The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, September 26, 1867, Image 3

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JjUKSDAT, : : : SEPT. 2C, 1867.
" "local and personal
Oa and Monday, April 19, 1807,
ins on this road will run as follows :
LjAve Ebknsbcbq
itfl.05 a. m., connecting with Day Expross
" East and Phila. Express West.
7.15 r. m., connecting with Phila. Ex.
East and Mail West.
LtAVK Cr9sos
H 9.24 a. m.. or on departure of Phila.
Express West.
At 8.40 P. it- or on departure of Phila. Ex
press East.
Editori tiTiES, Local and General.
Another poem from the pen of "Linnet"
grace our columns next week,
fbs winter term of the public schools of
ti's borough commences on Monday next.
Typhoid fever and dysentery is said to bo
prevailing to a considerable extent in Holli-
The corner-stone X a new M. E. Church
was laid with appropriate ceremonies, at
Duncansville, Blair county, on Thursday.
The Carrolltown pic-nic, held on Tuesday,
was in every respect a most enjoyable affair.
We expect a full report of it for next issue.
Mr. Thomas Snyder, of Huntingdon, had
his collar bone broken, on the 14th instant,
while a:teniptiog to couple cars at Tyrone.
The puddlera employed in the Juniata
Irnn Company's rolling mill, at Hollidays
btirg, are on a strike for an increase of wages.
They received seven dollars per ton and de
niiind eight.
The Pennsylvania State Fair is being held
in Pittsburgh this week, and quite a number
of our citizens have wended their way thith
er. The dieploy is said to be unusually large
and interesting.
The barn of Mr. John Wheeler, of Rayne
township, Indiana county, was struck by
lightning, on the 7th inst., and with its en
tire contents destroyed. Loss about $2,000.
Where there is so much rayne there must be
tone lightning.
A little son of Mr. Thomas Boyd, of Boli
var, Indiana county, attempted to get on a
wagon loaded with fire-clay, while it was in
motion, on the 10th inst., and fell under the
whtels, one of which passed over his head
and neck, killing him almost instaLtly.
Mr. Alex. M Ticker, of Cambria town
ip, has placed us under obligations for a
prfectt of eight or ten exceedingly large and
luscious apples, of what he calls the French
pippin species. Mr. McV. has about twen
ty bushels cf these fine apples, which he de
iigns offering for sale to our citizens.
Notwithstanding the stringent riile adopt
ed by Governor Geary and Atlorney General
Hrcwiter, at the opening of the new State
udmiMstiation, the Governor is dealing out
pardons to every convicted radical that asks
tor one. All a convicted negro-lover has to
ay to jrocure his liberty is, "I ask your
pardon. Governor."
The Johnstown Tribune says that nomina
ting men like John Hickman, of Chester, is
"suggestive of the good old times, when all
pnrtifB vied with each other in nominating
their best men for office." A radical paper
in Johns own county says he was nomina
ted by "fraud and corruption," Is that the
"good old times?"
We regret to announce that our young
friend, Wni. E. Hutchinson, publisher of the
JP-yhartitt n, was prostrated by a very severe
heiuuxorbago of tl. "lungs, on Thursday night
Lint, from the effects of which he is still suf
fering. Although a serious and insidious
disc:'..-?, we trust thf.t Billy will not fall a
wctim to its ravages.
John Porter, Esq., of Susqnchann?. town
ri.ip, whose card as a volunteer candidate
fr Jury Commissioner has been iu our col
t.rvna fjr son.c weeks, has withdrawn from
the canvas. We ewe Mr. Porter an apolo
ry for not mentioning the matter sooner, as
he notified us of the fact immediately after
the Radical convention.
A 6erious riot occurred among a number
ff the coal miners employed at Penn station.
Westmoreland county, on Saturday evening
wetk. during the progress of which quite a
number of the participants were pretty so
vercly Injured. A German named John
lllilcr, who took no part in the melee. Was
attacked and so brutally beaten that he is
not expected to recover.
A. J. Rhey, Esq., better known as Jack
Rhey, was brought from Clearfield county
to his home in this place, ou Thursday night
last, in a very precarious Btato of health re
sulting from an affection of the lungs. He
Is now, we are pleased to say, in a fair way
( regaining comparative health, and we
hope the watchful care of a mother and Bis
ters will soon accomplish his complete re
covery. Ovtr genial friend, Reese J. Lloyd, who
has for several months acted as deputy for
Postmaster E, J. Mills, at this place, has
recently bom appointed to that position, the
latter gentleman having sent in his resigna
tion to the department. Reese is one of the
most jovial and accommodating gentlemen
this Bide of sundown, and we know of no
man among us better fitted for such a post
of trust and usefulness.
A mau named Samuel Reed, employed at
the car works of Messrs. Johnson & Baker,
at Latrobe. Pa., was caught between the
bumpers of two cars, which were shoved to
gether by persons who were not aware that
he was engaged in painting one of the bump
ers, on Saturday last, and so terribly crushed
about the chest'that be died almost'instant
ly. The deceased was about twenty-eight
years of age, and leaves a wife aud one child.
A social re-union of all persons connected
in any way with what was once the old Al
legheny Portage Railroad, or at least all em
braced in that catalogue who sec fit to attend,
is to take place at the hotel of Mr, James
Riflel, on the Summit, on Tuesday next,
October 1st. It Is expected that not less
than two or three hundred persons will par
ticipate in this social gathering, and a most
interesting and agreeable interchange of sen
timent and friendly greeting will doubtless
characterize the occasion.
Grand movements are on foot in several
cities and large towns to add adjoining dis
tricts. Boston, New York and Pittsburgh
talk of doing what Philadelphia has done.
Johnstown proposes to follow suit by add
ing the neighboring boroughs and villages
to the ''mother" borough, and it is suggest
ed that Ebensburg, having already swallow
d Moorotowu ?n tne North, should now
"annex" BeanU on the Vost. The project
fe&sibhj, &s there U nothing but & elf.p of
Woods between, them.
The alleged rape committed In Susque
hanna township is said to have been the
crliftg of a white man. Wa thus explain at
w Instance of the Johnstown Tribune,
Jtcm editor was "not satisfied" with our
lone, notice Gf the outrage. This crime
k8 heeoiae so common among negroes of late
Unless the word tchilt ia used in detail
ing occurrences of the kind, "American cit
izens of African 'scent" are very apt to get
the credit (?) of all these black offences. We
yruet tup inbutut will give our explanation
a justice to its political frUuds.
Rbcest Visitors): During the past week
or two Ebensburg has been favored with
quite a number of visitors. A portion of
them were here on business, many of them
for recreation, and all seemed to enjoy them
selves. Cambria's favorite, Gen. II. D. Foster, of
Greensburg, spent a portion of the second
week of Court with us, and was engaged in
the trial of an important cause. His friends,
and their name ia legion, were glad to greet
him once more in the Mountain village.
Hon. L. W. Hall, the distinguished Sena
tor from the Blair district, paid us a flyin
visit during Court week. His defeat for r
nomination has not changed the suavity of
his manners nor impaired his fine social
qualities. He seems superior to the caprices
of caucuses and conferences.
Hon. John Scott, Hon. S. S. Blair and
Hon. Samuel Calvin were als j in attendance
at Court.
During the last week of the session our
friend from the city of Brotherly Love,"
Mr. Theo. M. Apple, presented hia manly
form and honest countenance in our midst.
He is a good Apple und to the core.
We had the pleasure, also, of an interview
with Asa II. Fisk, Esq., of Fallen Timber,
and whiled away an agreeable evening in
converse with him.
Then came our rrsatile friend from the
Smoky Gty, Mr. Wm. a Murphey. To re
present the extensive house of which he is a
member is certainly no c7tild'a play, yet he
does it to perfection. We hope his raids
among us may always be as successful as
that of Herr Breitman.
And last, though far as possible from least,
our warm personal friend, Mr. Thomas Mc
Kiernan, of Altoona. "came among us," and
we trust that we did not fail to make his
brief visit an agreeable one. Mr. McK. is
one of the most hteadfast aud hard working
democrats in "Little Blair," and has a kind
ly heart and pleasing manners which win
for him the g'xl opinion of all classes. He
speaks hopefully of the election of that, "bul
ly boy," Jim Cramer, for Sheriif, and the
success of Messrs. M. Intyre and Shuaert, the
democratic nominees for Senatorial honors
in his district, to all of which we heartily
respond so mote it bo.
A Chapter op Accidents. The Tyrone
Bulletin, which, notwithstanding it found an
error in the typography of the Johnstown (?)
Freeman, h out cf the very best local jour
nals on our exchange list, serves up th"e fol
lowing chapter of accidents in its last issue :
On Monday last, Mr. William hck, whilst
standing at the post-office, was struck in the
eye by a piece of stone which was knocked
off by a man breaking stone on Juniata
street. He wa3 promptly attended to by
Dr. Burkett, and although seriouely injured,
it is thought that the sight may be saved.
Ou the same clay, Mr. Thompson, who is
employed in the yard of the Branch Roads
in this place, had his head caught between
two cars whdst engaged in coupling them.
Although severely injured he was saved by
what almost seems a miracle. His hat was
mashed flat bctweeu the projecting timbers
and held there, and the blood was forced out
of his eyes and ears by the pressure, yet,
strange to say, he was not badly hurt.
On Tuesday, Miss Snlly Canimerer, an
employee in the Herald .-"i je, in this place,
had her left hand caught in the printing
press, severing three fingers completely fr.m
the hand. MissCamen-r has the sympathies
of the public in her dreadful misfortune.
She remarked at the moment of the accident,
whilst looking at her crushed and bleeding
band, that she would cot care if it were not
for her poor old mother, of whom she wa3
the main support.
A mau bj the name of John Wolf, of
Sinking Valley, was shot through the hnud
on '.Vedriesuay. wtiiiat uUuaiig ou the inoun
tain near the Big Fill. He had his hand
ou the muzzle of his rifle, and in crossing
a log the trigger struck a limb. The ba'.l
passed tbroug'i the centre of his hand, crush
ing his hanu badly. I)r. Geoimdl, of Al
toona, was telegraphed to, who promptly
On the same day Charley Ilouser, hostler
at the Central Hotel, was kicked on the leg
by a vicious horse, injuring him badly.
Fatal Railboad Catastrophe An ex
cursion train of ten cars collided with a
freight train on the Canandaigua branch of
the Northern Central Railway, on the 18th
iust., resulting in the death of two persons
and the serious injury of several others. The
accident was occasioned by the engineer of
the excur.ion tra a mistaking the signal to
stop for go ahead s'.owly, and rounding a
curve iu the road, ran into the freight train
as stated. The engineer and fireman saved
themselves by leaping from the engine. Mr.
A. E. Tammany, of Lock Haven, brother of
Mrs. F. A. Shoemaker, of this place, was
one of the victims of this sad catastrophe.
He was a jouug man of exceeding promise
and possessed of the most endearing quali
ties of both mind aud heart, and being the
only remaining brother, it may well be con
ceived that his 6udden and terrible death
has brought the most poignant grief to the
hearts of bis stricken relatives and friends.
Mr. T. was stuuyiug law. in Look Haven,
and was on a visit to friends in Elmira, N.
Y., at the time i-f the sad occurrence.
Base Ball Match. We deem it due to
our base ball friends in Loretto and Chest
Springs to publish the following rcore of a
game played at the former place, on Satur
day last, between the Elm Club of Loretto
and the Ionian Club of Chct Springs :
Ivory, p.
F gle, c.
Chute, ss.
Charles, lb.
J. M' Donald,
Perry, 3 b.
Ridland, If.
P. M'Donald
Wagner, rf.
R. o. Elm. r. o
9 1 O'Donntll, rf. 2 3
9 1 Walters, lb. C 3
10 1 L. M'Guire, 2b. 3
10 1 Shields, c. 3 1
!b. 4 4 Durbin, s. 5 0
6 3 Little, p. 4 1
G 3 Bradlry, If. 2 3
cf. 8 2 T. M'Guire, Sb. 8 2
7 2 Eckenrodo. cf. 2 2
1st. 2d, 3d. 4th. 5tb. Ctk.
13 14 14 5 3 20 G9.
7 5 6 0 3 626.
E. R. Duunegan, of the Moun
taineer club of Ebensburg. Scorers J. W,
Cole for Ionians; Wm. Todd for Elms.
TriE centre of the United States has been
fixed at Columbus, Nebraska, ninety-six
miles west of Omaha, and the centre of at
traction in this part of the aforesaid United
States has been fixed at the great mercantile
emporium of J. M. Thompson, on High st.,
where goods of all kinds are sold at the low
est prices prevailing in the market.
Our AdvicEi We do not advise people
who cannot afford the outlay, to bedeck
themsfilvrti with iewelrv. but we do advise
those who can 'Land the pressure" to buy
only such articles of intrinsic worth as ia
comprised in the fine assortment for sale at
the cheap store of C. T. Roberts, on Main
John D. TnostAS has recently added a fine
stock of custom-made Boots and Shoes for
gents and youths to hia assortment, and dU
rects the attention of the public to. the fact
in onr advertising columns to-day. It com
prises the best Eastern rnado work, and cau
uot fail to give eatisfaction.
: Johnstown, Sept. 23, 1867.
Dear Freeman A bold robbery was last
week committed upon the premises of Sher
iff Patterson, who keeps a hotel on Portage
btreet, Conemaugh borough. The thieves
entered by a back window, aud passing to
the cellar, took eleven loaves of bread aud a
variety of other eatables. Next they paid
their respects to the bar, taking therefrom
four bottles of wine and several bottles of
other liquors, and then passing to the dining
room, helped themselves to a promiscuous
lot of dishes, making their escape without
alarming either family or boarders. The
next morning a cream pitcher and several
empty bottles were found in the rear of a
shook shop, just opposite the house.
The previous night a daring attempt was
made by three persons to rob the clothing
store of Mr. Redelshcimer, on Clinton street.
The burglars forced the cellar door by means
of a crowbar, and passing up through a trap
door in the floor, entered the hall of the
dwelling connecte 1 witn the store. A door
led from this hall into the store room, and
the burglars tried to force the fastenings by
means of a "jimmy." The noise awakened
Mr. R., and divining what was wrong, he
quietly passed out at the frout and closing
the cellar doors, started for the police. Tae
burglars in the meantime became alarmed,
and whilst R. was after the police they gent
ly unfastened the hall door and departed,
leaving the iron bar in their hurried flight.
Nocluenas been obtain ed to the perpetra
tors of either of the above, and from the fre
quent robberies which have recently occur
red, it would naturally suggest itself to mv
mind that the police ought to try and ferret
out the guilty parties. I think there can be
little doubt that an organized band is at
work, and unless soon detected we may ex
pect to hear of more robbei ies.
The cellar cf Mr. Feud was also robbed
1 BS week of several of articlt s cf small value.
A young man named John Manck, for
some time past in the employ of T. G.
Stewart & Co., as driverk was accidentally
shot on Wednesday last. Mauck had re
ceived a short leave of ubjcncc tor t!.u pur
pose of visiting his parents, who reside in
Bedford couiiiy. and persuading a fellow
boarder to accompany him, they left here on
Monday. On Wednesday they started to
the woods on a gumiicg expedition, and
whilst passing through some uuderbrush the
gun of MauckV cumpuniou was accidentally
discharged by the hammer catching on a
twig, and the contents passed through the
arm and entered the side of young Mauck.
The wound, though serious, will uot prove
It is not generally known that the irou
ore in our hil'.s, which has beeu a great de
pendence to the rolling mid, has almost given
out, and although from fifty to one hundred
meu have bten t-earchiug all the mountains
in the neighboihood during the past three
years, no trace of any ujv vei;n tint
would justify working can be discovered.
The failure to find any new leads of this
important miueral in the viciuity will piovo
a serious loss to the town, as there has been
over five hundred meu engaged iu this branch
of mining, who: o occupation here will ere
long be gone. A shaft for coal is being
sunk near the Mill, a largo vein of which is
said to exist about sixty feet beuuath thu
The sale of peacheo this year iu Johnstown
has been immense, one firm alone having dis
posed 'of over 2,500 boxes. At least 12,
000 worth have been sold in Johnstown dur
ing the season.
Tne ladies connected with the Catholic
church design holding a Fair during the
hoUidays, and extensive preparation are
already beiug made. A knowlie of the
fair" ones having the matter iu charge
convinces me that no pains will be spared to
ruak this one as sucees-f il as was tnc last.
A pic-nic was held at Conemaugh Station,
on Saturday evening. Everj'thing passed
off to the general satisfaction of all present,
and "Sku Bal" is only sorry that lie did
not hear of it in time to attend.
The first political gun of the seasou wai
fired here on Saturday by a lawyer from
Allegheny, who spoke iu the iuterests of the
Republican party, on the Public Square.
A German orator was advertised upon the
bdls, but didn't make his appearance.
My young friend, Henry Fr-iJhoff, pur
chased the property of Mr. Metz, on Coal
street, Conemaugh borough, 'the other day,
for S700.
Geo. A. M'Gough, the prince of landlords,
from St. Augustine, was in town to-day.
George has the reputation of knowing how
to keep a hotel, and your correspondent can
bear witness to the fact that a more genial,
whole-souled companion does not, to his
knowledge, exist. I was pleased to learn
that he is personally attending to S. B.'s
interests in that ancient village.
The Juniatas failed to come to time on
Friday last.
Sku Bal tips his hat to W. R., of Portage,
and several of your exchanges, who have
been kind enough to notice him favorably.
Sku. Bal.
The Best. We have no hesitation in rec
ommending the flour sold by H. A. Shoe
maker & On, as the best in the market, aud
we know whereof we speak. In fact, we
might say wo have no hesitation in recom -mending
said firm to the patronage of ill
persons wishing to buy either clothing, dry
goods, groceries, furniture, or .almost any
thing else, as they keep a complete stock
and sell a,t the most moderate prices.
TriEUE is a time for ever3'tli(ng a time '
to be merry and a time t bo sad, a time to
be weary and a tirr.i- to be gl&d but the j
time to select your fid end winter clothing ;
is at hand, and the stock from which to !
make a choice can be found in great abuu-
dance at the cheap store of Mills & Davis, j
adjoining the Post Omcc.
Fatal Accioknt. A lad named Willie
Hunter got on the steps of one of the cars
of the Mail train, at Cell's Mills, on Friday
last, and while attempting to jump off after
the train got under headway, itli aud injured
himself so severely ab.ut the head that death
ensued the same night.
It is not a difficult matter to please any
taste or supply any want at the mercantile
mart of V. S. Barker, on Main street, for
his stock comprises all that it is needed for
household consumption or personal comfort,
and his prices are fully as moderate as those
of any other dealer.
Pamphlet Laws. The Pamphlet Laws
for the session of 1807 have boon received,
and are now ready for delivery to those per
sons entitled to receive them.
Geo. C. K. Zahm.
Prothy's Office, Ebecsburg, Sept. 24. 1867.
With what joy and gladness do the
people bail the advntand discovery of Coe's
Dyspepsia Cure It is a sovereign cure for
Dyspepsia. Indigestion, and all diseases of
the Stomach and Bowels. All druggists
keep it.
jDjwocEATio.Ticr wiU h) rta(Jy for
irora this ofiice to-morruw,
PflmtDSLPniA, Sept. 20, 1867.
Dear Freeman Yesterday was named as
the day fur the reception of the Right Rev.
Bishjp- Wood, on his return from Rome, but
to the great disappointment of the immense
concouise who assembled to welcome him,
the good Bishop failed to arrive. The men,
women and children congregated together on
this occasion must have numbered over 20,
000. Ti.e people, however, proceeded to the
grounds of St. John's Orphan Asylum, the
members of St Philip's Literary Institute
and St. Theresa's Beneficial Society, prece
ded by the band of the firmer, leading the
way, and notwithstanding the great heat of
the day, the attendance on the grounds at
West Philaddph ia was both numerous and
respectable. Uninteuipted order, harmony
and good will prevailed to an extent seldom
witnessed by an assemblage so large and so
mixed. In the enjoyment of rational amuse
ment and Bocial intercourse, aided by music
aud singing aad unfettered by any of the ar
tificial distinctions which divide and sub
divide society, all appeared happy many
lingering in the splendid and capacious
grounds, so well adapted to the purpose, till
a late hour, reluctant to retire. Iu the
course of the evening, the hours of which
glided away almost unnoticed, there were
several good musical and vocal performan
ces, and the danciug was paiticipated in
with great ze.-t by nearly all present. Good
humor and good feeling prevailed, and all
returned home well pjeased with the manner
in which the day had becu spent. T.N. S.
Usk tub Hhdcs' Eujihonial Lu
bricafar.i aie n rwvlicul preparation in the
form 'f a L'.z -oge. and ars universally con
sidered 'hj nvst pleasant, mcveuii-iit and ef
fectual remedy in use for Hoarseness, Coughs,
Glds, Croups, Catarrh, Asthma. Bronchitis.
Diptheria, and all' Pulmonary Complaints.
They are warranted to give qircker and
more lasting benefit in the above affections
than ari3" other remedy. Also to contain no
'dek'tarious ingredient, and not to rffond the
weakest and most sensitive Stomach.
lllades Constitution Pills are so called be
cause of their puculbr efFocr upon the Liver,
Stomach, Bioou and .Nervous System. For
inactivity of the Liver, for the Stomach in
dc-rangtmeut, or Dvspopsia, they will de
light the patiunt with their mild and bene
ficial effect, especially if after longcoutiuned
indigestion and enstiveness. they are left
with periodical returns of the Sick Headache.
In case of a severe cold, producing Chills
and Fever, you can broak it very soon by
using the Pills as per diiectk-na with each
augS-Jy Proprietors, Llmira, X. Y.
For sale b- all Druggists ; 25 cts. per box.
Goiso Fast. This is an age of
woudeiful inventions. Ti e minds of inge
nious men have brought forth machinery fa
cilitating and making labor ea.y. And
among the ret the Blacksmith his not been
forgotten, for I. C Singer invented a
machine which makes the process of l ending
light or heavy tirr, bar.d, &c, an easy and
very pler.vant task. This machine is gauged
and nurnbtjed sons to tell exactly where to
placa the rollers iu order to bend any desired
diameter. Hundreds of references can be
givvn. To gt-t the machine, address R. II.
Singer. Ebensburg. Pa.
N. B - V few State rights remain to be
disputed of. None ueed apply for Pennsyl
vania, as the inventor intends holding it for
the purpose of selling machines.
P. S.- The place to get your horse well
shod, your wagon tire made and general
blacksmithing done, is at It. 11. Singer's
bhop, near Isaac Evans' tannery.
No Ci-rk-Au.. -But if you want a medi
cine that will cure Chrome (not inflammato
ry) Rheumatism, Mumps. Sore Throat,
Swellings, Old Son, Bruise, Toothache,
Headache. Insect Stings. Pains in the Back
and Chest, also, internally. Dia rha;a, Dys
entery. Colic. Croup and Vomiting, you have
it in Dr. Tobias' Wonderful Venetian Lini
ment. It never fails when used according
to directions. Every drop of it is put up by
Dr. Tobias himself, and he has done so for
nineteen years. His medicine is known
throughout the world. The best physicians
recommend it. Thousands o'certiricates can
be seen at the depot, 5i Coi tlandt st. No
family having.children should be without it
in case of croup. Thousands of children are
saved by it annually. Ulb it when first ta
ken, according to directions, and you will
never lose a child. Ladies will find it valu
able in eradicating pimples and blotches.
Only 50 rents ard $1 per bottle. Sold by
druggists throughout the United States and
Europe. Depot, 56 Cortlandt Street. New
York. aug.29.1m.
Srr.ENnti) Fntzns in Greenbacks Over
$5,000 iu Gre.-rdi.tcks ; $10,000 iu Sewing
Machines; .$0.00 in Washing Machines; a
vast amount of Hoop Skirts, Albums, Books,
Gold Pens, Pencils. Lockets. &c, &c, to be
distributed to the subscribers and purchasers
of the Home Amusement. Every j'early sub
scriber gets twenty-four tickets, drawing
from $5 to $100 each in Greenbacks. Can
vassing Ageuts clear from $10 to 15 per
day raising Clubs. Sample copies with a
prize ticket and full directions and instruc
tions to Agents, sent by mail, by enclosing
ten cents, addressed to the Home Amuse
ment. 78 Nassau Street, New York. Male
atd Female Canvassing Agents wanted in
every town and neighborhood in the Union.
To CoxsuMPTivKs Rev. EDWARD A.
WILSON will bend (free of charge) to all
who desire it, the prescription with thu direc
tions for mnking and using the simple rem
edy by which he waa cured of a lung affec
tion and that dread disease, Gonsrmption.
His only object is to benefit the afflicted, and
he hopes that every sufferer will try this
prescription, as it will cost them notking
and mav piove a blessing. Please address
No. 165 S. Second St., Williamsburg, N. Y.
A Stimulating Tonic Life Bitters-
Good health is a blessing The way to
enj y such is to take a wine g!as full of
Strickland's Life Bitters two or three times
a day. They create a good appetite ; they
strengthen the stomach ; they cure habitual
Constipation, Nervousness, anl Headache;
they make the old feel young. If you wish
long life and good health, use Strickland's
Life Bitters, For fcalc in bottles by Drug
gists, and by the drink at all saloons and
Information. Information guaranteed
to produce a luxuriant growth of hair upon
a bald head or beardless face; also, a recipe
for the lernoval of Pimples. Blotches, Erup
tions, &c. on the skin, leaving the same
soft, clear and beautiful, can bo obtained
without charge bv addressing
TUOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist.
823 Broadwav, New York.
Db, J. II. Jordan. Indianapolis. Indiana,
says: "I have known Dr. Strickland's Piie
Remedy to be thoroughly tested in numer
ous oases during the past year, and with
perfect success in every instant And so
it ia with hia wr 'i"
era, and his Cough Balsam. They are all
genuine and pure."
Dr. Schknck's i-Mandrake Pills. A
Substitute for Calomel. These Pills are com
posed of various roots," having the power to
relax the secretions of the liver as promptly
and effectua ly a blue pill or mercury, snd
without producing any of those disagrr able
or dangerous effects which often follow the
u:. of the latter.
In all bilious disorders these Pills may be
used with confidence, as they promote the
discharge of vitiated bile, and remote those
obstructions from the liver and biliary ducts
which are the cause of bilious affections in
Schenck's Mandrake Pi' I cure Sick Head
ache, and all disorders- of t'ie L:ver, indira
cated by sallow skin, coated tongue, costive
ness, drowsiness. nd a general feeling of
weariness and lassitude, idmwing that the
liver is in a torpid or obstmetcd condition.
In short, these Pills may be used with ad
vantage in all casts when a pnrgative or al
terative medicine is required.
Please ask for "Dr. Scheuck's Mandrake
Pills," and observe that the two likenesses
of the Doctor are on the Government stamp
one when in the last stage of Consumption
and the other in his present health.
Sold by all Druggists and dealers. Price
25 ceuts per box. Principal Onice, No. 15
North 6th Street. Philadelphia. Pa.
Geu'l Wholesale Agents Demas Barnes
& Co., N. Y. ; S. S. Hance & Co , Baltimore,
Md. ; John D. Parke, Cincinnati. O. ; Walk
er & Taylor, Chicago, 111. ; Collins Bros., St.
Louis, ilo."
ikifeBsgai HALL'S
Renews the nutritive matter which nourish-
the hair.
ltepews the brash, wiry hair to silken softness,
llcaut Kill Hair Dressing. -One
bottle shows its effects.
R. P. llALL&CO.,Nrshua,N.IJ. Prop's.
For sale by all druggists. sep2G.lm.
A gentlemau who suffered for years from
Nervous Debility. Premature Decay, and
all the effects of youthful indiscrctiou, will,
for the sake of suffering humanity, send free
to all who need it, the recipe and directions
for making the simple remedy by which he
was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by
the advertiser's experience, can do so by
addressing, in perfect confidence, JOHN B.
OGDEN. 42 Cetlar street N. Y
FOSTER GEIS. At St. Vincent's Ab
bey, Westmoreland county, P.. at 10 a. m.,
on Tuesdaj , 17th inst., by Rev. Valentine
Lobmayer, O. S. B., Mr. Andrew Foster and
Miss Barbara, daughter of Mr. John Gcis,
all of Johastown.
Accompanying the above notice the writer
of this received a most delicious cake, and
'frosted thereon weie the characters, "Sku
Bal." For this remembrance of your cor
respondent, in the tnid.-t of their great hap
piness, I c .in not bo soffirient'y grateful. It
would be a work of supererogation to wish
them well, for a wedded life so auspicioudy
began as theirs, cannot fail to call down
heaven's choisest blessings on the estate up
on which they have entered. The fiir Bar
bara, possot-sing all the virtues which so
much adorn the female character, and Acdy.
noted for his integrity and moral worth it
was fitting tlu;t these two should be united
'mid tho pious inspirations and religions sur
roundings of St. Vincent's Abbey. There
stood the mitred abbot and cowled monk,
whose lives had been passed in the shadow
of God's altar. There, too, were the aged
grand-parents, father and mother, relatives
and friends, gathered together within that
quiet cloister church, to witness the unos
tentatious contract which bound tvo willing
hearts, and which death alone could f-ever.
Then followed the nuptial mass, with the
swelling tones of the grand organ, under the
skilful direction of Father Ignatius, while
the excellent abbey choir assisted with the
responses, and during the r.1 -mn consecra
tion, and agiiin at the benediction, the new
ly married couple knelt at the steps of the
altar and const-crated anew their lives to the
services of their Creator, and then the priest
ly blessing was extended over their bowed
forms, and the peculiarly grand ceremonies
were concluded. Well might they rise with
radiant countenances, after thus solemniz
ing the sacred contract with religious fervor
and piety.
After the ceremonies were concluded the
party adjourned to the spacious dining room
of the Abbey, where a sumptuous repast had
been prepare!, after which the day was
spent in iunoctut hilarity, and in the even
ing the ncwlj' married couple took the train
fur a brief tour through the West.
Under his Fostering care may Barbara's
life be one of peace aud happiness, and may
.Andy, having been a brave soldier in the
war, ever prove to her that
'The bravest are the tenderest,
The loving are the daring."
WALKER WAGNER. On the 12th of
August, by Rev. J. W. Evans, Mr. Joseph
W. Walker, of Schuylkill county. Pa., and
Miss Matilda Wagner, of Blacklick town
ship, this county.
WILLIAMS REESE. On the 18th of
August, by the same, Mr David Williams,
of Cambria township, and Miss Eveline
Reese, of Blacklick township.
WALTERS. At. the residence of hia fath
er, Geo. Walters, Esq., in White township,
on Monday night, Sept. 15th, Mr. Benjamin
Walters, aged about 23 years.
The deceased was a young man possessed
of all those amiable traits of character which
could render him a favorite among his ac
quaintances, and died without an enemy.
A protracted illuess had prepared him for
the great change, and he died in the full
hope of a blissful Immortality.
ler, having opened an office in rooms
over R. R. Thomas' Store, offers his profes
sional services to the citizens of Ebensburg
and vicinity. Teeth extracted without pain
by use of Kiirous Oxide or Laughing Gas.
ISIIjFor beauty of polish, saving of
labor and cheapness, this preparation Is tru
ly unrivalled. Buy no other. For sale by
June 13. 1867. GEO HUNTLEY.
Ebensbnrg, Cambria co., Ta,
Dealer ia Lumber. The hiehest pricos.
ri.naid for CHERRY. POPLAU a y
frrr sale low at
a. nvNTLBi-B.
PI Iff?
i Mills
For Bargains!
On High Street.
Standard Dry Goods,
1 YUUK 1' XvlliilN Lii!
mr T- -v -w-T-Tr- nrT n HT rv
Another new wrinkle ,
In addition to his large stock of the bee,, v
Eastern made ;.. . '
For Ladic' and Children's Hear, t
tho subscriber has ju-t added "to his ftfsor m
;", nicnt a full and complete invoice of
Boots and Shoes for Men and Youths he will not only warrant to be supc
tior to any goods of like character now beiuj ;
offered In this market, but vastly better b j
everv resner.t than tl. kIoi.-Iiod woik wit ,
x - , - - x
: cl
which the countrv is flooded. Rcmembc-
that I offer no article for ale wtich I d.
not guarantee to be regular custom made, o
the best matetial and superior finish. ut
while I do not pretend to compete in price
with the dealers iu auction goods". I knov
that I can furnish BOOTS. SHOES, &c.
that will give more sen-ice for less vione;
than any other dealer in this community, an,
I tilc!;e mve!f to repair, free of charge, an
article that may give way after a reasonably ;
time and reasonable usage. Everybody i- .
respectfudy invited to call and examiue iu :
fctock and learn my prices.
The subscriber is also prepared to manuf
fact u re to order any and all work in hij lincyi
of the very be&t material and workmanship
and at prices as reasonable as like work cat
be obtained anywhere. Fiench Calf, Com f
nion Calf. Morocco and all ether kinds c.--Leather
couatantly on hand. 5
Store on Main street, next door t I
Crawford's Hotel. . ., '
EUnshurg. Sept. "26, 1867. j-' ;
By virtue of an order of the Orphan J t-
Court of Cambria county, to ree directe' f '
there will be exposed to Public Sale, at tlj j
1 rouanot jscnool xiouse. in cnest towohiim
on Tucstlay Hie SUi day cf October next, at I
o'clock r. ii., the following described re
estate, of which Michael lahner, lte I
Client township, died seized : ,
A piece or parcel of LAND situated :
Chent towusdiip. Cambria county, adjoining
lands of Jacob Steiger. Martin Yahner, Sr
Mai tin Yahner, Jr., Jacob Deithrich. an i
others, containing 77 ACRES. 10S PKRCf ;
ES, and the iitual allowance for roaile, eti
about twenty-five acres of which are clearer J
having thereon erected a LOG HOLJSK an vj
LOG BARN. There is good pine timber :. M
the land. j ?
Terms cf Sale. One-third of the purcha
money to bo paid on confirmation of en I
aud the residue in two equal annual pa' '
ments, with intetest, to be secured by i
mortgige and judgment bonds of the pti':
chaser. PAUL YAHNER. r ,
sept. 19 3t. Adm'r Mich'l Yahner, deci'
LIC SALE. The undesigned will ,'
fit at public sale, on the premises, on SA
URDAY, OCT. 5th. 18G7, at 1 o'clock
M., a valuable property situated in the 1
ough of Summitville. Cambria county, c
sisiiug of a H) T OF GROUND and" d '
Me two-and-a-half Bti.ry FRAME DWEL
ING HOUSE, containing eight rooms a.'
two kitchens, suitable f. r two families, wi
a separate cellar under each department, a.
a gol stable and other outbuildings and t,
best of water on the premises. Also, w.
be sold in connection with the above pr
erty, a TRACT OF LAND, nearly adi
ing. containing between three aud four arr
well fenced and iu n good state i l culti:
tion. Au indisputable title and immerii.;
possession will be given. Terh-edtv '.
sale. Also, at same time and place,
SLerji, Hogs, and a general variety of Hju.
hold Furniture, will be offered for -;ie '
Summitville, Sept. 19, lG7.-2t.8
7xecutor:s"notice. xi
-E-i ters Tettamentary on the estate of 'j',
ence McEnrue, late of Washington towns! ;
dec'd.having been granted to the undert'
by the Register of Cambria county, all p
sons knowing themselves indebted to s" i
estate are hereby notified to make paym1 j
without delay, and those having cla l5
against the bame will present them propw ' !
authenticated for eettlement. ;
THOMAS M'EXRUE, Executor 1 r
Washington Tp., Sept. 12. 18U7.-0t. ".
AUTIOX All persons are he'
v- by cautioned airainst purchasing fi- '
a certain Cyrus Jeffries a tract of land sj
ate in White township. Cambria county
I aid fur paid -land, and said Jeffries h'
the title only as my trustee
Sept. 13. 18C7.-St.
CC5- The Ebeusburg Alterhanian, Altci
Tribune and Tyrone Bulletin will please';
sert three times and seud bill to thts oiB
Letters of Administration on tho i
tateof Wm. Buik, lateoi Washington toM
ship, dee'd, having been granted to the j
dersigned by the Regh-ter of Cambria couH '
all persons having claims against said esfi'
are requested to present thVvn properly t
thenucared fur settlement, and those ind V
ed to the sam will makd naymeut with
delay. EDWARD A. BURK. AdmV l
ashington twp .Sept. 19, 18G7 t. ;
-a-r ship heretofore existing between ff
undersigned in the mercantile and lutr;J
business has been dissolved by mutual t"
sent. The stors accounts will be settled
Jacob Leib, and accounts for lumber s
etc.. will be settled by either i f the uu 1
s'S1!l- JACOB LKIB. r fc"
Carroll Tp., Aug. 22, 1867. . 29
. , f ;
A l)MllSTliATni)o x-zrr,, .
i - j. uu o auii,
" Having been appointed hy the
ister of Cambria conuty Administrator -s f ,
teslamento annno of George Suydcr, lat' 1 '
Carroll township, dee'd, the undersi"1 :
hereby notifies ad person indebted toV-i
decedent to make settlement without dt I
and those having claims against tl? . I
will present them properly probated for t l
premises of the i0WibT r '
township. Cambria county ' a C,Iea'
SIX SHEEP. The o on tLe lst
come forward, pi- ner 18 request .
and take th ve property, pay ch
dispo-' , -m a ay, otherwise they y!
oi aiCW--rcr K-k Ian. S
Ok. u r.ij. IUj II . !H
. -4'
- W ' ' t
Kcrtfr nffprn f.m ci1j OTr . w : i"
. - .w. 1.19 t ClA ii I
MILL, known as "Cambria Mill," & V;
a half miles north of Galiitzin. CamH i '
The Mill is in, perfect working ordl i
will be Bold on reasonable terms. At 4 i
the premises to JEROME DAWS 4
August 15, 1S67.-8m. ' ;
TF YOU WANT the best Cc-i !
or Parlor Stove made in the worl " i
HUNTLEY'S and get Spears' ArvH- y
" '