X- A CASE IX l'OIXT, Tlic Cleveland (Ohio) Plaindalcr pub lishes the following account of a case al most precisely similar to the one which o-ave rise to the decision of Judge Shars wood, which the Kadical papers of Penn sylvania are all n?sailing, but which they dar not publish in full : "In Jjly, 161, a poor man in this city, having cu h'.nd four huudred dollars in gold, which he desired to deposit in eoruc safe place for a short time, handed it to a friend (Vr thai purpose. The gentleman to whom it was given placed it in a banking house in this city, and received a certificate of de posit, of which the following is a true copy: '5100. IIexby Wick & Co , Bankers. Cleveland, July 5, 1861. J "Thomas McMahon, Esq,, has deposited with us Four Hundred Dollars Coin to the credit of himself, payable to his order here on in like funis in four months with interest. " 'No. 3o0. E. I). Cm lis. Teller. "'Indorsed Thomas McMahok.' 'When this certificate wae presented for payment the holder of it was informed that he could not get gold for it, because Congress had paEsed a law that "greenbacks" should lie a legal tender. The holder of the paper, thinking this was rather sharp practice on the part of the bank, on the 14th of Novem ber, 1SC2, brought his suit in the Court of Common Pieas of Cu3'ahoga county, to en force the contract. The defendants in their answer admitted receiving the gold, and set up t lie law of Congress in defense. A ten der in Court of four hundred dollars in green backs was made. The case was tried by the Court. Judge Foote, now a candidate for re-election as Judge of that Court, pre siding, held that, although there was a con tract to return gold, yet the law of Oongre. s, parsed since the making of the contract, had declared greenbacks to be a legal tender, an 1 the plaintiff mi st receive that kind of rnouey in return for his gold. A judgment was rendered against the defendants for four hundred dollars and interest, and as the amount LA been tendered to the plaintitf, he iiad to pay the costs." Here was an express contract to return coin as deposited. It would seem to be more binding, if possible, than a promise to pay auy ordinary debt in specie. Yet a Kauicul Court decided against the right of the poor man to enforce the contract. For attempting to protect the right of a creditor in a similar ease Judge Sharswood is being bitterly uspailed. Yet the very hame newspapers which attack his deci sion insist that both the interest and the principal of the Government bonds must all bo paid in coin. Here is a specimen of radical consistency. They forget the old saying that it is "a poor rule which won't work both ways." If a poor man is bound to take greenbacks from a bank when the express contract is that he is to receive gold again for the gold he deposit ed, why should bondholders be entitled to be paid gold coin for the greenback paper they loaned the Government ? In many cases their bonds did not cost them more than lifty ceuts to the dollar in gold value. Is there to be one kind of currency for the rich and another for tho poor gold for those who pay no taxes, and depreciated ragged shinplusters for those whose daily toil furnishes all the revenue of the nation. If Judge .Shars wood's opinion was wrong in law, or false in principle, then the sooner the ruls laid down by the majority he Court of which, ho was a member is applied to bondholders, the better for the country. If his decision was right, and the principles laid down by him arc sus tained, then all contracts made to pay coin can and must be enforced. Kadical law and Kadical logic are alike lame on this question. Lancaster Intelligencer. "Itlug John" ou flic Rampage. A brief telegram to the Associated 1'ret-s announced that General Pope (John l'ope) had suppressed the Albany, Ga., ..Y for expressing disloyal sentiments. It may gratify the community and the leader to see the article which this King John accounts disloyal and so we copy it entire below : KING JOHN. John Pope, one of the five American monarchs, and King of Georgia, Alabama and Florida, has issued his Koyal Edict No. 40. Had any one predicted five years ago that a person would be clothed with authority or placed in a position to issue such an order in this country, he would have been accounted fit only for a lunatic asylum ; but now, so far from that, wo are becoming accustomed to such things, and are bowing our necks under the imperial yoke with all due submission. King John, when be was nothing but a Major General, had bis "Headquarters in the saddle," but now he sits on the throna erected in Atlanta, and wields a sceptre over a realm embracing what some peoplo are simple enough to believe "are three States of this Union," to wit : Georgia, Alabama aud Florida. In those States newspapers are printed, and people to make their business known, advertise in them ; civil ofHcers are also in the habit cf informing, through these paper?, the people of the time and place of public meetings in which they are interested. The Edict No. 49, from His Majesty, King John, directs that these civil officers must publish their advertisements in a certain class of newspapers those favora ble to the Congressional policy of Kecon-fc-truction, and he instructs all military oflicers, of whatever degree, grade, or style of service, to sec that this edict is strictly enforced, and to promptly arrest aud re port the slightest violation of it. King John, has, in reality, no such power and authority. It is on assumption of despotism which no absolute monarch in the world, exeent onn of thp. Fiv American Monarchs, would dare think of ior a moment. It wonld cost the King dom and Throne of the mighti.'gt ruV fu the universe to attempt such an abridge ment of the people's rights. How long will the American peoplo submit to such things? Can't they nee the inevitable tendency of such submission ? What has become of the "Spirit of '7G ?" The quieter King J ohn's throne crumbles to the dust the better it will be for the country. l W0U,J- appear from this that it is disloyalty" now, to speak slightingly of the royal persons of these military satraps, it is no longer disloyalty to "the Govern ment that is complained of, but "dis loyalty" to the King himself. So we go. An Agent of the Lord. -Deacon Siraes was an austere man who followed oyslering, and was of the hardshell per suasion. The deacon "alius made it a pint" to tell his customers that the money which lie received for "isters" did not belong to him. "The good father made the 'isters,'" sail the deacon, "and the money ie his'n; I'm only a sJooart." One Sunday morning the old fellow was tear ing round from house to house with a suspicious bit of currency in his hand, and more than a suspicion of rage in his face. Some one had given him a bad fifty cents, and he "wasn't goin to meetin till that ar was fixed up." "Why dea con." said one of his customers, whom he had tackled about it, "what's tho odds ! what need you care ? 'tisn't yours, you know ; you are oidy a steward ; it isn't your loss." TV? deacon shifted his shoul der, walked to the door, unshipped his q .il, and said : "Yaas, thats no; but if you think that I'm goin' to stand by and see the Iord cheated out of lifty cents vou're mistaken. I don't foster no such )wiin- r MISCELLANEOUS. JMPORTANT to EVERYBODY. iieiiiiiriniisiSE! JOSSV I. IliOIIlS Takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Ebensburg and the north tf the county generally, that he has recently added to his stock a large and complete assortment of SHOES, BUSKINS, GAITERS, &c, For Ladies and Children's If car, from the celebrated wholesale manufacturing e.-tabli.-hn.eut of Ziegler & Sutton, Philadel phia. This stock comprises everything that is desirable and serviceable in the way of custom-made sewed work, and every artiele is warranted of the best material and most per fect manufacture. Iu the sale of these goods the subscriber pledges himself to repair free of charge any article that lr.ay give way af ter a reasonable time and reasonable usage. The ladies are specially invited to call and examine the stock. The subscriber also keeps on hand and is prepared to manufacture to order BOOTS and SHOES for Gent's and Youth's wear, of the very best material and workmanship, and at prices as reasonable as like work can be obtained anywhere. Fiench Calf, Com mon Calf, Morocco and all ether kinds of Leather coustautly on hand. EIa" Store on Main street, next door to Crawford's Hotel. ffeb21-tf. Jj O L L I D A YSDU R G ! JACOB mTpIRCHER, FASHIONABLE CXiOTHIEXL & TAILOR, lias just opened a full assortment of well se lected and most desirable SPBIXO & SUMMER GOODS. Gents and Dors furnished with CLOTH ING, HATS, SHOES, Sec, of the latest stales and best material, at the LOWEST CASH PRJCES. A VARIETY OF PIKCE CiOOIJS, which will be sold by the yard or made to order in the most approved manner. Ibivi.! given full satisfaction to his cus tomers for more than twentt kive ykals, he guarantees the same to all who may favor h:ra with their patronage in the future. CC-Store on the west side of Montgomery street, below Blair, next door to Masonic Hall, Hollidaysburg, Pa. my23.Iy.J nn o m . d a v i s - WITH BOYD &, STROUD, Imjiortcrs and Dealers in QUEENSWARE, CHINA and GLASS, No. 32 North Fourth St., Four doors below Merchants' Hotel, PI1ILA. J? L E 31. II. O Li L I D A Y , j WITH I GRAfF, WATEtlXS & CO., j Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES, l'2(i MARKET STREET. Aug. 22, 18C.7. PHILADELPHIA BANK NOTICES. WM. M, LLOYD. President. Jul'.S LLOYD, j Cu shier. I? I It ST NATIONAL RANK OK A L. TOON A. COVLUXMK . T ACS EX C Y AND DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY OF THE UNITED STATES. Corner Virginia and Annie Streets, North IVard, Altoona, Pa. Authorized Capital, $300,000 Cash Capital paid in, - - - - 150,000 All business pertaining to Banking done on favorable terms Internal Revenue Stamps of all denomi nations, always on hand. To purchasers of Stamps, percentage, in stamps, will be allowed, as follows : $50 to $100. 2 per cent.; $100 to $200. 3 per cent.; $200 aud upwards, 4 per cent. Jan. 31, 1807-tf. JL OF JOHNSTOWN, CAMBRIA Co., FA. Capital. SCO, OOO Privilege to Increase to $100,000. Inland and Foreign Drafts furnished. Gold and Silver bought and sold. Collections made, at home and abroad. U. S. Bonds and Securities of all kind ob tained. Deposits received and money loaned. A general Ranking business transacted. DIUEC'TORS. D. J. Morrell, George Fritz, John Dibert, E. Y. Townsend. Isaac Kauffrnan. Jacob JL Campbell, Jacob Levergood. D. J. MORRELL, Prcs't. II. J. Roberts, Cashier. jan31'C7. "2 LOI1) &. t'O., Rankers, JA Ei;E.-siiuitG, Ta. Gold, Silver, Government Loans, and other Securities, bought aud sold. Interest allowed on Time Leposits. Collections made on all accessible points in the United States, ami a general Ranking business transacted. January 31, 1SC7. WM. LLOYD & CO., Rankers, Altoona. Pa. Drafts on the principal cities and Silver and Gold for sale. Collections made. Moneys received on deposit, payable on de mand, without interest, or upon time, with interest at fair rate. an31. TINWARE, HARDWARE, &c. 1867. trade. 1867. I am now prepared to offer SUPERIOR INDUCEMENTS TO CASH PURCHASERS OK TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE ! EITHER AT WHOLESALE OK KETAIL. My stock consists in part of every variety of Tin, Sheet-Iron. COrPER AND BRASS WARES, ENAMEIJ.KD AND ri.AIN SAUCE-PANS, BOILERS. &c, CO A L SHOVELS. MINE LAMPS, OIL CANS, IIOUSKFURNISIUNG HARD WARE OF EVERY KIND. Speai's Anti-Dust HEATING am COOKING STOVES, EXCELSIOR COOKING STOVES, NOBLE, TRIUMPH ani PARLOR COOK ING STOVES, And any Cor king Stove desired I will get when ordered at manufacturer's prices. 0 ld Stove Plates ard Grates, Sec, for re pairs, on hand for the Stoves I sell ; others will be ordered when wanted. Particular attention given to Spouting, Valleys and Conductors, all of which will be made out of best mate rials and put up by competent workmen. Lamp Burners, Wick and Chimneys "WHOLESALE OU KETAIL. 1 would call particular attention to the Light House Burner, with Glass Cone, for giving more light than any other in use. Also, the Paragon Burner, for Crude Oil. SPEXCER'S SIFTER ! It reccm mends itself. SUGAR KETTLES AND CAULDRONS of all sizes constantly on baud. Special attention given to Jobbing in Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron. at lowest possible rates. Wholesale Mekciiaxts' List3 now ready, and will be sent on application by mail or in person. Hoping to see all my old customers and many new ones this Spring, I return my most sincere thanks for the very liberal pa tronage I have already received, mid will endeavor to pleas-; all who may call, wheth er they buy or not. FRANCIS W. HAY. Johnstown, March 7, 1807. Cm. GREAT RrcoLX-riox in- Pjucks I TO CASH MYERS! AT TEIS EBEXSRL'RG rir I l Uil!i)iIli The undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Ebensburg and the public gener ally that he has made a great reduction in prices to CASH RUYEIiS. My stock will consist, in part.cf Cooking, Parlor and Heat- ing Stoves, of the moft popular kinds ; Tin ware of every deseiiption, of my own man ufacture ; Hardware of all kind, such as L cks, Sciews, Butt Hinges, Table Hinges, Shutter Hinges, Bolts, Iron and Nails, Win dow Glass. Putty, TaMe Knives and Forks, Carving Knives and Forks, Meat Cutters, Apple Parers, Pen and Pocket Knives in great variety, Fci.-sors. Shears, Razors anfl Strops. Axes, Hatchets, Hammers, Boring Machines, Augers, Chissels, Planes, Com passes, Squares, Files, Rasps, Anvils, Yn-es, Wrenches, Rip, Tanel and Cross-Cut Saws, Chains of all kinds. Shovels, Spades, Scjthcs and Snaths, Rakes. Forks. Sleigh Bells, Shoe Lasts, Pegs. Wax Bristles. Clothes Wiingers, Grind Stones, Patent Molasses Gates and Measures, Lumber Sticks, Horse Nails, Horse Shoes. Cast Steel, Rifles. Shot Guns, Revolvers, Pistols, Cartridges. PdwJ der. Caps. Lead, &c. Odd Stove Plates, Grates and Fire Bricks, Well and Cistern Pumps and Tubing; Jlarness and Saddlery Ware of all kind ; WoOilen and Willow Ware in great varict ; Carbon Oil and Oil Lamps, Fish Oil, Lard Oil, Linseed Oil, Lubricating Oil, Rosin, Tar, Glassware, Paitts, Varnish es, Turpentine. Alcohol, &c. FAMILY GROCERIES, uch as Tea, Coffee, Sugars, Molasses, Syr ups, Spices. Dried Peaches. Dried Apples, Fish, ll.'imny, Crackers, Rice and Pearl Barley; Soap's, Candles; TOBACCO and CIGARS; Paint. Whitewash, Scrub. Horse, Shoe, Dusting, Varnish, Stove. Clothes and Tooth Brushes, all kinds and sizes; Bed Cords and Manilla Ropes, and many other articles at the lowest rates Kr CASH. fas' House Spouting made, painted and put up at low rates for rash. A liberal discount made to couutrv dealers buying Tinware wholesale. GEO. HUNTLEY Ebensburg, Feb, 2S, 1867-tf. ITJRTA1N fHXTUKE ! Has ?io superior rft in the World!! It is pronounced J faultlessly all who have used it. and it is predicted that it will supersede all other Curtain Fixtures now in use. For sale by GEO. HUNTLEY. FKANK W. HAY, f HOLES ALE and RET A I L Manufacturer, of TIN. COPPER and SHEET-IRON WARE. Canal street, below Clinton, Johns town. Pa. A large stock constantly hand. milE RISING SUN STOVE POL ISH. For beauty of polish, saving of labor and cheapness, this preparation is tru ly unrivalled. Hug no other. For sale by June 13, 18G7. GEO. HUNTLEY. I 30CKET KNIVES, Taw.k Knives and Forks, Spoons, fee, can be bought cheap for cash at GEO. HUNTLEY'S. I F you want to buy goods on long credit and pay bis prices, don't co to Feb. 28. GEO. HUNTLEY'S. PRIVATE SALE. The subscri ber offers at Private Sale two valuable tracts of TIMBER LAND, situate in Jack son township, Cambria county, and known as the "Lloyd Property." Also Four oth er valuable tracts of LAND, situate in Cam bria and Jackson townships, and known as the "Pensacola Property." Also TWO FARMS adjoining the borough of Ebensburg one containing about 100 acres; the other about 150 acres. The buildings are all in good repair, with never-failiEg springs of water near the houses. C7" Persons wishing to purchase or eell Farms or Timber Lands, will do well by calling on'me before buving or offering them for sale. . F. A. SHOEMAKER, ap.ll.tf. Att'y at Law, Lbcnsbuig. ALTOONA ADVERTISEMENTS. HARTFORD LIVE STICK ISJPCE EDMPAIY. CASH CAPITAL $500,000. We are now prepared to insure LIVE STOCK against both Death aud Theft,' in this live and reliable Company. Owners of stock have now the opportunity, by insur ing with this Company, of obtaining securi ty and remuneration for the loss of their an imals in case of death or theft. OWNERS OF HOUSES, Manufacturers, Farmers, Teamsters. Ex pressmen, Physicians, and in fact all who are to any extent dependant upon the servi ces of their horses in their daily vocations, should insure in this Company, and thu3 derive a protection against the loss of their animals, which are in many cases the sole means of support to their owners. FARM STOCK. Farmers and others owuing cattle should avail themselves of this means of saving the value of their stock, and secure an equiva lent for the loss which would otherwise fall heavily upon them in Leinpj deprived of Heir Cattle, by insuring in this, the PIONEER COMPANY OF AMERICA ! By insuring in this Company yini ex change a certainty for an uncertainty. No man can tell whether his animals may not be s-lolen or die through some unforsecu calamity. Competent Agents wanted, to whom a liberal eouifensafion will l.e aid. Apply to KERR &, CO., General Agents, April 4, 1R'J7.-Iy. Altoona. Pa. CO- Col- WM. K. PIPER, Ebensburg, has Veen appointed hxal aireut for the Hartford Live Stock Insurance Company. XTmi eTg"x s Tii p p i x g AND EXCHANGE OFFICE. We are York Rates England, Wales, Austria, Baden, Hanover, Holland, now on selling Exchange (at Xew Ireland, Scotland, Germany, Prussia, - Bavaria, Wuricmberg, Ilessen, Saxony, Belgium, Switzerland, Norway and France. And Tic kets to and from anv Port in England, Germany, New South Ireland, Scotland, France, California, Wales or Australia. KERR Jfc CO. .JOHN ROCKETT, - - - - F. J. STOR1I. JJOUSE axi SIGN PAINTING. JOK3. rocki:tt & CO. Desire to inform the public generally that they are now prepared to execute House, Sign and Ornamental Painting, Glazing, l'a ?r Hanging, Graining and Calcemining, ei ther in Cambria, Blair or Huntingdon Coun ties, on the shortest notice, in the very best style, and at prices as reasonable as any other firm or individual in the countr'. Call at their room in Lowther's building, under Roush's Drug Store, or address John Rcckett & Co., Altoona, Ta. April 25, 18G7.-Cm. oilXIIICKEV, Altooxa Pa., Dealer In all klnda Household Furniture ! SUCH AS LOUNGES, TABLES. I BEDSTEADS SOFAS, BUREAUS. WHAT-NOTS CUSHIONED. CANE-BOTTOMED AND COMMON CHAIRS, &c. NEW FURNITURE VVAREROOM, JULIA STHEKT, vkau iiahkikt, Oppositetlie Protestant Episcojyal Church, March 7, 1867.-ly. EAST ALTOONA. GENERAL TMERCHANDISt. OUICK. SALES, qllCK SALES, QUICK SALES, AND SMALL PROFITS. AND SMALL PROFITS, AND SMALL PROFITS, GURLEY'S NEW CHEAP STORE, GURLEY'S NEW CHEAP STORE, GURLEY'S NEW CHEAP STORE, EBENSBURG, PA. EBENSBURG, PA. EBENSBURG, PA. The Largest Stock of Goods. The Best Selected and the Greatest Variety ever brought to Town. LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST, LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST, LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST, GO AND SEE. GO AND SEE. GO AND SEE. The subscriber calls the attention of the public to the fac4., that he ha just received and opened out in his New Store, a large stock 'of goods, consisting of FLOUR, CORN MEAL, CHOP FEED, Bran. Fish. Bacon and Cheese; Sugar, Cof fee, Tea, Molasses, Spices, Tobacco, Cigars, Candies, Soap, Vinegar, &c Sec. NOTIONS, DRUGS, PERFUMERY', Stoneware and Earthenware. ALSO, a fine assortment of the best and latest style of Hats. He always keeps constantly on hand Bologna Sausages, Sardines, Fresh and Spiced Oysters in can, or half cans, and al most everything in the eating or drinking line. AH of which will be sold at imall profit. GEO. GURLEY, Main Street, Ebensburg, Fa. January 31, 18G7. Ill LE3I.MOX & 911JRR.4Y, DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, Fancy Soaps, Leon's and Hall's Hair Resto ratives, Pills, Ointments, Plasters, Lini ments, (all kinds, ) Davis' Pain Killer. Rad ways Ready Relief, Brown's Ess. Jamaica Ginger. Citrate Magnesia, Flavoring Ex tracts and Essences, Lemon Syrup, Soothing Svmp. Spiced Syrup, Rhubarb, PURE SPICES, &c. CIGAKS AND TOHACCOS, Blank Books, Deeds, Notes and Bonds, Cap, Post and all kinds of Note Paper. Envelopes, Pens.rencils, Arnold's Writing Fluid, Black and Rvl Ink, Pocket and Pass Books, Maga zines, Newspapers, Novels. Histories, Bibles, Religions Prayer aud Toy Books, Penknives, Pipes, &c. Medicine for the body and food for the mind. Call and see. Main Street, Eeensbukg. July 25, 18G7. NY PERSON intending to build a Ilouse or Barn, can buy Nails and Hardware cheap by paying cash at Feb. 28, GEO. II USTLEY'S, MISCELLANEOUS. PHOTOGRAPHIC. E. & II. T. AXT1IOXY, Manufacturers of PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS WHOLKSALK AND RETAIL. 501 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. In addition to our main business of PHO TOGRAPHIC MATERIALS we are Head quarters for the following, viz : Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views of American and Foreign Cities and Land scapes, Groups, Statuary, &c. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS OF THE WAR, From negatives made in the various cam paigns, and forming a complete Photo graphic history of the great contest. STEREOS CO PJC VIEWS ON GLASS, Adapted fL,r either the Magic Lantern or the Stereoscope. Our Catalogue will be sent to any address ou receipt of Stamp. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. We manufacture more largely than any other house, about 200 varieties, from 50 cents to $50 each. Our ALBUMS have the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability to any others. Carl PliotogrKplis of Grnrralt, tatrs meu, Atlors, tc, &c. Our Catalogue embraces over five Tn rs anh different subjects, includirg reproduc tions of the most celebrated Engravings, Paintings, Statues. &c. Catalogues sent on receipt of stamp. Photographers and others ordering gx)ds C. O. 1)., will please remit 23 per cent, of the amount with their rrder. Cr- The prices and quality of our goods cannot fail to satisfy. apr25-ly.J CHAIR MANUFACTORY. JOIIXSTOWA IA. ALL KINDS OP CHAIRS, such as common "YYinsor Chairs, Fret Back Chairs, Vienna Chairs, Bustle Chairs, Rim Backed Chairs, Sociable Chairs, (Cane jiftat tir5, ROCKING CHAIRS, OF EVERY SIZE SPRING SKAT CHAIRS Settees, Lounges, &c, Sec. CABINET FURNITURE of every description and of latest STYLES, WITH PRICES TO SUIT THE Tastes of all. Thankful for past favors, he respect fully tolicits a liberal share of public patron nqe. Clinton Street, Johnstown Cambria Go. Pa. .lan. 31. lSf.7. WORD n;oM JOHNSTOWN! JOZSST J. 31LIIIHY & CO., At their Stores in the Scott Home, Main St., and oh CUn'fn Street, Johnstown, Have constantly on hand a large and well selected stoek of seasonable Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes. Groceries, and a general variety of NOTIONS, Sec Their stock consists of nlmo.-t every artiele usually kept in a retail sture, all of which have been selected with care and are offered at prices which cannot fail to prove satisfac tory. Call and examine for yourselves. Feb. 23, 18G7.-tf. $ li AUYEY tun.r. . . . i&uhic childs. W. C. JIURPHEY. HC II I L 1) S & CO., "Wholesale Dealers In BOOTS. SHOES. AID SOLE LEATHER. 133 WOOD STREET. PITTSBURGH, PA. Agents for the sale of "Hope Mill" Cotton Yarn, Bags, Batting aud Carpet Chain. Feb. 23, 18G7.-tf. JOHN GAY. WM. WELSH. GA Y & W E ITS II , Successors to Gay &. Painter, WIIOLKSALE Grocers and Coinmissicn IVIercliaiits AND DEAI.EKS IX FLOUR, rPODUCE. FISH, SALT, CAR BON OILS, Sec, Sec, Comer Perm and Canal Sts.. opposite Grain Elevator. ftbL'8 Pittsburgh, Pa. if. CUESSWELL, JOHN A. UTTER, E. T. SLACK, "WM. D. GEMMILL. WITH ?VS. CRESS WELL Sl CO., Imjiortcrs and JMcrs of FAICY AID STAPLE SIT GOODS, Ko. 511 market Street, June 20. 1SG7.-Iy. PHILADELPHIA. INCOURAGE lHOKl E I N D U ST R Y I F. SHARKETTS DISERT, House, Sign and Ornamental Painter. Graining, Ulazing, Paper Hanging, and all other work in his line, promptly executed, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shop in the basement of the Town Hall. Ebensburg, May 9, 1867.-Gm. OSKPK ZOLNER, Ju., Wnlchmaker ana Jeweler Has taken the room oa High street, opposite thu Mountain Ilouse. recently occupied by li. J. Lloyd as a Drug Store. Watches and Jewehy repaired on short notice and at the lowest rates, and all work warranted. Ebensburg, May 23, 1867. A M E S II. DAVIS, Oealer In rn.ll klixU or POPLAR, CHERRY & ASH LUMBER, Yard Nos. 314 and 81G NT. Broad St., - PHILADELPHIA. Crj-Business attended to in Ebensburg by Wm. J. Williams. rniylG-ly FJR. T. F. MCLURE, Sukgeon Dentist, Carrolltown, Cambria Co., Ta. Teeth inserted on Gold, Silver, Vulcan ite, Cheoplastic, &c. &5-Frofessional visits made to Chest Springs the first week and to Loretto the second week of each month. Carrolltown, July 4. 18J7.-Cm.A2 J A 31 E S CONNOR, Wholesale Grocer,' DEALER in FLOUR, BACON, FISH AND SALT, No, 353 Liberty street, June 27, 1867. PITTSBURGH, PA. BAKGAINS can be had by buying your goods for cash at Feb; 2 8 . GEO. HUNTLEY'S. mm 3 m g rn wnm r r i 1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JAMES J. OATMAN, 31. D., tenders his professional services as Phy sioian and Surgeon to the citizens of Carroll tewn and vicinity. Ofiice iu rear of build ing occupied by J. Buck & Co. as a store. Niht calls can be made at the hotel cf Law rence Schroth. May 9. 18G7.-tf. S. BELEORD, DENTISI CONTINUES to vuit Ebensburg personally on the 4th Monday of each month. During his absence Lewis N. Snyder, who studied with the Doctor, will remain in the ofiice and attend to all business entrusted to him. Jan01,'G7. ENTISTRY. Dr. IX W. Zeig ler. having opened an ofiice in looms over R. R. Thomas' Store, offers his profes sional services to the citizens of Ebensburg and vicinity. ap.l8.5m. T DEYEREAUX, 31. D., Phy- siciax and Surgeon. Summit, Pa. Office east end of MansioL House, on Rail Road street. Night calls may be made at the office. fmy'JS.tf. il. L JOHNSTON, J. K. SCANLAN. JOHNSTON & SCANLAN, Attorneys at Law, Ebensburg, Cambria co., Ta. Office opposite the Curt Ilouse. Ebensburg, Jan. SI, 18G7.-tf. D. MCLAUGHLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Johnstown, Pa ll Ofiice in the Exchange building, on the Corner of Clinton and Locust streets up stairs. Will attend to all business connect ed with his profession. Jan. 31, 18G7.-tf. JOHN V. LINTON, ITTORNEY AT LAW, Johnstown. Pa. Q Office in building on corner of Main and Franklin street, opposite Mansion House, second lloor. Entrance on Franklia street. Johnstown, Jan. Si, 18G7. tf. F. A. SHOEMAKER, Il-IORNE) AT LAW. Ebensburg, Pa - we recJeive tiJi of fl Oilice on High street . one door East of the Ranking House of Lloj d & Co. January Si, lSG7.-tf. W. II. SECIILEH, RTTORNEY AT LAW, Ebcnshurg, Pa. fl Office iu the Commissioners' R oin Court House. Jan. Si, 'G7-tf. V. V. TIERNKY, ITTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Pa. M Office in Colon ade Row. Jan. 5, lSG7tf. JOSEPH M'DONALD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg. Pa. Ofiice on Centre street, opposite Moore' Hotel. Jan. 31, 1867-tf JOHN FENLON, ITTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg Pa. l Office on High street, adjoining hi resi dence. Jan 31, 18C7.-tf. GEORGE M. REED, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Pa. I Office on Maiu street, three doors East ol Julian. Jan. 31, 18G7. GEORGE Y. O ATM AN, ITTORNEY AT LAW, Ebent-burj, Pa. i Office in Coknade Row, Centre street. January 31. 1807.-tf. AIi:S C. EASLY, Attokney-at-Law, Carrolltown, Cambria Co., Pa. Collections and all legal business promptly attended to. Jan. 31, 18G7. TT IvTnKEAI), Justice of the Peace - nnd Clrti'm A.ipnf flffiri rpmnvpil tn WILLIAM KITT'ELL, j 9 pS 'A ITTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Pa. J cF. f Office in Colonade Row, Centre street. j -j.c vVV sfz'tlsi?. Jan.ei.-tf. 0m "5 V AVV'n ky -"' - L. PERSUING, ATToi:Nnr-AT-k-c-;f; y9 Law, Johnstown, Pa. Office ou Prank- jcVs vVvXc" -v'. lin street, uo-stairs, over John Denton's! sv ",-V I Hardware Store. Jan. 31, 18G7. I g NV V : the office formerly occupied by M. II as son Esq.. dee'd, on High St., Ebensburg. jol- HOTELS. GRANT HOUSE, Hemlock, Cambria Co., Fa. JOHN WILKIN, Proprietor. This Ilouse has beeo refitted, and offers accommodations superior to any other House in the vicinity. The Proprietor, after long experience in the business, feels confident be nnderstands the wants of the public. His TABLE will be supplied with the delicacies of the season and bis BAR with the choicest wines and liquors. By constant attention aud due care for the comfort of his guests the Proprietor hopes to merit a liberal share of patronage. maylG-ly.J SCOTT HOUSE, Main Street, Johnsioicn, Cambria Co., Pa., A. ROW & CO., Proprietors. fJlRIS HOUSE having been refitted and 1 elegantly furnished, is now open for the reception and entertainment of guests. The proprieors by Io2g experience in hotel keep ing feel confident they can satisfy a dis criminating public. Their Rar is supplied with the choicest brands of liquors aud wines. Jan. 31. 18G7. (ly.) UNION HOUSE, 1BENSBURG, Ta., JOHN A. BLAIR, j Propietor, spares no pains to render this iotel worthy of a continuation of the liberal patronage it baa heretofore received. His table will always be furnished with the best the market affords ; his bar with the best ct liquors His stable is large, and will be. attended by an attentive and obliging hostler. Jan 31, 18G7.-tf. FOUNTAIN HOUSE, Ehkn-sbckg. The Table is always supplied with the choicest delicacies ; the Bar is supplied with choice Iiquore, and the Stable attended by careful hostlers. Transient visitors accom modated and boarders taken by the week, month or year, on reasonable terms. feb21 SHIELDS HOUSE, LORETTO, CAMBRIA COUNTY, PA THOMAS CALLEN. Proprietor. THIS house is now open for the accommo dation of the public. Accommodations as good as the country will afford, aud charges moderate. Jau 31, 18G7.-tf. MERCHANTS1 HOTEL. J. & W. C. M'KIBBIN, Proprietors. Fourth St., between Market and Arch, May 9, 1867-ly. PHILADELPHIA. MEDICAL PREPARATiT REWARD; VlUU fur a medicine 0 COUGHS, INFLUENZA, TICKLING INTp. wiioopiN(-'t ; or relieve CONSUMPTIVE (r; A WCK as LGl COE'S COUCH BAU; OYER ONE MILLION EOT L'Clli NJIH, ULiU a f- o', its lailure is known. We i ve them from EMINKN'T 1'IiYMr have used it in their pTa-t. the pre-eminence over all ( 'J ( -IT DOES NOT DRY U"y. IlL'T LGOSKNS lr so as to enable the pat;:; j, freely. Two or three doxs u j '; - CURE TICKLING IX THE TliliOAT. tie has often completely c-.r( ; Stubborn Cough, and jtt, t!.., sure and speedy in its opt rar -'" fectly harmless, being purely Vs.-". is very agreeable to the t i.'te.V administered to children ( f a- ".'. In cases cf Croup irs will guar, if taken in season. Xo Famllj- should be'nj.v, It is within the reacL of a!' it heapcest and best medicine tx'i k- C. G. CLARK & CO., pr.'. mar.28.eow ly. New iliy, - V OES DYSPEPSIA CUJ This great remedy fvT all DrF.W THE STOMACH is the disc-ver-"- : vector of Coe's valuable C . .' while experimenting fr Lis r.w cured Cramp in the Stoma;-!-, j had before yielded to iic-tl.it: j; k ! The almost daily testi in (. i I parts of the country enc -nr-j ;.. ! there is no disease cause-! fr a stomach it will not ?pie,;l!v ttr j cians endorse and use it. Mi-, Dyspepsia it is sere t" cr.re. .' ; one dose will cure. Sine II ; j cured in hundreds of ca.-es. Dizziness it stops in thirty n.'.n j i'y cf the Ftoiiuch it correct.-; at ; of the Fucxl it stopsimmediiit! j after Ealing one do.-e will rm j Mubus rapidly yields to a !n- : j Breath will be changed wit'.. IT IS PERFECT I A' ilh"?vVA" Its unprecedented sncces- i.- v: I fact tbat it cures by asistii. N-. i assert her sway in the y Xsearlj' every de.t.er m f-.f i sells it at one dollar pkr b C. G. CLARK Co.. ! March lL-eowlv. New 1,. -W o.iv .1-- , v V- ,v v' MARBLE WORKS. -H- AT THE JOHNSTOWN LIARBLE TM The subscriber has just receiviJa lare and handsome lLvoitc c'.' Italian and American MARBLE, comprising the largest ar.d ute.-'.-i . -i . e . i i ? -l v - . siock oi iae jsina ever e-rouu-i gjt on Franklin Street, where l.e M 'f with an adequate force of exc:: -skilful workmen, to escort.- v MONUMENTS. Mantels, T.mj i; '-; ble and Bureau Tops, &c, c f -i -can le purchased in anj- of the c.--- A large stock of Gkixistos 5 and for sale low. v A room has been opened in r.""; few doors west of Dr. S. S. 0.i;' Store, where articles of myEnn" ' kept constantly on hand, li) tention of purchasers is invite- L rjCT Trompt attention pn'd !;" "r .r a distance and wcrk deliver-.! sircnl. JOHN PA Loretto ETarMe Wor THE UNDERSIGN El) Up the citizens of Cambria . iVC- 1 counties, that he has tt r?ef-'Tr. trf !:e fiuest Italian and vihtr Establishment in Loretto frm Monuments, Timls. Grave and Bureau tops, manu ct i:rt""',,' -beautiful and fiuest quality Domestic marble, always ou ' to order as cheap as they ca ii in the city, in a neat cud manner, and on the shortest r;1'1;':. The public are respectfully am confident that my work a satisfy an' person desiriag u": line of business. i j.uw icf itc Hint iu vt ' .i-iv JAMES WUi" WH0LESALE R OBERT E. JONES. . Ebensburg. CamV' ; . Dealer in Lumber. l'c !'';pii in Cash, paid for CH ERliY. and LIND LUMBER. Z. c I 12 fcl UUZ. WOOWEN 'L',,4! f'ust received and for sa. ' j feb.28. GEOjiHi-r. at J J2v v v " ' BflCH. G OOD TRUNKS A" ' rTrt n . --r for sale low at Ct. BLL-"-