps, manufactured cl't'c K'J ' "5fn! and finest quality of IVrrira sr.! Domestic marble, aiwij; n - ri to order as cheap as tbey can le prrt: -;-in the oity, iu a r. eat" and wcr?-"-1?--manner, an.l on tlie shortest uotict1. The public are respectfully invited teg:' mc a call before purchafing e's-iwhtre, at 1 an: confident that my work and prieos satisfy any person desiring any thirg is E ' line of business. Nolo is the time to eel a cheap : b!1 . JAMES W1LU 1N?0- WHOLESALE & GROOBHS FILVNK Y. HAY, WHOLESALE and RETAIL Man h fart nrcr. il of TIN. COPPER and SHEET -1K0 WARE. Canal street, below Clinton, J"s town. Pa. A large stock constantly hand. OA KG A INS cr your go.ls for can oo nau iy v' ... t....-!Mr c&h at Xi v- . -; ycy . - feiiC 'v ve -S v v" c v" J x'li 1 1 a u LLP H IA . 1 cb. 29. GEO. UUNTLfA 5.