lYcciium cl Srcccli at llic Soutfi. The Mongrel papers keep up their usu :d hypocritical howl about "freedom of the press-," all the time that they are tanking out every vestige of "freedom at the South. To show how "freedom of the press"' flourishes within the dominions of ti e Five Monarch?, it may he well to refer to the case of The Constitutional 12a ,7', a very conservative, moderate paper, published at Camden, Ark., :md edited by Col. A. W. llobson, member elect to the United States Congress. One d:iy among the local items of this paper there iippcared the following paragraph : A Dt-cni:i) Xcisancb. We are credibly informed th.U the sof tiers stationed at this place, are in tbe habit of coming up to town quite frequent!, and petting so inebriated as to be totally indifferent as to decency, I ronritty, or anything else, and as they t.vag$.cr au stagger toward camps, use such profane and obscene language and make sad) obscene exhibitions of themselves as would make the mcst obdurate negro blush, if such a thing was possible, to say nothing of respectable ladies and children. We hope, f or the protection of the soldiers, as well as that of our pe icedoving citizens, that the cfiicors in command of the troops here wili look iuto this matter, and abate it at once. One would have supposed that such a paragraph would have been it yarded in the kindest spirit by the commanding ofd cer, who would l.ave at once instituted a most riid examination, and have such a nuisance abated. I hit mark J lie response. Instead of lids, Capf, Pierce, with thirty men, march to the cilice, and without i ote of warning, proceed to break open the doors and scatter the type and cases info the strei t, breaking ti e press and doing id out all the damage they could, except that of tanning the ffice ! The Mayor of the town subsequently wrote to Col. Gi!b rt u ho commanded tin: post, inquirirg whether it was done by his orders. Col. ti. replied, inclining to state whether it was or not, but saying not a word in con demnation of the atrocious proceedings of his soldiers. Such are the beauties of military rule such "the freedom of the P'vsis"' which the Mongrehs are now guar anteed ' to the Southern peoole ! The Territory of Montana, has gone Democratic by a large majority, electing James M. Cavanaugh delegate to Con gress. Our majority in the territorial leg islature is to large as to rppreajh. unan i in if y. Mr. Ca-.atnu-l, l!iC n-.Iy elected dele gate, is a character in his way. ll-i h an Irhdi-Yankej by blub, combining the rol licking humor of one nationality- -with the Keenness of the Cher. ITe was one t i'the first representatives in Congress, admitted from the new State of Minnesota, in ISoO. Three members weic elected by the peo ple, under a. mistaken idea as to the pop i lalion of the St: t , but CVmress would admit but two. The three members elect settled the question among tii -msclves as to who slioid.l go in, by a game of cut throat euchre. Of course this dees not c ppearon the record, but is nevertheless triv, After serving for two years in the "rT'u.-e, Cav:;nau-h was defeated for a re-clecti.'!!, n i . I lx-coming disgusted with the black look of politics in Minnesota, migrated to Idaho, Colorado, Montana, and all the other territories, in hopes, Mi cawber like, of something turning up. "We believe lie has been a. candidate for Congress iu all these territories, and has at las', we are glad to see, "made the n!:lo" in Montana- Cavanaugh was a Douglas de'e.ate to the Charleston Con vention in 1SG0, and after its sessions were over, being himself from Lowell, was Selected to follow lien Uutler to his home, where he exposed to an immense crowd, who refused 1 Sutler a hearing, how the since famous "spoons" sold out Douglas for Jell". Davis. Ibitler was hoot ed from the meeting, and Cavanaugh re mained the hero of the hour. In the grace ful amenities of personal oratory Cava riaujji is fully the equnl of Ilutlcr. lie is the most happy mixture of the peculiar traits of the Yankee and the Ir.s.hman that Dame Nature ever cast in one moulJ. ruUtiryh Putt. Tin; Ouro Klkctiox. An Ohio Ke publican of over sanguine temperament writes that the State ticket will be elected by from 30,000 to -10,000 majority, nnd the K'epublicans will carry the LfgWature, but that negro suffrage will be defeated by from 40,000 to 50,000. Whereupon the Springfield PpnhUan remarks: "This will be worre than out-right defeat. It will convict the party of dishonesty and meanness in forcing ccpial suffrage upon the South and njec.injj it at liotir, and the disgrace of the fact will attach to the party everywhere nnd will tell r.craiust u.s in the ether fad elections." 7T.f'l l iTiD-v; vm'h 'i: -Lot- ;i. ' ' 4. v4i, . v 4 j J. 1 J'J L ters Ic.-t ma ntarv on the otAtn of Tl,, O'Hn.-n. late of Minister township, dee'd, having b. tn grar.tcd to the undersigned bv the Ke-i.-tcr (,,f Cambria counfy, person's bavir'K claims agim.-t .-aid estate are hen hy re.piet- .1 to present them in pmpe- sh ij'. for setth i:vnt, and those indebted are urged to prompt payment PAT KICK OWENS, ) r .1 AM FAIIII EN. Executors. JIunster Tp., Aug. 15, lfQ7.-Ct.- O XT. P DAVIS, v.-nir BOYD El STROUD, liii.ort'Ts and Dealers in QUEEN SWA RE, CHINA and GLASS, N . Z2 Fol ktu St., Fourdoor bilow llerchants' Hotel, PI1ILA. L E il. HOD lIITay", with U.H'F, 1VATIH.S & to,, WItUes-ale Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES, -S2 MAP LET ST11EET. Aug. 22, 1807. PHILADELPHIA. rr p B y'u want to buy goods on long credit ad j.fty prices, don't ?o to Feb. 23. GEO. II U NTLEY 'S. pOClCKT KNIVES, Tabu, Knives and Forks, Spur..., Sec, can be bou-ht cheap fur tasb at GLO. II L NTLE VS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ? SIGN IFI C A N T 7 The new sy?tem of Advertising adopted by Geo. P. Eowell & Co., Advertising Agents, Xo. 40 Park Row, New York, is attracting a good deal of attention. The following extract from a speech do. livcred before the N. Y. State Editorial Con vention, (lattlj' holdeu at Perm Yan,) by a prorr.ii.ent Advertising Agent of N. Y. city, goes to show that he at least acknowledges its advantages. From Jamestown; N Y.. Journal of A" g. 2d, Edited hj C. Fi Bimi i . Chairman if Com mit ke on A i v e : iti . I N G Aiixctt:s. "Mr. Petlengill spoke in opposition to that plan from the jublisher"s s-tand point alone. lie showed the pubii.-hers that by this system of contracting they were giving lower rates than they gave their own home customtrs or others equally as prompt and good customers ; that they were selling one portion of their papr to be used to compete with and underbid the other columns; that the owner of the space thus sold could come right in and beat the publisher's prices and take his buMius away from him ; that if the publishers, fully understanding this, still wished to continue so irrcimkr ami unbnsi rasslike a sy.-tem. he ( felt engill it Co.) should of ei urso cease trying to get advertis ing f( r the papers at their r-'gi.lar rates and go into the otlur sstem of contracting which he could btand if the printers could." The anxiety on account of the newspapers is uncalled fr. There is not one in twenty which wiu'J not prefer to receive all their foreign patronage -n this plan, when it is fully understood. It is t ; generally rec g niz.'d as thoroughly bom-fid d to all parties concerned to bo injured in the h-ast !y any thing which may be said agaimt it. by iuter e.,ted i arties. A.I rtlses" should send for a circular giv ing full explanations. -I- cl iss nos.niitijr .clx ! f- r ll.-.ys, at l'itts- lieiU, alass. i.oi lcri'n ot 120 v.; Oet. 4. U'c.T. I". r p;:ti,lrs ; W. C. RICHARDS, IVineii ul. 11 KV. Hive- you seen the "FEMN LETT Ell LOOK," f..r copying l.-.tfi rs with .-ut the u.-e of either press or water ? It saves time, la bor, and the o-j-ma" of a copying press. For sale by ad first class stationers, and at tie office of "Perm' Works," 702 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Pa. A lew more cr-wl Agents wrntcd for fJen. L C. Inker's ' HbSiOilY OI'TllESECHET SELVJCE." Increased corrmissi n allowed an. I greater iij(lucem-r.ts ff;"--red. Addre P. (JAKUETT .rc CO., Cox 217., Philadelphia! P I: to sei! Six New ri.l t! T . r , ,. tJ'j i.n. ma-ns or grea-, v;-.:ne to la rallies : all bay gro:.t pr- lits. Sen.! 20 cts. anH get 80 pages i r..!l.- j-K-::tS lelVC. 11" l.'c crr.i'i- TC0.CC0. Ephrair.1 Er:wn, r A TreaUse on De'tfuc., Catarrt, Con sumption a-id Cancer. Their causes rmd means of relief and speely i ui e, sent fiee. Sen. I particulars to Dr. ST 1L WELL, No. 40 S -nth 0th Si reel, Willianitburg, L. L ?Ia,5in. I-'oj!,' Corset Skirt Supporter! C'-mbines in c ne garment a l-KRKSX'T Kl'lTINfi CoItSKT, and the most dcdralL-Skirt Sup;.ort r ever (.ffered the public. It places the weight t the skirts u;.on the shoul ders instead (f the hips: it improves the form withe ut ti-.Lt lacing gives ea:je ami elegance is appiovcl and re commended bv vhvfiei it:?. Manr.factured by D. li- SACXDEMS & CO., li( Summer St., Boston. Jl OTI ILLS. THE (i UAFTON MIN ITtAL PAINT COMPANY are now manu facturing the, ehei'j'cst and most durable Taint in use; two ecus well put on, mixed with pure Linseed Oil, will la.t 10 or 15 years ; i- is of a light brown or beautiful chocolate Cc 1 or, and can be changed to green, leaJ, stone, olive, drab or cuam, to suit the taste of the consumer. It is valuable fcr Houses, P.arns, Fences, Agricultural Imple ments, Carriages and (Jar-makers, Pails ami Wooden-ware, Cat.vns, Metal and Shiu'e Roofs, (it Icing fire and water proof.) P.rMg es, Ibirial Ca.-es, Canal P .uts, Ships and Snips' Bottoms, Floor Oil Cloths, (one Man ufacturer having used 5000 bbls. the past year.) and. as a paint f. r any purpose is un surpassed for body, durability, elasticity and adi.e-ivencss. Price $fj per bbl. of G00 lbs., which will supply a farmer for years to com-3. Warranted in all cases as above. Send Lr a circular, which gives full particulars. None ixenniae unless branded ri a trade mark draft on Mineral Paint. Address DANIEL 151 DWELL, Proprietor, 2ol Pearl-.-t., N. Y. YOL"'fli: lYlXTC!)! Loiilv Z I vrvl Agents, both male and female, wanted everywhere to fec'l the J'alcnl Lnprvrcd Ink Reservoir, (by which from or,e to two nages can he written w ithcuf rcph ni.-hing ' with ink.) and our Fancy and Dry Goods, kc. Can ch ar from $o tn J 10 a day. No capital required. Price, 10 cents, with an adver-iis.m'-nt descril ing an article for sale in our Hollar I'sircSsRblng Agency. Cir culars sent fiee. EASTMAN Sc KENDALL, C5 Hanover St., Eoston, Ma.s. D J: A FXh'SS CUIlkT)'KoOrncYi brator tits into the ear, is not perceptible, and enables deaf persons fo hear ditainctl at church and at public s m.l.'i'u s. Semi particulars to Dr. STILWELL, No. -15 South Cth St., Williamsburg, N. Y. And will p-e: cut to any person sending us a club in our Great One Price Sale of Dry and Fancy Goods, &c., a Side Dress Pattern, Piece of Sheeting, Watch, &G , fite of cost. Catalogue of goods, ami ."-ample, sent to any address free. Address J. S. II AWES & CO-, .O Hanover St., Poston, Mass. P. O. Iox 5 1 -5. 'riiis&T:-:t:x vmi.s ao Dr. liOCis, of Providence, li. L, di.-covered ltcrnedies with which he has cured hundreds of cases of Paralysis, Fits, and all forms of Nervous Diseases. Semi two stamps for Pamphlet and Certificate. 4 SELT MS UK. A S -Zi. ver P. Watch Given Gratis to the Pi: A Sil- ii r- chaser of Every 100 of Kennedy's Mammoth 1 nze stationery Packages, tbe largest in the world, as an inducement to have them intro duced. Agents sell the packages as fast as they can reach them cut. 80 Dollars per day sure. We have agents that sell on an average 1000 per week. Price per hundred, 15 Dollars. Eetail at 2 cents. And a Watch in the bargain that will retail for $15 more. For full particulars of Prize Package and other saleable goods, address R. MON ROE KENNEDY, Cor. Cth and Wood Sts., Pittsburgh, Pa. V..f ..4- MAKE YOUR OWN SELECTIONS! TO ADTCUTISERS. We take this opportunity to solicit a lar ger share of your patronage, assuring you we are iu every way competent to transact all your advertising business. We are in reg ular communication with every newspaper published, and our facilities as general Ad vertUTni Agents are not surpassed in Amer ica, while the amount of business influenced enables us to promise our patrons the mos; favorable terms. Wc are not confined to ani special lists. If you want to advertise in cue paper old', or live thousand, we would like to give you rates. Orders receive that careful and circumspect attention for which wc have ever been commended. Call and examine our facilities. GEO. P. HOWELL & CO., Advertising Agents, 40 Park How, New Yoik. .SCHOOLS. Principals of Academies, Seminaries, etc., should consult us in regard to advertising. No charge for information. GEO. P. HOW ELL & CO., Advertising Agents, N. Y. E X V EX TO US. If van wish to advertise you should con sult GEO. P. PvOWELL & CO., 40 Park 11 v. N. Y. GENERAL MERCHANDiSt. ir!ri sailsis, QS'ItK SALES, AND SMALL Pr.OlTTS. AND SMALL PP.OITTS, AND SMALL PEOFITS, GI'Rl.EY'S X!!Y CHEAP STOP.E. GUltLlA'S NEW CHEAP STOKE, G U II LEY'S NEW CHEAP ST01IE, ET'EXSPUirO, PA. Ei;EXSP,EItG, I'A. EEEXSUCiiG, PA. Ti e Largest Stock of Goods. The Pest Selected and the Greatest Yaritty ever brought to Town. LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST, LARGEST. CHEAPEST AND P.EST. LA EG EST. CHEAPEST AND LEST, GO A XT) SEE. GO AND SEE. GO A X 1 ) SEE. The KuLseribcr calls? the attention of the public to the fact, that he ha- ju-t received anil opened out in his New Store, a hinro stock of gooils. consisting of FLOUR, CORN MEAL, CHOP FEED, P.ran. Fi.-h. H icon ar.l Cherso; Sugar, C f foe. Tea, Mola-?es. Spices. Tooacco, Cigarf, Cantlles, Soap, Vinegar, iSrc,, ore. NOTIONS, DRUGS, PERFUMERY, Stoneware and Earthenware. ALSO, a fine assortment of the best r.nd latest ftyle of Hats. He al ways keeps constantly on h-w.d B.'l. gna Sausages, Sardines, Fresh and Spiced Oy.-b'rs Jn cnn. o.i h'lf cans, and al most ever) thing in tho t',titi cr diiuh'-T due. Ad of v. hk-h v:l!i le sM at trnzit pivtit. GEO. GURLEY, Main Stuiiet, Ebkns'jl-ku, Fa. January 31, 15oT. piPOHTAXT to EVKItYIiODY. J5IU.' !. 'Mi032.4S Takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Et.ens'ourg and the north of the county generally, that he has recently adiel ti Ins .stock a huge and complete assortment of SHOES, IHSKIXS, G A ITERS, &c, For Ladies'' and Children's Hear, from the celebrated wholesale manufacturing establishment of Ziegler & Sutton, Philadel phia. This ftcck e- r.ipris s everything that is desirable and serviceable iu the way of sewed worl:, and every article is warranted of the best material and most per fect manufacture. Iu the sale of these goods the subscriber pledges himself to repair free of charge a:iy article that rr.a3 give way af ter a i easouablo time and reasonable usage. The ladies are specially invited to call and examine the stock. The subscriber also kcps on hand and-is prepared to manufacture to order LOOTS and SHOES for Gent's and Youth's wear, of the very Lest material and workmanship, and at prices as reasonable as like work can be obtained anywhere. Ficnch Calf, Com mon Calf, Morocco and all ether kiuds of Leather constantly oa hand. Store on Main street, next door to Crawford's Hotel. feb21-tf. HOLLIDAYSBURG ! JACOB m7pircher, FAS II ION A RLE CLQTKIEU & TAIL0S, Has just opened a full assortment of well se Icv'.cd and most desirable mmi & SUMMER GOODS. Gc-nt and I)oVs furnished with CLOTH ING, HATS, SHOES, &c, of the latest styles and best material, at the LOWEST CASH TUXES. a vas:is:t' of iis:c3: goods, which will bo sold by the yard or made to order in the most approved manner. Having given full srui.-faction to his cus tomers fbr more than twenty-five yeaks, he guarantees ihe same to all who may favor him with their patronage in the luture. Cv'-Stcre on th'e west side cf Montgomery strict, below Plair. next door to Masonic Hall, Iledh'avsburg, Pa. tnv23.1y.J J A M E S C O X N O 11 , WSaoU'sale (irocer, I'K.VI.Ffl IX FLOUR, BACON, FISH AND SALT, No. 333 Liberty street, June 27, 1807. PITTSUURGH, PA. fiURTAlH "pIXTUKE ! j Has no superior fci in the World!! O It is pronounced faultless by all who have used it. and it is predicted that it will supersede all other Curtain Fixtures now in use. ' For sale by . GEO. HUNTLEY. FIIAXK W. HAY, WHOLESALE and RET A I L Manufacturer, i of TIN. COPPER and SHEET-IRON VARE, Canal street, below Clintou, Johns town. Pa. A large stock constantly hand. npiiE RISING SUN stovj: POL- ISII. Ftr beauty of polish, saving of labor and cheapness, this preparation is tru ly uurivalled. Buy no other. For sale by Junc 13, 18G7. GEO. HUNTLEY. "SAKGAINS can be had by buying your soods lor cash at Feb. 23. GEO. HUNTLEY'S. ALT00NA ADVERTISEMENTS. II.4RTFORB LIVE STOCK DMICI COMPANY. CASH CAPITAL $500,000. We are now prepared to insure LIVE STOCK against both Death and Tit eft, in this live and reliable Company. Owners of stock have now the opportunity, by insur ing with tins Company , of obtaining securi ty and remuneration for the loss of their an imals in case ot peatii or theft. owni:ks of houses, Manufacturers, Farmers, Teamsters. Ex pressmen, Physicians, and in fact all who are to any extent dependant upon the servi ces of their horses in their daily vocations, tdioold insure in this Company, and thus derive a protection against the loss of their animals, which are in many cases the sole means of support to their owners. FA 11 M STOCK. Farmers and others o.vring cattle should avail themselves of this means of saving the value of their stock, and secure an equiva lent for the loss which would otherwise fall heavily upon them in being deprived of tl.e:r CattF, bv insuring in tins, the PIONEER COMPANY OF AMERICA! 15y insuring in this Company you ex change a certainty for an uncertainty. No mau can tell whether his animals may not be stolen or die through some unforseen calamity. frj' Competent A ;cnls wanted, to vJiom a liberal compensation will be paid. Apply to LEI HI & CO., General Agents, April 4, lFGT.-Iv. Altoona. Pa. C3- Col. W.M. K. PIPER, Ebensburg.has 1 ecu appointed Leal agent for the Hartford Live Stock Insurance Company. OltEIGN SHIPPING ANU EXCHANGE OFFICE. Wc are r.ow sehing Exchange (at New i orK itatcs on :-,ngano, Wales, Austria, P.aden, 1 1. mover, Ir-bmd, Scotland, Germany, Prussia, P.nvaria, Wurlemberg. I!V:-ori, S;ixonr, Switzerland, noian!, r er-vay and r ranee. And Tickets to and from any Pol t in England, Inhmd, Scotland, Germany. France, ' California, New South Wales or Australia. KERR & CO. loilN Hi ( KKTT, F. J. STORM. jf ousje and srax painting. .ion?; sioi; kktt & tn. Dc-;irc to inf'rm t'.: public generally that they are now prepared to execute House, Sijti and Orn-ji -!, .,! fainting. Glazing, Pa p:r JI.:n;,'i,yj (", , :,',o'.. . and Calccmi niwj , ei ther in Cambria, Ll.iir ox Huntingdon Coun ties, on the shorUst notice, in the very best style, and at prices as reasonable as any other firm cr ii. dividual in the country. C".1' ro-.-.m in Lowther's building, under Rov.sii'v, D Store, or address J-.;t:.- R..c:-:r.tT v fr,K Altoona, Pa. April 2 j, lSor.-;;m. 01LX JIICKKYr Altooxa Pa., Kouselioiil Furniture ! Frc:i AS LOUNGES, BEDSTEADS SOFAS. RUREAUS. I WHAT-NOTS CUSHIONED, CANE-RO'lTOMED AND COMMON CHAIRS, &c. ncw ruRNiT'cinr: wareroom, JLTI.rA STKI ET, KIZAU IIAI'.HIF.T, Opposite the Protestant Episcopal Church, March 7, 1SG7.-Iy. . EAST ALTOONA. BANK NOTICES. WJI. M. LLOYD. JoIIX LLOYD, President. Cashier. WIRST XATIOXAL V A X K JL OP AI.TOOSA. COyEUXJiih'T AfJCXCY A X I DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY OF THE UNITED STATES. Corner Virginia an I Annie Streets, North Ward, Aitoona, Pa. Authorized Capital, ----- $300,000 Cash Capital paid in, - - - - 150,000 All business pertaining bp Bauking done on favorable terms Internal Revenue Stamps of all denomi nations, always on hand. To purchasers of Stamps, percentage, in stamps, will be allowed, as follows: $50 to $100. 2 per cent.; $100 to $200, 3 per cent. ; $'2G0 and upwards, 4 per ceut. Jan. 31, 18G7-tf. "ffTIIRST XATIOX'AIi IMXIi JL OF JOHXaTOWX, CAMUUIA CO., PA. Capital, $0 0,000 r. l vllrge to increase to SlOO.OOO. Inland and Foreign Drafts furnished. Gold and Silver bought and sold. Collections maoe, at home and abroad. U. S. Rcndj ml Securities of all kind ob tained. Deposits received and money loaned. A general Banking business transacted. DIKECTOliS. D. J. Monell, Isaac Kanffman. George Fritz, John Dibert, E. Y. Townscnd, Jacob M. Campbell, Jacob Lever ood. D. -T. MORRELL, PrcsH. II. J. Robehts, Cashier. ja31'67. Sf.O'S.lD & CO., E!:;:sUers(, JL-d ErtKxsiUH. Pa. C..M, nnver, Government Lonus, and other Securities, bought and sold. Interest allowed on Time Lepoits. Collections made on all acesibie joict8 iu the United States, and a general Ranking business transacted. January 31, 1867. WTbl. CI.OVS Si tO., Raxkkks, Altooxa. Pa. Drafts on the prineipal cities and Silver and Gold ft r sale. Collections made. Moneys received on deposit, payable on de mand, without interest, cr upon time, witk interest at fair rates. an31. flUYATE SALE. The subscri ler offers at Private Sale two valuable tract of TIMBER LAND, situate in Jack son township, Cambria county, and known as the "Lloyd Property." Four oth er valuable tracts of LAND, situate in Cam bria and Jacknon townships, and known as the "Pensacola Property." Also TWO FARMS adjoining the borough of Ebensburg one containing about 100 acres; the other about 150 acres. The buildings are all in good repair, with never-failing springs of water near the houses. Persons wishing to purchase or Fell Farms or Timber Lands, will do well by catling on me before buying or offering them fur .sale. F. A. SHOEMAKER, . Att'y at Law, Ebensburg. MISCELLANEOUS. PHOTOGRAPHIC. E. & II. T. AIYTIIOIYY, Manufacturers of niOTOGIiAPJIIG MATEPtIALS WHOLESALK AND RETAIL. 501 BROADWAY, SEW YORK. Tn addition to our main business of PHO TOGRAPHIC MATERIALS wc are Head quarters for the following, viz : Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views of American and Foreign Cities and Laud scapes, Groups, Statuary, &c. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS OF THE WAR. From negatives made in the various cam paigns, and forming a complete Photo graphic histor' of the great contest. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS ON GLASS, Adapted foe either the Magic Lantern or the Stereoscope. Our Catalogue will be sent to any address on receipt of Stamp. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. We manufacture more largely than any other house, about 200 varieties, from 50 cents to $50 each. Our ALBUMS have the reputation of being superior in beauty aud durability to any others. Cartl Photographs of Genrrnls, lates iuen, Actors, t&c, fcc. Our Catalogue embraces over five thous and different subjects, including reproduc tions of the most celebrated Engravings, Paintings, Statues, cVc. Catalogues sent on receipt of stamp. Photographers and others ordering goods C. O. I)., will please remit 25 per cent, of the amount with their order. fjcj- The prices and quality of our g-xds cannot fail to satisfy. " apr25-ly.J CHAIR MANUFACTORY. II A Mil JOHXSTOWA I4. ALL KINDS OF CHAIRS, such as common insor Chairs, Fret Back Chairs, Vienna Chairs, Bustle Chairs, Rim Backed Chairs, Sociable Chairs, Cane Bni Lir, ROCKING CHAIRS, OF EVERY SIZE SPBIXG SEAT CHAIRS Settees, Lounges, Arc., A-c. CABINET FURNITURE of every description and of latest STYLES, WITH PRICES TO SPIT Tilt Tastes of all. Thankful for past favors, he respect fully solicits a liberal share of public patron age. Clinton Street, Johnstown Cambria Col Pa. J Jan. 31. 1SG7. STORE i LOI.MOX' & 21URKAY. Vt'ALZllS IK DRUG?, tihZZlCIXES, PFJlFCMEIiY, Fancy Soaps, Leon's and Hall's Hair Ito rativts, Pills, Ointments. Plasters, Lini ments, (all kinds.) Davis' p.un Killer. Rad ways Reatly Relief, Rrowu'a Ess. Jamaica Ginger. Citrate Magnesia, Flavoring Ex tracts anil Essences, Lemon Syrup, Soothing Syrup. Spiced Syrup, Rhubarb, PURE SPICES, &c. CIGARS AND TOISACCOS, Blank Books, Dee-ds. Notes and Bonds, Cap, 1'ost and all kinds or Uoto Wpor. r.n velopes Pens. Pencils, Arnold's Writing Fluid, Black and E"d Ink, Pocket and Pass Cooks, Maga zines, Newspapers. Novels. Histories, Bibles, Religioi s Prayer and Toy Books, Penknives, Pipes. iSrc. CZ Medicine for the body and food for the mind. Call and see. Maix Stueet, Eeexsdvug. July 25, 1807. AVOliD riiOM JOIlSTOW! JOIIX J. 3IVRPIIY & CO., At their Stores in the Scott House, Main St., and on Clinton Street, Johnstown, Have constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of seasonable Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, ami a general variety of NOTIONS, &c. Their stock consists of almost every article usually kept in a retail store, all of which have been selected with care and are offered at prices which cannot fail to prove satisfac tory, tail ana examine lor yourselves. Feb. 23, 18G7.-tf. HAKVEV CniLDS. . . . . LOWUIE CI1IUS. W. C. lltJRPHEY. HC II 1 1, 1) S & CO., Wholesale Dealers In ITS. SHOES. HID SOLE LEATHEH 133 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. Agents for the sale of "Hope Mill" Cotton Yarn, Rags, Batting and Carpet Chain. Feb. 23, 18G7.-tf. JOIIN. GAY WELSH. fi A Y & W E LTS II , Vfl Successors to Gay- &. Painter, WHOLESALE Grocers and Commission Merchants AND DEALEHS IN FLOUR, PRODUCE. FISH, SALT, CAR BON OILS, &c., &c, driipr Poin oti onui ots.. opposite Grain Elevator. feb28 Pittsburgh, Pa. M. CRESS WELL, JOHN A. HYPER, E. T. SLACK, WM. D. GEM MILL. M. McDOXALO, WITH M. CRESSWELL &L CO., Imjwrlas and Jobbers of FANCY ilfl STAPLE BEY GOODS, No. 511 Market Street, June 20. 18G7.-ly. PHILADELPHIA. JgNCOURAGE WMl INDUSTRY"! F, SIIARRETTS Dl'SERT, House, Sign and Ornamental Painter. Graining, Ulazirig, Taper Hanging, and all other work in his line, promptly executed, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shop in the basement of the Town Hall. Ebensburg, May 9, 1867.-6m. JA M E S II. DAVIS, Dealer In all kinds of POPLAR, CHERRY & ASH LUMBER, Yard Nos. 314 and 31G N. Broad St., PHILADELPHIA. C3-Business attended to in Ebensburg by Win. J. Williams. fmylG-ly PROFESSIONAL CARDS. TAMES J. OATMAX, 31. JJ., tenders his professional services as Phy sioian and Surgeon to the citizens of Carroll tewn and vicinity. Office in rear of build in" ooeunied bv J. Bucs Sc Co. as a store. Niuht calls can be made at the hotel cf Law- 1 rence Schroth. f-May 9. 1867.-tf. i S. BELFOKD, DENTIST, pONTINUES to visit Ebensburg personally j on the 4th Monday of e.vh month. During his absence Lewis N. Snyder, who studied with the Doctor, will remain m the office and attend to all business entrusted to him. Jan." 1, '07. DEXTISTll V. 1 ) r. D- AV. Z,m--ler, having opened an (ifTice in rooms over R. R. Thomas' Stoie, offers his profes sional services to the citizens of Ebi r.sbuvg and vicinity. jy 1 EYE11EAUX, 1)., Pi i y- mgian and SruoKOM, Summit, Pa. Office east end of Mansion House, on Rail Road street. Night calls may be made at the office. R. L JOHNSTOX, J. E. SCAXLaX. JOHNSTON .fc SCAN LAN, Attorneys at Law, Ebensburg, Cambiia co., Ta. Office opposite the Court Ilcuse. Ebensburfjr, Jan. 1, lSG7.-tf. D. !M'LAU(.;iILIN, ITTORNEY AT LAW, Johnstown, Pa. Office in the Exchange building, on tbe Corner of Clinton and Locust streets up stairs. .Will attend to all business connect ed with his profession. Jan. 31, 18G7.-tf. JOHN 1 LINTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Johnstown. Pa. Office in building on corner of Main and Franklin street, opposite Mansion House, second floor. Entrance on Franklin street. Johnstown. Jan. 31, 1807. tf. F. A. SHOEMAKER", ITTORNEY AT LAW, E'jemburg, Fa ll Ouicc on High street, one door Eat of the Banking House of Lloyd & Co. January 31, lSC7.-tf. W. n.SECIILEK, ITTORNEY AT LAV, Ebensburg, Pa. (1 Office in the Commissioners' Rt-om Court House. - Jan. 31, 'o7-tf. F. I. TIEUXEY, ATTORNEY AT LAV, Ebensburg, Pa. Oiiieo in Colon ado Row. Jan. 5, lS07-tf. JOSKI'II IUDONALD, ITTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg. Pa. jl Office on Centre street, opposite Moore' j '.' '.7 the ftom'vh it c-rrects at once. ; Hotel. Jan.31, 1S67 tf i of the F1 it stop.immediateiy. JJ-- . i after Eating one dose will remote. C JOHN FENLON, llorbvs rapidly yields to a few do?s. ITTORNEY AT LAW, Ehcndmrg Ta llre'-,lh uUl bet-hanged with half a b 11 Office on High street, adjoining "hi resi- 1 IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESS dence. Jan 31, lSG7.-tf. ; Its unprecedented success is r.wir.g t. . : j;ict t,at it cures --y ais!ing Nafur-:- ; fIE()K(JI' AI. HEED, j as.-ert her sway in the vtem. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ebensburg, Pa. ! Xeariy every dealer in the United ? rt Ofih-e on Main street, thrvn .W.r i sells it at OST. oorXAU ikr botti.k. . - - ' ' - - - - - - - - - W J -- - - - o. vUlian. Jan. 31, 1SG7. fJEOHGE W. C-Wl'MAX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ebenslurg, Pa. Office in Colonade Row, Centre street. January 31, 18G7.-tf. WILLIAM KiriKLL, ITTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Pa. l Office in Colonade Row, Centre street. Jan. SI. lS67.-tf. fj L. PERSUING, ArrouNKY-AT- Law, J-jhnstown, Pa. Office on Frank lin street, up-stairs, over John Renton's Hardware Store. Jan. 31, 18t;7. T;f AMES C. EASLY, Attokxey- Uf at-Law, Carrollown, Cambria Ok, Pa. Codections and all legal bu-iness prfmptly attended to. Jan. 31, 1SG7. HKINKEAI), Justice of the Pcare and ClaTm Agent. Oflicc removed to the office formerly occupied by M. llasson E.-q dee'd, on High St., Ebensburg. jrl HOTELS. GRANT HOUSE, Ilrmlock, Cambria Co., P. JOHN WILKIX, Proprietor. j Tins House has been refitted, and offers accommodations superior to auy other House in the vicinity. The Proprietor, after long experience in the business, feels confident he understands the wants of the public. His TABLE will be supplied with the delicacies of the season and bis BAR with the choicest wines and liquors. By constant attention and due care for the comfort of his guests the Proprietor hopes to merit a liberal share of patronage. m.iylG-ly.J SCOTT HOUSE, Main Street. Johnstown, Cambria Co., Pa., A. ROW & CO., Proprietors. THIS HOUSE having ben refitted and elegantly furnished, is now open for the reception and entertainment of guests. The proprieors by long experience in hotel keep ing feel confident they can satisfy a dis criminating public. Their Bar is supplied with the choicest brands of liquors and wines. Jan. 31, 18G7. (ly.) ' UNION HOUSE. EBENSBURG, Ta., JOHN A. BLAIR, Propietor, spares no pains to render this hotel worthy of a continuation of the liberal patronage it has heretofore received. His table will always be furnished with the beat the market affords; his bar with the best ct liquors His stable is large, and will be attended by an attentive and obliging hostler. Jan 31, lSG7.-tf. lyjOUNFAIN HOUSE Ebexsiicko. 11. P. LINTON A, CO., Proii'ra. The Table is always supplied with the choicest delicacies ; the Bai: is supplied with choice liquor?, and the Stable attended by careful hostlers. Transient visitors accom modated and boarders taken by the week, month or year, on reasonable terms, feb'21 SHIELDS HOUSE, LOPtETTO, CAMBRIA COUNTY, PA., THOMAS CALLEN, Proprietor. THIS house is now open for the accommo dation of the public. Accommodations as good as the country will afford, and charges moderate. Jau 31, lSG7.-tf. MERCHANTS' HOTEL. J. & W. C. M'KIBBIN, Proprietors. Fourth St., between Market end Arch, May 0, 18G7.-ly. PHILADELPHIA. MEDICAL PREPARATIONS. TTJOLAND'S " This Preparation i S'Vcovery of Rev. J. V v riTZ formerly Pastr.r (,f tie ?UANys Church in GofTstown v rylAG t C-( man dearly beloved lv .7 nomination throu -,... v 'i- I s..' una. lie was cb'i -- 'f.', ?" : the pulpit and study rccdiclno VS. 'tlve in the hade all other d'scovi i -its h'j V'. ; ai.'l it a Cords him much ir;!,' .'.'t j ;:; : they receive the unanimous nr,- v ' ! all who have tested tht t;!. T!.,' "il"' . ! ious Powder? are a FOSITIYF cf'P7' -: ; LIVER COMPLAINT in it, rv.oA 'J' ! ted f.-rm, nnd an immediatf e n, ' ! BILIOUS DERANGEMENT' r'l,' 1 . -W a : l-.r J lea-'acne, vonsttj'tfion, l'i, an, n i-, ! es. hHlioic outn, Drowzinc.? i - J i f i - pdtuion, Jleariburn, and It-;, T Taot Woo- .r Cure and Preventative of Fever & , , (We advise all who are tr nhl.-.i :'t'c"' fearful malady to always keep thel'".-:"1 on band ready for immediate u.-e ) Here are a few important art: ' -1st. They are the great speciilo fj'r'-VT" A flections. 2d. They are the (,ih remedies that will cure Liver Cord 'r'-'-" ' ! will cure .Constipation. 4Cn T;,f. (',' ' i are so th'-rough in their o( ration tl. at . package w ill be all that the rr.nj. ri! v ','f i" i udng tliem will r equire to tfieet a cv.r They are a mild and p' vet th ! '. ' effectual cathartic known. G;h. Tu-v".-' : the cheapest and bc.-t medicine- ext u't ; t.ey can be sent by mail to any pari efV'. ! for the price, 50 cents. Circulars, containing crrtTi ate, i;.f ,... tion, otc., fcnt to any p.irt the v; j of charge. CC?SoM by all Drugt-s.'exVv i mail on application to " ' ' lJ j C. G. CLARK &. CO.. Gerdl A.-r-?. ; Trice, CO Cls. per Box. Nkw I1avi:.-,c- cujiTsd rsrj-:fsiTc' w I This great remedy f -r ail DISSASIS-"' THE STOMACH is" the discovery oi'thVir I vector of Civ's valuable CouiTh Ctl.-a-.., while experimenting fur his own health. ' j cured Cramp in the Stomach for .'. : had before vielded'to n..thiiig but (! i - !. The almost daily testimo'..y rn parts of the country encourau'.' i:s ' there is no disease caused bv a j stomach it will not speedliy caie. clans end.-.rseand use it. Mioi-tt.'-.-: timoiiy of its i-fiieaey ; and from we receive tidings of cures p' rf.rn i Dgp?pia it is sure to cure. Jl I one dose will cure. Side cured in hundreds of cases. L ; l !: j Di-ine. it stops in thirty r.-drv C. G. CLARE & CO., Proj r March IL-eowIv. New Hav.: C iz ov . : :: -A 5 .0' 4t .s. v. 7 v-t' V'.. 'XV v-' MARBLE WORKS. 7TRICES GREATLY llEDLTB1: J3- AT Ti.K JOHriSTOWN MARBLE WORKS! The subscriber received a largo and handsome invoice Italian and American f V"' MARBLE, I V comprising the large.-t and Er.est U'Jf-. stock: ot tne kin.l ever Lrou Johnstown, at Lis estal Ih-haunt on Tranklin Street, where he i? I'd; '-; with as adequate fores of esperict.:--'-.5-; skilful workmen, to execute ad MONUMENTS, Mantels, T ls: :-; ble and Bureau Tops, &c, as che .-V 1j -can be purchased in any of the cities. A large stock of Gitisi-sTOSi-s cni---and for sale low. , r. i A room has been opened in Eec"--.1-'-. few doors wesc of Dr. S. S. Cl.r:-tv Store, where articles of my mar.r.f.' kept constantly on hand, to v.b'.ct; tcntion of rurrebasers is invif.i , Prompt attention paid to or a distance and work delivered 'i;;,V' sired. JOHN Yf. Loretto MarT)Iecs; mHE UNDERSIGNED begs have to -X the citizens of Cambria .n-l T counties, that he has just receive.! -l of tbe finest Italian and other JIin-:cs-Establishment in Loretto Cambria co., r Monuments, Tombs, Grave Sk and Bureau tops, manufactured ot beautiful and finest quality cf cXi"fr.,x Domestic marble, always on hand sr-1;," to order as cheap as they can be Fu-.;; in the city, in a neat and wor manner, and on the shortest notice. .(, The public, arc respectfully inviti j me a call before purchasing elst'a' am confident that my work and Ttf satisfy any person desiring any t-o line of business. . . (i Now is the time to get a cli(aP-l' ''j:S- WHOLESALE own life, and his Ma ore Powi.vIs ?'r"'e - j the ino.vt wonderful discoveries rf tinier It is the GREAT LI V y m . r', "r IOCS REMEDY, which e-,ni Vo